estilos de dibujo en manga y anime .wikipedia . padid 2014

8/12/2019 Estilos de Dibujo en Manga y Anime .Wikipedia . Padid 2014 1/10 STILOS DE DIBUJO EN MANGA Y ANIME? bueno como se habran dado cuenta para dibujar el manga y el anime ai distintos estilos , por ejemplo comparemos 4 anime : naruto , lucky star , code geass y death note... entre estos ...mostrar más Mejor respuesta  Ңσheդ-Raяε Fдiяy-†дil   respondido hace 6 años HoLa algunos son estos: te los pongo junto al link donde encontraras detalles de sus caracteristicas... Bishōjo. Literalmente, "joven hermosa". Bishōnen. Literalmente, "joven hermoso". Moé. Estilo que exagera las características "tiernas" de los personajes. Super deformed. Personajes muy pequeños como muñequitos. Exageran las características infantiles  ____________ te lo pongo asi porque considero una falta de respeto copear y pegar informacion de otros sitios web en una repuesta... espero que sea lo que buscabas... S@lu2...  2  Comentarios (0)  Otras respuestas (5) Calificada con más puntos  [: ʹ͵ʹ͵ :] SHODAIME MIZUKAGE 【水】 respondido hace 6 años Bueno, aqui hay cierta confusión: El hecho de que el "estilo" de dibujo de diferentes mangakas posea diferencias marcadas no significa que exista una clasificación de cada estilo un con nombre específico, el manga no es como la pintura donde existe el abstraccionismo, el surrealismo, el hiperrealismo, etc. pues hay demasiados autores con estilos particulares.... Entiendo tu duda: -Takeshi Obata (dibujante de Death Note) es un dibujante hiperrealista. -Masakazu Katsura (de Video Girl Ai) combina hiperrealismo y estilización.

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  • 8/12/2019 Estilos de Dibujo en Manga y Anime .Wikipedia . Padid 2014


    STILOS DE DIBUJO EN MANGA Y ANIME?bueno como se habran dado cuenta para dibujar el manga y el anime ai distintos estilos , por

    ejemplo comparemos 4 anime : naruto , lucky star , code geass y death note... entre

    estos ...mostrar ms

    Mejor respuesta

    he-Ra Fiy-il respondido hace 6 aosHoLa

    algunos son estos:

    te los pongo junto al link donde encontraras detalles de sus


    Bishjo. Literalmente, "joven hermosa".

    Bishnen. Literalmente, "joven hermoso".

    Mo. Estilo que exagera las caractersticas "tiernas" de los personajes.

    Super deformed. Personajes muy pequeos como muequitos. Exageran las caractersticas



    te lo pongo asi porque considero una falta de respeto copear

    y pegar informacion de otros sitios web en una repuesta...

    espero que sea lo que buscabas...S@lu2...


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    Otras respuestas (5)Calificada con ms puntos

    [: :] SHODAIME MIZUKAGE respondido hace 6 aos

    Bueno, aqui hay cierta confusin:

    El hecho de que el "estilo" de dibujo de diferentes mangakas posea diferencias marcadas no

    significa que exista una clasificacin de cada estilo un con nombre especfico, el manga no es

    como la pintura donde existe el abstraccionismo, el surrealismo, el hiperrealismo, etc. pues hay

    demasiados autores con estilos particulares....

    Entiendo tu duda:-Takeshi Obata (dibujante de Death Note) es un dibujante hiperrealista.

    -Masakazu Katsura (de Video Girl Ai) combina hiperrealismo y estilizacin.
  • 8/12/2019 Estilos de Dibujo en Manga y Anime .Wikipedia . Padid 2014


    -Masashi Kishimoto (de Naruto) tiene un estilo mas simple y suavizado con predominio de


    -Kubotite (de Bleach) prefiere el dibujo mas angular.

    -Akira Toriyama (de DragonBall) prefera la simplificacin de los detalles pues le facilitaba el


    -Masami Kurumada (de Saint Seiya), estilizaba y exageraba mucho los razgos de sus

    personajes.-Rumiko Takahashi (de Ranma) tena un estilo muy particular limpio y curvo.

    ...y as cada uno... pero es como ellos aprendieron a dibujar, y aprendieron a individualizar sus

    estilos (hay estilos similares entre si, pero siempre con diferencias marcadas que los hacen

    unicos ....

