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E1238, Vol. 5 YPWR_SD_EACHS云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设 世界银行贷款项目 环境影报告书 0

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Page 1: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

E1238, Vol. 5YPWR_SD_EA(CHS)





Page 2: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

长江水资源保护科学研究所二 00 五年 11 月 22 日


Page 3: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

目 录1前言................................................................................................................................1


1.2 评价程序与方法..................................................................................................3

1.2.1 评价程序....................................................................................................31.2.2 评价方法....................................................................................................4

1.3 与项目可行性研究的关系..................................................................................5

1.3.1 中国政府的要求........................................................................................5



1.5.1总报告组织................................................................................................71.5.2 参考文献(附录A)................................................................................81.5.3 主报告各章节的组织................................................................................8

1.6 鸣谢......................................................................................................................8

1.7 小结......................................................................................................................8

2 项目简介......................................................................................................................11

2.1 项目背景............................................................................................................11

2.2 项目组成............................................................................................................13


2.3 环境保护措施....................................................................................................17

2.4 项目布局与施工方案........................................................................................18


2.5 项目管理............................................................................................................24

2.6 已开展和在开展的相关项目经验....................................................................24



Page 4: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要


2.7 小结与结论........................................................................................................38

3 政策和制度..................................................................................................................40

3.1 与国内制度和政策的关系................................................................................40

3.1.1 法律..........................................................................................................403.1.2 行政法规..................................................................................................423.1.3 环境政策..................................................................................................423.1.4 环境标准..................................................................................................45

3.2 与相关规划的关系............................................................................................45


3.3 世行安全保障政策............................................................................................51

3.4 小结与结论........................................................................................................53

4 环境现状......................................................................................................................55

4.1 简介....................................................................................................................55

4.2 长江、珠江流域简介........................................................................................55



4.3.1 项目区......................................................................................................594.3.2 项目县......................................................................................................594.3.3 下游区......................................................................................................59

4.4 云南省项目区....................................................................................................61

4.4.1 自然环境..................................................................................................614.4.2 社会环境..................................................................................................674.4.3 主要环境问题..........................................................................................71

4.5 贵州省项目区....................................................................................................72


Page 5: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

4.5.1 自然环境..................................................................................................724.5.2 社会环境..................................................................................................784.5.3 主要环境问题..........................................................................................83

4.6 重庆市项目区....................................................................................................83

4.6.1 自然环境..................................................................................................834.6.2 社会环境..................................................................................................894.6.3 主要环境问题..........................................................................................95

4.7 湖北省项目区....................................................................................................97

4.7.1 自然环境..................................................................................................974.7.2 社会环境................................................................................................1014.7.3 主要环境问题........................................................................................105

4.8 小结与结论......................................................................................................105

5 环境影响识别............................................................................................................109







6 项目环境影响............................................................................................................118

6.1 前言..................................................................................................................118

6.2 环境效益分析..................................................................................................119


6.3 主要环境问题..................................................................................................137



Page 6: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要


6.4 其他环境问题..................................................................................................153



7 比选方案....................................................................................................................172





7.3.1自然生态环境特点................................................................................1767.3.2零方案下的环境变化趋势....................................................................1777.3.3 小流域治理方案分析............................................................................1807.3.4 方案优化调整建议................................................................................184


8 环境监测....................................................................................................................190

8.1 简介..................................................................................................................190

8.2 单一环境项目监测..........................................................................................190

8.2.1 病虫害....................................................................................................1908.2.2 水质........................................................................................................1928.2.3 由环境监测员承担的监测....................................................................194

8.3 监测计划汇总..................................................................................................195

8.4 监测成员单位..................................................................................................195

8.5 小结与结论......................................................................................................196

9 环境管理计划............................................................................................................198

9.1 前言..................................................................................................................198

9.1.1 环境管理计划的必要性........................................................................198


Page 7: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

9.1.2 国际专家组............................................................................................198

9.2 环境管理机构的设置......................................................................................198

9.2.1 项目综合协调办公室............................................................................1989.2.2 省项目管理办公室................................................................................1999.2.3其他协作机构........................................................................................200

9.3 省项目办环境管理作用..................................................................................201

9.3.1 省项目办环境管理的职责....................................................................2019.3.2 说明图....................................................................................................2029.3.3 (环境管理)实施机构........................................................................2049.3.4 对项目实施机构/承包人的指令........................................................204


9.4.1 培训目的................................................................................................2049.4.2 培训内容................................................................................................205

9.5 经费预算..........................................................................................................206

9.5.1 综合环境管理........................................................................................2069.5.2 项目管理综合协调办公室....................................................................207


9.6.1 环境影响和环保措施............................................................................2079.6.2 环境保护措施实施保障........................................................................207

9.7 小结与结论......................................................................................................210

9.7.1 主要内容................................................................................................2109.7.2 有关说明图表........................................................................................211

10 公众参与..................................................................................................................218








Page 8: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要





附 图图 1.1-1 项目省地理位置图图 1.2-1 项目县地理位置图图 2.7-1 “长治”工程范围与项目区关系图图 4.2-1 云南省项目影响区(研究区)图图 4.2-2 贵州省项目影响区(研究区)图图 4.2-3 重庆市项目影响区(研究区)图图 4.2-4 湖北省项目影响区(研究区)图图 6.3-1 刘家沟小流域治理区与国家森林公园关系示意图


Page 9: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

1 前言1.1 目的及背景



自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,国家对长江和珠江上游地区的水土保持生态建设工作十分重视。1989 年开始实施长江上游水土保持重点防治工程(以下简称“长治”工程),1992 年开始在珠江上游实施南北盘江水土流失综合治理工程,都已取得了显著成效。随着西部大开发战略的实施,生态建设和环境保护备受社会各界关注,天然林保护和退耕还林等生态建设工程也相继实施;但由于治理任务艰巨,资金投入不足,治理进展较缓慢。利用世界银行贷款,加快长江和珠江上游地区水土流失治理进程,既是实施西部大开发战略的需要,也是促进当地经济社会可持续发展的需要,又是长江、珠江两大河流综合治理的需要。本项目的实施,还将有助于引进国外先进的管理模式和治理技术,推进我国水土保持生态建设事


Page 10: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

业的发展。本项目的筹备工作已历时三年。2001 年 6 月,水利部与世行官员对项

目区进行了考察,初步达成利用世行贷款开展水土保持生态建设的合作意向;同年 9 月世行将该项目正式列入贷款项目计划名单,初步选定在云、贵、鄂、渝 4 省(市)的 37个县(市、区)实施这一项目。2002 年 6 月,根据水利部的安排,长江水利委员会(简称长江委)、珠江水利委员会(简称珠江委)组织编制了《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目项目建议书》[106];同年 11 月,世界银行派出考察团对该项目进行了立项鉴定考察,并举办了项目前期工作培训。2004 年 6 月长江委根据水利部办公厅 3 月发布的《关于印发世界银行云贵鄂渝四省(市)水土保持贷款项目立项鉴定考察备忘录的通知》[112],在项目建议书的基础上,编制完成了《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目可行性研究报告》[101]和各省的项目可行性研究报告[102] [103] [104] [105]。

本项目实施涉及云南、贵州、湖北、重庆 4 省(市)的 37个县(市、区),其中云南省 8个,贵州省 12个,湖北省 6个,重庆市 11个;按流域划分,长江上中游有 33个县(市、区)、珠江上游有 4个县(市、区),项目省的地理位置见图 1.1-1。本项目由公益性水土保持项目、个人受益的水土保持和生计改善项目、技术支持与服务三个部分组成,项目实施治理水土流失面积 1871.94 km2, 静态总投资为 166000万元人民币(2亿美元),其中拟利用世行贷款 1亿美元、欧盟赠款 1000万欧元。项目拟从 2005 年开始实施,建设期 5 年。

2004 年 4 月,世界银行/欧盟联合项目准备团对项目区进行了考察,2

Page 11: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

在备忘录[107]中提出“为了使项目的积极影响最大化,潜在消极影响最小化,建议水利部尽快组织开展项目的环境影响评价。”为此,长江水资源保护科学研究所(以下简称长江所)开始进行项目的环境影响评价工作于 2004 年 6 月编写了项目环评准备任务书,依据世行提出的环境影响评价工作大纲[108],于 2004 年 10 月中下旬、11 月上旬多次就项目区自然栖息地、环评框架报告等问题与世行环境专家朱博士交换意见,并于 2004 年11 月 30日编制完成了《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目环境影响报告书(初稿)》。1.2 评价程序与方法1.2.1 评价程序






Page 12: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要



修改意见,对报告进行修改完善后正式上报。1.2.2 评价方法鉴于本项目为水土保持生态建设项目,其本质是增进可持续环境资


(1)在项目研究区的确定上,以项目区小流域为基础,重点研究项目区典型小流域,研究范围包括项目区、涉及的项目县和下游影响区,列入世行贷款项目县的地理位置见图 1.1-1、2。




Page 13: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要





(7)除上述问题外,在项目环境影响评价中将对与政策法规及相关规划的适应性、类似项目经验教训在本项目中的借鉴、公众参与、环境风险等问题做出分析。1.3 与项目可行性研究的关系1.3.1 中国政府的要求根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》[401]、《中华人民共和国环境影响评



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家环境保护总局协商。1.4 环境影响评价工作小组

本报告由长江所负责编制,在世行专家和有关部门的协助下完成。环境影响评价工作小组主要由长江所负责组织,人员组成及职责见表 1-1,环评工作计划见表 1-2。

表 1-1   环境影响评价工作小组

姓名 职务 资历 专业从事专业


任务 工作量(月)

雷阿林 主管 生态学专家 水土保持 23 组织、协调 2

蒋固政 技术主管 生态学专家 水生生态 23项目主持

审查中英文报告 3

马经安 技术主管 环境专家 气象学 25 业务负责 3

李迎喜 技术主管 环境专家 水土保持 16 业务负责 3

蔡建清 设计负责 生态学专家 微生物学 15汇总,第一、二、三、五、六、八、十一章、 4

操文颖 环境专家 水资源 21 第三、五、六章 4

李红清 环境专家 生态学 12 第五、六、八章 4

巴亚东 环境专家 计算机 15 第三、四、五、六章 4

杨新 环境专家 水土保持 10 第四、七章 4

肖仁春 环境专家 生态学 15 第六、七、十章 4

刘学文 工程师 水土保持 5 第二、六、九章、翻译 4

陈桂蓉 翻译 科技英语 12 翻译 4

王培 环境专家 环境工程 15 第八章 4


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刘芸 工程师 水资源 8 第一、三章、翻译 4

王晓媛 工程师 环境工程 1 第八、九章、翻译 4

陈玲 工程师 环境经济 18 第十章 3

张宁 工程师 水利工程 19 第十章,制图 3

王俊玲 工程师 环境经济 17 第十章,制图 3


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表 1-2 环境影响评价工作计划 (工作小组人员安排)

任务分配 长江水保所环评工作小组的主要工作1.前言 LAL, JGZ, MJA, CJQ, LY

2. 项目简介 LYX, CJQ,LXW


4. 环境现状 JGZ, LYX, BYD,YX

5. 环境影响因子识别 JGZ, MJA, CJQ,CWY,LHQ,BYD


7. 比选方案 JGZ, LYX, XRC,YX,LXW

8. 监测和评估计划 JGZ, MJA, CJQ, LHQ,WP,WXY

9. 环境管理计划 JGZ, MJA, LXW,WXY

10. 公众参与 JGZ, LYX, XRC,ZN,WJL,CL

11. 报告总结与结论 LAL, JGZ, MJA, LYX,CJQ

制图 ZN, WJL

执行摘要 JGZ, LYX, LY

附录 A: 参考文献 LYX, LY,WXY


注:长江水保所工作小组人员:BYD=巴亚东  CGR=陈桂蓉 CJQ =蔡建清  CL=陈 琳 CWY=操文颖  JGZ=蒋固政

 LAL=雷阿林 LHQ=李红清 LXW=刘学文  LY=刘 芸 LYX=李迎喜 MJA=马经安 WP =王 培  WJL=王俊玲 WXY=王晓媛 XRC =肖仁春 YX =杨 新 ZN=张 宁

1.5 报告组织1.5.1总报告组织




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(3)主报告各章节:详见目录表。1.5.2 参考文献(附录A)

列出主要参考文献,用 100、200、300、400 和 500 编号,附在文字报告中和图表中,说明资料来源。1.5.3 主报告各章节的组织首先介绍该章节的具体结构,其后是文字报告部分,最后是图表。

1.6 鸣谢本环评工作得到世行环境专家朱达博士、社会发展和林业专家蔡满堂、

农业专家 Richard.e.Chishoim、和云贵鄂渝四省市水利厅局、项目所在地的政府各部门及有关勘测设计单位、科研院所和科技人员的大力支持和帮助,在此表示衷心的感谢!1.7 小结第一章包括下列部分:(1)目的及背景:为满足世行贷款的要求,特编制项目环境影响评



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环境影响报告书(初稿)》。(2)项目背景: 长江和珠江上游地处中国西部,是中国水土流失最

为严重的地区之一。长期以来,由于自然和人类开发活动的影响,水土流失加剧,生态环境恶化,严重制约着当地经济社会的可持续发展,也影响着中下游平原地区的长治久安。中国自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,对长江和珠江上游地区的水土保持生态建设工作十分重视, 1989 年开始实施的“长治”工程和 1992 年开始在珠江上游实施的南北盘江水土流失综合治理工程,都已取得了显著成效。随着西部大开发战略的实施,生态建设和环境保护备受关注,本项目符合西部大开发战略实施的需要。

(3)世行参与:2001 年 6 月、2002 年 11 月、2004 年 4 月及 10 月,世行官员多次就对项目区与水利部一起进行考察,达成利用世行贷款开展水土保持生态建设的合作意向,并开展项目前期准备工作。

(4)项目概况:本项目区涉及云南、贵州、湖北、重庆 4 省(市)的37个县(市、区),由公益性水土保持项目、个人受益的水土保持和生计改善项目、技术支持与服务三个部分组成 ,规划治理水土流失面积1871.94 km2, 静态总投资为 166000万元人民币(2亿美元),其中拟利用世行贷款 1亿美元、欧盟赠款 1000万欧元。项目拟从 2005 年开始实施,建设期 5 年。

(5)环境影响评价程序与方法: 项目环境影响评价工作分五个阶段:前期策划阶段、准备阶段、正式工作阶段、报告编制阶段、最终报告编制阶段。评价方法包括通过全面调查、重点调查和现场调查等方式收集所需基础资料;除部分社会环境问题外(有专题评价报告),报告考虑了可能因项目而引起的所有环境影响,突出生态环境效益和重要环境问题的分


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(9)鸣谢: 对给予环境影响评价工作小组很大帮助的机构及人员表示谢意。


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2 项目简介2.1 项目背景

本项目涉及云南、贵州、湖北、重庆 4 省(市)的 37个县(市、区),其中云南省 8个、贵州省 12个、湖北省 6个、重庆市 11个。按流域划分,有33个县(市、区)位于长江上中游,4个县(市、区)位于珠江上游。项目区范围见表 2-1,项目区位置见图 1.1-1、1.2-1。

表 2-1 项目区范围表省(市) 地(市、州) 县(市、区) 所属 流


(个)云南 楚雄 牟定、元谋、姚安、大姚 长江

8昭通 威信、镇雄、巧家、永善 长江

贵州毕节 威宁、赫章、纳雍、金沙、织金、毕节、大

方、黔西 长江12六盘水 盘县 珠江

黔西南 安龙、兴义、兴仁 珠江重庆 万州、涪陵、黔江、渝北、江津、合川、永

川、荣昌、巫溪、开县、长寿 长江 11

湖北宜昌 夷陵、长阳 长江

6恩施 利川 长江黄冈 红安、麻城、浠水 长江



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中华人民共和国成立以来,特别是上世纪八十年代以来,国家对这一地区的水土保持生态建设工作十分重视。1989 年开始实施的“长治”工程和 1992 年开始在珠江上游实施的南北盘江水土流失综合治理工程,都取得了显著成效。随着西部大开发战略的实施,生态建设和环境保护备受关注,“天然林保护”工程和“退耕还林”工程等生态建设工程也相继实施。然而由于投入不足,项目区水土流失治理进度比较缓慢,与国务院批准的《全国水土保持规划纲要》的要求有相当大的差距,亟待加快进度。因此利用世界银行贷款,加快这一地区水土流失治理进程,既是实施西部大开发战略和促进当地经济社会可持续发展的需要,又是长江、珠江两大河流综合治理的需要。项目的实施,还将有助于引进国外先进的管理模式和治理技术,推进中国水土保持生态建设事业的发展。

本项目的筹备工作已历时三年。2001 年 6 月,水利部与世行官员就曾13

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对项目区进行考察,初步达成利用世行贷款开展水土保持生态建设的合作意向;同年 7 月,水利部向国家计委、财政部上报了《关于申请利用世行贷款在长江上游和珠江上游实施水土保持生态建设的函》,9 月世行将该项目正式列入贷款项目计划名单。2002 年 6 月,根据水利部的安排,长江、珠江水利委员会组织编制了《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目项目建议书》,并于 2003 年编制完成了《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目可行性研究报告》[101]。2.2 项目组成根据《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目可行性研

究报告》[101],本项目组成分为三个部分:公共水土保持工程、私人利益水土保持和生计改善工程、支持服务体系。其中公共水土保持工程主要建设内容包括基本农田建设,拦沙工程,造林以及农村基础设施,详见 2.2.1

节;私人利益水土保持和生计改善工程主要包括基本农田建设、经济果木林、种草、畜牧业、灌溉以及能源更新等,详见 2.2.2节;支持服务体系则包括技术推广、国内培训考察、国外培训考察、监测评价、调查设计、运行管理、车辆、设备等,详见 2.2.3节。2.2.1 公共水土保持工程

公共水土保持工程主要建设内容包括基本农田建设,拦沙工程,造林以及农村基础设施。项目区共建设石坎坡改梯 3516hm2、谷坊 33048m、沉沙凼 49511m3 ,排洪沟渠 496183m , 水 土 保 持 林 29491hm2 、封禁


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52755hm2,田间道路 1233311m、机耕道 625769m。分省(市)公共水土保持工程数量统计见表 2-2。(本节资料和数据来源参考文献[101])2.2.2私人利益水土保持和生计改善工程私人利益水土保持和生计改善工程包括土坎坡改梯、经济果木林、种

草、 家畜养殖、灌溉以及能源更新和其它项目。共建设 土坎坡改梯7793hm2、经济果木林 55512hm2,种草 22995hm2,养畜 71647户,蓄水池490303m3、小水窖 212129m3、渠道 600407m、沼气池 72782座、节柴灶79179个。分省(市)私人利益水土保持和生计改善工程数量统计见表 2-3。(本节资料和数据来源参考文献[101])

表 2-2 公共水土保持工程数量分省统计汇总表项目 单位 合计 云南 贵州 湖北 重庆

一 基本农田建设1 石坎坡改梯 hm2 3516 643 1740 393 740

二 拦沙排水工程1 沉沙凼 m3 49511 8500 20800 9365 108462 排水沟渠 m 496183 99585 113900 10877 1746213 谷坊 m 33048 10747 9124 3504 9673

三 造林与增加植被覆盖

1 水土保持林 hm2 29491 7075 10828 6251 53372 封禁 hm2 52755 15655 12567 12676 11857

四 农村基础设施1 田间道路 m 1233311 187421 438890 335788 2712122 机耕道 m 625769 99145 244315 169309 113000

表 2-3 私人利益水土保持和生计改善工程数量分省统计汇总表项目 单位 合计 云南 贵州 湖北 重庆

1 土坎坡改梯 hm2 7793 2179 3334 670 1610


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2 经济果木林 hm2 55512 10966 13350 12939 182573 种草 hm2 22995 1708 15885 2952 24504 养畜 户  71647 15882 29119 11996 146505 灌溉  

蓄水池 m3 490303 66757 165920 62826 194800

小水窖 m3 212129 38453 148170 25506

渠道 m 600407 136284 172500 147425 1441986 能源更新  

沼气池 座 72782 22500 25824 7083 17375

节柴灶 个 79197 12216 40150 4170 22661

2.2.3支持服务体系2.2.3.1 技术推广

本项目的技术推广,是指通过试验、示范、培训、指导以及咨询服务等,把相关农业技术和生态保护技术应用于本项目的全部过程的相关活动。包括良种繁育、施用肥料、病虫害防治、栽培和养殖技术,农副产品加工、农业机械技术和农田水利、水土保持技术,农村供水、农村能源利用和农业环境保护技术,以及农业经营管理技术等。采用推广形式包括现场操作示范、科技承包、科技示范场、科技示范户和农民科技书屋等。 技术培训




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水土流失调查、治理措施设计、技术推广方案设计、施工质量监控、效益监测评价等,是实施好项目最重要的环节, 它关系到项目的成败。项目区各小流域的调查设计由县项目办主持完成,通常有两种方式:第一是项目办以技术服务合同的形式,委托给有相应水土保持设计资质的专业设计单位完成,第二是由项目办自己组织力量完成。 监测与评价监测评价工作在内容上包括二个方面。一、工程进度与工程管理。目的

是从质量和数量上全面掌握各项治理措施的完成情况、项目资金的使用情况以及各项目管理工作的进展情况。二是工程影响。从社会、经济、生态环境三个方面了解各项措施所产生的正面与负面影响,科学合理地评价项目效益,规避项目风险。2.3 环境保护措施




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流失,为农业生产创造良好的条件。项目区共实施石坎坡改梯 3516hm2,土坎坡改梯 7793hm2(数据来源参考文献[101])。

(2)造林、种草和封禁治理:通过大面积营造水土保持林、经果林、种草和实施封禁治理,增加林草植被面积,提高林草覆盖率,不但有效地涵养水源,调节小气候,保护野生动植物,净化大气,改善整个项目区的生态环境,减轻水土流失危害,而且对其它非水土流失原因造成的干旱、虫害、风灾等自然灾害的减轻也将起重要作用,人类以及动植物赖以生存的环境,将向良性循环的方向发展,人们安居乐业,农村各业协调发展,群众的生活水平逐步提高。项目区共建设水土保持林 29491hm2、经济果木林 55512hm2、种草 22995hm2、封禁治理 52755hm2(数据来源参考文献[101])。

(3)沼气池和节柴灶:项目区山多地少、坡耕地多、水田少,森林植被覆盖率低,水土流失严重,而且农村薪柴资源缺乏、生活能源问题突出。在农村实施沼气池和节柴灶项目不仅能较好地解决农村生活能源问题,同时产生良好的生态综合效益,有利于控制水土流失,有利于项目区落实“退耕还林、还草”的政策,而且产生良好的生态、经济效益。此外,沼气池的建设还将显著改善农村居民的居住生活环境和环境卫生条件,保护农村居民的身体健康,特别有利于防治地氟病;沼气池使用将使人畜粪便得到有效处理,减少农药、化肥的使用量,有利于控制面源污染。项目 区共建 设沼气池 72782 座,节柴灶 79197 个(数据来源参考 文献[101])。


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项目实施后,项目区的水土流失基本得到控制,水土流失危害减轻。水土保持各项治理措施的合理布设,形成了立体的水土保持综合防治体系,水土资源得到合理利用,蓄水、保土能力增强,避免水土流失面积继续扩大。同时有效地涵养水源,调节小气候,保护野生动植物,增加生物多样性,使人类以及动植物赖以生存的环境向良性循环的方向改变。2.4 项目布局与施工方案2.4.1 项目布局(1)水土流失类型区划分

根据项目可行性研究报告,项目区划分为 5个水土流失类型区,详见表 2-4,项目区水土流失类型分区见图 2.2-1。((本节资料和数据来源参考文献【101】、【102】、【103】、【104】、【105】)(2)治理措施布局







点等,确定各水土流失类型分区措施配置的重点。具体见表 2-5。

表 2-4 项目区水土流失类型分区表


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类型区 主要地貌类型 水土流失特点 涉及范围 土地面积


水土流失面积(km2)省(市) 县(区、市)

滇西中低山丘陵沟壑中度侵蚀区高原、山地面蚀、浅沟侵蚀 云南 牟定、元谋、姚安、大姚、威信、

镇雄、巧家、永善 1557.87 669.56



流失面广、流失强度大、“石化”严重 贵州


2496.48 1317.33

川东山地中轻度侵蚀区 浅丘、中丘流失面大,但以中轻

度流失为主 重庆 荣昌、合川、永川 358.06 207.54

三峡峡谷中山丘陵中度侵蚀区 中山、丘陵中度侵蚀为主、人为

水土流失严重重庆 渝北、涪陵、万州、开县、长寿、

江津、黔江、巫溪 1824.56 1115.55

湖北 利川、夷陵、长阳大别山低山丘陵

中度侵蚀区 低山、丘陵流失面广、但以中轻度为主,疏林地流失面积大

湖北 红安、麻城、浠水 668.08 306.89

合计 4 37 6905.05 3616.87








点等,确定各水土流失类型分区措施配置的重点。具体见表 2-5。

2.4.2 主要项目施工工艺根据项目组成,各主要项目施工工艺见表 2-6。((本节资料和数据



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表 2-5 项目区水土流失类型分区及措施配置表

序号 水土流失类型分区

背景情况措施配置主 要 土壤

类型 气候 水土流失特点



年最高气温 39.1℃,最低气温-7.3℃,年平均气温 16.5℃ ;≥10 ℃积温 5508℃。多年平均降雨量 859mm,雨热同季、夏秋多雨,干湿季分明,日照充足,年日照数 2358 h。





本区南部属亚热带季风气候,北部属高原性季风 气 候 , 年 均 温14.8°C,多年平均降雨量 1146mm,降雨季节分配不均,5~9 月降水占年降水总量的 70%

由 于坡耕 地面积大,其产生的水土流失最为严重。同时,大多数地区属石灰岩发育的 土壤,成土速度慢,土层浅薄,流失后果十分严重,土地“石化”现象十分严重

(1)对 5°~25°土层深厚的坡耕地实行坡改梯,大力兴建基本农田,理顺坡面水系,配套排水沟、蓄水池等蓄、引、排工程,提高粮食单产,改广种薄收为稳产高产。(2)对 25°以上坡耕地全部退耕还林还草,恢复生态平衡;在现有的荒坡地上植树造林,减轻坡面径流冲刷,增加地面植被覆盖度;对疏幼林地和覆盖度低于 60%的灌木林地,实行补植封禁治理。(3)治理水土流失与发展经果林和畜牧业相结合,调整农村产业结构,突出适合当地气候的茶叶、坚果等经济果木林品种,增加农民收入。(4)对“石化”和潜在危险的地区,采取乔灌草造林,保护土地资源。(5)配套农村能源、人畜饮水工程、道路等基础设施建设,改善生活条件,为发展经济打基础


Page 30: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

续表 2-5 项目区水土流失类型分区及措施配置表序号 水土流失


措施配置主 要 土壤类型 气候 水土流失特点

3 川东山地中轻度侵蚀区


本区属中亚热带湿润季风气候区,多年平均气温 17.7°C,多年平均降雨量 1112mm,降雨季节分配不均 , 5~9 月降水占年降水总量的 70%


(1)以建设基本农田为突破口,将坡耕地改造为梯坪地,有水源的地方改造为梯田,实现农业人均 1亩基本农田,保障粮食需求。在实施坡改梯的同时,兴建坡面水系配套工程,蓄排径流,减少坡面冲刷。(2)25°以上的陡坡耕地全部退耕还林。荒山荒坡及丘顶营造水土保持林草,增强土壤抗蚀、抗冲性,减轻水土流失,改善生态环境。(3)充分利用本区地势低平和丰富的热量条件以及紫色土肥力条件,积极发展经济林果、畜牧、农副产品及其加工业,逐步形成以农副产品加工为主体,以副食品、编织品为特色的原料加工型农村经济区


水稻土、紫色土 、黄壤、黄棕壤、石灰(岩)土

属中亚热带湿润季风气候区 ,多年 平均气温17°C,多年平均降雨量1150mm ,降雨季节分配不均, 5~9 月降水占年降水总量的 50%

坡面水 土 流 失 严重,且容易发生滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害。水土流失强度大,危害严重

(1)以坡耕地治理为重点,对土层厚度在 25cm 以上,坡度 5~15°的坡耕地,必须建成水平梯田;15-25°度的坡耕地改造成高标准石坎梯田,种植粮食作物和经济果木林。(2)结合植被建设,大力发展林、牧、果、药生产,促进山区经济发展。(3)加大封禁治理力度,优化植被结构,提高植被覆盖率。(4)加强人工草场和天然草场改造与建设



属亚热带大陆性季风气候,四季分明、光照充足、雨量充沛、无霜期长 ,多年 平均降雨量1086mm ,多年 平均气温 13.7℃




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表 2-6 主要项目施工工艺与方法序号 项目 作用 布置区域 施工方式 施工季节

Ⅰ 公共水土保持工程一 基本农田建设1 坡改梯 保证缺乏基本农田的地区每


定线、清基、筑坎(埂)、保留表土和平整田面 避开暴雨季节

二 拦沙、排水、排沙工程

1 谷坊稳定沟床、制止沟底下切和沟岸扩张

沟底比降较 大 ( 5%-10%或更大)、沟底下切剧烈的沟道


2 沉沙池沉淀坡面水系或其它引水水流中泥沙 沉沙池一般布设在蓄水

池进水口上游附近 主要是土石方开挖

3 排水沟渠 排除地表径流 侵蚀沟头、坡耕地上方挖沟、筑埂、铺设草皮或作石料衬砌防冲

三 造林与增加植被覆盖

1 水土保持林 控制水土流失,改善生态环境




2 封禁 发挥气候条件优势和生态的水土流失为中轻度,具结合封禁,在残林、疏林中进 封禁方式取全年封23

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续表 2-6 主要项目施工工艺与方法序号 项目 作用 布置区域 施工方式

四 灌溉1 道路(作业便道、机耕道) 解决田间作业、群众饮水和对



Ⅱ 私人利益水土保持和生计改善工程一 基本农田建设1 坡改梯 增加作物产量 土层较厚、坡度在 5~


二 经济果木林增加农业产值,促进农村产业结构调整,改善生态环境、控制水土流失




三 种草 保持水土,满足畜牧业发展需要 退耕坡地、荒山荒坡 整地、施肥、深耕和耙耱

四 牲畜养殖 增加农民收入五 灌溉1 蓄水池




2 小水窖 人畜饮水、旱地灌溉或两者兼24

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顾的综合利用工程。六 能源更新1 沼气池 解决农民燃料问题,改善农



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2.4.3 项目实施进度项目区共有 10~50 km2 的小流域 274条,计划分 2批实施,每条小流

域治理期为 3 年,每批实施的小流域在时间安排上紧密衔接,提前一年做好小流域实施计划和以县(区、市)、乡镇为单位的总体计划。项目实施的前一年,进行科技培训和设备材料的采购准备及施工机械的维修、修建施工便道等,为实施做好准备。项目实施充分利用农闲时间,每年春冬两季集中造林,并进行土地改良、土建工程等的实施。项目分 6 年实施完毕。2.5 项目管理

本项目涉及范围广,专业多。为顺利实施项目,需设置各级管理机构来负责项目组织管理。拟成立中央、省(市)、地、县各级项目领导小组和项目办公室。各级项目领导小组下设项目办,负责项目实施和日常管理工作。项目执行办和省(市)设立项目专家咨询组,各县设立项目咨询服务小组,在项目准备和实施过程中提供技术咨询、技术指导和技术服务。此外,在项目准备和实施过程中还需要工程技术管理、物资管理和财务管理等各方面的配合。2.6 已开展和在开展的相关项目经验2.6.1 已开展和在开展类似项目简介根据项目组成,本节以“长治”工程、“黄土高原水土保持世行贷款

项目” (简称“黄土高原项目”)、“生态家园富民计划”、“退耕还林”工程作为类似项目进行介绍。


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(1)“长治”工程20 世纪 80 年代以来,中国对长江和珠江上游的水土流失治理十分重

视。1989 年国务院批准实施“长治”工程,1992 年在珠江上游实施了南北盘江水土流失综合治理工程。目前,项目区长江流域的 33个县(市、区)均属“长治”工程重点防治区,珠江流域的兴义、兴仁、安龙和盘县等 4

个县(市)也曾实施过水土流失重点治理项目,“长治”工程范围见图2.6-1。截至 2001 年底,项目区实施治理的小流域共 71条,治理水土流失面积 481.28km2 ,其中:坡改梯 66.21km2 ,营造水 土 保 持 林129.56km2 ,种植经 济果木林 64.6km2 ,种草 7.08km2 , 实 施封禁治 理182.36km2,推行保土耕作措施 31.47km2,完成小型水利水保工程 11939

处。项目区水土流失治理基本情况见表 2-7。(资料及数据来源参考文献【101】)

表 2-7 项目区实施水土流失治理工程情况表

项目区 土地总面积(km2)





合计 7224.39 71 481.28 14.0 17.5

云南 1304.70 22 144.94 16.1 34.6

贵州 2820.25 25 63.28 5.1 6.0

湖北 1545.63 6 184.93 13.9 15.3

重庆 1553.82 18 88.13 15.9 14.0

(2)“黄土高原项目”“黄土高原项目”自 1990 年 9 月开始进行总体规划和初步设计,于


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1993 年 11 月通过了世界银行的评估,并于 1994 年 10 月 3日生效实施。该项目分二期实施,一期世行贷款项目实施期为 8 年,已于 2002 年 9 月顺利地通过了世界银行的检查与竣工验收;二期世行贷款项目实施期为 5 年,自 1999 年 12 月开始实施,将于 2004 年年底结束。黄土高原水土保持世行贷款一期项目,是在黄河中游水土流失严重

的山西省蔚汾河、昕水河、河曲、保德、偏关片,内蒙古自治区罕台川、哈什拉川、呼斯太河,陕西省延河、佳芦河,甘肃省马莲河等 9条流域(片),涉及 7个地(盟)、21个县(旗、市)的部分地区,实施综合治理水土流失的开发项目。项目建设内容主要包括修梯田、打淤地坝、治河造地、发展小片水地、修筑治沟骨干工程及小型拦蓄工程、育苗、造林、种草、建果园以及与之相适应的科学研究、技术培训和监测评价等技术支持服务。一期项目实施 8 年来,累计完成治理面积 4890km2。主要治理工程量包括:梯田904.46km2、水田 70.98km2、坝地(包括治河造地)62.24km2,乔木林909.51km2、灌木林 1360.4km2,果园 308.92km2,人工种草 1004.11km2,营建中心苗圃 209hm2,建成治沟骨干工程 149座,淤地坝 1140座。(资料及数据来源参考文献【518】、【519】)

(3)“生态家园富民计划”2000 年年初,农业部采用试点探索、示范带动的方式,首批在陕西、

甘肃、宁夏、青海、四川、贵州、云南等西部七省启动了 10个生态家园富民计划示范村,当年底又在全国安排了 76个示范村,其目的是探索生态家园富民工程在实施农业可持续发展战略中的作用,总结技术路线和工作经验,为大规模实施“生态家园富民工程”做好前期准备工作。 在生态家园富民工程示范项目建设中,采用东部地区技术和人才“西进”的方式


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“生态家园富民计划”包括政策和技术两方面内容。 在政策上各级政府要采取措施引导农民按生态家园模式安排生产和生活, 在技术上,就是将农村可再生能源技术和庭院生态农业技术进行优化组合,集成配套主要包括庭院生态经济致富工程、能源高效优质化工程等。通过节能技术、太阳能利用技术、沼气发酵综合利用技术和新能源开发利用技术等措施,提高能源的使用效率,建设温暖清洁的家居环境,改变农民落后的生活方式,降低农民生活中的生物质能消耗水平。(参考文献 【522】、【523】)

(4)“退耕还林”工程2000 年 3 月,经国务院批准,国家林业局、国家计委、财政部联合发

出了《关于开展 2000 年长江上游、黄河上中游地区退耕还林(草)试点示范工作的通知》,初步明确了退耕还林政策。为了明确责任,严格管理,推动试点工作的健康发展,2000 年 9 月国务院出台了《关于进一步做好退耕还林还草试点工作的若干意见》(国发[2000]24号)。

目前,退耕还林的主要政策包括:(1)坚持生态效益优先,兼顾农民吃饭、增收以及地方经济发展;坚持生态建设与生态保护并重,采取综合措施,制止边治理边破坏问题;坚持政策引导和农民自愿相结合,充分尊重农民的意愿;坚持尊重自然规律,科学选择树种;坚持因地制宜统筹规划,突出重点,注重实效。(2)认真落实“退耕还林、封山绿化、以粮代赈、个体承包”的政策措施。(3) 凡是水土流失严重和粮食产量低而不稳的坡耕地和沙化耕地,应按国家批准的规划实施退耕还林。(4)退耕还林要以营造生态林为主,营造的生态林比例以县为核算单位,不


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得低于 80%。对超过规定比例多种的经济果木林,只给种苗和造林补助费,不补助粮食和现金。(5)国家无偿向退耕户提供粮食、现金补助。(6)国家向退耕户提供种苗和造林费补助。(7)关于退耕地还林的农业税征收减免政策。(8)实施退耕还林后,必须确保退耕农户享有在退耕土地和荒山荒地上种植的林木所有权,并依法履行土地用途变更手续,由县级以上人民政府发放权属所有证明。(9)在确定土地所有权和使用权的基础上,实行“谁退耕、谁造林、谁经营、谁受益”的政策。农民承包的耕地和宜林荒山荒地造林以后,承包期一律延长到 50 年,允许依法继承、转让,到期后可按有关法律和法规继续承包。(10)采取多种形式推进退耕还林。(11)结合退耕还林工程开展生态移民、封山绿化,开展农村能源建设,实行封山禁牧、舍饲圈养,加强川地、缓坡耕地的农田基本建设,大力调整农村产业结构,努力增加农民收入。(12)实行“目标、任务、资金、粮食、责任”五到省,省级政府对工程负总责。(13)退耕还林工程的规划、作业设计等前期工作费用和科技支撑费用,国家给予适当补助,由国家计委根据工程建设情况在年度计划中安排。(参考文献 【525】)2.6.2 类似项目实施效果2.6.2.1 “长治”工程

“长治”工程的实施,使治理区的水土流失初步得到控制,生态环境和农业生产条件明显改善,农业产业结构和土地利用趋于合理,环境容量扩大,群众的生活水平和生活质量都有所提高。实施效果分析以重庆市万州区实施的“长治”第五期工程为例说明水土流失治理效果。(本节资料及数据来源参考文献【334】)万州区“长治”第五期工程自 1999 年开始,2003 年结束。已实施完


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毕的 5条小流域共涉及 6个乡(镇)的 65个村,其中农业人口 80706 人,土地总面积 156.19km2,耕地 90.69km2,林地 27.59km2,草地 0.56km2,荒山荒坡 19.59 km2,其它用地 17.76 km2。耕地、林地、草地、荒地、其它用地分别占土地总面积的 58.0%、17.7%、0.4%、12.5%、11.4%,农业人均耕地0.11hm2,人均基本农田 0.06hm2,平均每公顷产粮 2325kg,人均粮食产量 449kg。

“长治”第五期工程实施完成的 5个小流域(分别为鹿山河、桐坪河、王家 沟 、龙溪沟 、万家 沟 )共完成 治 理面积 76.22km2 ,其中坡改梯7.01km2,水土保持林 19.74 km2,经果林 12.97km2,种草 3.03km2,封禁治理 20.9km2,保土耕作 12.57 km2。塘堰 78座、蓄水池 354口、谷坊 4座、拦沙坝 5座、灌排水渠 59km、水平沟 42km、沉沙凼 15020个、累计完成总土石方量 490.28万m3,其中土方 360.56万m3,石方 129.72万m3。

“长治”第五期工程实施后,取得的效益主要体现在以下几个方面(见表 2-8):

(1)调整了农业产业结构通过治理,基本农田由原来占耕地的 29.9%上升至 34.4%,耕地由原

占土地总面积 58.1%下降到 47.5%,林业用地由原 17.7%上升至 38.6%,草地由 0.4%上升至 2.3%,荒山荒坡由 12.5%下降至 0.1%,土地利用结构趋于合理,实现了“稳粮、增收、调结构”的目标,随着水土保持林、经果林、草地的经济效益提高,林业、牧业、工副业和其它行业的产值将大幅度增长,发挥了山区优势,从根本上改变了农业产业结构,促进了山区经济健康稳步发展。


Page 40: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

(2)水土流失得到基本控制,缓洪减沙效益显著通过治理,5条竣工小流域水土流失面积由治理前 78.38km2减少到

29.93km2,即水土流失面积由治理前占总面积的 50.2%下降到 19.2%;年土壤侵蚀量由 治 理 前 的 32.12 万 t 减少到 7.5 万 t , 土壤侵蚀模数由4098t/(km2·a)下降到 2503t/(km2·a)。治理后年拦蓄径流达 2591.9万m3,占径流总量的 16.6%,比治理前增加近 6个百分点。林草覆盖率由治理前 18.0%上升到 40.9%。由于各项措施的实施,林草覆盖率增加,工程拦洪滞洪能力增强,延长了汇流时间,削减了洪峰流量,起到了明显的蓄水保土减沙滞洪的作用。水土流失得到综合防治,生态环境明显改善,减少霜、冻、干、热、风等危害。

(3)增加经济收入流域治理后,农业人均基本农田由 0.06hm2增加到 0.07hm2,增长

16.7%;粮食总产量由 3621.23万 kg增加到 3732.66万 kg,增长 3.1%;平均每 hm2产量由2325kg提高到2385kg,提高了 3.1%,人均粮食由 449kg

增长到 463kg。人均纯收入由 1277元增长到 1866元,增长 46.1%。表 2-8 “长治”第五期工程实施小流域治理前后基本情况一览表

序号 项目 治理前 治理后数量 备注 数量 备注

一 土地利用现状1 土地总面积(km2) 156.19 156.192 耕地(km2) 90.69 占土地面积的 58.0% 74.18 占土地面积的 47.5%其中 水田(km2) 41.75 占耕地面积的 46.0% 41.75 占耕地面积的 56.3%

梯地(km2) 5.03 占耕地面积的 5.5% 12.04 占耕地面积的 16.2%坡耕地(km2) 43.91 占耕地面积的 48.5% 20.39 占耕地面积的 27.5%

3 林地(km2) 27.59 占土地面积的 17.7% 60.29 占土地面积的 38.6%32

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4 草地(km2) 0.56 占土地面积的 0.4% 3.59 占土地面积的 2.3%5 荒山荒坡(km2) 19.59 占土地面积的 12.5% 0.17 占土地面积的 0.1%6 其它用地(km2) 17.76 占土地面积的 11.4% 17.96 占土地面积的 11.5%二 社会经济1 农业人口(人) 80706 806552 涉及乡镇(个) 6 7 行政区划进行了调整3 农业人均耕地(hm2) 0.11 0.094 人均基本农田(hm2) 0.06 0.07 增长了 16.7%5 平均每 hm2产量(kg) 2325 2385 增长了 3.1%6 人均粮食(kg/a) 449 463 增长了 3.1%7 人均年纯收入(元) 1277 1866 增长了 46.1%

三 水土流失1 水土流失面积(km2) 78.37 占土地面积的 50.2% 29.93 占土地面积的 19.2%其中 轻度(km2) 11.24 占流失面积的 14.3% 15.95 占流失面积的 53.3%

中度(km2) 28.62 占流失面积的 36.5% 10.53 占流失面积的 35.2%强度以上(km2) 38.51 占流失面积的 49.1% 3.45 占流失面积的 11.5%

2 土壤侵蚀量(万 t/a) 32.12 7.5

3 年均土壤侵蚀模数(t/ km2·a) 4098 2503 黄土高原水土保持世行贷款项目根据黄土高原世行贷款一期项目监测结果,一期项目实施 8 年来,实

施成效显著,不仅取得了明显的经济效益和社会效益,而且在改善当地生态环境,加强农村基础建设,促进经济社会可持续发展等方面取得了显著效果。项目区粮食总产量由实施前的 45.6万 t增加到 69.9万 t;农民人均纯收入由实施前的 306元提高到 1263元。实施期末项目区各项治理措施面积累计占到水土流失面积的 55.24%,年减少水土流失达到 5700万 t。林草面积由 4391 km2 增加到 7668km2,新增 35.9万 hm2,林草覆盖率由28.2%提高到 49.3%,治理程度由 20.98%增加到 55.24%。各种治理措施有效的保土固沙,减轻了风沙危害,调节了河川径流,减少了水土流失,改善了生态环境,增强了区域生态抗灾能力。项目区农民生活质量改善,


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农村经济得到较快发展。(本节资料及数据来源参考文献【518】、【519】)黄土高原世行贷款一期项目治理前后对比见表 2-9。表 2-9 黄土高原水土保持世行贷款一期项目治理前后对比表

序号 项目 治理前 治理后数量 备注 数量 备注

一 土地利用结构        1 土地总面积(km2) 15559   15559  2 耕地(km2) 4169.8 占土地面积的 26.8% 3415.2 占土地面积的 22.0%  其中坡耕地(km2) 2970 占耕地面积的 71.2% 1168 占耕地面积的 34.2%3 林草地(km2) 4391 占土地面积的 28.2% 7668 占土地面积的 49.3%4 其它 6998.2 占土地面积的 45% 4475.8 占土地面积的 28.8%

二 水土流失        1 治理程度(%) 20.98   52.24 增加了 31.26%

三 社会经济        1 人均纯收入(元) 306   1263 增长了 312%2 贫困户(万户) 15.8 占农户的 56% 2.5 占农户的 8.6%3 粮食总产量(万 t) 45.6   69.9 增长了 48.9%4 人 均 基 本 农 田

(hm2) 0.1 

0.17  5 人畜饮水 46.5%   65.04%  注:治理程度指水土保持措施占水土流失面积的比例。“黄土高原水土保持世行贷款一期项目”实施后,取得的效益主要体

现在以下几个方面(见表 2-9):(1)土地利用结构调整项目实施后,广种薄收的传统耕作方式得到改进,粮食生产主要依

靠基本农田,农业生产逐渐向少种高产多收的集约化经营转变。项目区总耕地面积减少 753km2,粮食产量却增加了 24.3万 t;坡耕地面积由 1993

年的 2970km2减少到 2001 年的 1168km2,坡耕地在总耕地中的比例由71.2%降低至 34.2%,大面积退耕为项目林草建设提供了有利条件。项目区


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土地利用结构得到有效调整,林草覆盖率由项目实施前的 28.2%提高到49.3%。未利用土地和荒地面积减小,使土地资源得到充分合理的开发利用,土地利用结构趋于合理,农村经济快速发展。


加,地面植被得到恢复,减轻了坡面产流和侵蚀以及暴雨等自然灾害造成的损失,地表保水保土能力增强,入黄泥沙减少,改善了项目区生态环境,提高了区域生态环境的稳定性。项目实施期末,各项治理措施面积累计占到水土流失面积的 55.24%,年保土能力达到 5700万 t,项目区严重的水土流失得到有效遏制。


大作用。项目区农业人均基本农田由 0.1hm2增加到 0.17hm2,农民人均纯收入由 1993 年的 306元增加到 1263元,增长了 3倍。贫困农户总数由实施前的 14.8万户下降到 2.5万户,占总农户比例由 56%下降为 8.6%。 “生态家园富民计划”


 重庆市从 2000 年开始进行生态家园富民计划试点示范工作。几年来,35

Page 44: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

市政府围绕“农业增效,农民增收和结构调整”这条主线,坚持试点工作与生态农业、扶贫工作、移民工作、生态建设和保护、农业结构调整相结合,认真实施生态家园富民计划,大力发展生态农业、全面推进脱贫致富和农村小康建设,取得了显著的成效。到 2002 年底,全市已建成 20个生态家园示范村,5000余户示范户,户均增收节支 3000元以上。通过生态家园建设可以保护植被,减少污染物的排放,同时拉动农

村养殖业的发展,推动种植业的调整,从而加速农业产业结构的调整。生态家园富民计划在农村深受广大农民的欢迎,农民通过示范户的示范效应,切实体会到生态家园建设的好处。群众普遍反映生态家园建设实现了省煤、省劳力、省电、省钱,增肥、增效、增产,减少病虫害、减少水土流失,净化了生活环境。 总体分析,“生态家园富民计划”主要有以下几个方面的效果:

(1)促进农业产业结构调整, 增加农民收入  以沼气为纽带的生态家园富民计划,改变了单一种植粮食的经济结构,带动了养殖业和种植业的发展。一些区县还结合生态家园建设,推动农户形成了适宜当地资源特色、满足市场需求的农业生产结构。生态家园建设已成为农村经济新的增长点,成为农业结构调整、农民增收的一大“亮点”,成为生态农业建设的突破点。“猪—沼—果(鱼、菜)”的生产模式减少了传统种植、养殖对生活环境造成的污染,改良了土壤,提高了肥力,促进了无公害农产品生产,开辟了生态农业建设新途径。

( 2)保护生态环境  在山区,农民的生活用能以薪柴为主。据重庆市忠县的统计资料,全县农村常年生活用能折标煤 32万 t,其中林木折标煤 18万 t,占农村能源总


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量的 56%,作物秸杆折标煤 10.2万 t,占 32%。全县每年要烧掉 31.6万 t

薪柴,相当于 42万亩薪柴林的年生长量。3—4口之家的农户建一个 8m3

的沼气池,已可满足全年做饭和点灯照明的需要,年可节省柴草 2.25t,相当于 3亩薪柴林或 6亩林地的年林木蓄积量。


(3)提高了农民的生活质量,推进了农村的社会文明进步  以沼气为核心的生态家园建设,改变了农民传统的生活方式,改变了农村的面貌。通过发展沼气,使农民的生产生活垃圾实现资源化利用,改善农民的生活环境,提高了农民的生活质量。在一些生态家园示范点,所到之处都非常整洁,农户院中基本上看不见蚊蝇。人畜粪便及时入池,消灭了蚊蝇滋生地,大大改善农村公共卫生环境,减少了疾病的传播。通过使用上清洁燃料,使妇女从烟熏火燎中解脱出来,减轻了农民尤其是妇女的劳动强度。 “退耕还林”工程根据对全国最早一批实施“退耕还林”工程县的调查,工程实施五

年来已取得了明显成效。退耕还林实施区域严重的水土流失和土地沙化治理初见成效;农民从中得到了实惠,增加了收入,同时促进了土地利用结构的合理调整。 退耕还林工程的实施,将对工程区的经济社会发展和人民生活产生长远影响。通过大力培育森林资源,加快改善生态环境,将为改善生产条件、提高生活水平和生活质量提供重要保障。 下面以贵州省为


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例说明“退耕还林”工程实施效果。根据《贵州省退耕还林综合效益监测与评价实施方案》,在贵州省 86

个工程县中选定麻江、黎平、铜仁、开阳、黔西、关岭、龙里、望谟、习水、水城等 10个县作为退耕还林工程综合效益监测与评价网络县。 经过连续三年的监测分析,结果表明退耕还林生态效益初步显现。退耕还林后平均土壤侵蚀模数下降 76%,平均土壤侵蚀模数由退耕前的 3121.2t/(km2·a)减少到 2003 年的 761.7 t/(km2·a);土壤年侵蚀量减少 78%,平均每亩每年减少土壤侵蚀量 1.7t,10个退耕还林监测县 2000~2003 年共完成退耕地造林 85.9万亩,年土壤侵蚀量由退耕前的 190.4万 t/a,降低到 2003 年的42.3万 t/a,净减少 148.1万 t/a,其中 25°以上陡坡退耕还林地土壤年侵蚀量减少最为明显,占总减少量的 74%;退耕还林区地表和地上植物种类由退耕前单一的农作物种增加到 60多个种,禾本科与菊科等草本植物增加明显,退耕还林后植被覆盖率和生物多样性恢复速度较快。 (参考文献 【526】)2.6.3 类似项目实施的经验

“长治”工程以及 “黄土高原项目”、“生态家园富民计划”和“退耕还林”工程在水土流失治理方面总结了许多切实可行的成功经验和管理办法,具体如下(见表 2-10 和表 2-11):2.6.4 本项目识别与分析



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目组成分析见表 2-12。表 2-10 “长治”工程与“黄土高原项目”经验借鉴表

序号 项目 “长治”工程 黄土高原项目

1 政府支持 实行严格的目标责任制,强化领导任期内的考核责任制


2 组织管理

项目县通过政府协调,成立以分管副县长任组长,水利局及其它相关单位负责人为成员的“长治”工程领导小组,将“农业综合开发项目”(农业部 ) 、 “ 长 防 ” 工 程 ( 国 家 林 业局)、“退耕还林”工程(国家林业局)等项目向“长治”工程规划小流域靠拢,提高了治理的综合程度,弥补了治理资金的不足


3 财务管理项目县对“长治”工程资金制定了具体的管理制度,并对乡镇财务人员进行培训,落实专人,建立专账,专户储存,确保工程资金转向用于水土流失治理


4 公众参与 项目区通过电视、广播、报刊、展板、宣传车、街头宣传、知识竞赛等形式,广泛宣传《中华人民共和国水土保持法》、《中华人民共和国森林法》、《中华人民共和国河道管理条例》等有关法律法规,形成舆论声势,使项



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表 2-11 “生态家园富民计划”和“退耕还林”工程经验借鉴表序号 项目 “生态家园富民计划” “退耕还林”工程

1 政府支持 坚持层层落实责任制,签订责任状,做到奖罚分明。


2 组织管理



3 质量管理重点抓好专业技术队伍的培训、考核和认证工作;健全服务网络,做到乡有服务站、村有服务点;加大对沼气用户的宣传和培训力度,帮助农户管好用好沼气。


4 公众参与通过广播、电视、报刊、标语和分发资料,向农民群众宣传修建沼气池的好处,并组织村社干部到全县生态家园示范村参观,从而带动和影响农民修建沼气池的积极性。


“ ”长治 工程在项目县实施了多年,各县已经积累了许多成功经验和管

理办法,这些均是本项目可以借鉴和利用的 “; 黄土高原水土保持世行贷

”款项目 则是我国政府首次利用国际金融机构贷款开展的大规模水土保持



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“此外,目前在项目区实施的与本项目有着紧密联系的工程除 长

