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Magazine by the students at Santa Catalina 4B º tendencies Gulf of mexico Sports information flashes

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End-of-Year Magazine Project


Magazine by the students at Santa Catalina

4 Bº


Gulf of mexico

Sports information flashes

International News.

Objective: Absorption 60,000 barrels a day in July.

Due to a fire at an oil plant located 190 kilometers from U.S. Shores, there is a massive oil spill in the sea. It occured on 23 April this year and it killed 11 workers and destroyed the facility, thousands of tons of oil have contaminated the ocean.

The plan, drafted under pressure from Washington, could increase from the current 15,000 barrels, that are absorbed per day up to 40,000 or 53,000 barrels per day at the end of this month. In mid-July, according to BP, could raise that number to 60,000 and 80,000 barrels but has not guaranteed that one day he can capture the landfill.

Oil spill can be reduced, but can not be stopped completely until at least August, when it is expected to finish the complete reconstruction of the damaged platform.After several failed attempts, the British oil managed to place a bell that does absorb some of the oil leaving the reservoir. BP has reported on Monday that it

captured 15 200 barrels on Sunday with what we already have recovered a total of 134 500 barrels.

When it met 56 days of discharge, president of The American, Barack Obama, visited by fourth once the coast affected by the oil and has announced on Tuesday his first televised address to the nation from the Oval Office.

The accident could also have an international impact if other governments with jurisdiction over the offshore production adopting these new and stricter criteria for the U.S., "explained Steven Wood.

Zapatero recommends Cameron to approve his reforms asap.The prime minister, Jose Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, recommended the new British prime minister, David Cameron, who approves the measures of adjustment and reforms to reduce the deficit that is preparing as soon as possible and that they are as wide as possible, they informed governmental sources.

The British prime minister expressed to Zapatero his will to support the " good relations " that existed between United Kingdom and Spain during the mandate of his predecessor, Gordon Brown. Likewise, he was grateful to the prime minister for the " diplomatic efforts " Spanish before Argentina for the conflict of the Malvinas.

Zapatero invited Cameron to visit Madrid and this one agreed. Between both agents chief executive there was a " good feeling " and both joked on the important presence of Spanish banks in United Kingdom and the preference of the British tourists to Spain.

Zapatero and Cameron, in Brussels.

The Church

calculates that it contributes to the company more than 30.000 millions

The Church receives of the arks of the State across the cabin of the revenue 252 millions of Euros. Nevertheless, he calculates that his contribution the company overcomes 30.000 millions. This one is one of the principal information gathered in the justificative Memory of activities, which the Spanish Synod has presented this Thursday.

Fernando Giménez has explained the differences between the debit and the credit. The Church received, in 2009, 253 million Euros across the contribution route IRPF of the Spanish deponents who marked his cabin. " That assign eight millions to us and persons' way is to be satisfied ", was making clear the manager of the bishops. And it was adding: " To support this percentage is already a success ".

253 millions that the Church receives form the so called Interdiocesan Joint fund, which is not any more than 20 % than the total of the evil called "budget" of the Spanish Church. In fact, the voluntary contributions of the public inspectors suppose more than 40 % of the total and, income therefore, " his principal source of maintenance ".

Fernando Giménez in the presentation of the results before the mass media.

WEATHER AND NATURAL DISASTERS. The world has seen many disasters over the years. The weather changes every day in this year

In the world.

-The consequences about the weather's changes are:

-The thaw of the poles. The causes are that the hole in the ozone layer is very big, the radiations ultraviolets, the human activity increase the rise in temperature, this causes cause the global warming.

-It snowed heavily that cause a lots of dieds.

-The consequences of the natural disasters: -A lots of earthquake in India and other places for example Haití.

-The volcane of Iceland erupted and it disturbed the air traffic of a lot of countries.

In Spain.

-The eruption of Iceland's volcano causes a lot of changes in the timetable of the planes and some people couldn't travel by plane like they wanted.

-The weather in Spain was horrible because it often changes and caused some ruins, although it was great to the reservoir in all Spain.

In Jaén.

-There was snow in time of spring.-With the hard rain and wind caused the fall of a mountain in a village.

