
By makhdoom BaBar (editor-in-chieF) With inputs From anJali sharma and Bhopinder singh dhillon in neW delhi ( additional reporting By John nelson, kapil Verma, guru mahadeV, pryanika Joshi, asotosh cheterJi shaguFta Bhat and Zara khan) I nDIA’S national Security advisor Ajit Kumar Doval has selected to move on a very deadly path of destruction and devastation not only in the region but across India as well and is leading the unholy nexus of Hindu extremists mili- tants with the help of his former IPS col- leagues and in a rare move, is reported to has established a special liaison with the militant warlords of Syria and Iraq based Deash ( aka ISIS) and is re-engaging the deeply wounded network of Pakistani Taliban, establishing their nexus with Daesh to put Pakistan in more troubled waters, reveal the Investigations, carried out by The Daily Mail. According The Daily Mail’s investi- gation, the recent announcement by, on the run, Pakistani Taliban about support- ing Daesh in Syria and Iraq and bid to motivate Pakistani youth for the purpose has not come merely out of nowhere but in fact it has deep roots with new Delhi. Investigations indicate that India’s national Security Advisor who is also the former Chief of India’s Intelligence Bureau and headed a variety of IB’s foreign operations in the region and even beyond regional ambits, car- ried out a series of open and secret visits to Iraq and Syria and held meetings with Daesh leadership. Diring these meet- ings, he proposed them to establish a nexus with Pakistani Taliban who are on the run and very deeply require a blanket arrangement like getting tagged with a Daesh like organizations. These investigations further indicate that Ajit Doval flew at differ- ent occasions in the last few months to Damascus and used certain elements of Syri- an intelligence agencies that had contacts with the ISIS or Daesh, in their private capacities. It remains a fact that though ISIS had declared war on Syria, there are many State and non-State actors who are friends of the dissidents. These State and non State actors were holding old ties with Ajit Doval ever since his joining of the Indian IB. The investigations of The Daily Mail further reveal that Ajit Doval had misused Syrian Ambassador in new Delhi and took a handsome data of Deash activists to establish contacts, under the garb of ensuring the unwitting Ambassa- dor that through this data, Indian govern- ment will try to help Syrian government in hunting down Daesh. In a recent media interview, Syria’s Ambassador to India, Riad Kamel Abbas claimed that his country had vast databas- es of information on the militant group Daesh (or ISIS), its sponsors and its designs. He admitted that same data was shared with India through India’s nation- al Security Advisor Ajit Doval. .” We have huge information on this group and their sponsors from the region. “We shared all information with Indian nSA in this fight against terrorism. Some nationals from India's neighboring coun- tries have also joined ISIS and, therefore, could trouble Delhi in future.” Ambassa- dor Raed Kamel said in his interview, Continued on Page 6 Ajit Kumar Doval running plan of re-engaging TTP militants by establishing Deash-TTP nexus | Syrian envoy in India confirms Doval having complete data of Daesh militants, provided by Syrian authorities | Doval organized TTP-Daesh meeting in Kandhar last month at Indian Consulate | Doval, deceiving Obama administration, held series of meetings with Daesh warlords in Iraq, Syria, with or without CIA blessings | Indian media confirms Doval’s secret trip to Syria and Iraq, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel admits Indian role in financing terror | IPS officers of different state cadres very strongly follow Hindutva ideology after joining spy agencies; develop deep links with RSS | Ajit Doval, B Raman, Sanjeev Tripthi, Alok Joshi, Amitabh Mathur formed unholy nexus to promote Hindutva mission of Akhand Bharat, Hindu supremacy | Raman purposely kept Doval in IB to maintain a deep association for unauthorized projects despite acute professional rivalry of the two spy outlets | Doval, Raman, Tripathi formed Chhota Rajan gang for hall of unauthorized, unsanctioned operations in region and beyond regional ambits | Funds for such unauthorized operations are also generated through underworld gang of Chhota Rajan | Chhota Rajan gang works jointly for RAW and IB while MI is also given its services under Hindutva nexus | US Embassy in India, according to leaked diplomatic cables, confirmed deep links of Doval with Chhota Rajan gang | 1990s Hazrat Bal Shrine episode in IOK was also orchestrated by Doval | It was a Doval Plan under which Foreigners were kidnapped in IOK in 1995 | Gujarat’s anti-Muslim riots were also scripted by Ajit Doval and Sanjeev Tripathi group | Doval, Raman organized hijacking of Indian airliner IC 814 in 1999 to fulfill an infiltration plan | Tripathi, with Doval’s association formed plan to penetrate into Pakistani media and laid down projects like Aman Ki Aasha and SAFMA | Doval’s philosophy of depending more in Human Intelligence helped creating more moles in regional media | Former army Chief VK Singh’s unauthorized Technical Support Division of army was also organized by Doval, Tripathi blessings | China’s Tibet riots of 2008 and constant Xinjiang violence are also result of Doval scripted Hinudtva policies for region By Jamshed ullah ISLAMABAD Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chief, Imran Khan and Jamat-e-Isla- mi (JI) Ameer, Sirajul Haq renewed their pledge to fight against corruption and the sta- tus quo on Wednesday. Addressing a joint press conference at Deputy Ameer JI, Mian Aslam's residence, where Imran Khan called on Sirajul Haq to iron out any misunderstandings. Imran Khan said PTI and JI share similar ideologies and are naturally close to each other. “Leadership of both par- ties believe that massive rig- ging during the general elec- tions of 2013, broke all records.” he said. Khan said, corruption and rigging could not be eliminat- ed from future elections, as long as those involved in such practices are not held account- able and awarded punish- ments. The PTI Chief added, that instead of verification of ballots in four constituencies, members of the ruling Pak- istan Muslim League-n were trying to hide behind ‘stay orders’. “They are trying to protect their rigging,” he alleged. He said a government that comes to power through rigging is never interested in resolving genuine issues faced by the people. “Their policies are only aimed at protecting their personal interests,” he added. He said PTI’s ongoing sit- in will continue till ‘we get justice’. “Qadri is gone but make no mistake we will con- tinue our protest,” Imran Khan asserted. earlier, JI Amir Sira- jul Haq said his party support- ed PTI right from the begin- ning for its demand for bring- ing about electoral reforms in the country. He said respect of the bal- lot box is indispensable and revolutionary steps are needed to protect its sanctity. Haq fur- ther said that those involved in rigging elections must be brought to justice adding that when rigging takes place there should be a mechanism in place to carry out a transparent probe. Speaking on PTI's ongo- ing sit-in, he said, it is govern- ment’s responsibility to resolve the issue by re-engag- ing the stakeholders in talks. He said, when it comes to holding negotiations with PTI, the government is dilly-dally- ing. Sirajul Haq criticized the Hasina Wajid-led Bangladesh government for awarding cap- ital punishments to those who stood with the Constitution of Pakistan. ISI Chief bids farewell call on PM By Bushra makhdoom ISLAMABAD – Outgoing Director-general of the Inter- Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt- gen Zaheerul Islam met with President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister nawaz Sharif on Wednesday. During the meeting with nawaz Sharif at the Prime Minister House, the premier praised Zaheerul Islam's efforts and services in relation to counter-terrorism and national security. The outgoing spy chief, who retires from his post on nov 7, also apprised the pre- mier on professional matters relating to the ISI. nawaz Sharif wished him luck for the future. In the meeting with Presi- dent Mamnoon Hussain at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, the president commended the services ren- dered by the outgoing Dg ISI for defence of the country and for strengthening the intelli- gence apparatus. The president wished the outgoing Dg ISI good health, success and happiness in his future life. Lt gen Rizwan Akhtar, who was named as the new ISI director general, will be taking charge of the position upon Zaheer's retirement. dm monitoring WASHIngTOn – Pakistan’s parliament is emerging as the main beneficiary of the coun- try’s crisis as the months long protests in Islamabad weaken along with their main target, Prime Minister nawaz Sharif, a report in Wall Street Journal said. Opposition politician Imran Khan, who continues to lead protests even after the larger contingent drawn by cleric Tahir ul Qadir pulled out last month, accuses the prime minister of rigging the May 2013 election, a charge Mr Sharif rejects. In the initial days of the protest, which began in Islamabad on Aug. 15, Mr. Sharif’s government tottered on the brink of col- lapse, but later all parliamen- tary parties except Mr. Khan’s united behind the prime minis- ter. “This winner is parlia- ment,” said Ijaz gilani, head of the polling organization gallup Pakistan. “never before has the parliament stood up to defend civilian supremacy and the constitu- tion.” Since 1958, parliament has been dismissed nine times under the sort of crisis that Mr. Khan provoked, with the mili- tary repeatedly citing political division as grounds to shut down the legislature. The dif- ference this time was that all the other opposition parties sided in parliament with the government, seeing Mr. Khan’s demands as undemoc- ratic and backed by undemoc- ratic forces. As for Mr. Khan, a former cricket star, Mr. gilani’s polling found that the constant airing of his message on Pak- istani TV channels hasn’t increased his following. His polls suggests the crisis has solidified existing support for Mr. Khan but turned the opin- ions of others firmly against him. In the past, Mr. Khan per- sonally polled favorably even among voters of other parties, offering him a possible open- ing to convert those voters into supporters of his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party. ‘Parliament emerges as triumphant’ India’s NSA causing acute threat to regional, global peace ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif with DG ISI, Lt. General Muhammad Zahir-ul-Islam, in a farewell call bid by the latter, at PM House, here on Wednesday. – Agencies APEC Summit in Beijing set to reshape the future From sandra Johnson Special to The Daily Mail WASH- IngTOn The forthcom- ing Asia- Pacific economic Coopera- t i o n (APeC) Summit, that is being held in Beijing is expected to produce tangible outcomes and achieve greater regional economic integration, says a US expert on Asia affairs. With the theme of "Shap- ing the Future through Asia- Pacific Partnership," China has laid out several areas to focus on during this year's APeC gathering, including trade and investment integra- tion, innovation, inclusive growth and connectivity. "These efforts would help promote economic and inter- connected development in the region," says Matthew good- man, who holds the William e. Simon Chair in Political economy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank in Wash- ington. In terms of infrastructure development, goodman said China's proposal of establish- ing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is "very understandable," as there are large infrastructure needs in the region and China has great capacity to potentially help bridge the financing gap in the area. Reviewing APeC's devel- opment, goodman said the forum has been a useful "incubator" to create good ideas on trade and integration, and it has also been a useful part of the architecture in the Asia-Pacific region. APeC should continue to bring diverse economies together to deepen economic integration in the region, and it is useful for the forum to have "a long-term vision like the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP)," he said. The FTAAP concept was proposed in 2004 and written into the declaration of the APeC economic leaders' meeting in 2006. In February this year, China proposed to launch feasibility study on the subject. According to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the FTAAP process will be launched during the Continued on Back Page From Jassica Zhang BeIJIng – Prime Minister Mian nawaz Sharif will receive a warm welcome when he arrives here this week to have bilateral talks with Chi- nese leaders and to attend Asia Pacific economic Cooperation Summit, said Madam Cui Yuying Chinese vice minister for the State Council Informa- tion office. She told a visiting media delegation here today that they are awaiting the visit, hoping it will be another milestone in the development of their bilat- eral relationship. “We are expecting concert outcome of the visit for deepening our socio-economic partnership". Madam Cui further said the government and the people of China attached great impor- tance to their relations with Pakistan, and wished these should keep growing to meet the common aspirations of their people. We are old friends who are eager to cooperate with each other for promot- ing peace, stability and pros- perity in the region. She underlined the need of strengthening relationship in information and media sector. Media, she said could play a key role in enhancing people- to-people contacts. Madam Cui hoped that the two governments will pay greater attention to pro- mote interaction and exchanges among the journalists. She said China is prepared to extend all possible support to the media to work as a bridge among the people of the two countries for their greater cooperation and under- standing. “We are expecting concert outcome of the visit for deep- ening our socio-economic partnership". 5 militants killed, three troops martyred BARA/KALAYA – At least five persons including three security personnel were killed and 10 others injured in three blasts in Khyber and Orakzai Agencies on Tuesday. Security sources said that the security personnel were on routine patrol in Zakhakhel Bazaar in tehsil Landi Kotal of Khyber Agency when a roadside bomb went off. As a result of explosion two security personnel and a member of peace committee died on the spot while another sustained injuries. Another bomb exploded during rescue operation due to which anoth- er security personnel was killed and another injured. The security force detained 10 suspects during search operation in tehsil Jamrud of Khyber Agency. In another incident, a man was killed and eight others injured in roadside blast in Kalaya area of Lower Orakzai Agency. The injured of the three blasts were shifted to different hospitals where condition of some was stated to be critical. The security forces cor- doning of the area after all three blasts launched search operations. – Agencies Imran, Siraj vow to break ‘status quo’ Red-carpet awaits Premier at Beijing

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Page 1: Epaper

By makhdoom BaBar

(editor-in-chieF)With inputs From anJali sharma

and Bhopinder singh dhillon in

neW delhi ( additional reporting

By John nelson, kapil Verma,guru mahadeV, pryanika Joshi,

asotosh cheterJi shaguFta Bhat

and Zara khan)

InDIA’S national Security advisor AjitKumar Doval has selected to move ona very deadly path of destruction and

devastation not only in the region butacross India as well and is leading the

unholy nexus of Hindu extremists mili-tants with the help of his former IPS col-leagues and in a rare move, is reported tohas established a special liaison with themilitant warlords of Syria and Iraq basedDeash ( aka ISIS) and is re-engaging thedeeply wounded network of PakistaniTaliban, establishing their nexus withDaesh to put Pakistan in more troubledwaters, reveal the Investigations, carriedout by The Daily Mail.

According The Daily Mail’s investi-gation, the recent announcement by, onthe run, Pakistani Taliban about support-ing Daesh in Syria and Iraq and bid to

motivate Pakistani youth for the purposehas not come merely out of nowhere butin fact it has deep roots withnew Delhi. Investigationsindicate that India’s nationalSecurity Advisor who is alsothe former Chief of India’sIntelligence Bureau andheaded a variety of IB’s foreignoperations in the region andeven beyond regional ambits, car-ried out a series of open and secretvisits to Iraq and Syria and held meetingswith Daesh leadership. Diring these meet-ings, he proposed them to establish a

nexus with Pakistani Taliban who are onthe run and very deeply require a blanket

arrangement like getting tagged with aDaesh like organizations. These

investigations further indicatethat Ajit Doval flew at differ-

ent occasions in the last fewmonths to Damascus and

used certain elements of Syri-an intelligence agencies that

had contacts with the ISIS orDaesh, in their private capacities.

It remains a fact that though ISIS haddeclared war on Syria, there are manyState and non-State actors who are

friends of the dissidents. These State andnon State actors were holding old ties withAjit Doval ever since his joining of theIndian IB. The investigations of The DailyMail further reveal that Ajit Doval hadmisused Syrian Ambassador in new Delhiand took a handsome data of Deashactivists to establish contacts, under thegarb of ensuring the unwitting Ambassa-dor that through this data, Indian govern-ment will try to help Syrian government inhunting down Daesh.

In a recent media interview, Syria’sAmbassador to India, Riad Kamel Abbasclaimed that his country had vast databas-

es of information on the militant groupDaesh (or ISIS), its sponsors and itsdesigns. He admitted that same data wasshared with India through India’s nation-al Security Advisor Ajit Doval.

.” We have huge information on thisgroup and their sponsors from the region.“We shared all information with IndiannSA in this fight against terrorism. Somenationals from India's neighboring coun-tries have also joined ISIS and, therefore,could trouble Delhi in future.” Ambassa-dor Raed Kamel said in his interview,

Continued on Page 6

Ajit Kumar Doval running plan of re-engaging TTP militants by establishing Deash-TTP nexus | Syrian envoy in India confirms Doval having complete data of Daesh militants,provided by Syrian authorities | Doval organized TTP-Daesh meeting in Kandhar last month at Indian Consulate | Doval, deceiving Obama administration, held series of meetingswith Daesh warlords in Iraq, Syria, with or without CIA blessings | Indian media confirms Doval’s secret trip to Syria and Iraq, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel admits Indian role infinancing terror | IPS officers of different state cadres very strongly follow Hindutva ideology after joining spy agencies; develop deep links with RSS | Ajit Doval, B Raman, SanjeevTripthi, Alok Joshi, Amitabh Mathur formed unholy nexus to promote Hindutva mission of Akhand Bharat, Hindu supremacy | Raman purposely kept Doval in IB to maintain a deep

association for unauthorized projects despite acute professional rivalry of the two spy outlets | Doval, Raman, Tripathi formed Chhota Rajan gang for hall of unauthorized,unsanctioned operations in region and beyond regional ambits | Funds for such unauthorized operations are also generated through underworld gang of Chhota Rajan | Chhota

Rajan gang works jointly for RAW and IB while MI is also given its services under Hindutva nexus | US Embassy in India, according to leaked diplomatic cables, confirmed deep links ofDoval with Chhota Rajan gang | 1990s Hazrat Bal Shrine episode in IOK was also orchestrated by Doval | It was a Doval Plan under which Foreigners were kidnapped in IOK in 1995

| Gujarat’s anti-Muslim riots were also scripted by Ajit Doval and Sanjeev Tripathi group | Doval, Raman organized hijacking of Indian airliner IC 814 in 1999 to fulfill an infiltration plan| Tripathi, with Doval’s association formed plan to penetrate into Pakistani media and laid down projects like Aman Ki Aasha and SAFMA | Doval’s philosophy of depending more inHuman Intelligence helped creating more moles in regional media | Former army Chief VK Singh’s unauthorized Technical Support Division of army was also organized by Doval,

Tripathi blessings | China’s Tibet riots of 2008 and constant Xinjiang violence are also result of Doval scripted Hinudtva policies for region

By Jamshed ullah

ISLAMABAD – PakistanTehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chief,Imran Khan and Jamat-e-Isla-mi (JI) Ameer, Sirajul Haqrenewed their pledge to fightagainst corruption and the sta-tus quo on Wednesday.

Addressing a joint pressconference at Deputy AmeerJI, Mian Aslam's residence,where Imran Khan called onSirajul Haq to iron out anymisunderstandings.

Imran Khan said PTI andJI share similar ideologies andare naturally close to eachother. “Leadership of both par-ties believe that massive rig-ging during the general elec-tions of 2013, broke allrecords.” he said.

