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Page 1: eSi-CFAR - EnSilicaCASH/CA-CFAR Inputs cash_window_cells_exp Input 3 Exponent of 2 for defining the number of active cells in leading/lagging windows to be averaged in CASH/CA-CFAR


Page 2: eSi-CFAR - EnSilicaCASH/CA-CFAR Inputs cash_window_cells_exp Input 3 Exponent of 2 for defining the number of active cells in leading/lagging windows to be averaged in CASH/CA-CFAR


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1 Contents

1 Contents _____________________________________________________________ 2 2 Overview _____________________________________________________________ 3 3 Hardware Interface _____________________________________________________ 4

3.1 Constraints on Input Parameters ________________________________________ 6 4 Core Internal Lateny ____________________________________________________ 8 5 Architecture __________________________________________________________ 9

5.1 Choosing algorithm parameters ________________________________________ 10 5.2 Theoretical formulas for False Alarm and Detection Probabilities in the CFAR

algorithms assuming Swerling 2 clutter model __________________________________ 11 5.3 Scilab Scripts for computing DP and the 𝜷 threshold scaling parameter _________ 11

6 Simulation Models and RTL Verification ____________________________________ 13 7 References __________________________________________________________ 14 8 Revision History ______________________________________________________ 18

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2 Overview

The eSi-CFAR Contant False Alarm Rate core is a high throughput IP core, whose main

application area is target detection in radar systems. It is normally applied post-FFT in order to

scan output bins for targets in noise, with a pre-designed False Alarm (FA) probability. Pre-

screening the FFT output bins in hardware reduces substantially the size of data transfers to

the embedded processing system, and equally reduces computationally intensive embedded

processing load.

eSi-CFAR supports the following features:

Can accept a new data sample per clock cycle, making it suitable for interfacing with

Pipelined FFT cores.

Can processes data blocks with no clock-cycle gaps between them.

Parameterised input linear power samples (max 64 bits).

Generalised Ordered Statistic (GOS) CFAR algorithms [1,2]:

o GOS Cell Averaging (CA) – CFAR;

o GOS Greatest Of (GO) – CFAR;

o GOS Smallest Of (SO) – CFAR;

Cell Averaging (CA) CFAR algorithms [1]:

o Classical CA – CFAR;

o Greatest of (GO) CA - CFAR;

o Smallest of (SO) CA – CFAR;

Cell Averaging Statistic Hofele (CASH) CFAR algorithms [5]

Concurrent operation of CASH/CA-CFAR core and GOS-CFAR core

Conversion of linear input power samples in log2 (16-bit) domain

Real-time configuration of algorithm parameters.

Equivalent processing in logarithmic domain for reduced area and power use.

Macro based configuration between asynchronous/synchronous resets.


Figure 1: eSi-CFAR


core config. parameters

CFAR Engine

Binary target

detection flag (per bin)

Linear power


Register reprogram

Log2-domain power sample


detection threshold

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3 Hardware Interface

Module Name cfar_top

HDL Verilog

Technology Generic

Source Files cfar_top.v, log_conversion_pipe64.v, gos_cfar_log.v, sorter.v,

log_combining.v, cash_ca_cfar.v, cell_averaging.v, min.v,

esi_sync_small_fifo.v, esi_include.v, esi_cfg_include.v

Parameter Range Default Description DATA_WIDTH_IN 4-64 64 Input data bit width. DATA_WIDTH_OUT 16 16 Output data bit width. WIND_SIZE 2- 32 Maximum leading/lagging window sizes in

GOS/CA/CASH-CFAR algorithms. Maximum range

parameter value is unspecified but constrained by

ASIC area usage or FPGA resources. WIND_INDEX_WIDTH 1- 5 Parameter is determined as


Table 1: Parameters

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Port Directi


Width Description

clk Input 1 clock reset_n Input 1 active low reset

Common CFAR Inputs cfar_algo_select Input 2 Select CFAR algorithm:

0 = CFAR disabled,

1 = GOS-CFAR enabled,

2 = CASH/CA-CFAR enabled,

3 = Both GOS and CASH/CA-

CFAR enabled. sample_in_valid Input 1 Active high input sample valid sample_in Input DATA_WIDTH_IN Linear power input sample register_reprogram Input 1 Active high signal to be pulsed at

least for 1 clock cycle in order for

the core to capture internally

configuration parameter values. block_length Input 16 Number of samples in a block

(FFT bins).

