etci., ali 'quarte~ly'employment surve-' · 2011-04-13 · a1iid.elp11 pin ion ~ 3...

U. S. DBPAR'DBN'l'. OF COMMERCE .JUa II. JOMU, ~ BuREAU OF THE 0Q8UJI J.e. CAPl', ......... STATE -AND-LOCAL GOVERNMENT 'QUARTE~LY' EMPLOYMENT SURVE-': 1 r, Vol. ,. No. 12 THIRD QUARTER 19~a Data 101'Jail iamCDJL JllPWDMJ./ II nlLYINS (Citi•.a/ '~y~ 25,000 or .ore inbabitaata) " T.tal ,., r.lh 110,r- ~~~~ __ ~ ~ W8,~------------------__r-----------~~~----_Y.~~ t} Tet.. .a,lo, ... . , .o~----~------------------ __J "••• &,r. "aI, 00&."... &Jr, ".1, oet, "... "r. ""l' Oat. " .... " •• ""l' 1140 1M1 .. 0 IN' 8 FIG. I.--£HPLOYHEIIT CHANGES III CITIES HAYIIiG POfYLATlOIIS OYER zS;OOO. 1911O-19~ (Two-,••• ""'''1' lNII-IIU_IOG) table 3. It tile ttapOl'&1'7 election tat:~,..r of tile.. 25 olUe. are uc11lded trca AIa"U IoDIl Jal.7 eoaat." a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0 •• t.pora17 .lect OIl 01H" I'S1"7 to the ."'nee t Lot ported ~ ~. PQ' I'Oll , 1111'0 below Apil1943. c~~ to iD- . onue, N' nUl f6 01ti .. popalatioaw' Ofti' 25,000. an 4 PlI'COt Id«ber in Jaq tbID in AJril.. AI caD be ... !rca table 4, GpeD41tve. b7 tbe•• ·olUe. tor 1&l.ar1•• aid '~' . ..... 1a Jal.7 1943 .. n I1lHtaDtiaU,T bSCber . " , ~

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Page 1: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0



'8eMnl JutruotlO1111I...... lioLuDK IIIJIIberIJIII c~6I1fIation of eleoti.e IUIdothlr ~CIAI8, .1114&11, etcI., I.ali uo I' ~ ... pI1d b7 the State, or by fees. .

~. JlCLUDB PI'1'IR!loy !IlFtOYEm OF SCHOOUl, Pb/sONSON WOlDt lU!LI1I'. OD ~ at CONDlC'fOIIS.-1JID"-III'W'llDHIl lULI'l'lRr LlAVE. ; (,~. If intonation on nwaber of lllIIployee.and aaouAt of 'pQ' l'Ol:1t i. DOt eut17 anUabl.

for.1'lill'~-.- ~ •• ·tor June 1943 will be acceptable, rot the colaD bead1JIi. lIhould thlil be cbIIIpa-.t:o ne4 '.TaM' 1IIItN4 of 'Jo17." . c •

.Id.iIIta. It aact t11\1ft1 UJIObtainabl., USE ~TI'3.'IIij\liiiit1aD of ., lup chan&e. 'in eIIploymcntor pq roll. 111110.JOU1' lut ~rt, or of II\Y other\IIIIIIUal It.. in the data, 1117be II\S.dein the .pace provided tor ca.ent.~

DefiMtiou (d ..,lo18e ..... pal rolle:_ m ~~I Inter the lUll of Colum B, C, IJIII D.. •.11 Include Statc·a.p].01fIell with peilWllllt or ll1det1n1ta tlllUl'l, allo=:. ud otbR ott1c1a1., 'judBell, etc., paid by the State or b7 tell UIIl barilll I tma ot 011. 7t'1r

or lIOn. RIport u 'tull-ti •• " (in ColUllllB), 8Ilployellilwoneing th. prucribed IUlber of houri tor atuU-t1at weet ill th.1J\n.pect!.v. depart;Jentll' and 811 "part-t.tma" (in 001II1II1 C), 1apl00000D ~nell11nplJr17 for fMler boulwpar wHIt than 111prescribed for full-ti.e ~l.2yell1D their rNpeoUYI d.IpaI'tMaq.IIlolud. u ~" .aployee., ot1'101alll alllO engaged in III out~rot"l1on or .-pl01l\Int, ud'iOluataer f1nMIl ncl1'f1q pQ'. ,

CIol- P. "'"MP1n tpd 0thtr yployl'" Includl sellllonal, _ergenC7, IJIII othlr uplO1!l' without U1IIUaltelllU'e. IlCLODI PIR!KII8 (II llORK.mLIEF AND !1lPLOYEm OF CotmIAC'1'ORS.00- • :!f::! of PR!9l1 tor !opth. Inc~-lIoltr1es, wages, IJIII t.ll. lamed in the c~Qlldar·aont.\

b.r of1'lc1 ud oth.r 1IIp101ee.. ~ --th. --eventthat 'yOUl*.rq roll ncord. are kept OIl the bull or... period otber report! tho total COlt at r-v: roll. tor wh.t .... r pmod 1D Jul7 1l'43fw 1III1c1tJ'OIl .... th. ao,t. 1'IId1ly avll11nble 1nf'01'lll&t1onend entel' the mabel' ot caledar dl1l caYt:redill t'-otw.a 1'. Ammt. 1I1ll be PlbUshcd to til. nearest hundred dolla",.

Col_ P, !"bu: at =!!Onr!d bY pw;roU IIh.... To ell8Ul'eca.parabI.Ut.J or, pay roll d.t., enter thla.IIer or oalM'Idar ccwered by pa;r roll amoqpttW,oach tunctiOlle 'ft!,1. 11 .aplc1al17 uportant for.-*l7 pq rolllteu. lnc1ud. Sund8J1II IIJId hoU"8)'O.

... "I

Willitiou ot hattionat ~,

•• n=mt'.tatiD tJ¥l t1J1Nlo1al' Includo o1'£1cesor Govemor, secre~~ ot Stat., Uto:rnelCGenll'lll,,etc., ftJIIJIoSal, penlolllll!l., 6JId otlUll' geneul o.dm1nbtrative .,enciell, end\~peration end mlintananc.wozkG'l 1ft thll. ott101tI eo. bu1l~n«B' " :I

b. 1M1!1latlD. Ibclude IMIIIIerlor the legllllat\ll'l, jnd State ellployeea attacW to the leelllletllJ'll 01' tothe ott1c. tIIlta ........ • ;, .

a. ~ Inalud. "II1II" and court 8Ilploycel_ EXOLUDiJURUS A!.'D IiITNms.. •4.. ~. aU tull-u.., part..,t1me, ,Or taPOi'al7'1III{ll0yee" poll l!One.n, etc., recetYing ~.

tz. the Sta~cluziJl« tile IIOIlth for vork pertOl1lled1n connec\ion with S~ eleotiOlll.•• Itttt pouh. ,'J,Dclud. State bighway polic •• unifonold ond pldn-clotbel ,fOlice tore., mu1 cleri,cal~. \' ,

f.' Oft: :rA~JI1'="a!:!.t':(\::V!~l:~~~a::::a~~'~~:!'U~Jic-.enlo. oorpore.ti_1JIII labor relatione, elWlinetiollB of prote:lll1. Il('IH THOSE1'I:RTIll1It,G TO II&LTlfAS LI8'1'D>!IILOIrJ lJ1111d.l1.tia6JId nrmol'ies. " ;/ \ c

,. Ill""",. IIlolud.lIIdD_ooe. llght11'lf, nnd construction Qt s~., biBh.aye, br1dg .. , twu:ele, andattrwQa. IICLUDE DIPI.atIUl OF CONTRACTORS. • __:/

h. i;t!t19'Npt. "'" pOM.mt10!\ or IIjturel rfloouJ:(lcnt.In~ il(xricultural extena10n .one, tOreltl)', fishand ,... protftt1aD, BIOlogical sll1'f__• d~e, Bthle f&1rs, etc.

i. .!IIIl:tA. Include Ifed1Cal ll1Bpect1on, food re('U1otion and inspeotion, clinic., child health, control otc~c:.ble d1 ... Ie., T.1tal statistica, mrem1r.ntionof barbers, beauti<:ianl, doctora, dent.l.ta.IIU'III, chitopod1lt., aIId UDdeX"takers•

.1. Hp.p1t.el! tpd ipttitut.iClll ~~. Inolude general hos!,itall, h81pitall tor com:un1cablld11.. 1e.,.and1nlt1tutione tor the blind, deaf, mute, feeble-ainded, and otller handioapped.

It. PubllP nlS'an' IDC1ud, case workers am other employee a....ndminllterinl inetitutfonal end ncnir.at1tu-t10aal ul1.taDCe end altere, care of depondont ch1ldl'f'n, lI8ed, .ltal'lJl', Ind otl'.er charitiel.

•• ' !lCWD!: Pm<KIIS (II •• mIEF.1. Jlontct,iop. Includ~ cornictioool iosti tutiOllB, alllo probation otfictr.. IXCLUDE llff-,ATISRJl. lIV-

INGPlY ftlll 110M.•• J!tptrtMpt Qtliucatiog. InclUde l!eneral ad!:U.nistrntive officers and cll'r1col .tart onlJ. EY.(;Lm.f,~

TElClI~, ~NG srm, All» STUDE-PTS C>FSm't..RATE lliS',i'ITUTIONS. 'n. Librv;ltl' Includ. publio librarieB. EXCLUDESCPOOL LIllllAllUSFoOTWl<'l'AINm FORUSEOF1'IIE OFllmAL

PUBLIC. ~-,o. Rlpret.lCII. park,. m.. Inolude playgrounds, 'golf courses, b.. chIS" reCll·.".tLo~bu11diIllD, &u:UMrillJ:1s,

pirk. and pate poUolna, lOOB, IIIISe1.1Jn9,art g911oriell, orchestral, auto-tml"l' Car.lpll,etc.p. ~_pt C!W!tIIMtion 81'1!! IIIIIR1$l!1lIl.l!.t!..rwxt..~1 Include Stet~etere4 lIervice! even tholll:h t.ltl

State U nlabur.ed b7 gro.nto. EXCLUDETIlEUIlITm sum !lIl'!.on~lT OFFICISTAWl ovm !\l 'n'.EFmmw. Gll'mIImIi'r IN JAlIUARY1942. •

q. Otblt stnval ,gul'lll1llW fl!!Q.M' Includo'activltioo not cl!l:lsi~ied above, lJUchas penli'On.1\1nd.-pl03.- (IlCLUDEPINSIONEll1,J), m:uitoto. wnrchou(Joo,oto.

l'-tI. P!lbHHm1pe gnt,mrielOJ Includo State-oporated cot:::mroio.lent'l'Prilos. Under "II. Other" inolud." portl,.barbon, t.rr1.~,canalo, cetlont plnnto. airport!!, toll-rn"..d., toll-bridleD, etc.



BuREAU OF THE 0Q8UJIJ.e. CAPl', .........



Data 101'Jail

iamCDJL JllPWDMJ./ II nlLYINS(Citi•.a/ '~y~ 25,000 or .ore inbabitaata)


T.tal,., r.lh

110,r- ~~~~ __ ~ ~


Tet.. •.a,lo, ...

. ,

.o~----~------------------ __J

"••• &,r. "aI, 00&."... &Jr, ".1, oet, " ... "r. ""l' Oat. ".... " •• ""l'1140 1M1 .. 0 IN'



(Two-,••• ""'''1' lNII-IIU_IOG)

table 3. It tile ttapOl'&1'7 election tat:~,..rof tile.. 25 olUe. are uc11lded trcaAIa"U IoDIl Jal.7 eoaat." a1IId.elP11 pinION ~ 3 IIIftlllt.

I'OU., bGa'V'er, aNaft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0 •• t.pora17.lect OIl 01H" I'S1"7 to the ."'neet Lot ported ~ ~. PQ' I'Oll, 1111'0 below Apil1943. c~~ to iD-

. onue, N' nUl f6 01ti .. popalatioaw'Ofti' 25,000. an 4 PlI'COt Id«ber in JaqtbID in AJril.. AI caD be ... !rca table 4,GpeD41tve. b7 tbe•• ·olUe. tor 1&l.ar1•• aid '~'...... 1a Jal.7 1943 .. n I1lHtaDtiaU,T bSCber . " ,


Page 2: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0

, ,



lU. ... JULY111M

itr. J.L "41Jd, '11141 1140

11... 1' ot_-,101." (la

'",' ••• ada): of

CiU.a aadtOfta bda,JOIIalatlo.. : ~0..1' lI.iO .. - .. 4 117 6M III III 6210..1' 111.0~:; -477 411 411 488 414 411,,,1.100.0 117 114 111 1.1 117 114

111 chin.towa. ud

144dU ... _-- I .. In III 184 171,

Pal rolla 11.IIUlloaa):CU.i.a ud,owa , •• ia,toJllatioaa: ""0..1' ........... - 111.1 IU·t '11.4 114.8 1".1 ~Il•• 1....... .... •• 71.11 77.6 71 •• n.1...... -10Ut1 11•• 17.Op 11.1 '17.4 11.1 11.1

III dU .. ,tOfta, ••

111.' lH.1 11•• ' 111.'rilla,._ 111.' 11'.1'


\bua ... re.ate JIll' ro1l.l ol po1or aODthe Cot-•• bT tha 8tate aDd Locll ao,.l'IIMllt Quu-ter~ -.pL0JMDt 8anw7.

TbI 1.IIMa1 Jlftl.ted 18 table 4 anbaed QDD c_JIUAbl.e I'8tuma to~ two ,lUGe....IS.W acatbe tz. ....D1IIbe~ at cits.el lpec1t1eclill~ 5.

Blruua TO THE JULY 1943 CPVUS .'.rbe ._I"OU ..,.1.8tance ol aD1oS.pel. ol-

fta1.al8 1Ibo ecmtr1bv.W 1Ilt0l'll&t101l CD-plGJ-... ad pq 1'01l.I at tbei~ I'8IJ18ctS..,. SOWrD-_.1 ter W. 'coopeat1,. nne;r 1.8gl'Atee~ aollDadedlld •.

For the IIODth ot J~ 1943" mUM GIltile Dllllber ot pabUo eapl... wen obtl:1Mdtwa 299 or the 415 os.ts.. with· populat1OD1'OWl" 25,~. .. toU1 at 393 th0uan4~.!'""... , .. ~ JIII'CMIlt ~ the .st_ted toa.a. n,...

, bel' ('94 thouNDII) ol DD1oS.pal. ~I 18~, .. reported.


111M oJ.11 Jill'. Ju.

...... at .. 10,,,, Ua ,'.a .. u, It. 117 110,~_.t bU-tiM UI ICI ..I~__ .t ,art-t1M II II U

~af1 ... on ... . II 41 II

" , DEC 141943



• EMPLOYEES FROM APRIL TO JULY Ina(Ill c1tiell baYiDipop.,ulatloallover 26;000) .


" - JuJ;y AprilApril July

Onr 1:0001000:210 3'10 SlI, 000 141;610cllieayo, l~--

Detro t, Kieb. 1i8 6.111 12,418 81!,OlZLollhl/.lee, Calif.- - Ii, '101 - 1111.271_


2,264 1,6711 111,408Ki wukell, " s.~-- 10St. LOllis, Ho.-- 4'1 1110 7,642 00.8111

150.000-600,000: <:>'14 ., 4,610Oakland, Calif.-~----- - --

100,000-2§.O,000: 0 - 818 -- 2.,623Grud Rapids, Mieb.-

10,OOO-lOOt000;249 - 1.430Decatur, 11. • -

81 PallO,>Tex.---- -- lOll - 646B.aalltoa, 111.-------- - 3ge - .,127lalllllla.oo, Mieb.-· - 186 -- 1,088MadilloD,Will.--------- -- 140 - 1.0nRaei.. , Vle.---~- - 160 - 1,6Ui

2~ 000-60.000:12'1 - 8111.awletoD, Viii. --

Battle Creeli:.Hieb.--- - '18 - 611811/ill, 111.----- - 216 -- 2, 181Great Falls, HOllt.--- - 170 - 1.866

, HneblDlloo, lua.- '- 100 - 1, 1901.,1.w004. Ca11f.---- - 2U 1,124Molile, 111.- . 206 - 2, 160Port HllroD;Mieh.~ - IIll - 8tlSu BeraardlDo, Callf. - 2511 ..,. 1~2ZISbebonu" Mieb.- - 11& - ,,1,087S.perior, Wia. _ - 164 - 1.624WelltHartford, COIlD.,- 8 128 82'1 1,UI

1 lae1udes pennaaent atatta and their carDiDi~

,., roll t1gun. to~ the month ol ~1943 litre repOned by 295 cities. Totaliag'57.9 1I1ll10n, the reported t!guns eo.pri,"59 perolOt at the eltt_ted total .. ount(199 111~) ol PI.Y roU ••

Table 6 (pages 4 to 21) 11lt" b nUJlbe~or pabUe •• plo,.e" aDd aount ot pq roll"by .tatu and by go... n.ental. tuactiOJi toreach ot the iDdindual ctties, respecti'Mq,fro. wb10h Jul11943 data litre ncetved.

" The Bureau ot the C.DlU wo pmlDhe.quarterq report., on pablic -Pl:o.JMDt in theStates and in oounts..s banns popalattoneover 50,000. !reli.tnar,y est~te.' ot totalStiate &lid local DODIohool publ1c .. p101lWntan I'8lea.eel pr1w to each ot the abo ... PQb-l1oat1.oDl in a pzw11.'Mr;y eu.A17 report.8abteCluent to the detailed tabulatioD and~U ol all the data receS._, a aoreoCJ.preheua1,. final 8UIIUl7 report s.. pab-11lhed, 111wb10h are '1Dcludecl 1ntol1Ution onnOlllOhool Plb110 ap1O.J1lent tor allle'Y81t of10,.l'iiIInt in the Un1ted Sta"s and .lt1aate.ot total Ichool -plO1MDt.

The report. t•••d to date or CUl'lj,'eDt11'in pnparat10D -are :lnc:lueellr .ubject, 'Y01UM,and n'lllber OIl page 2!. ot tht. report.

, .' ,. ,



(two-,... aY••• ,. I... - I•• a ., 10.)

lUI I'" 1141 114'IDII BYPO!UUTION81Z1. Jill Apr. Jaa. (let. Jill Apr. Jaa. Oct. J.l, Ipr. oJ... Oct. J.1, AIr. oJ...

