
Continued on Page 6 MURREE: President of PML-N Muhammad Nawaz Sharif addressing a press conference with Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party Chief Mehmood Khan Achakzai. NP chief Mir Hasil Bizenjo and PML-N leaders Sanaullah Zehri and Changez Khan Mari are also present. STAFF REPORTERS MURREE/QUETTA—In a ma- jor move to honour his commit- ment and pacify the nationalist parties in Balochistan, PML-N President and Prime Minister designate announced the nomi- nation of Dr Abdul Malik of National Party and that the next Governor will be a nominee of Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party. Addressing a press confer- ence here Sunday after a high level meeting with PML-N, Nawaz nominates Malik as Balochistan CM Governor to be nominee of PkMAP Nationalist leadership lauds Nawaz decision, to stand by him and Pakistan Continued on Page 6 Smooth transition of power credit goes to all political forces: Zardari Not aware of any drone agreement STAFF REPORTER KARACHI—The President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari Sun- day night said the credit of strong democracy and smooth transition of power following the May 11 elections went to all political forces who ensured that the democracy remained the main driving force of the coun- try. In an interview with a panel of journalists, the president said not only Nawaz Sharif but other political parties also supported the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) for the sake of democracy and made the transition a suc- cess. Continued on Page 6 Egypt: Court rules legislature illegally elected CAIRO—Egypt’s highest court ruled on Sunday that the nation’s Islamist-dominated legislature and constitutional panel were illegally elected, dealing a seri- ous blow to the legal basis of the Islamists’ hold on power. The ruling by the Supreme Consti- tutional Court says that the legislature’s upper house, the only one currently sitting, would not be dissolved until the parliament’s lower chamber is elected later this year or early in 2014. The consti-tutional panel has already dissolved after com- pleting the charter. But the rul- ing nonetheless deepens the po- litical instability that has gripped the country since the overthrow of authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak two years ago. The same court ruled to dis- solve parliament’s lower cham- ber in June, a move that led to the promotion of the tooth-less upper chamber, the Shura Coun- cil, to becoming a law-making house. The Shura Council, long derided as nothing more than a talk shop, was elected by about Continued on Page 6 Rain, winds kill 17 in K-P PESHAWAR—At least 17 people, including seven minors, were killed and several others were injured in separate incidents as heavy winds followed by rainstorms hit Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa on Sunday. Strong winds blowing at 75 kilometres per hour caused heavy destruction across the province, inflicting losses to livestock and property. Magsi resigns QUETTA —Nawab Zulfiqar Magsi on Sunday night resigned as Governor Balochistan after prime minister-in-waiting Continued on Page 6 To a question whether he wished to be in the run for the next term as the president, he said he believed he had no right to participate in the next presi- dential election. He, however, said that he would take a deci- sion, if asked by the PPP. The president said PPP would play the role of a con- structive opposition in the next government, adding the party would not be an opposition for the sake of opposition. To a question, President Zardari said that if Nawaz Sharif

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Page 1: Ep03june2013

Continued on Page 6

MURREE: President of PML-N Muhammad Nawaz Sharif addressing a press conferencewith Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party Chief Mehmood Khan Achakzai. NP chief Mir HasilBizenjo and PML-N leaders Sanaullah Zehri and Changez Khan Mari are also present.


MURREE/QUETTA—In a ma-jor move to honour his commit-ment and pacify the nationalistparties in Balochistan, PML-NPresident and Prime Ministerdesignate announced the nomi-nation of Dr Abdul Malik ofNational Party and that the nextGovernor will be a nominee ofPakhtunkhwa Milli AwamiParty.

Addressing a press confer-ence here Sunday after a highlevel meeting with PML-N,

Nawaz nominates Malikas Balochistan CM

Governor to be nominee of PkMAP Nationalist leadershiplauds Nawaz decision, to stand by him and Pakistan

Continued on Page 6

Smooth transition of power creditgoes to all political forces: Zardari

Not aware of any drone agreementSTAFF REPORTER

KARACHI—The President ofPakistan Asif Ali Zardari Sun-day night said the credit ofstrong democracy and smoothtransition of power followingthe May 11 elections went to allpolitical forces who ensured thatthe democracy remained themain driving force of the coun-try.

In an interview with a panelof journalists, the president saidnot only Nawaz Sharif but otherpolitical parties also supportedthe Pakistan People’s Party(PPP) for the sake of democracy

and made the transition a suc-cess. Continued on Page 6

Egypt: Court rules legislature illegally electedCAIRO—Egypt’s highest courtruled on Sunday that the nation’sIslamist-dominated legislatureand constitutional panel wereillegally elected, dealing a seri-ous blow to the legal basis of theIslamists’ hold on power. Theruling by the Supreme Consti-tutional Court says that thelegislature’s upper house, theonly one currently sitting,

would not be dissolved until theparliament’s lower chamber iselected later this year or early in2014.

The consti-tutional panelhas already dissolved after com-pleting the charter. But the rul-ing nonetheless deepens the po-litical instability that hasgripped the country since theoverthrow of authoritarian

leader Hosni Mubarak two yearsago. The same court ruled to dis-solve parliament’s lower cham-ber in June, a move that led tothe promotion of the tooth-lessupper chamber, the Shura Coun-cil, to becoming a law-makinghouse. The Shura Council, longderided as nothing more than atalk shop, was elected by about

Continued on Page 6

Rain, windskill 17 in K-PPESHAWAR—At least 17people, including sevenminors, were killed andseveral others were injured inseparate incidents as heavywinds followed by rainstormshit Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa onSunday.

Strong winds blowing at75 kilometres per hour causedheavy destruction across theprovince, inflicting losses tolivestock and property.

Magsi resignsQUETTA—Nawab ZulfiqarMagsi on Sunday night resignedas Governor Balochistan afterprime minister-in-waiting

Continued on Page 6

To a question whether hewished to be in the run for thenext term as the president, hesaid he believed he had no rightto participate in the next presi-dential election. He, however,said that he would take a deci-sion, if asked by the PPP.

The president said PPPwould play the role of a con-structive opposition in the nextgovernment, adding the partywould not be an opposition forthe sake of opposition.

To a question, PresidentZardari said that if Nawaz Sharif

Page 2: Ep03june2013

CHITRAL: A large number of vehicles waiting in front of Lawari Tunnel to cross because vehicles stuck in water infront of Lawari Tunnel.

ISLAMABAD—At least sixpeople including two chil-dren were killed and 9 wereinjured as the wall of a housecollapsed in Landi Sarak areaof Pesha-war,a private newsTV reported on Sunday. Theincident took place due tothunder storm. Nine personsof the same family weretrapped under the debries. Allthe injured people includingwomen and children wereshifted to a hospital.Quetta: Unknown armed mengunned down two persons inPasni area of Gwadar districton Sunday. According topolice, two persons includ-ing Saleh Muhammad andAmir Bakhsh resident ofPasni were on way to some-where when armed assailantsriding a motorbike openedfire on them. As a result, theydied on the spot after receiv-ing multiple bullet wounds.

The bodies of the de-ceased handed over to theheirs after completion of le-gal formalities. Armed assail-ants managed to escape fromthe site after committing

crimes. The motive behindthe killing could not be as-certained so far. Police regis-tered a case and started prob-ing. In another incident an al-leged bandit has been killedand another arrested in anencounter in Industrial townof Hub.

Police said on Sundaythat a gang of three armedbandits entered a factory toloot the staff and laborerswhere exchange of fire tookplace between the policeand the rob-bers. “One rob-ber was killed in the en-counter and another ar-rested. The Third banditmanaged to escape,” policesaid. Hub police have reg-istered a case against thesus-pects. Further probewas in process. While, aman has been shot killed byunknown armed persons inDukki area.

Police said on Sundaythat unidentified armed menopened indiscriminate fire atone Mehrab, leaving himdead on the spot. The assail-ants managed to escape from

the scene. The police shiftedthe body to hospital that laterwas handed over to the heirsafter autopsy. Dukki policehave registered a case againstthe accused and started in-vestigation into the incident.A man committed suicide athis house in Bhag area ofLehri district on Sunday.

According to Leviesforce, the victim EhsanAhmad shot himself with apistol. His body was handedover to the heirs after legalformalities. The reason be-hind the suicide could not beascertained. In another casethe police have arrested analleged bike snatcher fromMian Ghundi area, on out-skirts of the provincial capi-tal.

Police said on Sundaythat law enforcement agencypersonnel apprehended anaccused who was involvedin snatching motorcyclesfrom people in Mian Ghundiarea. The police have regis-tered a case against the sus-pect. Further investigationwas underway.—APP

Two die in Pasni firing

Storm leaves 6 dead in PeshawarISLAMABAD—Following isthe brief profile of SardarAyaz Sadiq, Pakistan Mus-lim League-Nawaz’s (PML-N) candidate for Speaker Na-tional Assembly. SardarAyaz Sadiq was born on Oc-tober 17, 1954 in Lahore,Punjab. In 2002, he foughtelections for the first time onPML-N ticket against Tehrik-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan onNA-122 and defeated himwith more than double votes(37,531 vs 18,638 votes).

In 2008, Ayaz won with alead of almost 55,000 votesagainst PPP and PMLQ. Inelections 2013, Ayaz againwon from NA-122 NationalAssembly, beating ImranKhan. A businessman by

profession, he completed aB.Com degree from Hailey

College, University of the

Punjab in 1975. He has beenchairman of Sardar Trust EyeHospital since 1994.

He has also been a mem-ber of the Lahore GymkhanaClub since 1996.

Sadiq, who has two sonsand a daughter, has travelledto the Middle East, China, FarEast, USA and the EuropeanUnion. His hobbies includereading, traveling andcricket. In recent days, Sadiqhas been the PML-N’s pointman for Balochistan.

He was given the respon-sibility to not only organisethe party there but also givenmandate to talk to other po-litical parties. He also heldtalks with nationalist partiesin Balochistan.—APP

Candidate for NA Speakership

Profile of Sardar Ayaz Sadiq

MULTAN: A youngster filling and weighing LPG cylinderat his shop.

TIKA is here to serve people of Pakistan: Mehmet Emin

Projects costing $ 90m are gift of Turkey to Pakistan

Governor grievedover loss of livesP E S H A W A R — K h y b e rPakhtunkhwa Governor, Engr.Shaukatullah has expressedhis deep shock and sorrowover the loss of precious livesin the devastating thunder-storm that hit the province andFATA on Sunday afternoon.

In his condolence mes-sage, the Governor while ex-pressing his deep sympathieswith the affected families hassaid, that he fully share theirmiseries and agonies in thishour of trial.

The natural calamities, heremarked, are indeed beyondreach of any human beings.However, he added, theyshould not feel themselvesalone and every possiblestep would be taken by therespective authorities fortheir support and assistance.

He also prayed for the eter-nal peace of the departed soulsand courage to the bereavedfamilies to bear the irreparableloss with patience. The Gov-ernor has also wished early re-covery of the injured.—APP

Asad vows tomake KP a

model provinceLAHORE—Speaker KhyberPakhtunkhwa AssemblyAsad Qaisar on Sunday saidthe PTI government wouldturn KPK into a model prov-ince in the country.

Inquiring after PakistanTehrik-i-Insaf chief ImranKhan here at his residenceZaman Park, Asad Qaisartold media the PTI govern-ment would make efforts tobring peace, improve law andorder in the province. Thegovernment would launchnew programmes for the bet-terment of youth while edu-cation and health sectorwould be its priorities, headded.

He said they wouldgive a unique budget andutilize all the available re-sources to put the provinceon road to progress andprosperity. He said: “It wasresponsibility of the federalgovernment to get stoppeddrone attacks and a com-prehensive policy shouldbe adopted on this issueafter the consultation withother parties and we willraise the issue in assem-blies”, he added.—APP

Police trainingcentre in

Hyderabad soonHYDERABAD—Deputy In-spector General of PoliceTraining Azhar Rasheedhas said that a police train-ing centre is being estab-lished in Hyderabad. Talk-ing to the media here Sun-day at the secretariat ofHyderabad Chamber ofCommerce and Industry(HCCI), the DIG informedthat after its completion thecentre would provide train-ing to up to 2,000 police-men.

It would be equippedwith modern facilities, agood hostel, playgroundsand computer facilities, headded.

“In the first phase thecentre will provide trainingto around 1,000 personneland after its expansion inthe second phase the num-ber will be doubled to2,000,” he told.

Responding to a ques-tion, the DIG admitted theshortcomings in the policetraining which affect theircapacity about not only ar-resting the suspects butalso getting them convictedthrough the court. “The po-lice though arrest terrorists,criminals and miscreantsbut most of them lack theability to ensure that theyare able to prove thecharges in the court,” hesaid.

He acknowledged thatthe policemen were at a dis-advantage when comparedwith the terrorists who havemodern weaponry. The DIGsaid that they were takingsteps to modernise the po-lice training so as to ensurethat the cops meet the stan-dards of the world’s bestpolice. HCCI President SethGoharullah and other officebearers were present on theoccasion.—APP


IS L A M A B A D—TIKA, aTurkish Cooperation andCoordination Agency hasinitiated projects in Paki-stan to serve the people ofthis great, friendly andbrotherly country. In aninterview with PakistanObserver, Mehmet SmailEmin, IslamabadProgramme Coordinator ofTIKA said his body isworking in the fields ofhealth, education, socialinfrastructure, agriculture,

poverty alleviation, training and empowerment ofwomen.

TIKA, working directlyunder Turkish Prime Minis-ter has so far invested $ 90million in all the provincesof Pakistan. “Pakistan andpeople of Pakistan are veryclose to my heart. Pakistanis my second home. I loveto serve this country. Everyproject is a gift of Turkishpeople through Govern-ment of Turkey to Govern-ment of Pakistan for thepeople,” he remarked. Theessence of every project is

to serve people of Pakistan,he said.

Giving details about ac-tivities of his body, he saidsince its launch in Pakistanin 2010, $ 65 million weregiven to TOKI, anotherTurkish organization forbuilding houses inMuzaffargarh. For sustain-able development in differ-ent sectors, he said theprogrammes includetrainings for Pakistani offi-cials and students, Con-struction of wells inPeshawar, Swabi, Lakki

Marwat, D.I.Khan, Tank andNowshera, distribution oftricycles and wheel chairsamong handicaps inPunjab, distribution of sew-ing machines in Peshawarand D.I.Khan, distributionof Ramazan food packagesin flood affected areas anddistribution of ambulancesin all the provinces.

The on- going projectsinclude construction of 50beds hospital and schooland hostel buildings inMuzaffargarh which will behanded over next month,

Beetal Goats project inFaisalabad. Thisprogramme is for widowswho are given goats formaking their earning.Mehmet Smail Emin saidthere is no problem offunding as TIKA can allo-cate more funds for suit-able projects for the peopleof Pakistan.

He said the TurkishPrime Minister RecepTayyip Erdogan has spe-cial love for Pakistan. He iskeen to help Pakistan andits people for their welfare.

ISLAMABAD—The residentsof the twin cities have beenforced to once again use ob-solete methods of coolingthemselves to cope with ris-ing temperature as unabatedload shedding continues.Although, replaced by elec-tric fans, air coolers and airconditioners, hand-madefans can again be seen in thetwin city markets as frequentpower outages continue dur-ing the day and night.

Hand fans are usuallymade by women in rural ar-

eas and being sold to retail-ers at Raja Bazaar inRawalpindi.

Asad Murtaza, a roadsidevendor who sells hand fansin Saddar Bazaar said thatdue to soaring rates of Unin-terrupted Power SupplyUnits (UPS), and generators- the hand made fans are ingreat demand since the lasttwo months. Previously:“We use to find buyers onlyat railway stations and busstands but now the buyershave multiplied and these

Frequent power outages forcepeople to use hand-made fans

fans are in great demand ev-erywhere,” he added.

The price of the hand-fans have also been in-creased from Rs 10 to Rs 30as their demand went up andcustomers are willing to pay.Mohsan Khan, a shoppertold APP that UPS and gen-erators are very expensiveand are purchased only bythose who can afford theirprice and running costwhereas hand made fan is ourall time help against swelter-ing heat.—APP


M U Z A F FA R A B A D — T h ePrime Minister of AJ&K ChAbdul Majeed has said thatthe CBMs, the people topeople contact, cross LOCtrade are not enough to sat-isfy Kashmiris. He said thiswhile addressing the partici-pants and families of Na-tional Security and WarCourse held at a local hotelon Sunday. Members of theCabinet, Chief SecretaryAJK, Mr. Almud din Balloand Secretaries were alsopresent at the occasion.

The Prime Minister saidthe people of Kashmir have

very strong relationshipswith their brothers in Paki-stan. They are the peoplewho have supported us mor-ally, financially, and politi-cally during last 60 years.

They have fought threewars for Kashmiris. Theyhave supported them in 2008earthquake. And they werealways there when Kashmirand Kashmiris needed them.“On the other hand, Indiahas been violating the UNresolutions for the last 60years. It is killing Kashmiris,their men, their women, theirchildren, their young andtheir old. Its forces have beentorturing them, putting them

behind bars, hanging themon gallows, and molestingtheir women” he maintained.

All this is being done to anation, to the people, who areinnocent, who are peaceful,who have nothing in theirhands and who want nothingbut the right ofselfdetermination. They wantthe control of their fates intheir own hands. They wanttheir future in their ownhands. And this is their big-gest sin. He said for India thisis their crime. So it is takingits revenge from the innocentKashmiris. On the other hand,India is violating the UN reso-lutions which call for a plebi-

scite in Kashmir and whichcall for the right of self deter-mination for Kashmir. India isviolating these resolutionsfor the last 60 years.

Not only this, but it is noteven willing to sit on table.It is not willing to talk toKashmiri leadership. Theonly treatment India can giveto the Kashmiri leadership is– jails, torture, and killings.

The Kashmiri struggle ispeaceful. Kashmiris have de-cided that they will continuetheir struggle till they achievetheir goal. They will strugglefor 100 years but will not sitback, and will not leave theirpeaceful struggle he said.

India violating UN resolutionsfor 60 years: Majeed

ISLAMABAD—All the CNGvehicle owners have beenasked to use certified CNGcylinders and kits in theirvehicles and get them testedfrom trained personnel afterevery five years. An officialof Oil and Gas Regulator Au-thority (OGRA) also advisedthe owners to get theirvehicle’s CNG system in-spected at least once in a yearfrom a trained technician.

Compressed Natural Gas(CNG) is a high-pressure gas

for which specially designedand fabricated seamless cyl-inders manufactured in ac-cordance with prescribedstandard should be used invehicles. Only the valid lic-ensees/CNG Stations havebeen authorized to convertvehicles to CNG at their re-spective facilities.

The Authority has askedboth public and private ve-hicle owners to use only ap-proved brands for their ownsafety and interest. LPG, Oxy-gen, Nitrogen, Acetylene cyl-inders are not meant for theCNG use so that never usethese cylinders as they can-not withstand CNG pressureof 200 Bars and therefore willexplode causing loss of lifeand property.

The owners should notget installed CNG kit/cylinderin the vehicle from any un-authorized or a road-side

conversion workshop/outlet.“Never install a cylinderwhich has been fabricated byjoining two halves by meansof male and female threads orwelded as only seamless ve-hicle cylinders are used forCNG,” he added.

The owners should notinstall a used cylinder whichhas been burnt/damagedduring riots or other terroristactivities. Such cylinder isweakened and may lead toserious accidents resulting inloss of precious lives. Theowners of vehicles shouldnever ask for refueling be-yond the allowable maximumpressure of 200 Bars underany circumstances.

In case any CNG stationis found dispensing CNG atexcess pressure, it may bereported to OGRA for strictaction against the station toensure public safety.—APP

People asked to get CNG cylinders,kits tested after every five years

MULTAN: Residences of Pathan Market burn the tyres to block the road during aprotest against to MAPCO.

Page 3: Ep03june2013

Nizami hopes good from PML-NISLAMABAD—Caretaker federal Min-ister for Information and Broadcast-ing, Arif Nizami hoped that incomingPML-N-led government would takesteps to resolve the issues, the coun-try facing these days. It was a goodsign that the leadership of PakistanMuslim League Nawaz (PML-N) wereshowing political maturity, he added.Talking to a private TV channel,Nizami said that new government had

to develop political consensus to resolve challenges tothe country including economy and terrorism. He saidthat negotiation with Taliban would be held under thelimitations of constitution. Nizami appreciated the formerPPP-led government for introducing amendments in theconstitution to strengthen the state institutions, add-ing that no political victimization was made in previousregime. Replying to a question, he was of the view thatPML-N had played a role of strict opposition duringformer regime. He said that people had rejected the slo-gan of south Punjab in general elections, adding thatthe people had given the mandate for strong Pakistan.He suggested the political stakeholder to introduce thepolicies which remove the chances of political confron-tation in the country. He hoped that opposition in Na-tional Assembly comprising Pakistan People’s Party(PPP), Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Paki-stan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) would play a responsible rolein the House. The opposition could ensure the account-ability of the government, he added.—APP

PPP to be responsible oppositionLA H O R E —Former Prime MinisterSyed Yusuf Raza Gilani said on Sun-day that the Pakistan People’s Partywould play a responsible role as aparliamentary opposition. Inquiringabout the health of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf Chairman Imran Khan hereat his residence in Zaman Park area,Gilani told media that Opposit ionLeader in National Assembly wouldbe from the ‘Noes’ parl iamentary

party having maximum number of seats. But it shouldnot be perceived that the value of other oppositionparties would reduce, he explained. Gilani said, “PPPacknowledges the mandate of all political parties andour party will play an effective and responsible role,while sitting on the opposition benches.” He addedthat he as a prime minister had taken along all the po-litical parties and other stakeholder, while decidingabout the matters of national importance. To a ques-tion, he said that since the caretaker governments werestill at the helm of affairs, and a consensus policy wouldbe formulated and diplomatic channels would be usedto stop drone attacks once the new federal and pro-vincial governments were in place. To another query,Gilani said that all the law enforcement agencies werestriving hard for the recovery of his son Ali HaiderGilani, who was kidnapped from Multan during his elec-tion campaign. However, he added, the security agen-cies had yet to make a headway in finding a clue abouthis abducted son.—APP

Terror big challenge for PML-NISLAMABAD—Caretaker Chief Minis-ter Punjab, Najam Sethi stressed onthe need of taking on board all stake-holders to hold talk with Taliban formaintaining peace and tranquility inPakistan. The economic issues andterrorism were big challenges for in-coming PML-N-led government, headded. Talking to a private TV chan-nel, Sethi claimed that caretaker gov-ernment had ensured free, fair and

transparent elections in the country, adding that thegovernment were remained successful to build up con-fidence of people during electoral process despite ofmilitants threats. He said that Election Commission ofPakistan (ECP) was authorised to appoint staff on poll-ing stations across the country. Replying to a ques-tion, he said that big challenge for Pakistan People’sParty (PPP) was to restore itself as national party, add-ing that Awami National Party (ANP) had to face de-feat in election due to bad governance in former re-gime. He said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) hadgiven tough time to Muttahida Qaumi Movement inKarachi. Earlier, addressing the graduation ceremonyof a private school at Expo Centre, he observed thatEnglish had become an international and trade lan-guage and getting competency in English languagewas essential for facing the international challenges.However, he added, the Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi,Pashto and other local languages could not be ignoredat all as these reflect our culture and traditions. “Wewill have to adopt both Urdu and English languagesfor our progress and survival,” he maintained. Con-gratulating the graduating students, Najam Sethi saidthat they were ambassadors of Pakistan and had toimprove its image abroad by playing their effectiverole. The Chief Minister advised the students to payattention to their education and serve the country andnation by equipping themselves with modern knowl-edge.—APP

KP PTI to support CentreISLAMABAD—Chief Minister KhyberPakhtunkhwa Pervaiz Khattak saidthat his government would support thefederal government in bringing peaceand tranquillity in the country. Talk-ing to the media at Imran Khan’s resi-dence in Lahore, he said the KPK gov-ernment would support all those poli-cies of the federal government whichwould help bring peace in the prov-ince. They would make efforts to

adopt a policy to ensure peace and root out terrorismfrom the province, he added. He said the KPK govern-ment would strengthen the police department whichcould stop robberies, kidnap incidents and other crimes.To a question regarding drone attacks, he said that itwas the responsibility of the central government to getstopped drone attacks in tribal areas. To another query,he said: “The decision about NATO supply would bemade after the consultation with allies and according tothe aspirations of the people of province.” PakistanTehrik e Insaf MNA from Khanpur Amir Zaman has said“I will prefer developmental project for my constituencywhile I demand from Federal government to providefunds for sustainable development projects”. Talkingto a private news channel, he said that our forefathershad rendered great sacrifices for the prosperity of thisregion. Developmental projects like construction ofroads, provision of Sui gas must be given priority in hisconstituency, he added. He said people have electedhim to fulfill their demands while legislation is also com-pulsory. Legislation is practiced in those societies onlywhere the infrastructure is developed, he added. He saidbasic necessities of life are missing in this society whichdemands efforts of all elected members.—APP

HYDERABAD: HST, JST and PST pass candidates holding a protest in support of their demands.