GOS-CFAR Inputs gos_index_lead Input WIND_INDEX_WIDTH Index of sorted statistic in

leading window in GOS-CFAR. gos_index_lag Input WIND_INDEX_WIDTH Index of sorted statistic in

lagging window in GOS-CFAR. gos_window_cells Input WIND_INDEX_WIDTH+1 Number of active cells in

leading/lagging windows to be

sorted in GOS-CFAR. Should be

less than or equal to WIND_SIZE. gos_beta Input DATA_WIDTH_OUT Additive constant scaling the

GOS-CFAR threshold. Unsigned

number with 7 integer bits and 9

fractional bits. gos_cfar_mode Input 2 type of GOS-CFAR to be applied:



2/3 = GOSSO-CFAR. gos_guard_cells Input WIND_INDEX_WIDTH+1 Number of guard cells in GOS-

CFAR leading and lagging the cell

under test.

CASH/CA-CFAR Inputs cash_window_cells_exp Input 3 Exponent of 2 for defining the

number of active cells in

leading/lagging windows to be

averaged in CASH/CA-CFAR.

2^(ca_window_cells_exp) should

be less than or equal to WIND_SIZE.

cash_beta Input DATA_WIDTH_OUT Additive constant scaling the

CASH/CA-CFAR threshold.

Unsigned number with 7 integer

bits and 9 fractional bits. cash_cfar_mode Input 2 type of CASH/CA-CFAR to be



1 = CA-CFAR,



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cash_guard_cells Input WIND_INDEX_WIDTH+1 Number of guard cells in

CASH/CA-CFAR leading and

lagging the cell under test. cash_subwindow_cells_

exp Input 3 Exponent of 2 for defining the

number of active cells in

subwindows to be averaged in

CASH-CFAR. Should be set equal

to ‘cash_window_cells_exp’ for


GOS-CFAR Outputs gos_sample_out_valid Output 1 Active high valid signal on core’s

GOS-CFAR outputs. gos_sample_out Output DATA_WIDTH_OUT Log2-domain power sample of

input to the GOS-CFAR core,

delayed by the latency of the

core. gos_threshold Output DATA_WIDTH_OUT Log2-domain detection threshold

value in the GOS-CFAR core. gos_thresh_decision Output 1 0 if (gos_sample_out <


1 if (gos _sample_out >=


CASH/CA-CFAR Outputs cash_sample_out_valid Output 1 Active high valid signal on core’s

CASH/CA-CFAR outputs. cash_sample_out Output DATA_WIDTH_OUT Log2-domain power sample of

input to the CASH/CA-CFAR core,

delayed by the latency of the

core. cash_threshold Output DATA_WIDTH_OUT Log2-domain detection threshold

value in the CASH/CA-CFAR core. cash_thresh_decision Output 1 0 if (cash _sample_out <


1 if (cash_sample_out >=


Table 2: Interface I/O Ports

3.1 Constraints on Input Parameters

This section provides some additional information on selecting valid values for the input signal

parameters given in Table 2.

- block_length:

o Min value tested in simuations = 16

o Max value tested in simulation = 32,768

o As a general rule min value must be greater than or equal to the total length of

the CFAR processing window. This includes leading/lagging sub-windows,

leading/lagging guard cells and the cell under test.