Khan said, corruption andrigging could not be eliminat-ed from future elections, aslong as those involved in suchpractices are not held account-able and awarded punish-ments. The PTI Chief added,that instead of verification ofballots in four constituencies,members of the ruling Pak-istan Muslim League-n weretrying to hide behind ‘stayorders’. “They are trying toprotect their rigging,” he

alleged. He said a governmentthat comes to power throughrigging is never interested inresolving genuine issues facedby the people. “Their policiesare only aimed at protectingtheir personal interests,” headded.

He said PTI’s ongoing sit-in will continue till ‘we getjustice’. “Qadri is gone butmake no mistake we will con-tinue our protest,” Imran Khanasserted. earlier, JI Amir Sira-jul Haq said his party support-ed PTI right from the begin-ning for its demand for bring-ing about electoral reforms inthe country.

He said respect of the bal-lot box is indispensable andrevolutionary steps are needed

to protect its sanctity. Haq fur-ther said that those involved inrigging elections must bebrought to justice adding thatwhen rigging takes place thereshould be a mechanism inplace to carry out a transparentprobe.

Speaking on PTI's ongo-ing sit-in, he said, it is govern-ment’s responsibility toresolve the issue by re-engag-ing the stakeholders in talks.He said, when it comes toholding negotiations with PTI,the government is dilly-dally-ing. Sirajul Haq criticized theHasina Wajid-led Bangladeshgovernment for awarding cap-ital punishments to those whostood with the Constitution ofPakistan.

ISI Chiefbids farewellcall on PM

By Bushra makhdoom

ISLAMABAD – OutgoingDirector-general of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt-gen Zaheerul Islam met withPresident Mamnoon Hussainand Prime Minister nawazSharif on Wednesday.

During the meeting withnawaz Sharif at the PrimeMinister House, the premierpraised Zaheerul Islam'sefforts and services in relationto counter-terrorism andnational security.

The outgoing spy chief,who retires from his post onnov 7, also apprised the pre-mier on professional mattersrelating to the ISI. nawazSharif wished him luck for thefuture.

In the meeting with Presi-dent Mamnoon Hussain at theAiwan-e-Sadr, the presidentcommended the services ren-dered by the outgoing Dg ISIfor defence of the country andfor strengthening the intelli-gence apparatus.

The president wished theoutgoing Dg ISI good health,success and happiness in hisfuture life.

Lt gen Rizwan Akhtar,who was named as the newISI director general, will betaking charge of the positionupon Zaheer's retirement.

dm monitoring

WASHIngTOn – Pakistan’sparliament is emerging as themain beneficiary of the coun-try’s crisis as the months longprotests in Islamabad weakenalong with their main target,Prime Minister nawaz Sharif,a report in Wall Street Journalsaid.

Opposition politicianImran Khan, who continues tolead protests even after thelarger contingent drawn bycleric Tahir ul Qadir pulled outlast month, accuses the primeminister of rigging the May2013 election, a charge MrSharif rejects. In the initialdays of the protest, whichbegan in Islamabad on Aug.15, Mr. Sharif’s governmenttottered on the brink of col-lapse, but later all parliamen-tary parties except Mr. Khan’sunited behind the prime minis-ter.

“This winner is parlia-ment,” said Ijaz gilani, headof the polling organizationgallup Pakistan. “neverbefore has the parliamentstood up to defend civilian

supremacy and the constitu-tion.”

Since 1958, parliamenthas been dismissed nine timesunder the sort of crisis that Mr.Khan provoked, with the mili-tary repeatedly citing politicaldivision as grounds to shutdown the legislature. The dif-ference this time was that allthe other opposition partiessided in parliament with thegovernment, seeing Mr.Khan’s demands as undemoc-ratic and backed by undemoc-ratic forces.

As for Mr. Khan, a formercricket star, Mr. gilani’spolling found that the constantairing of his message on Pak-istani TV channels hasn’tincreased his following. Hispolls suggests the crisis hassolidified existing support forMr. Khan but turned the opin-ions of others firmly againsthim.

In the past, Mr. Khan per-sonally polled favorably evenamong voters of other parties,offering him a possible open-ing to convert those votersinto supporters of his PakistanTehreek-e-Insaf party.

‘Parliamentemerges astriumphant’

India’s NSA causing acute threat to regional, global peace

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif with DG ISI, Lt. General Muhammad Zahir-ul-Islam, in a farewell call bid by the latter, at PMHouse, here on Wednesday. – Agencies

APECSummit in

Beijing set toreshape the


From sandra Johnson

Special to The Daily Mail

W A S H -IngTOn– Theforthcom-ing Asia-P a c i f i ceconomicCoopera-t i o n

(APeC) Summit, that is beingheld in Beijing is expected toproduce tangible outcomesand achieve greater regionaleconomic integration, says aUS expert on Asia affairs.

With the theme of "Shap-ing the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership," Chinahas laid out several areas tofocus on during this year'sAPeC gathering, includingtrade and investment integra-tion, innovation, inclusivegrowth and connectivity.

"These efforts would helppromote economic and inter-connected development in theregion," says Matthew good-man, who holds the Williame. Simon Chair in Politicaleconomy at the Center forStrategic and InternationalStudies, a think tank in Wash-ington.

In terms of infrastructuredevelopment, goodman saidChina's proposal of establish-ing the Asian InfrastructureInvestment Bank is "veryunderstandable," as there arelarge infrastructure needs inthe region and China has greatcapacity to potentially helpbridge the financing gap inthe area.

Reviewing APeC's devel-opment, goodman said theforum has been a useful"incubator" to create goodideas on trade and integration,and it has also been a usefulpart of the architecture in theAsia-Pacific region.

APeC should continue tobring diverse economiestogether to deepen economicintegration in the region, andit is useful for the forum tohave "a long-term vision likethe Free Trade Area of theAsia-Pacific (FTAAP)," hesaid.

The FTAAP concept wasproposed in 2004 and writteninto the declaration of theAPeC economic leaders'meeting in 2006. In Februarythis year, China proposed tolaunch feasibility study on thesubject.

According to ChineseForeign Minister Wang Yi, theFTAAP process will belaunched during the

Continued on Back Page

From Jassica Zhang

BeIJIng – Prime MinisterMian nawaz Sharif willreceive a warm welcome whenhe arrives here this week tohave bilateral talks with Chi-nese leaders and to attend AsiaPacific economic CooperationSummit, said Madam CuiYuying Chinese vice ministerfor the State Council Informa-tion office.

She told a visiting mediadelegation here today that theyare awaiting the visit, hoping itwill be another milestone inthe development of their bilat-eral relationship. “We areexpecting concert outcome ofthe visit for deepening oursocio-economic partnership".

Madam Cui further saidthe government and the peopleof China attached great impor-tance to their relations withPakistan, and wished theseshould keep growing to meetthe common aspirations of

their people. We are old friends

who are eager to cooperatewith each other for promot-ing peace, stability and pros-perity in the region. Sheunderlined the need ofstrengthening relationship ininformation and media sector.Media, she said could play akey role in enhancing people-to-people contacts.

Madam Cui hoped that thetwo governments willpay greater attention to pro-mote interactionand exchanges among thejournalists.

She said China is preparedto extend all possible supportto the media to work as abridge among the people ofthe two countries for theirgreater cooperation and under-standing.

“We are expecting concertoutcome of the visit for deep-ening our socio-economicpartnership".

5 militantskilled, three


BARA/KALAYA – At leastfive persons including threesecurity personnel werekilled and 10 others injured inthree blasts in Khyber andOrakzai Agencies on Tuesday.

Security sources said thatthe security personnel wereon routine patrol in ZakhakhelBazaar in tehsil Landi Kotalof Khyber Agency when aroadside bomb went off.

As a result of explosiontwo security personnel and amember of peace committeedied on the spot while anothersustained injuries. Anotherbomb exploded during rescueoperation due to which anoth-er security personnel waskilled and another injured.

The security forcedetained 10 suspects duringsearch operation in tehsilJamrud of Khyber Agency.

In another incident, a manwas killed and eight othersinjured in roadside blast inKalaya area of Lower OrakzaiAgency.

The injured of the threeblasts were shifted to differenthospitals where condition ofsome was stated to be critical.

The security forces cor-doning of the area after allthree blasts launched searchoperations. – Agencies

Imran, Siraj vow tobreak ‘status quo’

Red-carpetawaits Premier

at Beijing

Page 2: Epaper


ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in a meeting with CM Punjab Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, CM Sindh,Syed Qaim Ali Shah, CM KPK Pervez Khattak and CM Balochistan Dr. Abdul Maalik at PM Office, here on Wednesday.

By asghar ali muBarak

ISLAMABAD – PresidentMamnoon Hussain Wednes-day urged the civil servants todo their best in ensuring cor-ruption free governance andserve the people of Pakistanwith utmost dedication andhonesty. The President empha-sized that the officers shouldperform their duties with max-imum commitment whileremaining conscious of thefact that the decision andactions taken by them wouldimpact the lives of 180 millionplus citizens of the country.

The President said thisduring a meeting with civil

servants recently promoted tograde-22 here at Aiwan-e-Sadr.

“You have now reachedthe pinnacle of your career.With this, greater responsibili-ties fall on your shoulders towork for the betterment and

welfare of the masses of ourcountry”, stated the President.

The President said that thesenior civil servants should betrue ideals for their juniors toemulate.

“Your conduct, perform-ance and professional capabil-ities should be such that thefuture generations of civil ser-vants follow in your footstepsin dispensation of their offi-cial duties”, added the Presi-dent.

He emphasized that thebureaucracy should act in uni-son and with commitment inachieving national goals andpolicies for the greater good ofthe people of Pakistan.

Minority couplebeaten to

death by mob

KASUR – A Christian couplewas beaten to death by a fren-zied mob over charges of des-ecration of 'holy pages' in KotRadha Kishan on Tuesday.

The bodies of Shama Bibiand her husband were burnt ina brick kiln after the killing.

DPO police said that thecouple was accused of dese-crating ‘holy pages’.

The police said that 42people have been taken intocustody over their allegedinvolvement into the killing.

According to eyewitness-es, hundreds of enraged vil-lagers took part in the execu-tion in the presence of fivepolicemen who watched thegory incident as silent specta-tors. – Agencies

Russian troops moving towardUkraine border: NATO Chief

BRUSSeLS – Russia has moved troopscloser to the border with Ukraine and con-tinues to support rebels in the country'seast, nATO's chief said on Tuesday, afteran election held by the pro-Russian sepa-ratists and condemned by Kiev and West-ern leaders.

Ukraine's president said Sunday'svote flouted terms of a plan to end a warthat has killed more than 4,000 people,and that newly formed army units wouldbe sent to defend a string of easterncities against a possible new rebel offen-sive.

"Recently we are seeing Russiantroops moving closer to the border withUkraine," Jens Stoltenberg, secretary-gen-eral of nATO, told a news conferencewith eU foreign policy chief FedericaMogherini.

"Russia continues to support sepa-ratists by training them, by providingequipment and support them by also hav-ing Russian special forces inside easternparts of Ukraine."

Russia has denied military involve-ment in eastern Ukraine despite whatWestern officials have cited as over-whelming evidence to the contrary.

"We call on Russia to make genuineefforts towards a peaceful solution,"Stoltenberg said, "and to use all their

influence on the separatists to make themrespect the Minsk agreements and torespect the ceasefire which is a precondi-tion for a political solution to the difficultsituation in Ukraine."

Stoltenberg said Russia was also try-ing to show strength by increasing mili-tary flights close to nATO air space ineurope.

"We (nATO) are intercepting theRussian planes whether it is in the AtlanticSea or in the Baltic Sea or in the BlackSea. The numbers of intercepts have so farthis year been over 100, which is aboutthree times as much as the total number ofintercepts the whole of last year," he said.

The pro-Russian separatists stagedswearing in ceremonies for their leaders ineastern Ukraine on Tuesday.

Moscow says the election of Alexan-der Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky asleaders of the Donetsk and Luhansk "peo-ple's republics", which jointly call them-selves "new Russia", means that Kievshould now negotiate with them directly.

Kiev has rejected this, describing therebels as Russian-backed "terrorists" or"bandits", with no legitimacy.

Mogherini said the eU would assesswhether to strengthen or ease sanctionsimposed on Russia over its role in Ukrainedepending on the situation on the ground.

"This is a process that is going to goon in the coming weeks," she said, whenasked if Russia's response to Sunday'srebel ballot could trigger stiffer sanctionsagainst Moscow.

The situation in Ukraine will beaddressed at the next eU foreign minis-ters' meeting on nov. 17, she said.

"...I would say the main topic of dis-cussion today should be ... how do wemake sure that we find a solution to theconflict?" the former Italian foreign min-ister said.

Russian Deputy Foreign Ministergrigory Karasin said on Monday that thenewly elected leaders in eastern Ukrainianseparatist regions have a "mandate" tonegotiate with Kiev, Interfax news agencyreported.

Mogherini said the "so-called elec-tions" in eastern Ukraine were illegal andillegitimate and would not be recognizedby the eU. There was a risk they couldend chances for rebel dialogue with Kievand dialogue between Kiev and Moscow,she said.

The eU has gradually tightened sanc-tions against Russia in response to itsannexation of Ukraine's Crimea region inMarch, after the overthrow of Kiev's pro-Russian president by protesters, and itssupport for the rebel cause.– Agencies

India’s Kolkataport on high alertKOLKATA – Security forces inKolkata are on high alert follow-ing a central intelligence warn-ing that the city’s port may be thetarget of an attack by militantsposing as fishermen, home min-istry officials said.

Central Industrial SecurityForce (CISF) headquarters inDelhi alerted top West Bengaland Kolkata police officials onMonday through an email, cau-tioning them of a possible attack.

The Indian navy moved twowarships — InS Khukri andInS Sumitra — out of the portafter receiving the alert andincreased patrolling in the sea.The ships were supposed to beopen to the public on Wednes-day and Thursday. “We came toknow about the alert from theCISF,” said deputy commission-er of police (port division) ImranWahab. “We had a meeting late

into the night and Indian navyofficers were also present.”

Sources said security agen-cies intercepted conversationsabout targeting Indian navalassets at Kolkata and swung intoaction, in part, because of Sep-tember’s Karachi attack.“Marine patrolling at the India-Bangladesh sea border in theBay of Bengal has beenenhanced in view of the alert,”said commodore RaviAhluwalia. “We have electronicsurveillance on seagoing vessels,especially the fishing trawlersplying in the region.”

According to the alert, ter-rorists are likely to enter Indianwaters posing as fishermen andare backed by Pakistan marines,an elite marine commando unitof the Pakistani navy, Indianmedia claimed, quoting govern-ment sources. – Agencies

Civil servants urgedto eradicate graft


thrashed inDelhi park

From our


neW DeLHI – A Saudidiplomat was allegedlyroughed up by some Indianyouth for taking his pet doginto a park in the poshenclave of Safdargunj in newDelhi recently.

The diplomat had beenunable to read the sign at thegate in Hindi which statedthat it was prohibited to takedogs inside the park.

The Delhi Police are yetto make any arrests, accord-ing to the latest mediareports. Identified only asAbdul Rehman, a secretaryrank officer working with theembassy in new Delhi, hadgone to a community parkwith his pet dog for anevening stroll when the inci-dent occurred.

“A man came and startedyelling at Abdul Rehman inHindi, so he requested him tospeak in english as he could-n’t understand Hindi,”reports quoted a senior policeofficer as saying. In his com-plaint, the victim told thepolice that a man informedhim that dogs are not allowedinside the park and showedhim the signboard. The manlater threatened to call thepolice. But he brought hisfriends instead.

“The victim laterinformed the youths that heis a diplomat and alsoshowed his identificationcard. As he was about toleave, two other miscreantsjoined them and asked him toleave the spot as well as thecountry immediately,” thepolice officer said.

Subsequently, when thevictim walked out of thepark, the miscreants attackedhim and one of them heldhim by his neck and startedpunching him. When the vic-tim resisted, he was allegedlypushed to the ground andbeaten up, reports said.

Nepra notifieshike in

power tariff

By mahnoor makhdoom

ISLAMABAD – The nation-al electric Power RegulatoryAuthority (nepra) onWednesday notified 52-paisaper unit increase in powertariff. The on its part has alsowithdrawn subsidy on felec-tricity by Rs 1.50 per unitthat would cost the con-sumers by about Rs 27 billionin a year.

Surprisingly, the latestincrease was notified underthe fuel adjustment head at atime when international oilprices are on a declining trendand the government has alsosubstantially decreased thePOL prices. According tonePRA sources, instead ofreducing the electricity rates,electricity equalisation sur-charge has also been imposedfrom first October, 2014 equalto Rs 1.50 per unit that wouldcontinue till 30th September,2015.

The increase has alsobeen notified at a time whenthere is lot of criticism andanger among the people overexcessive electricity and thePrime Minister is to be briefedat the special cabinet meetingon Thursday(tomorrow) bythe Cabinet Committee led byFinance Minister Ishaq Darabout the reasons behind theexcessive billing.

As per the notificationdomestic users consumingless than 50 units a monthwould be exempted.

From Page 1

upcoming APeC economicleaders' meeting.

China's proposal is "wel-come" as it is an opportunityto move towards that vision ina specific way, said goodman,who served as White Housecoordinator for the APeC andthe east Asia Summit forumsduring US President BarackObama's first term.

Meanwhile, setting atimetable for the FTAAP canbe useful as a driving forcefor Asia-Pacific economicintegration, he added.

Referring to Obama'sChina visit, goodman expect-ed both Washington and Bei-jing would try to deepen bilat-eral ties by managing dis-

agreements and expandingcooperation.

It is a "real opportunity"for the leaders of the twocountries to sit down andhave "frank" and "compre-hensive" discussions aboutUS-China relations, andabout broader regional andglobal concerns the two sidesshare, said goodman.

"I would expect the fullrange of political, securityand economic issues to be onthe agenda," he added.

"I think both PresidentObama and President Xi Jin-ping very much want to findways to manage differencesand expand areas of coopera-tion to put US-China relationson a more positive path,"goodman said.