EXPO 2010:

Saturday, September 25 at Cell Space in San Francisco.

The Bay Area’s only grassroots connection fair for independent arts, music & culture, the Expo for Independent Arts is a giant Show and Tell for art projects to engage with the public, gain recognition and hopefully new audiences and supporters.

Join us Saturday, September 25, 2010 when we rally at Cellspace with up to 200 exhibiting art organizations, our Sixth Annual Performance Showcase, a live mural project and thousands of attendees!

Exhibiting Tables on sale now!


`Toy Story 3' doesn't shine quite as brightly

This is what happens when you're good at your job: Everyone expects excellence from you, and anything even slightly short of that feels like a letdown.

"Toy Story 3" is a gorgeous film — funny, sweet and clever in the tradition of the best Pixar movies — but because it comes from that studio's nearly flawless tradition, including two "Toy Story" predecessors, the expectations naturally are inflated. Excluding "Cars," Pixar has a perfect track record of animated classics, with the innovative "Toy Story" starting it all in 1995. And so the pressure's on to come up with a tale that makes a sequel worthwhile.

The storytelling in no way is in question; it never is at Pixar, which is the fundamental reason their films are so strong. Neither is the voice cast, led once again by Tom Hanks, Tim Allen and Joan Cusack, with formidable newcomers like Ned Beatty thrown into the mix. The details are as vibrant and tactile as ever: the textures and expressions, the use of light, angles and perspective.

And the core concept — that toys have a rich, complex interior life when people aren't around — still holds up and resonates all these years later.

If "Toy Story" hadn't come out in 1995 and "Toy Story 2" hadn't followed it in 1999, "Toy Story 3" would stand on its own as a breakthrough. Trouble is, those earlier movies do exist. And by comparison, this third installment doesn't feel quite so fresh.

And then, of course, there is the 3-D — the trend of the summer, the thing that makes this "Toy Story" different from the first two. It's not intrusive. It doesn't consist of stuff being flung at you and plopped in your laps in gimmicky fashion. But as is so often the case, it's also completely unnecessary.


You aren't alone. If it makes you feel any better, you have compatriots among my thousands of B!tchlettes worldwide.

But before we get to that, let's give you the bad news:

Which is that—and this is science, mind you, cruel, cruel science—Twilight is as big as ever. Here come those mean numbers to back up my findings.

First, box office predictions on Eclipse, and if you're not a fan of the Kristen Stewart Bewilderment School of Acting, this will not be welcome news.

"Going into the summer, Eclipse was slated to be one of the Top 5 films of the summer, and I don't think anything has changed in that regard," says Jeff "Doomsayer" Bock of Exhibitor

Relations. "Opening day will likely be close to $50 million, and we should still see a weekend number of around $70-plus million.

"As box office lore goes, film series typically wane by the third incarnation, but the Twilight phenomenon seems to be a different beast, and I would expect overall grosses to be on par with New Moon when all is said and done."

Beast being the operative word, maybe. On my Facebook page, B!tchlettes have been raging against Twi mania: "Twi-hards make me facepalm like no other," B!tchlette Colby tells me.

But like I said, you're in the minority, and yes, sadly, I have more numbers with which to beat you about the head and face.

Over on Predicto, that 2-million-strong subscriber-based mobile community, Twilight is still tops, even over, say, Harry Potter. The peeps recently voted that the third Twilight installment will beat out any other sequel for the summer, including Sex and the City 2 and Iron Man 2.

"I don't see it going away anywhere anytime soon," says Predicto's Kirthana Ramisetti.

So you may as well pick a side in the whole Bella love triangle. Hell, I'll be Team Werewolf.

Rock festival in JaénRock Cycles celebrated its twentieth edition, with the participation of more than four dozen groups, according to today detailed the councilman of Culture of the Municipality of Jaen, Jose Montano, who highlighted the main innovations and incentives that these concerts to be held again in the auditorium and will feature invited groups. In a press conference, explained that Montané have also increased day and will include performances from five to seven days distributed between April 19 and May 30 and whose admission is free.They play several groups as Crossing Wires, Hollywood Rock, Xkrude, God Bles Us, Soda Rise, Grotesca, Obus, Lujuria....

