established memphis, tenh. july isto · male hi3 tirrestrial debut, but he lias a ... and teacher,...

MEMPHIS, TENH. JULY 6, 1875 Ho, ISTO 189 WJBATHER I,j:HlII.ITIK. Waskim;tos, July 6, 1 a.m. In Tameuce and the Ohio vaUcy tla-nona- or riitbtg barometer, south or cast v mat, stigM'y eoo'er ami partly oloudy ( ither, with ocoanional rains. FJlT.IXi AI'FICAY. 'Ihe Steamer A. J. fVIil tlie Weeue of a liloody A Hrs yAu UM (Trudge liriallH In b Hilling ol Tcrby by the till vcr. y ciai to Ul Apical. Helena, Ark,, July 5 A difficulty furred aboard tne steamer A. J. White brtwt-e- three and four o'clock this ii. ruiDK,after leaving St. Louis landing, Arkansas, between II N. Yerbj, B L. ci iver ami N. Oliver, son of li. L. Oli-- v t, resulting in the death of Yerby, f'oin piMol-stiot- a tired by both Oliver, t.iy une taking efftct lir'd by young Oi.ver it paw-lu- g through the left tem-- C f Yerby lived an hour, unconscious. A''er the shooting tiiey ordered thecap-tni- ti to land the boat, when they escaped. I iifius that an old grudge existed an ut apiece of land owned by Yerby Thecorouer'H jury held here returned a verdict in accoidance with the above facta. A negro boy named Itobert Jackson was drowned here yesterday while in batuing. The body was not recovered. oui: CAFiTor A Memorable r.vent in Fonrlti ol Jnjjr AiihhIs lUe Cornel-4tou- e I but wan Laid Thirty Team Acu To-O- n jr. I Dion and American.; Oa the Fourth of July, 1SJ5, thirty years ago to-da- the corner-ston- e of the i XYrjiiessco was laid. Iu the fi s of the loaal press of that day we 11 id the ceremonies more graphicslly t esc! ioed than completely reported. One .' the oest accounts is that of the old r. ishvdle Whig, of July 8, 1S45, writ-- t 1 by our present ciiy treasurer and fel.ow-c- i dzen, Anson Nelson. Many of tnose who ligured most prominently iu toe demonstration still live to take a part iu the leading public affairs of the nre--e!- it altered times. Hon Edwin H. liwii g, fir distance, was the orator of iiio day, and John M. Bass and Samuel iJ. Morgan, building commissioners. Bat there still live bumueds of people who were present in th obscure capaci- ty of spectators. Our p.e.'eut governor wa oe of it host of schoolboys who proudly joined in the procession at the start, but whose patriotic enthusiasm was consumed under the burning rays of the euu before the ceremonies were over. The arioii3 associations in the city took from early morn till eleven o'clock t ct'ebrate the "gloiioua Fourth" in their usual maimer. At the latter hour these, with legions of tho uuuniformed and unbadged herd, collected on the puolic Mjuaio and marched in proces- sion to Cmiitol hill, which they covered w.i h or,e dense mass of humanity. The ni'Msry compabies preeedtd, then the Btate otiicers, building commissioners, thearchitec- - (Win. tJuickkmd) and the orator or the day; next the Masons, haaded by abau-- or muic, and display- ing tbree hauarrp "Beauty," Strength" ai.d "Wisdom," each staged on either tide by two girls rcbed in boowy wiit-- ; ntxt invited guests, distinguished citizjns, mayor and alder- men mot of Edctityl), the professors and societies of the University of Nashville, and O J As ever, the rear was brt tight up by the noble firemen. Wust the IFWsrsaysof the extremity of the proceafclob is worth copyiug: "An engine and ho?c-earria- ge formed not the least attractive patt of the spectacle. These were drawn each by four horses, splendidly caparisoned, each horse led by a sou of AiricH, habited in an Asiatic costume, and four boys, superbly habited in Oriental style also, rode the hordes harut-t- d lo tne hote-carrlag- e. Theear-riag- o aud eugi'ie were tastefully deco- rated with wreaths and otbtr appliances of pomp, a-j- by their picturesque ce, c utribuleJ gieatly to the gen- eral effect." The duty of laying the corner-ston- e was assigned to the M&sons. Bev. Mr. Wheat, chaplain of the grand ledge, of-frr- prayer before Mr. Ewing's address. This sptech was published and com-meud- ed with unusual encomiums at the time. The regular Masonic ceremonies for such an occasion were then carried out, the usual amount of miscellaneous plun- der being put out of the sight of man for- ever, by disappearing in the memorial recepta'cle of the stone. The building commissioners were Jno. M. Bats, cuirmau; Samuel D. Morgan, Morgan W. Brown, Jno. F. Eiliston, Allen A. Hall and Jaa. Woods. The then Mtate ottlcers who were pres- ent and participated were James C. Jones, governor; John 8. Young, secre- tary of state; Felix K. ZillicotTer, comp-t'o'.l- tr of the trei-ur- y ; Matthew Kelson, -- treasurer; Wt H. Humphreys, and Gerard Troost, stiite geologist. The writer, a reporter, who is not so much of ftti sntiuuaiian us one might suppose from this -- ketch, had not then male hi3 tirrestrial debut, but he lias a fri -- nd and an associate who had just beguu his mundane career, and who was t at the dsiemouy above describ- ed ard who thinks that his faculty of memory was brought Into action for the iirn time on that day. His rcminie-reiic- e of tho d jy's jubilee is a most tii g one. Ii. seems to him now, that it was one hundred years ago that he was oivi hill, where there was a pile f t cfcs av.d lots of cedars, and the wn If emincnc was crowned with pe o-- r.r wti e" igated calico, as that f a'-ii- impiinted it image on his little fancy more permii:ntly thau aiiythiug H's ncolh-ctlo- is the faintest m, i.'ul R'&ie imaginable, and he would sti.l be in iiiorHDce as to what event it n ' d, if his father had not informed uiui Uiat he (the youngster) was present sua participated in the laying of the corrr-ston- e of the capitol on the Fourth of Jjly, 1S75 CLAICK.SVII.liE. LuylnK at the Corner-htou- o or a Sen fpUcojinl Cliurcti Interotlo? Cr moults ttc. NasbviUe Union and American.! Cl " rksville, July 1. Yesterday the corui of the new Episcopal church was laid on the site of tho old ore on Franklic street. Amid a large c .iicourse of citizens in thecpen air and aficr the sLadis of the eveniLg had 1 gtheneJ s.nd the cool bieezes begau M blow, the precession, preceded by the rtvi retd clergy, followed by the senior au.: junior warden and vestrymen of the , came out of th" pa'sonag? (old Tr. nuy church having be ea pulled down to make way for the new church i, re- citing with earnest and solemn intnna-- t ion t he simple tut grand aud i mr ressive i.tli of ihe church appropriate to the Proceeding to the southesst corner, the clergy tootc position near the . rner-sto- n, which had been prepared and adju-te- d in its position, with h hol- low made in it to receive strch articles as miht be desired to be placed therein, and by means of which iuture ges might know the history of the edifice, tlie condition of our people at this date, as evidenced by the source of our re- ligion, the Holy Bible, public journals aud periodicals, aud one of each of the coins of the Uriled State?, bearing the mint stamp of this year, etc , in a word, such articles as, if found by some sutiii'iary of a ceutury to come, would give proper facts upon which to base an estimate of our religion and civilization. Upon a platform erected near by were the choir of the church and an organ. The organ, flayed in a inost.admimble style by that accomplished musician and teacher, Prof.'Biymond, accompa- nying the well-train- voices of the choir, filled tho air with solemn and sweet music. As the last notes of the fcred song died away, Kev. William Graham, of Christ church, Nashville, with the mallet of the worker in stoue in his hand, adjusted the first rock to bo placed iu the wall, repeating, in doing eo, that portion of the ritual appropriate to tbo act. Striking the rock tliree times, he eald: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I lay the corner-ston- e of an edifice to be here erected by the name of Trinity churrii, and to be de- voted to the service of Almighty Gud, agreeable to the principles of th Prot- estant Ep'.scnpel church in the Ouifed States ot America, in its doctrines, min- istry, liturgy, rights and usg. Other foundations 'ran no man luv than that which is laid, even Jesus Const; who is God over all, bleeped for evermoie, and in whom we have redemption through His blo-t-d, iDd the forgiveness cf sins. Amen." After concluding thic" "oremouial, the large audience was clled to order by Hon. G. A. Henry, the senior warden, who introduced to them the orator of the day, Bev. Wm. Graham. From his first sentence and fixed the attention of his audience, aud though many had ao seats, we do not believe one single person present left the place or faileJ to listen toevery wcrJ tie utterel. He has just enough of the Scottish accent to interest, win and at- tract evety ear, and when sc won, the mind was charmed, and elevated with the eloquence, bearing and classical style of the speaker. But I will not undertake to give you even an outline of this most appropriate and admirable audress, as I hear a copy hus been requested and given to the ves- try for publication in your valuable jour- nal. This much I will say, however, that without distinction cf sects, the ad- dress was regarded as the most eloquent and appropriate ever heard in this city, celebrated as it was for Its cultivation, Its taste and eloquent public speakers. From tho fact t!. at our parish is now without a rector, many thought it ar. ap- propriate oc asiou to call one to iili the position, aod some, in their enthusiasm, proposed to elect Rev. William Graham to the position by a unanimous vo'e taken on the spot, and require the efli cient and active vestry to ratify the same in a more formal and canonical mauner. The.writer heard many ask the orator personally if he would not come, and it required all tho dignity and for which he i eo eminently distin- - gulsueu tog-- t a release from tneir press ing importunities. Sullice it to say, that the occasion was eminently interesting, and iu its way as complete a success as the church will be in grandeur, beauty and symmetry of architectural proportions when com- pleted. DESTKCCTEVi: HTOKJIS. II o u ' rs UnrooJert nt Lebanon kisiI NIircIo XrcfB mown Down A"f"rrllJls Wator-'Spoi- il la Until-crfur- d Comity. r.'.ibhvlllo 1' Nashville, July 4. Lebanon was visited by a severe etoria of wind and rain Friday. The courthouse was par- tially unroofed, tbo wind getting under tho tin roof and liftirg it as easily as if it had been paper. Tne Drifoos block was ngain a sullerer, being stripped of part of its rcof. This seems to be avery unfortunate block, us it is visited by every herd wind that blows. A great many fine shrsdo trees weie blown down in the various yards about town. Com was flattened, and wheat shocks blown dowH. Justice Baskette returned her8 Friday night from Midfijelon, Kuther-for- d county, the place of Im nativity. He says he had not been there before in twenty years, and that its surroundings had been no changed that he was only enabled hero and there to discern some old familiar landmark whioh had plainly began to ebow the effects of tho marcn of time. While passing from Middleton to Fostervile, Friday, he witnessed ouo of the severest rain storms he had ever had the misfortune to encounter. It was a regular water-spou- t. It seemed that the bottom had dropped out of the clouds. The water come down in great sluices, which, forming into a gteat body of water upon the land, swept down the hillsides with great velocity, washing away shocks of wheat, fences, and filling up the roads and bottoms in a remarkably short spaca of time. Much of the wheat and other crops were badly damaged. Ilnlfroail Accident. Meridian, Miss , July 3 On Mon- day last as the western-boun- d freight train was Hearing Lake, by some unac- countable freak, the caboofe car jumped the traek and ran overthe ties a distance of seventy-liv- e yards or more until it reached a small bridge, when one of the rails was torn up and it struck the bot- tom of the car, smashing things up iu a frightful way. In the car were Mrs. S nith, of Lowry's Mills, Mr. Thomas Watta of Newton, Conductor Wm. I'eate and Mr. Frank Hill, brakesman. All these occupants were thrown out just after the bridge was crossed, and before the train could be stopped, aud all, except Mrs. Hill, were seriously 'd, though-jv- e learn no limb3 were broken. In consideration of the danger- ous character of the accident, it seems almost miraculous that some one was not killed. ABKANSAS NEWS. Fine Bluff Press: "A game o? cbesa was played yesterday by telegraph be- tween Major Hunn, of this city, and Mr. Galbreath, of Jackson, Mississippi." Who beat? John J. W. Rogers, biolhnr of Hon. A. A. C Rogers, died recently near Pine B!uf where he had resided sluce re- moving in 1850 from his native place Sumner county, Tennessee. Little Rock Gazette: Tiie following named candidates for admission as ca- dets to West Point successfully passed examination by the medical aud acade- mic board, on the third instant : W. S. Amis, thitd district; W. H. Cravens, fourth district; R. M. Dowdy, first dis- trict. All of Arkansas. Fayetteville Democrat: "The presi- dent of the Arkansas press association, Hon. John N. Smithee, in hit history of the Arkansas pros, a3 delivered before the association on the second of Jane, 1S75, fails in giving a correct statement of the newsparers published in our city." How will that aflkct the public welfare? The Pine Biyil' Press says of Jefferson county, "Here iu our alluvial bottom lands from five to seven hundred of lint (or ginned) cotton to the acr-- , and from fifty to Eeventy-fiv- e bushels of corn can be ga'hered each year, and now comes Colonel Ben F. Richardson, who is an extensive planter near New Gascony, iu this county, aud states that he has just harvested a crop of wheat, about seven aires, that will realize him sixty hu-he- ls to the acre. Verily, Jollerson county is the garden spot of the world." Last week JtihuHogan, negro, invad- ed Mr. Russ Tucker's residence at Do- ver, and attempted to violate the person cf his daughter, whose cries aroused the household. The neighbors pursued the negro, who was caught. Tho Russell-vill- e Democrat says of the result: I "Quickly and silently a rope was pro-- 1 cured, and after marching John to the woods a few buudred yards from town, i he was swung up, and after a few strug-- 1 gles the life of the reckless, desperate man was ended, rnus, in less tuan an hour, the devilish deed attempted by this most unfortunate wretch brought swift retribution upon his head, aud tho rising sun found tho town as quiet antl calm us though nothing had occurred, few of tha citizens being aware of what was going ou." Tr1 aa a5 if if g a BHiTra 3 infcruuffin i An and Enthusias-- I tic CeleJraliuu of tho Natal My of the KepnWIc . Everybody at the Frout. Immense Crowd or Negroes at tho Old Fair Grounds Speeches ol Generals Pillow, For- rest and Others. Sty'safeing at Court Square A Great Gathering of the Peonlo Picnics of tho Shenner-cho- r and St. Peter'd Orphan Asylum. Scenes