esb moip mpcc release notes - · no moip reference & version mp...

ESB MOIP MPCC Release Notes Prepared by : MOIP Authorised by : MOIP Date Approved : Release No. : SRE V16.0 Release Summary This release contains SRE version 1.0 of the MPCC which includes version 8.0.0 of the MPCC WebForms. MPCC Release SRE V16.0 Printed: 11/02/10 Page 1 of 28

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ESB MOIP MPCC Release Notes

Prepared by : MOIP Authorised by : MOIP Date Approved : Release No. : SRE V16.0

Release Summary This release contains SRE version 1.0 of the MPCC which includes version 8.0.0 of the MPCC WebForms.

MPCC Release SRE V16.0 Printed: 11/02/10

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1. Release Contents 3 1.1 Products 3 1.2 Bug Fixes 3 1.3 Components 3 1.4 Documentation 3 2. Pre-Installation Instructions 4

3. Installation Instructions 5 3.1 Installing the MPCC & Webforms 5

3.1.1 Configuring MPCC eXpressway 7 3.1.2 Configuring SME Connectivity. 8 3.1.3 Installing Java 12 3.1.4 Install Hub SSL certs and SMIME certs to MPCC 12 3.1.5 Configuring Apache 13 3.1.6 Installing MySQL 15 3.1.7 Installing the MySQL GUI Tools 18 3.1.8 Installing WebForms 20

4. Post Installation Instructions 22 4.1 RosettaNet configuration 22 4.2 Testing the Installation 22 5. Report and Monitor tools. 23 5.1 MPCC Query/ Report 26 5.2 MPCC Monitor 27 APPENDICES 28 Appendix A: Document Control 28 Appendix B: Abbreviations 28

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1. Release Contents

1.1 Products No MOIP Reference & version MP Reference Components 1 MPCC WebForms v8.0.0 N/A C1 2 MPCC SRE V1.0 N/A C2-C6, C10,C11

1.2 Bug Fixes No MOIP Reference MP Reference Components 1 N/A N/A N/A

1.3 Components No Component Name Description C1 Zipped file containing WebForms C2 Zipped MPCC software C3 setupMpccCerts.cmd Script to set up SSL and SMIME certificates C4 setupMpccMonitor.cmd Script to set up MPCC Monitor tool C5 setupMpccQuery.cmd Script to set up MPCC Query tool C6 /MpccCerts Folder containing test SMIME Certificates C7 j2re-1_4_2_04-windows-i586-p.exe Java runtime environment C8 winzip90.exe Copy of Winzip C9 ActivePerl- ActiveState Perl 5.8.4 for Windows C10 /Monitor Folder containing Monitor components C11 /Report Folder containing MPCC Query components C12 /Perl Modules Folder containing Active State Perl Modules

1.4 Documentation No Component Name Description C1 MOIP MPCC Disclaimer.doc Disclaimer C2 MPCC Release SRE V16.0 Release/Installation instructions

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2. Pre-Installation Instructions

Note:- This installation is for a completely new installation of the MPCC SRE V16.0. It can only be installed on Windows XP or Windows 2003. It can not be used to bring upgrade any previous version of the. Attempting to do so will overwrite any configuration files and databases you have and may render your MPCC inoperable. Market Participants should apply this release to a Test MPCC. After formal sign-off of testing MPs will be allocated a date/time by the Market Gateway support team for deployment of their production MPCC SRE V16.0. The following components, if installed must be removed:

• Java 1.4.2 Runtime Environment • IIS Web Server

Please ensure that any critical information is backed up before proceeding with the installation.

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3. Installation Instructions

These instructions assume that you have an intermediate knowledge of Windows. Administration rights to the machine are required. The instructions must be followed in the order detailed in this document.

3.1 Installing the MPCC & Webforms The following section describes the installation procedure for the MPCC. It should be noted that, while the application uses the Java 1.4.2 Runtime Environment, this should not be installed before the eXpressway as eXpressway uses JRE 1.3.1 during the installation and the presence of another environment may cause conflicts. Unzip the into a temporary directory1. The directory eXI_setup_tp600 containing the MPCC will be created there. Run the setup.cmd file. Accept the licence agreement, select ‘Install Apache’ and click on Next. The screen detailed in Figure 1 will be displayed.

Figure 1

Enter ‘localhost’ for the Web Server Domain Name and click on Next.

