ericsson rnc presentation

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  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation


    RNC 3820 Cabinet Hardware Location

    A ESs

    B MS

    C APP

  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation


  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation


    MS Functions

    An RNC always includes an MS. The MS interconnects all other subracks inthe RNC and includes all unctions o an ES! as well as unctions co""onto the RNC. #unctions o the MS co"$rise the ollowin%&

    Ter"ination o the Mur interace with 'SS(RC

    Ter"ination o the )u interace with the CN

    Ter"ination o the )ur interace with another RNC

    Ter"ination o the )ub interace with the RBSs

    *istribution o broadcast inor"ation to all in+ol+ed subracks *istribution o broadcast inor"ation to all in+ol+ed RBSs within a subrack

    E,ternal trans"ission interaces

    Attach"ent o synchroni-ation sources

    *u$licated non(blockin% cell switch

    *u$licated hi%h(s$eed links to interconnect with the ESs *u$licated ti"in% si%nals or the node

    )n$ut or PS si%nals

    Pool o $rocessors or user $lane $rocessin% and control

  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation


    ES Functions

    ESs has interaces with the RBSs. The unctionso an ES co"$rise the ollowin%&

    Ter"ination o the )ub interace with the RBSs

    *istribution o broadcast inor"ation to all in+ol+edRBSs within a subrack

    E,ternal trans"ission interaces *u$licated hi%h(s$eed links between subracks

    and the MS

    *u$licated non(blockin% cell switch Pool o $rocessors or user $lane $rocessin% andcontrol

  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation


  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation


    RNC 3820 ES

  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation



    Main Processor Board.

    )t contains and e,ecutes the "ain $art o the RNC sotware.

    )n the MS! our PB $airs are du$licated to $ro+ide redundancy.

    'ne Acti+e / another is standby ((( other are in $ool.

    The PB contains a lash disk dri+e

    The PB is e0ui$$ed with Ethernet and asynchronous serial interaces

    accessible ro" the board ront $anel.

  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation



    Cell switch core unctionality

    Circuits or Syste" Clock 123.44 M5-6distribution

    )nteraces or node(internal links

    )nteraces or an su$er+ision and control

    )nteraces or PS inor"ation

    Power ilterin% and distribution '+er(te"$erature $rotection or subracks

  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation



    )nterace or e,ternal clock in$ut 1an

    alternati+e to the trans"ission clock6 )nterace or PS si%nal in$ut

    eneration o reerence ti"in% si%nals

    Re%eneration o reerence ti"in% si%nals

    Stabili-ation o reerence ti"in% si%nals

    5andlin% o node synchroni-ation $rocedures

    Syste" Clock oscillator 123.44 M5-6

    T7B is du$licated to $ro+ide redundancy.

  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation


    SPB In RNC 3820 only one tye o! SPB is suo"te#$

    SPB3 %it& !i'e "ocesso"s( E)c& "ocesso" is

    lo)#e# %it& one o" *o"e o! t&e !ollo%in+)lic)tions$

    Packet *ata Router 1P*R6! ter"inates the TP(7$rotocol towards the Packet CN.

    Co""on Channel! ter"inates coni%ured radiochannels! or e,a"$le #AC5.

    *edicated Channel! ter"inates dyna"ic radiochannels! or e,a"$le *C5! with or without 58acceleration.

    Point to "ulti$oint ( )u! MBMS strea" "ulticastin%between subracks.

    Point to "ulti$oint ( )ub! MBMS strea" "ulticastin%towards RBSs! runs with *C5 a$$lication.

  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation


    Co""on Main Switchin% Board


    Management RS232 and 1000 Base-T for port I

    (used for authorized user internal debugging onl!

    " #thernet $onne$tor for port "

    % #thernet $onne$tor for port %

    & #thernet $onne$tor for port &

    # #thernet $onne$tor for port #

    ' #thernet $onne$tor for port ' #thernet $onne$tor for port

    B #thernet $onne$tor for port B

    ) #thernet $onne$tor for port )

  • 8/13/2019 Ericsson RNC Presentation