and Incidents on the Streets Bon Fires A Forty-eig- ht Hour Fen de Joie Liheral Display of Eunting Etc. Yesterday was intensely hot. It waa a scorcher. Yet the streets were, all day, filled with people, and the whole popu-latio- u surrendered itself to the spirit of tho "day we celebrate." Picnics were in order and every park and available place in the neighborhood of the city was tilled with holiday-cla- d crowds who seemed bent on making the most of the occasion. The old fair ground was the principal point of attraction on account of the white speakers who had consented to assist their colored fellow-citizen- s in celebrating the day, and tbo largest number of persons wera there congte-gated- . The colored people had otrier picnics, hue this was by long odd3 their beat display. The white people enjoyed ihemselvr-- a in many ways, tho Germans at the Mionuerchor picnic. and the Iiish at the picnic of St. Peter's orphan asy- lum. Court square at night was a great point of attraction with all classes, and the speechoo of the several orators wero well received. Firingjand the popping of crackers was continuous for forty-eig- ht hours. There were quite a number of bonfires, a few places were illuminated, many Hags were displayed, and only one or two accidents marred the general loy. Wo may, therefore, vote the Fourth a success. At til 3 Old I'nlr GronndH. The Fourth of July was yesterday cele- brated by the dilterent colored societies of thin city, the turnout being large and evidencing much interest. As early a eight o'clock in the morning the sound of the fife and drum indicated that the colored organizations were assembling at different points for the purpose of marching iu procession to their respect- ive picnic grounds. In and around Court square the negroes congregrated in great numbers, for the central location of this beautiful park renders it a kind of rendezvous upon any public occasion when a demonstration like that of yes- terday is to be made. Thither the negroes congregated, and among the crowd we noticed quite a number from the country. While no demonstration was made among the white citizens, in- asmuch as the Fourth was the day pre- vious, t et many were solicitous aud not a few were anxious to know what would become of the proposed psace-gatheri- of the whites and blacks' at the Fair grounds, to which place the Independ- ent Order of Pole-Beare- rs had invited a number of prominent southern gentle- men, whose previously announced ac- ceptance (publiehed last week in the Appkal) had become generally kuown. There was no little anxiety as to tho probable result of this meeting aud conference, and it was quite nat- ural that ita approach bad aroused some degree of interest, especially amor g the thoughtiul of our community. . irom the number of societies aud the display made by them, it was evident that the negroes intended making at least a great jollity yesterday, for men, women and children were Hocking about the streets in anticipation of the procession of the organizations. By eleven o'clock the different processions had formed, and. headed by bands qf music, paraded along Second, Adams, Main, Madison, Beale, aud other streets through the city. From tho following may be seen what organisations were in he procession: Baud of Mnsic. Different. Societies of tb Independent Order of l'ole-15erer- s, with K.ugs and Bamis. Memphis ISap'ibt Sunday-Schoo- l I'nion Ouards, in Uniform, and bearing Wooden (Jans, iiurnl of Music. Carriaje containing Officers of tho Society. UnitolSomof Ham (tnreofaocletiee). larriage containing tho Q,neeu of tho Day and .Maids of nonor. Twelve Carriages uonlaliig Female Members of the Societies. Band ofMu-ic- . Bsnevolpnt Sorlety No. 2. St. John's Heliet Society. United ons of Zlon fr o. . Carriage containing Officers of the Organiza- tions. 111E DIFFERENT PICHICS were largely attended aud very much eDjoyed. Over two thousand colored persons werepre3eut at Humboldt park, where the Sous of Ham cave their enter- tainment. At Alexander park the Sons of Ham No. 2 gave their picnic, which also attracted a very large crowd, the principal feature Deing dancing. The Exposition building was thronged with coioied visitors, the attraction being an entertainment given by Avery Chapel benevolent organizatiau, managed by Anderson Montgomery and Georg'o Rash. At all of the above places, the colored people did justice to the festivi- ties and pleasures incident to the Fourth of July. The greatest occasion, how- ever, was thb entertainment given at tho Fair grounds, rive miles from the city, by the INDEPENDENT ORDER OF Excursion trains on the Charleston railroad went out several times during the day. every car being packed. By two o'clock there was a crowd of col- ored people present estimated at three or four thousand. The different societies of tho Pole-Beare- v,iih three bands of music, were there under charge of Pres- ident Hezekiah Henley, Grand-Marsh- al John WisemaD, and Assistant-Grand-Marsh- Sam Farrish. Headed by the Pole-Beare- rs' bras3 band, of which Mat Stephens is leader, and Steve Brown asalstant-leader,tbesoeieti- es formed out- side of the gate and marched Into the inclrsure. The crowd increased with the arrival of every train, and by three o'clock at least live tnousand persons were on the groundp, which presented a real gala appearance. In one of the long halls were spread fifteen or more tables laden with refreshments and edi- bles too varied to mention. The north hall of the building was devoted to Terpsichore, whose votaries seemed never wearied of the pleasure afforded them. THE INVITED GUESTS were General N. B. Forrest, General Gideon J. Pillow, Colonel M. C. Galla-wa- y, of the Appeal, Captain J. Harvey Mathes, of the Ledger, Alderman Henry G. Dent, Major Minor Meriwether aud Dr. Clark. These gentlemen procured a hack, in which they procteded from ths city to the Fair groundp, where they were received with much enthusiasm by President Henley, of the Pole-Bearer- s; Grand-Marsh- al John Wiseman, Assist-- I al Sam Farrish.and other ofii-- 1 cers of the organization. The gentle-- I men were escorted to the main stand, where, in acordance with the pro-- . cram me and invitations. General For rest, General Pillow and Hon. Casey Young were expected to address tao colored people. THE EXERCISES were opened by President Henley, who said : Gentlemen As representatives of the Union, ol which we are members, we come out to join you as tho repre- sentatives of the people. We are glad to see you here, for we are come not to dis- cuss or to take part in politics, but to pull down the political and to bring about peace, joy and union. Applause. When that is done there will he a mighty shout. Cheers I hope all who are here to-ua- y will do pleased, aud cau asy when they return to their homes, God lldss the Pole-Bearer- s! Immeu3o ap- plause I will now introduce to you Brother G. W. Lewis, cf the Pole-Bearer- s, who will read my ADDRESS OF WELCOME, G. W. Levis then read tho welcome address, as follows: Gentlemen White friends of the city of Memphis and Shelby county, it affwds us great pleasure on this auspi- cious day to greet ycu one and all with heartfelt respect, ai'd bid each of jwu, geutlemen, au aff. otiouate wel- come. We sincerely thank you, hon- ored sirs, for your presence on this mo- mentous and memorable occasion. Let us assure you, gentlemen (I apeak for my people), that we feel cause for re- newed encouragement, and entertain a new and d hope for our fu- ture success. When we remembrjthat this sacred day we haveassembled to com- memorate is sanctified and made dear to the heart of every true citizen of this great commonwealth by the baptism of American liberty, eealpd by the blood of their fathers in 1776, we earnestly pray that our future generations may proud- ly recall this auspicious period as the moment in which fraternal discord has takeu its leave forever from .the manly and intelligent hearts of united Ameri- can brotherhood, resolved that peace and forbearance, thatstays the aDgry passions of men, shall prevail henceforward from oue end of this great land of ours to the other, in which, through God's provi- dence, our colored race may be permit- ted to eDjoy a becoming and permanent part. In our heart of hearts, gentle- men, we again reiterate our grateful thanks for the kind consideration you manifest, in your presence, with our peopls which we will endeavor to appreciate in thefuttire,and for which we thauk pach of you, gentlemen, at this time. Applauso. The reading of the above addres3 was frequently applauded, aud at its conclu- sion the baud played a quick air. AN OFFERING OF PEACE. Presidenc Henley then said : "General Forrest, allow me tc introduce to you Miss Lou Lewis, who, as the representa- tive of the colored ladies, will present you with a bouquet to assure you ot tho sincerity they eutertain for the objects of this occasion cheers aud as an offer-ii.- g of peace." Lou Luwis then advanced to where General Forrest wa3 standing aod pre- sented the bouquet with the following remarks: "Mr. Forrest, allow me to present you this bouquet as a token of reconciliation aud an ollering of peace aud good will." Applause. RESPONSE OF GENERAL FORREST. General Forrest received the bouquet, and in reipoiisa said: Ladies and Gentlemen I accept the flowers as a memento of reconcilia- tion between the white and colored races ol the southern States. I accept It more particularly as it comes from a colored lady, tor if there is any one on God's earth who loves the ladies I be- lieve it is myself. Immense applause and laughter ThU day is a day that is proud to me, having occupied the posi- tion that I did for the paBt twelve years, and been misunderstood by your race. This is the first opportunity 1 have had during that time to say that I am your friend. I am hero a representative of the southern people, one more slandered and maligned than any man in the na- tion. I wili say to you and to the colored race tiiat the men who bore arms aud followed the Hag of the Confederacy are, with very few exceptions, your friends. I have an opportunity of saying what I have always felt that I am your friend, for my interests are your interests, and your interests are my interests. We were bora on the samu soil, breathe the samo air, and iivo in the same land. Why, then, can we not Uveas brothers? I will say that when the war broke out I felt it my duty to stand by my people. When tho time came I did tlie best I cou'.d, aud I don't believe I llickered. I came here with the jeers of some white people, who think that I am doing wrong. I believe that I can exert some influence, and do much to assist the peo- ple in strengthening fraternal relations, and shall do all in my power to bring about peace. It has always been my mottoe to elevate every man to depress none. Applause. 1 want to elevate you to take positions in law offices, iu stores, on farms, and wherever you aro capable of going. I have not Raid any- thing about politics to-da- I don't pro- pose to say anything about polities. You have a right to elect whom you please; vote for tbo matt you think best, aud I think, when that is done, that you and I are freemen. Do as you consider right and honest in electing meu for office. I did not come hero to make you a long speech,although invited to do so by you. I am not much of a speaker, aud my business prevented me from preparing myself. I came to meet you as friends, and welcome you to the white people. I want you to come nearer to us. When I canscrve you I will do so. We have but oue flag, one country; let us stand together. We may differ in color, but not in senti- ment. Use your beat judgment in se- lecting men for office aud vote as you think right. Many things have been said about mo whi h are wrong, and which white and black persons here, who stood by me through tbo war, cm contradict. I have been in the heat of battle when colored men, asked me to protect them. I have placed my- self between thorn and the bullets of my men, aud told them they should be kept unharmed. Go to work, bo industrious, live honestly and act truly, and when you are oppressed I'll come to your re- lief. I thank you, ladies and gentle- men, for this opportunity you have af- forded me to bo with you, and to assure you that I am with you in heart and in fiand. Prolonged applause. Tho Pole-Bearer- s' band then played a piece, at the coudti-'io- of which Presi- dent Henley introduced General Gideon J. Pillow who spoke as follows: OENERAL PILLOW'S SPEECH. Mr. Chairman, and Pr sident and Members of the Order ot PoU-Reare- By your special invitation, published in tbe Appeal, aud iuvitiug me to be present at your celebration of tha Fourth of July, aud to address you such couusel and advice as we might think best cal- culated for your advancement, and for the promotion of tlie harmony and well-bein- g of tbe two races of people who dwell in ihis section of the country, I now appear before you to comply with that request. This I do from a sense of duty to the couutry and a3 a proof that tho white race feel an interest in the welfare of your race. Allow me to eav further that I am Lot a candidate for any office, and that I never expect to seek your votes. The white race of the American people have celebrated tho anuiversary of the nation's birthday ever since they achieved its in- dependence. To commemorate the event of a natiou born to free- dom is a patriotic duty. It is meet and proper that a people so blessed as have been the Americans should keep these anniversaries as national holidays, and that they should return thanks to the Gieat Ruler of nations. The infant natioD, whose birthday you now celebrate, has since grown into a great asd powerful government, with a population of perhaps fifty millions, and wi'h a territory, the largest m the world, with perhaps one exception, and with all its laws, its powers and authority exerted to protect the rights and liber- ties of its people. Its flag is the ac- knowledged symbol of liberty all over the world. In every nation and clime and tongue, wherever this flig is f eeq, it is recognized as the emblem of rfte great confederate republic of America, whose powers are dedicated to the pro- tection of the liberties and to the pr. -- motion of the happiness and welfare f Its people. The fundamental politic il maxim of the government is that it .l rives ita existence and powers f.)-.