estatuto de roma do tribunal penal internacional.doc

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  • 8/11/2019 Estatuto de Roma do Tribunal Penal Internacional.doc


    Gabinete de Documentao e Direito Comparado

    Direito Internacional umanit!rio

    "statuto de #oma do $ribunal %enal Internacional

    Adoptado em Roma a 17 de Julho de 1998 pela Conferncia Diplomtica reunida de 15 de Junho a17 de Julho de 1998.

    Entrada em vior na ordem internacional! 1 de Julho de "##"$ em conformidade com o artio1"%&.


    A((inatura! 7 de )utu*ro de 1998+

    Em A*ril de "##1$ a A((em*leia da Rep,*lica a((umiu podere( de revi(-o etraordinriada Con(titui/-o$ atrav0( da aprova/-o da Re(olu/-o da A((em*leia da Rep,*lica n.&"7"##1$ de 2 de A*ril $ pu*licada no Dirio da Rep,*lica$ 3 40rieA$ n.& 8#"##1 e

    6u(tificada pela nece((idade de$ com carcter urente$ arredar o( o*(tculo( ue aCon(titui/-o da Rep,*lica 'ortuue(a na (ua ver(-o em vior$ ope : aprova/-o$ pela

    A((em*leia da Rep,*lica$ do ;ratado de Roma ue in(titui o ;ri*unal 'enal 3nternacional.Complementarmente$ no reconhecimento da 6uri(di/-o de((e ;ri*unal$ in(trumento decom*ate a npre?m*ulo do pro6ectode re(olu/-o$ n.& 1@#333 B. ) Decreto Con(titucional n.& 1333 >uinta revi(-ocon(titucionalB foi aprovado no 'arlamento a 2 de )utu*ro de "##1$ tendo a eiCon(titucional (ido pu*licada a 1" de Deem*ro de "##1 >ei Con(titucional n.& 1"##1B+

    ) E(tatuto de Roma do ;ri*unal 'enal 3nternacional foi aprovado para ratifica/-o pela

    Re(olu/-o da A((em*leia da Rep,*lica n.& @"##" e ratificada pelo Decreto do 're(identeda Rep,*lica n.& ""##"$ am*o( pu*licado( no Dirio da Rep,*lica 3A$ n.& 15$ de18.#1."##"+

    DepF(ito do in(trumento de ratifica/-o! 5 de Gevereiro de "##" >Avi(o n& "#"##"$ de 12de Har/o$ do Hini(t0rio do( IeFcio( E(traneiro($ pu*licado no Dirio da Rep,*lica$ 340rieA$ n& %"B 'ortual foi o 51& E(tado a ratificar o E(tatuto.Io momento do depF(ito do in(trumento de ratifica/-o$ 'ortual formulou a( (euinte(declara/e(!'ortual manife(ta a (ua inten/-o de eercer o poder de 6uri(di/-o (o*re pe((oa(encontrada( em territFrio nacional indiciada( pelo( crime( previ(to( no n&1 do artio 5&do E(tatuto$ com o*(erv?ncia da (ua tradi/-o penal$ de acordo com a( (ua( rera(con(titucionai( e demai( lei(la/-o penal interna.'ortual declara$ no( termo( e para o( efeito( do n&" do artio 87& do E(tatuto$ ue o(pedido( de coopera/-o e o( documento( comprovativo( ue o( in(truam devem (errediido( em l

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    "stados parte: &in'ormao dispon(vel no website do Comit) Internacional da Cru*+ermelha,


    s "stados %artes no presente "statuto:

    Con(ciente( de ue todo( o( povo( e(t-o unido( por la/o( comun( e de ue a( (ua( cultura( foramcon(tru

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    complementar da( 6uri(di/e( penai( nacionai(. A competncia e o funcionamento do ;ri*unalreer(e-o pelo pre(ente E(tatuto.

    rtigo 5.4#elao do $ribunal com as 6a7es 1nidas

    A rela/-o entre o ;ri*unal e a( Ia/e( Knida( (er e(ta*elecida atrav0( de um acordo a (eraprovado pela A((em*leia do( E(tado( 'arte( no pre(ente E(tatuto e$ (euidamente$ conclu

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    rtigo >.4Crime de genoc(dio

    'ara o( efeito( do pre(ente E(tatuto$ entende(e por enoc

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    aB 'or ataue contra uma popula/-o civil entende(e ualuer conduta ue envolva a prticam,ltipla de acto( referido( no n.& 1 contra uma popula/-o civil$ de acordo com a pol

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    aB A( viola/e( rave( :( Conven/e( de Oene*ra$ de 1" de Ao(to de 1929$ a (a*er$ ualuer umdo( (euinte( acto($ diriido( contra pe((oa( ou *en( proteido( no( termo( da Conven/-o deOene*ra ue for pertinente!

    iB =omic

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    iB )( ataue( intencionai( a edif

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    viB Recrutar ou ali(tar menore( de 15 ano( na( for/a( armada( nacionai( ou utililo( paraparticipar activamente na( ho(tilidade(+

    cB Em ca(o de conflito armado ue n-o (e6a de

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    a((im o eiirem a (euran/a do( civi( em ue(t-o ou rae( militare( imperio(a(+

    iB Hatar ou ferir : trai/-o um com*atente de uma parte *elierante+

    B Declarar ue n-o (er dado a*rio+

    iB 4u*meter pe((oa( ue (e encontrem (o* o dom

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    " 4e um E(tado (e tornar 'arte no pre(ente E(tatuto depoi( da (ua entrada em vior$ o ;ri*unal(F poder eercer a (ua competncia em rela/-o a crime( cometido( depoi( da entrada em viordo pre(ente E(tatuto relativamente a e((e E(tado$ a meno( ue e(te tenha feito uma declara/-ono( termo( do n.& @ do artio 1".&

    rtigo 35.4Condi7es pr)vias ao exerc(cio da urisdio

    1 ) E(tado ue (e torne 'arte no pre(ente E(tatuto aceitar a 6uri(di/-o do ;ri*unalrelativamente ao( crime( a ue (e refere o artio 5.&

    " Io( ca(o( referido( na( al

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    1 ) procurador poder$ por (ua prFpria iniciativa$ a*rir um inu0rito com *a(e em informa/e((o*re a prtica de crime( da competncia do ;ri*unal.

    " ) procurador apreciar a (eriedade da informa/-o rece*ida. 'ara tal$ poder recolherinforma/e( (uplementare( 6unto do( E(tado($ do( Fr-o( da )rania/-o da( Ia/e( Knida($ da(orania/e( interovernamentai( ou n-o overnamentai( ou outra( fonte( fidedina( ue

    con(idere apropriada($ *em como recolher depoimento( e(crito( ou orai( na (ede do ;ri*unal.

    @ 4e concluir ue ei(te fundamento (uficiente para a*rir um inu0rito$ o procurador apre(entarum pedido de autoria/-o ne((e (entido ao 6u

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    " A fim de determinar (e h ou n-o vontade de air num determinado ca(o$ o ;ri*unal$ tendo emcon(idera/-o a( arantia( de um proce((o euitativo reconhecida( pelo direito internacional$verificar a ei(tncia de uma ou mai( da( (euinte( circun(t?ncia(!

    aB ) proce((o ter (ido in(taurado ou e(tar pendente ou a deci(-o ter (ido proferida no E(tado como propF(ito de (u*trair a pe((oa em cau(a : (ua re(pon(a*ilidade criminal por crime( da

    competncia do ;ri*unal$ no( termo( do di(po(to no artio 5.&+

    *B ;er havido demora in6u(tificada no proce((amento$ a ual$ dada( a( circun(t?ncia($ (e mo(traincompat

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    cB 3mpedir$ em cola*ora/-o com o( E(tado( intere((ado($ a fua de pe((oa( em rela/-o :( uai(6 tenha (olicitado um mandado de deten/-o$ no( termo( do artio 58.&

    9 A impuna/-o n-o afectar a validade de nenhum acto realiado pelo procurador nem denenhuma deci(-o ou mandado anteriormente emitido pelo ;ri*unal.

    1# 4e o ;ri*unal tiver declarado ue um ca(o n-o 0 admi((

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    @ A aplica/-o e interpreta/-o do direito$ no( termo( do pre(ente artio$ dever (er compat

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    alum modo na prtica ou na tentativa de prtica do crime$ nomeadamente pelo fornecimento do(meio( para a (ua prtica+

    dB Contri*uir de aluma outra forma para a prtica ou tentativa de prtica do crime por um rupode pe((oa( ue tenha um o*6ectivo comum. E(ta contri*ui/-o dever (er intencional e ocorrer!

    iB Com o propF(ito de levar a ca*o a actividade ou o o*6ectivo criminal do rupo$ uando um ououtro impliuem a prtica de um crime da competncia do ;ri*unal+ ou

    iiB Com o conhecimento de ue o rupo tem a inten/-o de cometer o crime+

    eB Io ca(o de crime de enoc

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    iiB E((e chefe militar ou e((a pe((oa n-o tenha adoptado toda( a( medida( nece((ria( eadeuada( ao (eu alcance para prevenir ou reprimir a (ua prtica ou para levar o a((unto aoconhecimento da( autoridade( competente($ para efeito( de inu0rito e procedimento criminal+

    *B Ia( rela/e( entre (uperiore( hierruico( e (u*ordinado($ n-o referido( na al

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    naturea da (ua conduta$ ou da capacidade para controlar e((a conduta a fim de n-o violar a lei$ ameno( ue (e tenha intoicado voluntariamente em circun(t?ncia( ue lhe permitiam terconhecimento de ue$ em con(euncia da intoica/-o$ poderia incorrer numa conduta tipificadacomo crime da competncia do ;ri*unal$ ou de ue haveria o ri(co de tal (uceder+

    cB Air em defe(a prFpria ou de terceiro com raoa*ilidade ou$ em ca(o de crime( de uerra$ em

    defe(a de um *em ue (e6a e((encial para a (ua (o*revivncia ou de terceiro ou de um *em ue(e6a e((encial : realia/-o de uma mi((-o militar$ contra o u(o iminente e ileal da for/a$ de formaproporcional ao rau de perio para (i$ para terceiro ou para o( *en( proteido(. ) facto departicipar numa for/a ue realie uma opera/-o de defe(a n-o (er cau(a *a(tante de eclu(-o dere(pon(a*ilidade criminal$ no( termo( de(ta al

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    C%0$12 I+Composio e administrao do $ribunal

    rtigo 8.4rgos do $ribunal

    ) ;ri*unal (er compo(to pelo( (euinte( Fr-o(!

    aB A 're(idncia+

    *B Kma (ec/-o de recur(o($ uma (ec/-o de 6ulamento em 1. in(t?ncia e uma (ec/-o dein(tru/-o+

    cB ) Oa*inete do 'rocurador+

    dB A 4ecretaria.

    rtigo 8=.4

    "xerc(cio das 'un7es de ui*

    1 )( 6u

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    iiB ApF( a aprova/-o e a entrada em vior de uma propo(ta de aumento do n,mero de 6u

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    de(e6a fiurar. Ia primeira elei/-o de mem*ro( do ;ri*unal$ pelo meno( nove 6u

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    " ) 6ui eleito para prover uma vaa concluir o mandato do (eu antece((or e$ (e e((e per

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    cB Iada no pre(ente n,mero o*(tar a ue (e con(tituam (imultaneamente mai( de um 6u

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    rtigo 5.4 Gabinete do %rocurador

    1 ) Oa*inete do 'rocurador actua de forma independente$ enuanto Fr-o autFnomo do;ri*unal. Competelhe recolher comunica/e( e ualuer outro tipo de informa/-o$ devidamentefundamentada$ (o*re crime( da competncia do ;ri*unal$ a fim de a( eaminar e inve(tiar e de

    eercer a ac/-o penal 6unto do ;ri*unal. )( mem*ro( do Oa*inete do 'rocurador n-o (olicitar-onem cumprir-o orden( de fonte( eterna( ao ;ri*unal.

