essentials swordmage (duskblade)

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  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


    EssEntials swordmagE

  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


    Heroic DuskbladeLevel 1 Bladebond, Arcane Attunement,

    Arcane Step, Arcane S trike

    Level 2 Duskblade Utility

    Level 3 Combat Casting

    Level 4 Arcane Aegis , Ability ScoreIncrease

    Level 5 Twilight Strike

    Level 6 Duskblade Utility

    Level 7 Blade Magic Mastery, InstantAttunement

    Level 8 Ability Score Increase

    Level 9 Quick Casting

    Level 10 Duskblade Utility

    Level 1: BladebondBy spending 1 hour of meditation with achosen axe, light blade or heavy blade,you forge a bond with the weapon. Yougain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made withthis weapon and can use it as animplement. In addition, you can call your

    bonded weapon to your hand as a moveaction from a number of squares awayequal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier.

    If your bonded weapon is broken or damaged, you can spend 1 hour of meditation torecreate the weapon from a fragment. This process automatically destroys any otherfragments of the weapon in existence, so you cant use it to create multiple copies of a

    broken weapon. If you forge a bond with a different weapon, the old bond dissipates.

    Level 1: Arcane StepYou gain the Arcane Step power.

    Arcane Step Swordmage FeatureWith a quick step, you

    At-Will Arcane, Teleportation

    Free Action Personal

    Trigger: You shift.Effect: You teleport a number of squares equal to theshift.

    Special: You can use this power only once per round.

    Level 1: Arcane AttunementYou gain two Arcane Imbuement spells and one Wizard cantrip of your choice whichyou can use At-Will, and you can acquire and prepare rituals from the Teleportationand Travel categories as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. In addition, once per dayafter an extended rest, you can choose spend 1 hour of meditation to retrain a spell orcantrip to another spell or cantrip. You can only retrain an Arcane Imbuement spellwith another Arcane Imbuement spell, or a cantrip with another cantrip. You gain oneadditional Arcane Imbuement spell at Level 7, Level 17, and Level 27.

  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


    Bite of Frost Swordmage Attack 1Fog and snow fall off your potent blade, freezing


    At-Will Arcane, Cold, Imbuement

    Minor Action Personal

    Target: A weapon you hold affected by Bladebond.

    Effect: Until the end of the encounter, or until youuse another imbuement power, or until you no longer hold the target, the target gains the following: Melee basic attacks made with the target have theArcane and Cold keywords, and deal cold damage. Creatures hit by a melee basic attack with the targetare slowed until the end of your next turn.

    Concussion Strikes Swordmage Attack 1Shock waves bounce with the swing of your blade.

    At-Will Arcane, Thunder, Imbuement

    Minor Action PersonalTarget: A weapon you hold affected by Bladebond.Effect: Until the end of the encounter, or until youuse another imbuement power, or until you no longer hold the target, the target gains the following: Melee basic attacks made with the target have theArcane and Thunder keywords , and deal thunder damage. Creatures hit by a melee basic attack with the targetare pushed 2 squares.

    Corrosive Touch Swordmage Attack 1You caress your weapon, which glows green withacidic intent.

    At-Will Arcane, Acid, Imbuement

    Minor Action PersonalTarget: A weapon you hold affected by Bladebond.Effect: Until the end of the encounter, or until youuse another imbuement power, or until you no longer hold the target, the target gains the following: Melee basic attacks made with the target have theArcane and Acid keywords, and deal acid damage. Creatures hit by a melee basic attack with the targettake a -2 penalty to their defenses until the end of your next turn.

    Blade of Blood Swordmage Attack 1 Blood never falls from your blade - the weapon feaststoo quickly.

    At-Will Arcane, Necrotic, Imbuement

    Minor Action Personal

    Target: A weapon you hold affected by Bladebond.