- gos_window_cells:

o Min value tested in simuations = 1

o Max value tested in simulation = 32

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o The min possible value is 1

o The max possible value is WIND_SIZE

- gos_index_lead , gos_index_lag:

o Min possible value is 0

o Max possible value is ‘gos_window_cells-1’

- gos_beta:

o Min possible value is 0

o Max possible value is 32,767

- gos_guard_cells:

o Min possible value is 0

o Max possible value is 31

- cash_window_cells_exp:

o Min value tested in simuations = 1

o Max value tested in simulation = 5

o The min possible value is 1

o The max possible value is log2(WIND_SIZE)

- cash_subwindow_cells_exp:

o Should be set = ‘cash_window_cells_exp’ for CA/CAGO/CASO CFAR

o Min value for CASH CFAR = 0

o Max value for CASH CFAR = ‘cash_window_cells_exp’

- cash_beta:

o Min possible value is 0

o Max possible value is 32,767

- cash_guard_cells:

o Min possible value is 0

o Max possible value is 31

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4 Core Internal Lateny

eSi-CRAR can accept a new valid input sample per clock cycle. It is also capable of handling a

streaming mode, where there are no clock cycle gaps between concecutive input (FFT) data


The core’s internal latency depends on the selected CFAR algorithm; GOS-CFAR or CASH/CA-

CFAR. For the GOS-CFAR algorithms the latency does not depend on the ‘gos_cfar_mode’

input. On the other hand for the CASH/CA-CFAR algorithms, the latency does depend on

‘cash_cfar_mode’ input.

The expressions for computing the internal latencies are given as1:

GOS-CFAR algorithms (all modes) :

Latency = (gos_window_cells + gos_guard_cells) * I + 19 cycles

CASH-CFAR algorithms (cash_cfar_mode = 0) :

Latency = [2^(cash_window_cells_exp) + 2^(cash_subwindow_cells_exp) +

cash_guard_cells] * I + 21 cycles

CASH-CFAR algorithms (cash_cfar_mode = 1,2,3) :

Latency = [2^(cash_window_cells_exp) + 2^(cash_subwindow_cells_exp) +

cash_guard_cells] * I + 18 cycles

where I = (clock cycles per input sample)

I = 1 means that there are no clock cycle gaps between valid input samples,

I = 2 means that there is 1 clock cycle gap between valid input samples,

I = 3 means that there is 2 clock cycles gap between valid input samples,

and so on

It is noted that the above expressions assume that the clock cycle gaps between input valid

samples are fixed according to the value of I.

1 For I>1 , i.e. when there are clock cycle gaps between valid input samples, these expressions may not

apply for the very first output sample, but apply for the remaining samples in the output block. These expressions may also vary by a few clock cycles for short block_length frames with gaps.

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5 Architecture

The CFAR algorithms supported within esi-CFAR are based on the generic processing

architecture shown in Figure , which is discussed in [1].

Figure 2: Generic CFAR processing Architecture

Linear power samples input to the core are converted into 16bit-width log2 power samples.

The log2 samples constrain the processed sample bit-width to 16, representing a maximum

linear power bit width of 64. Logarithmic power samples are stored in unsigned fixed point

fractional format with 9 fractional bits.

As shown in Figure 2, input power samples are shifted through the processing window, which

consists of lagging and leading sub-windows, guard cells and the central Cell Under Test

(CUT). The CUT value is compared to a generated threshold value from the CFAR signal

processor in order to make a target detection decision.

In the GOS-CFAR algorithms, the samples within the leading/lagging windows are processed

through a non-linear sorting operation and selected ordered statistics: 𝑌1, 𝑌2 are extracted

from the two sub-windows, respectively. The GOSCA, GOSGO, and GOSSO algorithms, which

were initially reported in [2], as an improved generalisation of the OS-CFAR [3], differ in the

manner 𝑌1, 𝑌2 are combined:

GOSCA: 𝑍 = 𝑌1 + 𝑌2 (1)

GOSGO: 𝑍 = max {𝑌1, 𝑌2} (2)

GOSSO: 𝑍 = min {𝑌1, 𝑌2} (3)

The resulting statistic 𝑍 is finally scaled by the 𝛼 scaling factor in order to determine the

threshold value. The value of the 𝛼 parameter determines the probabilities of False Alarm (FA)

and Missed Detection (MD), and need to be set accordingly by the user.

