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Networks Charges for Connection to the Distribution System 2010 Revision 10 Status: Approved Commercial and Customer Asset Management ESB Networks

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Charges for Connection to the Distribution System


Revision 10 Status: Approved

Commercial and Customer

Asset Management ESB Networks

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1.0 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT .............................................................................................. 3

2.0 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................ 3

3.0 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN THIS DOCUMENT ................................................. 5

4.0 PRINCIPLES OF THE CONNECTION CHARGES .......................................................... 6

5.0 CONNECTION CHARGE CALCULATION .................................................................. 7 5.1 Standard MIC Charge ................................................................................................................. 8 5.2 Network Charges ........................................................................................................................ 8 5.3 Trenching Charge ....................................................................................................................... 8 5.4 Exceptional Costs ....................................................................................................................... 9 5.5 Shared Network Charge ............................................................................................................. 9

6.0 APPLICATION OF CONNECTION CHARGES ......................................................... 10 6.1 Domestic Non-Scheme Connection Charges ........................................................................... 10 6.2 Housing Scheme Connection Charges ..................................................................................... 12 6.3 Business Connection Charges .................................................................................................. 13 6.4 Situations where Standard Charges do not apply ......................................................................... 18

7.0 REVIEW ARRANGEMENTS ......................................................................................... 21

APPENDIX 1: ......................................................................................................................... 22


APPENDIX 2: ......................................................................................................................... 37

REFUNDS IN RESPECT OF SHARED NETWORK ............................................................... 37

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1.0 About This Document This document has two purposes:

• It sets out the basis of calculation of charges for connection to the Distribution System that are payable by individual customers, whether domestic or business. Charges in respect of infrastructure for large multi-customer developments such as business parks are determined according to different rules and are dealt with in the Business Parks Policy.

• It includes a statement of standard charges for 2008 in Appendix 1. CER approval of these charges is required under the Electricity Regulation Act and the Distribution System Operator licence.

2.0 Scope This document describes connection charges payable for providing individual

connection points for users of the Distribution System.

It does not describe the connection process or the Distribution Use of System tariffs. These are described in more detail in the following documents which can be found on ESB Networks website (

Related Documents of Interest to Customers Connected to the Distribution System

No. Document Title Source Issue Date

1 Guide to the Process for Connection to the Distribution System

DSO September 2007

2 Distribution Use of System Tariffs DSO September 2008

3 Distribution System Security and Planning Standards (demand customers only)

DSO September 2003

4 Business Parks Policy DSO January 2004

Details of the user categories and distribution nominal voltages are given in the Distribution Code.

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1 Generators do not pay DUoS charges on exported energy but pay Operating and Maintenance Charges. DUoS charges on imported energy are based on the unit charges appropriate to the business DUoS group; generators do not pay standing charges or capacity charges.

Table 1. Users of the Distribution System

User Type Connection Voltage

User Category (Distribution Code)

DUoS Tariff Code Description

Domestic and Farm

LV B4 DG1 Housing Schemes, Small Domestic Developments, Single Houses, Apartments and Farm Buildings


Business (Commercial and Industrial)

LV A4, A5, B3, B4 DG3, DG5, DG5A, DG5B, DG6, DG6A, DG6B,

All Connections


38 kV B1(38 kV only) DG8, DG8A, DG8B, DG9, DG9A, DG9B

110 kV B1 (110 kV only) DG10 Section 6.4.7 below.

Embedded Generators

LV, MV, 38 & 110 kV

A1, A2, A3 - 1 DG5A, DG6A, DG7A, DG8A, DG9A

All Connections

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3.0 Definitions of Terms Used in This Document In general, the definitions of terms used in this document are the same as in the Distribution Connection Agreements (see 1.0 Definitions and Interpretation, General Conditions for connection of Industrial and Commercial customers to the Distribution System, pp 3 – 9).

The definitions of terms particular to this document are given below.

Term Definition

Network Station Distribution Transformer Substation, usually with a primary voltage of 38 kV or 110 kV and an MV secondary voltage. The secondary is connected in to the local MV network.

Switching Station In the context of this document, a switching substation connected at 38 kV or 110 kV primary voltage.

Common Costs Common costs of a substation consist of the costs of the site, the building plus the equipment, which are shared by all users connected to the substation.

Thus the costs of those items of electrical equipment through which current drawn by every user connected to the station must pass are included in the common costs.

Shared Network

Electrical Network (e.g. common network station equipment/site, transmission network connecting that station to the system and any associated remote end station works) used to connect more than one of the cluster generators to the existing network. This excludes transmission/distribution network downstream of the network station.

Stranded Asset Any asset constructed to cater for the existing MIC that is now deemed not necessary for the reduced MIC.

Dedicated Connection Asset Electrical network (lines, cables, switchgear etc.) used to connect a single user to the transmission or distribution system. The connection asset is specific to the user and does not form part of the connection to any other user.

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Term Definition

Distribution System Operator (DSO)

ESB in its role as Distribution System Operator licence holder.

Least-cost technically-acceptable solution

The term that describes the cheapest connection method that meets the requirements in the Planning and Security Standards and the Distribution Code

Maximum Export Capacity (MEC)

The amount of electricity referred to as being the “Maximum Export Capacity” in the Connection Agreement.

Maximum Import Capacity (MIC)

The amount of electricity referred to as being the “Maximum Import Capacity” in the Connection Agreement.

Disturbing Load Electrical load that causes voltage disturbance or waveform distortion on networks affecting voltage quality for other users of the distribution system.

Distribution System Security and Planning Standards (demand customers only)

A document submitted by DSO to CER for approval under the terms of its licence. The document outlines the DSO’s approach to the development of network and how the connection of new loads and embedded generators to the Distribution System is assessed.

4.0 Principles of the Connection Charges

Equality of Treatment

Under the Electricity Regulation Act, 1999, ESB has the following obligation:

“Where providing for use of the transmission or distribution system or where offering terms for the carrying out of works for the purpose of connection to the transmission or distribution system of the Board, the Board shall not discriminate unfairly as between any persons or classes of persons.”