    En otras respuestas te estn nombrando clasificaciones referentes a la temtica del manga

    (excepto el Chibi o superdeformed, que solo es un recurso creativo, no un estilo pues no

    existen mangas 100% chibis).

    o 7

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    HoLa...nO E mUerTo jajajarespondido hace 6 aos

    mmm no no creo que el estilo tenga nombre de hecho el dibujo depende solo del estilo del

    dibujante por ejemplo las clamp tienen cierto estilo de dibujo aun que entre mokona y lasdemas tengan un toque distinto los trabajos de clamp se caracterizan por que la mayoria de los

    personajes son larguiruchos con ojos grandes y la cabeza redonda

    espero te cirba

    o 1

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    Yuuki_Memoriesrespondido hace 6 aos

    no creo que haya nombres para eso.... el estilo de dibujo se saca de cada persona, es su

    propia manera de dibujar, aunque aveces, hay ciertos parecidos de estilos de dibujo como por

    ejemploe en el de Hiro Mashima y Eiichido oda, eso es porque ambos son amigos y trabajaron


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    my chemical wabowser Mileniorespondido hace 6 aos

    ps no se pero como t dijeron es bishojo bishonen y esta el chibi y superdeformed no se si tenga

    q ver pero rekuerdo q en el yuri la mujer debil era neko me parece no stoy seguro y d yaoi el

    debil era uke eso lo dicen en lucky star pero no se bn lso nombres en si

    lucky star se me hace como estilo superdeformed xq tienen 18 aos y se ven d 14 o 10
  • 8/12/2019 Estilos de Dibujo en Manga y Anime .Wikipedia . Padid 2014



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    HINATITArespondido hace 6 aos

    pues yo conozco estos,

    pero cada mangaka le pone

    su toque personal

    Algunos estilos de dibujo predominantes en el anime:

    Bishjo. Literalmente, "joven hermosa".

    Bishnen. Literalmente, "joven hermoso".

    Mo. Estilo que exagera las caractersticas "tiernas" de los personajes.Super deformed. Personajes muy pequeos como muequitos. Exageran las caractersticas



    At the drop of a hat.

    "Get ready forGundamlike you've never seen it before!...Really cute and tiny!"Peter Cullenpromo forSD Gundam Force
  • 8/12/2019 Estilos de Dibujo en Manga y Anime .Wikipedia . Padid 2014


    An artistic style in anime that is generally considered both "cutesy"andhumorous, in which a character is rendered in a shorter, blobby androunder form, somewhat resembling a caricature of themselves as atiny yet plump toddler.

    Although most commonly used in parody or as part of promotionalmaterial, it can be found in some shows at points of extremecomedy/slapstick, or when characters are seen to be acting extremely"cute" or immature. This use ofArtistic Agecan mask the true age ofcharacters, making forty somethings and fourteen year olds seem thesame age.

    Also known as "chibi" (Japanese for "small") in some circles, althoughnot just confined to anime it's a very common form ofFan-Art.Nameany popular character, chibi exists of them. In fact, it's almost ascommon asRule 34.

    In older video games with small characters compared to screen,Super-Deformed style was used mainly due to graphical limitations soa head size wouldn't be just a single pixel. In newer games, charactersin cutscenes or character portraits will still depict them in more realisticproportions (for an example, inDisgaeaandCave Story).SeeGraphics-Induced Super-Deformedfor that.CompareTop-Heavy Guy.Contrast toNoodle People.See alsoBigHead Mode.

    ASub-TropeofFun Size.Not to be confused withan extremely deformed character.

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    Article Details

    Originally Written By: Lorna W.

    Revised By: Wanda Marie Thibodeaux

    Edited By: L. S. Wynn

    Last Modified Date: 02 May 2014

    Copyright Protected:2003-2014 Conjecture Corporation

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    Mangaloosely refers to a style of cartoons originating in Japan. They usually are publishedin installments, and depending on their form, can be up to several hundred pages long.Many different genres are available, so they are popular with people of all ages andbackgrounds. Known for their in-depth plots and characters, these well-respected workshave been drawn for hundreds of years, although the modern version developed starting inthe mid-20th century.

  • 8/12/2019 Estilos de Dibujo en Manga y Anime .Wikipedia . Padid 2014


    How people define manga is somewhat controversial. Outside of Japan, the term usuallymeans a cartoon or comic from Japan, and even more specifically, drawings by aJapanesemangaka a cartoon/comic artist. In recent decades, however, people fromother countries have started working in this style, and the Japanese traditionally have usedthe word to refer to any cartoon or comic, regardless of where a person drew it or where he

    or she lives. Some experts argue that its better to categorize these works based on thespecific characteristics usually found in the drawings for this reason.


    Form and Length

    Manga often is published in magazines, which usually are no more than 40 pages long.Comic books usually are around 150 - 200 pages. Graphic novels, which are different fromregular comics and comic books in that they give a complete story with a beginning, middleand end, can be several hundred pages long. With the exceptions of this long form andcollections of previously published works, the comics are typically published serially or in

    installments, because the intent of the publisher is to keep the reader interested andcoming back for the next piece of the story.