” “治 工程外,还有 农业综合开发项目”(农业部)、“生态家园富民计

” “ ” “ ”划 (农业部)、 水土保持生态修复规划 (水利部)、 天然林保护 工

“ ”程(国家林业局)、 长防 工程(国家林业局)、“退耕还林”工程(国家林业局)等。本项目实施过程中应注意和项目区内其它项目的衔接,达到改善生态环境、共同治理水土流失的目的。鉴于本项目与类似项目的共同性,借鉴类似工程实施的相关经验,

本项目实施后将取得类似项目的成效。表 2-12 本项目与“长治”工程、“黄土高原项目”组成对比分析表



“ ”长治 工程黄土高原水土保持世行贷款项目


“退耕还”林 工程

一 坡耕地治理1 坡改梯 √ √ √2 保土耕作 √ √二 拦沙工程 √ √ √


覆盖1 乔木林 √ √ √ √2 灌木林 √ √ √ √3 种草 √ √ √ √4 封禁治理 √ √ √ √5 中心苗圃 √ √ √四 道路基础设施 √ √ √五 家畜家禽养殖 √


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六 能源工程1 沼气池 √ √2 节柴灶 √ √六 技术支持与服务1 专题研究 √ √2 技术培训 √ √ √ √3 项目监测 √ √ √

2.7 小结与结论第二章简单介绍了项目背景、项目组成、项目布局与施工方案、项









区措施配置的重点(见表 2-5)。此外,报告还对主要施工项目的施工

方法作了相关介绍(见表 2-6)。


目前,项目区长江流域的 33个县(市区)均属“长治”工程重点防治区,珠江流域的兴义、兴仁、安龙和盘县等 4个县(市)也曾实施过水土流失重点治理项目。项目区水土保持机构健全,具有水土流失治理和管理经验,群众具有良好的参与意识和技能。目前在项目区实施的与本项目


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3 政策和制度3.1 与国内制度和政策的关系3.1.1 法律

本项目可行性研究报告及环境影响报告书的编制均遵循了《中华人民共和国宪法》、《中华人民共和国环境保护法》等法律法规的要求,项目与相关法律的关系见表 3.1-1。

表 3.1-1          项目、报告书与法律关系序号 法律 主要内容 说明















5 中华人民共和国水土保

持法第十四条规定“ 禁止在二十五度以上陡坡地开垦种植农作物”;第二十二条规定 “在水力侵蚀地区,应当以天然沟壑及其两侧山坡地形成的小流域为单元,实行全面规划,综合治理,建立水土流失综合防治体系”;第二十三条规定:“国家鼓励水土流失地区的农业集体经济组织和农民对水土流失进行治理,并在资金、能源、粮食、税收等方面实行扶持政策,具



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续表 3-1          项目、报告书与法律关系序号 法律 主要内容 说明


中华人民共和 国 水污染防 治法

第三十八条规定“ 使用农药,应当符合国家有关农药安全使用的规定和标准。运输、存贮农药和处置过期失效农药,必须加强管理,防止造成水污染”;第三十九条规定“ 县级以上地方人民政府的农业管理部门和其他有关部门,应当 采取措施,指导农业生产者科学,合理地施用化肥和农药,控制化肥和农药的过量使用,防止造成水污染”。[406]


7中华人民共和 国 土地管理法

第三十四条规定“国家实行基本农田保护制度”;第三十五条规定:“各级人民政府应当采取措施 ,维护排灌工 程 设 施 ,改良土壤,提高地力,防止土地荒漠化、盐渍化、水土流失和污染土地。”[407]


8中华人民共和 国 森林法




中华人民共和 国野生 动物保护法



10中华人民共和 国农业法


本项目的实施正是体现了本法改善农业 生 态 环 境 的精神,符合加强小流域综合治理,防治水土流失的规定。

11 中华人民共和 国草原法




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定:“对严重退化、沙化、盐碱化、石漠化的草原和生态脆弱区的草原,实行禁牧、休牧制度。” [410]

3.1.2 行政法规为保证上述法律的有效和有序实施,专业行政主管部门或地方政府

颁布了一系列行政法规,包括:(1)《建设项目环境保护管理条例》[412] (国务院,1998 年);(2)《建设项目环境保护设计规定》[413] (国家计划委员会、环境保护

委员会,1987 年);(3)《环境影响评价技术导则》[414](国家环保局,1993 年);(4)《中华人民共和国水土保持法实施条例》 [415](国务院,1993


(5)《中华人民共和国水污染防治法实施细则》[416](国家环保局1989 年);

(6)《中华人民共和国土地管理法实施条例》 [417](国务院,1998


(7)《中华人民共和国森林法实施条例》 [418](国务院第 278号令,2000 年);


的通知》[422](国家环保局、计委等,1993 年)。本项目的实施和报告书的编制均将执行上述法规的要求。


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3.1.3 环境政策项目区受影响或涉及到的政策包括环境保护、可持续发展战略、农业

政策、土地政策、林业政策、退耕还林政策等,它们与项目的关系见表 3.1-



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表 3.1-2          项目与相关政策关系分析序号 政策 主要内容 说明









3 农业政策

国家农业政策在过去的数年间发生了很大变化。中国加入 WTO 促使国家的农业发生根本性的转型,即从把重点从实现粮食自给自足转向在市场的驱动下多样化的农业生产。这种变化同时伴随着:农产品从注重数量转向注重质量;越来越多地依赖农业科学技术;开始重视绿色 /有机生产;提倡以龙头企业、农业科学家和农民带头人带动下的生产和销售模式。


4 土地政策


本项目将为这一新政策提供支持,并要求农民对土地所作任何投资,如修建梯田、栽种的经果林和树林等,都要有 30-50 年土地承包合同的保护。

5 林业政策



6 退耕还林政策

退耕还林政策是指政府鼓励农民从边际农田退耕,代之以植树,并在为期 8 年的时限内为农民提供奖励性补贴。该政策可以增加造林面积,但



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续表 3.1-2          项目与相关政策关系分析序号 政策 主要内容 说明








9 扶贫政策

在过去的二十年中,中国的绝对贫困人口的数量大大减少了,但依然存在着众多的贫困人口,他们大都生活在偏远地区,且多属于少数民族和残疾人,他们很难得到实惠。因此,政府的扶贫政策将受抚的对象细化了 ,原 来是指定贫困县,现推行将贫困乡、贫困村和贫困家庭划为受扶对象。



在过去的二十年中,中国以务农为生的人口比例大大降低了(从大约 70%减少到 50%),而且国家的一项关键发展政策是继续鼓励人口从农村-农业向城市-工业和服务业转移。

本项目实施环境是农村,而农村目前的大趋势是获取非农收入。本项目的实施将对长远的城市化政策可发挥全面的支持 作 用 , 可通过增加农民的收入,使农民的后代有受教育的机会,使他们掌握更多的资源,利于平稳、成功地过渡到城市,而那些依然住在农村的人口也将会提高生活水平。





12 三农政策

多年来,农民、农村、农业的“三农”问题一直是国家高度重视的问题,国家近年来连续出台了一系列支农政策,如在全国 28个省份安排良种补贴资金、安排农机具购置补贴、减免农业税、取消特产税等,以促进农民增收、粮食增产、农业增效。[526]

本项目的实施将对国家的“三农”政策起到支持 作 用 , 可增加农民的收入,使农业增效。

13 生态富民

国家为改变农民贫困的现状,2000 年起逐步 在全国实 施生 态家 园富民工 程规



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3.1.4 环境标准本项目在环境影响评价、采取的环保措施及环境管理计划的制定中遵

循了以下标准:(1)《地表水环境质量标准 GB3838 — 2002》[423]:该标准依据地面



(3)《土壤侵蚀分类分级标准》(SL190-96) [425]:该标准按形态原则(地质、地貌、土壤),将本项目区划分为以水力侵蚀为主的西南土石山区,规定土壤侵蚀强度的分级以年平均侵蚀模数为判别指标,其中水力侵蚀强度分为 6级。

(4)《水土保持综合治理 技术规范》(GB/T 16453.1~16453.6-1996)[426]:本技术规范包括坡耕地治理、荒地治理、沟壑治理、小型蓄排引水工程、风沙治理、崩岗治理等 6 项技术。

(5)《主要造林树种苗木》[427] (GB6000-85)。51

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3.2 与相关规划的关系3.2.1 与《全国生态环境建设规划》的适应性


本项目提出建立水土流失综合防护体系,通过基本农田建设和农田水利设施配套、水土保持设施建设、植树造林和封禁治理、农村基础设施建设和能源更新等措施,在项目区形成综合的农村可持续发展模式,使项目区水土流失治理程度达到 80%以上,林草面积达到宜林宜草面积的80%以上,荒山荒坡全部绿化,结构不良林地得到改良,植被覆盖率显著提高,当地农民生产生活条件得到改善,生态环境初步呈良性循环,与《全国生态环境建设规划》的总体目标相一致。

此外,本项目区选择的云南省、贵州省、重庆市和湖北省的 37个县均为《全国生态环境建设规划》所确定的水土流失重点治理地区,大部分位


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于我国长江中上游地区,符合“在生态环境特别恶劣的黄河长江上中游水土流失重点地区以及严重荒漠化地区的治理初见成效。……在重点区域建设一批水土保持、节水灌溉、旱作农业和生态农业示范工程。”的近期(2010 年)治理规划目标。因此,本项目的实施是《全国生态环境建设规划》的具体落实,与《全国生态环境建设规划》相协调。3.2.2 与地方土地利用总体规划的适应性



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重庆市:丘陵农业区要严格保护耕地,按照规划使用土地,加快城镇建设;搞好土地利用结构调整;25度以上的陡坡耕地逐步退耕还林,增加林草覆盖面积,严禁毁林开荒种粮。山地林农牧区要严格保护基本农田,保护和改善生态环境,将 25度以上的陡坡耕地逐步退耕还林;严格按照规划安排好交通运输以及小城市、中心集镇、乡镇企业发展建设用地;坚决制止乱占乱建。



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标作为预测依据,调整了项目区土地利用结构。调整后项目区农业用地面积有所下降,基本农田面积有一定增加;林业用地面积有较大增长,草地面积适度增加;荒山荒坡大幅度减少,水域、非生产用地增加极少,基本无变化。上述调整结果符合各省土地利用总体规划,并且本项目以项目区基本农田建设为先导,在保障粮食安全的基础上开展水土保持综合治理,充分体现了各省土地利用规划的指导思想。3.2.3 与地方水土保持规划的适应性



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本项目可行性研究以各省及项目县水土保持生态建设规划为基础,充分贯彻了规划的指导思想和规划原则,并以项目区小流域为单元进行综合治理,考虑了项目区农户生产生活条件的改善和经济收入的提高,使治理成果更加稳固,是规划的具体体现。本项目与项目区“长治工程”、“珠治工程”等其它水土保持生态建设的实施,使规划的目标得以实现。3.2.4 与地方林业生态建设规划的适应性

云贵鄂渝四省在 2020 年林业发展规划中提出:大力抓好林业重点工程,积极推进生态建设,努力实现生态安全和生态文明。切实保护好天然林资源、野生动植物资源和库区湿地资源,不断提高现有林分质量,增强森林生态防护功能。大力加强森林培育,增加森林资源总量,改善整体生态质量,营造好生态脆弱地带的水源涵养林、水土保持林、生态公益林。不断优化林业结构,加快林业产业发展,实现“绿山富民活行业”的目标。

本项目采取大力营造生态公益林和封禁治理措施,并对部分林分质量较差的林地进行改造,使森林资源总量增加,整体生态质量改善,生物多样增加,符合各省林业发展规划目标。项目实施后,项目区林业用地面积得到较大提高,森林覆盖率从目前的 18.73%提高到 30.64%,林草覆盖率从 30.8%提高到 35.8%,为各省林业发展规划目标的实现起到积极作用。3.2.5 与地方生态建设和环境保护规划的适应性



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本项目将综合治理区域水土流失、改善生态环境和解决贫困问题、提高项目区农户的生活水平作为并重的两大目标,完全符合以人为本、解决重点区域和领域问题的指导思想。本项目的本质就是增进可持续环境资源的利用,逆转流域环境恶化的趋势,属于生态环境保护项目,与各省环保规划具有较好的适应性。3.2.6 与地方畜牧产业规划的适应性




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湖北省草地畜牧业发展目标是:每年新增种草面积 100万亩,农作物秸秆处理利用率每年提高两个百分点,肉牛、肉羊、奶牛产量每年分别增长 5%、10%、15%。并将建立奶牛、肉羊、肉牛三大产业带。以武汉、宜昌、黄冈、咸宁、十堰、襄樊、荆州市为重点,围绕大中城市和龙头企业,建立优质奶牛产业带,力争牛奶产量占全省产量的 90%。以汉江、清江流域、大别山为重点,建立肉羊优势产业带,力争羊肉产量占全省产量的 75%。以24个国家级秸秆养牛示范县和 1个秸秆养牛示范区为重点,建立优质肉牛产业带,力争牛肉产量占全省产量的 80%。

本项目结合项目区土地利用结构调整,在宜草地发展人工草场或对退化草场进行改良,在保持水土的同时为项目区畜牧发展提供牧草,将极大带动项目区畜牧业发展。项目实施不仅给项目区农户带来经济收益,而且完全符合各省畜牧发展目标,特别是湖北省项目区位于奶牛、肉羊二大产业带,项目区养畜与地方规划可有机结合,为项目实施提供较好的技术支持服务和良好的市场前景。3.3 世行安全保障政策

世行实行环境和社会政策的历史有 20余年,直到 1997 年世行管理部门首次阐明安全保障政策的概念,以便强调这一类业务政策对于实现世行的环境和社会目标以及提高世行业务质量所具有的重要意义。目前,世行共有十项安全保障政策,分别是环境政策中的环境评价、自然栖息地、病虫害管理、林业、大坝安全;社会政策中的文物、非自愿移民、少数民族;与法律相关政策中的国际水道项目、有争议地区项目。这些安全保障政策


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本项目完全按照世行的要求开展环评工作,首先根据世行环境评价项目分类要求,按照拟建项目的类别、地点、敏感性、规模、以及其潜在环境影响的性质和程度,对项目进行了环境影响筛选,拟定本项目的类别为 B 类,然后编制了《项目概念性文件》。

在环评的过程中,环评小组考虑了世行对环评内容的有关规定,不仅对项目影响地区的潜在环境风险和影响进行评估,还分析了项目的替代方案,确定相关办法以预防、减少、控制或补偿负面环境影响和加强正面影响,并在环境问题筛选后和环评报告草稿形成后进行了公众参与调查,确定了信息公开方式和实施办法,最后制定了项目环境管理计划。  (2)《病虫害管理环境评价》(OP4.09)[504]

本项目根据世行病虫害管理环评业务政策的要求,成立了病虫害管理小组,并向病虫害防治机构进行咨询协调,编制了病虫害管理计划。在环评报告的 6.3.1节中,纳入了其研究成果。




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本项目区处于森林资源遭受严重破坏的地区,不涉及天然林资源。项目采取造林和增加植被覆盖措施和其它措施的实施不会造成天然林和有关栖息地的重要转变或退化,并将增加项目区森林生物多样性,上述内容将在环评报告 6.2.2节中进行重点讨论。6.4.3节分析了人工林项目可能引入外来物种造成的生态风险。项目对当地居民生活质量/权利的潜在影响将由社会评价报告进行专题论述。



/BP4.04)进行了初步筛选,并在 5.2.1节提出小流域筛选原则。环评报告6.3.3节重点讨论了项目与自然栖息地的关系。3.4 小结与结论第三章包括下列部分:(1)与国内制度和政策的关系:简述了项目可行性研究报告和本报



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4 环境现状4.1 简介

本章节主要内容是根据环评小组对项目涉及云南、贵州、重庆、湖北 4

个省(市)开展的环境背景现状调查与资料收集及分析,确定项目环境研究区的范围,并将研究区环境现状分为自然环境、社会经济环境和存在的主要环境问题,分不同省(市)描述环境现状与特征。4.2 长江、珠江流域简介4.2.1 长江流域

长江是中国第一大河,发源于青藏高原唐古拉山脉主峰各拉丹冬雪山的西南侧(北纬 33°28’,东经 91°08’),源头冰川末端海拔 5400余米。干流流经青、藏、川、滇、鄂、湘、赣、皖、苏、沪等 10个省、市、自治区,在崇明岛以东注入东海;支流还流过甘、陕、黔、豫、浙、桂、闽、粤等 8个省、自治区境内。干流全长约 6300km,流域面积约 180万 km2(各省在长江流域内面积见图 4.2-1)。流域大部分处于亚热带季风气候区,温暖湿润,多年平均降水量 1100mm,多年平均入海水量近 1万亿m3,占中国河川径流总量的 36%左右,水量居世界第三位(本节资料及数据来源于长江水利网)。

长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积 1万平方公里以上的支流有 49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江 4 大支流的流域面积均在 10万平方


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公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表 4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要有鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、大湖、巢湖等。

图 4.2-1 各省在长江流域 内面积表 4.2-1 长江主要支流概况

河 名 河 长 流域面积 多年平均流量 年径流量(km) (km2) (m3/s) (亿 m3)

雅砻江 1571 128444 1810 571

大渡河 1155 90700 1570 495

岷 江 735 135000 2850 877

嘉陵江 1120 160000 2120 710

乌 江 1037 87920 1650 508

沅 江 1022 89163 2170 667

湘 江 844 94660 2370 653

汉 江 1577 159000 1710 511

赣 江 751 83500 2130 675注:表格中数据来自长江水利网。

流域灌溉面积 146700km2,占全国灌溉面积的 30%。流域水能资源极富,可开发量达 1.97亿 kW,年发电量可达 1 万亿 kW·h,在世界上仅次于巴西(长江水能资源概况见表 4.2-2)。长江上己建成的葛洲坝水利枢纽装机容量 271.5万 kW,在建的三峡水利枢纽将装机 1820万 kW,居世界


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流域现有人口约 4亿人,占全国 1/3,其中农业人口约 3.2亿人。在流域总人口中,约 94%为汉族;还有 50多个少数民族,2000余万人,其中超过 100万人的有土家、苗、彝、侗、藏、回等 6个民族,各少数民族主要居住在云贵高原、青藏高原、川西、湘西和鄂西一带。表 4.2-2 长江水能资源概况

流域 装机容量(万 kW) 年发电量(亿 kW·h) 电量所占比重(%)全 流 域 19724 10275 100

干 流 9066 4723 46.0

其中:宜宾以上 5891 3234 31.5

宜宾至宜昌 3174 1489 14.5

支 流 10658 5552 54.0

其中:宜宾以上 3000 1807 17.6

宜宾至宜昌 5010 2614 25.4

宜昌以下 2649 1131 11.0注:表格中数据来自长江水利网。4.2.2 珠江流域

珠江是中国七大江河之一,横贯云南、贵州、广西、广东、湖南、江西、等 6 省(自治区)。流域我国境内面积 44.21万 km2,另有 1.1万 km2 在越南境内;流域地处亚热带,北回归线横贯珠江流域的中部,属于湿热多雨的热带、亚热带气候,气候温和多雨。四季的特点是:春季阴雨连绵,雨日特多;夏季高温湿热,暴雨集中;秋季台风入侵频繁;冬季很少严寒雨量稀少。大部分地区年平均温度在 14~22oC 之间,多年平均降雨量1200~2200mm(本节资料及数据来源于珠江水利网)。


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(珠江主要干支流概况见表 4.2-3,珠江流域分区面积见图 4.2-2)。西江由南盘江、红水河、黔江、浔江及西江等河段所组成,主要支流有北盘江、柳江、郁江、桂江及贺江等;北江主要支流有武水、连江、绥江等;东江发主要支流有新丰江、西枝江等;西北两江在广东省三水市思贤窖、东江在广东省东芜市石龙镇汇入珠江三角洲,经虎门、蕉门、洪奇门、横门、磨刀门、鸡啼门、虎跳门及崖门等八大口门汇入南海,构成珠江独特的“三江汇集,八口分流”的水系特征。


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表 4.2-3 珠江主要干支流概况

河名 流域面积(万·km2) 河长(km)西江干流(思贤窖以上) 35.5 2074


北盘江 2.58 327

柳江 5.72 773.3

郁江 8.68 1179

桂江 1.93 426

贺江 1.15 344

北江(三水以上) 4.67 468

东江干流(包括三角洲)) 3.32 523

西北江三角洲 1.76 141注:表格中数据来自珠江水利网。

图 4.2-2 珠江流域分区面积示意图流域年平均径流总量为 3360亿m3,流域人均水资源量为 4700 m3,

相当于全国人均占有水资源量的 1.7倍。珠江是我国各大河流中含沙量最小的河流,多年平均含沙量为 0.126~0.334kg/ m3。


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流域 土地 资源共 44.2 万 km2 ,其中耕 地 4.8 万 km2 ,林 地 12.6 万km2,耕地率低于全国平均水平,流域人均拥有土地仅有 0.006 km2,约为全国人均拥有土地的 3/5。

流域已建成各类型水库工程 9002座,总库容 490亿m3;修筑加固堤围 20513km;已建水电站总装机容量 950万 kW,占可开发量的 34.3%;水利工程现有年供水能力 564亿m3, 占流域水资源总量的 12%;治理水土流失面积 2.3万 km2,占水土流失面积的 43.4%;灌溉面积 282万 hm2,水利化程度达 63%;

流域是我国少数民族人口较多的地区之一,主要民族有汉、壮、苗、布依等,少数民族以壮族最多,苗族次之。4.3 环境研究区(项目影响区)

本项目涉及云南、贵州、重庆、湖北 4个省(市)的 37个县(市、区)见图 1.1-1、1.2-1。项目区总面积 6905.05 km2(见表 4.3-1),其中长江流域 33个县(市、区)的 248条小流域土地面积为 6332.4 km2、珠江流域 4

个县(市、区)的 26条小流域土地面积为 572.65 km2。本项目环境研究区界定为以上述 37个县(市、区)为主的相关区域,根据本项目对环境影响的特点,将研究区进一步分为项目区、项目县及下游区。4.3.1 项目区

项目区主要指项目实施涉及的 274条小流域组成的区域。


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4.3.2 项目县项目县指项目涉及的 37个县(区)构成的区域,见图 4.3-1,2,3,4。

4.3.3 下游区下游区指项目区(小流域)涉及河流汇入上一级支流的河口区域或

其下游控制性水库,各省项目实施区域的下游区分述如下:表 4.3-1 项目涉及范围省


(市、州) 县(市、区) 所属 流域


云南 楚雄 牟定、元谋、姚安、大姚 长江8昭通 威信、镇雄、巧家、永善 长江

贵州毕节 威宁、赫章、纳雍、金沙、织金、毕节、

大方、黔西 长江12六盘水 盘县 珠江

黔西南 安龙、兴义、兴仁 珠江重庆 万州、涪陵、黔江、渝北、江津、合川、

永川、荣昌、巫溪、开县、长寿 长江 11

湖北宜昌 夷陵区、长阳 长江

6恩施 利川 长江黄冈 红安、麻城、浠水 长江

注:表中内容来自项目可研报告。云南省项目区位于长江流域。楚雄州所属大姚、姚安、牟定、元谋 4 县



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节、大方、黔西、金沙 8 县(市);珠江流域南北盘江水系的有兴义、兴仁、安龙、盘县 4 县(市)。长江流域 8 县(市)下游区为六冲河、三岔河、野济河等支流至乌江干流的乌江渡水库,珠江流域 4 县下游区为境内支流至南、北盘江交汇口。

湖北省项目区涉及长阳、红安、利川、夷陵、麻城、浠水等 6 县(区),河流分别涉及清江、黄柏河、举水、倒水、浠水等长江一级支流和三峡水库,其中清江的下游区为隔河岩水库,夷陵区部分小流域下游区为三峡库区其它项目县下游区为项目区所在支流至长江汇合口。

重庆市 11个项目县(区),大部分位于三峡库区,下游区包括三峡库区项目区涉及的乌江、嘉陵江、小江等下游河段。各省(市)项目下游区见表 4.3-2。

表 4.3-2 环境研究区——下游区省

(市)水系及河流 下游区

云南省 长江水系:金沙江一级支流龙川江(蜻蛉河、大古岩河)、渔泡江、赤水河;长江一级支流乌江。


贵州省长江水系:一级支流乌江(六冲河、三岔河、野济河、偏岩河等支流) 二级支流至乌江渡水库。珠江水系:南盘江、北盘江。 支流至南、北盘江交汇

口。重庆市 长江水系:一、二级支流乌江、嘉陵江、普里河、黔江



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打渔溪等。湖北省 长江水系:一级支流清江、黄柏河、举水、倒水、浠水。



4.4 云南省项目区4.4.1 自然环境4.4.1.1 地形地貌

云南省是一个高原山区省,山地面积占全省土地总面积的 80%。项目区地貌整体呈现高原、中山、低山丘陵与小型盆地相间分布的格局,其中海拔在 1000-3500m 的中山和 1000m 以下的低山丘陵占总面积的 80%,盆地占总面积的 20%。境内沟壑纵横,地形破碎。项目区地形坡度大,坡地多,是导致水土流失的重要因素之一。楚雄州项目区内地质构造较为复杂,岩性多变。褶皱、断裂分布广泛,

活动强烈,地震频繁而且震级高,对山体稳定有较大影响。由于项目区地质构造发育,断裂分布广泛,岩层破碎土质松散,为滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害的发生提供了有利条件。滑坡及泥石流现象主要发生在元谋县东部、姚安县的弥兴、连厂村、龙岗乡及其他各县区。 气象水文


夏无酷热,四季不分明。同时具有如下特点:年温差较小、日温差较大,年平均气温 16.5℃;≥10℃积温 5508℃;年日照数 2387h,总辐射量


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512.5kJ/cm2降水量年际、年内分配都不均匀,多年平均降水量 854mm,汛期 7-9 月降水量占了全年的 56.0%。灾害性气候主要有:冷害、霜冻、冰雹、山洪和干旱,项目区气象特征见表 4.4-1(本节数据来源参考文献[102])

表 4.4-1 云南项目区气象特征值

项目区 牟定 姚安 元谋 大姚气温(℃)

年最高 34.2 26.7 39.1 33

年最低 -7.3 0.4 -1.3 -6.1

年平均 15.8 15.3 21.7 15.6


最大 1334.7 960.1 961.3 1086.5

年份 1998 1973 2001 1998

最小 611.8 507.3 287.4 612.3

年份 1980 1960 1960 1988

多年平均 872 768 641 836

7~9月降水量(mm) 418 352 354 503

≥10℃积温(℃) 4952 5458 7718 4974

无霜期(d) 292 226 362 233

年日照时数(h) 2368 2488 2623 2472

(2)水文楚雄州 项 目 区内主 要 水 系 为龙川江 水 系 。 区内多年 平均径流量

8253.94万m3,多年平均流量 132.78m3/s,径流的年际变化差异较大,最大年径流量 9904.73万m3,最小年径流量 6603.16万m3,年内分配极不均匀,7-9 月径流量最大,占全年的 65.0%,从而也导致了输沙量的年际、年内分配不均匀。项目区多年平均输沙模数为 1486t/km2.a。项目区水资源以地表径流为主,每亩耕地平均拥有水资源量低于全省水平。由于受土地条件、引水和灌溉设施的限制,水资源利用率不高,大部分地区缺水严重。项目区内主要河流水系实测径流、沙量特征值详见表 4.4-2、4.4-3。


Page 80: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要 土壤项目区土壤主要有 4种土类,分布最广的是红壤,其次有棕壤、紫色

土和水稻土,14个亚类,24个土属,59个土种,37个变种。红壤分布在1690~2400m 之间的温暖和温凉坝区和山区;棕壤属冷凉地带性土壤,分布在海拔 2400m 以上的山脊山坡带谱上,该区域属降雨相对较多的地方;紫色土是岩性土,呈区域性分布;水稻土广泛地集中分布在环湖坝区,土壤类型较多,构成流域内主要的高产稳产田。 植被

云南是中国植被类型最为丰富的省份之一,根据《云南植被》,云南植被包括 12个植被类型、169个群系和 209群种。项目区现状森林覆盖率为 25.5%,植被稀疏,大部分林地为稀树灌丛,郁闭度小于 30%的林地占林地总面积的 36.1%。


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表 4.4-2 项目区实测径流特征值表

省(市) 项目区 河流测站 年径流量(万 m3) 7~9月径流量(万 m3) 流量(m3/s) 径流模数


观测年限(年)站名 控制面积

(km2) 最大年份 最小年份 多年平均 最大年份 最小年份 多年平均 最大年份 最小年份 多年平均

云 南 省

楚雄州合计     447.18 9904.73 6603.16 8253.94 6438.08 4292.05 5365.06 159.33 106.22 132.78 120617 45

牟定县小计     149.50 2541.50 1694.33 2117.92 1651.98 1101.32 1376.65 142.05 94.70 118.38 141667 32

河节冲 龙川河 州水文站 31.85 573.30 382.20 477.75 372.65 248.43 310.54 176.82 117.88 147.35 150000 32

普村丰乐 龙川河 州水文站 29.40 529.20 352.80 441.00 343.98 229.32 286.65 152.88 101.92 127.40 150000 32

米村 龙川河 州水文站 24.75 386.10 257.40 321.75 250.97 167.31 209.14 130.44 86.96 108.70 130000 32

高平 龙川河 州水文站 21.53 310.03 206.69 258.36 201.52 134.35 167.93 117.48 78.32 97.90 120000 32

马厂 龙川河 州水文站 14.04 235.87 157.25 196.56 153.32 102.21 127.76 94.92 63.28 79.10 140000 32

碑厅 龙川河 州水文站 27.93 536.26 357.50 446.88 348.57 232.38 290.47 179.76 119.84 149.80 160000 32

姚安县小计 一泡江 地索 242.08 1013.71 675.81 844.76 658.91 439.28 549.09 61.14 40.76 50.95 27917 56

元谋县小计 龙川江 黄瓜园水文站 55.60 3577.30 2384.87 2981.09 2325.25 1550.17 1937.71 274.80 183.20 229.00 192266 47

大姚县小计     28.00 5931.63 3954.42 4943.03 3855.56 2570.37 3212.97 200.40 133.60 167.00 337500 32


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表 4.4-3 项目区实测沙量特征值表

省(市) 项目区测站 年输沙量(104t) 7~9月输沙量(104t) 含沙量(kg/m3) 输沙模数

(t/km2.a)观测 年限

(年)站名 控制面积(km2)

最大 最小 多年 平均

最大 最小 多年平均

最大 最小 多年 平均量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份

云 南 省

楚雄州合计   5865.55 666.94   167.46   417.20 322.71   128.32   225.51 100.04   17.76   58.9 1486  牟定县小计   63.47 1.512   2.41   1.96 1.32   0.8   1.06 71.3   6.79   39.0 1726  

河节冲 州水文站 12.65 0.33 98 0.41 80 0.37 0.25 98 0.15 80 0.2 13 98 0.99 80 7.0 1436 32

普村丰乐 州水文站 8.73 0.185 98 0.37 80 0.28 0.19 98 0.11 80 0.15 12.1 98 1 80 6.6 1044 32

米村 州水文站 11.23 0.303 98 0.4 80 0.35 0.24 98 0.14 80 0.19 12 98 1.1 80 6.6 1521 32

高平 州水文站 8.11 0.1865 98 0.35 80 0.27 0.18 98 0.11 80 0.145 11.9 98 1.3 80 6.6 1207 32

马厂 州水文站 8.98 0.2005 98 0.41 80 0.31 0.2 98 0.13 80 0.165 12.2 98 1.4 80 6.8 3546 32

碑厅 州水文站 13.77 0.307 98 0.47 80 0.39 0.26 98 0.16 80 0.21 10.1 98 1 80 5.6 1602 32

姚安县小计 凤屯 242.08 92.162   29.05 89 60.61 46.8 86 18.72 93 32.76 19.95 98 7.98 80 14.0 2000 32

元谋县小计 黄瓜园水文站 5560 1767.3   136 59 951.64 920 74 108.8 93 514.4 8.79 98 2.99 80 5.9 732 47



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项目区林隙草地、农隙草地少,草地大面积成片率不高,草地退化严重。草地植物相当丰富,主要为禾本科、豆科、菊科草种,人工草场主要草种有黄竹草、黑麦草等。 野生动物

云南省复杂的地形和多样的气候条件,使云南省成为动物“王国”,云南省境内有脊椎动物 1704种。在国家 1998 年公布的 257种重点保护动物中,云南省就分布有 164种,其中一级保护动物有滇金丝猴、长臂猿、亚洲象、绿孔雀等;二级保护动物有短尾猴、大灵猫等。

云南省重点保护动物绝大多数为森林种类和热带种类,其生存和分布数量与森林、特别是热带森林的存在与繁盛休戚相关,主要分布在自然保护区内。项目区近 20 年未开展野生动物调查,但由于区内受人类活动长期干扰,植被类型为次生林、农田植被,林木稀疏,野生动物主要为蛇类、鼠类、鸟类、松鼠、猫头鹰等小型动物。4.4.2 社会环境4.4.2.1 社会经济

项目区内 2004 年总人口 30.57万人,其中少数民族人口 5.04万人,75

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占项目区总人口的 16.5%,主要有彝族、白族、哈尼族、壮族、傣族、苗族、傈僳族、回族、满族、纳西族等少数民族(本节数据来源参考文献[102])。

项目区经济为农业经济,以种植业为主(农村产业结构见图 4.4-1),主要农作物为水稻、蚕豆、小麦、玉米、大豆等。农业生产力水平低,仍然采用一些落后的生产方式,陡坡垦荒,广种薄收,农民收入较低,2004 年农民人均纯收入 928.6元。

图 4.4- 1 云南项目区农村产业结 构 土 地利用项目区现有的土地利用结构是在长期的生产开发过程中逐渐形成的。

项目区土地总面积 1435.4km2,土地利用现状见表 4.4-4 和图 4.4-2。(本节数据来源参考文献[102])。

4.4-2 云 南项目区土地利 用现状


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项目区土地利用存在问题为:人均耕地减少,耕地质量差且后备资源不足;土地利用结构不尽合理;土地开发广度有余,深度不足,集约化程度和产出率较低;水土流失严重,水土污染面积大,土地质量下降。根据云南省的地域特征、自然条件和土地资源状况,《云南省综合农业区划》对土地利用结构的规划是 60%林地、20%的牧地、10%的耕地和 10%其它用地。由于人口增加对粮食的需求增大,陡坡垦殖十分普遍,使森林覆盖率不断下降,水土流失严重,区域生态环境面临严重威胁。 水土流失

项目区土壤侵蚀以水力侵蚀为主,并伴随有重力侵蚀和混合侵蚀。水力侵蚀造成的土壤侵蚀占总侵蚀量的 75%左右,侵蚀形式主要以各类面蚀为主,侵蚀形态主要有地表溅蚀、层状面蚀、鳞片状面蚀、砂砾化面蚀、细沟状面蚀,浅沟侵蚀、少量的切沟和冲沟侵蚀、山洪侵蚀等。

项目区水土流失面积 669.56km2,占总土地面积的 46.6%,水土流失现状详见表 4.4-5 和图 4.4-3(本节数据来源参考文献[102])。

图 4.4-3 云 南项目区水土流失现 状


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表 4.4-4 云 南 省 项 目 区 土 地 利 用 现 状 表 单 位 : km2

项目区 土地总面 积

耕地 林地 草地水 域坡 荒山

荒其他用地小 计 梯坪地 水田




坡耕地 小 计 有林地疏幼林 经果林 小 计 天 然 草地

人 工草地 )

合计 1557.87 463.52 103.31 90.84 13.22 256.15 684.77 397.39 267.80 19.58 49.89 42.25 7.64 24.65232.68


牟定县 135.25 34.09 4.34 15.64 0.73 13.38 77.42 34.95 36.67 5.80 0.16 0.16 2.5916.87


姚安县 211.19 35.15 8.91 21.66 1.16 3.42 124.27 89.33 33.47 1.47 0.32 0.32 3.5636.92


元谋县 234.95 64.82 15.78 36.63 12.42 107.87 34.49 68.53 4.85 10.77 10.77 5.5038.43


大姚县 146.62 19.17 4.00 9.85 0.18 5.14 116.33 60.18 54.39 1.76 1.10 1.10 1.24 5.35 3.42威信 276.37 139.48 22.63 2.55 6.74 107.56 128.71 94.56 31.90 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.68 0.00 6.50镇雄 157.73 75.80 19.62 0.46 3.90 51.82 60.97 42.58 17.57 0.82 2.99 2.99 0.00 1.06 1.72 15.19

巧家 172.66 25.12 7.53 1.93 0.51 15.15 32.60 11.13 21.33 0.14 10.76 10.76 0.00 4.4362.10


永善 223.10 69.89 20.50 2.13 47.26 36.60 30.17 3.94 2.49 23.79 17.25 6.54 4.5971.29


表 4.4-5 云南省项目区水土流失现状表项目区 水土流失 其 中


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土地 总面积

(km2)侵蚀模数 [t/(km2·a)]



轻 度 中 度 强 度 极强度 剧 烈面积(km2)










合计 1557.87 798.64 51.3293.1

536.7 315.66 39.5 144.51 18.1 44.81 5.6 0.51 0.1 3069.13

牟定县 135.25 71.44 52.8 22.51 31.5 32.87 46 14.91 20.9 1.15 1.6 3866.98

姚安县 211.19 74.97 35.5 33.47 44.6 36.92 49.2 4.58 6.1 3014.5

元谋县 234.95 119.37 50.8 62.94 52.7 40.66 34.1 15.77 13.2 3187.63

大姚县 146.62 66.82 45.6 56.15 84 8.89 13.3 1.79 2.7 1658.87

威信 276.37 139.76 50.6 24.4 17.5 77.9 55.7 27.05 19.4 10.41 7.4 2455.35

镇雄 157.73 91.02 57.7 31.32 34.4 38.47 42.3 15.54 17.1 5.69 6.3 3249.71

巧家 172.66 99.09 57.4 27.37 27.6 24.77 25 19.14 19.3 27.3 27.6 0.51 0.5 4151.29

永善 223.1 136.17 61 34.99 25.7 55.18 40.5 45.74 33.6 0.26 0.2 2951.65


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4.4.3 主要环境问题(1)水土流失危害严重水土流失是项目区主要的环境问题之一,严重的水土流失导致泥沙


——增加河流泥沙,淤积水库。在土壤遭受严重侵蚀的地区,每年雨季,山洪携带大量泥沙流入河道、水库、渠道,降低了现有水利工程效益,缩短了工程寿命。如江川县茶尔山水库,到目前为止,共计入库泥沙 50万m3,库容显著减少(数据来源参考文献[102])。

——造成地力减退,影响农业生产。大量的水土流失带走了土壤的表层土壤养分,导致农作物生长所需的氮、磷、钾等养分大量流失,作物产量下降,植被生长缓慢。根据在长江上游元谋干热河谷区的调查研究,坡耕地表土熟化土每年流失土层 0.50~0.96mm,坡耕地表土层的有机质含量由微度侵蚀的 9.21~21.10g/kg 下降到了强度侵蚀的 4.21~6.18g/kg(数据来源参考文献[102])。

——制约经济发展,导致群众生活贫困。严重的水土流失是项目区群众贫困的重要原因之一,据统计,云南省 73个贫困县中有 60个在水土流失严重区,占 82%。此外,水土流失还导致水质恶化,水源枯竭,造成人畜引水困难(数据来源参考文献[102])。



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为滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害的发生提供了有利条件,导致项目区山洪、 泥石流、滑坡等自然灾害频繁,给项目区人民生命财产带来极大危害。


也给农村生态环境带来了严重的不利影响。不仅污染水质,而且造成土壤板结,有机质含量下降,农田生态失衡,使土地综合生产力不断下降,制约农业生产的可持续发展。据估算,云南省湖泊污染中,农村面源污染占总负荷的比例在 50%以上,面源是湖泊富营养化的主要污染源。4.5 贵州省项目区4.5.1 自然环境4.5.1.1 地形地貌

项目区地貌属于青藏高原第一梯级到第二梯级的高原山地向东部第三梯级的丘陵平原过渡地带,地势由西向东逐步降低,西部第一级梯级地势最高,为云贵高原的延续部分,是贵州省典型的高原地貌,高原的边缘切割强烈,形成高中山,海拔范围 2200~2400m左右。中部第二梯级是典型的山原和丘原分布区,南北两大斜坡区则是山地分布区,海拔范围 500~1500m左右。一般在大梯级和高原的中心部位,地势起伏小,河


Page 90: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

流切割浅,相对高度小;而在梯级面的转变地带,高原边缘以及各大河流的中下游地区,则地势起伏大,河流切割深,相对高差大。地貌类型表现为以流水作用为主导的剥蚀—侵蚀地貌系列和以岩溶作用为主导的溶蚀地貌系列,分布有高原、高中山、中山、低山、丘陵、盆地、丘原、山原等类型。据统计,项目区土地总面积中,地面坡度小于 50 的占 22.3%;50~150 的占 23.5%;150~250 的占 24.5%;250~350 的占 16%;大于 350 的占13.7%。出露地层有寒武系、奥陶系、志留系、二叠系、三叠系、侏罗系、白垩系、

第三系和第四系地层。碳酸盐类岩石分布广泛,占总面积的 62.2%;紫色砂页岩和紫红色泥岩类次之,占 18.9%;煤系砂页岩占 14.6%;基性岩和泥质岩类占 4.3%。出露地层易蚀性强,其中碳酸盐岩类易被溶蚀,形成的土层较薄,流失后难以恢复;紫色砂页岩和泥岩类风化强烈,风化层松散,土壤流失量大,在水土流失严重的地段易发生泥石流。 气象水文 (1)气象

项目区属亚热带湿润季风气候区,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,雨热同季,干湿分明,适宜多种植物生长。年均气温 11.8~18.1℃,极端最高温度31.5~41.3℃,最低温度-10.9~-6.83℃,10℃以上有效年积温 3717~5700℃,平均无霜期 245~280d,全年日照时数 1000.2~1348.9h。年平均降雨量 945.7~1180.8mm,其中 7~9 月平均降雨量 684.7mm,占年均降雨量的 59.8% ; 10 年 、 20 年 、 50 年 一遇最 大 24 小 时降雨量分别为


Page 91: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

167.8mm、197.6mm、235.9mm。主要灾害天气有倒春寒、春旱、洪涝和冰雹。(项目区气象特征见表 4.5-1)(本节数据来源参考文献[103])。

表 4.5-1 贵州项目区气象特征值

项目区 威宁 赫章 纳雍 织金 毕节 大方 黔西 金沙 兴义 兴仁 安龙 盘县气温( )℃

年最高 30.8 33.8 31.6 35 36.2 33.2 35.4 36.1 32.7 20.1 34 36.7

年最低 -11.2 -3 -3.2 -5 -10.2 -9.5 -10.4 -4.2 -3.3 12 -8.9 -7.9

年平均 10.8 13.9 18.7 20 12.7 12.8 13.8 13.5 16.1 15.3 15.1 15.2


最大 1436.5 1209.5 1499 1789 1293.4 1623.5 1209.3 1340.7 1874.7 1867.4 1440.1 2105.5

年份 1954 1983 2002 2002 1954 1964 1980 1977 1983 1997 1967 1965

最小 655.9 638.1 725 797 654.4 780 833.8 825.4 1112.7 735.1 747.7 791.5

年份 1975 1989 2002 2002 1966 1966 1978 1965 1989 1989 1989 1958

多年平均 962 849 1244 1293 895 1118 1005 1039 1370 1343 1250 1384

7~9月降水量(mm) 480 322 611 1067 445 910 392 728 815 210 977 661

≥10℃积温( )℃ 2492 3569 1510 3302 3717 5234 4172 4788 4798 5247 5633 4531

无霜期(d) 181 248 230 278 285 254 264 303 305 304 288 273

年日照时数(h) 1520 1416 1333 1160 1377 1336 1349 1096 1612 1511 1161 1594


珠江流域南北盘江水系的南盘江、北盘江。乌江 水 系 在 贵 州 省 境内长 889km, 流 域面积 66807 km2 ,落差

2007.6m,平均比降 2.05‰;相对高差一般为 300~800m;河网密度 11~21km/100km2 ; 年径流量 376×108 m3 , 平均流量 1295m3/s , 年径流深562mm , 年径流 系数 0.50 , 年径流 模数 18 m3/ km2 ; 年 平均输沙量2150×104t,年均输沙模数 684t/km2.a,多年平均河流含沙量 1.19kg/m3。

南盘江水系在省境内长 263km,流域面积 7651km2,落差 425m,平均比降 1.61‰;多年平均流量 688 m3/s,年径流总量 52.1×108 m3,年径


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流深 665 mm;年平均输沙量 2150×104t,年均输沙模数 451t/km2.a,多年平均河流含沙量 3.06kg/m3。

北 盘 江 水 系 在 省 境内长 352km , 流 域面积 20982km2 , 平均比降4.42‰;多年平均流量 390 m3/s,年径流总量 121×108 m3,年径流深 578

mm;,年均输沙模数 317t/km2.a,多年平均河流含沙量 1.20kg/m3。见表 1-

6、表 1-7。项目区内主要河流水系实测径流、沙量特征值详见表 4.5-2、4.5-3。


Page 93: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

 表 4.5-2 项目区实测径流特征值表 

省(市) 项目区 河流测站 年径流量(万 m3) 7~9月径流量(万 m3) 流量(m3/s) 径流模数


观测年限 (*年至*

年)站名 控制面积(km2) 最大年份 最小年

份 多年平均 最大年份

最小 年份 多年平均 最大年份最小年份多年平均


威宁 可渡河 小寨 2082.00 1965 1989 73280.00 1968 1989 37270.00 1986 1964 22.90 11.40 1958-2003

北门河 下坝 17.00 1995 1989 434.80 1996 1989 241.10 1995 1985 0.13 8.09 1983-2003

赫章 六冲河 七星关 2999.00 1983 1975 132300.00 1983 1972 61010.00 1983 1979 42.40 14.10 1971-2003

纳雍 白泥河 阳长 2696.00 1997 1989 133600.00 1998 1990 6809.00 1991 2002 49.00 18.00 1957-2003

织金 六冲河 织金 66.40 1977 1990 6349.00 1979 1990 3268.00 1977 1993 2.05 29.50 1974-2003

毕节 落脚河 徐花屯 81.80 1957 1989 4766.00 1983 1989 2250.00 1997 2001 1.45 17.50 1975-2003

大方 落脚河 对江 1944.00 1968 1990 66250.00 1968 1990 29780.00 1968 1972 20.70 10.40 1958-2003

黔西 野济河 石板塘 1553.00 1964 1966 75670.00 1979 1966 33330.00 1998 2002 24.70 14.00 1962-2003

六冲河 洪家渡 9456.00 1983 1990 443300.00 1983 1990 204900.00 1964 1993 140.00 17.20 1957-2003

金沙 偏岩河 木孔 999.00 1999 1990 43090.00 1991 1990 17730.00 1991 1993 13.20 13.60 1983-2003

兴义 马别河 马岭 2277.00 1997 1989 160900.00 1979 1989 86520.00 1997 1987 50.80 24.27 1958-2003

兴仁 南盘江 巴铃 75.00 1997 1989 3541.00 1993 1989 1973.00 1995 1986 1.13 14.70 1981-2003

安龙 白水河 新桥 265.00 1997 1989 17320.00 1991 1989 9382.00 1982 1987 5.19 20.90 1979-2003

盘县 西冲河 盘县 32.00 2000 1988 2744.00 2000 1996 1424.00 2000 1991 0.89 27.40 1983-2003

拖长河 土城 962.00 1961 1975 82410.00 1993 1972 43610.00 1985 1991 17.50 29.50 1959-2003


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表 4.5-3 项目区实测沙量特征值表


测站 年输沙量(104t) 7~9月输沙量(104t) 含沙量(kg/m3)输沙模数(t/km2.a)




最大 最小多年平均

最大 最小 多年 平均

最大 最小 多年平均量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份


纳雍 阳长 2696.00 569.00 1983 52.30 1966 238.00 384.35 1991 21.94 1966 113.56 4.14 1992 0.53 1966 1.72 932 1964-2000

毕节 赤水河 3182.00 530.00 1982 48.40 1989 1830.00 310.69 1970 0.02 1976 892.44 5.09 1979 0.03 1976 3.63 555 1966-2000

黔西洪家渡 9656.00 1630.00 1971 105.00 1992 279.00 610.68 1974 76.60 1990 305.34 3.19 1971 0.46 1968 1.38 676 1958-2000

石板塘 1553.00 100.00 1992 10.10 1966 178.00 37.77 1979 0.94 1994 12.16 1.09 1992 0.19 1965 0.47 299 1964-2000

兴义 马岭 2290.00 496.00 1987 60.20 1989 201.00 171.69 1997 0.51 2000 112.76 2.46 1991 0.06 1987 2.79 752 1966.1984-2000

巴结 46845.00 7418.00 1968 265.00 1992 2027.00 1232.10 1983 17.17 1990 946.01 3.47 1988 0.16 1990 3.33 436 1983-2000

盘县 草坪头 1080.00 52.00 1995 24.00 1983 38.00 44.00 1995 40.00 1983 42.00 1.64 1995 0.76 1983 1.20 317 1978-2001


Page 95: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要 土壤项目区土壤类型主要有黄壤、黄棕壤、紫色土、石灰土和粗骨土,均为

易蚀性土壤。其中石灰土土层较薄,石化形成后将难以恢复。黄壤分布在900~1800m 的山原地区,分布地势较平缓,母质风化较彻底,有机质含量较低,Fe、Si质多,酸性重,缺 P,土层深厚,质地粘重,透性较差。黄棕壤分布在 1800~2200m 的高原山地和 1400~1600m 以上的地区,矿物风化作用、淋溶作用和脱硅富硅化作用均较弱,土层浅薄、疏松,有机质含量多,呈酸性反应,养分含量较丰富。紫色土、粗骨土各种海拨高程均有分布,质软松散,孔隙较大,有机质和 N 素缺乏,土壤侵蚀严重。石灰土一般分布在石灰岩坡度较大地方,受母岩影响,土壤富含 Ca质,呈中性及微碱性,表土地层有机质含量高,质地中粘,结构良好。 植被

项目区植被可分为自然植被和人工植被两类。自然原生植被已遭人为破坏,现存植被多为次生植被。分布有针叶林、阔叶林、常绿阔叶和针叶混交林、落叶阔叶和常绿阔叶混交林及灌丛、竹林、草本群落等。人工植被分为农田植被、人工用材林、经济林、果园等。项目区 2004 年有林地面积474.35km2,森林覆盖率 19%。 野生动物

贵州省野生动物资源丰富,其区系地理成分复杂、古老,有明显的过渡性和复杂性。根据《贵州省生态环境现状调查报告》 (参考文献


Page 96: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

【321】),贵州省有野生脊椎动物 900多种,其中国家重点保护的野生动物 79种。项目区近 20 年未开展野生动物调查,缺少相关资料,但野生动物在地域上的分布有一定的规律性,一般喜欢在森林茂密的中、高山活动,项目区由于森林稀疏,加上受长期以来人活动的影响,很少有重点保护物种出没。4.5.2 社会环境4.5.2.1 社会经济

项目区涉及的 12个县(市)均为边远贫困山区,基础设施薄弱,人口增长过快,经济文化落后,其经济来源主要以农业及养殖业为主(农村产业结构见图 4.5-1)。产业结构以种植业为主,其次为以农户为单元的家庭养殖业和零星的个体加工业,农业生产方式较为落后,经济发展缓慢,处于维持简单再生产状态,自我发展和抗御自然灾害的能力较低,大部分地区人民群众生活贫困。如位于贵州省西部的乌蒙山区的威宁彝族回族苗族自治县,2004 年,农民人均占有粮食 355kg,农民人均纯收入964元。项目区交通状况总体上较差,尚未实现村村通公路,有些地方的运输仍靠人背马驮。(本节数据来源参考文献[103])


Page 97: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

图 4.5-1 贵州项目区农村产业结构4.5.2.2 土地利用

项目区土地总面积 2496.48km2,土地利用现状见表 4.5-3 和图 4.5-2


图 4.5-2 贵 州项目区土地利用现状从 项 目区土地资源质

量、类型、 利用程度及效益等综合因素分析,土地利用中存在如下问题:土地利用结构不合理,土地垦殖率高,农业用地比重大,达 48.3%。坡耕地比重大,项目区旱涝保收的基本农田仅占耕地面积的 34.9%,250 以上坡耕地面积占 12.1%,广泛分布的坡耕地,不仅造成粮食产量低,而且是水土流失的重要原因之一。土地资源质量差,耕地破碎,项目区自然坡度大,土壤质地偏粘,土壤中石砾含量大,酸性强,肥力低,保水保肥能力差。 水土流失


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土层浅薄,加上毁林开荒、陡坡垦殖等人类活动影响,导致水土流失不断加剧。项目区的水土流失以水力侵蚀的溅蚀、面蚀和沟蚀为主,其次为泻溜、崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等重力侵蚀。水力侵蚀主要发生在陡坡耕地、荒山荒坡、疏幼林地和部分乔木纯林地等地类上;重力侵蚀主要发生在沟谷纵横、山高坡陡或人为生产建设活动频繁的区域。据全国第二次土壤侵蚀遥感调查资料, 项 目 区 水 土 流 失面积

1317.33km2,占土地面积的 52.8%,水土流失现状详见表 4.5-4 和图 4.5-3。(本节数据来源参考文献[103])

图 4.5-3 贵州项目区水土流 失现状


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表 4.5-3 贵 州 省 项 目 区 土 地 利 用 现 状 表 单 位 : km2