III citl •• wit' PGillatlo ••onr II, Oft: • .. III .. III 0111 III III 111 " II II II. 1=" IfTotal ot .,101"'-- IIH-.blr ot PlmDIIllt t.ll-tbla

17 .. If II 1M 101 IN III III IN 1" II III PIN IN.-plOl".-· , .Tot~ par roll .. lit III 1.1 III IN III 111 111 1•• .. II 1" III ,14 II

-Chin wln popalatloaa onr 1",'. ,"

Total a"lr ot .. 101'''--~ .. 101 If 'I III III 101 III III iN IN 100 III ,. "He.blr ot p.~ •• t tlll-tt.lN " " III 100 III 101 III 11. III tI III 1.. 1..a.pl01",o------------- II

Total pa, ron~-~---- 111 107 114 101 '" 10. 104 II. 116 III III 11. III II ,.Citi •• wit. popllatioaa ot 11,010to 100.000: '

If '6 tI II. 101 II I•• IN II ." 'I 10. ·11 IITotal a.alllr of IIIplOl'O--- IIH.ab.r ot flll~tllll -f

taplOl... ·- • . .. III III III III II' II. IN 10. III ., tI IN III II IITotal ,al roll .. ..--- 111 117 II. III 10' III III III III ,. tI III III 17 If

'",·PromJaaaarl 1.40 to OctOb.r t.ll-tbDe i.dez •• iacllde data tor', •• lra1 lo•• ~.tal taaetioa. 01 .


Oct. Oct. " Oct:jpr. J... 1141 J.ll .&pl'. oJu. 1141 Jall AIr• Ju. ,~:JI11 Jpr., J...ITBM .. d ud, ud ud ud ud aid aad aad ud ud- ud ud

Jill Ipr., Oct. oJall Jpr. Oct. J.ll Apr. Oct. oJdl Apr.lit oJu. oJu. J_I'.' 114' 'I'" 1.41 1141 I'.' 1'41 1141 l.n 1141 114' lUI II"

'"BDplo",,- 141 .14 .11 III III III III III 111 1'1' IU 111 .at .11

PalroUa- ue III III 118 110 ~1'* 101 III 116 .71 .71 III 111 IH



, .

Page 3: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0

I,' \



(Data for »-ntIIIII Oft work "lid: IUIIl

(Dollar UOIIIlt.



Popu- Pay period ending nearest Q E N E R A L Q 0. V. hUon JulIr Ill, 1943 IIlLLin Gonornl admtn-

CIT! 1940 ElY 8I:lployment BtatuB FOR iotrlltive, f1- Protection- nancisl, elec-

(inPenaa- Peru.- Tempo-

1943 tiona, legie-Police Fire Otherthou- TaU]. lative, and

5&Ildl!) nent nent rary • judicialfull- part- and JULY l!lIIplOY- pay ItlIlplOY- pay II!IIIPlOY-

~I"",plOY- Paytimo time other ees roll cos roll eea ee. roll

O!!r 1.000.000

ChicalO, 01 •••••••••••••••• 11,1197 150,6119 NR JIR JIR ~.1 2,4'12 • 56B.8 6,491 ~506.a 2,860 .746.0 244 84.7Detroit, IIlch ............... 1,6211 25,267 NR IIR IIR 5,1130.7 1,279 2BO.6 3,631 650.B l,6Jl2 SB6.5 1lI6 SII.4Lo. Anpl .. , C8~ .......... 1,604 16,104 16,104 - - 11,221.4 1,296 25B.5 2,599 570.4 1,661 0407.8 317 ~2.4... York CiV, H.Y .......... 7,456Philadelphia, fa............ 1,11111 ,500.000 to 1.000,000

Baltkor.e, lid ••••••••••••••• B511 10,762 110,457 288 117 1,7111.6 1,015 1611.1 1,926 1183.9 1,446 2911.8 lO4 18.0Bo.ton, .................... 771 12,501 NR JIR IIR ,767.5t 748 151.2 2,364 4119.0 1,449 271.11 140 26.6Buffalo, JI.Y •••••••••••••••• 676 II,II'II!I 8,470 118 lOB ,1lI7.7 634 12S.4 1,245 236.9 11.55 170.7 64 12.8ClaYeland, Ohio ............. 878 It,II40 NR IIR IR ~~917.4 11117 116.0 1,495 1121.7 971 224,5 165 211.8lIil_ukM, ft•••••••••••••••587 8,140 6,4115 110 555 11~078.11 sse '12.0 1,248 2118.0 BOO 161.6 811 18.9Pltteburch, fa .............. 6'12St. IDula, 110••••••••• : ••••• BlCI 10,625 lilt \Ill JR ,417.9 8116 1611.9 2,1lI7 366.0 920 lCI6.S 2B7 40.1SIn, Cel1t ........ 6116 9,807 lilt IIR lIR ,402.4 408 IIR 1,1144 NR 1,255 HR 118 IIR... blDctoD, D.C ••••••••••••• 6611 U,II62 7,7114 1,057 2,541 ,BII6.7 l,2lC1 231.7 2,084 402.6 886 1119.6 262 52.4

250.000 to 500.000

.1tla.nta, (Ia••••••••••••••••• 502 2,9118 2,676 1lI6 127 1175.5 171 111.2 4411 BO.S SII4 65.9 27 4.5~,Ala •••••••••• 1t •• 2118 1,480 1,466 15 - 215.6t 72 16.0 2B7 52.4 288 55.5 211 4.50CinciJUat1, (ldo •••• v' ••••• 466 6,148 4,1152 0 787 • 294 611.5 670 124.7 690 125.9 184 111.15001_11.8, 11110 .............. 1106JJalla., TeL •••••••••••••••• 295 2,~ 2,457 U 1510 384.0 170 211.15 1112 511.11 S95 74.5 211 4.11DlJlYIr, Cola ................. 1122 4,012 11,3117 676 - 6119.4 IIS7 51.6 S9B 76.4 40B 77.2 102 12.5Rou.ton, 'rex ................ 1185Indlampol1e, Ind ••••••••••• liB?

JeN.,- Cit,., H.J ............ 301lana. Cit,., 110 ............ II • 399 ' 4,0114 3,1171 - 1211 505.~ 5B7 ss.s ::. 94.9 3B7 73.2 20 2.9Lout.rille, .., •• II ••••••••••• SlII S,513 lI,m S55 45 406.11 245 t6

•1 69.5 3211 52.B 52 B.II

Jlellpb:l., TefDl ••••••••••••••• 2911 1I,Il26 s,Bli 14 - 452.2 126 23.9 312 47.6 375 59.11 65 7.6IlinnMpol1., JI1Jm. .......... 492 4,2lC1 HR HR HR HR 209 HR '603 HR 501 HR 112 NRH.. rk,II.J ••••••••••••••••• 4S0

784;Ii.. Orl... , :r.••• II ....... , •• 495 784 - - "HR HR HR HR NR , NR HR HROakland, Cal1t •••••••••• ~••• S02 2,258 1,955 ll6 167 451.1 -v 175 35.8 442 105.6 407 9S.0 69 14.6,Portland, Orec .............. 305 120J 120 - - 27.5t NR HR HR HR NR HR HR HRProYidence, R.I ............. 254 11,727 HR HR NR 4B5.6 NR NR NR NR NR l/R HR NRRochl.ater, N.t•••••••••••••• 325 S,784 11,709 60 15 614.11 222 41.0 509 911.2 5111 96.9 51 7.7st. Paul, 1H.nn.: .~••••••••••• 288San Antonio, !'ex •••••••••••• 264 2,670 HR IR HR S84.0 92 17.B 212 43.6 297 48.2 23 4.6Seattle, •• h••••••••••••••• 368 5,669 5,499 170 1,108.7 242 41.9· 596 m.l 56B U4.5 49 111.2Toledo, 01110•••••••••••••••• m 2,1112 HR HR HR 385.3 134 27.5 / Q 71.t! S95 77.2 39 6.4

100.000 to 250.000

Aleron, O!xlo••••••••••••••••• 246 1,356 1,256 - 99 237.1 114 17.5 22B 44.2 183 S7.6 9 2.1Albal\J', H.Y ••••••••••••••••• 131 1,975 1,659 16B 46 232.6t B5 12.2 1178 62.6 239 S9.1 16 1.5Bride.port, Corm •••••••• _ •• 14'1 1,793 1,649 27 217 248.5t 19B 31 •.4 265 46.5 214 41.4 23 3.6Cllllbl'id&e, Mae.............. IIIea.d.n, N. J••••••••••••••••• ~ 118 1,000 B28 - 172 149.6 122 19.7 212 119.1 162 1l0.7 26 4.0Canton, Ohio•••••••••••••••• 108 697 E37 - - 107.7 -, 52 6.9 127 22.1 12B 122.11 5 1.0Charlotte, N.C•••••••••••••• 101 703 6~7 511 20 97.0 40 6.5 121 20.5 1lI2 23.0 U 1.9Chattanoo., flinn••••••••••• 128 699 699 - - 91.4 25 II.B 123 21.4 181 29.2 - --DaJton, Ohio•••••••••••••••• 2U 1,500 1,4150 20 50 264.6 HR HR NR HR HR HR HR HRDee MOillN, lalla ............ 1110.

23.1 159 2B.9 9 1.5Duluth, 111m•••••••••••••••• 101 975 861 4l. 71 154.21 91 17.2 1113Z11ubatb, lI.tI•••••••••••••• 110 ~17 707 57 611 184.1 95 19.1 223 47.B 178 3B.7 12 2.9J!r1e Fa •••••••••••••••••••• U7 022 678 144 - 143.4 61 11.7 125 23.!J 153 27.6 8 I 1.5


IIR 110 report l1"n of detail or uount to corr .. pond to other tigul''' tor cit,..Date, it alIT, not reported.


, .'



IIJNICIPAL JIIIUJnafr IN ay 1M1tN3D OlfllS imII ••ooo oa 11).............


l1l(I10,.8. of coatnetol'llan eol._)


in tho...... '.




,Streets Sanitation lIealth

and and and Public Rlacreation water m.eotl'ichighways _lite hoep1tele weltare Other

.upply light, Otherreaoval

Elnplo,y- Pay J!)nploy- pay ~ Pay IIIII\lIl.Y'- Pey IlI!p1CV- Pay I~ Fay~

pay I~ pay IDIiUff- ~cee roU ee8 roU ee. roll eea roU elle roll eee roU roll - roU eee roll..ORr 1,000,000

1I,ll6 1672.0 11,470 '507.0 l,9g(i 1227.2 974 $l2a.1I 4,1110 1t7~0 ~sg ~711.O 11,100 1675.0 - ~ t2 • B,I Cbl~O4,1110 001.15 t t 2,759 481.11 SlCI 54.0 1,1112 207.6 178.1 1,2117 2611.6 - 7,~ J,'If11.11 De \ 'l,06S 167.7 634 99.6 665 96.2 U 1.1 1,027 ltl.0 6711 '11.1 1,11110 281.8 4,6114 11106.4 119.6 ~. AIIIW.

I.. YOII"II:Ci\,.ftdladel&llda

500.000 to 1.000.0009lt 156.6 1,470 250.2 1,448 ns.o 1151 4B.5 0114 125.S dO 49.4 5l1li 1011.6 - - 76 14.2 Bllt18llN728 115.6 1,0152 127.9 2,82lJ 288.6 1177 IIO.B 64S 711.2 SKIQ 121.7 4154 611.0 - - 7& 12.8, Boeton1116 44.S l,1lI2 225.2 047 114.11 - - 816 Ul.4 11111 se.s 1134 60.2 - - 112


552 97.7 1,1108 225.8 1,4116 115.5 245 28.6 l,lIl9 lU.2 675 87.B 1,122 187.7 820 W.7 4,6115 .1I Clweland446 74.7 1,2611 1116.1 atI! &S.4 - - 240 1111.9 9154 152.7 427 72.7 .... - 111 II.' lIlt.ube


P1ttlbuqh1140 sa,II 2,867 221.5 41 5.1l 1,207 125.11 180 111.2 681 120.1 204 IIB.9 242 117.2 st. Lelld..

1,08 HR t n 1,888 IIR 2110 liR 8117 JR 8lC1 n 5211~ lIIO.lIj t t 1,492 240.() !Ian J'raD01eoo4611 116.0 1,849 2211.2 lJ145 2070.2 441 80.6 1125 611.2 1,159 178.5 610 92.7 - - - Wull1l!lton, D. C.

It! 260.000 to &00 000

~14.6 464 46.11 7111 60.11 - - 2U 111.8 2117 21.9 1117 27.8 - - 211 1.11 AtlaJIta119;W t t 108 16.7 - -- 146 15.2 llCI 111.11 10 loll - - 2 .6 Bln1IIIIu.

617 104.11 44S 74.0 1,000 l2II.5 1118 21.& 4118 34.8 101 lCI.4 6114 911.5 - - 9 1.8 C1Dc1maU0 ColWIbu

2B8 112.7 4SB 4l.7 510 S9.2 II .6 245 112.9 811 10.8 254 155.6 - -- 66 9.1 Dalla.475 67.2 58 B.O 612 64.0 187 111.6 567 62.11 11l1li 4S.B 440 '6t.2 - -- III S.6 Demer- Hawlton


J_:rd1t;T:528 l1li.1 S4 5.0 862 68.0 -- - .737 76.11 - - 1187 66.11 -- - 24 11.1 DDaI C1VUS 7.4 !lOB 117.4 ' 884 70.1 71 7.1 1108 24.8 4111 411.8 11110

4~:~ Sgej - 10 ,8' Lo1I1n111allIB 14.1 5111 47.9 1106 29.8 14 .B 1197 U.II 92 U.8 ~J 25. 66.7t 565t 84.8 1II/IlII1a.8111 HR 172 IIR 718 \Ill 148 IIR IIIl6 IR 1127 IR JR - - - .... pol1a

lI.. rkJR IR 784 1lI11.l IR lIB n JIR JR JR IR IR n III IIR lIR JR lIB II.. Ort.aa

11114 114.11 - - 99 20.8 - - 2&5 49.5 l8CI 20.6 - - - - 2111 46.9 OaklandI 1n n IR III JR IR JR IR, IR IR II IR IR JR lIB JR 120 :17.5 . foztland

JR JR , I. .. I. IIR IR IIR JIR IIR III IIR 177 24.9 -- - - PtoY1clenoe262 48.2 749 1lI0.8 184 26.5 1711 25.11 4U 67.1l 4711 64.11 188 28.8 - - '1111 5.9 .acb .. ter .(St. kul

~ ~, 111.11 1105 111.11 911 12.9 - - 2&0 22.8 76 8.11 178 25.2 7611 l2II.1l l1li 6.8 SIn 41Mn1o242 411.8 1lI9 28.& 281 118.4 - - 31111 .69.1l 270 117.S 2llI 60.1 997 201.11 1,7119 1160.7 Saa:t "245 41.7 284 46.2 92 It.8 611 ·11.6 166 20.11 78 12.4 1108 611.7 - - 1lI 2.S '1'01

lO!plO to 250,000

266 44.4 Bl 15.1 76 1lI.2 18 2.8 158 21.1 2'1 4.2 189 uTa - - '16 2.1 Akton111111 117.8t 29 11.2 57 8.8 - - 2011 U.2t an 28.2 2'11!1 29.21 - - 7 .8 AUlaIlT87 B.2 l8V 211.4 242 27.6 62 11.6 1101 26.8 244 111.1 - - ... - - - l!I'id&lIIOrt

• 8.8cQbl'1d&ese 1I.1l 146 la.7 60 11.11 lIB 11.8 114 7.1 Ilil l1li 8.6 - - - - Caden

156 21.7 51 8.1 18 2.9 B 1.2 III S.l U 1.6 lU 111.9 - - - - C8J1ton-si 11.6 ltII It.l 1111 7.9 U .B 1 .1 611 7.0 67 8.7 - - - - Ciarlo".110 B.B 74 6.7 76 U.II 6 .7 108 B.S 6 .8 - - - - 10 1.1 Chettenoo ..II IR JR JR JIll IR lIa IR .. JR JR JIR lIB IR lIB JR JIll HR DaJtcft

Dee 1101_

146 24.0 t t 116 5.6 <6 .5 120 12.1 eo 5.4 2011t 114.2t - - 6t .9t Muth1l1li 20.1 20 S.l 411 5.11 20 2.~ 69 7.1 70 7.2 40 10.1 - - 2 .4 B11abeth124 20,5 77 10.9 28 1l.1I - - 74 8.4 - - 174 115.5 - - - lIl'ie

~t s.. footnote tor tII1a cit:,- at ell1 ot table II.:wD'7\lO

Page 4: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0


fAD 6.-IIIIIODAL -.ooL .00"'- D .JULy

(Data tor ,.no .. OD work ... lief aIIIlCiIollar __ t~

~ "~..,. ',r"r '{I!



u I'UNClTIOKALIIIlIIBER OF DIPLOYml PAt. Popu- ~:r period end11l1 nearest 0 & II & R A r. Cl 0 ,• iation ~1I1, ;1.943 !lOLL "

General atWl1n-in ProtectionCITr 1940 1lr IIIplo)'llllnt. status FOR 1atrative, fi-nanc1al, alec-

(in i943 tions, lepa- •thou- 'l\Ital Pal'lllo- Pal'lllo- 'laIIpo- lative, and Police Fire Other.IINIdB) nent nent rar;r .nJLY Jud101al

full- part- and ~!i~ ·~i ~ ~!:Y'" ~.spl.o;y-.

~tiM t1M other, H.