ISLAMABAD—Heat waveconditions will persistacross the country on Mon-day with chances of dust-storm with light rain to oc-cur at few places ofMalakand, Hazara division,Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.According to the synopticsituation, seasonal low liesover Balochistan and its ad-joining areas. A shallowwesterly trough is expectedto affect Upper parts ofKhyber Pakhtunkhwa andadjoining areas from today.Gusty winds are likely atIslamabad and Rawalpindiduring the next 24 hours.The weather will remain hotand dry in most parts ofPunjab, KP, Sindh andBalochistan during the next24 hours.

The maximum tempera-tures recorded during thelast 24 hours were Islamabad39 C, Rawalpindi 40 C,

Peshawar 40 C, Lahore 43 C,Karachi 36 C, Muzzafarabad39 C, Quetta 35 C, Murree 26C and Bahawalnagar,Jaccobabad, Shorkot,Larkana 46 C, The highestmaximum temperature re-corded in Dadu was 48 C

while the temperature in D.GKhan was 47 C. People inPunjab, Sindh, and areasaround western belt in Paki-stan are reeling under in-tense heat wave as tempera-tures are continuously soar-ing. According to meteoro-logical office, the tempera-ture has touched 50 degreesin Sindh.—APP

Dust-storm, rainlikely in upcountry

4.2m childrenunder 5 years age

die annuallyISLAMABAD—More than420,000 children under theage of five years die everyyear in the country due toboth external and internal fac-tors. The major causes ofdeath among under-five chil-dren are birth Asphyxia (22percent), Sepsis (14 percent),Pneumonia (13 percent), Di-arrhoea (11 percent) and Pre-mature birth (9 percent).

A study ‘A SituationAnalysis of Women and Chil-dren in Pakistan’, jointly re-leased by Planning Commis-sion of Pakistan and UnitedNations Children Fundpointed out that rates of un-der-five child mortality.—APP

LOWERDIR: Senior Minister for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Siraj-ul-Haq addressing dur-ing welcome party event at Samar Bagh.

CHITRAL: A large number of trucks crossing the Lawari Tunnel.

PTI MPAs criticizePresident PMA

PESHAWAR—Members Pro-vincial Assembly belongingto PTI Fazal Hakeem Swatiand Ishtiaq Urmur expressedresentments over the remarksof the President PakistanMedical Association Dr.Hussain Ahmad against ChiefMinister KhyberPakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak.In separate statements issuedhere, the PTI MPAs said thatthe remarks of the PresidentPMA Dr. Hussain Ahmad wasirresponsible and against thewill of the people. Theywarned President PMA totake his remarks back other-wise the matter would be takento the floor of the assembly.

They said that ChiefMinister Pervez Khattak inhis speech soon after tak-ing the office, warned thegovernment officials includ-ing doctors to start servingthe people with zeal andvigor for which they arebeing paid.—APP

HYDERABAD—The incidentof kidnapping of a trader fromHala Naka area, nearHyderabad Bypass, hereSunday triggered a strongreaction from the local trad-ers who surrounded the lo-cal police station in protest,burnt tyres and blocked thehighway. According to SHOHatri police station MuneerAbbassi, a trader HassanRaza Khan was allegedly kid-napped on Sunday when hearrived at his shop in themorning.

“Four unknown suspectsin a car bearing registrationnumber ADA 394 took himaway while he was parkinghis car after dropping his fa-ther Hamedullah Khan at theshop,” he said.

A shopkeeper, WaheedPathan, tried to save Hassanbut the kidnappers openedfire on him. He however es-caped unhurt, the SHO said.

Jabbar Khan, the leaderof Hala Naka ShopkeepersAssociation who led the pro-testers, said such incidentsof violence, kidnappings andextortion have become fre-quent in the area.

“This one also appears tobe an act of kidnapping forransom,” he said. He warnedthe police that the traderswould launch a strong pro-test, suspend goods trans-port and other services if thecrimes happening in theirarea were not stopped.

“We also want an immedi-ate recovery of Hassan from thekidnappers without payment ofany ransom,” he demandedadding that the police shouldbust the kidnapping gangs. TheSP Headquarters WaseeHyder arrived at the protestvenue to pacify the protest-ers. Hyder assured them thatthe kidnapped person wouldbe recovered.—APP

Locals surround police stationfor recovery of abductees


RAHIM YAR KHAN—Thou-sands of people in flood af-fected areas are still withoutproper shelter and concrete ef-forts are need of the time to re-habilitate them as with the pas-sage of time if not addressedproperly the situation can beworst. This was stated by Paki-stan Red Crescent SocietyChairman Major General (Retd)Ch Muhammad Nawaz Khanwhile addressing the handing

over ceremony of “Red Cres-cent Homes for Homeless,” inBasti Abdul Hakeem Kobar,Goth Machi of District RahimYar Khan.

General Nawaz said that thePRCS being the leading hu-manitarian organization in col-laboration with Fauji Fertilizerhas constructed these housesfor the victims. He said thatthese houses shows the com-mitment of the PRCS in servingthe vulnerable and its mottoFirst to Reach and Last to

Leave. He said that these re-constructed houses were builtkeeping in view the cultural andresidential needs of the area.

The PRCS Chairman saidthat to cope with the challengesthere is a dire need of joint sus-tained efforts by governmentauthorities, international do-nors and aid agencies so thatflood survivors can keep theirfamilies safe and healthy now,and get timely support to re-build their livelihoods, homesand communities. Apart from

this struggle, PRCS gave a swiftresponse during 2010 deadlyfloods when its volunteers pro-vided relief assistance of worthRs nine billion to over 4.1 mil-lion victims.

He said 2011 monsoon hadalso descended hitting 8.9 mil-lion people in various parts ofthe country. The similar re-sponse of PRCS could also beseen in those difficult timeswhen PRCS, while fighting thedeadly showers, reachedamong the rain victims and pro-

vided over 0.29 million peoplethe relief goods of worth Rs 260million in the most affected andvulnerable districts The Chair-man said beside that the PRCSin collaboration with Interna-tional Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)International Committee of RedCross (ICRC), other partner na-tional societies and local do-nors has rehabilitated 75,000families in the affected areas allover the country worth PKR 1.5billion. Speaking on the occa-

sion, the beneficiaries thankedthe PRCS chairman for recon-struction of their mud housesinto concrete houses as nowthey will be able to start a newlife in their houses that theynever dreamt for. “I am veryhappy as now I will no more bein a tent in this scorching heatas now I have my own house, Ifeel more secure and Thanksto Red Crescent for giving methe most basic need of my life,”said one of the allottee of thenew constructed house.

PRCS hands over newly constructedhouses to Goth Machi flood victims

ISLAMABAD—Vice Chancellorof the newly establishedWomen University, Govt. SadiqCollege Women University,Bahawalpur Prof Dr.Muhammad Mukhtar has saidtha regular classes in the 1stWomen University ofBahawalpur Division will becommenced from September2013. Talking to Radio Pakistanhe expressed the hope that thefirst Women University of thearea will bring revolutionarychanges in our society and willsurely bring positive results inthe socio-economic develop-ment of the area.

He said through this uni-versity the girl students willhave more chances to excel inevery field because they will be

given scholarships for highereducation and better chancesfor employment.

He said that the recruitmentof staff for the Women Univer-sity had been started and soon300 vacancies of female staffwould be filled while the annualbudget process is being underprogress as well as the websiteof the Govt. Sadiq CollegeWomen University had alsobeen launched for complete in-formation and details about theuniversity, he added.

He further said that effortswere under way to get fundsand land for this Women Uni-versity and HEC had been pro-viding complete support in thisregard besides the federal andPunjab governments.—APP

Women classes at Bahawalpurvarsity from Sept: Mukhtar

ISLAMABAD—PPP leader MirBaz Mohammad KhanKhetran on Sunday allegedthat elections in Balochistanwere rigged. Talking to report-ers at the National Press Clubhere he alleged that the Elec-tion Commission of Pakistan(ECP) had not been able liveupto its duty to ensure free,fair and transparent elections.

He alleged that in his con-stituency - NA-263 (Loralai inBarkhan district) there wasstuffing of stamped ballot pa-pers. Maulana Ameer Zamanof Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazlhad won from NA-263 with29,504 votes. Khetran ob-tained 22,101 votes followedby Sardar Yaqoob Nasir ofPML-N with 22,025 votes.

Mir Baz Khan Khetranclaimed that he could identifythe officials who had alleg-edly replaced ballot boxes

with already-filled boxes. ThePPP leader accused the offi-cials of the local administra-tion of their role in rigging. Healleged that when he tried topresent proofs of rigging be-fore the ECP, one of its mem-bers did not entertain hiscomplaint.Showing dozens ofspoiled ballot papers to jour-nalists, Khetran demandedECP to verify the thumb im-pressions on ballot papers inhis constituency, throughNADRA’s biometric system.

The PPP leader con-demned registration of casesagainst Mudassir Rizvi, thechief executive of Free andFair Election Network, sayingRizvi was being victimisedbecause he had pointed outirregularities in elections.Meanwhile, Pakistan PeoplesParty Women Wing Lahorepresident and member Punjab

Assembly Faiza malik said onSunday the PPP would op-pose decisions to be madeagainst public interest.

Talking to PPP workers ather residence here, she saidno one would be allowed totake any step against the pros-perity of the province. Shesaid the PPP would continueto remind the promises madeby the PML-N and it had tofulfil all of its promises, add-ing the PPP was a pro-peopleparty and it would never leavethem alone.

She rejected that the PPPhad been weakened after be-coming a opposition and saidit was strengthened, addingthe PPP was defeated under aconspiracy in the province.However, she said the moraleof workers and legislators washigh and the party would playits role dynamically.—APP

Khetran demands biometric thumbimpression verification on ballot papers

ISLAMABAD—The summer va-cations for the students of allthe educational institutionsrun by Federal Directorate ofEducation (FDE) have startedand the students are planningto spend the long holidays insome hilly areas to avoid hotweather. The summer vaca-tions started from June 1 willend on August 12, accordingto the notification issued bythe Ministry of Capital Admin-istration and Development(CAD).

Students have taken a sighof relief after going through ahard exercise of first term ex-aminations in unbearablescorching heat of summer.

The country has wit-nessed record-breaking heat inthe month of May alongwithprolonged loadshedding andthe early vacations were an-nounced on the demand of par-ents and teachers. It has beenreported that many students

fainted in different collegesdue to intense hot weather andfrequent power outages.

Many of the students haveplanned their visit to theirhometown or hill areas toavoid the hot season. “We arehappy over the decision ofsummer vacations from start ofJune as it has become difficultfor my children to go to theinstitutes in such hot weatherand concentrate on study”Tahir, a parent said.

“We have planned tospend the whole vacations atsome hilly area just to avoidhot weather,” the parents said.Shagufta, a teacher at a localcollege said, “Summer vaca-tions gives an opportunity tothe students to relax and re-vise their syllabus and studythe course for next term”.

It is also best time to havegrip on those subjects whichthe students thinks are diffi-cult for them by studying thor-

oughly. While they can alsolearn skills of their choicethrough short summercourses being offered in dif-ferent fields, she said. Thou-sands of local tourists havestarted visiting mountainousareas of Murree, Nathiagali,Ayubia, Kaghan Valley, Naranand other popular touristspots on daily basis due torise in mercury across thecountry.

The hilly areas of thecountry with clean air, variedtopography, beautiful scen-ery, local traditions and simplelife styles are not less than anytreat for the nature lovers es-pecially when mercuryreaches at its peak. The coun-try has witnessed record-breaking heat wave condi-tions during the month ofMay which compelled thepeople to move to the hillyareas and commune with thenatural beauties.—APP

Students plan to spend vacations at hilly places

Page 4: Ep03june2013

To talk of Governorrule and that early?

THE PML-N leadership on the whole is all set for a new beginningin the country and it is hallmark of its policy to respect the verdictin the provinces and take forward the process of reconciliation.

Such a policy is the only way to ensure congenial political atmosphereenabling the new government to complete its mandated five year tenureand democracy to take firm roots.

Everyone appreciated Mian Nawaz Sharif for open heartedly accept-ing the mandate given to PPP and PTI in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwaas that is the real spirit of democracy. However we are surprised to see astatement by former Sindh Governor and PML-N leader Mumtaz AliBhutto that in case the Sindh government fails, the federal governmentwould be compelled to impose Governor’s rule in the Province. Thisshows that Mumtaz Bhutto is still living in the era of 1970s when formerPrime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto dismissed the governments in erst-while NWFP and Balochistan and is totally unaware of the ground reali-ties of 2013. We may say that it is this mindset that had put Pakistan intopolitical turmoil in the past and damaged the democratic system. MrMumtaz Bhutto could not win even a provincial assembly seat since 1980sand joined the PML-N to get elected. However because of his typicalmindset and approach to the issues being faced by the people, he hasbeen once again rejected in the recently held elections. Having lost thechance of getting a position at the centre or in the province, perhaps he istalking of the Governor rule hoping to get the coveted slot but we stronglybelieve that even thinking of such an extreme measure and that too soearly would lead to political confrontation. We are certain that the PML-N leadership would take notice of such negative thinking and keep thosepersons at bay whose only objective is to remain in power through what-ever means possible as that would not be acceptable to the people, bringa bad name to the party and damage the nascent plant of democracy.

The proposed mergerof federal divisions

ALL indicators lead one to believe that the new Cabinet will besmall in size and go all the way at a fast pace to address the critical challenges facing the country. Even Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan,

senior PML-N leader, gave the indication that the Cabinet will be smallone as part of austerity measures in view of economic situation, and thiswould be welcomed by all and sundry.

We may point out that after the hurriedly passed 18th constitutionalamendment, several ministries were devolved to the Provinces but a num-ber of their departments were retained by the Centre for one reason or theother. In addition about a dozen new divisions with some what confusingnomenclature were created during the last one year and placed underdifferent Ministries. In view of the prevalent financial constraints, thereis need to merge these divisions to cut the wasteful expenditure. How-ever we would emphasise that there should be no downsizing of the staffbut only readjustment is made so that normal functioning of the Federalinstitutions is not affected. At the same time, new divisions be given thenames that are easy to be understood by the people at large so that theydo not feel any difficulty as to where they had to go for their day to dayaffairs. We are certain that the PML-N government would have a thor-ough review of these divisions as there is duplication of work and theirmerger and streamlining will be a guarantee for smooth working.

India quenchingnuclear thirst from

all aroundAFTER entering into an agreement with the United States in 2008

for sharing of civilian nuclear technology, Indian Prime Ministerduring his recent visit to Japan reached yet another deal with To-

kyo to deepen their defense cooperation and to reopen talks for a nuclear-energy agreement that would let Japanese companies export nuclear re-actors and technology to India.

It reflects Indian quest for quenching nuclear thirst from all aroundand become a major nuclear power. However it is astonishing that peaceloving Japan, the only country that suffered from nuclear weapons dur-ing the second world war and had been opposing the nuclear prolifera-tion, has readily agreed to the Indian demand. There is all the possibilitythat the agreement between Japan and India that could become the key todeepening their nuclear relationship would lead to use of the technologyfor weapons. It is no secret that India is not a signatory to the CTBTwhile Japan has all along been urging New Delhi and Islamabad to signit and in this background Japan’s decision to supply nuclear technologyto India would be a source of serious concern in Pakistan. After the In-dia-US agreement, the 45-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group, granted Indiaa special waiver in 2008 allowing it to engage in civilian nuclear tradedespite its non signatory status in the NPT. The critics have pointed toIndia’s waiver as a hollowing out of the NPT. Perhaps coming underJapanese nuclear-power builders influence who are increasingly lookingto export their reactors, as domestic utilities have kept reactors offlineand put off plans for any new construction, Prime Minister Shinzo Abeis changing the Japanese policy which the country followed since theHiroshima disaster. This Japanese approach is discriminatory and wouldhave serious implications and create nuclear imbalance. Therefore wewould urge the concerned authorities in Pakistan to consider the fullerimplications of the Japanese-Indian nuclear deal and keeping in view thefinancial constraints concentrate on developing modest programme offine tuning and miniaturization of our strategic assets.

Drones conundrum

A thing of beauty isa joy for ever.

Problematicpact with

IndiaPrime Minister Shinzo Abe

and Indian Prime MinisterManmohan Singh on

Wednesday agreed to acceleratetalks to conclude a pact that wouldallow Japanese firms to exportnuclear power-generation tech-nologies and equipment to India,which is struggling to secure stableelectricity supplies to sustain itseconomic growth. The agreementcame when the United States,France, Russia and South Korea arefiercely competing to get orders fornuclear technologies and equip-ment from India.

A Japan-India nuclear coopera-tion pact is problematic especiallyin view of the fact that India is nota party to the Treaty on Non-Pro-liferation of Nuclear Weapons(NPT). India plans to build some20 new nuclear power plants andto increase the share of nuclearpower in total electricity supplyfrom the current 4 percent to 25percent by 2050. The value ofIndia’s nuclear power market isestimated at $150 billion (about ¥15trillion). Mr. Abe has alreadysigned agreements with the UnitedArab Emirates and Turkey to en-able the export of Japan’s nuclearpower technologies and equipmentto them. It is deplorable that he ispushing such exports to India, pay-ing little attention to the danger ofnuclear power generation and theneed to prevent nuclear weaponsproliferation. Mr. Abe appears toignore the sober fact that Japan hassuffered from the crisis at TokyoElectric Power Co.’s FukushimaNo. 1 nuclear power plant.

India carried out nuclear explo-sion tests, repeated test launches ofmissiles that can be tipped withnuclear weapons, and is not a sig-natory of the NPT. India and itsneighbour Pakistan, a nucleararmed nation that is not a memberto the NPT, have been engaged inan arms race. These stark factsshould not been forgotten. India hasno comprehensive safeguard agree-ment with the International AtomicEnergy Agency to let the nuclearwatchdog inspect nuclear-relatedequipment and fissile materials ina signatory nation and have the na-tion provide relevant data. But in2008, under the pressure from theUS Bush administration, theNuclear Suppliers Group, includ-ing the United States, Britain,France, Germany and Japan, de-cided to allow exports of nuclearpower technologies and equipmentto India, giving it exceptional treat-ment. In exchange, India pledgedunilateral and voluntary morato-rium on nuclear weapons tests andjoining a Fissile Material CutoffTreaty to ban the further produc-tion of fissile material for nuclearweapons. But India has called forinsertion of a clause in a Japan-In-dia nuclear pact, which ensuresthat the pact will not hamperIndia’s nuclear weapons program.It also wants the right to reprocessspent nuclear fuel from Japanesenuclear power generation equip-ment. Japan should never acceptthese Indian demands. Japanshould rethink its approach to In-dia because a Japan-India nuclearpact could trigger a further armsrace between India and Pakistan,thus undermining Japan’s andIndia’s joint goal to ensure peaceand stability in the whole of Asia.— The Japan Times


Opec andglobal

economyThe Organisation of Petro

leum Exporting Countries(Opec) has to balance the in-

terests of its member states with thehealth of the global economy. If theoil price is too high, global growthslows; and exporters lose revenue.If it is too low, needed income ofmember states drops in any case.

At its latest meeting, Opec de-cided to maintain its current offi-cial level of output, despite con-cerns that weak global growth, es-pecially in the Eurozone, and in-creased production in shale oil fromthe United States, might push downprices, currently in the $100 range.In troubled times, when stability isprized, it is necessary that Opec betransparent about its price objec-tives and cautious in its efforts toinfluence the market. — Gulf News


—John Keats British poet

The recent counter terrorismpolicy speech delivered by USPresident Obama at the Na-

tional Defense University; FortMcNair explained the perimetersremaining within which Americawill proceed to fight the war on ter-ror in the coming years? FollowingUS President’s ‘clear policy guide-lines to fight this war’ a US dronestuck and eliminated the TTP leaderWaliuRehman in North Waziristan.The timing of the use of the US as-sassination tool ‘the drone’ could nothave been worst. One- it came on theheels of a new democratic govern-ment taking over in Pakistan and two-along with the target the drone elimi-nated the good will between the TTPand the new government and thus hi-jacking the prospects of a peace dealwith Taliban’s. If this was ‘tighterscrutiny and oversight in the futureUS drone campaign’ that PresidentObamma referred to in his speechthan I am afraid Pentagon failed tospot the President’s guideline.

President Obama said in hisspeech that ‘we are safer because ofour efforts’. I wish the ‘we’ had re-ferred not only to the people of USbut the whole world. Every dronestrike that US carries out in Paki-stan leaves the people of pakistanmore insecure and vulnerable to thelikely act of vengeance by theTaliban’s. Its the people in this coun-try who bear the brunt of Taliban’sreprisal. How can the US be so blindnot to see and consider this? Thelatest US drone strike proves onlyone point- US policy, effort; re-sources and chosen methods to fightthis war will continue to cater forthe American interests and in no waythe interests of Pakistan no matter

Sino-India border issues & beyond


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Chinese Prime Minister Mr. Likeqiang, undertook threedays visits of India. This was

the first foreign tour of Premier Li,ever since he took over as the PrimeMinister of the People’s Republicof China. Earlier, there were loom-ing threats for a likely military con-frontation over a military post in thenorthern Kashmir. Both sides havebeen accusing each other for the in-cursion in the disputed region. Atlast, sense prevailed and both sidesreconciled and pulled back theirforces. According to some Indiananalysts, this dispute was more se-rious than the one that resulted intoSino-India war in 1962, had it beenallowed to escalate. Since both sideshad learnt a lot from the 1962 war,thus, they finally resorted to diplo-matic solution, after the flag meet-ings of the local military command-ers from both sides bore no posi-tive results. In this regards, the visitof Indian Foreign Minister toBeijing was a big break through.