项目区 土地总面积

耕地 林地 草地水域 荒山

荒坡其他用地小计 梯坪地 水田


<25°坡耕地 小计 有林地疏幼林 经果林 小计 天然草


合计 2496.48 1205.39 301.59118.7

0145.67 639.43 771.59 474.35 283.17 14.07 61.46 59.19 2.27 1623



威宁 180.86 88.63 28.86 59.77 44.93 18.03 26.80 0.10 0.41 0.41 1.1635.38


赫章 214.66 97.63 12.36 22.68 62.59 81.12 55.26 25.86 7.98 7.98 0.9920.23


纳雍 152.68 81.43 17.56 3.16 5.14 55.57 49.92 15.48 34.28 0.16 2.74 2.74 0.9210.14


织金 202.95 89.30 30.36 16.67 42.27 48.78 48.06 0.72 19.16 17.16 2.00 1.27 8.99 35.45

毕节 264.57 166.13 51.72 11.32 17.77 85.32 79.92 10.04 67.57 2.31 2.86 2.86 0.80 4.87 9.99

大方 264.39 136.81 39.80 5.24 32.47 59.30 83.15 77.86 5.00 0.29 4.74 4.74 1.1225.18


黔西 357.63 176.54 36.06 15.75 22.72 102.01 89.40 81.38 5.44 2.58 4.08 4.08 4.7321.90


金沙 286.09 97.82 26.77 16.12 6.20 48.73 144.52 82.46 60.81 1.25 12.71 12.71 1.5618.47


兴义 176.00 68.29 19.88 12.58 12.12 23.71 43.56 23.14 16.50 3.92 6.18 6.18 2.3338.96


兴仁 136.57 75.23 20.26 13.76 5.94 35.27 30.92 19.82 10.54 0.56 0.14 0.11 0.03 0.5422.66



Page 100: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

安龙 88.46 52.91 10.82 16.83 0.47 24.79 19.03 2.39 13.74 2.90 0.22 0.2214.18


盘县 171.62 74.67 7.14 7.27 20.16 40.10 56.34 40.43 15.91 0.24 0.24 0.8128.10



Page 101: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

表 4.5-4 贵州省项目区水土流失现状表



水土流失 其 中侵蚀模数[t/(km2·a)



占总面积 (%)

轻度 (km2














小计 2496.481317.3





34.90 218.92 16.60 100.73 7.60 17.71 1.30 2378.74

威宁 180.86 121.9567.40



47.06 38.60 13.16 10.80 5.05 4.10 2400.38

赫章 214.66 131.3661.20



36.07 27.50 32.17 24.50 19.63 14.90 11.16 8.50 3892.76

纳雍 152.68 105.1368.90



36.45 34.70 16.22 15.40 8.12 7.70 6.29 6.00 3346.48

织金 202.95 51.9825.60



18.00 34.60 2.25 4.30 0.00 1013.76

毕节 264.57 175.5366.30



53.42 30.40 29.27 16.70 21.21 12.10 2906.76

大方 264.39 121.9546.10



33.99 27.90 37.83 31.00 29.04 23.80 3021.89

黔西 357.63 152.07 42.5 74.4 49. 62.74 41.30 13.05 8.60 1.81 1.20 1568.04


Page 102: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

0 7 00

金沙 286.09 134.2146.90



59.91 44.60 12.26 9.10 0.00 1696.67

兴义 176.00 91.2951.90



31.08 34.00 17.41 19.10 6.67 7.30 0.26 0.30 2268.78

兴仁 136.57 74.4154.50



25.98 34.90 7.91 10.60 1.35 1.80 1843.91

安龙 88.46 53.1860.10



14.37 27.00 11.32 21.30 1.48 2.80 2268.77

盘县 171.62 104.2760.80



40.69 39.00 26.07 25.00 6.37 6.10 2767.47


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4.5.3 主要环境问题(1)水土流失危害严重项目区是贵州省水土流失最为严重、生态环境较为恶劣的地区之一,

严重的水土流失破坏土地资源、淤积水库河道、制约了区域经济发展。项目区下游的乌江渡水库 1979 年投入运行以来,泥沙淤积总量已达 2亿m3,年淤积量 900多万m3,年淤积高度 1.75m。(数据来源参考文献[103])


壤严重侵蚀、基岩裸露、土地退化。根据《贵州省生态环境现状调查报告》1975 年全省 土 地石漠化面积占全省 土 地总面积的 5% , 1985 年 达到7.9%,目前已上升到 12.8%,平均每年以 621.56 km2 的速度扩展,石漠化趋势严峻。乌江流域及北盘江流域是贵州省土地石漠化主要分布区域。(数据来源参考文献[103])


灾害。据统计,从 1949 年至 1985 年的 36 年中,有 31 年出现旱灾,其中大旱有 9次。



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4.6 重庆市项目区4.6.1 自然环境4.6.1.1 地形地貌

重庆地处四川盆地东南边缘,东与秦巴山地、武隆山地相连,向西逐渐与川中丘陵过渡。区内地貌明显受地质构造控制,背斜成山,向斜成谷,山脉走向大致与构造线一致。西部多为低山丘陵地貌,往东逐渐变为低山、中山地貌。全区地形起伏较大,西部高程一般为 500~900m 之间,东部海拔高程一般为 2000~2500m 之间。由于长江、嘉陵江、乌江及其一般支流的切割,地形起伏变化较大。项目区地貌类型主要有中山、低山、丘陵、台地等 四 大 类 ,从地面坡度统计看, 小 于 5° 的占 30.9% , 5°~15° 的占19.1%,15°~25°的占 21.6%,25°~35°的占 17.0%,大于 35°的占 11.5%。

重庆出露地层较为完全,除缺失第三系外,自震旦系至第四系均有出露。总体为碳酸盐和碎屑岩两大类,仅在东北部城口县和东南角秀山县有少许的元古界板溪群为浅变质岩发育。 气象水文

项目区属亚热带湿润季风气候区,其主要特征是:冬暖夏热,四季分明,热、水、光同期。项目区地形起伏大,气温随高度变化大,多年平均气温 15.4℃~18.3℃,极端最高气温 43.0℃,极端最低气温-12.8°C,无霜期 276~349d。多年平均年降水量为 935mm~1281mm,降水多集中在 5

~9 月,占全年降水量的 75~80%,常有大雨和暴雨发生。全年降水日数为 145d~155d,5 月份最多,8 月和 9 月上旬最少,因此常有伏旱发生。


Page 105: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

项目区气象特征见表 4.6-1(本节数据来源参考文献[104])。重庆是全国日照最少的地区之一,雾日多,素有“雾都”之称,项

目区全年日照数为 1187.8h~1640h,全年太阳辐射总量 82.74kj/cm2。这种气候条件非常有利于农作物生长和植被恢复。

项目区主要河流属长江、嘉陵江水系的一、二级支流,由于降雨充沛,项目区水系发育,年径流系数在 0.5左右,径流年内分配不均,汛期径流量占全年的 80~90%。项目区径流具有地区分布不均、年际分布不均、年内分布不均的特点。项目区内主要河流水系实测径流、沙量特征值详见表 4.6-

2、4.6-3。表 4.6-1 重庆项目区气象特征值

项目区 万州 涪陵 黔江 渝北 江津 合川 永川 荣昌 巫溪 开县 长寿


年最高 42.1 42.2 40.3 42 41.3 41.4 40.8 41 41.8 43 40.5

年最低 -3.7 -2.7 -12.8 -2 -2.3 -3.7 -2.9 -3.4 -8 -7 -2.3

年平均 17.8 18.1 15.4 17 18.3 18.1 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.4 17.5


最大 1635.2 1373.5 1749 1537 1644 1429.6 1442.9 1578.5 1476 1780 1490.8

年份 1982 1996 1982 1968 1998 1961 1962 1974 1982 1982 1986

最小 844.2 823.6 836.4 838.3 836.4 826 708.6 688.3 652 878 836.5

年份 1966 1992 1988 1961 1981 1968 1961 1997 1997 2001 1961

多年平均 1202 1105 1196 1146 1022 935 1050 1112 1087 1281 1156

7~9月降水量(mm) 337 869 300 875 320 427 444 554 499 826 609

≥10℃积温(℃) 6357 6040 4752 6151 4500 4853 5750 5694 5694 5523

无霜期(d) 349 285 290 320 294 331 312 322 315 276 331

年日照时数(h) 1295 1188 1240 1229 1200 1316 1299 1282 1640 1463 1209 土壤项目区土壤类型多样,分为水稻土、紫色土、黄壤、黄棕壤、石灰



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布在海拔 800m 以下的河谷阶地、丘陵、低山,在点易、黔江河、柏杨河项目区分布较多;紫色土是项目区旱作农业的主要土壤,遍布大多数项目区,在中、低山处有块状分布,大多分布于海拔 800m 以下;黄壤主要分布在海拔 500~1500m 的低、中山和丘陵地带,长江及大支流沿岸三、四、五级阶地上,项目区主要分布在柏杨河、黔江河;黄棕壤主要分布在柏杨河、黔江河项目区海拔 1500m 以上的中山区;石灰(岩)土主要分布在海拔1500m 以下背斜低山槽谷内,中山均有少量分布,以柏杨河、黔江河项目区为主要分布地。


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表 4.6-2 项目区实测径流特征值表

省(市) 项目区 河流

测站 年径流量(万m3) 7~9 月径流量(万m3) 流量(m3/s)径流模数m3/km2

观测年限 *年至*年站名



)最大年份 最小年份 多年平均 最大年份 最小 年

份多年 平均





苎溪河 普里河 余家 365 21800 11000 15700 17440 8800 11520 15.9 2.9 7.3 90.01 1970-2002

点易 长江 清溪站 96585753480000











(1952)13500 13.98


黔江河 黔江河 黔江水文站 97 2618 802 1710 1986 578 1282 0.86 0.22 0.54 6.18 1982-2002

东方红 后河 中洞 342.2 25764.91 9460.8 16966.37 8275 2178.5 4213.13 8.17 3 5.38 309.041980—


柏林 笋溪河 沙滩水位站 180.0 17411.10 7235.8 11305.90 5449.90 2264.90 3538.90 5.53 2.30 3.59 62.81 1976-2002

合川 涪江 小河 29420 1600000 800000 1200000 90 30 65 12400 60 400 12.5 1972-2002

永东 九龙河 鸡公咀 201.2 1.3 0.37 0.69 0.77 0.29 0.53 3.08 1.32 2.2 34.29 1957-2002

清流 濑溪河 玉滩站 865 69024 5805 32317 19998 4334 10487 2020 21 10.4 12.02 1955-2002

柏杨河 大宁河 巫溪 67.3 25765 9460 16966 8275 2178 4213 8.17 3 5.38 309 1978-2002

开州 东河 翠屏 1176 125597 61952 93775 62798 30976 4687 2980 3.4 29.7 630000 1972-2002

范家桥 打渔溪 六剑滩 2380.00 102.00 18.10 47.50 427.00 1.13 70.30 157 1952-2002


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表 4.6-3 项目区实测沙量特征值表

省(市) 项目区

测站 年输沙量(104t) 7~9 月输沙量(104t) 含沙量(kg/m3) 输沙 模数 t/km2.



控制 面积

(km2)最大 最小 多年平

均最大 最小 多年平

均最大 最小 多年平

均量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份


苎溪河 双堰水库 1.33 10.7 1982 5.35 1996 8.23 9.63 1982 4.81 1996 7.41 0.02 1998 0.01 1996 0.016 6192 1961-2002

五梁水库 0.7 0.51 1982 0.25 1996 0.35 0.46 1982 0.23 1996 0.35 0.02 1998 0.008 1996 0.013 5629 1958-2002

点易 清溪站 965857 75400 1954 42400 1953 54400 26100 1954 7520 1953 21300 2.4 1954 0.008 1954 1.24 564 1950-2002

黔江河 黔江河 97 1.78 1982 1.08 1988 1.43 1.78 1982 0.54 1988 1.16 1.01 1982 0.514 1988 0.762 472 1982-2002

柏林 沙滩 180 16.46 1998 6.84 1981 10.69 5.10 1998 1.98 1981 3.31 1.46 1998 0.61 1981 0.95 594 1980-2002

合川 小河水文站 29420 1050 1982 170 1993 710 1010 1982 102 1990 520 6.20 1986 1.2 1995 6.5 240 1972-2002

柏杨河 巫溪 2026 807 1998 215 1986 630 215 1998 58 1986 126 0.82 1996 0.56 1986 0.69 3110 1986-2002

开州 兴窿水库 26.3 21 1982 7.4 1996 13 6.5 1982 2.7 1996 5.6 0.4 1998 0.2 1996 0.32 4942 1972-2002

范家桥 六剑滩 2380 172 1982 2.73 1961 56.6 164 1982 0.729 1961 29.59 0.5 1998 0.2 1996 0.3 4990 1952-2002


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Page 110: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要 植被重庆市内分布有国家一级保护植物 5种,国家二级保护植物 22种,

国家三级保护植物 25种。珍稀濒危植物主要分布于南川、江津、巫溪、巫山,占全市珍稀植物种数的 85.4%。受三峡水库影响的陆生植物物种涉及 120


其中亚热带常绿阔叶林是主要植被类型。项目区有林地为 103.96km2,森林覆盖率为 7.3%。

项目区天然林树种资源主要有松、栎、杉、柏等,分布最广的是马尾松,占有林面积的 50.6%,其次是华山松、栎、青冈、杨、柳、柏、楸、枫香、桦木、红椿、旱冬瓜等;人工林主要树种包括桉树、柳树、银桦、柏树、华山松、白杨、黑荆、银合欢、车桑子、黄荆条、核桃、板粟、梨、苹果、柿子、桃、李、竹等。灌木林主要有苦剌、杜鹃、车桑子、茶、马桑、刺梨等。

项目区现有林地以人工纯林为主,大多结构不良。尤其是马尾松纯林地表覆盖率低,且易发病虫害,不能有效起到蓄水保土的功能。草地面积6.52km2,多为天然草地,占土地总面积的 0.4%,主要草种有荆芥、狗牙根、白三叶、黑麦草、狗尾草、龙须草等。 野生动物据《重庆市生态环境现状调查报告》(参考文献【320】),重庆市市域

内分布有国家重点保护野生动物 56种,其中一级保护野生动物 13种,二级保护野生动物 43种。



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护、退耕还林、长江中上游防护林体系建设等林业重点生态工程的实施,项目区所在县生态环境有所改善,物种的生存环境得到有效保护,数量有所回升。在典型县环境背景调查中,缺少相关野生动物调查资料,但项目区均为人类活动频繁区域,原生林稀少,植被覆盖条件较差,很少有国家重点保护野生动物出没,项目区动物以家畜家禽为主,包括猪、牛、羊、鸡、鸭等。4.6.2 社会环境4.6.2.1 社会经济

2004 年项目区总人口 69.42万人,其中,非农业人口 4.64万人,农业人口 64.78万人,农业劳动力 38.29万人,占总人口的 55.2%。项目区农村经济以种植业为主(农村产业结构见图 4.6-2),辅以农户为单元的家庭养殖业和零星的个体加工业。农业生产方式落后,农村经济发展缓慢,多数地区农民生活贫困。据统计,2004 年项目区粮食总产量 28.8万 t,农业人均产粮 442kg,农民人均纯收入为 2026元。在农作物组成中,粮食播种面积占播种总面积的 85.5%,经济作物占 14.5%,农村经济结构较为单一;而林、牧业产值所占比重低,发展潜力较大。(本节数据来源参考文献[104])


Page 112: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

图 4.6-2 重庆项目区农村产业结构项目区少数民族以苗族、回族、土家族为主,少数民族大多居住在项

目区的边远山区,部分与汉族杂居,以种植业为主,广种薄收,大量垦荒,收入较低。 土地利用据遥感调查资料,项目区土地总面积 1415.3km2,土地利用现状见表

4.6-4 和图 4.6-3。(本节数据来源参考文献[104])

图 4.6-3 重庆项目区土地利用现状从表 4.6-2 中可以看出,项目区土地利用具有以下几方面的特点:(1)人均土地资源较少,农业生产对生态环境压力大项目区农业人口比重大,占 99.3%;农业人口密度达 463 人/km2;农

业人均耕地仅 0.12hm2,加之农村经济过分依赖土地资源,势必对生态环境带来巨大的压力。


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项目区土地垦殖率高,耕地面积占土地总面积的 57.8%。尤其是耕地中基本农田比例偏低,,而坡耕地又占耕地面积的 66.4%。大量的坡耕地不仅造成粮食产量低而不稳,也是水土流失的主要策源地。

(3)林地、草地面积较大,但结构不合理项目区现有林地面积中,疏幼林 196.97km2,占林地面积的 57.5%。不


(4)荒山荒坡面积大,蕴藏着很大的开发潜力项目区荒山荒坡面积为 122.1km2。大量的荒山荒坡不仅造成严重的水

土流失,也未得到合理的开发利用。在合理保护的前提下,治理开发荒山荒坡,对项目区水土保持和农村经济的发展意义重大。 水土流失据 1999 年卫星遥感调查解译统计 , 项 目 区现有 水 土 流 失面积

831.15km2,占幅员面积的 59.4%,水土流失现状详见表 4.6-5 和图 4.6-4。(本节数据来源参考文献[104])

图 4.6-4 重庆项 目区水土流失 现状


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项目区水土流失形式主要有以面蚀、细沟侵蚀为主的水力侵蚀和以泻溜、崩塌、滑坡为主的重力侵蚀。面蚀在项目区分布最广,也是主要的侵蚀形式,主要发生在裸露荒坡以及坡耕地上。细沟侵蚀是在面蚀的基础上发展和产生的,主要发生在顺坡种植的坡耕地和岩性松软的裸露坡地上。重力侵蚀主要分布在沟道和陡坡地。 国家森林公园根据环评小组对项目区的环境背景典型调查,项目区刘家沟小流域

涉及铁峰山国家森林公园,该小流域位于森林公园边缘。铁峰山森林公园于 2002 年 12 月经国家林业局批准为国家级森林公园。

该森林公园位于四川盆地东缘的重庆市万州区东北部的铁峰山林区,距万州城区 7km。东临云阳县 48槽森林经营所,北接开县兼善、长沙两乡,西界开县东阳森林经营所,南连天城移民开发区的董家、熊家、天城三乡。地理座标为东经 108º13′04″-108º28′07″,北纬 30º51′03″-30º58′57″,森林公园总面积为 91.00km2。铁峰山国家森林公园地理位置见图 4.6-5。铁峰山国家森林公园以广阔壮丽的森林景观、险峻雄浑的峰峦景观、



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表 4.6-4 重庆市项目区土地利用现状表 单位:km2

项目区 土地总面积

耕地 林地 草地水域 荒山荒

坡其他用地小计 梯坪地 水田 >25°

坡耕地<25°坡耕地小计 有林地疏幼林 经果林 小计 天然草


合计 1415.30 808.81 39.49 256.79 60.98 451.56 342.35 103.96 196.97 41.42 14.31 11.89 2.42 43.27 122.13 84.43

黔江区 139.42 13.73 1.22 3.85 2.24 6.42 79.64 13.13 62.94 3.56 2.85 38.56 4.65

巫溪县 128.14 29.65 5.80 1.52 3.68 18.65 55.63 24.16 29.05 2.42 11.99 10.64 1.35 0.27 20.68 9.92

万州区 141.56 57.98 0.81 9.59 10.30 37.28 40.00 22.15 16.28 1.57 0.93 0.75 0.18 10.23 29.34 3.10

涪陵区 156.89 94.37 31.57 6.94 55.86 33.92 12.67 16.32 4.93 0.00 0.91 16.98 10.71

渝北区 92.18 62.50 2.29 17.64 16.50 26.07 22.52 7.42 13.62 1.48 1.39 0.50 0.89 3.22 0.11 2.44

长寿区 143.98 103.27 1.85 46.71 1.22 53.49 19.48 2.12 6.02 11.34 7.30 1.03 12.90

开县 111.96 63.34 1.65 17.54 7.55 36.60 30.13 5.87 22.03 2.23 0.00 2.61 6.71 9.17

江津市 127.14 90.54 17.77 25.37 0.87 46.53 20.11 2.95 11.91 5.25 3.43 2.32 10.74

永川市 103.65 67.68 0.98 21.02 3.59 42.09 23.06 10.07 10.12 2.87 4.29 3.13 5.49

荣昌县 147.56 125.28 1.91 52.79 70.58 6.46 2.56 2.20 1.70 4.22 1.85 9.75

合川市 122.82 100.48 5.21 29.19 8.09 57.99 11.41 0.86 6.48 4.07 3.94 1.42 5.57

表 4.6-5 重庆市项目区水土流失现状


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项目区 土地总面积(km2)

水土流失面积 其中侵蚀模数[t/(km2·a)]合计













合计 1415.30 831.15 58.70 234.69 28.20 389.80 46.90 161.16 19.40 41.54 5.00 3.96 0.50 3490.30

黔江区 139.42 110.16 79.00 31.95 29.00 63.10 57.30 10.48 9.50 4.63 4.20     4034.83

巫溪县 128.14 72.05 56.20 6.43 8.90 28.17 39.10 25.36 35.20 11.86 16.50 0.23 0.30 5445.75

万州区 141.56 93.19 65.80 28.11 30.20 32.85 35.30 23.62 25.30 7.38 7.90 1.23 1.30 4269.33

涪陵区 156.89 96.10 61.30 21.21 22.10 52.37 54.50 17.92 18.60 4.60 4.80   3974.74

渝北区 92.18 56.03 60.80 18.53 33.10 23.31 41.60 14.19 25.30 0.00   3171.75

长寿区 143.98 61.76 42.90 26.27 42.50 23.14 37.50 10.10 16.40 2.25 3.60   3467.25

开县 111.96 72.89 65.10 12.51 17.20 41.56 57.00 15.93 21.90 2.34 3.20 0.55 0.80 4495.00

江津市 127.14 61.43 48.30 18.65 30.40 30.46 49.60 10.79 17.60 1.53 2.50   2582.27

永川市 103.65 58.93 56.90 21.52 36.50 30.24 51.30 7.17 12.20 0.00   1897.75

荣昌县 147.56 74.63 50.60 36.91 49.50 37.72 50.50 0.00 0.00   2015.08

合川市 122.82 73.98 60.20 12.60 17.00 26.88 36.30 25.60 34.60 6.95 9.40 1.95 2.60 3539.02


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表 4.6-6 重庆铁峰山国家森林公园主要景区 特点 主要功能

金狮岭景区 天然次生林和人工林为主体 开展森林游览、登高揽胜、避暑度假、鹿苑观光

凤凰岭景区 文物古迹众多、人文内涵丰富、历史文化厚重、天然次生林和人工林长势良好


铁佛寺景区 林地广阔、山石奇异、水体丰富、人文传说优美


贝壳山景区 森林壮阔,芳草鲜美,峰崖巍峨高峻,人工水体众多,天象景观绚丽


4.6.3 主要环境问题(1)水土流失造成的危害严重土地退化加剧。水土流失导致表层土壤被侵蚀,土层变薄,岩石出露

增加,严重的表土被冲失殆尽,出现"石化"现象,尤其 25°以上的坡耕地最为突出。水土流失加速了土壤营养物质的流失,土壤肥力逐年降低,土地的生产力下降。如项目区涪陵土壤有机质含量由 1958 年的 2.0-5.0%下降到目前的 1.3%。




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图 4.6-5 铁峰山国家 森林公园地 理位置示意 图


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(2) 森林质量下降,林地分布不均,生态功能降低由于人为破坏和其他原因,林地破坏和退化速度大于植树造林速度,

林地面积正在减少,并且部分森林生态系统的生态功能衰退,形成由林地→灌木林→草地的逆向演替。近年来,森林覆盖率有所上升、但质量不高,森林面积约 70%为马尾

松林,有林地以中幼林为主,林地质量不高,防护效益和森林抗逆力差。林地分布不均匀。林地相对集中于海拔 500米以上的低、中山区,各


(3)农村面源污染严重  随着农业产业结构调整,养殖业快速发展,规模化畜禽养殖粪便的直接排放,成为区域次级河流被污染的主要污染源,加重了地表水和次级河流的污染。由于缺乏正确引导和监督不力,农用化学物品不合理使用,尤其大量化肥的有效养分随地表径流流失进入水体,加重了三峡库区水体污染,并且使部分农产品受到污染,同时还影响到生物多样性的保护。




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4.7 湖北省项目区

4.7.1 自然环境4.7.1.1 地形地貌

项目区地貌多样,包括中山、低山、丘陵等多种类型。区内地形破碎,山地丘陵多,占项目区总面积的 70%以上。据统计,项目区土地总面积中,地面坡度小于 50 的占 23.7%、5º~15º 的占 22.0%、15º~25º 的占 27.1%、25º

~35º 的占 19.6%、大于 35º 的占 7.6%。项目区主要分布在鄂西南、鄂东北和鄂东南三个不同类型的水土流失

区。其中三峡库区,地质构造为新华夏系一级构造第三隆起带南段与准淮阳山字型构造体系的复合部位,地层以黄陵背斜为核心,由里向外,有多层弧形带状的特点,元古界和古生界均有出露。长阳县、利川市所在的清江流域,从元古界到新生界各地质时代的地层均有分布,且发育完善出露齐全。岩石类型主要有震旦系花岗岩、泥质页岩和奥陶系石灰岩地层交替分布。特殊的地形地貌及地质构造是项目区水土流失的重要原因。 气象水文


以 下特点:温差大 ,多年 平均气温 12.5°C~16.9°C ,极端最高气温41.5°C,极端最低气温-17.5°C;无霜期长,平均为 245d;降水集中,多年平均降水量为 1178mm,41%集中在 7~9 月,多以暴雨出现。(项目区气象特征见表 4.7-1)(本节数据来源参考文献[105])


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表 4.7-1 湖北项目区气象特征值

项目区 利川 夷陵 长阳 麻城 红安 浠水


年最高 41.2 40.4 40.3 38 41.5 40.3

年最低 -17 -8 -1.95 -16 -8 -15.6

年平均 12.5 16.9 16.7 15 15.7 16.9


最大 1880 1797 2009.3 1961.1 2311.7

年份 1988 1998 1954 1983 1954

最小 927 814.5 683 678.6 873.1

年份 1992 1992 1978 1978 1996

多年平均 1472 1167 1406 1323 1072 1315

7~9月降水量(mm) 736 651 216 574 886

≥10℃积温(℃) 3849 5154 3125 4600 5880

无霜期(d) 233 279 305 190 225 251

年日照时数(h) 1409 1150 1550 2084 2089 1924


柏河、官山河、马栏河、举水以及倒水等。项目区水系发育,水力资源丰富,河流众多,多年平均年径流量为 17.74亿m3,其中 7~9 月的多年平均径流量为 6.89亿m3。多年平均年输沙量为 117.4万m3,其中 7~9 月的多年平均径流量为 73.8万m3。项目区内主要河流水系实测径流、沙量特征值详见表 4.7-2、4.7-3。 土壤




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潮土和水稻土等。 植被据统计 , 2004 年 项 目 有 林 地面积 317.9km2 , 区 森 林覆盖率为




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表 4.7-2 项目区实测径流特征值表

项目区 河流测站 年径流量(万 m3) 7~9月径流量(万 m3) 流量(m3/s) 径流模数


观测年限(年)站名 控制面积

(km2) 最大年份最小年份多年平均最大年份最小年份多年平均最大年份最小年份多年平均

长 阳 丹水河 水文站 33 7.5 3.5 4 3.5 1.5 2 40 15 22 2273 2001

红 安 倒水 水文站 839 86369 35263 40140 28934 11813 13447 29.5 7.8 14 478427 50

表 4.7-3 项目区实测沙量特征值表

项目区测站 年输沙量(104t) 7~9月输沙量(104t) 含沙量(kg/m3)





最大 最小多年平均

最大 最小多年平均

最大 最小多年平均量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份 量 年份

红 安 水文站 8398636

9  3526

3  40140


  11813   13447 29.5   7.8   14 478427 50


Page 124: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

松、杉木、日本落叶松、湿地松、香樟。 野生动物

湖北省在动物地理区划系统中属于东洋界、华中区。此区地形复杂,气候温和,雨量充沛,动物种类繁多。据初步调查,陆生脊椎动物有 562

种,其中两栖类 45种,爬行类 45种,鸟类 350多种,哺乳动物 106种,在这些脊椎动物中有国家规定的保护动物约 50种。湖北省发达的农业生产,丰富的植物资源和畜禽品种,为畜牧业生产的发展开辟了广阔的前景。

项目县地形复杂,特殊的环境条件有利于野生动物的栖息,据典型县调查,野生动物在地域上的分布有一定规律,主要分布在高山、原始植被丛林中,而项目区植被多为次生草本植物群落、灌木林和稀疏乔木,加上人类活动频繁,没有发现重点保护的野生动物出没。由于缺少项目区野生动物调查资料,难以确定区内野生动物种类及数量。4.7.2 社会环境4.7.2.1 社会经济

项目涉及的红安、麻城、浠水、长阳、夷陵等 6 县(市、区),属湖北老、少、边、穷、库区。据统计,项目区 2004 年总人口 30.57万人,人口平均密度达到 213 人/km2,其中包括分布在鄂西南山区的土家族、苗族两个少数民族。项目区经济以农业经济为主(农村产业结构见图 4.7-1),主要从事种植业、加工业和养殖业,外出务工收入是项目区农民收入的主要来源之一。2004 年粮食总产量 13.96万 t,农民人均纯收入 1613元,经济发展水平落后于全省平均水平。(本节数据来源参考文献[105])


Page 125: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

项目区教育条件近年来得到了很大改善,九年制义务教育普及率达98%,适龄儿童入学率为 100%。

图 4.7-1 湖北项目区农村产业结构4.7.2.2 土地利用

项目区土地总面积 1435.4km2,土地利用现状见表 4.7-4 和图 4.7-2。(本节数据来源参考文献[105]

图 4.7-2 湖北项目区土地利用现状

从项 目 区 土 地 利 用现 状 分 析, 土 地 利 用


Page 126: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

具有以下几个方面特点:人均土地资源较少,由于农业人口比重大,项目区农业人口 30.15万人,占总人口的 98.6%,人均耕地仅 0.11hm2,远低于世界人均耕地 0.367 hm2 的水平,人多地少矛盾突出;坡耕地面积大,耕地质量差,项目区耕地面积占土地总面积的 20.9%,而坡耕地面积占耕地面积的 38.01%。广泛分布的坡耕地,不仅造成粮食产量低,与发展优质、高效现代化农业的目标相差较远,而且是水土流失的重要原因之一,加大坡耕地改造,既是控制水土流失的需要,也是改善土地资源质量的重要途径。 水土流失据遥感调查统计,项目区土地总面积 1435.4km2 ,水土流失面积

669.56km2,占项目区土地总面积的 46.6%,水土流失现状详见表 4.7-5 和图 4.7-3。(本节数据来源参考文献[105]

图 4.7-3 湖北项目区水 土流失现状



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表 4.7-4 湖北省项目区土地利用现状表 单位:km2

项目区 土地总面积

耕地 林地 草地水域 荒山

荒坡其他用地小计 梯坪地 水田


<25°坡耕地 小计 有 林

地 疏幼林 经果林 小计 天 然


合计 1435.40 300.59 56.76 129.46 11.83 102.53803.4

1317.90 414.23 71.29 0.50 0.50 0.00 53.11 140.95 136.84

利川市 380.28 77.92 29.60 21.20 5.58 21.54220.2

1137.38 77.28 5.55 0.37 0.37 0.00 4.56 63.17 14.05

夷陵区 176.54 32.61 3.74 16.80 12.07114.4

726.08 48.37 40.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.06 7.86 13.54

长阳县 210.50 27.64 6.79 3.30 2.86 14.69168.3

752.23 104.98 11.15 0.13 0.13 0.00 2.44 4.27 7.65

麻城市 123.00 18.90 2.60 9.81 0.21 6.29 72.07 29.32 39.25 3.50 0.00 4.17 20.54 7.31

红安县 306.64 72.04 11.21 35.95 0.61 24.27157.1

835.00 114.20 7.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.51 3.82 60.09

浠水县 238.44 71.48 2.82 42.41 2.58 23.67 71.12 37.89 30.15 3.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.36 41.29 34.19

表 4.7-5 湖北省项目区水土流失现状表

项目区 土地总面积(km2)

水土流失 其 中 侵蚀模数[t/(km2·a)]面积

(km2)占总面积 %

轻度 (km2)



占流失 (%)







小计 1435.40 669.5

6 46.60 256.15 38.30


30.60 185.48 27.70 23.16 3.50 0.20   3339.40

利川市 380.28 167.5 44.10 80.44 48.00 60.21 35.90 21.83 13.00 5.09 3.00     3274.64


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夷陵区 176.54 68.30 38.70 28.22 41.30 22.66 33.20 16.62 24.30 0.80 1.20   4426.00

长阳县 210.50 126.8

0 60.20 56.51 44.60 40.48 31.90 19.41 15.30 10.40 8.20   4356.25

麻城市 123.00 66.30 53.90 39.28 59.20 15.62 23.60 8.80 13.30 2.40 3.60 0.20 0.30 3188.33

红安县 306.64 142.9

0 46.60 17.03 11.90 26.51 18.60 98.23 68.70 1.13 0.80   2826.74

浠水县 238.44 97.69 41.00 34.67 35.50 39.09 40.00 20.59 21.10 3.34 3.40   2367.38


Page 129: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要 文 物 古 迹项 目 涉 及 县 内 有 部 分 文 物 古 迹 , 但 这 些 古 迹

一 般 不 在 施 工 作 业 范 围 之 内 , 其 中 以 红 安 县 七 里坪 革 命 遗 址 最 为 著 名 , 该 遗 址 分 布 在 七 里 坪 镇 镇政 府 所 在 集 镇 , 本 项 目 的 工 程 措 施 主 要 布 置 在 农村 , 因 此 , 项 目 实 施 不 会 对 其 产 生 不 利 影 响 。4.7.3 主 要 环 境 问 题

( 1 ) 水 土 流 失 危 害 严 重水 土 流 失 严 重 是 项 目 区 主 要 的 环 境 问 题 之 一 ,

大 量 水 土 流 失 导 致 土 壤 流 失 , 土 层 变 薄 , 土 地 砂石 化 现 象 严 重 , 土 壤 养 分 流 失 , 耕 地 质 量 下 降 ;抬 高 河 床 , 水 库 、 河 道 淤 积 , 行 洪 能 力 降 低 , 洪涝 灾 害 频 繁 发 生 ; 生 态 环 境 恶 化 , 严 重 制 约 了 区域 国 民 经 济 的 可 持 续 发 展 。

( 2 ) 自 然 灾 害项 目 区 旱 灾 频 繁 , 干 旱 以 伏 秋 连 旱 为 主 , 旱

期 长 , 受 灾 面 积 大 。 一 般 小 旱 10 年 9遇 , 中 旱 常有 发 生 , 大 旱 6 年 一 遇 , 旱 期 最 长 达 100-120 天 , 频繁 的 旱 灾 给 农 业 生 产 和 人 民 生 活 带 来 严 重 影 响 。

( 3 ) 面 源 污 染农 药 、 化 肥 和 农 用 地 膜 等 农 用 化 学 品 的 大 量


Page 130: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

使 用 , 在 增 加 农 作 物 产 量 、 促 进 农 业 生 产 的 同 时 ,也 给 农 村 环 境 带 来 了 不 利 影 响 , 面 源 污 染 是 项 目区 水 质 污 染 的 重 要 原 因 之 一 。4.8 小 结 与 结 论

本 章 确 定 了 项 目 研 究 区 , 分 省 描 述 了 项 目 影响 区 的 环 境 背 景 情 况 , 包 括 自 然 环 境 、 社 会 环 境和 主 要 环 境 问 题 。

环 境 研 究 区本 项 目 环 境 研 究 区 由 三 部 分 组 成 : 项 目 区 、

项 目 县 、 项 目 下 游 区 。自 然 环 境研 究 区 的 自 然 环 境 包 括 地 形 地 貌 、 气 象 、 水

文 、 土 壤 、 植 被 、 野 生 动 物 等 。项 目 区 地 貌 类 型 多 样 , 包 括 高 原 、 盆 地 、 山

地 、 丘 陵 等 多 种 类 型 , 可 分 为 云 贵 高 原 、 川 东 山地 、 三 峡 峡 谷 、 和 大 别 山 低 山 丘 陵 区 等 几 大 类 型区 。 项 目 区 大 地 构 造 单 元 以 扬 子 准 地 台 为 主 , 地层 出 露 齐 全 , 其 中 以 石 炭 系 、 泥 盆 系 、 二 迭 系 、三 迭 系 和 第 四 系 分 布 较 广 , 岩 性 以 碳 酸 盐 岩 和 碎屑 岩 为 主 。

项 目 区 属 亚 热 带 季 风 气 候 区 , 主 要 气 候 特 点 122

Page 131: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

如 下 : 气 候 温 和 , 雨 量 丰 沛 , 雨 热 同 期 ; 地 域 差异 大 , 云 南 、 贵 州 两 省 项 目 区 冬 无 严 寒 , 立 体 气候 明 显 , 具 有 典 型 的 高 原 气 候 特 点 ; 重 庆 、 湖 北两 省 市 项 目 区 气 温 年 内 变 化 较 大 , 雨 量 丰 沛 , 夏季 气 候 炎 热 ; 降 水 年 内 分 配 不 均 , 项 目 区 降 雨 多集 中 在 5~ 10 月 份 , 占 全 年 降 雨 量 的 70 ~ 80% 左 右 ,且 多 以 暴 雨 形 式 出 现 。

项 目 区 分 属 长 江 和 珠 江 两 大 水 系 。 长 江 水 系涉 及 的 主 要 河 流 有 金 沙 江 、 乌 江 、 赤 水 河 、 嘉 陵江 、 清 江 、 倒 水 、 举 水 及 其 支 流 。 珠 江 水 系 涉 及的 河 流 是 南 盘 江 和 北 盘 江 。

项 目 区 土 壤 类 型 包 括 红 壤 、 黄 壤 、 黄 棕 壤 、棕 壤 、 石 灰 土 、 紫 色 土 、 新 积 土 、 山 地 草 甸 土 、潮 土 、 水 稻 土 等 10 个 土 类 、 近 20 个 亚 类 及 60 多 个土 种 , 以 红 壤 、 黄 棕 壤 、 紫 色 土 、 石 灰 土 、 水 稻土 分 布 最 为 广 泛 。

项 目 区 主 要 天 然 植 被 类 型 为 亚 热 带 针 阔 叶 常绿 、 落 叶 混 交 林 , 但 原 生 植 被 大 多 已 遭 人 为 破 坏 ,现 存 植 被 多 为 次 生 植 被 。 区 内 天 然 林 树 种 繁 多 ,分 布 最 广 的 是 马 尾 松 和 云 南 松 , 其 次 是 华 山 松 、栎 、 青 冈 、 杨 、 柳 、 柏 、 楸 、 枫 香 、 桦 木 、 红 椿 、


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旱 冬 瓜 等 。 现 有 有 林 地 面 积 1293.6km2 , 森 林 覆 盖 率为 18.73% 。 草 地 面 积 少 且 分 散 。 天 然 草 场 主 要 为荆 芥 、 狗 牙 根 、 狗 尾 草 、 龙 须 草 , 人 工 草 场 主 要有 双 穗 雀 稗 、 白 三 叶 、 光 叶 紫 花 苕 、 黑 麦 草 等 。

野 生 动 物 在 地 域 上 的 分 布 有 一 定 规 律 , 主 要分 布 在 高 山 、 原 始 植 被 丛 林 中 , 而 项 目 区 植 被 多为 次 生 草 本 植 物 群 落 、 灌 木 林 和 稀 疏 乔 木 , 加 上人 类 活 动 频 繁 , 没 有 发 现 重 点 保 护 的 野 生 动 物 出没 。

社 会 经 济项 目 区 2004 年 总 人 口 198.581 万 人 , 少 数 民 族 以

彝 族 、 苗 族 、 布 依 族 、 土 家 族 为 主 , 此 外 , 还 有白 族 、 哈 尼 族 、 壮 族 、 傣 族 、 苗 族 、 傈 僳 族 、 回族 、 满 族 、 纳 西 族 等 。 项 目 区 农 村 经 济 以 种 植 业为 主 , 辅 以 户 为 单 元 的 家 庭 养 殖 业 和 零 星 的 个 体加 工 业 。 农 业 生 产 方 式 落 后 , 经 济 发 展 缓 慢 , 多数 地 区 人 民 群 众 生 活 贫 困 。

项 目 区 土 地 总 面 积 6905.05km2 , 人 均 土 地 面 积0.29hm2 。 土 地 总 面 积 中 , 耕 地 面 积 2778.32m2 , 占 土地 总 面 积 40.2% 。 其 中 , 坡 耕 地 面 积 1618.37km2 ( >25°

的 陡 坡 耕 地 231.74km2 ) , 占 耕 地 面 积 的 58.2% 。 124

Page 133: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

项 目 区 现 有 水 土 流 失 面 积 3616.68km2 , 占 土 地 总面 积 的 52.4% 。 按 流 域 划 分 , 长 江 流 域 水 土 流 失 面积 3293.53km2 , 占 土 地 面 积 的 52.0% ; 珠 江 流 域 流 失面 积 323.15km2 , 占 土 地 面 积 的 56.4% 。

主 要 环 境 问 题水 土 流 失 严 重 是 项 目 区 主 要 的 环 境 问 题 之 一 ,

大 量 水 土 流 失 导 致 土 壤 流 失 , 土 层 变 薄 , 土 地 砂石 化 现 象 严 重 , 土 壤 养 分 流 失 , 耕 地 质 量 下 降 ;抬 高 河 床 , 水 库 、 河 道 淤 积 , 行 洪 能 力 降 低 , 生态 环 境 恶 化 , 严 重 制 约 了 区 域 国 民 经 济 的 可 持 续发 展 。

由 于 植 被 破 坏 , 土 层 减 薄 , 水 源 涵 蓄 能 力 降低 , 致 使 每 年 进 入 冬 春 季 节 , 不 少 山 溪 小 河 水 源枯 竭 , 河 流 断 流 , 不 仅 农 业 灌 溉 用 水 , 连 农 村 人畜 饮 水 也 十 分 困 难 , 尤 以 石 灰 岩 地 区 最 为 突 出 。

项 目 区 山 高 坡 陡 , 植 被 覆 盖 率 差 , 土 层 浅 薄 ,保 水 蓄 水 能 力 弱 , 遇 暴 雨 洪 水 汇 流 快 , 形 成 陡 峻洪 峰 , 导 致 山 洪 灾 害 频 繁 。 云 南 项 目 区 特 殊 的 地质 构 造 , 加 上 人 为 干 扰 破 坏 , 导 致 项 目 区 山 洪 、 泥 石 流 、 滑 坡 灾 害 频 繁 , 自 然 灾 害 频 繁 发 生 给 项目 区 人 民 生 命 财 产 带 来 极 大 危 害 。


Page 134: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

农 药 、 化 肥 和 农 用 地 膜 等 农 用 化 学 品 的 大 量使 用 , 在 增 加 农 作 物 产 量 、 促 进 农 业 生 产 的 同 时 ,也 给 农 村 环 境 带 来 了 不 利 影 响 , 面 源 污 染 是 项 目区 水 质 污 染 的 重 要 原 因 之 一 。


Page 135: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

5 环 境 影 响 识 别5.1 项 目 分 析5.1.1 项 目 目 标 、 筛 选 原 则 与 标 准5.1.1.1 项 目 目 标

项 目 建 设 目 标 是 在 中 国 西 部 生 态 恶 化 、 经 济落 后 、 但 具 一 定 发 展 潜 力 的 地 区 , 通 过 水 土 保 持生 态 建 设 综 合 治 理 的 途 径 , 实 现 水 土 资 源 的 有 效保 护 和 合 理 利 用 , 促 进 区 域 经 济 和 社 会 的 可 持 续发 展 , 为 全 面 建 设 生 态 良 好 、 经 济 繁 荣 的 小 康 社会 奠 定 坚 实 基 础 。

项 目 实 施 后 , 项 目 区 综 合 治 理 水 土 流 失 面 积1871.94 km2, 治 理 程 度 达 到 50 % ; 森 林 覆 盖 率 由 目 前的 18.73% 提 高 到 30.64% 。 本 项 目 属 于 生 态 建 设 项 目 ,不 仅 能 促 进 项 目 区 生 态 的 自 我 修 复 , 全 面 控 制 水土 流 失 , 改 善 农 业 生 产 条 件 , 发 展 农 村 经 济 , 提高 农 民 收 入 , 而 且 使 项 目 区 水 土 资 源 得 到 保 护 ,生 态 环 境 明 显 改 善 , 具 有 显 著 的 生 态 效 益 、 经 济效 益 和 社 会 效 益 。 本 章 节 的 编 写 引 用 了 参 考 文 献[101] 。 小 流 域 筛 选 原 则


Page 136: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

根 据 世 行 环 境 政 策 《 自 然 栖 息 地 》 BP/OP4.04 ,为 确 保 选 取 的 小 流 域 治 理 项 目 不 对 自 然 栖 息 地 产生 重 大 转 变 或 不 在 保 护 区 和 自 然 栖 息 地 内 , 提 出小 流 域 筛 选 原 则 如 下 :

( 1 ) 不 能 设 置 在 “ 国 际 自 然 和 自 然 资 源 保 护联 盟 ” 分 类 的 I 类 —— 严 格 的 自 然 保 护 区 / 莽 原 野生 区 , 即 为 科 研 或 野 生 动 物 保 护 设 立 的 保 护 区 。

( 2 ) 不 能 在 “ 国 际 自 然 和 自 然 资 源 保 护 联盟 ” 规 定 的 Ⅱ 类 ( 国 家 公 园 ) 、 III 类 ( 自 然 遗址 ) 、 IV 类 ( 栖 息 地 / 物 种 管 理 区 ) 、 V类 ( 受 到保 护 的 陆 地 景 观 ) 、 VI 类 ( 受 到 管 制 的 资 源 保 护区 ) 自 然 栖 息 地 内 , 实 施 使 对 其 产 生 重 大 转 变 的活 动 , 包 括 土 地 清 理 、 天 然 植 被 的 替 换 ( 如 种 庄稼 或 种 树 ) 、 永 久 性 被 水 淹 没 ( 如 修 筑 水 库 ) 、湿 地 的 排 水 、 淤 泥 挖 掘 、 填 埋 或 者 沟 渠 开 筑 。

( 3 ) 不 能 在 “ 国 际 自 然 和 自 然 资 源 保 护 联盟 ” 规 定 的 IV 类 ( 栖 息 地 / 物 种 管 理 区 ) 、 VI 类( 受 到 管 制 的 资 源 保 护 区 ) 实 施 严 重 削 弱 其 维 持当 地 物 种 种 群 能 力 的 项 目 。

( 4 ) 支 持 在 小 流 域 中 采 取 自 然 栖 息 地 保 护 和改 善 土 地 使 用 的 项 目 活 动 。


Page 137: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要 拦 沙 设 施 位 置 选 择 标 准本 项 目 新 建 的 拦 沙 设 施 、 水 塘 基 本 为 小 型 坝

( 谷 坊 ) , 其 作 用 主 要 为 拦 截 泥 沙 、 蓄 水 , 部 分项 目 利 用 已 建 水 库 进 行 灌 溉 。 所 涉 及 的 大 坝 , 均已 根 据 世 行 环 境 政 策 《 大 坝 安 全 》 BP/OP4.37 , 制订 了 包 括 大 坝 安 全 方 案 、 安 全 评 价 及 安 全 措 施 等内 容 的 专 题 报 告 , 满 足 世 行 大 坝 安 全 政 策 的 要 求 。为 减 少 拦 沙 设 施 建 设 对 环 境 影 响 , 提 出 其 位 置 选择 标 准 :

( 1 ) 云 南 省 项 目 区 位 于 玉 溪 地 区 和 昭 通 地 区 ,两 区 域 地 震 频 率 高 、 烈 度 大 , 坝 址 选 择 应 充 分 考虑 地 震 因 素 , 选 择 环 境 地 质 条 件 良 好 的 区 域 作 坝址 ; 其 余 三 省 项 目 区 坝 址 选 择 也 应 首 先 考 虑 环 境地 质 条 件 , 选 择 地 质 条 件 好 、 地 基 易 处 理 位 置 作坝 址 。

( 2 ) 坝 址 上 游 回 水 区 , 不 应 淹 没 耕 地 ( 特 别是 基 本 农 田 ) 、 房 屋 。

( 3 ) 坝 址 下 游 影 响 区 内 , 无 农 户 居 住 房 屋 、圈 舍 或 其 它 房 屋 。5.1.2 项 目 作 用 因 素 分 析

本 项 目 由 公 益 性 水 土 保 持 项 目 、 个 人 受 益 水 129

Page 138: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

土 保 持 和 生 计 改 善 项 目 、 技 术 支 持 与 服 务 三 部 分组 成 , 其 中 技 术 支 持 与 服 务 为 非 工 程 措 施 , 是 项目 实 施 的 保 障 措 施 。

公 益 性 水 土 保 持 项 目 、 个 人 受 益 水 土 保 持 和生 计 改 善 项 目 二 部 分 主 要 由 基 本 农 田 、 水 利 设 施 、造 林 和 增 加 植 被 覆 盖 、 经 果 林 、 养 畜 、 灌 溉 设 施 、能 源 更 新 等 措 施 组 成 , 项 目 组 成 多 样 , 涉 及 面 广 ,作 用 因 素 较 复 杂 , 并 对 不 同 环 境 因 子 产 生 影 响 。项 目 实 施 期 为 5 年 , 由 于 分 阶 段 在 不 同 小 流 域 实施 , 同 一 小 流 域 存 在 不 同 子 项 目 建 设 期 、 运 行 期交 叉 或 界 限 难 以 划 分 问 题 , 因 此 , 按 项 目 组 成 及活 动 进 行 分 析 。 各 项 目 活 动 作 用 因 素 分 析 见 表 5

- 1 。经 分 析 , 本 项 目 作 业 因 素 主 要 为 农 作 物 耕 作 、

林 草 繁 殖 生 长 、 养 殖 牲 畜 、 农 林 牧 产 品 销 售 、 农作 物 品 种 改 变 、 水 利 设 施 运 行 、 农 业 用 地 转 换 、森 林 植 被 种 群 结 构 改 变 、 肥 料 使 用 、 病 虫 害 及 农药 、 粪 便 污 染 、 农 村 生 产 及 生 活 条 件 改 变 、 灌 溉 、改 变 环 境 卫 生 、 改 变 能 源 结 构 、 施 工 活 动 等 。 除施 工 活 动 外 , 受 项 目 活 动 影 响 的 环 境 要 素 主 要 包括 水 文 情 势 、 水 质 、 土 壤 、 森 林 生 态 、 农 业 生 态 、


Page 139: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

水 土 流 失 、 区 域 经 济 、 土 地 利 用 、 生 活 质 量 、 自然 灾 害 、 局 地 气 候 等 , 作 用 因 素 具 有 历 时 长 、 直接 与 间 接 共 同 作 用 的 特 点 ; 项 目 施 工 活 动 时 间 短且 分 散 , 影 响 的 环 境 要 素 主 要 包 括 地 形 地 貌 、 环境 空 气 质 量 、 声 环 境 、 水 质 、 水 土 流 失 等 , 作 用因 素 具 有 历 时 短 、 分 散 、 范 围 小 及 直 接 作 用 的 特点 。5.1.3 项 目 影 响 特 征

本 项 目 组 成 复 杂 , 既 包 含 水 土 保 持 项 目 、 林业 项 目 、 农 业 项 目 , 也 包 含 环 境 保 护 项 目 。 从 规划 实 施 项 目 性 质 分 析 , 既 包 括 经 果 林 种 植 、 养 殖等 可 能 产 生 潜 在 污 染 的 项 目 , 也 包 括 基 本 农 田 建设 、 农 村 基 础 设 施 建 设 、 农 田 灌 溉 设 施 及 拦 沙 、排 水 、 排 沙 工 程 等 非 污 染 项 目 ; 规 划 实 施 的 项 目有 别 于 一 般 的 开 发 性 项 目 , 不 是 通 过 消 耗 一 定 的资 源 、 能 源 提 高 产 品 附 加 值 来 实 现 项 目 目 标 。 鉴于 本 项 目 规 划 实 施 措 施 的 多 样 性 , 小 流 域 规 划 综合 治 理 实 施 措 施 的 环 境 影 响 较 为 复 杂 , 具 有 直 接影 响 和 间 接 影 响 共 同 作 用 , 短 期 影 响 和 长 期 影 响并 存 , 各 子 项 目 相 互 叠 加 影 响 等 特 征 , 但 本 项 目为 可 持 续 发 展 的 生 态 环 境 保 护 建 设 项 目 , 对 环 境


Page 140: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

的 有 利 影 响 显 著 。5.2 环 境 问 题 的 识 别 与 分 级5.2.1识 别 原 则 及 分 级 方 法

本 着 全 面 、 综 合 和 实 事 求 是 的 原 则 , 充 分 考虑 国 家 、 集 体 和 个 人 的 利 益 , 在 全 面 调 查 项 目 研究 区 环 境 状 况 、 分 析 项 目 特 点 及 项 目 影 响 特 征 的基 础 上 识 别 重 大 环 境 问 题 , 并 按 其 重 要 性 及 影 响性 质 分 级 。

重 大 环 境 问 题 的 识 别 、 分 级 全 面 考 虑 项 目 的潜 在 影 响 , 包 括 有 利 方 面 和 不 利 方 面 , 特 别 是 对环 境 十 分 敏 感 的 影 响 。5.2.2 环 境 影 响 问 题 识 别

根 据 云 贵 鄂 渝 四 省 市 水 土 保 持 生 态 建 设 项 目建 设 和 运 行 中 潜 在 的 野 外 活 动 ( 作 用 因 素 ) 及 特点 , 结 合 项 目 影 响 区 域 环 境 要 素 的 重 要 性 分 析 ,可 能 受 本 项 目 实 施 影 响 的 有 关 环 境 要 素 主 要 有 :