APEC Summit inBeijing set to

reshape the future

Page 3: Epaper

SPORTS02 Thursday, November 06, 2014

NEW YORK, NY: Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark returns a shot against Serena Williams of the United States during their women's singles final match onDay fourteen of the 2014 US Open at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in the Flushing neighborhood of the Queens borough of New York.

‘Australia need to learn the Asian temp’A

LMOST everything about Aus-tralian cricket's Test match resur-gence last summer was about set-

ting the pace of the game. There wasMitchell Johnson's bowling, David Warn-er's batting, Michael Clarke's quick think-ing captaincy in the field, and above all,fast wickets. The pace was relentless, andengland and South Africa could not keepup.

But on slower pitches in the UAe,Australia have been caught speeding byPakistan. If it was a shock after the Ashes,it was also very familiar. Australian teamshave battled for years to find a style ofplay that's going to work in those condi-tions, but after India in 2013 and now thisresult, a solution seems to be as far awayas ever. These past two series have seenAustralia a long, long way off the mark,not even competitive. A lot of what I sawwas a bit frenetic, a bit fast. We didn'tallow ourselves to get deep enough intothose games to be in a position to try towin.

For a few minutes at the start of thefirst Test against Pakistan in Dubai itlooked like Australia would be able topick up the pace of the game, grabbingtwo early wickets and expecting more.But as I learned slowly, and at timespainfully over the years, Test matches in

Asia seldom run to an Australian sched-ule. Younis Khan dug in, the bowlers lostsome of their earlier edge, and a majorfirst innings was built. UnfortunatelyAustralia seemed unable to pull back agear or two after those earlier successes.

What Younis did was a classic exam-ple of following the style of cricketproven over many years on the subconti-nent. The game meanders for the firstthree and a half to four days and then

tends to open up really late. What you'vegot to do is be in a position come tea onday three where you can still win thegame, and in both of those Tests by lateon day three Australia were completelyout of the match. It's very rare that gamesdon't last very late into day five in thoseconditions, and the way Australia playeddidn't allow them to get there.

It's hard work, of course. You've gotto grind it out, bat for long periods of time

and try to build pressure with back-to-back maidens when you're bowling - inshort, play within yourself. Yet after theloss in Dubai it actually seemed as thoughthe selectors were determined to force thepace even more by choosing the teamthey did.

In many ways, the path to victory inAsia is difficult for an Australian cricketerto grasp. Our desire to push the gamealong has to be suppressed sometimes,even though we may not exactly enjoy it.We had been ten years without a Test tourof India when I first went there in 1996for a one-off Test in Delhi, and all theplayers made mistakes as we returned in1998 and 2001. That year, as part of SteveWaugh's team, I saw how we were pulledup after an opening victory in Mumbai,and the experiences of Kolkata and Chen-nai were put to good use three years laterwhen we did finally win in India. Thattour stands out as much for our style ofplay as for the rare result.

For an Australian side, we looked atthings differently with our field placings,making sure they didn't score too quickly,not allowing them to get away from us. Alot of the time we attacked batsmen attheir strengths, plugged their strong scor-ing zones with catching midwickets, andhad a third man in play right from the

start. That was unusual, even uncharacter-istic, for an Australian cricket team, but itworked. In 2008 and 2010 we tried simi-lar approaches with less experiencedsides. If we didn't win, we at least pushedIndia closer than these past two Asianseries have been.

While there can be no doubt that theconditions are designed to stymie the wayAustralia play, it is a matter of workingwith those circumstances rather thanfighting them. In the first innings of bothTest matches they began with three daysstill to bat, and that's the way you've gotto look at it. You've got to set yourself totry to bat for as long as you can in thegame. Thoughts of running up to 500 asquickly as possible, feasible in Australia,are pipe dreams in Asia. The oppositiondon't allow you to do it, putting fieldersout straightaway with spin on, and the in-out fields all the time, making sure youcan't score rapidly. If you don't wear themdown, they will do it to you.

That 2001 tour taught me a lot abouthow not to bat in spinning conditions.After making runs in the lead-up gamesand feeling pretty good, I went out to faceHarbhajan Singh in the first Test andstretched forward to a ball that I was look-ing to defend. To my horror, it broke thesurface, caught my glove and lobbed up

to bat-pad. I got back to the rooms, satdown and thought, "I don't think I've donemuch wrong there, so if he's going to keepbowling that way and I keep playing thatway, more often than not it's going to popup to one of those fielders."

Australia can expect to see more slowpitches in their Test match future. Thatbeing the case, I hope the harsh experi-ences of India last year and now the UAecan foster a style of Australian play thatwill stand a chance of succeeding in Asia

So I worked during the week onsweeping a bit more, or using my feet andgetting down the pitch. Instead of trustingmy technique, I was trying to find a wayto be different and change. Sure enough,in the next Test I was out sweeping, andthe next Test I got out running down thewicket and stumped. I didn't trust my owngame enough and it brought me undone.Seventeen runs in five innings made it aneasy lesson to remember.

In the UAe, the guys who trustedtheir technique were the ones who had themost success. Steve Smith in the secondinnings of each match, Mitch Marsh inthe first innings in Abu Dhabi, and Warn-er in Dubai. Chris Rogers succeeded to acertain degree - it looked difficult, but hebatted for a long time and soaked up a lotof balls. – Agencies

ADeLAIDA – Kyle Abbottharried Australia's batsmenand Rilee Rossouw achievedthe rare feat of putting Quin-ton de Kock in the shade dur-ing a stand of 129 as SouthAfrica secured a vast openingwin in the Twenty20 match atAdelaide Oval.

Three days after they werecomfortably beaten by aCricket Australia InvitationalXI in Sydney, the touristscombined impressively withball and bat to deliver Aus-

tralia's third consecutive inter-national defeat, albeit againsttwo distinctly different teamsin two vastly different formatson opposite sides of the globe.

The likes of David Warn-er, Mitchell Johnson andglenn Maxwell were missedby the Australians, but it mustalso be acknowledged thatDale Steyn and AB de Villierswere among South Africa'sabsentees. Abbott andRossouw were highly capablesubstitutes, the former's 3 for

21 and the latter's 78 from 50balls the most telling contribu-tions for JP Duminy's men.

Reeza Hendricks was outto a well-pitched deliveryfrom Doug Bollinger in thefirst over of South Africa'schase, but Rossouw and deKock had very few difficultiesin rattling towards the targetand ensuring that by the timethey departed the asking ratewas negligible.

Australia's only consola-tions were a pair of handyinnings by Shane Watson andJames Faulkner, while PatCummins and legspinnerCameron Boyce delivereddecent-enough spells with theball. Whether Boyce, missingout on two Sheffield Shieldfixtures at a time when Aus-tralia's need to develop aworthwhile wrist-spin optionafter their travails against Pak-istan, should have been play-ing was another question.

The hosts had given T20Idebuts to Ben Dunk andnathan Reardon, their capshanded out by MichaelHussey. South Africa chose toname three debutants, thespeedy 19-year-old KagisoRabada, Hendricks andRossouw, who has played sixODIs in his internationalcareer so far.

Serving as the opener toAustralia's international sea-son, the match was also thefirst full T20I, and the firstinternational, to be played atthe Adelaide Oval since itsredevelopment was complet-ed earlier this year.– Agen-cies

Rossouw,bowlers star

in SA winAustralia v South Africa, 1st Twenty20

Kvitova eyes onemore trophy in 2014

PRAgUe – Tasked with lead-ing the Czech Republic to vic-tory in another home Fed Cupfinal this weekend, Petra Kvi-tova says the considerablepressure from compatriots ismuch less than what she putson herself.

The Czechs go after theirthird title in four years, withgermany on the other side ofthe indoor hard court at O2Arena.

The ''beautiful memories''of victories in 2011 and 2012,the republic's first since theend of communist rule, drivesKvitova to help set up a thirdcelebration.

''It's not often we get tocelebrate as a team. I love thiscompetition and this team,''the Wimbledon championsays.

Despite the presence offamily and friends, and hugeexpectations and supportfrom fellow Czechs, Kvitovasays, ''It's a lot of pressure onme in the Fed Cup, but it'smore pressure from myselfwhen we are playing athome. everybody is expect-ing that I make it two points,and that's what I will try todo.''– Agencies

Johnson, Sangakkara leadICC awards nominees

LOnDOn – Mitchell Johnson and KumarSangakkara are in contention to win theICC's Cricketer of the Year award for a sec-ond time after the 2014 shortlists wereannounced. Johnson's fiery resurgencehelped Australia to an Ashes whitewashand victory in South Africa, while San-gakkara's run-scoring feats includedbecoming only the second man to hit atriple-hundred and a hundred in a Testmatch.

Sri Lanka's Test and ODI captain,Angelo Mathews, is also nominated. Hewas the second-leading Test run-scorer inthe period from August 26, 2013 to Septem-ber 17, 2014, behind Sangakkara; both wereinvolved in Sri Lanka's World T20 win. ABde Villiers is the other candidate for the Sirgarfield Sobers trophy, an award that hasonly been won twice by one player previ-ously: Ricky Ponting in 2006 and 2007.

Johnson, Sangakkara and Mathews areincluded in the Test Player of the Year cat-egory as well, along with David Warner. DeVilliers is joined by two of his South Africateam-mates, Quinton de Kock and DaleSteyn, in contesting the ODI award, withVirat Kohli making up the nominees.

Charlotte edwards and Stafanie Taylor,former winners of the the Women's Crick-eter of the Year award, are nominatedalongside India captain Mithali Raj, whoseside achieved an historic Test victory overengland in 2014, and Sarah Taylor. Therewill be a new winner of the Women's T20award, after Taylor did not make the short-list, with Australia's World T20-winningcaptain, Meg Lanning, facing competitionfrom edwards, Raj and Taylor.

Despite a difficult 12 months, englandhave two contenders in the emerging Crick-et of the Year category, as do new Zealand.Only players under the age of 26 who hadappeared in fewer than five Tests and/or 10ODIs at the start of the voting period wereeligible for the award. The shortlists werevoted on by an academy of "32 highly cre-dentialed cricket personalities", whichincluded former players, members of themedia and match officials. Longlists foreach award were initially drawn up by afive-man selection panel chaired by formerIndia captain Anil Kumble, and comprisingbroadcaster Jonathan Agnew, former SriLanka international Russel Arnold, formernew Zealand captain Stephen Fleming and

Betty Timmer, one-time chair of the ICCWomen's Committee.

ICC Teams of the YearTest: David Warner, Kane Williamson,

Kumar Sangakkara, AB de Villiers, JoeRoot, Angelo Mathews (capt), MitchellJohnson, Stuart Broad, Dale Steyn, Ran-gana Herath, Tim Southee, Ross Taylor(12th man)

ODI: Mohammad Hafeez, Quinton deKock, Virat Kohli, george Bailey, AB deVilliers, MS Dhoni (capt & wk), DwayneBravo, James Faulkner, Dale Steyn,Mohammad Shami, Ajantha Mendis, RohitSharma (12th man)

The ICC has also announced its Test

and ODI Teams of the Year. "Team selec-tion is one of the toughest jobs and whenyou have a large pool of outstanding play-ers to select from in a 12-month periodbetween 26 August 2013 and 17 September2014, then it becomes even more difficult,"Kumble said.

"However, we think we have selectedthe best possible sides, which are well bal-anced and capable of beating any side onany given day in any given conditions.While selecting these squads, the selectorsdiscussed various combinations and tookinto account several scenarios like opposi-tion, pitch conditions and match situa-tions."– Agencies


brothers winATP awards

LOnDOn – Roger Federer,Andy Murray and the Bryanbrothers are among the win-ners of the ATP World TourAwards.

Federer was selected byhis peers as winner of the Ste-fan edberg sportsmanshipaward for a 10th time. Murrayreceives the Arthur Ashehumanitarian award for hisinvolvement in fundraisingexhibitions and campaigns.

Bob and Mike Bryan takethe doubles award for a sixthstraight year.Also, 17-year-old Borna Coric of Croatiagets the Star of Tomorrowaward as the youngest playerranked in the top 100, Rober-to Bautista Agut of Spain wasselected the most improvedplayer, and David goffin ofBelgium the comeback playerof the year.

The battle for the year-end no. 1 ranking will bedecided between Federer andnovak Djokovic at the ATPWorld Tour Finals starting onSunday in London.

The Czechs go after theirthird title in four years, withgermany on the other side ofthe indoor hard court at O2Arena. – Agencies

Page 4: Epaper

MISCELLANEOUS07 Thursday, November 06, 2014

India’s NSA causing acute threat to regional, global peaceFrom Page 6

anti-Muslim riots in Bombay, Rajan soon came tobe known as the Hindu Don in the Bombay’sunderworld Rajan later managed to built up asteady business empire around the world acting asfront offices for his illegal operations and thus gotfurther promoted in the good books of HindutvaBrotherhood.

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that theglamorous world of Bollywood immediatelycaught Ajit Doval and Sanjeev Tripathi’s attentionfor easy money extortion from the heroes, heroines,producers, directors and distributors etc., who per-sonify virtues on screen and in real life are an amal-gamation of deceit, treachery, conspiracy andtemerity. RAW and IB, meaning Tripthi and Doval,for quite some time, had their eyes on the Indianfilm industry for various reasons. With Rajan’scoming to the scene Indian film industry soonbecome IB and RAW’s interest in Bollywood gotnew dimensions. It remains a fact that the filmmedia serves as the best possible propaganda toolfor the RAW as well as Hindutva Brotherhood notonly in India but also abroad including Pakistan. Ablatant glorification of Hinduism and an utterly dis-torted fanatic portrayal of Islam is the commonmessage conveyed through the RAW and IB spon-sored movies.

According to Pahlaj nehlani, a former Presi-dent of Film Producers Association of India, theunderworld lord (Chhota Rajan) started demand-ing overseas rights of all good movies without pay-ing a penny in late 90s In words of a bollywoodentertainment reporter Priya Bhose, “Top moviesstars of the 90s including Shah Rukh Khan, SalmanKhan, Anil Kapoor, Jackie Sharof, govinda,Mithun Chakaraborty, Johnny Lever, JuhiChawala, Mundakani, Manesha Koirala and manyothers were forced to do a number of free shows toraise funds for Chhota Rajan at Dubai, UK, USAand other countries. The entire Bollywood, at thattime, had to dance to the tunes of Chhota Rajan forthe annual funds raising shows at Shiv Sena’s ngO‘Mukti’ without any charge. Those who dare toresist were left to face the music of Chhota Rajan’smobsters. gulshan Kumar of Super CassettesIndustries was assassinated by Chhota Rajan’s‘enforcers’ because he refused to sell part of hismusic empire worth Indian rupees 400 crore to theZee music Company of RAW. The conspiracy washatched when a galaxy of Indian movie starts par-ticipated in the opening ceremony of ChhotaRajan’s luxury hotel in Dubai. Rajan’s key man inDubai Vivekt goswani conceived the entire plan.

Similarly, former film star and current produc-er and the father of a super bollywood star HrithikRoshan’s father Rakesh Roshan’s car was firedupon in year 2000, for refusing overseas rights ofhis movie ‘Kaho na Pyar Hai’ to Chhota Rajan.Roshan made repentance by asking his son Hrithikto sign RAW’s sponsored movie ‘Mission Kash-mir’ produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra for less thanhis usual fee while in many other cases, IndianShowbiz stars were forced to sign anti-Pakistanmovies like Zameen, Qayyamat, Border HindustanKaa, LOC Kargil etc., on fairly low rates underthreats from Rajan as RAW wanted to minimize itsbudget for these films but at the same time desiredto have leading film stars in these movies. This wasa rather decent way of distortion for Doval, Ramanand Tripathi to generate funds for unauthorizedoperations.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate thatCable Operators in mega cities of India also oper-ate with the blessings of Rajan. His brother Deep-ak runs the company by the name of Cable Cop,which offers film producers protection from CableOperators who telecast new movies without author-ization. According to a senior Bombay police offi-cer Sunil Paraskar, all Deepak does is to give a callto the operators warning them not to telecast themovie for which he has taken protection money,officer Sunil also affirmed that never have the cableoperators telecast a new film, produced by ‘ZeeMovies’ (as Zee Movies enjoys comprehensiveRAW protection). He later entered into Real estateworld too, to manage the land grabbing by Rajangang and is still in this “business”

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate thatsince using Chhota Rajan gang had never been partof written or documented policy of RAW and IB,Chhoata Rajan gang had to suffer hard times at dif-ferent occasions on the hands of certain profession-al rivals in the ranks of national politicians. This hadforce Rajan to get his gang a political platform too.Rajan gang made a couple of tries in this directionbut from some rather low-key political parties’ plat-forms but failed. For the purpose, Chhoata Rajanhas now approached national Security Advisor andold time friend and mentor Ajit Doval to help hisgang in this direction. The media reports in Indiasuggest that Rajan was assured a political cover forhis gang by Ajit Doval, the nSA and he promised toget his gang into politics with part support of BJP inlast month’s state elections of Chembur. However, itis said that no political part ever wanted to haveChhota Rajan gang presence in its ranks as theybelieve that such an arrangement would jeopardizeparty position and that was why Shiv Sena, RSS andBJP never wanted Rajan’s family or gang memberto be directly winning the election and the samehappened this time when after Ajit Doval’s assur-ance of comprehensive support from BJP, ChhotaRajan’s brother Deepak, who was otherwise thebusiness or corporate face of Chhota Rajan gangcontested the Chembur polls from the platform ofRepublican Party of India (RPI) but lost once again,though stood 3rd with over 3600 votes and with27% of voting aggregate.

The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that Hindut-va Brotherhood’s tilt towards occupied Kashmirrose in 1990s. At that time Hindutva confidante AjitDoval, who was by then fully prepared by BRaman and was placed at Intelligence Bureau, wasmoved to the occupied valley. Doval first started afake insurgency movement to suppress the genuineand unarmed struggling freedom fighters and por-trayed them as Pakistan-backed militants and thenarranged their killings by creating counter insur-gent groups that paved the way for what the Indianarmy, RAW and IB are doing in IOK today underthe garb of combating militant insurgency and thattoo under the garb of highly controversial andrather draconian laws like Armed Forces SpecialPower Act (AFSPA) and POTA etc.

During this period, Ajit Doval, who was IBArea Incharge of IOK, organized a high voltagedrama to counter Kashmiris’ struggle and to demor-alize the freedom fighters and also to create reli-gious controversies amongst freedom fightinggroups about their leaders.