- i the people, and that it exists for U:-- .r benefit. It thus reverses tho pol: i ai maxima of other governments from tho remotest period of time; that is that government exists for the benefit of the ruling powers, aud that the people, their rights and welfare, are of secondary importance. When this na- tional government waa formed, your fathers and mothers and ancestors were held in slavery. This system of slavery had been introduced into the American provinces by tho laws and policy of the government of Great Britain. Slavery then existed in all the States composing the Union, with one exception. Tho northern States at au early day adopted a sjiitem of gradual emancipation. Tola resulted in tne removal of nearly all the slaves from those States to the southern States of the Union. Here your race multiplied and was most prolific In less than a century it bad increased from some hundreds of thousands to over fmr million of souls. The late great civil war of the States resulted in your emancipa- tion. No nation, in ancient or modern times, engsged iu civil war, ever mus- tered such armies, or fought such battles, 83 did the people of this great republic. In the latter part of this war many of your race were drawn into the Federal armies. That government offered you your freedom. To accept the offer was but natural. Many of tho southern leaders were in favor of making you a like ofler. But that pol- icy did not prevail, and "by your arms you helped to achieve your own emancipation. President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation was the first official recognition of your rights to free- dom. That proclamation was issued on the thirty-firs- t of September, 1803. Tho triumph of the Federal arms gave force and permanency to the emancipation proclamation of the President. The several amendments to the Federal con- stitution, since adopted, placed your freedom and your civil and political lights under the protection of that instru- ment and of the Federal government. Your rights and those of the whius race are thus put upon the same footing. You and I are equal bafore the law. All the powers of that government are pledged for your enjoyment of the liberty and the right? guaranteed by tbe constitu- tion. The white race, in ths war of the revolution, achieved their own inde- pendence and established this govern- ment. That government gave you your liberties. You were taken from your farmer owners by Ita strong arm, and at the cost of millions of its treasure and oceans of the blood of tho white race, and you were made the equal before tue law .if the richest and greatest of tbo w!i't9 race. No power on the earth coul i you. You have been told by bad men that the white race cf the south are your enemies, and that they would you. This is false. No man of truth and honor would tell you so. The white race of the south are your natural friends. In the late civil war, the. wbUe raca in the south were engageiFift deadly c inflict with the government, growing out of disputed constitutional questions questions involving tbe rights of the States and the powers of the genera! government. They would have pre- vented your emancipation if thoy could, but the white race in the south was itself overcome and conquered by the great armies of the government. While your former owners would have prevented your emaucipation, yet they would uot now you if it were left to their own free will. Those who tell you otherwise utter a calumny on tho white race, and they know it to be a calumny. Having thus had conferred upon ycu at a cost iu blood and treasure so great the priceless boon of liberty, it remains to be seen whether your raca will appre- ciate this great act of beneficence off the part of the nation and prove your- selves worthy the liberties of Ameri- can citizenship. In the history of tho human family there is no instance re- corded of a government, at such a cost to its people and treasure, emancipat- ing a race of people and elevating it to full citizenship. To fulfill your duties to this should always bear to it true allegiauce. But this is not your whole duty. You should obey all its laws; you should be sober and industri- ous people, and by your energy and fru- gal habits, you should add to the aggre- gate wealth of the natiou, and acquire for yourselves the necessaries and com- forts of life. If you should be idle aud iudolent, or dissipated, you will become paupers and vagabonds. Alio! that class will prove themselves unfit for liberty. Liberty consists in the rational enjoy- ment of equal and just laws. Liberty is not licentiousness. It is not in the uubridled indulgence of your own lusts or passions. These indulgences are sure of destroying your lives and usefulness. No physical law is more certain in its regults than that such habits beget di; -- ease and death. All that class of your race will rapidly disappear. The gov- ernment has given you your liberties, and conferred upon you the full citizen- ship which was the birthright of the white raca. It can do no more for you. It cannot place you in ease and wealth. These things can be acquired by you, as they are by tho industrious and frugal of the white race. It is the great law of our being that we must live by the sweat of our brow. By in- dustry, sobriety and frugal habits, every mau, in the enjoyment of good health, cau acquire tne necessaries and com- forts of life. Intelligence is power, and, when combined with frugal aud indus- trious habits, it is wealth. The value of intelligence caunot bo overestimated. You need most tho means of education. The grown up of your race are advanc- ing and have advanced in intelligence very much since your emaucipation. The education ol the people is tho duty ot the States in which you aro citizens. That does not pertain to the por ers and duty of the Federal government. The wiiite race cf Tennessee have, by their own free will, voted a tax upon their property to raise the means of educating tho rising generation of the white and black races. While by law the Sfate k'eps the schools for the races separate, i . gives equal advantages to each race. The fact that the white race thus taxes the property owned by it to educate your children is evidence of tbe con- viction on the mind of that race that they a'e interested in your intelligence as a race. It is au acknowledgment that the two races have a common in- terest in each other and in each other's welfare. Intelligence, with iadustrious and virtuous habits, will certainly beget respectability and social position. So- cial position and respectability can be won by any of you, but these the gov- ernment cannot confer. It has not and caunot confer these upon any of the white race. It is the fruits of moral worth. This is not and cannot be made a legal right. Equal and just laws, with a great and powerful government to en- force them, we now have. Next to theso equal and just laws is an honest admin- istration or the laws. Honest and lo laws are essential, and the only means of preserving the rights and lib- erties of the people. "Where the;e offi- cers are chosen by popular vote, as they are in this government, the responsibil- ity resting on the voting populatioa is very great. The highest duty you owe your country, as citizens in the exer- cise of the elective franchise, is to vote for none but honest and capable men for any office. My advice would bs to discard all partisan views, to disband all colored political organizations. It was these colored po- litical organizations in hostility to the white race of tho south that nroduoed the color-lin- e amoug the white race cf ' the south. You have seen its workings. The interests of the white and coioied races in the south are inseparably inter- mingled, and aro dependent on ewh other. What advances the interests of the one advauces the interests of the other. I purposely avoid all dUeassIou of political questions. This is a day ded- icated to the commemoration of a nation born to freedom. The discussion of po- litical questions would bo out of place, and would mar the dffty cf the patriot. we may wen speaK ci tne power, great- ness and glory of the government, and of tho dut s of the pr.trlots, and of those virtues, and pursui's which are calculated to elevate the citizen and to advance him in social position and iu the scale of civilization. In all yonr dealings with others, be honest, truthful and just Fulfill your coutrac's in good faith. B kind to your fellow-me- n, aud be courteous and polite to all men. These will beget the confidence and re- spect of all men. Social position i3 the fruit of these, and will as certainly fal- low the practice of these virtues as reli- gion follows the practice cf morality and tho christian virtues. The government can no more confer on you social posi- tion than it cau morality and religion. It has conferred upon you equality bs-l'-- re the law, and it will protect you in the enjoyment of these equal rights with all its powers; but it caunot make you industrious and ust-fu-l men; it caunot make you good christians, nor compel others to regard your social standing. These are beyond ita powers, but they are as much within your own control as are your habits of industry, frugality and virtue. I havo said that tho white race of the south are your natural IViends You were misled at tho eud cf the war by bad men cf the Republican party, who wore seeking to use your votes to get into power and into lucrative office. Theio places thpy wanted for their own selfish purposes. They pandered to your prejudices; they told you that you should have forty acres of land and a mulo, and that the rebels would put you back into slavery. By your votes ntauy of them reached positions they were not worthy to fill, aud they practiced frauds upon the State governments and the people, aud robbed the coun- try of vast amounts of money. But they did not get for you the forty acxe3 of land aud tho mule" If you had not thus put yourself In tho hands of tho enemies of southern white people, but had placed your couiideucj in them and had with them iu necessary reforms in the policy of State govern- ment, they would have risen your ullies, aud would have adopted such forms of legislation as would have greatly ad- vanced your interests. It is the fate of the white race in the south and of your race to dwell in this section of country. You wero born aud raised iu the scuth. Your constitctiuus are suited to the mild and genial climate of the south. The native climate of your race was in the tropical region of Africa. There your ancestors havelived sines the early settlemnnt after the Hood. The cold climate and long winters of tho north you will not bear. But your race can live and prosper iu all the tat03 of the south. No race of people have ever in- creased ao rapidly as did yours while in a state of slavery. The gr;at want of your race now is home.j laud to culti- vate which is your owa. We havo In the south land in great abundance for ten timea the whole population of the south. We have all" the open land which was, cultivated before your emau- cipation, We havo open laud enough to furnish you all with good homsa and to cultivate, if it was properly dis- tributed. It la all of good quality. An industrious man could make a good liv- ing on any of it. Vast quantities of these lands are now uncultivated and are the richest in the world. This land belongs mostly to the white race. You arrayed yourselves and your influence against them. You bscame active poli- ticians, and sought to rule and oppress the southern people by yoar Yankee friends. They have ruled aud ruined the country since "tho war, at-- by your support. You organized your whole race in hostility to the southern people. To counteract this, the white race or- ganized against you, all nationalities. This color-lin- e was a line to fight over and across. Matters had nearly reached that point. If that issue becomes gen- eral all over the south it must result ia the destruction of your race. With tbe assumption of your natural position of fiiends and allies of tho southern white people, the legislation cf the south would becore friendly toward your people. Left to themselves, the white race hav- ing a direct interest in your welfare and prosperity, would seek by just laws to advance your interests and to qualify you for good citizens. ithout tliH la- bor of your race the gret body ol the land iu the south would go uncultivated. Without this land to cultivate you could not live There is therefore a depend- ence lietween the races tho ono on Ui' other which makes the prosperity of either impossible with- out the well-bein- g of the other. If you cease your hostility to the white race of the south, aud fall into the general policy and intents of the south, and identify yourselves in inter- est with them, and vote for none but honest and capable men forclli?e, we would correct the abuses which have crept iuto every department of busine a?. The wisest statesmanship would adopt measurea which would in the end enable you to gei homes of your own, and land to cultivate. There are millions of acres of land all over tho south forfeited to the States for non-payme- nt of taxes. Let congress and the States legislate in harmony for tho disposition of these lands. The States aro bankrupted be- cause the owners of these lauds cannot pay their taxes. Let laws be passed providing that after a certain period of time within which for these lauds to be redeemed, the States eball sell the un- improved- lauds so forfeited to the gen- eral gA'crumsutatonediillar and twenty-l- ive ceuts per acre, and at two dollars and fifty cents per aero for improved lands, payable ia its levy bonds; pro- vided th j general government shall have these lands laid of! into twenty and forty-acr- e lots, and will resell them at the same prices, to actual settle's. In this way and by these means the States would b3 greatly relieved from their enormous debts, and iu a few years tlie great body of industrious men, who would save their means, would ha able to secure to themselves and their fam- ilies comfortable honips. There is not a man of you but could save one hundred dollars a year if you would try ; that would get you a home. Under such a system, sept in force for tan or fifteen yoars, fully two-third- s of the industrious aud ab'e-budie- d men, white and black, could procure themselves good homes. Then, ag3in, many of the old landed proprietors still hold large bodies of their former estates iu theirownhaud3. There is no sale of these lands, for there is no marfitt tor them. They ca.iuot work them. Let congress pses laws author- izing tho government to receive relin- quishments of such lands as owners will convey to it, at a fixed rate, to bo paid for in ita levy bonds, and let tht e lands be laid off by the government into twen- ty aud forty-acr- e lots, and bo resold to actual tettlers, white and black alike, at the same prices the lands are con- veyed to it. These sales should be made by the government on annual pay- ments. In this way and from these two sources the great body of tbe southern white and black races could be provided with homes within a period of ten years. The details of this system I do not enter into. The Federal and State govern- ments aro equally interested in the peo- ple, who are citizeus of both, having permanent homes, and in their prosper- ity and well-bein- g, and in the aggregate wealth which good citizenship, indus- try, and a thrifty and permanently fixfd population, identified