    Effect: Until the end of the encounter, or until youuse another imbuement power, or until you no longer hold the target, the target gains the following: Melee basic attacks made with the target have theArcane and Necrotic keywords, and deal necroticdamage. When you hit a creature with a melee basic attack with the target, you gain temporary hit points equal toyour Intelligence modifier.

    Conduit Blade Swordmage Attack 1The electric spark of your weapon drives into the

    flesh of enemies al l around.

    At-Will Arcane, Lightning, Imbuement

    Minor Action PersonalTarget: A weapon you hold affected by Bladebond.Effect: Until the end of the encounter, or until you

    use another imbuement power, or until you no longer hold the target, the target gains the following: Melee basic attacks made with the target have theArcane and Lightning keywords, and deal Lightningdamage. Enemies adjacent to a Creature hit by a melee basicattack with the target take lightning damage equal toyour Intelligence modifier.

    Flying Weapon Swordmage Attack 1Your weapon soars through the air and strikes your enemies before returning to your hand.

    At-Will Arcane, Imbuement

    Minor Action Personal

    Target: A weapon you hold affected by Bladebond.Effect: Until the end of the encounter, or until youuse another imbuement power, or until you no longer hold the target, the target gains the following: The target gains the Light Thrown or HeavyThrown property (choose when you use this spell),has a range of 5/10, and returns to your hand whenthrown as though enchanted. The range of your arcane melee weapon isincreased by 1, and you can draw and stow the targetas a free action.

  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


    Illusory Weapon Swordmage Attack 1Your blade refracts in the mind of your foe, and evenwhen they dodge, they still suffer from the blow.

    At-Will Arcane, Illusion, Imbuement, Psychic

    Minor Action Personal

    Target: A weapon you hold affected by Bladebond.

    Effect: Until the end of the encounter, or until youuse another imbuement power, or until you no longer hold the target, the target gains the following: Melee basic attacks made with the target have theArcane, Illus ion and Psychic keywords , and deal

    psychic damage. Creatures hit by a melee basic attack with the targetslide 1 square to a square adjacent to you.

    Lick of Flame Swordmage Attack 1Fire spreads across you weapon, hungry to bite into

    your foes.

    At-Wil l Arcane, Fire, Imbuement

    Minor Action Pers onal

    Target: A weapon you hold affected by Bladebond.Effect: Until the end of the encounter, or until youuse another imbuement power, or until you no longer

    hold the target, the target gains the following: Melee basic at tacks made with the target have theArcane and Fire keywords , and deal fire damage. Replace the hit line of melee bas ic attacks madewith the target with the following:Hit: 1[W] damage, and ongoing fire damage equal toyour Intelligence modifier (save ends).

    Level 21: 2[W] damage.

    Inescapable Blade Swordmage Attack 1Your weapon now exists in multiple planes, and always cuts its target.

    At-Will Arcane, Force, Imbuement, Shadow

    Minor Action Personal

    Target: A weapon you hold affected by Bladebond.

    Effect: Until the end of the encounter, or until youuse another imbuement power, or until you no longer hold the target, the target gains the following: Melee basic attacks made with the target have theArcane, Force and Shadow keywords, and deal forcedamage. Melee basic attacks with the target gain:

    Miss: Intelligence modifier force damage.

    Solar Brand Swordmage Attack 1Shining with the light of the sun, your blade dazzlesand burns as it strikes.

    At-Will Arcane, Radiant, Imbuement

    Minor Action Pers onal

    Target: A weapon you hold affected by Bladebond.Effect: Until the end of the encounter, or until youuse another imbuement power, or until you no longer

    hold the target, the target gains the following: Melee basic attacks made with the target have theArcane and Radiant keywords , and deal radiantdamage. Creatures hit by a melee basic attack with the targettake a -2 penalty to their next attack roll made beforethe end of your next turn.

    Level 1: Arcane StrikeYou can use your Intelligence modifierinstead of your Strength modifier whenmaking an arcane melee basic attack, andyou are treated as having the IntelligentBlademaster feat. In addition, you gainthe Arcane Strike power. You gain onemore use of the Arcane Strike power perencounter at Level 3, Level 13 and Level23, but you can still use it only once perturn.