Under this conspiracy, in October 1993, AjitDoval informed some likeminded media persons innew Delhi that some freedom fighters of JammuKashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) had occupied thefamous Shrine of Hazrat Bal in the valley withsome highly ulterior motives that threatens thesacredness of the shrine.

On the other side, Ajit Doval, using IB plat-form, sent a classified SOS to Lieutenant generalZaki, Security Advisor to the then governor of

IOK, informing him that locks securing access tothe Moe-e- Muqaddas sanctum had been tamperedwith, and that 40 militants had entered the shrinewith 12 LMgs. Upon receiving this IB reports fromDoval, general Zaki, without awaiting verification,called governor KV Krishna Rao and Union HomeSecretary nn Vohra and informed them that anattempt had been made to steal from the shrine itsfamous relic, a purported hair from the ProphetMuhammad (peace be upon him)s beard. He alsohurriedly summoned a meeting of the UnifiedCommand. The governor asked Zaki to interveneand eventually, two battalions of the Indian Armylaid siege at the shrine on October 15, 1993. This issaid to be the first major operation under the Hin-dutva-army nexus, at least with regard to IOK inwhich Hindutva activist, in the ranks of IB provid-ed a platform to Indian army to go wild in IOKunder the garb of hunting down the militants.

But The Daily Mail’s investigations indicatethat it was merely a promo of the film as the evi-dences reveal the entire Doval game from the IB’splatform in IOK with regard to Harat Bal Shrineepisode.

Decades down the line, the Indian govern-ment’s then Divisional Commissioner and Chiefnegotiator and later Chief Information Commis-sioner, Wajahat Habibullah has recounted thebehind- the-scene maneuvering and the disconnectbetween various government agencies and higherups during the said episode.

In an issue of India’s weekly Tehelka maga-zine, Hibullah writes that the militant leaders holedup inside the Shrine were already in touch with theoutside world through an unlisted telephone con-nection installed inside the shrine at the behest ofthe Intelligence Bureau (IB). He writes that he wasamazed the way the militants appeared always sowell informed of daily events outside during hisnegotiations with them. One day the TelephoneDepartment told Habibullah, who was also Divi-sional Commissioner of the Kashmir Valley, thatthey had discovered an unlisted telephone connec-tion, inside the Hazrat Bal shrine premises. Whenhe asked the department to disconnect the line, hewas told by the IB that the line should be allowedto remain as it was there at their behest. The Tele-phone Department had in the meantime toldHabibullah that they had discovered an unlistednumber inside the premises of the shrine.

“I, of course asked that the line be disconnect-ed forthwith, only to receive a call from the Intelli-gence Bureau that the line was there at their behest,and that it should be allowed to remain opera-tional,” writes Habibullah.

According to Habibullah, when he discoveredthis development and brought it into the notice ofgeneral Zaki, general Zaki got furious and askedHabibullah to discuss the matter with him in per-son.

Habibullah says that on his way from Raj Bha-van to the shrine, he was asked by Lt gen Zaki toaccompany him to his residence, so that the devel-opment could be discussed in details and withsecrecy. “On the way, a military truck rammed ourcar injuring Zaki and almost killing me and it laterproved that the crash was no mere accident,” saysHabibullah.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that itwas a multifaceted plan to not only create a riftbetween different freedom fighting groups and todisgrace the most prominent group JKLF in theeyes and minds of allied groups by creating a blameof bidding to steal the sacred hair of Holey Prophet(as JKLF was the most successful freedom fightergroup had commanded a great respect and follow-ing amongst the other similar groups) but it wasalso aimed at paving the way for army operationsand lastly to generate a feeling of insecurity andhelplessness amongst the Muslims on the bothsides of LoC by capturing of Hazrat Bal Shrine byIndian army with Muslims being helpless andmerely on the mercy of Hindu soldiers, a philoso-phy that is key of Hindutva operations is verystrongly exercised by Ajit Doval and his groupwhile the same was behind Doval scripted gujrat’smassacre of Muslims in 2002 under Modi’s ChiefMinistry and the current wave of military hostilitieson LoC and along the working boundary by Indianarmy, under the newly implemented national Secu-rity Policy by nSA Ajit Doval is also part of thesame Hindutva philosophy.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate thatthe plan was jointly conceived by B Raman andAjit Doval as Raman had mastered in creating fakefreedom fighting groups during his handling ofKhalistan freedom struggle by the Sikh communityof India. Under the plan Ajit Doval penetratedsome IB supported individuals into the Shrine,fixed a phone line inside the Shrine to give instruc-tions to the fake occupants as doing so throughRadio (Wireless system) was not safe. Sent a fakereport to media persons and to the governor’s secu-rity advisor; organized siege of most sacred shrineby Indian army; arranged a safe and secret exit forhis own sent occupants and in the meanwhile, afterlearning that his plan had been smelled by officialslike Habibullah and general Zaki, gave them a lifethreat by arranging a lethal road crash and succeed-ed in doing all that he wanted and planned as nei-ther Habibullah, nor general Zaki ever uttered asingle word over the issue for decades. It, at thesame time, speaks very high of Hindutva-armynexus as a Muslim officer with the rank of Lt. gen-eral in the Indian army could never utter a singleword despite having the complete knowledge that alife attempt on him was made by none else but bya serving driver of the Indian army.

This episode led the Indian army and its so-called security forces to go for killing and brutallytorturing of millions of Muslims in IOK under thegarb of militancy combat. Kashmiris were notengaged in any armed struggle for their freedomuntil Ajit Doval managed to portray them as armedinsurgents via exaggerated and glorified Hazrat Balepisode. It remains a mystery just like the 26/11Mumbai attacks where the entire security chain ofand establishment of India could not over powerthe attackers armed merely with AJ-47 assault rifleand a bunch of ordinary hand grenades for about 70hours, in Hazrat Bal, two battalions, fully armedand equipped with all weaponry and sophisticatedassault tools, could not over power merely 49 mil-itants for days and days and eventually let themwalk feely under an agreement. The safe exit of 40militants who were reported to be armed withassault rifles highly mysteriously disappeared fromthe “Crime Scene” with at least 2 battalions of Indi-an army merely acting as silent spectators.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate thatthe original plan was to arrange the stealing of thesacred relics from the Shrine and let the occupantsgo vanished via a tunnel that Doval had alreadyarranged and got dug with the help of army person-nel. Doval believed that such blame on JKLFwould put all other freedom fighters on the missionof eliminating all JKLF operators as part of Jihadand the most prominent freedom fighter group willbe eliminated by its own followers. However,threat perception experts and evaluation analysts atthe IB, RAW and Army headquarters, rejected thispart of Doval plan as it was perceived that such a

move will bring a great religious wrath not only inIOK but also across India and most probably acrossthe Muslim world and thus it was decided to endthe mission in safe exit of occupants.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate thatback in 1993, a young Pakistani journalistMakhdoom Babar, who, at that time was workingas an investigative reporter with Islamabad basednewspaper Pakistan Observer, filed a comprehen-sive investigative report, proving that Ajit Dovalhad actually planned a tunnel out of Hazrat BalShrine to secretly flush out his ‘organized’ mili-tants as according to the initial plan, they were sup-posed to flee along with sacred relics but after thispart of the plan was rejected, the drama ended up infree and safe passage to the occupant militants butwithout taking away any of the belongings from theShrines. But on the other side the tunnel was readyand was discovered by some media persons. Tocover this up, it was officially stated that this tun-nel was dug out by army personnel to penetrate intothe shrine to overpower the militants. However, itwas never explained by Indians as to why that tun-nel was not utilized by the military commandos andsecondly, why the tunnel was dug in a manner thatwas going from inside the shrine to outside and notfrom outside to inside?

The Daily Mail’s investigations further revealthat the rather soft freedom struggle in IOK thoughtouched new heights after Doval organized theHazrat Bal Shrine drama, yet there was anotherhigh profile incident, again organized by Dovalwith the help of Hindutva network in Indian armyand with a close coordination of his guru, BRaman in 1995.

This was the incident that brought IOK underglobal scanner and introduced high voltage to thefreedom struggle in Kashmir with adding highgrade militancy to it. These investigations indicatethat during the early 19990s, when BJP-backedIndian government of VP Singh put IB, RAW andMI together to run special operation in IOK tocrush the freedom struggle in the occupied valley,Doval was posted as IB Chief while a former RAWChief gC Saxena (yet another IPS officer withacute Hindutva following) was made governor ofIOK and the RAW’s wing on IOK was placedunder the supervision of B Raman. Doval, Saxenaand B Raman organized a plan of creating fakefreedom fighting organizations as V Raman haddone the same very effectively in case of counter-ing Sikhs’ similar freedom movement of Khalistanin the 1980s. Using this experience, Doval wasadvised by B Raman to form fake Muslim freedomfighting organizations out of jobless Muslims ofthe valley and also out of extremist Hindu activistsfrom Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) that isa paramilitary wing of Hindu ultras. Doval, follow-ing Raman’s direction formed different fake Kash-miri freedom fighter organization with title names,similar to those of the original ones and thus theoccupied valley saw a mushroom growth of Hrakatthis and Harkat that and Hizb this and Hizb that,suddenly, on the patron of the same exercise in caseof anti-Khalistan campaign while the same waslater introduced in Pakistan in forms of differentfactions of TTP including Jindulla and Ahrar-ul-Hind etc.

In his book, titled, Kao Boys of R&AW, BRaman writes, “We were directed by Delhi toorganize secret armed training for the cadres ofRSS in the Jammu area to counter the freedommovement. This was originally the idea of LKAdvani. So RAW held two secret meetings with RSSrepresentatives from its Jammu Branch to discussthe beginning and modalities of the said training.First meeting was at local hotel in Jammu while the2nd one was held at Ambassador Hotel in Delhi.”After these meetings the mission of militarizationof IOK started off that would later see the HazratBal Shrine episode in 1993 and kidnapping dramaof some six Western tourists, on an expedition tripto IOK, organized jointly by RAW, IB and MI in1995.

At that very juncture of time, CD Sahey, anoth-er IPS officer (of Hinudtva school of thought),merely one batch senior to Ajit Doval and some 6batches junior to B Raman was made as Chief ofRAW operations ( under immediate subordinationof B Raman) in IOK with Ajit Doval being appoint-ed as IB head for IOK ops. The Daily Mail’s inves-tigations indicate that in July 1995, in the moun-tains of IOK, six Western tourists, included twoBritish, Keith Mangan (from Middlesbrough) andPaul Wells; two Americans, John Childs of Sims-bury, Connecticut and Donald Hutchings ofSpokane, Washington; a german, Dirk Hasert; anda norwegian, Hans Christian Ostrø were abductedby one of Doval created Kashmiri freedom fight-ers’ group with the comprehensive planning andassistance of RAW, IB, MI and the IOK Police.The purpose of this drama was to portray Kashmirifreedom fighter as high profile and ruthless mili-tants and not simple freedom fighters, in the eyes ofthe global and especially the Western communitiesand governments while the other purpose was toglorify certain “Doval converted” freedom fighterswhich ultimately were made extraordinarily glori-fied through Raman, Doval joint efforts later in1999 through a hijacking drama. In their book,titled “Meadow, Kashmir 1995- where the terrorbegan”, two British journalists and searchers Adri-an Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark have categoricallyexposed this Indian drama. The Daily Mail’s inves-tigations reveal that despite all odds, it establishesas an undeniable fact that first seed of the armedterrorism in occupied Jammu and Kashmir wasseeded by Ajit Doval by Hazrat Bal episode andlater flourished by the Kidnapping and hijackingdramas and perhaps Doval expects that the cropthat he seeded in Kashmir, is about to be harvestedin Kandahar via the Daesh-TTP drive.

Though Doval claims that he was spying insidePakistan during those days and had achieved manygoals during stay in Pakistan and thus had nothingto do with IOK developments during those years,yet his claims go completely wrong by checkinghis service record and going through his postingtenures. Doval claims of spying inside Pakistanalso stand challenged by former senior army officerof Pakistan army Brigadier (Rtd) Junaid Zaman.“One of the surefire ways to get popular among theIndian public is to claim that you have served as aspy in Pakistan sometime. The myth of Ajit Dovalspending eight years as a spy in Pakistan is totalpack of lies, and this is in fact a total responsibleand well researched information which can be givein this regard”, says Brigadier Zaman.

“I do not say that it’s not possible that Indiacould never have a spy in Pakistan, or there neverwas, or there is not a single Indian spy lurking inPakistan. There will be hundreds of them for sure,as we have many on the other side. Bigger thecountry, more the spies. Anyway, more than the tra-ditional spies there are better ways now to get whatis important,” says the Brigadier in one of hiscolumns in local media.

He further says “Narendra Modi believes instronger government with a threatening attitude soit wasn’t a surprise when he appointed Ajit Dovalas his national security advisor in India. Ajit, whothrived on the myth of him being the premier spy in

India who spent time in Pakistan and never wascaught. On that basis, he rose within the ranks ofBJP, though he never held any designation. Hisformed a think tank which was basically a front forBJP to formulate and push RSS-oriented espionageagenda to any incumbent government. Nobody tookthem real serious, not even the Indian armybecause they knew the truth behind Doval being thepremier spy in Pakistan. Doval has been a realdrama queen throughout. He tried back stab SikhMovement while infiltrating within Golden Temple.The truth is that when Doval tried to pass him asPakistani spy within temple, nobody really cared,as they were welcoming even the people whoclaimed to be angels from heaven. There are alsomany fantastic stories about him creating a riftwithin separatist in different parts where India hasoccupied forcibly. Courtesy to all those myths, heeven got himself Kirti Chakra award, and now alsohas managed to secure the juicy national securityadvisor seat.

The problem is that such hollow people alwaysremain in quest to prove themselves. With fishycharacters Doval in charge of Indian security withfull backing up of Hindu extremists, the regionmight drift into a dangerous game because Dovallikes to play dirty and secretive. But he still has totaste the real espionage, so he if tried any of thattrick which he only has read in the books so far, hefor sure is in for a nasty surprise from this side”,concluded Brigadier in his column.

According to Indian media, Doval does notwant India to give an inch in Kashmir. In fact, he isagainst any agreement between India and Pakistanthat allows the Line of Control to be recognized asthe national boundary. India’s position can only bethat it owns the entire Jammu and Kashmir, includ-ing Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. “Pakistan, if notpunished for waging a covert offensive againstIndia, should, at least, not be rewarded by it,”Doval wrote in one of his media columns.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate thatthe 2002 butchering of thousands and thousands ofMuslims in Indian state of gujarat when narendraModi was Chief Minister there. This episode thatearned Modi the title “Butcher of gujarat” acrossthe world, is also attributed to Doval. In his lastdays in IB, Doval scripted the gujarat Carnage forHindutva Brotherhood as Modi government in thestate was very desperately looking for any suchexercise to terrorize the monitories and to win thenext elections. Investigations indicate that this timeB Raman and Ajit Doval’s disciple from IPS,Dahyaji Gobarji Vanzara the then Deputy Inspec-tor general of police was selected to head the mis-sion. f. He has been in jail since 2007 on chargesof having conducted a series of extrajudicial ("falseencounter") killings while heading the Anti-Terror-ist Squad (ATS).

An IPS officer of the 1987 batch, Vanzara, anextremist Hindu and who would worship narendraModi as “god” had his tenure as head of the citycrime bureau full of spurt in encounter killings. Hewas known to be close to Home Minister AmitShah, who made 331 calls to Vanzara and otherpolice officers, many of them around the time ofthese killings.

Investigations indicate that indeed, there wasconsiderable evidence that Vanzara had been carry-ing out home minister Amit Shah's orders on thesekillings. On May 18, 2008, ex-DSP n.K. Amin,also arrested in the case, told the court "that apolice-politician-criminal nexus was in operationin the Sohrabuddin Sheikh case." The high level ofdirect communication from Shah, as minister, to anon-duty officer has also been questioned in court.

In the Tulsiram Prajapati case, the encounterkilling took place in Banaskantha district. Just 13days earlier, Vanzara was surprisingly transferredthere as DIg Border range.

Vanzara’s resignation letter refers to politicalmileage obtained from the killings. In the 2007elections, Modi had asked the electorate as to whatwas to be done with people like Sohrabuddin, tothunderous responses of "Kill him!

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that asa result for orchestrating and scripting the amazingplan of gujarat Carnage, Doval wanted to havesome important assignment in Central governmenton contract basis after his retirement from IB.However he was advised to wait till Modi forms agovernment at new Delhi and in the meanwhile, hewas accommodated by making him the head of aBJP, RSS fund ngO, a think Tank namedVivekananda International Foundation’s as itschief. He was asked to work there and to continuehis liaison with IPS network in police, IB and RAWand continue giving his inputs to relevant quartersin IB and RAW for Hindutva’s cause. He was final-ly made nSA, superseding a number of BJP lead-ers and elected MPs, after Modi formed the govern-ment at Delhi.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate thatthat the much glorified hijacking of an Indian Air-lines’ flight, IC 814 in 1999 to Kandahar,Afghanistan by fake Kashmiri insurgents was alsoa handy plan of Ajit Doval and B Raman.

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal thatsince IB, RAW and MI operate under the JointIntelligence Committee and by virtue of what,often carry out operations with collaborated efforts,once again in 1999, IB and RAW wanted to flush insome Kashmiri freedom fighters who were firstabducted by IB, under Doval’s instructions andwere later lured to operate for India, during theirdays in detention and they agreed to do so. Howev-er, there arose the issue of how to make them highprofile Kashmiri freedom fighter across the worldand specially in the eyes of Kashmiri sympatheticgroups in Pakistan as otherwise they had not con-tributed to the freedom struggle of Kashmiris andwere merely minting money in the name KashmirJihad while one of them was actually an MI-6 oper-ator. To make them Kashmiri heroes to providethem an easy ingress and penetration into Pakistan-based Jihadi outfits, it was first attempted toachieve the goal via a high profile kidnapping ofsome Western tourists in IOK during 1995 by rais-ing the demand of these freedom fighters inexchange of kidnapped hostagesl However, ascontrary to the expectation of Ajit Doval, CDSahey and B Raman, when this issue escalated toohigh, in the Western world, the idea of launchingthem as gloried Jihadis was dropped.