Lagarto RockOn Saturday 12 of June in Jaen its be held the festival lizard rock, this year it will be place in the auditorium of Jaen. This year the groups that there are invited are SFDK, O’FUNKILLO and QUIQUE GONZALEZ. From tomorrow you can book yours entries in ``El Corte Ingles ´´

Schedules: 20, 00 to 22, 45- SFDK 22, 30 to 23, 15 - QUIQUE GONALEZ 00,45 to 1,30 – O'FUNKILLO.

MetallicaMetallica is a band of heavy metal originating in the United States.The components of the group are Lars Ulrich, James Hetfield, Kirk Hammett, Robert Trujillo.

With a total of 250,000 people he second edition of the festival Rock in Rio Madrid was closed in the early hours of Monday with a part that would be difficult to gauge. But Metallica get to close this edition with a concert diffucult to forget.They play songs as “One”, “ Mater of Puppets”, accompained of fireworks, that they did excite the public and they shook Madrid.

ShakiraThis year the world cup of Sudafrica already have his song it is the new song of shakira -``waka waka ´´ and it is hear in all of the countries in the same time this song it is contribute in a solidary foundation that his name is ``BAREFOOT´´ with four t-shirts of these songs.

Rock in RioThis year the festival ``Rock in Rio´´it be held the days 4,5,6,11and 14 of June. For those who are interested this year they will be act some groups that there are very famous how Bon Jovi , Metallica etc. and they will be act some of the news sucess at the moment how Rihana, milley cyrus , pereza, macaco , or shakira. The best option is that you buy your entries by internet.

EurovisiónThis year in Eurovision a person interrupted the Spanish show. During the song of Daniel called “ Algo Pequeñito ” Jimmy Jump famous for his disgraceful acts interrupted the favourite Spanish song and started to dance on the stage next to the professionals dancers.

World cup songAnother official World tournament Song. It was made a Spanish singer and English one have made another version of world tournament song it is called “ Waving Flags “ the most of the people say that this is a very good song.

Mago de OzThe flutist of Mago de Oz Fernando Ponce de León, a member of the group since 2000, announced his departure. It does not indicate the reason, but are personal matters, without bad feeling or anything like that. Se desconoce su sustituto por ahora, pero nos apena bastante la noticia. His replacement is unknown for now. Here is the statement that left the band's website:

Hello brothers

After this long and beautiful story of love, I say goodbye. It's been more than ten years of happy experiences, thrilling, exciting, acojonantes, chung, stunning, friendly, fucking, loving, in short, human. A lifetime with these magnificent bastards with whom I shared almost everything. We will continue joining the friendship, the love of music and beauty. Good luck to everyone. May the gods be propitious to you. I will miss you. A kiss:

Fernando Ponce de León Fernando Ponce de León

and songs and going to disco" now he s featuring with maddona in another song .


  How to Enjoy Fishing As a HobbyThere are different kinds of fishing. You can fish for sport if you want to keep 

it and put it on the wall as a prize. You can catch fish and throw them back. You can catch fish to eat. You need the proper supplies, some know how and good company.

There are different styles of fishing and each one uses different equipment. There is bait casting, spinning, pole and line, spincasting, and flyfishing. You need to choose between different types of poles, rods, hooks, and bait.  Depending on what type of water you will be in, saltwater, freshwater, or ice you will choose a pole with different types of reels and line spools. Depending on what type of fish you will be catching, you have to choose from a variety of hook sizes. You also can choose between various kinds of sinkers and bobbers, to keep your line steady in the water so the fish aren't startled away. You also have to keep in mind what kind of fish you will be trying to catch.

If you are going to fish at a specific location and don't know what fish you are looking for, it can make it more difficult to catch the fish. Using certain types of bait will attract certain types of fish. You should learn which fish are in the type of water you will be fishing in and what kind of bait they will respond to. There are also   different   lures   available.   A   lure   is   what   a   person   fishing   uses   to   get   the attention of the fish not scaring it away, but drawing it closer.