For the GOSGO and GOSSO algorithms the log2-domain input power sample implementation is

directly equivalent to the linear one, since both the sorting and max/min operations produce

equivalent (log2-domain) values for 𝑍. The only difference is that the threshold value is

produced by scaling 𝑍 additively with 𝛽 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝛼. On the other hand a direct log2-domain

implementation of the GOSCA algorithm is not normally equivalent to the linear-domain

implementation, since log2(𝑌1 + 𝑌2) ≠ log2(𝑌1) + log2(𝑌2). However in esi-CFAR an equivalent

log2-domain result to the linear domain one is obtained by post processing.

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In the CASH and CA-CFAR algorithms the 𝑌1, 𝑌2 stastics are produced through sample

averaging over the leading and lagging windows respectively. Averaging is performed in the

linear power domain and conversion in log2-domain is performed prior to the application of the

non-linear/linear operation as shown in Fig.2. In CASH-CFAR, the log2-converted averaged

power samples are processed through MAX and MIN operations, as described in [5] and

associated patents. On the other hand, in CA/CAGO/CASO-CFAR the log2-domain processing is

similar to the GOS-CFAR as per (1)-(3)2. As with the GOS-CFAR, threshold scaling in

CASH/CA-CFAR is performed additively using 𝛽 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝛼.

As discussed in Section 2, the eSi-CFAR allows real-time reconfiguration of the algorithm

parameters through the APB interface:

CFAR algorithm; GOS-CFAR or CASH/CA-CFAR, or both

Processed block size

Leading/Lagging window sizes3

Number of guard cells

Ordered statistic indices in the GOS-CFAR algorithms

Averaging sub-window sizes in CASH-CFAR algorithm

Leading/Lagging statistics combining approach in GOS-CFAR and CA/CAGO/CASO-

CFAR, as given in (1)-(3)

Threshold scaling parameter in log2 domain

Reconfiguration of algorithm parameters takes effect when the ‘register_reprogram’ input

signal is pulsed for the duration of at least 1 clock cycle. While this signal is held high the core

remains in a reset state, and therefore needs to be de-asserted in order for the core to begin

data processing under the new parameter configuration. Note that register_reprogram should

not be asserted when the core is busy processing a frame of data.

5.1 Choosing algorithm parameters

Choosing the most suitable CFAR algorithm and related algorithmic configuration parameters

is dependent on the characteristics of the radar operating environment, and therefore subject

to system performance analysis, which needs to be performed by the core’s user

Some general guidelines on selecting the most suitable CFAR algorithm can be found in [1-5].

In dynamic environments, where there can be step transitions in clutter power, and also

multiple closely spaced targets can occur, the GOS-CFAR and CASH-CFAR algorithms are

known to perform more robustly and consistently, relative to CA-CFAR algorithms.

Furthermore, the ‘GO’ type of CFAR algorithms are known to provide improved robustness

relative to the ‘CA’ and ‘SO’ types, in environments with step transitions in clutter power. On

the other hand the ‘SO’ type of CFAR algorithms are known to provide improved robustness

relative to the ‘CA’ and ‘GO’ types, in environments where multiple closely spaced targets can


The window size selection for the leading/lagging windows also depends on general system

assumptions. In principle increasing the window sizes improves the detection performance, but

also increases susceptibility to interferers (e.g. nearby targets) and clutter transition regions.

Since the window sizes have a direct relationship with physical distances, informed selections

for this parameter can be made for the given type of operating environment.

2 In CA-CFAR the right side of (1) is actually scaled by ½. 3 In the CASH/CA-CFAR algorithms, the leading/lagging window sizes are selected as a power of 2.

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Guard-cells prevent detection performance deterioration due to self-interference, which is

caused by the spread of a target in multiple FFT output bins. This spread is dependent on the

type of windowing function which is applied prior to FFT. Using 2 guard cells on each side of

the CUT is sufficient for most windowing functions, however the core will operate as expected

without guard cells.

The additive threshold scaling parameter 𝛽 determines the False Alarm (FA) probability for a

given assumption regarding the statistical behaviour of the clutter, and also the corresponding

Detection Probability (DP) for a given (per bin) SNR value. Selections based on theoretical

formulas for the Sweling 2 clutter model for the GOS and CA CFAR algorithms are available in


In the GOS, GOSGO, GOSSO algorithms, the index for the extracted sorted statistic in each

window is commonly around ½ of the window size, although more optimised selections can be

made by the user depending on detailed analysis of the operating environment.

