escuela de rosario english area ciencias humanas

Rosario English Area Escuela de Ciencias Humanas

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Rosario English AreaEscuela de Ciencias Humanas

Page 2: Escuela de Rosario English Area Ciencias Humanas

6th semester

My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal



I am a medical student and I am in seventh semester. I am half Colombian, half Italian. I grew up in England and lived there for more than 10 years. Therefore, I grew up in a multicultural family which I believe has taught me many things and opened up my perspectives on the world and diverse matters which I am very grateful for.

I enjoy learning new languages, watching �lms, sewing, fashion, cooking, and drawing. I like to consider myself quite a creative person. I am very social, too so I love spending time with my friends and family.


I am looking for an opportunity to grow on a personal and professional level. I love English and thanks to my experience I am looking forward to helping students learn and become more con�dent in the language seeing it as a skill that overtime has become crucial to open new doors an opportunities.

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6th semester

My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal



English knowledge is important in academic �elds, in personal life, but also, because Universidad del Rosario demands from its students to have a good language level. Therefore, My English Pal program o�ers ways of practicing and improving this language and that’s why I found it as a great opportunity to enhance my own English skills and considering I love to help others, I’m convinced we can all help and learn from each other in a very friendly environment.

I love physical activity and exercise, so I’m passionate about human movement, I like performing arts such as music, aerial silk, dancing, acting, among others; also, two years ago, I was able to discover I liked cooking too, especially desserts and cakes. I consider myself as a very creative person, so I like to keep constantly doing something.


I was born in Bogotá, on January 20th 2002 and studied my preschool, primary and secondary education at Melanie Klein School. It is a bilingual institution, where I received the bilingual academic high school graduate diploma. This has opened many doors that I know will lead me to the success I want to reach in the future.

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My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal



When I was in high school, I made the decision to understand what my favorite songs were saying. I wanted to know their meaning without translating it into Spanish. My motivation was maybe not the best, but I was successful and had the privilege to learn English by myself with the resources I found online. My parents didn't have the money to pay me an English course, so I know how hard it could be to stay focused and at the same time �nd where to start or what is next.

Being an English pal means that I could help others understand things that are not clear, while encouraging them to �nd their own method, and allow themselves to be afraid, as we all once were.

I love nature and warm weather. When I am able to travel I enjoy going outside and walking around seeing any little animal that crosses my way. I feel happy seeing birds being free and singing on their way home. I like going to swim and stay by the sun. When I'm in Bogotá, I prefer staying at home and watching Korean dramas under my blankets. It's really rare the day I go out on my free days.


I was born in Bogotá on June 17th 2000, I have lived there all my life. I am in my 4th year of International Business Management. Nowadays, because of the global situation we are all facing, I have had the opportunity to travel to a small town in Santander called Charalá, where I discovered a whole new world and found things that I didn't know I liked. I hope, once I am able to �nish university, I can travel to a place where the weather is nice and people are not so stressful as in Bogotá, so I can work and continue with my studies.

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My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal



I have always been passionate about teaching. One of my main life aspirations, is to become a teacher so, in My English Pal program, I have found an amazing opportunity to acquire more abilities to make the learning process as comfortable as possible, as well as to practice and improve the communication with others.

I’m passionate about debating, reading, writing, photography, watching movies, and learning anything in general. I’m addicted to music (I’m not joking, I’m always listening to music). Furthermore, I enjoy walking through parks, museums, or anywhere.�


I was born in Ibagué in July 1998, as the oldest son. I studied in a bilingual school, in which the majority of classes were in English. Nowadays, I am a member of the debating team of the university, so debating in English is one of my hobbies. I started studying journalism at the university, and then I decided to do a double major in International Relations because I am deeply interested in international a�airs and the relations among all the di�erent social sciences. I am passionate about learning things in general.

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My hobbies

My motivation to be and English pal



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My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal


I always wanted to be able to talk and connect with people around the world. Moreover, the English language has become a fundamental tool in �nding a job, pursuing better salaries, studying abroad, etc. Taking that into account, as a monitor, I will be able not only to improve my own English but also to teach others new ways and forms to learn it. When learning another language, we face di�erent barriers as lack of motivation and time availability. It motivates me to be able to help others to overcome those barriers and to develop new strategies to improve their learning process.

In my free time I enjoy taking dance lessons. I`ve been practicing ballet since I was thirteen years old. Now, I’m taking classes on other styles such as dancehall, hip hop, tap dancing, and jazz. I also play the piano sometimes. I also like learning new languages. Currently, I’m learning Portuguese and French. I enjoy watching movies and series, mostly musicals. I’m a musical theater fan.


I was born on February 15, 2001, in Bogotá, Colombia. I grew up with my mother, my father, and my little sister. My English journey started when I was in primary school, where all classes were taught in English. Later, in 5th grade, I transferred to another school with intensive English courses. Since then, I became more �uent.

Later, I got the opportunity of living in Canada for six months. There, I improved my academic English. I came back, and now I’m double majoring in international relations and Economics so that one day I can contribute to the development and economic growth of global southern countries.

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My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal


I have always loved languages and since I was a child, I felt that I had the ability to learn English in an easy way. That is why I would always help my friends to prepare themselves for English exams at school. When I learned about My English Pal program at the university, I thought it would be a great experience and a way to help others that may struggle with the language. Also, it could make me grow as a person, meet other people, and have the chance to improve my own skills.

