ep diagram 7

E:To avoid common managem ent mistake s P- Performance: To improve employee performance by recognising them SATs:To give priority to employees Role: To get the roles and responsibility clear VR: It depends on the interpretation of employees and it varies Extrinsic rewards: Business objectives are met Perception about E- R The rewards need to be given as early as the achievement is made . Intrinsic reward: IR: Employee retainment Satisfac tion : Manageme nt as well as employee s are happy

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EP Diagram from Business Management studies for more information you can reach our tutors through assignmenthelperzone website


Page 1: EP Diagram 7

E:To avoid common management mistakes

P- Performance: To improve employee performance by recognising them

SATs:To give priority to employees

Role: To get the roles and responsibility clear

VR: It depends on the interpretation of

employees and it varies Extrinsic rewards: Business objectives are met

Perception about E- R The rewards need to be given

as early as the achievement is made


Intrinsic reward: IR: Employee retainment

Satisfaction :

Management as well

as employees are happy