19, to 260'000 (Cllllt'4)rall 11...1", ••••••••••••••••• 115

1208.'7 11'MI IS2.2 1112.1Pl1nt. ••••••••••••••••• 152 l,teS 1,2'7'7 111 187 118 2~ 182 - -rort. 1IIJm. -IDcl •••••••••••••• US 1,185 1,08& 82 - llM.8 t'7 8.0 148 211.11 180 Sl.1 12 '2.1fort Worth, ~ ••••••••••••• I'll 1,1158 1,11118 - - 1117.11 78 U.O 227 S7.0 257 tS.8 112 '7.00aI7'. lid•••••••••••••••••••• 1120ra.n4 ~pt.da, lIlob. •••••••••• 1M 1,Ut IIU llIO - 188.' '1'7 12,11 llI2 S2.1 2011 S7.0 8 1.2antoN, CGon •••••••••••••••

, 111 1,1IIl n IR n too~1 Nil 1IlI.1I 2M 75.11 2111 '75.2 - -.JacboIlY1U., Pla ............. 1'711 2,172 2,m - 28 lIM.t B02 1iO.1I 278 58.1 2117 til. II - -lanAI! O1t.)', ran. ....... ~ .... 121 llellt 580 '7 lO2 1II11.11t 1ft 1ft II. IIR IIR " IIR -, IIRI'DoxYille I fem •••••••••••• p. 112 1,2'71 1,21'7 11\ 1 15'7.1 86 12.2 us 22.11 U7 25.'7 - -LcmI "'ob, calit .. eo ....... • 1St 2,1'10 1,1111 10 2'1'7 t07.8 11111 25.5 2'75 81.11 .2511 80.5 1111 18.5~...u, ...................... 1011Ilul, rla ••••••••••••••••••• 1'72"1lYWe, flan. ••••••••••••• 187... IIcIterd, ................ 110 1,m 1,001 1111 te 151.'1: 115 111.' ~ 115.2 llIO 110.1 22 11.11I" ........, eo............... 111 1,1I8Ii 1,Hi - - . 212.6 115 18.'7 IIS2 80.8 2'7& til. 5 15 1.1I.dolt, Ya ••••• J •••••••••••• m

1,ci2aD~ CltT, CJrla., ••••••••• :lOt 1,2118 - 210 221.2 iii IR lIB JiR " n IIR "c..bI., •• r••••••••••••••••••au '7OU 155 1 80 l2t.4t n IIR n n D " n IIR

"'ana, I• .I••••••••••••••• lAO 1,282 1,1II~ - UII 2011.11 l2II :llI.l 2te 411.0 200 !j1l.1 18 2.11,'eona, Ill.••••••.•••••.•.••105 ~. 625 1011 - 1'7.0t te 7.'7 127 21.11 118 20.S - -lladllll, ..................... 1ll .1 ~ 811 1 112.1 51 n US 1ft t n ~ nIlcllloDd, _ ................... 1115aaoa.nto, CaW •••••••••••• 1011 1,1111 110 115 1;55 208.0 115 111.11 155 S2.11 18'7 ta.1 52 111.11Salt take Clt.)', Utah ......... ISO 1.Gl 1,008 tIS 211.'7 118 1'7.7 IS9 SO.2 180 211.'7 III t.'7SaD, qal1t ••••••••••••• 2011 1,m 1,8211 88 218 1188.11 182 511.5 40S 85.5 212 68.7 21 5.5ScNntoD, ra••••••••••••••••• ltD IlOO

~152 ns W.II 80 11.8 191 .51.0 207 M.8 20 2.11

ac.en1Ue, ................ lO2 812 « II\) 181.8 lU 17.'7 1117 152.1 15t 118.1. ' 110 11.8Spilth IIIlId, IDd.............. 101spokane, ... b••••••• ~•••••••• l22 1,000 11111 81 - 188.0 88 15.11 152 27.6 15'7 27.7 II 1.6

SpriIIct1eld, flu ............. 150 2,0&5 1,851 70 1112 MB.llt 1115 58.4 501 81.2 525 88.8 26 6.1181aCllle, H.Y•••••••••••••••• 2011 2,500 2.110 ll2 'P8 MII.II 228 45.5 1111 1it.1I 598 87.5 1111 8.4t'ac_, ... h.......... ~.; ... 1011 1,8tD n IIR IIR 541.2 80 111.5 lU 211.2 203 58.1 10 1.11~ ................... :J.08 1,MS 1,2118 8 117 W.l 1111 111.8 109 16.8 87 14.11 5 .7

ft, I. J•••••••••••••••• 125 1,502 1,2G 280 - 208.8 112 U.2 21111 42.'7 182 ta.O 18 .s.rMala, 0Itla •••••••••••••••••• U2UUca, • r••.....••...••••••101 1,078 • 1IS7' III 208 1St.2 117 14.11 1M 28.11 lll6 S4.5 11 1.2WIcbita, 11_ •••••••••••••••• 115 807 1188 11'7 lO2 l2II.5 82 8.5 168 27.8 1M 28.5 10 2.2ti1II1n.Iton, M............... 1111 1,1l1li 1,W - '75 ISII. '7 06 5.8 21'7 to. '7 180 111.1 '7 .71JorC..wr, .................. 19t 2,M2 2,S'711 101 162 1191.0 Ul 22.5 574 72.S 525 lIS.t 4J. 9.11

" ~ . I t~"\ .,.10."")1\',,, : ............... US ,.tJ '~,

Io\lnletdlrn.l .. ~. _-u ~. : •• - 188 ' 1,~8 ..~ 1 -fee - l8!I.'7 M 11.2 1Il1 IIS.8 178 115.5 bl 4.2• .It.",." ". ~ ~11~j .~., ~50.000 to 100.000 .- w " • h~ r

AUeIltGllrl, ra••••• _•••••••••• 9.'7 878 8110 ~ 18 - IIlI.5 8Ii 7.11 1011 15.11 91 16.0 7 1.2Alt:oO~, fa •••••••••••••••••• 80 <.I.U.r1Uo, fa•••••••••••••••• 52 11112 211'7 21 U 51.0 28 t.1I 65 11.5 III 11.11 8 1.5Arl.1rcton Count,., V•• 1••••••• 57 tII2t t58 8 - 811.lIt 8lt 8.0t 49 '7.'7 2t 2.11 8 lotlabeU.ll.e, •• C••• ; •••••••••• 51 G8 IIR IR 1ft t'7.5 S1 t.5 68 8.5 62 9.4 19 2.5Atlantio O1t7, •• J. II ....... It 1,1St 1.055 8 lOS 1I2.i 108 20.1 227 t1.11 2111 411.5 185 2S.5AUCUIta, 0& •••••••••••••••••• 88 578 1iS5 5 58 'i.6 te 5.11 1211 18.8 119 15.8 '7 1.1I.uatin, ~ ••••••••••••••••• ea 1,SOt 1,1'78 20 1011 151.8 88 11.5 128 10.7 117 22.11 t r8lltollDl, I • .1•••••••••••••• \1. :;BlaUllOnt, flx. ••••••••••••••• q

Berbl.e7', Calit •••••••••••••• 18&etb1eli., .................. &I 11M 211'7 II It t7.8 lit t.7 liS 0.5 oil 6.8 5 .'7B1J::I&Iw,aton, I. r•••••••••••o. 'II 1,ISII ~,0'711 80 - 185.11 lit 8.9 911 2~.'7o 145 28.8 1'7 2.8Brockton, ................... 82 '778 '7112 25 21 108.11 III 10.9 liS 18.2 127 21.11 111 2.0

1 Cla".Uied~.' lIl'ban IlIIdar apac1a1 rule ot lIIlraau ot th8 C.IIRII.t lie. tootnot. tor th8 c1t.)' at alii ot table ..n 10 report. linn ot'.tail 01' UOIlIIt. to corr .. pollll to otlwr tipJlI •• baIrn tor citro


.... 1C1f.AL ~ IN at 1M3

_HI D Cl'fDI I&fDI _,000 _ .•• "'1'BIII (o.u..i)

..,101'" of .atruton an ... 1.... )



Streetll San1tat..1on JIMlthand and and PUblic wat.r Ilectrichi8hnye • ate hcspltalll weUare Blcreatien Ot.h... OthtIrl'eIIIoval "'-IUPp].y l1aht

~Dnploy- ~y !lr.p10y- ~y .!111*'1- Pa;r -:r- 1'11)' ~ Pa;r I~- "7 IIIIiDT- Pq ~ Pa;r I~- Pa;reea roll ·S.8 roll ••• roll roll ... roll roll - roll - roll ••• roll

100,000 to 259,~1211 120.8 n 112.2 1I!t ISS.l - 121 1111.4 1," 11.1 '20.4 '1.11

rau R1n..- 811 - - 10 runt81 10.2 72 '12 : 21 2.1 - - l.t8 11.1 - - 110 28.11 1101 • &a. 1 1'7 2.0 rurt -:rm203 :&.1 lAe, 1'7: \ te 11.4 at 12.0 112 1'1.8 112 S.I l22 1'7.0· - - 21 11.0 Fort Worth\ 0a171111 18.0 54 8.1 58 1.2 1 .1 1'1~ 18.0 U2 18.1,

1'7.111llI - - - - 'Gralld lllpidlSl2t 48.0t t t 2'71 ".'1 G 7.5 2l1li 118.2 I'll H.I 201 - - - - Htrttorcl11111 28.'7 1118 118.4 l1li 18.S - - 11111 1'7.2 til 4•., 1011 17.~ 118'1 811.11 101 1'7.ll • .1aobonrilleHR HR NR 0 0 0 - - 0 n - - a:: US. t t Kana .. O1trl1li 11.4 112 11.1 as7 18.0 10 2.11J:.> - -.5 28 411 t.O .11.'1 t 117.1 18 lot 1DDxY11le

80 11.'7 2SII ".6 11'7 I.S 4 .8 at5 11'7.1 2'7'7 •• 1 22S SII.5 - - 2118 ".t Lone lINch .-. \ • lAJIrall. .0 I1u1


18.11 18.1t'7t t t 82 8." &0 '1.11

~1.'7 '75 1O.S - - - - •• lIIcltor4MOt tO~'7t .. t t .,., 11.8 'n ".1 80 12.1 11.1 - - - - - - "'lIIiltn

n\ lortolkn II n D • D D n n n n n n n " II1l • ~C1iTlilt . .." D .. n n - - D n D D 'lOt W.t - - n IR 0Iala1St ~.l1li 5.4 1111 11.., 2'7 2.4 108 10.0 'IS 8.2 200t 1I'I.1t - - - - Pateraon• '181 lB. '7 - - 125 111.8 - - lilt • .' 115 t.5 - - - - - - FwnaUS 1ft '75 D 12 .. 28 n 181 ... 25 n ,2Cll n • • 2 II1l Blad.1Da,

R1ct.1ld411 10.5 :1,51 211.11 511 1O.S '7,

.11 2M 115.'1· 4t '1.5 511 12.1 - - 1 .2 SaolUBnto2116 ta.e - - 81' 1.2 - - SG •• 2 11" 18.2 !t'l 211.2 - - - Salt tab CltTU'7 25.8 21.2 ..-188 118 '7.0 II .'7 218 111.1 :fa! M.5 24lI , 4Z.8t - - G San Dl.8Co87 8.8 150 16.6 11 1.8 - - 128 ".1 11 1.2 - - - - - Scranton-88 18.2 101 lI.l 21 S.I 81 8.11 118 '0.,.1 II '1.1 1'7 '7.t - - - - s-nllelBfI 25.1 e'7 111.1 4t 1.'7

South 1181d. - - 118 25.0 57 1'.1 lit U.I - - 10 1.., ~1211 :llI.2 at'l U.t ... 111.1 100 !t.l 2111 21.' 2M N.I 1112 211.0 - - - Spr1.iald~255 51.1 11011 ".4 1l1li 111.1 - - SOl 54.7 1t4 l'1.t l8lI 2'7.1 - ~ 10 1.'7 SJ'ISC\lH185 28.'1 75 15.2 1111 • 1.1 1 .2 - - 'Pi 1.1 llS 21.11 88'7 158.1 106 22.2 ta_na U.l 18:5 20.5 472 IS.1 !t 1.1 1llI 11.2 27 11.2 101 15.S - - 21 2.1 1luIpa128 15.1 121 1'7.11 185 lI.1I at 11.1 175 !t.0 110 12.0 110 22.i - - t'7 S.I Trallton

". fIlla11& 111.11 .. 1.1 U'7 10.11 25 11.2 112 !t.1 10 !t.0 811 10.1 - - '7 1.1 UU..lIS 111.5 21 1.5 25 4.1 - - 15& 11.0 II I.i !t 2.2 - - 511 10.1 Wichita1llI 11.1 ~1 11.1 22 2.0 - - 120 !t.0 81 111.1 12'7 20.0 - - 75 1.'7 tilallWion215 115.8 1118 110.5 III ee.'I 1'1'7 211.'7 201 22.11 1l1li 18.1 141 211.1 - - - - Wcm:.. ter

llI2 110.1 GIonbn- - 5.4 - - 1M 20." 4 .5 l8lI 21.2 - - 1 .11 Iowwato.n

60.000 to 1OO.g811 12.1 10 10.1 16 2.11 - - 101 11." 12 1.1 lOt 16.0 - - - - Allento.nU 5.4 4'1 '7.2 18 2.1 11 2.1 1'1

Utoora- - 2.t N 5.1 - - - - barUlo.'711 11.0 • '1.2 '14 1.1 - - 20 2.i 1'1 5.' 12 1.4 - - - Arl1lWtan CoIUlt,)'11'7 2.S -118 S." 11 • C.I - - 1'7 4.1~

2.1 U 1.4 - - - - bbnUla11111 11.1 '71 1.2 2'1 S.II 21 4.0 11 2.1 1.4 110 11.1 - - 10 1.11 Attant1c C1t7Ullt 17.lIt t I 2 .4 - - 52 2.1 51


it ".1 - - 1 .1 A\l&1IIItat t 108 12.'7 1101 21.1 '7 .11 U7 10.2 lIIIIt Sot ?at lII2t 1II.8t tilt 5.'7t AII8UnBt.1O_..~

&0 118l'1atl1!r8.1 20 2.1 I .11 - - 71 i.' 1'1 1.1 .., 1.1 - - - - ~1'7 1'7.2 1ll 10.2 tOO ••• 118 4.1 127 '.1 N' 4.' .7 11.2 - - - I1IwhaatonlO2 10.1 -" 11.1 1111 1.1 115 C•., .. 1.1 • 1.11 'to 10.1 - - - - 8rocktoa


Page 5: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0


DB 1.--llllDCDALJIaII)OL ~ D lIlLY

(Data for penou .. work "Uef ..... 0 '&11 ... ...NIJIIBER OF IIIPUlYtiS FUNCTIONALPAt

Popll- fa)' period ending nMl'est, a I II I R A L 0 0 ,lation , Ju:q al, 1943 OOLLGeneral admin- . .CITY in

1IY... lo~nt etatue FOR iot~~t1VO, fi- Protection1940: na 1&1, 81ec-

(in Penaa-p Tapo- 1943 tione, legil!-Police Fire Othll'thou- 'nItal .ma- latiVe, apdsands) n.nt nlnt l'8l'T JULY judicial1'ull- part- and

I~~OT- ~ 1~:7" r~1.-pJ.OT- ~ 1J:mPJ.OT-


'tiM t.iM ot.her ••• eee ...50.090 to 1OO.C!O!i(Cont'd) .Cedar Raplda, lea ••••••••••• fl 458 552 12 US ISS.6 20 14.5 6S 18.8 6B 112.1 4 I.B71 740t '10& 2 54 78.71 50 6.9 lAO 111.11 85 12.7 e .7CbarlutoD. S. C•••••••••••••Cbarlaat.on, W. Ta •••••••••••• 158

as lA.4 2 .11 5 .8CbN\er, .................... :: 245 lBO > 7 58 StI.e 46 6.4 .Cicero, Ill •••••••••~•••" •••IR NR NR NR NR NR } " IIR IIRCleftland He1ptll, 0h10•••••• ss- 425 1ft 1ft 711.7 1ft

Col.tda, S. C••••••••••••••• 82 48i IIR !Ill IIR NR IIR IIR 1ft511 46 - - 5.5t IIR~.Qa ..................57 806 581 40 4 711.2 48 7.5 B7 lS.5 50 8.1 14 2.BCorpua Chri.t.1. Tax. .........

Co'YiJlcton, I:r •••••••••••••••• 82

ee 288 ~1I3 II -', 47.11 4B 7.'/. 69 12.4 75 lS.l 5 .5Dan.rt, I~ •••••••• lI •••••

M 755 MS 10 82. lIS'7.1 129 50.5 145 56.7 101 27.0 21 5.2Dearborn, 1I1ch ................!ill ·512 240 72 - 48.9 26 4.4 67 11.0 76 12.0 - -Deca.tur, IU •••••••••••••••••eo 721 578 66 77 80.1 56 5.4 90 14.0 65 10.1 8 1.5~,I. c•••••••••••••••••

Dat"" etd._CO, Incl ••• !.•.•..•• 55 450 552 45 55 , 77.2 30 4.1 86 16.4 I 58 11.2 8 1.6611 54tI 48& 28 112 1OO.e 54 10.1 110 24.11 82 111.5 e 1.5... t. OranIe. II. J.:..........7e IIU 286 2B - 47.4 .a 7.0 74 12.7 62 11.6 7 1.0... t st.. ~lI1e. Ill .......... .87 Met ~ 1 611 82.5t 117 7.5 90 14.0 104 17.8 6 .8nhao, fU. .................65 SS8 48S -- 75 79.8 57 8.7 99 17.11 81 lIS.II 4 .8IItIUIatOD. Ill ................ .

29.8 157 28.6 7 1.1187 882 7115 117 110 124.5 2B 4.5 170~,Ind •••••••••••••• \,

""'.Dlleooa~ ............... '. 61 577 641 14 22 IIB.9 44 7.B 78 15.2 154 SO.8 lS 2.4rOal.... a, !a••••••••••••.••61

14.8 llII 22.5 91 19.6 - -Glendale, Calit .............. as 598 554 53 12 122.1 77On_bolO. II. C............. 68

55~ 5.2 55 11.1 as ]6.0 5 .751 5811 15 16 67.0 26BaIdl.ton, Qb:1o •••••••••••••••70 5118 4115 117 7 110.1 48 6.0 8B 111.1 711 16.7 4 .8 -~DCS, 100 ••••••••••••••••• .

25.9 76 12.6 5 .7Ham.burl. Pa ............... 1M 7112 7112 -- - 107.5 55 B.9 160Rl.lbland Park, JI1ch .......... 51 l.. .Hobobn, N. J•••••••••••••••• 509B 20.6 129 29.2 II 1.2IIoqcu. IllS ................. 54 841 , 841 - - 155.11 89 14.8,

100 NRHunt1b1ton, W. Va•••••••••••• 79 1115 302 111 - 44.5 19 NR 81 ,R - -ImQlton, 11• .1; ••••••••••••• ' SS .~ckaoD, lU.Ia•••••••••••••••• 62

70 11.7 81 14.1 9 1.1lobllittown, Pa ................ 67 -~ S51 SS 4 55.5 27 4.5ralaaaoo. JI1ch. ............. 54 554 se 58 71.8 43 6.7 87 12.11 100 15.7 5 .11~. Ohio ••••••••••••••• 611 53e 445 .71 20 88.7 56 6.7 75 .J,4.11 65 15.1 1 fx.nca.tIIr. Pa ................ 61 1IS8 1115 6 18 48.0 114 6.2 60 10.0 68 11.8 III.amtuc. II1ch. ............... 78 l,ll7 IIR IIR IIR- 242.2 lSB 22.5 90 22.11 110 26.4 -lawrence.. 11&••••••••••••••••• 54

6.8 Bl 12.2 92 12.9 7 1.1'L:lncoln, Itbr •••••••••••••••• 82 '916 606 29 161 84.9 490 ,, 0

88 l2lt 110 11 .- 15.9t IIR NR IIR IIR NR IIR IIR IIJlLit.tle RDck. Ark. ............98 824 1ft IIR IIR 129.4 106 12.9 116 22.2 171 1I1.S 25 11.4~, .......................55 440 1175 - 65 73.4 23 4.2 71 14.1 as lS.7 II .5IIcllH.port. Pa ...............