1 Install WinZip, Copy to the root folder of the hard drive. Right click on C:\ and select WinZip->Extract to Here

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The screen detailed in Figure 2 will be displayed. Do not change anything on this screen. Leave Apache Destination with the default value and leave Your Certificate File and Your Private Key File blank. Click on Next.

Figure 2

Click Install on the final screen and leave the application running. Wait for all windows to complete and close down before clicking on the finish button. The eXpressway configuration tool will start automatically. Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 can be ignored by closing the eXpressway configuration tool for an MPCC which will initially connect to

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3.1.1 Configuring MPCC eXpressway

On completion of the process in the previous section a screen similar to the one depicted in Figure 3 will be displayed. This can also be accessed by running eXpressway Configuration Manager from the desktop icon. JRE 1.4 and the Test SMIME certificates may be installed before proceeding with this configuration (3.1.4).

Figure 3

The default URL for trading exchange field will be Enter to connect to the production trading exchange. Click on Apply before moving to any other section of the configuration manager. This will display a pop up window requesting a Password. This is a feature of SeeBeyonds eXpressway that has been disabled for the MPCC. Just click OK.

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3.1.2 Configuring SME Connectivity.

Certificates for testing the MPCC against the test environment are provided on the CD. This section can be completed with out them and installed in section 3.1.4, but SMIME certificates must be installed in order for the MPCC to run. Click on the SME Connectivity radio button. The screen detailed in Figure 4 will be displayed.

Figure 4

The default configuration points to certificates for the test environment.

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The drop list for Encryption Certificate will be defaulted to C:\mpccCerts\HUB\SMIME\hubpubcert.p7b. Enter in the location and file name for the Market Gateway’s public key certificate if the default is not correct. This should have a .P7B extension. This file is used for encrypting all messages sent to the Market Gateway. The field Decryption PKCS12 (private key storage) file will be defaulted to C:\mpccCerts\MP\SMIME\mpprivcert.p12. Enter in the location and file name of the Clients private key file if the default value is not correct. This will have a P12 extension. The private key file is used to decrypt all messages sent by the Market Gateway using the clients public key file. In the Decryption PKCS12 PassPhrase box enter in the password for the private key file. Please contact MOIP Support for the password for the test certificate. Select the Digital Signature tab - see Figure 5:

Figure 5

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The Signature PKCS12 (private key storage) file field should be the same name and location as for the Decryption PKCS12 (private key storage) file in the Decryption Tab. Enter in the same password under Signature PKCS12 PassPhrase Select the Verification tab - see Figure 6 figure below.

Figure 6

Ensure the Verification Certificate is the same location and file name as for the Encryption Certificate on the Message Encryption tab i.e. the Market Gateway’s public key. Click on the Certificate tab – see Figure 7 below. This contains information relating to the Certificate Authority for the SME messages.

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Figure 7

The Certificate list of Certificate Authority certificates drop list will be defaulted to C:\mpccCerts\CA\moiexca.p7b. Enter in the location and file name of the certificate issued by the Certificate Authority being used to authenticate the SME Encrypted messages if the default value is incorrect. Once all the information has been input select Apply and OK.

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3.1.3 Installing Java

Double-click on the j2re-1_4_2_04-windows-i586-p.exe file on the CD. Select the Typical setup option accepting any licence agreements. It may be necessary to copy the j2re-1_4_2_04-windows-i586-p.exe to your hard drive in order to install.

3.1.4 Install Hub SSL certs and SMIME certs to MPCC

The MPCC will only recognise certificates contained within its trust store. The public SSL certificate of the hub, and the public certificate of the Certificate Authority that signed the hubs certificate must be installed in the trust store. The j2re-1_4_2_04-windows-i586-p.exe must be installed first. Run the setupMpccCerts.cmd from the installation CD. This copies the test SMIME certificates for the hub and the Market Participant into the C:\MpccCerts folder. It also imports the public SSL certificate for the hub and for the hubs Certificate Authority into the MPCCs truststore. Set the System Path to have the following at the start. C:\eXpressway\client\JRE\1.3\bin;C:\eXpressway\client\JRE\1.3\bin\hotspot To change the System Path choose Start, Settings, Control Panel, and double-click System. Select the Advanced tab and then Environment Variables. Look for "Path" in System Variables. Copy C:\eXpressway\client\JRE\1.3\bin;C:\eXpressway\client\JRE\1.3\bin\hotspot; Before everything else in the path and select ok.