    Arcane Strike Swordmage FeatureYou channel arcane energy into your strike,crippling your enemy.

    Encounter Arcane, Force (Varies)

    Free Action Personal

    Trigger: You hit an enemy with an arcane weaponattack.

    Effect: The target takes force damage equal to 2 +your Strength modifier and is pushed 1 square. If thetriggering attack dealt a different type of energydamage, the force damage is instead changed to thatenergy type. If the attack hits, the target also takesongoing 5 damage (save ends). This damage is thesame energy type dealt by this attack.

    Level 11: 5 + Strength, and ongoing 10 damage.

    Level 21: 10 + Strength, and ongoing 15 damage.

  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


    Level 2: Duskblade UtilityYou gain a Swordmage Utility power of 2 nd Level or lower.

    Energy Substitution Swordmage Utility 2With a shift in your stance, you channel new energythrough your blade.

    Encounter Arcane, Stance

    Minor Action PersonalRequirement: You must have an active ArcaneImbuement spell.Effect: Choose an energy type when you use this

    power. Once chos en, this type cannot be changed.While in this stance, your active Arcane Imbuementspell gains this keyword and deals this damage type.

    Phantom Familiar Swordmage Utility 2Your familiar takes on a darkened visage and surprise

    your enemies.

    A-Will Arcane, Shadow, Teleportation

    Move Action PersonalEffect: Your familiar gains concealment until the start of your next turn, and you teleport it up to 5 squares . Inaddition, a creature adjacent to the familiar grants youcombat advantage until the end of your next turn or untilit is no longer adjacent to the familiar.

    Luring Step Swordmage Utility 2You manipulate space as an enemy moves to attack

    you, reappearing at its flank .

    Encounter Arcane, Teleportation

    Immediate Reaction Personal

    Trigger: An enemy moves adjacent to you.Effect: You s lide the creature into your square and teleport up to 2 s quares . If you teleport to a s quareadjacent to the target, you gain combat advantage and a+2 bonus to damage rolls against the target until the end of your next turn.

    Spell Absorption Swordmage Utility 2You cabsorb the arcane energy from an attack and channel it into your weapon.

    Encounter Arcane, Varies

    Immediate Interrupt PersonalRequirement: You must have an active ArcaneImbuement.

    Trigger: You are hit by an attack that deals the samedamage as your active imbuement.ect: ou ga n es stance equa to your nte gence

    modifier against the attack. You gain a power bonus toyour next damage roll equal to the amount resisted, to amaximum bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier.

    Level 3: Combat CastingWhen you use an arcane melee attack and hit an enemy, your arcane ranged and area

    powers dont provoke opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn.

    Level 4: Arcane AegisWhile you are conscious and holding a weapon affected by Bladebond, you gain a +1

    bonus to AC. This bonus is increased to +3 while your other hand is free. You losethis bonus if you are carrying a heavy load or wearing heavy armor. In addition, chooseone of the following Arcane Aegis talents: Aegis of Bloody Misdirection: Once per encounter when a creature granting

    combat advantage makes an attack against you, you teleport it up to 5 squares and itmakes a basic attack against an adjacent enemy. This creature takes a penalty toattack rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier until the end of your next turn

    Aegis of Temporal Assault: Once per encounter when a creature granting combatadvantage makes an attack against you, you can teleport to a square adjacent to itand make a melee basic attack against it. This creature takes a penalty to defensesequal to your Strength modifier until the end of your next turn.

  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


    Level 5: Twilight StrikeOn your turn, if you hit with an arcane melee attack, you gain concealment until the endof your next turn. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage rolls of arcane melee

    basic attacks against creatures granting combat advantage.

    Level 6: Duskblade UtilityYou gain a Swordmage Utility power of 6 th Level or lower.