IIR IIR IIR IIR lIB lIB....eon, (la•••••••••••••••••••• 511 &lOt 4115 14 1 57.St IIR NR"dl.aoo, Wi••••••••••• ,.•••••• 67 net 584 85 511 117.2t BS 12.7 97 15.8 99 16.1 II 1.111IIl.deo, •••••••••••••••••••• 5B-" !i. It••••••••••••• 79 .Kedford. llaes •••••••••••••••• 6S ,KobUe. Ala ••••• ~ •••••••••••• 78

IlantgoM17. Ala •••••••••••••• 78

e1 S2s IIR IIR 1ft 109.e '" IIR IIR NR IIR IIR 1ft 1ft 1ftII:nIDt VerDOD.. •• Y•••••••••••II.. Br1ta1'n, Conn. ........... 158 .II.. Ioellelle. II. Y............ 58 , .• .-ton, .................... '10 807 705 61 51 107.0 121 19.0 188 25.6 127 22.6 12 2.5.Sa .... rau.••. t••••.•..•• 78 1,054 1,054 - - lIIO.O 158 28.0 132 25.7 126 25.8 12 1.8OllIe lark, Ill•••••••••••••••• lIS IIll 278 24 8 53.9 20 11.8 76 14.5 52 11.0 II 1.1'Paa4laa, caW •••••••••••••• 82 1,108 111M! 511 01. 1112.1 US 16.4 108 21.11 119 24.8 22 4.2,t l58e tootnote tor thia clt:r at end ot tIIbl. 6.

!1ft !lo report. c1ftD ot detail or uount to i:orreepond to other tilUl'8 •• hown tor cit.T ••3-Z5780

r ,


•1,1"",. OmDIAn. _,000OlE. DU~ (Coat~)

... 10,..' of .. traotor. an .. I....)111 tJIosI· ... ·)--


Strt,ta Sanitat.ion Healt.h"anc! \ and and PUblic Recreat.ion .ter llect1'1c .hiilbWTl •• ta hOlpital_ weltare Other

.uPP17 11&ht. of.herlWIoval

D!ploT-ro~ IJillplOT- PaT ~ fa)' I~T- l'a¥ I~- Pay 11!lIploy~Pal' ~ Pa.Y 1-:- Pa.Y 1--:- l'a1... ... roll ,.. 11011 roll roll ,. roll - roll roll roll

. ~IiQ.OOO to 100.000.&. U..o til $7 •• •• ,.8 ua ,8.7 a 12.7 50 '1.0

.CedaI'IIpS.dI- - - - - -40 6.2 175 111.4 21 2.2 117 11.8 e7 4.. e 17 2.~ n n - - 88 'lO.S Chule_.....CilarlMwa" 4.0 • 28 4.1 • 1.4 - liB 4•• 2 .11 - - - - - - CllHtllr- Ciceron n iR n n III JIll III n JIll 1ft "1 22 11.& - - - -.; ClawlaJlll lIe1cIawCot.b1an n n IIJl n n - - n n - - 48 &.& - - - - ColuMu40 " 4.2 128 12.2 16 1.5 4 .& '58 5.1 211 2.& 01 8.7 - - 61 Ji.1 eo".. CllrSeU.. . - ccm.1IItoa .. .50 7.8 4& 4.7 b I 1.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - DaftJlllOl'l54 8.7 8& 20.1 I 1.' - - 120 1II.e fl1 11.' 27 1.1 - - - - D1anora

~1& 4.2 - - II 1.. - - - - 12 1.e 73 10.2 12 11.8 Deaat1ll'- -108 11.8 ll7 11.. - - 2 .4 1111 I-}, 1111 11.' .8 10.1 - - - - ~54 4.& l2!I 24.11 10 .8 - - StI 11.11 1'7 2.' 47 8.4 - - - - IIIn Cld.clap411 &'.11 le 2.& ,22 11.8 15 1.8 27 t.8 74 111.& 83 12•• - - - - lut'cn,..'78 8.1 54 2.8 II, .5 - - - - le 2.0 - - - .:.. - - lI.t St. Laab1111 1.1 110 8.2 44t , 2 .2 115 8.e 28 4.4 .,., 10.1 - - 1 .2 m. "110llit '.1 t 7.6 17 2.8 - - 85 8.5 lIS 11.2 48 a.o - .,... - - ..... to.US 12.4 58 e.8 22 2.8 b_ - US 15.0 - - 165' 21•• - - 115 1.1 .....nU.2B 15.0 '18 ,11.1 25 11.7 - '- n ,11.11 10 1.7 .55 8.11 - - 5 •• hWlD&2 n.8 12 ,"~ GalftatK2.2 2 .4 II .4 8.7 80 8.5 USt 52." t t - - OleDdalAt44 e.s 8 1.i ~OI'O10 1.5 II .4 511 5.11 U 2.1 42 7.15 '71 U.7 20 I•• JIaa11toD~211 4.a 107 lIS.4 U 1.2 68 8.4 28 2.8 74 12.0 - - - - - - a.ond1611 20.8 - - '8 I.e - - 1117 8.2 136 le.6 6B 11.2 - - - - Hlrr1alnlra

/I1ablaJlll ParkHobo.140t 28.7t t, t 8 .8 47 5.' 73 7.6 - - SS 8.11. 1118 40.8 - - Ibqou75 n -- - 25 1ft 5 1ft - - - - - - .:.. - - - !Iunt1lwtoDI~n.Jacbon82 11.2 28 4.8 8 .8 - - 80 4.6 25 2.8 - - - - - - lolulatolm50 8.e 27 4.2 U 2.2 - - 88 7~4 24 2.5 113 4.11 24 5.5 4 .e lalalalOO64 8.11 eo 10. a , lII8, 25.1 2 .2 16 2.1 8 .e 21. 11.8 - - - - IAIIftoocl117 4.1 2B 4.2 8 1.4 - - 20 2.0 5 .e 7e

~~.8 - - - - 1A1D8t.er8S 17.1 S7 s.e 51! 7.11 -- - 1110 2O.a - - 50 .5t 218 t lI58 t lana1lWlAwrencee5 8.0 18 2.11 158 111.8 - - 1111 11.6 55 4.7 44 5.8 56 7.11 - - ¥nc:oln1ft n 25 1.8 JR lIB JR 1ft IIR JR 18 1.8 78 10.1 - - n n LUU. iIoek811 10.0 130 111.5 54 5.Q 52 8.t 55 5.0 e4 s.e eo 11.4 - - - - I.Jmea 10. a 70 10.7 18 1.8 - - 156 e.e 7 I 1.4 51 8.8 - - - - IIclaeaportn n JR 1ft 171 15.5 JR IIR IIR 118 8 I ;6 I JR n n JR JIR IIJl !lacon82 12.1 fr1 14.2 51! 8.2 8 1.4 106

15.81 57 ,80 11.1 -, !lad1aOI'li 8.11 I - -4 IIalcSenu


I IIhitoM. i tiUeJIoatc-7JR n II II III III JR III III n IIll II 28 5.4 - - - - JIou.nt Y_D1ft !J'1tain!lew Boche11eIt .4 104 8.7 28 11.4 26 11.0 53 4.7 71 s.e 77 10.8 - - - - lIewtcm174 StI.8 1511 27.5 116 5.e 25 11.7 157 25.8 S .e 78 1O.t - - - - ll1qua rau.611 11.2 lie 4.e 15 2.5 - - 22 s.r II •e 25 4.5 . - - - - Ollr Park84 lS.8 511 7.11 24 11.8 10 1.2 157 20.B lOS 14.0 82 15.2 245 47.4 -, - ::es~~ fh

Page 6: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0

I!I! ~!


(Data tOI' ,.noaa oa won nUd ..., ....." ... ____ 4..

, "*''''0' IIIPLOtuS PAY . FUJiC'I'IOIALPopu- Fay period endilll neareat ,

G 'I I I • A L Cl 0 ,lat.1on ~ 51, 19103 IIlLL

in - General admin-Pro t • c t:1. 0 n. cnr 19~0 Qr ...,lo,.ent. atat.ue POll latrat.1ve, ti-

"nelal, dec-, (in 1943 t.1ona, lep.-O\harthou- 'lbtal P.nIa- p.~- Twmpo- lathe, and Polic. Fire

undl) nent nent , ral'1 .lULY .1udl.claltUll- part- and I1IIIp1.o),-~ 18lU0J'- ~ ~01'" .!!i l-.p.I.o),- r:1tiM tiM otlulr ••• ••• ... -

50'000 to 100.090 (Cont.'d)

"11&10, I. J•••••••••••••••• III 627 4411 - 78 ,as.4 62 ,9.8 107 '22.7 116 121.11 20 '11.7"Racket, L I•••••••••••••• '711 8t5 707 66 - 78.7 61 7.11 121 15.0 e.t 10.6 4 .11Pbolldz, .&r.I. ••••••••••••••••• 116 889 815 26 29 156.5 53 11.5 1111 24.11 107 24.7 II 1.7PoDt1ac, IILch •••••••••••••••• 117 1166 lIOII 12 41 96.2 ?l 11.6 72 14.4 74 14.11 - -.ortland, at................ 74 <llSt 115 13 9 19.5t Nn NR NR NR NR IIR 0 0.Port.oa.tb, Va••••••••• , ••••• 61 646 '546 - - 65.S NR NR IIR NR NR NR NR IIRPIIIblo, Colo ••••••••••••••••• 62 2115 265 17 23 57.5 1.9 1.8 62 7.7 60 11.4 4 .110a1Dc7', ...................... 76 1,045 1~046 - - ns.e 811 2.7 126 19.8 1110 21.5 II .6Rac1D1, wt. ••••• ~•••••••••••• 67 685 1I69 210 4 90.6 56 4.6 72 111.11 73 111.11 7 1.2Jl.oaJIoIte, ..................... II. l15li 616 117 0 87.11 87 16.5 85 111.5 llS 18.1 7 1.1

Jlocktol'd, Ill•••••....•.....• 116 ,11711 662 124 - 101.Q 42 11.11 114 17.4 115 18.4 6 1.1SaPla-, II1cb •••••••••••••••• 85 1128 652 60 46 94.6 81 12.6 114 17.4 1111 22.11 II 1.11St. '.lOII.pII. Jlo ••••••••••••••• '711 422 S8l 11 50 51.5 48 6.5 '88 p.7 108 14.11 - -..St.. P.~b1ll'l' J'la .......... III 1,028 NR IIR NR 119.8 IR NR lIR 0 lIa IR IIR 0San a., cal1t.............. 68 518 207 51 - 67.8 26 4.11 66 111.8 85 17.5 6 1.8.-flta lIoa1oa, Cal1t .......... 54 810 6115 116 - 142.2 31 6.11 160 24.2 62 11.5 61 11.11.Sa.... b. Oa••••••••••••••••• l1li 999 IR NR NR 119.11 72 17.11 147 21.8 -U5 16.6 - -ScbeMotact.r, I: Yoo .......... 88 1,0411 885 57 104 176.4 III 16.11 1611 52.0 167 51.11 26 2.11S!Irwnport .. fA ............... 118 852 758 42 32 98.5 58 7.1 1113' 19.6 124 21.6 8 1.2Sioa C1t7, 1_ ............. 82 6114 4117 85 114 110.2 41t 89 14.1 II. 15.6 25 11,2

Spr1ni!1.ld. ;111•••••••••••• '~ 76 b7112 857 59 46 1111.5 40 6.8 ~ 111.1 III 16.11 - --,Spr1~eld, 110.............. III t:8priacfteld, Ohio..... "••••••• 71Staatord tolin, Conn. a........ III \ 2.11StocldCin, CaW .............. 55 485 445 22 18 110.1 65 10.7 78 16.7 114 25.1 ,11Terre Haut., Ind ....... ,' ..... 115 417 540 62 26 43.7 IIR NR NR NR IR la JlR la!opeD, ••••••••••••••••• 6B 476 447 3 25 61.11 119. 5.5 67 1.O.4 III 14.1 II 1.0TI'o7. II. t •••••••••••••••••.• 70 1104 802 102 - 1,2211 65 10.0 167 29;0 157 28.0 8 .11UDlon C:1:t7, N. J••••••••••••• 66 ~Uppal' ~ twp., h.1....... 57 240 225 - 15 39.6 51 6.2 104 18.11 1 •1 - -.. co. !liz•••••••••••••••••••• 66 471 470 - 1 41.4 NR NR NR NR NR IIR IIR IIRWat.arb1u.7, Conn.............. 99 1,081 890 60 111 1711.6 ll6 111.2 216 44.2 1.93 56.7 211 5.1waterloo, I~ ••••••••••••••• 62 -1Ibee~, W. _ •••••••••••••• III

6II.i ~1I1lbe-8II.rre.. Ia••••• Ii ••••••• 604 NR IR NR 0 NR 1m NR IR 0 IIRlIinatoo-sala, I. C•••••••••• 80 , D 0tort, fa ••••••••••••••••••••• 57 2811 207 2 - 114.0 15 2.2 511 B.II 411 8.4 6 1.4

26,001) to S~,OOO,

Ab1ID, ftZ. •••••••••••••••• • 27 .lit JlR lit

,IIR210 16r 411 - 27.4 la lit IIR 0

Alaaeda. caW. ~••• "•.••••••• "- 56Albuq-rcra., I. ...z.......... as ,AlexaDdr1a. Ia••••••••••••••• 27Aleandria. la•••••••••• "•••" 54

6.0 37 6.9 II .5~N, caw ............... 1111 257 1U!6 2 9 54.8t 26 11.5 115AUIlUiPSa, h.: .............. 27 165 1111 2 50 17.6 7 1.1 111 5.6 11 2.1 - -Alton, IU ••••••••••••••••••• ~ 51 108 114 14 - 57 5.5t 24 4.1 111 5.6 - -JMterdIa, I. r..••....••.".. 511.&ndlnOD, 1111••••• "." •• ~• " • " • 42

ADIllzbor, 111.011. ............. SO 212 185 4 23 41.11 22 S.6 35 7.4 118 7.~

~-AnalatoD, &la •••• "" •• " ••••• ;. 26 11111 1118 6 - 17.9 10 1.7 52 4.8 2l 5.'1 .4

Appleton, 11111•••••••• " ••••••• 28 2EQ 180 '65 17 50.0 115 2.11 28 4.6 115 5.5 town, *'i1l.1 ....... 40ubland, l:r.:•••••••••..••••• 50AubIarD, I. r••••.•••.•"."••,," 116 «1 414 - 27 66.8 45 11.2 44 ~ 8.6 68 11.3 6 .'8A1II'Ota, W ................... 47 264 2111 116 - 115.6 211 II." 45 B.O 1111 7.2 4 .7Blkentield, Cal1t ••••••••••• 211 262 207 7 118 48.2 52 6.8 511 11.0 56 11.11 5 .8



1 Clu.1t1ad a. lIl'tJan under _pac1al I'Ul. ot Bureau ot t\I. cenall8.• I.. ~ town DDt. cl.a.a1tied .. lIl'tJan.o 10 "port. Ilftn ot ,dataU or ~ to corre.poM to ot.her tilllJ''' IhOllll tor OUT.


J ...


.r. , , ,


I'" D GD'DII&11II' •• OOO·Ga•• lWAlJINJftS ,(a.~)

...1.,... of eoatneton an •• 1.... ) ,_


,111 tIto_,"a~D I-S 'I' ·11 B U·T ION OF EIiPLOy'EES AND PAY ROLLS- -1 a ,II II I I '1' A L ..r U If C '1' I 0 if s PUBLIC-sanCI1II1'IRPRISIS

Strl.t.a saill.~ tion Healt.hand :Ilnd i and PUblio {IaoreaUon Ot.her .tar ID.ectr1ch1&hwQa -.Ite hOlpital. weltare .uppl¥ lipt. 0tluIrreaoval ..



I~ p.y ~ r:r I~ ~T I~- ~1 a:i p.yI~ Fay I~ p.y••• ... ••• rOll ... ... roll ... roll roll roll ... roll

. 50'000 to uio'ORP71 '10.2 .. .... 11 .11.0 17 12.1 75 17.6 111 '1.1 - - - - - - ftNa10." 27.' 11. 1., 20 1.1 - - 15 1.11 III .-1.0 .,. .1.1 - - - - hwt.uclGat110 2'7.1 12 2.1 n 11.1 - - I? I.' SIO 16.11 17 1.0 .- - 111 ,.,.. JIboan1a., 1.11 111 1.2 2116 :U,II - - 511 1.4 211 11.11 411 1.1 - - 7 .1 'OIIt1ao0 II 0 0 n n II 0 II 0 :: 0 111 U.6 - - n .. Portlaa4n II "0 n D n 0 0 lilt 0 n 0 0 n 0 0 II '~tlaIi1 7.4 12 1.1 l' 2.0 - - III 1.1 1111 4.' - - - .. I ,I .. 1017 u.. U4 1&.1 III 111.1 0 17 .6 11 2.1 G 1.0 ..I .... - - .;:. -~~'M" I.' .. '.1 .411 1.0 - - ld 17.5 -III 12.4 10 I•• - - - ct.11 •• 1 12 1.4 40 •• 1 27 !I.2 50 4.11 III U.I d 1.2 - - I .1 .....,. U.& II 12.1 .,. 7.' - - 110 15.2 41 4.1 71 U.I - - - - JIodrtorJl100 111.1 22 1.1 21 II.' - - 127 U.8 17 2.1 118 I•• - - II .t lIIi!naw.. 4.4 - - 11 1.. - - 70 11.6 42 4.11 - - - - - - it. Joe.0 D .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 n n II D st.. r.taft1ltlra4It '.71 t t 15 2.4 - - 411 11.7 24 2.6 - - - - - - 8111 JoH'II lA.& 118 10.7 - - 4 .8 1111 20.0 711 12.2 61 10.1 - - 1l2t 21.1t 1116110111..lI2 n.• 2114 22.1 71 11.0 - - 85 7.2 50 11.8 74 1.4 4 ".. - - 81ftnrata11 17.1 lAll 26.11 .,. 1.8 44 11.4 157 20.11 24 11.11 611 10.' - - - - Scbanact.act.r121 10.7 121 11.0 ,17 1.1 - - 72 4.11 117 2.1 1IIi 11.1 - - 11 1.. Sbzwqport.. 11.11 a 1.1 7 1.0 - - '155 12.5 III 6.5 811 u.. 5 .1 10 1.0 Sioux Clt.J'

c15 10.1 57 6.11 22 11.6 - - 511 11.7 lIS 7.8 24.t 41.1, t t - - I!pri .. t1a14 .

SpriIWfta14) 8JIr1rwt1eld .