According to Indian sources,Chinese military had intruded 19km into Indian side of the Line ofActual Control (LAC) in Ladakharea (Indian Occupied Kashmir).The LAC is yet not been demar-cated in this area. Indian Defenceanalysts view that this Chinese in-trusion was aimed, “to cut the onlysupply route to the strategic IndianAir Force base at Daulat Beg Oldi,and thereby force India to dismantleit.” Chinese side however, had res-ervations of an Indian outpost at

how vital they be.Elaborating the

US anti-terrorismstrategy PresidentObama said in hisspeech, ‘we mustmake decisions

based not on fear, but hard-earnedwisdom and that begins with under-standing the threat we face.’ The hardearned wisdom should have been usednot only to understand the threat facedby the people of America but also thepeople of Pakistan. If this was doneUS would have refrained from execut-ing the current drone strike. The dronestrike only suggests that US was notinterested in providing the opportunityto Nawaz sharif led government to ini-tiate and execute the planned peaceprocess with the Taliban’s. With itspersistence to use drones as a militaryinstrument to attack and degrade oursovereignty US hardly acts as a part-ner actually more and more people inPakistan see it as a rival. Seen in thecontext of history the leading powerof the world has done both;assited usas well as punished us whenever itsuited its unterests. What we havefailed to do as a State is to figure outhow to stop US to both chose us as apartner as well as act as our rival tomanage its interests. It’s time thatPakistan took a stand to explicitlyindicate to US which red lines it isnot expected to cross or else the waron terror for us will continued to bedefined as ‘a failure of state policy’.

It is the State that people turn towhen faced with challenges. A vastmajority of people in Pakistan todayare unhappy with the manner inwhich US has welcomed the formu-lation of new government inPakistan;with an ill planned, timedand executed drone strike.

For how long will US use ‘na-tional security’ as a justification to doanything from carrying out a militaryoperation to kill OBL deep inside ourterritory to continue executing dronestrikes? Such events/actions only

rally together the people and furtherreinforces the consciousness of theirnational identity and national solidar-ity. With democracy on the road totaking firm root in Pakistan it is onlynatural that the peoples representa-tives and the Armed Forces of thecountry implement and execute thewill of the people. That will todaycalls for the end of US drone strikes.

United States with its actions to-day contributes and furthers the so-cial and political instabilities that weface. The older and more traditionalthreats to our national security aretoday obscure and have been replacedby the newer ones. US must realizethat its actions contribute to the causesand effects of these growing internalthreats that Pakistan faces today. Con-sidering the current security dilemmafaced by the State of Pakistan to whichthe US actions directly contribute oneis puzzled to imagine by which defi-nition should US be called a friend andan ally? By a definition that acclaimsits military/ economic aid and the as-sistance it provided during the natu-ral calamities and disasters or the onethat poses grave challenges to the na-tional security of our country?

Drones as ‘instruments of longmilitary reach’ and their use seemsvery much military in dimension. Butthe cause and effect they create forus as a country are mostly non mili-tary in dimension. As a consequenceof now almost over 8 years of dronestrikes Pakistan is being left to dealwith whole spectrum of challenges; so-cial and political instability, growinghatred against America, people find-ing reason/pretext of not owning ratherjoining the war on terror, proliferationof sub nationalism, increasing annoy-ance amongst the people for a lack ofmilitary engagement of intrudingdrones etc. Seen in this context USmust question the usefulness of these‘instruments of military reach’. Theiruse without the approval and conniv-ance of our State results not only inour State losing control on the ‘de-

veloping circumstances’ but resultsin the continued loss of our nationalintegrity as well . For how long canthe people of Pakistan allow suchan arrangement to endure?

If national security today is in-separable from an interdependentand integrated international securitythan why Pakistan is at the recievingend of such a pardigm. Why is it botha partner as well as a rival of suchan arrangement? Why its national in-terest are not considered importantand why is it made to suffer in themethods and manner the worldchooses to execute and implementthe agenda of world security? Boththe US as well as pakistanigovernement needs to deliberate onthese questions and find some hon-est answers.

Seen only as a ‘troubled spot’and not as a country that is a nuclearpower and where 180 million peoplelive the world led by America ismaking a mistake in the manner itviews this country. The worldshould look at Pakistan through thelens of clarity and not through thetelescope of a policeman that onlysees problems, threats and negativ-ity in our country.

In the global war on terror thenegative forces of change can onlybe stopped through mutually agreedpolicies and actions reached throughconsensus at the global scale. Thepolitical and public pressure on thegovernment of Pakistan to preservenational integrity and sovereigntywill only grow and build in the com-ing days. US should better under-stand that and do everything to re-build a relationship of dependenceand trust with Pakistani governmentand security establishment. It’s notthe utility of drones and the terror-ists that they eliminate that is ques-tionable. It is in how they are usedand how that puts to doubt our na-tional integrity and sovereignty thatneeds to be debated to seek the so-lution to the drones conundrum.

Chumar. This Indian strategic mili-tary outpost was indeed, “a strategiclookout point that overlooked Chi-nese communication lines in AksaiChin.” Finally, India agreed to dis-mantle this strategic military outpost,which put the Chinese Military atease, and they moved back to theirnormal position along the LAC.

For the time being, the borderissue has been put under the carpet,in order to pave the way for a high-level visit by the Chinese Premier MrLi to India. Nevertheless, the Sino-India border issues have a history andunless resolved permanently, thereremain chances of confrontations.However, in the contemporaryworld, neither India nor China canafford a military confrontation. Anarticle, Chinese Premier Li keqiang,wrote prior to his maiden Indian visitis a proof that, China is looking aheadfor a better Sino-India cooperationin 21stcentury. In this article, Chi-nese Premier appeared cherishing hisold memories in India and presentedIndia as a dream world. Mr Li painteda picture as if there would be no prob-lems in improving the Sino-Indiarelationship in the coming years.

This gesture was quite visibleonce prime Minister ended his threedays Indian tour. Upon completionof his visit, Prime Minister Li saidthat, his Indian visit was successfuland he “felt at home.” Regarding histalks with Prime MinisterManmohan Sing, Premier Li de-clared those as the “deep, friendlyand frank.” He further said that, “Itmade me feel like I was at home. Ireally appreciate his (Singh’s) ar-rangements.” otherwise, while se-lecting India as the first country forhis visit abroad, Prime Minister Li,

wanted give a clear message that, thetwo emerging Asian economies aregoing to cooperate and increase theirstates. The minor border disputes andexternal interference would nothinder the larger interests of eco-nomic interdependence. India evencancelled its tri-lateral military wargames, it had agreed with Japan andUnited States.

There is no doubt that economyis the biggest factor in the futurerelationship of major powers andbetween the nation states. Cur-rently, the Sino-India bilateral tradeis over 60 billion US dollars and islikely to cross $100 billion by 2015.The trade balance has been in thefavour of China so far. However,in the process, both sides are beingbenefitted. Immediately after thevisit of Chinese Prime Minister,Indian Premier, Dr Singh visitedJapan. There are serious issues be-tween China and Japan. On theother hand, India has good relationswith Japan, through its look eastpolicy. Japan has contributed a lottowards Indian economy and bothare cooperating in the field of de-fence. However, this is tricky rela-tions, not only with Japan, but, thetri-angular relationship between;India-Japan and United States. In-dia has a strategy to get benefit fromall without losing. But, the follow-ers of Kautilya have their own long-term planning.

A book entitled “Grand Strategyfor India: 2020 and Beyond, was pub-lished by ‘Institute for Defence Stud-ies & Analyses (IDSA) New DelhI’in 2012. The book was edited byKrishnappa Venkatshamy and PrincyGeorge. With respect to Indian secu-rity, the book outlines that, “India’s

security in next decades will also de-pend on how the broader regionalsituation evolves. Much of the worldis wary of China’s rise. India, inparticular, is concerned aboutChina’s continuing support to Paki-stan and its growing footprint in re-gions that are of strategic interest toIndia.” The book emphasizes the In-dian security planners to strengthenthe defence capabilities in order tocounter the impending challenges,facing the Indian state: internally inthe form of insurgencies in its northand northeastern states and region-ally from China and Pakistan. Theessence of the book is that, India hasto act as global power. While Indianstrategists are sweating for greaterIndian role in the international poli-tics, the world biggest democracyhas one of the worst poverty athome, suffering from poor gover-nance with inbuilt corruption andnastiest record of human rights.

The Indian strategists proposefor India a bigger role at the strate-gic level in the contemporary stra-tegic environment. Surely they pre-dict, neither Pakistan would with-draw from its claims over major is-sues like Kashmir and water issues,nor China is going to lay off its de-mands of disputed border areas,therefore, this panel of strategists’advice India to diplomatically engagePakistan and China, while strength-ening its defense capabilities along-side. Indeed, through diplomatic en-gagement and short-term CBMs,India to engage its rivals, until it es-tablishes itself as an economic andmilitary power, thereafter, issueswould automatically diffuse.—The writer is Islamabad-basedInternational Relations analyst.

Muhammad Ali EhsanEmail: [email protected]

Dr Muhammad Khan Email: [email protected]

Page 5: Ep03june2013

Voice of the People



One of the problems plaguing oureducational system is the shortageof qualified and committed teach-ing staff in government-managedschools and colleges. Pakistanspends less than two percent of thenational budget on education. Mostof the budgetary allocation for edu-cation is eaten away by administra-tive expenditure, leaving a paltryamount for pay of the teaching staff.This is an alarming situation. Qual-ity of education is being affectedadversely due to shortage of teach-ers in government educational insti-tutions. No doubt, private sector iscontributing to the cause of educa-tion, but fees charged by private in-stitutions are beyond the capacity offixed income families. What is thesolution? I think volunteerism canhelp the situation of shortage ofteaching staff in government educa-tional institutions. Most of the gov-ernment servants who retire at theage of 60 are fit and willing forteaching assignment in educationalinstitutions. Only a limited numberof retirees are lucky to get extensionin service or jobs in private sector.Some of them are highly qualifiedfor teaching assignments.

Most of the serving officers at-tend foreign universities for highereducation at the expense of the state.However, this training is not prop-erly utilised. An officer after gettingdegree in economics may spendmost of his time in regulatory min-istries. However, after retirementtheir services may be used for edu-cation and development of the newgeneration. Foreign training data isavailable with the EstablishmentDivision, Economic Affairs Divi-sion and concerned departments ofprovincial governments. The UnitedNations has launched a VolunteerProgramme for Pakistan. But vacan-cies of volunteers for education arerarely notified. It is advised thatministry of education and educa-tional institutions may contact UNPakistan office in this regard. I thinkUNVP pays maintenance allowanceto encourage volunteerism.—Karachi

Bullet trainquite feasible


Nawaz sharif has promised to starta bullet train from Peshawar toKarachi. Many nay-sayers are ques-tioning the project. The same peoplesaid the same thing when Mr NawazSharif started the motorway. My jobtakes me to Punjab frequently and Itravel on the motorway from Lahoreto go Gujranwala, Faisalabad andRawalpindi.

It’s a joy ride. More over thedevelopment around the motorwayis remarkable. I have also widelytravelled in Sindh,comparing theroads in Sindh a friend of mine toldme the other day, “ when you leaveSunjerpur in Punjab and enter Sindh,you don’t need a road sign to tellyou that you are now in Sindh, theroad speaks for itself.”

The same nay-sayers are sayingthat Pakistan would not be able tofinance the project. I will say to MrNawaz Sharif: not to be discour-aged. Trucks take 72 hours to reachLahore from Karachi on an average,where as the new buisness traintakes 18 hours only. The bullet tarinwill require even less. It would notonly be good for thousands of pas-sengers but would also be great forgood transportation.

The Pakistan railway is prob-ably the richest as far as land assetsare concerned. Thay have the choic-est property from Karachi toPeshawar.

Pakistan railways has the bestof the best in Karachi’s heartland.

Starting from the west of theKarachi city station and traveling onMoulvi Tameezuddin Khan Roadtowards Dr Uddin Ahmed Road, thePakistan Railways owns an open areaof about 400 meters by 1’000 meters.They use it for storing containers andhave some godowns. If we divide this400’000 sq metres of land into 50meters by 50 metre commercial plots,160 sky scrapers can be built on thisarea. It will be within one kilometre

Taxing the over-taxedMUHAMMAD ASIM KHAN

As if the continuous increase in prices of key commodities was not enough to over burden thecommon man, the Federal Board of Revenue has now suggested a new sales tax to be levied on all

processed food items, including milk and cream. This proposed tax will have a negative impact onunder-privileged sections of the society. This tax, if imposed, will cause the price of fresh milk to goup. As always, the lower income bracket will be most affected by this ruling as it will no longer be ableto afford milk for its daily consumption. In Pakistan, where a large majority of children are severelyunder-nourished and where bone disease is fairly common, milk remains a major source of nourish-ment and thus a staple food item. With each passing day, the masses are forced to give up on thingsgiven their high cost. If the government agrees to go through with this tax, milk will be yet anotheritem on the list of unaffordable expensive things. I urge the concerned authorities to look into thismatter and reconsider their decision to impose this tax.—Via email


Email:[email protected]

are requested to typetheir letters legibly withdouble spacing and only onone side of the paper.


New US weapons have China worried

When the United States carried out a successful test recently of an advanced high-

speed, long-range weapon ostensiblydesigned to reduce US reliance onnuclear arms in a crisis, it set alarmbells ringing in China. Far from re-assuring Beijing, the May 1 test ofthe sleek hypersonic unmanned air-craft, known as the X-51AWaveRider, has added to China’s con-cerns that US superiority in conven-tional weapons may make nuclearconflict more, not less, likely.

During the test, the WaveRider’sscramjet engine ignited high abovethe Pacific Ocean, thrusting the dem-onstrator to a speed of nearly 6,245kilometers per hour (KPH), just overfive times the speed of sound.Scramjet stands for supersonic com-bustion ram jet, which has no mov-ing parts. Fuel is mixed with air rush-ing into the combustion chamber andthen ignited to provide power.

The WaveRider flew for 3½ min-utes on scramjet power, the longestsuch flight in history. At that speed, aflight from New York to Los Ange-les could take less than 39 minutes.While scramjet propulsion may oneday be used in civil aviation and forouter space flight, the more immedi-ate application is military. The US AirForce, Army and the Pentagon’s re-search arm, the Defence AdvancedResearch Projects Agency (DARPA),have been testing various super-fastunmanned aircraft over the past fewyears as part of a futuristic programcalled Prompt Global Strike (PGS).

DARPA has been testing an ex-perimental arrowhead-shaped plane,the Falcon Hypersonic TechnologyVehicle 2 (HTV-2). It is an un-manned, rocket-launched,manoeuvrable craft that glidesthrough Earth’s atmosphere at incred-

ibly fast speeds.The HTV-2 is designed to travel

at 20 times the speed of sound, orMach 20. This would cut the flyingtime between New York and Los An-geles to under 12 minutes, 22 timesfaster than today’s commercial air-liners. DARPA says that the ultimategoal is “a capability that can reachanywhere in the world in less thanan hour.”

The last flight test of the HTV-2in April 2012 was only a partial suc-cess. After being released from itsprotective cover atop the rocket, itnose-dived back toward Earth, lev-elled out and glided above the Pacificat just over 20,900 kph for about nineminutes before the searing speed andheat caused parts of its carbon com-posite skin to peel away.

Initiated nearly a decade ago, af-ter al-Qaida’s terrorist kingpin Osamabin Laden eluded capture in Afghani-stan, these PGS tests are intended todevelop a weapon armed with a non-nuclear high explosive warhead thatcould strike targets anywhere in theworld in an hour or less.

The US Quadrennial DefenceReview Report in 2006 said that thePGS weapons would hit “fixed, hardand deeply buried, mobile and re-lo-catable targets.” At present, the onlyway the US could with any certaintydestroy such targets in an hour or lesswould be to use submarine-launchedlong-range ballistic missiles or US-based intercontinental ballistic mis-siles (ICBMs).

Like the PGS weapons now be-ing tested, these rocket-assistedweapons travel at hypersonic speeds.However, they are all armed withnuclear warheads. So the result of astrike could be devastating, globallydestabilizing, and out of all propor-tion to the terrorist or other threat.

Among early PGS plans wereproposals to retrofit a small numberof existing US submarine-launchedmissiles or land-based ICBMs with

conventional warheads. But Congressin Washington refused to fund theseplans because of concerns that Rus-sia and other nuclear powers wouldbe unable to distinguish between aPGS launch and nuclear weaponslaunch, raising the risk of an unin-tended nuclear missile exchange.

Since then, the list of potentialPGS targets has grown as terroristgroups and missile-armed states hos-tile or potentially hostile to the UShave increased in number.

A conference hosted by the USStrategic Command last August dis-cussed instances in which the WhiteHouse might some day order a non-nuclear rapid strike. They included asudden move by China toward de-stroying a critical US or allied com-munication satellite by rocket or la-ser, a danger accentuated by what USdefence officials say was a high-alti-tude Chinese anti-satellite test on May13, the third reported since 2007.

They also included a North Ko-rean ballistic missile being readied forlaunch against US allies Japan orSouth Korea, or against US bases ineither of those countries or on the U.S.island territory of Guam in the west-ern Pacific. Iranian long-range mis-sile launches, and terrorist assemblypoints for nuclear explosive devicesor so-called dirty bombs that use con-ventional explosives to spread radio-active material, might be other rea-sons for a PGS weapon to be used.

The latest PGS tests by the U.S.worry Russia, but they worry Chinamore because it has far fewer nuclear-tipped missiles that can reach the U.S.than Russia, and less effective sys-tems for destroying incoming mis-siles than Russia. U.S. analysts esti-mate that China currently has a totalof only a few dozen nuclear-armedICBMs that can strike the U.S.

Writing on the China-U.S. Focuswebsite on April 22, Major Gen. YaoYunzhu, director of China-AmericaDefense Relations at the Chinese

Michael Richardson

Views From Abroad

Armed Forces Academy of MilitaryScience, said that Chinese concernsstemmed from two facts:

(a) The ballistic missile defensesystems that the U.S. and its allieshad deployed, or were planning to de-ploy, in the Asia-Pacific region couldintercept residue Chinese nuclearweapons launched for retaliation af-ter China had been attacked, thuspotentially negating the deterrenceeffect of the Chinese nuclear arsenal.

(b) The U.S. was developing aseries of conventional strategic strikecapabilities. When deployed, theycould be used to hit China’s nucleararsenal.

Hu Yumin, a senior research fel-low at the China Arms Control andDisarmament Association, wrote inJanuary that the U.S. aimed to com-bine PGS with its space and anti-missile technologies to “form an in-tegrated defense system, whichcould render other countries’ strate-gic weapons, including nucleararms, almost useless.”

Hu was clearly referring toChina. He added that this could putsuch countries in a dilemma: Eitherthey would lose the ability to launcha strategic nuclear counter-attack orthey would have to use nuclearweapons first to avoid devastation.

Chinese concerns are recog-nized by some U.S. officials andanalysts. With swinging cuts inmilitary spending biting in the U.S.,the most likely outcome is a modi-fication of the PGS program. Ex-isting shorter-range and slower-moving U.S. cruise missiles,launched from aircraft or subma-rines, could be used to strike PGStargets, while expensive researchand development of hypersonicweapons is put on the back burner,at least for the time being. Thewriter is a visiting senior researchfellow at the Institute of South EastAsian Studies in Singapore. — Courtesy: The Japan Times

There I was in the bathrooma few minutes ago, withscrewdriver in hand and a

pair of pliers getting the soap trayfixed. I worked hard and as I did, Iwondered how my wife had man-aged to get me to do it, most often,after she left for the hospital I gen-erally forgot the little chores I amsupposed to do around the house:“Bob,” she had said this morning,“Looks like our guests will knowwhat they ate the night before when

they dine with us!” “Why?’ I asked,“Don’t we have soap?” “Yes wedo?” she said. “Then what’s theproblem?”

“It’ll be the first time a hostholds the soap out for his guests touse when they wash their hands,”she said. We both laughed and a fewhours later I was patiently getting thesoap tray back. We’ve all been there.We want to encourage a child to doher homework, or a spouse to com-plete a project, or a colleague to fol-low through. How can we encour-age without criticizing, nagging,berating or pushing?

Maybe because I’m the one thatoccasionally has to be nudged, I’velearned a few important things aboutthe finer points of positive motiva-

tion. First, whenever possible, try tokeep it light-hearted: The careful useof humor can work in any relation-ship to make the point in a way itwill be heard. Sometimes we are sofrustrated we know that however wesay it, it will be bound to come outwrong. These are especially thetimes when humor may be needed.

Second, without exception, bepolite and respectful. Sometimes it’smore about how we say it than whatwe say. Too much of the world isrun on the theory that you don’t needroad manners if you drive a five-tontruck. No one wants to be forced,pushed, run over, cajoled or manipu-lated. They want to be respected.

Finally, as often as you can,show appreciation. There’s nobody

Fixing a soap tray..!in the world really who doesn’t re-spond to a dose of good apprecia-tion. The German Shepherd dogwho lives with me and is one ofthe fiercest I have kept, becomesso happy when I tell him, after hehas done something well, “That’sa good dog!” He loves it. And sowould anyone.

These are a few of the finerpoints of positive motivation. Andeven if motivating is not your pur-pose, respect and appreciation,topped off with a little humor isbound to improve any relationship.Well, at least now my guests willgo back not having to rememberwhat they ate at my home the pre-vious night..!—Email:[email protected]

of Karachi’s zero point which is theKarachi City Railway Station, and theCity’s Buisness district of I.IChundrigar Road. Similarly Karachicantonment station has 800 hundredmeters by hundred meters by 100meters land available on the east sideof the station. Using 50 meters bymeters per plot, 32 skyscrapers can beconstructed.

The presence of 132 skyscrapersin the heart of Karachi is mouth wa-tering for any world class construc-tion company, Business men andpeople who want to minimise traveltime to offices would love this option.

Karachi alone would be able tohelp Pakistan Railways generate mil-lions of dollar. However if we do thisfor Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan,Hyderabad, Gujranwala, Faisalabadand Gujrat also, we can surely gen-erate the amount Mr Sharif wants forthis game- changing project.—Karachi

Is CNG asafe energy?


This is apropos to the milieu of GujratIncidence. Compressed Natural Gas(CNG) is an environmentally clean,plentiful, low-cost, domestically pro-duced fuel that is used in transporta-tion. But is it a safe vehicle fuel? Anyfuel, including those used in motorvehicles, can be dangerous if handledimproperly. Fuels contain energy,which is released when the fuel isignited. The answer to this is, un-equivocally, yes CNG is a safe formof energy. However, there are manymyths out there regarding the dangersof CNG because it will not burn atconcentrations below 5% or aboveabout 15% when mixed with air. Ifreleased in an accident, CNG is alsonon-toxic and as a clean alternativeto other automobile fuels.

Worldwide roughly 7 to 8 mil-lion CNG Vehicles are used, with thelargest number in Argentina, Brazil,Iran, Pakistan and Thailand. As pe-troleum prices erratically jump up anddown and up again, it’s tempting tolook at CNG as an alternative. Buy-ers beware: the math is tricky.

Majority of public private ve-hicles have converted to CNG be-cause of cheaper price as comparedto petrol and diesel having been madeexpensive both due to taxation poli-cies and as well as due to higher in-ternational market prices. The genieof CNG has been strengthened. Notonly are government, transit agencies,school busses but a major figure ofprivate transport using CNG vehicles.

In a recent incident in Gujrat 14children died. The reason behind isCNG + Gasoline. Accordingly, 2,000people were killed in cylinder blastsin 2011 and this figure is almostdouble in 2012, as the governmentcould not take any concrete steps inthis regard. Furthermore, the govern-ment ensures that the certified cylin-ders and kits are available in the mar-ket, and transporters are forced to notuse old, expired uncertified cylindersin their vehicles, which are increas-ing the risk of explosion. The shelflife of a cylinder is five years, butsome greedy transporters still usethem after the expiry date.

Suggestions: It is the duty of thegovernment to ban supply of CNGto Public Vehicles i.e. Toyota Hiace,Busses, vans and Coaches, becausein case of emergency it is difficult forthe passengers to save their lives.Further, to decrease the prices of Die-sel. These are two ways to safe CNGstations.