    Arcane Leap Swordmage Utility 6You spring forward and twist your body intonothingness, reappearing where you would havelanded.

    At-Will Arcane, Teleportation

    Free Action Personal

    Trigger: You make an athletics check to jump.

    Effect: You teleport the distance of the jump instead.You can only teleport horizontally on a long jump, and vertically on a high jump.Special: You can only use this power once per round.

    Dimensional Assault Swordmage Utility 6With a word of power, you run parallel to this world,and return to deliver a blow.

    Encounter Arcane, Teleportation

    Free Action Pers onal

    Requirement: You must be holding a weapon affected by Bladebond.

    Trigger: You make a charge.Effect: You teleport the dis tance of the charge and make an attack. You are cons idered to be making a

    charge for this attack.

    Arcane Redirection Swordmage Utility 6You deflect the attack with an arcane blow.

    Encounter Arcane

    Immediate Interrupt PersonalRequirement: You must be holding a weapon affected

    by Bladebond.

    Trigger: You are hit by an attack.Effect: You gain a bonus to defens es equal to your Intelligence modifier until the end of your next turn. If any creature makes a melee attack agains t you and misses while this effect lasts, you s lide it 1 square.

    Twilight Rejuvenation Swordmage Utility 6The arcane power of dusk surges through your blood,giving you renewed vigor.

    Encounter Arcane

    Minor Action Personal

    Effect: You lose a healing surge and gain temporary hit points equal to your healing surge value. If you are inan area of dim light or darkness when you us e this

    power, you gain additional temporary hit points equal toyour Intelligence modifier.

    Level 7: Blade Magic MasteryChoose one Swordmage At-Will power. When you use Arcane Attunement to retrainan Arcane Imbuement spell, you can instead choose to learn this spell.

    Level 7: Instant AttunementOnce per day as a standard action, you can choose to lose a healing surge and useArcane Attunement to retrain a power or a weapon affected by Bladebond. You cannotuse this feature if you have used Arcane Attunement to retrain after an extended rest.

    Level 9: Quick CastingYou can use an Arcane Imbuement spell as a free action whenever you hit with a melee

    basic attack. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to Initiative.

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    Level 10: Duskblade UtilityYou gain a Swordmage Utility power of 10 th Level or lower.

    Arcane Transcendence Swordmage Utility 10For a moment, you harness the energy of darkness toachieve the pinnacle of grace.

    Daily Arcane, Shadow, Stance

    Move Action Personal

    Effect: While in this stance, you gain a bonus to your shift speed and saving throws equal to your Intelligencemodifier.

    Sudden Propulsion Swordmage Utility 10

    As an enemy lands its blow, you dissipate and reformin another part of the battlefield as an apparition.

    Encounter Arcane

    Free Action Personal

    Trigger: You make an athletics check or are falling.Effect: You do not make an athletics check or fall.Instead, you fly up to a number of squares equal to your speed + your Intelligence modifier.

    Phantasmal Escape Swordmage Utility 10 As an enemy lands its blow, you dissipate and reformin another part of the battlefield as an apparition.

    Encounter Arcane, Shadow, Teleportation

    Immediate Reaction Personal

    Trigger: You are hit by an attack.Effect: You teleport your speed, and are insubstantialand invisible until the end of your next turn.

    Mythic DuskbladeLevel 11 Mythic Arcane Stike [Mythic

    Duskblade], Mythic Duskblade'sAction [Mythic Duskblade],Temporal Strike MythicDuskblade], Ability Score Increase

    Level 12 Mythic Step [Mythic Duskblade]

    Level 13 Mythic AegisLevel 14 Ability Score Increase

    Level 15 Mythic Twilight Strike

    Level 16 Arcane Conduit [MythicDuskblade], Utility Power

    Level 17 Twilight Traveler

    Level 18 Ability Score Increase

    Level 19Elemental Vortex

    Level 20 Temporal Rift [Mythic Duskblade]

    Level 11: Mythic Arcane Strike

    Mythic Duskblade paragon path featureWhen you use the Arcane Strike power, the benefits of your active Imbuement spellsare enhanced for that strike.