with the soil, will be suro to beget. Liberty, with the means of comfortable livelihood, is a gieat blessing; liberty with pauper-Is- m means the jail, the workhouse and the penitentiary system of slavery. Lib Apr 4 I ESTABLISHED 1S40. TUESDAY, VOX, erty of this last kind ia but a name a delusion. It Is a condition ol dependence so Bearly akin to slavery as to have but little practical value. My colored friends, give up politics as a pur- suit. It cn'y pa3 the cfliceholders. It does not feed aud clothe your wife and children. That man is your best friend who tells you how to return yourfrieudly relation with your old friends and neigh-bor- a, and who points out the way to you o' solid prosperity, and who proposes t adopt laws friendly to your intejests. The great need that you have Is 'o e the owner of your ov. n onme, aod of land on which to mako a support. The suggestions above, if carried iuto effect by prudent laws and wi leginli-tio- n, would relieve the Statf s. from op pressive dert, would great'y reduce the taxea upon all interests and rursut s,it.d several colored gentlemeu,wi eould do would soon provide poor and jIM,iw tothe occasion, wouW also white and black citizens wi'h .ire crowd. The distinguished gen- - homeS. Tll'S system WOUld Uiat-lil- tlmn vrr.T thor Invit..! to Injure no one. iS'o man haa a right to noiu and own property on which ho cannot pay ths irjcm due to the government for pro- tecting his rights of property and person. Allegiance and protection sr erWve duties. A man who cannot or will not pay his taxes has forfeited his allegiance aud cannot claim the protection of the laws of tho govern- ment. If all tae people of Ten- nessee should cease to pay the taxes on their lands, we should cease to have any government. If one may never pay his taxes, then justice requires that iioue shall be required to do so. Upon the principle of justice all govern- ments mu9t rest. There i1 no juslica or equality of lights in a government making one class ot ita population pay taxes and of its allowiug another class never to pay. The State government cannot continue to exist without its revenues. If men cannot, or will not, pay their taxes and help ;o support the government, pa3s the land to those who can aud will pay the taxes. If by this means the great body of the poor men, white and black, can get homes, and raise their families, and become identified with the soil, and help to sup- port the government and make the means necessary to her existence, and add to tl'e great aggregite wealth of the State and Federal governments, a wt-- e statesmanship should shape the policy of State and the National legislation ac- cordingly. During the delivery of his address General Pillow was frequently and most heartil applauded. REMARKS OF COL. M. C. CALLAWAY. Colonel M. C. G&Ilaway, of the Ap- peal, boiDg introduced by President Henley, said: My Countrymen I regret excrel-ingl- y T am incapacitated from speaking. I make my living by wriiiog. I never made a speech in my life, but I have this to say to you: the invitation from President Henley, of the Independent Order of Pole-Bearer- s, is one of the greatest things of tho pge it is s. It buried the hatchet, and we are nw fncuds. Cheers. I have here a letter from our congressman, Col. Casey Youg, which my frienJ, Col. G. P. M. Turner, will plessa read. Ap- plause. WHAT COLONEL TURNER SAID. Colonel Turner then arose aud said: Mr. President and Fellow-Citi-zen- s At the request of Colonel Galla-wa- y, it affords me pleasure to read in your hearing a letter from our distin- guished representative in congress, Hon. Casey Ycuug, who. by reason of a per- sonal miiforlune, nunable to be here, but whoso heart is filled with patriotism, whose aro always just,aad whose soul holds out the olive-branc- h of peaca anu good will to his fellows. You will listen to his words with pleasure. I will read them. Cheers. COLONEL CASEY" YOUNO'S LETTER was then read by Colonel Turner, as follows: Memphis, July 5, 1ST".. Colonel M. C. Uallaway: Dear Sir Confined to my room by injuries resulting from a recent unfor- tunate accident, I am unable to attend the celebration of the Fourth of July, to be had to-da- y by the colored people, and to which, along with yourself and other gentlemen, I was invited some days since through tho columns of the Ap- peal. I write you this note to express my regret that I cannot be present with the others included in the invitation at tho proposed celebration, and to request you to make known to those who in- vited us the reason of my absence and the interest I feel in the development of the spirit which seems to prompt their actiou. Cheers. In recent mani- festations upon the part of the colored people I trust I eee a gratifying evidence that they are be- ginning more clearly to perceive aud comprehend thau heretofore the neces- sity of a more thorough Identity iu feel- ing and action with the people amoig whom they live, and with whose inter- est aud fortunes their own destiny act! that of their posterity must bs linked for many generations to come. The future relations of the two races in the southern State3 is a subject fraught wita the greatest interest and importance to every thoughtful mind; for whatever intent be the capacity of the one or the other to work out its own destiny il left aloup, free from geographical contact, yet living in the same territory, raiu-gle- d as they are iu our social and politi- cal structure, there must of neets.-it- y exist something of mutual intere.-- t and mutual dependence. App'.ausB Wuat those relations ought to be, is and has been for years apparent to every one who haa looked calmly, without parti- san zeal or individual prejudice upon the situation of the couutry and the cir- cumstances which havo surrounded us, but how to accomplish a result so earnestly desired by those regardful of the public well-bein- g, ha been a ques- tion much nioro difficult of solu- tion. There is little or nothing iu the past connection of the two races whicti could be wisely evoked to aid iu shaping their future. It were, therefore, better to let the past be forgotten and look alone to tho condition of the pres- ent to determine those that are to come. It may be true, as they say, that the colored people have, since the war, suf- fered a multitude of evi's at the hands of those who claimed to be their best and truest friends, but perhaps this was what might have been expected the peculiar circumstances, which have surrout led them; but, however, the road to their delivei uice from these evils is open, and they have only to pursue it to escape from their influence. Applause. Their destiny is, in a great measure, in their own hands and under their owu control, aud they may, by an intelligent comprehension of the privi- leges aud duties of citizenship, and an honest md conscientious discharge of ita obligations, advance in process, prosperity aud happiness, or by becom- ing blind iLstruments for the ac of selfish purposes, i'l ihe hands of bad men of any class, they may bring degradation and ruin upon their r.-e- . Applause. It i3 ouly by cuitivati: g a friendly between the two races, dealing j isily aud fairly with each other and waiting with patience and forbearance for the effect of time and experience, that the permanent interest and prosperity of both ni3y be secured. Applause" To assist in bringing about these ruit-- i is, iu my judgment, oue of the highest duties of the patriot aud philanthropist. I accept this occasion as the auspicious beginning of a period in tbe history of the south, when every feeling of enmity and hostility which may have hereto- fore existed between the white and the colored races shall have passed away, and when every class of our people shall havo a higher conception of the duties and obligations which devolve upon them in the respective positions they occupy in our system of society and gov- ernment. I am yours, very respectfully, CASEY YOUNii. At tho conclusion of the reading the crowd gave "three cheera for Colonel Casey Young," and this was followed by music from the band. REMARKS OF ALDERMAN DENT. Aldermau Henry G. Dent being in- troduced by President Henley, said that be was not here for the purpose of mak- ing a speech; lie never did make a speecb, and even if he eonhi make oik he would not do so to-da-y, m time b the gentlemen who piecedett btatttn the letter of Colone'. Vciiug ue surUcieii t. This was a proud l; vf r nim, xs he bad been laboring for i: f r five yearn, a fee: whieh many present eoold testify. His object iu arising was merely to express hid gratification at tbe result aod thaak toem for .inviting iiim to be preeent many t the ttartalre of . words under spirit i with them. Applause ! AT THB DINNER-TABL- . After a lively air by the baud, rresi- - deut Henley stated that they would re-- I psir to the dinner-tabl- e. After dinner ' they would resume the exercise, a-- Msjor Minor Meriwether and Colon-- ! rPnrntr vara Bnviua in ciom V vlti Snra-r,,- dinner, to whish they did fml KHMAhKS OF MAJOR MBKIWBTHSR. After dinner the crowd remb?et in the grand stand and President Heu-h- y :l"oi introduced Major Minor Meri-w- tt e . 1 his gentleman infiorwd wha' had been said by General Forrest an-- l Gmeral Pillow. He hoped that thin occasion would realize the expectations of ita frieuds and those who had sought to orir.g about fraternal aud ainWble relations between the white and the colored people. He warmly commended the undertaking, aud encouraged them to carry out its purpose, the accom- plishment of which would benefit both white and black, and promote their mu- tual interests. Major Meriwether was applauded several times during his re- marks. HENLEY'S ADDRESS. G. W. Lawis then read the following address of President Henley To the Colored Ladies and Gentlemen: This day we celebrate is commemora- tive cf tbe national birth of our great country, whk-- occurred ninety-nin- e years ago. At that important period this greit republic was born andnehete I into existence as an independent nation. She emerged from the heel of tyraary aud oppression aod wadei thruugh the gloom cf fraternal strife antl adverse storms, proud and unscathed, full of dig- nity aud victorious, strengthened in every well-trie- d nerve and mucle, and though then iu her iiifincy and swaddlin- g-clothes, this infant giant etouds boldly forth to-da- y in the mjisty t f na- tional poiver second in atUuenee and ability to no other nation iu this wWe universe, proudly challenging the admi- ration and respect cf the world, who court her acquaintance to euiulVe her virtues. Her vast storehouses awl fer- tile fields; her beautiful suburban pe- aces; her extensive, magnificent an,; orderly, wtii-bui- lt ciuea, fraught with the noie and bustle of mecharical and lommercial industry, attest and bear in- controvertible evidence f tho inventive geniti3, frugality and perseveienceof on' enterprising people. Her ample and well-timb- d terr.Toriea, pregnant wi'h the varied and richest ore; aer promi- nent headlands and deep-indente- d bays, with the watera of her inland seas and large rivers mingling in unison with the stormy Atlantic aud mild Pacific, ard the sinuosities of her variegated ana boundaries sweep in curved meander their trailing forma from the frozen regions of the far north to the balmy shades of our own sunny south, and in all thia bread bosom of healthy valleys and fertile plains she Invites to a home and freedom he oppressed, down- trodden and hoinelets, from all natiors uuder the shilling suu. The merebtuat-inarin- e of our vast empire spread thtir white wings to the breeze and dot that vast expanse of sea; her beautiful craft, of every size and capacity, are found carrying our Nation's surplus products to every clime and peoplo on the habileti parts of the globe. The Hag of our coun- try is spread to the breeze iu every har- bor, port or roadstead where a vessel cau euter or ride at anchor, and are found in the mo3t remote parts of the earth; and from tho Callirdens in Africa to the pal- ace of the mikado cf Japan, in- cluding the almoud-eye- d sons of Confuciu?, yea, even to the mighty monarchsof Europe we repeat iu ait those vast emplrea of the earth, from the least to the greatest, tbe old Stars and Stripe3 of- - America are greeted with affectionate regard, and all nations join in wonder, adulation antl true respect for the increasing energy and indom- itable oroweaa of the American peo- ple. My colored brethren, have you ever seriously considered the import- ance and dignity attached to the honored position of an American cit-za- Have you, in your leisure thoughts, ever carefully considered tho dignity and value of American sov- ereignty? Or bavo you ever er j lyed the elastic step of the fre?man who feels atd knows he'is worthy the sanctified privi- lege of membership in the Teat Ameri- can family, proudly sheltered by the gloriou3 flag of our Union? If you have not carefully endeavored in the past to realize those values, think of its Im- portance in the midnight hour, when the Concluded on fourth jxtge. DAVIS NiSElTT On the loth of June, In Marshall county, Mississippi, at the rkl&nce of the bride's ;mother, Mrs. M. NeefeUt, by Kev. It. It. Evan?, R. Days, of Shelby county, Tences3e, and Miss Mart M. daughter of the late Dempsfy Neibitt. ALhXANDEIt Died at 5i ajo., Jaly4tb. I!kktik gray, twtn daughter of Robert H and L. A. Alexander. Interment at Raleigh' July 5th. GltURBS-O- n t';e3d instant, by drowning. John Morgan Ububbs, ran of w. R. ami aged lSyesrs 9 months and IS days. Funeral fron the residence on Thornton avenue, this (TUESDAY) afternoon at 4 O'clock. Friends of the family are respect- fully Invited to at tent. TEMPLB OFLOVCNO.l. The members of the Temple will meet this (TUESDAY) even- ing at 2 o'clock, at SO Second street, to atttnd the faneral of Templar J. M. URi'im. Visltln; brotuers are invited to attend. By order. JACKSON I. CREWS, T. 8. Ed. D. Coi.e. R. H. ,, " ..i.hwii -- m awfc hbji W. Z. MITCHELL'S SCHOOLr, ?To. 303 Tliird Street. S izztaxn. o Sossiort Dividend Notice. 'VUK HOARD OK HI RECTORS OP THK 1 Cerman National Itenic have tbM dav declared a dividend of TETf l'lt CEKT. out or the earnings ot the past lx OKHiUM, payable on demand. 5 MARTIN GRIFFIN, ' ashler. Royal Havana Lottery. IS75 OKDIXAIiY DKIH'IXH BAY?. Class No 950. on the MMi of July. Claw No. 961 on tbe 2Kb of July. Clas--i No.SS2 on the Mittof AiW. Cla--- s No. 96.1 j. on the aothof AMHM. CI s No. Jii on th 17th ot September. SiZ frizes and f ,tw to be dislrtbsMct eeh drawing. This Lottery never e Mm drawl mc or fall in anything promteed. OfflrNl Ms of prizes sent to every purchaser of tickets. Mead money by pontetBce order, reffniered letter. expr or draft tfeml for circular. All prize Odfihed at th rate of eznhaose. Prices or Wh!e ilekote$J; Hal TJekete JI8; Quarter Ticket fi: Fifth Ticket, Hi Ti Ticket, t!. Addres all orders to MANHELOKRANTIA. Ju6 168 Common btieet, New Orleans, La.