5.2 Theoretical formulas for False Alarm and Detection Probabilities in the CFAR algorithms assuming Swerling 2 clutter model

Theoretical formulas for the FA and DP of the GOS and CA CFAR algorithms supported in esi-

CFAR for a Swerling 2 statistical clutter model, are provided in Appendix A. No such formulas

are available for the CASH-CFAR algorithm.

5.3 Scilab Scripts for computing DP and the 𝜷 threshold scaling


Scilab4 scripts are provided for aiding the user in computing the DP, given in Appendix A, for

any given selection of the GOS and CA CFAR algorithm parameters and targeted FA rate.

The provided Scilab files are located in:


The main Scilab script file to be edited is: cfar_scale_compute.sci

The script allows selection for the following algorithm parameters:

CFAR algorithm (‘cfar_algo’)

Target FA probability (‘Pfa_target’)

Leading window size (‘M’)

Lagging window size (‘N’)

Leading window sort index (‘k’) ; relevant for GOSCA/GOSGO/GOSSO-CFAR

Lagging window sort index (‘l’) ; relevant for GOSCA/GOSGO/GOSSO-CFAR

Assumed SNR in dB per bin for computing DP

4 Scilab is similar to Matlab. It is freely available at :

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The script also runs a bisection bracketing algorithm in order to compute the value for the 𝛽

threshold scaling parameter for any set of selected parameters.

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6 Simulation Models and RTL Verification

Initial development of eSi-CFAR was based on Matlab models, which allowed verifying the

system-level functionality of supported CFAR algorithms. These Matlab models can be found



Simulation models for the GOS-CFAR algorithms are included in: gos_cfar_log.m

Simulation models for the CASH/CA-CFAR algorithms are included in: cash_ca_cfar.m

The above Matlab models are consistent with the RTL implementation of the CFAR algorithms,

but are nearly bit-exact.

A C++ based bit-exact model for the implemented CFAR cores is available in:


This C++ model is used within the RTL testbench for a randomised co-simulation of the CFAR

core. In particular the RTL testbench uses the ‘’ file, which is generated by running the

‘build.csh’ script from \esi_7569_cfar\sw\. It is noted that compilation of the ‘cfar.cpp’

makes use of systemc libraries (see within ‘build.csh’).

Running ‘build.csh’ also copies the ‘’ file in \esi_7569_cfar\hw\sim, which is the

required destination. RTL simulation is based on randomised tests generated by the testbench

files within: \esi_7569_cfar\hw\tbench.

The main testbench file is: multi_cfar_tb.v. In order to concentrate simulation in setups of

interest, there are a few core parameters which are specified at the very top within

multi_cfar_tb.v. These parameters are:

Input i/q sample bit-width (‘data_width_in’)

Maximum CFAR leading/lagging window size and log2 equivalent (‘wind_size’ and


FFT block size (‘samples_per_block’)

Number of randomised test per simulation run (‘number_of_tests’)

The remaining of the algorithm configuration parameters as well as randomised i/q data

samples are produced randomly by making use of

Simulation is run from \esi_7569_cfar\sw\, by first running the compilation script:

\scripts\rand_stim\ and subsequently the simulation script:


It is noted that running the simulation requires a license for SV randomize feature.

The simulation will run for the number of specified randomised tests. Each test will first run

three consecutive data blocks in sequence with no gaps between the blocks. A second group of

three blocks will then be run with small gaps between them. Finally a third group of three

blocks will be run with small gaps between the blocks and also small gaps between i/q

samples within blocks.

Simulation will end in failure if a mismatch is detected between the outputs of the RTL and the

C++ model. A wave file for the simulation is available in \esi_7569_cfar\sw\

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7 References

[1] R. Perez-Andrade, R. Cumpildo, C. Feregrino-Uribe, F. Martin Del Campo, “A versatile

hardware architecture for constant false alrm rate processor based on a linear insertion

sorter”, Elsevier Digital Signal Processing, No. 20, 2010.