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    Bite of Frost: The attack targetsFortitude, and the target of the attackis instead immobilized (save ends).

    Blade of Blood : The attack targetsFortitude, and you can also spend ahealing surge.

    Concussion Strikes: The attacktargets Fortitude, and the target and alladjacent enemies are pushed 2 squares

    Conduit Blade : The attack targetsReflex, and all enemies within burst 2of the target of the attack takeelectricity damage.

    Corrosive Touch : The attack targets

    Reflex, and the target of the attackinstead takes a -5 penalty.

    Flying Weapon: The attack targetsReflex, and you can make an extraranged basic attack against anycreature within range. You treat thisattack as a melee basic attack.

    Illusory Weapon : The attack targetsWill, and the target makes a basicattack against an adjacent creature.

    Inescapable Blade : The attack targetsWill, and you can reroll all 1s.

    Lick of Flame : The attack targetsReflex, and saves against this ongoingdamage take a -2 penalty.

    Solar Brand : The attack targets Will,

    and the target of the attack is instead blinded (save ends).

    Level 11: Mythic Duskblades Action Mythic Duskblade paragon path featureWhen you spend an action point to take an extra action, you can choose to shift yourspeed as a free action or gain a move action before or after you take the extra action.The action you take with this move action must have the teleportation keyword.

    Level 11: Temporal Strike Mythic Duskblade paragon path featureWhenever you score a critical hit with an arcane melee attack against a creaturegranting combat advantage, you can teleport the target up to 3 squares. If you usedArcane Strike on this attack, you instead teleport the target up to 6 squares.

    Level 12: Mythic Step Mythic Duskblade paragon path featureChoose a Wayfarer feat for which the prerequisites are met. Once chosen, this cannot

    be changed. While in this stance, you can use this feat at-will instead of per encounterwhenever you use Arcane Step. You can only use this feat once per round, and you canenter this stance once per day.

    Level 13: Mythic AegisWhile you are conscious and holding a weapon affected by Bladebond, you gain a +1

    bonus to Fortitude, Reflex and Will, in addition to the bonus to AC. This bonus isincreased to +3 while your other hand is free.

    Level 15: Mythic Twilight StrikeWhen you hit a target with the Arcane Strike power, it grants you combat advantageuntil the end of your next turn. In addition, the bonus to damage rolls granted byTwilight Strike is increased to +5.

  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


    Level 16: Arcane Conduit Mythic Duskblade paragon path featureWhenever you take damage from an attack that deals the same damage as your activeArcane Imbuement spell, roll a d4 to determine your Arcane Conduit. You can only

    benefit from this feature once per round.

    1: You gain 10 temporary hit points.2: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.3: You gain +1 power bonus to attack and damage rolls until the end of your next turn.4: You regain hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier.

    Level 16: Duskblade UtilityYou gain a Swordmage Utility power of 16 th Level or lower.

    Bend Space Swordmage Utility 16You bend space within the battlefield, rearranging

    your allies or enemies to a more advantageous position.

    Encounter Arcane, Teleportation

    Standard Action Close burst 5

    Target: Two creatures within the burst.Effect: The targets teleport to another space that you

    choose within the burst.

    The True Mirror Swordmage Utility 16You and the foe exchange weaknesses, reflecting oneanother. Who will be the first to shatter?

    Daily Arcane, Teleportation

    Standard Action Burs t 10

    Target: One creature within the burst.

    Effect: You and the target switch places, and you bothgain vulnerable all to each others attacks, with a valueequal to one of the following choices: 5, 10, or 15. Inaddition, whenever you and the target are within 5squares of each other, you or the target can use a moveaction to switch places with each other. This effectlasts until the end of the encounter, or until one of youfalls unconscious or dies.