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Waskim;tos, July 6, 1 a.m.In Tameuce and the Ohio vaUcy tla-nona-

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liriallH In b Hilling olTcrby by the till vcr.

y ciai to Ul Apical.Helena, Ark,, July 5 A difficulty

furred aboard tne steamer A. J. Whitebrtwt-e- three and four o'clock thisii. ruiDK,after leaving St. Louis landing,Arkansas, between II N. Yerbj, B iver ami N. Oliver, son of li. L. Oli-- v

t, resulting in the death of Yerby,f'oin piMol-stiot- a tired by both Oliver,

t.iy une taking efftct lir'd by youngOi.ver it paw-lu- g through the left tem-- C

f Yerby lived an hour, unconscious.A''er the shooting tiiey ordered thecap-tni- ti

to land the boat, when they escaped.I iifius that an old grudge existedan ut apiece of land owned by YerbyThecorouer'H jury held here returned averdict in accoidance with the abovefacta.

A negro boy named Itobert Jacksonwas drowned here yesterday while inbatuing. The body was not recovered.

oui: CAFiTor

A Memorable r.vent in Fonrlti ol JnjjrAiihhIs lUe Cornel-4tou- e I but

wan Laid Thirty TeamAcu To-O- n jr.

I Dion and American.;Oa the Fourth of July, 1SJ5, thirty

years ago to-da- the corner-ston- e of thei XYrjiiessco was laid. Iu thefi s of the loaal press of that day we11 id the ceremonies more graphicsllyt esc! ioed than completely reported. One.' the oest accounts is that of the old

r. ishvdle Whig, of July 8, 1S45, writ--t1 by our present ciiy treasurer and

fel.ow-c- i dzen, Anson Nelson. Many oftnose who ligured most prominently iutoe demonstration still live to take apart iu the leading public affairs of thenre--e!- it altered times. Hon Edwin H.liwii g, fir distance, was the orator ofiiio day, and John M. Bass and SamueliJ. Morgan, building commissioners.Bat there still live bumueds of peoplewho were present in th obscure capaci-ty of spectators. Our p.e.'eut governorwa oe of it host of schoolboys whoproudly joined in the procession at thestart, but whose patriotic enthusiasmwas consumed under the burning raysof the euu before the ceremonies wereover.

The arioii3 associations in the citytook from early morn till eleven o'clockt ct'ebrate the "gloiioua Fourth" intheir usual maimer. At the latter hourthese, with legions of tho uuuniformedand unbadged herd, collected on thepuolic Mjuaio and marched in proces-sion to Cmiitol hill, which they coveredw.i h or,e dense mass of humanity. Theni'Msry compabies preeedtd, then theBtate otiicers, building commissioners,thearchitec- - (Win. tJuickkmd) and theorator or the day; next the Masons,haaded by abau-- or muic, and display-ing tbree hauarrp "Beauty,"

Strength" ai.d "Wisdom," eachstaged on either tide by two girls rcbedin boowy wiit-- ; ntxt invited guests,distinguished citizjns, mayor and alder-men mot of Edctityl), the professors andsocieties of the University of Nashville,and O J As ever, the rear wasbrt tight up by the noble firemen.

Wust the IFWsrsaysof the extremityof the proceafclob is worth copyiug: "Anengine and ho?c-earria- ge formed not theleast attractive patt of the spectacle.These were drawn each by four horses,splendidly caparisoned, each horse ledby a sou of AiricH, habited in an Asiaticcostume, and four boys, superbly habitedin Oriental style also, rode the hordesharut-t- d lo tne hote-carrlag- e. Theear-riag- o

aud eugi'ie were tastefully deco-rated with wreaths and otbtr appliancesof pomp, a-j- by their picturesque

ce, c utribuleJ gieatly to the gen-eral effect."

The duty of laying the corner-ston- e

was assigned to the M&sons. Bev. Mr.Wheat, chaplain of the grand ledge, of-frr-

prayer before Mr. Ewing's address.This sptech was published and com-meud- ed

with unusual encomiums at thetime.

The regular Masonic ceremonies forsuch an occasion were then carried out,the usual amount of miscellaneous plun-der being put out of the sight of man for-ever, by disappearing in the memorialrecepta'cle of the stone.

The building commissioners were Jno.M. Bats, cuirmau; Samuel D. Morgan,Morgan W. Brown, Jno. F. Eiliston,Allen A. Hall and Jaa. Woods.

The then Mtate ottlcers who were pres-ent and participated were James C.Jones, governor; John 8. Young, secre-tary of state; Felix K. ZillicotTer, comp-t'o'.l- tr

of the trei-ur- y ; Matthew Kelson,-- treasurer; Wt H. Humphreys,

and Gerard Troost, stiitegeologist.

The writer, a reporter, who is not somuch of ftti sntiuuaiian us one mightsuppose from this -- ketch, had not thenmale hi3 tirrestrial debut, but he lias afri -- nd and an associate who had justbeguu his mundane career, and who t at the dsiemouy above describ-ed ard who thinks that his faculty ofmemory was brought Into action for theiirn time on that day. His rcminie-reiic- e

of tho d jy's jubilee is a most tii

g one. Ii. seems to him now,that it was one hundred years ago thathe was oivi hill, where there was a pile

f t cfcs av.d lots of cedars, and thew n If emincnc was crowned with pe o--

r.r wti e" igated calico, as thatf a'-ii- impiinted it image on his littlefancy more permii:ntly thau aiiythiug

H's ncolh-ctlo- is the faintestm, i.'ul R'&ie imaginable, and he wouldsti.l be in iiiorHDce as to what event itn ' d, if his father had not informeduiui Uiat he (the youngster) was presentsua participated in the laying of thecorrr-ston-e of the capitol on the Fourthof Jjly, 1S75


LuylnK at the Corner-htou- o or a SenfpUcojinl Cliurcti Interotlo?

Cr moults ttc.

NasbviUe Union and American.!

Cl " rksville, July 1. Yesterday thecorui of the new Episcopalchurch was laid on the site of tho oldore on Franklic street. Amid a largec .iicourse of citizens in thecpen air andaficr the sLadis of the eveniLg had1 gtheneJ s.nd the cool bieezes begauM blow, the precession, preceded by thertvi retd clergy, followed by the seniorau.: junior warden and vestrymen of

, came out of th" pa'sonag? (oldTr. nuy church having be ea pulled downto make way for the new church i, re-

citing with earnest and solemn intnna-- tion t he simple tut grand aud i mr ressive

i.tli of ihe church appropriate to theProceeding to the southesst

corner, the clergy tootc position near the. rner-sto- n, which had been preparedand adju-te- d in its position, with h hol-

low made in it to receive strch articles asmiht be desired to be placed therein,and by means of which iuture gesmight know the history of the edifice,tlie condition of our people at this date,as evidenced by the source of our re-

ligion, the Holy Bible, public journalsaud periodicals, aud one of each of thecoins of the Uriled State?, bearing themint stamp of this year, etc , in aword, such articles as, if found by somesutiii'iary of a ceutury to come, wouldgive proper facts upon which to base anestimate of our religion and civilization.Upon a platform erected near by werethe choir of the church and an organ.

The organ, flayed in a inost.admimblestyle by that accomplished musician

and teacher, Prof.'Biymond, accompa-nying the well-train- voices of thechoir, filled tho air with solemn andsweet music. As the last notes of thefcred song died away, Kev. WilliamGraham, of Christ church, Nashville,with the mallet of the worker in stouein his hand, adjusted the first rock to boplaced iu the wall, repeating, in doingeo, that portion of the ritual appropriateto tbo act. Striking the rock tlireetimes, he eald: "In the name of theFather, and of the Son, and of the HolyGhost. Amen. I lay the corner-ston- e

of an edifice to be here erected by thename of Trinity churrii, and to be de-voted to the service of Almighty Gud,agreeable to the principles of th Prot-estant Ep'.scnpel church in the OuifedStates ot America, in its doctrines, min-istry, liturgy, rights and usg. Otherfoundations 'ran no man luv than thatwhich is laid, even Jesus Const; who isGod over all, bleeped for evermoie, andin whom we have redemption throughHis blo-t-d, iDd the forgiveness cf sins.Amen."

After concluding thic" "oremouial, thelarge audience was clled to order byHon. G. A. Henry, the senior warden,who introduced to them the orator ofthe day, Bev. Wm. Graham.

From his first sentenceand fixed the attention of his audience,aud though many had ao seats, we donot believe one single person present leftthe place or faileJ to listen toevery wcrJtie utterel. He has just enough of theScottish accent to interest, win and at-tract evety ear, and when sc won, themind was charmed, and elevatedwith the eloquence, bearing and classicalstyle of the speaker.

But I will not undertake to give youeven an outline of this most appropriateand admirable audress, as I hear a copyhus been requested and given to the ves-try for publication in your valuable jour-nal. This much I will say, however,that without distinction cf sects, the ad-dress was regarded as the most eloquentand appropriate ever heard in this city,celebrated as it was for Its cultivation,Its taste and eloquent public speakers.

From tho fact t!. at our parish is nowwithout a rector, many thought it ar. ap-propriate oc asiou to call one to iili theposition, aod some, in their enthusiasm,proposed to elect Rev. William Grahamto the position by a unanimous vo'etaken on the spot, and require the eflicient and active vestry to ratify the samein a more formal and canonical mauner.The.writer heard many ask the oratorpersonally if he would not come, and itrequired all tho dignity and

for which he i eo eminently distin- -gulsueu tog-- t a release from tneir pressing importunities.

Sullice it to say, that the occasion waseminently interesting, and iu its way ascomplete a success as the church will bein grandeur, beauty and symmetry ofarchitectural proportions when com-pleted.


II o u ' rs UnrooJert nt Lebanon kisiI NIircIoXrcfB mown Down A"f"rrllJls

Wator-'Spoi- il la Until-crfur- d


r.'.ibhvlllo 1', July 4. Lebanon was

visited by a severe etoria of wind andrain Friday. The courthouse was par-tially unroofed, tbo wind getting undertho tin roof and liftirg it as easily as ifit had been paper. Tne Drifoos blockwas ngain a sullerer, being stripped ofpart of its rcof. This seems to be averyunfortunate block, us it is visited byevery herd wind that blows. A greatmany fine shrsdo trees weie blown downin the various yards about town. Comwas flattened, and wheat shocks blowndowH. Justice Baskette returned her8Friday night from Midfijelon, Kuther-for- d

county, the place of Im nativity.He says he had not been there before intwenty years, and that its surroundingshad been no changed that he was onlyenabled hero and there to discern someold familiar landmark whioh had plainlybegan to ebow the effects of tho marcnof time. While passing from Middletonto Fostervile, Friday, he witnessed ouoof the severest rain storms he had everhad the misfortune to encounter. Itwas a regular water-spou- t. It seemedthat the bottom had dropped out of theclouds. The water come down in greatsluices, which, forming into a gteatbody of water upon the land, sweptdown the hillsides with great velocity,washing away shocks of wheat, fences,and filling up the roads and bottoms ina remarkably short spaca of time. Muchof the wheat and other crops were badlydamaged.

Ilnlfroail Accident.Meridian, Miss , July 3 On Mon-

day last as the western-boun- d freighttrain was Hearing Lake, by some unac-countable freak, the caboofe car jumpedthe traek and ran overthe ties a distanceof seventy-liv- e yards or more until itreached a small bridge, when one of therails was torn up and it struck the bot-tom of the car, smashing things up iu afrightful way. In the car were Mrs.S nith, of Lowry's Mills, Mr. ThomasWatta of Newton, Conductor Wm.I'eate and Mr. Frank Hill, brakesman.All these occupants were thrown outjust after the bridge was crossed, andbefore the train could be stopped, audall, except Mrs. Hill, were seriously 'd,

though-jv- e learn no limb3 werebroken. In consideration of the danger-ous character of the accident, it seemsalmost miraculous that some one wasnot killed.


Fine Bluff Press: "A game o? cbesawas played yesterday by telegraph be-

tween Major Hunn, of this city, andMr. Galbreath, of Jackson, Mississippi."Who beat?

John J. W. Rogers, biolhnr of Hon.A. A. C Rogers, died recently near PineB!uf where he had resided sluce re-

moving in 1850 from his native placeSumner county, Tennessee.

Little Rock Gazette: Tiie followingnamed candidates for admission as ca-dets to West Point successfully passedexamination by the medical aud acade-mic board, on the third instant : W. S.Amis, thitd district; W. H. Cravens,fourth district; R. M. Dowdy, first dis-trict. All of Arkansas.

Fayetteville Democrat: "The presi-dent of the Arkansas press association,Hon. John N. Smithee, in hit history ofthe Arkansas pros, a3 delivered beforethe association on the second of Jane,1S75, fails in giving a correct statementof the newsparers published in our city."How will that aflkct the public welfare?

The Pine Biyil' Press says of Jeffersoncounty, "Here iu our alluvial bottomlands from five to seven hundred

of lint (or ginned) cotton to theacr-- , and from fifty to Eeventy-fiv- e

bushels of corn can be ga'hered eachyear, and now comes Colonel Ben F.Richardson, who is an extensive planternear New Gascony, iu this county, audstates that he has just harvested a cropof wheat, about seven aires, that willrealize him sixty hu-he- ls to the acre.Verily, Jollerson county is the gardenspot of the world."