[2] Y. He, “Performance of some generalized modified order statistics CFAR detectors with

automatic censoring technique in multiple target situations,” IEE Proc. Radar Sonar

Navig., Issue 141, No. 4, pp. 205-212, 1994.

[3] H. Rohling, “Radar CFAR thresholding in clutter and multiple target situations,” IEEE

Trans. Aerospace Electron. Syst., Issue 19, No. 4, pp. 608-621, 1983.

[4] M. A. Richards, Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing, McGraw Hill, 2005.

[5] F. X. Hofele, An Innovative CFAR Algorithm, CIE Intern. Conf. on Radar, 2001.

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Appendix A : Theoretical formulas for False Alarm and Detection

Probabilities in the CFAR algorithms assuming Swerling 2 clutter model


𝑃𝐹𝐴 = (1 +𝛼



𝑃𝐷 = (1 +𝛼

𝑁(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))


𝑁 : is the total window size (sum of leading and lagging window sizes)

SNR : is the assumed per FFT-bin SNR in linear scale 𝛼 : is the multiplicative threshold scaling factor


𝑃𝐹𝐴 = 2 (2 +𝛼



{∑ (𝑁 − 1 + 𝑘

𝑘) (2 +






𝑃𝐷 = 2 (2 +𝛼

𝑁(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))


{∑ (𝑁 − 1 + 𝑘

𝑘) (2 +


𝑁(1 +)




𝑁 : is the window size of the leading (or lagging) window

SNR : is the assumed per FFT-bin SNR in linear scale 𝛼 : is the multiplicative threshold scaling factor


𝑛) : is the enumeration of combinations of 𝑛 elements over 𝑁 elements.


𝑃𝐹𝐴 = 2 [(1 +𝛼



− (2 +𝛼



{∑ (𝑁 − 1 + 𝑘

𝑘) (2 +






𝑃𝐷 = 2 [(1 +𝛼

𝑁(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))


− (2 +𝛼

𝑁(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))


{∑ (𝑁 − 1 + 𝑘

𝑘) (2 +


𝑁(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))




𝑁 : is the window size of the leading (or lagging) window

SNR : is the assumed per FFT-bin SNR in linear scale 𝛼 : is the multiplicative threshold scaling factor


𝑛) : is the enumeration of combinations of 𝑛 elements over 𝑁 elements.

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𝑃𝐹𝐴 = 𝑘 (𝑀


Γ(𝑀 − 𝑘 + 1 + 𝛼)Γ(𝑘)

Γ(𝑀 + 1 + 𝛼) 𝑙 (



Γ(𝑁 − 𝑙 + 1 + 𝛼)Γ(𝑙)

Γ(𝑁 + 1 + 𝛼)

𝑃𝐷 = 𝑘 (𝑀


Γ (𝑀 − 𝑘 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅)) Γ(𝑘)

Γ (𝑀 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))

𝑙 (𝑁


Γ (𝑁 − 𝑙 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅)) Γ(𝑙)

Γ (𝑁 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))

𝑁 : is the window size of the leading window

𝑀 : is the window size of the laging window

𝑘 : is the selected index of the sorted leading window (possible values; 1:N)

𝑙 : is the selected index of the sorted lagging window (possible values; 1:M)

Γ( ) : is the ‘Gamma’ function

𝛼 : is the multiplicative threshold scaling factor

SNR : is the assumed per FFT-bin SNR in linear scale


𝑛) : is the enumeration of combinations of 𝑛 elements over 𝑁 elements.


𝑃𝐹𝐴 = 𝑘 (𝑀

𝑘) ∑ (





Γ(𝑀 − 𝑘 + 1 + 𝑁 − 𝑗 + 𝛼)Γ(𝑘 + 𝑗)

Γ(𝑀 + 𝑁 + 1 + 𝛼)+ 𝑙 (


𝑙) ∑ (





Γ(𝑁 − 𝑙 + 1 + 𝑀 − 𝑖 + 𝛼)Γ(𝑙 + 𝑖)

Γ(𝑀 + 𝑁 + 1 + 𝛼)