The Daily Mail’s investigation reveal that 4 yearslater, in 1999 it was decided they should now belaunched as Jihadi heroes via a glorified hijacking.

The investigations indicate that since late BRaman was a maestro in arranging hijackings as hedid it many times in 1980s through fake Khalistanigroups to dent the Khalistan movement and also toimplicate in the same, he gave a plan to Doval andthe Indian airline flight was very convenientlyhijacked by some very little known “Kashmiri free-dom Fighters”

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal thatthough a plane, en route from Tribhuvan Interna-tional Airport in Kathmandu, nepal to Indira gand-hi International Airport in Delhi, India on Friday,24 December 1999, was hijacked. Indians werevery quick in accusing Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, aPakistan-based Islamist group, of the hijacking.

Hijackers ordered the aircraft to be flown to sever-al locations. After touching down in Amritsar,Lahore and Dubai, the hijackers finally forced theaircraft to land in Kandahar, Afghanistan, which atthe time was controlled by the Taliban. It was veryinteresting for security experts and counter terror-ism specialists to observe that though the ultimatedestination of the hijackers was apparently notknown to any one on the earth, yet Indian mediawas very efficiently predicting about every nestdestination of the hijacked flight while a Peshawarbased journalist of a RAW-linked local mediaorganization was also predicting every next moverof the hijackers with a great accuracy.

After landing at Kandahar air port, hijackersforwarded the demand of releasing three Kashmirifreedom fighters named, Azhar, Omar and Mush-taq. All the three were not very well known withregard to their contributions in freedom struggle ofKashmiris but became world famous after thehijackers spelled their names. On the other side,Doval; from IB and B Raman and CD Sahey fromRAW, launched a global media and psychologicaloperation campaigns of branding the demanded trioas being ISI backed Kashmiri militants, arrested byIndian authorities for terrorism.

It remains a fact that all the three remainedengaged in Occupied Kashmir and were arrested byIndian authorities. Yet, it also remains a solid factthat all the three were arrested as part of a jointRAW, IB campaign of creating counter insurgentsfrom within the ranks of the actual insurgents.However these three were picked up with a differ-ent purpose as during their Five Star detention, theywere trained to carry out well calculated operationin Pakistan, following RAW, IB instructions. Thelater series of developments proved that these mil-itants, after being release by Indians and afterreaching Pakistan, got hectically engaged in activi-ties that were very much against Pakistan and verydefaming for ISI. For instance Omar, who wasoriginally an British MI-6 agent and later crossedover to RAW and IB, first formed a network withAl-Qaeda operatives and kidnapped and killedAmerican journalist of Wall Street Journal, DanielPearl and later during his days of detention by Pak-istani authorities, hurled a completely baseless alle-gation of Pakistanis being behind attack on IndianParliament building in 2002.

. none of them ever turned out to be of anyservice to Pakistan or its ISI. It also remains veryinteresting to notice that the Chief negotiator tonegotiate with hijackers, appointed by Indian gov-ernment was none other but great Ajit Doval, actu-al organizer of the entire hijacking drama, while hisRAW partner from IOK, CD Sahey was the part ofthe negotiation team. Doval kept the negotiationprocess for about a week, to get maximum mediacoverage of the incident across the globe, like itwas done in case of Mumbai attacks where dramawas carried on for over 70 hours to bust just 9attackers but the drama was kept alive for globalmedia coverage for that much time. Such a similar-ity of media coverage related operations, speakvery low of the professional approach of RAW andIB policy makers.

The Daily Mail’s investigation indicate that fordealing with Pakistani media, just before thelaunching of mega terror operations acrossBalochistan province of Pakistan, IB and RAWdecided to deal with Pakistani media separately toavoid any linkage of the media persons and mediahouses of Pakistan with RAW alone. When Pak-istani security agencies were focusing RAW’s pen-etration into Pakistani media, IB was forwarded,though the policy remained the same, collaboratedand joint. These investigation reveal that since AjitDoval very strongly believed in supremacy ofhuman intelligence (Humint) rather than technicalintelligence (Techint, or technological snooping) ashe, even today feels that human assets, which caninfiltrate nations and militant organizations, helpintelligence agencies to understand the enemy’smindset and get precise information, he discussedthe matter with his accomplice in RAW, SanjeevTripathi who by that time was heading a RAW deskthat deals with Pakistan related operations. Thoughthis plan was organized when Doval was having hislast days at office as IB Chief, yet Sanjeev Tripathifully agreed with Doval’s vision in this directionand thus organized a comprehensive plan in thisdirection under which an ngO, South Asian FreeMedia Association (SAFMA) was generated, com-prising certain unwitting as well as willing journal-ists from both countries while a separate mediaplan under the garb of Aman Ki Aasha was alsolaunched with Doval giving complete input evenafter his retirement and the platform of his ThinTank, mentioned above was used. Both SAFMAand Aman Ki Aasha were launched with a vision ofdiscouraging the Kashmir issue and putting 50-50onus on Pakistan for peace with India while thesame was never the fact. Aman Ki Aasha howevergained new dimensions later on and the entire clan-destine mission was exposed in April 2014 whenthe media house, conniving with RAW and IB,itself blew its nexus by hurling a series of allega-tions and accusations on ISI chief after one of itsjournalists was targeted by unknown shooters inKarachi.

The Daily Mail’s investigations also indicatethat when former Indian Army Chief and now aBJP elected MP, VK Singh decided to establish aspecial terrorists cell out of its military establish-ment to carry out terrorist operations inside Pak-istan and code named it as Technical Support Divi-sion (TSD), he had no resources and infrastructureto carry on with plan as military laws were givinghim no room for such an illegal adventure. Investi-gations indicate that at that juncture of time, gen-eral VK Singh sought help from Doval and Tripathiand the funding and resources of RAW and IB wereused through Hindutva nexus for the creation,training, arming and financing of this TSD. Somereports also suggest that in this process, RAW andIB got certain week point of VK Singh himself andthese week points were very much to force him totoe a certain line with regard to Pakistan and China

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate thatDharamshala based Dalai Lama network is also joint-ly managed by RAW and IB and Sanjeev Tripathi,with the input of retired Doval, organized the 2008riots in China’s Tibet, code named “Ashes on Snow”while supporting the CIA backed eTIM for generat-ing violence and terrorism in China’s Xinjiangprovince is also on the manifesto of RAW and IB.

These investigations clearly indicate thatIndia’s national Security Advisor could be theSecurity Advisor for Indian Prime Minister but he,with this highly objectionable background and witheven more alarming current profile and activities, isa constant and crystal clear threat to global peaceand imminent terror for the regional countries, witheven India itself cannot be considered safe from hisvenom of Hindutva. The Daily Mail’s investiga-tions indicate that if this state of affairs of AjitDoval, Sanjeev Tripathy and Alok Joshi likeextremist Hindutva planners would not be checkedtimely and properly by global powers and regionalleaders, the Hindu extremism and militancy willsoon emerge as a monster that no one could ever beable to handle.

Page 5: Epaper

PAGE THREE03 Thursday, November 06, 2014

Buzz is that Katrina Kaifhas been offered to playSeeta and geeta in the

‘70s hit remake. Fancy seeing Katrina Kaif

in a double role? Our sourcessay that Kat has beenapproached to play the twinprotagonists in the remake ofthe ‘70s hit Seeta Aur geeta.The actress apparently is veryfond of the original HemaMalini starrer. Sources say atone point of time, she evenharboured intentions of pro-ducing the remake.

While the grapevine sug-gests Ramesh Sippy, whodirected the original film, willalso helm the project but hisson-director Rohan denies it.`Dad is not directing themovie,` states Rohan.

Industry insiders say the makers are apparently so happy with Kat’s interest in theproject that they have given her a free hand at selecting the team she wants to workwith. Another source says, `The rights are not with Sippy as there is a disputebetween the Sippy brothers regarding it. Ramesh could be directing it but only afterhe wins the rights.`

Apparently Katrina and Sippy’s banner are now busy working out details of theproject. Both the senior Sippy and Kat were unavailable for comment.—Agencies

Katrina is Seeta & Geeta!

PAKISTAn’S most cele-brated actor FawadKhan has ranked among

top 5 celebrities of Bollywoodin a recent rating by ‘TimesCelebex’ While, Bollywood‘Dabbang’ Khan has toppedthe list.

‘Times Celebex’ is amonthly rating indexlaunched in 2012. They meas-ure the popularity of Starsthrough different researchtools, like by their box officeperformance, their presence innews, their popularity onsocial media and brandendorsements. It is the firstever ranking system of Bolly-wood that collects data frommore than 60 publications andmore than 250 channels.

From the recent surveydone by ‘Times Celebex’ Salman Khan has beaten Shahrukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan by being on the topof the ranking list. Salman Khan is on top while Hrithik and Shahrukh come on second and third respective-ly, media reported. Pakistani heartthrob and ‘Khoobsurat’ actor Fawad Khan had a big leap to land himselfon 5th position from 26th position.

Pakistani superstar Fawad Khan ranks fifth in the list, leaving behind Amitabh Bachchan, AamirKhan,Ranbir Kapoor and other milestone of Bollywood. According to that report Imran Abbas stands on 30thand Ali Zafar on 38th place, local media reported.– Agencies

Fawad ranked among top 5 Bollywood celebrities by ‘Times Celebex’noreen aslam

Yaami gautam’smother travels toUK to surprise her

ailing daughter. There’s nobigger antidote than amother’s love to beat thehealth blues. When Yaamigautam fell sick on thesets of her upcoming filmin London, her momdecided to surprise her bytravelling across conti-nents and landing up inLondon unannounced.

A unit member says, `Itis a long schedule andYaami is expected to beout of the country for morethan a month. She is usedto living alone in Mumbaibut this is her first longoutdoor schedule.`

It was during a regularcall home that Yaami’s mom noticed her daughter was feel-ing unwell. `She flew all the way from India with homecooked food for Yaami. The actress was stunned,` adds theinformer. An overjoyed Yaami tells us, `I was really missingmy mom and ghar ka khaana. The surprise was yummy!`

Yami’s mummy surprise!

marilyn moore

It’s been a week of firsts on ABC’s“Dancing With the Stars,” with thefirst jazz of the season, the first nines

of the season, and the first cut of the sea-son (which we know is always the deep-est!) But this week featured a major sur-prise: no one was voted off.

In a results shocker, former Olympicfigure skater Dorothy Hamill withdrewfrom the competition, following doc-tor’s orders for a cyst on her spine.

While the 56-year-old had the poten-

tial to become the oldest mirror ballwinner in the history of the show (asevidenced by her gorgeous and inspir-ing “Tiny Dancer” contemporary rou-tine), Week 2 had the Olympic champi-on hobbling due to a cyst on her lowerspine that was pinching a nerve. Theongoing medical problem was exacer-bated by the show’s grueling dancerehearsals. She and partner Tristan Mac-Manus missed several days of practicethis week due to it. Dorothy told TVguide after Monday’s performanceshow that quitting the show wasn’t anoption: “I don’t give up,” she said. “Imade the commitment to do the showand I love it. And as long as I’m notdoing anything to make things worse, Iwant to continue. I really want to learnhow to dance and I don’t want to leave.”

Something clearly changed, though.On Tuesday night Dorothy announced,“I’m taking the advice of my spine sur-geon and I need to withdraw from thecompetition. I have an injury that couldbe irreparable — a nerve damage —and it would be completely unfair forme to stay in this and have any of thesepeople go home.”

Cameron and Jamie are starring together in a new remake of the musical Annie.

Finally, Ahmad Ali Buttto tie the knot

amina parVeZ

Famous actorand the leadvocalist of

the entity Para-digm band AhmadAli Butt is set totie the knot withhis UK based girl-friend Fatima atthe end of thismonth.

Ahmad Ali Butt is a known TV artist andmusician who has many achievements through-out his career. He is the grandson of legendarysinger Madam noor Jehan and is the son ofrenowned singer Zille Huma. After splitting withhis band entity Paradigm , Ahmad Ali Buttturned into comedian and got fame for PTVHome’s sitcom “Inspector Khojee” and then forJutt and Bond, with Fawad Afzal Khan and alsothe Rubber Band. Reportedly, Ahmad Ali Butt isnow getting married to his girlfriend for whichthe couple and their friends are practicing danceperformance.

All of Ahmad Ali Butt’s fans will really behappy to know about his nuptials. We congratu-late Ahmad Ali Butt for beginning this wonder-ful relationship.

emily green

It costs a lot to be Dionne Warwick. The“Do You Know the Way to San Jose”songstress filed for bankruptcy

through a federal court in her home stateof new Jersey last week, claiming thatwhile she brings in nearly $21,000 inmonthly income, she spends all but $10 ofit on expenses.

The documents also state that she onlyhas $25,500 in assets and owes more than$10 million to the IRS. The need to filefor bankruptcy, Warwick’s publicistKevin Sasaki said in a statement sent toomg!, was thanks to “negligent and grossfinancial mismanagement” during severalconsecutive years in the 1980s and 1990s.

Though the actual overdue back taxeshave been paid, according to Sasaki, War-wick owes the mind-blowing amount inaccrued penalties and interest.

“In light of the magnitude of her tax lia-bilities, Warwick has repeatedly attempt-ed to offer re-payment plans and propos-als to the IRS and the California FranchiseTax Board for taxes owed. These planswere not accepted, resulting in escalatinginterest and penalties,” continued Sasaki.

Los Angeles-based bankruptcy attorneyDavid L. neale, who isn’t involved withWarwick’s case, but has studied her filing,

tells omg! that it’s very likely the singercould walk away with a clean slate, sinceher tax obligations reach so far back thatthey would most likely be considered dis-chargable. Though other parties she owescould ostensibly sue her for payment, ofthe $10.72 million Warwick’s filing statesshe owes to creditors, only about$500,000 is owed to parties other than theIRS. “That kind of tax liability suggeststhat there was a period when she wasmaking a lot of money and through mis-management or her own negligence didn’tpay her taxes. now that her income hasdeclined dramatically she’s dealing withthis $10 million tax problem,” says neale.

Warwick is far from the first celebrityto declare bankruptcy. Mike Tyson, eltonJohn, Willie nelson, and Toni Braxtonhave all filed in the past, blaming theirfinancial troubles on everything fromoverspending to bad investments tounscrupulous managers. “There are nospecific requirements to be a businessmanager,” neale points out. “An artist canhire a friend or family member who does-n’t know what he’s doing or is dishonestand, by trusting that person, winds upwith debts they don’t even know theyowe.”

SIngeR turned actor Ali Zafar has made Pakistanproud with his versatile acting and singing acrossthe border. ‘Tere Bin Ladin’ actor has released a

song ‘nakhriley’ with two other Bollywood singersShankar Mahadevan and Mahalakshmi.

Source revealed that the song is the most ambitioustrack in the film especially with sets that took almost 2weeks to build and song pays tribute to the ‘King of Pop’Michael Jackson with a unique twist. Video of the songhas been picturised on the three leads Ranveer Singh,Parineeti Chopra and Ali Zafar.

According to media reports Ali Zafar while dis-cussing about the song said, “Shad always had mad andinteresting ideas and wanted something that pays tributeto MJ in a crazy way. This has certainly been the mosttechnical song for me in terms of singing and dancing.I'm really kicked about ‘nakhriley’”.

The song ‘nakhriley’ has been composed byShankar-ehsaan-Loy and the lyrics has been written bygulzar.

Directed by Shaad Ali, movie stars Ranveer Singh,Parineeti Chopra, Ali Zafar and govinda in the lead rolesand the film has been scheduled to release on november14. – Agencies

Ali Zafar’s song‘Nakhriley’from ‘Kill Dil’released

Why Dionne Warwick might not pay $10m to IRS

Celeb withdraws fromcontest on doctor’s orders

Myleene Klass poses with items from her BabyK range as sheopens the revamped Mothercare store in Solihull

Hollywood director Michael Hoff-man says that the Hindi film indus-try is not only finding its space ininternational film festivals but isalso becoming more ‘sophisticated’.

Hoffman while promoting hismovie ‘The Best of Me’ said in aninterview, “Bollywood is shifting andchanging. Bollywood is getting moresophisticated and broader but stillmaintaining the roots of Indian cine-ma”.

“It's getting more respect fromall over the world, and even at theinternational film festivals it is mak-ing its place," Hoffman added.

According to media reportsHoffman praised Vishal Bhardwaj'stwo most appreciated works, whichare adaptations of Shakespeare's‘Macbeth’ and ‘Hamlet’. Interest-ingly, his ‘The Best of Me’ too is anadaptation. It is based on NicholasSparks' similarly titled romanticnovel.

“I also feel that Bollywood is sortof coming up. People are a lot moreinterested and the marriage betweenthe Bollywood style and strong con-tent like ‘Haider’ that kind of film(with) serious content and distinctivestyle will definitely get crossoverrecognition,” he added. – Agencies

Hoffman praises Shahid ‘Haider’

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city06 Thursday, November 06, 2014

From Page 1

without realizing that the data, he and hisgovernment shared with India, was actual-ly attained by Indians to establish freshlinks with Daesh fighters to bring them tothe focal point of collaborating with Pak-istani Taliban, who were deeply hurt andmassively destroyed in Pakistan army’smega anti-terror operation, code named“Operation Zarb-e-Azb”.

In another rare development, IndianTV Channel ‘India TV’ and a US mediaorganization claimed that Ajit Doval car-ried out a “Top Secret Visit” to Iraq, veryrecently. These media reports suggestedthat Doval’s visit was apparently part ofIndia’s diplomatic efforts and help forstranded Indians in Iraq. However thesereports do not explain as to why such anotherwise diplomatic visit was kept TopSecret by India? The Daily Mail’s investi-gations however indicate that it was onlyafter such Doval trips to Syria and Iraqthat the fabricated and premeditated newsof certain Pakistani Jihadi elements leav-ing for Syria, followed by the similarnatured news of the TTP’s announcementof supporting Daesh, started appearing ininternational and specially in the Indianmedia. It remains a fact that ever sincePakistan army has launched Operationagainst TTP terrorists in Wazirinstan, justone statement from a so called spokesmanof these Taliban, Shaid Ullah Shaid, hassurfaced in the media and that statementwas about TTP joining hands with Daesh.

