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Chile Chile’s geography has been a critical factor for its isolation

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Chile Chile’s geography has been a critical factor for its isolation

The Andes mountains


The Pacific ocean


The Atacama desert


and the Antartic


Throughout our history, we have suffered numerous earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions


Concepción, 2010

Chaitén, 2008

Talca, 2010

Valdivia, 1960 Earthquake 9.5° and Tsunami


Talcahuano, 2010 Earthquake 8.8° and Tsunami

Santiago, 1985 Earthquake 7.8°

Chaitén, 2008 Volcanic Eruption

Atacama Desert, 2005 and 2007 Earthquakes 7.8° and 7.7°

Chillán, 1939 Earthquake 8,5°

Antofagasta, 1991 Floods

But as our history has taught us, the only way to overcome natural disasters is by joining together. As many times as necessary


Talcahuano, 2010

Rebuilding homes with our own hands

Sharing the joys and sorrows of life and death


Pumanque, 2010

Santa Teresa, 2010

We have risen up numerous times becasue of our people. We learned to work together without thinking about our deep political polarization or in our dramatic income inequality


Santiago, 2010

Chile needed to be reconstructed so many times throughout its history. And we have succeeded every single time. Making Chileans proud and happy with a sense of empathy and humanity


Talcahuano, 2010

Earthaquake 1985 “Chile helps Chile” fundraiser campaign

Earthaquake 2010 “Chile helps Chile” fundraiser campaign

The cultural heritage of my country is not a physical legacy…


Solidarity during difficult and challenging times, is the cultural heritage that I would like to include as Chile’s contribution to a better world . I firmly believe that every action that a Chilean does to assist

its peers, will have a multiplying effect in the rest of humanity

Chile Pumanque, 2010

“Ay canta guitarra del Sur en la lluvia, en el sol lancinante que lame los robles quemados pintándoles alas, ay canta, racimo de selvas, la tierra empapada, los rápidos ríos, el inabarcable silencio de la primavera mojada, y que tu canción me devuelva la patria en peligro: que corran las cuerdas del canto en el viento extranjero porque mi sangre circula en mi canto si cantas, si cantas, oh patria terrible, en el centro de los terremotos porque así necesitas de mí, resurrecta, porque canta tu boca en mi boca y sólo el amor resucita.” Extract of the poem “Terremoto en Chile, La Barcarola” by Pablo Neruda. He wrote these words in response to the Valdivia earthquake in 1960.