I love traveling and visiting towns with my family and friends. I also love dancing and singing in the car, although I’m a really bad singer. Languages are my passion, especially English and French. I love spending time in the countryside, watching sunsets and taking walks with my dogs. Not having things planned and just letting them be is my perfect plan for the weekend.


I was born in Bogotá on June 21st, 1999. I’m 22 years old and I live near Bogotá, in a town called Cota. I’m an International Relations student and right now I’m in my last semester, I’m doing my internship. I’m a big fan of food, co�ee, and small towns.

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My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal


For me, being excellent, academically speaking, was a must. This was the rule until I started studying at a bilingual school when I was 11. This life-turn moment was di�cult for me as my peers already knew English and we used to take their normal classes in English (such as mathematics or biology) while I couldn’t. I had to skip my art classes in order to take extra lessons of English as well as a private tutor in my house that the school provided. This was challenging for me because it was holding me back in other subjects; this made me realize that it is di�cult to attend classes in a foreign language. As time went by, I started to understand what the teachers were saying and �nally I was able to succeed again. That is the main reason I would like to be an English Pal so I can help student come full circle in their subjects or in a day-to-day scenario.

I really love to dance and to watch series (in its original language and subbed). I like to learn about di�erent cultures and languages and share mine, too. That is why I'm studying Portuguese, Italian and Japanese. I spend some of my spare time with my friends and family doing di�erent activities.


I'm 22 years old. I was born in Bucaramanga and I am currently living in Cartagena. I'm an international business student. I'm doing my internship at a consulting �rm called Broggini Partners, an Italian company specialized in internationalization processes.

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I really enjoy reading a good book, learning languages, traveling and writing. Also, I've got a huge passion for mythology and astronomy; I could spend hours and hours talking about it.

My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal

I´ve always had a passion for helping others, specially when it comes to learning a new language. I know it can be scary to be wrong, but I believe being a Mentor will be an opportunity to lend a helping hand for those who want to learn and want to be able to communicate through English.


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My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal


Becoming an English Pal to me means a chance to take part in a program which has the aim to, not only motivate fellow UR classmates in their English learning process, but also to strengthen their skills through di�erent interactive spaces. Helping others I �nd to be one of my life meanings, and being able to do it by teaching a language which I have loved since I was �ve, just made it the ideal opportunity for me to do so!

I am keen on photography, particularly in portrait-stye, I love dancing Latin-American genres like bachata and merengue, and I like traveling and learning new languages :) I also enjoy listening to music and writing stories which I use as tools to let out all my emotions and thoughts.


I am twenty years old and since I was a kid, I remember being fond into learning foreign languages. After years of great e�ort, currently I speak French, English, and a little bit of German. I am here to tell you that it is possible to master any language when you put commitment, motivation and constant practice to your studies; that is exactly why I decided to become an English Pal: to encourage fellow English-learners in their process and to help with those tips I have come to learn during my years of studies, as well as through the multiple teaching experiences I have had with classmates who have struggled in their process of excelling at a new language! Come join me in one of my sessions and we can get to know each other a little better while working on your English level!

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My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal


Being a tutor not only allows me to help others but also to improve my language and communication skills. Through My English Pal program, I have the opportunity to grow as a person and to create a good environment for the university. This makes me proud and eager to continue being a part of such an amazing community.

I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, going out to eat, or just hanging out with them. I love to travel and to get to know new cultures, people, and places. I also like listening to music and watching series and movies during my free time. Lastly, I like drawing and practicing lettering styles.


I was born on the 14th of July in Hartford, Connecticut in the United States. However, I have always lived in Bogotá with both my parents and my two older sisters. I speak English since I was 4 years old thanks to my school and its great education. I am currently studying International Relations and Political Science and could not be prouder to call myself a Rosarista student. I like helping people while they learn new things and �nd it interesting how I also learn from their process.

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My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal


My motivation to be an English pal is to be able to help a fellow student continue their education. If it comes down to the acquisition of knowledge, it is just not fair that a student cannot move on with their selected major or career because there is no one available to help them reach the university’s English requirements. All it takes is a bit of solidarity to help someone expand the opportunities life has to o�er by mastering an additional language such as English.

My hobbies include reading, playing sports, listening to music, playing the guitar and ukulele; and hanging out with my dog.


I was born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia as an only child. I’ve had the opportunity to live life as an exchange student in both the UK and Canada; and I’ve also learned a lot by traveling as well as being part of English-speaking communities in my own city. One of life’s pleasures I enjoy the most is reading a good book while drinking a good cup of co�ee in whatever hidden cafe I stumble on.

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My hobbies

My motivation to be an English Pal


I would like to be an English Pal because of what English represents for the Rosarista Community nowadays. I would like it to be one of the ways to serve our university.

I like to read literature, I like watching movies and going out with my friends. I like to dedicate myself to my goals and my dreams. I like learning new languages and things. I like to o�er my help to anyone that may need it.


I was born in Medellín, Colombia. I am a double-major student in Political Science and Government and Jurisprudence. I grew up with my mother, father and sister. My English journey started when I was in preschool, since then English has been a fundamental part of my life.

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My hobbies

My motivation to be and English pal



7th semester