etc - microsoft€¦  · web viewhowever, if we need this diagram for other purposes (e.g. as an...

Minutes ETC meeting, July 3 rd and 4 th , 2008 European forum for energy Business Information eXchange August 15 th , 2008 ETC - ebIX Technical Committee Minutes ETC meeting, July 3rd and 4th, 2008 Date: Thursday and Friday, July 3rd and 4th, 2008 Time: 09:00 - 17:00 and 9:00 - 16:00 Place: Zurich Participants: Christian Odgaard, DK, Christoff Ruffing, CH, swissgrid Kees Sparreboom, NL, TenneT Alexander Pisters, DE, RWE Ove Nesvik, NO, EdiSys (Secretary) Attachment: 1 Approval of agenda Approved with the following additions and changes: Addition of XML schemas for EMD, under item 5 Addition of ebIX on Wikipedia, under item 14.1 Addition of Code discussion related to new German needs, under item 14.2 Addition of XML schemas for EMD, under item 14.3 Item 7, Release/version management (Christoph) was postponed until next meeting 2 Minutes from previous meetings The minutes were approved. 3 Project plan for making common test procedures for the ebIX processes The item was postponed to next meeting. 4 Modelling 4.1 Report from TMG meeting in Berlin Modelling from scratch: Kees presented ebIX ideas related to “modelling from scratch”. Some discussion topics: Kees presented the issues with help of the 2 presentations (se attachments above). ETC - ebIX Technical Committee Page: 1

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Minutes ETC meeting, July 3rd and 4th, 2008 European forum for energy Business Information eXchange

August 15th, 2008 ETC - ebIX Technical Committee

Minutes ETC meeting, July 3rd and 4th, 2008

Date: Thursday and Friday, July 3rd and 4th, 2008Time: 09:00 - 17:00 and 9:00 - 16:00Place: Zurich Participants: Christian Odgaard, DK,

Christoff Ruffing, CH, swissgridKees Sparreboom, NL, TenneTAlexander Pisters, DE, RWEOve Nesvik, NO, EdiSys (Secretary)


1 Approval of agendaApproved with the following additions and changes:

Addition of XML schemas for EMD, under item 5 Addition of ebIX on Wikipedia, under item 14.1 Addition of Code discussion related to new German needs, under item 14.2 Addition of XML schemas for EMD, under item 14.3 Item 7, Release/version management (Christoph) was postponed until next meeting

2 Minutes from previous meetingsThe minutes were approved.

3 Project plan for making common test procedures for the ebIX processesThe item was postponed to next meeting.

4 Modelling4.1 Report from TMG meeting in Berlin Modelling from scratch:Kees presented ebIX ideas related to “modelling from scratch”. Some discussion topics:

Kees presented the issues with help of the 2 presentations (se attachments above). In general TMG sees the advantages of creating a pure UML model and leave all other requirements to

be satisfied in separate transformations On the issue of including CC’s in models:

o CC’s may be used as “controlled vocabulary” rather than building blocks for the model;o In XML there is an issue regarding the order of the BBIE’s anyway. CCTS does not prescribe

any order of attributes (BBIE’s) in a class (ABIE). In UML this is self evident, but in XML it is an issue, because different order means different schema version in XML.

Christian Huemer saw a problem in our model for a process, especially when used for collaboration with nested business transactions. He might be right for this nesting, so we will look into this. Result may be: keep the model for business transactions as it is, but use the Activity Diagram version with local and global swim lanes for collaborations.

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TMG agrees that the present CEFACT procedure, where all CC’s have to be approved by CEFACT, will be uncontrollable in the end and might lead to chaos.

TMG does not agree that UMM is picture oriented. On the contrary, this is what they wanted to avoid.

Among others the presentation had some activity diagram examples, which included both a control flow and an information flow. However according to Christian the control flow should be skipped if it correlates to the information flow. In UMM the control flow is replaced with the <<InitFlow>> and <<ReFlow>> in the Business Collaboration Protocol.