St.Iatorcl WID71 11.4 a 1.11 I .1 - - 711 12.1 21 11.11 - - - - - -, IIt.ocktoe0 0 II 0 n n 0 0 0 0 II n 0 .. n 0 n 0 'l'erra ....70 7.1 11 1.. 21 4.0 - - 6& 4" II .11 8l': 10.' - - 11 1.' fapMI4& 4.1 lM 111.& III 11.1 11 1.4 8( 11.2 21 11.1 fJ7 5.1 - -

~.1 'froF

- .• 1tIi0ll C1t7118 1.1 a 7.0 I 1.2 - -10 15 1.11 - - -- - - - - ~r~twp •0 n 0 III I. lilt I. I. 0 0 0 n 50 0 - - - - .co

211 12.2 1 .2 Be 1.4 60 &.0 120 14.1 57 7.4 46 '.i - - - - 1t.Wrbu7atv100...u..

0 II II 0 III 1111 II n II II 0 0 - - - - - - WUlIN-IIIrre .ftnatolMlala22 11.11 t t - - - - t t l50t tu;2t :.... - - - - - York. - - 26,000 to W.g

• :0 n0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IJI 0 0 n 0 0 II AbU-OIlAlaudaAlbuqguqllllr Alaalldr1a0 Alexandria47 11.1 - - ,~ .1 2 .1 4'1 6.1 - - 116 6.11 - - - - AlbIIIbft ,4& . 11.11 M 2.i 5 .i - - 110 1.11 14 1.1 n n - - - - 1~llUippaI .1 - - 2 .11 - - ( - - - - - - - - - - Alton&.terdIa

~ AndaraonII.. 26 8.1 I 1.1 10 1., 2 .2 II' 4.4 II •1 2tI 6•• .6 Ann lriIor- - 4at 2.1 211 ~I 15 1.2 - - - - 4 .7 - - - - 2 .11 AIIIIl.toaIII i •• II .1 8 .8 4 .11 114 11.2 22 2.11 20 a.i - - - - Appleton


Al'Unct.on '-., A.bland11 5.1 11.7 1.1 22 2.1 2' 1i.1 17 1.1 74 1.0 - - . - - Auburna 5.'- 1.2 10 .1 - - 50 tI.7 - - !l4 6.2 - - - - AlIJ'Oft41 I•• 11 2.0 1 .5 - - 61 11.1 - - - - ',- - - - Balaeft~.ld

- Data, 11alV, nat raported,t Ilea toot.nota tor W. ctt7 at .nd ot tabla I.


Page 7: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0



fiU"6.-llDllCJP.aL JI8lIDOL ~ D .JULy

(Data for penou 011 won:rell.f ...

moU t.


~ I'UKC'I'IOJliL- NUIIIII.R OF IIIPU)~ PUfOpu- l'Ily period ending neareat. 0 & • • • A L G 0 y

1&tion ~IIl, 1943 ImLin Oenere.l adain-

Prot..ct.loaCXTf 1940 Itr ellPloJlllllt. stat.ue FOR iatrat.1ve, fi-- naneial, el_(in 1943 tiolls, 1.g1a-t.bou- Total Pexw.- Pexw.- Teapo- 1&t.1vII, and Pollee Pi... othu'sanda) nent. nent ral7 .JULy jud1.oial1'ull- part- .nd

" 1JllllU07- I-:~ l-.uo:r- ,:it.1M t1M' other ... ~ ~ .. II ~ ..25.000 t.o (Collt.'d)

BaDaor, 1II.1De •••••••••••••••• 110Baton Rouae, 1& ••• , •••••••••• 115 •Battle, lIlah••••••••••• 0 1112 ~1 21 - • 50.6 Sol .... 8 66 sn.o 66 'll.6 e .eBa7 C1t7. lIlab ••••••••• , ••••• 48 .Bell.m.lle, In.............. 28 -Bllle'f1Ue, I. J••••••••••••• 28Bl111"&I-_, •• 11. •••••••••••• 2e 254 187 10 117 112.4 21 2.4 110 ~.e

, 46 7.5 t tBelaont town, .... ,1.......... 27 1125 24e IIlI 41 52.2 57 6.2 45 .0 46 8.6 111 2.'2Beloit, 'Ila •••••••••••••••••• 25 280 2ll II 611 33.11 14 1.e 29 5." ?I 25 ..... - -BIrW1D, I~ •••••••••••••••••• U 2111 lIS2 II 40 28.1 27 1I.0 36 7.11 26 6.1 - -Beftrq, ................... 211 06 1IlI0 1111 111 62.7t 211 ".0 ..6 e:5 100 16.8 7 nBnwrq 8Ul., C&l1t ......... 2'1 1128 2e8 12 17 51.5 111 2.5 66 e.9 67 e.'1 5 .aBlocat1eld. I. J••••••••••••• 42 2"~ 199 10 116 47.0 18 1I.6 62 111.5 46 10.'1 .. .eIJ1.oo.1nrtoD, IU ••••••••••••• IIlI I801•• 01'1'. Idaho ............. 211 ].i, 1'18 16 II 29.7 12 1.6 35 5.8 .... 7.6 2 . .SBr.1ltol, ConD ............................... 110

I'> u.a.

~Brookline tCMD~ •••• 1............. SO '156 7De 1 28 109•• 73 ill 19.6 1111 2S.2, 10Burbank, Calif .............................. 54. 5SO 469 e 52 104.1 41 7.0 95 110. 46 9.2 2§ ".8Burl1n.lton, Iowa ....... ! ................ 211 19.. 152 39 II 23.9 21 2.11 31 4.8 1I1 4.8 II ...Bnrl:l.ncton, ft.............................28 IIlIl 2112 67 12 42.2 51 3.7 117 8.1 42 '.1 .... -Butt., Mont................................... 117 .C.nt.ral Falla, II. I.......... 25

55:5Cbell .. , Ill................... 41 5'78 1IlI9 29 10 eo 7.1 68 n,e !, 18•• 12 2.0Cb1copee, .................... ..2 41111 1I93 - 40 69.7 SO 8.1 115 13.0 14.6 5 <? .9Clarkab~, W. V............. 51 195 NR NR NR 27.6 19 1.8 :U 11.11 5.8 - . -Clitton" .. J•••••••••••••••• 49 217 198 9 10 58.e 45 6.8 ..8 u.e 111.2 II .'1Clinton, I~ ............................... 211 116 105 12 - 16.6 25 2.2 22 &.8 28 4.4 - -Colarado Spr1np, Cola....... 117 606t 457 II.. ll7 78.7t 14 ~4 .2 7." < 40 7.0 II ...CoDCord, •• H. ••••••••••••••• 2'1 290 IR IR IR 56.e 22 2.e 411 5.S 27 4.8 1 .1

" Council Blutti, I_ ......... 41

Crarwton, R. I ••••••••••••• ,.,. ..7Cwlberlallll, lId. •••••••••••••• 119 24.. 194 111 37 1I2.2 25 2.B .... 6.7 57 6.9 .. .11D&nbur7' town. Com.· ............... 28DIUlYi11e, IU......................... 117 l6S 129 1 55 23.6 16 2.7 26 4.8 37 6.5 - -:IlI.n'r'J.u., 'a...............................1111 ~DGb\lqu", 10.•••••••••••••••• .... 1118 250 e '19 45.0 19 2.5 40 6.8 55 e.1I 5 .9....t Claaland, Cld.o ............ 59 1110 l2lI 28 S9 52.e 24 11.11 1111 7.6 lIO 7.0 6 .8Eaaton, Pa ......................... 54 247 205 42 - 54.1 2B 4.6 41 6.0 115 5." II ...aut. t.own, !. I. ~ 52au Cla:ln, til•••••••••••••• 31 281 241 10 10 116.e 18 II... SO ...11 511 6.5 II ...1lIlD, m.•••••.......•....• as 222 200 8 14 115.0 18 5.0 411 7.2 117 II." 5 .8Ilkbart., lDd ••••••••••••••••• l1li l8IIt lIB IR IR 28.7t 27 4.1 49 7.7 ole 6.2 - -.Il.IIl.a, I. I••••••••••••••••• 46 418 119S 18 16 114.5 45 7.2 75 111.11 eo 111.9 3 .'1Il;trla, (ld.o •••••••• it •••••••• 26DIld, CItla ••••••••••••••••••• 28 1411 l2II 17 - 1'1.6 II 1•• 28 11.1 ;, 5.1 - -IYeN"' ..................... "'IIYent", ... b.••••••••••••••• 110 267 2ll 118 8 58.0 17 2.e 116 11.6 8.7 5 .&ftrIo, I. DIke •••••••••• ~•••• 311 l8'I 181 6 1 27.9 22 5.7 59 6.1 . ".11 .. ...P1tohbarl, 11&81•••••••••••••• 42 1110 569 45 8 87.2 48 6.4 47 10.5 15.1 18 2.11rond cia lac, 1rJ.a ••••••••••••• 27 2117 201 511 - 29.8 20 -,~.~, _,29 __ !~8 - ----~, ___8

LL - --~~------- .._.. --- "


ron !, .&ric •••••••••••••• 117 2011 1117 - e 24.1 IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IRGaudin, .&la••••••••••••••••• 117 1108 286 12 2e 1IlI.5 18 2.2 56 5.'1 ~ 11.'1 .. .6Gal .. bare, Ill. •••••••••••••• 29 llI2 16e 25 8 25.e 51 2.8 1111 &,,2 "'2lI 4.8 - -(Ja.rf1eld, I. J••••••••••••••• 28 112 811 25 - 17.7 311 5.'1 112 7.1,. ' - - 2 .3ar.t Jan., IIont •••••••••••• 110 404 200 II 201 411.5 20 1.2 SO 5.4 115 , 11.4 1 .2rar- _, 1118 ••••••••••••••• 411 4GB 5115 56 7 55.3 69 6.2 66 111.0" "'- 62' ' 10.5 7 1."OnenY11l.e, s. C••••••••••••• S5 285t 21!O 5 - lS.8t IR IR NR J!R IR IR Jill II!l

~ Claliltied u ~ undal'IJMc1al rula ot em-u ot the Cenau••• Ii.. ~lallll town !lOt clalilfied u urban.IR Ito report IiYea ct d.tail or aaount. "to eornoapond to other t11Uft. .hown tor 01t:r.


•• lI

.... IOIP& ~ IN .IlLY lOCI

1'" D GII'DI1Q1II _,000 0111). JWOl'fAII (~)

1IIfI0J"e of .Jtnelon an ... 1.... )




Sanitation "Street.s Healt.h .and and .. allll Public BlDr.. tion Other .tar IleotrlchiKhnya _lite holplt.ala ..uan l\JiIpq llabt Otherr.oval ..

I'Zplo:r- Pa,y _10:r- Pa,y JIIIiaT- Pa,y 18IIiIO:r- Pa,y 1-::" ro~IflIPOT- Pa,y

~pay I~ Pa,y I~ pay

1.11 roll ••• roll ... roll ... roll IIUI roll roll - roll Bea roll

I f . 26.000 t.o &0.000.IIuI&or

) BatOn &upl1li l6.e 11 .2,e 18 • 2.3 - - 030 ..., U '1.3 15 15.'7, - - - - Batt.le creek- ~~ IIq Cit;,IIellavllle

5st B~4. at t t • .1 - - 118 1.1i :u 2., 18 11.1 - - - - Bellirwbu46t 7.!lt t t 10 1.6 6 ,.8 42 ... 1 22 2.& 18 2.8 41 '7.1 - - Belaoat townlIat 1I.0t" t t lIIO 11.2 - - III ... 0 I .'1 - - - - - - Beloit115 !I.II 21 2.'1 - - - - a 2.'7 18 1.1 19 2.e - - - - Berw;,n'1'1 '1.11 35 2.0 II 2.2 a 2.& 0 2.& 3'1 •• 0 27 2.3 - - - - BeYerqIKlt 12. 'It t t 2 ... - - 66 11.11 19 1.2 27 "~3 - - - - Beftrq Billa10 oLe 28 •• '1 I 1.2 2 ~ 11 2.2 12 &.2 111 2.e - - - - B:too.tleld

21. ~~n5... 1 .1 I .'1 1 .a 211 •• 1 21 1.1 - - - - 22 15.6 BoielCit7

2i Br1atol154 1'1.2 1.4 118 ".1 12 1.1 ee I.' u &.11 '11 11.0 12 1.e - - BJ'ookllDt tGIrc92 1'1.1 11 10.11 & 100 - - ,ali 1.1 8 1.1 &8 11. .. e5 25.11 - - JIU'baDk '28 11.2 10 .11 & •• - - 211 1.1 18 1.1 - - 2 .s 18 2.0 lurllq&ton7lf ., 8.lIt t . t, II -.'1 II 1.1 10 1.11 21 La III 6.1 .... 11.8 " 2' .2 lurl1lwtoa.

lliat ... '"central hUa5U 7.lf t "I. t U 1.. 18 2.1 U lot 14 1.& 1'1 202 - - - - Chela.31 6.0 2$ 1.'1 20 1.1 211 3•• 25 2.t 31 ,2.11 a 6.2 SO 8.0 - - Cld.copee

&0 &.t 25 1.2 2 .11 - - - - & •• 411 e.l - - - - Clarkabuq25 2.11 .. ., I 1.2 I •• 17 1.1i I .t .. .'1 - - - - cuttoa .40t 6.lf t t 2 .2 - - - - - - - - - - - - Clinton110 ".0 11 2.1 125 11.1 - - 121 12.1 • 1.1 19 3.2 ua 1'1.2 ,20 11.2 Colarado SprJ.JWI'18 8.'1 I 1.0 I .Ii e .1 3& 1.1 U .... 21 3.11 - - 1 .2 Con4:onl

Coaa:U IIIttI

114 9.0 , CranltoD- - 10 1.2 - - 27 1.1 - - 5& 4.1i - - - - Cultlerlud28 2.e 11 2.1 .. .4 .:.. II&Dbul7 tGIID- - -4t I.' I ., - - - - -~DaIl'lUle. Dall'l1lle54 •• 1 U 1.1 8 La - - '1'1 '.1 2'1 !I.I 12 &.0 - - II .'1 DutNquelI'1t '•• 2 t 1.1 • - 1.J. 2 •4 .. I•• & 1.0 - - - - - - .. t Clawlul!III ".'1 40 1.1 I .1 - - 211 2.0 3 .& !l2 .... - - - -

..t. Prortdlnce40 e ... 53 1.1 I , .1 I 1.0 2'1 2•• 110 II." 14 2.2 - - - - ... Clalre18 2.'1 12- 1.1i a .e - "- 31 1.2

~a.1 1111 5.2 - - - - llc1aIII ... 21' • • II II - - at 2.& - - ~ -, - - - JlIdart.... 1.1 52 '.1 18 2, Ii !III &.0 III 1.1 1.1 - - - - - - IlIdn.

Il;trla25 2.11 2 .a • .Ii - - 10 1.0 14 1.1 2t ••0 - - 5 .2 tid.1 'I '1.. IWerett8.0 e .1 .1 - - , 17 e.e 1& ISS 8.7 - ..... - - ...... tt32 ".5 , 1.0 U 1.1 - - 2 •1 .. .4 28 ".0 - - II 1..1 IUIO119 14.1 45 8.t 11'1 11.'1 a 1.2 a 1.11- III ••1 III &.1 - - - - P1td1bv145 6.2 2'1 2.1 I .2 - - 3&,_ .!.t 11 1.4 21 ,iI.' - '"""- ~--~*~ t==._ foJld.4Il .ra.-- -- .._- - -' -, ---;-~-- -_.__ ..- ---n • • • II .. • D D • • • 0 • II n .,

0 fort IJId til..6 4.1 .. ..I - - , .1 211, 1.1 M 1.0 42 Ii.1 - - - - OIded.a111 2.t t t lit Lit - - 2'7 11.0 11 a.2 11 2.' 'I 1.1 - - OIlalbvs "a ".0 - - • •• 1 • - - 4 .. 10 1.1 -, - - - Oarft.ld54 ... 2 21 II.' & ~.- - 41 2.1 - 14.1 a 1.1 - - 3 .& ar.t !lin.53 '1.0 28 I•• 12 r.: 11 1.1 ee e.1 a :r.1 22 1.10

O.... aBIT- - - -II!l .. • 0 Hii .. .. .. .. 21 2.0 45 &.11 - - - - 0.... 1I'I1n.-,

- Data, 11 aIV' .. IIOt reported,t ISM tootDOte tor th1e clt)' at end 01' table I.• la .. tlan tltt:r dollan.



Page 8: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0

.4...... ........,UAli -.or, .w-. D JllLY

. ~(Data t~1' .. nou 011 ~n "Uti ..

(Doll t- V-.LI

IIlIIIQ or IIIfIDYUS PAt ~ FUIC'fIO • .I.JfPopu- ~ par10d ....... t. 0 I • I • I r. a 0 y

111 laUou ~ 111•. 1943 IiOLLiD General adil1n-

CITr 0

1940 Qr tllplo1MJ\t. FOR latrauvc, t1- Pol' 0 to. 0 to 1 0 nnanda1, el_ .

eiD 0 1943 UOIIS, lepa- ::.;.thou- ~~-~~-or-po- laUve. and Pollce Fire Ot.heraanda) _to nent. l'II17 oIULt J~ I

f\Ill- part- ,114t" t.1M t.1M ot.Mr ...- ~ 1-.u.0I'" ~ ~J'- ,~ ~... - -,

I~25,000 t.o 50,000 (Co~'d)

Oreamob tolIn. Com. a ...... lIlI 570 462 ll5 1 • 75,5 132 • 1~1s • 15.2 21 • 3.0 -- --IIIcbnAck. II. J....... ~ 211 2211 205 14 10 :18.0 2. 411 11.0 lIB 8.6 1 , .• 3Ha.entcMn, lid.......... .. 52 52S 2111 18 ..8 .0.0· 5• A.'7 118 6.'7 14 2.1 20 2,1IlaatraMk, lIlah •••••••••••••• 60 .'76 .'7. 1 '- 117,2 84 1'7,'7 9'1 24.11 77 :W,'7, 10 2.'IIIhrtord toIInaIb1p, Pa.1..... 28 Q6 Q6 - - 111,6 6 1,2 117 7,0 - - -- -Illvarb1ll. Ma................ .'7 ,BIlleteD, Pa ••••••••••••••••• lIB 2&6 176 eo - 21,2 IIR IR IIR III JIll IIR )11; IIRIIlch Point.. I. C ............. lielIIant.1nat.onPark. Cal1.t ••••••• 28 140 1lI0 II '7 25.'7 20 5.8 5.. 6.8 27 KE .8II\ltchlMon. lana ••••••••••••• lID 1018 fl1~ • 1 - 18.2 17 1.7 24 '11.4 115 6.4 .&

IllIltllOOd. caUl ••••••••••••• lID 170 142 -l8 10 28.6 22 11.0 26 5.0 18 ".1 7 loll.JaCklOD, II1cb •••••••••••••••• 50 <

...... t.owD, I. Y•••••••••••••• aJohDlon Cit.)'. 'hoD ........... 25 10'7, 118 II - 10.8 17 2.1 22 2.8 21 2.6 2 .2Joll.,. 111••••••••••••••••• ,. 42~p11n, 10 ••••••••••••••••••• 11'7 241 220· 21 - 27.8 18 5.2 lI8 ... 8 S8 6.2 2 .11I~, R. J••••••••••••••••• II~ .15 568 5 611 115.0 58 IIR 112 IIR 101 IIR 1 IIR~ba, ti••••.••••.•.••••••G ae .U 20 - 78.11 Ii6 12.'7 80& 12.' 82 12.2 5 .'7Ii..ncftoQ, I. Y••••••••••••••• 211 118'7 2211 17 1017 60.2 II.. 11.5 59 6.11 41 . 7.11 6 .'7I'otc.a, Ind•••••••••••••••••• IS4 176 WJ 7 - 25.0 2) 2.0 42 7.2 46 7.8 2 .2

[50.6:i:.- .