𝑃𝐷 = 𝑘 (𝑀

𝑘) ∑ (





Γ (𝑀 − 𝑘 + 1 + 𝑁 − 𝑗 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅)) Γ(𝑘 + 𝑗)

Γ (𝑀 + 𝑁 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))

+ 𝑙 (𝑁

𝑙) ∑ (





Γ (𝑁 − 𝑙 + 1 + 𝑀 − 𝑖 + 𝛼𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅)) Γ(𝑙 + 𝑖)

Γ (𝑀 + 𝑁 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))

𝑁 : is the window size of the leading window

𝑀 : is the window size of the laging window

𝑘 : is the selected index of the sorted leading window (possible values; 1:N)

𝑙 : is the selected index of the sorted lagging window (possible values; 1:M)

Γ( ) : is the ‘Gamma’ function

𝛼 : is the multiplicative threshold scaling factor

SNR : is the assumed per FFT-bin SNR in linear scale


𝑛) : is the enumeration of combinations of 𝑛 elements over 𝑁 elements.

Page 17: eSi-CFAR - EnSilicaCASH/CA-CFAR Inputs cash_window_cells_exp Input 3 Exponent of 2 for defining the number of active cells in leading/lagging windows to be averaged in CASH/CA-CFAR


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𝑃𝐹𝐴 = 𝑘 (𝑀

𝑘) [

Γ(𝑀 − 𝑘 + 1 + 𝛼)Γ(𝑘)

Γ(𝑀 + 1 + 𝛼)− ∑ (





Γ(𝑀 − 𝑘 + 1 + 𝑁 − 𝑗 + 𝛼)Γ(𝑘 + 𝑗)

Γ(𝑀 + 𝑁 + 1 + 𝛼)]

+ 𝑙 (𝑁

𝑙) [

Γ(𝑁 − 𝑙 + 1 + 𝛼)Γ(𝑙)

Γ(𝑁 + 1 + 𝛼)− ∑ (





Γ(𝑁 − 𝑙 + 1 + 𝑀 − 𝑖 + 𝛼)Γ(𝑙 + 𝑖)

Γ(𝑀 + 𝑁 + 1 + 𝛼)]

𝑃𝐷 = 𝑘 (𝑀

𝑘) [

Γ (𝑀 − 𝑘 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅)) Γ(𝑘)

Γ (𝑀 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))

− ∑ (𝑁




Γ (𝑀 − 𝑘 + 1 + 𝑁 − 𝑗 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅)) Γ(𝑘 + 𝑗)

Γ (𝑀 + 𝑁 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))


+ 𝑙 (𝑁

𝑙) [

Γ (𝑁 − 𝑙 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅)) Γ(𝑙)

Γ (𝑁 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))

− ∑ (𝑀




Γ (𝑁 − 𝑙 + 1 + 𝑀 − 𝑖 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅)) Γ(𝑙 + 𝑖)

Γ (𝑀 + 𝑁 + 1 +𝛼

(1 + 𝑆𝑁𝑅))


𝑁 : is the window size of the leading window

𝑀 : is the window size of the laging window

𝑘 : is the selected index of the sorted leading window (possible values; 1:N)

𝑙 : is the selected index of the sorted lagging window (possible values; 1:M)

Γ( ) : is the ‘Gamma’ function

𝛼 : is the multiplicative threshold scaling factor

SNR : is the assumed per FFT-bin SNR in linear scale


𝑛) : is the enumeration of combinations of 𝑛 elements over 𝑁 elements.

Page 18: eSi-CFAR - EnSilicaCASH/CA-CFAR Inputs cash_window_cells_exp Input 3 Exponent of 2 for defining the number of active cells in leading/lagging windows to be averaged in CASH/CA-CFAR


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8 Revision History



Date Description

1.0 03/09/2013 Initial release 1.2 29/09/2014 CASH-CFAR supported as an option in the CA-CFAR core Control

register updated accordingly. Input is now linear power instead

of i/q samples. 1.3 7/10/2014 Updated-corrected Overview Section with up-to-date core

features 1.4 20/4/2015 Added Section 3.1. Updated Section 4. Updated description of

‘register_reprogram’ signal in Table 2.

Table 3: Revision History