In the context of connection charges, this can be interpreted as follows:

Customers with similar capacity requirements should bear similar charges subject to considerations of economic efficiency.

Economic Efficiency For reasons of economic efficiency, the method of connection to the network is the Least Cost Technically Acceptable Solution (LCTAS).

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The LCTAS is defined as the solution which is technically acceptable and which results in the least cost being incurred by the DSO in implementing the solution and which facilitates the long term development of the electricity network in the area. The process of choosing the LCTAS is specific to each case and is detailed in the Distribution System Security and Planning Standards. Any additional costs incurred by ESB Networks in providing a connection, which is deemed by ESB Network to be over and above the LCTAS, are borne in full by the customer or developer. There are situations where standard charges are not applicable and where connection charges are calculated on a case by case basis.

Examples of cases where costs above the least-cost technically-acceptable solution arise are:

- Disturbing Loads installed by the customer. These can effectively require an increased capacity over and above the nominal capacity (MIC).

- Requests by the customer to use underground cable where overhead line would normally be used.

- Requests by the customer to site a substation required for connection in a non-optimal location requiring extra construction costs or extra telecoms and other costs.

- Higher security than required under the Distribution Code.


Any system of connection charges should be as simple as possible. This has a number of advantages:

- Faster quotations for customers.

- Easy for the customer to understand

- Reduced administrative overheads

- Reduction in auditing overhead

5.0 Connection Charge Calculation The connection charge for a customer is made up of the following:

- Standard MIC Charge

- Network Charge

- Trenching Charge

- Exceptional charge

- Shared Network Charge

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5.1 Standard MIC Charge

Standard charges are intended to recover part of the DSO’s costs in providing new connections. The method for calculating standard charges is as follows:

1. Establish the range of least cost technically acceptable connection methods

2. For each of these valid connection methods calculate

- Connection Asset Charge. This is 50% of the cost of the dedicated connection asset. It includes the cost of installing metering, cables/lines and DSO equipment in the user’s terminal station necessary to effect the connection.

- Capacity Charge (Only for Business Customers). This is an average charge per kVA for reinforcement of the existing system. It consists of

o 50% of the cost of the customer’s share of the capacity of the MV/LV substation.

o 25% of the average cost of network reinforcement. (Only applies for business customers with an MIC of 500 kVA or greater)

3. Determine the proportion of actual connections accounted for by each of the valid connection methods, i.e. the weighting factors.

4. Calculate the standard charge as a weighted average of the charges for the set of valid connection methods.

5.2 Network Charges

For standard 12kVA and enhanced 16kVA domestic one-off connections and housing schemes the standard MIC charge includes MV network costs within defined distance criteria, outside these criteria additional MV network charges apply based on standard MV network charges. For 20kVA and 29kVA special connections to domestic customers the standard MIC charge does not include network charges. Where applicable standard network charges per metre are used. For business customers and domestic customers with apartment connections the standard MIC charge does not include network charges, where applicable standard network charges per metre are used.

5.3 Trenching Charge

The customer is required to provide all trenching free of charge to ESB both inside and outside the site (except for single urban domestic dwellings, see below). For the avoidance of doubt, trenching on the customer site is always the responsibility of the customer.

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Where however at the request of the customer ESB arranges to have the trenching outside of the customer site carried out by a contractor, the cost of the trenching is included in the quotation and is based on either a firm quotation from the contractor or standard trenching charges as listed in Appendix 1.

For single urban domestic dwellings the standard charge includes the cost of up to 50m of trenching (excavation, ducting and reinstatement) from the dwelling. Once again for clarity this does not include trenching required on the customer site.

5.4 Exceptional Costs These costs include

- High Trenching Costs

Where the actual trenching charge is over 110% of the standard trenching charge then the customer will be charged the full contractor trenching charge. (This will only arise where ESB arrange for trenching on behalf of the customer and the customer is quoted using standard trenching charges)

- Additional Charges

Local authority road opening charges and any wayleave, easement or other costs imposed by third parties are charged in full.

- Supplementary Charges (Business Only)

Supplementary charges apply to business customers where the length of the feeding network is exceptional. This is because of the extra cost of providing capacity on these networks.

5.5 Shared Network Charge

A shared network charge / refund applies in cases where a connection to a new customer makes use of the connection asset of an existing customer, see appendix 2.

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6.0 Application of Connection Charges

6.1 Domestic Non-Scheme Connection Charges

The total connection charge for domestic non-scheme customers is the sum of the following five charges: 1) Standard charge (available for the following connection types)

- 12kVA Family Apartment new connection - 12kVA new connection - 12kVA to 16kVA upgrade - 16kVA new connection - 20kVA new connection - 29kVA new connection

There are no standard charges for domestic upgrades to MIC >16kVA, charges are calculated using 50% of design costs.

Standard charges for the above connection types are listed in Table A1.0 in Appendix 1 and apply to: - 12kVA additional family apartment connections where an existing

12kVA or 16kVA connection exists in the same dwelling. - 12kVA and 16kVA rural connections located within 500m of existing MV

overhead network, measured as crow flies. - 12kVA and 16kVA urban connections within 50m of LV three phase

network, measured along route length to the nearest connection point. - 20kVA and 29kVA urban or rural domestic special connections

regardless of location. 2) MV Network Charges (additional network charges may apply as follows)

- Rural 12kVA and 16kVA domestic connections outside distance criteria

Up to 500m of MV network is included in the standard charge for 12kVA and 16kVA rural connections in (1) above. For any MV network between 500m and 1 km from the connection point, a 50% allowance is included in the standard MV network per meter charge listed in Table A8.

No allowance applies to MV network beyond 1km from the connection point , i.e. charge is twice the standard MV charge per metre.

- 20kVA and 29kVA special connections

The standard charge for 20kVA and 29kVA connections listed in (1) above does not include any MV network charge. Where MV network is required, standard MV network charges per metre are added . For any MV network up to 1km from the connection, a 50% allowance is included in the standard MV network per meter charge listed in Table A8. No allowance applies to MV network beyond 1km from the connection point, i.e. charge is twice the standard MV charge per metre.