There   is   certainly   a   lot   to   learn   about   fishing.   All   states   have   different regulations regarding this. Before you go fishing, you should find out if the place you would like to fish allows fishing. Sometimes, you might be required to show your fishing license in order to be permitted to fish.

You should take an expert along with you to help you learn the skills and local regulations. This is also a safety precaution, as it is a very good idea to bring a partner along with you just in case something goes wrong. Even though fishing itself is not a dangerous sport, there are some mishaps that are possible. Pack a first aid kit, and always wear a personal floatation device. If you are wading, you need to know how deep the water is and you should wear long boots and protective pants.



COUNTRYSIDE.For decades, wild species have adapted to cereal fields without being affected in the reproduction process. But due to agriculture development and its techniques, most types of crops last longer. Also, the machine harvesting the crops endanger the species' life.

In my opinion, I think that the people should have more careful with the reproduction of animal because we are destroy to the fauna and more animals these types are in dangerous.

Take Your Time

With busy work schedules and family life where events sometimes change on a minute by minute basis it can be difficult to slow down when going afield. However nature works on a different time scale than the modern human. Events such as getting water or moving to another feeding location are measured in hours not minutes.

Often times an inexperienced hunter or one that has just come off a hectic schedule will not have the patience that is required to hunt. Spot and stalk hunting a ridge can take four to six hours before game will start moving around. Announcing there "is no game in that valley" after fifteen minutes of glassing is usually wrong. When hunting take the time to hurry up and slow down.

Sports newsCity told it's Yaya for Toure

YAYA TOURE will become a Manchester City player after the Premier League side agreed a £25million fee with Barcelona.

The two clubs should finalise the deal today with Toure ready to become the first big transfer of the summer subject to a medical.

City doctors are heading to South Africa to meet Toure who is preparing for the Ivory Coast's clash with Brazil on Sunday.

The midfielder will sign a four-year deal worth £6m per season and join up with his brother Kolo at Eastlands.

Toure has long been a target for City who first tried to nab him 18 months ago.

Back then Toure decided to sign a new deal and stay at the Nou Camp.

But he became disgruntled last season as Barca boss Pep Guardiola left him on the bench, preferring to start with Sergio Busquets.

His agent Dmitry Seluk insists most of the key figures at Barca want Toure to stay, but his lack of games under Guardiola has been a major problem.

Seluk said: "The president Joan Laporta, the incoming president Sandro Rosell, Guardiola, myself... we all want him to stay at Barcelona - it's one of the greatest clubs in the world.

"Everything is perfect except for one thing - playing 65 per cent of the minutes is not sufficient for a player like Yaya, but that's the only reason we want to go."

Seluk did, though, admit he would have a chat with Rosell "out of courtesy" before completing any move for his client.



He added: "I have to know his opinion because he is the new president."

Toure, 27, is one of the world's top defensive midfielders and snapping him up is a major coup for City.

In the past he's been a target for Arsenal and recently Chelsea also tried to reach a deal with Barcelona.

Yaya Touré

Time to go for it ... or go home

STEVEN GERRARD hammered out the message all England fans wanted to hear last night.

It's time to join the World Cup party.

On the day Argentina laid down their marker with the 4-1 thrashing of South Korea, the England skipper demanded his players follow suit against Algeria today.

Gerrard, growing into his role as captain, said: "We are ready for the team to push on now and show the same sort of qualities as Argentina and Germany.

"It's not just a question of wanting to - we have to. Both Argentina and Germany have shown us what this tournament is all about - goals.

"We have it in us to step up a gear and produce them as well.

"Obviously we wanted to get off to a winning start against the USA and were disappointed to have to settle for the draw.

"But now we have to improve on that and show what we're all about."

Gerrard has already decided on the ideal gift for England boss Fabio Capello, who celebrates his 64th birthday today.

He added: "I think three points would be the perfect present. I think he thinks so as well!"

England, who have never lost to African opposition, are a huge 4-1 ON to beat Algeria.

But the Liverpool star, who bagged the goal against the USA in Rustenburg last Saturday, warned against complacency.