The ebIX, EFET and ETSO role model was presented:o The Roles will fit into the UMM Business Partner Viewo The placement of the Domains is more uncertain, i.e. should the Domains be put in the Business

Partner View or in the Business Entity View?o Christian proposed putting the Role model diagram under the Business Partner View and

include the Domains from the Business Entity View in this diagram. Kees also showed a class diagram where the roles from the actual processes were specialised as the roles

from the role model, i.e. roles from the role model inherited all the attributes from the roles associated with the processes.

Questions/comments to UMM2 from previous ETC meeting:a) ebIX is missing a description of a “package diagram” or similar to show the structure of business areas and

process areas. This seems to be a part of the UMM2 structure example published among others on the UMM development site (but without being detailed).Answer: The package diagram in the structure is only there because of a bug in EA. However, if we need this diagram for other purposes (e.g. as an overview in a Word document) we are free to create such a diagram. The model itself does not need it. Christian suggests drawing the structure as “packages within packages”.

b) Where in the structure should the enumeration Transaction Pattern be defined (figure 27 and 35)?Answer: This should be a part of the UMM profile for MagicDraw. It is already part of the UMM-profile (see documentation). If it is missing in the MagicDraw profile for UMM, this is a mistake.

c) Why is it only one Business Transaction Partition in Figure 29 (line 780) and none in figure 31 (line 785). According to “ Constraints (normative)”, line 740: “A Business Transaction MUST have exactly two partitions.”Answer: It shall always be two. This is a typing error.

d) It seems that the actual graph shown in figure 35 (line 939-940) Business Collaboration View is the graph from the Business Transaction View.Answer: This is a copying error.

e) Is the Business entity the same as an Object in object oriented modelling?Answer: Yes.

f) Proposal for changes to stereotypes: bCollV instead of bCollaborationV bReqV instead of bRequirementsV bChorV instead of bChoreographyV bInfV instead of bInformationV bLib instead of bLibraryAnswer: The reason for the abbreviations is making them as short as possible in order to keep the diagrams readable. On the other hand TMG does not want modellers to talk with business in a “slang” of abbreviations nobody else than themselves can understand. That is the reason for not completely use abbreviations. No changes will be done.

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g) ebIX would like to see (probably as an extension to the UMM Foundation module) a complete conceptual data model for the whole Business collaboration model somewhere within UMM.Answer: See Business entity view in UMM2.

Comments to UPCC from previous ETC meeting:h) We would prefer if the CC, CDT and PRM libraries were moved out of the Information view, since these are

libraries that not should be touched by the normal modeller. Probably these libraries should be UML profiles maintained and published by UN/CEFACT.Answer: Future goal.

StatesThe States was shortly discussed. Christian explained that the states relate to the Shared Business Entities and that the states represent the common state on the borderline of a transaction. The states should be synchronised on both sides by the exchange of the Shared Business Entity.

Relation between UMM and UN/CFACT BRS/RSMThe question; how UMM is related to BRS/RSM documents was raised and Christian meant that the BRS should correspond to the Business Requirements View and the RSM should correspond to the Business Choreography View and the Business Information View.

4.2 How to use states and business entitiesSee above.

4.3 Status for addition of the new UMM 2.0 version as a module in the ebIX CC/UMM profileSo fare nothing has been done.

4.4 Status for CCL08A ACCs in MagicDraw (Ove)There is a discussion between the UN/CEFCAT groups ICG and TBG17 related to approval of CCL08A. The library will probably not be approved before the autumn and we will have to use CCL07B in the meantime.

Ove had updated the MagicDraw profile with the changes relevant from CCL07B.

Some conclusions: The UPCC/CCLibrary /ACC should be renamed Candidate ACC and only contain new and changed

ACCs. ASCCs should be added completely in the ebIX CC registry. Stereotypes will be added to new ACCs, BCCs and ASCCs

Homework:Ove will update the ACC and ASCCs, and distribute the update to ETC.

4.5 Updated ebIX MethodologyA proposal for what to update was reviewed and several changes were agreed.

Homework:Ove will do the agreed updates before next ETC meeting.