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3) Trenching Charges (see section 5.3) 4) Exceptional Charges (see section 5.4) 5) Shared Network Charges (see section 5.5) Design Costs There are no standard charges for 3kVA non-dwelling connections. Charges are based on 50% of design costs. Any MV network required up to 1km from the connection point includes a 50% allowance. No allowance applies to MV network beyond 1km from the connection point i.e. charge is 100% of the cost of the MV network. Notes: Standard kVA capacities Domestic connections are only available for the standard capacities of 3kVA, 12kVA, 16kVA, 20kVA and 29kVA. Connections with an MIC of 30 kVA or greater are treated as business connections. 3kVA connections are not suitable for dwellings. Special connections Special connections of capacity 20kVA or 29kVA whether single phase or three phase are subject to a minimum charge equal to that of the enhanced 16kVA connection. Family Apartments A 12kVA Family Apartment connection is provided to cater for secondary metering of an extension or sub-division of an existing domestic dwelling for family use. It is electrically the same as a two-apartment development without the requirement for a landlord connection and shares the same service. The following criteria apply:

- Only one Family Apartment connection per dwelling. - For family use only, e.g. aged family member, not for sub-letting. - Proof of planning permission as a Family Apartment from the relevant

Local Authority may be requested. Where planning permission is not required, ESB Networks may require evidence of family use.

- The main dwelling and Family Apartment should be internally connected by means of an interconnecting door.

- The existing service must be adequate to cater for the main dwelling load as well as the proposed Family Apartment.

Where any of the criteria above are not met, the new connection may be dealt with as a standard 12kVA house or apartment development. The Family Apartment standard charge is listed in Table A1.0, Appendix 1.

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6.2 Housing Scheme Connection Charges

The total connection charge for domestic housing scheme customers is the sum of the following five charges: 1) Standard charge

Housing Schemes (20 or more houses)

The standard charge is based on the average length of roadway per house. Small Domestic Developments (2-19 houses) For developments up to 8 houses a single charge applies. For developments from 9 to 19 houses the charge depends on the average length of roadway per house. These standard charges are quoted in Tables A2.0 and A2.1, Appendix 1.

2) Network Charges The standard charges in (1) above include the costs of up to 500m of MV

network measured from the nearest housing scheme MV substation. Where more than 500m of MV network is required, additional network charges are applied as follows: - Between 500m and 1 km from a housing scheme MV substation, a

50% allowance is included in the standard MV network charges. (see Table A8).

- No allowances apply to network more than 1 km from a housing

scheme MV substation, i.e. charge is twice the standard MV network charge.

3) Trenching Charges (see section 5.3) 4) Exceptional Charges (see section 5.4) 5) Shared Network Charges (see section 5.5)

Design Costs The standard charges for housing schemes and small domestic developments assume the following conditions.

- Separate service per house. - Connection capacity of 12kVA. - For small domestic developments of between two and four houses the

average length of roadway per house is in the range of 1 to 50 metres. - For developments with five or more houses the average length of

roadway per house is in the range of 1 to 14 metres. - The development is completed within 3 years of payment of connection

charges. Where these conditions do not hold then the developer should be quoted on the basis of 50 % of design costs. No allowances apply to MV network more than 1 km from a housing scheme MV substation, i.e. charge is twice the standard MV network charge.

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6.3 Business Connection Charges

6.3.1 Single Business The connection charge for business customers is the sum of

- Standard Charge. The standard charge is based on the customer MIC,

refer to Tables A3 - A7 in Appendix 1.

- MV/HV Network Charge, see table below.

MV/HV Network Charge

Customer MIC <5,000 kVA

Customer MIC >5,000 kVA

New MV Network Standard MV network charge per metre

New HV Network

Connection via new HV/MV

substation No HV network charge

Charge 50% of attributable cost of new HV network, where attributable cost for new connection is (customer MIC/Firm capacity of substation)*Cost of new HV network. For increases in capacity the attributable cost is (Increase in MIC/Firm capacity of substation)*Cost of new HV network)1

Connection at HV

Charge 50% of the cost of new HV network. Where connection is via a new HV substation the customer is also charged 50% of attributable cost of new HV network to feed that substation where attributable cost is (Customer MIC/Firm capacity of substation)*Cost of new HV network.

- Trenching Charges. The customer is required to provide all trenching free of charge to ESB both inside and outside the site. Where at the request of the customer ESB arranges to have the trenching work outside the customer site carried out by a contractor, the cost of the trenching is included in the quotation.

1For the purposes of calculating HV network charges, any increases in MIC within 12 months of the requirement to construct the HV network will be taken as the relevant increase in MIC.

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Trenching on the customer site is always the responsibility of the customer.

Standard trenching charges are quoted in Table A8 Appendix 1.

- Exceptional Charges. Supplementary charges apply to business customers where the length of the feeding network is very long. This is because of the extra cost of providing capacity on these networks. Specifically they apply to

- MV customers, with a maximum import capacity in excess of 500kVA and located greater than 7km from a 38kV station. See Table A9, Appendix 1.

- 38kV customers, with a maximum import capacity in excess of 2,500kVA and connected to circuits longer than 18km between 110kV stations. See Table A10, Appendix 1.

Other exceptional charges are included such as high trenching costs, easement costs etc, see section 5.4.

- Shared Network Charges / Refunds. A shared network charge / refund

may apply in cases where a connection to a new customer makes use of the connection asset of an existing customer.

The shared network refund is paid to the customer who accepted the connection agreement / terms for the original connection. The shared network charge is paid by the customer who accepts the connection agreement / terms for the new connection. The value of the shared network charge / refund depends on

- Use of connection asset made by the customers. For shared MV/HV lines or cables this is based on the relative (import or export) capacities of the customers.

- The capital contribution originally charged in respect of the shared asset excluding any standard charge.

Details for eligibility and calculation of refunds in respect of shared network are given in Appendix 2.

Due to their interim nature, temporary connections do not provide permanent benefits to the customers availing of them. However, there are certain situations where the location and size of a connection have meant that the option of a temporary connection has conferred a substantial benefit. In these situations refunds may apply.