A Similar Top Secret visit was alsocarried out by Ajit Doval to Iraq on June-25 this year, just when Pakistan started theaforesaid army operation and began effec-tive and smart crushing of the TTP. At thattime, this visit was carried out under thegarb of bringing home some 46 Indiannurses, stranded in Tikirit, a mission,which by no means, required a secret oropen trip by an official of the level ofnational Security Advisor of India, untiland unless the trip had a further classifiedpurpose. The Investigations also revealthat Doval had made it clear to Daeshleaders that despite the fact that the Indiangovernment wanted to extend Daesh ahandsome financial and weaponry sup-port, yet it was not possible to be materi-alized due to certain international reserva-tions while same could easily be done viaTTP nexus as India was already doing it incase of TTP, without anyone’s objectionfrom amongst the global leaderships.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indi-cate that a meeting in regard between cer-tain Daesh leaders and TTP’s Afghanistanbased leader Mulla Fazalullah was organ-ized by Doval through Indian Consulatein Kandahar last month. The Investiga-tions reveal that for the said meetingDaesh participants travelled to Kandaharby road from Iraq via Iran while Fazalul-lah (aka Mullah Radio) and his team werespecially flown to India’s Kandahar Con-sulate from nuristan area of Afghanistanwhere he is running a proper military baseof TTP. nonetheless, on the same night,Daesh representatives were also intro-duced to Khalid Khorasani, a former TTPCommander and a dissident of Fazalullahbut running parelel militant organizationfrom Kunhar province of Afghanistanunder RAW patronage. Both Fazulah andKhorasani were not informed each other’s

presence in Kandahar while the separatemeetings with Daesh were also kept com-pletely confidential from each other,though later it became an open secret inAfghanistan’s militant world. Theseinvestigation further reveal that to keepmaintain a high level camouflage for thismeeting and divert the attention of Pak-istan intelligence and other Western intel-ligence operatives, present in the region,Ajit Doval, revived his decades old linkswith certain top military officials of Iranand thus managed to organized a situationat Pak-Iran border in Pakistan Balochistanarea and a small border clash over there,diverted every one’s attention from every-where else, especially from Kandahar, tothis new development.

Some seasoned security analysis’sand counter terror expert see this develop-ment going beyond the apparent percep-tion as they believe that this Daesh-TTPnetwork will be intensively used by Dovalfor militancy in Pakistan as well as inChina’s Xinjiang region as they smell thealliance eventually getting teaming upwith CIA-backed east Turkistan IslamicMovement (eTIM) that is engaged inrather limited terror and violent activitiesin Xinjiang via Afghanistan and Kyrgyzs-tan. They are of the firm opinion that onceUS troops are pulled out of Afghanistanand India gets a security role over there,this combination of Deash- eTIM – TTPwill unleash a hell in Pakistan and Chinain particular.

These security experts and counterterror specialists are of the view that theway Indians fooled the US governmentwith regard to terror attack on Samjhautaexpress train in 2007 and US, on thebasis of intelligence provided by the Indi-ans, took no time in declaring certainPakistani elements as accused for the saidterror act but which later turned out to bea handy work by Indian army’s servingofficers in connivance with extremistHindu militants and thus made the US tocut a very sorry figure, eventually, thistime again the Indians are very conve-niently fooling the Obama administrationby ensuring India’s utmost resolveagainst terror across the world but at thesame time continuing with their covertsupport to terrorists in Pakistan, Syria,Iraq, Afghanistan, China etc. Thesecounter terror maestros of the global clan-destine community say that there is a pos-sibility that this all is going on with thecomplete knowledge of White House andPentagon and they have shut one eye overthe issue with other being fully open orthere could be a possibility of this beingmaterialized merely between Indians andthe CIA operators with little or even noknowledge, at least officially, to theWhite House. However, it remains nosecret that the US government is verymuch aware of Indian nSA Doval’s deepconnections with terrorists and top under-world mafias of the world that was dis-closed by a classified ( declassified byWikileaks) diplomatic cable, sent by theUS embassy in India to Washingtonwhen the nSA had just vacated the officeof IB Chief. Remarks made by USDefense Secretary Chuck Hagel in 2013in which he clearly stated that India hasbeen exporting and financing in Pakistan,he very much meant the terror operationorganized by Indian officials, Ajit Doval,

Sanjeev Tripathi, B Raman etc. Hagelsaid “India has over the years financedproblems for Pakistan on that side of theborder, and you can carry that into manydimensions.” This statement of US Secre-tary of Defense very clearly indicates thatthe Obama administration in general andits Secretary of Defense in particular arevery well aware about what Ajit Dovaland company have been doing over thepast many years with regard to promotionand financing of terrorists and terrorism.

The Daily Mail’s investigationsreveal that the Hindu extremist elementsof radical and militant outfits like RSS,Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Shiv Sena etc,started placing a special focus on reli-giously motivated, young IAS (IndianAdministration Services) and IPS (IndianPolice Services) officers, right at the train-ing academies level from the late 60s,after India faced a severe defeat in warwith Pakistan in 1965. This Hinduextremists believed that despite hugenumerical supremacy in terms of troopsand weaponry of India over Pakistan, Pak-istanis managed to defeat Indians in 1965as they fought with religious motivationwhile there was no religious motivationon the Indian side and thus it was verypivotal for India to streamline religiousmotivation across the society via promo-tion of Hindutva. It remains a fact thatafter the assaination of India’s founderMr. gandhi by activists of extremistHindu outlet RSS ( that is now part ofIndian government) in a planned manner,the major chunk of the Hindu society wasrepelled from religious extremism and gotmainly disconnected with Hidutva ideolo-gy.

They started these young motivatedHindus under the philosophy and ideolo-gy of Hindutva Brotherhood and startedtransforming them into extremist Hindus.These investigations indicate that thistrend was proposed or introduced by noneother but an IPS officer himself. This offi-cer is known as Bahukutumbi Raman or BRaman, an IPS officer of 1961 batch ofMadhya Pradesh Cadre, who later wasinducted in IB and from where he went toResearch and Analysis Wing (RAW) as itsfounding members and died last year inretirement. Despite being retired fromRAW in the last decade, Raman was kepton board and he kept providing his con-stant input to RAW in post retirement life.

The investigations reveal that laterthere was a trivial shift in the policy andfocus was slightly reduced from IAS offi-cers and was enhanced more on IPS offi-cers as it was planned that the most dedi-cated ones of these IPS officers wouldlater by inducted into spy agency IB withlater expanding it to RAW. The investiga-tions indicate that a huge number of IPSand IAS officers of different state cadreswere successfully dragged to Hindutvaschool of thought. These investigationsindicate that though there was a rush ofHindutva motivated IAS and IPS officersin the 60s and 70s, later B Raman took thetask of short listing them to form a com-prehensive network of top most confi-dants by maneuvering their respectivecareers and eventually ending them up inIB, RAW, CBI and other relatively impor-tant organization and on highly sensitiveassignments.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indi-

cate that B Raman managed to create 5officers of IPS according his requirementsin a period of ten to fifteen years and man-aged their postings and transfers till theend of his life, with all being junior to himin the service and thus being extensivelyloyal and obedient to him as well. Theseofficer included Ajit Kumar Doval, anIPS officer of Kerala Cadre of 1968Batch and ended up as IB chief of Indiawith current political position of beingnational Security Advisor of India, San-jeev Tripathi, an IPS officer of UttarPradesh Cadre of 1972 Batch and endedup as RAW Chief, Alok Joshi, an IPS offi-cer of Haryana Cadre of 1976 Batch whofirst served in IB up till the position ofJoint Director and was later managed tobe placed at RAW and is the current RAWChief, Amithabh Mathur, an IPS officer of1977 Batch of Manipur Cadre and endedup as RAW’s #2 with B Raman, and IPSofficer of 1961 Batch of MP Cadre beingtheir godfather. Raman was called guruby his colleagues and likeminded juniors.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indi-cate that interestingly, all the IPS policeofficers were somehow maneuvered by BRaman and Hinudtva Brotherhood toreach to the top positions at IB and RAWwith Ajit Doval being the most successfulin enjoying the extraordinary position ofnSA in his political phase of life. Thesefive IPS officers eventually defaced theorganizational identities of RAW and IBamongst their own circle and continued todeliver with mere extremist religiousdevotion and motivation under Hindutvaumbrella. There appears to be anothercommonality amongst these Cops that allof them, throughout their careers havebeen maintaining very strong connectionswith Most Wanted criminals, terroristsand Mafia Dons with Chhota Rajan andhis gang being the most prominent in thisdirection.

These investigation further indicatethat despite his great desire to jump intoRAW, Ajit Kumar Doval was purposelykept back in IB on B Raman’s suggestionsad by keeping Doval at IB, Raman want-ed to maintain a strong support platformin IB for certain Hindutva related opera-tions, despite extreme professional rivalrybetween RAW and IB and he succeed indoing so as Raman got many operationscompleted with secret IB help via Dovaland Chhota Rajan gang’s operations forRAW were possible only by Doval’s pres-ence at IB as Doval was the mentor andcreator of Chhota Rajan and his gang. Inthe clandestine community of India, it issaid that Chhota Rajan and his gang wasperhaps Ajit Doval’s best gift to RAW andB Raman while Raman-Doval duo deliv-ered a lot through mutual cooperation attheir respective organizational ends to thecause of Hindutva Brotherhood throughChhota Rajan gang’s operations.

Though the successive Indian govern-ments continued to deny any links of itslaw enforcers or other top officials havingany connection with terrorists and crimi-nal mafias with current Modi governmentbeing no exception, yet these deep rootedlinks are open secrets in Indian media andsociety. However,in a highly classifieddiplomatic cable (later leaked by Wik-ileaks) sent by US Consulate in Mumbaion 8th August 2005, the US Mission inMumbai confirmed this link to Washing-

ton with Ajit Doval being fully exposed inthis direction.

In the cable, following assertion wasmade:

“In early July a group of Mumbaipolicemen traveled to Delhi to stake outVicky Malhotra, an underworld figurewho had been charged with numerous actsof terror and crimes, including murder,extortion explosions and arms smuggling.On July 11 the Mumbai police arrestedMalhotra while he was driving throughcentral Delhi. Accompanying Malhotrawas Ajit Kumar Doval, former head of theIndian Intelligence Bureau (IB. Dovalhimself as well as gOI officials from theHome Ministry later declined to commentabout the incident. 9. (SBU) Thereafterthe Indian media was rife with speculationabout why the former head of India's pre-mier intelligence service was caught witha known underworld figure. Malhotra isthe right hand man of gangster ChhotaRajan, an otherwise Most Wanted crimi-nal by Law in India.

gOI and the Mumbai police have notcommented on the incident. The arrestsand the presence of former IB chief Dovalare established facts. Since the authoritiesare not publicly talking, everything elseabout the incident is speculation of mediaoutlets.”

The Daily Mail’s investigations indi-cate that though all the above mentionedIPS officers of Hindutva Brotherhoodhave always maintained spectacular rela-tions with India’s homegrown terror net-works and underworld mafias, yet theChhota Rajan gang and Dawood Ibrahimgang emerged as the prominent one’s ofthis chain of protected rackets. Thoughwhen Hindutva brotherhood decided toexit Dawood Ibrahim gang out of thescene for his reluctance to carry out antiMuslim operations, all the IPS gang offive went against him and Ibrahim wasdeclared a Pakistani agent, working forPakistan’s ISI spy agency, despite the factthat ISI had no advantage in using theservices of an Indian underworld gangsterwho was already operating under the pro-tection of India’s own police and intelli-gence network, yet his being a Muslimwas more than enough for the IndianPolice and Intelligence as well the localmedia to portray Ibrahim as an ISI pat-terned criminal. Some reports howeversuggest that when life was made miser-able for Dawood Ibrahim in India, heshifted to Dubai and formed an evenwider network of with the connivance ofcertain friends from Italian and Russianunderworld mafias. These reports alsosuggest that Dawood had some supportfrom his Mumbai days partners ofKarachi-based Pakistani elements of localunderworld yet any of Dawood’s connec-tion with any Pakistani State organizationand specially the ISI could never be estab-lished on the basis of one single solid evi-dence and all the hullaballoo in this direc-tion remained merely part of media andofficial propagation by the Indians.

The Daily Mail’s investigation indi-cate that Chhota Rajan gang’s serviceswere first utilized by Doval at the largescale level during the attack of extremistHindus on Babari Msjid in Ajodhya inearly 1990s. As this assault was made inthe name of religion, yet was carried outin a manner of organized crime, Chhota

Rajan gang’s input was very muchrequired and gang’s contribution broughtChhota Rajan in the very good books ofHindutva Brotherhood. From thereonwards, Chhota Rajan gang’s activitiesgot the full support and blessings of theHindu extremist groups while it had theIB and Police blessings already. Theinvestigations indicate that when AjitDoval introduced Chhota Rajan to BRaman, Raman straightaway took Rajanand his under the RAW cover and handedhim over a sort of ex-officio RAW wingthat was code named by Raman as “Spe-cial Operations Division” while gang’sassociation with IB continued underDoval’s leadership at IB and later underAlok Joshi’s patronage while Joshi is nowlooking after the gang in his capacity ofRAW Chief. S Special investigativereport on the overall activities of ChhotaRajan gang would be published soon.However it is worth mentioning here thatChhota Rajan gang delivered handsomelyfor both IB and RAW while its serviceswere often rendered to Military Intelli-gence at different occasions under theHindutva- Army nexus arrangements.Chhota Rajan gang was used from thelevel of eliminating defiant crime racketsin Mumbai and other parts of India to themassacre of nepal’s Royal family andthen down to the level of killing of Indi-an Jai Dey of Mid-Day newspaper ofIndia and assassination of Pakistani jour-nalist Salim Shahzad a few years backwhen both the Indian and Pakistani jour-nalists were working on investigativereports of exposing RAW, IB and ChhotaRajan gang’s nexus. However, verysmartly, using RAW pawns in Pakistanimedia, on the advice of Sanjeev Tripathi,RAW tried to drag Pakistan ISI into themurder of Salim Shahzad to damage anoutstanding professional relationshipbetween ISI’s media wing and local jour-nalists to combat anti Pakistan mediapropagation by the foreign media andespecially by the Indian Media. ChhotaRajan gang was also used for executionof organized violence in China’s Tibet in2008 and the follow up incidents of vio-lence and terror in China’s Xinjiangprovince while in Pakistan, this gang hasnot only been operating in Balochistanbut a strong presence of the gang mem-bers was discovered during anti- terroroperation in Waziristan agencies andSwat area while Afghanistan has emergedas a regional headquarter of Chhota Rajangang. These investigations believe thatAjit Doval has throughout been a devil’sadvocate and has been insisting in use ofunderworld mafia’s for intelligence oper-ations as he believes that

Underworld gangsters had moreingress in society and were more effectivein penetrating into any segment of lifethan the intelligence agency personnel.

The investigations indicate that aftergetting RAW and IB protection via bless-ings of Ajit Doval and B Raman and laterSanjeev Tripathi, Chhota Rajan aptlyexpanded the gang’s smuggling gold andnarcotics, extortion, gambling, prostitu-tion, contract killings and other racketeer-ing operations. Due to his links with theShiv Sena’s ideologue late Bal Thackerayand his gang’s involvement in

Continued on Page 7

India’s NSA causing acute threat to regional, global peace

RAWALPInDI: High Commissioner of Pakistan Maj general (Retd) Qasim Qureshi and Sri Lankan Deputy Chief of Staff Maj general emm Ambanpola with Pak-istan Air Force and Army Officers at Katunayake Airport, Sri Lanka. – Agencies

staFF report

ISLAMABAD – Prime Minis-ter nawaz Sharif Wednesdayexpressed his resolve to defeatpolio in six months and saidany negligence in this regardshall be considered a crimeagainst future generations.

The premier was address-ing the steering committee onpolio eradication and vowed tomake Pakistan polio-free in sixmonths. He instructed all theprovinces to take this matter upwith seriousness, adding that itwas about the future of thenation's children.

nawaz said the federalgovernment, armed forces andcivil society stand united in thecountry's fight against polio.

The premier said Pakistanshares the international com-

munity's concerns on polio, butthat the world should alsounderstand the issues faced bythe country. "We face chal-lenges like inaccessibility, ter-rorism and misconceptions intribal areas about the cam-paign," he added.

nawaz Sharif said Pak-istan has faced many prob-lems in the anti-polio drive asthe frontline health workershave been targeted by the mil-itants.

He said a military opera-tion is successfully underwayto flush out the militants. “Wehave also seen some break-throughs in the polio eradica-tion campaign with children ofSouth and north Waziristanagencies are now being immu-nized,” he said.

nawaz also said that polio

vaccination of internationaltravelers was in compliancewith international health regu-lations.

He met with chief minis-ters of Punjab, Sindh, KhyberPakhtunkhwa and Balochistanin this regard and urged themto utilise all resources for erad-icating polio in their respectiveprovinces. During the meeting,the chief ministers informedthe premier about their effortsand plans for controlling thevirus as well as immunisationcampaigns.

The chief ministers toldPrime Minister nawaz thatextra security measures werebeing taken for the protectionof polio teams. nawaz assuredIslamabad's full support to theprovincial governments in thecampaign against polio.

Pakistan tobe Polio free

within sixmonths: PM

Police, Rangers hailed for Ashura securityBy uZma ZaFar

ISLAMABAD – Despite intelligence reports of possible terrorist attacks on the Muharram proces-sions and Majalis, hundreds of main processions and thousands of Majalis were held peacefully dueto extra ordinary multi layer security arrangements made by the Provincial governments with thecooperation of federal agencies and not even a single untoward incident took place on Tuesday, the10th of Muharram. The mourners observed Ashura with religious zeal paying rich tributes to the Mar-tyrs of Karbala for the glory of Islam.

The security arrangements were in place since the beginning of Muharram and it was accelerat-ed on 9th and 10th Muharram. Credit also goes to the administration and the police, who held par-leys with religious leaders and Ulema of difficult schools of thought to ensure sectarian harmony.

staFF report

ISLAMABAD – The nationalAccountability Bureau (nAB)had received a complaint inwhich it is alleged that mas-sive corruption had been com-

mitted in the award of tenderof “Clean Drinking Water forAll” by the Officers/Officialsof the Ministry of Special Ini-tiatives in 2005. The “CleanDrinking Water Initiatives”was started in February 2005.