    Regardless of length, manga typically keeps the traditional flow of the Japanese language,meaning it is read from top to bottom and right to left. To an English reader, this seemsbackwards, as it requires starting from the back of the work. Some publishers use a

    practice called flipping to put the story into a format that is more familiar to non-Japanesefans for sales overseas.


    Publishers and general readers usually divide manga into several differentgroups. Shujo(young girl) is directed at females up to age 18 and usually has someromantic ideas, andshnen(boy) is the male equivalent, typically having a more action- orsports-based concept. Works for young children, especially those who are just gettingstarted reading, are calledkodomo(child). Publications for women arejosei(woman,feminine), and men readseinen(man, masculine). Many of the stories for adults arenot appropriate for children, showing violence or sex. In fact, an entiresubgroup, hentai(perverted), revolves around erotic themes.Also noteworthy is shujo-ai(girl love, sometimes referred to as GL), or Yuri(Lily). Thistype deals with girl-girl relationships. Shnen-ai(boy love, often called BL) is the versionfor guys, handling male-male relationships. People sometimes call it Yaoi, which is anacronym for yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi(no climax, no punch-line, no meaning).Gegika(dramatic pictures) is another category that is popular. Started primarily byYoshihiro Tatsumi, these works are designed to be bolder and more experimental, not onlyin art style, but also in general content. People sometimes describe them as having a morerealistic and less cartoonish approach to storytelling. Most began as undergroundpublications and are geared toward adults.The popularity of this art form has resulted in an additional group: doujinshi(fan art).Individuals create it to show they really like a story thats already been published, or

    because they want to use their own imaginations and artistic abilities to move a story in adirection thats different or new. Although people often think of these as being amateur,some of them are remarkably good and exceptionally high in quality. Some artists even areable to sell theirdoujinshi in simply bound books, as posters and even on buttons and

  • 8/12/2019 Estilos de Dibujo en Manga y Anime .Wikipedia . Padid 2014


    magnets. Fan conferences frequently host these vendors in addition to well-known,professional artists.

    Art Characteristics

    Although each artist has his or her own style, in general, drawings are done in pen and inkand are black and white, with an emphasis on clean lines. Except for highly realistic series,most characters have very large, almond-shaped eyes, and their other body parts often arehumorously out of proportion. Hair can be dramatically long, especially on heroes andheroines, but if an artist picks a shorter style, it tends to have a spiky appearance.

    In all but the most serious stories, characters also show their emotions quite clearly. Inaddition to manipulating their characters facial expressions, artists frequently include

    special devices to make feelings more pronounced. One of the most common, for example,is a sweat drop on the forehead, which shows that a character is feeling awkward, worried,embarrassed or tired. Exclamation points over the head generally translate to shock,

    surprise or being dumbfounded, while steam from the ears demonstrates anger orfrustration. It is not unusual for an artist to draw the eyes very differently than usual at thesepoints, such as leaving them completely white, which is typically associated with beingstunned in some way.

    Mangaka sometimes purposely change the style of a character to emphasize what thecharacter wants or is going through. A hero that normally appears muscled and tall, forexample, might appear drawn as an infant or child if he is throwing a tantrum or doesnt

    want to do something. The choice of how to alter the character depends a lot on theconnotations the artist wants to get across, such as immaturity or infatuation. The shift isusually very brief, sometimes showing up in just one frame.

    Story Characteristics

    In general, manga is known as having complex, in-depth, emotional plots that attractreaders through their drama. Some people assert that this is what separates it from othercartoons and comics and makes it appealing to all age groups. Even so, depending onthegenre,certain clichs do show up. In shnen, for example, a girlfriend usually suddenlyappears in some way, starting the main story movement. One of the most popular storieswhere this happens is Oh My Goddess!, where the main character calls out for pizza andinstead gets a goddess hotline.MangakaMangaka typically study with someone already in the field before branching out on theirown, usually through an apprenticeship. Many study formally at a general art or mangaschool. In a few rare cases, individuals get their start by winning contests, or becausetheir doujinshicatches the eye of a professional artist or publisher.

    Relationship to Anime

    Manga is closely related to anime, orJapanese animation.Some series are adaptations ofpopular anime television shows or movies, and vice versa. In these cases, the adaptationdoes not always remain true to the original storyline, so even though the concept andartistic style in both versions might be roughly the same, a person might develop apreference for one form or the other. With the same title sometimes referring to both still
  • 8/12/2019 Estilos de Dibujo en Manga y Anime .Wikipedia . Padid 2014


    and moving cartoons, fans often have to be clear about which one they mean, especiallywhen leaving reviews or selling products.