6.3.2 Increases in Capacity The charge for an increase in MIC is equal to the standard charge for the proposed capacity less that corresponding to the existing capacity. In cases where new MV/HV network is required, there is an additional charge which is calculated in the same way as for a new connection, as outlined in Section 6.3.1.

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New HV network may be required where either the increased MIC requires a new HV/MV substation or where the increased MIC requires a connection at HV. Any such HV network charge is additional to any MV network charge or increased capacity charge.

6.3.3 Reductions in Capacity

A charge may be made for a reduction in MIC depending on whether stranded assets remain following the reduction in MIC. If there are no stranded assets then the customer can be offered a revised Connection Agreement for the reduced MIC level free of capital charge. If there are stranded assets then the capital contribution for a reduced MIC level is the standard charge for the existing MIC level less the standard charge for the reduced MIC level less an allowance for DUoS paid since connection of the existing MIC.

Capital Contribution = [a-b-c]

a = Standard Connection Charge for the existing MIC level

b = Standard Connection Charge for the reduced MIC level

c = Allowances Recovered via DUoS

Allowances recovered are [(a-b)*n/20] where n is the number of years, or part of a year, that the customer was on the existing MIC level.

6.3.4 Multi-Business Development Centralised Metering

Where the metering for all the business customers is centralised at a single metering location the total connection charge for a multi-business development is the sum of: - Standard charge for total MIC

For business units the total MIC is the sum of the individual MIC’s at the common metering position (i.e. diversity is not taken into account).

- 50% of metering costs - Additional charges

MV / HV Network Charges, Trenching Charges, Exceptional Charges and Shared Network Charges are added as for a Single Business in section 6.3.1.

Example Ten Business Units: 15 kVA 3 phase connections. Metering for all the units centralised in one room. Sum MIC = 10 x 15 kVA = 150 kVA Connection Charge = Standard Charge for 150 kVA 3 phase Connection + 50% of Metering Costs + MV / HV Network Charges + Trenching Charges + Exceptional Charges + Shared Network Charges

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Non-Centralised Metering Where the metering for all the business customers is not centralised the total connection charge for a multi-business development is simply the sum of connection charges for the individual business customers.

6.3.5 Mixed Development

A mixed development is defined as a development which consists of a mixture of domestic and business customers. An apartment complex with a landlord connection is treated as a mixed development. Centralised Metering Where the metering for all the domestic and business customers is centralised at a single metering location (i.e. in one room) the connection charge for the mixed development is the sum of

- Standard Charge for Total MIC For commercial units the total MIC is the sum of the individual MIC’s at the common metering position (i.e. diversity is not taken into account). For domestic units the total MIC is the sum of the design MIC’s at the common metering position (i.e. diversity is taken into account).

- 50% of Metering Costs

- Additional Charges

MV / HV Network Charges, Trenching Charges, Exceptional Charges and Shared Network Charges are added as for a Single Business in section 6.3.1.

Example Three Business Units: (Two Shops 15 kVA, One Business 35kVA). Three Apartments & Landlord: (Apartment 12kVA, Landlord 15kVA). Metering for all the units is centralised in one room. Sum Business MIC = 15 kVA + 15 kVA + 35 kVA = 65 kVA Sum Apartments & Landlord MIC = 12 kVA + 2.5 kVA1 + 2.5 kVA + 15kVA = 32 kVA Total MIC = Sum Business MIC + Sum Apartment & Landlord MIC = 65 kVA + 32 kVA = 97 kVA Connection Charge = Standard Charge for 97 kVA Connection + 50% of Metering Costs + MV / HV Network Charge + Trenching Charges + Exceptional Charges + Shared Network Charges.

1 After Diversity Maximum Demand (ADMD) for 12kVA load is taken as 2.5kVA

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Non-Centralised Metering

Where the metering for all the domestic and business customers is not centralised the total connection charge for the mixed development is simply the sum of the connection charges for the individual business and domestic customers.

Apportionment of MV network charges in Mixed Developments

In a mixed development with a mixture of apartment / housing scheme / business connections the apportionment of MV network charges across the different quotations is made in the ratio of the MIC’s for the particular phase of the development being quoted. For example, if the MV cable length required in a development phase is 1,000 metres and

Total Apartment MIC 200kVA

Total Housing Scheme MIC 300kVA

Total Business MIC 500kVA

Therefore apportion MV network costs in the ratio of 2:3:5, i.e. 200m for apartment, 300m for housing scheme and 500m for business quotation.

6.3.6 Substation Sites and Buildings

Users of the Distribution System to be connected at MV are required to provide either a terminal substation room or building, free of charge to ESB Networks, as part of the arrangements to accept a connection. Users of the Distribution System to be connected at 38kV or 110kV are required to provide a site free of charge to ESB Networks and to carry out specific civil works.

Users of the Distribution System to be connected at LV may be required to provide a substation room or building or a plinth for a free-standing ‘unit’ substation, free of charge to ESB Networks, depending on the MIC and the capacity available on the local network. These requirements are set out in the ‘Distribution System Security and Planning Standards’.

In the case of a substation room or building, ESB Networks will provide a specification covering the dimensions and the construction details. Where a site is required, the specification for the dimensions and the civil works will be provided. The above details will be issued together with, or in advance, of the quotation for connection, as appropriate.

A substation facility provided by one user may subsequently be used to connect others.

In cases of a connection at 38 kV or 110 kV and where the MV system would benefit from a HV injection, a shared switching station may be built instead of a terminal station. In these cases, the user will only be required to bear a share of the common civil works costs.

In all of the above situations, it is a condition for connection that the substation building or site, as applicable, is legally transferred free of charge to ESB Networks.

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Further details relating to substations are contained in the documents ‘Conditions Governing Connection to the Distribution System’ and ‘The Distribution System Security and Planning Standards’.

6.3.7 Connections to the Distribution System at 110 kV

Demand Customers Connected at 110 kV Charges are based on 50% of the cost of the connection.

Refunds Refund Policy is the same as for other voltages, see Appendix 2.

6.4 Situations where Standard Charges do not apply

The situations where standard charges do not apply are listed here. In each case the connection charge is calculated as described in Section 5.0 above.