    " ) Oa*inete do 'rocurador (er pre(idido pelo procurador$ ue ter plena autoridade para diriire admini(trar o Oa*inete do 'rocurador$ incluindo o pe((oal$ a( in(tala/e( e outro( recur(o(. )procurador (er coad6uvado por um ou mai( procuradore(ad6unto($ ue poder-o de(empenharualuer uma da( fun/e( ue incum*am :uele$ em conformidade com o di(po(to no pre(enteE(tatuto. ) procurador e o( procuradore(ad6unto( ter-o nacionalidade( diferente( ede(empenhar-o o re(pectivo caro em reime de eclu(ividade.

    @ ) procurador e o( procuradore(ad6unto( dever-o ter elevada idoneidade moral$ elevado n

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    1 A 4ecretaria (er re(pon(vel pelo( a(pecto( n-o 6udiciai( da admini(tra/-o e dofuncionamento do ;ri*unal$ (em pre6u

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    1 Km 6ui$ o procurador$ um procuradorad6unto$ o (ecretrio ou o (ecretrioad6unto ce((ar a(re(pectiva( fun/e($ por deci(-o adoptada de acordo com o di(po(to no n.& "$ no( ca(o( em ue!

    aB 4e conclua ue a pe((oa em cau(a incorreu em falta rave ou incumprimento rave da(fun/e( conferida( pelo pre(ente E(tatuto$ de acordo com o previ(to no Reulamento 'roce((ual+


    *B A pe((oa em cau(a (e encontra impo((i*ilitada de de(empenhar a( fun/e( definida( nopre(ente E(tatuto.

    " A deci(-o relativa : ce((a/-o de fun/e( de um 6ui$ do procurador ou de um procuradorad6unto$ de acordo com o n.& 1$ (er adoptada pela A((em*leia do( E(tado( 'arte( em e(crut

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    ;ri*unal *eneficiar-o do tratamento ue (e mo(tre nece((rio ao funcionamento adeuado de(te$no( termo( do acordo (o*re o( privil0io( e imunidade( do ;ri*unal.

    5 )( privil0io( e imunidade( poder-o (er levantado(!

    aB Io ca(o de um 6ui ou do procurador$ por deci(-o adoptada por maioria a*(oluta do( 6u

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    (u(citada em ;ri*unal n-o (e encontre previ(ta no Reulamento 'roce((ual$ o( 6u

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    como a ravidade do crime$ o( intere((e( da( v

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    di(po(itivo interovernamental$ de acordo com a re(pectiva competncia e ou mandato+

    dB Cele*rar acordo( ou conv0nio( compat

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    aB 'ara o( de(pacho( do 6u

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    iiiB 4e for o ca(o$ impedir ue a pe((oa continue a cometer e((e crime ou um crime coneo ue(e6a da competncia do ;ri*unal e tenha a (ua oriem na( me(ma( circun(t?ncia(.

    " Do reuerimento do procurador dever-o con(tar o( (euinte( elemento(!

    aB ) nome da pe((oa em cau(a e ualuer outro elemento ,til de identifica/-o+

    *B A referncia preci(a do crime da competncia do ;ri*unal ue a pe((oa tenha pre(umivelmentecometido+

    cB Kma de(cri/-o (ucinta do( facto( ue aleadamente con(tituem o crime+

    dB Km re(umo da( prova( e de ualuer outra informa/-o ue con(titua motivo (uficiente paracrer ue a pe((oa cometeu o crime+ e

    eB )( motivo( pelo( uai( o procurador con(idere nece((rio proceder : deten/-o dauela pe((oa.

    @ Do mandado de deten/-o dever-o con(tar o( (euinte( elemento(!

    aB ) nome da pe((oa em cau(a e ualuer outro elemento ,til de identifica/-o+

    *B A referncia preci(a do crime da competncia do ;ri*unal ue 6u(tifiue o pedido de deten/-o+e

    cB Kma de(cri/-o (ucinta do( facto( ue aleadamente con(tituem o crime.

    2 ) mandado de deten/-o manter(e vlido at0 deci(-o em contrrio do ;ri*unal.

    5 Com *a(e no mandado de deten/-o$ o ;ri*unal poder (olicitar a pri(-o preventiva ou adeten/-o e entrea da pe((oa em conformidade com o di(po(to no cap

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    rtigo =A.4%rocedimento de deteno no "stado da deteno

    1 ) E(tado 'arte ue rece*er um pedido de pri(-o preventiva ou de deten/-o e entrea$adoptar imediatamente a( medida( nece((ria( para proceder : deten/-o$ em conformidade como re(pectivo direito interno e com o di(po(to no cap

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    raovel devido a demora in6u(tificada da parte do procurador. A produir(e a referida demora$ o;ri*unal con(iderar a po((i*ilidade de pr o intere((ado em li*erdade$ com ou (em condi/e(.

    5 4e nece((rio$ o 6u3.4preciao da acusaro antes do ulgamento

    1 4alvo o di(po(to no n.& "$ e num prao raovel apF( a entrea da pe((oa ao ;ri*unal ou a (uacomparncia voluntria perante e(te$ o 6u

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    7 Com *a(e no( facto( apreciado( durante a audincia$ o 6u

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    (e nece((rio$ meio( t0cnico( de comunica/-o. E(ta( medida( (F (er-o adoptada( emcircun(t?ncia( ecepcionai( e pelo per.4Lun7es e poderes do u(*o de ulgamento em 3.M instncia

    1 A( fun/e( e podere( do 6u

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    aB Io in

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    particular no intere((e da( v.4%resuno de inoc;ncia

    1 ;oda a pe((oa (e pre(ume inocente at0 prova da (ua culpa perante o ;ri*unal$ de acordo como direito aplicvel.

    " 3ncum*e ao procurador o Fnu( da prova da culpa do aruido.

    @ 'ara proferir (enten/a condenatFria$ o ;ri*unal deve e(tar convencido de ue o aruido 0culpado$ para al0m de ualuer d,vida raovel.

    rtigo >?.4Direitos do arguido

    1 Durante a aprecia/-o de uai(uer facto( con(tante( da acu(a/-o$ o aruido tem direito a (erouvido em audincia p,*lica$ tendo em conta o di(po(to no pre(ente E(tatuto$ a uma audinciaconduida de forma euitativa e imparcial e :( (euinte( arantia( m

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    1 Em conformidade com o Reulamento 'roce((ual e ante( de depor$ ualuer te(temunha (ecomprometer a faer o (eu depoimento com verdade.

    " A prova te(temunhal dever (er pre(tada pela prFpria pe((oa no decur(o do 6ulamento$ (alvouando (e apliuem a( medida( e(ta*elecida( no artio %8.& ou no Reulamento 'roce((ual. Deiual modo$ o ;ri*unal poder permitir ue uma te(temunha pre(te declara/e( oralmente ou por

    meio de rava/-o em v

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    fB 4olicita/-o ou aceita/-o de (u*orno na ualidade de funcionrio do ;ri*unal$ e em rela/-o com ode(empenho da( re(pectiva( fun/e( oficiai(.

    " ) Reulamento 'roce((ual e(ta*elecer o( princ

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    afectaria o( (eu( intere((e( de (euran/a nacional$ tal E(tado ter o direito de intervir com vi(ta aver re(olvida e(ta ue(t-o em conformidade com o pre(ente artio.

    5 ) E(tado ue con(idere ue a divula/-o de determinada informa/-o poder afectar o( (eu(intere((e( de (euran/a nacional adoptar$ em con6unto com o procurador$ a defe(a$ o 6u

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    rtigo ?8.4In'ormao ou documentos disponibili*ados por terceiros

    4e um E(tado 'arte rece*er um pedido do ;ri*unal para ue lhe forne/a uma informa/-o ou umdocumento ue e(te6a (o* (ua cu(tFdia$ po((e ou controlo$ e ue lhe tenha (ido comunicado at

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    1 Ia determina/-o da pena$ o ;ri*unal atender$ de harmonia com o Reulamento 'roce((ual$ afactore( tai( como a ravidade do crime e a( condi/e( pe((oai( do condenado.

    " ) ;ri*unal de(contar$ na pena de pri(-o ue vier a aplicar$ o per

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    iiiB Erro de direito+ ou

    ivB ualuer outro motivo (u(cept

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    tramita/-o euitativa e c0lere do proce((o ou o re(ultado do 6ulamento$ e cu6a re(olu/-oimediata pelo 6u

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    iB De ue n-o di(punha auando do 6ulamento$ (em ue e((a circun(t?ncia pude((e (erimputada$ no todo ou em parte$ ao reuerente+ e

    iiB De tal forma importante( ue$ (e tive((em ficado provado( no 6ulamento$ teriamprovavelmente conduido a um veredicto diferente+

    *B A de(co*erta de ue elemento( de prova$ apreciado( no 6ulamento e deci(ivo( para adetermina/-o da culpa$ eram fal(o( ou tinham (ido o*6ecto de contrafac/-o ou fal(ifica/-o+

    cB Km ou vrio( do( 6u

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    aB ) ;ri*unal e(t ha*ilitado a diriir pedido( de coopera/-o ao( E(tado( 'arte(. E(te( pedido((er-o tran(mitido( pela via diplomtica ou por ualuer outra via apropriada e(colhida pelo E(tado'arte no momento da ratifica/-o$ aceita/-o$ aprova/-o ou ade(-o ao pre(ente E(tatuto.

    ualuer E(tado 'arte poder alterar po(teriormente a e(colha feita no( termo( do Reulamento'roce((ual.