( 1 ) 生 态 环 境涉 及 森 林 生 态 、 农 业 生 态 ( 包 括 病 虫 害 ) 、

水 土 流 失 等 环 境 要 素 ;( 2 ) 自 然 环 境


Page 141: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

涉 及 地 形 地 貌 、 气 候 、 水 资 源 ( 水 文 情 势 、水 质 ) 、 土 壤 、 环 境 空 气 质 量 、 声 环 境 等 环 境 要素 ;

( 3 ) 社 会 环 境涉 及 区 域 经 济 、 生 活 质 量 、 土 地 资 源 ( 土 壤 、

土 地 利 用 ) 、 自 然 灾 害 ( 洪 涝 、 旱 灾 、 泥 石 流 )等 环 境 问 题 及 要 素 ;

( 4 ) 环 境 风 险杀 虫 剂 使 用 对 生 态 环 境 与 人 类 健 康 的 影 响 、

引 进 外 来 物 种 对 当 地 生 态 系 统 的 影 响 、 森 林 火 灾等 。5.2.3识 别 与 分 级 结 果

本 项 目 重 大 环 境 问 题 的 识 别 采 用 了 世 行 专 家认 可 的 环 评 工 作 大 纲 推 荐 的 项 目 筛 选 矩 阵 格 式 ,具 体 程 序 详 见 表 5-2 。 利 用 矩 阵 法 , 并 借 鉴 一 些 类似 工 程 的 经 验 , 对 识 别 出 的 每 一 个 环 境 影 响 问 题或 环 境 要 素 , 从 潜 在 环 境 影 响 特 征 、 范 围 和 时 段等 方 面 评 估 其 重 要 性 。 将 评 估 结 果 分 成 两 类 : ①重 要 环 境 问 题 ; ② 其 它 环 境 问 题 。 结 果 显 示 , 本项 目 的 重 要 环 境 影 响 问 题 有 8 项 , 包 括 土 地 资 源( 土 壤 、 土 地 利 用 ) 、 生 态 环 境 ( 包 括 森 林 生 态 、


Page 142: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

农 业 生 态 、 病 虫 害 ) 、 水 资 源 ( 水 文 情 势 、 水质 ) 、 水 土 流 失 、 区 域 经 济 、 生 活 质 量 、 自 然 灾害 、 栖 息 地 ( 森 林 公 园 ) 等 ; 一 般 环 境 影 响 问 题包 括 对 下 游 区 的 影 响 、 项 目 建 设 施 工 环 境 ( 水 质 、环 境 空 气 质 量 、 声 环 境 等 ) 影 响 、 环 境 风 险 、 全球 环 境 问 题 ( 气 候 、 多 样 性 ) 等 。5.3 环 境 保 护 目 标

根 据 本 项 目 研 究 区 域 环 境 背 景 特 征 , 国 家 及云 贵 鄂 渝 四 省 市 地 方 生 态 环 境 保 护 要 求 、 生 态 环境 建 设 规 划 及 环 境 质 量 标 准 , 结 合 项 目 分 析 结 果 ,本 项 目 建 设 环 境 目 标 为 : 在 贫 困 且 水 土 流 失 严 重的 项 目 区 建 立 综 合 性 的 农 村 可 持 续 发 展 模 式 , 使土 地 和 水 资 源 能 高 效 而 又 可 持 续 性 地 利 用 , 森 林植 被 覆 盖 度 、 野 生 动 植 物 多 样 性 得 到 增 加 ; 区 域水 土 流 失 严 重 、 水 环 境 污 染 等 生 态 环 境 恶 化 趋 势基 本 得 到 遏 制 , 并 逐 步 呈 良 性 循 环 方 向 发 展 ; 项目 区 基 础 设 施 条 件 得 到 显 著 改 善 , 农 户 生 活 水 平和 生 活 质 量 得 以 提 高 ; 并 使 项 目 区 社 会 、 经 济 与生 态 环 境 协 调 可 持 续 地 发 展 。 结 合 项 目 环 境 目 标和 项 目 潜 在 的 环 境 影 响 , 提 出 以 下 环 境 保 护 目 标 :

( 1 ) 土 地 资 源 保 护 目 标 134

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加 强 土 地 管 理 , 合 理 开 发 利 用 和 保 护 土 地 资源 , 控 制 非 生 产 性 用 地 , 在 满 足 项 目 区 农 业 人 均拥 有 0.053~ 0.067hm2 基 本 农 田 、 0.02 ~ 0.03hm2 左 右 经果 林 基 础 上 , 优 化 调 整 项 目 区 的 土 地 利 用 结 构 ,使 土 地 利 用 结 构 趋 于 合 理 。 同 时 增 加 基 本 农 田 的土 壤 肥 力 和 保 水 能 力 , 提 高 基 本 农 田 生 产 力 , 降低 农 作 物 的 种 植 面 积 。

( 2 ) 生 物 多 样 性 保 护 目 标通 过 实 施 封 禁 治 理 等 生 态 修 复 工 程 措 施 , 使

生 态 破 坏 能 到 有 效 控 制 , 尽 量 避 免 项 目 实 施 对 影响 区 内 自 然 栖 息 地 生 态 系 统 的 损 伤 , 维 护 项 目 区生 物 的 生 态 特 性 和 区 域 生 态 多 样 性 , 使 项 目 区 当地 动 植 物 群 落 得 以 逐 步 恢 复 和 发 展 。

( 3 ) 水 环 境 保 护 目 标控 制 农 药 、 化 肥 使 用 及 养 殖 业 发 展 造 成 的 面

源 污 染 , 使 项 目 实 施 影 响 区 的 水 环 境 质 量 得 到 改善 。5.4 小 结 与 结 论

第 五 章 主 要 任 务 是 ① 在 对 项 目 进 行 分 析 的 基础 上 , 采 取 矩 阵 法 识 别 出 与 项 目 有 关 的 重 要 和 敏感 的 环 境 问 题 , 并 进 行 分 级 ; ② 提 出 项 目 环 境 保


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护 总 目 标 和 分 项 保 护 目 标 。在 矩 阵 分 析 基 础 上 , 结 合 项 目 特 点 、 环 境 要

素 的 重 要 性 及 潜 在 环 境 影 响 特 征 、 范 围 和 和 时 段等 方 面 评 估 其 重 要 性 。 将 评 估 结 果 分 成 两 类 : ①重 要 环 境 问 题 ; ② 其 它 环 境 问 题 。 结 果 显 示 , 本项 目 的 重 要 环 境 影 响 问 题 有 8 项 , 包 括 土 地 资 源( 土 壤 、 土 地 利 用 ) 、 生 态 环 境 ( 包 括 森 林 生 态 、农 业 生 态 、 病 虫 害 ) 、 水 资 源 ( 水 文 情 势 、 水质 ) 、 水 土 流 失 、 区 域 经 济 、 生 活 质 量 、 自 然 灾害 、 栖 息 地 ( 森 林 公 园 ) 等 ; 一 般 环 境 影 响 问 题包 括 对 下 游 区 的 影 响 、 项 目 建 设 施 工 环 境 ( 水 质 、环 境 空 气 质 量 、 声 环 境 等 ) 影 响 、 环 境 风 险 、 全球 环 境 问 题 ( 气 候 、 多 样 性 ) 等 。

项 目 建 设 环 境 目 标 为 : 在 贫 困 且 水 土 流 失 严重 的 项 目 区 建 立 综 合 性 的 农 村 可 持 续 发 展 模 式 ,使 土 地 和 水 资 源 能 高 效 而 又 可 持 续 性 地 利 用 , 森林 植 被 覆 盖 度 、 野 生 动 植 物 多 样 性 得 到 增 加 ; 区域 水 土 流 失 严 重 、 水 环 境 污 染 等 生 态 环 境 恶 化 趋势 基 本 得 到 遏 制 , 并 逐 步 呈 良 性 循 环 方 向 发 展 ;项 目 区 基 础 设 施 条 件 得 到 改 善 , 农 户 生 活 水 平 和生 活 质 量 得 以 提 高 ; 并 使 项 目 区 社 会 、 经 济 与 生


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态 环 境 可 持 续 地 协 调 发 展 。 环 境 保 护 目 标 包 括 土地 资 源 保 护 、 生 物 多 样 性 保 护 、 水 环 境 保 护 等 。


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表 5-1 云贵鄂渝四省水土保持生态建设项目作用因素分析项目组成 活动内容 作用因素 相关环境因子基本农田 修建石坎梯田、土坎梯、农田耕作 农作物生长、农作物品种改变、肥


水利设施 谷坊、沉沙池、排水沟、引水沟修建及设施运行 拦沙、排水、工程施工 地形地貌、水文情势、水质、水土流失、农业生态、区域经济、生

活质量、自然灾害、环境空气质量、声环境、造林与增加植被覆盖 林草种植、林木管护,封山



农村基础设施 塘堰、田间道路、机耕道修建及运行 生产、生活条件改变、工程施工 水质、农业生态、水土流失、区域经济、生活质量、自然灾害、环

境空气质量、声环境经果林 经济林、鲜果林、干果林、苗圃建设



养畜 养殖家禽、猪、羊、牛 修建畜圈、牲畜生长、粪便污染、销售 水质、土壤、森林生态、区域经济、生活质量

灌溉设施 蓄水池、小水窖、引水渠修建及运行



能源更新等 修建沼气池节柴灶 环境卫生改变、能源结构改变、庭院经济发展



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表 5-2 云贵鄂渝四省水土保持生态建设项目环境影响因子识别矩阵

● 直接影响、影响较大▲ 间接影响 影响较大○ 直接影响 影响较小△ 间接影响 影响较小√ 影响范围◆ 重要环境问题◇ 一般环境问题

- 不利影响 + 有利影响 ± 有利与不利影响并存

环境因素自然环境 生态环境 社会环境


















基本农田建设 ○ △ △ ○ ○ ▲ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○水利设施建设 ● ● ○ ○ ○ ● ▲ ▲ ● ○造林与增加植被覆盖 △ ▲ △ △ ● ● ▲ ● ● ▲ ● ○ ○ ○农村基础设施建设 ● ● ○ ○ ▲ △ ▲ ● ○ ○经果林种植 △ △ △ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○养畜 ▲ ▲ ▲ ● ● ○灌溉设施建设 ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ▲ ▲ ▲ ● ●能源更新等 △ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ● ○ ○

影响范围项目区 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √项目县 √ √ √ √ √ √ √下游区 √ √ √

影响性质有利影响 + + + + + + + + + + + + +不利影响 - - - - - - - - -

识别结果影响重要与一般 ◇ ◇ ◆ ◆ ◇ ◇ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◇ ◇ ◇影响有利与不利 + + ± - - + ± + + + + ± + ± ± - -


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6 项目环境影响6.1 前言根据环评工作大纲要求,社会评价有专题报告,其成果不纳入本环

评报告书,为使评价报告具有完整性和客观性,在 6.2.4节在中将直接引用社会评价的部分成果,病虫害防治研究成果将在 6.3.1节中直接采用。鉴于项目可行性研究报告深度和项目实施的涉及范围大、小流域众多

(274条小流域)、环境背景相对复杂等特点,本项目环评将从规划层次进行环境影响总体分析,结合典型小流域设计,针对小流域各项活动可能产生潜在的、长期的、累积的环境影响进行客观分析评价,提出切实可行的环境保护对策措施;同时,本报告的第 7章和第 8章也将以典型小流域为基础进行分析或制定监测计划。典型小流域选择以云贵鄂渝四省(市)37个县(区)已进行初步设计的 37条典型小流域为基础,37条典型小流域是在各省项目区选择原则上进一步选取的,在各项目县中具有较好的代表性;环评报告各章节选择的典型小流域均考虑了各省的代表性、流域的代表性、水土流失类型的代表性、环境背景和存在环境问题的代表性,环境监测计划还考虑了交通条件。

本章将对第 5章提出的重要环境问题分别进行详细讨论,并根据项目特点突出环境效益分析。5.3.3节识别的重要环境问题分别包含在 6.2节水土资源保护(土壤、水文情势、水土流失、自然灾害)、生态环境改善(森林生态、农业生态、生物多样性)、土地利用结构优化、生活质量提高等环境效益分析和 6.3节病虫害、水质、森林公园等主要环境问题中,6.4节主要论述对下游区的影响、施工期环境影响、环境风险、全球环境问题(气


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候)等环境问题。6.2 环境效益分析6.2.1 水土资源保护 长江和珠江上游地处中国西部,水土流失面积占土地总面积的 47.5%,是全国水土流失最为严重的地区之一 。项目实施后将提高项目区的保水保土能力,遏制水土流失不断加剧的趋势,减轻自然灾害,保护水土资源使项目区能够实现经济和社会的可持续发展。 植被覆盖率显著增加、水土流失得到有效控制

森林植被具有保护土壤、防止水土流失的重要功能。植物冠盖具有拦截雨水,削弱雨水对土壤的直接溅蚀力;地表植物阻截径流和蓄积水分,使水分下渗而减少径流冲刷;植物根系具有机械固土作用;根系分泌的有机物能胶结土壤,使其坚固而耐冲刷等。本项目计划综合治理水土流失面积171062hm2, 其中基本农田建设11309hm2、水土保持林29491hm2、经济果木林55512hm2、种草22995hm2、封禁治理52755hm2。项目实施后,项目区林草面积达到宜林宜草面积的80%以上,25度以上陡坡耕地全部退耕还林还草,荒山荒坡全部绿化,结构不良林地得到改良,植被覆盖率显著提高,水土流失量将明显减少。(数据来源参考文献[101])



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流域总面积 12.26km2 ,其中水土流失面积 5.91km2 ,占土地总面积的48.2%,流失类型主要为水力侵蚀,流失形式以面蚀、沟蚀为主兼有崩塌、滑坡等,土壤侵蚀模数为 4130t/km2.a,年均土壤侵蚀总量为 2.44万 t。本项目计划综合治理水土流失面积 5.91km2,其中坡改梯 0.10km2,封禁治理 1.88km2,种植干果林 0.93km2,种植鲜果林 1.59km2,种草 1.40km2。项目实施并发挥综合效益后,项目区林草覆盖率将从目前的 20.3%提高到52.4% , 小 流 域 水 土 流 失 治 理 程度达到 100.0% , 水 土 保 持减蚀率达71.0%,年增加蓄水量 11.62万m3,保土总量为 1.73万 t,水土流失基本得到控制。(数据来源参考文献[327]) 蓄水保土能力增强,有利于减轻自然灾害山洪、泥石流等自然灾害是项目区常见的自然灾害,是制约区域社会





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林草植被能截持部分降雨量,延缓径流,将径流分散成细小的水流,顺根条渗入土壤中,增加雨水的下渗量,林地内枯枝落叶能拦蓄吸收部分雨水,植被条件较好的山坡产生的地表径流量远远小于没有植被覆盖的裸露陡坡和荒山秃坡。据有关实验资料,在有林地区,日降雨量 30mm

时无出水;日降雨量 50-100mm,3 天后才有少量水流出;年降雨量1200mm 时,有林地区的水分流失量仅 50mm,但同样环境条件下的无林地区可达 600mm,一亩林地比无林地至少多蓄水 20m3,(数据来源参考文献[514])植被对降水的滞流作用见表 6.2-1。本项目实施将建设林草植被107998hm2, 封禁治理 52755hm2。项目实施发挥作用后,项目区植被覆盖率明显提高,将起到一定的蓄峰、错峰作用,从而调节地表径流强度,有利于抑制山洪灾害的形成,降低项目区山洪灾害发生的频率。

表 6.2-1 森林植被对降水的滞留作用降水量


枞林 松林 水青冈林 草地>20 24 8 10 21

20~15 31 25 13 14~2515~10 44 23 19 30

10~5 57 38 29 45

<5 71 49 28 42~100




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流灾害点 20多万处。泥石流灾害的形成,通常必须具备三个基本条件:一是在小流域内,坡地上或溪沟中蓄存着大量松散的碎屑物;二是要有充足的水源,并能形成强劲的径流;三是具有较陡坡度的地形。改善生态环境,营造良好的森林植被,能够抑制土壤侵蚀,防风固沙,减少形成泥石流的松散固体物质补给量与地表径流,使区域环境朝着不利于泥石流形成和发展的方向演化,削弱泥石流的形成条件。


表 6.2-2 项目蓄水保土效益统计表项目 基本农田 林草植被建设 小型水利水保工程 合计


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(万m3 )



(万m3 )


(万 t)蓄水总量

(万m3 )



(万m3 )


云南 408.9 12.27 1425.66 157.95 102.37 7.53 1936.93 177.75

贵州 852.02 25.56 2878.52 306.44 37.18 5.35 3767.72 337.35

湖北 399.48 11.98 1700.69 189.94 138.9 5.62 2239.07 207.54

重庆 462.5 18.5 2036.74 242.46 11.29 2.37 2510.53 263.33

合计 2122.9 68.31 8041.61 896.79 289.74 20.87 10454.25 985.97

(表格数据来源参考文献[101]) 因此,项目区治理措施发挥综合效益后,一方面将大量减少松散固

体物质的来源,另一方面减小径流的强度,有利于抑制泥石流灾害的形成,减小泥石流灾害的规模和危害。 保护土地资源、增强地力,改善耕作条件、提高农作物产量


不断加剧的趋势。贵州省项目区位于世界喀斯特(又称岩溶)面积最集中的中国西南喀斯特片区中心,喀斯特地貌广泛发育,大部分地区土壤不连续,土层浅薄,厚度一般为 10~30cm,而山区陡坡地的年侵蚀厚度为0.1~0.3 cm,少数地块甚至一场暴雨就可将土壤冲刷殆尽,造成基岩裸露,导致土地“石漠化”。项目实施后,治理水土流失面积 1044.09km2,治理程度达到 78.6%,各项水土保持治理措施全部生效后,每年将减少土壤侵蚀量 337.35万 t,为保护土地资源起到十分重要的作用(数据来源参考文献[302]、[316]。

项目实施还有利于减少土壤养分的流失,增强地力。据调查,位于大别山低山丘陵中度侵蚀区 的 湖 北 省红安 县 项 目 区 , 土 地总面积


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242.1km2,水土流失面积 101.43 km2,占项目区总面积的 41.9%,该项目区每年水土流失量达 44.46万 t,流失营养元素合成氨 232t,过磷酸钙461t,氯化钾 1269t,相当于全县化肥施用量的 5.07%。根据该区域自然条件和社会经济情况,计划开展以小流域为单元的山、水、田、林的综合治理措施,治理水土流失面积 92.10 km2,项目实施并发挥效益后,每年将减少土壤侵蚀量 28.21万 t,年蓄水效益 494.22万m3,根据每年减少的土壤流失量中 N、P、K 的含量,保肥量将达到 0.34万 t。(数据来源参考文献[110] )


蓄水保水能力极差。坡度大的山地不利于雨水的蓄积,由于有足够的动力条件,由降雨产生的径流在高差悬殊、地面坡度大的山地顺坡而下,迅速向沟谷汇集,雨水下渗量很少。兴修水平梯田,改坡地为平地,不仅是有效治理水土流失的根本措施,而且是实现坡耕地可持续利用和增产增收的重要手段,梯田具有拦蓄防蚀,增强土壤持水能力等作用。项目实施后将建设基本农田 11309hm2,农田建设以坡改梯为主,坡地改为梯地后,将减小坡面的纵坡坡度,有利于延缓地表径流,使雨水入渗量增加,同时土层厚度增加也有利于雨水的渗透与蓄积。根据湖北省子项目区相同类型土壤、气候条件和田间耕作管理措施的相邻地块效益的对比观测,梯田土壤的持水能力明显强于高于坡耕地,一般抗旱时间长 15d 以上,因此,项目实施对缓解农田干旱具有十分重要的作用。


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一,项目实施将增加蓄水量,改善农田灌溉条件。本项目计划修建蓄水池490303m3、小水窖 212129m3、渠道 600407m,这些小型水利设施建成后将扩大项目区蓄水设施的库容,增加蓄水量,对改善农田灌溉条件发挥积极作用。

项目区湖北省红安县伏秋连旱经常发生,最长旱期达 100-120 天,是当地农业生产面临的主要灾害。华河小流域是本项目进行治理的典型小流域之一,该流域位于该县华家镇西北部,流域总面积 28.66km2,耕地面积 9.03km2。计划配套兴建小型水利水保工程 131 处,建塘堰 3 处,谷坊 5

处,,蓄水池 20口,排灌沟渠 1.5km,沉沙凼 100个,项目建成后可以为区内耕地和经济果林提供灌溉水源,提高灌溉供水保证率,使灌溉供水保证率达到 85%,将有利于缓解区域干旱灾害,改善灌溉条件。(数据来源参考文献[110] ) 减少湖库淤积,延长水利设施使用寿命

水土流失携带的泥沙,淤积山塘水库和河道,缩短水利 实施寿命,是水土流失危害性大的突出表现之一。项目发挥保水保土作用后将有利于减少湖库淤积,延长水利设施的使用寿命。(由于缺少水土流失和相关的泥沙运动与河流泥沙沉积的关系研究资料,不能对项目区土壤侵蚀和泥沙输移量的比例进行定量分析,只进行简要分析。)

云南省项目区水土流失面积 669.56km2,占总土地面积的 46.6%,全148

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省因水土流失淤积水库 23875万m3、塘坝 11670万m3、毁坏电站 379座,其中,江川县茶尔山水库,到目前为止,入库泥沙累计达 50万m3,库容显著减少。本项目实施后,项目区水土流失治理程度达到 85%以上,土壤侵蚀量减少 70%以上,年保土总量达到 177.75万 t,因此,项目实施对减少湖库泥沙淤积,延长水利设施使用寿命具有重要作用。(数据来源参考文献[102] 、[110] )6.2.2 生态环境改善

项目区属亚热带季风气候区,主要天然植被类型为亚热带针阔叶常绿、落叶混交林。由于长期以来受人类活动的影响,原生植被大多已遭破坏,现存植被多为次生植被,且现存林地面积仅 1293.6km2,森林覆盖率为 18.73%。如按项目小流域划分,则有的小流域林地面积和森林覆盖率更低,如重庆江津市三抛河小流域,林地面积只有 78.87hm2,仅占三抛河小流域面积的 3.58%。(数据来源参考文献[110] )




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的退耕坡地上造林 85003hm2,其中水土保持林 29491 hm2、经济果木林55512 hm2,②封禁 52755hm2,③在退耕坡地、荒山荒坡人工种草种草22995hm2。

项目区现有有林地 129360 hm2,疏幼林 116217 hm2,草地面积 12616

hm2,森林覆盖率为 18.73%。通过在宜林荒山荒坡、退耕坡耕地上造林,以及实施封禁治理面积 52755hm2,可使项目区有林地面积达到 211606

hm2 , 森 林覆盖率达到 30.64% ,提高 11.91 个百分 点草地面积达到35616hm2,林草覆盖率提高到 35.8 %,提高 5.03个百分点。




区占中国总面积的 1/4,是中国植物资源最丰富的地区,不仅因为该区域处于古北极和古热带两个植物区系的交接地带,受第四纪大陆冰川的影响较小,而且也是亚洲东部的“温带—亚热带植物区系”的主要集散地和许多东亚植物的发源地,还有可能是被子植物的起源中心之一。本区域地带性典型植被类型是亚热带常绿阔叶林,壳斗科中的常绿种类、樟科、山茶科和竹亚科植物是其重要组成成分。


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本项目将在荒山荒坡和坡度较陡的退耕坡地上造林 85003hm2,其中水土保持林 29491 hm2、经济果木林 55512 hm2,种草 22995hm2。乔木林主要选择华山松、云南松、湿地松、马尾松、葵花松、杉木、柳杉、刺槐、柏树、桦木、栎树、滇杨、意杨、香椿、枫香、桉树、盐肤木、香樟、喜树、桤木、黑荆、圣诞树等树种;经济林主要选择杜仲、黄柏、山茱萸、厚朴、漆树、油桐、桑树、茶、板栗、核桃、花椒、兰桉等树种;灌木林主要选择马桑、车桑子、苦刺、黄荆、刺梨、救军粮、余甘子、紫穗槐等树种;种草主要选择黑麦草、皇竹草、紫花苜蓿、三叶草等。在造林方式上采用混交形式。






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1)生物量增加,景观质量提高项 目 区 土 地总面积 6905.05km2 ,其中 耕 地占 40.24% , 林 地占


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37.6%;草地占 1.8%。荒山荒坡占 10.8%;水域占 2.0%;其它用地占7.4%。项目实施后,项目区农、林、牧、渔等用地结构将发生改变,与现状比较,耕地减少 11.3%;林业用地增加 31.2%;草地增加 160.4%;荒山荒坡减少 94.0%;水域增加 0.1%;其它用地基本无变化。从景观生态学的角度分析,项目实施后,由于林地和草地的面积大

幅增加,其优势度值和景观比例也增加,而耕地和荒山荒坡的优势度值和景观比例减少,林地上升为区域生态环境质量的控制性组分;同时项目区的生物量在项目实施后将增加约 29.9%(项目实施前后生物量变化情况详见表 6.2—3),项目区的景观质量将有明显提高。但由于林地和草地均为人工种植,植被类型单一化严重,因此异质化程度不高,抗干扰能力差。

表 6.2—3 世行水土保持项目实施前后生物量变化情况

类型实施前 实施后 面积增








耕地 277832 3056152 246404 2710444 -31428 -345708

林地 260212 78063600 341470 102441000 81258 24377400

草地 12616 201856 32846 525536 20230 323680

荒山荒坡 13726 91964.2 13801 92466.7 75 502.5

水域 74428 14885.6 4485 897 -69943 -13988.6

其它用地 51637 10327.4 51444 10288.8 -193 -38.6

合计 81438785 105780633 24341847




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鸟类和昆虫的聚集,控制有害昆虫暴发性繁殖,维护生态平衡。所有这些均有利于农村居住环境的改善和生活质量的提高。6.2.3 土地利用结构优化6.2.3.1 项目区地形地貌特点

项目区在地貌上分属于云贵高原、川东山地、三峡峡谷和大别山低山丘陵等几大地貌单元。云贵高原涉及云南、贵州两省的项目区,其中云南省项目区地貌呈高原中山丘陵与小型盆地相间的格局,区内沟壑纵横,原面破碎,中山、丘陵占总面积的 70%,盆地占 30%;贵州省项目区位于云贵高原向黔中丘陵的过渡地带,海拔大多在 1200m 以上,主要以岩溶地貌为主,占土地总面积的 60%;川东山地和三峡峡谷区涉及重庆的项目县及湖北的夷陵区、利川市、长阳县,以低山、中山和丘陵为主,三峡地区地形切割较深;大别山低山丘陵区主要包括湖北省其他项目区,其中大别山低山丘陵区地势相对坦缓。

项目区地貌类型多样,包括高原、盆地、山地、丘陵等多种类型。区内地形破碎,山地、丘陵面积占总面积的 70%以上。据统计,项目区土地总面积中,地面坡度小于 5°的占 23.2%;5°~15°的占 21.5%;15°~25°的占24.5%;25°~35°的占 17.6%;大于 35°的占 13.2%。15°以下土地面积仅占土地总面积的 44.7%。 项目区土地利用现状与问题

项目区土地总面积 6905.05km2,其中:耕地面积 277832hm2,林地面积 260212hm2 , 草 地 面 积 12616hm2 , 荒 山 荒 坡 74428m2 , 水 域


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13726hm2 , 其 它 用 地 51637hm2 , 分 别 占 土 地 总 面 积 的40.24%、37.6%、1.8%、10.8%、2.0%。耕地中基本农田 82749hm2,占耕地面积的 29.8%;坡耕地面积 274327hm2,占耕地面积的 60.5%,而坡耕地中>25°的陡坡耕地有 23170hm2 ,占耕地面积的 8.3%,占坡耕地面积的13.8%。


40.24%,其中坡耕地面积占耕地面积的 60.5%,特别是 25°以上的陡坡耕地占耕地面积的比例达到 8.3%,与山区环境资源的特点相比,显然是不合理的。②林地中疏幼林面积比重偏大,占林地总面积的 44.7%,对山区生态

环境的维护功能不足。③荒山荒坡和其它用地面积大,占土地总面积的 18.3%,这是项目区

大量垦荒导致的结果,也是项目区生态环境退化的标志。 项目实施对土地利用结构的优化

项目实施主要使项目区土地利用结构在以下方面得到了优化:①对 25°以下有条件的坡耕地实施坡改梯,配套灌溉设施,以建设成

为基本农田,以此为基础,调整种植业比例,对大于 25°的坡耕地进行退耕还林还草措施,从而减少坡耕地这种不合理的土地利用方式;②发挥项目区气候资源优势,对适宜造林的荒山荒坡和退耕坡地建



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④根据项目区条件增加水面面积和渔业比重。通过以上措施,项目区农业用地占土地总面积的 35.6%,较现状减少

了 11.3%;林业用地占土地总面积的 49.5%,增加了 31.2%;草地占土地总面积的 4.8%,增加了 160.4%;荒山荒坡占土地总面积的 0.1%,减少了94.0%;水域占土地总面积的 2.0%,增加了 0.1%;其他用地占土地总面积的 7.5%,基本无增减。项目实施前后项目区的土地利用变化情况见图6.2—1。结合项目区地形地貌条件,可以看出,项目实施后,减少了农业用地,增加了林业用地,特别是坡耕地、荒山荒坡和难利用地等生态退化类型大幅减少,是项目区生态环境走向改善的标志,也是项目区土地利用结构得到优化的体现。

图 6.2—1 项目实施后项目区的土地利用变化


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6.2.4 生活质量提高增加农民收入、贫困人口基本脱贫、农民生活水平显著提高是项目的

两大目标之一。本项目的实施将使项目区农民生活质量得到提高,主要体现在经济收入、基础设施、权利/公平性等方面。(本节资料数据来源参考文献[110]、[113]) 经济收入增加


(1)坡改梯在项目区,土地垦殖率高,耕地面积占土地总面积 40.24%,其中,

基本农田比例偏小,坡耕地面积大,占耕地总面积的 60.5%。在重庆项目区,坡耕地主要为紫色土,是项目区旱作农业的主要土壤。由于水土流失,土层较薄,保水保土能力差,以种植玉米、红薯、马铃薯为主,粮食产量低。以江津市三抛河小流域为例,坡耕地被称为“望天田”,坡改梯前玉米亩产量仅几百斤,部分坡改梯后的玉米亩产量可达 700-800斤。一般情况下,坡改梯后可增产 25%左右,在进行水利设施配套后,增产更加显著,如在气候条件独特、干旱缺水的云南省元谋县坪坝区,坡改梯结合水


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同时产生良好的生态综合效益。在重庆市三峡库区项目县,农户使用沼气后可以解决 80%以上的生活燃料,建一口 8m3 的沼气池,可减少 4亩山林的砍伐;农户使用沼气灶、沼气灯,每户每年可节约煤电开支三四百元;如按照生态农业的运作模式,农业生产中利用沼液、沼渣作为肥料可提高种养业的经济效益,据测算,一口沼气池每年可提供优质有机肥 40担,


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相当于 10-15包化肥,可满足 0.27hm2柑桔园所需肥料,节约化肥农药支出 420元,亩平增加经济收入 100元。在云南省项目县,由于气候条件较好,大部分项目区沼气池基本能全年运行,其增收节支效益更为突出。 基础设施改善



改善农民的居住生活环境和环境卫生条件,保护农民的身体健康,有利于防治地氟病;沼气池使用将使人畜粪便得到有效处理,减少农药、化肥的使用量,有利于控制水土流失,同时控制面源污染。 权利/公平性



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(1)EU 计划将 1000万欧元作为赠款,直接支持 WB 贷款项目下实施活动。赠款将主要用在贫困县,特别是用于减少贫困农民的还贷负担。建议的投资项目将包括:种子和育苗,家畜,储水池(箱)、以及在农民从可持续性差的坡地上耕作转向可持续性的土地利用方式过渡时为他们提供补贴。



(4)项目将严格遵守《中华人民共和国农村土地承包法》,并制定了相应的管理计划,在确保农户土地产权以及平等、公平、公正的情况下,农户之间自愿进行土地使用权的转移,确保项目实施不会引起土地使用权的不公平。6.3 主要环境问题6.3.1病虫害



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术推广服务中心完成了农业和林业病虫害综合防治计划。项目区有关农业生产的基础数据均来源于农业年鉴、统计报告以及农户调查。 当前病虫害问题和防治方法

(1)四省(市)主要作物及果树种植面积根据有关省市资料,取得了四省市的 21个县相关数量型和质量型的

数据,其中 11个在重庆,3个在贵州,3个在云南,4个在湖北。这些数据资料包括:重要作物的种植面积、这些作物上的重要病虫害、年农药消费量、重要作物年病虫害造成的损失、病虫害防治方法、农药给健康造成的副作用、农民对农药的态度和相关知识、对相关知识的需求。

下表说明了当前四省市农业产量。表 6.3-1 和表 6.3-2反映了调查的四省市 21个县市主要作物、果树种植面积。按作物的种植面积划分,总的来说,作物的重要程度依次为水稻、蔬

菜、玉米、小麦、马铃薯等等,但具体省份有自己的作物重要性次序。云南省,玉米第一,其次为水稻、小麦;贵州省和重庆市的前三位作物为水稻、玉米和马铃薯,第四、五位作物贵州为茶叶和小麦,重庆则为蔬菜和小麦。四种重要果树是柑橘、梨、桃和板栗,见表 6.3-2。

表 6.3-1   四省市主要作物、果树种植面积    单位:1000 hm2

省市 主要作物 经济作物 果树水稻 小麦 玉米 马铃薯 蔬菜 茶 桃 梨 柑橘 板栗

云南 787.8 512.1 1012.4 378.8 453.2 277.4 16.9 39.7 25 10.3

贵州 720.3 474.3 690.0 519.4 414.9 480.9 13.3 20.0 40.0 3.3

重庆 738.5 322.7 430.0 283.0 403.0 13.3 13.6 46.4 172.7 12.8

湖北 1808.8 603.4 349.8 218.8 1201.9 119.4 38.3 40.9 109.6 8.9


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合计 2529.1 1912.5 2482.2 1400 2473.0 891.0 82.1 147.0 346.8 35.3

表 6.3-2 21个县调查主要作物和果树种植面积 单位: hm2

省市 主要作物 经济作物 果树水稻 小麦 玉米 马铃薯 蔬菜 茶 桃 梨 柑橘 板栗

云南 4516.4 11067.4 6929.7 1124.3 9967.5 26.6 120 273.3 1220 45

贵州 22375.3 48793.7 80807.7 45393.0 21287.0 525.3 1889.7 1324.7 775.4 4333.3

重庆 306181.6 118448.3 169032.6 67309.8 137763.7 11181.6 5438.2 15215.3 76387.1 1143.3

湖北 93477.3 15596.1 48111.9 36054.1 60107.3 6895.0 966.7 1615.7 15452.3 606.7

合计 426550.6 193905.5 304881.9 149881.2 229125.5 18628.5 8414.6 18429 93834.8 6128.3

上述调查地点 2001 年的谷物产量为 88.24万 t,单产低,每公顷产量仅为 3744 公斤,为全国平均水平的 78%。项目区的经济主要依赖种植业(业占 57.5%,林业占 6.1%,畜牧业占 20.9%)。


(2)主要病虫害四个项目省主要作物和果树上的主要病虫种类见表 6.3-3。根据调查和


表 6.3-3 四省市主要病虫害作物 常见害虫 常见病害 调查地点特殊病虫水稻 稻飞虱,螟虫 稻瘟病,纹枯病 稻杆蝇,稻苞虫,负泥虫,稻沫



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小麦 黏虫,蚜虫 条锈病,白粉病玉米 玉米螟,地老虎 纹枯病 大、小斑病马铃薯 28星瓢虫,金针虫 晚疫病 块茎蛾,细菌性环腐病蔬菜




茶叶 尺蛾 碳疽病 茶泡病,沫蝉,黑乍蝉桃 桃蛀螟, 桃缩叶病 吸果夜蛾梨 梨网蝽 梨锈病,介壳虫 黑乍蝉,梨木虱柑橘


蛆,凤蝶介壳虫,根腐病 锈壁虱,天牛,吉丁虫,根腐

病, 黑乍蝉板栗 板栗蟓甲,乍蝉,叶螨松树 松毛虫根据对 21个县的调查,因病虫害引起的产量损失统计见表 6.3-4.

表 6.3-4   调查县市主要作物病虫年损失    单位:t省份 粮食作物 经济作物 果树

水稻 小麦 玉米 蔬菜 茶叶 桃 梨 柑橘 板栗云南 3162.3 994.3 493.4 2759.8 277.4 16.9 N/A N/A N/A

贵州 6374.2 8716 6481.2 610.1 3 110 265 1100 1800

重庆 195588 58035.9 44563.5 62043.7 318.1 107 233 53054.6 1860

湖北 35975 2184 5644 28315 1427 73 2115 3625 N/A

合计 238099.5 69930.2 57182.1 93728.6 2025.5 306.9 2652.7 57804.6 3670.3


谈的 49个农户都认为化学农药是农业生产绝不可缺乏的成分,在县、地区,甚至省一级,大部分植保专业人士也认为化学农药是病虫害防治的第一选择。

21个项目县年农药用量为 4974.25 吨,其中杀虫剂占 76.85%。这就是说农民在他们的生产实践中更注意虫害,而不是病害或者草害。杀虫剂中高毒农药的比例高达 70%,生物杀虫剂仅占 2.8%。


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项目完成后,水土流失现象减轻 50%,大于 25度坡地将完全退耕还林还草;低于 25度的坡地改造为梯田,农业用地占土地总面积的 35.6%,比项目实施前减少 11.3%;林地和草地分别占总面积的 49.5% 和 4.8%%,比项目实施前分别增加 31.2% 和 160.4%。基本农田面积增加 110309hm2,经济果木林增加 55512 hm,草地增加 22995hm2、森林增加面积 82246hm2,项目区将建成大量小水库或塘堰。这些巨大的环境改善和多样性增加将农、林病虫害的演变,预期农业、林果病虫可能将发生以下变化:






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溃疡病,疮痂病,潜叶蛾和一些介壳虫的发生将进一步加剧;梨锈病由于合理的林业布局,避免梨锈病菌源树—侩柏在 2 公里以内种植,可以大幅度减轻,梨网蝽将是梨园的主要害虫,吉丁虫、黑柞蝉、梨木虱是梨园的次要害虫。由于环境的改变,单块果园面积的扩大和周边作物的合理配置,吸果夜蛾类的危害也会下降。由于桃树的集中种植但桃蛀螟将更为严重。由于苗圃的增加(537hm2),应该注重苗期病害和潜叶蛾和食叶类鳞翅目害虫。 病虫害综合防治战略(IPM)病虫害的治理不可能仅仅依赖于某种单一的措施,而常常是应用多

种综合方法来控制主要病虫害,使其发生危害水平在经济允许水平以下 。IPM 的目标不是消灭病虫,而是控制病虫数量使其危害在经济允许水平以下。有些病虫可以通过天敌来自然控制,作物也有一定耐害性。IPM 的控制措施包括:应用抗/耐病虫品种、栽培管理措施、物理、生物和低危害的化学防治。应用多种措施最大程度减少病虫适应于某种单一措施而发生危害的机会。




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施前 7~10 天提供给农户。为提高防治措施作用,县植保站应确保同一时间内邻县控制措施也得到实施。








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(4)化学防治方法如果其他 IPM 措施不能把病虫害控制在经济允许水平以下时,可以





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目将建立农民田间学校来提高农户对病虫害管理的理解。6.3.2 水质6.3.2.1 污染源现状分析



取部分典型县进行了环境现状调查。本节以选取的典型县云南省的元谋县、贵州省的兴义市、湖北省的红安县和重庆市的黔江区进行化肥、农药使用现状分析,并据此初步估算各省(市)项目区化肥、农药使用情况。项目县的化肥、农药使用水平来源于各县统计年鉴资料以及项目县植保站统计资料。典型县化肥、农药使用情况见表 6.3.2-1。

表 6.3.2-1 典型县化肥、农药使用情况统计表

省(市) 典型县 化肥使用(kg/hm2) 农药(kg/hm2)2001 年 2002 年 2003 年 2001 年 2002 年 2003 年

云南省 元谋县 482.4 573.5 565 8.4 7.3 9.3

贵州省 兴义市 548.6 542.4 536.2 1.7 1.3 1.2

湖北省 红安县 805.1 878.9 858 11.5 11.7 11.9

重庆市 黔江区 1298.8 1122.1 1117.2 5.9 9.2 9.6



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从表 6.3.2-1,各典型县的化肥、农药近三年的使用水平变化不大,总体上呈下降趋势。其中化肥以尿素、磷肥、复合肥为主,每公顷使用量在482.4~1298.8kg间;农药以杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂为主,每公顷使用量在 1.2~11.9 kg间。结合典型县的经济发展水平进行分析,典型县的化肥、农药使用水平和其经济发展基本呈正相关关系,农村经济较为发达地区化肥、农药使用水平相对较高。


况分析,预计目前项目区年平均化肥使用量为 668416t、农药年使用量为2836.8t。分省项目区化肥、农药使用情况见表 6.3.2-2 。

表 6.3.2-2 项目区化肥、农药使用情况统计表

项目区 耕园地面积(hm2) 化肥年均使用量(t) 农药年均使用量(t)合计 319377 668416 2836.8

云南省 48310 26102 314.5

贵州省 148856 550172 1369.6

湖北省 37187 20101 55.8

重庆市 85024 72041 1096.9

注:表中数量为项目区估算总量。(2)人畜粪便目前项目区总人口 198.58万人,农业人口 191.01万人。项目区养殖以

牛、马、猪、羊、鸡、鸭、鹅等禽畜为主,共有牛、马等大牲畜 21.8万头、猪118.8/万头、羊 16.3万头、小家畜 133.19万头(数据来源参考文献[101])。根据对项目区的典型调查,目前项目区农村人畜粪便管理较为松散,部


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分粪便未作为农家肥进行综合利用。 项目实施后面源污染变化情况分析



定程度上增加了地面保水保土能力,从而减少进入水体污染物质的量。据测算,15~25°间坡耕地年水土流失量在 3000~5000t/km2,而改成梯平地后保土能力有较大提高,年流失量能够得到大幅度的降低,土壤侵蚀模数可达到土壤侵蚀强度分级的微度标准即 500t/km2·a 以下。根据相关研究成果(参考文献〔527〕),农民施用的化肥中,只有三

分之一被农作物吸收,三分之一进入大气,剩余的三分之一则留在土壤中,遇到降雨随土壤流失进入水体。据典型县小流域水土保持措施设计资料,梯平地每公顷的化肥使用量比坡耕地可减少 60~250t。项目区坡改梯面积约 11309hm2,实施前每年化肥、农药使用总量分别约为 5655t、90t,其中进入水体的化肥总量约为 1320t、农药为 18t;而实施后每年化肥、农药使用总量约为 3958t、90t,进入水体的化肥总量约为 264t、农药为 13t,进入水体的化肥、农药减少总量分别为 1056t、5t。



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被覆盖的增加也提高了地面蓄水保土能力,减少了农药、化肥进入水体的流失量。本项目水土保持林的营建一般为荒山荒坡和坡度较大的坡耕地上,其水土流失较为严重,土壤侵蚀模数一般在 5000t/km2·a 以上;项目实施后植被覆盖得到大幅度增加,保土效益较为明显,土壤侵蚀模数可降低至土壤侵蚀强度分级的轻度标准,一般在 1500~2000t/km2·a。

本项目水土保持林(项目实施前为坡耕地)面积约 29491hm2,项目实施前化肥、农药使用总量分别为 11796t、236t,每年进入水体的化肥总量约为 3146t、农药为 47t;而实施后化肥、农药使用总量分别为 3539t、59t,进入水体的化肥总量约为 590t、农药为 9t,进入水体的化肥、农药减少总量分别为 2556t、38t。


质梨、柑桔等,一般采用穴状整地、反坡梯田整地、水平阶整地和水平沟整地等方式。经济果木林一般布置在土质较好,有水源的退耕坡地或荒山荒坡上,项目实施前土壤侵蚀模数一般在 2500~5000t/km2·a间,实施后土壤侵蚀模数可降低至 1500~2000t/km2·a。

由于经济果木林面积有较大的增加,因此相应的化肥、农药的使用量也有较大的增加。根据经果林的施肥特点,一般随着树体的增大,每年冬季要深翻土壤,扩穴施肥。幼龄果园耕作深度在 20~30cm,成年果园耕作深度为 40~50cm。幼龄果园的行间、隙地可种植绿肥或矮生作物果园。经济果木林施肥多采用有机肥和化肥配合施用。尽管经果林化肥、农药的


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本项目经济果木林面积约 55512hm2,项目实施前化肥、农药使用总量分别为 24980t、444t,每年进入水体的化肥总量约为 5829t、农药为 89t;而实施后化肥、农药使用总量分别为 34417t、777t,进入水体的化肥总量约为4589t、农药为 140t,进入水体的化肥总量减少 1240t,农药增加 51t。


整。项目实施前土壤侵蚀模数一般在 2500~5000t/km2·a间,实施后土壤侵蚀模数可降低至 1500t/km2·a 以下。牧草种植前,须进行高标准整地。在地面坡度较陡处,采取水平阶和窄


本项目种草面积约 22995hm2,项目实施前化肥、农药使用总量分别为8048t、184t,每年进入水体的化肥总量约为 1610t、农药为 37t;而实施后


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化肥、农药使用总量分别为 6899t、14t,进入水体的化肥总量约为 1380t、农药为 3t,进入水体的化肥、农药总量分别减少 230t、34t。



项目封禁治理面积 52755hm2,项目实施后化肥总量减少 7t。(6)家畜养殖、沼气池和乡村基础设施本项目共规划有禽畜 71647座、沼气池 72782座、道路基础设施(田间

道路、机耕道)1859.08km。沼气池与地上的厕所、鸡舍、猪圈等相配套,沼液、沼渣的综合利用与种养业的高效开发同步进行,可大大改善了农民的居住环境和卫生条件,其修建使得人畜粪便得到充分发酵,为肥料的充分吸收提供良好的条件,乡村基础设施的改善也使得农民能够较为方便地运送人畜粪便至田间。通过家畜养殖和沼气池的结合,原来粪便管理松散的局面将得到彻底改变,农村人畜粪便得到有效治理和充分利用,农家肥的使用可提高土壤有机质含量,减少农药、化肥的使用量,有利于控制面源污染。据测算,一口 8m3 的沼气池年产肥料 5000kg,可解决 0.5hm2

的耕地所需肥料,项目区所建沼气池大约可减少 3882t 化肥的使用。(7)其它项目


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项实施前后化肥、农药使用量和进入水体的化肥、农药数量见表 6.3.2-

3 和表 6.3.2-4。表 6.3.2-3 项目实施前后化肥使用量及进入水体量估算表

项目 单位 数量项目实施前化肥


(t) 实施前后对比使用量 进入水体 使用量 进入水体 使用量减少 进入水体量减少

坡改梯 hm2 11309 5655 1320 3958 264 1697 1056

水土保持林 hm2 29491 11796 3146 3539 590 8257 2556

经济果木林 hm2 55512 24980 5829 34417 4589 -9437 1240

种草 hm2 22995 8048 1610 6899 1380 1149 230

封禁治理 hm2 52755 528 70 633 63 -105 7

沼气池 口 72782     -3882 -647 3882 647

小计     51007 11975 45564 6239 5443 5736


表 6.3.2-4 项目实施前后农药使用量及进入水体量估算表

项目 单位 数量项目实施前农药 项目实施后农药 实施前后对比使用量 进入水体 使用量 进入水体 使用量减


坡改梯 hm2 11309 90 18 90 13   5

水土保持林 hm2 29491 236 47 59 9 177 38

经济果木林 hm2 55512 444 89 777 140 -333 -51

种草 hm2 22995 184 37 14 3 170 34

封禁治理 hm2 52755 422 84 422 84    小计     1376 275 1362 249 14 26 项目实施后对水质影响从表 6.3.2-4 可以分析得知,项目实施后化肥使用量和进入水体量均


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有大幅度的减少,其中化肥使用量减少 5443t、进入水体化肥量减少5736t;农药使用量和进入水体量也减少,但是减少幅度不大,分别为 14t

和 26t。坡改梯、水土保持林、经济果木林等项目对化肥使用量影响均较为明显,人工林和经济果木林对农药使用量影响较为明显。坡改梯和水土保持林改变了原耕作坡面的水土流失状况,化肥使用量和进入水体量得到减少,经济果木林则由于单位面积化肥用量增加,其化肥使用量也增加较多。

随着项目实施后进入水体的化肥量和农药的减少,氮、磷、农药及其它有机或无机污染物质也相应减少,对实施的小流域下游水质是有利的。而且沼气池的建设改变了粪便管理松散的局面,农村人畜粪便得到有效治理和充分利用,农村面源污染得到有效治理。 面源污染缓解措施(1)加强对农民的培训,加强生态农业建设农村面源污染的源头是农民,因此必须加强对农民环保意识的培训,




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农田产量。应加强化肥、农药使用量的监测,相关内容详见 8.2.4节、8.2.5

节。项目区经果林发展规模较大,且产果旺期持续较长,农药化肥使用量较大。在经果林的施肥管理上应加强农家肥的使用,还可以采取冬种绿肥如紫云英、苕子、豌豆、蚕豆等来提高土壤吸水、吸肥、保水、保肥能力,促进果实丰产。在病虫害的防治上应采用生物、化学和物理方法等多种方法相结合。6.3.3 森林公园6.3.3.1简介

本报告在 1.2.2节和 5.2.1节介绍了本项目与自然栖息地的关系,并给出了确保选取的小流域治理项目不对自然栖息地产生重大转变基本结论 。节介绍了重庆市铁峰山国家森林公园的位置、范围、保护性质等基本情况,本节将分析讨论刘家沟小流域项目建设对重庆铁峰山国家森林公园的影响。


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陈家、许家、塘坊、冲口等七村,流域面积 1200hm2。小流域呈南北走向,溪流汇流后经苎溪河进入长江三峡库区,流域最高点在老岩村万州电视转播塔。结合小流域治理措施布局图和森林公园边界高程、走向判别,老岩村及万河村 029-033 地块位于森林公园范围内,总面积约 386.2hm2。刘家沟小流域与铁峰山国家森林公园位置关系见图 6.3-1。(本节数据来源参考文献[110])涉及森林公园的治理区域位于刘家沟小流域上游方向,植被覆盖总

体良好,无水土流失面积为 291.8hm2,轻度流失面积 45.6hm2,中度以上流失面积为 48.8hm2,其中极强度以上流失面积为 12.2hm2,造成水土流失的主要原因是陡坡耕作。水土保持措施布局主要根据水土流失状况进行布设,对部分无流失林地(地块 09、032)进行封禁,面积 22.8hm2;水土流失轻微的地块(026、027)种植茶树,面积 45.6hm2;中度以上流失地块种植板栗、核桃等经果林或植草,其中种植板栗 12.9hm2、核桃 31.9hm2、植草 4.0hm2;修建小型蓄水池 21口,排水沟 1530m。水土保持措施布局见图 6.3-1 对森林公园的影响(1)封禁治理森林公园内封禁区域主要为松林和杉木林,林木经封禁治理后,郁




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除茶园种植区外,本措施治理区域约 25%为坡度为 15-25°坡耕地,其余均为大于 25°坡耕地,种植方式一般采用小麦+红薯或小麦+玉米,由于陡坡耕作,水土流失严重。治理后,区域用地类型发生改变,由一年生植物变成多年生果树或草地,不仅具有较好的水土保持作用,而且改善了区域森林景观,避免了陡坡耕作对区域景观的破坏。茶园种植区除部分为对原有茶园改造外,大部分建立在大于 25°疏林

地,本区域为水土流失轻微地区。茶园本身具有较好的水土保持作用,若注意采用合理施工方式,茶园建成后,不会导致区域水土流失加重,连片的 45.6hm2茶园将在区域内形成新的景观。

(3)小型水利设施建设区内修建的 21口蓄水池均为小型,最大容量 400m3,大于 100m3蓄

水池仅 3个,并充分利用了地形条件,避免较大的开挖,大部分蓄水池容量仅 10m3,并且修建的蓄水池较为分散,主要用于经济果木林灌溉;修建的 2条排洪沟断面尺寸较小(30cm×40cm),并且长度较短。因此,上述小型水利设施建设基本不会对森林公园产生不利影响。但需注意施工期间水土保持工作,在施工活动进行环境监理,避免施工对地表植被的破坏及造成的水土流失。6.4 其他环境问题6.4.1 对下游区影响



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目建设的众多的梯田、谷坊和小型集水池将拦截蓄存降雨地表径流,从而削减下游的洪峰流量,减轻下游的防洪压力和洪灾严重程度,并节省修建防洪工程的费用。上述对下游区的影响在 6.2.1节已充分讨论,此外,6.3.2节还讨论了对下游区河流、湖泊水质的影响。6.4.2 施工期环境影响6.4.2.1 对水土流失的影响 本项目是一项有利于水土保持的生态环境建设工程,项目完全发挥作用后,蓄水保土效益显著(见 6.2.1),项目区的水土流失不断加剧的趋势将得到遏制,生态环境逐步改善。但是项目施工期间,基本农田建设、林草植被建设、小型水利水保工程建设等将扰动地表、破坏地表植被,短期内在局部地区将新增一定的水土流失。 基本农田建设主要是将一部分坡耕地改造成为水平梯田,计划 6 年内在项目区兴修梯田 11309hm2,其中土坎梯田 7793hm2、石坎梯田 3519hm2。随着坡改梯活动的进行,在施工区范围内,森林、植被的破坏不可避免,尤其是土石料的不合理开采将会出现大面积的裸露地表,短时间内局部区域水土流失加剧的趋势难以避免;水平梯田的施工包括定线、清基、筑坎(埂)、保留表土和平整田面等工序,田坎清基需将基线范围内 20cm厚的表土层清除,同时为了保护和利用熟化的表土层,需采取表土逐行置换法或表土中间堆置法等方法保留表土,施工期间若遇降雨可能产生水土流失;新筑土坎由于短时缺乏地表覆盖物也面临水土流失,影响发生在施工期及新栽培植被发挥水土保持作用前的时段。 林草植被建设包括果园、人工林、种草等,开展林草植被建设先要进行整地,整地方式包括穴状整地、水平阶整地、水平沟整地、鱼鳞坑整地等,