6.4.1 Connections for construction works (Temporary connections)

Builders connection for construction works

The connection charge for a builder’s connection is twice the Standard Charge for business connections (see Appendix 1, Table A3) and twice the associated network charge (on the basis that the standard connection charge includes a 50% allowance). The connection will be provided for a single purpose, e.g. construction; and will be terminated after a fixed period, i.e. re-use of connection will not be permitted.

Connections to domestic premises for completion of construction work on a single house The connection charge for a builder’s connection to facilitate completion of construction work on a house is twice the Standard Charge for business connections (see Appendix 1, Table A3) and twice the associated network charge (on the basis that the standard connection charge includes a 50% allowance). When the permanent connection is required, on production of a valid completion certificate by an electrical contractor, a service cable will be provided to connect the temporary connection point to the permanent connection point at the house. The standard service alteration charge will apply for this work.

6.4.2 Wasting Assets Wasting assets are typically sandpits and quarries etc., where the requirement for the connection will lapse when the asset has been exploited.

The connection charge is

– 150% of the Standard Charge, based on the MIC.

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A bond may be required as security for decommissioning and reinstatement charges.

6.4.3 Disturbing Loads The connection charge for a disturbing load is

1. The Standard Charge for the same size of normal load plus

2. The difference between the design cost of the connection method required for the disturbing load and the design cost of the connection method which would have catered for a normal load of the same size

6.4.4 Convenience Connections A convenience connection is one where the customer requests a more expensive connection method than the LCTAS, e.g. underground cable where an overhead line would normally be constructed, a more circuitous route to the connection point or a substation in a non-convenient location. In circumstances such as these the charge for connection is

1. The Standard Charge for the normal method of connection which would otherwise have applied, i.e. the LCTAS


2. The difference between the design cost of the convenience connection method and the design cost of the normal method of connection as above

6.4.5 Enforced High-Cost Connections Some connections cost more than the LCTAS because of restrictions imposed by third parties. These may be associated with safety considerations or local authority planning issues. Examples are connections in the vicinity of airports or high-amenity / scenic areas. Additional connection costs may arise because of a requirement for cabling and / or a more circuitous route to the point of connection. In situations such as these, the charge for connection is

1. The Standard Charge for the normal method of connection which would otherwise have applied, i.e. the LCTAS


2. The difference between the design cost of the ‘enforced’ connection method and the design cost of the normal method of connection as above

6.4.6 Specific User Requirements (a) Dedicated Connection Asset

In certain circumstances, a proposed user of the Distribution System to be connected at LV may request that no other connection be made in the future from the substation. In situations such as these the charge for connection is

1. The design cost of the dedicated asset(s)


2. 50% of the design cost of all other elements of the job

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(b) Work to be carried out at a particular time

If a customer requests that work associated with the connection be carried out at weekends or after normal working hours, the connection charge is calculated as follows:

1. The connection charge which would have applied in normal circumstances


2. 100% of the additional costs arising from the above request

6.4.7 Remote Terrain Connections may be required in remote areas, e.g. mountain tops for such as repeater stations, communications transmitters etc. In the majority of these situations, the connection asset is effectively ‘dedicated’, a ground-mounted substation is often necessary due to security of supply considerations and the transformer size may be mismatched to the MIC. In circumstances such as these, the charge for connection is

– 100% of the design cost

6.4.8 Night Storage Heating The connection charge for a load which includes night storage heating is

1. The Standard Charge based on the load (MIC), excluding the NSH element(s), plus any additional charges that would normally apply, e.g. network charges, trenching (if applicable) etc.


2. 100% of the difference between the gross design cost corresponding to the total load (including NSH load) and the gross design cost to cater for the normal load.

6.4.9 Standby Connection at MV

The Distribution System Security and Planning Standards requires that standby will be available (except in exceptional circumstances) for single point loads ≥ 1MVA. Therefore, for a looped MIC ≥ 1MVA or a tail-fed MIC < 1MVA, the charge for connection is calculated in the normal way, i.e. Standard Charge plus network charges and any other charges (as applicable), e.g. trenching, shared network etc.

However, where the user requests a standby connection for an MIC < 1MVA, the connection charge is

1. The Standard Charge for the ‘forward feed’ method of connection, calculated in the normal way as above


2. The design cost of the additional network required to provide the standby connection

6.4.10 Automatic Changeover Automatic changeover is not normally provided to users of the Distribution System. In the event of a specific request for ACO, the matter should be

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referred to Commercial and Customer Section, Asset Management. 7.0 Review Arrangements

The charges described in this document are based on the construction costs of the least-cost technically-acceptable solution.

ESB’s Standard Costs provide the installed cost for each item of electrical plant. The Standard Costs are revised on average once or twice per year using current material and labour costs.

The connection charges are recalculated and submitted to CER annually for their approval.

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Appendix 1: Statement of Charges for Connection to the Distribution System 2009

1. About this document This document describes the current charges for connection to the distribution system.

All terms in this statement have the meanings given to them in the Distribution Code and in the General Conditions for Connection of Industrial and Commercial Customers and Generators to the Distribution System.

2. Applying for a Connection The ‘Guide to the Process for Connection to the Distribution System’ provides information on applying for a new connection or for increased or reduced capacity for an existing connection.

On receiving a completed application, ESB Networks will provide a quotation (which is incorporated into a Connection Agreement). Please see the ESB Networks Customer Charter for service guarantees.

The Connection Agreement incorporating a quotation sets out:

• The cost of connection.

• The period for which the terms will remain valid (e.g. for business customers this is 3 months).

• Any other conditions which may apply.

The cost of connection quoted is subject to ESB Networks obtaining any wayleaves or easements required from landowners or planning approvals, where these are necessary. The cost of connection quoted is subject to change in the event of unforeseen construction conditions e.g. forestry conflicts, etc. Revised terms and a quotation will apply in any of these events.

The terms are accepted by signing the Connection Agreement and returning it with full payment plus any other documentation specified in the agreement to ESB Networks. Acceptance of terms includes those set out in the Distribution Code, General Conditions for Connection and any / all conditions as amended and approved by the Commission for Energy Regulation from time to time.