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4.6 Structure of an ebIX model for CuS and EMD (Ove)Ove had made a first proposal for a common UMM structure for EMD and CuS. The structure was reviewed and Ove will extend the structure with two process areas from EMD. In addition the Structure (CuS) and Measure (EMD) will be separated as different business collaboration models. It has however to be verified if a collaboration from CuS can reuse a transaction from EMD.

Homework:Ove will update the combined UMM structure for CuS and EMD.

4.7 Other modelling issuesNone

5 ebIX XML schemasXML schemas for EMDEMD has finalised version 1.0 of their modelling and have about 30 class diagrams that need to be converted into XML. There is however a cleanup work to do in the model, e.g. adding UML roles to all association, remove non-used attributes in the classes, etc. The first version of the XML schemas will probably not be based on common ebIX ABIE- and QDT- schemas, but the older QDTs that the EMD models currently are based on.

For being able to make the XML schemas within due time, Kees is looking into making JAVA scripts that can convert the MagicDraw XMI-files to XML schemas.

Other XML issues were postponed.

6 Status ebIX Code Lists (publication)The item was postponed.

7 Release/version management (Christoph)The item was postponed.

8 Resolve matters arising from latest ebIX, ETSO and EFET HG meetingComments to the Role modelKees presented a list with errors he had found in the ebIX, EFET and ETSO Harmonised role model. The list was reviewed and updated. Kees will as homework go through the list and add suggestions for action and distribute the list for comments to ETC, before sending it to the HG.

Two of the errors found were seen as critical; Metered data responsible should be linked to the Metering point (not local MP) and the relation should be named Process metered data and not meter data. Kees will ask Lucy to send these as a change requests for the current model to Herwig Van den Bosch as chair of the HG.

Homework: Kees will go through the error list for the role model and add suggestions for actions. Lucy is asked to send a request to the HG for changing the association from the Metered data

responsible and rename of the association name.

9 Status ebIX code lists (publication)The item was postponed.

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10 XML and EDIFACT for CuS and EMD documentsThe item was postponed.

11 InformationNone

12 Review and update of work items12.1 Work items

Meeting Item StatusMeeting 5, 2008July 2-3, Zurich

Project plan for making common test procedures for the ebIX processes

Modelling: o Report from TMG meeting in Berlin o How to use states and business entitieso Status for addition of the new UMM 2.0 version as a module

in the ebIX CC/UMM profileo Status for CCL08A ACCs in MagicDraw (Ove)o Updated ebIX Methodology

ebIX XML schemaso Status xml version of the code listso Request ATG for “filter schema”o NDR 3.0 proposal for schema locationo ebIX QDT schema (data types and enumerations)o ebIX ABIE schema

Release/version management (Christoph) Status ebIX code lists (publication) XML and EDIFACT for CuS and EMD documents


DonePartly donePostponed

Partly donePartly donePostponed


Meeting 6, 2008August 26-27

ETC will make a project plan for making common test procedures for the ebIX processes and present them on the next ebIX Forum meeting. The project plan will be coordinated with the Vendor group

Meeting 7, 2008October 1-2

Use of State diagrams in UMM models Code lists:

o Creation of error codes in the Model error report (ERC/9321)

o Check of the consistency between CEFACT lists and ebIX subsets

o Should we change code 231 = Grid area with the newer and more precise 239 = Metering grid area?

Meeting 8, 2008October 27-28

Finalise the ebIX course material. Update of the ebIX model for acknowledgement and error

handling Update of the ebIX model for cancellation of business

processes and business documents Harmonisation of the ebIX Domain model with the

ETSO/EFET/ebIX Harmonisation group Homework for UN/CEFACT/TMG/UPCC

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Review of EMD models with new UMM structurePending Review of ASCC in the ebIX CC registry (the current ebIX

CC registry, based on CCL07B has ASCCs from CCL 06B)

12.2 Can Appendix B, Work items for ETC, be removed?The item was postponed.

13 Next meeting(s) , including start and end time. August, Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th, Stockholm, 9:00 - 17:00 and 9:00 - 16:00 October, Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd, Arnhem, 9:00 - 17:00 and 9:00 - 16:00 October, Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th (preceding ebIX Forum), Oslo, 9:00 - 17:00 and 9:00 - 16:00

14 AOB

14.1 ebIX on WikipediaJuraj had proposed to skip the discussed article about ebIX on Wikipedia and is volunteering to take over the update of the ebIX web page.