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整地作业会扰动地表,在局部区域产生水土流失,影响主要发生在施工初期阶段,因所选植物种类大多适应性好、抗逆性强,生长旺盛、根系发达、树冠茂密,只要根据地形、坡度、土壤及树种情况,选择相应的水土保持整地方式,并采取保护措施,林草植被建设产生的水土流失量不大。 小型水利水保工程及配套设施建设在施工过程中需要进行地基开挖,将改变原地貌,破坏地表植被,弃土受雨水冲刷易造成水土流失。因小型水利水保工程及配套设施分散在整个项目区,单个工程的规模又比较小施工时间一般安排在冬季农闲季节,属于项目区少雨季节,只要将施工弃土及时回填处理,不会产生大的水土流失。总之,项目施工期间的水土流失主要来自基本农田建设中土石方开

挖、土坎填筑、清基、保留表土、林草植被建设的整地作业和小型水利水保工程及配套设施的施工弃土等,影响主要发生在施工期及林草植被措施发挥水土保持作用前的时段。 对水质、大气、噪声的影响

本项目主要工程活动包括基本农田建设、林草植被建设和小型水利水保工程及配套设施建设。项目区涉及范围广,施工活动分散在 37个县 274




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可能有一定不利影响。由于项目区涉及范围广,施工作业区分散,并且单个工程混凝土施工量很小,随着工程完工,上述施工活动对水质影响也随之结束。因此,项目施工对项目区水质影响很小且属短期影响。 施工期噪声污染主要来自爆破和运输车辆,爆破噪声影响时间短,运输车辆噪声源的强弱与车流量、车型、车速、路况等有关,本项目运输车辆不多,运输线路大部分位于广阔的乡村田野,因此,不会对周围环境产生大的影响。 本项目影响环境空气的施工活动包括:爆破、土料的开挖、土坎填筑和运输。产生的大气污染物为:土石料开挖及填筑产生的粉尘、运输过程产生的扬尘。项目区大部分位于农田区,地形开阔,大气扩散条件好,且施工作业区分散,因此,项目施工对环境空气的影响范围、程度都十分有限。 对地貌景观的影响项目实施计划兴修兴修梯田 11309hm2,其中土坎梯田 7793hm2、石坎

梯田 3519hm2。随着施工活动的展开,土方开挖、石料开采、田面平整等将使原有土地利用方式改变,局部区域地形地貌特征发生变化。石料开采需要进行爆破作业,随着表层石料被开采,将会出现大面积裸露的地表,对景观造成不利影响。基本农田建设将使一部分坡耕地被改造成为水平梯田,原来的山坡风景将被新的梯田景观所替代。 防治对策措施 施工活动不可避免产生少量污染物,为减免污染影响,应采取有效的防治措施,创造一个良好的施工环境。


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(1)对于工程规模较大的单项工程,为了预防工程建设对环境影响,在下一阶段应开展单项工程环境影响评价工作。 (2)为了减少雨水冲刷造成的水土流失,根据项目区冬季降雨少的特点,施工作业时间应尽可能安排在冬季。




(6)严禁在项目区内焚烧农作物秸杆、杂草等杂物。6.4.3 环境风险6.4.3.1外来物种

(1)物种入侵情况目前入侵中国的外来物种有 400多种,其中危害较大的有 100余种。

在世界自然保护联盟公布的全球 100种最具威胁的外来物种中,中国就有50余种。在云贵鄂渝四省项目区均有外来物种入侵,其中重庆市发现入侵外来物种 53种,占国家严控的 74种外来入侵生物的 70%以上;湖北省外来入侵物种 51种(其中动物 13种、植物 38种)。项目区造成较大危害的入侵物种有紫茎泽兰、水花生、豚草、凤眼莲、毒麦、假高梁、野燕麦、拟松材线虫等。(数据来源参考文献[528]、〔529〕)



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有很强的“克生”作用——会产生某种毒性物质来抑制其他生物的生长造成生物多样性的减少。云南大学生命科学学院对包括桉树林及当地的云南松林、长绿阔叶林、针阔混交林、荒坡灌草丛在内的 5个林种,进行了连续 10余年的对比研究, 研究成果充分证明,在 5个树种中,桉树的持水保土效果和自我更新能力最差,并对异地的原生物种有极大排抑性,对环境不友好,大面积连片种植,很容易导致土地贫瘠,原生物种衰减、退化等严重的生态危机,形成‘绿色荒漠化’。







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d)在造林中采用针叶林、阔叶林混交,乔、灌、草结合,加强森林病虫害防治和天敌保护工作,该措施已在 6.3.1节中详细讨论。 农药使用

尽管中国 1987 年迄今颁布 7批《农药合理使用准则》国家标准,详细规定了某种作物所用某种农药、剂型、一定施药方法下的常用药量、最高用药量、每季作物最多使用次数、最后一次施药距收获的天数(安全间隔期);并且中国有关部门已制定出削减高毒有机磷杀虫剂的计划,农业部发布 194号公告(2002.4.22)停止批准新增甲胺磷、甲基对硫鳞、磷胺等高毒有机磷的登记;但高毒农药仍在生产使用,因农药施用和农药残留引起的食物中毒事件频频发生,农药的使用会产生较高的风险。如前分析,在项目未实施的情况下,项目区为防治病虫害仍会使用

农药,并因农药的使用产生较大的风险。本报告 6.3.2节详细讨论了项目实施后区域病虫害和农药使用的变化,提出了相应对策措施和推荐使用的高效低毒农药名录,尽管如此,项目的实施后农药使用的风险因素将增加,主要如下:

(1)在项目区经济林、水果林大面积连片种植,如贵州省安龙县大面积种植金银花,准备从目前的 1333hm2 发展到 15000 hm2,项目区也准备发展 400 hm2;湖北省长阳县栀果(中药)种植准备从目前 3333 hm2 发展到 6666 hm2,项目区规划发展 100hm2(数据来源参考文献[110])。上述单一林木种植项目极易发生病虫害,导致农药的大量使用,一方面使害虫的天敌———益虫和鸟类越来越少,失去天敌的老鼠、病虫继续破坏植被,造成区域生物多样性下降,生态链断裂,使原来就脆弱的生态环境雪上加霜;另一方面大量农药的集中使用不仅使施用者暴露在高风险


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(2)项目实施后,随着土地利用结构的优化,种植业结构也将发生较大改变,水果、蔬菜种植面积将增加。对大部分项目区水果种植面积增长较大,云南省干热河谷地区(如元谋县项目区)蔬菜种植面积也将增加,相应水果、蔬菜农药残留对人体健康威胁风险因素加大。特别在蔬菜种植过程中需要连续多次施药,如西红柿和黄瓜需连续施杀菌剂 6-8次。不少蔬菜需要多次采收,采收与施药的时间间隔短,因而采收时蔬菜中的农药残留量往往较高,很容易超过国家规定的标准。蔬菜中残留的农药不仅在人体内蓄积产生中毒,如果食用了施用“甲胺磷”、“甲级对硫磷”、“灭多威”等禁用、剧毒农药的蔬菜,还在人体产生致癌物质,这种积累性中毒对人体危害极大。 针对上述项目风险因素,提出以下控制措施:(1)在典型小流域设计中合理规划经果林,避免大面积种植单一林


理使用低毒、低残留农药。(3)保护病虫害的天敌,推广无公害农药,发展绿色农业。 森林火灾据统计,我国从 1950 年到 1998 年共发生森林火灾 68 万次,年均森

林受害率 5.99‰,是世界年均森林受害率的 6 倍,每年造成的直接经济损失达 70~100 亿元。据国家林业局统计,到 10 月底全国共发生森林火灾1.2万多起,比去年同期增加 43%。在已查明火因的一万多起火灾中,97%


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本项目种植水土保持 林 29491 hm2、经济果木林 55512 hm2、种草22995hm2 ,并且封禁 52755hm2 , 建 设后项 目 区 森 林覆盖率从目 前 的18.73%提高到 30.64%。随着项目区林木生长,林下可燃物载量逐步增大、火险等级逐渐增高,加上厄尔尼诺等气候因素和人为因素,项目区存在发生森林火灾的风险,其风险随着森林生长而逐步增加。


在调动项目区农户森林防火的动因和积极性的基础上,通过采取森林防火宣传教育,制订森林防火措施;组织森林防火安全检查,消除火灾隐患;掌握火情动态,制订扑火预备方案;加强野外火源管理,凡火险等级在 4级以上者要严禁林区一切野外用火;各级气象部门做好森林火险天气监测预报工作,并通过报纸、广播、电视等媒体及时发布森林火险天气预报和高火险天气警报等措施,可将项目区森林火灾风险降低到最小程度。6.4.4全球环境问题



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地球是一个完整的生态系统,一个国家、一个地区的环境问题,都有可能对全球的环境造成不良影响,因此,各地区的发展都应该考虑到全球的环境问题。本项目是水土保持生态环境建设项目,不仅可有效遏制项目区的水土流失的发展趋势,涵蓄淡水资源,控制项目区石漠化进程,还可增加项目区植被,提高项目区的生物多样性,对全球水土流失控制和生物多样性增加具有一定的贡献,其作用详见 6.2.1 和 6.2.2。以下就本项目对全球气候变暖的影响进行分析。


始于本世纪二十年代,升温在四十年代达到高峰,以后有所下降,六十年代又有回升。增温最大的是北半球高纬度的极区。变暖时期极区升温幅度高达 2.4℃。全球气候变暖的原因很复杂,迄今在科学上虽然存在着一定的不确




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因此,本项目的实施对全球气候变暖的影响是正面的、有利的。6.5 小结与结论根据环评工作大纲要求,社会评价有专题报告,其成果不纳入本环评

报告书,为使评价报告具有完整性和客观性,在 6.2.4节中将直接引用社会评价的部分成果,病虫害防治研究成果将在 6.3.1节中直接引用。

本章将对第 5章识别的重要环境问题均进行详细讨论。本项目环评将从规划层次进行环境影响总体分析,并结合典型小流域设计和各项活动可能产生的环境影响进行分析评价。评价中选择的典型小流域考虑了各省的代表性、流域的代表性、水土流失类型的代表性、环境背景和存在环境问题的代表性。




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绿、落叶混交林。由于长期以来受人类活动的影响,原生植被大多已遭破坏,现存植被多为次生植被,且现存林地面积仅 129360hm2,森林覆盖率为 18.73%。本项目在生态环境改善方面的效益主要体现在以下三个方面:


林地面积达到 211606 hm2,森林覆盖率达到 30.64%,提高 11.91个百分点;草地面积达到 35616hm2,林草覆盖率提高到 35.8 %,提高 5.03个百分点。




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项目实施使项目区土地利用结构在以下方面得到了优化:①对 25°以下有条件的坡耕地实施坡改梯,配套灌溉设施,减少了坡耕地这种不合理的土地利用方式;②,对适宜造林的荒山荒坡和退耕坡地建设为水土保持林和经果林,提高植被覆盖率,改善生态环境;③增加草地面积和畜牧业比重;④增加水面面积和渔业比重。


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通过以上措施,项目区土地利用结构与治理前相比,农业用地减少11.3%;林业用地增加 31.2%;草地增加 160.4%;荒山荒坡减少 94.0%;水域增加 0.1%。项目实施后,减少了农业用地,增加了林业用地,特别是坡耕地、荒山荒坡和难利用地等生态退化类型大幅减少,是项目区生态环境走向改善的标志,也是项目区土地利用结构得到优化的体现。






病虫害云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目包括 38个县市,

221万人口,其中 559863农户 89.65%,人口从事农、林业。农业耕地面积261067.5 公顷,人均仅 0.12 公顷。根据四省有关县市所取得的资料,每年


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因病虫害引起的粮食产量损失为 36.521万 t,经济作物产量损失为 9.575

万 t,果树产量损失为 6.443万 t。根据调查和访谈,大多数农户和当地农业技术推广人员由于对蔬菜和果树上的病虫害不熟悉,没有经验,因此感觉到蔬菜和果树病虫害防治非常困难。根据云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目的目标,

项目完成后,水土流失现象减轻 80%,基本农田面积增加 14897.7hm2,果园面积增加 2254.8hm2,草地和森林覆盖面积为 29149.1hm2,项目区将建成 276 个小水库或塘堰。环境的巨大改善和多样性增加将引起农林业病虫害结构重组,一些主要病虫害将演变为次要病虫害,甚至消失。同时一些有毒害虫和作物病害将随着新物种的引进侵入到项目区。

项目病虫害治理计划建议采取生物轮作的农业措施来减少项目区技术推广中心和农户高度依赖高毒性农药的习惯,以及通过建立农民田间学校来展示成功的病虫害综合防治农业技术模型。病虫害治理计划实施后,高毒性以及常规性农药使用量将减少 20%~30%,尤其是有机磷农药、有机氯农药和氨基甲酸酯农药。作物病虫害将大大减轻。




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每公顷使用量在 482.4~1298.8kg间;农药以杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂为主,每公顷使用量在 1.2~11.9 kg间。并且化肥、农药使用水平和其经济发展基本呈正相关关系,农村经济较为发达地区化肥、农药使用水平相对较高。

对面源污染影响较大的主要包括坡改梯、乔灌木林、种草、经果林、封禁治理、沼气池建设等项目的实施。经分析,项目实施后化肥使用量和进入水体量均有大幅度的减少,其中化肥使用量减少 5443t、进入水体化肥量减少 5736t;农药使用量和进入水体量也减少,但是减少幅度不大,分别为 14t 和 26t。坡改梯、人工林、经果林等项目对化肥使用量影响均较为明显,人工林和经果林对农药使用量影响较为明显。坡改梯和人工林改变了原耕作坡面的水土流失状况,化肥使用量和进入水体量得到减少,经果林则由于单位面积化肥用量增加,其化肥使用量也增加较多。




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(3)加强项目区化肥、农药使用管理,合理、科学使用化肥、农药。森林公园刘家沟小流域治理区仅有老岩村及万河村小部分(029-033 地块)位

于铁峰山国家森林公园范围内,涉及面积约 386.2hm2,其中,中度以上流失面积为 48.8hm2,占区域总面积的 12.6%,主要采取种植经果林、植草等措施。其他措施包括在水土流失轻微地区建设果园、小型蓄水池和封禁治理。种植经果林和植草改变了区域用地类型,多年生植物替代一年生植






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在下一阶段应开展单项工程环境影响评价工作。 (2)为了减少雨水冲刷造成的水土流失,根据项目区冬季降雨少的特点,施工作业时间应尽可能安排在冬季。







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7 比选方案7.1 前言


项目涉及四省(市)的 5个不同的水土流失类型区,每个类型区由于地形地貌、气候、植被等的不同,达到上述目标的方案也有多种。鉴于项目在 5个类型区的 274条小流域典型小流域设计中仅提供唯一方案,因此,方案比选只能选取有代表性的小流域,进行有方案和无方案比较分析,通过一定的指标,分析其水土保持方案的目标可达性与环境适宜性,并与无方案下的环境变化趋势进行比较,以论证方案的合理性,在此基础上,对选取典型小流域治理方案进行分析,提出方案调整建议,为项目业主提供一些指导。此外,在项目筛选阶段,环评小组就项目与环境适宜性进行了筛选,对位于自然栖息地的项目小流域进行了筛选(如云南省澄江县典型小流域),提出了采取替代方案。7.2 项目区环境特点与项目目标7.2.1 项目区环境特点

项目区涉及云南、贵州、重庆、湖北等 4 省(市)的 37个县(市、区),199

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按水土流失类型划分为 5个区,即滇西中低山丘陵沟壑中度侵蚀区、黔西高原山地中强度侵蚀区、川东山地中轻度侵蚀区、三峡峡谷中山丘陵中度侵蚀区、大别山低山丘陵中度侵蚀区。如按照 20~50 km2左右的自然水系单元,结合行政区域的完整性划分小流域,整个项目区共划分为 274条小流域,其中,云南省项目区 58条,贵州省项目区 107条,重庆市项目区54条,湖北省项目区 55条。


高中间低,沟壑纵横,原面破碎;主要土壤类型包括红壤、棕壤、紫色土和水稻土。本区属北亚热带低纬高原冬干夏湿季风气候,气候特点是春暖秋凉,冬无严寒夏无酷热,温度年差较小、日差较大 ,年最高气温39.1℃,最低气温-7.3℃,年平均气温 16.5℃;≥10 ℃积温 5508℃;多年平均降雨量 859mm,雨热同季、夏秋多雨,干湿季分明,日照充足,年日照数 2358 h,总辐射量 191.1kj;本区气候优势明显,适合多种热带、亚热带作物生长。

本 区 有 项 目 区 云 南 省 的 7 县 ( 市 )共 58 条小 流 域 , 土 地面积1557.87km2,其中水土流失面积 669.56 km2,项目区流失类型以水蚀为主,不仅面蚀广为分布,而且由于土层较为深厚,坡长较长,沟蚀也较发育局部地区有崩岗、滑坡、泥石流等侵蚀类型。


为主,大部分地区山高坡陡,地面起伏较大,海拔高度在 1200m 以上,相对高差 400~600m,最大可达 700m。土壤以黄棕壤、黄壤、红壤、黄红壤为主。本区南部属亚热带季风气候,北部属高原性季风气候,年均温14.8°C,多年平均降雨量 1146mm,降雨季节分配不均,5~9 月降水占年


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降水总量的 70%。本 区 有 项 目 区 贵 州 省 的 12 县 ( 市 ) 107 条小 流 域 , 土 地面积

2496.48km2,其中水土流失面积 1317.33km2,占土地总面积的 52.8%。本区由于坡耕地面积大,且大多数地区属石灰岩发育的土壤,成土速度慢土层浅薄,致使水土流失十分严重,甚至出现土地“石化”现象。

(3)川东山地中轻度侵蚀区本区地貌以丘陵为主,丘陵面积占本类型区总面积的 66.5%,其次为

台地和低山,面积分别占 12.9%和 12.5%,平坝占 6.7%。土壤类型以紫色土和水稻土为主。本区属中亚热带湿润季风气候区,多年平均气温17.7°C,多年平均降雨量 1112mm,降雨季节分配不均, 5~9 月降水占年降水总量的 70%。

本区有项目区重庆市荣昌、合川、永川 3 县(市)的 16条小流域,土地面积 358.06 km2,其中水土流失面积达 207.54 km2,占土地总面积的58.0%,本区项目区总人口达 7.35万人,由于人口密度大,垦殖指数高,致使水土流失严重。


热带湿润季风气候区,多年平均气温 17°C,多年平均降雨量 1150mm,降雨季节分配不均, 5~9 月降水占年降水总量的 50%。

本区有项目区重庆市的 8 县(市、区)和湖北省的 3 县(市),土地面积 1824.561km2 ( 重 庆 市 项 目 区 1415.3 km2 , 湖 北 省 项 目 区 409.26

km2),其中水土流失面积 1115.55km2,占土地面积的 61.1%。由于本区林地分布不均,植被结构不合理,加之陡坡耕种现象较为普遍,致使水土流失严重。


Page 210: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

本区位于长江中游北岸大别山南麓,属花岗片麻岩地质低山丘陵区,区内丘岚错落,沟壑密布,海拔在 75~469.5m。气候特点是四季分明、光照充足、雨量充沛、无霜期长,多年平均降雨量 1086mm,多年平均气温13.7℃。

本区有项目区湖北省的 3 县(市),土地面积 668.08 km2,其中水土流失面积 306.89km2,占土地总面积的 45.9%。本区人口稠密,暴雨集中,土质松散,植被稀疏,容易产生水土流失。7.2.2 项目总体目标

项目总体目标是在项目区内贫困及生态严重退化的地区建立和推广综合的农村可持续发展模式,使当地农民生产生活条件得到改善,生态环境可持续发展。通过 6 年(2004~2009 年)的综合治理开发,再经后期的巩固提高,逐步建成农、林、牧各业结构合理、协调发展的生态农业模式。使生态和经济发展进入良性循环,农民生活步入小康。①生态目标:建立水土流失综合防护体系,水土流失治理程度达到

80%以上,土壤侵蚀量减少 70%以上;林草面积达到宜林宜草面积的 80%


② 经济目标:通过坡改梯及水系工程配套,改善农业生产条件,使项目区农业人均基本农田达到 0.067hm2 以上;大力发展优质经济果木林,并与养殖、加工业相结合,实行产业化经营,实现农民收入增长幅度高于同类未治理地区 30%以上,贫困人口基本脱贫,农民生活水平显著提高。7.2.3 治理措施及布局



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树种混交形式;对疏幼林地和覆盖度低于 60%的灌木林地,实行补植封禁治理;对 25°以上坡耕地全部退耕还林还草,恢复生态平衡;对“石化”和潜在危险的地区,采取乔灌草造林,保护土地资源。

(2)结合基本农田建设,对 5°~25°土层深厚的坡耕地实行坡改梯,提高粮食单产;在此基础上,结合产业结构调整,种植优质水果、花卉、药材等特色经济品种,发展农村经济。




在四省(市)选取了 7个典型小流域进行水土保持项目的方案比选,这 7个小流域分别是:




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7.3.1 自然生态环境特点选择的 7个小流域的自然生态环境状况见表 7—1,有关社会经济状

况见表 7—2,从中可以看出,上述 7个小流域有以下特点:(1)在地形地貌上,以中低山丘陵为主,地面坡度主要集中在 5—


表 7—2 世行水土保持项目典型小流域社会经济状况小流域名称








流域总人口(人) 4309 3259 10727 2193 11196 3041 6615

人口密度(人/ km2) 116 301 320 205 508 254 230

耕地面积(hm2) 464.80 616.23 1763.7 372.33 1418.15 557.63 903.00种植业% 78.2 43% 65.96 66.5 66.5 54.35 43.67养殖业% 21.8 25.8% 20.89 29.2 29.2 28.57 10.17

林业% - 1.2 10.45 4.3 1.8 4.77 7.44人均耕地(hm2) 0.11 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.13 0.18 0.14人均产粮(kg) 292 420 643 341.63 400.86 574 469

人均纯收入(元) 909 850 1017.4 1684 1195.6 1681 1375

7.3.2零方案下的环境变化趋势从上述选择的 7个小流域的自然生态环境状况可以看出,7个小流域


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土地生产力低下,导致部分小流域的垦殖指数较高,特别是存在大量的坡耕地,这也是这些小流域水土流失严重、生态环境退化的根本原因。因此,虽然上述小流域人均耕地有 0.11—0.19 hm2 ,但人均产粮却只有292kg—643 kg,人均纯收入也只有 850—1684元,说明耕地生产力和流域人口生活水平均较低。


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表 7—1 世行水土保持项目典型小流域自然生态环境小 流 域 名称






湖北 省 长阳县泉溪河流域


流 域 面 积(km2)

36.46 10.76 33.51 10.71 22.02 12.51 28.66

所属类 型区








地形地貌 低山丘陵 ,海拔1350m ~ 1040m ,土地按坡度划分:≤5°占 17.6%,5—25°占 32.5%,大于25°占 49.9%。

中山、低山、盆坝。土地按坡度划分:≤5°占 29.2%,5—25°占 69.0%,大于25°占 1.8%。

岩溶低山、丘陵、溶洼地貌,海拔 975m

~1491.0m,≤5°的土 地 面 积 占25.8%,大于 25°的土地面积占 48.4%。

以志留系砂页岩构成的背斜低山为主要地貌特征,最高1125m , 最 低580m,地形起伏较大,


的 土 地 面 积 占60.09% , 大于 25°

的 土 地 面 积 占2.44%。

海 拔 632.8m—125.5m , 土地按坡度 划 分 : ≤ 5° 占3.85% , 5°—10° 占10.85% , 10°—25°77.16% , 大 于25°占 8.14%。

海 拔 72m—449.7 m,北部是丘陵岗地、河谷平畈,东南部是连绵起伏的山峦。

土壤类型 燥红壤、紫色土、沙壤土、砾石土等。





气候 南亚热带干热河谷 , 年 均 气 温21℃,≥10℃积温8003℃,年均降雨量 646.8mm。

亚热带温润季风气候 , 年 均 气 温15.1℃ ,≥ 10℃ 积温 4349℃,年均降雨量 1249.5mm。

年 均 气 温16.10℃,≥10℃积温 4797.60℃,年均降雨量 1370mm。

亚热带季风气候,年均气温 15.4℃,平 降 雨 量1196.4mm。

年 均 气 温18.3℃ ,≥ 10℃ 积温 5761℃,年均降雨量 1273.6mm。

亚热带季风湿润气候 , 年 均 气 温16.5℃ ,≥ 10℃ 积温 5281℃,年平均降雨量 1400mm。

北 亚热带季风气候 , 年 均 气 温15.8℃,年 均降雨量 1058mm。


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续表 7—1 世行水土保持项目典型小流域自然生态环境小 流 域 名称






植被 栎类、车桑子、滇橄榄及云南松等群落。

多为次生植被。 原 生植被破坏严重,多为人工次生林及灌木林和疏幼林。



主要为以马尾松、杉、柏、栎、枫树、茅栎等组 成 的次生林。

耕地状 况(hm2)

面 积 464.80 hm2 ,其 中 , ≤ 5° 占67.87% , 5°~25° 占34.99%。

面积 616.23 hm2, 面 积 1763.7 hm2 ,其 中 ≤ 5° 占46.6%;5°~25° 占21.3% ; ≥ 25° 占32.0%。

面 积 372.33 hm2 ,坡 耕 地 面 积213.22hm2,占耕地面积的 57.27%。

面积 1418.15 hm2,其 中 ≤ 5° 占54.1%;15°~25°占19.0%。

面积 557.63 hm2,其中 : ≤ 5° 占41.18%;5°~25°占47.15% ; > 25° 占11.67%。

面积 903.00 hm2,

垦殖指数 12.75% 57.3% 52.6% 34.76% 64.40% 44.56% 31.51%

水 土 流 失状况

水 土 流 失 面 积19.04km2 , 占 流 域面 积 的 52.2% , 其中轻度、中度及强度以上分别占水土流失面积的 64.4%、 19.8%和 15.8%,年均 土壤侵蚀模数2763t /km2·a。

水 土 流 失 面 积5.01km2,占流域面积的 46.54%,其中轻度、中度、强度以上分别占流失面积的 33.3%、34.9%和31.8%,年均土壤侵蚀 模 数 达 到2090.4t/km2·a。

水 土 流 失 面 积17.61km2 , 占 流 域面 积 的 52.6% , 其中以中度、强度流失为主,占流失面积的 59.2% , 年 平 均土 壤 侵 蚀 模 数2526t/km2·a。

水 土 流 失 面 积5.44km2,占流域面积的 50.79%,其中轻度、中度、强度以上分别占流域面积的 13.31%、41.65%

和 45.04%,年均土壤侵蚀模数 5372t/


水 土 流 失 面 积8.79km2,占流域面积 的 39.9% , 其 中轻度、中度、强度以上分别占流失面积的 12.0%、 40.3%和47.7%,年均土壤侵蚀模数 3699.65t/km2


水 土 流 失 面 积694.61hm2 , 占 流 域面积 的 55.54% ,其中轻度、中度、强度以 上 分 别 占 流 失 面积 的40.87% 、35.96%和3.17%,年均土壤侵蚀 模 数 2250.0t/km2·a。

水 土 流 失 面 积10.09km2 , 占 流 域面积的 35.21%,其中轻度、中度、强度以上分别占流失面积的 54.51%、44%和 1.49%。


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上述小流域的水热资源虽然较丰富,但由于立地条件较差,耕地生产力受耕地质量(坡耕地、土层薄等)和供水状况的制约十分明显;同时,由于受耕地面积和生产水平的制约,上述小流域未来的经济只能依靠山地来补充。因此,如不注重山地利用和改善耕地质量,生产力水平和经济发展很难有大的提高,特别是坡耕地耕作和牧业活动将使水土流失越来越重,从而导致耕作土层越来越薄和土地生产力下降。如延续这一趋势,其生态环境将继续在生产水平低下的制约下退化,而不会有大的改善,必须采取措施阻止这种不良趋势的继续发展。7.3.3 小流域治理方案分析选择的 7个小流域的水土保持治理方案包括坡改梯、坡耕地退耕

还林还草、在荒山荒坡上种植经果林和水土保持林、封禁治理、以及配套建设小型水利水保工程和沼气池等。各小流域具体方案详见表 7



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表 7—3 世行水土保持项目典型小流域治理方案小流域名称 流域面积




水保林草面 积(hm2)

封禁治理面 积(hm2)

小型水利水保工程 沼气池(个)

云南省元谋县多克小流域 36.46 1904.40 102.07 189.87 870.20 742.26 蓄水池 350口,排灌沟渠 7.5km,沉沙池 48口,

塘堰 20座,,谷坊 76道。贵州省安龙县木科河小流域 10.76 327.27 - 176.49 94.35 50.43 蓄水池 135口,灌溉引水渠 1km,沉沙池 70口 132

贵州省兴义市纳省河小流域 33.51 1542.7 27.5 255.4 339.9 819.8 提水站 1座,蓄水池 35口,截排水沟 7km,沉

沙池 35口,谷坊 7座,,整治沟道 1km。 52

重庆市黔江县城北河小流域 10.71 436.00 32.36 128.51 153.6 69.18 蓄水池 7口,截排水沟 2.02km,沉沙池 25口,

田间耕作路 2466.2m。重庆市江津市三抛河小流域 22.02 878.87 113.87 58.27 323.52 78.87 蓄水池 28口,截排水沟 13.66km,沉沙池 256

口,整修塘堰 3座 150

湖北省长阳县泉溪河流域 12.51 658.00 24.18 390.81 391.81 243.45 水窖 50口,,修水渠 2.5km,建引水渡槽 1 座 150

湖北省红安县华河小流域 28.66 1009.00 41.73 82.93 388.27 496.27 蓄水池 20口,排灌沟渠 1.5km,沉沙池 100口,

建塘堰 3处,谷坊 5处,


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世行水土保持项目实施后,上述典型小流域的各项主要指标变化情况如表 7—4所示。表 7—4 典型小流域治理前后主要指标变化情况









(hm2)治理前 464.80 616.23 1763.7 372.33 1418.15 557.63 903.00治理后 417.53 511.2 1198.8 243.82 1243.96 206.79 887.73


治理前 149.33 268.18 941.6 213.22 650.67 327.98 57.0治理后 0 156.05 349.2 52.35 0 0 0


治理前 12.75 57.30 52.6 34.76 64.40 44.56 31.51治理后 11.45 47.51 35.78 22.77 56.49 16.53 30.97


治理前 64.47 0 60.7 9.96 0 32.87 503.0治理后 254.34 176.49 316.1 138.47 58.27 423.68 585.93


治理前 1865.13 247.61 583.2 487.7 78.87 611.75 1630.67治理后 2724.33 568.88 1130.8 769.81 402.39 983.07 1668.60


治理前 62.73 21.5 0 0 0 0 0治理后 200.87 21.5 47.7 0 0 0 0


治理前 54.6 23.01 17.41 45.54 3.58 48.99 56.9治理后 83.7 52.87 33.75 71.88 18.27 78.58 58.22


治理前 1012.8 159.82 879.60 153.6 159.82 10.62 37.93治理后 0 1.11 849.20 0 1.11 0 0


治理前 0.11 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.13 0.18 0.14治理后 0.10 0.16 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.13


(hm2)治理前 0.015 0 0.006 0.005 0 0.011 0.076

治理后 0.059 0.054 0.029 0.063 0.005 0.14 0.089

注:耕地包括大于 25°以上坡耕地,25°以上坡耕地部分退耕还林,部分作为经果林;25°

以下坡耕地,坡改梯后作为耕地或经果林。从表 7—4 可以看出,世行水土保持项目实施后有以下变化:1、坡耕地面积均有不同程度的减少,有的小流域的坡耕地全部得

到治理,垦殖指数由 12.75%—64.40%下降到 11.45%—56.49%,小流域人均耕地面积由 0.11—0.19hm2减少 0.10—0.16hm2。

2、经果林面积有所增加,小流域人均经果林面积由 0—0.076hm2

增加到 0.005—0.089hm2。


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3、林地面积大幅增加,植被覆盖率由 3.58%—56.9%增加到 18.27







2、有的小流域如长阳县泉溪河流域,在项目方案中对坡耕地全部退耕成经果林,使耕地面积大幅减少,由于山区耕地生产力水平提高的限制因子较多,可能造成粮食生产的不稳,同时经果林的效益也受多种因素的制约。因此,应对此方案作进一步的分析,特别是 15°以下坡耕地的退耕应慎重。




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林种单一化明显,需要逐步采取措施提高森林植被的质量,以增强植被对流域生态环境的作用。7.3.4 方案优化调整建议

以上分析比较了项目区 7个小流域的水土保持治理方案,主要考虑了方案实施前后在植被覆盖率、水土保持效果、生产水平以及项目区环境改善的可持续性等项指标的变化情况,从选择的上述 7个小流域的水土保持治理方案来看,总体上方案对控制小流域的水土流失具有重要作用,同时可改善小流域的植被状况,一定程度上提高小流域生态环境和生产生活水平。所选择的 7个典型小流域的水土保持项目大部分在整体上是基本



(1)元谋县多克小流域① 退耕大于 25○的坡耕地,对小于 25○的坡耕地实施坡改梯措施,

以满足基本耕地要求;② 在退耕的坡耕地上种草,并发展蓄牧业,以提高该小流域的养


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(2)安龙县木科河小流域① 退耕大于 25○的坡耕地,对小于 15○的坡耕地实施坡改梯措施;② 在满足基本耕地要求的前提下,对大于 15○小于 25○的坡耕地


③ 在退耕的坡耕地上优先考虑种草和发展蓄牧业,减少经果林种植收入的不稳定影响及对水土流失的不利影响。



(3)兴义市纳省河小流域① 退耕大于 25○的坡耕地,对小于 15○的坡耕地实施坡改梯措施;② 在满足基本耕地要求的前提下,对大于 15○小于 25○的坡耕地


③ 在退耕的坡耕地上优先考虑种草和发展蓄牧业,减少经果林种植收入的不稳定影响及对水土流失的不利影响。


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(4)黔江县城北河小流域① 退耕大于 25○的坡耕地,对小于 15○的坡耕地实施坡改梯措施;② 在满足基本耕地要求的前提下,对大于 15○小于 25○的坡耕地


③ 在退耕的坡耕地上优先考虑种草和发展蓄牧业,减少经果林种植收入的不稳定影响及对水土流失的不利影响。



(5)江津市三抛河小流域① 退耕大于 25○的坡耕地,对小于 15○的坡耕地实施坡改梯措施;②减少在坡耕地上发展经果林的面积,以稳定粮食生产,满足耕

地基本需要;③ 在退耕的坡耕地上优先考虑种草和发展蓄牧业,减少经果林种




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(6)长阳县泉溪河流域① 退耕大于 25○的坡耕地,对小于 15○的坡耕地实施坡改梯措施;②减少在坡耕地上发展经果林的面积,以稳定粮食生产,满足耕

地基本需要;在满足基本耕地要求的前提下,对大于 15○小于 25○的坡耕地适当种植经果林,并采取防治水土流失的措施,或者种植饲料作物,发展养殖业,以增加该小流域的养殖业收入。

③ 在退耕的坡耕地上优先考虑种草和发展蓄牧业,减少经果林种植收入的不稳定影响及对水土流失的不利影响。



(7)红安县华河小流域① 退耕大于 25○的坡耕地,对小于 15○的坡耕地实施坡改梯措施;② 在退耕的坡耕地上优先考虑种草和发展蓄牧业,减少经果林种




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盖率;相应地增加沼气池建设投资,减少对薪材的需求以及对植被的破坏。7.4 小结与结论


项目区水土流失类型,选取了 7个典型小流域进行水土保持项目的方案比选。

(2)对选择的 7个小流域进行了无方案下的生态环境变化分析 。7个小流域虽然水热资源较丰富,但由于立地条件较差,耕地生产力受耕地质量(坡耕地、土层薄等)和供水状况的制约十分明显;同时由于受耕地面积和生产水平的制约,上述小流域未来的经济只能依靠山地来补充。因此,如不注重山地利用和改善耕地质量,生产力水平和经济发展很难有大的提高,特别是坡耕地耕作和牧业活动将使水土流失越来越重,如延续这一趋势,将导致耕作土层越来越薄和土地生产力下降,其生态环境将继续在生产水平低下的制约下退化,而不会有大的改善。

(3)对选择的 7个小流域的水土保持治理方案进行了分析比较。主要分析比较了方案实施前后小流域在植被覆盖率、水土保持效果、生产力水平以及项目区环境改善的可持续性等项指标的变化情况,综合以上指标,7个典型小流域的水土保持方案在总体上是基本合理的和可行的,不仅因为项目的实施可减少甚至消除水土流失的策源地荒山荒坡和坡耕地,通过在荒山荒坡和坡耕地上营造经果林和水土保持林以及对疏幼林地进行补植和封禁治理措施,可大大提高了植被覆盖率加强了植被在流域的生态作用,对促进森林植被的演替、提高流域的生态质量也具有重要作用;而且通过坡改梯、经果林和沼气池建设,


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数过高,植被受到严重破坏,生态环境本身退化较严重;或由于过分强调减少坡耕地和发展经济果木林,对 15°以下的坡耕地进行了退耕,造成人均耕地数量的大幅减少;因而存在方案对对小流域的生态环境改善不明显,或方案不尽合理的情况。由于项目区水热资源均较丰富因此,建议充分保护和利用水热资源,逐步推广利用沼气池获得生活能源,减少薪柴砍伐,进一步加强封禁治理力度,提高封禁治理面积提高植被覆盖,促进人工林向地带性植被的演进,增强流域植被对区域和下游的生态屏障作用。


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8 环境监测8.1 简介





(3)充分利用项目区已有的监测成果,对纳入项目监测体系的指标,不重复安排监测活动。8.2 单一环境项目监测



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项目影响区重点开展对病虫害(包括农药使用)、水质(包括面源污染的监测)。8.2.1 病虫害

如 6.3.2节所述,项目实施会导致项目区病虫发生变化,为防治农作物病虫害,项目实施过程中会大量使用农药,以保证农作物产量和收成,但农药的使用是导致项目影响区内河流、湖泊等水体水质污染的因素之一,并且会产生环境风险(见 6.4.3节),因此,需在项目实施过程中开展相关监测工作,监督 6.3.2节、6.4.3节所提出的环境保护措施落实情况。 监测项目及方法




甲酸酯类。采样及分析方法按《食品中有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类农药多种残留的测定(GBT17331-1998)》和《食品中有机氯和拟除虫菊酯类农药残留的测定》规定方法执行。 监测地点


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云贵鄂渝四省 37个项目县各选取 1个典型小流域作为监测区域。农药、病虫害、天敌调查统计典型小流域数据。农药残留则对典型小流域不同种类蔬菜、水果进行采样分析。 监测频次及时间农药、病虫害、天敌:在项目实施前监测一次,以后一般在每季度

监测一次,监测时需结合农业生产和病虫害发生时间;农药中毒:每年监测一次;农药残留:蔬菜针对 3-4个品种每年监测 4次,水果对 2-3个主

要品种监测 4次。监测时间从项目实施开始,每年监测,共监测 5 年,其中水果在项目实施后前 3 年主要对典型小流域现有水果进行监测,后 2 年主要对项目新建果园已挂果的水果进行监测。机构和技术支持


监测计划技术支持为:各省农业学家 1 人、环境监测专家 1 人、农药分析工程师 2 人。 经费估算

每条典型小流域进行 1次农药残留监测需配备 2名分析技术人员


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采样分析,每次需 3 天,则需 211 人·月(按每月 21 人·天,37个典型小流域,每个小流域每年监测约 4次,监测 5 年计算),监测费用按10000元/人·月(包括交通及日常开销)计算,共需监测费 211.0万元。8.2.2 水质

如 6.3.1节所述,项目实施所采用的化肥、养殖产生的粪便等面源污染源是导致项目影响区内河流、湖泊等水体水质污染的重要因素,尽管项目实施后进入水体面源污染减少,对水质影响是有利的,但通过对上述面源污染和水体水质监测,一方面可监督 6.3.1节所提出的环境保护措施是否得到落实,另一方面可检验环境影响评价结论的准确性。 监测点(断面)


云南省:在姚安、威信、永善三县项目区各选取 1个小流域进行监测,共设置 3个监测点。

贵州省:在乌江渡水库上游的金沙、黔西、织金、大方、雍纳三县各选取 5个小流域进行监测,共设置 4个监测点。

重庆市:在三峡水库周边的万州、涪陵、渝北、永川、江津、巫溪、开县、长寿 8(区)县项目区各选取 1个小流域进行监测,共设置 8个


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监测点。湖北省:在隔河岩水库周边的长阳县选取 1个小流域进行监测,

夷陵区、红安各选取 1个小流域进行监测;共设 3个监测点。 监测项目及方法

水质监测项目为:水温、pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总磷、总氮、有机磷(甲胺磷、水胺硫磷、敌敌畏、乐果等)。采样及分析方法按《地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)》的相关要求执行。 监测频次及时间

在项目实施前监测 2次,分别在晴天、降水大于 50mm 时各监测一次;项目实施后一般每年丰水期、平水期、枯水期各监测一次,此外需加强丰水期监测,即在降水大于 50mm后三天内需监测一次,估算云南项目区监测每年约需 10次,其他各省监测每年约 12次。机构和技术支持


监测计划技术支持为:各省环境监测专家 1 人、水质分析工程师 2

人。 经费估算

每条典型小流域进行 1次水质监测需配备 2名分析技术人员采样分析,每次需 3 天,云南省需 32 人·月(按每月 21 人·天,3个典型小流域,每个小流域每年监测约 9次,监测 4 年计算),贵州省、重庆


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市、湖北省分别需要 71 人·月、114 人·月、43 人·月(按每月 21 人·天,贵州 5个、重庆 8个、湖北 3个典型小流域,每个小流域每年监测约 12

次,监测 4 年计算);四省共需 260 人·月。监测费用按 10,000元/人·月(包括交通及日常开销)计算,共需监测费 260.0万元。8.2.3 由环境监测员承担的监测

对于病虫害监测计划中的 37条典型小流域,由省项目办同地方项目办指派一名环境监测员,负责协助开展监测工作,主要监测内容为病虫害危害、农药使用、天敌、农药中毒等项目(见 8.2.1节)。项目其他监测(如社会环境监测)的部分内容同样可交环境监测员实施,但环境监测不考虑其工作量。

省项目办环境管理专业人员负责对环境监测员培训(见 9.6节 、9.7节)。各省所需环境监测员人数分别为:云南省 8 人、贵州省 12 人、湖北省 6 人、重庆市 11 人,每年所需工作量(已转换成专职环境监测工程师的工作量)分别为:云南省 3.5 人月、贵州省 5 人月、湖北省3 人月、重庆市 4.5 人月。四省环境监测员 5 年工作量为 80 人月,监测费用按 10000元/人·月(包括交通及日常开销)计算,共需监测费 80.0万元。8.3 监测计划汇总

报告 8.2节中的单一环境项目监测计划汇总见表 8-1, 四省监测计划的总监测费用见表 8-2。

表 8-1 环境监测计划汇总序号 项 目 章 节

成员单位工作量(人月)项目办 环境 其他监测


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8.4 监测成员单位省项目办环境管理专业人员负责实施本报告书编制的监测计划,


的额外费用安排经费补偿;(2)聘请专家对监测成员单位进行指导、监督、检查,并对环境监测员进行培训(费用见 9.7.1节);(3)监测数据的评价;(4)定期编制报告及提出建议;(5)将报告提交中国政府有关部门和世行。



表 8-2 环境监测经费预算序号 项目 工作量(人·





(元)1 病虫害 211 460000 680000 340000 630000

2 水质 260 320000 710000 430000 1140000

7 环境监测员 80 175000 250000 150000 225000



955000 1640000 920000 1995000


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9 总计(美元) 119375 205000 115000 249375

8.5 小结与结论环境监测计划是云贵鄂渝四省水土保持生态建设项目的重要组成

部分,监测时期为项目实施期间,即 2005 年至 2009 年。省项目办开始运行后,监测工作应尽早开始起来。本报告书已经编制了单一环境项目监测计划,包括监测活动、监测参数、人员及技术要求、监测频率以及工作量。单一环境项目监测计划汇总见表 8-1。




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9 环境管理计划9.1 前言9.1.1 环境管理计划的必要性

目前,世行要求贷款项目除完成项目环境影响评价报告外,对 A

类和 B 类项目,环境管理计划需单独成册,并作为贷款项目的法律文件纳入贷款协议中。9.1.2 国际专家组


此项目办环境管理专业人员需每六个月编制一份项目环境工作进展报告,供专家组评审。就本项目而言,建议成立环境专家组。9.2 环境管理机构的设置9.2.1 项目综合协调办公室


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交环境专家组和世行考察团审阅。9.2.2 省项目管理办公室








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管理。各省子项目环境管理机构设置见表 9-1。表 9-1 云贵鄂渝四省环境管理机构

省(市)名 省环境管理机构 县(市、区)环境管理机构云南 省水利厅水保处 牟定、元谋、姚安、大姚、永善、威信、镇雄、巧家等 8县

水利局水保办贵州 省水利厅水保处 威宁、赫章、纳雍、金沙、织金、毕节、大方、黔西、盘县、

安龙、兴义、兴仁等 12县(市)水利局水保办湖北 省水利厅水保处 夷陵、长阳、利川、红安、麻城、浠水等 6县(市、区)水

利局水保办重庆 市水利局水保处 万州、涪陵、黔江、渝北、江津、合川、永川、荣昌、巫溪、

开县、长寿等 111县(区)水利局水保办9.2.3其他协作机构




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施过程中进行技术指导和服务。环保部门将根据自己职责,对各项目县大的单一工程环境影响评价报告进行审批,并对施工过程中环境保护措施的落实情况进行监督检查。9.3 省项目办环境管理作用9.3.1 省项目办环境管理的职责






(b)确保各项目县编制和提交环境季报(每季度第 3 月中旬以前完成);


(4) 负责实施第 8章提出的各项环境监测计划,包括有关监测机构的组织与工作协调。


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(5) 对有关监测机构人员和环境监测员进行指导或培训,检查监测工作的开展情况,并对监测成果进行审查和分析评估。



监理人员进行技术培训。9.3.2 说明图

四省环境管理体系见图 9.3.2-1。四省项目办环境管理专员的主要职责见图 9.3.2-2。四省项目办环境管理人员配备、技术支持、机构运行等见图 9.3.2-3。

图 9.3.2-1   省环境管理机构组织体系框图



省项目办环境管理专员项目监理 环境专家组


所有项目活动 典型小流域

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备注: 管理或合同; 合作或监督。图 9.3.2-2 省项目办环境管理专员的主要职责

备注: (A) 1. 确保环评报告中提出的各项环保措施纳入最后设计中; 2. 确保由项目实施机构/承包人承担的各项环保措施纳入施工合同中。(B1.2) 1. 主要由环境监理工程师承担的工作;

2. 省项目办环境管理专员、工程监理工程师、环境监理工程师之间的关系见图 9.3.4-1。(C2) 1. 由环境管理机构、环境监测员及相关监测机构一起承担的工作;

图 9.3.2-3     省项目办环境管理人员安排

省份 人员安排准备期 建设期和运行期

云南 环境工程师:1 人 环境工程师:1 人环境专家:2 人,聘用环境监测、农业等方面的专家。

贵州 环境工程师:1 人 环境工程师:2 人环境专家:2 人,聘用环境监测、农业等方面的专家。

湖北 环境工程师:1 人 环境工程师:1 人环境专家:2 人,聘用环境监测、农业等方面的专家。

重庆 环境工程师:1 人 环境工程师:2 人环境专家:2 人,聘用环境监测、农业等方面的专家。


运行阶段 (C)



公益性水土保持项目 (B1)

安排专家组有关活动 (E)

安排世行有关活动 (D)

最后设计报告的审查 (A)

个人受益和生计改善项目 (B2)

各项设施使用和农林活动等 (C1)

典型小流域监测 (C2)

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备注:四省 37个项目县 274条小流域在 5 年内分期分批治理,并且各项治理工程所需时间各不相同,各项目县建设期和运行期相互交叉 ,因此,环境管理人员在项目实施期间统一安排。9.3.3 (环境管理)实施机构


环境监理是项目环境管理的一个极重要的组成部分,可以确保环评报告中提出的各项环保措施的真正落实。目前各省所需环境监理人数是根据项目实施总体安排而粗略估计的,环境监理人数可视项目实施具体情况进行增加。9.3.4 对项目实施机构/承包人的指令如图 9.3.4-1所示,环境管理专员及其实施机构没有权利对项目实


图 9.3.4-1 省项目办环境管理专员和环境监理工程师的作用

备注: 1. 项目工程监理负责下达正式指令及并检查执行情况; 2. 环境监理工程师对项目实施机构/承包人的工作进行指导。


项目工程监理 环境管理专员

项目实施机构/承包人 环境监理工程师

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9.4 环境管理培训计划9.4.1 培训目的

环境培训计划的目的一方面是提高和拓宽项目办环境管理人员及其实施机构专业技术人员的环境管理能力,确保报告书中提出的各项环境保护措施的有效落实;另一方面落实第 6章提出的环境保护措施。培训对象主要是四省(云南、贵州、湖北、重庆)项目办环境管理人

员及其实施机构的专业技术人员,包括环境监理工程师和村环境监测员。9.4.2 培训内容9.4.2.1 项目办环境管理人员

(a) 有关环境保护的法律、法规、标准、规范的掌握和运用;(b) 世行贷款项目环境管理模式;(c) 环境技术和环境监测技术;(d) 经济法、合同法、招标与投标法;(e) 环境管理设计;(f) 环境监测中的计算机运用;(g) 环境问题标准报告的编写; 环境监理工程师

(a) 同报告节(a);(b) 同报告节(b);(c) 同报告节(c);(d) 在项目实施监督过程中,环境监理工程师的应尽职责;


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(e) 环境监理报告的编写(日志、周报、月报)。 环境监测员

(a) 有关环境保护的法律、法规、标准、规范的掌握和运用;(b) 环境调查统计方法和本项目环境监测要求及相关标准;(c) 农药使用技术和农药中毒基础知识;(d) 农业、林业病虫害防治和天敌基础知识;(e) 环境监测报告的编写。 国外考察建议安排为期 15 天的国外考察,参观欧洲或美国的水土保持生态

建设工程,从环境角度考察类似工程管理的经验。需要聘请一名国外工程技术专家作为联系人,负责安排这次考察活动,聘请专家的经费预算为 2.0万美元。

建议考察团人数定为 10 人,其中云南省 2名,贵州省 3名,湖北省 2名,重庆市 3名。9.5 经费预算9.5.1 综合环境管理

四省环境管理经费预算见表 9-3,项目总投资 566250美元,其中云南省 108570美元、贵州省 171250美元、湖北省 108750美元、重庆市177500美元。

四省环境管理培训计划的经费预算为 137,500美元,见表 9-4。四省环境监测计划的经费预算为:云南省 119375美元,贵州省

205,000美元、湖北省 115000美元、重庆市 249,375美元,见表 8-2。234

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四省环境管理的总经费预算为:云南省 256625 美元,贵州省417250美元,湖北省 251250美元,重庆市 467375美元,见表 9-5;考虑施工前期、施工期和运行期,四省投资年限均为 5.5 年。9.5.2 项目管理综合协调办公室

项目管理综合协调办公室环境管理的经费开支在各省项目办的经费预算中予以考虑,已列入项目管理费中,不单列。9.6 环境管理计划汇总9.6.1 环境影响和环保措施

本节对报告第六章、第七章、第八章和第九章的环境保护措施、环境管理计划、环境监测计划进行了汇总(见表 9-7)。汇总表汇集了公益性和个人受益性水土保持项目造成的有利和不利影响,并提出各项措施实施单位/责任单位、环境保护措施及环境监测措施。9.6.2 环境保护措施实施保障9.6.2.1 施工作业约束条件




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上述条款(a)、(b)、(c)由项目管理办公室环境管理专员负责实施。(1)对承包商的约束条件对承包商的约束条件详见表 9-7,由熟悉合同管理和项目区施工作

业的工程技术人员负责条款的解释与说明。 表 9-7    施工作业环境约束条件序号 项目 约束条件

1 废水 一切废水排放应执行国家有关排放标准。

2 空气污染控制

a. 各燃油机械应按照国家有关大气污染物综合排放标准达标排放;b. 砂石料加工及拌和工序中采取防尘除尘措施。c. 采取路面扬尘污染控制 (洒水,铺砌路面);d. 严禁在施工区内焚烧会产生有毒或恶臭气体的物质。

3 用水 按照规划合理用水。

4 施工人员健康

a. 对施工人员进行体检,筛查感染病毒及携带者;b. 提供卫生饮用水;c. 废水处理及管理;d. 食品卫生管理;e. 医疗方面的能力及设备(包括急救设备)f. 加强粪便管理;g. 职业卫生及安全;h. 适宜的住房条件(配备卫生设施

5 噪声控制a. 各类机械应执行国家有关标准;b. 在居民点夜间尽量不进行施工活动;c. 给在高噪音环境下作业的施工人员提供防护用品。

6 弃碴处置 按照指定地点、方式处置施工弃碴,复原破坏的地表。7 固体


8 土壤侵蚀 所有开挖区和弃渣区在施工后复原地表。9 文物古迹 对文物古迹没有影响;一旦发现文物古迹,立即停止施工。

10 土地利用 按照指定位置占用土地,对农耕地及作物没有影响;使用后进行地表复原。

11 环境月报 承包商对施工区及营地的环境保护负责;承包商每月提交环境月报,环境监理工程师/环境管理办公室对其环保措施的实施情况进行检查。

注: (a) 上述各项施工约束条件与国家及省有关法律法规一致;(b) 根据上述各项内容,由省项目管理办公室环境管理专员编制详细的施工约束条件,列入工程施工合



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(2) 环境监理工程师如果环境保护措施不列入承包商的施工合同中,环境监理工程师