1& Croll., W1 •••••••••••••••• a 1176 278 21 711 .7 ".11 68 9.6 7lI 12... 2 ."1AtQ.t.te, Iod ••••••••••••••• 211 200 '1115 - 7 28.0 28 2.3 ell 7.0 40 1\ 7.11 - -l&, blt. ••••••••••••••••• 1111 2U 184 27 - 111.'7 26 2.8 58 11.2 56 4.0' II •• 8Let.Don, Pa •••••••••••••• , ••• 2'7 1511 114 5 22 111.0 19, 1.9 SO 4,11 - - 1 .2Iawi.ton, JIl1ne•••••••••••••• 1111 , ,~n ... I)'................ til ~::1511 5 54' 81.'7 66 n.e 78 ,U.8 as 12.11 5 .~u., 0h10 ••••• ~ ••• 4 ••••••••• 46 200 24 54- ~8•• 18 2.0, 511 6.1 ..5 6.'7 - -Lorain, Otd.o................ i" ..lAnNr llenon Pa ... .0 IlOO 298 U - 4~." 115 ".2 ill 21.2 2 .4 2, .8~ok. t.x. •••••••••••••••• 112

~,va .•.••.••.•.••••• 46IIanIfteld, Wo ............... 117lIIr1oQ, lad •••••••••••••••••• 27IIlriOD, Oblo ••••••••••••••••• 51 \

Ma.on CiV, Iowa ............. 2'7 14S 1lI8' 7 - 20.0 II 1.'7 25 5.8 27- 4.e 1 .2lIa .. i.llm. 01110 .............. 27 158 158 - - 21.7 5S IIR 22 IiR 20 NR - -IIQwcod, IU, ................ 27 116 101 15 - 18.0 19 2.1 20 5.5 15 2.8 .... -lIelro1., ...................... 26 251 11/6 25 51 58.0 2. 11.'7 lI8 6.~ 57 '1.5 6 1.0IIer1den, Conn. •• If{ ••••••••••• 58IIIrldlaD, MJAa••••••••••••••• ss 2711 IIR JIll III 27.8 17 5.0 42 6.2 40 5.0 - --IIlaaI. Blach, Pla ••••••••••••• 28

; ,.lI1ob1.n Cit.)'. Ind ........... 211 182 142 40 - 22.11 25 2.1 lIB 6.2 211 5.2 II .6II:lddl.IItoInJ, Com ••••••••••••• 211 2f/1 142 ..0 25 211.' 28 •• 1 ..8 5.0 25 5.8 1 .1IIldcllatawn, Obio ••••••••••••• ilL 210 158 12 40 111.11 25 II.B 154 6.9 54 6.0 2 .11ma. __ , IDd. •••••••••••••• ·28 262 m 7 28 54.8 20 2.7 S8 5.9 .. 8.0 II ••MoU,_, Ill ••••••••••••••.•••• ss 2'72 IIR IIR IIR 50.8 211 1.7 26' '.8 IS4 6.0 4 .8IIolll'Oe, IA••••••••••••••••••• 28Montolair, I. J••• ,.•••••••••• ..01Iunci., IDd••••••• ,.•••••••••• "" 288 228 -' eo 40.0 112 5.' 65 10.1 81 n.r - -.. baoo, Ilch •••••••• til •••••• .8-- ----- --~---~~ - --- --...~ -- -- -.~--- - ..- .- - --Jlalkope, Okla ••••••••••••••• 112 2011 :Wl 12 - 21.11 lIB lIB 1ft


"'., I. IL•••••••••••••••• 1111 2... n IR n 115.11 n n IR JIll JIll IR 0 IIR IIR•• .llbl1W', Ind .............. 25 128 128 - - 18.1 IR n IIR NR IIR IIR n IRJf~k, 01110•••••••••• , •••••• III :WS 1118 18 8 26.1 t 28 2.2 27 ".0 112 ... 7 II .4... BI'WII1I1Ck, H. J•••••••••• 1111 II2S lIOB 6 12

0&6.6 ~.5 S.O 48 10.0 49 10.0 - -If.-burab, I. Y••••••••••••••• 112

I .. ea.u., ................. ..8 ~ 258 - 52 118.8 Sol •• 0 .5 7.6 ..8 8.2 10 1.6

1Cla.. urban under .pacial rule ot Bureau ot tha C_.• II ~nd tolIn not. ola .. Wed ,. urban.I B lootndta tor tb1a a1t.)' at. and ot tabla I.


,I .1.

.... CIP.. ~ lit ....y ~INS

lNi D ClIJII -,000 (C.u...)

...,10,... of buto .. an .. I ).



E R H II " I t 4 L r u :li' C t I O. if S .PUBLIC-SIRVICB IIID1iP~

Streats Sani. ta Uon ,IIIAltb

add and and l'IIbl1c water I1ectriob1l1hwaya "!Ita hOlpltala .. Uara 9IoruUon Othlr Other

1'eIi'o~1 .uppl,y 11&ht.

JaploJ'- ~ IIIIplOJ'- ~ I~ ~ 1")'- = Pa,y I~ Pay, 1D'*'1- Pa,y I~ ~ I~ Fay.1. roll ... roll aa. roll ... ... roU - roU - roU - roll rollu ,

25,000 to 60.000116 "1 •• 2 1!4 • 3.8 81 .,.. tlV • ".4 148 1ll.1I 1 0-- 11:1 - -- -- -- . - - Oream ob town115 4,7 45 11.'7 '7 1.2 II .8 1lI lo_ U - - - - II •• '7 IIItktllaack'IS '7.' 10 2.0 2 .- .,... - 41 2.' 111 1.8 211 • ".0 0&6 ,8.5 - - IIIlaratOlml6U 2lI.U t t 1lI 2.11 I 1.' 2 .2 l! 1.8 17 11.1 - - - - lllatl'llllck40 6.11 I 1.8 1 .2 - - - - II .8 - - - - - - Jlaftrtord}

n n III .. n n .. n III II n IIIIllverldU- - - - - - !Ia.laton

15 11.11 14 1.'7 - - - 5 .7 " 1.11 ~14 II1ch I'cfnt.2'7 2.8 .11' 2.0 - - - - .8 5 - - 211 2.2 • .5 - - - - , . .- Hutcb1aon..6 ·8.11 2 .11 - - - - U 1.8 - - 88 8.~ - - IIW~nd~ - - .

.JIcbon6 ... 18 1.1 II .1 - 2 .1 S I .11

...... tmm- 14 loll - - - - J~nQlt.)', Jcl1.t.. •• 11 2 .11 II .11 14 .11 1111 2.' 42 '.0 - - - S .11 Jopl1n-1 n '71 III '7 III 8 n .. n 1'7 n III 7.1 - IIP'IV ,- - -.~11.2 118 8.8 22 11.11 - - 55 8.2 60 6.0 .1 8.0 - - -lB2t '.'7 I U.II 24 11.'7 26 2.11 I •• 2 5 .5 III '.1 - nrwaton26 3.'7 17 ~.7 3 - - - -,

.2 -- -- 17 1.2 -- -- - -- -- - -- - IoIcc.I58 8•• 25 II•• 111 2.0 - - 40 '.8 :w 2.1 1I~ _.121 2.6 1lI 1.2 - '- - - Ia Croua• •• - - U 1.2 - - III ".060 2.8 III "":' - - - lata,.t.t.a2.0 II .8 1 .1 8 .S 1 • -31 11.6 - - - - - laredo16 1.8 7 .'7 - - 12 .11 U 1.1 1lI 1.5 - - - - lMIanan-lOU 10.51 I t - - - 81 1lI.0 12 1.11

<' IAId..t.on.., 5.'7 - - - - - - - ~n,- - 10 1.2 - - 112 11.2 III •• 8 60 11.11 -. u - - - L1aU.l

. tol'llin'70 22 11.'7 8 1.' - - lI& •• 11 1'7 2.0 - - - - - - x-.r llericn- lIlbbock

~Manatield. Marien

1lI 1.7 11 1.2 • .5 - - • 1.11 11 1.' 24 11.11Maricn

118 - 4 - l1180n Cit,.n 26 .. '7 .. 3 III • .. III - ,22 2.11 1'7 2•• " . - - - ,- '1' IlaaI1Uon- - - - - - - - 211 5.0flt 8.5t - - - - MaJIICodt I • .8 • .11 lIB ••• al •• 0 18 2.'7 - - - - - 11111'01,

10'7 7.2 - - , 1 •• - 5 •• 5Meriden :- •• 511 11.8 - - - - lleridian

4C 5.2 - - 8 .11 - - 11'7 2'.~ II1aa1 lIeaeb- - - - 2 .2 - - lI1ebipn CUr42 6., 22 2.1 " •• ~I .1 18 1.. - - 12 1.'11 II•• 10 - - - - II1ddlat.oen.11 I 1.& 1 .1 45 ••s 1& 1.1 11 a.1I II1ddlat.oen28 3.1 I 1.2 - - - -- - - - fill 5.' -- - 24 II.~~ 2'7 4••1I11bf.__

20 2.1 - •• 12 6.' - -- - 22 2•• ' 15 1,_ 21 ".8 - - - - 11011111. '110_til 8.8 15 .2.0 2 .2 1 .1 '72 8•• 1 .1

1Io1ltcla1t- - - - - - Iltnd.aIluablOn.. .. n n II .. .. n II IIR n II n III - llualal&ft- - -n • .. .. .. .. II n III II II II. - - - - IIR III luaIII .. n n n .. .. n n III n at - .:... .... llbal11S.t - - - -11.'7 I 1.4 • .'7 - - '7 .8 :ao 2.1 1\1 1.1 - - - - llewrk.- - 112 11.2 12 1•• . • .~ 118 II.' 1'7 2.0 48 '7.0 I .. Bnuulrick'- - - - -

40 6•• 42 8.1 I 1.0 - - eo 6•• • .S I~- - -I .- - - lee'

p "


- Dat.a; 11 '111. not. ,,'1IR.~0repor\_pva'D ot detail or U01IIIt. to oorre.poDI to ot........ _-. ec.n tor 01.-• ..... t.han l1ft7 dollara. •__ w ....

3-3IY7IIO .,

Page 9: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0




(Data tor penoa. oa won 1'.11., ...(Dollar __ .t. ,



PAtPIlpu- ~ period endil1l II8&1"8l1t 0 a • • .' I. r. 0/0 Y

lation ~51, 1943 ImL "jn General. adll1n-

CITr 1940 nt eqI10JMDt lltatus ron iotrative, n- Protection

(innancial, 81e-

1'8..-- PelWa- Talpa- 1943 tionll, lepll- Pollee Fire Othu'thou- 'l'ltal lative, and, ,lI&IIda) nent nent rary JULy Jucl1Il1al·full- part- andt1JIII tiM other 1JIIIl~OT- ~ 1-.uOT- ~ I..... °J'- ~ .:i- ... ... -

25,000 to SO,OOO (Cont.'d) ~4ll 512 27 72 '48,0


46 '6.5 75 '10.2 all '6.0 2 •• 4_ 1aDdon. Cobn." ••• " •• "".". so•.-port, 1)'" ••• " ••• "." ••• ,.,," 51 248 228 12 8 311.11 20 3.8 62 7.1 45 6.6 2 .11

llIIIPOn. I. I."""",,"""""""""" al 421 567 - 64 76.6 311 6.1 62 111.7 51 n.s 8 .11

,.-port I_, v•••••••••••••• a7JIorr1~tawD, Pa.,,""""""""""""" lie 1111 110 S - Ua.6 17 2.0 54 6.5 B .2 2 .6

Io~ "!'Pn twp., H. oJ. ' ... 40 259 250 - 9 4a.7 20 NB 71 liB n HB -- IIIl

Io~, Conn. ••••••••••••••• . 40 296 253 10 55 46.0 52 7.1 55 U.5 57 10.8 - -Iomah town, Conn.

8" """"" """ 54

Jrorwood, Obio.""",,"""""" '.' "" " 54 . .ClIcIeD. 1Jt,a.h.""""""""""",,.,,""" « -" p

Oran&e, I. J••••• !.•••••••.•.stIC)rlaDd.o, Pla.""""""""""",, •• ,," 57ClII~~, 1r.1•••••••••••••••••• all a55 286 . 6'1 12 47.2 « 2.7 49 7.11 59 9.7 4 .7

Qtt.lli, Itfa. ...""""""""""""""" 52QlllanlbOZ'O, I:r"""""" ••••••• '••• so 278 lIB lIB lIB 36.4 24 s.a S9 4.6 S9 4.8 - -ftduoab, ~ •••••••••••••••••• a4 210t 174 II 25 25.0t 25 2.8 a9 5.5 S8 6.a II .2Pa:rkerabul'l, W.,. Va ••••••••••• so 255 221 14 - 19.2 10 1.a 22 2.7 24 s.s - -..... cola, Fla .... :-- •••••••••• 57 271 248 10 13 3B.a 20 3.9 51 ,7.9 ss 8.4 2 .4

hrtb.." H. oJ............ 41 sas 40S 480 - 76.2 a3 5.11 62 U.S 26 5.6 482 6.4

.. tenbura, Va••••••••••••••• 51 aSB 273 65 - 59.4 4l1. 5.11 50 7.7 42 6.9 7 1.0•PlttatJ.eld, III••••••••••••••• 49Plaimtitld, lI• .:s: •••••••••• ; a7 260 215 20 25 59.6 31 4.3 82 ll.9 64 9.7 2 .4Port Arthur, fez ••••••••••••• 46 -Port. &.ron, IIlch••••••••••••• sa sco 205 12 85 46.7 32 4.2 42 7.6 50 9.4 3 .5

PortaIlOU:th, Ob1o ••••••••••••• 40 349 307 25 19 41.8 24 3.1 lI9 6,5 43 7.5 1 .1f'oUIbkeepele, H., Y••••••••••• 40 WlO 326 44 - 66.0 36 4.6 67 u.a 47 9.4 2 ,2

QII:1DoJ', Ill.:••••••••••••••••CO 56t 41 '4 II 6.3t lIB NB NR NB lIB lIB lIB NB1II1-.s.p, II. C•••••••••••••••• 47.... n, III ••••••• , ••••••••••• 54 324 291 26 7 62.0 64 7.7 56 U.l 59 12.a a 1.4Itlct.oncl', Ina•••••••••••••••• 35 au 274 a7 - «.6 22 1.6 31 5.1 44 7.5 4 .6

ltiftnlde, Calif'•• ' ......... ," a6 463 a35 39 119 71.3 25 a.2 42 9.4 39 6.B 26 3.4JIoChe.ter, II1nn •••••••••••••• 26 256 2ll 19 26 37.9 30 a.a 29 4.9 33 5.4 2 .4Rock lllaDd, 1'1l•••••••• ~•••• 4a .JIQOq lIount., H.' C............ 26 29lt 27. - 17 M.6t 19t 52 6.0 16 2.7 - -R~, Oa ••••••••••••••••••••• 26 174 164 10 - 20.2 16 1.4 31 4.5 42 6.6 - -ac.e, II. Y••••••••••••••••••• 54JIo7al Oak, 1I1"Ch•••••••••••••• 26 251 171 20 40 M.9 41 6.1 29 5.4 28 5.6 a .6Sal., III .................... 41 611l 4117 45 36 66.6 l21' .sr ·'18 11.5 79 lS.4 t t

sa., Or. ••••••••••••••••••• alSan "'..-10, Tex •• ,••• ~ •••••• 26 205 170 II 22 22.4 18 1.9 23 s.s 34 4.4 II .0

San Bernardino, Calif •••••••• 44 3n 275 - 96 57.a 12 1.6 61 10.3 49 9.1 4 .8Santa Ara, Cal1t ............. 32 290 245 3'1 ·10 48.S 25 3.0 60 1O.S 117 9.7 6 .8Santa .. rbara, Cal1t ......... 35 359 S26 25 10 64.9 24 2.9 43 7.9 54 10.0 10 2.1staron, Pa ••••••••••••••••••• 20 126 110 10 6 20.5 22 lIB 24 lIB 16 lIB - -Shlbo7PD, '111••••••••••••••• 41 4111 1175 55 5 58.8 60 6.2 44 7.4 57 9.6 3 .6 ,Sioux h1lll, S. Dlk•••••••••• 41 ~'Sou,th oate, Cal:lt .... II ...... 27Spartanblrl, S. C•••••••••••• 152 262t 1117 115 - 29.7t 19 2.5 62 6.1 46 7.1 6 .0staatord, Conn ••••••••••••••• 4BSteubem;l.lle, Oblo ••••••••••• SO 2S6 216 18 62 37.0 33 4.0 40 7.1 115 6.4 1 .2

S1lperior,. Wil •••••••••••••••• - as 313 1108 5 - 45.8 26 4.2 51 0.8 66 ll.4 8 1.2fauatoD~ 1Iaa ••• ~•••••••• i.•••• 37""'ok toImabip, H. a. .. II 25 190 119 liS sa 20.15 25 4.9 29 6.2 46 7.4 - -forr1nlton, Conn••••••••••••• 27 184 155 27 2 30.0 43 NB 4a NB 24 NB a lIB-r-o.OD, Arll •• , •••••••••••••• a7 ,.!\allcaloo.a, Ala •••••••••••••• 27 160 IIR IIR lIB 16.7 II 1.8 25 a.4 19 2.5 a .52)'ler, Tex ••• II II .............. II 2B 2114 218 2 14 26.6 14 2.0 30 4.a 27 a.7 1 .1

, Cl .. dt1ed .. ~~ UDdar .pec:lal "'~ Bureau ot to (lemtUl.• II. InCland town not olauit1ed a." ~n:t 8.. tootnote tor thi. oltoT at end ot t,b18 5.