    *B 4e for ca(o di((o$ e (em pre6u

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    procedimento criminal conduido pelo E(tado reuerente relativamente ao pedido de etradi/-opor e(te formulado+ ou

    *B 4e o ;ri*unal tiver tomado a deci(-o referida na al

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    (er confirmado atrav0( do( canai( previ(to( na al

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    @ ualuer pe((oa mantida (o* pri(-o preventiva poder (er po(ta em li*erdade (e o E(tadoreuerido n-o tiver rece*ido$ em conformidade com o artio 91.&$ o pedido de entrea e o(re(pectivo( documento( no prao fiado pelo Reulamento 'roce((ual. ;odavia$ e((a pe((oapoder con(entir na (ua entrea ante( do termo do per

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    de au

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    *B ;odavia$ (empre ue o pedido formulado pelo ;ri*unal re(peitar a informa/e($ *en( ou pe((oa(ue e(te6am (o* o controlo de um E(tado terceiro ou de uma orania/-o internacional ao a*riode um acordo internacional$ o( E(tado( reuerido( informar-o o ;ri*unal em conformidade$ e e(tediriir o (eu pedido ao E(tado terceiro ou : orania/-o internacional.


    aB Hediante pedido$ o ;ri*unal cooperar com um E(tado 'arte e pre(tarlhe au

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    rtigo A>.4Contedo do pedido sob outras 'ormas de cooperao

    previstas no artigo A8.4

    1 ;odo o pedido relativo a outra( forma( de coopera/-o previ(ta( no artio 9@.& (er formuladopor e(crito. Em ca(o de urncia$ o pedido poder (er feito por ualuer meio ue permita manter

    um rei(to e(crito$ de(de ue (e6a confirmado atrav0( do( canai( indicado( na al

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    1 ) ;ri*unal n-o pode dar (euimento a um pedido de entrea ou de au.4

    1 )( pedido( de au

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    aB A( de(pe(a( relacionada( com a( viaen( e a protec/-o da( te(temunha( e do( perito( ou coma tran(ferncia de detido( ao a*rio do artio 9@.&+

    *B A( de(pe(a( de tradu/-o$ de interpreta/-o e de tran(cri/-o+

    cB A( de(pe(a( de de(loca/-o e de e(tada do( 6u

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    cB ) E(tado indicado no ?m*ito de um determinado ca(o dar prontamente a conhecer (e aceitaou n-o a indica/-o do ;ri*unal.


    aB ) E(tado da eecu/-o informar o ;ri*unal de ualuer circun(t?ncia$ incluindo o cumprimentode uai(uer condi/e( acordada( no( termo( do n.& 1$ ue po((am afectar materialmente a(condi/e( ou a dura/-o da deten/-o. ) ;ri*unal (er informado com$ pelo meno($ 25 dia( deantecedncia (o*re ualuer circun(t?ncia de((a naturea$ conhecida ou previ(

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    rtigo 3B>.4Controlo da execuo da pena e das condi7es

    de deteno

    1 A eecu/-o de uma pena privativa de li*erdade (er (u*metida ao controlo do ;ri*unal eo*(ervar a( norma( convencionai( internacionai( amplamente aceite( em mat0ria de tratamento

    do( reclu(o(.

    " A( condi/e( de deten/-o (er-o reulada( pela lei(la/-o do E(tado da eecu/-o e o*(ervar-oa( norma( convencionai( internacionai( amplamente aceite( em mat0ria de tratamento do(reclu(o(+ em ca(o alum devem (er meno( ou mai( favorvei( do ue a( aplicvei( ao( reclu(o(condenado( no E(tado da eecu/-o por infrac/e( anloa(.

    @ A( comunica/e( entre o condenado e o ;ri*unal (er-o livre( e ter-o carcter confidencial.

    rtigo 3B?.4$rans'er;ncia do condenado depois de cumprida a pena

    1 Cumprida a pena$ a pe((oa ue n-o (e6a nacional do E(tado da eecu/-o poder$ de acordocom a lei(la/-o de((e me(mo E(tado$ (er tran(ferida para um outro E(tado o*riado a aceitlaou ainda para um outro E(tado ue aceite acolhla$ tendo em conta a vontade epre((a pelape((oa em (er tran(ferida para e((e E(tado$ a meno( ue o E(tado da eecu/-o autorie e((ape((oa a permanecer no (eu territFrio.

    " A( de(pe(a( relativa( : tran(ferncia do condenado para um outro E(tado no( termo( do n.& 1(er-o (uportada( pelo ;ri*unal (e nenhum E(tado a( tomar a (eu caro.

    @ 4em pre6u

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    @ )( *en($ ou o produto da venda de *en( imFvei( ou$ (e for ca(o di((o$ da venda de outro(*en( o*tido( por um E(tado 'arte por for/a da eecu/-o de uma deci(-o do ;ri*unal (er-otran(ferido( para o ;ri*unal.

    rtigo 33B.4

    #eexame pelo $ribunal da Euesto de reduo de pena

    1 ) E(tado da eecu/-o n-o poder li*ertar o reclu(o ante( de cumprida a totalidade da penaproferida pelo ;ri*unal.

    " 4omente o ;ri*unal ter a faculdade de decidir (o*re ualuer redu/-o da pena e$ ouvido ocondenado$ pronunciar(e a tal re(peito.

    @ uando a pe((oa 6 tiver cumprido doi( ter/o( da pena$ ou "5 ano( de pri(-o em ca(o de penade pri(-o perp0tua$ o ;ri*unal reeaminar a pena para determinar (e haver luar : (ua redu/-o.;al reeame (F (er efectuado tran(corrido o per

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    aB Eaminar e adoptar$ (e adeuado$ a( recomenda/e( da comi((-o preparatFria+

    *B ;ran(mitir : 're(idncia$ ao procurador e ao (ecretrio a( linha( orientadora( erai( no uetoca : admini(tra/-o do ;ri*unal+

    cB Eaminar o( relatFrio( e a( actividade( do Mureau e(ta*elecido no( termo( do n.& @ e tomar

    a( medida( apropriada(+

    dB Eaminar e aprovar o or/amento do ;ri*unal+

    eB Decidir$ (e for ca(o di((o$ alterar o n,mero de 6u

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    votar na A((em*leia ou no Mureau (e ficar provado ue a falta de paamento 0 devida acircun(t?ncia( alheia( ao controlo do E(tado 'arte.

    9 A A((em*leia adoptar o (eu prFprio reimento.

    1# A( l.4Contribui7es volunt!rias

    4em pre6u

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    )( relatFrio($ livro( e conta( do ;ri*unal$ incluindo o( *alan/o( financeiro( anuai($ (er-overificado( anualmente por um revi(or de conta( independente.

    C%0$12 NIIICl!usulas 'inais

    rtigo 33A.4#esoluo de di'erendos

    1 ualuer diferendo relativo :( fun/e( 6udiciai( do ;ri*unal (er re(olvido por deci(-o do;ri*unal.

    " uai(uer diferendo( entre doi( ou mai( E(tado( 'arte( relativo( : interpreta/-o ou :aplica/-o do pre(ente E(tatuto$ ue n-o forem re(olvido( pela via neocial num per

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    vior de(ta altera/-o.

    7 ) 4ecretrioOeral da )rania/-o da( Ia/e( Knida( comunicar a todo( o( E(tado( 'arte(uai(uer altera/e( ue tenham (ido adoptada( em reuni-o da A((em*leia do( E(tado( 'arte( ounuma conferncia de revi(-o.

    rtigo 355.4lterao de disposi7es de car!cter institucional

    1 I-o o*(tante o di(po(to no artio 1"1.&$ n.& 1$ ualuer E(tado 'arte poder$ em ualuermomento$ propor altera/e( :( di(po(i/e( do pre(ente E(tatuto$ de carcter eclu(ivamentein(titucional$ a (a*er$ artio( @5.&$ @%.&$ n.o( 8 e 9$ @7.&$ @8.&$ @9.&$ n.o( 1 >a( primeira( dua(fra(e(B$ " e 2$ 2".&$ n.o( 2 a 9$ 2@.&$ n.o( " e @$ 22.&$ 2%.&$ 27.& e 29.& ) teto de ualuerpropo(ta (er (u*metido ao 4ecretrioOeral da )rania/-o da( Ia/e( Knida( ou a ualueroutra pe((oa de(inada pela A((em*leia do( E(tado( 'arte($ ue o comunicar (em demora atodo( o( E(tado( 'arte( e ao( outro( participante( na A((em*leia.

    " A( altera/e( apre(entada( no( termo( de(te artio$ (o*re a( uai( n-o (e6a po((

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    )rania/-o da( Ia/e( Knida($ em Iova 3orue$ at0 @1 de Deem*ro de "###.

    " ) pre(ente E(tatuto fica (u6eito a ratifica/-o$ aceita/-o ou aprova/-o do( E(tado( (inatrio(.)( in(trumento( de ratifica/-o$ aceita/-o ou aprova/-o (er-o depo(itado( 6unto do 4ecretrioOeral da )rania/-o da( Ia/e( Knida(.

    @ ) pre(ente E(tatuto fica a*erto : ade(-o de ualuer E(tado. )( in(trumento( de ade(-o (er-odepo(itado( 6unto do 4ecretrioOeral da )rania/-o da( Ia/e( Knida(.

    rtigo 35>.4"ntrada em vigor

    1 ) pre(ente E(tatuto entrar em vior no 1.& dia do m( (euinte ao termo de um per

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    Hindful that durin thi( centurS million( of children$ Tomen and men have *een victim( ofunimaina*le atrocitie( that deeplS (hocN the con(cience of humanitS+Reconiin that (uch rave crime( threaten the peace$ (ecuritS and Tell*ein of the Torld+

    Affirmin that the mo(t (eriou( crime( of concern to the international communitS a( a Thole mu(t

    not o unpuni(hed and that their effective pro(ecution mu(t *e en(ured *S taNin mea(ure( at thenational level and *S enhancin international cooperation+

    Determined to put an end to impunitS for the perpetrator( of the(e crime( and thu( to contri*uteto the prevention of (uch crime(+

    Recallin that it i( the dutS of everS 4tate to eerci(e it( criminal 6uri(diction over tho(ere(pon(i*le for international crime(+

    Reaffirmin the purpo(e( and principle( of the Charter of the Knited Iation($ and in particular thatall 4tate( (hall refrain from the threat or u(e of force aain(t the territorial interitS or politicalindependence of anS 4tate$ or in anS other manner incon(i(tent Tith the purpo(e( of the Knited


    Empha(iin in thi( connection that nothin in thi( 4tatute (hall *e taNen a( authoriin anS 4tate'artS to intervene in an armed conflict in the internal affair( of anS 4tate+

    Determined to the(e end( and for the (aNe of pre(ent and future eneration($ to e(ta*li(h anindependent permanent international criminal court in relation(hip Tith the Knited Iation( (S(tem$Tith 6uri(diction over the mo(t (eriou( crime( of concern to the international communitS a( aThole+

    Empha(iin that the 3nternational Criminal Court e(ta*li(hed under thi( 4tatute (hall *ecomplementarS to national criminal 6uri(diction(+

    Re(olved to uarantee la(tin re(pect for the enforcement of international 6u(tice+have areed a( folloT(!

    %#$ 3"stablishment o' the Court

    rticle 3$he Court

    An 3nternational Criminal Court >the CourtB i( here*S e(ta*li(hed. 3t (hall *e a permanentin(titution and (hall have the poTer to eerci(e it( 6uri(diction over per(on( for the mo(t (eriou(crime( of international concern$ a( referred to in thi( 4tatute$ and (hall *e complementarS to

    national criminal 6uri(diction(. ;he 6uri(diction and functionin of the Court (hall *e overned *Sthe provi(ion( of thi( 4tatute.

    rticle 5#elationship o' the Court with the 1nited 6ations

    ;he Court (hall *e *rouht into relation(hip Tith the Knited Iation( throuh an areement to *eapproved *S the A((em*lS of 4tate( 'artie( to thi( 4tatute and thereafter concluded *S thepre(ident of the Court$ on it( *ehalf.

    rticle 89eat o' the Court

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    rticle ?Crimes against humanitO

    1 Gor the purpo(e of thi( 4tatute$ crime aain(t humanitS mean( anS of the folloTin act(Then committed a( part of a Tide(pread or (S(tematic attacN directed aain(t anS civilianpopulation$ Tith NnoTlede of the attacN!

    aB Hurder+

    *B Etermination+

    cB En(lavement+

    dB Deportation or forci*le tran(fer of population+

    eB 3mpri(onment or other (evere deprivation of phS(ical li*ertS in violation of fundamental rule( ofinternational laT+

    fB ;orture+

    B Rape$ (eual (laverS$ enforced pro(titution$ forced prenancS$ enforced (teriliation$ or anSother form of (eual violence of compara*le ravitS+

    hB 'er(ecution aain(t anS identifia*le roup or collectivitS on political$ racial$ national$ ethnic$cultural$ reliiou($ ender a( defined in pararaph @$ or other round( that are univer(allSreconied a( impermi((i*le under international laT$ in connection Tith anS act referred to in thi(pararaph or anS crime Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court+

    iB Enforced di(appearance of per(on(+

    6B ;he crime of apartheid+

    NB )ther inhumane act( of a (imilar character intentionallS cau(in reat (ufferin$ or (eriou(in6urS to *odS or to mental or phS(ical health.

