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Paisies’ Excellent Adventure Vienna and Budapest 2011

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A 10-day tour of Vienna and Budapest condensed into 60 slides.


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Paisies’ Excellent Adventure

Vienna and Budapest2011

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A belated 30th anniversary trip finally got underway: Vienna for 5 nights

Hotel key, very

heavy and very

big. We left it

at the hotel

during the day!

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5th floor meant we took the (tiny) elevator, but what a staircase!

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Cozy, no AC, but big windows, and conveniently located!

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Lots of exploring by foot

Old streets And new streets

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The Belvedere (Upper)A huge art collection in what was once

a royal palace “The Kiss” from the

Gustav Klimt collection

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St. Stephan’s Cathedral (Stephansdom)

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The colored glass panels create rainbows inside the church.

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And to think this was BADLY damaged by bombs in WWII

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On to the Hofburg, winter palace of the Austrian Imperial family

There are many buildings in the “museums quarter”

One museum held just china, silver, and candelabras!

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These people had wealth.Spanish Riding School is here, home of the

Lipizzaners (look at sign )

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Marine acquaintances were also in Vienna at that time! They were on a Danube cruise and we arranged to meet for dinner.

Rachel & George Gibbs, Sr. We enjoyed an “original” Bud.

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You, too, can speak German!

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Statues abound

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The Schonbrunn. The summer imperial palace. We took a self-guided audio tour

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Gardens and a café stop (that would be guglhopf and coffee melange )

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Our favorite Vienna tour:The Third Man (

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Someday, watch this movie. It’s an oldie: Joseph Cotten, Orson Wells

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Getting around on trains and trams

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Dogs & beer are ok. But no food.

Leash & muzzle expected

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We took a ride to Grinzing, to the “heuriger” area (wine-garden eateries)

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Very tasty, in any language!

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Fun times at the “Zwolf-Apostelkeller

Part dates to the 1300s A happy man, ready to eat.

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More of the “12 Apostles”

New “friends” from Germany, celebrating a birthday.

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Vienna has much to offer…

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For kids and adults: The Prater

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The Kunsthistoriche (art history)

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Time to see what Budapest is like!

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We’re not in Kansas anymore

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Hotel Kalvin HouseGuests ring to be let in the front door. Walk up to the reception level.

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Our room deserves a look !

It was a bit noisy, but close to metro and restaurants

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Out and about in BudapestLooking up at

St. Stephen’s Basilica Now we’re up, looking down

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This church has a ‘special attraction’

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The Castle District & St. Matyas (Matthias)

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Fisherman’s Bastion

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A zither player near the Hungarian National Museum

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Down from one hill and up to another

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See that monument wayyyy up there?

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We walked up, and up.

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And up.

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Half(?)way, with a nice view

St. Gerard (Gellert), a martyr The Elizabeth bridge over the Danube

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A Soviet monument (there are many in Budapest) is what we saw from so far away.

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There are 3 subways (so far). This is the oldest one. (“Heroes

Square” stop)

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not a great pic. of Heroes Square

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But the statues are very cool.

Hungarian rulers and kings

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Winding our way back down Andrassy ut.

Oh look, a café! This was one recommended in Fodor’s guide book, whose advice and paths we followed quite often. While Joe enjoyed his beer, I ordered a latte and “palacsinta” which are like crepes, several stacked and spread with jam, chocolate, and fruit.

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There is a rich, and sad, Jewish history here.

People were kept captive in this synagogue in WW2.

Those who died had to buried there (against Jewish law).

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Courtyards connect with apts and a few shops. In WWII, this was the Jewish ghetto.

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The fascist Arrow Cross party led their gov’t in the mid-1940s.

Thousands of Jews were murdered, as much as Raoul Wallenberg tried to save them all.

Cast iron shoes make a memorial to those who were shot facing the river so they would fall into the Danube.

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Let’s move to a lighter topic…

Hair color, streaks, highlights… while “older” women avoid the gray

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There are enclosed markets and many friendly dogs.

200 forints per kg ~ 50 cents/lb.

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More interesting architectureThis is the Hungarian Parliament.

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To save money, fake marble was invented. You’d never know!

The cigar holder. How short the cigar became was a gauge of how long/good the speech was.

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Free evening music performances

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Riding the tram around Buda on our last day

Spray paint graffiti is all over.

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A final toast with our Hungarian “Two-buck Chuck”

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After Budapest, we catch the train back to Vienna for

1 night.

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Mozart’s requiem, performed in St. Stephen’s cathedral, is

a beautiful end to our trip.

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The end.