NAB to probe graftin clean drinking

water project

Page 7: Epaper

04 Thursday, November 06, 2014

Imran and anew Pakistan

makhdoom BaBareditor

Ph: 051-2607436-37, Fax:051-2607470Website: http://www.dailymailnews.com

email: [email protected] by Makhdoom Babar Sultan from Mail House, Shakeel Chambers,

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Zeeshan mirza

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Suite # 2, First Floor,14-A Asif Chamber, Davis Road, Lahore



Bushra makhdoom

uZma ZaFardeputy editor

Tariq Saeed Khan

Fair elections & expectations fromjudiciary

He 24th Arab League summit, which opens todayin Doha, promises to be one of the organization’smost important. As the crisis in Syria enters itsthird bloody year, the League, whose early con-

certed efforts to mediate between the Assad regime and theopposition were undermined by Damascus, has taken the his-toric step of awarding Syria’s seat at the summit to the opposi-tion.

In a pre-summit move backed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar,Arab League foreign ministers’ meeting Sunday in Doha agreedthat the true representatives of the Syrian people were thosewho oppose and are fighting to bring to an end 42 years of ruth-less dictatorship. There can be no doubt that this is a majorblow to Assad. He might have imagined that rather than sendsome mealy-mouthed minister to try to justify to the rest of theArab world, his unjustifiable savagery, Syria’s empty seat at thesummit would constitute some sort of mute rebuke to Leaguemembers. In the event, Syria’s long-suffering people, ratherthan the regime that is oppressing them, will be representedtoday and tomorrow in Doha. The rebukes thus for Assad.

It is however deeply regrettable, that the head of the Syriannational Coalition, Moaz Al-Khatib, chose the eve of the sum-mit to announce his resignation.

Though Al-Khatib has said that he will still come toaddress the League, there will be considerable concern amongmembers that once again the Syrian opposition is damaging itscause by its inability to present a united front. In the eyes ofsome members of the coalition, Al-Khatib was wrong to contin-ue to offer dialogue with the Assad regime, while it is reportedthat he was also unhappy with the formation of the provisionalgovernment. In a tweet message, Al-Khatib said that he haddecided to come and speak to the summit “in the name of theSyrian people.” It can be confidently expected, that on the verysame grounds, League members will be seeking to persuade Al-Khatib to reconsider his decision.

What Syria’s opposition needs at this moment is unity. TheLeague must use its good offices to impress this key factor, notsimply on Al-Khatib but on the other dissenting parts of thecoalition. Another League state with political challenges isLebanon, which is being represented by its President MichelSuleiman, following the resignation on Sunday of Prime Min-ister najib Mikati. Suleiman is expected to tell the summit thatit is imperative that his country should continue to disassociateitself from events in neighboring Syria. Lebanon is still recov-ering from its own brutal civil war, which only ended after 25years with the 1990 Riyadh Conference.—AN


RAnSPARenT elec-tions are aspiration ofthe entire nation. It is anopen fact that it is only

transparent elections which can installa competent government capable ofsolving the current problems. But it is atyranny that the fundamental andessential demand of eCP for theapproval of reforms package is lyingthe federal government for approvalsince 21st February. Is after the negli-gence of federal government and par-liament once again SC has to act in thisissue too?

In past it is SC who functioned forevery issue of national interest, whichwas expected to be resolved by thegovernment. Loan write off issue is anexample. To make the people aware theSupreme Court made public on Feb 20a report of a three-member commissionformed to investigate billions of rupeesof loans written off over the past fourdecades. A three-judge bench compris-ing Chief Justice Iftikhar MuhammadChaudhry, Justice Khilji Arif Hussainand Justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed hadtaken notice of media reports that theState Bank had quietly allowed com-mercial banks to write off non-per-forming loans estimated at Rs.54 bil-lion under a scheme introduced by for-mer president Pervez Musharraf. Theestimate swelled to Rs256 billion afterthe scope of scrutiny of written offloans was extended to Dec 2009 from1971.

A circular issued by the SBP gov-ernor had also raised serious questionswith respect to the written off, remit-ted, reversed or waived loans &advances from 1971 onward underBPD circular 29 of 2002. Under theorder, banks waived loans given out ofpublic money during the Musharrafregime. Soon after the Oct 2002 gener-al election, then finance ministerShaukat Aziz and his financial team atthe SBP had approved the loan write-off scheme to ease financial burden onbusiness concerns owned by someleaders of the ruling party of that time.Instead of launching an effective cam-paign to recover non-performing loans(nPL), the SBP had in Oct 2002 issuedan incentive scheme to banks and DFIsto waive loans of organizations show-ing ‘loss’ for three years or more afterdividing them into three categories :nPL up to Rs0.5 million; nPL fromRs0.5m to Rs2.5m and more thanRs2.5m.

According to media reports, politi-cians and big business concerns usedthe third category to get billions ofrupees outstanding against them writ-ten off by banks. Shockingly, banksand DFIs were asked to recover maxi-mum possible amount to settle loansfalling under initial two categoriesthrough forced sale of available assets.The purpose of the scheme was toclean the balance sheets owned bybanks and DFIs.

The three-member commissionconstituted under the Banking Compa-nies Ordinance, 1962, was headed by aformer SC judge, Justice (retd) SyedJamshed Ali Shah. Its terms of refer-ence included penalizing bankers whohad waived loans without any justifica-tion. The commission had to holdbankers responsible for extendingshort-term or long-term loan facility toborrowers on inadequate securities andto recommend steps to be taken againstthem. It had to suggest measures tosafeguard the amount of loans againstarbitrary concessions extended in thepast either on political or other consid-erations.

In Supreme Court, the voluminousreport in twenty iron boxes wasunsealed in the open court and threesets of volume I to II, along with a sup-plementary paper book, were taken outfor perusal of the judges. The courtordered that the report be provided to

the counsel representing the banks andalso made it available for inspection byall and sundry to be regulated by thecourt office. The court ordered that therest of the volumes of the report bekept again in the sealed boxes in safecustody. The case will be taken up afterthree weeks.

On the same issue, the SupremeCourt, while hearing a suo motu caseon September 27, 2010, questioned theauthority and jurisdiction of State Bankof Pakistan (SBP) to waive off Rs 256billion bank loans during the periodfrom 1971 to 2009 under BankingCompanies Ordinance. The apex court

directed the SBP counsel to submitdetails of at least ten cases from eachyear, which met two conditions set inSection 33B of Banking CompaniesOrdinance, 1962 and which were pre-requisites for writing off loans. Bankshave written off some Rs 125 billionworth of loans during the past sixyears, 2000-2006 period, against Rs 30billion written off during 1985-1999,and larger number of loans have beenwritten off under the SBP circular no29/2002, of which major beneficiariesare politicians and industrialists.

The country’s banks and otherfinancial institutions wrote off a stag-gering amount of over Rs 30 billionduring the governments of MuhammadKhan Junejo, Benazir Bhutto andnawaz Sharif. During the two tenuresof Prime Minister nawaz Sharif, 1990-93 and 1997-99, which the majorchunks of these loans, were written off.Two-thirds of the total loans, Rs 22.35billion, were written off during the twostints of nawaz Sharif. In his firsttenure, a total of Rs 2.39 billion werewritten off and during his second, theamount went up to a staggering Rs19.96 billion. The written off loans,during the two tenures of nawazSharif, constituted approximately 74.5percent of the total of Rs 30.18 billion,written off between 1986 and 1999.During the two terms that BenazirBhutto was in power, a total of Rs 7.23billion loans were written off, consti-tuting 24.2 percent of the total writtenoff loans of Rs 494.97 million in herfirst tenure and Rs 6.74 billion in thesecond .

It is a matter of record that publicmoney has continuously been lootedby the rich and mighty in this country.The facts quoted in press reports citedabove reveal how colossal wealth ofthis nation i.e. public money lying inbanks was plundered pitilessly and

ruthlessly. The criminal culpability ofsuccessive governments, civil and mil-itary alike, in this matter has pushedPakistan in a corner where the globalcommunity perceives this country as ahaven for the corrupt, plunderers, crim-inals and tax evaders. The SupremeCourt on January 21, 2008 asked theState Bank of Pakistan (SBP) to reportin two weeks details of a scheme itallegedly approved in October 2002 forwriting off loans of Rs 54 billion owedto commercial banks by business con-cerns run by some top politicians andother people. The court took suo motuaction on a report appearing in a sec-

tion of the press regarding SBP’sapproval of a scheme to quietly writeoff a total of Rs 54 billion bank loans.

Based on a secret report to the Pub-lic Accounts Committee (PAC) of thenational Assembly, the newspapersreported that 50,000 people, includingpoliticians, civil and military businessconcerns and business tycoons ofKarachi, Lahore and other cities, hadbeen favored through the scheme andtheir outstanding loans had been writ-ten off in 2002. The report had accusedthe then chief ministers of twoprovinces as being beneficiaries of thescheme because their families, havingbig business concerns like sugar millsand ghee mills also got a waiver onoutstanding loans. even some foreignfirms and multinational companies anda private bus service operating fromLahore to different cities of Punjabwere also extended this facility.

Soon after October 2002 elections,the news item pointed out, the thenfinance minister Shaukat Aziz and hisfinancial team at the SBP approved theloan write-off scheme, having yieldedto the pressure from certain top politi-cians of the then ruling party. Insteadof launching an effective campaign forthe recovery of non- performing loans(nPL), it said, the SBP issued an incen-tive scheme to the banks & DFIs inOctober 2002 for waiving the nPL ofthe organizations, showing ‘loss’ forthree years or more after dividing themin three categories. The politicians andthe big business concerns exploited thethird category of nPL, as mentionedabove, to get billions of rupees out-standing against them written off.Shockingly, the report said, the banks& DFIs were asked to recover maxi-mum possible amount to settle loans,falling under last two categoriesthrough forced sale of available assets.The purpose of the scheme was pur-

portedly to clean the balance sheetsowned by banks & DFIs. It was justeyewash. The real purpose was to giveunprecedented benefit to the rich andmighty.

This is not the first time that theSupreme Court has taken the matter ofloan write offs. Way back in October15, 1996, the Supreme Court took suomotu cognizance, under Article 189 ofthe Constitution, of mismanagement ofpublic money and expressed its inten-tion of studying all the laws governingthe banking sector in this regard. Theapex court vowed to make authorita-tive pronouncement that “would elimi-nate the chances of misusing the lawsfor siphoning of public money.” Thereis, however, no track what happened tothat public interest litigation case.From the latest proceedings, it appearsthat the issue is lingering on since 14years. The said public interest litigationoriginated from a reference filed by thethen President, the late ghulam IshaqKhan, against a PPP MnA, RaoRasheed Ahmad, who as a member ofloan write off committee, blatantlyordered to write off a loan of his wife.

During the era of Musharraf, theloans write offs in just seven years(2000-06) crossed the figure of Rs 125billion, whereas in the much-publi-cized “corrupt eras” of elected govern-ments (1985-1999), it was just Rs 30billion. This comparison speaks foritself and does not require any furthercomments.

Pakistan’s top defaulters were alsoexposed when such information wasexposed to media in past. According tothe Moeen Qureshi list of 1993, Fazal-sons group was defaulting in the pay-ment of 34 loans amounting to Rs2,164 million, Hyesons was defaultingin Rs 1,174 million, Habib group inpayment of 32 loans worth Rs 850 mil-lion, an obscure naqvi group was indefault of Rs 676 million, Tawakkal Rs479 million, Adamjee Rs 198 million,Dadabhoy Rs 191 million, HashwaniRs 48.7 million and Fancy Rs 40.6 mil-lion.

Major defaulters among the politi-cians were Chaudharies of gujrat whowere defaulting in payment of six loansworth Rs 109.66 million against PhaliaSugar, Punjab Sugar and Sapco Limit-ed, Ittefaq group Rs 83 million againstIttefaq Foundry, Saifullah’s Rs 37.3million while Zardari group was indefault of Rs 7 million. This is oneexample of corrupt governance in thiscountry. Irony is that all the steps nec-essarily to be taken by executive toeradicate this marauding were initiatedby judiciary. This questions the credi-bility and proficiency of executivewhich was always compensated byjudiciary. At this juncture of eventswhen nation is expecting a transparentelection ahead and execute along withparliament is inactive in performingtheir obligations, expectations fromjudiciary are high.

The election Commission of Pak-istan (eCP) after a long wait since Feb-ruary 11th sent its own amended nomi-nation forms for printing on 11thMarch, as the president could not takea decision on the matter after the Min-istry of Law had raised several objec-tions to the proposed changes. TheeCP took the decision on legal basisstating that it is the mandate of the eCPto conduct free, fair and transparentelections under Article 218 of the Con-stitution; the approval of the Presidentunder section 107 of ROPA is merely aformality; and the Hon’ble SupremeCourt of Pakistan has stated in theWorker’s Party that the eCP is empow-ered and independent to do all that isnecessary to fulfill its Constitutionalmandate’ and instruct that it do so.Here too the Supreme Court came torescue eCP and enable her for per-formance of her constitutional duties tohold free and fair elections.


enS of thousands responded to PTI ChairmanImran Khan’s call to attend his March 23 rally at theMinar-e-Pakistan if they wanted to create a ‘newPakistan’. Aside from some 80,000 newly-elected

office bearers - a feather in his cap for holding genuine intrapartyelections - as is the common practice at such gatherings, aspiringcandidates for party tickets had brought along workers and sup-porters to make a show of strength.

Also present in force were the urban middle-class youthinspired by Imran’s slogan of change, responding enthusiastical-ly to every one of his six pledges to never break a single prom-ise, to end oppression, to wage jihad against exploitation andinjustice, to keep his money in Pakistan, not to indulge in nepo-tism, to stand by his stance on US drone strikes in the tribalareas, and to turn government leaders’ palatial residences intolibraries.

If his last public meeting at the same place proved he had‘arrived’, the one on Sunday showed he stays as a formidablealternative to the two other major parties although it is yet to beknown how the PTI is perceived in the rural areas.

The important question at this point is whether or not he willbe able to convert this groundswell of support into votes. Onemajor positive development on that score is the just concludedintraparty elections.

The exercise has created a large body of stakeholders fromthe union council, to tehsil, and district all the way up to provin-cial and national level, although the top positions have beenfilled unopposed inviting criticism from detractors. Then there isa newly raised cadre of a million ‘Tabdeeli Razakars’ (changevolunteers) who are to propagate the party programme and bringout people to cast their votes. The urban youth who have beenparticipating in his rallies are active on the social media spread-ing the party message.

The fervour for change though may still be dampened if theusual electable types rather than new faces are dominant amongthe party ticket holders who are to contest assemblies’ seats. Anequally, if not more, serious problem could be Imran Khan’s ownmisjudgements. His support for Tahirul Qadri’s campaign didnot sit well with many. His hobnobbing with the Jamaat-e-Isla-mi has long been a source of unease among urban middle-class-es wanting to see this country rise as a progressive forward-look-ing society. Yet at a recent party meeting the PTI, contrary to itsearlier declarations not to forge any pre-election alliance, decid-ed to make seat-to-seat adjustments with the JI and SheikhRashid’s Awami Muslim League.

It remains a mystery as to why should the PTI make any kindof alliance with Rashid’s one-man party. Seat adjustments withJI can be a mixed bag of gains and losses. Small blocks of JIvotes may benefit PTI candidates in Karachi and parts of Khy-ber Pakhtunkhwa. But then the PTI on its own is believed tohave a large following in KP. If the hope is to dip into religioustypes’ vote, it is already divided in KP where the JUI-F has astrong presence. Alliance with the JI may bring more loss thangain. It is likely to alienate a large number of liberal elementswho think Imran, despite his right wing leanings, is a social lib-eral. Also, for those who may be willing to accept Imran’s posi-tion on negotiating with the Taliban on the ground that much ofthe violence in the tribal areas is the result of the US war inneighbouring Afghanistan and the anger generated by dronestrikes, it would be an outrage to associate with the JI, whosechief Munnawar Hassan, has consistently been refusing to con-demn suicide bombings killing innocent people all over thecountry. Imran needs to rethink his present strategy to turn thewaves of support into ‘tsunami’ that, he says, is to destroy the oldsystem for him to build a new Pakistan.


A circular issued by the SBP governor had alsoraised serious questions with respect to the writtenoff, remitted, reversed or waived loans &advances from 1971 onward under BPD circular29 of 2002. Under the order, banks waived loansgiven out of public money during the Musharrafregime. Soon after the Oct 2002 general election,then finance minister Shaukat Aziz and his finan-cial team at the SBP had approved the loan write-off scheme to ease financial burden on businessconcerns owned by some leaders of the rulingparty of that time.

Instead of launching an effective campaign torecover non-performing loans (nPL), the SBP hadin Oct 2002 issued an incentive scheme to banksand DFIs to waive loans of organizations showing‘loss’ for three years or more after dividing theminto three categories : nPL up to Rs0.5 million;nPL from Rs0.5m to Rs2.5m and more thanRs2.5m.Momentous

Doha summit

The Editor does not necessarily agree to the viewpoint of our readers and letter writers. The Daily Mail appreciate your comments/views received through mail oremail which should not exceed 450 words. The organization reserves the right to edit the mail for good of simplicity and policy of the paper. The readers are sug-gested to write their email addresses and postal addresses. —- Editor

Page 8: Epaper

05Thursday, November 06, 2014

Time of TribulationAs I was going through the newspapers on 23rd March, I came across a cam-paign message titled “Just and Tolerant Pakistan” with the quote of Quaid-i- Azam the epistle of which was that everyone shall be equal in the state.There were so many things that stuck my mind like, have we really becomethat intolerant that we now have to take the help of campaigns? Are we theantecedents of that tremendous leader whose vision was that such a stateshall be established where everyone’s rights will be protected? I was totallydejected when the inner voice inside me said that “YeS, we are goingthrough this impaired situation these days where there does not exist antsuch thing as TOLeRAnCe.” We are now the residents of a state wherethere is intolerance against the fellow countrymen and they are tagged in anabominable way as Minorities, Shias, Hazaras, Ahmedies, etc. Did all thesecommunities not harmonize at that time with the leaders to establish a newstate where their dreams were to come true of, where their rights of freedom,equality were to be protected in the future?