For God sake, do not close this‘chapter’ once again. Now, it is thetime to take immediate decision, tosave the humanities, to save the prop-erties, to save the families, to savethe panic.—Islamabad

Beggar nuisanceSIDRA TUL MUNTAHA

Begging is indeed, a stigma in oursociety. Begging is a social problemin Pakistan. It has become a nuisancein big cities like Karachi . In fact beg-gars are parasites. Instead of work-ing and earning bread by honestlabour , they resort to begging .It hasbecome a shameless business to beg.They are not ashamed of themselves.Even young and able bodied personsfollow the line of easy living by beg-ging. Public places, parks, hotels,

hospitals, bus stops are raided by beg-gars. They lower the prestige of thecountry.The government should takeserious actions against the profes-sional beggars. Those who are able-bodied , must be made to work andearn honest living .The crippled andthe old should be confined in poorhouses .Those carrying contagiousdiseases , should be sent to hospitals.It is duty of both the government andwell-to-do people to remove thestigma from the society.—Karachi

Hurdles forambulances


Road traffic in Karachi has been in-creasing day by day just like any othermetros. It is a common sight to seethe plight of ambulances sandwichedbetween buses, trucks, two-wheelerand what not screaming for way tospeed. Even though much publicityis given in media about the urgencyand necessity for giving way for Am-bulance vehicles, public at large sel-dom bother about this social duty.

VIPs speeding on are alerted bythe traffic cops and the roads arecleared. My simple suggestion to theauthorities concerned is why don’t weadopt the same procedure for help-ing the ambulance vehicles also.

once ambulance starts hotlinecommunication may be given to aparticular traffic hub, who will flashthe information to the appropriatetraffic police personnel at the spotand ensure to clear the route sidelin-ing other vehicles compulsorily Thiswill pave smooth way for the Ambu-lances to speed towards the Hospi-tals / Nursing Homes for Emergencycare . Public also would understandand give way on humanitarian angle.Let us save those poor lives by justsacrificing a few minutes of our time.Will authorities look into this sugges-tion ?—Karachi

Poison onsale openlyRAMEEZ FAROOQUI

Spurious syrup is being sold at medi-cal stores in Lahore as cough remedy.People are dying by taking the poison-ous cough syrup. There is no checkon the sale of spurious drugs in thecountry. This is the level of gover-nance. Apparently, the health depart-ment and drug inspectors are in ca-hoots with merchants of death. Whereis accountability? Politicians are busyin plundering the national resources fortheir posterity. Welfare of the peopleis not included in the governmentagenda. The media, religious leadersand social workers can play crucialrole against the menace of trade ofpoison. Intelligence agencies can alsoplay important role in this jihad.—Karachi

Drugs amongstudents


The problem of drugs has becomeserious issue for many people, includ-ing students. Smoking has alreadybecome a fashion among the students,which is the first step towards the useof drugs. I am a lecturer and recentlya student of mine in Pharm-D 7thsemester died due to the drug addic-tion. There are a number of studentsin colleges and universities involvedin drug addiction and promotion ofdrugs. Unfortunately, there is no oneto take the step against this curse.Our law enforcement agencies andanti-narcotics force have failed tostop the use of drugs in our society.The government should introduce acheck and balance system in collegesand universities, related to the use ofdrugs among the students.—Karachi

No to $5b heist

The media reports of government plans to raise $5bn byselling bonds to end Rs 500bn

circular debt is broad daylight heist.Government has no legal and moralright to bailout energy sector, whichis outdated, corrupt, and protecting$3bn annual profit of oil mafia. So-cializing of energy sector losses, andprivatization of profits is against theinterest of public, taxpayers and con-sumers.

The $5bn circular plan must beused to nationalize energy sector,improve energy sector infrastructureand pay foreign loans, which willhelp make energy sector profitable.WAPDA showed Rs 9bn surpluswhile current system faces deficit ofRs 600bn. The government shouldadopt a multi-pronged National En-ergy Policy (NEP) to end load shed-ding, reduce energy prices, and pro-duce surplus energy. The state andits institutions including judiciaryneed to protect taxpayers’ money,rights of the consumers and nationalinterests.

The “100-day energy road map”is flawed. There is an urgent need torevise 2030 energy mix and adoptpolicy to generate 15 % energy fromcoal, 80 % from renewable sourcesand 5% from civil nuclear technol-ogy. As per the current governmentenergy mix policy, 45% energycomes from gas, 35% from importedoil and the rest comes from hydro-electricity at 12%, coal at 6% andnuclear at 2%. The Pakistan EnergyYearbook 2010 predicts that by 2030the country’s energy generation willincrease to 1,62,590 megawatts andconsist of 45% natural gas, 19%coal, 18.5% oil, 2.5% renewable,

10.8% hydropower and 4.2%nuclear (May 29, 2012 theGuardian).Phase out energy generationfrom gas, oil and water to en-sure security of food and water,cut 60% oil imports to control

resultant inflation, poverty, improvehealthcare and education, and meetUN carbon emission policy and con-tribute towards a cleaner andhealthier world. The energy pricescan be reduced by 80 %, while en-ergy generation can be doubled by2015. The per unit cost of electric-ity can be reduced by 60 % in nextsix months and 80 % in mediumterm by shifting 80% of electricitygenerated from gas (45%) and oil(35%) to solar between six monthsto two years.

The per unit electricity cost inPakistan generated from oil is be-tween Rs.16-18, while it costs 9.9cents/unit and 7 cents to generate perunit of solar energy in Saudi Arabiaand China respectively. The pricesof per unit cost of coal and solar areequal in China. It is generating60GW from renewable, and it plansto double solar electricity generationfrom 21GW to 40GW by 2015 (al-most equal to installed electricityproduction capacity of Pakistan).The availability of technology andsharing of developments can helpPakistan to double its energy capac-ity by 2015, and the medium term16GW plan is tainted.

The adoption of renewable en-ergy is necessary for economicprogress. The adoption of renewableenergy can help Pakistan “explodeeconomic bomb”. According to theexperts, 50 % world energy genera-tion will shift to renewable by 2035.In 2012-13 alone, the global solarpanel demand was between 20GWto 40 GW. By shifting education in-stitutions, healthcare, industry,streets, highways, public, domestic,and transport sectors, Pakistan can

cut fuel exports by 60 %, revive 2-4million energy shortage affectedjobs, and generate another millionjobs. The use of renewable energyhas improved 30% per acre yield in

China. It is also helping to overcomewater shortages through water de-salination and purification, treatmentof sewage and industrial wastewa-ters. Pakistan can use renewableenergy to free mega water storagesto irrigate arid lands for nationalfood security, inter-provincial har-mony, create millions of jobs in ru-ral areas, and cut rural migration tourban centers. Furthermore, it canhelp Islamabad to protect its politi-cal, economic and national interests.

Pakistan can progress on linesof advanced countries. By movingcooking, heating and lighting to re-

newable, Pakistan can have surplusgas, which can be used for publicwelfare, provide clean and cheapfuel (CNG) and reduce poverty.China is headed to use 50,000 elec-tric buses and 2 million electriccars, which will be charged fromrenewable electricity. China is us-ing solar technical schools and col-leges to train thousands of solarexperts (China Rising, Al-Jazeeraspecial series 5 May 2013). EUstates have defeated oil lobby bysupporting solar panel imports toadopt cheap alternate energy andend hoarding of energy mafia (May24, the Guardian). Similarly, EUstates are also using solar poweredtrains, railway stations, mass tran-sit inter and intra city/country trans-port systems.

Pakistan should plan to sell sur-plus energy by 2017. China is de-veloping regional energy hub forenergy security. Europe-Africa andGulf States have also signed agree-ments for joint energy and railprojects. Pakistan can use the hubto develop flexible energy modelsto protect interests of public andstate, and sell surplus energy to na-tional grid.

By making public a stakeholderin energy sector, the governmentcan generate three million powergenerators, end thefts/line losses,and incentives for corruption in theenergy sector. In Germany, every60th citizen is selling electricity tothe government. The 1942 US Ru-ral Energy Marshall Plan helpeddevelop rural areas. Cheap energycan bring industrial revolution inPakistan, and allow Islamabad toexport surplus electricity in the re-gion, including India (45 % defi-ciency) and Afghanistan. Thus,Pakistan needs to adopt new NEPpolicy and recover financial lossesof energy sector instead of reward-ing corruption and failure by fund-ing circular debt.

Rizwan Ghani Email:[email protected]

Media reports ofgovernment plansto raise $5bn by

selling bonds to endRs 500bn circular

debt is broaddaylight heist.

Government has nolegal and moralright to bailoutenergy sector,

which is outdated,corrupt, and

protecting $3bnannual profit of oil

mafia. Socializing ofenergy sector

losses, andprivatization of

profits is against theinterest of public,

taxpayers andconsumers.

Page 6: Ep03june2013

seven percent of the electoratelast year. It was not immediatelyclear whether the ruling on the100-member constitutionalpanel would impact in any wayon the charter it drafted.

The constitution was adoptedin a nationwide vote in Decem-ber with a relatively low turnoutof about 35 percent. But even if itdoes not, the ruling will questionthe legal foundations of the dis-puted charter pushed through byallies of Islamist PresidentMohammed Morsi in an all-nightsession late last year. Critics saythe charter restricts freedoms andgives clerics a say in legislation.The Islamists who drafted it hailthe document as the best oneEgypt ever had.

There was no immediatecomment from Morsi’s office onthe ruling. Regardless of theirconsequences on the ground,Sunday’s ruling is likely to pro-long the polarizing political transi-tion that followed Mubarak’s

Egypt: Court rules legislature illegally electedFrom Page 1

overthrow. Rival political groupsdisagree not just on policies andthe future course of the nation buton the legitimacy of the basic in-stitutions of govern-ment. It willgive heart to the mostly secularand liberal opposition, while pro-viding fresh ammunition to the ar-gument often repeated by thepresident’s supporters that the ju-diciary is filled with Mubarakloyalists determined to derail thenation’s political process.

Morsi, elected nearly a yearago, tried to reinstate parliament’slower chamber just days after hecame to office on June 30 buteventually bowed to the court rul-ing and backed down. In bothrulings on parliament’s two cham-bers, the court contended thatpolitical parties that fielded candi-dates for the third of seats set asidefor independent candi-dates, asallowed by the election law,amounted to a breach of the prin-ciple of fairness.

The Shura Council’s criticssay it is ill-equipped to be thenation’s sole law-making body,and complain that it’s consider-ing legislation that will have a farreach into the future rather thansimply pass what is absolutelynecessary during the transitionperiod. Of the chamber’s 270members, 180 are elected with theother 90 being appointed byMorsi. Five percent of its mem-bers are Christians — about halfthe proportion of the popu-lation— and four percent are women.When elections were held in early2012, not only did many votersstay away but so did many politi-cal parties — especially severalof the newborn liberal groups withsmaller budgets. Over 70 percentof the seats were taken by Islam-ists.

The court on Sunday also ruledunconsti-tutional clauses in a 1958law giving the president far-reach-ing powers under a state of emer-gency..—AP

PkMAP and National Partyleaders , Nawaz Sharif said achange would be brought inBalochistan through good gov-ernance and merit and heal thewounds of the people.

He said despite having ma-jority in the Provincial Assem-bly, the PML-N gave sacrificefor setting good traditions andthe posts of Chief Minister andGovernor have been given to thecoalition partners. He said therewould be a government inBalochistan free from corruptand pointed out that had therebeen democracy, there wouldhave been no violence in theprovince.

He said his party had alwaysvoiced for bringing an end toviolence and for peace and de-velopment and time has come tofulfill these commitments. Hesaid peaceful environment is thefirst step for progress and pros-perity.

To a question about the roleof FC in Balochistan, NawazSharif said elected governmentmakes the policies and all otherinstitutions are bound to imple-ment the programme.

PkMAP Chief MahmudKhan Achakzai said Punjabhas shown broad heartednessand as a result they were stand-ing together today. He said to-day Punjab’s attitude is demo-cratic, it has agenda of demo-cratic Pakistan, to fight againstterrorism and corruption andPashtun and Baloch are withit today. If Punjab will take onestep for friendship and recon-ciliation, Pashtoons andBaloch will respond by takingtwo steps. He said the decisionwould help in making a newPakistan. He said Balochistanhas many problems whichcould be overcome throughjoint efforts.

He said we want to take allthe parties along and onlythrough this approach, lasting

Malik nominated as Balochistan CMFrom Page 1

peace would be possible inBalochistan and Karachi. Hesaid it is the beauty of democ-racy that all the parties are stand-ing together.

Achakzai thanked MianNawaz Sharif on behalf ofBaloch and Pashtun leadershipfor the gesture and said theywould stand with him and Paki-stan in the time to come.

Mir Hasil Bizenjo of Na-tional Party appreciated thenomination of Dr Abdul Malikfor the post of Chief Minister.He said Nawaz Sharif honouredhis commitment to take alongthe leadership of small commu-nities and this could have beendone by Punjab leadership andNawaz Sharif.

He said they would not al-low the repetition of things thathad happened in the last tenyears. He said it is our commit-ment to Nawaz Sharif that wewould not allow any one to in-dulge in corrupt practices inBalochistan. That willstrengthen democracy and Paki-stan and the resources would beutilized for the wellbeing ofpeople of Balochistan and Pa-kistan.

Provincial PresidentSanaullah Zehri, who himselfwas an aspirant for the job saidthey would extend full coopera-tion to the Chief Minister. Fromday one, we will extend coop-eration to check violence andend corruption. He said unlesswe over come the problems oflaw and order and corruption,we will not be able to achieveMian Nawaz Sharoif’s vision ofnew Pakistan.

After his nomination asBalochistan Chief Minister,Abdul Malik Baloch on Sundaysaid that an independent com-mission would be established toprobe into the murder of Balochleader Nawab Akbar Khan Bugtiand issue of missing politicalworkers in the province.

Speaking to media soon af-ter being nominated asBalochistan CM by PakistanMuslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) chief Nawaz Sharif, Balochsaid recovery of missing personswas his top priority.

“I would not be a powerlesschief minister,” he said, addingthat all out efforts would bemade to bring back missing per-sons.

The National Party (NP)chief said that federal govern-ment would be approached forthe arrest of accused involved inthe murder of Nawab AkbarBugti.

He hinted that there wouldbe no “overflowing” cabinet andonly limited cabinet memberswould be announced to lessenthe financial burden ofBalochistan. “I would not toler-ate corruption,” he added.

Dr Baloch said that all dis-placed Marri and Bugti tribes-men will be rehabilitated inKohlu and Dera Bugti.

Thousands of Bugti andMarri tribesmen were displacedin the aftermath of military op-eration during Musharraf re-gime.

The NP chief said that ma-jority of the people in the prov-ince live below the poverty lineand vowed to take revolutionarymeasures to overcome povertyafter assuming power.

He said all postings andtransfers would be made onmerit.

Dr Abdul Malik Baloch saidmeaningful negotiations will beinitiated with disgruntledBaloch brothers for durablepeace in the province.“I believe in dialogue and op-pose use of force,” he explained,adding confidence buildingmeasures would be adopted toconvince the Baloch leaders tocome to the negotiating table forpolitical settlement of theBalochistan issue.

Walls and roofs collapsedkilling two minors in LadySarak Charsadda Road. Simi-larly, a child, identified as SherAli, was killed in Naugaman,Daudzai.

Three bodies were alsobrought to a hospital in TakhtBhai, Shergarh where an emer-gency was declared. They wereidentified as Hikmat Khan, aresident of Qudratabad, SalehGul, a resident of Moi Bhandaand a minor girl whose identitycould not be ascertained.

A house on Harichand Roadcollapsed on three passengervans, injuring 30 people. Thewounded were taken to theTehsil Headquarters Hospital. InHathian, a house collapsed in-juring two teenagers and a wallfell on a car in Maikh Kohi in-juring three others. A womanwas killed and a minor was in-jured when a wall collapsedstorms in Risalpur, Nowshera.

Chaman was on her wayhome with her granddaughterwhen a wall fell as a result ofheavy winds.

In Shabqadar, heavy down-pour killed two persons in sepa-rate incidents in Mian Kallayand Rawal Kor.

Rain, windskill 17 in K-P

From Page 1

Saudis need extra training ‘to replace expats’JEDDAH—The Labor Ministryhas made it mandatory for anyorganization, whether schools,companies or offices, to reservevacancies in 19 job categoriesfor only Saudis.

These are: Executive HRmanager, HR manager, laboraffairs manager, staff relationsmanager, staff relations special-ist, staff relations clerk, recruit-ment clerk, staff affairs clerk,attendance control clerk, recep-tionist (general), hotel recep-tionist, health receptionist,claims clerk, treasury secretary,security, broker, key specialist,customs broker and female salesspecialists (women only).

Arab News spoke withCEOs, authorities of schools andcompanies who confirmed thatthe 19 positions classified aboveare related to human resources,customer services, health man-agement, accounts, clearing andforwarding agents and, ofcourse, women-sensitive salesareas.

Mohamed H. Zakaria, CEOand general manager of SaudiSteel Profile Company, said thatthe 19 job categories that arerelated to the HR departmentand reserved for Saudi nation-als can easily be short-listed orfiltered down to three positions.Only companies like SaudiAramco, Sabic, SEC, or theSTC can employ all categories.

“I think the best way toimplement Saudization is notthrough passing legislation butthrough the sincere and activeparticipation of the private sec-tor and expatriates. The LaborMinistry should seek the help ofexpatriates to train Saudis to re-place them,” he said.

He also said with a percapita income of more than $31,000, Saudi Arabia is ahead ofmany European countries andwith 262 billion barrel of oil re-serves (excluding natural gas,metals and minerals), eachSaudi owns more than a milliondollar’s worth of oil.

Forcing Saudis into the pri-vate sector will be a temporaryway out. Secondly, hiring extraSaudis and putting them on thepayroll will throw many privatecompanies out of business, as itwill take at least three to fiveyears to train and replace theexpatriate work force, especiallyat the lower and mid levels.

“In fact, most Saudis ap-proaching us for a job don’t evenknow what job they are seekingand a lot of job-seekers, includ-ing Saudis and non-Saudis witheven five years of work experi-ence don’t realize that they fallin the entry-level category,” heexplained.

Padma Hariharan, directorand head of Novel InternationalGroup of Institutions, said thatthese positions are sensitive andorganizations, including thegovernment sector, should en-sure that the employees they arehiring are sensitive to the needsof the organization, as all posi-tions are ultimately for Saudis

only.She said the area of concern

is improvement of communica-tion in English. As the Kingdomhas opened its doors to globalinvestment and is encouragingtourism in a big way, it is man-datory for the Saudis employedto effectively communicate inEnglish.

“Training and qualifica-tions are absolutely mandatoryto secure the job. The Minis-try of Education (MoE) clearlystates that we need to appointSaudi teachers to teach Islamiceducation, Qur’an, Saudi his-tory and geography and Ara-bic.

Moreover, the Saudi facultyneeds graduates in its field. Inorder to enhance the quality ofthe work force and the work en-vironment, I would strongly rec-ommend that the government setup a skilled work force centeror hub for training profession-als in their respective areas,” sheadded.— NNI

CHITRAL: Hundreds of vehciles waiting to cross the Lawari Tunnel on South portal as Dir side Lawari tunnel is openedfor traffic on Friday, Monday and Wednesday only and remain closed for four days a week.

Pre-matureincrement to

upgradedservants allowedISLAMABAD—At last after de-lay of 11 years , Finance Divi-sion had to notify to grant onepre-mature increment to all gov-ernment servants , whose scaleswere upgraded by governmentafter 2002.

In January 2002 , FederalServices Tribunal (FST) haddecided that up-gradation willbe treated as promotion , whichallowed one pre-mature incre-ment to the employees who wereupgraded, but government re-fused to accept the verdict of thetribunal.

During last decade , severalcivil employees from differentdepartment knocked the doors ofFST for allowing one pre-ma-ture increment on up-gradationand each time the tribunal hadpassed the orders to do the need-ful.

After a pile of decisionsfrom FST in this regard , finallythe tribunal while hearing asimilar case , filed by ChairmanEmployees Association of Paki-stan Military Accounts Depart-ment took a strong stance andordered Secretary Finance toimplement the decision forth-with or else he would has to payfine of Rs 75,000 in the tribu-nal.—Online

Asia-Pacificregion becomescenter of worlddevelopment

SINGAPORE—The Asia-Pacificregion, which once experiencedconfrontation, division andwars, has made a strong bend toa region with the most dynamiccooperation and development,said Nguyen Chi Vinh, DeputyMinister of National Defense ofVietnam, on Sunday.

Speaking at the 12thShangri-la Dialogue inSingapore, Vinh said geopoliti-cally, Asia-Pacific has three per-manent members of the UN Se-curity Council. In terms of futuredevelopment, Asia- Pacific is thecenter stage of countries withhigh technology, advanced man-agement, abundant work forceand plentiful natural resources.—NNI

18th Amendends ‘fertile

zones ofministries’

ISLAMABAD—All ‘good days’for parliamentarians ‘aspiringfor fertile zones’ of lucrativeministries end with enforcementof some articles of 18th amend-ment.

These articles of 18thAmendment were due to comein force after elections , whichcontain a ‘major setback for as-piring parliamentarians ‘ of lim-iting ministries to 11% of totalAssembly strength.

This translates into totalabiding by the constitution,whose article 92 clearly outlinesthe formation of federal govern-ment; as section 1 aptly definesthat “President shall appoint fed-eral and state ministers fromamongst Majlis-e-Shoora (Par-liament) on the advice of PrimeMinister”.

Senators in federal cabinetshall not exceed more than 1/4thof Cabinet, while article 130,section B asserts that Provincialcabinet shall be 15 , or not ex-ceed 11% of total ProvincialAssembly’s strength and wouldbe answerable to the ProvincialAssembly.

Observers, analysts finalizethe total ministers at maximumof 49, all inclusive of federal,state ministers and advisors,Punjab cabinet having maxi-mum of 41, Sindh 19 ministers,while Balochistan and KPK arelimited to 15 cabinet members.

Former PPP federal cabinethad ‘swelled’ to an unprec-edented 60, while even such asmaller Provincial cabinet ofBalochistan had 50 ministers,because almost the entire As-sembly had shifted to officialbenches, leaving behind YarMuhammad Rind as the soleopposition member!—Online


constructionKABUL—A delegation of theTurkmen officials led by DeputyChairman of the Cabinet of Min-isters and Foreign MinisterRashid Meredov recently metwith the Afghan presidentHamid Karzai in capital Kabuland delivered an invitation totake part in the official ceremonyof laying the Turkmen sectionof the Turkmenistan-Afghani-stan-Tajikistan railway.

President Hamid Karzai inreturn conveyed sincere appre-ciation to the Turkmen PresidentGurbanguly Berdimuhamedovfor Turkmenistan’s continuedassistance and support in thesocio-economic revival of itsneighbor.

Karzai quoted by TrendNews Agency said, “Afghani-stan very much appreciates thisfraternal assistance and sup-port.”

Afghanistan signed amemorandum of Understandingwith Turkmenistan andTajikistan on the construction ofrailway line during a summit inAshgabat in March.

Ashgabat and Kabul earliersigned an intergovernmentalframework agreement on theconstruction of the 85-kilome-ter railway line Atamyrat-Ymamnazar (Turkmenistan)and the 38-kilometer line be-tween Akina and Andhoi (Af-ghanistan).