    " Gor the purpo(e of pararaph 1!

    aB AttacN directed aain(t anS civilian population mean( a cour(e of conduct involvin themultiple commi((ion of act( referred to in pararaph 1 aain(t anS civilian population$ pur(uant toor in furtherance of a 4tate or oraniational policS to commit (uch attacN+

    *B Etermination include( the intentional infliction of condition( of life$ inter alia the deprivationof acce(( to food and medicine$ calculated to *rin a*out the de(truction of part of a population+

    cB En(lavement mean( the eerci(e of anS or all of the poTer( attachin to the riht ofoTner(hip over a per(on and include( the eerci(e of (uch poTer in the cour(e of trafficNin inper(on($ in particular Tomen and children+

    dB Deportation or forci*le tran(fer of population mean( forced di(placement of the per(on(concerned *S epul(ion or other coercive act( from the area in Thich theS are laTfullS pre(ent$Tithout round( permitted under international laT+

    eB ;orture mean( the intentional infliction of (evere pain or (ufferin$ Thether phS(ical ormental$ upon a per(on in the cu(todS or under the control of the accu(ed+ ecept that torture (hallnot include pain or (ufferin ari(in onlS from$ inherent in or incidental to$ laTful (anction(+

    fB Gorced prenancS mean( the unlaTful confinement of a Toman forci*lS made prenant$ Tith

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    the intent of affectin the ethnic compo(ition of anS population or carrSin out other raveviolation( of international laT. ;hi( definition (hall not in anS TaS *e interpreted a( affectinnational laT( relatin to prenancS+

    B 'er(ecution mean( the intentional and (evere deprivation of fundamental riht( contrarS tointernational laT *S rea(on of the identitS of the roup or collectivitS+

    hB ;he crime of apartheid mean( inhumane act( of a character (imilar to tho(e referred to inpararaph 1$ committed in the contet of an in(titutionalied reime of (S(tematic oppre((ion anddomination *S one racial roup over anS other racial roup or roup( and committed Tith theintention of maintainin that reime+

    iB Enforced di(appearance of per(on( mean( the arre(t$ detention or a*duction of per(on( *S orTith the authoriation$ (upport or acuie(cence of a 4tate or a political oraniation$ folloTed *S arefu(al to acNnoTlede that deprivation of freedom or to ive information on the fate orTherea*out( of tho(e per(on($ Tith the intention of removin them from the protection of the laTfor a proloned period of time.

    @ Gor the purpo(e of thi( 4tatute$ it i( under(tood that the term ender refer( to the tTo (ee($

    male and female$ Tithin the contet of (ocietS. ;he term ender doe( not indicate anS meanindifferent from the a*ove.

    rticle @Par crimes

    1 ;he Court (hall have 6uri(diction in re(pect of Tar crime( in particular Then committed a( apart of a plan or policS or a( part of a lare (cale commi((ion of (uch crime(.

    " Gor the purpo(e of thi( 4tatute$ Tar crime( mean(!

    aB Orave *reache( of the Oeneva Convention( of 1" Auu(t 1929$ namelS$ anS of the folloTin

    act( aain(t per(on( or propertS protected under the provi(ion( of the relevant OenevaConvention!

    iB Uilful Nillin+

    iiB ;orture or inhuman treatment$ includin *ioloical eperiment(+

    iiiB UilfullS cau(in reat (ufferin$ or (eriou( in6urS to *odS or health+

    ivB Eten(ive de(truction and appropriation of propertS$ not 6u(tified *S militarS nece((itS andcarried out unlaTfullS and TantonlS+

    vB Compellin a pri(oner of Tar or other protected per(on to (erve in the force( of a ho(tile poTer+

    viB UilfullS deprivin a pri(oner of Tar or other protected per(on of the riht( of fair and reulartrial+

    viiB KnlaTful deportation or tran(fer or unlaTful confinement+

    viiiB ;aNin of ho(tae(+

    *B )ther (eriou( violation( of the laT( and cu(tom( applica*le in international armed conflict$Tithin the e(ta*li(hed frameTorN of international laT$ namelS$ anS of the folloTin act(!

    iB 3ntentionallS directin attacN( aain(t the civilian population a( (uch or aain(t individualcivilian( not taNin direct part in ho(tilitie(+

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    iiB 3ntentionallS directin attacN( aain(t civilian o*6ect($ that i($ o*6ect( Thich are not militarSo*6ective(+

    iiiB 3ntentionallS directin attacN( aain(t per(onnel$ in(tallation($ material$ unit( or vehicle(involved in a humanitarian a((i(tance or peaceNeepin mi((ion in accordance Tith the Charter ofthe Knited Iation($ a( lon a( theS are entitled to the protection iven to civilian( or civilian

    o*6ect( under the international laT of armed conflict+

    ivB 3ntentionallS launchin an attacN in the NnoTlede that (uch attacN Till cau(e incidental lo(( oflife or in6urS to civilian( or damae to civilian o*6ect( or Tide(pread$ lonterm and (everedamae to the natural environment Thich Tould *e clearlS ece((ive in relation to the concreteand direct overall militarS advantae anticipated+

    vB AttacNin or *om*ardin$ *S Thatever mean($ toTn($ villae($ dTellin( or *uildin( Thich areundefended and Thich are not militarS o*6ective(+

    viB Villin or Toundin a com*atant Tho$ havin laid doTn hi( arm( or havin no loner mean( ofdefence$ ha( (urrendered at di(cretion+

    viiB HaNin improper u(e of a fla of truce$ of the fla or of the militarS in(inia and uniform of theenemS or of the Knited Iation($ a( Tell a( of the di(tinctive em*lem( of the Oeneva Convention($re(ultin in death or (eriou( per(onal in6urS+

    viiiB ;he tran(fer$ directlS or indirectlS$ *S the occupSin poTer of part( of it( oTn civilianpopulation into the territorS it occupie($ or the deportation or tran(fer of all or part( of thepopulation of the occupied territorS Tithin or out(ide thi( territorS+

    iB 3ntentionallS directin attacN( aain(t *uildin( dedicated to reliion$ education$ art$ (cience orcharita*le purpo(e($ hi(toric monument($ ho(pital( and place( There the (icN and Tounded arecollected$ provided theS are not militarS o*6ective(+

    B 4u*6ectin per(on( Tho are in the poTer of an adver(e partS to phS(ical mutilation or tomedical or (cientific eperiment( of anS Nind Thich are neither 6u(tified *S the medical$ dental orho(pital treatment of the per(on concerned nor carried out in hi( or her intere(t$ and Thich cau(edeath to or (eriou(lS endaner the health of (uch per(on or per(on(+

    iB Villin or Toundin treacherou(lS individual( *elonin to the ho(tile nation or armS+

    iiB Declarin that no uarter Till *e iven+

    iiiB De(troSin or (eiin the enemSW( propertS$ unle(( (uch de(truction or (eiure *e imperativelSdemanded *S the nece((itie( of Tar+

    ivB Declarin a*oli(hed$ (u(pended or inadmi((i*le in a court of laT the riht( and action( of thenational( of the ho(tile partS+

    vB Compellin the national( of the ho(tile partS to taNe part in the operation( of Tar directedaain(t their oTn countrS$ even if theS Tere in the *ellierentW( (ervice *efore the commencementof the Tar+

    viB 'illain a toTn or place$ even Then taNen *S a((ault+

    viiB EmploSin poi(on or poi(oned Teapon(+

    viiiB EmploSin a(phSiatin$ poi(onou( or other a(e($ and all analoou( liuid($ material( ordevice(+

    iB EmploSin *ullet( Thich epand or flatten ea(ilS in the human *odS$ (uch a( *ullet( Tith a

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    hard envelope Thich doe( not entirelS cover the core or i( pierced Tith inci(ion(+

    B EmploSin Teapon($ pro6ectile( and material and method( of Tarfare Thich are of a nature tocau(e (uperfluou( in6urS or unnece((arS (ufferin or Thich are inherentlS indi(criminate inviolation of the international laT of armed conflict$ provided that (uch Teapon($ pro6ectile( andmaterial and method( of Tarfare are the (u*6ect of a comprehen(ive prohi*ition and are included

    in an anne to thi( 4tatute$ *S an amendment in accordance Tith the relevant provi(ion( (et forthin article( 1"1 and 1"@+

    iB Committin outrae( upon per(onal dinitS$ in particular humiliatin and deradintreatment+

    iiB Committin rape$ (eual (laverS$ enforced pro(titution$ forced prenancS$ a( defined in article7$ pararaph "$ fB$ enforced (teriliation or anS other form of (eual violence al(o con(titutin arave *reach of the Oeneva Convention(+

    iiiB Ktiliin the pre(ence of a civilian or other protected per(on to render certain point($ area(or militarS force( immune from militarS operation(+

    ivB 3ntentionallS directin attacN( aain(t *uildin($ material$ medical unit( and tran(port andper(onnel u(in the di(tinctive em*lem( of the Oeneva Convention($ in conformitS Tithinternational laT+

    vB 3ntentionallS u(in (tarvation of civilian( a( a method of Tarfare *S deprivin them of o*6ect(indi(pen(a*le to their (urvival$ includin TilfullS impedin relief (upplie( a( provided for under theOeneva Convention(+

    viB Con(criptin or enli(tin children under the ae of fifteen Sear( into the national armedforce( or u(in them to participate activelS in ho(tilitie(+

    cB 3n the ca(e of an armed conflict not of an international character$ (eriou( violation( of article @common to the four Oeneva Convention( of 1" Auu(t 1929$ namelS$ anS of the folloTin act(committed aain(t per(on( taNin no active part in the ho(tilitie($ includin mem*er( of armedforce( Tho have laid doTn their arm( and tho(e placed hor( de com*at *S (icNne(($ Tound($detention or anS other cau(e!

    iB iolence to life and per(on$ in particular murder of all Nind($ mutilation$ cruel treatment andtorture+

    iiB Committin outrae( upon per(onal dinitS$ in particular humiliatin and deradin treatment+

    iiiB ;aNin of ho(tae(+

    ivB ;he pa((in of (entence( and the carrSin out of eecution( Tithout previou( 6udementpronounced *S a reularlS con(tituted court$ affordin all 6udicial uarantee( Thich are enerallSreconied a( indi(pen(a*le+

    dB 'araraph "$ cB$ applie( to armed conflict( not of an international character and thu( doe( notapplS to (ituation( of internal di(tur*ance( and ten(ion($ (uch a( riot($ i(olated and (poradic act(of violence or other act( of a (imilar nature+

    eB )ther (eriou( violation( of the laT( and cu(tom( applica*le in armed conflict( not of aninternational character$ Tithin the e(ta*li(hed frameTorN of international laT$ namelS$ anS of thefolloTin act(!

    iB 3ntentionallS directin attacN( aain(t the civilian population a( (uch or aain(t individualcivilian( not taNin direct part in ho(tilitie(+

