episode 4 - uninvited guests

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  • 8/3/2019 Episode 4 - Uninvited Guests


    Episode 4 Uninvited Guests


    Anaxenite and Joan attend to a party organized by Thor. What seems to be a mere

    troublemaking get together can be the very beginning of something bigger.


    October 9, 2011

    Story by:

    Edition and hand drawing by

    Ana Tinoco and Paul Santos

    : Ana Tinoco

  • 8/3/2019 Episode 4 - Uninvited Guests


    *Early morning Anaxenite is already up attending her war horse.*

    Joan - Up already?

    AnaxeniteYeah weve got lot of things to take care of Joan

    Joan *with a sleeping voice and stretching her limbs* - We do?

    Anaxenite Yes, we have a party to attend tonight!

    Joan A party? Since when are you the party girl type?

    Anaxenite *chuckles* - I am not but something tells me I cannot miss it I

    believe theres something big about to happen *stands still for a moment thinkingabout what Thor had told her on their last meeting got word from our scouts that

    my brother Loki sent the frost giants to attack the kingdom. After the great battlewe lost many men. Have to raise an army as quickly as possible. I can't afford to beas discriminating as usual.*

    JoanOh so going to fill me on this or what?

    Anaxenite - Thor is giving a party tonight at his palace here in Asgard and I take it

    that all the lowlifes - mortals and immortals are going to be there.

    Joan Thor! Like in the God of the Hammer? Ana I dont trust him or any god

    specially not after what you have told me about your past regarding the gods. By

    the way one day you are going to have to tell me that story but this time dont save

    any details! Gods you have thatthatannoying talent of cutting the stories


    Anaxenite *chuckles* Thor might not be the most pleasant of beings but next to

    his brother Lokihes quitetolerable. *a dreamy smile crosses her face for a

    moment but then her features become hard again*

    JoanSowe are just going to a party in a gods palace, filled with warlords and

    badass gods, well theres something that doesnt come along every day. And how

    are you planning on getting in?

    AnaxeniteDont worry about that, Ive got a plan lets go to the market place


    JoanShopping! Im starting to enjoy whatever plan youve got in mind.

    Anaxeniteeheh dont get too excited we are only going to buy strictly whats


    Joan *with a somewhat disappointed look* - Spoiling my fun huh?

    Anaxenite *amused* - Lets gather our things and leave.


  • 8/3/2019 Episode 4 - Uninvited Guests


    *Meanwhile at Thors palace.*

    *Thor outside his palace greeting one of his sergeants.*

    Sergeant Lir - Why is the meeting here? Dont you think Loki will find out? The All

    Father (Odin)?

    Thor - Nei

    Sergeant Lir - Wouldnt everyone get suspicious you having a party and not

    inviting your family?

    Thor - Nei again. I always have parties with friends only. Besides, drinking and

    hunting stories do not interest them.

    Sergeant Lir: - clever! My lord, what is the purpose?

    Thor - Relax sergeant Lir

    err, friend, I will reveal everything when all the guests arrive.

    *Thor leads Lir into his palace.*


  • 8/3/2019 Episode 4 - Uninvited Guests


    *Late evening, Anaxenite and Joan arrive to Thors palace, they are wearing long

    cloaks with hoods.*

    Joan Are you sure about this?

    Anaxenite Positive. Look its going to be ok; if we stick with the plan there

    should be no problem ok? If you prefer you can wait outside, you dont have to go

    inside as well.

    JoanNo way! Youre right its going to be ok. We have gone through so many

    difficult things together, no way Im staying out.

    Anaxenite*smiles and puts her hand over Joans shoulder reassuringly* - Lets go

    then, you know what you have to do.

    Joan - *nods* Yup. See you later.


    *Inside Thors Palace, Joan can be seen entering to the kitchen of the palace from

    its back rear.*

    *Cut to a large dining hall brightly lit with torches. Men sitting at tables drink being

    served by servant girls. Loud chatter by the guests. Thor sits in the middle of the

    largest table with his high ranking officers sitting on either side of him.*

    Thor: *pounds his fists on the table to get everyones attention* - Men!

    A voice from the crowd: - Men? I only see us boys!


    Thor *not so pleased* - I have gathered us here tonight to

    Another voice from the crowd - This is a gathering? I thought it was a tea party!

    *more laughter*

    Thor to Lir - Lir?

    Lir - Yes my yes Thor?

    Thor - What did you have the servants give to the crowd?

    Lir - Oh, nothing special. (nervously) just the finest ale from my uncles cavern.