The Turkmen ministry ofrailway transport will constructthe Atamyrat-Ymamnazar rail-way in Lebap region. In themeantime officials from Af-ghanistan and Turkmenistan re-cently met in Ashgabat.—NNI

Kashmir issue can be resolvedthrough dialogues: Dr V P Vaidik


LAHORE—Kashmir issue canbe resolved through dialoguesamongst all stakeholders namelyPakistan India and people ofJammu and Kashmir. But inde-pendence from both India andPakistan can be slavery of otherworld powers because Jammuand Kashmir is land locked andlacks financial resources.

These thoughts were sharedby Chairman, Council for IndianForeign Policy Dr. V.P. Vaidikat TECH Society Club duringhis speech to the members ofPakistan Visionary Forum onthe topic “Future Indo-Pak re-lations.”

Dr Vaidik said, only a fewIndians had not accepted parti-tion of India and creation ofPakistan but it did not mean thatthey were in favour of any kindof loss to Pakistan. “I appeal toPakistanis and Indians to takepractical measures by withdraw-ing troops from Kashmir as afirst step to initiate peaceful dia-logue”. “ We are in favour of

freedom of Kashmiris but nottheir separation from us. Solu-tion of terrorism also lies in ne-gotiations which is not possibleuntil your friend America stopsdrone attacks,” he said.

Dr. Muhammad Sadiq,Zubair Sheikh, Engr. AbdulMajeed Khan, Qayyum Nizami,Engr. Muhammad Azeem,Jameel Gishkori, Justice (retd)Sharif Hussain Bokhari, Engr.Mahmudur Rehman Chughtai,Sardar Muhammad Saeed Khan,Prof. Dr. Atiya Syed, Prof. Dr.Mugheesudin, Col. (retd) Z.I.Farrukh and other memberswere also present.

Zubair Sheikh said that con-fidence building measures werenecessary to resolve all issuesbetween India and Pakistan forwhich intellectuals of both coun-tries could play a pivotal role.

Justice (retd) Sharif HussainBokhari said that he had listenedto only a few Indians who werein favour of resolving Kashmirissue and Dr. Vaidik was one ofthem. He added that movementof Pakistanis visiting India was

suspiciously watched.Dr. Mugheesudin said that

until Indians stop claimingKashmir as their integral part theissue could not be resolved. An-swering to the question of stra-tegic partnership between Indiaand USA, raised by Col.Farrukh, Dr. Vaidik said thatbeing a major regional powerIndia it had its own significance.

Qayyum Nizami said thatwhen Indian prisoners were re-leased from Pakistani jails theyproceeded to India with betterhealth and fitness as comparedto the mentally and physicallytortured Pakistani prisoners re-leased by India. Former Chair-man IRSA Engr. ShafqatMasood said that there was noexample of giving rivers tocountries like the three devotedto India rather access to the wa-ters of rivers was granted tocountries. Dr. Vaidik informedhim that he was going to havedialogues with Pakistan’s waterexperts on this issue and alsoinvited him for such a meetingin Lahore.

Protestors occupy Istanbulsquare after hundreds detained

ISTANBUL—Hundreds ofpeople were on Sunday occupy-ing Istanbul’s Taksim Square,the epicentre of the worst dem-onstrations in a decade againstTurkey’s government whichhave seen almost 1,000 peopledetained and scores woundednationwide.

Some protesters campedaround the square’s monumentto Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, thefounder of modern secular Tur-key, occasionally chanting“Government, Resign!” and vic-tory cheers after the police with-drew on Saturday.

Taksim has been at the heartof a wave of more than 90 dem-onstrations in 48 cities nation-wide, the biggest public outcryagainst Prime Minister RecepTayyip Erdogan’s governmentsince it assumed power in 2002.

But after two days of vio-lent protests and appeals byTurkey’s Western allies for re-

straint, the situation appeared tohave calmed on Sunday afterpolice pulled out of Taksim andofficials took on a more concil-iatory tone.

Officials said 53 civiliansand 26 police officers were hurtduring the violence, while Am-nesty International put the num-ber of wounded in the hundredsand said there had been twodeaths.

Amnesty said some protest-ers had been left blinded by themassive quantities of tear gasand pepper spray used by policewhile at least two people werehit in the head with gas canis-ters.

Interior Minister MuammerGuler said police had detained939 people as of Saturdayevening, but many have beenreleased.

Turkey’s Western alliesBritain, France and the UnitedStates have called for the

Erdogan government to exerciserestraint, while Turkish officialsacknowledged mistakes.

“We have learnt our lesson,”Istanbul mayor Kadir Topbastold NTV on Saturday.

He said he regretted “notinforming the people enough”on the details of the construc-tion project in Taksim, the sparkthat led to the protests.

What began as an outcryagainst a local developmentproject in Turkey’s largest citysnowballed into a broader pro-test against what critics say isthe government’s increasinglyconservative and authoritarianagenda.

Speaking at a rally on Sat-urday, Erdogan acknowledged:“It is true that there have beensome mistakes, extremism in thepolice response.”

But he added: “I call on theprotesters to stop their demon-strations immediately.” —AFP

Six office-bearers part ways withSindh Tarraqi-Passand Party


HYDERABAD—In second ma-jor defection after 1999 withinSindh Tarraqi-passand Party(STP), six main office-bearersand central committee membershave quit the party on the groundthat Dr Qadir Magsi was run-ning STP in somewhat auto-cratic manner and was not readyto discuss reasons behind thedefeat suffered by party in theMay 11 polls.

STP was part of ten partyanti-PPP alliance that hadfielded candidates in Sindh. It

was also part of Sindh Progres-sive Nationalist Alliance -formed three years back againstPPP and to contest election fromthis plat form - but STP has onlyrecently announced quitting tenparty alliance and SPNA on theground that politics of alliancehas always harmed Sindh. Nocandidate of STP including itsvice chairman Dr Rajab Memonwon elections in May 11 gen-eral elections.

Those who have resignedfrom basic membership of STPincluded Hyder Shahani, seniorvice chairman, Hoat Khan

Gadahi, deputy secretary gen-eral, Qadir Channa, finance sec-retary, Muzaffar Kalhoro, presssecretary, Nand Lal Malhi,Gulzar Soomro and SaranUnnar, all central committeemembers.

“We have formed a fivemember committee to decideour future course of strategy,”said Ghulam Hyder Shahaniwhile talking to Dawn.com. Hesaid that being a traditionalBaloch, he would not like to dis-cuss so many things but wouldsay that STP chairman was notactive in election campaign.

wanted to be elected as the con-sensus prime minister of thecountry like Yousuf Raza Gilaniwas elected in 2008, then he(Nawaz) himself would have toapproach all the political parties.

To a question regardingPML-N chief Nawaz Sharif’sdialogue offer with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), thepresident said, “If this govern-ment wanted to talk with theseforces then there was a need toidentify whether or not Talibanhad political mindset, as extrem-ists generally do not negotiate.”

Regarding NRO and Swisscases against him, PresidentZardari said that National Rec-onciliation Ordinance (NRO)and Swiss cases were thecharges for what he had beensent to jail for eight years. Hesaid that, in his opinion, thesecases were controversial andcarried no substance.

Smooth transition of powerFrom Page 1

Speaking on Balochistan is-sue, the president said that theprevious government undertookmany development projects forBalochistan, however he saidthat more progress could havebeen achieved had the Balochpeople participated proactivelyin development of their prov-ince.

He said that he himselfasked Speaker of the NationalAssembly to constitute a Parlia-mentary Committee to give therights to the people ofBalochistan, and said he waspleased that it did its job and acomprehensive package wasgiven to the province.

Regarding the drone attacks,the president said that the PPP-led government had not signedany agreement with the US gov-ernment over drone attacks,

however, he added that he wasnot aware if former PresidentMusharraf had made any suchagreement or not.

Responding to a questionabout the future of former presi-dent Gen (retd) PervezMusharraf, he said it was up toPrime Minister-in-waitingNawaz Sharif to decide whataction he planned to take, whenhe assumed his office.

Asked if he would pardonthe former president, he said, ifsuch a request was made to himby his family, he would take anappropriate decision.

To a question he said shoot-ing down a drone aircraft wasnot an issue, and the real issuewas the repercussions of such anaction.

Regarding the law and or-der situation in Karachi, thepresident said “non-state actors”were active in the port city.

Nawaz Sharif announced tobring the next governor fromMehmood Khan Achakzai’sPakhtunkhwa Milli AwamiParty (PkMAP).

Talking to media Magsi saidthat he has rendered his resig-nation to President Asif AliZardari.

Magsi resignsFrom Page 1

Rebels, Hizbullah wagingdeadly fight in Lebanon

BEIRUT —Several fighterswere killed in an overnight clashbetween Hezbollah fighters andSyrian rebel forces in Lebanon’seastern border region with Syria,Lebanese security sources saidon Sunday.

One source said 15 rebels

were killed in the fighting eastof the Bekaa Valley town ofBaalbek, but the exact tollwould not be clear until bod-ies could be retrieved from theremote and rugged borderarea.One Hezbollah fighter alsodied, he said.—Reuters

Page 7: Ep03june2013




MUMBAI—Speculation isrife as to whether the ICC’sAnti-Corruption officialwarned Srinivasan’s son-in-law, GurunathMeiyappan about bettingon spot-fixing, and alsowho owns the ChennaiSuper Kings team in theIPL, but the England andWales Cricket Board(ECB) chairman GilesClarke did raise the issueof the ownership of cer-tain teams of the Domes-tic T20 Leagues, in lastICC Board Meeting.

“Mr. Clarke reportedthat Mr. Singh (YogendraPal Singh, the ICC’s Anti-Corruption and Securityhead) had explained in a

Identity of team owners of certain franchise teams

ECB chairman raised issuein ICC’s Board meeting

meeting the previous daythat his biggest concern wasin respect of the identity ofthe owners of certain domes-tic franchises, and the lack oftransparent process aroundhow those fanchises hadbeen awarded and how theycould financially be sus-tained”, states the Minutesof the ICC Board meeting, acopy of which is our posses-sion.

Interestingly, the saidBoard Meeting in April 2013,was attended byN.Srinivasan for BCCI and anofficial of Sri Lanka Cricket(SLC) and questions havebeen raised about the own-erships of few teams in IPLand SLPL.

Following ICC’s EthicsOfficer (Sean Cleary) report,which reminded directors oftheir obligation under

clause 4 in respect of con-flicts of interests,emphasising that directorsought to disclose any ac-tual or potential conflict ofinterest.

The Ethics Officer wenton to explain that clause 3of the current Code of Eth-ics requires that when di-rectors are acting as ICCBoard members, they mustact in accordance with theinterest of the ICC.

And believe it or not, N.Srinivasan’s reply was thatthe BCCI didn’t agree withthat principle and main-tained that his position wassuch that he was represent-ing the BCCI.

Possibly he meant mostmoney from the game iscoming from India and nofinger should be pointed atthem.

BERLIN: Champions League winners Bayern Munich became the first Bundesliga team to win the treble afterbeating VfB Stuttgart in Saturday’s German Cup final.

YOUNG Pakistani British Golfer age 12 winsEurope’s most presti-

gious Junior golf Junior Eu-ropean golf championshiporganised by US Kids Golforganisation.

Championship wasplayed at Gullane GolfClub, Scotland where “TheBritish open” golf majortournament was held inpast .

Championship wasplayed over three roundsand he finished on a scoreof gross 8 under par,Aadam has also won sametournament I 2012.

He as the first BritishAsian Muslim golfer to

win the tournament in

2012, he also became the

Young British Pakistani Golfer wins‘European Junior Golf C’ships 2013’

first junior to retain his tro-phy in two years in runningby wining 2013 champion-ship .

Aadam is golf scholar at“Foxills Golf Club” SurreyUK, he is 12 years of ageand play off 4.7 handicap,he is due to play in “ Jun-ior Callaway world golfchampionship “which isdue to be held in July 2013at Tory Pines Golf Club2013.

He is looking for anorganisat ion or an indi-vidual to fund his trip toUSA, if you are interestedin supporting Aadam thancontact his father [email protected].

PARIS—Serena Williamsbludgeoned her way to an-other lopsided win at theFrench Open on Sunday asshe continued her quest fora second French Open title,11 years after her first.

The top seeded Ameri-can needed just 70 minutesto dispose of the world’s topdoubles player, RobertaVinci of Italy, 6-1, 6-3 and infour matches at RolandGarros this year, she hasdropped just 10 games.

The win puts her into aquarter-final matchupagainst unseeded SvetlanaKuznetsova of Russia whowon the title in Paris in 2009after defeating Williams in aquarter-final thriller.

And it takes her career-best winning streak to 28, thethird longest since 2000 be-hind sister Venus (35) andJustine Henin (32).

As in the previous three

Serena sets up Kuznetsovarematch at French Open

PARIS: Serena Williams marched into the quarter-finals of the French Open afterovercoming Italy’s Roberta Vinci 6-1 6-3 to set up a clash against Svetlana Kuznetsova.

rounds Williams asserted herauthority from the start,jumping out into a 4-0 lead.The only trouble she occa-sionally had came from thewindy conditions that dis-rupted her service action.

Vinci got on thescoreboard when Williams hitlong with a forehand in thefifth game but two gameslater, the set was done anddusted for the American injust 29 minutes.

The Italian had only hertextbook slice as a weaponto keep powerhouse Will-iams at bay and that wasnever going to be enough.

She did hang on till 3-3,with Williams getting in-creasingly frustrated with thegusting wind, but there itended as the Americanturned on the power oncemore to speed away.

A second French Opentriumph on June 8 would give

Williams 16 Grand Slam titles,two short of fellow Ameri-cans Martina Navratilova andChris Evert who are tied forfourth place on the all-timelist on 18. vetlanaKuznetsova gave warning

that she can still contendat Grand Slams on Sunday bydefeating eighth seedAngelique Kerber of Ger-many to reach the FrenchOpen quarter-finals.

The 27-year-old Russianwon the second of her twomajor titles in Paris in 2009,but since then she hasstruggled with injuries andloss of form, slipping to 85thin the world rankings at thestart of the year.

But a run into the Aus-tralian Open quarter-finalsboosted her confidence andshe once again, as anunseeded player, drew inspi-ration from the claycourts atRoland Garros to record her

best win of the year.Kerber was under pres-

sure on serve early on, butshe was the one to grab thefirst service break of thematch to take a 4-3 lead.

She handed that back im-mediately and the more ag-gressive Kuznetsova thenwon the next two games,sealing the set with acrosscourt forehand winner.

The Russian made it fivegames in a row to lead 2-0 inthe second before Kerberstopped the rot with a breakof her own to level at 2-2.

The German went on tobreak again in the ninth gameand served out to level thematch. But it wasKuznetsova who dominatedthe deciding set winning fourgames in a row to lead 4-1 andthen holding serve twice.

Next up for Kuznetsovawill be top seed Serena Will-iams if the American can de-feat Italy’s Roberta Vinci, theworld number one doublesplayer, in the next match upon centre court.

The Russian defeatedWilliams in the quarter-finalson her way to the title in 2009.

The 31-year-old Williamsis on a 27-match winningstreak—the longest of hercareer—having won fourstraight tournaments comingin to Roland Garros.

The only French Opensuccess to date among her15 Grand Slam titles came 11years ago and her problemson the claycourts were againin evidence last year whenshe she crashed out in thefirst round.

Also in fourth round ac-tion on Sunday was fourthseed Agnieszka Radwanskaof Poland going up against2008 champion Ana Ivanovicof Serbia and last year’s run-ner-up Sara Errani of Italytaking on Carla SuarezNavarro of Spain.—AFP

Bayern winCup final toearn historic

trebleB E R L I N — C h a m p i o n sLeague winners BayernMunich became the firstBundesliga team to win thetreble after their hard-fought3-2 win over VfB Stuttgart inSaturday’s German Cup final.

Having claimed their fifthEuropean crown in Wembleylast Saturday and won theBundesliga with a record tallyof 91 points, Bayern com-pleted the set with their 16thGerman Cup title.

The Bavarian giants wonthe European Cup in threestraight seasons in the1970s, but coach JuppHeynckes ended his two-year tenure in charge of themost successful Bayern sideof all time.

Striker Mario Gomez, whomade a rare start ahead ofMario Mandzukic, hit twoafter the break to add to Tho-mas Mueller’s first-half pen-alty as Bayern cruised to a 3-0 lead.

But a bullet header on 71minutes, then a well-placedshot, both from Austria’sMartin Harnik, 10 minutesfrom time, ensured a nervousfinale as Bayern weatheredStuttgart’s late onslaught.

But Bayern were not tobe denied their 45th win from53 matches in all competitionsthis season.

Ex-Barcelona boss PepGuardiola will replaceHeynckes as Bayern headcoach on June 26, but afterjust three defeats and 11league points dropped allseason, it is hard to see wherehe can improve.—AFP AGEAS BOWL: Martin Guptill of New Zealand raises his

bat after scoring a century against England in 2nd ODI onSunday.

SO U T H A M P T O N —Mart inGuptill made the highestscore by a New Zealand bats-man in a one-day interna-tional as England again paidthe price for dropping him.

Guptill’s 189 not out wasthe cornerstone of NewZealand’s 359 for three atSouthampton on Sunday,their highest ODI totalagainst England topping the340 for seven they made inNapier in 2008.

The opener’s inningssurpassed Lou Vincent’sprevious New Zealandrecord of 172 against Zimba-bwe in Bulawayo in 2005, andwas the equal fourth highestin history.

England need to beattheir previous record ODIwinning chase of 306 for fiveagainst Pakistan in Karachiin 2000 if they are to level thisthree-match series at 1-1.

The 26-year-old Guptill’s103 not out at Lord’s on Fri-day had powered NewZealand to a five-wicket win.

But, as happened at Lord’s,Guptill was again dropped on13 with Chris Woakes oncemore the unlucky bowler. Theseamer’s first over at Lord’s hadseen Guptill’s top-edged pulldropped by Tim Bresnan atlong leg.

And Woakes’s first overon Sunday saw a Guptill pullgo straight through JonathanTrott’s hands at mid-wicket.

That was the only chanceGuptill gave in a 155-ball in-nings featuring two sixes and19 fours that equalled WestIndies’ great Viv Richards 189not out at Manchester in1984, in a 55-over match, asthe highest individual ODIscore against England.

Guptill makes Englandsuffer again

Together with KaneWilliamson (55) and RossTaylor (60) he shared partner-ships of 120 and 109 respec-tively following the early lossof Luke Ronchi.

New Zealand captain

Brendon McCullum, whowon the toss on a typicallygood Southampton pitch,was 40 not out after addingan unbroken 118 in a mere 50balls for the fourth wicketwith Guptill.—AFP

NEW DELHI—India’s cricketchief Sunday defied calls toquit over a betting scandalin the country’s top domes-tic competition but agreed tostep aside to allow an inves-tigation to take place, theboard announced.

The move, a compromisenegotiated by N. Srinivasanat an emergency meeting inthe southern city of Chennai,appeared unlikely to quell thecontroversy which has seenthe country’s sports ministrycall on him to resign.

Srinivasan’s son-in-lawGurunath Meiyappan wasarrested on May 24 for alleg-edly taking part in illegal bet-ting on the Indian PremierLeague (IPL) which is thesubject of multiple police in-vestigations.

Meiyappan is a businessexecutive for the most suc-cessful IPL franchise, theChennai Super Kings, whichis owned by 68-year-old busi-nessman Srinivasan who has

BCCI chief to stepdown temporarily

headed the Board of Controlfor Cricket in India (BCCI)since 2011.

“Mr. N. Srinivasan an-nounced that he will not dis-charge his duties as the presi-dent of the board till such timethat the probe is completed,”said a statement after themeeting.

It said JagmohanDalmiya, a controversialformer president of the BCCIfrom 2001-2004, “will conductthe day-to-day affairs of theboard” during Srinivasan’sabsence.

The BCCI met Sundayamid growing rancour amongthe 31-member body and aseries of resignations overprevious days, including thesecretary, the treasurer andthe chairman of the IPL,Rajeev Shukla.

Srinivasan described hisdecision to step aside “anextraordinarily fair step”,saying the meeting wassmooth and free from acri-

mony.“After discussions, I an-

nounced I will not dischargemy functions till the probe iscompleted. The decision waswell received,” he told NDTVstation. A top BCCI officialwho did not want to benamed told AFP the decisionwas not unanimous.

“I heard Mr Srinivasansay the decision was unani-mous... it was anything butunanimous and all I can sayat this time is that the last hasnot been heard about this,”he said.

The scandal in themoney-spinning IPL, aTwenty20 tournament whichsees top international starsplay alongside domesticplayers, has again shaken thefaith of fans in what is over-whelmingly India’s mostpopular sport.

The arrest of Srinivasan’sson-in-law came after Testpaceman ShanthakumaranSreesanth and two team-mates in the IPL’s RajasthanRoyals — Ankeet Chavanand Ajit Chandila — weretaken into custody. All theaccused deny any wrongdo-ing.

Police allege the playersdeliberately bowled badly inexchange for tens of thou-sands of dollars after strik-ing deals with bookmakers.

Meiyappan, who is still incustody, is being investi-gated for allegedly passinginformation to bookies andplacing bets on the IPL. Thisis illegal under India’s lawswhich ban gambling on allsports except horse-racing.

Srinivasan can only beimpeached if three-quartersof the BCCI board voteagainst him.

Speaking at a defiantpress conference last month,he launched a blistering at-tack on the Indian media’srelentless coverage of thescandal. “I have explained itmany times, I have donenothing wrong,” he said atthe time.—AFP

Peshawar winKP Inter-RegionArchery C’ship

P E S H A W A R — P e s h a w a rclinched the trophy after se-curing 48 points in theKhyber Pakhtunkhwa Inter-Region Archery Champion-ship which concluded atCommerce College GroundAbbottabad on Sunday.

Secretary Pakistan Ar-chery Federation MuhammadWisal Khan was the chiefguest on this occasion. Dis-trict Sports Officer SyedSqlain Shah, Assistant Direc-tor Sports Jamshed Baloch,District Sports Officer SaleemRaza, officials, players andlarge number of game specta-tors were also present andwitnessed the contestswherein teams from DeraIsmail Khan, Bannu, Kohat,Peshawar, Mardan, Malakandand Hazara took part.

In the overall teams posi-tions Peshawar team took 48points and won the covetedtrophy, followed byMalakand with 38 points andDera Ismail Khan remained atthird with 32 points. In theoverall individual categoryMuhammad Salman ofPeshawar got first posi-tion.—APP

Watson revealsIndia heartache

LONDON—Shane Watsonhas revealed that Australia’scontroversial tour of Indiawas the “lowest point in mycricket career”.

Not only did Australiasuffer a 4-0 loss in a Test se-ries concluded in March, teammanagement axed four play-ers, including then vice-cap-tain Watson after the secondTest for failing to complete“homework” set by coachMickey Arthur.

“Whatever happenedthroughout India, certainlyfor me personally, was thelowest point in my cricketcareer, there’s no doubtabout that,” all-rounderWatson said after making 135in Australia’s four-wicketChampions Trophy warm-upwin over the West Indies inCardiff on Saturday.

“The decisions that weremade for a reason and wecertainly have to move for-ward as a team becausewe’ve got two series back-to-back of the biggest cricketwe’ll ever play.”—AFP

Page 8: Ep03june2013

BEIJING—China dismissedcalls for arbitration to resolvedisputes after the U.S. and Ja-pan vowed to resist attempts toseize contested territory byforce, signaling further ten-sions in Asian waters vital toworld trade.

Qi Jianguo, deputy chief ofthe general staff of the People’sLiberation Army, sought to re-assure neighbors of China’speaceful intentions while af-firming sovereignty in areas ofthe East China Sea and SouthChina Sea. He said a maritimedispute with the Philippinescould be solved through “open-

minded channels” rather thanthe United Nations.