(e)在(d)基础上,如果承包商采取措施不力,对承包商处以罚款。与工程监理工程师一样,环境监理工程师须填写日志、编写周报并提交项目管理办公室。此外,针对突发性事件编写汇报材料,以便项目管理办公室及时采取补救措施。 公益性水土保持项目


室和承包人,还包括地方农业部门、技术人员和环境监理工程师。鉴于项目管理人员和农民的技术能力欠缺,项目管理办公室将聘请农业专家对其进行指导培训(见 9.4节),并对农民进行培训(见病虫害专题报告)。在工程建设过程中进行环境监理,监督承包商是否按水土保持


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要求进行施工,是否落实施报告提出环境保护措施。环境培训计划的费用列在 9.5节中。


室和承包人,还包括设计部门、环保部门和环境监理工程师。设计部门将参与工程准备阶段。检查工程招投标文件是否包括对承包商的环境保护条款,在工程建设过程中进行环境监理,监督承包商落实施环境保护措施。环境培训计划的费用列在 9.5节中。


室、农民和承包人,还包括设计部门、地方林业部门和农业部门。鉴于项目管理人员和农民的技术能力欠缺,项目管理办公室将聘请农业专家对其进行指导培训(见 9.4节),并对农民进行培训(见病虫害专题报告)。环境培训计划的费用列在 9.5节中,农民培训费用见病虫害专题报告。


室和承包人,还包括环保部门和监理工程师。检查工程招投标文件是否包括对承包商的环境保护条款,在工程建设过程中进行环境监理,监督承包商落实施环境保护措施。环境培训计划的费用列在 9.5节中。。个人受益的水土保持项目和生计改善项目



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室和承包人,还包括地方农业部门、技术人员和环境监理工程师。鉴于项目管理人员和农民的技术能力欠缺,项目管理办公室将聘请农业专家对其进行指导培训(见 9.4节),并对农民进行培训(见病虫害专题报告)。在工程建设过程中进行环境监理,监督承包商是否按水土保持要求进行施工,是否落实施报告提出环境保护措施。环境培训计划的费用列在 9.5节中。


室和承包人,还包括地方农业部门、林业部门和技术人员。鉴于项目管理人员和农民的技术能力欠缺,项目管理办公室将聘请农业专家对其进行指导培训(见 9.4节),并对农民进行培训(见病虫害专题报告)。环境保护措施和环境培训计划的费用列在 9.5节中。


室和承包人,还包括地方农业部门和技术人员。鉴于农民的技术能力欠缺,项目管理办公室将聘请农业专家对其进行指导培训(见 9.4节)。环境保护措施和环境培训计划的费用列在 9.5节中。


室和承包人,还包括环境监理工程师。检查工程招投标文件是否包括对承包商的环境保护条款,在工程建设过程中进行环境监理,监督承包商落实施环境保护措施。环境保护措施和环境培训计划的费用列在 9.5


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室、农民和承包人,还包括能源办公室和技术人员。环境保护措施和环境培训计划的费用列在 9.5节中。


室、农民和承包人,还包括林业部门和技术人员。环境保护措施和环境培训计划的费用列在 9.5节中。 技术支持与服务

技术支持与服务包括专题研究、技术引进与推广、技术培训、监测评价等内容,属于非工程措施,是项目实施的保障,该措施的实施不会对环境产生潜在的不利影响。9.7 小结与结论9.7.1 主要内容





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(5)环境管理计划包括如下内容:(i)明确环评报告书各项环境保护措施的实施时间、责任部门及相关经费(见表 9-2);(ii)对项目办环境管理人员及其实施机构专业技术人员进行培训;(iii)国外考察,了解欧洲或美国的水土保持生态建设中的环境管理,汲取经验教训。9.7.2 有关说明图表

本项目四省环境管理体系见图 9.3.2-1。省项目办环境管理专员的主要职责见图 9.3.2-2。四省环境管理的总经费预算为:四省环境管理的总经费预算为:

云南省 256625美元,贵州省 417250美元,湖北省 251250美元,重庆市 467375美元,见表 9 –5,环境管理经费纳入项目总经费预算中。


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表 9-3 云贵鄂渝四省环境管理经费预算 项目

专业人员云南总工作量(人月) 贵州总工作量(人月) 湖北总工作量(人月) 重庆总工作量(人月)

施工准备期(0.5 年)

建设及运行期(5 年)

施工准备期(0.5 年)

建设及运行期(5 年)

施工准备期(0.5 年)

建设及运行期(5 年)

施工准备期(0.5 年)

建设及运行期(5 年)

农业专家 1 10 1 20 1 10 1 20

环境监测专家 1 15 1 25 1 15 1 30

环境监理工程师   60   90   60   90

小计 2 85 2 135 2 85 2 140

经费概算(元人民币) 20000 850000 20000 1350000 20000 850000 20000 1400000

总经费(美元) 2500 106250 2500 168750 2500 106250 2500 175000

合计(美元) 108750 171250 108750 177500

备注:(1)中国专家费用平均为 10000元人民币/月。(2)环境监理工程师的工作量转化为中国专家工作量后,经费估算为 10000元/人·月。(3)不包括环境监测及环境培训的费用。(4)不包括专家组(3 名中国专家和 2 名外籍专家)费用,专家组每 6个月检查一次工作,从项目开始到结束共计 10次。(5)本费用列入项目技术推广经费中。


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表 9-4 四省环境管理培训计划经费预算 单位:美元项目 省 数量(人) 培训方式 时间(天) 单位(美元/天) 小计



云南 4 国内培训 15 100 6,000

贵州 4 国内培训 15 100 6,000

湖北 4 国内培训 15 100 6,000

重庆 4 国内培训 15 100 6,000

环境监测员云南 8 国内培训 10 50 4,000

贵州 12 国内培训 10 50 6,000

湖北 6 国内培训 10 50 3,000

重庆 11 国内培训 10 50 5,500

国外考察云南 2 国外考察 15 500 15,000

贵州 3 国外考察 15 500 22,500

湖北 2 国外考察 15 500 15,000

重庆 3 国外考察 15 500 22,500

国外专家 1 15 20,000

小计云南 28,500(分摊国外专家费用 3,500)贵州 41,000(分摊国外专家费用 6,500)湖北 27,500(分摊国外专家费用 3,500)重庆 40,500(分摊国外专家费用 6,500)总计 137,500


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表 9-6  四省项目环境管理工作经费预算 单位:美元

项 目 参考资料云南 贵州 湖北 重庆

施工准备期(0.5 年)

建设及运行期(5 年)

施工准备期(0.5 年)

建设及运行期(5 年)

施工准备期(0.5 年)

建设及运行期(5 年)

施工准备期(0.5 年)

建设及运行期(5 年)

环境管理 表9-2 2500 106250 2500 168750 2500 106250 2500 175000

培训计划 表9-3 28500 41000 27500 40500

监测 表8-2 119375 205000 115000 249375

合计 - 2500 254125 2500 414750 2500 248750 2500 464875

总计 256625 417250 251250 467375


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表 9-7  四省项目环境管理计划汇总表


实施机构 工程 有利影响 不利影响 减缓措施

监测监测机构 监测内容 频率


计)1. 公益性水 土保 持项目a. 基本农田建设

项 目办 ;承 包人

石 坎坡 改梯

水 土 保持 、 水 土资源持 续发展

农作物品种改变导致农田病虫害种类、数量变化;农药、化肥使用对 水质产生影响。


省 级 农 业监 测 机构 ; 省 级水 环 境 监测 机 构 ;环 境 监 测员 ( 县 级农 业 机构 ) ; 省环 境 管 理办公室


病虫害监 测( 节)水质监测(节)


b. 拦沙工程

项 目办 ;承 包人

谷坊、沉 沙凼、排洪 沟渠

减少泥沙流 向 下 游地区

建设 活动 将扰动地表、破坏地表植被,在局部地 区可能加剧水土流失。施工对水质、大气、噪声产生 一定影响,其影响较小。



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c. 造林 与增加植被覆盖

项 目办承 包人、农民

水 保林、封禁

显 著提高植被覆盖率;丰富生 物 种类 ;提高生 态 结构;优化土地利用

存在 退耕过多可能影响粮食生产,荒山面积较大、林种单一化明显等问题。存在 自外 来物种和农药使用 等生 态风险。存在发生森林火灾的安全风险。


省 级 农 业监测机构环 境 监 测员 ( 县 级农 业 机构)省 环 境 管理办公室


病虫害监 测8.2.1.3节


续表 9-7  四省项目环境管理计划汇总表

项目组成 实施机构 工程 有利影响 不利影响 减缓措施监测

监测机构 监测内容 频率 费用(美元计)

2.个人受益的 水 土 保持 项 目 和生 计改善项目a.基本农田建设

项目办;承包人 土坎坡改梯

控制 水 土流 失 ; 水土 资源持续发展


采取生物措施和物理措施防治病虫害,推荐使用高效低毒农药;大力推广生态农业技术,推广农家肥的使用;加强项目区化肥、农药使用管理 , 合 理 、科学使用 化肥、农药

省级农业监测机构省级水 环 境监测机构环 境监测员( 县级农业机构)省 环 境 管 理办公室

病虫害监测(节)水质监测 (节)

病虫害监测8.2.1.3节水 质 监 测8.2.2.3节



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b. 经果林项目办承包人、农民

种植果园 增加农民收入


实行多品种经果林木分片交叉种植;采取生物措施和物理措施防治病虫害,推荐使用高效低毒农药;推广农家肥的使用;加强项目区化肥、农药使用管理 , 合 理 、科学使用 化肥、农药在坡度小于 15°的土地种植,或在坡度较大土地先修建梯田,然后种植经济林。

省级农业监测机构省级水 环 境监测机构环 境监测员( 县级农业机构)省 环 境 管 理办公室

病虫害监测(节)水质监测 (节)

病虫害监测8.2.1.3节水 质 监 测8.2.2.3节



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续表 9-7  四省项目环境管理计划汇总表

项目组成 实施机构 工程 有利影响 不利影响 减缓措施监测

监测机构 监测内容 频率费用




畜 养 家牲、禽




d. 灌溉 项目办承包人





e. 能源更新






f. 其它项目办承包人、农民





省级农业监测机构环境监测员(县级农 业 机构)省环境管理办公室


病 虫 害 监测节 同上


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3. 技术支持与服务


备注:总的病虫害和水质监测费用是 696250美元。


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10 公众参与公众参与是环境影响评价的重要组成部分。通过开展公众参与活动,

广泛听取社会公众对项目建设与环境保护的看法与建议,以便在项目规划和设计阶段尽可能考虑与采纳公众的合理化建议,使项目能达到预期的效果,并具有可持续性。10.1 公众参与调查对象的选取与参与方式10.1.1 公众参与对象的选择


(1)利益相关者① 利益相关个人本项目公众参与的利益相关个人主要是项目区农民,他们将在项目


② 各级政府管理部门本项目公众参与的各级政府管理部门包括省(市、县、乡)政府、水利、



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10.1.2 公众参与方式对利益相关个人的公众参与主要采取座谈会、发放调查表等方式,调

查表样式见表 10—1。对各级政府管理部门的公众参与主要采取座谈会(圆桌会议)、咨询


查表样式见表 10—2。表 10—1 云贵鄂渝水土保持世行贷款项目公众参与意见调查表(1)


项目实施区居民□ 非项目实施区居民□ 相关技术支持人员□ 农林物资提供者□

姓 名 性 别 □ 男 □ 女 年 龄文化程度 职 业 民 族家庭住址工作单位二、对项目的了解情况(请在代表您观点的项目前的方框内“√”)

1、 您知道要利用世行贷款对云贵鄂渝四省市部分小流域进行水土保持生态建设吗? □知道 □不知道

2、 您是从什麽渠道知道本项目的?   □报刊   □电视  □会议  □文件  □政府  □亲朋邻里3、您觉得与自己可能相关或希望参加的建设活动有哪些?

□坡改梯   □小型水利设施  □水保林  □经济林  □家畜养殖 □沼气池 □技术培训 □其它 (请填写)

三、对项目建设的态度及项目区环境的认识(请在代表您观点的项目前的方框内“√”)1、项目建设是否必要? □很必要 □需要 □可有可无 □不需要2、您认为本项目建设的迫切性? □尽快兴建 □缓建 □不建3、您认为项目兴建对当地经济发展、农民收入和生活质量有何影响?

□有较大促进作用 □有促进作用但不大 □不利于经济发展4、 您认为项目区自然条件、植被覆盖、生物种类等如何?

□很好 □较好 □一般 □较差 □差251

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5、 您生活的地方存在哪些主要环境问题?□水土流失 □自然灾害 □环境污染  □其它 (请填写)

6、 您认为项目区水土流失现状怎么样?□严重 □ 较严重 □ 一般 □ 轻微7、 您认为项目兴建对项目区生态环境有何影响? □有益 □无影响 □不利8、 您认为项目建设期间,施工活动对环境产生的不利影响如何?

□影响很大 □影响一般 □影响较小 □没有影响四、产业结构调整可能带来的影响(请在代表您观点的项目前的方框内“√”)1、您是否愿意世行贷款进行坡改梯、发展经果林或家畜养殖业? □愿意 □不愿意

2、 您是否担心缺少转型生产相关技术,是否需要技术培训或指导?(项目区居民填写)□不担心、不需要 □不担心但需要 □既担心又需要

3、 您认为参加项目后能否达到预期收益?(项目区居民填写)□能达到 □有困难 □不能达到

4、 您觉得有能力偿还贷款吗(项目区居民填写)? □有能力偿还 □没有能力偿还5、您愿意采用推广的农业生产新技术、新产品吗?

□愿意 □要看试点效果 □不愿意6、 您觉得产业结构的调整是否影响到家庭的口粮?

□影响 □较小影响 □可能影响 □不影响7、 您认为项目建设会为自己发展提供机会吗?如何保证产品质量和价格合理?(农林物资提供者填写)

□会、质好价优 □会、质好价高 □不会、质好价优 □不会、质好价高8、 您认为圈养家畜产生的粪便应如何处理? □作为沼气池的原料 □肥田 □其他 (请填写)

9、 您觉得您提供的技术支持能否满足项目区建设的需要吗?(相关技术支持人员填写)□能 □可能 □不能

10、您愿意推广农业生产新技术、新产品吗?(相关技术支持人员填写)□愿意 □不愿意


表 10—2 云贵鄂渝水土保持世行贷款项目公众参与意见调查表(2) 填表时间:

一、调查对象基本情况群体分类学术团体□  社会团体□ 专业人士□姓 名 性 别 □ 男 □ 女 年 龄文化程度 职 业 民 族


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家庭住址工作单位二、对项目的了解情况(请在代表您观点的项目前的方框内“√”)1、您知道要对云贵鄂渝四省市部分小流域进行水土保持生态建设吗?□知道 □不知道2、您是从什麽渠道知道本项目的? □报刊 □电视  □会议  □文件 □政府  3、您知道本项目的组成吗?□不清楚  □知道一部分  □清楚三、对项目建设的态度及项目区环境的认识(请在代表您观点的项目前的方框内“√”)1、 项目建设是否必要? □很必要 □需要 □可有可无 □不需要2、您认为本项目建设的迫切性? □尽快兴建 □缓建 □不建3、您认为项目兴建对当地经济发展、农民收入和生活质量有何影响? □有较大促进作用 □有促进作用但不大 □不利于经济发展4、您认为项目区生态环境如何?□很好 □较好 □一般 □较差 □差5、您认为项目区存在哪些主要环境问题?  □水土流失 □环境污染 □自然灾害  □其它 (请填写)6、您认为项目区水土流失现状怎么样?□严重 □ 较严重 □ 一般 □ 轻微7、您认为项目兴建对项目区生态环境有何影响? □有益 □无影响 □不利8、如果项目兴建需要您的大力支持,您将会:□积极支持 □有些犹豫 □不支持四、项目实施可能带来的影响(请在代表您观点的项目前的方框内“√”)1、您觉得利用世行贷款进行坡改梯、发展经果林或家畜养殖业可行吗?

□可行 □不可行

2、您认为项目实施能否实现项目区环境、社会、经济效益的统一? □能 □不能

3、 您觉得农民偿还贷款困难吗? □很困难 □较困难 □一般 □较容易 □容易4、您觉得推广农业生产新技术、新产品困难吗?

□很困难 □较困难 □一般 □较容易 □容易5、 您觉得产业结构的调整是否影响到粮食生产?

□影响 □较小影响 □可能影响 □不影响6、 您认为发展家畜养殖业是否会增加面源污染? □会 □增加较小 □不会


六、您对本项目最关心的问题有哪些?有何意见和建议?10.2 公众参与概况



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大,因此项目组有针对性的在四省(市)范围内选取典型县市开展工作。项目组 2004 年 9 月、10 月分组深入四省(市)有关项目区,以座谈会(圆桌会议)、咨询、访问、问卷调查等多种方式开展公众参与调查活动。10.2.1 公众参与开展程序



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10.2.2 公众参与开展情况项目组重点选择了云南省的元谋县,贵州省的威宁县、兴义市,湖北

省的长阳县、红安县,重庆市的万州区、黔江区、江津市等县(市、区)开展公众参与调查,并深入项目区村镇调查,如云南省的元谋县物茂乡罗兴村、点连村、朱布村等乡村;贵州省的威宁县小海镇响水村、兴义市马岭镇大蚌村、纳省村、互助村、团结村;湖北长阳县、红安县七里坪乡;重庆万州区天城镇茅谷村、江津市石蟆镇东溪村、黔江区城东办事处金桥村。照片 1—照片 4 为项目组成员与项目区县有关部门的座谈会情况,照片 5—照片 7 为项目组成员与项目区乡村村民交谈情况。

在接受调查的 396 人中,男性 261 人,占 76.1%,女性 82 人,占 23.9

%;有 343 人为项目区利益相关个人,其中:云南省 57 人,占 16.6%;贵州 省 84 人 ,占 24.5%; 湖 北 省 62 人 ,占 18.1%; 重 庆 市 140 人 ,占40.8%;另 53 人为非利益相关个人。在文化程度构成上,大专以上者占9.6 %,中专占 6.6 %,中学(包括初中和高中)占 63.9%,小学占 19.9

%;在职业构成上,农民占 87.4%,干部占 9.3%,其它成份占 4.0%;在年龄上,绝大部分处于 20至 50岁之间,最大的 69岁,最小的 11岁。10.3 公众参与意见10.3.1 利益相关个人

(1)公众参与调查表调查结果在接受调查的项目区 343 位利益相关个人中,非常了解本项目的有

24 人,了解本项目的有 319 人,分别占 7%和 93%;接受调查表调查的255

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343 人均支持本项目,没有持反对意见的;在对该项目对环境影响的认识上,有 267 人认为影响很大,54 人认为影响一般,22 人认为没有影响,分别占调查人数的 77.8%、15.7%和 6.4%;在对该项目对农民收入和生活质量影响的认识上,有 329 人认为有利,2 人认为不利,12 人认为没有影响,分别占调查人数的 95.9%、0.6%和 3.5%;在对该项目是否需要技术支持的看法上,有 49 人认为迫切需要,292 人认为需要,2 人认为不需要,分别占调查人数的 14.3%、85.1%和 0.6%。







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③坡改梯应因地制宜,因材制宜,就地取材。4)关于对项目实施的建议① 建立健全规章制度,加强项目管理,建立监督机制,确保工程质


② 对发展经林果和养殖业有积极性,但因缺少信息和技术,希望进行技术培训和信息支持。

③ 加大水土保持的宣传力度,提高少数民族的环保意识;④希望世界银行在贷款的同时,能给予一定的无息贷款和赠款。

10.3.2 政府有关机构意见本项目在完成可研报告后,各省分别在项目区选择了典型小流域进



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(1)关于项目规划① 由于本世行贷款项目将项目区群众生活能否提高、是否得到实惠放



③ 建议采取山、水、田、林、路综合措施治理, 并“一村一品”,形成相应的规模。


⑤ 项目实施前应开展环评工作,分析项目与国土、环境保护等相关规划的关系,以及评价项目实施对林业、农业、养殖等相关产业的影响,经果林等施肥量增加对面源污染的影响。

(2)关于项目对环境的影响① 由于项目区选择在水土流失严重、具有区域代表性、有利于集中治


② 可减少水土流失,提高土壤肥力,增加产量;③通过建设沼气池,可达到改灶、改厕、改气、改路、改水等五改,可


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著;④ 可改善项目区植被,增加生物多样性,增加有益生物生存空间,

从而减少农药使用量,增加绿色食品;⑤ 可提高自然草场和人工草场的生产力和载畜率,促进农业可持续

发展;⑥ 可改善空气质量,提高下游饮用水水质;

⑦ 项目对环境的不利影响主要是项目建设过程中的短期不利影响,如实施纯种林造林将使生物多样性下降,并引起病虫害。

(3)关于对项目实施的建议① 建议政府农、林、牧多部门配合,使水保生态得到有效的恢复,达

到综合治理的目的。② 建议发展无公害农业和节水农业。③ 在建设基本农田时,做好农田林网建设;④ 保护原来林草植被,种草和改草相结合,采用林草相结合的复合

农林模式。⑤ 在项目建设期间应有相应的防治水土流失措施。

10.3.3非利益相关个人意见在接受调查的 53 位非利益相关个人均了解和支持本项目,没有持反

对意见的;在对该项目对环境影响的认识上,有 14 人认为影响很大,38

人认为 影 响 一般,只有 1 人认为没有 影 响 , 分别占调查人数的26.4%、71.7%和 1.9%;在对该项目对农民收入和生活质量影响的认识上,有 52 人认为有利,1 人认为不利,分别占调查人数的 98.1%和 1.9%;在对该项目是否需要技术支持的看法上,有 1 人认为迫切需要,52 人认为


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需要,分别占调查人数的 1.9%和 98.1%。与项目实施无利益相关的上述公众从各自的专业、经验与认识谈了本

项目的实施对项目区生态环境与生活水平的影响,多数公众认识到项目区水土流失趋势如不采取措施加以扭转,对整个区域的经济社会发展将产生制约,更关注本项目的实施和管理,使项目能落到实处,同时认为实施本项目的关键是技术和培训。10.3.4 有关非政府组织意见

有关非政府组织的参与调查工作正在进行,其内容将在后续工作中进行补充。10.4 公众参与意见处理与反馈

对公众参与意见的处理大体分为三种途径:①有关项目生态环境影响及环境保护的内容尽可能在本报告得到体现,通过分析,界定其影响性质、范围、程度,并提出减免不利环境影响的对策措施;②有关项目在规划方案与措施布局方面的意见及建议,将反映给各省市的项目规划设计部门,供其参考。③有关项目技术支持方面的意见和建议,将反映给各省市的项目管理部门,以便在项目实施中充分考虑。10.5 环境影响评价报告书的公布



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10.5.1 环境影响评价报告在网上发布在本项目的环境影响评价报告完成后,将在各省市的有关网站上发

布,并在网上接受公众的咨询。10.5.2 环境影响评价报告在图书馆中的可获得性

编制完成的环境影响评价报告将于 2005 年 10 月送至四省境内选定的图书馆,这些图书馆位于项目区内的中心城市。共选定了 15个图书馆,位于以下这些城市:

云南省:昆明市(省会)、楚雄市、玉溪市。贵州省:贵阳市(省会)、毕节市、六盘水市、兴义市。湖北省:武汉市(省会)、宜昌、十堰、恩施、黄冈。重庆市:重庆市(省会)、万州区、涪陵区。上述城市的地理位置见图 1.2-2。

10.5.3 环境影响评价报告书获取公告(1)公告时间在将环境影响评价报告送达图书馆的前三天,向公众发布公告,通


上列举的城市日报。以重庆市为例,公告内容如下:中国政府拟利用世界银行贷款在云南、贵州、湖北、重庆等 4 省(市)



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mail:[email protected]);公众意见将会在随后的项目规划和实施阶段予以考虑。

(3)除了在报纸上公布外,还要在网站、电视等媒体上公布该公告。在报告交到图书馆的前三天,在上述城市有关网站、电视台和报纸上同时发布该公告。10.6 小结与结论

公众参与计划已在项目准备阶段由四省项目提议者和项目环境影响评价小组实施。调查对象包括不同年龄、职业和文化程度的项目区公众参与个人(其中利益相关人员 343名、非利益相关人员 53名),四省各级政府机构,以及非政府组织。调查形式有座谈会、问卷调查、随机采访等。接受调查的 396 人中均对本项目表示支持,接受调查的公众基本情况

及其意见和建议分别见汇总表 10—3至 10—7,其中一些意见已在本项目262

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环境影响评价报告的发布是环境影响评价过程不可缺少的部分。编制完成的环境影响评价报告将于 2004 年 12 月 15日送至四省境内选定的图书馆,这些图书馆位于项目区内的中心城市。在将环境影响评价报告书送至图书馆的前三天,在有关网站、省地报纸及电视台向公众发布公告,通知公众可到图书馆借阅该环评报告书,审阅意见可寄至长江水资源保护科学研究所。这些公众意见将会在随后的项目规划和实施中予以考虑。


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附录A:参考文献100 云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目系列报告101《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目可行性研究报告》,长江水利委员会,2003 年 6 月102 《云南省水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目可行性研究报告》,云南省水利厅,2003 年 6 月103 《贵州省水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目可行性研究报告》,贵州省水利厅,2003 年 6 月104 《湖北省水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目可行性研究报告》,湖北省水利厅,2003 年 6 月105 《重庆市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目可行性研究报告》,重庆市水利厅,2003 年 6 月106 《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目建议书》,长江水利委员会&珠江水利委员会,2002 年 6 月107《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目准备团备忘录》,世界银行/欧盟联合项目准备团,2004 年 4 月108《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目环境影响评价工作大纲》(世行修改稿),长江水资源保护科学研究所,2004

年 6 月109《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目技术财务任务书》,长江水资源保护科学研究所,2004 年 6 月110 项目区典型小流域初步设计,各项目县水利局,2004 年

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111《关于申请利用世行贷款在长江上游和珠江上游实施水土保持生态建设的函》,水利部,2001 年 7 月112《关于印发世界银行云贵鄂渝四省(市)水土保持贷款项目立项鉴定考察备忘录的通知》,长江水利委员会,2004 年 6 月113《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目社会评价报告》,河海大学公共管理学院,2004 年 11 月114《云贵鄂渝四省市水土保持生态建设世界银行贷款项目病虫害管理计划》,农业部全国农业技术推广服务中心,2004 年 11 月200 环境影响评价系列报告201 《重庆乌江彭水水电站环境影响复核报告书》,长江水资源保护科学研究所,2004 年 7 月202 《治理深圳河第三期工程环境影响报告书》,长江水资源保护科学研究所,2000 年 3 月203 《长江口综合整治规划环境影响评价》,长江水资源保护科学研究所,2004 年 2 月204 《南水北调中线工程生态与环境影响专题研究》,长江水资源保护科学研究所,2004 年 8 月

300 背景资料301 《云南省水土保持生态环境建设规划(2001-2050 年)》,云南省水利厅,2002 年302 《贵州省水土保持生态建设规划报告》,贵州省水土保持监测


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站,2003 年303 《湖北省水土保持生态建设规划报告》,湖北省水利厅,2002

年304 《重庆市水土保持生态建设规划报告》,重庆市水利局,2002

年305 《云南省土地利用总体规划》,云南省国土资源局,2002 年306 《贵州省土地利用总体规划》,贵州省国土资源局,2002 年307 《湖北省土地利用总体规划》,湖北省国土资源局,2002 年308 《重庆市土地利用总体规划》,重庆市国土资源局,2002 年309 《云南省畜牧产业发展规划》,云南省农业厅,2003 年310 《湖北省草地畜牧业发展规划》,湖北省农业厅,2002 年311《云南省林业发展规划》,云南省林业厅,1987 年312 《贵州省林业发展规划》,贵州省林业厅313 《湖北省林业发展规划》,湖北省林业厅314 《重庆市林业发展规划(2004-2020)》,重庆市林业局,2003

年315 《云南省生态建设和环境保护“十五”规划》,云南省委、省政府,2001 年316 《贵州省生态环境建设和保护规划》,贵州省人民政府,2001

年317 《湖北省生态环境建设和保护规划》,湖北省人民政府,2001


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318 《重庆市生态环境建设和保护规划》,重庆市人民政府,2001

年319 《重庆市环境保护十五规划》,重庆市环保局,2001 年320 《重庆市生态环境现状调查报告》,重庆市环保局,2001 年321 《贵州省生态环境现状调查报告》,贵州省环保局,2001 年322 《贵州省国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》,贵州省人民代表大会,2001 年323 《湖北省国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》,湖北省人民代表大会,2001 年324 《云南省国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》,云南省人民代表大会,2001 年325 《云南省“十五”农业发展纲要》,云南省委、省政府,2001

年326 《云南省生态环境现状调查报告》,云南省环保局,2001 年327 《“长治”工程江津市大河沟小流域初步设计报告》,江津市人民政府,2001 年328 《长寿区“长治”工程第四期小流域综合治理竣工资料汇编》, 长寿区水土保持办公室,2001 年329 《江津市生态环境现状及发展趋势概述》,2000 年 10 月330 《重庆市万州区林业发展规划(2004-2020)》,重庆市万州区林业局,2004 年331 《重庆市万州区草食畜牧业开发规划》,重庆市万州区农业局,


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2002 年332 《重庆市万州区土地利用总体规划》(修订本),重庆市万州区人民政府,1998 年 333 《重庆市万州区水土保持总体规划》,重庆市万州区水土保持局,2004 年 334 《重庆市万州区“长治”第五期工程水土保持工作总结》,重庆市万州区水土保持,2004 年335 《重庆市万州区森林资源调查报告》,重庆市第五期林业局,2003 年336 《重庆市黔江区城北河小流域水土流失防治措施布置图》,重庆市黔江区水利局,2002 年337 《重庆市黔江区黔江河小流域水土保持工程实施方案》,重庆市黔江区水利局,2002 年338 《黔江区国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》,黔江区人民政府,2001 年 339 《黔江区水土保持总体规划》,西南农业大学,2004

340 《贵州省威宁彝族回族苗族自治县畜牧业发展规划(2003-

2010 年)》,贵州省威宁彝族回族苗族自治县人民政府,2004 年341 《威宁彝族回族苗族自治县国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划》,威宁彝族回族苗族自治县计划局,2001 年342 《威宁县五期小流域规划报告》,威宁县水土保持办公室2001 年


Page 278: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

343 《兴义市土地利用总体规划(1997-2010 年)》,兴义市人民政府,1998 年

344 《兴义市环境保护“十五”计划》,兴义市环保局,2003 年345 《兴义市生态环境建设规划》,兴义市水土保持委员会办公室,2000 年346 《兴义市 2002 年统计资料》,兴义市统计局,2002 年347 《兴义市国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划》,兴义市人民政府,2001 年348 《兴义市水土保持生态环境建设规划》,兴义市水利局,2000

年349 《兴义市畜牧水产业发展规划(2004-2010)》,兴义市畜牧水产事业局,2004 年350 《云南省长江中上游水土保持重点防治区 2003 年上半年工作总结》,云南省水利局,2003 年351 《云南省水土保持世界银行贷款项目前期准备工作汇报材料》,世界银行/欧盟联合项目准备团,2004 年 4 月352 《澄江县水土保持规划》,澄江县人民政府,1998 年353 《澄江县生态示范区建设规划》(送审稿),昆明理工大学&澄江县环保局,2004 年354 《西部地区生态环境调查元谋县生态环境现状》,元谋县城乡建设环境保护局,2000 年355 《元谋县环境保护“十五“计划和 2015 年规划》,元谋县城乡


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建设环境保护局,2001 年356 《元谋县“长治”工程第三期小流域综合治理竣工总结》,元谋县水利局,1999 年357 《元谋县水土保持“十五”计划和 2015 年长远规划》,元谋县水土保持委员会办公室,1999 年358 《《元谋县国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》,元谋县人民政府,2001 年359 《元谋县畜牧业产业化建设规划》,元谋县农业局,2004 年360 《楚雄彝族自治州环境保护“十五”计划和 2010 年长远规划》,楚雄彝族自治州环保局,2001 年361 《国家生态环境建设重点工程云南省元谋县生态环境建设规划(2001-2015)》,云南省林业勘察设计院,2000 年362 《湖北省水土保持工作情况汇报》363 《长阳县国民经济和社会发展“十五”计划纲要》,长阳县人民政府,2001 年364 《长阳县生态建设规划》,长阳县计划委员会,1998 年365 《长阳县土地利用总体规划》,长阳县人民政府,1998 年366 《长阳县水土保持规划》,长阳县水土保持局,2002 年367 《黄冈“十五”发展纲要》,黄冈市人民政府,2001 年368 《红安县生态环境建设总体规划》,红安县计划委员会,2002

年369 《红安县生态环境现状调查表》,红安县水利局,2002 年


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370 《红安县土地利用总体规划》,红安县人民政府,1999 年371 《红安县水土保持总体规划》,红安县水利局,1998 年400 环境法律法规及标准401 《中华人民共和国宪法》402 《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,中华人民共和国第 22号主席令,1989 年 12 月403 《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》,中华人民共和国第 77号主席令,2002 年 10 月404 《中华人民共和国水法》,全国人大常委会, 2002 年 10 月405 《中华人民共和国水土保持法》,全国人大常委会, 1991 年406 《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》,全国人大常委会, 1996 年 5

月407 《中华人民共和国土地管理法》,全国人大常委会, 2004 年 9 月408 《中华人民共和国森林法》全国人大常委会, 1984 年 9 月409 《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》,全国人大常委会, 1988 年11 月410 《中华人民共和国农业法》,全国人大常委会,2003 年411 《中华人民共和国草原法》,全国人大常委会,2002 年412 《建设项目环境保护管理条例》,中华人民共和国国务院第 253


413 《建设项目环境保护设计规定》(国家计划委员会、环境保护委员会,1987 年)


Page 281: 执行概要 - All Documents | The World Bank · Web view长江水系发育,支流数以千计,流域面积1万平方公里以上的支流有49条,嘉陵江、汉江、岷江、雅砻江4大支流的流域面积均在10万平方公里以上(长江主要支流概况见表4.2-1)。长江中下游是中国淡水湖分布最集中的地区,主要

414 《环境影响评价技术导则》( HJ/T2.1 ~ 2.3 - 93 ),国家环境保护局开发监督司,1993 年 9 月415 《中华人民共和国水土保持法实施条例》(国务院,1993 年)

416 《中华人民共和国水污染防治法实施细则》(国家环保局,1989

年)417 《中华人民共和国土地管理法实施条例》(国务院,1998 年)418 《中华人民共和国森林法实施条例》,国务院,2000 年419 《基本农田保护条例》, 国务院,1998 年420 《中华人民共和国自然保护区条例》(1994.12);421 《风景名胜区管理暂行条例》(1985.6);422 《关于加强国际金融组织贷款建设项目环境影响评价管理工作的通知》(国家环保局、计委等,1993 年)423 《地表水环境质量标准》( GB3838-2002 ),国家环保总局,2002 年 4 月424 《污水综合排放标准GB8978-1996》425 《土壤侵蚀分类分级标准》(SL190-96),水利部,1997 年426 《水土保持综合治理 技术规范》(GB/T 16453.1~16453.6-1996),国家技术监督局427 《主要造林树种苗木》(GB6000-85)

428 《地表水和污水监测技术规范》(HJ/T91-2002),国家环境保护总局,2002 年 12 月 25日429 《环境监测技术规范》,国家环保局


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500 其它501 《世界银行环境评价导则》,世界银行,1998 年502 《世界银行环境评价业务政策》(OP4.01),世界银行,1999

年503 《世界银行环境评价工作程序》(BP4.01),世界银行,1999

年504 《病虫害管理业务政策》(OP4.09),世界银行,1998 年505 《病虫害管理工作程序》(BP4.09),世界银行,1998 年506 《大坝安全业务政策》(OP4.37),世界银行,2001 年507 《大坝安全工作程序》(BP4.37),世界银行,2001 年508 《森林业务政策》(OP4.36),世界银行,2002 年509 《森林工作程序》(P4.36),世界银行,2002 年510 《自然栖息地业务政策》(OP4.04),世界银行,2002 年511 《自然栖息地工作程序》(BP4.04),世界银行,2002 年512 《全国生态环境保护纲要》,2000 年 12 月513 《建设项目经济评价方法与参数》514 《生态环境影响评价概论》,中国环境科学出版社515 《国家环境保护“十五”计划》,国家环境保护总局516 《国家“九五”规划和 2010 年环境保护远景目标》,国家环境保护局、国家计委、国家经贸委,中国环境科学出版社,1996.12

517 《山洪、泥石流、滑坡灾害防治》,中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所


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518 黄土高原水土保持(一期)世行贷款项目竣工报告,黄土高原水土保持世界银行贷款项目办公室,2002 年519 《黄土高原世行贷款项目抬升我国水保管理水平》,中国水利网,2004 年520 《全球防治荒漠化公约》521 《中国直面“三农”问题》,辻康吾,2002 年522 《生态家园富民工程实施情况和效果评价》,中国民主促进会,2004 年523 《生态家园富民计划的主要内容》,中国民主促进会,2004 年524 《重庆生态家园富民计划实施情况的调研报告》,中国民主促进会,2004 年525 《退耕还林的有关政策》,中国退耕还林网,2004 年526 《贵州省退耕还林工程生态效益初步显现》,贵州人民广播电台,2004 年527 1235

528 外来入侵物种危害严重 《人民日报》2003 年 09 月 24日529 中国入侵物种综述《保护中国的生物多样性(二)》,国环境科学出版社.


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NOVEMBER 22, 2005

Changjiang Water Resources Protection Inst.

With assistance from:

National Agriculture Technology Extension and Service

Center, Ministry of Agriculture

Commonality Management Inst. of Hohai University


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PREFACETable of ContentsAbbreviations






1.2.1 EIA Procedure

1.2.2 EIA Methodology




1.5.1 Organization of Overall Report

1.5.2 List of References (Annex A)






2.2.1 Public Water and Soil Conservation Projects

2.2.2 Water and Soil Conservation Project for improving livelihood and individual


2.2.3 Project Support Component



2.4.1 Project configuration

2.4.2 Key construction techniques of project

2.4.3 Planned schedul




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2.6.1 Introduction of Correlative Implemented and Implementing Project

2.6.2 Effect of Analogous Project

2.6.3 Implementing Experience of Similar Project

2.6.4 Identification and Analysis of the Project




3.1.1 Laws

3.1.2 Administrative Laws and Regulations

3.1.3 Environmental Policies

3.1.4 Environment Standards


3.2.1 Adaptability to the State Planning of Eco-environment Construction

3.2.2 Adaptability to the Local Overall Plan of Land Use

3.2.3 Adaptability to the Local Plans of Water and Soil Conservation

3.2.4 Adaptability to the Local Plans of the Forestry Ecological Construction

3.2.5 Adaptability to Local Ecological Construction and Environmental Protection


3.2.6 Adaptability to Local Pasturage Industry Plans






4.2.1 Changjiang River

4.2.2 Pearl River


4.3.1 Project Region

4.3.2 Project Count

4.3.3 Lower Reach


4.4.1 Physical Environment

4.4.2 Social Environment


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4.4.3 Primary Environment Problems


4.5.1 Physical Environment

4.5.2 Social environment

4.5.3 Primary Environment Problems


4.6.1 Physical Environment

4.6.2 Social Environment

4.6.3 Primary environment problems


4.7.1 Physical Environment

4.7.2 Social Environment

4.7.3 Primary Environment Problems




5.1.1 Project Objective and Its Screening Principles and Standards

5.1.2 Analysis of Project Factors

5.1.3 Impact Characteristics


5.2.1 Identifying Principle and Grading Methodology

5.2.2 Identification of EI Problems

5.2.3 Results






6.2.1 Water and Soil Resources Protection

6.2.2 Improve Eco-environment

6.2.3 To optimize land use structure

6.2.4 Improve Living Conditions


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6.3.1 Pest management

6.3.2 Water Quality

6.3.3 Forest Park


6.4.1 Impacts on downstream

6.4.2 Environmental impact during project implementation

6.4.3 Environmental risk

6.4.4 Global Environmental Issue





7.2.1 Environmental Features of the Project Regions

7.2.2 Objectives of the Project

7.2.3 Mitigative Measures and Arrangement


7.3.1 Features of Natural Ecological Environment

7.3.2 Environmental Variable Trend of the Scenario without Scheme

7.3.3 Analysis of Mitigative Schemes for Controlling the Small Basins

7.3.4 Adjusted Suggestions of Schemes Optimization





8.2.1 Pest

8.2.2 Water Quality

8.2.3 Monitoring done by EMIs





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9.1.1 Need for Environmental Management Plan

9.1.2 International Panel of Experts


9.2.1 Provincial and Overall Coordinator

9.2.2 Provincial Environmental Organization

9.2.3 Other cooperative organizations


9.3.1 Duties of Provincial Environmental Management Organization

9.3.2 Illustration Figures

9.3.3 Provincial Environmental Management Subcontractors

9.3.4 Instructions to Contractors


9.4.1 Objectives

9.4.2 Training Contents


9.5.1 Overall Environmental Management

9.5.2 Coordinator for provincial PMO


9.6.1 EIs and Mitigation Measures

9.6.2 Guarantee of EPMs


9.7.1 Main Contents

9.7.2 Illustrative Figures and Tables



10.1.1 Consultation Objects

10.1.2 Consultation Methodology


10.2.1 Procedure of PP

10.2.2 Implementation of PP


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10.3.1 Affected Individuals

10.3.2 Advices of Relevant Government Agencies

10.3.3 Opinions of Unaffected Individuals

10.3.4 Opinions of NGOs



10.5.1 Notice in Internet

10.5.2 Availability of EIA Report in Libraries

10.5.3 Availability of Notice



Table 1-1 EIA Team

Table 1-2 TOR of EIA (EIA Team planning)

Table 2-1 Counties of the project regions

Table 2-2 Stat. of the public water and soil conservation projects in different

provinces &cities

Table 2-3 Stat. of water and soil conservation project for improving living and

individual benefits in different provinces &cities

Table2-4 Sub-regions of soil loss in the project regions

Table 2-5 Measures arrangement for the sub-regions of soil loss

Table 2-6 Technics and methods of the project construction

Table 2-7 Current status of soil loss control in the project regions

Table 2-8 Differences before and after the implementation of the fifth period of

KPWSC in Wanzhou District

Table 2-9 Contrast before and after the implementation of the first period of LPP

Table 2-10 Experience from KPWSC and LPP

Table 2-11 Experience from KPEHP and CFFP

Table 2-12 Contrast between KPWSC and LPP

Table 3.1-1 Relation among the project, EIS and China's laws and regulations

Table 3.1-1 Relation among the project, EIS and China's laws and regulations

Table 3.1-2 Analysis of the relation between the project and relating policies

Table 4.2-1 Introduction on the Changjiang River


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Table 4.2-2 Introduction on water energy resources in the Changjiang River

Table 4.2-3 Introduction on the main rivers and branches of the Changjiang River

Table 4.3-1 Area Affected by the Project

Table 4.3-2 Environmental Study Area-Lower Reaches

Table 4.4-1 Weather Features Values of the Project Area in Yunnan Province

Table 4.4-2 Actual Measurement Values of Runoff in the Project Area

Table 4.4-3 Actual Measurement Values of Sediment Amount in the Project Area

Table 4.4-4 Land use of the Project Regions in Yunnan Province

Table 4.4-5 Soil loss of the Project Regions in Yunnan Province

Table 4.5-1 Weather Features Values of the Project Area in Guizhou Province

Table 4.5-2 Actual Measurement Values of Runoff in the Project Area

Table 4.5-3 Actual Measurement Values of Sediment Amount in the Project Area

Table 4.5-4 Land use of the Project Regions in Guizhou Province

Table 4.5-5 Soil loss of the Project Regions in Guizhou Province

Table 4.6-1 Weather Features Values of the Project Area in Chongqing City

Table 4.6-2 Actual Measurement Values of Runoff in the Project AreaTable

Table 4.6-3 Actual Measurement Values of Sediment Amount in the Project Area

Table 4.6-4 Land use of the Project Regions in Chongqing City

Table 4.6-5 Soil loss of the Project Regions in Chongqing City

Table 4.6-6 Tiefeng Hill State Forest Reserve in Chongqing

Table 4.7-1 Weather Features Values of the Project Area in Hubei Province

Table 4.7-2 Actual Measurement Values of Runoff in the Project AreaTable

Table 4.7-3 Actual Measurement Values of Sediment Amount in the Project Area

Table 4.7-4 Land use of the Project Regions in Hubei Province

Table 4.7-5 Soil loss of the Project Regions in Hubei Province

Table 5-1 Affecting factor analysis of the project of water and soil conservation and

ecological construction in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei and Chongqing

Table 5-2 Identification matrix of the EI factors of the project

Table 6-2-1 The effect of forest and vegetation on runoff retention

Table 6-2-2 Statistics of benefits in terms of water retention and soil loss reduction

under the Project

Table 6.2-3 The Change of Biomass Before and After the Project

Table 6.3-1 Planting areas of staple crops and fruits in 4 project provinces

Table 6.3-2 Planting areas of main crops and fruits in 21 counties


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Table 6.3-3 Major pests in the 4 provinces

Table 6.3-4 The annual yield losses caused by pest and disease in 21 counties

Table 6.3.2-1 The Statistics of fertilizer and pesticides application in project counties

Table 6.3.2-2 The Statistics of fertilizer and pesticide use in the project area

Table 6.3.2-3 Estimated application and effluent of fertilizers before and after the

Project execution

Table 6.3.2-4 Estimated application and effluent of pesticides before and after the

Project execution

Table 7-1 Natural ecological environments in the typical small watersheds of the


Table 7-2 Socio-economic situation in the small watersheds of the project

Table 7-3 Controlling schemes for the small watersheds of the project

Table 7-4 Variety of Main indexes of the typical small watersheds before and after


Table 8-1 Summary Table of EMPps

Table 8-2 Expenses estimation of Environmental Monitoring

Table 9-1 Table of Environmental Management Organizations in the four provinces

Table 9-2 Personnel Arrangement of Environmental Management Organizations

Table 9-3 Estimated Costs for Management of Environmental Management in the four


Table 9-4 Estimated Costs for Training Program in YGEY

Table 9-5 Estimated Costs for the Panel of Environmental Experts

Table 9-6 Estimated Costs for Environmental Management in the four provinces

Table 9-7 Summary Table of EMPs for WSCPYGEY

Table10-1 Questionnaire of the public consultation for WSCPYGEY (1)

Table 10-2 Consultation opinion questionnaire for WSCPYGEY (2)


Figure 1.1-1 Geological Location Map of the Project Provinces

Figure 1.2-1 Geological Location Map of the Project Counties

Figure 2.2-1 Organization system of monitoring and evaluation

Figure 2.7-1 Relation Map of the Project Regions and the WSCY Project Ranges

Figure 4.2-1 Area of each province in the Changjiang River

Figure 4.2-2 Subarea of the Pearl River


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Figure 4.4-1 Agricultural Economy Structure in Yunnan Province

Figure 4.4-2 Landuse in Yunnan Province

Figure 4.4-3 Soil loss in Yunnan Province

Figure 4.5-1 Agricultural Economy Structure in Guizhou Province

Figure 4.5-2 Landuse in Guizhou Province

Figure 4.5-3 Soil loss in Guizhou Province

Figure 4.6-1 Agricultural Economy Structure in Chongqing City

Figure 4.6-2 Landuse in Chongqing City

Figure 4.6-3 Soil loss in Chongqing City

Figure 4.6-4 Geological Location Map of Tiefeng Hill State Forest Reserve

Figure 4.7-1 Agricultural Economy Structure in Hubei Province

Figure 4.7-2 Landuse in Hubei Province

Figure 4.7-3 Soil loss in Hubei Province

Figure 6.2-1 The change of landuse after project implementation

Figure 6.3-1 Relation Map of Liujiagou Small Watershed Control Regions and State

Forest Reserve

Figure 9.3.2-1 P/Environmental Management Organizations Structure Framework

Figure 9.3.2-2 Main Responsibilities of the professionals in environmental

management of the P/PMO

Figure 9.3.4-1 Role of Professionals in Environmental Management of the Provincial

PMOs and ECIs in Construction Area


Annex A References


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1.1 Purpose and Background of EIA

This report is the main EIA report for the Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Yunnan Province, Guizhou Province, Hubei Province and Chongqing Municipality (WSCPYGEY). The purpose of the EIA is to prepare a report that satisfies the demands of both Chinese Government and World Bank (WB). The report is to be prepared in both Chinese and English languages and the English version is to be a compulsory part of WB’s Loan Agreement with Chinese Government.

The upper reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and the Pearl River lie in the west of China, where one of the most serious soil erosion regions is. For a long time, due to the natural factors and human activities, water and soil loss has been accelerating and resulting in environmental degradation. This severely restricted local socio-economical sustainable development and affected stabilization of the regions downstream in mid and lower reaches of the rivers.

Since the 1980’s, Chinese government has paid great attention to soil and water conservation and ecological construction in the upper reaches of both the Changjaing and Pearl Rivers. In 1989, Key Project of Water and Soil Conservation in Upper Reaches of the Changjiang River (KPWSCC) started, followed by the comprehensive watershed rehabilitation project in the Northern and Southern Panjiang Rivers, which locates in upper reaches of the Pearl River since 1992. These two projects have shown obvious benefits. As the Strategy of Western China Development (SWCD) was boosted, the publics pay great attention to ecological and environmental protection. A series of ecological construction measures (ECMs) such as protection of natural forest and farmland returning were carried out in succession. Because of the rough tasks and lacking fund, these projects were carried through very slow. It is timely and necessary to making use of the loan from WB for speeding up soil erosion control in upper reaches of the Changjiang and Pearl Rivers. That will not only meet the demand of implementating SWCD, but also the demands of accelerating sustainable development of local economic society and making integrative control on the Changjiang and Pearl Rivers. Furthermore, the project will be helpful for introducing foreign advanced technologies of soil and water conservation and advancing the development of water and soil conservation.


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Preparing this project lasted two years. In June 2001, officers of MWR and WB inspected the regions and made the decision of the primary cooperation. In July, MWR submitted ‘Application for Using Loan from WB for Water and Soil Conservation in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze and Pearl River’ to State Plan Commission (SPC) and Ministry of Finance (MF). In September, WB listed formally this project in the roll of the finance projects. Thirty-eight counties (including cities and regions) over four provinces (including municipality) of Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing have been primarily selected to develop the project. In June, 2002, arranged by MWR, Changjiang Water Resources Commission (CWRC) and Pearl River Water Resources Commission ( PRWRC ) submitted ‘Proposals for WSCPYGEY Financed by WB’. In November, a group from WB reviewed the project again for determination of the project and organized pre-training workshops for the project. According to ‘Inform on Printing Inspection Memories of Identifying WSCPYGEY Financed by WB’ issued by MWR and the project proposals, CWRC compiled ‘the Feasibility Study Report of the China Changjiang / Pearl River Watershed Rehabilitation Project [101] and the Feasibility Study Reports (FSRs) of each province [102,103,104,105].

This project involves 37 counties of 4 provinces ie. Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing in western China, among which there are 8 counties in Yunnan, 12 in Guizhou, 6 in Hubei and 11 in Chongqing. Divided by watersheds, 33 counties are located in uplands and midlands of the Yangtze River and 4 in upper reaches of the Pearl River. The sketch map of the project region location is showed in Figure 1-1. The project is composed of commonweal water and soil conservation, individual benefit water and soil conservation and living melioration project as well as technique sustainment and service. The total area of water and soil conservation being regulated is 1,871.94 km2 and the total static investment for the project is 1, 660 million Yuan (2 hundred million dollars), of which $100 million will be provided by WB and 10 million euro will be presented by Europe Union (EU). The project will be carried out from 2005 and the construction time will last 5 years.


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Joint preparative group of WB/ EU inspected project area in April 2004. They pointed out in the memo [107] that MWR should done EIA as early as possible, which can maximize the active effect and minimize the potential passive effect. So, Changjiang Water Resources Protection Institute (CWRPI) started to carry out EIA of the project and compiled the task report of EIA in June 2004. According to TOR of EIA prepared by WB, CWRPI exchanged opinions with Dr. Zhu, an environmental specialist of WB, about the natural habitats and EIA report frame in the middle and last ten days of October and the first ten days of November in 2004. CWRPI compiled the EIA report of WSCPYGEY (draft). This edition has been modified according to the opinions of WB specialists.

1.2 EIA Procedure and Methodology

1.2.1 EIA Procedure

The EIA of this project has performed the following five stages:

First, desk review includes analyzing project compositions and relative documents, compiling technical/financial proposal, working out TOR for EIA and other preparation.

Second, used the method of combining indoor analysis with fieldwork. Firstly the elementary function of the project was analyzed based on further study on related documents. Secondly the investigation of environment setting and ongoing and finished projects was carried out to collect documents and reports such as basic data, related plan of four provinces &municipality and regions, etc. At the same time, the environmental protection objectives were elementarily studies out by screening important environment problems.

Third, carried out environmental analyse based on the overall investigation of environmental setting. According to TOR, assessed the frame of policy and rules/management, analyzed the function of policy and rules of each province on the project implementation, primarily analyzed related problems of inner organizations during or after the project construction, put forward the elementary frame of environmental management, summarized experiences and lessons of the ongoing and finished projects, screened EI, confirmed environmental protection objects, reviewed safeguards policies of WB, advancd suggestions of optimizing the project composition, elementary environmental protection measures (EPMs), environmental monitoring plan (EMPp) and environmental management plan (EMP) and carried out investigation on public participation.

