essential biology: making atp workbook (sl core only)

Essential Biology: Making ATP Student Workbook (Core) Due Date: Student Name: Candidate Number: 002171- Blog resource: This workbook is printed for the Making ATP unit. As you go through, check off the assessment statements. ATP 1. Draw and annotate a molecule of ATP to show how it stores and releases energy. 2. List six cellular process that use ATP as a source of energy. 3.7 Cell Respiration 3. Define cell respiration. The ______________________ release of ________________ in the form of _____________ from _______________________________ in cells. 4. State the word and symbol equations for the process of cell respiration. Word: Symbol: Stephen Taylor Bandung International School Page 1 of 12

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Includes Respiration, Photosynthesis and the Greenhouse Effect.


  • 1. Blog resource:
    This workbook is printed for the Making ATP unit. As you go through, check off the assessment statements.
    • Draw and annotate a molecule of ATP to show how it stores and releases energy.
  • 2. List six cellular process that use ATP as a source of energy.

3.7 Cell Respiration

  • Define cell respiration.

3. The ______________________ release of ________________ in the form of _____________ from _______________________________ in cells. 4. State the word and symbol equations for the process of cell respiration. Word:

  • Identify organic molecules, other than glucose, which could be used for respiration.

5. Identify the two components of the cell in which respiration takes place. 6. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic in terms of cell respiration. 7. Label the diagram of aerobic cell respiration below. 7524751460500

  • Label the diagram of anaerobic cell respiration below.


  • Complete the table below, comparing aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

AerobicAnaerobicHexose sugar input in both types of respirationOxygen in2 ATP producedPyruvate as an intermediate compound in both types of respirationYeastAnimalsCarbon dioxide producedWater produced

  • Complete the table below summarizing the events of aerobic cell respiration.

ReactionLocationPurposeATP yieldGlycolysis2Matrix of the mitochondrionConvert pyruvate (3C) to acetyl CoA (2C)0Krebs CycleInner mitochondrial membraneOxidative phosphorylation

  • Label the diagram below with the correct processes, locations and compounds:

8. Photosynthesis 9. Define photosynthesisThe conversion of ________________________ into _______________________ in plants.

  • Write a word equation and balanced symbol equation for the process of photosynthesis.

10. Word: 11. Symbol 12. Glucose is a product of photosynthesis. It can be used directly in respiration, stored as starch or converted to glucose. 13. Distinguish between the functions of starch and cellulose. 14. Starch: 15. Cellulose: 16. Identify and outline the process of condensation to form a disaccharide. 17. Explain why a plant which is left in the dark for a long period of time will test negative for starch. 18. Light from the Sun is composed of a range of wavelengths (colours). 19. Outline the properties of these wavelengths of light: 20. Wavelength (nm)10-400400-500500-650700-8000.8-1000mNameUltravioletInfra-redPhotosynthesis?NoNoVisible?NoYesYesYesNoEnergyVery HighLowFrequencyVery HighLow 21. State the name of the photosynthetic pigment and its location in green plants. 22. Name: ________________________Location: ______________________________ 23. Distinguish between action and absorption spectra for photosynthesis. Action:

  • Use the spreadsheet here to produce action spectrum for photosynthesis and absorption spectrum for chlorophyll:

24. In the space below, draw a graph showing the action and absorption spectra for chlorophyll. Annotate the diagram to show why leaves appear green. 6381758572500
Leaves appear green because

  • Summarise the two main stages of photosynthesis:

InputOutcomeLight-dependent reactionsLight energy is used toLight independent reactions

  • Define rate, with regard to reactions.