“We don’t see any necessityto resort to an international tri-bunal,” Qi told the Shangri-LaDialogue security forum inSingapore today. Patrols by Chi-nese warships and surveillancevessels “within our own terri-tory” are “totally legitimate anduncontroversial,” he said.

The world’s biggest econo-mies have struggled to agree onrules for operating in the seasand resolving territory disputes,raising tensions as China’s mili-tary strength grows. PresidentBarack Obama will meet Chi-

nese leader Xi Jinping in Cali-fornia on June 7 amid disagree-ments over cyber-espionage,Iran’s weapons program andSyria’s civil war.

Philippine Defense MinisterVoltaire Gazmin, who sat on thesame panel as Qi, said he hopedthe UN arbitration panel woulddirect China to “desist from un-dertaking unlawful acts that vio-late our territorial rights.” ThePhilippines and Vietnam rejectChina’s map of the South ChinaSea as a basis for joint oil andgas exploration.

“Arbitration is a friendlyand peaceful mechanism,”

Gazmin said. “We hope thatthere will be no adverse effectson our trade relations withChina.”

Defense Secretary ChuckHagel told the Shangri-La Dia-logue security forum inSingapore yesterday that theU.S. “stands firmly against anycoercive attempts to alter the sta-tus quo” in disputed waters. Healso sought to reassure Chinathat moves by the U.S. to shiftmilitary resources to Asia didn’tamount to a containment policy.

“How can the U.S. assureChina of our intentions — that’sreally the whole point behind

China spurns sea-claim arbitration pushed by US, Alliescloser military-to-military rela-tionships,” Hagel said in re-sponse to a question from a Chi-nese delegate at the eventhosted by the International In-stitute for Strategic Studies.“We don’t want miscalcula-tions and misunderstandingsand misinterpretations, and theonly way you do that is youtalk to each other.”

Japan, a U.S. ally, boosteddefense spending for the firsttime in 11 years to defend itsterritory in an “increasingly se-vere security environment,”Defense Minister ItsunoriOnodera told the forum yester-

day. He said Japan, whilecommitted to pacifism, maycreate a National SecurityCouncil and wants to estab-lish a regional body at the“earliest possible timing” toprevent crises over incidentsat sea.

“We sometimes hear criti-cism that Japan is abandon-ing its identity as a ’peace-loving nation’ and is attempt-ing to challenge the existinginternational order,” Onoderasaid.

“These views are a totalmisperception. The aim of theaforementioned initiatives is

to enable Japan to make a moreproactive and creative contri-bution toward regional stabil-ity.”

Hagel sought to reassureAsian allies yesterday thatbudget reductions won’t derailU.S. commitment to their se-curity. A year after the Penta-gon said it would “rebalance”its strategy to focus more onthe region after a decade ofwars in Iraq and Afghanistan,the Defense Department faces asmuch as $500 billion in cuts overthe next nine years as part of adeficit-reduction law.—Agencies

3 killed, oneinjuredDERA GHAZI KHAN—Threepersons were killed while an-other sustained serious injuriesin two separate incidents in thelimits of Kala police station hereon Sunday. According to police,two persons namelyMuhammad Shareef Thanganiand Muhammad Asif Thanganiresident of Chak Raman weresleeping at their residence todaymorning when Fayaz, Nazeer,Kalo, Allah Ditta and GhulamMustafa allegedly attacked themwith a knife. Both died at thespot. The motive behind thedouble murder was stated to bewatering dispute. —APP

Boy drowns incanalHAFIZABAD—A 12-year-oldboy drowned in Lower ChenabCanal near Ahmedpur Chatha onSunday. According to villagers,Ahmed s/o Muhammad Manshaalong with other children wastaking a dip in the canal whenhe drowned. The search of hisbody was in progress. —APP

Canal becomesmini beachLAHORE—The Lahore canalbecomes a mini beach on sum-mer Sundays with the only ex-ception that it is surrounded byroads on both sides while peopleof all age groups gather along thecanal bank to beat the scorchingheat and fight the effects ofloadshedding. From BRB toJallo and then to the Thokar NiazBeg, people of all age groups in-cluding minors, children, adoles-cents, youth and the elderlygather to have a dip in the coolcanal water besides a sip of liq-uids during the sweltering sunnydays. —APP

Old enmity claimstwo livesPA R A C H I N A R—Unknownarmed men gunned down twopersons over personal enmityhere on Sunday. Following theincident, enraged people setablaze a vehicle. According todetails, armed men of a rivalgroup opened fire at members ofopponent group in Chinark areaof Kurram Agency, killing twopersons on the spot and fled thescene. The enraged protestors ofthe victim group held protestdemonstration and set a vehicleon fire. The security forcesreached the scene and brought thesituation under control. —INP

2 NATO containersset ablazeMASTUNG—Unknown miscre-ants opened fire and set ablazetwo NATO containers here thatwere on their way to Karachi onSunday. According to Leviessources, two NATO containerscoming from Chaman border toKarachi after delivery of NATOsupplies came under attack inDasht area of Mastung district.The containers caught fire afterfiring but the drivers and clean-ers of both containers remainedsafe in the incident.—INP

ISLAMABAD: PML-N MNA Sardar Ayaz Sadiq submitting nomination papers for the slot of Speaker to Secretary Na-tional Assembly on Sunday


laid to restLAHORE—Renowned journal-ist-poet-lyricist, Riaz-ur-Rehman Saghar, who lost battleagainst cancer at the age of 72years was laid to rest here onSunday.

Hundreds of people includ-ing family members,relatives,friends, journalists,TV/Film/Radio artists attendedthe funeral of deceased offeredat Commerce College ground.

According to sources thecine-song-writer was undertreatment for cancer for the lastmany days at a local private hos-pital.

It should be mentioned thatRiaz-ur-Rehman Saghar wrotemore than 2000 ballads Saghar’slyrical excellence manifested inmany movies including ‘Kabhito Nazar Milao’, ‘Chief Saab’,‘Sargam’, ‘Ghoongat’, ‘Inteha’,‘Mohabattan Sachian’,‘Samjotha Express’, ‘Ishq Kuda’to name a few.

Saghar versed vocals formany singers such as HadiqaKiani’s songs ‘Dupatta MeraMalmal Da’ and ‘Yaad Sajan DiAyi’.—INP

Khoso directsrevival ofPolio Cell

ISLAMABAD—Caretaker PrimeMinister Justice (retd) MirHazar Khan Khoso took noticeof the reports in the media re-garding closure of the Polio Cellin the Prime Minister’s Secre-tariat, Sunday, June 2.

Reiterating his commitmentto eradication of Polio in thecountry, the Prime Minister re-viewed his decision after a pre-sentation about the implicationsof such a move by Federal Min-ister Dr Sania Nishtar on na-tional polio eradication efforts.

The Independent Monitor-ing Board (IMB) had also rec-ommended the restoration ofPrime Minister’s Polio Monitor-ing and Coordination Cell tohelp eradicate the crippling dis-ease from the country andwarned that “next six months areabsolutely vital” on June 1.

Established by the PakistanPeople’s Party government in2011, the cell was dismantled bythe caretaker government in thelast week of May.

It said there had been 26polio cases at the time of boardmeeting in the first week of Mayin endemic countries Afghani-stan, Nigeria and Pakistan. Pa-kistan had 198 cases of polio in2011 and the number camedown to 58 in 2012 and nine tillMay 2013.

Ahmadinejadunhurt in copter

‘accident’ TEHRAN—Iranian PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad’s heli-copter had to make an emer-gency landing in the northeaston Sunday after an unspecified“accident,” the presidency re-ported, adding that he was un-hurt. “The helicopter carryingDr Ahmadinejad and a numberof officials on Sunday had an ac-cident, but the pilot managed toland the aircraft safely,” thewebsite president.ir reported.

ISLAMABAD—Secretary Na-tional Assembly KaramatHussain Niazi Sunday acceptedthe nomination papers of all theeight candidates, contesting forthe slots of Speaker and DeputySpeaker National Assembly.The election of Speaker andDeputy Speaker of the NationalAssembly will be held on Mon-day through secret balloting.The outgoing Speaker DrFehmida Mirza would supervisethe election. She will also ad-minister oath to the newly-elected Speaker. While the elec-tion of deputy speaker would be

Nomination papers of 8 candidatesfor Speaker, Dy accepted

supervised by the newly electedSpeaker.

The nomination papers forthe offices of speaker and deputyspeaker were submitted at theoffice of the secretary by 12noon on Sunday.

A total of four candidatesare in the run for the covetedpost of Speaker including theformidable Sardar Ayaz Sadiq ofPakistan Muslim LeagueNawaz, Nawaz Yousuf Talpur ofPakistan Peoples Party,Shehryaar Afridi of PakistanTehrik-e-Insaf and SA IqbalQadri of Mutahidda Quomi

Movement. While the samenumber of candidates are vyingfor the slot of Deputy Speaker,including Murtaza Javed Abbasiof PML-N, Ghulam RasoolKoreja of PPP, Munazza Hassanof PTI and Kishwar Zehra ofMQM.

PML-N’s Sardar Ayaz Sadiqhad won National Assembly seatfrom NA-122 Lahore whileMurtaza Javed Abbasi from NA-18 Abbottabad. Any nominatedmember,in writing,can with-draw his candidature at any timebefore commencement of pro-ceedings.—APP

UNITED NATIONS—Russia onSaturday blocked a U.N. SecurityCouncil declaration of alarm overthe bloody siege of the Syriantown of al-Qusair by Syrian troopsand Hezbollah guerrillas, SecurityCouncil diplomats said.

Britain, president of the 15-nation council, had circulated adraft statement to fellow mem-bers voicing “grave concernabout the situation in al-Qusair,Syria, and in particular the im-pact on civilians of the ongoingfighting.”

Qusair, near the Syrian-Lebanese border, is usually hometo an estimated 30,000 people.Fighting for control of the townhas raged for two weeks. Coun-cil statements must be agreedunanimously. Russia blocked thedraft text, saying it was “not ad-visable to speak out as the U.N.Security Council didn’t whenQusair was taken by the opposi-tion,” a council diplomat said oncondition of anonymity.Another diplomat confirmed theremarks. Moscow’s move to

block the statement highlights thedeep chasm between Russia andWestern nations on how to dealwith the two-year-old civil war inSyria that has killed more than80,000 people. Russian diplomatsin New York did not respond im-mediately to a request for com-ment. The draft statement, ob-tained by Reuters, also urgedforces loyal to President Basharal-Assad and rebels trying to ousthim “to do their utmost to avoidcivilian casualties and for theSyrian Government to exerciseits responsibility to protect civil-ians.”

It appealed to Assad’s gov-ernment “to allow immediate,full and unimpeded access to im-partial humanitarian actors, in-cluding U.N. agencies, to reachcivilians trapped in al-Qusair.”

Diplomats said Russia toldcouncil members that the best wayto deal with Syria was through in-tensive diplomacy. However, onecouncil diplomat noted that Rus-sia continues to sell weapons toAssad’s government.—Reuters

Russia blocks UNSCdeclaration on Qusair

Militants killschool principal in

Frontier RegionPeshawar

PESHAWAR—Militants killedthe principal of a governmenthigh school in Pastawana, Fron-tier Region Peshawar Saturdaylate night. Local residents saidthat dozens of heavily armedmilitants entered the house ofheadmaster Haji Rehman andopened fire at him, killing himon the spot.

It was not clear why the manwas targeted but locals said thathe had developed differenceswith the militants which even-tually led to his death. “Probablyhe was considered pro-govern-ment by the militants and thatwas why he was killed in coldblood,” said a local elder on con-dition of anonymity.

It is the first incident of itskind in which a government ser-vant other than that of Khasadarforce and Levi personnel, hasbeen targeted. Previously, themilitants had attacked Levicheck posts, kidnapped 22people and killed them in coldblood.—INP


PESHAWAR—The PakistanTehrik-e-Insaaf led fifteen-member cabinet of the KhyberPukhtunkhwa coalition govern-ment is likely to be sworn in onWednesday, June 5, as the se-nior coalition partner has final-ized the names of ministers andalso got the green signal fromPTI chief Imran Khan with thesenior journalist ShaukatYousafzai to be entrusted withthe responsibilities of the Min-ister of Information.

The KP cabinet will consistof eight members from the PTIand three each from the coali-tion partners Jamaat-e-Islamiand Qaumi Watan Party offormer chief minister of NWFP,Aftab Ahmad Sherpao. Oneminister is likely to be inductedfrom Awami Jamhoori Ittehad,also a coalition partner. “Wehave not only finalized thenames of our cabinet membersbut also got them approvedfrom party chief Imran Khan,”the PTI leaders said.

The two junior coalitionpartners JI and QWP have al-ready given three names eachfor the ministerial slots withSiraj ul Haq of JI and SikandarSherpao, the scion of AftabAhmad Sherpao, taking oathsas senior ministers ofPakhtunkhwa on Friday.

While Siraj ul Haq is all setto get the finance ministry,Sikandar Sherpao may be giventhe Ministry of Irrigation. Sirajul Haq has already served as aneffective Finance minister inthe MMA government.

While the new cabinet

members will be sworn in afterallocation of the portfolios forprovincial ministers, the PTIthat has bagged eight out of fif-teen ministries, named six of itsministers. They includeShaukat Yousafzai, Atif Khan,Ali Ameen Gandapur, YasinKhalil, Dr. Amjad, IsrarullahGandapur and Dr. Mehr TajRoghani

Seasoned journalistShaukat Yousafzai, who is alsothe provincial secretary generalof the party and nominated asdeputy parliamentary leader ofPTI in KP assembly, is likelyto get the portfolio of Informa-tion as well as important localgovernment and rural develop-ment.

Israrullah Gandapur hasbeen tipped as the new LawMinister of the province whileDr. Mehr Taj Roghani is to begiven the charge of Health

Minster. She has already servedas caretaker health minister inthe past. Atif Khan, sourcessaid, is to be made the exciseand taxation minister whileAmin Gandapur may be giventhe portfolio of revenue.

Sources said, though PTI asper its manifesto would keep anormal size cabinet, it has,however, made up its mind toinduct ten advisors to accom-modate its more MPAs allow-ing the cabinet to swell to 25.

The PTI that stands atopwith 55 seats in the house of125 members has QWP, JI andAJI as the coalition partnershaving, ten, nine and five seatsrespectively. However, theChief Minister Pervez KhanKhattak of PTI secured 84votes during his election asleader of the house on Fridaythat constitutes two third ma-jority.

15-member KP coalitiongovt takes oath on 5th


QUETTA —It is the red letterday for the people ofBalochistan on hearing the de-cision of Mian Nawaz Sharifthat Dr. Malik of NationalParty has been nominated forthe slot of chief ministershipof Balochistan.

Nawaz Sharif according topolitical observers acted asstatesman to provide opportu-nity to the people ofBalochistan to play their rolein the mainstream of nationalaffairs by nominating Dr.Malik. It is sagacious decisionof the chief of the PML-N tonominate Dr. Malik ignoringhis own party headed byNawab Sanaullah Zehri, Chiefof Jhalawan, to rule the prov-ince.

The political observerspointed out that the nominationof Dr. Malik as chief ministerwould open a new era of peace,prosperity and unity for the

province.The leader of the

Pashtoonkhwa Milli AwamiParty (PMAP) playedsignificant role to end thedeadlock.

The coalition of three par-ties PML-N, PMAP, and Na-tional Party would end hatred,promote brotherhood and cre-ate harmony among all sec-tions of the people. The wisestep by Nawaz Sharif wouldlead to initiating joint effortsfor rapid economic develop-ment of the province and end-ing sense of deprivation.

It would not be out of placeto mention here that the armyplayed positive role in pavingthe way for building confi-dence in all the political par-ties who took part in the elec-tions without any intimidationand fear. General Kayani’s as-surance gave strength to thepeople to come forward andtake part in the process of elec-tions.

‘Red Letter Day’ forBalochistan people

Malik’s nomination to bring peace

Page 9: Ep03june2013

THE key to a long life could be simplerthan we thought - maybe even in ourmorning cup of coffee. A cup of boiled

Greek coffee to be exact - could improvecardiovascular health and increase longev-ity.

The findings were pub-lished in Vascular Medi-cine and focused on ob-serving the residents ofIkaria, a Greek Island,where they have the long-est lifespans in the world.

The scientists were in-trigued to find out howthese island inhabitantsfound the secret to alonger life. Only 0.1 percentof Europeans live to beolder than 90 years - buton the island of Ikaria thatnumber is 1 percent.

Gerasimos Siasos, amedical doctor and profes-sor at the University ofAthens Medical School,and his colleagues wanted to explore theelderly population’s coffee drinking andits effect on their health.

The endothelium is a layer of cells thatlines the blood vessels, which is impactedby lifestyle habits and aging.

The researchers focused on cof-fee because earlier research has proventhat moderate coffee intake may de-crease the risk of coronary heart dis-ease, they wondered whether it couldhave a positive impact on other areasof endothelial health.

For example, a study from 2009 reportedthat high intakes of coffee, decaffeinated

Greek coffee could bekey to long life

coffee, and tea are all linked to a de-creased risk of diabetes

Greek coffee is commonly boiled in apot and served in a cup where thegrounds are allowed to settle to the bot-

tom.The researchers re-

cruited 142 Ikarians (71women and 71 men) whowere over the age of 65years and had lived on theisland all their lives. Theycarried out their analysisusing health check data(for diabetes, high bloodpressure) and question-naires to measure the par-ticipants’ lifestyles, coffeedrinking, medical health,and tested their endothelialfunction.

The investigators re-searched all kinds of coffeeconsumed by the partici-pants. Surprisingly over 87percent of those in thestudy drank boiled, Greek

coffee every day. Participants who drankmore Greek coffee had better endothelialfunction than those who drank othertypes of coffee.

Even in volunteers who had highblood pressure, coffee consumption waslinked to better endothelial function,without negative influence on bloodpressure.

“Boiled Greek type of coffee, whichis rich in polyphenols and antioxidantsand contains only a moderate amount ofcaffeine, seems to gather benefits com-pared to other coffee beverages.”

ISLAMABAD: Sultry weather has also affected birds and animals. Ducks seen standing in a dry pond in search of water at Margazar Zoo.


RAWALPINDI—The Sufisaints played and continueto play a central role inpreaching and propagationof Islam in the subcontinent.Hundreds of Thousands ofpeople were converted tothe divine path by varioussaints in different eras byenlightening the hearts ofpeople to attract them to-wards the eternal faith of Is-lam.

One of these blessedpeople of Almighty Allahwas Alhaj Hafiz MuhammadAbdul Karim, who foundedthe spiritual school atEidgah Sharif Rawalpindi.He not only guided theneedy but various othersaints also benefited fromthis institute and went ongreat heights themselves.

After Hafiz Muhammad

A true ‘Aashiq’ of the last Prophet (SAW)Alhaj Hhafiz Hmuhammad Abdul Karim

ISLAMABAD: Students of Roots Millennium Schools planting a tree in connection withenvironmental awareness initiative.

June 03

SUMMERS exhibition byKamdani at No 18Branded Outlet, SchoolRoad F-6, second floorUnited Bakery, Islamabad.Be there and grab yourpiece, which is created ac-cording to the season.Timings 11 am to 7 pm.

June 05

THE Institute of StrategicStudies is organising alaunch ceremony of abook on ‘Iran and thebomb” Nuclear ClubBusted’ co-authored byGhani Jafar and Shams-uz-Zaman at 1130 hours atits premises.

June 07

THE Pakistan NationalCouncil of the Arts, Min-istry of National Heritage& Integration in collabo-ration with National Col-lege of Arts has plannedto present Free PuppetShow for children. Theshow will be held everyfirst Friday of the monthat National Puppet The-atre Hall (Liaquat Hall)Rawalpindi. The showaimed to provide educa-tion and entertainment tothe children ofRawalpindi. Childrenalongwith their parentsare invited to the show.The first show will heldon Friday at 5:00 pm.

Kidney patientsmultiplying incity hospitals

ISLAMABAD—The number ofkidney patients has in-creased manifold in the fed-eral capital due to lack ofawareness and delay inproper medication.

According to data avail-able with Online, a total of7549 kidney patients receiveddialysis in 2011 from one ofthe major hospitals of thefederal capital Pakistan Insti-tute of Medical Sciences(PIMS). Importantly thisnumber has increased thisyear to over 8000 patients,most of them continuouslyreceiving dialysis.

During an exclusive inter-view with this agency Headof the Nephrology Depart-ment PIMS Dr. Ghias-ud-DinButt said early managementof the disease could securethe patients from dialysisprocess.He said diabetes isthe main cause behind kid-ney diseases and it has con-tributed a lot in increase ofthe patients.—Online

Abdul Karim, his successorAlhaj Hafiz MuhammadAbdur Rehman, who isknown as Pir Sani, not onlycontinued the tradition of‘Urs’ of the Holy Prophet(SAW) but also glorifiedpreaching of Islam. Besidesbeing a spiritual personality,Pir Sani was also a prominentreligious scholar. He spreadthe knowledge of the divineand wisdom of the ages inIslamic countries like Egypt,Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraqand Saudi Arabia etc,through his teachings in amanner that won accoladesfrom even prominent reli-gious scholars of these coun-tries.

After the death of HafizMuhammad Abdur Rehman,Alhaj Hafiz Pir MuhammadHabib ur Rehman becamecustodian of Eidgah Sharifshrine. He got all the religious

and spiritual education fromhis mentor Pir Sani. However,his grandfather, HafizMuhammad Abdul Karim,

also played an important rolein his grooming. On his birth,his grandfather famously hadsaid that the saint has takenbirth. He came to be affec-tionately known all over asPir Lasani because he had

not only memorized the HolyQuran but also had theunique distinction of havingmemorized ‘Siha-e-Sitta’ (sixbooks of the Prophet’s(SAW) book of Sunnah).

The affection of PirLasani towards the HolyProphet (SAW) could bejudged by the fact that heused to celebrate his birth-day not only on 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal in accordance withthe Islamic calendar but alsoon twenty second of Aprilevery year according to so-lar calendar. On the occa-sion, prominent ‘NaatKhawns’ and ‘Huffaz’ wereinvited to pay tributes to thelast Messenger of Allah.

After the passing away ofPir Lasani, his successorAlhaj Hafiz Pir MuhammadNaqib-ur-Rehman took overthe job of spiritual groomingof the faithful and he is still

busy in spreading the mes-sage of love for the HolyProphet (SAW) to date.

Like his illustrious ances-tors, Pir Muhammad Naqib-ur-Rehman also spends ev-ery moment of his life in thelove of the Holy Prophet(SAW) he remains busy inpreaching and propagationof Islamic teachings anddevotees from far and widecome to seek guidance. Hepossesses all the good quali-ties of his luminous ances-tors and always has a smileon his face that adds to hiskind personality.

In all his sermons PirMuhammad Naqib-ur-Rehman emphasis the teach-ings of our Prophet (SAW).He stresses that;

We are the best chosenUmmah of God Almighty andour Prophet (SAW) came asa blessing to the whole uni-

verse just like Allah is theup bringer of it.

We should always re-member that in order tomake Allah happy and ap-preciate his blessings, weshall have to follow the pathlaid by our Prophet (SAW),which in reality is followingGod Almighty’s path.

Allah have blessedEidgah Sharif with a brightlittle star, MuhammadHassaan Haseeb-ur-Rehman, who will be carry-ing forward the name of hisancestors. This child, at hisearly age acquires the spiri-tual love for the HolyProphet (SAW) and is natu-rally blessed.

Insha Allah Interna-tional Milad-un-Nabi(SAW) Conference will beheld on 8th June at 8:00am2013 (Saturday) at EidgahSharif.