    In the United States, cartoons and comics usually are thought of as something for children,so outside of a devoted fan base, they often don't garner much respect as art or literature.The exception is the graphic novel, which people tend to take a bit more seriously. InJapan, however, they are highly popular with males and females of all ages and walks oflife. The amount of money spent on manga each year numbers in the billions. Kodomoinparticular is welcomed for the role it is playing in helping kids become literate.


    Manga is thought to have started centuries ago with Chojugiga ("The Animal Scrolls"),drawn by Kakuyu (1053 - 1140), but it didnt really begin to develop as a full narrative form

    until the work of Hokusai Katsushika (1760 - 1849). The real boom started after the end ofWorld War II.Ads by Google

    Manga Art ist

    Manga Games

    Animat ion MangaManga Graphic Novels

    El origen del trmino Manga





  • 8/12/2019 Estilos de Dibujo en Manga y Anime .Wikipedia . Padid 2014


    (4 votos, media 4.00 de 5)ESCRITO POR JES S MART NEZ VER N (CREHA)

    Mangaes el trmino que utilizamos para denominar a los cmic de origen japons. El xito que en las ltimas

    dcadas han tenido las historietas procedentes del pas asitico ha contribuido a la gran difusin de la palabra. En

    cualquier caso, es importante tener claro su significado y no confundirlo con otros que, comoanime, se refieren avariantes (en este caso cinematogrficas) de la historieta japonesa.Aunque pueda parecer un trmino novedoso (la Academia de la Lengua an no ha admitido esta acepcin de la

    palabra), mangacomo sinnimo de cmic tiene su origen nada menos que en los primeros aos del siglo XIX.En 1814, el gran pintor japonsKatsushika Hokusaipublic el primero de los quince volmenes de su gran obratituladaHokusai Manga. Consista en una amplia coleccin de xilografas a tres tintas que representaban todo tipo de

    escenas de la vida cotidiana, animales, paisajes, plantas e incluso imgenes que podramos calificar de "surrealistas". Por entonces, ya con cincuenta y cinco aos de edad, Katsushika Hokusai era un autor consagrado en el mundo del

    arte como uno de los grandes autores delUkiyo-e,con obras tan conocidas como sus famossimas vistas del MonteFuji o laGran Ola de Kanagawa.

    La publicacin de los volmenes de Hokusai Manga se prolong durante aos, ms all de la propia vida de su autor.Desde entonces, el grabado japones, entendido como este tipo de imgenes grabadas, simplificadas, en ocasiones

    estructuradas en vietas y adoptando una estructura narrativa compleja, han ido evolucionando hasta nuestros das.Sera a comienzos del siglo XX cuando autores como Kitazawa desarrollaran estas posibilidades del manga para

    contar historias.Como curiosidad se puede anotar que los mangas japoneses tienen una estructura completamente distinta a los cmics

    occidentales y cuando se destinan al mercado americano o europeo no slo deben de traducirse sino que deben de

    "invertirse" puesto que la lectura en Japn es de derecha a izquierda y no al contrario como es nuestro caso.Sobre el significado concreto del trmino mangahay dos teoras diferentes. La primera, ms aceptada en occidente,

    afirma que mangaesta formado por la unin de los ideogramas "man" (involuntario) y "ga" (dibujo) y deberamos

    traducirlo, aproximadamente, como "dibujo caprichoso". La segunda, con mayor eco en el propio Japn,

    traduce manga como "recopilacin" a partir del significado originario que sera, ms propiamente, "recoger".En cualquier caso, como puede verse "dibujo caprichoso" o "recopilacin" seran dos buenos trminos para definir el

    trabajo grfico delHokusai Manga.Si quereis tener una amplia informacin grfica sobre los grabados delHokusai Mangaos recomendamos que visiteis
  • 8/12/2019 Estilos de Dibujo en Manga y Anime .Wikipedia . Padid 2014


    esta amplia galera de imgenes de los diferentes volmenes.AQU.Tags:Cmic



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    #3Artecreha13-10-2012 19:14Los miembros del grupo CREHA fumos alumnos del catedrtico de Historia del Arte D. Federico TorralbaSoriano, probablemente el profesor universario espaol mejor conocedor del arte oriental.Buena parte de la informacin sobre arte japons de la pgina tiene su origen en sus clases.En cualquiera caso, si necesitas estudiar el tema te recomendamos el libro:Santiago, Jos Andrs. Manga. Del cuadro flotante a la vieta japonesa, Santiago de Compostela, Editorial DX5Digital & Graphic. 2010.Esperamos que te resulte de utilidad.Citar

    #2estefani13-10-2012 17:43hola disculpa me gustaria saber en que referncias te basas para poner esta serbiria de muchosi me dijeras de donde la sacasteCitar

    #1yessica30-08-2012 04:12En que te basaste para escribir esto?Citar

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