    Greater Blade of Blood Swordmage Utility 16Your life seeps into the dark blade, giving power to

    your attack s.

    Daily Arcane, Necrotic

    Minor Action PersonalRequirement: You must have Blade of Blood as your active Arcane Imbuement spell.Effect: You lose a healing surge. Until the start of your

    next turn, your melee weapon attacks deal maximumdamage, and you take 5 necrotic damage each time youmake a melee weapon attack.

    Level 17: Twilight TravelerChoose a Wayfarer feat for which the prerequisites are met. Once chosen, this cannot

    be changed. You gain this feat.

    Level 19: Elemental VortexYou can use your Arcane Conduit feature whenever an adjacent ally uses a power thatdeals the same damage as your active Arcane Imbuement spell. In addition, whenever

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    you use your Arcane Conduit feature, you gain resistance to the damage type or typesof your active Arcane Imbuement spell equal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier untilthe end of your next turn.

    Level 20: Temporal Rift Mythic Duskblade paragon path featureYou gain the Temporal Rift daily attack


    Temporal Rift Swordmage Attack 20You trap your enemies within a pocket of debilitatingarcane energy between the dimensions.

    Daily Arcane, Implement, Teleportation

    Standard Action Close burst 1

    Target: Each creature within the burst.

    Attack: Intelligence vs. WillHit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the targetis removed from play and takes ongoing 15 damage(save ends both). The damage dealt by this attack is the

    same type as your active Arcane Imbuement spell. Youare removed from play until the s tart of your next turn.

    Aftereffect: The target returns to play in the space itoccupied, or to the nearest unoccupied space, and isstunned until the s tart of its next turn.

    Miss: Half damage, and the target is stunned until theend of your next turn.

    Epic DuskbladeLevel 21 Ability Score Increase

    Level 22 Epic Destiny Feature,Utility Power

    Level 23 Epic Temporal Strike

    Level 24 Arcane Mobil ity,Ability Score Increase,

    Epic Destiny FeatureLevel 25 Epic Twilight Strike

    Level 26 Epic Destiny Power

    Level 27

    Level 28 Ability Score Increase

    Level 29 Arcane Warrior

    Level 30 Epic Destiny Power

    Level 22: Duskblade UtilityYou gain a Swordmage Utility power of 22 nd Level or lower.

  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


    Dual Imbuement Swordmage Utility 22You channel a second imbuement, and instead of overlapping, they harmonize.

    Daily Arcane, Stance

    Minor Action Personal

    Effect: While in this stance, you may have two Arcane

    Imbuement spells active on the same weapon. Whenyou activate a third, you choose which two s pellsremain active.

    Shroud of Dusk Swordmage Utility 22Your form darkens and transforms into a gloamingmist.

    Daily Arcane, Shadow

    Minor Action Personal

    Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you can fly

    (hover) your speed, and you gain insubstantial and phasing.Sustain Minor: You can sustain this power as a minor action.

    Level 23: Epic Temporal StrikeWhenever you use a teleportation power and the Arcane Strike power during the sameturn, your critical threat range with arcane basic attacks is increased to 18 20 until the

    end of your next turn.

    Level 24: Arcane MobilityChoose one of the following Arcane Mobility talents: Relentless Duskblade: You gain a +2 bonus to speed and attack rolls on a charge.

    In addition, once per round when you push or slide a target, it is dazed until the startof your next turn.

    Unfettered Duskblade: You are immune to the slowed condition. In addition,whenever you shift, you can shift 2 extra squares.

    Level 25: Epic Twilight StrikeWhen you hit a target with the Arcane Strike power, all creatures adjacent to it grantyou combat advantage until the end of your next turn. In addition, the bonus to damagerolls granted by Twilight Strike is increased to +8.