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    iiB 3ntentionallS directin attacN( aain(t *uildin($ material$ medical unit( and tran(port$ andper(onnel u(in the di(tinctive em*lem( of the Oeneva Convention( in conformitS Tithinternational laT+

    iiiB 3ntentionallS directin attacN( aain(t per(onnel$ in(tallation($ material$ unit( or vehicle(

    involved in a humanitarian a((i(tance or peaceNeepin mi((ion in accordance Tith the Charter ofthe Knited Iation($ a( lon a( theS are entitled to the protection iven to civilian( or civiliano*6ect( under the laT of armed conflict+

    ivB 3ntentionallS directin attacN( aain(t *uildin( dedicated to reliion$ education$ art$ (cience orcharita*le purpo(e($ hi(toric monument($ ho(pital( and place( There the (icN and Tounded arecollected$ provided theS are not militarS o*6ective(+

    vB 'illain a toTn or place$ even Then taNen *S a((ault+

    viB Committin rape$ (eual (laverS$ enforced pro(titution$ forced prenancS$ a( defined in article7$ pararaph "$ fB$ enforced (teriliation$ and anS other form of (eual violence al(o con(titutin a

    (eriou( violation of article @ common to the four Oeneva Convention(+

    viiB Con(criptin or enli(tin children under the ae of fifteen Sear( into armed force( or roup( oru(in them to participate activelS in ho(tilitie(+

    viiiB )rderin the di(placement of the civilian population for rea(on( related to the conflict$ unle((the (ecuritS of the civilian( involved or imperative militarS rea(on( (o demand+

    iB Villin or Toundin treacherou(lS a com*atant adver(arS+

    B Declarin that no uarter Till *e iven+

    iB 4u*6ectin per(on( Tho are in the poTer of another partS to the conflict to phS(ical mutilation

    or to medical or (cientific eperiment( of anS Nind Thich are neither 6u(tified *S the medical$dental or ho(pital treatment of the per(on concerned nor carried out in hi( or her intere(t$ andThich cau(e death to or (eriou(lS endaner the health of (uch per(on or per(on(+

    iiB De(troSin or (eiin the propertS of an adver(arS unle(( (uch de(truction or (eiure *eimperativelS demanded *S the nece((itie( of the conflict+

    fB 'araraph "$ eB$ applie( to armed conflict( not of an international character and thu( doe( notapplS to (ituation( of internal di(tur*ance( and ten(ion($ (uch a( riot($ i(olated and (poradic act(of violence or other act( of a (imilar nature. 3t applie( to armed conflict( that taNe place in theterritorS of a 4tate Then there i( protracted armed conflict *etTeen overnmental authoritie( andoranied armed roup( or *etTeen (uch roup(.

    @ Iothin in pararaph "$ cB and dB$ (hall affect the re(pon(i*ilitS of a Oovernment to maintainor ree(ta*li(h laT and order in the 4tate or to defend the unitS and territorial interitS of the4tate$ *S all leitimate mean(.

    rticle A"lements o' crimes

    1 Element( of crime( (hall a((i(t the Court in the interpretation and application of article( %$ 7and 8. ;heS (hall *e adopted *S a tTothird( ma6oritS of the mem*er( of the A((em*lS of 4tate('artie(.

    " Amendment( to the element( of crime( maS *e propo(ed *S!

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    aB AnS 4tate 'artS+

    *B ;he 6ude( actin *S an a*(olute ma6oritS+

    cB ;he pro(ecutor.

    4uch amendment( (hall *e adopted *S a tTothird( ma6oritS of the mem*er( of the A((em*lS of4tate( 'artie(.

    @ ;he element( of crime( and amendment( thereto (hall *e con(i(tent Tith thi( 4tatute.

    rticle 3B

    Iothin in thi( part (hall *e interpreted a( limitin or pre6udicin in anS TaS ei(tin or developinrule( of international laT for purpo(e( other than thi( 4tatute.

    rticle 33Jurisdiction ratione temporis

    1 ;he Court ha( 6uri(diction onlS Tith re(pect to crime( committed after the entrS into force ofthi( 4tatute.

    " 3f a 4tate *ecome( a 'artS to thi( 4tatute after it( entrS into force$ the Court maS eerci(e it(6uri(diction onlS Tith re(pect to crime( committed after the entrS into force of thi( 4tatute for that4tate$ unle(( that 4tate ha( made a declaration under article 1"$ pararaph @.

    rticle 35%reconditions to the exercise o' urisdiction

    1 A 4tate Thich *ecome( a 'artS to thi( 4tatute there*S accept( the 6uri(diction of the Court

    Tith re(pect to the crime( referred to in article 5.

    " 3n the ca(e of article 1@$ pararaph aB or cB$ the Court maS eerci(e it( 6uri(diction if one ormore of the folloTin 4tate( are 'artie( to thi( 4tatute or have accepted the 6uri(diction of theCourt in accordance Tith pararaph @!

    aB ;he 4tate on the territorS of Thich the conduct in ue(tion occurred or$ if the crime Ta(committed on *oard a ve((el or aircraft$ the 4tate of rei(tration of that ve((el or aircraft+

    *B ;he 4tate of Thich the per(on accu(ed of the crime i( a national.

    @ 3f the acceptance of a 4tate Thich i( not a 'artS to thi( 4tatute i( reuired under pararaph "$

    that 4tate maS$ *S declaration loded Tith the rei(trar$ accept the eerci(e of 6uri(diction *S theCourt Tith re(pect to the crime in ue(tion. ;he acceptin 4tate (hall cooperate Tith the CourtTithout anS delaS or eception in accordance Tith part 9.

    rticle 38"xercise o' urisdiction

    ;he Court maS eerci(e it( 6uri(diction Tith re(pect to a crime referred to in article 5 in accordanceTith the provi(ion( of thi( 4tatute if!

    aB A (ituation in Thich one or more of (uch crime( appear( to have *een committed i( referred tothe pro(ecutor *S a 4tate 'artS in accordance Tith article 12+

    *B A (ituation in Thich one or more of (uch crime( appear( to have *een committed i( referred to

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    the pro(ecutor *S the 4ecuritS Council actin under chapter 33 of the Charter of the KnitedIation(+ or

    cB ;he pro(ecutor ha( initiated an inve(tiation in re(pect of (uch a crime in accordance Titharticle 15.

    rticle 3#e'erral o' a situation bO a 9tate %artO

    1 A 4tate 'artS maS refer to the pro(ecutor a (ituation in Thich one or more crime( Tithin the6uri(diction of the Court appear to have *een committed reue(tin the pro(ecutor to inve(tiatethe (ituation for the purpo(e of determinin Thether one or more (pecific per(on( (hould *echared Tith the commi((ion of (uch crime(.

    " A( far a( po((i*le$ a referral (hall (pecifS the relevant circum(tance( and *e accompanied *S(uch (upportin documentation a( i( availa*le to the 4tate referrin the (ituation.

    rticle 3=


    1 ;he pro(ecutor maS initiate inve(tiation( proprio motu on the *a(i( of information on crime(Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court.

    " ;he pro(ecutor (hall analS(e the (eriou(ne(( of the information received. Gor thi( purpo(e$ heor (he maS (eeN additional information from 4tate($ oran( of the Knited Iation($interovernmental or nonovernmental oraniation($ or other relia*le (ource( that he or (hedeem( appropriate$ and maS receive Tritten or oral te(timonS at the (eat of the Court.

    @ 3f the pro(ecutor conclude( that there i( a rea(ona*le *a(i( to proceed Tith an inve(tiation$he or (he (hall (u*mit to the 're;rial Cham*er a reue(t for authoriation of an inve(tiation$

    toether Tith anS (upportin material collected. ictim( maS maNe repre(entation( to the 're;rialCham*er$ in accordance Tith the Rule( of 'rocedure and Evidence.

    2 3f the 're;rial Cham*er$ upon eamination of the reue(t and the (upportin material$con(ider( that there i( a rea(ona*le *a(i( to proceed Tith an inve(tiation$ and that the ca(eappear( to fall Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court$ it (hall authorie the commencement of theinve(tiation$ Tithout pre6udice to (u*(euent determination( *S the Court Tith reard to the

    6uri(diction and admi((i*ilitS of a ca(e.

    5 ;he refu(al of the 're;rial Cham*er to authorie the inve(tiation (hall not preclude thepre(entation of a (u*(euent reue(t *S the pro(ecutor *a(ed on neT fact( or evidence reardinthe (ame (ituation.

    % 3f$ after the preliminarS eamination referred to in pararaph( 1 and "$ the pro(ecutorconclude( that the information provided doe( not con(titute a rea(ona*le *a(i( for aninve(tiation$ he or (he (hall inform tho(e Tho provided the information. ;hi( (hall not precludethe pro(ecutor from con(iderin further information (u*mitted to him or her reardin the (ame(ituation in the liht of neT fact( or evidence.

    rticle 3>De'erral o' investigation or prosecution

    Io inve(tiation or pro(ecution maS *e commenced or proceeded Tith under thi( 4tatute for aperiod of 1" month( after the 4ecuritS Council$ in a re(olution adopted under chapter 33 of theCharter of the Knited Iation($ ha( reue(ted the Court to that effect+ that reue(t maS *e

    reneTed *S the Council under the (ame condition(.

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    rticle 3?Issues o' admissibilitO

    1 =avin reard to pararaph 1# of the pream*le and article 1$ the Court (hall determine that aca(e i( inadmi((i*le There!

    aB ;he ca(e i( *ein inve(tiated or pro(ecuted *S a 4tate Thich ha( 6uri(diction over it$ unle(( the4tate i( unTillin or una*le enuinelS to carrS out the inve(tiation or pro(ecution+

    *B ;he ca(e ha( *een inve(tiated *S a 4tate Thich ha( 6uri(diction over it and the 4tate ha(decided not to pro(ecute the per(on concerned$ unle(( the deci(ion re(ulted from theunTillinne(( or ina*ilitS of the 4tate enuinelS to pro(ecute+

    cB ;he per(on concerned ha( alreadS *een tried for conduct Thich i( the (u*6ect of the complaint$and a trial *S the Court i( not permitted under article "#$ pararaph @+

    dB ;he ca(e i( not of (ufficient ravitS to 6u(tifS further action *S the Court.

    " 3n order to determine unTillinne(( in a particular ca(e$ the Court (hall con(ider$ havin reardto the principle( of due proce(( reconied *S international laT$ Thether one or more of thefolloTin ei(t$ a( applica*le!

    aB ;he proceedin( Tere or are *ein undertaNen or the national deci(ion Ta( made for thepurpo(e of (hieldin the per(on concerned from criminal re(pon(i*ilitS for crime( Tithin the

    6uri(diction of the Court referred to in article 5+

    *B ;here ha( *een an un6u(tified delaS in the proceedin( Thich in the circum(tance( i(incon(i(tent Tith an intent to *rin the per(on concerned to 6u(tice+

    cB ;he proceedin( Tere not or are not *ein conducted independentlS or impartiallS$ and theS

    Tere or are *ein conducted in a manner Thich$ in the circum(tance($ i( incon(i(tent Tith anintent to *rin the per(on concerned to 6u(tice.