He said: "The dangerous thing is for us to underestimate Algeria and think it's an automatic three points. And by all of us, I also mean the thousands of England fans here in Cape Town.

"It's not going to be a stroll in the park. We're not just going to get out there and batter them."

Five days on from England's disappointing draw with the USA, spirits have lifted. Spain's shock defeat by Switzerland and Brazil's struggle to overcome North Korea have made the 1-1 draw in Rustenburg take on a new complexion.

But with the group likely to be decided on goal difference, the England strikers have to step up to the mark.

They scored 34 in qualifying with Wayne Rooney bagging nine.

But the Manchester United man is six games without a goal while Emile Heskey has not scored for a year since netting in the 4-0 victory in Kazakhstan.

But from what Capello was saying yesterday, it seems Heskey will lead the attack in a formation nearer 4-2-3-1.

This will see Gareth Barry rejoin Frank Lampard in the engine room with an attacking three of Aaron Lennon, Rooney and Gerrard behind Heskey.

Gerrard said: "I'd imagine I'll be playing in a more forward role. And, yes, the plan is for me to play closer to Wayne.

Steven Gerrard, captain England.

Sports News.

VaLenTiNo Rossi in The Hospital!

1.Question- How are you and are still in pain?

The positive thing is that the worst is past and that the two operations

went well, so everything is ok.

2.Question-Do you remember The accident?

I remember everything perfectly, I didn’t hit my

head, I didn’t kill anything else. The airbag in my

leathers worked very well and my helmet was just

slightly scratched.

3.Question-Who would you like to thank?

First of all I want to thank my Professor Buzzi of

the CTO Careggi in Florence and all of his staff,

because they were brilliant. Fortunately, doing it at

Mugello meant I wansn’t far from the Careggi and

this was very lucky. I also want to thank

everybody else at the Careggi and all the nurses

because they treated my very well.

4.Question-At any time since the accident has there been a moment

when you have said “stop racing motorcycles”?

Sincerely, I haven’t felt any fear. I was a bit horrified when I saw the leg,

yes…but the thing I dislike the most is to miss so many races! I will take

all the time I need and be sure not to do anything stupid because I want to

return quickly, but only if my condition is. I know I have a bike for next

year and I don’t need to rush my return to demonstrate anything.

5.Question-Dr. Buzzi talked about a rehabilitation period of about five or

six months, what do you think?

It’s to be expected that Dr. Buzzi has been very cautious in

his prognosis. I want to heal the injury; that is the only thing

I´m interested in. If I miss four races or six races, it doesn’t

make any difference. The right time to return could Be Brno,

but it won’t necessarily be like this.

6.Question-Now you have some time at home to rest and to


Yes, now I have a lot of time at home to rest, to recover and

to think. Firstly, I want to use this time to improve some

things. I want to improve my English, learn something new,

read a lot. Basically, I want to improve and learn. This I will

do for sure. If your question instead is referring to 2011, this

incident will not influence my choices for next year in any

way. Last Saturday hasn’t changed anything. I just have one broken leg


The result of 2010, therefore, has never been relevant to my decisions for

the future.

By: Mario Contreras Román 4ºB

Formula 1®Button: “If I back off, is Jenson going to pass me or not?"

McLaren told Hamilton that Button was not going to pass him in the Turquish G.P. But a few laps before the ending Button tried to be the first one in Turkeypassing Halmiton. At he end he couldn´t pass the youngest F1 championship.

Fernando Alonso can NOT do his magic with the slowly Ferrari.Fernando Alonso said that the F10 didn´t had any changes since the Chinese GP.The next week the ferrari will go better because of the changes that the engineers (like the spanish one Marc Gené) did the last week. He told Antonio Lobato, F1 commentator in Spain, that he has regrets for not been winning races specially because of his fans.

Alguersuari:”It´s too soon to think in the F-duct”He told the reporters that The Toro Rosso F1 team mustn´t think in the F-duct piece of the car as McLaren did it and is the fastest car of the lastest Grand Prix.

De la Rosa: “Only rumors”Pedro Martinez de la Rosa exclaimed that the rumors about a young man to stand in for Pedro are only rumors and that his team is going to sign up other year.