    Thor *yelling* - Lir! Sit outside!

    Lir - The usual place sir? On the stool?

    Thor - Yes! And bring your coat with you. Its cold out. I cant afford you dyingoutside my palace instead of the battle field. Now leave be!

  • 8/3/2019 Episode 4 - Uninvited Guests


    *As Lir leaves, Thor returns to the crowd. Lifts his hammer in his hand to summon


    Thor *screaming* - Now men! May I have your attention? My scouts have

    informed me that Loki seeks to sack Asgard. As some of you may know that our

    most loyal men have joined him.

    A voice from the crowd: - But how can they? I thought they were honorable men

    and loyal to the All Father?

    Thor -Remember hes the master of deception. Its thanks to his lies and bribes,

    that he has been able to raise a very large army. He promised to make them rich

    and powerful.

    Another voice from the crowd - How can we possibly fight them? We are few

    and not skilled in fighting.

    *Thor takes out a map and points at it.*

    Thor - Loki seeks to invade from the east, because that is his realm. If we confront

    him here in this valley, this narrow crevice if you will, we stand a chance!

    A voice - With due respect my lord. We cant possibly. Im just a commoner and

    lack the techniques in warfare.

    *The crowd agrees.*

    *Thor looks concerned and disappointed. Senses he is losing the crowd.*

    Thor - Then if you will not fight, the best thing to do is go home to your families (ifyou have a home and family), and kiss them, because you may not see them much


    *Thor resigns and leaves room.*


    *Joan disguised as a servant prepares a food tray and its on her way to the dininghall when she hears voices, she stops in her tracks and hides.*

    *Two figures can be seen in the dark.*

    Female voice *angrily speaking in a low tone - You fool! How could you get

    drunk!? *rolls eyes* Men, typical!

    Male voice *nervously and fearfully* - Im sorry my lady!

    Female voiceTheres no apologize that can save your sorry ass from Loki now!

    Male voice Please Lady Amora give me another chance!

    Female voice You are on your own! *with this she disappears*

  • 8/3/2019 Episode 4 - Uninvited Guests


    *The spy gets out from hiding and heads towards the dining room. Joan waits until

    the spy can no longer notice her.*


    *In the dining hall the music starts playing and a group of dancers come into de

    room dressed in exotic clothing. A closer look on one of them its Anaxenite

    wearing a long black wig.*

    Anaxenite (Gods am I really doing this? Focus Ana focus! And here I go!) *she

    starts letting her body flow with the sound of the music although always keeping

    herself well aware of the surroundings*. She identifies some of the men and Thor

    who is talking with a guard. And then she spots Joan and approaches her discretely.

  • 8/3/2019 Episode 4 - Uninvited Guests


    Joan *whispering behind Anaxenite* Ana, a woman by the name of Amora was

    here, she was talking with a guy and they mentioned Loki. There, that man over

    there with raven hair and beard.

    Anaxenite *her eyes widen* - uh oh! Thanks.

    *Ana moves towards the man Joan mentioned, touches his shoulder from behind

    him, he turns around, she quickly grabs his hands and moving provocatively leads

    him towards a corridor the same one where he had been talking with Amora

    hes not in his full senses because due to the effects of the alcohol and well not

    every day that he has an exotic dancer hitting on him, he just gives in. Ana pins

    him to the wall grabbing his neck.

    Spy What the! Who are you?

    Anaxenite - I ask the questions here!

    Spy Oh not again! Two in a row in just a night!?

    Anaxenite *teasingly* - Oh dont worry, from you I just want a little chat. What

    are you doing here? What are Lokis intentions? You better start spill out the beans

    fast because patience isnt my best suit. *with this she leans a dagger at his


    Spy *now trembling and impressed by this womans strength that gives him no

    change to escape her grasp* - Im here to get some information for Lo

    *A familiar male voice interrupts.*

    Thor - Whats all the commotion?

    *Ana is startled and the spy takes the chance to escape.*

    *Ana gets angry.*

    Anaxenite - Thor! You let him get away! Now he knows everything and will tell


    Thor - Relax. The entire plan was a ruse. I knew Loki would send spies. I wanted to

    influence the route he would take on his way to the city.

    *Joan now joins them.*


    Thor - But what? I know what Im doing. Besides, I didnt think you would come.

    *looks Ana up and down appreciatively* but Im glad you did.

    *Thor grins.*

    *Joan giggles.*

    *Ana not amused folds her arms.*

  • 8/3/2019 Episode 4 - Uninvited Guests