Fourth, compiled the EIA report. Based on the third stage and the opinions of public participation, further improved EIA, EPMs, EMPp and EMP, analyzed and summarized data and documents acquired in the formal work, put forward the conclusions and the EIA report (draft).

Fifth, compiled the final EIA report. According to the opinions of PMO and WB, amended and reported the EIA report formally.

1.2.2 EIA Methodology


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The essence of this project is to improve the usage of sustainable environment resources and reverse the trend of environmental deterioration since it is the ecological construction project of water and soil conservation. Besides, the project has the features such as obvious eco-environmental effects, large study scope, numerous small basins, etc. Following characters are considered in the EIA methodology. ⑴ Focus the studies on typical small basins in the project regions. Based on the small basins in study regions, the study area includes the project regions, involved counties and impacted downstream regions. The geographic locations of the project counties are shown in Figure 1.1-1 and Figure 1.1-2.⑵ In term of Natural Habitats (OP/BP4.04) of WB, the screening criterions of the small basins are put forward. And the screening has been carried out to ensure that the control project of the selected small basins will not cause great change on natural habitats or will not be located in nature reserves and natural habitats. The project will be environmentally feasible. (If it is not feasible in environment, WB will not finance it.) ⑶ According to TOR of EIA, the results of pest management are brought into the EIA report while social assessment is not. But in order to ensure the integrality and objectivity of the EIA report, EIA involves partial contents of social assessment. ⑷ The investigation of environmental setting demanded by EIA is carried out through the ways of combining overall and emphasis investigation with fieldwork on spot. It makes emphasis investigation on the actuality of ecological environment and the typical small basins. ⑸ The EIA make emphasis analysis on the positive impacts caused by the project implementation. Aiming at the potential, long-time and accumulated EIs, the method of combining qualitative and quantitative analysis is carried out. And it gives prominence to the analysis of ecological environment effects and important environment problems. Mitigation measures are put forward according to the adverse environment impacts during the design, implementing and operation periods. ⑹ Owing to the depth of FSR and the features of the project, EIA is carried out at plan levels to make overall analysis and argumentation on the environmental rationality and feasibility of the project. Each project county should carry out EIA during the implementation period according to the EIA demand of Chinese government and aiming at the construction projects of the design of the small basins.


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⑺ In addition to the SEIs listed above, it also makes analysis on other important issues such as adaptability of policies and related plans, experiences of similar projects, public consultation/disclosure, environmental risks, etc. 1.3 Relationship to Project Feasibility Study

According to “Law on Environmental Protection of the PRC” [402],“ Law on Environment Impact Assessment of People’s Republic of China ”[403] and “Ordinance on the Management of Environmental Protection in Construction Project”[412] issued by Chinese Government, EIA for a project should be compiled at the feasibility study (FS) stage of the project and approved by the authority departments of environmental protection. As this project is composed of numerous and disperse small projects, the depth of FS could be equal to plans of general construction projects. At present, MWR is consulting with State Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) how to carry out the internal EIA in terms of the EIA demand of Chinese Government.

1.4 EIA Team

With the help of the related departments, CWRPI are responsible for preparing the project EIA. The participants of the EIA Team organized by CWRPI are shown in table 1-1 and table 1-2.

Table 1-1  EIA Team

Name Responsibility Qualifications Specialty

Years ofExperienc





Lei Alin Charge Director, Professor, Ecological Specialist

Water &Soil Conservation 23

Organizing, coordinatin


Jiang Guzheng

Technical charge

Engineer-in-Chief, Professor, Ecological


Aquatics Ecology 23

Project presiding、Checking

Chinese and English EIA



Ma Jing’an Technical charge

Professor, Environmental

SpecialistMeteorology 25 Professiona

l director 3

Li Yingxi Technical charge

Senior Engineer, Environmental


Water &Soil Conservation 16 Professiona

l director 3

Cai Jianqing

Designing charge

Senior Engineer, Environmental

SpecialistMicrobiology 15

Summarizing, Chapter

1, 2,3,5,6,8,11


ZhengfengSenior Engineer, Environmental


Environmental economy 15

Checking English EIA



Senior Engineer, Environmental


Water Resources 21 Chapter3, 5,

6 4

Li hongqing

Senior Engineer, Environmental

SpecialistEcology 12 Chapter5,

6,8 4

BayadongSenior Engineer, Environmental

SpecialistComputer 15 Chapter3,

4,5,6 4

Yangxin Senior Engineer, Water &Soil 10 Chapter4, 7 4


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Environmental Specialist Conservation

Xiao Renchun

Senior Engineer, Environmental

SpecialistEcology 15 Chapter

6,7,10 4

Liuxuewen Engineer Water &Soil Conservation 5

Chapter2, 6,9


Name Responsibility Qualifications Specialty

Years ofExperienc





Chenguirong Translater

Science and technology

English12 Translation 4

Wang PeiSenior Engineer, Environmental


Entironmental Engineer 15 Chapter8 4

Liuyun Engineer Water Resources 8 Chapter1, 3

translation 4

Wang Xiaoyuan Engineer


Engineering1 Chapter8, 9

translation 4

Chenling Engineer Environmental Economics 18 Chapter10 3

Zhangning EngineerWater

Conservancy Engineering

19 Chapter10, drawing 3

Wangjunlin Engineer Environmental Economics 17 Chapter10,

drawing 3

Table 1-2 EIA work program (Assignments for team members)

Main Task EIA Team (b)1. Preface LAL, JGZ, MJA, CJQ, LY2. Project Introduction LYX, CJQ,LXW3. Policies and Laws LAL, MJA, CJQ,CWY,BYD,LY4. Environmental Setting JGZ, LYX, BYD,YX5.Identification of the EI JGZ, MJA, CJQ,CWY,LHQ,BYD6. Environmental Impact of the Project JGZ, LYX, CJQ,CWY,BYD,XRC,LXW7. Comparison of Alternatives JGZ, LYX, XRC,YX,LXW8. Environmental Monitoring JGZ, MJA, CJQ, LHQ,WP,WXY9. Environmental Management Plan JGZ, MJA, LXW,WXY10. Public Consultation JGZ, LYX, XRC,ZN,WJL,CL11. Conclusion LAL, JGZ, MJA, LYX, CJQDrawing ZN, WJLExecutive Summary JGZ, LYX, LYAnnex A: References LYX, LY,WXYTranslation JGZ, ZF, LXW, CGR, LY, WXY


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Note: EIA Team of CWRPI

BYD=Ba Yadong   CGR=Chen Guirong   CJQ =Cai Jianqing   CL=Chen Lin   CWY=Cao Wenying

JGZ=Jiang Guzheng LAL=Lei Alin LHQ=Li Hongqing  LXW=Liu Xuewen   LY=Liu Yun LYX=Li

Yingxi MJA=Ma Jingan WP =Wang Pei WJL=Wang Junling WXY=Wang Xiaoyuan XRC =Xiao Renchun

YX =Yang Xin ZF=Zheng Feng ZN=Zhang Ning

1.5 Report Organization

1.5.1 Organization of Overall Report

The EIA report of WSCPYGEY is composed of the following parts:

1) Table of Contents

2) Executive Summary: This is a consolidation of the Main Report, to be a relatively short report, which presents the study’s essential findings, conclusions, and recommendations designed to suit executive reviewers. It may be also desirable to prepare a “Summary of the Executive Summary”, which has a few pages for used by higher-level officials.

3) Main Report Chapters: These are shown in the Table of Contents.


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1.5.2 List of References (Annex A)

This includes all-important references used in the study, which are numbered in 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500. These numbers are keyed into the text and shown in all tables and figures as needed to show sources of the data.

1.6 Acknowledgments

Assistance has been given to the EIA Team by Dr. Zhuda (Environmental Specialist of WB), Caimantang (Specialist of Social Development and Forestry), Richard.e.Chishoim (Agricultural Specialist), Water Resources Departments of YGEY, Departments of the local governments, Survey &Design Departments, Scientific Research Institutes and technical personnel. Sincere thanks are extended to the above for their precious support and assistance.

1.7 Summary and Conclusions

Chapter 1 includes the following components:

(1) Purpose and Background of EIA: To satisfy the demands of both Chinese Government and WB, the EIA report is to be prepared in both Chinese and English languages and the English version is to be a compulsory part of WB’s Loan Agreement with the Chinese Government. Besides, WB policy is, when WB participates in financing part of an overall project, EIA must cover the entire project cycle. This report is prepared by CWRPI together with assistance from departments involved, and with assistance from consultants furnished by WB. Now CWRPI has compiled the EIA report of WSCPYGEY (draft) based on environmental setting investigation, public participation and data collection. This edition has been modified according to the opinions of WB specialists.

(2) Project Background: The upper reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and the Pearl River lie in the west of China, where one of the most serious soil erosion regions is. For a long time, due to the natural factors and human activities, water and soil loss has been accelerating and resulting in environmental degradation. This severely restricted local socio-economical sustainable development and affected stabilization of the regions downstream in mid and lower reaches of the rivers. Since the 1980’s, Chinese government has paid great attention to soil and water conservation and ecological construction in the upper reaches of both the Changjaing and Pearl Rivers. In 1989, KPWSCC started, followed by the comprehensive watershed rehabilitation project in the Northern and Southern Panjiang Rivers, which locates in upper reaches of the Pearl River since 1992. These two projects have shown obvious benefits. As SWCD was boosted, the publics pay great attention to ecological and environmental protection. The project accords with the demand of SWCD.

(3) WB Involved the Project: In June 2001, November 2002, April and October 2004, officers of MWR and WB inspected the regions time after time. They made the decision of the primary cooperation on how to carry out ecological construction of water and soil conservation and do the preparative work.


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(4) Project Description: This project involves 38 counties of 4 provinces ie. Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing. It is composed of commonweal water and soil conservation, individual benefit water and soil conservation and living melioration project as well as technique sustainment and service. The total area of water and soil conservation being regulated is 1,871.94 km2 and the total static investment for the project is 1, 660 million Yuan (2 hundred million dollars), of which $100 million will be provided by WB and 10 million euro will be presented by EU. The project will be carried out from 2005 and the construction time will last 5 years.

(5) EIA Procedure and Methodology: The EIA of this project has been performed in five procedures: desk review, preparation, formal work, report compiling and final report compiling. Through general investigation, key investigation, spot investigation, etc., the basic data will be collected. The EIA report considers all the impacts probably caused by the project except some social environmental problems and emphasizes the analysis of environmental benefit and important environmental problems. It aims at assessing potential, longtime, accumulative EIs and presenting mitigation measures for the negative EIs during design, implementation and operation periods.

(6) Relation with FS: The EIA report is considered to be an integral part of the Project FS, not an attachment. The EIA team is also one part of the overall FS team.

(7) EIA Team: This section describes the members of the EIA team, their regular positions, their specialty skills, and their workload. The various specialties involved include environmental engineering, environmental economics, environmental sociology and environmental ecology.

(8) Report Organization: It describes TOC of the EIA report. The EIA report is compiled to satisfy the demands of WB.

(9) Acknowledgments: It gives credits to those agencies and individuals that gave important assistance to the EIA team.


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Project Description

2.1 Background of the Project

This project involves 37 counties over 4 provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing, among which there are 8 counties in Yunnan, 12 in Guizhou, 6 in Hubei and 11 in Chongqing. Divided by watersheds, 33 counties are located in uplands and midlands of Yangtze River and 4 in upper reaches of Pearl River. Counties of the project regions are shown in Table 2-1 and the geographic locations are shown in Figure 1.1-1~2.

Table 2-1 Counties of the project regions

Province/municipality Area/city County/city, district Watershed Number of



Chuxiong Muding、Yuanmu、Yaoan、Dayao

The Yangtze River

8Zhaotong Weixing、Zhenxiong、Qi

aojia、YongshanThe Yangtze





The Yangtze River

12Liupanshui Panxian The Pearl River

Qianxinan Anlong、Xingyi、Xingren

The Pearl River




The Yangtze River 11


Yichang Yiling, Changyang The Yangtze River

6Enshi Lichuan The Yangtze River

Huanggang Hong’an、Macheng、Xishui

The Yangtze River

The project area mainly lies in the southwest of China, where the economy is undeveloped and the minorities are concentrated. In these regions, the rural infrastructure is weak and the people’ living is poor. There is great income disparity between the city and country, and every economic index is lower than the national average level, even the local average level. For a long time, because of the traditional agriculture production pattern, the single rural economy configuration has lead to a vicious circle of “the more cultivation, the more poor and the more poor, the more cultivation”, and the farmers’ income increased slowly.

Steep topography, thin soil layer and concentrated rainfall result in heavy soil loss in the project regions. Intense soil erosion directly washes soil away, which makes soil depth thin, reduces soil fertility and crop productivity, and even causes desertification, loses agriculture


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value. Especially stony desertification will become more serious in karstic regions. In addition, due to destroy of vegetation, thinning of soil depth and reducing capacity of water storage, the streams and rivers dry up during winter and spring. Consequently, there are not enough water supplies for irrigation, even for domestic uses, especially in areas with carbonate rock distribution. Soil loss also aggravates drought and flood hazards, landslide and mud-rock flow, which cause great loss to human life and fortune. All those restrict the sustainable development of the local economy and society. Hence, the local government and people press for controlling soil erosion in regions, in order to improve ecological environment and develop regional economy.

Since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, especially from 1980’s, the government has attached great importance to soil and water conservation. In 1989, KPWSC started, followed by the comprehensive management engineering project in Northern and Southern Panjiang River in upper reaches of the Pearl River since 1992. These two projects have shown greatly effects. As SWCD was put into practice, the government pays attention to eco-environmental development and protection. A series of measures were carried out on protecting natural forest, conversion of farmland on steep slope to forestry. Because of the rough of tasks and short of fund, these projects were in a slow progress. And it has large disparity compared with the requirement of “Plan Design of Water and Soil Conservancy in China”, which was ratified by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China (SC). Hence, it is timely and necessary of making use of the loan from WB for speeding up soil erosion control in upper reaches of the Changjiang and Pearl Rivers. Furthermore, the project will be helpful for introducing foreign advanced technologies of soil and water conservation, and this is also important for local socio-economic sustainable development.

The preparation of the project lasted for almost 3 years. In June 2001, officers from MWR and WB inspected the regions and made the decision of the primary cooperation. In July, MWR submitted a correspondence on implementation of water and soil conservation project in upper reaches of the Changjiang River and Pearl River using loan from WB to SPC and MF. In September, WB listed formally this project in the roll of the finance projects. In June 2002 and in 2003, arranged by MWR, CWRC and PRWRC suggested ‘Proposals for Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing Financed by WB’ and ‘the Feasibility Study Report on Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing Financed by WB’. [101]

2.2 Project Composing

According to the feasibility report, this project includes three parts: public water and soil conservation projects, water and soil conservation project for individual benefit and improving livelihood, technical supporting and service system. Therein, public water and soil conservation projects mainly involve constructions of farmland ensuring basic production, blocking sediment, afforestation and infrastructure in country, which are shown in Section 2.2.1; Water and soil conservation projects for individual benefit and improving livelihood mainly involve constructions of farmland ensuring basic production, planting economic trees, planting grass, stock breeding, irrigation and energy renewal, which are shown in Section 2.2.2; Project support component includes technical demonstration extension, technical training and investing overseas or at home, monitoring and evaluation, investigating and designing, running management, vehicles, equipments, etc. which is shown in Section 2.2.3.

2.2.1 Public Water and Soil Conservation Projects


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Public water and soil conservation projects mainly involve constructions of farmland ensuring basic production, blocking sediment, drainage, removing sand, afforestation and infrastructure in country. The projects include: 3516hm2 rocky terrace, 33048m granaries, 49511m3 sediment traps, 496183m drains, 29491hm2 water and soil conservation forests, 52755hm2 closure protection area, 1233311m field roads, 625769m tractor-ploughing road. Stat. of the public water and soil conservation projects in different provinces &municipality is shown in Table 2-2. 【101】

Table 2-2 Stat. of the public water and soil conservation projects in different provinces


Item Unit total Yunnan Guizhou Hubei Chongqing

A Basic farmland1 rocky terrace hm2 316 643 1740 393 740

B Water sediment retention

 1 sediment pool m3 49511 8500 20800 9365 108462 drain m 496183 99585 113900 10877 1746213 granary m 33048 10747 9124 3504 9673

C Afforestation  1 water and soil

conservation forests hm2

29491 7075 10828 6251 5337

2 enclosing hm2 52755 15655 12567 12676 11857

D Infrastructure in country

 1 field pavement m 1233311 187421 438890 335788 271212

2 tractor-ploughing roads m 625769 99145 244315 169309 113000

2.2.2 Water and Soil Conservation Project for improving livelihood and individual benefits

Water and soil conservation Project for Individual benefit and improving livelihood mainly involve constructing rocky terrace, planting economic trees, planting grass, domestic breeding, irrigation, energy renewal and other projects. The projects include: 7793 hm2 rocky terrace, 55512hm2 economic trees, 22995hm2 grass, 71647 houses for livestock, 490303m3

ponds, 212129m3 water vaults, 600407m channel, 72782 biogases, and 79179 wood saving ovens. Stat. of Water and soil conservation project for improving living and individual benefits in different provinces &cities is shown in Table 2-3. 【101】

2.2.3 Project Support Component Research &extention

The project research extention is to apply relative agricultural and ecological protection technology to the whole activities through experimentation, demonstration, training, guidance, consultation, etc. The means include breeding good seed, using fertilizer, preventing and curing pests, cultivating and breeding, processing agricultural byproduct,


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applying agricultural mechanism and farmland water conservancy technology, keeping water and soil, supplying water in country, using agricultural energy sources and environmental protection technology, applying agricultural management technology, etc. Operation demonstration on spot, technological contract, technological demonstration fields and houses, agricultural technological book rooms, etc. composes the extention forms.

Table 2-3 Stat. of water and soil conservation project for improving living and

individual benefits in different provinces &cities

Item Unit Total Yunnan Guizhou Hubei Chongqing1 rocky terrace hm2 7793 2179 3334 670 16102 Economic tree hm2 55512 10966 13350 12939 182573 Planting grass hm2 22995 1708 15885 2952 2450

4 livestock breeding unit 71647 15882 29119 11996 14650

5 Irrigationpond m3 490303 66757 165920 62826 194800

water-vault m3 212129 38453 148170 25506channel m 600407 136284 172500 147425 144198

6 Energy renewalbiogas unit 72782 22500 25824 7083 17375

wood saving oven unit 79197 12216 40150 4170 22661 Technology introduction and demonstration extension

In recent years, the provinces/municipality that the project areas belong to, have carried out environmental protection and ecological construction projects, such as “long-term” project, comprehensive agricultural development, conceding farmland to forestry and wildwood protection. They have accumulated much successful experience and many technical achievements, and have formed a set of demonstrations. All of these achievements and experience can be used for reference by this project.

The demonstration and extension of advanced science and technology aims to promote the harmonious development in agriculture, forestry and livestock agriculture, and establish mode of production with high yield, quality and efficiency, then basically control the soil and water loss, and make the ecology develop in a benign circle, improve the farmer’s production and living conditions and make the rural economy increase steadily. The demonstration and extension contents include four aspects: comprehensive erosion controlling demonstration, single measure demonstration, economic development demonstration, and scientific and technical achievements extension. Technical Training

In order to improve the project implementation and management, and the participation degrees of the public, to ensure the prospective aims, technical training should be run with efforts. This training job mainly depends on the technological training centers and sub-centers that can cooperate with the relevant research institutions and form training net in different levels.

According to the project need, the corresponding training organizations would be set up, and


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the corresponding professional technologists, managers, and skeleton technical farmers would be trained. This can be classified by organizing modes as domestic training and oversea training. Survey &design

The survey and design runs through the whole process of the project implementation, including social-economic investigation, landuse investigation, soil loss investigation, control measures design, research extension schemes design, construction quality monitoring, benefit monitoring assessment, etc. It is such an important step that relates to the project success or failure. The county project offices preside the survey design of small watersheds. Normally, they use two ways: one is to relegate to the special design organizations which have relative water and soil conservation design qualification through the forms of technological service contracts; the other is to finish the design through organizing technological force by themselves. Monitoring and evaluation

The monitoring and evaluation includes two aspects: one is the project schedule and management; the other is the project impact. The purpose of the first aspect is to master roundly the accomplishment situation, the using situation of the project capital, the management process, etc. The second aspect is to know positive and negative impacts caused by the project measures and to assess scientifically the project benefit in order to avoid the project risk.

2.3 Environmental Protection Measures

The project is an extensive environmental protection project and their main environmental protection functions are as follows:

(1) Project for the Earth terrace, water conservancy, and water and soil conservation: the level terrace can play a role in storing the water, reducing the erosion, keeping the soil and fertility, benefiting the irrigation, enhancing the productivity and the yield. The level terrace construction is an important measure not only for the control of slope erosion, but also for the food safety in the poor mountain area, at the same time, it can make sure the successfully implementation of conceding the farmland to forestry without rebounding. Combining the channel control measure of the Tank, the checkdam, the sediment arrest and the slope water system project measure of the pond, the irrigating and drainage the ditch together, we can restore and protect the basic farmland, control the soil loss, which can create a good condition for the agriculture product. There will be 3516hm2 rocky terrace and 7793hm2

earth terrace. 【101】

(2) Forestation, grass planting and closure control: constructing large mass of forestry for the water and soil conservation, economic forestry, grass and closure control will add the vegetation area, enhance the coverage of the forestry and grass, not only preserve the water, adjust the microclimate, protect the wild biology, clean the atmosphere, improve the eco-environment of the whole project area, reduce the soil loss, but also alleviate natural disastrous from the drought, the pest, the wind, etc. The environment, on which the human and biology have relied, will develop toward the direction of a benign circle. The people will live and work in peace and contentment, each industry in the country will develop in harmony, and the people’s standard of living will improve gradually. 29491hm2 area water and soil conservation forestry, 55512hm2 area economic forest, 22995hm2 area grasses and protection of 52755hm2 natural forest will be implemented. 【101】


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(3) Biogas and wood saving oven: there are much mountain, less farmland, much slope farmland and less paddy field in the project area with small overlay vegetation and serious soil loss, And that there are short of firewood in the country, and the living energy problem is serious. The Biogas and wood saving oven in the country could not only resolve the living energy problem, but also help to control the soil loss and implement the policy of conceding the land to forestry, bring a good ecology, economic benefit to the country. Furthermore, the construction of firedamp pond will greatly improve the people’ inhabitation and living environment and sanitation condition and protect the people’ physical health, especially help to prevent endemic fluorosis; the use of firedamp pond will dispose of the human and domestic animal dejecta, reduce the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers and help to control the non-point source pollution. There will be 72782 firedamp ponds and 79197 economical kitchens constructed in the project area. 【101】

After the project is finished, the soil loss will be controlled and its harm will be alleviated. The reasonable layout of the controlling measure for the water and soil conservation formed three-dimensional integrated prevention system for the water and soil conservation, the water and soil resources can be properly used and the ability of preserving water and soil will be enhanced, enlargement of the soil loss area can be controlled. At the same time, the project can preserve the water, adjust the microclimate, and protect the wild propagation, add the bio diversity, and make sure that the environment, on which the human and propagation have relied on, will develop toward the direction of a benign circle.

2.4 Project configuration and construction scheme

2.4.1 Project configuration

(1) Partition of the soil loss type

According to FSR of the project, 5 types soil loss sections can be partitioned in the project area, which is shown in table 2-4 and Figure 2.2-1. 【101】, 【102】, 【103】, 【104】, 【105】

(2) Layout of the control measures

The layout of water and soil conservation measures in the project area put emphasis on the control of the soil loss and reduction of the sediment, and based on the slope farmland rebuilding and basic farmland construction, combining the slope and channel control together, combining the forestry, grass growing and closure management together, combining the key engneering and the common engneering together, properly collocating the engneering measure, forestry and grass measure, preserving soil and cultivation measure, comprehensively planning the mountain, the water, the forestry, the field and the road, integrated controlling, developing harmoniously the terrace, the dam, the beach, the forestry, the fruit and the grass, enhancing the landuse efficiency and labour productivity. According to the characteristics of soil, climate and soil loss of each sub-region, the key measure collocations are set down, as shown in table 2-5.

2.4.2 Key construction techniques of project

According to the composition of project, the construction techniques of the main project is shown in table 2-6. 【101】, 【102】, 【103】, 【104】, 【105】

Table2-4 Sub-regions of soil loss in the project regions

Soil loss Regions Topography Features of Administrative regions included Land Soil loss


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soil loss area(km2)

area (km2)Province County/district

West Yunnan (medial and low mountain, hilly, medial erosion


Plateau, mountain

sheet erosion,rill erosion Yunnan

Mouding, Yuanmou, Yaoan, Dayao,


1557.87 669.56

West Guizhou (mountain, medial and

intensity erosion region)

medial and low

mountains, hills

Wide, intensity,


Weining, Hezhang, Nayong, Jinsha, Zhijin, Bijie, Dafang, Qinxi,

Anlong, Xingyi, Xingren, Panxian

2496.48 1317.33

East Sichuan (mountain,

medial and light erosion region)

medial and low hills

Wide, mainly in medial and light erosion

Chongqing Rongchang, Hechuan, Yongchuan 358.06 207.54

Three Gorge (medial mountain and hilly, medial erosion region)

medial mountains,


mainly in medial erosion

caused by human


ChongqingYubei, Fuling, Wanzhou,

Kaixian, Changshou, Jiangjin, Qianjiang, Wuxi 1824.56 1115.55

Hubei Lichuan, Yiling District, Changyang

Dabie Mountain (low mountain

and hilly, medial erosion region)

low mountains,


Wide, mainly in medial erosion, scattered

forests’ erosion

Hubei Hongan, Macheng, Xishui 668.08 306.89

Total 4 37 6905.05 3616.87

2.4.3 Planned schedule

In the project area, there are 274 small river basins with an area of about 10 to 50 km2. The river basins will be divided into two groups and each basin will take three years for construction. The construction of the two groups of river basins will be joined tightly in time schedule. Practical plans for each river basin and general programming of every county and village be prepared one year ahead. Front-end works, such as, technical training, material purchasing, machine maintaining, and road building, will be carried out one-year ahead to get ready for the implementation the project. The implementation of the project will make the best use of slack farming seasons. The practical measures of forestation, soil improvement, and earth works will be carried out in winter and spring. The project will be finished in 5 years.

2.5 Project Management

The project involved a lot of specialties and scopes. In order to strengthen the project management, leading groups and project offices will be established at different levels, such as central committee, province (or municipality), prefecture, and county. The leading groups will found the project offices to take charge the implementation and the daily management work. The project offices at levels of central committee and province (or municipality) will invite relevant experts to make up advisory groups, while counties will establish advisory service groups. These groups can offer advisory services and give technological instructions for the preparation and implementation of the project.


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In addition, some measures, such as Management of Engineering and Technology, Material Management and Financial Management will be implemented in the process of construction.


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Table 2-5 (1) Measures arrangement for the sub-regions of soil loss

NOSubregion for the soil



Soil type Climate Property of the soil loss



red earth, brown earth, purple soil and paddy soil.

The maximum temperature in a year is 39.1oC, and the minimum is -7.3 oC. The average annual temperature is 16.5 oC. Degree day for temperature above 10 oC is 5508 oC. Average annual rainfall is 859mm and concentrates in summer and autumn when the heat resources are abundant. Sunshine hour is 2358 h/a.

The soil loss is mainly caused by

water erosion.Sheet erosion

distributes widely. Gully erosion

develops due to thick soil depth and

long slope. In addition, there are

collapsing hill, Landslide and Debris Flow in

some parts.

(1) Increasing vegetation coverage by rebuilding the secondary forest in low coverage, afforestation in mixed forests and selecting local species(2) Terrace construction for cropland and fruits land based on basic farmland construction. Furthermore, the structures of agricultural production are adjusted by planting fruits in high qualities, flowers, and medicinal materials to develop rural economy.(3) Emphasis on construction project for water storage. Engineering project like water storage pools, sediment deposition pools and water cellars are built by adapting to local conditions. Irrigation with water saving measures is extended to solve drought problem. Sediment control measures include building small granaryies and silt arresters for blocking sediment in the gullies.

(4) Emphasis on prevention and protection. New energy is developed such as marsh gas ponds and saving bavin stoves to protect the vegetation in mountain areas.

(5) Use of abundant mountain resources to develop house stock raising and hybrid improvement as husbandry.



yellow palm

soil、yellow soil, red soil yellow red soil

The southern region is in subtropical climate zone, and

the northern region is in plateau monsoon climate zone. The average annual

temperature is 14.8°C. The average annual rainfall is 1146mm concentrating

during May to September, 70% of the annual value.

The soil erosion is severe from slope cropland because

its large area. Most area in this region locates limestone region where the

speed for soil formation is slow and soil layer is thin to result in

rock desertification after soil was


(1)Change sloping cropland of 5-25 o into terraces with thick soil depth. Undertake basic farmland construction for slope runoff control, and build water conservancy projects such as drainage channels, water storage ponds. Increase crop yield.(2)Convert from cropland to forestry and grassland for all slopes above 25o for ecological balance. Afforest in wasteland for reduction of runoff and increase of vegetation coverage. Protect forest for young forest and shrub with coverage less than 60%.(3)Combined development of cash forest and husbandry. Adjust agricultural structures by planting local species such as tea, nut to increase farmers’ income.(4)Afforest arbor, shrub and grass to protect land resources in rockification areas which have potential dangers of soil loss.(5)Develop new energy. Build fundamental facilities like water supply projects and road construction for living condition improvement and economic development.

Table 2-5 (2) Measures arrangement for the sub-regions of soil loss


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NOSubregion for the soil



Soil type Climate Property of the soil loss



Purple soil,

paddy soil

The region is in subtropical humid monsoon climate

zone. The average annual temperature is 17.7°C, and

the average annual rainfall is 1112mm concentrating from May to September, 70% of

the annual value.

Soil erosion in the region is mainly

in medial and light intensity.

(1)Construct basic farmland by change slope cropland into level terraces or terraces where are near water sources. The area of basic farmland per capita is 1 mu to meet grain demand. Build water control projects for runoff storage and drainage to reduce soil eroded by runoff.(2)Convert from cropland to forestry and grassland for all slopes above 25o. Afforest in wasteland hill tops for increasing resistance for soil erosion and detachment, reducing soil loss, and improving ecological environment.(3)Use local resources such as flat topography, plentiful heat and fertile purple soil to develop cash forestry, husbandry, agricultural byproducts and their manufacture processing. A rural economic region with raw material processing features will be built. It includes processing for agricultural products and byproducts, production of non-staple food, and knitting. Farmers will be relieved from poverty.



yellow palm soil,

paddy soil。

It belong to the subtropical continental monsoon climate zone, There is obvious 4

seasons in climate with plentiful sunshine, rainfall,

and long frost-free days. The average annual temperature is 13.7°C, and average annual

rainfall is 1086mm.

extensive and medially intensive soil loss, most of which belong to

the sparse forestry.

(1)Construction of basic farmland focusing on conversion of slop cropland to terraces in areas in hills and around reservoirs.(2)Integration of soil loss control and exploration in small watersheds by plantation of cash forests, like chestnut, tea and silkworm, and reforming low quality forest, like young and pure pine forest (P.massoniana). Conveyance systems are built for reduction of sediment into rivers and reservoirs.(3)Small water conservancy projects are built focusing on runoff and soil loss control.(4)Implementation of the plan for fertilizing soil. Plantation of green manure is combined with slope cropland conversion projects and measures for soil and water conservation to increase content of organic matter and soil fertility. This is helpful for husbandry development.(5)Arrangement of different measures in different areas: afforestation for shelter-belt in the area with relative elevation of more than 300m; plantation of cash forests in the area with relative elevation of 100~300m; development of rural and aquatic economy in the upper and middle regions of gullies areas; development of effective economy of water and soil conservation in the area with relative elevation of less than 100m.

Table 2-5 (3) Measures arrangement for the sub-regions of soil loss


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NOSubregion for the soil



Soil type Climate Property of the soil loss



paddy soil、Purpl

e soil、yello

w soil、yello

w palm soil、lime


The region locates the subtropical humid monsoon

climate zone. The average annual temperature is 17°C, and the

average annual rainfall is 1150mm concentrating from

May to September, 50% of the annual value.

These caused severe soil

loss and geological

disasters like landslide and debris flow.

(1)Without stressing self-supply of grain because of bad conditions. Control slope land as follows: convert cropland with soil depth thicker than 25cm and slopes of 5-15o into terraces; convert cropland with slope of 5-15o into high-grade rocky terraces where grain crops and economic fruit trees are planted; convert cropland into forestry and grassland for all slopes above 25o.(2)Develop forestry, husbandry, fruit and medicinal materials production integrating with vegetation construction for economic development in mountain areas.(3)Increase vegetation coverage by protecting natural forests and optimizing vegetation structures.(4)Reform and construct planted grassland and natural grassland.(5)Control soil loss both in slopes and channels by dam construction and sediment deposition for reduction of sediments


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Table 2-6 (1) Technics and methods of the project construction

NO. Project Function Area to layout Construction pattern Construction season

A Public project for the water and soil conservation

I Basic farmland

1 Earth terraceMake sure the lest amount of basic farmland for each person in absent farmland area

The area with thin soil layer and more irrigation establishments

line Confirmation, Groundwork cleaning, bank building, surface soil conservation and land Prep

Keep away from the rainstorm season

II Water sediment retention

1 CheckdamStabilize the channel bed, prevent erosion of the ditch bottom and the collapse of ditch bank

The ditch which has a large gradient(5-12) and is intensive cut down

Earth checkdam : line Confirmation, Groundwork cleaning, linking slot digging and the soil filling and tampingRock checkdam : line Confirmation, Groundwork cleaning of the channel bed, and rock buildingplant checkdam : Stake selecting and burying, rock material plaiting and filling

2 Sediment trap Deposit the sediment of the water from the slope and pipe

Near the upper entrance to the pond Excavation

3 Irrigating and drainage Drain the runoff of the surface The head of the channel and slope farmland

Excavation, bank building, greensward and stone spread against scouring

IIIForestation and

enhancement of the vegetation overlay

1 Water and soil conservation forestry

Control the soil loss and improve the eco-environment

The conceding slope farmland in the waste hill and steep slope

land Prep:holelike、ranklike、 channellike and squama pitforestation: plant seedling, insert branch and grow

land Prep:usually in the winter and springforestation:usually in the winter, rainy season and spring


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Table 2-6 (2) Technics and methods of the project construction

NO. Project Function Area to layout Construction patternConstruction


2 Closure

Accelerate the vegetation restoring progress on virtue of the climate advantage and self- recovery ability of the ecology

The place which belong to medial and light erosion and the field with definite digamous tree, sparse tree, young tree, and bush in barren hill or slope

Combining the closure, Breed and fill in the incomplete and sparse forestry. Cut the stubble and make it strong, clip the branch and cut down the tree, select the excellent seedling to breed, accelerate the grow of the tree and quicken the vegetation restore.

Closure pattern: the whole year Closure, season closure, and alternate Closure、

IV Village infrastructure

1 road ( exercise pavement ,Tractor road) Resolve cultivation, drinking and

traffic problemNear the inhabitant location, field, and economic forestry

Confirm the line, Groundwork cleaning, material spread, land Prep to prevent the scouring in the rain in the management


Private project for the water and soil conservation and improvement of living standard

I Basic farmland

1 Earth terrace Enhance the yield of the crop thick soil layer Farmland with 5-15 gradient slope

line Confirmation, Groundwork cleaning, bank building, surface soil conservation and land Prep

II Economic forest

Increase the agriculture productivity, accelerate the adjustment of the industry configuration, improve the eco-environment and control the soil loss

The conceding slope farmland or the waste hill and slope with little the wind, to the sun direction and with good soil and water resource

land Prep:holelike、terracelike、ranklike and level channellike

Dormancy time for live through the winter

III Grass Preserve the soil and meet the need of stockbreeding development

The conceding slope farmland and the waste hill and slope

land Prep, fertilize, deep plough and harrow

IV Livestock Increase the income of the farmer


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Table 2-6 (3) Technics and methods of the project construction

NO. Project Function Area to layout Construction pattern Construction season

V Irrigation

1 Pond

Cumulate the runoff of the slope, irrigate the crops and economic forestry and Resolve the drinking problem for part people

The low-lying place of the slope, the foot of slope, which is joined to the drainage channel

excavation, Groundwork cleaning and tamping, rock spread

2 Small water vaultResolve the fuel problem of human or (and) livestock drinking and irrigation in drought season

VI Energy renewal

1 BiogasResolve the fuel problem, improve the sanitation situation and protect the forestry resource


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2.6 Experience of Correlative Implemented and Implementing Project

2.6.1 Introduction of Correlative Implemented and Implementing Project

As Correlative Finished Project, KPWSC, the Loess Plateau Project (LPP), the “Kulak Plan of Ecological Homestead” Project (KPEHP) and the “Conversion of Farmland to Forest” Project (CFFP) were introduced as following:


Since the 80s of 20 century, the central government has paid great attention to soil and water conservation in up-stream regions of the Changjiang River and the Pearl River. SC authorized KPWSC in 1988. In 1992, PRWRC implemented the comprehensive control project for soil and water conservation in south and north Panjiang Rivers of up-stream regions of the Pearl River. 33 counties in this project financed by WB were included in key prevention and control region of KPWSC. Four county of Xingyi, Xingren, Anlong, Panxian in Pearl watershed were included in key control regions of Pearl River project. By the end of 2001, there are 71 catchments in control of soil loss, in 481.27km2 of soil loss control area, including 6620.6hm2 terraces converted from slope cropland, 12, 956.3hm2 planted forest for soil and water conservation, 6, 460.2hm2 planted economic fruits trees and 708 hm2 planted grass, 18, 236hm2 protected forest, 3, 146hm2 cropland with tillage for soil and water conservation, and 11, 939 small soil and water conversation engineering projects (Table 2-7 and Figure 2.6-1). 【101】

Table 2-7 Current status of soil loss control in the project regions

Project region

Total land area(km2)

Amount of catchments with control practice

Area with control practice (km2)

Degree of control (%)

Percent ofreduced soil loss

(%)Sum 7, 224.39 71 481.273 14.0 17.5

Yunnan 1, 304.70 22 144.935 16.1 34.6

Guizhou 2, 820.25 25 63.278 5.1 6.0

Chongqing 1, 553.82 18 88.133 15.9 14.0

Hubei 1, 545.63 6 184.927 13.9 15.3

(2) LPP

In September 1990, collectivity plan and primary design of LPP were im-plemented, whose evaluation was passed by the WB in November 1993, and was taken effect on Oct. 3rd 1994. Periods of WB loans project included two periods of time. The first period of the project lasted for eight years, and was checked and accepted by the WB in September 2002. The second period of the project scheduled five years, from December 1999 to the end of 2004.The first period of the project about soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau supported by the WB loan, involved nine rive watersheds, seven districts and twenty-one counties, located in high-intensive erosion area of the middle reaches of Huanghe River, including Fenhe River, Xinshui River, Hequ, Baode, Pianquanpian of Shanxi Province, Hantaichuan River, Hashilachuan River, Husitai River of Iner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Yanhe River and Jialu River in Shan’xi Province and Malian River in Gansu


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Provinc. The main construction of the project included: terrace, alluvial terra dam, dam terra, developing paddy field, prevented channel engineering projects, minitype water dam, planting trees and grass, raising seedlings and technique support of technically training, supervise and evaluation, etc.

For eight years of the first period, there are in all 4890 km2 in control of soil loss area, including 904.4km2 terraces, 70.98km2 paddy field, 62.24km2dam terra, 909.51km2 arbor, 1360.4km2 shrub, 308.92km2 economic fruit trees, 1004.11km2 grasses, building 209hm2

nursery, 149 seats prevented channel engineering projects, and 1140seats alluvial terra dam. 【518】, 【519】


At the beginning of 2000, the Ministry of Agriculture (MA) startupped 10 demostration villages of KPEHP in seven provinces of West China like Shanxi, Ganshu, Ningxia, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan through ways of experiments exploring and demonstration. 76 other demonstration villages distributed in the whole country were arranged at the end of this year. Its purposes include exploring the project function on implementing agricultural sustainable development stratage, summarizing technological routes and work experiences to make prophase preparation of implementing the project on a large scale. Technological persons in the east part going to the west part will be adopted to construct the demonstration projects and help to train technological force in the west part. KPEHP involves policy and technology. For the policy, governments at different levels will take measures to channel off farmers producing and living in the way of ecological homestead. For the technology, Renewable energy source in counties and ecological agriculture technology will be optimized, including ecological economy improving project, energy source optimizing project, etc. After carrying out several technologies like saving energy, solar energy usage, firedamp zymosis usage, new energy exploitation, etc., it will improve energy usage effectivity, establish warm and clean living condition, change laggard living ways of farmers and decrease biological matter energy wastage of farmers’ living. (All the data are extracted from “Implementation and Assessment of KPEHP” and “Main Contents of KPEHP” of the references as【522】, 【523】.)

(4) CFFP

After authorized by SC, State Forestry Bureau (SFB), SPC and MF issued “Notice on Carrying Out Experimental Units Demonstration of Conversion from Farmland to Forest in the Upper Reaches of Changjiang River and the Upper and Middle Reaches of Huang River in 2000” in March 2000. It confirmed elementarily the policies of returning farmland to forest. To make certain the responsibilities, strengthen management and promote health development of experimental units, SC promulgated “Several Notions on Farther Carrying Out Experimental Units of Returning Farmland to Forest” (No. 24 of State Issued in 2000).

At present, the main policies of returning farmland to forest involve: (1) Persevere in preferential ecological benefit and also considering living and income improving of farmers and local economic development; Persevere in paying equal attention to ecological construction and protection and carrying out integrative measures to prevent problems like destroy environment while control; Persevere in combining the policy lead and the farmers’ unconstraint and adequately respecting farmers’ desire; Persevere in obeying natural rule and scientifically choosing tree seeds; Persevere in adjusting the local conditions, planning as a whole, giving prominence to emphases and paying attention to substantial results. (2) Seriously carry out the policy measures of “Returning farmland to forest”, “Sealing


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mountains and making virescence”, “Substituting crop for relieve” and “Individual contract”. (3) Slopland and sand cropland which have serious soil loss and low crop yield will be carried out returning farmland to forest according to the plans authorized by the state. (4) Returning farmland to forest will give priority to building ecological forest. The proportion could not be under 80% and county will be used as the check unit. For the multifold economic forests that have exceed the stated proportion, only seedling and afforestation subsidy will be given out without food and cash. (5) The state will offer volunteer food and cash to the farmers who return farmland to forest. (6) The state will offer seedling and afforestation subsidy to the farmers who return farmland to forest. (7) Derating policies of agricultural tax expropriation on returning farmland to forest. (8) After carrying out returning farmland to forest, it needs to ensure that the farmers take the forest property of planting on returning land and wasteland. Also they need to follow the regular laws to fulfil the procedure of landuse alteration. The people’s government at the levels upwards county will issue all the certificates of authority. (9) Based on confirming land authority and access, the policy that who return farmland, which make afforestation, which take the management and who will be benefited will be carried out. The contract period will be prolonged to 50 years after the farmers’ contract farmland and wasteland, which is suitable for forest. It is allowed to be inheritted or be conveyed and continue the contract at term according to laws and rules. (10) Adopt multifarious forms to advance returning farmland to forest. (11) Carry out ecological emigration, enclosed virescence, energy source construction in country, enclosed herd, enclosed breeding, farmland construction on slopeland and riverland, rural industry structure adjusting and farmland income increasing. (12) Goal, tasks, capital, food and responsibility should be carried out unto the provinces. The provincial government should take charge the project. (13) The state will give appropriate subsidy for the prophase work and scientific supporting expenses of returning farmland to forest, work design, etc. According to the project construction, SPC will arrange the subsidy in the year plan. 【522】

2.6.2 Effect of Analogous Project KPWSC

Owing to KPWSC, water and soil loss have been basically controlled, eco-environment and agricultural production conditions markedly improved, agricultural industry structure, landuse patterns become reasonable, environmental capacities and living standard of people improved. The effects of KPWSC on water and soil conservation can be illustrated by its fifth period in Wanzhou District, Chongqing Municipality. 【334】

The fifth period of KPWSC in Wanzhou District was executed from 1999 to 2003. Five small watershed, six towns and sixty-five villages were involved in the project area, including 80706 framers, covering total land area of 156.19km2 (90.69km2 farmlands, 27.59km2 woodland, 0.56km2 grasses, 19.59 km2 barren hills and steep slope lands, 17.76 km2 for other use. Per capita farmland was 0.11hm2; per capita basic farmland was 0.06hm2, average annual grain output per ha. was 2325kg.

During the fifth period of KPWSC in 5 small catchments (Lushan River, Tongping River, Wangjiagou Stream, Longxigou Strram and Wanjiagou Stream), altogether 76.22 km2 have been rehabilitated, including 7.01km2 terraces converted from slope cropland, 19.74km2 soil conservation forest, 12.97km2 economic fruit trees, 3.03km2 grasses, 20.9km2 forest under closure protection, 12.57km2 cropland where soil conservation tillage is adopted, 78 tanks, 354 ponds, 4 granaries, 5 silt-arresters, 59km irrigating and drainage ditch, 42km level dyke, 15020 sediment traps. Both rock and earth excavation and filling totaled 4902800m3, with


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earth of 3605600 m3 and rock of 1297200m3.

Main benefits of the fifth period of KPWSC are as follows: (shown in Table 2-8)

Table 2-8 Differences before and after the implementation of the fifth period of

KPWSC in Wanzhou District

Serial Item Before AfterAmount Proportion Amount Proportion

A Land use pattern

1Land total

area(km2) 156.19 156.19

2 farmland(km2) 90.69 Account for 50.8% of total land area 74.18 Account for 47.5% of total

land area

among Paddy field(km2) 41.75 Account for 46.0% of farmland 41.75 Account for 56.3% of


terrace(km2) 5.03 Account for 5.5% of farmland

12.04 Account for 16.2%of farmland

slope farmland(km2) 43.91 Account for 48.5% of

farmland 20.39 Account for 27.5%of


3 woodland(km2) 27.59 Account for 17.7% of total land area

60.29 Account for 38.6% of total land area

4 grass(km2) 0.56 Account for 0.4% of total land area

3.59 Account for 2.3% of total land area


waste(km2) 19.59 Account for 12.5% of total land area

0.17 Account for 0.1% of total land area

6 other(km2) 17.76 Account for 11.4% of total land area

17.96 Account for 11.5% of total land area

B Society economy


population(person) 80706 80655

2 Town involved 6 7 Administrative districe readjusted

3Farmland per

farmer(hm2) 0.11 0.09

4Basic farmland per

farmer(hm2) 0.06 0.07 increasing16.7%5

average grain output .(kg/ha) 2325 2385 increasing 3.1%

6Per capita

grain(kg/a) 449 463 increasing 3.1%

7Per capita net

income(Yuan RMB) 1277 1866 increasing 46.1%

C Water and soil loss

1Area of water and soil loss(km2) 78.37 Account for 50.2% of total

land area 29.93 Account for 19.2% of total

land area

among Low-grade(km2) 11.24 Account for 14.3% of soil loss area

15.95 Account for 53.3% of soil loss area


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moderate(km2) 28.62 Account for 36.5% of soil loss area

10.53 Account for 35.2% of soil loss area


erosion(104t/a) 32.12 7.5

3Mean soil erosion

modulus(t/ km2·a) 4098 2503

(1) Agricultural structure adjusted

After the implementation of the project, the proportion of basic farmland to total farmland increased from 29.9% to 34.4%. As compared with total land area, the proportion of farmland decreased from 58.1% to 47.5%, forest increased from 17.7% to 38.6%, grassland increased from 0.4% to 2.3% and bare hilly and slope land decreased from 12.5% to 0.1%. All these indicated that the land use pattern became more reasonable. The target of “stabilizing grain harvest, increasing farmers’ income and adjusting agriculture structure” had been preliminarily realized. Along with the further raising of benefits of economic fruits, grass land and soil conservation forest, increasing of output value from forest, husbandry, industry and sideline production, local agricultural structure would be essentially changed and the economy of the region would be stably developed.

(2) Soil and water erosion basically controlled and flood and sedimentation significantly mitigated

Implementation of the project in the 5 small watersheds made the soil erosion area decreased from 78.38 km2 to 29.93km2, the ratio of erosion area to total land dropped from 50.2% to 19.2%, the soil eroded decreased from321, 200t to 75,000t per year, and soil erosion modulus declined from 4098t/(km2·a) to 2503t/(km2·a). On the other hands, the vegetation coverage climbed from 18.0% to 40.9% and the runoff retained reached 25919000m3 each year, or accounting for 16.6% of total, about 6% higher than before. As a result, local eco-environment has been significantly improved and the endangerment of frost, freeze, drought, wind and storm reduced.

(3) Increased economic income

After rehabilitation in the watersheds, the basic farmland for each farmer increased by 16.7% from 0.06hm2 to 0.07hm2, total grain output changed from 36212.3t to 37326.6t, increased 3.1%, average output per hm2 enhanced from 2325kg to 2385kg, increased by 3.1%,per capita grain increased from 449kg to 463kg. The net income for each farmer changed from 1277Yuan RMB to 1866Yuan RMB, increased by 46.1%. LPP

The monitoring results for the first period of LPP demonstrated that outstanding effects had been achieved, not only on significant economic and social benefits but also on enhancement of local eco-environment, improvement of rural infrastructure and advancement of Scio-economic sustainable development. The total grain yield increased from 456 thousands tons before the implementation of project to 699 thousands tons, the farmer’ average net income increase from 306 Yuan RMB to 1263 Yuan RMB a year. At the end of the implementation period, the total area under various rehabilitation measures accounted for 55.24% of the soil loss area, and reduced soil loss quantity of each year came up to 57000 thousands ton. The area of the forestry and grass increased from 4391 km2 to 7668km2,with increment of 359 thousands hm2. The vegetation coverage increased from 28.2% to 49.3% , the control


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efficiency increase from 20.98% to 55.24%. All measures effectively preserved the soil and sand, alleviated the damage of the wind, adjusted the runoff and the rivers, reduced the soil loss, improved the eco-environment, and enhanced the ability of the resistance of the disastrous of the regional ecology. The farmers’ living standard was improved and the rural economy was developed quickly. 【518】, 【519】

The comparison of conditions before and after the first period of LPP is shown in Table 2-9.

The main benefits are embodied in the follow aspects (shown in table 2-9):

Table 2-9 Contrast before and after the implementation of the first period of LPP

No Items Before the project After the projectAmounts Remark Amounts Remark

A Land use configuration1 Total area(km2) 15559 155592 Farmland(km2) 4169.8 26.8 percent of the total 3415.2 22.0 percent of the total

Slope farmland(km2) 2970 71.2 percent of the farmland 1168 34.2 percent of the


3Forestry and grass

land(km2)4391 28.2 percent of the total 7668 49.3 percent of the total

4 Others 6998.2 45 percent of the total 4475.8 28.8 percent of the totalB Soil loss1 Control rate(%) 20.98 52.24 added 31.26%C Socio-economy

1Average net income a

farmer(Yuan) 306 1263 added 312%2 Poor population (thousand

family) 158 56 percent of the total 25 8.6 percent of the total

3 Total food yield(thousand ton) 456 699 added 48.9%

4Basic farmland per

capita(hm2) 0.1 0.17

5 Drinking water for the human and livestock 46.5% 65.04%

Note: Control rate refers to the ratio of rehabilitated area to total area of soil loss.

(1) Adjustment of land use configuration

After the implementation of the project, traditional extensive cultivation pattern has been improved. The food product mainly has relied on basic farmland, the agriculture production has transformed into intensive cultivation management gradually. The total farmland area reduced 753km2, but the output of the food increased 243 thousands tons. The slope farmland area reduced from 2970km2 in 1993 to 1168km2 in 2001, and the proportion of the slope farmland area reduced from 74.2%to 34.2%. The large area of conceding the land to forestry provided advantageous condition for the construction of the forestry and grass. The land use configuration was effectively adjusted in the project area. The coverage of forestry and grass increased from 28.2% before the implementation of project to 49.3%. The unused ground and wasteland have been reduced. All these make the soil resources be fully developed properly; the land use configuration becomes reasonable and the rural economy develops quickly.


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(2) Preliminary control of soil loss By mass area and high quality integrated control of water and soil conservation, the control area of various measures increased to a great degree, the vegetation on the ground restored. The damage from the runoff, erosion and nature disasters has been reduced, the surface capability of preserving the soil and water enhanced, the sediment into the Yellow River reduced, the eco-environment in the project area improved and the stability of the eco-environment enhanced. At the end of the project, the accumulative area under various rehabilitation measures accounted for 55.24% of the soil loss area. The capability of preserving soil each year reached 57000 thousands ton, the serious soil loss was controlled effectively in the project area.

(4) Enhancement of the economic income

The project implementation in the area greatly helped local farmers to relieve from poverty. The basic farmland for each farmer increased from 0.06hm2 to 0.07hm2 averagely in the project area and the yearly net income each farmer tripled from 306Yuan RMB in 1993 to 1263Yuan RMB. Poverty family number declined from 148,000 (accounting for 56% of total farmer family) to 25,000 (accounting for 8.6%). KPEHP

KPEHP will beautify and purify the rural living condition. It will also save energy source and solve the problems of rural fuel. Forestry resources will be protected in favor of the implementation of the state policies like returning forest, grass, lakes, etc. Its effect could be analyzed according to the implementation of the project in Chongqing. 【522】, 【523】,【524】

KPEHP has been in experiments in Chongqing since 2000. These years the government persists in combining the experimental work with ecological agriculture, poverty supporting, emigration, ecological construction and protection, agricultural structure adjusting, etc. around the masterstroke of “Increasing Effects of Agriculture, Increasing Farmers’ Income and Adjusting Structure”. An obvious effect has been achieved through seriously carrying out the project, developing ecological agriculture, advancing roundly relieving from poverty and constructing country. By the end of 2002, it has built 20 ecological homestead demonstration villages, including more than 5000 families. The average income of every family is exceeding 3000 Yuan.

