european think tanks group: our collective interest

Our Collective Interest Why Europe’s problems need global solutions and global problems need European action Seminar at the EEAS 27 October 2014, Brussels

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Page 1: European Think Tanks Group: Our Collective Interest

Our Collective InterestWhy Europe’s problems need global solutions

and global problems need European action

Seminar at the EEAS27 October 2014, Brussels

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ETTG: European Think Tanks Group• ECDPM Maastricht, DIE Bonn, FRIDE Madrid & ODI

London• Like-minded group of 4 EU think tanks working on

international development• Various publications & briefs – • First Memorandum for the new Commission in

February 2010 … now 2nd one … launched 10 Sept• Three core propositions:

1. Global problems affect us all across world and in EU2. Need international cooperation not just development aid3. Challenge for EU is delivery, not new instruments and


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Global problems need global solutions

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• 2010 – Message was an aid perspective – global solidarity• 2014 – Global interdependencies & multiple challenges– Global challenges also affect Europe – Still important to invest in development – solidarity– But imperative to tackle the global problems

• Period to 2020: opportunity for change – threshold moment– 2 key agreements in 2015: post-2015 and UNFCCC

• EU could make a real difference – it has the tools• Need now is to mobilise actors and resources in EU– Ambitious political agenda– Collective action both internally and externally

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How will we judge success?

By 2020 will EU have helped to tackle 5 challenges: 1.The world economy: is it becoming more equitable, resilient and democratic?2.Is world set on a more sustainable path?3.Is world more peaceful and secure?4.Is world better governed and more democratic?5.Have poverty and inequality declined?

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Trade & financial policy

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• Limitations to current approaches starkly revealed• Need to develop a new 21st Century growth model

Two policy levers available:• Responsible trade – the EU can improve:– Do more for LDCs and others not ready for FTAs – Impact assessments of trade+investment agreements– Consequences of TTIP for developing countries

• Financial policy coordination – the EU can:– Reform governance of global financial markets and IFIs– Be a role model for automatic exchange of tax info

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Climate Change

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• EU has to work to – Ambitious global climate agreement in 2015– Support the transition to a green economy

• EU has shown commitment:– Has ambitious targets on emissions, energy, climate change

• Some progress made – increases EU credibilityBut further steps required, among them:• HRVP needs a stronger profile on climate change– Strengthen EEAS capacity to deal with climate change

• Dev & Env Commissioners must continue with joint agenda • Invest more in strategic partnerships: China, India, etc.

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Tackle conflict & fragility

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• Spill-over from unaddressed conflict in Africa, Middle East & Neighbourhood affects EU

• EU often takes lead or plays ‘best-supporting actor’ role– This supporting role to UN and others very valuable

• EU institutions have developed capacities – To respond to conflict and address fragility– Development assistance will become more focussed on fragility

• Need MS willingness to provide political & military back-up• Strong leadership can enhance EU approach with

– Clear collective decision making– A creative division of labour among EU insitutions and with MS– Renewed focus on conflict prevention

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Democracy & human rights• Central to the EU’s identity• Globally too there is growing demand for responsive

governance & respect for human rights• Committed to broad range of rights: women, minorities …• Yet there are still gaps between EU policy & practice• In response EU has designed new policiesChallenge now is to deliver on these • In particular EU should ensure– Politically smart & contextually relevant engagement– Use collective weight to promote global rules

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Poverty & inequality• EU must address drivers that keep people poor– Tackle chronic poverty, stop impoverishment and support

escapes from poverty• Growth reduces poverty faster and more sustainably

when equality is greater• Redistribution does not hamper growth• Tackling poverty & inequality at heart of EU project• Use a poverty dynamics approach wtih partners• Maximise joint focus on the reduction of poverty• Develop careful strategies for phasing out from MICs

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Implications for EU• These over-arching themes not new– Substance gives an extensive agenda for future work

• Delivery across range of interlinked policy areas– Integrated approaches and policy coherence essential – Not just about development cooperation – More effective external collective action– Work more closely between EU and Member States

• Joint action by leadership in EC, EEAS & EP …– Global strategy that link EU internal-external actions &

develops strategic partnership– Commission: strong leadership for clusters of policy areas– Strengthen EP scrutiny with joint committees– Embolden EUDs

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Thank you

James Mackie, [email protected]

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