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3.1.5 Configuring Apache

The eXpressway installation installs a default configuration for Apache which is not configured for SSL. Copy the passwords file from the CD into the C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache directory. Copy the SSL public certificate and private key files that you have obtained for the MPCC’s registered URL and had signed by a Certificate Authority into c:/Program Files/Apache/Apache Group/conf/ssl Open up the httpd.conf2 file in a text editor such as Notepad. At the end of the httpd.conf file there are two sections defining two virtual hosts. The first, shown below, defines the virtual host for the WebForms Server. Listen 80 <VirtualHost localhost:80> ServerName localhost DocumentRoot "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\WebForms" <Directory "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\WebForms"> Allow from localhost

AuthType Basic AuthName "User Authentication Required" AuthUserFile "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\passwords" require valid-user Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

</Directory> </VirtualHost> The above definition is for local use only. The localhost, highlighted above, needs to be replaced with the logical address of the machine if you want to connect to Webforms remotely. If the location of the WebForms is to be anywhere other than within the Apache/htdocs directory then the DocumentRoot and Directory properties should be changed to reflect this. It should be noted that the Virtual Host definition above implements password authentication on the WebForms directory. Only users providing a valid ID and Password contained within the ‘passwords’ file will be able to access the WebForms Server. It also lists those computers which can connect to the virtual server as being localhost or i.e. the machine itself. The second Virtual Host defines the SSL Server. Listen 443 SSLMutex sem SSLRandomSeed startup builtin SSLSessionCache none SSLLog logs/SSL.log SSLLogLevel info # You can later change "info" to "warn" if everything is OK <VirtualHost localhost:443>

#SSLEngine On #SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/filename.cert #SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/filename.key

2 C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf

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AddHandler cgi-script .cgi DocumentRoot "c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\eXpressway" <Directory "c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\eXpressway">

options indexes ExecCGI </Directory>

</VirtualHost> The values of localhost must be replaced with the logical address of the machine. Localhost will not work for this virtual host. Remove the # from in front of the lines

#SSLEngine On #SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/filename.cert #SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/filename.key

to turn on SSL communication. The property SSLCertificateFile with the dummy value filename.cert should be changed to point to the public SSL certificate for the Apache host machine. Finally, the property SSLCertificateKeyFile with the value filename.key should be changed to point to the SSL private key file for the Apache host machine. Ensure the DocumentRoot reads

DocumentRoot "c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\eXpressway" It may be necessary on some server configurations to add the Server Name to the Virtual Host definition for port 443 <VirtualHost ServerURL:443> ServerName ServerURL

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3.1.6 Installing MySQL

Install MySQL and the MySQL GUI tools

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Select Next until the Wizard completes.

When completed select to configure the Server, selecting Standard Configuration.

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Enter and confirm a password for the Root account. Root is the Administrator User for the MySQL server, not the logon for the MPCC. Your password should be unique and conform to any company standards you may have in place.

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3.1.7 Installing the MySQL GUI Tools

Install the MySQL GUI tools accepting any licence agreements and selecting ‘Complete Installation’ as necessary. When the installation has completed run the MySQL query browser logging in as root using the password chosen earlier.

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To create the MPCC database select Open Script from the File Menu

pen and execute the script creatempcc.sql.

hen finished the MPCC database can be seen in the list of schemata on the right hand side of the window.

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Open the script creatempccuser.sql and execute it.

The MPCC database has now been created, and the MPCCuser defined to access it from the MPCC. The MySql browser may be closed.

3.1.8 Installing WebForms

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Unzip the file into the directory C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs directory. Move the file from the htdocs\WebForms directory into the root directory on the Webforms host machine I.e. C:\ Move the DataCodes.xml file from the htdocs/WebForms directory into the root directory of the Webforms host machine. Reboot the machine.

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4. Post Installation Instructions

4.1 RosettaNet configuration MOIP Support will send configuration files containing RosettaNet and Supplier IDs to each Market Participant. These will be sent with a script file to copy them into the correct locations.

4.2 Testing the Installation Start up the MPCC Server by double clicking Start eXpressway on the Desktop. Run Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services There should be three services running:

• Apache • eGate Control Broker (eXpressway) • eGate Registry (host machine) • MySQL