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3. Details of Charges


1. Connection Charges are subject to VAT of 13½%. In this document, connection charges for one-off domestic connections are shown inclusive of VAT and all other charges exclusive of VAT. This is shown clearly in each charge table.

2. The charges quoted are based on the principle of the least cost technically-acceptable solution (LCTAS) as defined in ‘The Distribution System Security and Planning Standards’.

Where the customer chooses a more costly connection, the customer bears the cost difference.

3. The charges are based on the connection asset remaining in service for a minimum period of 20 years. Where it is known that the duration will be shorter, a reduced allowance and hence higher charge will apply.

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Table A1.0 Domestic Non-Scheme Connection Charges

1 All connections are single phase unless otherwise stated 2 This level is to meet European standard EN50160

Description1 Maximum Import Capacity


Connection Charge

including VAT

( € )

Standard Connection2 12kVA 1,644

Enhanced Connection 16kVA 2,229

Upgrade Connection 12kVA to 16kVA 979

Family Apartment 12kVA 151

Non-Dwelling Farm Building 3kVA 50% of design costs

Special Connection (single phase) 20kVA 1,525

plus MV network charges

Special Connection (single phase) 29kVA 2,041

plus MV network charges

Special Connection (three phase) 20kVA 2,126

plus MV network charges

Special Connection (three phase) 29kVA 2,730

plus MV network charges

Capacities ≥ 30 kVA ≥ 30kVA



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Table A2.0 Domestic Scheme Connection Charges Standard Charges for Small Domestic Developments (2-19 Houses) excl. VAT Connection Capacity 12kVA

No. of

Houses Average Length of Roadway per House (m)

11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2 2172 1see footnote

3 2896 see footnote

4 3620 see footnote

5 4344

6 5067

7 5791

8 6515

9 6355 6565 6792 7011 7239 7449 7660 7870 8081 8300 8527 8729 8957 9159

10 6968 7205 7460 7707 7962 8199 8436 8673 8910 9156 9412 9639 9895 10122

11 7581 7844 8128 8402 8686 8949 9213 9476 9739 10013 10297 10549 10834 11086

12 8194 8484 8796 9097 9410 9699 9989 10278 10568 10869 11182 11459 11772 12050

13 8807 9123 9464 9793 10134 10450 10765 11081 11397 11725 12066 12370 12711 13014

14 9421 9763 10132 10488 10857 11200 11542 11884 12226 12582 12951 13280 13649 13977

15 10034 10402 10800 11183 11581 11950 12318 12687 13055 13438 13836 14190 14588 14941

16 10647 11042 11468 11879 12305 12700 13094 13489 13884 14294 14721 15100 15526 15905

17 11260 11681 12136 12574 13029 13450 13871 14292 14713 15151 15606 16010 16465 16869

18 11874 12321 12804 13269 13752 14200 14647 15095 15542 16007 16490 16920 17403 17832

19 12487 12960 13472 13965 14476 14950 15424 15897 16371 16864 17375 17830 18342 18796

Connection Capacities of 13 – 29 kVA

use 50% of Design Costs

Connection Capacities of MIC ≥ 30 kVA

treated under Business Charges

1 For two, three and four house domestic developments an upper limit of 50 metres average length of roadway per house applies.

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Table A2.1 Domestic Scheme Connection Charges Standard Charges for Housing Schemes (20 houses or more) excl. VAT Connection Capacity 12kVA

Connection Capacity

Average Length of Roadway per House (m)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Standard Connection

Charge per house

655 680 707 733 760 785 810 835 860 886 913 937 964 988

Connection Capacities of 13 – 29 kVA

use 50% of Design Costs

Connection Capacities of MIC ≥ 30 kVA

treated under Business Charges

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Table A3: Business Demand Customer Connection Charges (MIC 2kVA to 5000kVA)

Maximum Import Capacity(kVA)

Standard Charge (per installation)

Dedicated LV Connection Single Phase < 2kVA 10m clipped € 260 50m UG only € 320 50m UG joint hole € 980 50m UG (Br Joint) € 1,710 LV OH/UG <200m € 1,560 Pole & Trafo € 2,710

Single Phase LV Connection 15 € 1,170 30 € 1,980

Three Phase LV Connection 15 € 1,690 30 € 2,650 50 € 3,680 75 € 4,880

100 € 5,920 150 € 7,470 200 € 8,280 250 € 8,570 300 € 8,980 350 € 9,620 400 € 10,270 450 € 11,450

LV Connection 500kVA to 1000kVA See Table A6

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Table A3: Business Demand Customer Connection Charges (MIC 2kVA to 5000kVA)

Maximum Import Capacity(kVA)

Standard Charge (per installation)

MV Connection (10kV or 20kV) < 500 € 8,740

600 € 10,150 700 € 11,710 800 € 13,120 900 € 14,650

1,000 € 16,500 1,200 € 19,460 1,400 € 22,420 1,600 € 25,370 1,800 € 28,350 2,000 € 31,300 2,200 € 34,270 2,400 € 37,220 2,500 € 38,640 2,600 € 40,180 2,800 € 43,160 3,000 € 46,110 3,200 € 49,080 3,400 € 52,020 3,600 € 55,000 3,800 € 57,950 4,000 € 60,910 4,200 € 71,640 4,400 € 83,040 4,600 € 104,480 4,800 € 126,750

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Table A4: Business Demand Customer Connection Charges (MIC 5MVA to 15MVA)

Maximum Import Capacity(kVA)

Standard Charge (per installation)

MV Connection (10kV or 20kV) 5,000 € 149,750

5,200 € 173,710 5,400 € 198,400 5,600 € 214,890 5,800 € 232,240 6,000 € 250,430 6,200 € 269,320 6,400 € 289,210 6,600 € 309,800 6,800 € 331,370 7,000 € 353,650 7,200 € 376,760 7,400 € 400,740 7,600 € 425,570 7,800 € 451,230 8,000 € 477,740 8,200 € 489,020 8,400 € 500,290 8,600 € 511,580 8,800 € 522,860 9,000 € 534,140 9,200 € 545,410 9,400 € 556,700 9,600 € 567,970 9,800 € 579,270