'3-351;.~ I

tlJNIOIP.&L JIIIIIAmBft' IN .u,y 1N3, I'I.. D GltDIl&U18 .,000 oa •• ~ (eo.tbMi)

",0,... of eoat.n.eton an uo1 ..... )t. ,


streatll SanitaUon. Healthand and and PUblic~ihwaya _st. hosp1talll weltan ilIIOreation Other water llaot1'1o IIUPP~ 11&ht. Othar~',... , ,

_10,y- ~ !llpl0,y- ~ 181*J7- Pa7 1"'::- l'II,y I~ Pa7 Dploy- PaY I!l:p1ay- Pa7 !~ Pa7 i~ 1'87.a. roU ... roll e•• roll roll roll -eee roU roll,- roll ... roll

·25,000 ~ so.OOQ21 'II.J. ~ 47 • 6.' 7 •• 1 18 U.I 85 • 9.1 III • 2.0 112 ,1.'112 11.6 41 4•• lOt 8.lIt - - - - ... IDndon

t t 7 •• 5 .5 sa •• 1'711 18.7 1511 '.2 8 1.1 10 1.1-, - - - ."'POrt

lie 7.1 6 .8 55 11.11 - ,- - - lewport25 2.8 7 1.11 1 .2 - - II 1•• 2 .a "

Millport ....- - ',1.1. 511t IB t III 10 III 6 HR - - IIorr:lttoq- HR 22 IiR80 7.8 111 11.2 8 101 21 1.7 21 - - - - - - .orth Blrpn twp.2.8 - - - - - - - - ._lIe

Horwich JoIm\forWapdOId8n

Ora ••611 , 8.2 118 5.4 II loa 7 .8 17 2.0 411 5.1 20

Orlando5.11 - - - - OIIl11108h

28 11.0 46 4•• ot.~.

2 .2 - - • .4ao 11.11 2 .2 at - - 21 II•• 7. u.s - - o..naboro.41' - - 211 2;2 8 1.1 1511 4.012 102 20 loll - - - - PaIf1!oah, 65 4.1 - - 28 102 - - 114 11.11111 •• 4 14 a.o 28 104 - - - '- PAriIIJ'IIblU'l- - 20 11.0 II 1.8 22

lD 18~2 111 11.2 111 2.a 1011.7 - - II •• 4 PaDAcola

102 112 6.8 22 a.2 64SO 5.0 52 lI.a 20 2.5 8.' II 2.1 - - Pwrth.bbClJ"

8 .8 40 2.6 42 4.0 24 2.7 - - - -'tlbura

117 6.5 10 loll 111 107 8 .11 25 2.1 18 loll 't P:lt.tet1a14- - - - rt - Plawti.ld66 11.2 - - 111 106 .... - 68 8.B 11 o. 24 4.1

Port. Arthur

56 8.7 21 2.02 .4 - - Port. IIu'on

68 4.' • .5 15 102124t 8.5 t a.1I 65118 4.8 sa 6.2 - - - - Portnol&th

6.11 115 7.2 t 5.8 14 2.0 t.. III III III8.0 - - - PoqblcHpa1e

.III III III III IIR III III III lie 6.11 - - .. n OI1n1lJ'41 7.8 26 5.7 9 .11 26 2.9 1 .2 12 104 22 2.8

Rl181&b18 2.1 42 5.0 4 .1 - - - - RRen- - 26 2.8 6 .6 - - 118 111.11 - - Ric'-nd

,,48 7.5 41 6.5 - - - - 107 12.6 24 5.220 a.1 18 2.4 7 100

47 7.4 66 ll.4 - - Rinraide- - 45 5.2 II 102 111 2.2 &2. 8.4 - - Rocbaat.v64 5.' 48 6.0. 10 108 - - 111 101 I! :a

Rock Island21 2.6 26 2.11 II

'25 2.1 115 5.6 22 2.7 Rocq JIount..4 - .a- 4 4 .2 27 2.1 - - - - ~

20 11.4 28 4.2 41 4.2 - - 8 .11 21Rca.

B8 12.22.0 14 2.4 - - - - Ro1alOak-- - :Il 3.1 SO 2.4 77 7.1 82 10.7 41 6.8 - - - - Sal_. Sala26 108 II loll 7 •• 8 1 .1 51 2•• 14 loS - - - - so 4.2 San Anpl0

1511 6.11 2 •• 4 .4 - - 71 8.1 4a .5.4 82 U.818 11.5 45 S.8 .- - - - San8arDud1m- - - - SO 4.1 40 5.11 52 6.8BIIt 8.41' t t 8 1.8 - - - - Santa Ara- - 70 8.1! « 6.' .a 7.055 III 21 - - - - Santa Barbara

IiR 2 NB - - 6 IIR42 8.6 67 11.1 111 - - - - - ,- - Staron

108 15 106 52 4.0 a5 a.4 ~6 8.11 - - - - ShebOJ'PnSioux Falla ......

.a l5.a 55 6.t 21 2.& - - 6 .11 - III n South Gate- - - - - Spartanbul'l75 8.1 l2 109 • .8 5 .4 54 2.6 5 .7

stutord« 8.0 - - - - Ijtaubem1lla

all •• 1 28 11.8 12 1.1 18 1.1 1111 4.11 SO 11.1 - - - - 1 .1 Super:lor

SO 4.11 4 .7 a .5 s .a 3B a.o 102aunton

64 .. 61.0 - - - - -- - Talllck tOlrllllbip

III a III a HR 5 IIR - - - - - - - - Torr1.tonSO 2.a 18 1.2 ~

~.6 - - II .8 7

~ Tucson

48 .4.11 as 2.8 1.0.6 SO 2.' - - ... - TUacalooaa- - 55 11.0 2 .1 110 4.0 - - - - TJ'ler

III 10 J'IIPIIrt I:lftll of dBt&U or UOIIJIt. to corrupond to otllal' ficun. ehown tor o:ltJ'- Da ta, it al\r, DOt nportBd. •• r.•• U.n t1tt.J' dollaD.



Page 10: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0



Ba 6....-xGJP,M, JIllIJCIIM)L mIAmIIft D .TIlLY

(Data tor p..... u on wol'k nuer aaa(DOllar ..... i.



1I\JIIIll'.R OF IIIPtoYEES .FUNCTIONALPAY .pay period end1ng nearellt. G E II E R A t G 0 ,P9Pu-~&l. 194~ OOLLlat10n

Clene~l admin-Pro t • c t ionCI'l'r 1tI

Ilr IIqllo1l!ent Iltatl1!l FOR 1st-rat-ive, n-1940nanc1al, dec-(in 1943 tiona, legill-

1ltherthou- Peru- PenYI- Tempe- latiVII, and Pollee Firesanda) 'lbtal nent nent rary JIJLt judi.e1al.full- I*rt- .nd

fEiPToy- rort 1""''''01- ~IlIInpL0Y- ray IlllllP.L0Y- PIlyt1Ile t1M other . ..11 ees eell roll e•• roll

25.000 to 50,000 (Cont.'d)

155 lU 1.. - • 2..... \11 1m n lIR 25 1m 5 HRUD1yerelt7Cl~, Mo•••••••••• U• 9.9 .10 ... lB • 5.1se8 56 ..9 85.5 75 • 8.9 54 '101Ialtbaa, ................... ..0 4'15

42 '1.9 4'1 9.0 8 1.845 285 ~29 12 2.. 42... 55 ... ' Oblo•••••••••••••••••I'

. -.mole, B. I •••••••••••••••• 2918 2.0 20 S.S 14 2." 1 .226 145 116 - 49 16.3~D,k •••••••••••••••

555 356 12 5 63.0 SO 4." 55 9.9 as 10.9 1'7 2.8Waterto.n town, .... 1....... 558.5 6 1.lIlIS 523 2..'7 14 62 50~" 27 4.5 411 '7.6 4'7.tertown, I. Y•••••••••••••• ..UbptJ., lU •••••••••••••••• 54

'IIu.u, 1Ile. iii' • '!! ••••••••••• 2'7~.'1 4l 5.9 4l 7.8 15 5.9 II ..."~to.., Wi •••••••••••••••• 2& 'i.7'1 202 3S ..2,

9.8 38 '7.8 8 1.657' 276 18 82 55 ... 55 8.'1 52...t Alli8, Wi ••••••••••••••• 11656 10.9 69 10.9 6 1.4... t. Hanford 1;0l1li. Conn. 1•• 54 SOB 200 ... 62 ..... 2 57 8.1W.t HaYeD toIIn. Com. 1..... SO

... t ....1m, I. J•••••••••• 119112 5.9 41 9.0 118 8.2 1 .11_.. t. OraJ:tce, I. J•••••••••••• 26 189 159 6 22 111.8We., I'ala Blacb., Pla ••••••••• 54

White: Plalbi, I. 'I••••••••••• 40u.~ IIR IIR 1m JIR 1m IIR fIR HR4S 1162 1111 1'1;J.ta ra.lla, tax. ••••••••••

8 1.S 21 11.5 SO 5.5 ,- -se lO2 .,., 8 19 ,. ••••••••••••••4.'1 116 5.8 66 8.5 '1 1.1W1~port, Pa •••• ; •••••••• ..... 207 1m IIR HR 28.8 lI4

\Wllad.Q&ton, I. C••••••••••••• lIlIWoodba'ld&. toImah1p, H. J.1.. 2'1

69 8.5 91 18.4 108 20.6 18 2.".s 420 1175 .... 1 66.0Woomocket. R. I •••••••••••••59.4 54 9.5 54 11." 46 10.1 -- -~t.te, 11~ ••••••••••••• III SIS 1m Jill IIR


".6 45 'T.5 - -'¥1 208 184 II 15 29.8 2. 11.'1 "1a~, .. b•••••••••••••••••59 5.9 - -.... ftl1t. Cld.o ••••••••••••• 118 2'78 fIR HJl HR lIl.11 21 1.7 28 •• 1 ,

~ Ola"ltl~ u urban under .peOial rule of the Bureau of the COOSlI!I.IIR No report glYe/1 of 4et.U or uount to oorrellPOnd to other tigure. IIhown for city.


•I •



INS D Ol'fDl .... _,000 0& "' •• mumum (CcNatJaua)

lIplo" ... of ClCNlbaoton aft aoll11l.a)


ill U.o1l8lUlllal



Streetll Sanitation l{aalthend andand Public Recreation .ter llectr1e \

h1ghw,yB .lIteI1Ollp1tab welfaro OtherretIIoval IlIpply l18ht other

flblll0t- Pay !!quoy- ~ ~ ~ IBiIlIOt- Pa,y I~ ~ I~ Pay~ Pay I~ Pa,y ,~ PIli

I'. roll 818 roU ,., roll~ . lea roll .11 roll roll roll roU roll....25.000 to 50,000III 1ft 15 n

~II!I - - 22 JIll 5 JIll - -SO • 11.1 - - - - Unl"re1t7 Cit)'

liB ,11.11 , 1.2 27' 2.4 411• 4.1 1111,5.8 115 , '7.432 4.8 - - II 1.2 2 .11 '48 - - - - WIIltlaa111 2.5 2& 1.6 8.8 - - - - ~211 11.4 14 1.11

~.4 - - 64 2.766 , 8.2 40 8.5 - - - - - - - - .... lI1actoD

84t 15.01 1.1 le 1.8 5 .7 211 15:4 22 lI.1I - - - - Waterta.n townt t 7 .8 II 1.1 4B 5.11 7 1.0 116 5.'1 10 '1.11 - - .ttrtcRrn

r Waunpn8lf 1l,6t t t 5 .11 118 WaIlAU- - 4.4 12 1.4 11 1.6 II .5 II • 1.5 ... to..119 4.11 lS8 5.5 , 15 ~.1 - - 117 4." BB 11.1 II 1.8liS 5.5 2 - - 1 .1 ... t AllU

.11 II .'7 2 .4 58 11.11 28 2.7 - - - - - - liNt IlarUIIJ'd tGqlI.. t aftn tofmlISt 4.6t t f> II 1.2 6 .7 28 1.11 1 .1 •• et .... Yen- - - - - - •••t Oralli.w•• t hlII 8aac1ll1li l1li IIR l1li .. IIR HR JIll JIll NR n IIb1teP~NR JIll n n JIll IIR III llicb1ta ,

15 2.2 - - II .11 - 0- 111 1.6 a 1.0alit 4.7t t - - - - - - IlilldJlllbuJoat a ... - - 211 1.5 1 .1 - - - - - - .1~pcl't.

i1~, I, C.45 6.8 22 2.6 1 .2 7 1.1 111 1.11 11 ·~O 152 6.6 Woodbr1da. toIrIIIbt1111 ri,o - - 8 1.5 - - - - lIoo_ocbt- - 27 2.6 - 29 8.6 1Il 5.0 lJandotte21 2.6 17' 2.0 - -8 1.0 11 .11 as 1.1 II· .11 26 4.6so - - 6 .9 raldaa

6.8 II 1.1 8 1.1 -. - 114 1.8 21 1.6 68 8.1 - - - - Zane.~


- Data. 1t lIllY.not r'ported.t Sa. tootllo1;" tor th1. 01t1 ot .nd at table 6.





Page 11: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0

4 , 1 \" ~I' t ~ I. ." ... , ".~,,. ' ,.. -' \ .

F 00'1 J 0 If. S .. 0 a 111D I' I D UALe IJf I. S'

A'UIIII.r, I. Y•...,....... ".,. ~ n .... fer 1'HI'Itd~, .tnet.8 .. 1d&JIWIP, .... _tel' ftIIPlT I'&Ue4 '- 4 1/,....QIabIe, GlUt. II_"'-~ ~1'011 ~ to _ ..aUt.~_, m. ~a_·fbl."i•. 7IIi,~.,~,:tl}...~ ~ .tia1,~ ·~~wJ·i·3~u1·'''''''·· .

~~-~f1'A1:jr:i,f- .Jtd. " I~ CcIaDt7, Ta.-lIItonniGD, tw 0fftMe .r ec.lai1"'~, ~ ~I'. eo.r'"M1t1a Mtonq, ....

0tIIII\7 Cbl'k -' .lal'" " Pi '1/. r"'" ,Mpata, oa-WOnat.1ca fer _i1at.1_ ...... :rana1 :lIIclW4w1'~tala, .!IIMa fOl' .u..te ad 1di1MP.

~, !_~_UCIIl for -G\IIIr ~_- .. IItreeu UId ~ tJl&t Ibcrm fer -e\JIel' IlIIItnl~_. WOIUUCIIl f. IIftIIeI' plbUa .1I"t'1oe eate.".u.e. !MldIIt tata fOl' "'1' ..~ .. e1eotlU UCh' 1Iftio••

1Iell1III-, 'Ifub.-IateaPioa f. 11ft ... JII'OteO\leD- .cl .. itetlOD n..-ral _1,.., nUl tllat. ..... fernr.ete .cl JdCInIIIp.

BelllaDt ..... .-IIIt•...uca 10.. MDltat.iaDaIIIl ~ 1JIelwkd nth that. .~ tOl' IIt.I'M\8 all ~.

w.t.\, -e..-ratcnaUCIIl fol' _it.tica ad wane :raotal iMl ..... 1d.tb that .!IIMa f. nnlltil .. JdiIMa;,e •..... ~ ..... ~ 1b0lD fer".,. I'01l .s... -' :bIeWeMIDiDI' of ." -atbel' ~eIl· apl. ....

InU'l7 1II.u., CIlit.-Iaf....u- f.r eaat,tatiaD u4'" --.1. Sncls14ecl1d.Ul that .beID fol' It"", 1M ~.

BlJIWII-. Ala.-W...-uClll ,fOl' ..s,t.aii1oD ... ...- .....-1 18 iM1111l1d wit.h t.bat .boID fOl' .ueeu .. !dIInMP.11&1;& Saol.1IIIa m ad pI'bIp ~ paY 1II:r' tile net ., eanaiJII 12',8».

JlrJlcePH'. c.a..-.l ~d7 II&1.aI7 ~ of t'18~4" .. d18t1'1\ft1W '0 ~... OD. ,..1'1;( bUiI, ell .-plQ'M...., l'HIiw IJ,OO pl1Ia 6 S-1'U8\ et Ida 1IIftWIP. !Ida 18 -' :lIIOl1llle4 Sa tile nporHd aal..u7_

BoIIt.on, ... .-HT ..... t ~ n11 ~ncl to 4 ,1/,..... Ia April. 1943, tbe .-pl... of bMltb IDd _p1w. _nnpoloted .. ~ 3,'156. Ilda f1IUN aho1i1clhaw bee 2,'156. Tbe iiota1maber of eapl .. ' ahallll, bawftJ' ...eornot.

IIIIl'liIII\OIl, ft.-W.-tioD ter _iUU_ .. ~ :lIIcl1Jde41d.Ul \bat ehoe tor nnet8 ad ~.

ClIIar~IIt.CIIl, II. O.-IIItOlMUoa for _tel' "P~ DOt. illcl.1lMd•. CMla .. , .... ..:-Illtenatica tel' Ald.tatloa <.. ..n. zucrn11DD1w41cl1d.tb that .hCI'IDtOI'ItrHtI &114 IdIlmIP.

ClDo:lllaati, CId.o-Data an f. oJ-. 1943.ClIJIItca, I ..... :raroaat.iaD tor eaitaUca _ ..n. nMWl Uclw''' 1Iltlat.IIat IbCMltor .trHt. &114 1I1cJ!tIa11I.CQLol'8clo 1IJdmp, Calo.--IacreaN :lD ~ cmr AprS11943.laI1~ .. to tbe add1t.1C11lof • hoIpit.ll -, '01'

1Iideh ll3 ~_ ~ .,,'145 Sa Ial;f 1943 -.n npat't.ed. ,

Co1.\II1nII, oa.-JIuoUtIL data. 1Do1.- iDtonaUGD f.. _tel' -JIP'Il' CIIll;f.

1IItI'cd.t.. Bolle-IIIt_ts.. f. ollotr!o Ucllt p1.IDt 1Ib1eh .. Pft~ 1DD1udecl111-ot ... PJIU*l f\mDU... •.. ,. ws.- ....... I"IMftl iDolws.cl1llth t.lIat .baID f". .tneh .. IdIlmIP.

" JII41Itb .-IIIt_t~ f.. MDlut.1.caad ""'" racm11114 pII n illclad1cl1d.~ that .fioIm tor -.tal' -~.IDcnue 1p pq nl1 .. too J!&7 :1M...... fJt. ., JIII'.atb too .u JII , ..,.. ••

JlIIIt. Cb"f'8llDl, ~IIIt_t1CID fOl' .. itaUoa UId-.ute :racrnl UII1 I that .hNl tor IIt.net8 1M_..,.. ",,!'OU 18 ~ &OOO1'Il1JII~.

:II.IdIaI'\, IDI.-JIItonatioa t.. Mld.t.aUoD eIIIl .... --.l .. bIalth -' ,

JD.' Fuo, 'fa.-IIIt.1WI\iCD d..1 -'~. boIIplt.al8 wb1cb an os-nW 3 1I!r the clV .. OOunV Pft~

..... , m....tntc.llt.iClll f'" the ..... ~ 8III1tatiCDad .-w -.p'LoJMI iIIc~ tbat ehoe f".1It.n.... "'1dIbwa;p. _ I'OI1I1U bIID dl.tr1IJQW ICcol'd!.lll1;(.