With all these accumulating thoughts, one more thing whichI was admonishing in my mind was the essay of e. M. Forsteron “Tolerance” where he has this view that whatevervalues one follows in one’s life but without followingthis single value, one can never advance in the rightdirection. We can get rid of all the pain of envy within our-selves if we culture tolerance in our lives. The vices of intoler-ance are abhorrent and if we continue to bounce back in thesimilar fashion in the future also, god forbid we will have toface more annihilative situations of that. Leaving back all whathas happened in the past, let us all affiliate, gather together under one flagand become a “One nATIOn” regardless of any religion, cast, color orcreed which was also the dream of our forefathers. May god be with ourbeloved country and may it soon come out of the arduous situation. Ameen!Saba SaleemRawalpindi

Call for religious dialogue

newly elected Pope Francis has called for greater dialogue between Christi-anity and Islam. Unquestionable, this is a welcome move from the Vatican,principally because while speaking of dialogue with many religions, the pole

particularly saw the necessity to pave the way for better relations with theMuslim world. He has urged the West to intensify dialogue with Islam. Inmy opinion the Muslim world should positively respond to this call. A handextended in friendship must always be grasped with warmth. Francis madehis appeal in an address to diplomats accredited to the Vatican, sending amessage through them to the leaders of the 180 states with which the Vati-can has diplomatic relations. It is heartening to note that the first challengethe pope has taken up to meet after his election to the high office is toencourage interaction and dialogue. The world today, devastated by radical-ism and misunderstood notions of religious struggle, is desperately lookingfor a healing hand. Pope Francis has sent a message of harmony, which otherreligions and spiritual frontrunners would do well to emulate and inspire ineach of their communities for the safety and security of a better tomorrow.

Shaukat Naeem Ghumman, Riyadh

War againstdrugs

The idea of a “major breakthroughin war against drugs” is a misguid-ed notion that the US has already

learned from its billions of dollarsspent in the Columbia with no let up

in this multibillion dollar industry. This is an un-winnablewar as the rewards are too great despite the huge risks. There

will be more production, more recruits, moreweapons and always more customers. There isno shortage of raw materials to make drugs

such as heroin as it brings in much more profitthan broccoli or melons. There are countlessindividuals that can be exploited to serve as car-

riers and greedy criminals abound. Weapons, bigbusiness and we see no shortage throughout the world. And last, customers.Plenty of demand ensures supplies will be available. So please, don’t prop-agandize good policing and successes by insinuating this “war” has someend in sight.

Abooismail, Through e-mail

The embattled SNC

In all revolutions around the world, the innocent people bear the brunt of theconflict. This is unfortunately the case with the devastated country likeSyria, whose people rose up peacefully on March 15, 2011 to demand a bet-ter life. Little did they know that the civilian protests would soon turn into acivil war that would claim about 70,000 lives by 2013, a million refugees,and two million internally displaced individuals. In a recent report by the United nations, of the 1 million refugees, about halfof them are below the age of 11. What is the fault of these innocent children?Why should they suffer because of the mistakes that someone else commit-ted?

The resistant people and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) fearlessly contin-ue to fight the government forces of the embattled President Bashar Assad.As black and white as the picture may seem, there is a gray area in the con-flict and it is naive to believe that all fighters are angels and all governmentsoldiers are devils. In fact, Amnesty International and other like bodiesrecorded war crimes against the fighters.

The conflict seems to drag on with little progress on the diplomaticfront.

Though most countries have recognized the Syrian national Coalition(SnC) as the legitimate voice of the Syrian people, it is worth noting that theSnC is internally divided with those fault lines shown by the recent resigna-tion of its president, Ahmad Moaz Al-Khatib, among other events. Al-Khat-ib had a pragmatic approach and seemed to seek a diplomatic solution byhaving talks with the Syrian leader, though most factions want a military set-tlement.

The recent appointment of the interim prime minister is not supported bysome in the council as it is seen as a forced move by Qatar.

What concerns me most about post-Assad Syria is the ability of the SnCto unite all factions under one umbrella. The country might slide into furtherturmoil that may only worsen the already existing crisis.

The failure to form a united interim government will destabilize thecountry and make its already uncertain future even more precarious.Naqi Haider Rizvi, Dammam

Let ters To The Edi tor

By Harun Yahya

Turkish nation must be on guardagainst PKK’s plan to split Country

he deep states of the USA andeurope have been dreaming ofestablishing an independentKurdistan in the Middle eastfor the last 100 years. In order

for that state they dream of to come about,the Southeast of Turkey needs to break awayfrom our homeland. The PKK, a communistterror organization, is a group that thesesecret structures in question are using to thatend. every stage of this dream, which theTurkish nation will never allow to happen,has been planned in detail. According to thisplan;

1. They are trying to establish anoppressive system through armed force, vio-lence and terror and give the impression thatthe populace are on their side.

2. In the name of strengthening localadministrations, they are trying to establish away to enable the PKK to get hold of lawenforcement units, the judicial system andpublic order in the region. europe has beenpressuring Turkey for that stage to comeabout for decades.

3. By declaring autonomy, they aretrying to establish a separate region with itsown parliament, police, military and judicialsystem. The main idea behind saying, ‘Wedo not want to break away from Turkey, wejust wish to govern ourselves,’ is this: "LetTurkey meet all the costs involved in oursecurity, commercial and daily life, but let usdevelop a separate communist structure".

4. They demand freedom for Öcalan.The first step towards that is house imprison-ment for Öcalan, followed by his release.That is the reason why certain circles in theUSA and europe are constantly working toimprove Öcalan’s image.

5. After establishing communist rulein an autonomous Southeast under the lead-ership of the terrorist leader Öcalan, they areplanning to spread that system to the rest of

Turkey and the Middle east.6. After making the Marxist-Leninist,

Stalinist ideology of the PKK prevail in areasof Syria and Iraq with largely Kurdish popu-lations, they plan to gradually unite theseareas with the Southeast of Turkey, and thusto declare an independent communist Kur-distan.

7. After establishing such a commu-nist Kurdistan, uprisings will be started inother countries in the region, and efforts willbe made to impose communist rule acrossthe Middle east.

8. At this stage, various circles in theUSA and europe will then say that they areopposed to the existence of a communiststate in the region and will use that as a pre-text to incite a new war. On the pretext ofdestroying the monster they created, theywill wage a pitiless war in the Middle east.This war will result in the slaughter of mass-es of Kurds, and will certainly be a tragedyfor the entire region.


First and foremost, the PKK is not therepresentatives of our Kurdish brothers. TheKurds are devout, well-mannered and virtu-ous people. The PKK, however, is irreli-gious, godless and rejects the concepts ofmoral virtue and the family. It is impossiblefor the immaculate Kurdish people to sup-port the terrorist PKK.

It is unacceptable to leave the needs andrights of the people in the region at the mercyof a despotic and aggressive organizationsuch as the PKK on the pretext of strength-ening local administrations.

The PKK is a Marxist-Leninist, Stalinistorganization and as a prerequisite of its ide-ology, it permits no structure that thinks any

different. This will make it impossible forany other party or civil society organizationto operate in the region. The PKK will denythe right to life and existence to those whonow forcefully speak of releasing Öcalan,establishing local assemblies and autonomy,and will ruthlessly crush them all.

Bearing this in mind, our state must takea firm stand against all proposals, particular-ly those that demand the release of Öcalanand autonomy, which would leave our Kur-dish brothers at the mercy of the PKK. nogood conscience would ever find it accept-able to abandon the Kurdish people, whowere ruthlessly kept down by the allegedorganization ergenekon for decades, to anoppressive Marxist-Leninist, Stalinistregime instead.

The deep states of the Western countriesare no friends of the Kurdish people. Theway that these bodies, which for decadeswatched as Saddam and Assad persecutedthe Kurds, now appear to be supporting themis deceptive. These circles’ sole aim is to pro-tect the godless, Bookless PKK and use it toestablish an independent communist Kurdis-tan in the region. All countries of the regionmust be on their guard against this stratagem.This plan to set Muslim against Muslim canbe thwarted only by fully embracing theQur’an, through Islamic Unity and the sys-tem of the Mahdi. By the leave of god, thisis the century in which the PKK will be con-signed to the dustbin history and the Truthwill prevail.

Say: ‘The Truth has come.Falsehood cannot originate or regener-


The writer has authored more than 300books translated in 73 languages on politics,religion and science. He may be followed at@Harun_Yahya and www.harunyahya.com


S. M. Hali

The legendary man M.M.Alam

ir Commodore MuhammadMahmood Alam breathedhis last on March 18, 2013after a prolonged illness.

He was buried with full military honours atthe graveyard at PAF base Masroor,Karachi. M.M. Alam shot to fame duringthe 1965 Pakistan-India War, when on 7thSeptember; he became the world’s firstfighter’s ace in the jet-age. His namebecame emblazoned with golden lettersforever in the annals of Pakistan’s historyand he is remembered for his feats as afighter pilot but little is known aboutAlam—the man.

Alam was a humble person and henever let fame and success swell his head,if anything it increased his humility andfaith in the Almighty. During the 1965War, I was a student of class VIII in PAFPublic School Sargodha. After the war, Irequested him for his autograph. He didn’tspurn me away and to this day I proudlycarry his autograph, scribbled in a neathand: “god is great!” signed MuhammadMahmood Alam. The next encounter withhim was in 1967, just after the Arab-Israeli War, when Alam came to deliverthe Friday sermon at our school mosque.He was an outstanding orator and hisspeech was so full of vigour and fury as hespoke of Israeli atrocities against thePalestinians that we youngsters became socharged that had he given the command,we would have marched to Israel todefend the faith.

Much later in life, I used to havenumerous sittings with him and listen spell-bound to his views on life, politics and pro-fessionalism. He shared with me thatwhereas remarkable fighter pilots likeRafiqui, Yunus, Alauddin, Munir andnumerous others embraced shahadat, Allahdid not grant him his wish to make thesupreme sacrifice of his life in the defenceof the nation, perhaps because he was des-tined to serve other purposes.

On 6th September, PAF’s plan to carryout a preemptive strike at Indian air basessimultaneously with a time on target (TOT)at 5:05 pm did not materialize since thestrike aircraft at Sargodha were not readyon time while no 19 Squadron fromPeshawar successfully struck Pathankot atthe designated TOT. PAF pressed on withthe attacks, despite the delays. Resultantly,

having lost the element of surprise, Alam’sstrike formation, heading for Adampur, wasgreeted by a vigilant formation of Hunters.In the ensuing air battle, Alam shot downone Hunter and extricated his formation. AsAlam and his boys were returning,Rafiqui’s formation was exiting to attackHalwara, where Rafiqui and Yunusembraced shahadat. Alam’s faith in Allahand destiny was reinforced each day. Twodays before the war, flying a reconnais-

sance mission over Jammu, his aircraft’scanopy was shattered by ground fire, but hecontinued the mission, destroying Indianheavy artillery and lived to fight anotherday.

The episode of downing numerousHunters was no fluke; having flown thesuperior aircraft, he knew exactly where tooutmaneuver it. During the rest of his serv-

ice, Alam devoted his life to studyingthe latest tactics and strategy, sharingthem with his juniors. extremely fru-gal, he would support needy studentsand the poor. His departure from PAFtoo was melodramatic. Being a princi-pled person, distressed by the airchief’s involvement in shady defencedeals, he tried to apprise the reigningmilitary dictator of the air chief’stransgressions. When the dictatorresponded that he was aware of it,Alam stated that he had come to askhim to take action against the air chiefbut if he (the dictator) chose to remainoblivious of the air chief’s misdeedsdespite having full knowledge, thenthe dictator had no right to serve; Alamrendered his own resignation, spend-ing his time teaching the Quràn toyoungsters in a mosque.

When the Soviets attackedAfghanistan, he participated in the Jihad,received serious injuries and returned. Hecontinued his Spartan bachelor’s life, sincehe claimed to have been wedded to hisprofession. It was Air Chief Marshal

Abbas Khattak, who tried to resurrect the veter-an war hero, inviting MM Alam, to reside in anyofficers’ mess. He also asked him to addressPAF personnel and motivate them. The leg-endary war hero kept his side of the bargain andwrote pamphlets on air combat and inspired air-crew all over Pakistan to give their very best.With his demise, Pakistan has lost a genuinewarrior, who devoted his life to the service ofthe nation, sans any lust for power, pelf orauthority, unafraid to express his opinion.—OM


Much later in life, I used tohave numerous sittings withhim and listen spellbound tohis views on life, politics andprofessionalism. He sharedwith me that whereas remark-able fighter pilots like Rafiqui,Yunus, Alauddin, Munir andnumerous others embracedshahadat, Allah did not granthim his wish to make thesupreme sacrifice of his life inthe defence of the nation, per-haps because he was destinedto serve other purposes.

Michael Spence

China meeting newchallenges

ReSIDenT Xi Jinping andPremier Li Kiqiang representa new generation of leaders,determined to continue and

accelerate China’s economic progress andsocial progress. They are smart, committedand articulate. The preceding decade was oneof stupendous economic performance:growth approaching and sometimes exceed-ing 10 percent, poverty receding, a growingmiddle class projected to grow from 230 mil-lion to 630 million people in a decade, and annational economy that is the second-largestin the world. Resilience in the post-crisisperiod has beenimpressive, and cru-cial to the broaderpattern of resilienceand partial de-cou-pling in the develop-ing countries. Chinais an economic pow-erhouse, the domi-nant force for growthin the global econo-my at this point. Thedream, expressed fre-quently by theincoming President,is to become anadvanced, creative,innovative, and equi-table economy andsociety.

Few doubt thatthis is possible. Butthere are major, sur-mountable chal-lenges to achievingthis goal. The growthand progress of thelast decade wereenabled by a combi-nation of growingengagement with theglobal economy andmajor structural andsystem reforms putin place in the 1990s.There is a wide-spread understandingthat the existinggrowth pattern needsto change in multipledimensions, in orderfor progress to con-tinue. Major systemreform is needed tosupport the alteredgrowth dynamics of arising middle-incomecountry.

China is in themiddle-income transition in which growthtakes average incomes from $4,000 to$10,000 per year. Most developing countries,even high growth ones, slow down and getstuck at this stage, although there are excep-tions (the economies of Japan and the Repub-lic of Korea). There are many reasons forthis. Labor intensive sectors in the tradablesector lose their comparative advantage toother, earlier stage, countries and must be letgo and replaced by functions and sectors withhigher added value. entry and exit of firmsand innovation are important parts of theshift in productivity and dynamic efficiency.

In China’s case, the demand side isequally important. Because of its scale,China cannot rely on external demand as abuffer against transitional shortfalls indomestic aggregate demand. growth must bedriven increasingly by domestic consumptionand high return domestic investment. Thatmeans household incomes have to rise andthe financial and investment systems need tochange to enable demand and to screen outinefficient investment.

Some of the reforms for the new leaderswill be expanding the scope of market deter-mined outcomes and redefining the key ele-ments of policy needed to move in that direc-tion. equally high on the agenda will be ele-ments of the social agenda. And they arerelated. As the scope of the market expands,the natural turbulence of structural changeand competition require the support of socialsecurity systems. Much useful experimenta-tion and learning in a number of northerneuropean countries will help with the designof social security programs that enhancerather than impede growth. Social security

must not depend on protecting specific jobsand companies, whether they are State-owned or not.

Maximizing the economic potential ofthe growing internal domestic market willrequire removal of barriers and preferences,many of local origin, and enhancing themobility of people and labor. The status ofmigrants (those with rural registration livingin cities) will have to be upgraded to full cit-izenship. This in turn means that urbaniza-tion must work.

China’s population is now just over 50percent urban. The massive investment in

urbanization underthe leadership of thenew premier willdrive growth,enhance mobility andis required to makethe pattern of urban-ization orderly andefficient. Also need-ed are enablingreforms of the fiscaland financial sys-tems to support suchinvestment.

But urbanizationby itself is not suffi-cient. It is crucialthat it be driven byexpanding employ-ment opportunities inthe urban sectorrather than decliningoptions in the ruraland traditional sec-tors. Such opportuni-ties require structuralchange, growinghousehold incomesand the rapid expan-sion of a range ofservice sectors. It iseasy to see that theelements of thechanging growth pat-tern and supportingpolicy are closelylinked and comple-mentary.

The State has amassive (by Westernstandards) balancesheet. Assets includereserves that amountto almost half thegDP, land, dominantownership of theState-owned enter-prises and more.Public debt is less

than 50 percent of gDP. This has enabledChina to maintain macro stability even whenimbalances emerge and to sustain high levelsof public sector investment to supportgrowth. It was a key element in weatheringthe 1997-98 Asia crisis and again in 2008-09.

Chinese leaders and policymakers areunlikely to follow the Western model ofsmaller balance sheets and large unfundedliabilities. But that leads to the major chal-lenge of the effective management of publicassets. There are ways to manage these assetsthat impede or promote the expansion ofcompetition, market efficiency anddynamism. There will be debate within Chinaabout the benefits and costs of alternativemodels and more generally about the detailsthat will define the evolving role of the State.

Finally, meritocracy has deep historicalroots in China. And generally citizens acceptmarket outcomes if the competition is fair,and the elements of social insurance andsecurity are adequate. Both require develop-ment. Recent rising anger and social tensionis linked to the perception that there areinsiders and outsiders and that economicoutcomes depend more on relationships thansuperior competitive performance. Animportant priority for China’s new leader-ship therefore, are actions that signal to thepeople that there will be a determined assaulton this pattern and a commitment to a meri-tocratic egalitarian society.

Over the next few months, all of Chinaand much of the rest of the world will bewatching as the system reforms emerge. Ahuge amount is at stake, within China and inthe rest of the global economy.


China’s population is nowjust over 50 percent urban.The massive investment inurbanization under the lead-ership of the new premierwill drive growth, enhancemobility and is required tomake the pattern of urbaniza-tion orderly and efficient.Also needed are enablingreforms of the fiscal andfinancial systems to supportsuch investment.

But urbanization by itselfis not sufficient. It is crucialthat it be driven by expand-ing employment opportuni-ties in the urban sector ratherthan declining options in therural and traditional sectors.Such opportunities requirestructural change, growinghousehold incomes and therapid expansion of a range ofservice sectors. It is easy tosee that the elements of thechanging growth pattern andsupporting policy are closelylinked and complementary.