25. Explain how the rate of photosynthesis can be measured directly and indirectly. 26. Direct Measurement 1Product:Explanation: 27. Direct Measurement 2Product:Explanation: 28. Indirect MeasurementOutcome:Explanation: 29. Outline the effects of the following variables on the rate of photosynthesis. 30. Sketch and annotate a graph for each one. 31. Light intensityNote: light intensity is not the same as wavelength or frequency. Light intensity refers to the amount of light of a given wavelength which is available to the plant. Light intensity is high at the equator, in the summer or at midday. TemperatureCarbon dioxide concentration 32. So whats the connection with the greenhouseeffect?5.2 The Greenhouse Effect
The light dependent reactions of photosynthesis fix CO2 from the atmosphere into organic molecules which are used for respiration in plants and animals. Respiration and combustion return CO2 to the atmosphere, whereas decomposition returns carbon to the atmosphere as methane.
Note: the enhanced greenhouse effect is NOT the same as the hole in the ozone layer. Read ahead to G3 Impacts of Humans on Ecosystems to see the distinction.

  • Annotate the diagram to show the carbon cycle and processes involved.

ARespiration CITATION TayGreEff l 1033(1)BCDE

  • Outline some of the methods used to measure or estimate atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Recent history:
Geological history:

  • The topic of increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere has been the source of intense debate with regard to climate change in recent years. This graph shows the famous Keeling Curve from Mauna Loa laboratory in Hawaii. Find out more here:

33. 34. Describe the overall trend shown in the graph. 35. Explain the annual fluctuations in CO2 levels. Peaks:

  • Suggest one human impact and one natural cause that could have led to the overall trend shown in the graph:

36. Anthropogenic: 37. Natural: 38. Identify three greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide. 39. Explain the greenhouse effect with the aid of a diagram. Include short-wave and long-wave radiation. 40. Explain how increased atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases lead to an enhanced greenhouse effect. 41. Outline some of the possible consequences of a global temperature rise on arctic ecosystems. 42. Ice coverage: 43. Climate changes: 44. Niches: 45. Plant distributions: 46. Animal populations: 47. Outline the precautionary principle. 48. Describe how the precautionary principle can be applied to anthropogenic climate destabilisation. 49. Give two other examples of the precautionary principle in effect in Biology or Medicine. 50. Evaluate the precautionary principle as a justification for taking strong action in response to the threats posed by the enhanced greenhouse effect. What are some of the steps that we could take? This video might help: 51. Take significant actionTake no actionGlobal climate destabilization isTrueFalse 52. Conclusion:Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Allott, Andrew. IB Study Guide: Biology for the IB Diploma. s.l.: Oxford University Press, 2007. 978-0-19-915143-1.2. Mindorff, D and Allott, A. Biology Course Companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. 978-099151240.3. Clegg, CJ. Biology for the IB Diploma. London: Hodder Murray, 2007. 978-0340926529.4. Campbell N., Reece J., Taylor M., Simon. E. Biology Concepts and Connections. San Fransisco: Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2006. 0-8053-7160-5.5. Taylor, Stephen. Science Video Resources. [Online] Wordpress, 2010. Burrell, John. Click4Biology. [Online] 2010. IBO. Biology Subject Guide. [Online] 2007.
Self Assessment:
Essential BiologyAssessmentCriterionComplete (2)Partially complete (1)SelfMrTPresentation & OrganisationNAComplete and neat. All command terms highlighted, tables and diagrams well presented. Academic HonestyNASources cited using the CSE (ISO 690 numerical) method, with Works Cited section complete and correct. Objective 1 understandingAll answers for the following command terms correct:Most answers for the following command terms correct:DefineDraw LabelListMeasure StateObjective 2 understandingAll answers for the following command terms correct:Most answers for the following command terms correct:Annotate Apply CalculateDescribe DistinguishEstimateIdentifyOutlineObjective3understandingAll answers for the following command terms correct:Most answers for the following command terms correct:Analyse Comment CompareConstructDeduceDeriveDesign Determine DiscussEvaluate ExplainPredict ShowSolveSketch SuggestLogic, notation, mathematical workingNAAnswers are presented in a logical and concise manner. SI units used most times, with correct unit symbols and definitions of terms. All mathematical working shown.Further researchNAEvidence is apparent of research and reading beyond the textbook and presentations to find correct answers to challenging questions. If any questions are unanswered, this criterion scores zero. Total (max 10):