Last week JtihuHogan, negro, invad-ed Mr. Russ Tucker's residence at Do-ver, and attempted to violate the personcf his daughter, whose cries aroused thehousehold. The neighbors pursued thenegro, who was caught. Tho Russell-vill- e

Democrat says of the result: I

"Quickly and silently a rope was pro-- 1

cured, and after marching John to thewoods a few buudred yards from town, i

he was swung up, and after a few strug-- 1

gles the life of the reckless, desperateman was ended, rnus, in less tuan anhour, the devilish deed attempted bythis most unfortunate wretch broughtswift retribution upon his head, aud thorising sun found tho town as quiet antlcalm us though nothing had occurred,few of tha citizens being aware of whatwas going ou."

Tr1 a a a5 if if g a BHiTra 3

infcruuffini An and Enthusias-- I

tic CeleJraliuu of tho NatalMy of the KepnWIc .

Everybody at theFrout.

Immense Crowd or Negroes at thoOld Fair Grounds Speeches

ol Generals Pillow, For-

rest and Others.

Sty'safeing at Court Square A

Great Gathering of the PeonloPicnics of tho Shenner-cho- r

and St. Peter'dOrphan Asylum.

Scenes and Incidents on theStreets Bon Fires A Forty-eig- ht

Hour Fen de JoieLiheral Display of

Eunting Etc.

Yesterday was intensely hot. It waaa scorcher. Yet the streets were, all day,filled with people, and the whole popu-latio- u

surrendered itself to the spirit oftho "day we celebrate." Picnics werein order and every park and availableplace in the neighborhood of the citywas tilled with holiday-cla- d crowds whoseemed bent on making the most of theoccasion. The old fair ground was theprincipal point of attraction on account ofthe white speakers who had consentedto assist their colored fellow-citizen- s incelebrating the day, and tbo largestnumber of persons wera there congte-gated- .

The colored people had otrierpicnics, hue this was by long odd3 theirbeat display. The white people enjoyedihemselvr-- a in many ways, tho Germansat the Mionuerchor picnic. and the Iiishat the picnic of St. Peter's orphan asy-lum. Court square at night was a greatpoint of attraction with all classes, andthe speechoo of the several orators werowell received. Firingjand the popping ofcrackers was continuous for forty-eig- ht

hours. There were quite a number ofbonfires, a few places were illuminated,many Hags were displayed, and onlyone or two accidents marred the generalloy. Wo may, therefore, vote theFourth a success.

At til 3 Old I'nlr GronndH.The Fourth of July was yesterday cele-

brated by the dilterent colored societiesof thin city, the turnout being large andevidencing much interest. As early aeight o'clock in the morning the soundof the fife and drum indicated that thecolored organizations were assemblingat different points for the purpose ofmarching iu procession to their respect-ive picnic grounds. In and aroundCourt square the negroes congregratedin great numbers, for the central locationof this beautiful park renders it a kindof rendezvous upon any public occasionwhen a demonstration like that of yes-terday is to be made. Thither thenegroes congregated, and among thecrowd we noticed quite a number fromthe country. While no demonstrationwas made among the white citizens, in-asmuch as the Fourth was the day pre-vious, t et many were solicitous aud nota few were anxious to know what wouldbecome of the proposed psace-gatheri-

of the whites and blacks' at the Fairgrounds, to which place the Independ-ent Order of Pole-Beare- rs had invited anumber of prominent southern gentle-men, whose previously announced ac-ceptance (publiehed last week in theAppkal) had become generallykuown. There was no little anxietyas to tho probable result of this meetingaud conference, and it was quite nat-ural that ita approach bad aroused somedegree of interest, especially amor g thethoughtiul of our community. . iromthe number of societies aud the displaymade by them, it was evident that thenegroes intended making at least a greatjollity yesterday, for men, women andchildren were Hocking about the streetsin anticipation of the procession of theorganizations. By eleven o'clock thedifferent processions had formed, and.headed by bands qf music, paradedalong Second, Adams, Main, Madison,Beale, aud other streets through the city.From tho following may be seen whatorganisations were in he

procession:Baud of Mnsic.

Different. Societies of tb Independent Orderof l'ole-15erer- s, with K.ugs and Bamis.

Memphis ISap'ibt Sunday-Schoo- l I'nionOuards, in Uniform, and bearing

Wooden (Jans,iiurnl of Music.

Carriaje containing Officers of tho Society.UnitolSomof Ham (tnreofaocletiee).

larriage containing tho Q,neeu of tho Dayand .Maids of nonor.

Twelve Carriages uonlaliig Female Membersof the Societies.Band ofMu-ic- .

Bsnevolpnt Sorlety No. 2.St. John's Heliet Society.United ons of Zlon fr o. .

Carriage containing Officers of the Organiza-tions.

111E DIFFERENT PICHICSwere largely attended aud very mucheDjoyed. Over two thousand coloredpersons werepre3eut at Humboldt park,where the Sous of Ham cave their enter-tainment. At Alexander park the Sonsof Ham No. 2 gave their picnic, whichalso attracted a very large crowd, theprincipal feature Deing dancing. TheExposition building was thronged withcoioied visitors, the attraction being anentertainment given by Avery Chapelbenevolent organizatiau, managed byAnderson Montgomery and Georg'oRash. At all of the above places, thecolored people did justice to the festivi-ties and pleasures incident to the Fourthof July. The greatest occasion, how-ever, was thb entertainment given attho Fair grounds, rive miles from thecity, by theINDEPENDENT ORDER OF

Excursion trains on the Charlestonrailroad went out several times duringthe day. every car being packed. Bytwo o'clock there was a crowd of col-ored people present estimated at threeor four thousand. The different societiesof tho Pole-Beare- v,iih three bands ofmusic, were there under charge of Pres-ident Hezekiah Henley, Grand-Marsh- al

John WisemaD, and Assistant-Grand-Marsh-

Sam Farrish. Headed by thePole-Beare- rs' bras3 band, of which MatStephens is leader, and Steve Brownasalstant-leader,tbesoeieti- es formed out-side of the gate and marched Into theinclrsure. The crowd increased withthe arrival of every train, and by threeo'clock at least live tnousand personswere on the groundp, which presented areal gala appearance. In one of thelong halls were spread fifteen or moretables laden with refreshments and edi-bles too varied to mention. The northhall of the building was devoted toTerpsichore, whose votaries seemednever wearied of the pleasure affordedthem.


were General N. B. Forrest, GeneralGideon J. Pillow, Colonel M. C. Galla-wa- y,

of the Appeal, Captain J. HarveyMathes, of the Ledger, Alderman HenryG. Dent, Major Minor Meriwether audDr. Clark. These gentlemen procured ahack, in which they procteded from thscity to the Fair groundp, where theywere received with much enthusiasm by

President Henley, of the Pole-Bearer- s;

Grand-Marsh- al John Wiseman, Assist-- Ial Sam Farrish.and other ofii-- 1

cers of the organization. The gentle-- Imen were escorted to the main stand,where, in acordance with the pro-- .cram me and invitations. General Forrest, General Pillow and Hon. CaseyYoung were expected to address taocolored people.

THE EXERCISESwere opened by President Henley, whosaid :

Gentlemen As representatives ofthe Union, ol which we are members,we come out to join you as tho repre-sentatives of the people. We are glad tosee you here, for we are come not to dis-cuss or to take part in politics, but topull down the political and to bringabout peace, joy and union. Applause.When that is done there will he a mightyshout. Cheers I hope all who arehere to-ua- y will do pleased, aud cau asywhen they return to their homes, Godlldss the Pole-Bearer- s! Immeu3o ap-

plause I will now introduce to youBrother G. W. Lewis, cf the Pole-Bearer- s,

who will read myADDRESS OF WELCOME,

G. W. Levis then read tho welcomeaddress, as follows:

Gentlemen White friends of thecity of Memphis and Shelby county, itaffwds us great pleasure on this auspi-cious day to greet ycu one and allwith heartfelt respect, ai'd bid each ofjwu, geutlemen, au aff. otiouate wel-

come. We sincerely thank you, hon-ored sirs, for your presence on this mo-mentous and memorable occasion. Letus assure you, gentlemen (I apeak formy people), that we feel cause for re-

newed encouragement, and entertain anew and d hope for our fu-

ture success. When we remembrjthatthis sacred day we haveassembled to com-memorate is sanctified and made dearto the heart of every true citizen of thisgreat commonwealth by the baptism ofAmerican liberty, eealpd by the blood oftheir fathers in 1776, we earnestly praythat our future generations may proud-ly recall this auspicious period as themoment in which fraternal discord hastakeu its leave forever from .the manlyand intelligent hearts of united Ameri-can brotherhood, resolved that peace andforbearance, thatstays the aDgry passionsof men, shall prevail henceforward fromoue end of this great land of ours to theother, in which, through God's provi-dence, our colored race may be permit-ted to eDjoy a becoming and permanentpart. In our heart of hearts, gentle-men, we again reiterate our gratefulthanks for the kind consideration youmanifest, in your presence, with ourpeopls which we will endeavorto appreciate in thefuttire,and for whichwe thauk pach of you, gentlemen, atthis time. Applauso.

The reading of the above addres3 wasfrequently applauded, aud at its conclu-sion the baud played a quick air.

AN OFFERING OF PEACE.Presidenc Henley then said : "General

Forrest, allow me tc introduce to youMiss Lou Lewis, who, as the representa-tive of the colored ladies, will presentyou with a bouquet to assure you ot thosincerity they eutertain for the objectsof this occasion cheers aud as an offer-ii.- g

of peace."Lou Luwis then advanced to where

General Forrest wa3 standing aod pre-sented the bouquet with the followingremarks:

"Mr. Forrest, allow me to present youthis bouquet as a token of reconciliationaud an ollering of peace aud good will."Applause.

RESPONSE OF GENERAL FORREST.General Forrest received the bouquet,

and in reipoiisa said:Ladies and Gentlemen I accept

the flowers as a memento of reconcilia-tion between the white and coloredraces ol the southern States. I acceptIt more particularly as it comes from acolored lady, tor if there is any one onGod's earth who loves the ladies I be-

lieve it is myself. Immense applauseand laughter ThU day is a day that isproud to me, having occupied the posi-tion that I did for the paBt twelve years,and been misunderstood by your race.This is the first opportunity 1 have hadduring that time to say that I am yourfriend. I am hero a representative ofthe southern people, one more slanderedand maligned than any man in the na-tion. I wili say to you and to the coloredrace tiiat the men who bore arms audfollowed the Hag of the Confederacy are,with very few exceptions, your friends.I have an opportunity of saying what Ihave always felt that I am your friend,for my interests are your interests, andyour interests are my interests. Wewere bora on the samu soil, breathe thesamo air, and iivo in the same land.Why, then, can we not Uveas brothers?I will say that when the war broke outI felt it my duty to stand by my people.When tho time came I did tlie best Icou'.d, aud I don't believe I llickered. Icame here with the jeers of some whitepeople, who think that I am doingwrong. I believe that I can exert someinfluence, and do much to assist the peo-ple in strengthening fraternal relations,and shall do all in my power to bringabout peace. It has always been mymottoe to elevate every man to depressnone. Applause. 1 want to elevateyou to take positions in law offices, iustores, on farms, and wherever you arocapable of going. I have not Raid any-thing about politics to-da- I don't pro-pose to say anything about polities. Youhave a right to elect whom you please;vote for tbo matt you think best, aud Ithink, when that is done, that you andI are freemen. Do as you consider rightand honest in electing meu for office. Idid not come hero to make you a longspeech,although invited to do so by you.I am not much of a speaker, aud mybusiness prevented me from preparingmyself. I came to meet you asfriends, and welcome you to thewhite people. I want youto come nearer to us. When I canscrveyou I will do so. We have but oue flag,one country; let us stand together. Wemay differ in color, but not in senti-ment. Use your beat judgment in se-

lecting men for office aud vote as youthink right. Many things have beensaid about mo whi h are wrong, andwhich white and black persons here,who stood by me through tbo war,cm contradict. I have been in the heatof battle when colored men, askedme to protect them. I have placed my-self between thorn and the bullets of mymen, aud told them they should be keptunharmed. Go to work, bo industrious,live honestly and act truly, and whenyou are oppressed I'll come to your re-

lief. I thank you, ladies and gentle-men, for this opportunity you have af-forded me to bo with you, and to assureyou that I am with you in heart and infiand. Prolonged applause.