    @ 3n order to determine ina*ilitS in a particular ca(e$ the Court (hall con(ider Thether$ due to atotal or (u*(tantial collap(e or unavaila*ilitS of it( national 6udicial (S(tem$ the 4tate i( una*le too*tain the accu(ed or the nece((arS evidence and te(timonS or otherTi(e una*le to carrS out it(proceedin(.

    rticle 3@%reliminarO rulings regarding admissibilitO

    1 Uhen a (ituation ha( *een referred to the Court pur(uant to article 1@$ aB$ and the pro(ecutor

    ha( determined that there Tould *e a rea(ona*le *a(i( to commence an inve(tiation$ or thepro(ecutor initiate( an inve(tiation pur(uant to article( 1@$ cB$ and 15$ the pro(ecutor (hall notifSall 4tate( 'artie( and tho(e 4tate( Thich$ taNin into account the information availa*le$ TouldnormallS eerci(e 6uri(diction over the crime( concerned. ;he pro(ecutor maS notifS (uch 4tate(on a confidential *a(i( and$ There the pro(ecutor *elieve( it nece((arS to protect per(on($ preventde(truction of evidence or prevent the a*(condin of per(on($ maS limit the (cope of theinformation provided to 4tate(.

    " Uithin one month of receipt of that notice$ a 4tate maS inform the Court that it i( inve(tiatinor ha( inve(tiated it( national( or other( Tithin it( 6uri(diction Tith re(pect to criminal act( ThichmaS con(titute crime( referred to in article 5 and Thich relate to the information provided in thenotification to 4tate(. At the reue(t of that 4tate$ the pro(ecutor (hall defer to the 4tateW(inve(tiation of tho(e per(on( unle(( the 're;rial Cham*er$ on the application of the pro(ecutor$decide( to authorie the inve(tiation.

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    @ ;he pro(ecutorW( deferral to a 4tateW( inve(tiation (hall *e open to revieT *S the pro(ecutor(i month( after the date of deferral or at anS time Then there ha( *een a (inificant chane ofcircum(tance( *a(ed on the 4tateW( unTillinne(( or ina*ilitS enuinelS to carrS out theinve(tiation.

    2 ;he 4tate concerned or the pro(ecutor maS appeal to the Appeal( Cham*er aain(t a rulin of

    the 're;rial Cham*er$ in accordance Tith article 8"$ pararaph ". ;he appeal maS *e heard on anepedited *a(i(.

    5 Uhen the pro(ecutor ha( deferred an inve(tiation in accordance Tith pararaph "$ thepro(ecutor maS reue(t that the 4tate concerned periodicallS inform the pro(ecutor of theprore(( of it( inve(tiation( and anS (u*(euent pro(ecution(. 4tate( 'artie( (hall re(pond to(uch reue(t( Tithout undue delaS.

    % 'endin a rulin *S the 're;rial Cham*er$ or at anS time Then the pro(ecutor ha( deferred aninve(tiation under thi( article$ the pro(ecutor maS$ on an eceptional *a(i($ (eeN authoritS fromthe 're;rial Cham*er to pur(ue nece((arS inve(tiative (tep( for the purpo(e of pre(ervinevidence There there i( a uniue opportunitS to o*tain important evidence or there i( a (inificant

    ri(N that (uch evidence maS not *e (u*(euentlS availa*le.

    7 A 4tate Thich ha( challened a rulin of the 're;rial Cham*er under thi( article maS challenethe admi((i*ilitS of a ca(e under article 19 on the round( of additional (inificant fact( or(inificant chane of circum(tance(.

    rticle 3AChallenges to the urisdiction o' the Court or the admissibilitO o' a case

    1 ;he Court (hall (ati(fS it(elf that it ha( 6uri(diction in anS ca(e *rouht *efore it. ;he CourtmaS$ on it( oTn motion$ determine the admi((i*ilitS of a ca(e in accordance Tith article 17.

    " Challene( to the admi((i*ilitS of a ca(e on the round( referred to in article 17 or challene(to the 6uri(diction of the Court maS *e made *S!

    aB An accu(ed or a per(on for Thom a Tarrant of arre(t or a (ummon( to appear ha( *een i((uedunder article 58+

    *B A 4tate Thich ha( 6uri(diction over a ca(e$ on the round that it i( inve(tiatin or pro(ecutinthe ca(e or ha( inve(tiated or pro(ecuted+ or

    cB A 4tate from Thich acceptance of 6uri(diction i( reuired under article 1".

    @ ;he pro(ecutor maS (eeN a rulin from the Court reardin a ue(tion of 6uri(diction oradmi((i*ilitS. 3n proceedin( Tith re(pect to 6uri(diction or admi((i*ilitS$ tho(e Tho have referredthe (ituation under article 1@$ a( Tell a( victim($ maS al(o (u*mit o*(ervation( to the Court.

    2 ;he admi((i*ilitS of a ca(e or the 6uri(diction of the Court maS *e challened onlS once *S anSper(on or 4tate referred to in pararaph ". ;he challene (hall taNe place prior to or at thecommencement of the trial. 3n eceptional circum(tance($ the Court maS rant leave for achallene to *e *rouht more than once or at a time later than the commencement of the trial.Challene( to the admi((i*ilitS of a ca(e$ at the commencement of a trial$ or (u*(euentlS Tith theleave of the Court$ maS *e *a(ed onlS on article 17$ pararaph 1$ cB.

    5 A 4tate referred to in pararaph "$ *B and cB$ (hall maNe a challene at the earlie(topportunitS.

    % 'rior to the confirmation of the chare($ challene( to the admi((i*ilitS of a ca(e or challene(to the 6uri(diction of the Court (hall *e referred to the 're;rial Cham*er. After confirmation of the

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    chare($ theS (hall *e referred to the ;rial Cham*er. Deci(ion( Tith re(pect to 6uri(diction oradmi((i*ilitS maS *e appealed to the Appeal( Cham*er in accordance Tith article 8".

    7 3f a challene i( made *S a 4tate referred to in pararaph "$ *B or cB$ the pro(ecutor (hall(u(pend the inve(tiation until (uch time a( the Court maNe( a determination in accordance Titharticle 17.

    8 'endin a rulin *S the Court$ the pro(ecutor maS (eeN authoritS from the Court!

    aB ;o pur(ue nece((arS inve(tiative (tep( of the Nind referred to in article 18$ pararaph %+

    *B ;o taNe a (tatement or te(timonS from a Titne(( or complete the collection and eamination ofevidence Thich had *eun prior to the maNin of the challene+ and

    cB 3n cooperation Tith the relevant 4tate($ to prevent the a*(condin of per(on( in re(pect ofThom the pro(ecutor ha( alreadS reue(ted a Tarrant of arre(t under article 58.

    9 ;he maNin of challene (hall not affect the validitS of anS act performed *S the pro(ecutor or

    anS order or Tarrant i((ued *S the Court prior to the maNin of the challene.

    1# 3f the Court ha( decided that a ca(e i( inadmi((i*le under article 17$ the pro(ecutor maS(u*mit a reue(t for a revieT of the deci(ion Then he or (he i( fullS (ati(fied that neT fact( haveari(en Thich neate the *a(i( on Thich the ca(e had previou(lS *een found inadmi((i*le underarticle 17.

    11 3f the pro(ecutor$ havin reard to the matter( referred to in article 17$ defer( aninve(tiation$ the pro(ecutor maS reue(t that the relevant 4tate maNe availa*le to the pro(ecutorinformation on the proceedin(. ;hat information (hall$ at the reue(t of the 4tate concerned$ *econfidential. 3f the pro(ecutor thereafter decide( to proceed Tith an inve(tiation$ he or (he (hallnotifS the 4tate in re(pect of the proceedin( of Thich deferral ha( taNen place.

    rticle 5B6e bis in idem

    1 Ecept a( provided in thi( 4tatute$ no per(on (hall *e tried *efore the Court Tith re(pect toconduct Thich formed the *a(i( of crime( for Thich the per(on ha( *een convicted or acuitted *Sthe Court.

    " Io per(on (hall *e tried *efore another court for a crime referred to in article 5 for Thich thatper(on ha( alreadS *een convicted or acuitted *S the Court.

    @ Io per(on Tho ha( *een tried *S another court for conduct al(o pro(cri*ed under article( %$ 7or 8 (hall *e tried *S the Court Tith re(pect to the (ame conduct unle(( the proceedin( in theother court!

    aB Uere for the purpo(e of (hieldin the per(on concerned from criminal re(pon(i*ilitS for crime(Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court+ or

    *B )therTi(e Tere not conducted independentlS or impartiallS in accordance Tith the norm( of dueproce(( reconied *S international laT and Tere conducted in a manner Thich$ in thecircum(tance($ Ta( incon(i(tent Tith an intent to *rin the per(on concerned to 6u(tice.

    rticle 53pplicable law

    1 ;he Court (hall applS!

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    aB 3n the fir(t place$ thi( 4tatute$ element( of crime( and it( Rule( of 'rocedure and Evidence+

    *B 3n the (econd place$ There appropriate$ applica*le treatie( and the principle( and rule( ofinternational laT$ includin the e(ta*li(hed principle( of the international laT of armed conflict+

    cB Gailin that$ eneral principle( of laT derived *S the Court from national laT( of leal (S(tem( of

    the Torld includin$ a( appropriate$ the national laT( of 4tate( that Tould normallS eerci(e6uri(diction over the crime$ provided that tho(e principle( are not incon(i(tent Tith thi( 4tatuteand Tith international laT and internationallS reconied norm( and (tandard(.

    " ;he Court maS applS principle( and rule( of laT a( interpreted in it( previou( deci(ion(.

    @ ;he application and interpretation of laT pur(uant to thi( article mu(t *e con(i(tent TithinternationallS reconied human riht($ and *e Tithout anS adver(e di(tinction founded onround( (uch a( ender$ a( defined in article 7$ pararaph @$ ae$ race$ colour$ lanuae$ reliionor *elief$ political or other opinion$ national$ ethnic or (ocial oriin$ Tealth$ *irth or other (tatu(.

    %#$ 8

    General principles o' criminal law

    rticle 556ullum crimen sine lege

    1 A per(on (hall not *e criminallS re(pon(i*le under thi( 4tatute unle(( the conduct in ue(tioncon(titute($ at the time it taNe( place$ a crime Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court.

    " ;he definition of a crime (hall *e (trictlS con(trued and (hall not *e etended *S analoS. 3nca(e of am*iuitS$ the definition (hall *e interpreted in favour of the per(on *ein inve(tiated$pro(ecuted or convicted.

    @ ;hi( article (hall not affect the characteriation of anS conduct a( criminal under internationallaT independentlS of thi( 4tatute.

    rticle 586ulla poena sine lege

    A per(on convicted *S the Court maS *e puni(hed onlS in accordance Tith thi( 4tatute.

    rticle 56on-retroactivitO ratione personae

    1 Io per(on (hall *e criminallS re(pon(i*le under thi( 4tatute for conduct prior to the entrS into

    force of the 4tatute.

    " 3n the event of a chane in the laT applica*le to a iven ca(e prior to a final 6udement$ thelaT more favoura*le to the per(on *ein inve(tiated$ pro(ecuted or convicted (hall applS.

    rticle 5=Individual criminal responsibilitO

    1 ;he Court (hall have 6uri(diction over natural per(on( pur(uant to thi( 4tatute.

    " A per(on Tho commit( a crime Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court (hall *e individuallSre(pon(i*le and lia*le for puni(hment in accordance Tith thi( 4tatute.

    @ 3n accordance Tith thi( 4tatute$ a per(on (hall *e criminallS re(pon(i*le and lia*le forpuni(hment for a crime Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court if that per(on!