    Level 29: Arcane WarriorChoose one of the following Arcane Warrior talents: Arcane Surge: While in this stance, you choose an effect instead of rolling a d4 any

    time you use the Arcane Conduit feature. You can enter this stance once per day. Forceful Presence: While in this stance, you can choose to teleport an adjacent

    creature instead of yourself whenever you use Arcane Step. You can only teleport acreature once per round, and you can enter this stance once per day.

  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


    Duskblade Feats Arcane Channelling Arcane Conduit feature Reroll effects of Arcane Conduit

    Bladebond Expertise Bladebond feature +1 per tier to at tack, shift 1 onmelee attacks.

    Duskblade's Familiar Arcane Familiar feat Familiar gains teleport 1, 1/encmakes MBA.

    Eldritch Knight - +1 to defenses and saves if youteleport before bloodied.

    Eldritch S layer - +1 to attack and damage if youteleport before bloodied.

    Extra ArcaneImbuement

    Arcane Attunementfeature

    Gain extra Arcane Imbuement spell

    Improved ArcaneAttunement

    Paragon tier, ArcaneAttunement feature

    Gain Wizard cantrip, use CombatCasting as minor action.

    Improved Arcane Step Paragon tier, ArcaneStep feature

    Use Arcane Step once per turnins tead of once per round.

    Nightblade Attunement Paragon tier. Gain Thief trick ins tead of Wizardcantrip when you retrain.

    Nightblade Training Arcane Strike feature Use Dex instead of Str with ArcaneStrike and Arcane Aegis

    True Step Epic tier. You don't need line of s ight toteleport.

    Versatile Bladebond Bladebond feature Gain proficiency in weapon, use itwith Bladebond.

    Warblade Bladebond Epic tier, Bladebondfeature

    All expertise feats you know affectBladebond weapon.

    Adventurer Feats Arcane Ambush [Wayfarer]Prerequisite: Arcane Wayfarer feat.

    Once per encounter when you use ateleportation power, you gain combatadvantage against all creatures adjacent tothe destination square until the end ofyour next turn. You can only use oneWayfarer feat per round.

    Arcane ChannellingPrerequisite: Arcane Conduit feature.Benefit: Once per round, you can rerollthe effects of your Arcane Conduitfeature. You must take the second roll.

    Arcane Evasion [Wayfarer]Prerequisite: Arcane Wayfarer feat.Benefit: Once per encounter, you canuse a teleportation power as an immediate

    reaction when you are grabbed,restrained, slowed or immobilized. Doingthis ends the effect. You can only useone Wayfarer feat per round.

    Arcane Momentum [Wayfarer]Prerequisite: Arcane Wayfarer feat.Benefit: Once per encounter, you canuse a teleportation power as an immediatereaction when you are the target of forcedmovement or an opportunity attack. Youcan only use one Wayfarer feat per round.

    Arcane Wayfarer [Wayfarer]Benefit: Once per encounter when youuse a teleportation power, the number ofsquares you teleport is increased by 2.This is increased by an amount equal tohalf the number of additional Wayfarerfeats that you have. You can only useone Wayfarer feat per round.

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  • 8/13/2019 Essentials Swordmage (Duskblade)


    Ghost Step [Wayfarer]Prerequisite: Arcane Wayfarer feat.Benefit: Once per encounter when youuse a teleportation power, you areinvisible until you attack or until the startof your next turn.

    Improved Arcane AttunementPrerequisite: Paragon tier, ArcaneAttunement feature.Benefit: You gain one additional Wizardcantrip. In addition, you can use CombatCasting as a minor action instead of aStandard.

    Improved Arcane StepPrerequisite: Paragon tier.Benefit: You can use Arcane Step once

    per turn instead of once per round.

    Nightblade AttunementPrerequisite: Paragon tier, NightbladeTraining feat.Benefit: Choose one Thief Trick. Whenyou use Arcane Attunement to retrain acantrip, you can instead choose to learn

    this trick.

    Nightblade Training Prerequisite: Arcane Strike feature.Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Stealth,and you can use your Dexterity instead ofyour Strength for Arcane Strike andArcane Aegis.