MV Connection (20kV) 10,000 € 590,550 10,200 € 623,670 10,400 € 657,810 10,600 € 692,770 10,800 € 728,740

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Table A4: Business Demand Customer Connection Charges (MIC 5MVA to 15MVA)

Maximum Import Capacity(kVA)

Standard Charge (per installation)

11,000 € 765,520 11,200 € 803,190 11,400 € 841,810 11,600 € 881,290 11,800 € 921,620 12,000 € 962,940 12,200 € 1,005,230 12,400 € 1,048,390 12,600 € 1,092,370 12,800 € 1,137,230 13,000 € 1,183,040 13,200 € 1,229,880 13,400 € 1,277,380 13,600 € 1,326,030 13,800 € 1,375,390 14,000 € 1,425,740 14,200 € 1,477,060 14,400 € 1,529,080 14,600 € 1,582,250 14,800 € 1,636,120 15,000 € 1,690,960

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Table A5: Business Demand Customer Connection Charges (MIC 15MVA to 20MVA)Note that due to network constraints MV connections over 15MVA may not be offered. However, this Table may be used for small increases where technically possible.

Maximum Import Capacity(kVA)

Standard Charge (per installation)

MV Connection (20kV) 15,000 € 1,690,960 15,200 € 1,713,510 15,400 € 1,736,080 15,600 € 1,758,780 15,800 € 1,781,340 16,000 € 1,803,900 16,200 € 1,826,480 16,400 € 1,849,040 16,600 € 1,871,590 16,800 € 1,894,150 17,000 € 1,916,710 17,200 € 1,939,280 17,400 € 1,961,830 17,600 € 1,984,410 17,800 € 2,006,970 18,000 € 2,029,650 18,200 € 2,052,220 18,400 € 2,074,780 18,600 € 2,097,330 18,800 € 2,119,900 19,000 € 2,142,460 19,200 € 2,165,030 19,400 € 2,187,580 19,600 € 2,210,150 19,800 € 2,232,700 20,000 € 2,255,260

MV Connection (20kV) > 20MVA

See Table A7

38 kV Connection Same as for MV

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Table A6: Business Demand Customer Connection Charges (MIC 500kVA to 1000kVA) Note that due to higher capacity charges and higher DUoS charges, LV connections over 500kVA may not be economical for the customer. However, this Table may be used for small increases where technically possible.

Maximum Import Capacity(kVA)

Standard Charge (per installation)

LV Connection 500 € 12,090 550 € 13,450 600 € 14,850 650 € 15,980 700 € 17,350 750 € 18,750 800 € 20,120 850 € 21,500 900 € 22,880 950 € 24,270

1,000 € 25,650

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Table A7: Business Demand Customer Connection Charges (MIC 20MVA to 25MVA)Note that due to network constraints MV connections over 15MVA may not be offered. However, this Table may be used for small increases where technically possible.

Maximum Import Capacity(kVA)

Standard Charge (per installation)

MV Connection (20kV). 20,200 € 2,277,970 20,400 € 2,300,530 20,600 € 2,323,090 20,800 € 2,345,650 21,000 € 2,368,230 21,200 € 2,390,780 21,400 € 2,413,350 21,600 € 2,435,900 21,800 € 2,458,460 22,000 € 2,481,020 22,200 € 2,503,580 22,400 € 2,526,150 22,600 € 2,548,850 22,800 € 2,571,410 23,000 € 2,593,970 23,200 € 2,616,540 23,400 € 2,639,100 23,600 € 2,661,660 23,800 € 2,684,220 24,000 € 2,706,780 24,200 € 2,729,360 24,400 € 2,751,910 24,600 € 2,774,480 24,800 € 2,797,160 25,000 € 2,819,720

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Table A8: MV Network Charges and Trenching Charges

Network Charge for new network in

(€) per metre MV Overhead Line

Single Phase (Unmetered) € 10.80 Single Phase (Metered) € 5.30 3 Phase (< 5MVA) € 8.70 3 Phase (>= 5MVA) € 11.10

MV Underground Cable

Single Phase (Unmetered) € 15.70 Single Phase (Metered) € 7.80 3 Phase (70/185s) € 15.50 3 Phase (400s) € 25.70 Trenching Charge for trenching work in

(€) per metre Road/Path € 143.60 Grass € 51.50

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Table A9: Business Demand Customer Connection Charges Supplementary charge where MV MIC is greater than 500 kVA and more than 7 km from the


kVA km

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 600 €1,100 €2,200 €3,300 €4,400 €5,500 €6,600 €7,700 €8,800700 €2,200 €4,400 €6,600 €8,800 €11,000 €13,100 €15,300 €17,500800 €3,300 €6,600 €9,900 €13,100 €16,400 €19,700 €23,000 €26,300900 €4,400 €8,800 €13,100 €17,500 €21,900 €26,300 €30,700 €35,1001000 €5,500 €11,000 €16,400 €21,900 €27,400 €32,900 €38,300 €43,8001100 €6,600 €13,100 €19,700 €26,300 €32,900 €39,400 €46,000 €52,6001200 €7,700 €15,300 €23,000 €30,700 €38,300 €46,000 €53,700 €61,4001300 €8,800 €17,500 €26,300 €35,100 €43,800 €52,600 €61,400 €70,1001400 €9,900 €19,700 €29,600 €39,400 €49,300 €59,200 €69,000 €78,9001500 €11,000 €21,900 €32,900 €43,800 €54,800 €65,700 €76,700 €87,7001600 €12,100 €24,100 €36,200 €48,200 €60,300 €72,300 €84,400 €96,4001700 €13,100 €26,300 €39,400 €52,600 €65,700 €78,900 €92,000 €105,2001800 €14,200 €28,500 €42,700 €57,000 €71,200 €85,500 €99,700 €113,9001900 €15,300 €30,700 €46,000 €61,400 €76,700 €92,000 €107,400 €122,7002000 €16,400 €32,900 €49,300 €65,700 €82,200 €98,600 €115,000 €131,500

