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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigration

    reform package such as tighter border security.4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one

    #$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromise
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    measureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border control
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    pointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising more

    conser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+or

    factor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.!hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill that

    passed last summer.Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to like

    business strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigration

    reform package such as tighter border security.4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one

    #$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromise
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    measureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology



    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has been

    significant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border control
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    pointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising more

    conser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+or

    factor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.!hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill that

    passed last summer.Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to like

    business strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigration

    reform package such as tighter border security.4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one

    #$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromise
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    measureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology



    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has been

    significant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border control
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    pointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising more

    conser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+or

    factor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.!hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill that

    passed last summer.Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to like

    business strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigration

    reform package such as tighter border security.4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one

    #$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromise
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    measureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology



    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.

    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has been

    significant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -aryland.

    This plan would ha"e sought to gi"e legal recognition to undocumented migrants but not the path tofull citi/enship that 0emocrats ha"e sought and that was contained in a bipartisan Senate bill thatpassed last summer.

    Such a compromise would ha"e been difficult to reach e"en with such a deal because many 0emocratsfear it would create a two1tier workforce. 2t has also pro"ed impossible to sell to conser"ati"e,epublicans.

    Speaking to reporters in 3ongress on Thursday Boehner said the efforts had stalled because there was alack of trust among his members in $bama&s ability to deli"er other aspects of the immigrationreform package such as tighter border security.

    4or the past )5 months 2&"e talked about the need to get immigration reform done. 2t&s an importantissue in our country that&s been kicked around fore"er and needs to be dealt with Boehner said.
  • 8/13/2019 Essential Marine Biology


    Ha"ing said that we outlined our principles last week to our members 6 principles that our membersby and large support 6 7but8 the (merican people including many of my members don&t trust that thereform we&re talking about will be implemented as intended to be.

    Boehner said $bama&s history of changing how healthcare reform was implemented was the ma+orfactor and it&s going to be difficult to mo"e any immigration legislation until that changes.

    !hite House spokesman Jay 3arney insisted $bama had a track record of deli"ering on border controlpointing to increased numbers of security staff.

    The president&s record on border security has been well documented and testified to by ,epublicansand 0emocrats he said. !e are going to keep working on 7passing reform8 and think there has beensignificant progress. !e are confident that ,epublican leaders and people who officials listen to likebusiness strongly support immigration reform. !e are going to get this done. 2t&s not going to be easybut *9): presents the best opportunity we ha"e e"er had.

    ,epublicans initially feared that failure to pass immigration reform would hurt their chances ofattracting non1white "oters in elections but increasingly the party seems to ha"e decided that makingan issue of $bama&s competency is an electoral asset.

    The big theme for us in the midterms is not going to be $bamacare but $bama&s competency one#$% campaign official told the #uardian on !ednesday. The problems with $bamacare are the besteample of that but we want to con"ince "oters that it goes much further than that

    The prospects for meaningful reform to the US immigration system was dealt a blow on Thursday asHouse speaker John Boehner warned that any legislation would be difficult to pass this year.

    Boehner had raised epectations in the !hite House that a deal was achie"able after criticising moreconser"ati"e colleagues late last year for opposing his efforts to reach consensus on bipartisan issues.

    But the #$% leadership&s attempt to apply this to the "eed 'uestion of legalising (merica&s )* millionundocumented migrants appears to ha"e stalled +ust daysafter Boehner proposed a compromisemeasureto his colleagues at a ,epublican party retreat in -ar