Passenger vancatches fire,two injured

RAWALPINDI—Two womenwere injured Sunday when apassenger vehicle caught firehere infront of Excise andTaxtation office Katcherichowk, Rescue 1122 re-ported.

According to detail, apassenger Suzuki van CNGcylinder caught fire due towhich two women receivedinjuries while the other pas-sengers jumped from the vanto save their lives.

The injured women iden-tified as Eishra 35 and Razya65. The injured shifted tonearby hospital.—APP


RAWALPINDI—Anti-Denguecampaign has been launchedin the city to aware the pub-lic about the preventive mea-sures for the fever. City Dis-trict Government Rawalpindi(CDGR) said people couldcall helpline 0800-99000 to getassistance about dengue.

An official told APP, pre-vention of the disease is pri-ority of the government andthe city administration isworking day and night toavoid a possible outbreak ofthe infection.

Allout efforts are beingmade to control dengue casesin the city. Dengue fever isunder control in Rawalpindiregion, he claimed. In a move,all old tyres were confiscatedfrom the limits of Rawal Townand Potohar Town, to elimi-nate threat of dengue out-break in the city.—APP


ISLAMABAD—It is veryimportant to teach our chil-dren about being kind to theEarth and environment. Envi-ronmental Education isn’t justabout a one day celebration.

It’s about lifestyle changesthat will make a positive impactevery day of the year. Environ-mental awareness and educa-tion is very important to edu-cate children and adults about

Environmental awareness byRoots Millennium Schools

the importance of keeping ourplanet clean.

Roots MillenniumSchools-RMS nationwide hastook the initiative to be thefirst Green School by havinga legal bonding with WWFGreen School Program to ful-fill their National, Civic & atlast but not the least ReligiousObligation of EnvironmentalEducation & Awarenessamong the youth.

RMS nationwide con-

ducted plantation activity incollaboration with WWF.Every student was engagedin this noble activity to planta tree to save our tomorrow.

CEO RMS ChaudhryFaisal Mushtaq TI shared hisviews with RMS students &teaching faculty; “As educa-tionist, it’s our job to teachour children about environ-mental issues. Believe it ornot, kids do listen and learnfrom us.

No relief from water shortageISLAMABAD—The CapitalDevelopment Authority(CDA) has failed to ensurewater supply both throughpipelines or even water tank-ers to the residents acrossthe Federal Capital.

The residents of “I” se-ries sectors are facing acutewater shortage for last fewweeks but CDA’s WaterManagement Wing gives adeaf ear to the increasingcomplaints by the residentsyearning to have water de-spite tall claims of the CDAhigh ups.

“With the increasingtemperature, the demand ofwater rises manifolds but theresidents are provided water

supply for a few minutes in24 hours forcing them toadopt alternate arrange-ments,” Ejaz ul Haq, a resi-dent in I-10/2 sector informedthis agency.

Similarly, due to poorand inefficient water tankersservice, the consumershardly get water supply, headded.

Another resident, SajjadHussain alleged that the wa-ter tanker service staff wassupplying water to the areashousing VVIPs.

He pointed out that lastyear, a number of families hadto shift to their relatives inRawalpindi and suburbs dueto water shortage but the

civic body’s role is confinedto mere lip service despiteputting huge funds for im-provement of water tankerservice and other measuresto ensures in this regard.

A few number of resi-dents whose house are lo-cated at elevated surfaces arenow looking for other op-tions including drilling wellin their house against heavycost.

When contacted, an of-ficial of the CDA said that inview of prolonged poweroutages, the Authority hasdecided to use generators tooperate tube-wells to over-come water shortage in themetropolis.—APP

Police arrests11 accused

RAWALPINDI—11 accusedarrested in police action onpossession of drugs and il-legal weapons.

Sources from police saidto media, that taking actionagainst drug and illegalarms dealers, they have ar-rested 11 accused and took700 gm Heroin, 275 gm Cha-ras, 26 bottles of alcohol ana 30 bore pistols along with4 firing round in their cus-tody.—Online


ISLAMABAD—InternationalIslamic University (IIU) onSunday arranged a farewellparty to acknowledge the ser-vices of Egyptian facultymembers who have been serv-ing the university for threeyears. Federal MinisterFeroz Shah Jamal for Over-seas Pakistanis as chief gueston the occasion, said that thegovernment valued friendlyrelations with Egypt, SaudiArabia and all Islamic coun-tries.

He said Pakistan aspiredto further promote coopera-tion with Egypt and Islamiccountries in the field of edu-cation. The Minister alsolauded the services of Egyp-

Services of Egyptianteachers acknowledged

tian teachers for IIU andthanked Egyptian govern-ment for their cooperationand emphasized on promot-ing more frequent relation,educational ties and ex-change of students andteachers. Ambassador ofEgypt to Pakistan, SaedHindam expressed his wishto strengthen friendly rela-tions with Pakistan.

He said that “He wantsthat Egyptian scholars andteachers play their role for theuplift of education in Paki-stan”. He said that Egyp-tian government would con-tinue its cooperation with Pa-kistani universities in futureas well.

Saed Hindam appreci-ated the services of IIU and

said that the university wascredibly considered in allMuslim Countries.

Earlier, in his welcomingnote President IIU Prof. Dr.Ahmed Yousif Al-Draiweeshadmired the services of Egyp-tian teachers for the IIU.

Dr. Al-Draiweesh said“IIU feels proud to have for-eign faculty members includ-ing Egypt, Saudi Arabia andfrom many other Muslimcountries”.

He briefed the partici-pants about the upcomingeducational projects of theuniversity.

Rector IIU, Dr. MasoomYasinzai expressed stronghope that Muslim countrieswould continue their coop-eration with one another.

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To succeed as a teamis to hold all of the

members accountablefor their expertise.

— Mitchell Caplan

DUBAI—Dubai’s benchmarkstock index soared to its high-est in more than four years asretail investors continued toreposition themselves in an-ticipation of MSCI Inc.’s pos-sible upgrading of UAE to anemerging market status.

The Dubai Financial Mar-ket General Index jumped2.67 per cent to close at 2430points, its highest close sinceNovember 2008. The volumesurged to cross more than abillion shares, with the turn-over totalling Dh1.31 billion.

Yesterday’s rise comesafter HSBC Holding Plc. ina May 31 report said thatUAE could see a move upfrom its current frontier mar-

Dubai benchmark stock index soarsto highest in 4 years

ket status, a reclassification thatcould see a possible flow ofmore than $370 million into themarket.

“Currently, we are seeingincreased volumes and some re-positioning into names thatcould benefit if the UAE securesan MSCI upgrade to ‘emergingmarket’ status later this month,”said David Verghese, seniorfund manager at Emirates NBDAsset Management.

Mohammad Ali Yasin, man-aging director of NBAD Secu-rities, agreed. “The confidencelevels have gone back up to suchhigh levels that the latest surgevolumes are growing in antici-pation of UAE’s inclusion inMSCI’s emerging markets cat-

egory.”Yasin does not foresee a

major correction even if UAEwere to miss the upgradationthis time again.

“Even if there is a correc-tion, or a slowdown, the vol-umes will continue to respect-able levels,” he said.

From a technical perspec-tive today’s action in the DFMhas a number of bullish charac-teristics and signals that theDFM may not yet be done withthis rally, said Bruce Powers, aDubai-based technical analystand a financial consultant. “Notonly has the DFM now closedabove the prior peaks of the pastcouple of weeks, but volumealso surged to the highest level

since October 2009, and the dayended strong, at the high of theday.

“Further, and important, isthe DFM has clearly closedabove its next potential signifi-cant resistance area of 2408.9,the peak from October 2009. Ithas now closed above all peaks(resistance) that occurred subse-quent to the sell-off from the2008 financial crisis. It remainsextended but there is no obvi-ous resistance until 2,869 and upto approximately 3,295.”

The continuing advancecomes on the back of “the firstquarter earnings reports, whichhave been quite supportive ofthe rally and we are seeing moreinquiries from investors regard-

ing local equities,” addedVerghese. In particular,Dubai’s property companiesand banks have seen a solidimprovement in earnings withthe real estate market makinga strong comeback and thelenders’ provisions declining.

Gulf Navigation, was thebiggest gainer on the day, surg-ing 14.89 per cent to Dh0.301.Among the others to see sig-nificant rise were DFM, Gulf’sonly bourse that’s listed, DubaiInvestments, Drake and Scull.DFM was up 14.72 per cent toDh1.87 and DIC gained 13.02per cent to Dh1.56.

Abu Dhabi Securities Gen-eral Index rose 0.76 per centto close at 3589.07.


LAHORE—The Federation ofPakistan Chamber of Commerceand Industry, an apex body ofchambers in the country and allits affiliated chambers Sundayunanimously reposed full con-fidence on the sagacious anddynamic leadership of PrimeMinister-designate MuhammadNawaz Sharif for steering thecountry out of economic, gasand power crisis crippling thenational economy.

President FPCCI ZubairAhmad Malik and Vice Presi-dent SARRC CCI, Pakistanchapter Iftikhar Ali Malik toldmedia that FPCCI along with allits affiliated chambers, tradebodies and associations acrossthe country have unanimouslyreposed confidence on PMLgovernment led by MuhammadNawaz Sharif.

Zubair said that PML high pro-

FPCCI reposes confidencein PM elect Nawaz Sharif

file competent teams of technocratsand elected veteran parliamentar-ians enjoying the highest degree ofimpeccable integrity under the sa-gacious leadership of MuhammadNawaz Sharif will take the coun-try out of looming crisis and puton the way to progress, prosperityand development.

He said traders are also Pa-kistani, our all demands are al-ways just and genuine which areto be addressed on top priorityto provide solace and cushion ofrelief package to grief strickenbusiness community badly hitbe rampant gas and load shed-ding coupled with deterioratingpoor law and order.

He said we demand fair andequitable system of taxation inall classes of the society and sec-tors of economy besides imme-diate levy of tax on agricultureincome and construction of wa-ter reservoirs on top priority tomeet the ever increasing energy

needs of the country.Zubair said that a workable

mechanism be devised amongstregions and stakeholders to revisit,review and reach a political con-sensus for construction of newwater reservoirs and dams on warfootings which are vital for powergeneration and boosting economicactivities besides bumper agricul-ture production in the country.

Regarding law and order,Iftikhar Ali Malik said that sus-tained political stability coupledwith better law and order is pre-requisite for strengthening thenational economy.

He suggested the governmentmust evolve a long term economicpolicy with complete legislativecover for bringing economic revo-lution in the country and fully ex-ploiting indigenous natural re-sources and all stakeholders mustalso be taken on board prior to for-mulation of all national economicpolicies.

BEIJING—China’s first Boeing787 arrived in the country onSunday, state-run media said, lessthan two weeks after Beijing regu-lators approved the aircraft, whichhad faced safety problems.

The high-tech Dreamlinerswere cleared to return to serviceworldwide in April after all 50were grounded in mid-Januaryfollowing two overheated batteryincidents.

The plane delivered to ChinaSouthern Airlines, one of thecountry’s industry leaders, “hasbeen installed with improved bat-teries that had passed varioustests”, China Radio Internationalreported on its website.

“The 787 arrived Sunday inGuangzhou,” a southern citywhere the company is headquar-tered, it said. China Southern Air-

Boeing’s first 787 arrives in Chinalines and Hainan Airlines have

each ordered 10 of the planes,while Air China has ordered 15.

The president and chief ex-ecutive of Boeing CommercialAirlines, Ray Conner, called thedelivery of the first plane a “sig-nificant new milestone in the

strengthening partnership between

Boeing and China”.Regulators grounded the 787

after a battery fire on one aircraftparked at a US airport and asmouldering battery on anothercaused smoke and fumes, forcingan emergency landing.—APP

HYDERABAD—The ManagingDirector of Sindh Industrialand Trading Estate (SITE),Sajjad Hussain Abbassi, hasadvised the industrialists ofHyderabad to begin construc-tion of their industries in theSITE Phase- II after comple-tion of the required documen-tation process.

Addressing a reception atthe secretariat of HyderabadChamber of Commerce and In-dustry (HCCI) here, he told thebusinessmen that the SupremeCourt’s stay against the devel-opment of SITE Phase- II hadlapsed.

“The SITE has already ap-proved the tender for the infra-structure development ofphase- II. The industrialists

Hyderabad industrialists advised to startconstruction of units in SITE Phase-2

should obtain allotment of theirplots and begin construction oftheir industries,” he said. Headded that the SITE authoritieswere committed to the develop-ment of 300-acre phase- IIproject.

He said that the repair andconstruction work of the roads inthe SITE areas of Karachi andHyderabad would be startedwithin 15 days to provide a betterinfrastructure to the industrialists.

He also assured that theCombined Effluent TreatmentPlant in Kotri SITE, Jamshoro,and the water filtration plant inHyderabad SITE phase- I wouldbe made functional within 15days.

Responding to complaintsof the businessmen about en-

croachments in the SITE areas,the MD assured that the SITEwould cooperate with the po-lice, rangers and anti encroach-ment authorities to get theirplots vacated from the grab-bers.

“The government is verymuch mindful of the fact thatthe economic growth of thecountry was dependent on in-dustrial development,” he ob-served.

The HCCI members at thereception apprised the MDabout their complaints and alsomade demands for provision ofmoderan facilities in the SITEareas. They demanded fire ten-ders for the SITE areas, repairand construction of the drain-age system.

Lucky Cementsees opportunity


LAHORE—Pakistan’s largestcement producer Lucky Ce-ment plans to start construc-tion next month on a $240 mil-lion factory in Democratic Re-public of Congo, an officialsaid. The cement project is thesecond to be announced thismonth as manufacturers seeopportunity in rebuilding themineral-rich, war-ravaged cen-tral African country. LuckyCement has a 50-50 agreementwith the Rawji Group, a bank-ing firm with decades of ex-perience in Congo, for a com-pany called Nyumba Ya Akiba(NYA).

“Now’s the time to recon-struct the country which wasdestroyed by the civil wars,”Sajid Feroze, NYA’s chief finan-cial officer, told Reuters. NYA’sfactory - 250 km (155 miles)from the capital Kinshasa - isdue to come online in late 2015and will produce 1.2 milliontonnes a year, more than doublethe current total production inCongo.

The country currently con-sumes about 15 kg (33 lb) ofcement per capita per year,whereas neighbouring Angolauses 300kg and the global av-erage is 400 kg, Feroze said.“There’s a huge lack of cementand there are lots of projectscoming. This country has ahuge potential so it’s a bigmarket.”

SHC issuescontempt notices

to Adil Gilani,Saad RashidSTAFF REPORTER

KARACHI—Justice Aziz urRehman of Sindh High Courthas passed order on the appli-cation of JS Bank restrainingMr. Adil Gilani from misusingthe platform / forum of Trans-parency International Pakistan(TIP) for damaging the repu-tation of JS Bank and for pro-moting the personal agenda ofthe business opponents and ri-vals.

Earlier JS Bank has filed asuit against Mr. Saad Rashid,Mr. Syed Adil Gilani, Trans-parency International Pakistanand Transparency Interna-tional Secretariat alleging Mr.Adil Gilani and Saad Rashidwere misusing the platform ofTIP for damaging the businessof the bank, its sponsors andsubsidiaries.

It has also stated that Mr.Adil Gilani, who was an em-ployee / business associate ofMr. Aqeel Karim Dhedhi, aself claimed rival of Mr.Jahangir Siddiqui, was abusingthe forum and name of TIP topromote personal agenda to thedetriment of banks name andbusiness.

Sindh High Court had is-sued restraining order againstdefendants restraining themfrom making/ circulating falseand libelous material despitestay order Mr. Adil Gilani hadcontinued with malicious pro-paganda. Court has now issuedcontempt notices to Mr. AdilGilani for 12.6.13.

CHICAGO—A cancer drug soldby GlaxoSmithKline was shownin a clinical trial to extend sur-vival by several months for ova-rian cancer patents whose dis-ease had returned after initialsurgery and chemotherapy.

The findings suggest that theoral drug, Votrient, could beused as a “maintenance” therapyfor many ovarian cancer pa-tients.

Votrient, designed to inter-fere with the growth of newblood vessels that tumors needto survive, is approved in theUnited States to treat peoplewith kidney cancer or soft-tis-sue sarcoma, a group of rare butaggressive cancers that usuallybegin in the muscles, fat or othertissues.

A large-scale Phase 3 trialin women with advanced ova-rian cancer found that the drug,also known as pazopanib, ex-tended the time patients livedwithout their disease gettingworse by an average of 5.6months, compared with a pla-

cebo treatment.The study was presented on

Saturday at the annual meetingof the American Society ofClinical Oncology in Chicago.

An estimated 230,000women worldwide are diag-nosed with ovarian cancer eachyear. Most are not diagnosedbefore the cancer has spread,and up to 70 percent of them diewithin five years.

Some patients can be curedwith surgery and chemotherapy,but doctors have no way to pre-

dict who they are.“Our findings show that we

finally have a drug that canmaintain control over ovariancancer growth achieved throughinitial treatments,” lead studyauthor Dr Andreas du Bois,

professor of gynecologic on-cology at Kliniken Essen Mittein Essen, Germany, said in astatement. “If pazopanib is ap-proved for ovarian cancer, many

patients will experience longerdisease-free and chemotherapy-free periods.”—Agencies

ABU DHABI—Dubai-based oilretailers Emirates National OilCompany (Enoc) and EmiratesPetroleum Products Company(Eppco) have lowered diesel pricesby 20 fils a litre across all their ser-vice stations effective. The newdiesel price from June 1 will beDh3.50 per litre, down from 3.70a litre, Enoc said in a statement.

“ENOC is revising the priceof diesel in line with the inter-national price trends for crudeand refined products,” saidBurhan Al Hashemi, managingdirector for Enoc Retail.

He added: “The recent de-cline in international prices hasprovided us an ideal window ofopportunity to pass on the pricebenefits to diesel users. The pricedecrease will have a positive im-

Dubai-based oil retailers Enoc,Eppco lower diesel prices

pact on the overall economy,given the vital role that dieselplays in the logistics sector.”

Enoc said the price revisionis expected to benefit the manu-facturing sector and other sup-ply companies with large fleetsthat use diesel.

The Dubai oil retailers buy die-sel at international prices and thenadjust the local prices, based on thelanded cost of the oil product. Die-sel is widely used in the UAE as atransportation fuel and its priceshave a direct bearing on inflation.Unlike petrol, whose prices arestate-set, diesel prices are deregu-lated for Dubai oil marketing com-panies, which means the product’sprices can move up or down, basedon the global price trends.—Agen-cies

Barclays pulledinto US money


LONDON—Barclays has beendragged into an internationalmoney laundering investigationafter US prosecutors discoveredthat Arthur Budovsky, thefounder of digital currency ex-change Liberty Reserve, held anaccount with the British bank.

US prosecutors have filed anindictment against the operatorsof Liberty Reserve, accusing theCosta Rica-based company ofhelping criminals around theworld launder more than $6 bil-lion in illicit funds linked to ev-erything from child pornogra-phy to software for hacking intobanks.

“Barclays can confirm it isco-operating with the investiga-tion, following the notificationit received from the authorities,”a spokesman for the bank saidon Sunday.—Agencies

Bombardier saysCSeries jet on

track forend-June debut

PARIS—Canada’s Bombardieris confident it will be able to flyits new CSeries passenger jet bythe end of June, a senior execu-tive said on Sunday.

The first aircraft, whichrolled out of the factory in greenprimer paint and is now under thecontrol of flight test crew, is look-ing “great” for a June test sortie,Chet Fuller, senior commercialvice president, told reporters.

A maiden flight is consideredimportant for sales of a new air-craft. The countdown coincideswith the larger Airbus A350,which is expected to fly withinweeks. Fuller dismissed specu-lation of a flight timed to coin-cide with the June 17-23 ParisAirshow, but said Bombardierwould use the showcase event tounveil a previously undisclosedcustomer for the 110-seat versionof the CSeries.—Agencies


KARACHI—The Asian Institute ofFashion Design (AIFD) show-cased the students’ research in tex-tile designing and work on differ-ent themes/ trends to produce thebest possible products.

An announcement here saidthat the students experimented and

Textile design displayexplored different design art tech-niques along with textile core me-diums such as printing and weav-ing.

“Basically the idea is to groomand educate students with all thetheoretical and practical ap-proaches and develop the under-standing of the textile field. Andminimise the gap between the In-

stitute and Industry,” remarkedHead of Textile Department of theAIFD Hassan U Zafar.

The whole idea was to makethe students confident and awareabout the industrial limitations andthe work standards required in theindustry and how to make thingsfeasible and practical in the textileworld.

WASHINGTON—Employers inthe US added as many jobs inMay as they did the month be-fore, showing the world’s larg-est economy is weathering theeffects of higher taxes and gov-ernment spending cuts.

Companies probablyboosted payrolls by 165,000workers last month, matchingthe gain in April, according tothe median forecast from 69economists surveyed byBloomberg before a LabourDepartment report this week.The unemployment rate held ata four-year low of 7.5 per cent,according to the survey. Otherfigures may show manufactur-ing is making little progressamid slack global growth.

The government spendingcuts, known as sequestration,that began in March and the pay-roll-tax increase at the start of

US jobs growthsteady in May

the year are projected to slowgrowth this quarter, putting adamper on hiring as businessesassess the damage. A slackeningeconomy may prevent unem-ployment from retreatingenough for the Federal Reserveto scale back stimulus any timesoon. “Employment growth isdecent but not gangbusters,”said Nariman Behravesh, chiefeconomist at IHS in Lexington,Massachusetts. “Between thefederal government and the restof the world we’re not getting alot of help.”

Consumer spending, the larg-est part of the economy, fell in Aprilas income growth stalled, a reportshowed last week. Household pur-chases dropped 0.2 per cent, in-comes were unchanged and pricesdeclined by the most in more thanfour years, according to CommerceDepartment data.—Agencies

Solar park work infull swingABU DHABI—The construc-tion work on Mohammed binRashid Al Maktoum Solar Parkis in full swing and the megaproject will reduce carbonfootprint in Dubai and increasethe UAE expertise in the fieldof solar and renewable energy,a senior government officialsaid. The Dh12 billion solarpark, which will generate 1,000megawatts upon completion,falls in line with the vision ofHis Highness ShaikhMohammed bin Rashid AlMaktoum, Vice-President andPrime Minister of the UAE andRuler of Dubai, to enhanceDubai’s green economy andpromote its sustainable future.The landmark project alsocontributes to conservingnatural resources, preservingthe environment as well aspromoting Dubai’s leadingposition to achieve the highestcriteria of power efficiency andincrease the contribution ofrenewable energy to the overallenergy mix. “Constructionworks are relentlessly going onto complete this park in linewith the directives of HisHighness Shaikh Mohammedbin Rashid Al Maktoum topromote opportunities ofimprovement and sustainabledevelopment and support DubaiIntegrated Energy Strategy2030,” said Saeed MohammedAl Tayer, vice-chairman of theDubai Supreme Council ofEnergy and managing directorand chief executive of theDubai Electricity and WaterAuthority, during a field visit toproject.—Agencies

PQ shipping activityKARACHI—One ship arrivedat Port Qasim to offload projectcargo at M.W-3, port sourcesasaid here Saturday. Berthoccupancy was maintained at57% at the Port on Fridaywhere a total of eight shipsnamely M.V KPS-I AlicanBEY-Powership, M.V PortMenier, M.V Maha-B, M.TMaple, M.T Kalamas, M.TNorgas Challenger, M.V SpringSun Shine, M.V Vinaship Seaare currently occupying berth toload/ offload cement, projectcargo, furnace oil, VCM,fertiliser, palm oil, steel, coil.Cargo handling operations werecarried out smoothly at the Portwhere a cargo volume of 53183tonnes comprising 45855tonnes import, 9328 tonnesexport, was handled during thelast 24 hours. M.T Kalamas,M.T Norgas Challenger, M.TMaple sailed on Saturdaymorning. M.T AL Soor-II atFOTCO, M.T Atlantic Glory atEVTL arrived on Saturday asper arrival schedule, portsources said.—APP

Bilfinger eyestakeover in AsiaFRANKFURT—Germanconstruction and industrialservices group Bilfinger SE iseyeing an acquisition in Asiaor North America to reduce itsdependence on the Europeanmarket, its chief financialofficer said. It would certainlybe good for us to once againmake a larger strategicallysignificant takeover as we’vedone at the end of 2009, whenwe bought Austrian MCE withan enterprise value of 250-300million euros ($324-389million),” Joachim Muellertold Germany’s Boersen-Zeitung in an interviewpublished on Saturday. He saidit would be important formarket expectations if such amove were to succeed in Asiaor North America. Last month,Bilfinger’s Chief ExecutiveRoland Koch said thecompany was planning toreduce its dependency onEurope by pushing expansionin Asia and the United States.Koch said then that 80 percentof the company’s businesscurrently came from Germanyand Europe.—Agencies


ISLAMABAD—The work onunder-construction DarawatDam has been halted due toshortage of funds.