    Planar Shift [Wayfarer]Prerequisite: Arcane Wayfarer feat.Benefit: Once per encounter when youuse a teleportation power, you gain

    phasing until you attack or until the startof your next turn. You can only use oneWayfarer feat per round.

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    Resilient Wayfarer [Wayfarer]Prerequisite: Arcane Wayfarer feat.Benefit: Once per encounter when youuse a teleportation power, you can spenda healing surge. If you are bloodied, youcan heal 2 extra hit points. This increases

    to 4 extra hit points at Level 11, and 6extra hit points at Level 21. You can onlyuse one Wayfarer feat per round.

    Steadfast Wayfarer [Wayfarer]Prerequisite: Arcane Wayfarer feat.Benefit: Once per encounter when youuse a teleportation, you gain a +2 bonus

    to all defenses and cannot grant combatadvantage until the start of your next turn.You can only use one Arcane Wayfarerfeat per round.

    True Step Prerequisite: Epic tier. Benefit: Once per encounter, you can

    use a teleportation power without needingline of sight.

    Versatile Bladebond Benefit: Choose one weapon you are not

    proficient with. You gain proficiencywith this weapon, and you can form aBladebond with weapons of this type.

    Warblade Bladebond Prerequisite: Epic tier.Benefit: Your Bladebond weapon gainsthe benefits of all Expertise feats youhave taken, even if the Expertise feat only

    benefits a weapon or implement of adifferent type. You must be proficientwith the associated weapon or implementto apply its Expertise benefit to yourBladebond weapon.

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    Equipment and ItemsTwilight ArmorThe faint glimmer or dusk emanates from this armor,gloaming with ancient arcane power.

    Requirement: You must have the Bladebond feature.Any type of armor: +1 AC if the armor is your Armorbond.

    Minimum Enhancement Value: +2.

    Speed: -1

    Armor Penalty: -2.

    Weight: +10lbs.Armorbond: You can use your Bladebond or Swordbond feature with this armor. You gain a +1

    bonus to AC while wearing Twilight Armor that is your

    Armorbond. Calling this armor also dons it on you, and doing so is a standard action. Effects that normallyreduce or negate an armor penalty or speed penaltyfrom armor only affect Twilight Armor if it is your Armorbond. You can form an Armorbond during thesame 1 hour meditation that you would form aBladebond or Swordbond.Eladrin Masterwork: Chain armor with the Twilightmasterwork upgrade is considered to be Light Armor.In addition, you can have the Eladrin Chainenchantment on any piece of Twilight Armor.

    Level 4 +1 840 gp. Level 19 +4 105,000 gp.

    Level 9 +2 4,200 gp. Level 24 +5 525,000 gp.

    Level 14 +3 21,000 gp. Level 29 +6 2,625,000 gp.

    Eldritch Edge

    Duskblades who master this blade are can master theelemental power of their weapon.

    Requirement: You must be able to create a Bladebond withthe weapon.

    Enhancement: +1 to attack and damage rolls.

    Power (Daily): Move. Until the end of the encounter, youcan have 2 Imbuement spells active at the same time.

    Property: While using an Imbuement power, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls on melee bas ic attacks made with thisweapon.

    Weapons: Any.

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    Item Set: Twilight PanoplyThe Twilight Panoply item set is identical to the Eldritch Panoply item set with thefollowing modifications:

    Eldritch Edge

    The Eldritch Edge is an item in the Twilight Panoply item set, and counts toward thenumber of pieces you need to obtain to gain the benefits of this set.

    Twilight Panoply BenefitsPieces Benefit

    2 The maximum distance of any teleport you make is increased by an amountequal to number of items you have in this set.

    4 When you use your Arcane Aegis against a creature, you slide it a number of

    squares equal to half the number of items y ou have in this set.6 Once per encounter, you can teleport your speed as a minor action.