european review. define landlocked country that does not border an ocean or a sea


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Define Pass Low areas between mountains that allow movement of people and goods


Page 1: EUROPEAN REVIEW. Define Landlocked Country that does not border an ocean or a sea


Page 2: EUROPEAN REVIEW. Define Landlocked Country that does not border an ocean or a sea

Define Landlocked• Country that does not border an ocean or a sea

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Define Pass• Low areas between mountains that allow movement of people

and goods

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Define Navigable• Wide and deep enough for boats to travel along

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What is the longest river in Europe?

• The Volga (Russia)• The Danube

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What is the largest country in Europe?

• Ukraine

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What is the smallest country in Europe?


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What five countries make up Scandinavia?

• Norway• Finland• Sweden• Denmark• Iceland

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What four regions make up the United Kingdom?• England• Wales• Scotland• Northern Ireland

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What two countries are found on the British Isle?• United Kingdom• Ireland

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What environmental issues does Europe have?• Air pollution – caused by the burning of coal, gas, and oil by

cars, factories, and power plants• Acid rain• Water pollution

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How do leaders try to deal with this?

• Limit the dependence on oil• Encourage recycling

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What is acid rain?• When the precipitation mixes with the chemicals in the


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How has acid rain affected the landmarks of Europe?• The acid rain has destroyed many landmarks in Europe. Some

of the statues are unrecognizable.

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What happened at Chernobyl? Where was Chernobyl?• A nuclear disaster occurred at a power plant in Ukraine.

Why was it considered the worst nuclear disaster?• Shot radioactive materials into the sky, caused a fire that

lasted for 10 days; dust and ash fell throughout Europe

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What was the first group to practice a democracy?• The Greeks

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How has the Roman Empire influenced the world today?- Helped spread Christianity throughout the European continent- Inspired European architects through its use of the dome and

arch- Many European languages are based on Latin, the language of


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What were John Locke’s ideas and how did that inspire America?

• Ideas that all people had natural rights and the right to life, liberty, and property

• Inspired the American colonists to fight for their independence

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Who was Martin Luther and what was he responsible for doing?

• German religious leader • Created the protestant religion

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Who is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church?• The Pope

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How did the period of exploration change Europe?

• Brought wealth to European countries• Started a period of exploration• Began a period of colonization

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During the period of enlightenment, Europeans focused on _____________ rather than faith and tradition.• SCIENCE and REASON

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Whose theory about the rights of man inspired revolutions in America?

• John Locke

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What is the European Union?• A group of European countries that have united together for

economic gain

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What is the common currency of the European Union?• EURO

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How has the European Union improved life in Europe?

• Countries of Europe can trade more easily between themselves• Goods, services and workers can move freely among

the countries in the European Union

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Art, literature, and music were influenced by what cultural element?

• Religion

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What religion has had the most influence on European life?• Christianity

What other major world religions are found in Europe?• Judaism• Islam

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What is the chunnel?• Underwater tunnel that links the United Kingdom and France

by the English Channel.

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What is a Parliamentary Democracy?

• Voters elect members of Parliament and the party with the most elected officials appoint the Prime Minister.

Where:• United Kingdom

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Which continental landmass is connected to Europe?• Asia

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What is the most plentiful fuel resource in Europe?• Coal

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How does Europe attempt to limit its dependence on oil?• They set a high price on gas.

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What does Renaissance mean? • French word for “rebirth”

What effected the time before this?• The Renaissance came after the Dark Ages