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    aB Commit( (uch a crime$ Thether a( an individual$ 6ointlS Tith another or throuh anotherper(on$ reardle(( of Thether that other per(on i( criminallS re(pon(i*le+

    *B )rder($ (olicit( or induce( the commi((ion of (uch a crime Thich in fact occur( or i( attempted+

    cB Gor the purpo(e of facilitatin the commi((ion of (uch a crime$ aid($ a*et( or otherTi(e a((i(t(

    in it( commi((ion or it( attempted commi((ion$ includin providin the mean( for it( commi((ion+

    dB 3n anS other TaS contri*ute( to the commi((ion or attempted commi((ion of (uch a crime *S aroup of per(on( actin Tith a common purpo(e. 4uch contri*ution (hall *e intentional and (halleither!

    iB Me made Tith the aim of furtherin the criminal activitS or criminal purpo(e of the roup$ There(uch activitS or purpo(e involve( the commi((ion of a crime Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court+ or

    iiB Me made in the NnoTlede of the intention of the roup to commit the crime+eB 3n re(pect of the crime of enocide$ directlS and pu*liclS incite( other( to commit enocide+

    fB Attempt( to commit (uch a crime *S taNin action that commence( it( eecution *S mean( of a(u*(tantial (tep$ *ut the crime doe( not occur *ecau(e of circum(tance( independent of theper(onW( intention(. =oTever$ a per(on Tho a*andon( the effort to commit the crime or otherTi(eprevent( the completion of the crime (hall not *e lia*le for puni(hment under thi( 4tatute for theattempt to commit that crime if that per(on completelS and voluntarilS ave up the criminalpurpo(e.

    2 Io provi(ion in thi( 4tatute relatin to individual criminal re(pon(i*ilitS (hall affect there(pon(i*ilitS of 4tate( under international laT.

    rticle 5>

    "xclusion o' urisdiction over persons under eighteen

    ;he Court (hall have no 6uri(diction over anS per(on Tho Ta( under the ae of 18 at the time ofthe alleed commi((ion of a crime.

    rticle 5?Irrelevance o' o''icial capacitO

    1 ;hi( 4tatute (hall applS euallS to all per(on( Tithout anS di(tinction *a(ed on official capacitS.3n particular$ official capacitS a( a head of 4tate or overnment$ a mem*er of a overnment orparliament$ an elected repre(entative or a overnment official (hall in no ca(e eempt a per(onfrom criminal re(pon(i*ilitS under thi( 4tatute$ nor (hall it$ in and of it(elf$ con(titute a round for

    reduction of (entence.

    " 3mmunitie( or (pecial procedural rule( Thich maS attach to the official capacitS of a per(on$Thether under national or international laT$ (hall not *ar the Court from eerci(in it( 6uri(dictionover (uch a per(on.

    rticle 5@#esponsibilitO o' commanders and other superiors

    3n addition to other round( of criminal re(pon(i*ilitS under thi( 4tatute for crime( Tithin the6uri(diction of the Court!

    1B A militarS commander or per(on effectivelS actin a( a militarS commander (hall *e criminallSre(pon(i*le for crime( Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court committed *S force( under hi( or her

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    effective command and control$ or effective authoritS and control a( the ca(e maS *e$ a( a re(ultof hi( or her failure to eerci(e control properlS over (uch force($ There!

    aB ;hat militarS commander or per(on either NneT or$ oTin to the circum(tance( at the time$(hould have NnoTn that the force( Tere committin or a*out to commit (uch crime(+ and

    *B ;hat militarS commander or per(on failed to taNe all nece((arS and rea(ona*le mea(ure( Tithinhi( or her poTer to prevent or repre(( their commi((ion or to (u*mit the matter to the competentauthoritie( for inve(tiation and pro(ecution+

    "B Uith re(pect to (uperior and (u*ordinate relation(hip( not de(cri*ed in pararaph 1$ a (uperior(hall *e criminallS re(pon(i*le for crime( Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court committed *S(u*ordinate( under hi( or her effective authoritS and control$ a( a re(ult of hi( or her failure toeerci(e control properlS over (uch (u*ordinate($ There!

    aB ;he (uperior either NneT$ or con(ciou(lS di(rearded information Thich clearlS indicated$ thatthe (u*ordinate( Tere committin or a*out to commit (uch crime(+

    *B ;he crime( concerned activitie( that Tere Tithin the effective re(pon(i*ilitS and control of the(uperior+ and

    cB ;he (uperior failed to taNe all nece((arS and rea(ona*le mea(ure( Tithin hi( or her poTer toprevent or repre(( their commi((ion or to (u*mit the matter to the competent authoritie( forinve(tiation and pro(ecution.

    rticle 5A6on-applicabilitO o' statute o' limitations

    ;he crime( Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court (hall not *e (u*6ect to anS (tatute of limitation(.

    rticle 8BKental element

    1 Knle(( otherTi(e provided$ a per(on (hall *e criminallS re(pon(i*le and lia*le for puni(hmentfor a crime Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court onlS if the material element( are committed Tithintent and NnoTlede.

    " Gor the purpo(e( of thi( article$ a per(on ha( intent There!

    aB 3n relation to conduct$ that per(on mean( to enae in the conduct+

    *B 3n relation to a con(euence$ that per(on mean( to cau(e that con(euence or i( aTare that it

    Till occur in the ordinarS cour(e of event(.

    @ Gor the purpo(e( of thi( article$ NnoTlede mean( aTarene(( that a circum(tance ei(t( or acon(euence Till occur in the ordinarS cour(e of event(. VnoT and NnoTinlS (hall *econ(trued accordinlS.

    rticle 83Grounds 'or excluding criminal responsibilitO

    1 3n addition to other round( for ecludin criminal re(pon(i*ilitS provided for in thi( 4tatute$ aper(on (hall not *e criminallS re(pon(i*le if$ at the time of that per(onW( conduct!

    aB ;he per(on (uffer( from a mental di(ea(e or defect that de(troS( that per(onW( capacitS to

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    appreciate the unlaTfulne(( or nature of hi( or her conduct$ or capacitS to control hi( or herconduct to conform to the reuirement( of laT+

    *B ;he per(on i( in a (tate of intoication that de(troS( that per(onW( capacitS to appreciate theunlaTfulne(( or nature of hi( or her conduct$ or capacitS to control hi( or her conduct to conformto the reuirement( of laT$ unle(( the per(on ha( *ecome voluntarilS intoicated under (uch

    circum(tance( that the per(on NneT$ or di(rearded the ri(N$ that$ a( a re(ult of the intoication$he or (he Ta( liNelS to enae in conduct con(titutin a crime Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court+

    cB ;he per(on act( rea(ona*lS to defend him(elf or her(elf or another per(on or$ in the ca(e of Tarcrime($ propertS Thich i( e((ential for the (urvival of the per(on or another per(on or propertSThich i( e((ential for accompli(hin a militarS mi((ion$ aain(t an imminent and unlaTful u(e offorce in a manner proportionate to the deree of daner to the per(on or the other per(on orpropertS protected. ;he fact that the per(on Ta( involved in a defen(ive operation conducted *Sforce( (hall not in it(elf con(titute a round for ecludin criminal re(pon(i*ilitS under thi((u*pararaph+

    dB ;he conduct Thich i( alleed to con(titute a crime Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court ha( *een

    cau(ed *S dure(( re(ultin from a threat of imminent death or of continuin or imminent (eriou(*odilS harm aain(t that per(on or another per(on$ and the per(on act( nece((arilS andrea(ona*lS to avoid thi( threat$ provided that the per(on doe( not intend to cau(e a reater harmthan the one (ouht to *e avoided. 4uch a threat maS either *e!

    iB Hade *S other per(on(+ or

    iiB Con(tituted *S other circum(tance( *eSond that per(onW( control.

    " ;he Court (hall determine the applica*ilitS of the round( for ecludin criminal re(pon(i*ilitSprovided for in thi( 4tatute to the ca(e *efore it.

    @ At trial$ the Court maS con(ider a round for ecludin criminal re(pon(i*ilitS other than tho(ereferred to in pararaph 1 There (uch a round i( derived from applica*le laT a( (et forth inarticle "1. ;he procedure( relatin to the con(ideration of (uch a round (hall *e provided for inthe Rule( of 'rocedure and Evidence.

    rticle 85KistaQe o' 'act or mistaQe o' law

    1 A mi(taNe of fact (hall *e a round for ecludin criminal re(pon(i*ilitS onlS if it neate( themental element reuired *S the crime.

    " A mi(taNe of laT a( to Thether a particular tSpe of conduct i( a crime Tithin the 6uri(diction ofthe Court (hall not *e a round for ecludin criminal re(pon(i*ilitS. A mi(taNe of laT maS$hoTever$ *e a round for ecludin criminal re(pon(i*ilitS if it neate( the mental elementreuired *S (uch a crime$ or a( provided for in article @@.

    rticle 889uperior orders and prescription o' law

    1 ;he fact that a crime Tithin the 6uri(diction of the Court ha( *een committed *S a per(onpur(uant to an order of a Oovernment or of a (uperior$ Thether militarS or civilian$ (hall notrelieve that per(on of criminal re(pon(i*ilitS unle((!

    aB ;he per(on Ta( under a leal o*liation to o*eS order( of the Oovernment or the (uperior inue(tion+

    *B ;he per(on did not NnoT that the order Ta( unlaTful+ and

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    cB ;he order Ta( not manife(tlS unlaTful.

    " Gor the purpo(e( of thi( article$ order( to commit enocide or crime( aain(t humanitS aremanife(tlS unlaTful.

    %#$ Composition and administration o' the Court

    rticle 8rgans o' the Court

    ;he Court (hall *e compo(ed of the folloTin oran(!

    aB ;he 're(idencS+

    *B An Appeal( Divi(ion$ a ;rial Divi(ion and a 're;rial Divi(ion+

    cB ;he )ffice of the pro(ecutor+

    dB ;he Rei(trS.

    rticle 8=9ervice o' udges

    1 All 6ude( (hall *e elected a( fulltime mem*er( of the Court and (hall *e availa*le to (erve onthat *a(i( from the commencement of their term( of office.

    " ;he 6ude( compo(in the 're(idencS (hall (erve on a fulltime *a(i( a( (oon a( theS areelected.

    @ ;he 're(idencS maS$ on the *a(i( of the TorNload of the Court and in con(ultation Tith it(mem*er($ decide from time to time to That etent the remainin 6ude( (hall *e reuired to (erveon a fulltime *a(i(. AnS (uch arranement (hall *e Tithout pre6udice to the provi(ion( of article2#.

    2 ;he financial arranement( for 6ude( not reuired to (erve on a fulltime *a(i( (hall *e madein accordance Tith article 29.

    rticle 8>Fuali'ications nomination and election o' udges

    1 4u*6ect to the provi(ion( of pararaph "$ there (hall *e 18 6ude( of the Court.


    aB ;he 're(idencS$ actin on *ehalf of the Court$ maS propo(e an increa(e in the num*er of 6ude((pecified in pararaph 1$ indicatin the rea(on( ThS thi( i( con(idered nece((arS and appropriate.;he rei(trar (hall promptlS circulate anS (uch propo(al to all 4tate( 'artie(.

    *B AnS (uch propo(al (hall then *e con(idered at a meetin of the A((em*lS of 4tate( 'artie( to *econvened in accordance Tith article 11". ;he propo(al (hall *e con(idered adopted if approved atthe meetin *S a vote of tTothird( of the mem*er( of the A((em*lS of 4tate( 'artie( and (hallenter into force at (uch time a( decided *S the A((em*lS of 4tate( 'artie(.