Tho Pole-Bearer- s' band then played apiece, at the coudti-'io- of which Presi-dent Henley introduced General GideonJ. Pillow who spoke as follows:

OENERAL PILLOW'S SPEECH.Mr. Chairman, and Pr sident and Members of

the Order ot PoU-Reare-

By your special invitation, publishedin tbe Appeal, aud iuvitiug me to bepresent at your celebration of tha Fourthof July, aud to address you such couuseland advice as we might think best cal-culated for your advancement, and forthe promotion of tlie harmony and well-bein- g

of tbe two races of people whodwell in ihis section of the country, Inow appear before you to comply withthat request. This I do from a sense ofduty to the couutry and a3 a proof thattho white race feel an interest in thewelfare of your race. Allow me to eavfurther that I am Lot a candidate forany office, and that I never expect toseek your votes. The white race of theAmerican people have celebrated thoanuiversary of the nation's birthdayever since they achieved its in-dependence. To commemorate theevent of a natiou born to free-dom is a patriotic duty. It is meetand proper that a people so blessedas have been the Americans shouldkeep these anniversaries as nationalholidays, and that they should returnthanks to the Gieat Ruler of nations.The infant natioD, whose birthday you

now celebrate, has since grown into agreat asd powerful government, with apopulation of perhaps fifty millions, andwi'h a territory, the largest m the world,with perhaps one exception, and withall its laws, its powers and authorityexerted to protect the rights and liber-ties of its people. Its flag is the ac-

knowledged symbol of liberty all overthe world. In every nation and climeand tongue, wherever this flig is f eeq,it is recognized as the emblem of rftegreat confederate republic of America,whose powers are dedicated to the pro-tection of the liberties and to the pr. --

motion of the happiness and welfare fIts people. The fundamental politic ilmaxim of the government is that it .lrives ita existence and powers f.)-.- i

the people, and that it exists for U:-- .r

benefit. It thus reverses tho pol: i aimaxima of other governments from thoremotest period of time; that isthat government exists for the benefitof the ruling powers, aud that thepeople, their rights and welfare, are ofsecondary importance. When this na-tional government waa formed, yourfathers and mothers and ancestors wereheld in slavery. This system of slaveryhad been introduced into the Americanprovinces by tho laws and policy of thegovernment of Great Britain. Slaverythen existed in all the States composingthe Union, with one exception. Thonorthern States at au early day adopteda sjiitem of gradual emancipation. Tolaresulted in tne removal of nearly all theslaves from those States to the southernStates of the Union. Here your racemultiplied and was most prolific Inless than a century it bad increased fromsome hundreds of thousands to over fmrmillion of souls. The late great civil warof the States resulted in your emancipa-tion. No nation, in ancient or moderntimes, engsged iu civil war, ever mus-tered such armies, or fought such battles,83 did the people of this great republic.In the latter part of this war many ofyour race were drawn into the Federalarmies. That government offered youyour freedom. To accept the offer wasbut natural. Many of tho southernleaders were in favor of makingyou a like ofler. But that pol-icy did not prevail, and "byyour arms you helped to achieve yourown emancipation. President Lincoln'semancipation proclamation was the firstofficial recognition of your rights to free-dom. That proclamation was issued onthe thirty-firs- t of September, 1803. Thotriumph of the Federal arms gave forceand permanency to the emancipationproclamation of the President. Theseveral amendments to the Federal con-stitution, since adopted, placed yourfreedom and your civil and politicallights under the protection of that instru-ment and of the Federal government.Your rights and those of the whius raceare thus put upon the same footing. Youand I are equal bafore the law. All thepowers of that government are pledgedfor your enjoyment of the liberty andthe right? guaranteed by tbe constitu-tion. The white race, in ths war of therevolution, achieved their own inde-pendence and established this govern-ment. That government gave you yourliberties. You were taken from yourfarmer owners by Ita strong arm, and atthe cost of millions of its treasure andoceans of the blood of tho white race,and you were made the equal before tuelaw .if the richest and greatest of tbow!i't9 race. No power on the earthcoul i you. You have beentold by bad men that the white race cfthe south are your enemies, and thatthey would you. This isfalse. No man of truth and honorwould tell you so. The white race ofthe south are your natural friends. Inthe late civil war, the. wbUe raca in thesouth were engageiFift deadly c inflictwith the government, growing out ofdisputed constitutional questionsquestions involving tbe rights of theStates and the powers of the genera!government. They would have pre-vented your emancipation if thoy could,but the white race in the south was itselfovercome and conquered by the greatarmies of the government. While yourformer owners would have preventedyour emaucipation, yet they would uotnow you if it were left totheir own free will. Those who tell youotherwise utter a calumny on tho whiterace, and they know it to be a calumny.Having thus had conferred upon ycuat a cost iu blood and treasure so greatthe priceless boon of liberty, it remainsto be seen whether your raca will appre-ciate this great act of beneficence offthe part of the nation and prove your-selves worthy the liberties of Ameri-can citizenship. In the history of thohuman family there is no instance re-corded of a government, at such a costto its people and treasure, emancipat-ing a race of people and elevating it tofull citizenship. To fulfill your duties tothis should always bearto it true allegiauce. But this is not yourwhole duty. You should obey all itslaws; you should be sober and industri-ous people, and by your energy and fru-gal habits, you should add to the aggre-gate wealth of the natiou, and acquirefor yourselves the necessaries and com-forts of life. If you should be idle audiudolent, or dissipated, you will becomepaupers and vagabonds. Alio! that classwill prove themselves unfit for liberty.Liberty consists in the rational enjoy-ment of equal and just laws. Libertyis not licentiousness. It is not in theuubridled indulgence of your own lustsor passions. These indulgences are sureof destroying your lives and usefulness.No physical law is more certain in itsregults than that such habits beget di; --

ease and death. All that class of yourrace will rapidly disappear. The gov-ernment has given you your liberties,and conferred upon you the full citizen-ship which was the birthright of thewhite raca. It can do no morefor you. It cannot place you in ease andwealth. These things can be acquiredby you, as they are by tho industriousand frugal of the white race. It is thegreat law of our being that we mustlive by the sweat of our brow. By in-

dustry, sobriety and frugal habits, everymau, in the enjoyment of good health,cau acquire tne necessaries and com-forts of life. Intelligence is power, and,when combined with frugal aud indus-trious habits, it is wealth. The value ofintelligence caunot bo overestimated.You need most tho means of education.The grown up of your race are advanc-ing and have advanced in intelligencevery much since your emaucipation.The education ol the people is tho dutyot the States in which you aro citizens.That does not pertain to the por ers andduty of the Federal government. Thewiiite race cf Tennessee have, by theirown free will, voted a tax upon theirproperty to raise the means of educatingtho rising generation of the white andblack races. While by law the Sfatek'eps the schools for the races separate,i . gives equal advantages to each race.The fact that the white race thus taxesthe property owned by it to educateyour children is evidence of tbe con-viction on the mind of that race thatthey a'e interested in your intelligenceas a race. It is au acknowledgmentthat the two races have a common in-terest in each other and in each other'swelfare. Intelligence, with iadustriousand virtuous habits, will certainly begetrespectability and social position. So-cial position and respectability can bewon by any of you, but these the gov-ernment cannot confer. It has not andcaunot confer these upon any of thewhite race. It is the fruits of moralworth. This is not and cannot be madea legal right. Equal and just laws, witha great and powerful government to en-force them, we now have. Next to thesoequal and just laws is an honest admin-istration or the laws. Honest and lo

laws are essential, and the onlymeans of preserving the rights and lib-erties of the people. "Where the;e offi-cers are chosen by popular vote, as theyare in this government, the responsibil-ity resting on the voting populatioa isvery great. The highest duty you oweyour country, as citizens in the exer-cise of the elective franchise, is tovote for none but honest and capablemen for any office. My advicewould bs to discard all partisanviews, to disband all colored political

organizations. It was these colored po-litical organizations in hostility to thewhite race of tho south that nroduoedthe color-lin- e amoug the white race cf' the south. You have seen its workings.The interests of the white and coioiedraces in the south are inseparably inter-mingled, and aro dependent on ewhother. What advances the interests ofthe one advauces the interests of theother. I purposely avoid all dUeassIouof political questions. This is a day ded-icated to the commemoration of a nationborn to freedom. The discussion of po-litical questions would bo out of place,and would mar the dffty cf the patriot.we may wen speaK ci tne power, great-ness and glory of the government, andof tho dut s of the pr.trlots, and of thosevirtues, and pursui's which arecalculated to elevate the citizen and toadvance him in social position and iuthe scale of civilization. In all yonrdealings with others, be honest, truthfuland just Fulfill your coutrac's in goodfaith. B kind to your fellow-me- n, audbe courteous and polite to all men.These will beget the confidence and re-spect of all men. Social position i3 thefruit of these, and will as certainly fal-low the practice of these virtues as reli-gion follows the practice cf morality andtho christian virtues. The governmentcan no more confer on you social posi-tion than it cau morality and religion.It has conferred upon you equality bs-l'-- re

the law, and it will protect you inthe enjoyment of these equal rights withall its powers; but it caunot make youindustrious and ust-fu-l men; it caunotmake you good christians, nor compelothers to regard your social standing.These are beyond ita powers, but theyare as much within your own control asare your habits of industry, frugality andvirtue. I havo said that tho white raceof the south are your natural IViendsYou were misled at tho eud cf the warby bad men cf the Republican party,who wore seeking to use your votes toget into power and into lucrative office.Theio places thpy wanted for their ownselfish purposes. They pandered to yourprejudices; they told you that you shouldhave forty acres of land and a mulo, andthat the rebels would put you back intoslavery. By your votes ntauy of themreached positions they were not worthyto fill, aud they practiced frauds uponthe State governments and thepeople, aud robbed the coun-try of vast amounts of money.But they did not get for you the fortyacxe3 of land aud tho mule" If you hadnot thus put yourself In tho hands of thoenemies of southern white people, buthad placed your couiideucj in them andhad with them iu necessaryreforms in the policy of State govern-ment, they would have risen your ullies,aud would have adopted such forms oflegislation as would have greatly ad-vanced your interests. It is the fate ofthe white race in the south and of yourrace to dwell in this section of country.You wero born aud raised iu the scuth.Your constitctiuus are suited to themild and genial climate of the south.The native climate of your race was inthe tropical region of Africa. Thereyour ancestors havelived sines the earlysettlemnnt after the Hood. The coldclimate and long winters of tho northyou will not bear. But your race canlive and prosper iu all the tat03 of thesouth. No race of people have ever in-creased ao rapidly as did yours while ina state of slavery. The gr;at want ofyour race now is home.j laud to culti-vate which is your owa. We havo Inthe south land in great abundance forten timea the whole population of thesouth. We have all" the open landwhich was, cultivated before your emau-cipation, We havo open laud enoughto furnish you all with good homsa andto cultivate, if it was properly dis-tributed. It la all of good quality. Anindustrious man could make a good liv-ing on any of it. Vast quantities ofthese lands are now uncultivated andare the richest in the world. This landbelongs mostly to the white race. Youarrayed yourselves and your influenceagainst them. You bscame active poli-ticians, and sought to rule and oppressthe southern people by yoar Yankeefriends. They have ruled aud ruinedthe country since "tho war, at-- by yoursupport. You organized your wholerace in hostility to the southern people.To counteract this, the white race or-ganized against you, all nationalities.This color-lin- e was a line to fight overand across. Matters had nearly reachedthat point. If that issue becomes gen-eral all over the south it must result iathe destruction of your race. With tbeassumption of your natural position offiiends and allies of tho southern whitepeople, the legislation cf the south wouldbecore friendly toward your people.Left to themselves, the white race hav-ing a direct interest in your welfare andprosperity, would seek by just laws toadvance your interests and to qualifyyou for good citizens. ithout tliH la-

bor of your race the gret body ol theland iu the south would go uncultivated.Without this land to cultivate you couldnot live There is therefore a depend-ence lietween the races tho onoon Ui' other which makes theprosperity of either impossible with-out the well-bein- g of the other.If you cease your hostility to thewhite race of the south, aud fall intothe general policy and intents of thesouth, and identify yourselves in inter-est with them, and vote for none buthonest and capable men forclli?e, wewould correct the abuses which havecrept iuto every department of busine a?.The wisest statesmanship would adoptmeasurea which would in the end enableyou to gei homes of your own, and landto cultivate. There are millions of acresof land all over tho south forfeited tothe States for non-payme- nt of taxes.Let congress and the States legislate inharmony for tho disposition of theselands. The States aro bankrupted be-cause the owners of these lauds cannotpay their taxes. Let laws be passedproviding that after a certain period oftime within which for these lauds to beredeemed, the States eball sell the un-improved- lauds so forfeited to the gen-eral gA'crumsutatonediillar and twenty-l-

ive ceuts per acre, and at two dollarsand fifty cents per aero for improvedlands, payable ia its levy bonds; pro-vided th j general government shall havethese lands laid of! into twenty andforty-acr- e lots, and will resell them atthe same prices, to actual settle's. Inthis way and by these means the Stateswould b3 greatly relieved from theirenormous debts, and iu a few years tliegreat body of industrious men, whowould save their means, would ha ableto secure to themselves and their fam-ilies comfortable honips. There is not aman of you but could save one hundreddollars a year if you would try ; thatwould get you a home. Under such asystem, sept in force for tan or fifteenyoars, fully two-third- s of the industriousaud ab'e-budie- d men, white and black,could procure themselves good homes.Then, ag3in, many of the old landedproprietors still hold large bodies of theirformer estates iu theirownhaud3. Thereis no sale of these lands, for there is nomarfitt tor them. They ca.iuot workthem. Let congress pses laws author-izing tho government to receive relin-quishments of such lands as owners willconvey to it, at a fixed rate, to bo paidfor in ita levy bonds, and let tht e landsbe laid off by the government into twen-ty aud forty-acr- e lots, and bo resold toactual tettlers, white and black alike,at the same prices the lands are con-veyed to it. These sales should be madeby the government on annual pay-ments. In this way and from these twosources the great body of tbe southernwhite and black races could be providedwith homes within a period of ten years.The details of this system I do not enterinto. The Federal and State govern-ments aro equally interested in the peo-ple, who are citizeus of both, havingpermanent homes, and in their prosper-ity and well-bein- g, and in the aggregatewealth which good citizenship, indus-try, and a thrifty and permanently fixfdpopulation, identified with the soil,will be suro to beget. Liberty, withthe means of comfortable livelihood,is a gieat blessing; liberty with pauper-Is- m