However, due to lack of time the item was postponed.

14.2 Code discussion related to new German needsAlexander brought up a discussion related to implementation of the Document Name Code, BGM/1001 in BGM. From August this year Germany needs a way to route MSCONS messages using UNB, UNH and/or BGM. The routing needs to distinguish between meter stands and time series.

Kees explained the EMD principles: A Business Process Id (BPI) is used for routing The Message type E66 will be used for time series, meter stands and volumes. The message type E65,

used for meter stands, will be removed. The Role is used for defining the non-responsible role (addressee) The Reason for transaction gives detailed information of the process, e.g. collected data, validated data,

settlement, reconciliation. A status connected to the volume give extra information, such as: add, info etc.

Some additional rules to be followed: There should only be one Document type (Document name) in SG0/BGM There should be an additional Reason for transaction code in SG5/STS For routing purposes a Business Process Id (BPI) might be added in the UNB (Application reference)

14.3 UCTE subgroup accountingChristoph will have a telephone conference with Herman (project leader for UCTE subgroup accounting), Maurizio Monti (RTE) and Mike Conroy (ETSO/TF-EDI) next week. The conference is related to the message format for exchange of UCTE accounting data. As a preparation for this conference call, some comments (ebIX position) were made to the latest minutes from subgroup Accounting.

14.4 Telephone conference with Lucy Lucy informed about the Dutch proposal for automation of the XML schema construction, see also item


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Lucy and Christoph had a short discussion related to the ebIX position towards EMVR and the UCTE subgroup accounting, see also item 14.3 above.

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Name Company Telephone Mobile E-mailAlexander Pisters (vice convenor)

RWE +49 234 515-2442 +49 162 257 5428 [email protected]

Christian Odgaard +45 76 22 44 63 +45 23 33 85 55 [email protected] Filip Drijkoningen Infrax/ UMIX +32 11 26 64 95  +32 4 9558 6471  [email protected] Jan Owe SvK +46 705 396 930 [email protected] Nordvik Statnett +47 22 52 70 00 +47 975 36 303 [email protected] Kees Sparreboom TenneT +31 622 66 7911 [email protected] Sarkisian (Convenor) TenneT +31 613 643 092 [email protected] Ruffing swissgrid +41 58 580 21 37 +41 76 313 15 63 [email protected] Ove Nesvik (Secretary) EdiSys +47 22 42 13 80 +47 928 22 908 [email protected]

For information: Adrian Fuchs swissgrid [email protected] Cynthia Bonne Eandis/ UMIX [email protected] Ludwigs SvK [email protected] Baumann swissgrid [email protected]

Observers: Daniele Bui EDF Distribution [email protected] Anttila Fingrid [email protected] Sünt Estonian Energy [email protected] Radoslav Haluska VSE Kosice [email protected] Heinimäki Finish energy [email protected] Sylvie Mallet EDF R&D [email protected] Terje Nilsen Nord Pool +47 67 52 80 44 +47 930 34 100 [email protected] Tor Åge Halvorsen Nord Pool [email protected] Strabbing KEMA [email protected]

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Finalising UML model for the European energy market based on UMM, including functional documentation in cooperation with UN/CEFACT

Support migration of EMD, EMVR, ebIX/Eurelectric and CuS models to new UMM structure Update ebIX Methodology:

in cooperation with EMD, EMVR and CuS including user guide on how to use ebIX UML models

Architecture: Final review of Code lists ebIX Core Components Publication of the above elements also in a readable format Develop a naming convention for XML/UML root classes

XML and EDIFACT for CuS and EMD documents Harmonisation of the ebIX Domain model with the ETSO/EFET/ebIX Harmonisation group

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