According to a documentpresented by the Ministry ofWater and Power to the relevantSenate Standing Committee, thePlanning Commission had re-leased Rs 910 million against thePSDP allocation 2012-13 of Rs2,000. Rs 1,190 million has notyet been released causing dis-continuation of dam’s construc-tion work.

An official of the Ministryof Water and Power told mediathat the Finance Ministry waspersistently being pursued forrelease of funds.

Replying to a question, hesaid the physical progress ofmain dam was 99 percentwhereas the overall one was 74percent. Replying another ques-tion, he said total Rs 4,000 mil-lion was required to completethe project within stipulatedtime along with settling liabili-ties of 1500 million.

The dam, located in Jhangri

Funds shortage haltswork on Darawat Dam

village on the border of Thattaand Jamshoro districts and some70 kilometres of Hyderabad, isa component of the Water andPower Development Authority’splan to build small and medium-sized dams to meet the irriga-tion and electricity require-ments.

Its construction began inJanuary, 2012. The initial esti-mated cost of Rs 8.73 billionwas revised to Rs 9.3 billion.

According to the project di-rector, Gul Mohammad Junejo,the dam will irrigate 25,000acres and is expected to create4,500 jobs.

The dam’s water reservoirconsists of 10,500 acres whilethe size of its catchment area is3,149 square metres. It will havethe storage capacity of 150 mil-lion cubic feet and its irrigationnetwork, which includes a canal,minors, distributories and sub-minors, will be spread over 64kilometres.

The Darawat Dam will befilled by rain water and throughthe Nai Baran seasonal drain,which has a capacity of 89,177acre feet.

Glaxo drug shown to extend livesof ovarian cancer patients

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THE key to a long life could be simpler than we thought - maybe evenin our morning cup of coffee. A cup

of boiled Greek coffee to be exact - couldimprove cardiovascular health and in-crease longevity.

The findings werepublished in VascularMedicine and focused onobserving the residentsof Ikaria, a Greek Island,where they have the long-est lifespans in the world.

The scientists wereintrigued to find out howthese island inhabitantsfound the secret to alonger life. Only 0.1 per-cent of Europeans live tobe older than 90 years -but on the island of Ikariathat number is 1 percent.

Gerasimos Siasos, amedical doctor and pro-fessor at the University ofAthens Medical School,and his colleagues wanted to explore theelderly population’s coffee drinking andits effect on their health.

The endothelium is a layer of cellsthat lines the blood vessels, which is im-pacted by lifestyle habits and aging.

The researchers focused on cof-fee because earlier research has proventhat moderate coffee intake may de-crease the risk of coronary heart dis-ease, they wondered whether it couldhave a positive impact on other areasof endothelial health.

For example, a study from 2009 re-ported that high intakes of coffee,

decaffeinated coffee, and tea are alllinked to a decreased risk of diabetes

Greek coffee is commonly boiled in apot and served in a cup where the groundsare allowed to settle to the bottom.

The researchers re-cruited 142 Ikarians (71women and 71 men) whowere over the age of 65years and had lived on theisland all their lives. Theycarried out their analysisusing health check data(for diabetes, high bloodpressure) and question-naires to measure the par-ticipants’ lifestyles, coffeedrinking, medical health,and tested their endothe-lial function.

The investigators re-searched all kinds of cof-fee consumed by the par-ticipants. Surprisingly over87 percent of those in thestudy drank boiled, Greek

coffee every day.Participants who drank more

Greek coffee had better endothelial func-tion than those who drank other typesof coffee. Even in volunteers who hadhigh blood pressure, coffee consump-tion was linked to better endothelial func-tion, without negative influence onblood pressure.

“Boiled Greek type of coffee,which is rich in polyphenols and an-tioxidants and contains only a mod-erate amount of caffeine, seems togather benefi ts compared to othercoffee beverages.”

Greek coffee could bekey to long life

KARACHI: Activists of Jamat-i-Islami staging a demonstration against killing of Abid Alyas.

KARACHI: A turtle skeleton at beach needs the attention of authorities concerned.

KARACHI: A beautiful view of sunset at sea beach.

Substandard plastic bags termed dangerousfor environment, human health

KARACHI—Masses in Paki-stan should reduce the pollu-tion in the environment atleast with their minimum ef-forts not to utilize the plasticbags which are not only dan-gerous for their health butemitting hazardous impactson the environment.

According to the re-search, an substandard plas-tic bag takes hundreds ofyears to get self decompose,and till that time they remainin environment causing veryhazardous impact in our rou-tine life.

There is a need to raiseawareness among the masses

at massive level and imposedban by the government withheavy penalties on the manu-facturing, its distribution andsupplies with aggressive andlong-term policies, expert said.

Sahir Rafique Khan, Re-gional Manager in a meetingheld here said the awarenessof D2W an oxo- biodegrad-able bags is being raisedamong clients, manufacturer,retailers for making our soci-ety, living places and our be-loved country greener and forthe better future for new gen-erations.

Though plastic bags areindispensable for carrying

goods and different items indaily lives but the quality ofplastic bags could be im-proved through reduction oftoxic element and addition ofD2W in order to reduce thehazardous effect of plasticbags on the environment andhuman lives.

The production of plasticbags are carried at massivelevel in Pakistan which hascontinued to impact nega-tively on the human lives andclimate of the country becausethey emanate carbon dioxidesand various polluted chemi-cals in the environment ondumping.

Business Dynamics Pri-vate Limited in corporationwith Symphony Environmen-tal introduces D2w Technol-ogy for the greener future byadding only little amount ofD2W we can make our envi-ronment free of toxic plasticpollution, she said.

Symphony D2w Technol-ogy is being used in more than99 countries around the globeand trying to make this motherearth free of plastic pollution,Amber Naim, Public RelationsOfficer said.

D2W Is a low cost insur-ance against the accumulationof plastic waste in environment

now get involved, start to-day convert your packaginginto D2w oxo-Biodegradableplastic bags for a greener to-morrow! D2w is a top lead-ing brand of symphony en-vironmental UK in oxo-bio-degradable technology, sheadded.

These efforts will notonly reduce the hazardousimpact of pollution in the en-vironment but it will stop cre-ating toxic chemicals in air,soil and water of the land,saving the lives of birds andmarine animals, protectingthe sewerage system of thecity from disasters.—NNI

KARACHI—CommissionerKarachi Shoaib AhmedSiddiqui has emphasised onurgent repair of Jam SadiqBridge connecting vast ar-eas of Landhi and Korangiincluding Korangi industrialzone to the main city.

In a letter to the Admin-istrator Karachi Metropoli-tan Corporation (KMC), theCommissioner pointed outthat the condition of the

Plan to improveKMC schools

demandedKARACHI—A comprehen-sive plan be prepared for theimprovement of the primaryschools being run under theKarachi Metropolitan Corpo-ration (KMC). This wasstressed by the Administra-tor of the KMC, Syed HashimRaza Zaidi, at a meeting of theEducation Department onSaturday.

He directed that in theplan priority should be ac-corded to the schools in thesuburbs. The Administratorsaid that 131 schools in dif-ferent areas of Karachi havebeen converted into Englishmedium schools. He furtherpointed out that steps are be-ing taken for the gradual repairsand renovation of 552 KMCschools so that a good atmo-sphere be provided to the chil-dren. The Administrator alsohighlighted the significance ofeducation towards progressand development.—APP

7500 cops to berecruited to

control law, orderKARACHI—The Sindh cabi-net in its maiden meeting inKarachi has decided to re-cruit 7‚500 more personnel totackle the challenges of lawand order in the province.

The meeting was pre-sided over by the Chief Min-ister Syed Qaim Ali Shah.

Briefing media about thecabinet meeting‚ Sindh Infor-mation Minister SharjeelInam Memon said that theinspector-general of policehad once again been given afree hand to take action torestore peace in Karachi.

The meeting decided tolaunch a service of 200buses in Karachi immedi-ately. The meeting also ex-pressed the resolve of theprovincial government toprovide all basic amenities tothe people.—NNI

Violenceclaims sixmore lives

KARACHI—At least six peoplewere killed in different areas ofviolence in different incidentsin Karachi on Sunday. Looting,plundering, abduction andmurder have become hallmarksof the day particularly in ourhub of economy.

Two bodies have beenfound near Gaddap SuperHighway; yet they can’t beidentified. Both of them werereportedly tortured to death.

In the same way, a manwas killed while two othersgot hurt in Bhains Colony.Both of them were shifted tohospital for legal formality andfirst aid. In Malir Mamon Goth,a 20-year-old youth was shotdead by unknown person.

Robbers gunned down52-years-old Aslam Haiderwho showed resistance in thearea of Juma Goth.—NNI

KARACHI—Abdul HaseebKhan has underlined theneed for collective efforts byHaj group organizers to getbetter facilities for Hujjaj andget resolved the problemsfacing them and Hujjaj aswell.

Speaking as chief guestat a reception in the honourof a Haj Group OrganizerSiddique Ahmed MeherEllahi , which was hosted bythe Citizens’ Social Forum ledby Masood Ahmed Siddiqui,said a release here on Sun-day.

He assured his full coop-eration in getting better fa-cilities and government sup-port for hujjaj and the grouporganizers.

Prominent builderMuneer Sultan and ChairmanCitizen’s Social Forum,Masood Ahmed Siddiqui

Collective efforts to providebetter facilities to Hujjaj stressed

were also present.Senator Abdul Haseeb

Khan was of the view thatsuch people are at the helmof affairs of the country wholacked the capacity and in-tention to resolve the socialand economic problems ofthe common man.

“We have made mastersof our fate those who do notdeliver,” he remarked. He re-gretted that even those mak-ing hue and cry over deterio-rating economy of the coun-try do not stand firm and donot support his efforts aimedat it revival and strengthen-ing.

He maintained that someHaj group organizers seemednot serious in addressingHujjaj’s grievances and ingetting better facilities forthem especially in SaudiArabia.—INP

KA R A C H I—The Sindhcabinet has given free handto Inspector General Sindhto take every possible mea-sure to restore peace in themetropolis. Talking to mediaafter the cabinet meetingthat lasted for four hours,Sindh Information MinisterSharjeel Inam Memon said

Cabinet gives free hand toIG to restore peace

SPs, DSPs and SHOs willbe held accountable for tar-get killings that occur intheir respective jurisdic-tions.

He furthermore as-serted that the IG Sindh hasbeen informed that the po-lice officers will have toface suspension if target

killings happen in their re-spective areas. Within sixmonths, he noted, Karachicircular railways will be in-augurated in Karachi andwithin a month, 200 newbuses will be brought on thecity roads. Another 7500jawans will be appointed inKarachi police, he added.—INP

Commissioner emphasises onurgent repair of Jam Sadiq Bridge

bridge has become veryalarming and this may leadto any human and materialloss, said a release here onSunday. He said that be-sides reports of frequent traf-fic jams on this bridge, thetraders and industrialistshave sent him many applica-tions for its repair.

He requested the Ad-ministrator Karachi to takenote of the serious situa-

tion and ask the DirectorGeneral, KMC TechnicalServices to have coordina-tion with the Deputy Com-missioner (East) to ensureimmediate repair of this im-portant bridge.

He underlined the needfor better coordinationamong the public sectororganisations/agencies forthe resolution of publicproblems.—APP

KU advisesLL.M students

to submit thesesby Sept 15

KA R A C H I—The KarachiUniversity has advised theL.L.M. students to submittheir theses to their respec-tive colleges till September15, 2013 without late feeand till October 30, 2013with a late fee of Rs 1500.

A student would haveto submit six copies of the-ses. It should be related to12 compulsory subjects ofthe first and second year ofL.L.M. and be written ac-cording to research method-ology, said a KU announce-ment here on Sunday.

Each student wouldhave to submit a pay-orderof Rs 1500 in the name ofthe Controller Examinationsof Karachi University alongwith other necessary docu-ments.

The failed students whoare to appear only in viva-voce would have to submitfour copies of their thesesalong with Rs 7500 pay-or-der.

Whereas, the studentsfailing in theses would haveto submit two copies oftheir fresh theses along withRs 7500 pay-order in thename of the Controller Ex-aminations.—APP

K A R A C H I — S h a h e e dZulfikar Ali Bhutto andShaheed Mohtarma BenazirBhutto were the toweringpersonalities of the sub- con-tinent.

The historians wouldwrite about Ms. BenazirBhutto in the time ahead andthe books published by theShaheed Mohtarma BenazirBhutto Chair at the Univer-sity of Karachi would play animportant role in this regard.

This was stated by thespeakers at the launching ofbook about MohtarmaBenazir Bhutto at the Arts

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto & Benazir Bhuttowere towering personalities

Council here, says a state-ment of the University ofKarachi on Sunday.

They said that the re-search would help carry for-ward the vision of MohtarmaBenazir Bhutto.

The speakers includedthe Vice-Chancellor of theUniversity of Karachi, Prof.Dr. Muhammad Qaiser, Gen-eral Secretary of PakistanPeoples Party (PPP) Sindh,Taj Haider, a veteran PPPleader, Prof. N.D. Khan, Di-rector of Shaheed MohtarmaBenazir Bhutto Chair, Univer-sity of Karachi, Prof. Ejaz

Qureshi, Salman Shaikh,Amanullah Shaikh and Dr.Musarrat Hussain Khawaja.

The Vice-Chancellorlauded the publication of thebooks by the Benazir BhuttoChair of Karachi University.

He also assured everysort of assistance towardsthe research work in the fu-ture as well. Taj Haider spokeof Mohtarma BenazirBhutto’s struggle againstdictatorship and militancy.

Prof. N.D. Khan said thatMohtarma Benazir Bhuttowas a prominent leader of theMuslim world.—APP

Page 14: Ep03june2013

Parental smoking causes vasculardamage in young children

LAHORE: Youngsters bathing in a swimming pool during hot weather.

LAHORE: Speaker Punjab Assembly Rana Muhammad Iqbal files his nomination papers for Speaker with PA Secretary.

ANOTHER wave of evidenceagainst tobacco use was releasedthis week, with evidence from a

Dutch research team showing parentssmoking causing vascular damage inyoung children.

Published in Pediat-rics, 5 years ago, the sci-entists began collectingdata from 259 children atthe age of four weeks,gathering data about theirparents smoking habitsand studying their cardio-vascular health until theage of 5.

Specifically, theylooked at the children’scarotid artery intima-me-dia thickness (CIMT)and arterial wall disten-sibility, using ultra-sonography to take themeasurements.

The evidence is fairlyconclusive and shows that childrenwhose mothers smoked during preg-nancy had on average carotid arteriesshowing 15% more stiffness, as well asarterial thickening of 19 microns, (whichis about the thickness of a cassette tape)compared with their smoke free peers.Where both mother and father smokedduring the pregnancy the stiffness roseto 21% and thickening to 28 microns.

The scientists state that they wereunable to find an effect from fatherssmoking during pregnancy or frommothers that began smoking after giv-

ing birth, showing that the primarydamage is from the mother smokingwhile carrying the fetus. Uiterwaal, anassociate professor of clinical epide-miology at the Julius Center for Health

Sciences and PrimaryCare at the UniversityMedical Center Utrecht,Netherlands, said :

“.. .With our find-ings, we think that smok-ing in pregnancy doesplay an independent role,although we know thatexposure of children to[secondhand] smoke isdamaging in many areas.”Researchers pointed outthat nearly twenty per-cent of U.S. adults smoke,with around half of chil-dren showing biochemicalevidence of exposure totobacco smoke, or pas-sive smoking as it is

known.Authors and pediatricians

Susanne Tanski, MD, MPH, ofDartmouth College and Karen Wilson,MD, MPH, of the University of Roch-ester write that: “There is no knownsafe level of exposure.”

Although of course there are hun-dreds of other chemicals we are ex-posed to daily, from car fumes, brakepad dust, to household cleaningchemicals, paints and glues, that arejust as aggressive and harmful as to-bacco smoke.

LAHORE—Acid throwingincidents are on the rise inthe country as 235 caseswere reported in Burn Cen-tre of Mayo Hospital duringthe last year 2012.

In an exclusive interviewwith APP, Head of Burn Cen-tre of Mayo Hospital andRegistrar of King EdwardMedical University (KEMU)Prof. Farid Ahmed Khan saidthat most of women wereamong the victims of acidthrowing incident and maxi-mum cases were reportedfrom sourthern Punjabwhere literacy rate compara-tively low, he said.

To a question, he saidthat injuries from electricity,leakage of gas and acidthrowing are the common inthe country as 235 cases ofacid throwing were regis-

tered in this centre during lastyear 2012.

Prof. Farid Ahmed Khanwho is a renowned PlasticSurgeon and five time win-ner of gold medal in his aca-demic carrier serving asChairman Department ofPlastic and ReconstructiveSurgery, King Edward Medi-cal University Mayo Hospi-tal when questioned aboutthe first aid of burn injury, hesaid that the affected organor limb of the body immedi-ately dip into water for fourto five minutes and contactdoctor instead of self-medi-cation by applying wet flouror toothpaste on the injurybecause such things are notsterilized and may cause ofinfection.

He also drew attentiontowards the increasing inci-

dents of burst of pressurecookers which might havebig casualty.

Responding about theexisting facilities about theburn injuries, he said: “Wehave only fifteen percent lim-ited facilities, there shouldbe a full-fledged proper burncentre in the hospital.”

Two modes of treatmentincluding Dermatome vacclosure and Tangential exci-sion are used in the centre,Prof.Farid said and addingthat a plan is however is pre-pared to set up a burn cen-tre in the under constructionnine-storey surgical tower inMayo hospital which is un-der construction.

About the cost of treat-ment of burn injuries,Prof.Farid said that it variesin different hospitals but the

Mayo hospital, providesfree of cost treatment whilein private hospitals itcosts from thousands tomillions.

There is only one wardconsisting of 12-bed isavailable for around 200patients visiting its emer-gency in one month while300 patients receive medi-cal treatment at its OPD permonth. The reason of lesspatients are lack of facili-ties and space, Prof.Faridadded.

However, 25 traineddoctors are available incentre.

He suggested that it isneed of the hour to estab-lish a state-of-the-art burncentre in Mayo hospitalwhich is the largest hospi-tal of the country.—APP

235 acid-hurling incidents occurred in 2012


LAHORE—After risingmeasles cases in Punjab, thehealth department has decidedto launch another measlesdrive in 12 high risk districts ofPunjab from June 13.

This was decided at a meet-ing held on Sunday presidedover by Director GeneralHealth, Punjab Dr TanveerAhmed. Talking to media per-sons after the meeting, a focalperson of the department DrYounas said that necessarymaterial had been dispatchedto the districts which include

Anti-measles drive in 12 districts

Three more die of deadly deceaseGujranwala, Bhakar,Shaikhupura, Okara, Kasur,Layyaha, Rawalpindi, RahimYar Khan, Lodhran, DG Khan,Faisalabad and Sargodha.

Responding to a questionabout the rising number ofcases of measles, he said of-ten parents did not go to doc-tors and treat the child on aspiritual basis when the childreached the last stage theycontact doctor.

He appealed to parents tocontact doctors without anydelay in case of symptoms ofmeasles in their child so thatproper treatment at early stage

could be ensured. He saidmeasles was a curable diseaseand was going out of controldue to the ignorance of people.Meanwhile, measles claimedthree more lives rising the totaldeaths to 132 in the province.According to health depart-ment officials, the deaths werereported one each from Chil-dren, Mayo and Services Hos-pitals. Some 164 new cases ofmeasles were reported fromPunjab including 34 fromLahore hospitals increasingthe total number of cases to15,482 during the last sixmonths.

Dacoit killedin encounter

LAHORE— Dacoit was killedin an encounter with policein Kahna area here.

Police said that two mo-torcyclists tried to loot a taxidriver Arshad of Kanganpurand his family when he re-sisted. The robbers shot atand injured Arshad and fled.The injured was rushed tothe hospital.

Police officials at a picketspotted a suspected motor-cycle (LHJ-2357) and sig-nalled to stop but themotorcylists opened fire atpolicemen.

In retaliation, the policereturned fire.

As a result, a dacoit iden-tified as Shahbaz Masih re-ceived bullet injuries anddied on the spot while hisaccomplice managed to flee.

Meanwhile, Lahore policeclaimed to have arrested 13gangsters and recovered Rs256,000, prize bonds worthRs 100,000, a motorcycle, 10mobile phones besides ille-gal weapons from their pos-session in a week.

During preliminary inter-rogation, the outlaws haveconfessed of 20 incidents ofrobbery in Lahore and otherdistricts.—AP

LHC’s ComplaintCell notices 21cases in May

LAHORE—Complaint Cell ofthe Lahore High Court dur-ing the month of May tooknotice of a record 21 newsitems published in variousdaily newspapers for action.

It takes action on admin-istrative side against newsreports of electronic and printmedia unfolding shockinghuman rights violations, par-ticularly acid attack, gangrape, kidnapping for ransom,police torture and encountersetc, and directs the con-cerned District & SessionsJudges to investigate the in-cidents.

The Cell has taken cog-nizance of about 119 suchcases during the last 11months. The concern of HighCourt has fetched fruitful re-sponse with the result of afast-track disposal of 61cases.


LAHORE—Caretaker ChiefMinister Punjab Najam Sethihas said that education is thekey to rid Pakistan of pov-erty, unemployment andother problems.

Addressing the gradua-tion ceremony of a privateschool at Expo Centre, heobserved that English hadbecome an international andtrade language and gettingcompetency in English lan-guage was essential for fac-ing the international chal-lenges. However, he added,the Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi,

Education panacea to rid Pakistanof jobs, economic woes : Sethi

Balochi, Pashto and otherlocal languages could not beignored at all as these reflectour culture and traditions.“We will have to adopt bothUrdu and English languagesfor our progress and sur-vival,” he maintained.

Congratulating thegraduating students, NajamSethi said that they were am-bassadors of Pakistan and

had to improve its imageabroad by playing their effec-tive role.

The Chief Minister ad-vised the students to pay at-tention to their education andserve the country and nationby equipping themselveswith modern knowledge.

The Chief Minister saidthat bureaucracy should riseabove their political affilia-

tions and make the publicservice as their moto, citingthat public service was a formof worship. He said thatPunjab government had ful-filled its obligation by hold-ing the general election im-partially.

Later, the Chief Ministeralong with school administra-tion gave away awards tostudents with distinctions.