Start up Windows Internet Explorer and enter in the logical address of the WebForms Virtual Machine that has been configured in the httpd.conf file. By default this is http://localhost Log into the WebForms Server and create a new message such as MIM011 A valid MPRN is 10000000004. Save this message into C:\MPCC\Outbound_XML_MM After a while the message should be deleted from the MPCC/Outbound_XML_MM directory and an error file should appear in the MPCC/Archive/Error directory. This file will be called Error_SerialNumber.xml, where SerialNumber is a number in year, month, date, time format Error_2004072011533312.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ieXMLDocument xmlns:xsi=""> <MessageHeader MarketTimestamp="2004-07-20T10:53:33.00Z" MessageTypeCode="Error" RecipientID="NA" SenderID="Internal: crj_WrapMsgFromMP_Sch04" TxRefNbr="NA" VersionNumber="NA"> </MessageHeader> <MIM600_ExceptionMessage ErrorCategoryCode="Internal Error: wrapping the Rosettanet Message" ErrorMessage="Certificate must be set for encryption" MPRN="NA" OriginatingTransactionReference="NA"> <OriginalMessage> NA </OriginalMessage> </MIM600_ExceptionMessage> </ieXMLDocument>

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5. Report and Monitor tools.

Both the MPCC reporting tool and the MPCC monitor require Activestate Perl 5.8.4. Install ActiveState Perl 5.8.4 using the Microsoft Installation package ActivePerl- This will present a number of screens.

Select Next to install ActiveState Perl 5.8.4 Accept any licence agreements and click next to determine what is installed and, very importantly, where it is installed.

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Ensure that all Perl components are selected and that PPM 3.0 will be installed. Installing the Examples is optional. In the screenshot above it will be installed. Note that the installation directory is C:\Perl\. During the normal course of events it would be possible to select any directory. HTTP pages using Perl CGI scripts, however, require an absolute path to the Perl engine. As these scripts are being released to a wide audience it is necessary to insist that Perl is installed into a standard directory. Select the Browse button and enter in C:\Program Files\Perl-5.8.4.

Click on Next and continue the installation.

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You do not need to Enable PPM3 to send profile info to ASPN

Add Perl to the Path environment variable and create a Perl association to .pl files to complete the installation.

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5.1 MPCC Query/ Report When Perl has installed run the setupMpccQuery command. This will copy across the MPCC Query HTML page into the Webforms directory and the Perl scripts into Apaches cgi-bin directory. It will also install the Perl Modules to connect to the Access database. Change Apache Configuration The following describes how to set up MPCC Query using the same virtual server that is used for the Webforms. Perl is a scripting language that is being used as a CGI (Common Gateway Interface). It permits access to resources on the Host machine, in this case the MPCC database. The setup and the security implications for remote access to the MPCC Query are the responsibility of the Market Participant. The Apache configuration needs to change for the listener on port 80 if the Report on the MPCC database is to be used. The httpd.conf file in the Apache Group/Apache/Conf directory should be edited changing the configuration for the Virtual Host listening on Port 80 The lines AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl and ScriptAlias /cgi-bin "c:\eXpressway\cgi-bin” Should be added to allow the running of a perl script. To permit scripts to be run from the Webforms directory the option ExecCGI should be appended to the Options parameter for the webforms directory. Eg. Listen 80 <VirtualHost localhost:80> ServerName localhost AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin "c:\eXpressway\cgi-bin” <Directory "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\WebForms"> AuthType Basic AuthName "User Authentication Required" AuthUserFile "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\passwords" require valid-user

Allow from localhost Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI

</Directory> </VirtualHost> Apache will need to be restarted to pick up on any changes to its configuration file. The MPCC Query application may then be run by using Internet Explorer to connect to MPCCQuery.html on the virtual server defined in the Apache configuration file. In the example above that is http://localhost/MPCCQuery.html

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Note. To run cgi scripts it is necessary to connect to the virtual server. Double clicking on the MpccQuery.html page in the Webforms directory will not work.

5.2 MPCC Monitor The MPCC Monitor is written in Perl and runs command line programs locally on the MPCC machine to query the MPCC process. The following describes how to set up the monitor for local access only. Setting up Perl scripts for remote access is the complete responsibility of the Market Participant. Run the setupMpccMonitor.cmd command file. If not already done then Apache will need to be reconfigured in the same was as for the MPCC Query tool. The MPCC Monitor application may then be run by using Internet Explorer to connect to MPCCMonitor.html on the virtual server defined in the Apache configuration file. In the example above that is http://localhost/MPCCMonitor.html

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Appendix A: Document Control

Version History

Version Date Comments

Document Distribution

Name Role Responsibility

Market Participants Document Reviewed By Name Role Responsibility

MOIP Approval

Appendix B: Abbreviations

CER Commission for Energy Regulation ESB Electricity Supply Board Market Gateway Gateway to/from MRSO & DSO. MOIEX Market Opening Information Exchange Project MPCC Market Participant Communication Component

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