means the jail, the workhouse andthe penitentiary system of slavery. Lib

Apr 4 I


erty of this last kind ia but aname a delusion. It Is a condition oldependence so Bearly akin to slavery asto have but little practical value. Mycolored friends, give up politics as a pur-suit. It cn'y pa3 the cfliceholders. Itdoes not feed aud clothe your wife andchildren. That man is your best friendwho tells you how to return yourfrieudlyrelation with your old friends and neigh-bor- a,

and who points out the way to youo' solid prosperity, and who proposes tadopt laws friendly to your intejests.The great need that you have Is 'o e

the owner of your ov. n onme, aodof land on which to mako a support.The suggestions above, if carried iutoeffect by prudent laws and wi leginli-tio- n,

would relieve the Statf s. from oppressive dert, would great'y reduce thetaxea upon all interests and rursut s,it.d several colored gentlemeu,wi eould dowould soon provide poor and jIM,iw tothe occasion, wouW also

white and black citizens wi'h .ire crowd. The distinguished gen- -

homeS. Tll'S system WOUld Uiat-lil- tlmn vrr.T thor Invit..! toInjure no one. iS'o man haa a right tonoiu and own property onwhich ho cannot pay ths irjcmdue to the government for pro-tecting his rights of property and person.Allegiance and protection sr erWveduties. A man who cannot or will notpay his taxes has forfeited his allegianceaud cannot claim the protectionof the laws of tho govern-ment. If all tae people of Ten-nessee should cease to pay the taxes ontheir lands, we should cease to have anygovernment. If one may never pay histaxes, then justice requires that iioueshall be required to do so. Upon theprinciple of justice all govern-ments mu9t rest. There i1 nojuslica or equality of lightsin a government making one class ot itapopulation pay taxes and of its allowiuganother class never to pay. The Stategovernment cannot continue to existwithout its revenues. If men cannot,or will not, pay their taxes and help ;osupport the government, pa3s the land tothose who can aud will pay the taxes. Ifby this means the great body of the poormen, white and black, can get homes,and raise their families, and becomeidentified with the soil, and help to sup-port the government and make themeans necessary to her existence, andadd to tl'e great aggregite wealth of theState and Federal governments, a wt-- e

statesmanship should shape the policy ofState and the National legislation ac-

cordingly.During the delivery of his address

General Pillow was frequently and mostheartil applauded.REMARKS OF COL. M. C. CALLAWAY.

Colonel M. C. G&Ilaway, of the Ap-peal, boiDg introduced by PresidentHenley, said:

My Countrymen I regret excrel-ingl- y

T am incapacitated from speaking.I make my living by wriiiog. I nevermade a speech in my life, but I havethis to say to you: the invitation fromPresident Henley, of the IndependentOrder of Pole-Bearer- s, is one of thegreatest things of tho pge it is s.

It buried the hatchet, andwe are nw fncuds. Cheers. I havehere a letter from our congressman, Col.Casey Youg, which my frienJ, Col.G. P. M. Turner, will plessa read. Ap-plause.

WHAT COLONEL TURNER SAID.Colonel Turner then arose aud said:Mr. President and Fellow-Citi-zen- s

At the request of Colonel Galla-wa- y,

it affords me pleasure to read inyour hearing a letter from our distin-guished representative in congress, Hon.Casey Ycuug, who. by reason of a per-sonal miiforlune, nunable to be here,but whoso heart is filled with patriotism,whose aro always just,aad whosesoul holds out the olive-branc-h of peacaanu good will to his fellows. You willlisten to his words with pleasure. I willread them. Cheers.

COLONEL CASEY" YOUNO'S LETTERwas then read by Colonel Turner, asfollows:

Memphis, July 5, 1ST"..

Colonel M. C. Uallaway:Dear Sir Confined to my room by

injuries resulting from a recent unfor-tunate accident, I am unable to attendthe celebration of the Fourth of July, tobe had to-da- y by the colored people, andto which, along with yourself and othergentlemen, I was invited some dayssince through tho columns of the Ap-

peal. I write you this note to expressmy regret that I cannot be present withthe others included in the invitation attho proposed celebration, and to requestyou to make known to those who in-

vited us the reason of my absence andthe interest I feel in the development ofthe spirit which seems to prompt theiractiou. Cheers. In recent mani-festations upon the part of thecolored people I trust I eeea gratifying evidence that they are be-

ginning more clearly to perceive audcomprehend thau heretofore the neces-sity of a more thorough Identity iu feel-ing and action with the people amoigwhom they live, and with whose inter-est aud fortunes their own destiny act!that of their posterity must bs linkedfor many generations to come. Thefuture relations of the two races in thesouthern State3 is a subject fraught witathe greatest interest and importance toevery thoughtful mind; for whateverintent be the capacity of the one or theother to work out its own destiny il leftaloup, free from geographical contact,yet living in the same territory, raiu-gle- d

as they are iu our social and politi-cal structure, there must of neets.-it- y

exist something of mutual intere.--t andmutual dependence. App'.ausB Wuatthose relations ought to be, is and hasbeen for years apparent to every onewho haa looked calmly, without parti-san zeal or individual prejudice uponthe situation of the couutry and the cir-cumstances which havo surrounded us,but how to accomplish a result soearnestly desired by those regardful ofthe public well-bein- g, ha been a ques-tion much nioro difficult of solu-

tion. There is little or nothing iuthe past connection of the two raceswhicti could be wisely evoked to aid iushaping their future. It were, therefore,better to let the past be forgotten andlook alone to tho condition of the pres-ent to determine those that are to come.It may be true, as they say, that thecolored people have, since the war, suf-fered a multitude of evi's at the handsof those who claimed to be their bestand truest friends, but perhaps this waswhat might have been expectedthe peculiar circumstances, which havesurrout led them; but, however, theroad to their delivei uice from theseevils is open, and they have only topursue it to escape from their influence.Applause. Their destiny is, in a great

measure, in their own hands and undertheir owu control, aud they may, by anintelligent comprehension of the privi-leges aud duties of citizenship, and anhonest md conscientious discharge ofita obligations, advance in process,prosperity aud happiness, or by becom-ing blind iLstruments for the ac

of selfish purposes, i'l ihehands of bad men of any class, theymay bring degradation and ruin upontheir r.-e- . Applause. It i3 oulyby cuitivati: g a friendlybetween the two races, dealing j isilyaud fairly with each other and waitingwith patience and forbearance for theeffect of time and experience, that thepermanent interest and prosperity ofboth ni3y be secured. Applause" Toassist in bringing about these ruit-- i is,iu my judgment, oue of the highestduties of the patriot aud philanthropist.I accept this occasion as the auspiciousbeginning of a period in tbe history ofthe south, when every feeling of enmityand hostility which may have hereto-fore existed between the white and thecolored races shall have passed away,and when every class of our people shallhavo a higher conception of the dutiesand obligations which devolve uponthem in the respective positions theyoccupy in our system of society and gov-ernment. I am yours, very respectfully,

CASEY YOUNii.At tho conclusion of the reading the

crowd gave "three cheera for ColonelCasey Young," and this was followed bymusic from the band.

REMARKS OF ALDERMAN DENT.Aldermau Henry G. Dent being in-

troduced by President Henley, said that

be was not here for the purpose of mak-ing a speech; lie never did make aspeecb, and even if he eonhi make oikhe would not do so to-da-y, m time bthe gentlemen who piecedett btatttnthe letter of Colone'. Vciiug ue surUcieii t.This was a proud l; v f r nim, xs hebadbeen laboring for i: f r five yearn, a fee:whieh many present eoold testify. Hisobject iu arising was merely to expresshid gratification at tbe result aod thaaktoem for .inviting iiim to be preeent

manyt the

ttartalre of






with them. Applause! AT THB DINNER-TABL- .

After a lively air by the baud, rresi- -

deut Henley stated that they would re-- Ipsir to the dinner-tabl- e. After dinner

' they would resume the exercise, a--

Msjor Minor Meriwether and Colon-- !

rPnrntr vara Bnviua in ciom V vlti

Snra-r,,- dinner, to whish they didfml ju.siKHMAhKS OF MAJOR MBKIWBTHSR.

After dinner the crowd remb?etin the grand stand and President Heu-h- y

:l"oi introduced Major Minor Meri-w- tt

e . 1 his gentleman infiorwd wha'had been said by General Forrest an-- l

Gmeral Pillow. He hoped that thinoccasion would realize the expectationsof ita frieuds and those who had soughtto orir.g about fraternal aud ainWblerelations between the white and thecolored people. He warmly commendedthe undertaking, aud encouraged themto carry out its purpose, the accom-plishment of which would benefit bothwhite and black, and promote their mu-tual interests. Major Meriwether wasapplauded several times during his re-


G. W. Lawis then read the followingaddress of President HenleyTo the Colored Ladies and Gentlemen:

This day we celebrate is commemora-tive cf tbe national birth of our greatcountry, whk-- occurred ninety-nin- e

years ago. At that important periodthis greit republic was born andnehete I

into existence as an independent nation.She emerged from the heel of tyraaryaud oppression aod wadei thruugh thegloom cf fraternal strife antl adversestorms, proud and unscathed, full of dig-nity aud victorious, strengthened inevery well-trie- d nerve and mucle, andthough then iu her iiifincy and swaddlin-

g-clothes, this infant giant etoudsboldly forth to-da- y in the mjisty t f na-

tional poiver second in atUuenee andability to no other nation iu this wWeuniverse, proudly challenging the admi-ration and respect cf the world, whocourt her acquaintance to euiulVe hervirtues. Her vast storehouses awl fer-

tile fields; her beautiful suburban pe-aces; her extensive, magnificent an,;orderly, wtii-bui- lt ciuea, fraught withthe noie and bustle of mecharical andlommercial industry, attest and bear in-

controvertible evidence f tho inventivegeniti3, frugality and perseveienceof on'enterprising people. Her ample andwell-timb- d terr.Toriea, pregnant wi'hthe varied and richest ore; aer promi-nent headlands and deep-indente- d bays,with the watera of her inland seas andlarge rivers mingling in unison with thestormy Atlantic aud mild Pacific, ardthe sinuosities of her variegated ana

boundaries sweep in curvedmeander their trailing forma from thefrozen regions of the far north to thebalmy shades of our own sunny south,and in all thia bread bosom of healthyvalleys and fertile plains she Invites to ahome and freedom he oppressed, down-trodden and hoinelets, from all natiorsuuder the shilling suu. The merebtuat-inarin- e

of our vast empire spread thtirwhite wings to the breeze and dot thatvast expanse of sea; her beautiful craft,of every size and capacity, are foundcarrying our Nation's surplus products toevery clime and peoplo on the habiletiparts of the globe. The Hag of our coun-try is spread to the breeze iu every har-bor, port or roadstead where a vessel caueuter or ride at anchor, and are found inthe mo3t remote parts of the earth; andfrom tho Callirdens in Africa to the pal-ace of the mikado cf Japan, in-

cluding the almoud-eye- d sons ofConfuciu?, yea, even to the mightymonarchsof Europe we repeat iu aitthose vast emplrea of the earth, fromthe least to the greatest, tbe old Starsand Stripe3 of-- America are greeted withaffectionate regard, and all nations joinin wonder, adulation antl true respectfor the increasing energy and indom-itable oroweaa of the American peo-ple. My colored brethren, have youever seriously considered the import-ance and dignity attached to thehonored position of an American cit-za-

Have you, in your leisurethoughts, ever carefully consideredtho dignity and value of American sov-

ereignty? Or bavo you ever er j lyed theelastic step of the fre?man who feels atdknows he'is worthy the sanctified privi-lege of membership in the Teat Ameri-can family, proudly sheltered by thegloriou3 flag of our Union? If you havenot carefully endeavored in the past torealize those values, think of its Im-

portance in the midnight hour, when the

Concluded on fourth jxtge.

DAVIS NiSElTT On the loth of June, InMarshall county, Mississippi, at the rkl&nceof the bride's ;mother, Mrs. M. NeefeUt, byKev. It. It. Evan?, R. Days, ofShelby county, Tences3e, and Miss Mart M.daughter of the late Dempsfy Neibitt.

ALhXANDEIt Died at 5i ajo., Jaly4tb.I!kktik gray, twtn daughter of Robert Hand L. A. Alexander. Interment at Raleigh'July 5th.

GltURBS-O- n t';e3d instant, by drowning.John Morgan Ububbs, ran of w. R. ami

aged lSyesrs 9 months and ISdays.

Funeral fron the residence on Thorntonavenue, this (TUESDAY) afternoon at 4

O'clock. Friends of the family are respect-fully Invited to at tent.

TEMPLB OFLOVCNO.l. The members ofthe Temple will meet this (TUESDAY) even-ing at 2 o'clock, at SO Second street, to atttndthe faneral of Templar J. M. URi'im.

Visltln; brotuers are invited to attend. Byorder.

JACKSON I. CREWS, T. 8.Ed. D. Coi.e. R. H. ,," ..i.hwii --m awfc hbji


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