CIII1eIbuI, m.-w-u- 101'Mld.tauca" .. ~,iIIc~ tbat .hoe for IIt.reet•• 4 1d&bwI\TII •

. CIIrt"'., to.. ~ l1ab\ -' JICIHI' ti4~ 1d.t.h tbat. ehCMl101' _til' .~.

~, 8. C.-1VUal clata. lDcl1lllMiDfomatiOD f. hoIpltal, l.DrU7, .. _tal' ~ 0Dl7•., .JlllltrlMk, lI:loh.-lllto..u- fOl' salt.MiGD eat..rie :racrnl1Jlll1llllcl1llth *' .berm tor nl'Htl uI ldIlIrIP.

BIftt"', c.a.-IIItonaUCIIl tOl' ...1tat.iCD ad ...... ,~ .,... witb .t ...f". .tN_ .. 1dI-"'· -n11 _ ed31111Wto 4 1/) ,...Iat. Maut of ".,. ft1i .~ fcrI'!wtll' n~ :\JIC1vMi PI.jMIltI to 32 ,..iODelW.

" r~", 'JWqob, ........ IIItonat.iClDi tOl' , n..-l iMl'1U4 with ,hat. Ibom for lItftot. aDd b1&11'nP.ra cu.t,., ra..-JW\ta1 data. Iac1ars. iDfcna\1CID tol' _~I'.wpplJ u4 e1eotrio Ucllt aDd pcnI'Il'~. Iatomat1OD"tor otdo U&b\ .. JICI'I'!II' iDo1Dcl with that. .hoe ·'01' -- -pplt.n.-'oa, I. y.-IIItona\iao lOS"~. of IUitaUoD ............ 0Yal .. _ .... t.1oDiDoluded \bat. ...

tor nno. _ Idi~. .. 1'011 Sa cliIIt.l'1bIItecllCco~.



,tOO~.OT.S .01 I.DI'IDU~L C~~I.S ,t '

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SAIIPLE OF, FoaM USBD~ ...... ""'''''', ,........, , I,.,IEPAImENT OF <XMERCB


Citl or tOiln;' _


J. C. CaptDlnotor

It aut f.... an -"tabUle. IISI 1S'fDIABS.IXl'LAD CllIIIIEI uR m LAI&I ClIWIiIS D .unIIDIf.


• •NlIIBf2I, OF IJIPU)nJS ::u;..;!;R

In nev Deriod onned on or :tOP.root J'ul" :ll 19.... JIIl'Illlr OF Ot ilA'~

i P.AY Jl)LL COV":U:ilI1I!m1'QI Total Penueat Pe......- TeIiporaq FOR Z{ ?AY.. II1IIberof full-tiIM JIari-tiM ..a otller .J1ILy 1!H3 iIlr.:.(J'or defInItIons, .e. rennel III(II01ee• e.plo:yee. _10--. fB!Iloyee. 5;;0 ...

.L B C D & i• •ALLmllTllBb mr.u. (D'C.D'fSCBDOLS)•••••••••••••••••••••••• 00WORK S'H s i: or

(orbe followIng onocsion of tbe 1'orm is intended to rnc111 tato )"Ourco,,",utnt1or. ot tile above tot81e.1


•• General .4uinlatrat1Ye 8J!d linancial. 02 -b. CIty Couno1l or 1el!1alat1 Ye board

03or o~la81on •••••••••••••••••••••••

o. 1~c1al ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 04

ad. neotlon •••••.: ••••••••••••••••••••••• 011 ,} e. Po110 ................................. 06

r. I'1re (m:LllDS UllP.uD VOLUllrlmllSl..... 07S. Other proteot1on 1nclU41n&

lprotect1 va 1n."'eO\10(l •••••••••••••• 08h. Stfteh and h1ght.eye iIllLtlD&

oglI::.I'LOVEm OF COlr.BAO'l'OlISI ...........1. San1tation 11114 ... te 1'S.lDYal

10 .(DlCLUDlI SI'imR S'!SrIL.3I .............

J. Health ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ia

k. Hospttal.e •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 131. Pub1 c 1III11'''~ (EXCLIliI3

14........)..................De Libraries •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'1n. ~cftat1on, audl. torll111S,

13 ". li>pal"k., etc ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.ro. Otbar f;eneral I!Oftl'lllJenh1 funotions .'4 ,,<\.(Z'ICl1JDl: sc::oar.s) •••••••••• c......••••• I!O

" '\t~:~ri'-~.\.. ."II/'~

"~ ~' f2. PIIILm-S1!lIlYl DIml.ISlfh III

" .:'. ' .0,22

~q~" ~,~~-~!"•• tiater-auppl1 •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. I.,q. Blect:rl0 light or power.' •••••••••••• 23

,. t-t ..~i \:'r. Airport.- ....................... , ••• "••• 25

ne. Other (lJpacU7) ...................... 26

.--n.... ;report Ul8 lI.. t Usurae .... U ..DJ.. ror theae to~IIJ.., eYen .acaSh eat1l..6~QD. l'our oa.. e;\to 0." blij; <lot t~.~D .-.111 Iwaolve.


. caraflll ...thnt1on. (Ir.. ap.o. on reYer ••• 1dl.1Dat. bill __ .;....__ .... ~::":'I' _

-. (11.. 1 (TItl.) .

____ SID at Jr jlJlUIt 20, INa. U IOUIIU. IIIlLOSD SILf~ilSSD JriYDA)PI-'1m 10 POSTMiE.

----------------T(M~Qm~~o~I~---....-------- b


.. . ,


JlUJlICllU. !IIJI£ODar D nLr 1943". , .


~StDeral 1JIetrllotiClU: ""

1m1wu,. DCLUD! lllaber UId coepenntion pf elective 8IId other DmCIALS, 3udgel!,. Ito., u will .:other .-p].01H" pdd b7 the llUlie1pal1t,r, cit b.r tee •• -Ii: . •

lrglutiOlll, DCWD! !II'1'IRat nlPLOYm3 QlI' BCHOOW, PERS(lfIS orr 1O.IlJt Rm!J', AIm D:PLOUES QlI' CCIITlI4CT<IIS,AIm !liPL0lmI orr IIILIfARt L!4VE. .

Altemathe 4ft". It 1ntol'llati:on on IlUllberot .-ployee. and UIOIIJItof !JaY rol18 1. not eu1l,y amlabletor Jw., 1943, t11UJ'1. tor June 1943 will be acceptable, but the collEl h~lII •• hould thtlll be chan«1dto relld 'JWle' 1nat1a4l of 'July ••

1tt1!1t',~ It aaet £1curu are unobta1nabJ,I, USE ISTDI&TIS. -Ixplanation of UV larae clwlcu in ~l.o1ml!nt or JIlT rolls a1nce JOUr'lut nport, 01' of UV othlll'unusual it.. ·1n the data,'~ be lIladein the apace proyided tor ca.nent8.


Defillitiona of .,lo,..~ aad. pa,. rolle:

J!!!lw A, toW -her or .loyee." Inter 8UIl of ColU11118B, C, UId D.CRluln Bt end C. p;;jJItpt .=!' Includ. 1lUlic1pel.MplO)"lt. 1d.tb pel'llallent or 1ndatin1ta tenure,alao eleeUv. UId other offic1als, judgell, etc.; paid b.r t.he'c1t.7 or b7 tees anq h.nDl • ~ of 0118year or 1D0r.. Report· u ·Nl-t.tig. (in Coll11111B), °.-p].01ee. w0rk1nc th. pre8Cri'bed,lII8ber!or houre tor• tull-tlae week in their re8peCt.1Yedeparl;aent.j ancl .. ioIIl111'tr:t1tt' (in Col~ C), ~c. worlt1.Dg.~gular~ for t .. 1l' houre per week tban 18 JIl'l'scr1b1d,[or tuU-tiJIe IIIpl.oTeu 1n th. n.pecuv. d~lIenta. Includ. u ·part..t.1ae· ~07"'" off1c!ial. al.o qqld.1n e out.lde prot.ulon or...eaplOJllellt,UId YollDItelll'til'latl1 ncebing JIlT. -. {

~Colwm p. '1'w!ortry NJd othv """. Includ •• C!lUonal,-.J'F1DC!7,oUld oth.r e.plo;f ... 1d.thout !JIIUal, tenure. ElCLUDEPUiS_ (II 1JORIt mu!J' ANDDIPLOI!:fB CJI CONfRlC'l'OBS. • " (,.!i2l1lll1 E. 4I!!um or par roll lor J!(fD1iJI. Includ. Alar.llll,· Qt ••, "and t... HI'Md ~the -calendar ~

a b.r ot1'1c1.b UId other .-ployee.. In the event that 10\11' pq 1'011"..ncord. v. the bul. or.Dlle period other the • IIOnth, pleas. report the total co.t or pq rola for whatWIl' P.lr1od in .Tw., 1943tor which :rou hoe til. lIO.t 1'H41~ aft1l.bla {ntol'lll&t.1onUId enter tht DIllbel' or ellendar da,y8 COl'end'in Colua F. Mount. will be puhU8h1d 1:0 the nearest bundred °dollan. _

COl. r. Hw!l!er of 4au gml'!!! bx pay roll ,ho!!n To enaure eCll!lpAl'abU1t7'ot¥JIIT roll data, .ntll'IlIZber of alJ!1daI' da.J1l COYlll'ed b.r JIlT roll IIIOlUIt for Mch tunottOIlo fhl. 18 '8Jlec1all,T SIIportant torwtie~ JIlT roll it-.. Includ. Bunda.J1l and holl~ •.

• ~ • J'DefillitiOll8 of' t.o~i.OIIII: \. _ ,

•• Gtptrt1 ."",n1.tEltJ,Yt. tpd #!!I!!!lll1. Includ. oftice. at ~C&''''''''','''ol.eIir:, £1•• , in4 p .,.

other veneral. tdld.niatl"aUve 111I1c1_, p1ann1n£ board., penonnal agenc1.. , .001111boud8, optl'at1011 ~and .:a1n~. 'lIPric'l'IIin th,.. oftiee. and 0011cl1nc'. ~

.b. Clty CmlM1l or 1Mi.1tMyt board or 2_5910!\. IDclud. lIe11bel'11 UId e.pl0Tle. or c1t.7 c~ orother l'l1.1&$1n board or co.1sslon. .' _

e. Ju41c1tJ". Includ. jude •• IIJId court .-ployees. ·lJtc1ude jul'l .. 4Ind 1d.tne:!le.. .d. ljI,egt.1&. - Include aU tuU-tlM, part...tille, or tempol'lrT eIIployee., poll 1rOricel'll,eto., recdYlnr

JIlT rrc. the c1t.7 dur1nr the IIOIItht.or wodt perfo1'!led 1n eonnect.1011dth .1ect.10J111.e. ls!Ua', Iuclud. unUol'IIId and p1a1n-clothe, fore. UId e1.r1011 .-plOT.... ,1'. l.U:f:nJnclude tire e~.s UId cl.r1c.l. employ.... DCLUDEYOluntler fin co.pan1H, wblchff,En:


.. part...t1ia. Ie f;hlch l'IICe1~e.OM pq. fI. • InclUde ill8plcU60 ot bullCHIII', pl'!llb1Dl, elwatol'll,

coc~bl •• , wl1lht. UId ., eto., UId oth.r proteotiOll to U!'e or PI'Opol't,J, Iw!h ... cale.,pou.ridaI, coroaer, lIOI'gUe, at t1a and azworl •• , etc. 0

~ h. HishD1l' IDcl.ude IItintananc , l1chtiDl' end cOJl8tlUct.1onor lItr8et. and alll)"8, II1dnelk., bridles,tunnea, and wattrwa,y.. lie utm'DlPLClIDS CW CONTRACTORS.1. Stpittt19P tp4 w\,tnaonl. Include .ewel'll and .ewagHlaponl. plante, coll.oUon of gar~., .trett,olean1na, c..rort .ti'tfliii; • •.1~ .IIult4. IDclude aed1cal 0 tion, tood regula$1011UId 1l18peotion, Clinic., child hMltb .eme •• ,

nlit1llc lIIU'Iel, coDtrol. or toe.w.c.b~e cl1lealles, vitel. etat.1et1e., .to." k. Ho!pU.1!. IIIC1Ud,,1IleNl M.p1tal., liIld.ho8p1tal. tor eOllalUll1cabl.dill .... or the innn ••

1. lI!bl1q nym. Include cu. wodten IIJId other e.plo;reii ldIIiJIl.terlnc iDlt1tutional UId DOn1JI8t1tu-tional .. 1I18tanc. and wl1tqoe to aged, to Yeteran., to dependent children, rellef to un.plo;red, UIdto oth.l'II. IXCLUDSP!IISOtIS (ll'WOIUt R&.U7. •

•• L1bMe.. Includ. public llbrar1... IICLUDE SCHOOLLIBlWlIES !:O'l' OPDI TO PUBLIC.'II. Rtgntt1C1!.;::t'., m.. Include pJ.e,nro~., IOU ~olU'l'.' beache., recreation blUd1I11"; audltor1uu,

parle. UId poUc1lW, Il00', "'8UU, ,,~ Il'allerlu, ordlMtra., CDp8, lte.o. Other 1'ptrt1 conIWQW ,tun9UoDl' IDclud. act.1nti.a DOtclull1t1ed alloye, wah •• 3.11. and co~

Uoaa11118$1tutiona (1ICJ.tJDI IlllUTES), pellll101l tund- e.plo;re .. (DCLUDSPWICJlElIS), lIIl'ket, warehOl18.. ,o•• ter1 .. , c1t.7 lU'88e., uphalt plante, ete.

p-tI·Publip-ttMc. 1IIttrpr1.U' Inc1Ud. cit.J-GpeEltld c~erc1al enterpr1.... Under ••• Oth.r" include.treat rU1~ or buN., docka and wrY,•• , IU wwl1'. tel"1'1I., hou1111, toll-roadII, toU-br1dpll,.te.8!11!{!~8pO.11 plant. IIboul4 be clU!l1ti1d Ulldco'i." .






Page 13: etcI., ali 'QUARTE~LY'EMPLOYMENT SURVE-' · 2011-04-13 · a1IId.elP11 pin ION ~ 3 IIIftlllt. I'OU., bGa'V'er, aN aft" 4 'tbe eAl'D1lll' 0



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-, BUREAU OF THE CBNSUII.Q. ~ l»wIw ......~ ...........



, /

Vol. 4. No. 13 nt I RD OUAIRER IglISDIItator "'.1,

Employ.. e1'19 thou.and

comm: IJIPLODmlI II JULy 1SN3(eo.ti .. a.&.iD« poplllati_ onl' 50,000).

Seaaonal in t«nporary employmentbet'IIHD Apr1l and Juq 1943 in county non-.choo1 elllplO1Jllnt brought the eetillated I1\1&-

,J her of •• plO)" .. a ot count1 •• havina S.O,OOO ormore ~bitante to • level higher than thatin April or January 1943 but 10'1'1r thaD thelen1 in &I\Yquarter in 1942, 110. r--------------:--_'"- --,1941, and 1940.The Juq 1942peak of 203 thou-eand 8Dtployees, I061-------------.-----~.__----_i1_l C~s.c1ncl~ 15 thoo- to rile, JIIir

• Hhd temporary ron. tor count;relection eploY-IOO 'noJ8b)al".plO1-eea in Cook e.. re.cMd. ....CoUDtjy,nl1nois, bigh, alJght.7b'... 24 thoue&ild • &bow the Jal;rhigher than the .6 3.942 coat.. ..u- /J~ 1943 figure. aoIt .4 percentIt the 15 thou- higher in Jul1'.and t"porar;r 1943 than in!alec. t100tn-plCOY'-OOk110 Jan. Apr. Jul, Oct. Jan. Apr. Jul)' Oct. Ja•• Apr. Jill), Oct. J¥. Apr. Jul, "April, coUDt;r.... 1940 lUI • . 1.42 , 1948. apeDd1ture. torCoUh\;r are 8%- ". D<nIthool. -JilttJHc1U1Sed ire-. the EHPlOVMEIIT CHNIGES III COUNTIES HAYIIG PDPULATIOIS OVER50,000, ',ItO-ln3 ~ 1'011a ~Jal1' 1942 total, (~-, .. r anI'". lUO-Un-IOIl ed to Dearly 124it 18 apparent II1llion. AI intre-. table 1 that the difference between Jul7 .'the cue ot the employ.!" chalwee, 11&1 roll1942 and July 1943 is the reduced p!l1'IMrlent incre .... COl'l'e'pond.ed cloaely with ri'es be-tull-time statfs .;1n the latter aonth. At~ twaen April aDd J1iJ:i" ot 194!l,. 1941, and 1940.JUDent tull-t.ime "employee., qUllber.fng 1$ thou-sand:in both APl# ana Juq 19~uwere 9 thou-• and tewer than -:in July 1942 am Ibout. 13 thoU- -,.and tewer than ~n Juiy 1941 &nd 1940. ,

Total ~Total8mployees Payroll

,1 N\IIIber ot employees up 3 percent

Between April and July, the increase.and decrealee in the 430 counti.. covered bythll "",y r8lulted ··in. net increa.e ot.ore than :3 percent in the estimated total

.. t< •1The d.t. presented in this report do not

include .choo1 enployment. Employees or con-tractors and persons on work relier are notclAB.iUed as pmL1c ellplOY86s and are, there-tore, ~o excluded.

'I '11;""-

maher of •• ploy... Tb18 rile ftrt;~parall.1ed incre.... ot the ._ proportiODlduring the, ,corre.poncl1ng quartel'll in 1942,-1941, aDd 1940. In all three~, highw;r_p1oyment accoUDtec:l tor alaolt all. ot the18uonal ~011 in camt;r taplo;Junt. .

Par roll! up ,"!P.nt

A'!!1'!Q tU'!l1ni. about the ..."

e- As. re.ult ot the .1m1imty in ther.te. or increase in number ot ellployees _ andin amount .ot ',pay roUB, .Ter&ge earninga torJul,y 1943 or $133 per employee were 'Virtually

• Ea:b1ud1ng the etrect of Cook County"temporary election aployees, the r.ll!Ie betnenApril and Juq 1942 was 3 percent. But in-cluding Cook County's election .. ployee8, the1ncrea .... 8 percent. See Bureau or theCeIUlU., ·Count1J &ap101J18nt iil July 1942 in.Counti.. Ha'Ving Populations Over 50,000,.State !ll!i lQal ()oyel'lllent Quarterly ~mm Sumz. Vol. 3, Ho. IS, Dec_her .1942.