european colonization of the americas 1492 - 1752

European Colonization of the Americas 1492 - 1752

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European Colonization of the Americas1492 - 1752

Spanish Explorers & Colonies

Building a Spanish Empire (see map p. 30)Conquistadors come to the New World for “God, gold and glory.”

Juan Ponce de Leon – Sought the Fountain of Youth. Claimed Florida for Spain

Vasco Nunez de Balboa – explores the isthmus of Panama. First European to see the Pacific from America

Ferdinand Magellan – died along the way but…his ship made it around the world (first known to do so)

Hernan Cortes – Conquers the Aztecs

Francisco Pizarro – fights to conquer the Incas

Spanish Colonies

Missionaries – do most of the actual work of colonization, but are resisted by native peoples

Pueblo Revolt 1680

National Geographic: Guns, Germs & Steel

Unlike other Europeans, the Spanish incorporate native peoples into their colonies.

mostly forced labor

Some intermarriage

Spanish push north in search of gold, defensive positions and trade routes.

The Jamestown Colony

Early English ExplorersHenry Hudson: Thought the Hudson River was the “Northwest Passage.” But it wasn’t. Still a nice river though.

Sir Francis Drake: “Sea Dog.” First English captain to sail around the world.

England wants American coloniesBase for privateers

Looking for a Northwest Passage to the Indies

Want new markets

England’s too crowded!

Jamestown, Virginia


1607: After the Roanoke mystery / disaster, English investors get a charter to form a joint-stock company (Virginia Company) that will finance a stronger colony at Jamestown, Virginia.

Hard TimesSettlers not used to colonial labor

Swamps = mosquitoes = disease = death

Weak leadership until John Smith takes charge, but he gets hurt and goes home.

The Starving Time (see p. 39)

Breaking News: Things got REALLY BAD at Jamestown


Governing the ColonyVirginia Company fails so King James I takes over and makes Jamestown / Virginia a royal colony – governor appointed by the king.

Virginia has its own legislature made up of colonists (House of Burgesses).

First instance of limited self-government in the English colonies.

Native Americans fight back as the colonists push out into their territory.

JamestownTobacco to the rescue!

Colonists send some of this native plant back to England and $$$ begins to flow.

Tobacco plantations begin to growBrits are promised 50 acres if they go to Virginia

Great deal because England is overcrowded and unemployment is high

Indentured servants – poor folks who couldn’t afford to sail for the New World would agree to work off the passage fare (7 years!) if a rich plantation owner paid.

Bacon’s Rebellion

Nathaniel Bacon: Tougher than he looks. Bacon’s Rebellion: poor colonists got tired of a government that doesn’t care about them. Bacon went to fight the natives for more land, but turned around and burned Jamestown instead. He controlled Virginia until he got sick and died a few months later.

New England Colonies

The French in North AmericaVerrazano (an Italian) came through NY Harbor

French settle along rivers and focus on fur trade with Native Americans, which leads to Iroquois League

Plymouth ColonyPuritans flee England for religious freedom

Mayflower Compact – early self-government

In search of a “Purer Society for God” religious intolerance leads to abuse: Salem Witch Trials. (p. 45)

Puritan ethic

New England Colonies


Geography: Good harbors, cold winters, rocky soil, short growing season

Society: Generally established to escape religious persecution (English Puritans). Highly literate society, Protestant work ethic

Economy: diverse - trade, shipbuilding, lumber, fishing

Town Meetings – early self-government

Middle Colonies

NY, NJ, PA, DE1644 - New Amsterdam becomes New York (NYC!)

Geography: Less severe winters, fertile soil, good harbors

Society: very diverse in terms of nationalities and religions

Economy: some cash crops (wheat, corn), some trade

Southern Colonies


Geography: Long growing season, fertile soil

Society: English & African slaves

Economy: Large scale farming plantations (tobacco, rice, indigo)

Plantations were largely self-sufficient; least populated region

Slavery in the Colonies

Slaves were held throughout the colonies, but they became essential in the Southern Colonies

Slavery becomes permanent (not indentured servitude)

By 1700, slavery becomes law and race-based.

Slave resistanceOn slave ships – revolts or suicide

In the colonies – escape, resistance, rebellion

Primary Source – Aboard a Slave Ship, Olaudah Equiano

Growth of the American Colonies

1689 - 1754

Mercantilism: $ = PowerBalance of Trade: Economics Concept (p. 60)

Colonies send raw goods to England / buy English made goods

Salutary Neglect: England essentially left the colonies to their own devises, as long as the trade balance was in Her favor.