Table A10: Business Demand Customer Connection Charges Supplementary charge where 38kV MIC is greater than 2500 kVA and connected to circuits longer than 18km

kVA km

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 3000 € 2,000 € 7,000 € 11,900 € 16,900 € 21,900 € 26,800 € 31,800 € 36,800 € 41,8003500 € 4,000 € 13,900 € 23,900 € 33,800 € 43,700 € 53,700 € 63,600 € 73,600 € 83,5004000 € 6,000 € 20,900 € 35,800 € 50,700 € 65,600 € 80,500 € 95,400 € 110,300 € 125,3004500 € 8,000 € 27,800 € 47,700 € 67,600 € 87,500 € 107,400 € 127,200 € 147,100 € 167,0005000 € 9,900 € 34,800 € 59,600 € 84,500 € 109,400 € 134,200 € 159,100 € 183,900 € 208,8005500 € 11,900 € 41,800 € 71,600 € 101,400 € 131,200 € 161,000 € 190,900 € 220,700 € 250,5006000 € 13,900 € 48,700 € 83,500 € 118,300 € 153,100 € 187,900 € 222,700 € 257,500 € 292,3006500 € 15,900 € 55,700 € 95,400 € 135,200 € 175,000 € 214,700 € 254,500 € 294,300 € 334,0007000 € 17,900 € 62,600 € 107,400 € 152,100 € 196,800 € 241,600 € 286,300 € 331,000 € 375,8007500 € 19,900 € 69,600 € 119,300 € 169,000 € 218,700 € 268,400 € 318,100 € 367,800 € 417,5008000 € 21,900 € 76,500 € 131,200 € 185,900 € 240,600 € 295,200 € 349,900 € 404,600 € 459,3008500 € 23,900 € 83,500 € 143,200 € 202,800 € 262,400 € 322,100 € 381,700 € 441,400 € 501,0009000 € 25,800 € 90,500 € 155,100 € 219,700 € 284,300 € 348,900 € 413,500 € 478,200 € 542,8009500 € 27,800 € 97,400 € 167,000 € 236,600 € 306,200 € 375,800 € 445,400 € 514,900 € 584,50010000 € 29,800 € 104,400 € 178,900 € 253,500 € 328,100 € 402,600 € 477,200 € 551,700 € 626,300

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Notes on Business Demand Customer

Connection Charges Note 1 The standard charge includes the appropriate transformer capacity charge and the

direct cost of connection and metering. MV overhead lines, MV underground cables and trenching where carried out by ESB are charged separately on a "euro per metre" (€/m) basis. A revenue allowance has been given where appropriate.

Note 2 MV overhead line is charged on a "euro per metre" (€/m) basis. The €/m for 3ph MV up to 5MVA is weighted to include 150’s AL,92’s SCA, 50’s CU and 50’s SCA based on total km of each conductor type used, above 5MVA the €/m is based on 150's AL. The €/m charge for 1ph is based on 50’s SCA. Both 1ph and 3ph €/m charges are weighted to include bog, rock and standard ground conditions.

Note 3 MV underground cable is charged on a "euro per metre" (€/m) basis, 3 x 70/185’s and 3 x 400's XLPE are separately shown. Trenching is not included and if carried out by ESB is charged on a €/m basis.

Note 4 Additional charge where trenching (MV or LV) is carried out by ESB. The charge is weighted for footpaths and roadways in concrete or bitmac. Granite footpaths not included. Separate charge is shown for trenching in grass.

Note 5 The standard charge includes 38 kV and MV capacity charges. A supplementary charge is added if the entire MV circuit exceeds 7.0 km and MIC exceeds 500kVA. A supplementary charge is added if the entire 38kV circuit exceeds 18.0 km and MIC exceeds 2500kVA. Details on Table A8 and A9.

Note 6 LV connections in the range 500 kVA - 1000 kVA are possible but due to charges for MV/LV transformer capacity (as well as MV & 38 kV capacity charges) they are more costly. Details on Table A6.

Note 7 The standard charge for 38kV connections is the same as the standard charge for the MIC level at MV and can be taken from the MV table. A supplementary charge must be added if the entire 38kV circuit length exceeds18.0 km and the MIC exceeds 2500 kVA, details on Table A9. New 38kV Lines/Cables charged at 50%.

Note 8 For MIC > 5MVA, any new 38kV/110kV network is chargeable as a capital contribution at 50% of Attributable Costs. The Attributable Cost of the 38kV/110kV network is determined as a proportion of the firm capacity of the station taken up by the customer. If the customer was taking up 60% of the station then the customer would be charged 50% of 60% of the cost of the 38kV/110kV lines / cables. e.g. MIC 15MVA, new 110kV line to new station required, station a 2x20MVA station with a firm capacity of 25MVA, customer charged 50% of 15/25ths (MIC/Firm Capacity 15MVA/25MVA) of the cost of the new 110kV line.

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Appendix 2: Refunds in Respect of Shared Network

Description Detail

1 Refund amount Permanent connections


Temporary connections:



MIC1 = maximum import capacity in kVA of existing connection.

MIC2 = MIC of new connection

CC = the capital contribution originally charged in respect of the shared asset excluding any standard charge.

Period = The expected time the connection will be used (years) or 40, whichever is the shorter

Term = term of connection agreement for original connection or 40, whichever is the shorter.

2 Charge in respect of the shared asset.

(This is the charge made to the new user who is connecting to the original connection asset.)

1. Where the percentage allowance applying to the original quotation was greater than or equal to that applying to the new quotation: - Equal to the refund amount.

2. Where the percentage allowance applying to the original quotation was less than or equal to that applying to the new quotation: Equal to the refund amount normalised to the allowance applying to the new quotation.

This is included in the connection charges in respect of the second connection.

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Description Detail

3 Eligibility 1. The interval from the date the original connection agreement/terms were paid to the date of the payment for the second connection must be no more than five years.

2. The refund is paid to the individual or company who accepted the connection agreement/terms for the original connection.

3. Refunds are made in respect of any connection where a connection agreement is in place.

4. Refunds are made in respect of capital contributions not covered by a standard charge.

5. Refunds of less than €70 or where the original contribution was less than €700 are not processed.

6. Developers quoted under the Business Parks Policy are not eligible for a refund under any circumstances.