estonian culture g.linnamae

Estonian Culturere Created by: Georg Linnamäe, Gustav Kruuda, Karl Indrek Neivelt XOXO WE INVENTED IT! REALLY! OURS PROUD TO BE ESTONIAN AWW YEAH!!! YOU´RE WELCO ME, EARTH

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Post on 03-Sep-2014




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  • PROUD TO BE ESTONIAN AWW YEAH!!! Estonian Culturere Created by: Georg Linname, Gustav Kruuda, YOU R EAR E WELC TH OME , Karl Indrek Neivelt XOXO OURS WE INVENTED IT! REALLY!
  • Estonian national theatre was born in the 19th century. The first professional theatres came into being at the beginning of the 20th century (the Vanemuine and Estonia) . The most famous theatre in Estonia is the Vanemuine. The second most famous theatre in Estonia is the Estonian Theatre. Estonians are a theatre-loving nation. More than half of the population regularly attending performances and the average annual audience numbers reaching a million. Theatres are supported by the state through the Ministry of Culture and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia
  • The Vanemuine The Estonian Theatre
  • The earliest mentioning of Estonian singing dates back to Saxo Grammaticus Gesta Danorum (c.1178). The song speaks of Estonian Warriors who sang before an epic battle. Estonian folk music is divided into 2 periods. The older folksongs, also referred to as runic songs and the newer folksongs, also known as rhythmic folksongs, which replaced the runic songs in the 18th century. The biggest Estonian music festival nowadays is the Estonian Singing and Dancing celebration (laulu ja tantsupidu), which started in 1869 and has been an Estonian tradition ever since. It takes place in one of Estonias most famous places, The Singing Arc. The festival is being held in every Baltic State every five years. The most prominent Estonian artists nowadays are: composers Arvo Prt and Veljo Tormis, a band Ewert & The Two Dragons and a DJ Mord Fustang. By the way Ewert & The Two Dragons and Mord Fustang have OVER 3 MILLION VIEWS ON YOUTUBE!!! WOW!!!
  • Estonian Singing and Dancing Celebration 2009
  • Cinemas in Estonia Two biggest cinemas in Estonia are Solaris and Coca-Cola Plaza. They both are located in Tallinn and they both show mostly movies from Hollywood and Estonia. For example the newest movies available are Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa from Hollywood and Kertu from Estonia. Unfortunately Estonian films arent very popular in foreign countries.
  • Estonian Films First film made in Estonia: Karujaht Prnumaal (Bear hunting in Prnu) 1914 Most famous movie: Kevade (Spring) 1969
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