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    iB )nce a propo(al for an increa(e in the num*er of 6ude( ha( *een adopted under (u*pararaph*B$ the election of the additional 6ude( (hall taNe place at the net (e((ion of the A((em*lS of4tate( 'artie( in accordance Tith pararaph( @ to 8 inclu(ive$ and article @7$ pararaph "+

    iiB )nce a propo(al for an increa(e in the num*er of 6ude( ha( *een adopted and *rouht intoeffect under (u*pararaph( *B and cB$ iB$ it (hall *e open to the 're(idencS at anS time thereafter$

    if the TorNload of the Court 6u(tifie( it$ to propo(e a reduction in the num*er of 6ude($ providedthat the num*er of 6ude( (hall not *e reduced *eloT that (pecified in pararaph 1. ;he propo(al(hall *e dealt Tith in accordance Tith the procedure laid doTn in (u*pararaph( aB and *B. 3n theevent that the propo(al i( adopted$ the num*er of 6ude( (hall *e prore((ivelS decrea(ed a( theterm( of office of (ervin 6ude( epire$ until the nece((arS num*er ha( *een reached.


    aB ;he 6ude( (hall *e cho(en from amon per(on( of hih moral character$ impartialitS andinteritS Tho po((e(( the ualification( reuired in their re(pective 4tate( for appointment to thehihe(t 6udicial office(.

    *B EverS candidate for election to the Court (hall!

    iB =ave e(ta*li(hed competence in criminal laT and procedure$ and the nece((arS relevanteperience$ Thether a( 6ude$ pro(ecutor$ advocate or in other (imilar capacitS$ in criminalproceedin(+ or

    iiB =ave e(ta*li(hed competence in relevant area( of international laT$ (uch a( internationalhumanitarian laT and the laT of human riht($ and eten(ive eperience in a profe((ional lealcapacitS Thich i( of relevance to the 6udicial TorN of the Court.

    cB EverS candidate for election to the Court (hall have an ecellent NnoTlede of and *e fluent inat lea(t one of the TorNin lanuae( of the Court.


    aB Iomination( of candidate( for election to the Court maS *e made *S anS 4tate 'artS to thi(4tatute$ and (hall *e made either!

    iB MS the procedure for the nomination of candidate( for appointment to the hihe(t 6udicial office(in the 4tate in ue(tion+ or

    iiB MS the procedure provided for the nomination of candidate( for the 3nternational Court ofJu(tice in the 4tatute of that Court.

    Iomination( (hall *e accompanied *S a (tatement in the nece((arS detail (pecifSin hoT thecandidate fulfil( the reuirement( of pararaph @.

    *B Each 4tate 'artS maS put forTard one candidate for anS iven election Tho need

    not nece((arilS *e a national of that 4tate 'artS *ut (hall in anS ca(e *e a national of a 4tate'artS.

    cB ;he A((em*lS of 4tate( 'artie( maS decide to e(ta*li(h$ if appropriate$ an advi(orS committeeon nomination(. 3n that event$ the committeeW( compo(ition and mandate (hall *e e(ta*li(hed *Sthe A((em*lS of 4tate( 'artie(.

    5 Gor the purpo(e( of the election$ there (hall *e tTo li(t( of candidate(!i(t A$ containin the name( of candidate( Tith the ualification( (pecified in pararaph @$ *B$ iB+

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    i(t M$ containin the name( of candidate( Tith the ualification( (pecified in pararaph @$ *B$ iiB.

    A candidate Tith (ufficient ualification( for *oth li(t( maS choo(e on Thich li(t to appear. At thefir(t election to the Court$ at lea(t nine 6ude( (hall *e elected from li(t A and at lea(t five 6ude(

    from li(t M. 4u*(euent election( (hall *e (o oranied a( to maintain the euivalent proportion onthe Court of 6ude( ualified on the tTo li(t(.


    aB ;he 6ude( (hall *e elected *S (ecret *allot at a meetin of the A((em*lS of 4tate( 'artie(convened for that purpo(e under article 11". 4u*6ect to pararaph 7$ the per(on( elected to theCourt (hall *e the 18 candidate( Tho o*tain the hihe(t num*er of vote( and a tTothird( ma6oritSof the 4tate( 'artie( pre(ent and votin.

    *B 3n the event that a (ufficient num*er of 6ude( i( not elected on the fir(t *allot$ (ucce((ive*allot( (hall *e held in accordance Tith the procedure( laid doTn in (u*pararaph aB until the

    remainin place( have *een filled.

    7 Io tTo 6ude( maS *e national( of the (ame 4tate. A per(on Tho$ for the purpo(e( ofmem*er(hip in the Court$ could *e rearded a( a national of more than one 4tate (hall *e deemedto *e a national of the 4tate in Thich that per(on ordinarilS eerci(e( civil and political riht(.


    aB ;he 4tate( 'artie( (hall$ in the (election of 6ude($ taNe into account the need$ Tithin themem*er(hip of the Court$ for!

    iB ;he repre(entation of the principal leal (S(tem( of the Torld+

    iiB Euita*le eoraphical repre(entation+ and

    iiiB A fair repre(entation of female and male 6ude(.

    *B 4tate( 'artie( (hall al(o taNe into account the need to include 6ude( Tith leal eperti(e on(pecific i((ue($ includin$ *ut not limited to$ violence aain(t Tomen or children.


    aB 4u*6ect to (u*pararaph *B$ 6ude( (hall hold office for a term of nine Sear( and$ (u*6ect to(u*pararaph cB and to article @7$ pararaph "$ (hall not *e elii*le for reelection.

    *B At the fir(t election$ one third of the 6ude( elected (hall *e (elected *S lot to (erve for a termof three Sear(+ one third of the 6ude( elected (hall *e (elected *S lot to (erve for a term of (iSear(+ and the remainder (hall (erve for a term of nine Sear(.

    cB A 6ude Tho i( (elected to (erve for a term of three Sear( under (u*pararaph *B (hall *eelii*le for reelection for a full term.

    1# IotTith(tandin pararaph 9$ a 6ude a((ined to a ;rial or Appeal( Cham*er in accordanceTith article @9 (hall continue in office to complete anS trial or appeal the hearin of Thich ha(alreadS commenced *efore that Cham*er.

    rticle 8?Judicial vacancies

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    1 3n the event of a vacancS$ an election (hall *e held in accordance Tith article @% to fill thevacancS.

    " A 6ude elected to fill a vacancS (hall (erve for the remainder of the predece((orW( term and$ ifthat period i( three Sear( or le(($ (hall *e elii*le for reelection for a full term under article @%.

    rticle 8@$he %residencO

    1 ;he pre(ident and the fir(t and (econd vicepre(ident( (hall *e elected *S an a*(olute ma6oritSof the 6ude(. ;heS (hall each (erve for a term of three Sear( or until the end of their re(pectiveterm( of office a( 6ude($ Thichever epire( earlier. ;heS (hall *e elii*le for reelection once.

    " ;he fir(t vicepre(ident (hall act in place of the pre(ident in the event that the pre(ident i(unavaila*le or di(ualified. ;he (econd vicepre(ident (hall act in place of the pre(ident in theevent that *oth the pre(ident and the fir(t vicepre(ident are unavaila*le or di(ualified.

    @ ;he pre(ident$ toether Tith the fir(t and (econd vicepre(ident($ (hall con(titute the

    're(idencS$ Thich (hall *e re(pon(i*le for!

    aB ;he proper admini(tration of the Court$ Tith the eception of the )ffice of the pro(ecutor+ and

    *B ;he other function( conferred upon it in accordance Tith thi( 4tatute.

    2 3n di(charin it( re(pon(i*ilitS under pararaph @$ aB$ the 're(idencS (hall coordinate Tith and(eeN the concurrence of the pro(ecutor on all matter( of mutual concern.

    rticle 8AChambers

    1 A( (oon a( po((i*le after the election of the 6ude($ the Court (hall oranie it(elf into thedivi(ion( (pecified in article @2$ pararaph *B. ;he Appeal( Divi(ion (hall *e compo(ed of thepre(ident and four other 6ude($ the ;rial Divi(ion of not le(( than (i 6ude( and the 're;rialDivi(ion of not le(( than (i 6ude(. ;he a((inment of 6ude( to divi(ion( (hall *e *a(ed on thenature of the function( to *e performed *S each divi(ion and the ualification( and eperience ofthe 6ude( elected to the Court$ in (uch a TaS that each divi(ion (hall contain an appropriatecom*ination of eperti(e in criminal laT and procedure and in international laT. ;he ;rial and 're;rial Divi(ion( (hall *e compo(ed predominantlS of 6ude( Tith criminal trial eperience.


    aB ;he 6udicial function( of the Court (hall *e carried out in each divi(ion *S Cham*er(.


    iB ;he Appeal( Cham*er (hall *e compo(ed of all the 6ude( of the Appeal( Divi(ion+

    iiB ;he function( of the ;rial Cham*er (hall *e carried out *S three 6ude( of the ;rial Divi(ion+

    iiiB ;he function( of the 're;rial Cham*er (hall *e carried out either *S three 6ude( of the 're;rial Divi(ion or *S a (inle 6ude of that divi(ion in accordance Tith thi( 4tatute and the Rule( of'rocedure and Evidence.

    cB Iothin in thi( pararaph (hall preclude the (imultaneou( con(titution of more than one ;rial

    Cham*er or 're;rial Cham*er Then the efficient manaement of the CourtW( TorNload (o reuire(.

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    aB Jude( a((ined to the ;rial and 're;rial Divi(ion( (hall (erve in tho(e divi(ion( for a period ofthree Sear($ and thereafter until the completion of anS ca(e the hearin of Thich ha( alreadScommenced in the divi(ion concerned.

    *B Jude( a((ined to the Appeal( Divi(ion (hall (erve in that divi(ion for their entire term ofoffice.

    2 Jude( a((ined to the Appeal( Divi(ion (hall (erve onlS in that divi(ion. Iothin in thi( article(hall$ hoTever$ preclude the temporarS attachment of 6ude( from the ;rial Divi(ion to the 're;rialDivi(ion or vice ver(a$ if the 're(idencS con(ider( that the efficient manaement of the CourtW(TorNload (o reuire($ provided that under no circum(tance( (hall a 6ude Tho ha( participated inthe pretrial pha(e of a ca(e *e elii*le to (it on the ;rial Cham*er hearin that ca(e.

    rticle BIndependence o' the udges

    1 ;he 6ude( (hall *e independent in the performance of their function(.

    " Jude( (hall not enae in anS activitS Thich i( liNelS to interfere Tith their 6udicial function( orto affect confidence in their independence.

    @ Jude( reuired to (erve on a fulltime *a(i( at the (eat of the Court (hall not enae in anSother occupation of a profe((ional nature.

    2 AnS ue(tion reardin the application of pararaph( " and @ (hall *e decided *S an a*(olutema6oritS of the 6ude(. Uhere anS (uch ue(tion concern( an individual 6ude$ that 6ude (hall nottaNe part in the deci(ion.

    rticle 3"xcusing and disEuali'ication o' udges

    1 ;he 're(idencS maS$ at the reue(t of a 6ude$ ecu(e that 6ude from the eerci(e of afunction under thi( 4tatute$ in accordance Tith the Rule( of 'rocedure and Evidence.


    aB A 6ude (hall not participate in anS ca(e in Thich hi( or her impartialitS miht rea(ona*lS *edou*ted