Ecological homestead construction could be propitious to protect vegetation, decrease producing pollutants, developing breeding in country, impulse adjusting planting to increase adjusting agricultural economy structures. So it is widely welcomed by farmers. Through the demonstration effect, farmers could realize the benefits of ecological homestead construction. They widely reflect that the project realizes saving coals, labor, electricity and money; increasing fertilizer, effects and production; decreasing pests and soil loss and purifying living condition. As a whole, the project has the following effects:

(1) Advance the adjustment of agricultural economy structures and increase farmers’ income

KPEHP, which takes marsh gas as the tache, changes the simple economic structure of planting crop to advance the development of breeding and planting. It also forms the agricultural production structure with local features, which could satisfy the market demand. The construction of ecological homestead has become a new “Bright Point” of the adjustment of agricultural structure and the increase of farmers’ income and a “Breaking Point” of ecological agriculture construction. Pollution produced by traditional planting and breeding has been decreased through setting up the procreative mode of “Pig-Marsh gas-


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Fruit (fish and vegetable)”. This mode benefits to improve soil fertility, advance the farm produce yield of non-social pollution and develop a new way of ecological agriculture construction.

(2) Protect ecological environment

In mountains area, farmers mainly use firewood. According to the statistic data of Zhong County of Chongqing City, the annual living energy in rural area converts to 0.32 million tons coal. There into, forest converts to 0.18 million tons coal, 56% of the total; crop straw converts to 0.102 million tons coal, 32% of the total. Almost 0.316 million tons firewood were burned every year in the whole county, equaling to the annual growth amount of 28 thousand hectare firewood. One 8m3 marsh gas pool could satisfy the demand of cooking and illuming for a rural family with three or four persons. 2.25 tons firewood could be saved every year. It equals to the annual forest cumulation amount of 0.2 hectare firewood or 0.4 hectare forest.

The ecological homestead, which takes marsh gas as the tache, could decrease resource waste caused by shortage of rural energy sources and illogicality of energy structures. Forest could be effectively protected to confirm returning farmland to forest. In the area where the project has been carried out, vegetation protection and afforestation have been obviously improved.

(3) Improve living quality of farmers and advance rural social civilization

The ecological homestead construction, in which marsh gas will be mainly developed, could change the traditional living ways of farmers and rural visage. By developing marsh gas, it will improve farmers’ living condition and quality. Garbage of farmers’ production and living will be realized usage of resource. In some demonstration villages of ecological homestead, the places are so clean that it is difficult to find mosquito and fly. Dejecta of human and livestock goes into pools in time. That destroyed the breeding ground of mosquito and fly. So the rural public sanitation environment was greatly improved and the spread of disease was decreased. By using clean fuel, woman could be extricated from hard labor. CFFP

According to the investigation on the project counties, which firstly carried out conversion of farmland to forest in the whole country, obvious effects have been achieved in the past five years after the implementation of the project. Serious soil loss and sandy land has been got primary control in the project area. Farmers got benefits and their income increased. At the same time, it advanced reasonable adjustment of landuse structures. So the implementation of the project will have long affects on social-economic development and people’s living in the project area. By vigorously cultivating forest and improving ecological environment, it will provide important guarantee of improving production condition, living level and quality. The following is to explain the implementation effects of CFFP through the case of Guizhou Province.

According to the monitoring and assessing implementation plan of integrated benefits for returning farmland to forest in Guizhou Province, 10 counties like Majiang, Liping, Tongren, Kaiyang, Qianxi, Guanling, Longli, Wangmo, Xishui, Shui City, etc. chosen from the 86 project counties are as the monitoring and asseessing network counties for the project. After three years’ consecutive monitoring and analysis, the results show that the ecological benefits of returning farmland to forest have appeared. Average soil erosion module decreased 76% from 3121.2t/(km2·a) to 761.7t/(km2·a) in 2003. Annual soil erosion amount


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decreased 78% with 25.5t reduction per hectare every year. From 2000 to 2003, 57.3 thousand hectares area have been finished returning farmland to forest in the 10 monitoring counties with annual soil erosion amount decreasing 1481 thousand t/a from 1904 thousand t/a to 423 thousand t/a in 2003. For the slopelands with slope above 25°, annual soil erosion amount decreased obviously, accounting 74% of the total. The earth’s surface vegetation species in the project areas have increased to 60 from simple crop structure, which existed before implementing the project. Herbage vegetation like gramineae, feverfew, etc. increased obviously. The renewal speed of vegetation coverage degree and biological multiformity is fast. ((All data are extracted from “Elementary appearance of biological benefits for the project of returning farmland to forest in Guizhou Province” of the references as 【526】.)

2.6.3 Implementing Experience of Similar Project

Many feasible successful experience and management methods on the soil loss control from KPWSC, LPP, KPEHP and CFFP were summarized, shown in Table 2-10 and Table 2-11.

2.6.4 Identification and Analysis of the Project

The project is more similar to KPWSC and LPP in the composing and the analysis, which also involves contents of KPEHP. Three of them all stress the soil loss and reduction of sediment, having the slope farmland and basic farmland construction as the foundation and having the small watershed as cell, carrying out the sheet control. In the composing of the project, the earth terrace, small project for the water and soil conservation, forestry and grass, closure are all the common items, energy construction (biogas and wood saving oven) is a powerful measure to solve the energy sources problem and consolidate the production of conceding the land to forestry. Technology support was successfully carried out in LPP, so it has been ranked an important composing in the project. The contrast analysis between KPWSC and LPP is shown in Table 2-12.

KPWSC have been carried out in the project area for several years, and each county has accumulated much successful experience and management method, which can be use for the project. LPP is a large project for the water and soil conservation, which is firstly carried out by our government using the international finance institute loan. It impels the water and soil conservation work of the yellow river in a bran-new pattern. It was the former preparation firstly carried out according to the capital construction process, set up a mature item organization leader and implementing management system, introduce the yield an account system and offer a good references in the item organization management and fund management for the project.

Moreover, presently, the Agricultural Comprehensive Development Item (MA), the ecology homestead project for the richness of the people (MA), the ecology Self- recovery project for the water and soil conservation. (MWR), Wildwood Protected Project (SFB) and Conversion of Farmland to Forest Project (SFB) all have a tightly relationship with the item in the project area besides KPWSC. The project should be linked up to the other items in process of the implementation of the project and attain the purpose of improving the eco-environment and controlling the soil loss.

Whereas the intercommunity between the project and other similar projects and relative experices of other similar projects, it will achieve the similar effects after the imiplementation of the project.


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Table 2-10 Experience from KPWSC and LPP

Number Project KPWSC LPP

1Support from

the government

Carried out strict object responsibility system and strengthened check responsibility system in to leaders their term.

1.)The correlative departments such as SPC, MF and MWR, offered great supports in establishing of project, signing the contract, setting up of special account, the fund expense and the raise of domestic attached fund.2)All levels governments in the project area placed the implementation of the project on the agenda and offered effective assurances for the success of the project.


and management

The project county founded the leading group of KPWSC, whose header was the subprefect and whose members were principals of water conservancy department and relative departments. Closed the Agricultural Comprehensive Development Item (MA), KPWSC (SFB), Project of conceding the land to forestry (SFB) to the watershed of KPWSC plan. Enhanced the controlling comprehensive degree, offseted the short of fund.

1)The leader groups, technology committees and project offices were founded in the central and provincial governments to answer for the decision-making for major issues, technology consultation and management .2.)The project offices of all level presided over the plan, arrangement, technology, organization and management, checkup and acceptance, the use of the fund and the routine of the project implement.

3 Finance management

Project county established a detail fund management system for KPWSC, trained the finance personnel of the villages and towns, embody to person, set up special account for the project, made sure the fund to be used in the soil loss control.

Each province set down a set of method and regulations on finance management and the use of the fund according to the correlative state regulations and the demand of WB, and the Normalizing and systemic management to the implementation of project was carried out, plugging up the hole and nipping in the bud.

4 Public participations

extensively propagandized relative law and regulation such as 《the water and soil conservation law of PCR》,《the forestry law of PCR》,《the regulation for the river management of PCR》 in the project area, enhanced public opinion and made the local people control the soil loss voluntarily and positively, actively appealed to renovate the soil loss completely and rebuilded a benign eco-environment.

The project stressed the consultation of the farmer’ idea and absorbed their requirement and advice in the plan and implementation and let the farmer take part in the project. The farmers participated not only in the planning, but also in the construction, checkup and acceptance of the control measure. The censor would be valid until the farmers have censored and signed. By this means, the farmer’ benefit was ensured to most degree and the participation of the farmer was greatly enhanced.


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Table 2-11 Experience from KPEHP and CFFP

No. Project KPEHP CFFP

1 Government Support

Persist in carrying out responsibility system; contract responsibility certificate; make clear award and punishment.

 Carry out goal, tasks, capital, food and responsibility unto the provinces; The project is taken charge by the provincial government; every provincial government carries out the construction goal and responsibility layer upon layer, and contract responsibility certificate, and seriously inspects and checks.


and Management

Persist in planning as a whole and bundling relative projects together; centralize limited human resources, material resources, financial, resources, etc. and actively carry out the plan; combine “Kulak Plan of Ecological Homestead” with poverty supporting, rural energy sources development, forest development, water conservancy construction, traffic work, changing rural water supplying and toilet, agricultural integrated development, small towns construction, etc.; ensure integrated benefits of the project.

Provide subsidy of seedling planting and afforestation to the farmers of returning farmland; derate agricultural tax of retruning farmland to forest; carry out ecological emigration.

3 Quality Management

Make training, checking and attestation on the professional technology team; develop service network, make counties having service stations, villages having service points; increase the strength of propagandism and training on marsh gas users.

Carry out scheming system of bid inviting and bid to ensure the quality; carry out stockking and cultivating seedling publicly to ensure the seedling quality.

4 Public Participation

Propagandize the advantages of building marsh gas pools to farmers through broadcast, TV, newspapers, catchline and documents; In order to affect farmers’ enthusiasm of building marsh gas pools, organize cadres of villages to visit the demonstration villages of ecological homestead. 

Propagandize important signification and policy measures widely to fully launch crowd through broadcast, TV, newspapers, catchline, sign, etc.; create nice consensus atmosphere for the favoring implementation of the project.

2.7 Summary and conclusion

This chapter briefly introduces background, composing, layout and construction schemes, economic analysis, management of the project as well as experiences of finished and on-going projects. The figures of the project regions have been done (shown in Figure 1.1-1 and Figure 1.2-1).

(1) Project composingThe project includes three parts: commonweal water and soil conservation projects, water and soil conservation project for individual benefit and improving living,


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technical supporting.Table 2-12 Contrast between KPWSC and LPP

NO Project

Four provinces water and

soil conservation

project loaned from

the WB


AControl of

slope farmland

1 Earth terrace √ √ √

2 Keep soil cultivation √ √


Project for water

sediment retention

√ √ √


Forestation and increase

of the overlay of vegetation

1 Arbor √ √ √ √2 Shrub √ √ √ √3 Grass √ √ √ √4 Closure √ √ √ √

5 Center nursery √ √ √

D Road infrastructure √ √ √

EDomestic animals breeding

F Energy porject1 Biogas √ √2 Wood saving

oven √ √

G Technical support

1 Special research √ √

2 Technology training √ √ √ √

3 Project monitoring √ √ √

(2) Project layout

According to the features of water and soil erosion, the project regions could be


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partitioned into 5 soil loss zones. The allocation emphases of partitioned measures for soil loss could also be confirmed based on the characters of soil, climate and soil erosion (shown in Table 2-5). In addition, the EIA report introduces main construction methods of the project (shown in Table 2-6).

(3) Experiences of finished and on-going projects

Now 33 counties in the Changjiang River watershed were included in the regions of KPWSC. KPWSC had been also implemented in Xingyi, Xingren, Anlong and Pan Counties of the Pearl River watershed. There are integrated institutions of soil and water conservation with rich experiences of soil erosion control and management in the project regions. And publics have favorable skills and consciousness of participation. Except for KPWSC, some other projects related to WSCPYGEY have been carried out, including KPEHP by MA, Ecological Rehabilitation Plan of Water and Soil Conservation by MWR and Wildwood Protection Project, CFFP and Chang-fang Project by SFB, etc.

At the same time, LPP supported by the WB loan have acquired remarkably economic, social, ecological effects. A set of Templet Projects with high quality and effectivity for soil and water conservation were established. Some advanced technique and management were imported and many excelle nt managers were cultivated, which provided a lot of sufficient management modes.


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Policies and laws

3.1 Relation with China's Policies and Institution

3.1.1 Laws

FSR and EIS follow requirement of the "Constitution of the PRC", "Law on Environmental Protection of the PRC" and other relevant laws and regulations. The relation between the project and these relevant laws see Table 3.1-1.

3.1.2 Administrative Laws and Regulations

In order to guarantee the laws mentioned above are effective and implement in order, the professional administrative authority or the local government has issued a series of administrative regulations, include:

Ordinance on the Management of Environmental Protection in Construction Project [412], SC, 1998;

Regulations on environmental protection design for construction project [413], SPC, Environmental Protection Commission, 1987;

Guidance of Environmental Impact Assessment Technique [414], EPA, 1993;

Implementing regulations of water and soil conservation law in the PRC [415], SC, 1993;

Implementing regulations of the law on water pollution prevention of the PRC [416], EPA, 1989;

Implementing ordinances of the law on land management of the PRC [417], SC, 1998;

Implementing ordinances of the law on forest of the PRC [418], SC, 2000;

Ordinances on basic farmland protection [419];

Ordinances on natural reserve protection of the PRC [420], 1994.12;

Interim ordinances on scenic spot management [421], 1986.6;

Notice on strengthening management of EIA of the construction project loaned from international financing organizations [422], EPA, SPC, 1993.

The project implementation and preparation of EIs will follow above laws and regulations.

3.1.3 Environmental Policies

The policies affecting or involving the project area include those on environmental protection, sustainable development strategy, agricultural policy, land policy, forestry policy and return farmland into forest, etc. Their relations with the project see Table 3.1-2

3.1.4 Environment Standards

The standards listed as follow are followed as conducting EA, taking EPMs and preparing EMP:

The Standards on environmental quality of surface water GB3838-2002"[423]: The standards are divided into five classes according to the use and protection objectives of surface water areas. It regulates that the highest function class is used for the same water areas with many


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classes of functions concurrently; they can be divided by seasons for the function with seasonality.

The comprehensive discharge standard of sewage, GB8978-1996 [424]: The standard clearly regulates the principle that the comprehensive discharge standard and sector discharge standard do not carry out alternately, but the entity who can discharge according to the corresponding state sector standard. The standard, divided into three levels, regulates the effluence standards of different receiving water areas. This standard is suitable for "the discharge management of water pollutant of existing entity, and that of carrying out EIA or the environmental protection design, final acceptance and operation of the construction project."

The technical specification for comprehensive harnessing of water and soil conservation (GB/T 16453.1-16453.6-1996) [426]: The specification includes technologies of slope farmland control, wasteland control, gully control, small-scale storage and diversion works, sand blown control, and hillock collapse control.

The main species and seeds of trees for afforestation [427], (GB6000-85).


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Table 3.1-1 Relation among the project, EIS and China's laws and regulations

No. laws and regulations Main content Note

1 Constitution Article 26 regulates: "the state protects and improves life and ecological environment, prevents and controls pollution and other hazards." [401]

The project implement fully reflects regulation on protection and improvement of life environment and eco-environment of the state.

2 Law on Environmental Protection

Article 13 regulates: "EIs of the construction project must assesses EIs of the construction project, regulates preventive and control measure, and is pre-examined by the project authority and approved by the environmental protection authority according to legal procedure." [402]

It is considered in EIs of the project

3 Law on Environmental Impact Assessment

Article 16 regulates: "the state manages the EIA of construction project by class. Construction unit should organize and prepare EIs, tabular EIS or EI regiatation." [403]

The EIA of the project is carried out under the requirement of the Law.

4 Law on Water

Article 9 regulates: "the state protects water resource and takes effective measures to protect vegetation, plant tree and grass, conserve water source, protects and controls soil erosion and water pollution, and improves eco-environment." [404]

The project implement reflects spirit of ecological protection. EIs recommends countermeasures to potential water pollution.

5 Law on Soil and Water Conservation

Article 14 regulates:"prohibit reclaim or plant crop on the slope over 25 degree"; Article 22 regulates:"in hydraulic erosion zone, the whole planning and comprehensive control should carried out in the unit of a small basin formed by natural valley and slopes both sides, establishing a comprehensive system for preventing and managing soil erosion"; Article 23 regulates:"the state encourages agricultural collective economic organization or farmer of the soil erosion regions to control soil erosion, and gives some policy support on fund, energy, food and taxation that regulates by the State Council." [405]

The project implement reflects the spirit of soil erosion control of the law. Relevant regulation should be followed as the project implement.

6 Law on water pollution prevention

Article 38 regulates: "pesticide use must be compliance with the state regulations and standards on safe pesticide use. transferring and storing pesticide or disposing expired and abated pesticide must manage strictly to prevent water pollution"; Article 39 regulates: "the agricultural or other authorities of the people's government at county level or higher level should take measures to guide agricultural producer for rationally use fertilizer and pesticide so as to control their overcommit and prevent water pollution." [406]

The EA of the project analyses non-point source pollution produced by the project and recommends mitigative measures.


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Table 3.1-1 Relation among the project, EIS and China's laws and regulations

No. laws and regulations Main content Note

7 Law on land management

Article 34 regulates: "the state implements basic farmland protection system"; Article 35 regulates: "the people's governments at all level should take measures to maintain drainage and irrigation facilities, improve soil, increase land productivity, and prevent desertification, basification, soil erosion and land polluted." [407]

The project implements basic farmland construction through measures of transforming slope land into terrace and supplementary measure of water projects, which could improve soil erosion condition of the project area and soil performance, reflecting the requirement of the law.

8 Law on forestArticle 26 regulates: "the people's governments at all level should prepare afforestation plan and determine the objective to increase forest coverage of the region according to local condition." [408]

The project takes measures of forest grass vegetation build and closure and prohibit, which will improve forest coverage rate of some area effectively.

9 Law on wild animal protects

Article 26 regulates: "construction unit should submit EIs if the construction project has potential adverse impact on habitat of the state or local protected wild animal; the environmental protection authority should consult wild animal authority at the same level as approval." [409]

After the implementation of the project, the living environment of wild animal will get great improvement. EIs will recommend regional wild animal protective measures aimed at potential impact of the project.

10 Law on agriculture

Article 4 regulates: "the state takes measure to ensure the role of agriculture in providing food, industrial material and other agricultural product, maintaining and improving eco-environment, and promoting rural economic and social development." Article 59 regulates: "the people's governments at all level should take measure to enhance comprehensive harnessing of small basin, and prevent and control soil erosion." [410]

The project implementation reflects the spirit of improving agricultural ecological environment of the law, according with the regulations to strengthen comprehensive harnessing and control soil erosion of small basin.

11 Law on grassland

Article 31 regulates: "as for the grassland of degeneration, desertification, basification, stony desertification and soil erosion, the people's governments at all level should determine control area according to the plan of protection, construction and use of grassland, and implement special harnessing." Article 46 regulates: "prohibit reclaim grassland. The claimed grassland with serious soil erosion, desertification tendency and eco-environment improvement need should implement the system of prohibiting and temporary stopping herd." [410]

Greatly improve soil erosion current situation of the project area with the project implementation, which accords with the regulations on grassland protection of this law.


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Table 3.1-2 Analysis of the relation between the project and relating pplicies

N. Policies Main content Explanation


Basic national policy

—environmental protection

Strategic objective: resolve the environmental protection problem mostly so as to realize the benign cycle of natural ecology, the clean, beautiful and peaceful environment of urban life and production, and adaptability of the environmental condition all over the country to the development of national economy and improvement of people's material and cultural life.

Natural ecological condition of the project area is worsening due to infuence of soil erosion. The project implementation will improve existing soil erosion condition of the project area and realize the requirement of "realizing benign cycle of natural ecology" that is one of national plocies of China.


development strategy

Preparing economic and social development strategy should reflect the strategic thinking for sustainable development, mixing and imposing environmental protection to relating economic policies, index and tasks. The sustainable development concept becomes one of basic principles of China's development policies, which don't damage resources or developing ability that future generations need for living.

The existing development of the project is unsustaianable. Soil erosion results water and soil losses, meanwhile has adverse effects on ecology and economy, which affects adversely social production finally. The project implementation can treat some major restricts of sustanainable development and favors China's overall development objective.

3 Agricultural policies

China's agricultural policies changes greatly in recent years. China's WTO entry promots a fundamental change of its agriculture, that is, the focus on self-sufficiency autarky transforms into a various agricultural production driven by market. At the same time of the transformation, agricultural product is paid more attention to its quality than quantity; agricultural technology is relied on more and more; the green/organic production starts to be reconized, it is advocated for the production and sale pattern led by the leading enterprises, agricutural scientists or farmer leader.

The project supports the action of above policies through promotion of trainning and market information services so that the poor farmers who lack market experiences can take necessary selves-adjustment.

4 Land policies Now, the state land policies focus on the protection of farmer's property right. The new law of land contract has progress in this aspect.

The project supports this new policy and requires that farmer's any investment on land, e.g. build terrace, plant economic trees and forest, could be protected for 30-50 years by the land contract.

5 Foresttry policies

The state forestry policies change greatly in recent decades, which transform the permitting deforestation before into prohibiting it. The prohibiting deforestation policy has immediate benefit but has some disadvantages: 1) people who have cut forests for a livelihood are affected adversely; 2) make private investors loss economic driving force for afforestration and greatly decrease construction of new forests. The government has recognized the problem now. it is predicted that future forestry policy will permit sustainable use of forestry resource.

The state forestry policies has direct and strong effect on the project implementation.


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Table 3.1-2 Analysis of the relation between the project and relating ppliciesNo. Policies Main content Explanation


Policy on returning farmland toforest

It is a policy that government encourages farmers return their margin farland to trees and gives them reward subsidy during a period of 8 years. The policy has many negative effects though increased afforestation area. The most one is that some poor farmers worry their future living after subsidy period due to they lossed their farmland. The implementation scope of the policy reduces greatly last year due to the shortage of the policy and the fact of rapidly drop of the state grain output.

Plan of returning farmland toforest could affect the project.


management policy

The state grassland manaement prohibits graze on grassland and shrubs of many serious erosion regions.

Many project counties of the project will follow the policy. Many areas implement the closed off and prohibition control beacuse it needs a few investment for good vegetation rehabilitation and the funds can be used effectively compensate farmers for their other effective economic activities.

8 Desertification control policy

Rocky desertification is a irreversible process. China, as a sign country of the global convention on prevention of desertification, commits further prevent development of its desertification process.

The rocky desertification on slope is progessing rapidly in many project counties of the project. The project implementation will favor to prevent desertification process there and help the effort of goverment greatly.

9 Poverty relief policy

Over the past 20 years, the quantity of the absolute population below the poverty line of China has been reduced greatly, but still there is numerous population below the poverty line who mostly live in the remote area and belong to the minority or disabled. It is very difficult for them to get material benefit. So, the poverty relief policy of the government classes the beneficial object, from appointed the poor county originally to poor township, poor village and poor family into the target supported now.

In the county of the project area, there are a lot of people below the poverty line. Through build demonstration pilot, the project let residents know how to visit to improve their poor and backward condition, supporting the poverty relief policy of the country greatly. The way if make well is reasonable and feasible, but it is an exception. Most investment for poverty relief should be used in the remote villages and small towns.

10 Urbanization policy

Over the past 20 years, the proportion of agricultural people in China have been reduced greatly (from about 70% to 50%), and one of the key development policies of the country is to continue encouraging population to shift from the rural-agriculture to the urban-industry and services.

The project implementation environment is rural region where trend earning non-agricultural income. The implementation of the project can play a supporting role to the long-term urbanization policy, which can increase farmers' income, making their future generation have a chance to receive an education, make them get more resources, and become urban population. At the same time,


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those still living in countryside will improve their living standard.

Table 3.1-2 Analysis of the relation between the project and relating pplicies

No. Policies Main content Explanation


Integrated basin

management policy

The policy is becoming one of the state policies and is the fundamental point of the project, which requires a close cooperation among sectors (management departments in charge of water resources, forestry, agriculture, animal husbandry, planning, finance, etc.) in order to realize the common purpose.

Project will promote the implementation of the policy through strengthen interdepartmental coordination further.


Policy on farmer,

countryside and agriculture

For many years, the problem on farmer, countryside and agriculture has been paid close attention to by the country all the time. The country has issued a series of policies of supporting agriculture in succession in recent years. For example, the country has arranged subsidy for improved seeds, subsidy for purchasing farm machinery and tool, agricultural tax bite, and cancelled the local product tax etc. in 28 provinces of the country, in order to promote the increasing farmers' income, the increasing production, and improving agricultural efficiency. [526]

Implementation of the project will support the state policy on farmer, countryside and agriculture, increase farmers' income and improve agricultural efficiency.


Plan for enriching

farmers by ecological measures

In order to change farmers' poor current situation, the project of building ecological homestead and enriching people has been implemented in the countrywide progressively since 2000, including political and technological aspects: The governments at all levels take measures to lead farmers to arrange their production and live by the mode of ecological home; The rural renewable energy technology and courtyard ecological agricultural technology are optimized, assembled, integrated and matched.

Build such auxiliary facilities as livestock barn, fruit storehouse and marsh gas pool is to apply ecologic economic principle in agricultural production in this project, which is compliance with the technological pattern of the plan for enriching farmers by ecological measures, i.e. transfer farmers' traditional production mode by the project of enriching farmers through courtyard ecological and economic measures. It favors to improve comprehensive use efficiency of resources and increase of farmers' income.


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3.2 Relations with relevant plannings

3.2.1 Adaptability to the State Planning of Eco-environment Construction

Ecological environment, one of basic conditions for human survival and development, is the restriction factor of economic and social development. It is one of the basic policies as China's modernization construction to protect and build ecological environment well, realizing sustainable development. The overall objective of the State planning of the ecological environment construction is: “…Vigorously plant trees and grass, control soil erosion, prevent and control desertification, build ecological agriculture, improve working and living condition, strengthen comprehensive harnessing, and complete some projects having significant influence for improving national ecological environment, so that turn back the worsening tendency of eco-environment. Strive to basically control any soil erosion area of China where could be controlled in middle period of next century, plant tree or grass in any area where is suitable for afforestation, rehabilitate grassland from basification, desertification and deterioration basically, and set up a preventive monitoring and protective system of eco-environment, so as to obviously improve eco-environment in most areas, becoming China with beautiful landscape basically."

The project proposes setting up a comprehensive defending system of soil erosion, which a sustainable rural development pattern could be formed through measures of basic farmland construction, afforestration and closure or prohibition control, rural infrastructure construction, and energy renewal. As a result, over 80% of soil erosion area of the project area could be under control, over 80% of the area where is suitable for tree or grass could be afforested, the deserted mountain and barren hill could be all afforested, the forest land with irrational structure could be improved, the coverage rate of vegetation could be raised notably, local farmers' production and living conditions could be improved, and the ecological environment presents benign cycle initially. It is consistent with the overall objective of the planning of the state ecological environment construction.

In addition, 38 counties selected by the project from Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Hubei are key soil erosion control areas listed in the State Planning of Eco-environment Construction, in which most locate in the upstream areas of the Yangtze River. It accords with the planned control objective near future (2010), that is, "make an initial success with harnessing those key soil erosion areas in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River with very inferior eco-environment and other serious desertificated areas. ……Build a batch of demonstration projects of water and soil conservation, water-saving irrigation, dry farming and ecological agriculture in the key regions." Therefore, the project implementation is a practice of the Planning and is in harmony with it.

3.2.2 Adaptability to the Local Overall Plan of Land Use

Overall plan of land use is a basic plan for the preparation of plans of water and soil conservation, agriculture, and forestry. Though the difference exists in such aspects as geographical condition, area, population and economy development level among provinces and city related to the project, there are following common problems on land use in the project areas: 1) The land per capita is small in quantity, cultivated land is inferior in quality and reserve of resource is insufficient; 2) The cultivated land


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is reducing constantly, the conflict of land use is conspicuous; 3) Soil erosion is large in area, and land deterioration and damage is serious; 4)The land use structure is unreasonable, e.g. the cultivated area is too large while the area of forest and grass is small. The overall plan of land use of every province or city, therefore, is prepared under the guidance, that is, "must insist on the basic national policy of treasuring land very much, using land rationally and protecting cultivated land in practice all the time, deal with the relation of economic development, cultivated land protection and of ecological environment construction correctly, insist the policy of development and saving of land resource simultaneously, and saving the first, develop in protecting, protect in developing, promote intensive use and optimal configuration of land resource; Under the prerequisite of protecting and improving eco-environment, create condition actively, strengthen land clearing and reclaim further, develop reserve land resource appropriately, and ensure sustainable development of society and economy." Under this guidance, these plans adjust land use structure on the basis of protecting cultivated land and basic farmland, which increase garden area, expand forestland and properly increase grass area. The adjusting index of every kind of land use is proposed on the basis of considering all relevant factors.

Every province or city has proposed strengthening guidance, and regulation and control of land use by type further according to different regional characteristics. The content about the project area is as follows:

Yunnan Province: The northwest region should strengthen the protection and construction of forest and grassland, return the cultivated land on steep slope back into forest or grass land in a planned way, arrange land for traffic and energy construction rationally; The middle region should control the land for urban and rural construction strictly, protect cultivated land conscientiously, and strengthen deserted mountain afforestation and comprehensive basin harnessing.

Guizhou Province: The west and southwest regions should arrange land for agriculture, forestry and herd uses on the basis of local conditions, strengthen land clearing and reclamation of ground for industrial and mining discarding, enhance forest land protection, implement the closing mountain to facilitate afforestation and returning cultivated land into forest.

Hubei Province: The eastern and western mountain region should strengthen forest land protection and soil erosion control, return the cultivated land on steep slope into forest in a planned way, and develop and use mountain resources and water resource on the premise of eco-environment protection.

Chongqing city: Protect cultivated land strictly in the farming hills region, use land according to its planning, and accelerate the construction of cities and towns; Do well the adjustment of land use structure; Return the cultivated land on the steep slope more than 25 degrees back into forest step by step to increase coverage of forest and grass, prohibit destroying forest and opening up wasteland to plant grain. Protect basic farmland strictly in the farming and herding mountain region, protect and improve ecological environment, Return the cultivated land on the steep slope more than 25 degrees back into forest gradually; Arrange construction land for the communications and transportation and development of small city, centre market town and township enterprise according to planning strictly; Firmly prevent from land occupation or construction arbitrarily.

In FSR on ecological construction project of water and soil conservation of the four provinces and city, land use structure of the project area is adjusted on the basis of the


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overall plan of land use of every province or city, combined with the overall objective of harmonious sustainable development of the ecology, economy and the society of the project area, and according to the population, grain yield, rural economy development, energy demand and ecological construction objective at end of the project construction period. After adjustment, the agricultural land area in the project area drops to some extent while the basic farmland area increases certainly; the forest land area increases very much, the grassland area increases appropriately; the deserted mountain and barren hill reduce greatly, but water areas and nonproductive area seldom increase. The result of above adjustment accords with the overall plan of land use of every province or city, and the project puts the basic farmland construction of the project area in the first place and implements comprehensive harness of water and soil conservation on the basis of ensuring food security, which reflects the guidelines of land use planning of every province or city fully.

3.2.3 Adaptability to the Local Plans of Water and Soil Conservation

The plan of water and soil conservation of the four provinces and city is prepared on the basis of the plans of water and soil conservation of every province or city, which combines the soil erosion current situation and characteristic there. The planning carries out the water and soil conservation policy of "prevention first, full planning, comprehensive control, adjusting measures to local conditions, strengthening management, and focusing on benefit". The planning principles adopted are mainly 1) Comprehensive harnessing principle, that is, soil erosion control must carried out by unit of small basin, which takes measure according to existing local conditions of small basin, prevents by specific disaster, scientifically arranges structural measure, plantation measure and cultivation measure for soil protection, and comprehensively harness mountain, water, field, forest and road so as to form an integrated control system with high benefit; 2) The principle of combining management with protection and development with use, that is, on the premise of the ecological benefit first, insist on combining control with development and short-term interest with long-term interest, and comprehensively consider the ecological benefit, economic benefit and social benefit; 3)The principle of using land resource wisely, that is, rationally arrange land used for agriculture, forest and herd, cultivate land resource according to local ground conditions and production developing direction of the soil erosion area, combining with rural industrial structure adjustment, so as to realize sustainable development. Every province or city has proposed, in its planning, comprehensive control measures of long and middle term and their concrete area or quantity of every measure. Water authority of every county prepares its ecological construction plan for water and soil conservation in view of the above, and presents further measure to every measure.

FR of the project is based on the ecological construction plan for water and soil conservation of every province, city and counties of the project, which follows the guidelines and principles of the planning fully, implements integrated harnessing by unit of small basin, and considers improvement of productive and living conditions of farmers of the project area and increase of their economic income, so as to make control result more stable. Therefore, it is concrete embodiment of the planning. The implementation of the project and other ecological construction projects in the project area, such as "harnessing project of the Yangtze " and "harnessing project of the Pearl River", the planning objective could be realized.

3.2.4 Adaptability to the Local Plans of the Forestry Ecological


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The four provinces or city, in their forestry development plan in 2020, propose: implement the key forestry projects, promote ecological construction actively and make great efforts to realize the safety and civilization of ecology. Protect resources of wildwood, wild animals and plants, and wetland of reservoir area, improve existing forest quality constantly, and strengthen the protective function. Strengthen forest breeding greatly, increase the total amount of forest resource, improve the whole quality of ecology, and build forests for water source conservation, water and soil conservation, and public welfare in the area with fragile ecology. Optimize the structure of forestry constantly, quicken the development of forestry's industry, and realize the objective of "green mountains, rich people and prosperous trade".

The project takes measures of building the ecological forest for public welfare and closing mountain and prohibiting disafforestation, and rebuild some forest land with poor quality so as to increase total amount of forest resource, improve ecological quality and increase biological variety, which accord with the forestry development objectives of every province and city. After the project implemented, the area of forest land in the project area could be improved greatly, the forest coverage rate could rise from present 18.2% to 30%, and the forest grass coverage rate could increase from 30.8% to 47.8%, which play a positive role for the realization of forestry development objectives of every province or city.

3.2.5 Adaptability to Local Ecological Construction and Environmental Protection Plans

The ecological construction and environmental protection plans, prepared by the EPA of every province or city, are a comprehensive plan, involving in the department of environmental protection, forestry, agriculture, and water resource, etc. It follows the guidelines of insisting on people first, regarding ecological improvement and environmental protection as the major content of economic development and life quality improvement, taking advantage of the role of market mechanism, perfecting the regulation and policy as a guarantee, regarding institution innovation and scientific progress as driving force, regarding solving the problems of the key area and field as the breach, strengthening comprehensive coordination and guidance by types, and promoting sustainable development strategy in an all-round way. The plan proposes the protective objectives on forestry ecological construction, bio-diversity protection, agricultural eco-environment construction, grassland eco-environment construction, soil erosion control, and water environmental protection.

The project regards the comprehensive control of soil erosion and improvement of eco-environment, and the poverty relief and improvement of farmers' living standard of the project area as two parallel major objectives, which is compliance with above guidelines fully. The essence of the project is to promote sustainable use of environmental resources and reverse the trend of environment deterioration of the basin. The project, therefore, is an eco-environmental protection project with better adaptability to the environmental protection plan of every province or city.

3.2.6 Adaptability to Local Pasturage Industry Plans

The pasturage industry of the four provinces and city develops slower, which is in the farmer's raising period mostly, is the major source of farmer's income, and has not formed the pillar industry in national economy yet.


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The development plan of animal husbandry industry of Yunnan Province determines its industry development position as: Develop live pig production steadily and quicken development of the meadow animal husbandry that ecology is regarded equally important as economy and gives priority to the plant-eating domestic animals; Stress deep the processing and commodity rate of livestock product, make great efforts to develop to the modern animal husbandry industry. The plan determines its striving objective, that is, develop animal husbandry and relevant industries from rural pillar industry to provincial pillar industry of national economy, and develop Yunnan province as a state industry base of the "evergreen meadow industry animal husbandry base".

The meadow animal husbandry development objective of Hubei province is: Increase 100 million mu of the area of growing grass newly every year, increase two percentage points of the treatment and use ratio of crops straw by every year, and increase 5% , 10% and 15% separately of the production of cattle, sheep and milk cow by every year. Set up three major industrial belts of milk cow, sheep and cattle. Set up the industrial belt of high-quality milk cow and strive to make the milk output account for 90% of one of the whole province, which regards the cities of Wuhan, Yichang, Huanggang, Xianning, Shiyan, Xiangfan and Jing Zhou as the major region, and round the large and medium cities and leading enterprise. Set up the industrial belt of sheep and strive to make the mutton output account for 75% of one of the whole province, which regards the Han River, Qingjiang river basin and Dabiesan Mountain as the major region. Set up the quality cow industrial belt and strive to make the beef output account for 80% of one of the whole province, which regards 24 state-level demonstration counties and one demonstration zone for raising cows by straw as the major region.

The project, combining land use structural adjustment of the project area, will greatly promote the development of animal husbandry industry of the project area through growing artificial grassland in the area suitable for planting grass and offer the herb for the animal husbandry development of the project area while conserving water and soil. Project implementation not only brings the economic income to the farmers of the project area but also totally accord with the animal husbandry development objective of every province. For example, Hubei project area is located in both major industrial belt of milk cow and seep so that the raising domestic animal could be combined with local plan, providing a better technical support service and good market prospects for the project implementation.

3.3 Safeguard Policies of WB

The WB has implemented the environment and social policy more than 20 years. WB management explained the concept of the safeguard policy for the first time in 1997, in order to emphasize this kind of business policy being important for realizing the environmental and social goals of WB and business quality of the WB. At present, the WB has ten safety policies, including the environmental policies on EA, natural habitats, pest management, forests and safeguard of dams, the social policies on cultural property, involuntary resettlement and indigenous peoples, and the law-related policies of disputed areas and international waterways. The main purpose of these safeguard policies is to identify, prevent and mitigate the negative effects of the project on environment and the society as much as possible, promote considerations of environment and society in the decision-making process, and protect the prestige of the borrowing country and the WB.


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The project only involves the social polisies of indigenous peoples that is in charge of the social assessment panel. The main content is how EIs of the project follows the WB's environmental policies.

The WB's EA operational policies, (OP4.01) [502]

EIs of the project are carried out compliance with requirement of WB fully. At first, EIs of the project are screened compliance with the requirement of classification of WB's EA projects, according to class, site, sensitivity and size of proposal project and nature and extent of its potential EIs. The project is a category B project. Then, the Project Conceptual Document is prepared.

The EA panel considers WB's requirement on EA content during EA period. The panel not only assesses potential environmental risk and impact of the area affected by the project, but also analyses alternatives of the project, determines relevant measures for preventing, mitigating, controlling or compensating negative effects and enlarging positive effects. The public consultation investigation is carried out after environmental screening and draft EIS are finished, which determines disclosure manner and implementing method. Finally, the EMP of the project is prepared.

Environmental assessment of pest management, OP4.09 [504]

A pest management panel set up according to the requirement of the WB's EA operational policy on the pest management. The panel carries out the consultant and coordination with pest management departments and prepares the PMP. The result of the PMP is listed in Chapter 6.3.1 of the EA report of the project.

Safety of dams, OP4.37 [507]

The project will build some weir, silt retention dam, valley dam and storage pond, which are small dams regulated by the WB. The diversion irrigation project of the project will revolve in some operating reservoirs. The dams revolved have prepared their dam safety reports, including dam safety plan, safety assessment and safety measures, which meets the requirements of the WB's dam safety policies. In order to mitigate EIs of the silt retention facilities construction, the EA report presents the siting standards in Chapter 5.2.2.

Forests, OP4.36 [509]

The project area, located in where the forest resource is destroyed seriously, does not involve in wildwood resources. The measures taken by the project include afforestation, vegetation coverage increase and others, which do not result significant conversion or degradation of wildwood and relating, and can promote forest biovariety of the project area. It is discussed detailed in Chapter 6.2.2 of the EA report that analyses the biological risk as a result of introducing exotic species by the wildwood project. The potential effects of the project on local residents' lives quality/right will be described in the social assessment report specially.

Natural habitats, OP4.04 [510]

To ensure the screened small basin control project no significant conversion to natural habitats or not in the protection zone and natural habitat, a preliminary screen is carried out according to the "Natural habitats" of the WB's policy (OP/BP4. 04). Chapter 5.2.1 of the EA report presents the small basin screening principle and Chapter 6.3.3 discusses the relation between the project and natural habitats detailed.


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3.4 Summary and Conclusions

Chapter 3 includes following parts:

Relation with domestic systems and policies: briefly address how FSR of the project and this report follow laws and regulations and standards issued by China's Government, analyze the affected or related policies and management framework in the project area, involving environmental protection, sustainable development strategy, forestry, returning farmland to forestry, management of land and grassland, desertification control, poverty relief, urbanization and integrated basin management, etc., and explain how they restrain from or help the project activities implemented.

Relation with relevant planning: explain the adaptability of the implementation of the project to the comprehensive and professional plans, involving in ecological construction, water and soil conservation, land use, forestry ecological construction, ecological construction and environmental protection, and animal husbandry industry, etc.

The WB's safeguard policies review: Introduce the information about the WB's safeguard policies followed as the EA of the project.


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Environmental Setting


The main contents of this chapter are to confirm the environmental study region affected by the project and divide the environmental setting into physical environment, socio-economic environment and existing primary environment problems to describe environmental setting and characters of every related province &city. All of that are according to the environmental background investigation and data collecting &analysis that was carried out by the EIA team, of the four provinces such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Hubei concerned in the project.

Introduction of the Changjiang and the Pearl Rivers

4.2.1 Changjiang River

The Changjiang River is the largest river in China. It originates from the northwest of the Geladandong Jokuls, which is the highest peak of the Tanggula Mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet altiplano with North Latitude of 33°28’ and East Longtitude of 91°08’. The headstream of glacier end is on the altitude of 5400m. Its main river flows through 10 provinces, cities and municipalities like Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Chen, E, Xiang, Gan, Wan, Su, Hu, etc. and infuses into Dong Sea to the east of Chongming Island, while its branches flows through 8 provinces and municipalities like Gan, Shan, Qian, Yu, Zhe, Gui, Min, Yue, etc. The whole length of the main river is about 6300km with an area of about 1.8million km2 (The area of each province in the Changjiang River basin is shown in Figure 4.2-1.). Most of the river basin is located in subtropical monsoon climate zones. The climate is warm and average annual precipitation is 1100mm. Average annual water amount flowing into the sea is nearly 1000 billion m3, accounting for 36% of the total river runoff in China and occupys the third largest in the world (All of the data in this section are extracted from the website of Changjiang Water Resources【530】.)

Figure 4.2-1 Area of each province in the Changjiang River

Water systems in the Changjiang River basin are complex with thousands of branches. There have 49 branches, which have the basin area above 10 thousand square kilometers. And the


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basin area of the four largest branches like Jialing River, Han River, Min River and Yaxi River are all above 100 thousand square kilometers (An introduction of the main branches in the Changjiang River is shown in Table 4.2-1.).

Table 4.2-1 Introduction on the Changjiang River

RiverLength Area Average annual runoff Annual runoff

(km) (km2) (m3/s) (108m3)Yaxi River 1571 128444 1810 571Dadu River 1155 90700 1570 495Min River 735 135000 2850 877

Jialing River 1120 160000 2120 710Wu River 1037 87920 1650 508

Ruan River 1022 89163 2170 667Xiang River 844 94660 2370 653Han River 1577 159000 1710 511Gan River 751 83500 2130 675

Note: The data are extracted from the website of Changjiang Water Resources.

The middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River are the most concentrative area of freshwater lakes in China. There have Boyang Lake, Dongting Lake, Big Lake, Chao Lake, etc. Its irrigation area is about 146.7 thousand km2, occupying 30% of the total in China. Water energy resources in the whole basin are very abundant with a potential developing energy of 0.197billion kW and annual generating electricity of 1000billion kW·h. It is only inferior to Brazil (An introduction of water energy resources in the Changjiang River is shown in Table 4.2-2.).

Table 4.2-2 Introduction on water energy resources in the Changjiang River

BasinInstalling machine

capability (10 thousand kW)

Annual generating electricity (0.1 billion

kW·h)Electricity proportion

Total basin 19724 10275 100Main river 9066 4723 46.0

Thereinto: upwards Yibing 5891 3234 31.5

Yibing to Yichang 3174 1489 14.5Branches 10658 5552 54.0

Thereinto: upwards Yibing 3000 1807 17.6

Yibing to Yichang 5010 2614 25.4Afterwards Yichang 2649 1131 11.0

Note: The data are extracted from the website of Changjiang Water Resources.

At present, Gezhou Dam has been built in the Changjiang River with an installing machine capability of 2.715 million kW. Water conservancy of the Three Gorge Project, which is under construction, will have an installing machine capability of 18.2 million kW, occupying the first all over the world.

Almost 0.4billion people are living in the river basin, accounting for 1/3 of the whole state. The population of farmers is about 0.32billion. Han nationality is occupying 94%. There have more than 50 minorities with 20million people. In these minorities, the population of


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six nationalities like Tujia, Miao, Yi, Dong, Tibet and Hui is above 1 million. Most of them are living in Yunnan-Guizhou Altiplano, Qinghai-Tibet Altiplano, West Sichuan, West Hunan and West Hubei.

4.2.2 Pearl River

The Pearl River is one of the largest rivers in China. It spans seven provinces like Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, etc. The total area is about 0.4421 million km2 in China and 0.011million km2 in Vietnam. The basin locates in subtropical zones with the tropic of cancer traversing the central part. It belongs to tropical and subtropical climate of wet hot and rainy area. The features of four seasons are: continuous overcast and rainy days in spring; high temperature and wet hot in summer with concentrative rainstorm; frequent typhoon in autumn; seldom frost in winter with sparse rainfall. Average temperature of most area is between 14 oC and 22oC. Average annual precipitation is varying from 1200mm to 2200mm (All the data of this section are extracted from the website of Pearl River Resources【531】.).

Four water systems like Xi River, North River, East River and all rivers around the Pearl River delta compose the Pearl River (An Introduction of the main rivers and branches of the Pearl River are shown in Table 4.2-3. Subarea in the Pearl River is shown in Figure 4.2-2.). Xi River makes up of South Pan River, Redwater River, Qian River and XunRiver with the main branches of North Pan River, Liu River, Yu River, Gui River and He River. The main branches for North River are Wu River, Lian River, Tuo River, etc. and for East River are Xinfeng River, Xizhi River, etc. The two rivers of North and West make confluence and flows into the Pearl River delta in Sixian Vault of Sanshui City, Guangdong Province while the East River in Shilong Town of Dongwan City, Guangdong Province. Then the rivers infusing the South Sea from eight seaprots like Tiger, Jiao, Hongqi, Heng, Modao, Jidi, Tiger jumping and Cliff Gates. This structures the particular water systems’ features of “Confluence of three rivers and distributary of eight seaports”.

Table 4.2-3 Introduction on the main rivers and branches of the Pearl River

River Area (10 thousandkm2) Length (km)

Main Rivers of the Xi River upwards SixianVault 35.5 2074

Branches of the Xi River

North Pan River 2.58 327Liu River 5.72 773.3Yu River 8.68 1179

Gui River 1.93 426He River 1.15 344

North River upwards Sanshui 4.67 468Main Rivers of the East River (Including the

delta) 3.32 523

Delta of the Northwest River 1.76 141 Note: The data are extracted from the website of Pearl River Resources. 【531】

The total average annual runoff in the basin is 336 billion m3. Apportioned to every person, it is 4700 m3, which equals to 1.7 times of the state average. Average annual sediment in the Pearl River is the smallest in the largest rivers of China with only 0.126~0.334kg/m3.


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Figure 4.2-2 Subarea of the Pearl River

The total area of land resource in the Pearl River is 442 thousand km2 with farmland of 48 thousand km2 and forestland of 126 thousand km2. Farmland ratio is below the state average. Every person only possesses farmland of 0.006 km2, accounting for 60% of the state average.

There have built 9002 reserviors of many kinds with the total store capacity of 49 billion m3, and 20513km dikes. The total installing machine capacity of water and electricity stations built is 9.5 million kW, accounting for 34.3% of the potential developing electricity. At present, annual water supplying of the water conservancy projects is 56.4 billion m3, which is 12% of the total amount of water resources in the river. The degree of water conservancy reaches 67% with an irrigation area of 2.82 million ha. The area of soil and water conservancy is about 23 thousand km2, accounting for 43.4% of the total.

The Pearl River is one of the regions in China where there have many minorities. The main nationalities here are Han, Zhuang, Miao, Buyi, etc. In the minorities, the population of Zhuang Nationality is the highest, then Miao Nationality.

Environmental Study Area (Project Affected Area)

All together the project affected area are including 37 counties, cities &districts of Yunnan Province, Guizhou Province, Chongqing Province and Hubei Province as shown in Figure 1.2-1 &1.2-2. The total project affected area is 6905.05 km2 as shown in Table 4.3-1 with 6332.4 km2 land area of 248 small river basins in 33 counties of the Changjiang River Basin and 572.65 km2 land area of 26 small river basins in 4 counties of the Pearl River Basin. So the environmental study area of the project is decided to be the above 37 counties, cities &districts and related regions. According to the characters of the project EIs, the study area can be sub-divided into the project region, the project county and the lower reach.

4.3.1 Project Region

The project regions are the area composed by the 274 small river basins that are affected by the project.


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4.3.2 Project County

The project counties as shown in Figure 4.3-1~4 are the area composed by the 37 counties, which are affected by the project.

Table 4.3-1 Area Affected by the Project

Province &City

Region, City &Canton County, City &District River Basin

Belonging Amount

YunnanChuxiong Muding, Yuanmou, Yaoan,

DayaoThe Changjiang

River 8Shaotong Weixin, Zhenxiong, Qiaojia,

YongshanThe Changjiang



BijieWeining, Hezhang, Nayong, Jinsha, Zhijin, Bijie, Dafang,

West Qian

The Changjiang River

12Liupanshui Pan County The Pearl RiverSouth-west

Qian Anlong, Xingyi, Xingren The Pearl River


Wanzhou, Puling, Qianjiang, Yubei, Jiangjin, Hechuan,

Yongchuan, Rongchang, Wuxi, Kaixian, Changshou

The Changjiang River 11


Yichang Yiling District, Changyang The Changjiang River

6Enshi Lichuang The Changjiang River

Huanggang Hongan, Macheng, Xishui The Changjiang River

4.3.3 Lower Reach

The lower reaches are the infall estuary regions where the project affected rivers join into higher branches and their lower reaches’ controlled reservoirs. They are described as following:

The project regions of Yunnan Province are located in the Changjiang River basin. There have the Longchuan River (including two branches of the Qingling River and the Daguyan River) and the Yupao River in the four counties of Dayao, Yaoan, Muding and Yuanmou that are belonging to Chuxiong Canton. Their lower reaches are the estuary regions that the rivers join into the Jinsha River. Qiaojia and Yongshan Counties in Shaotong are located beside the Jinsha River. Its lower reaches starts from the involved branches to the estuary that the branches join into the Jinsha River. Zhenxiong County is located in the upper reaches of the Wujiang River. Its lower reaches starts from the Liuchong River to the Wujiangdu Reservoir. Weixin County is located in the upper reaches of the Chishui River. Its lower reaches starts from the Chishui River to the estuary of the Jinsha River.

The project regions of Guizhou Province also involve the two large river basins of the Changjiang River and the Pearl River. Thereinto, There are 8 counties &cities involved in the Wu River of the Changjiang River Basin. That is Weining, Hezhang, Nayong, Zhijin, Bijie, Dafang, West Qian and Jinshan. And the Southern &Northern Pan River of the Pearl River Basin involves 4 counties &cities like Xingyi, Xingren, Anlong and Pan. The 8 counties’ lower reach of the Changjiang River Basin is the Wujiangdu Reservoir of the Liuchong River, the Sancha River and the Yeji River flowing into the Wu River. The infall of


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the branches flowing into the Southern &Northern Pan River is the 4 counties’ lower reach of the Pearl River Basin.

The project regions of Hubei Province involve 6 counties &districts like Changyang, Hongan, Lichuan, Yiling, Macheng and Xishui with the Qing River, the Huangbai River, the Ju River, the Dao River and the Xi River inside. Thereinto, the lower reach of the Qing River is the Geheyan Reservoir. Lower reaches of the partial small river basins in Yiling District are belonging to the three gorges’ reservoir area. And lower reaches of other project counties are the infalls of the branches flowing into the Changjiang River.

The eleven project counties of Chongqing City are mostly located in the three gorges’ reservoir area. Their lower reaches involve the Wu River, the Jiangling River and the Xiao River of the three gorges’ project area as shown in Table 4.3-2.

Table 4.3-2 Environmental Study Area-Lower Reaches

Province &City Water System &River Lower Reaches

Yunan Province

Changjiang Water System: Longchuan River (Qingling River and Daguyan River), Yupao River and Chishui River-the first branches of the Jinsha River; Wujiang

River-the first branch of the Changjiang River

From the Longchuan River to the estuary;

From the Yupao River to the estuary;

From the second branch of the Wujiang River to Wujiangdu Reservoir;

From the Chishui River to the estuary

Pearl Water System: South Pan River-the first branchThe infall of the Qu River flowing into the South Pan


Guizhou Province

Changjiang Water System: Wu River (Liuchong River, Sancha River, Yeji River, Pianyan River, etc)-the first


From the second branch to the Wujiangdu Reservoir.

Pearl Water System: Southern &Northern Pan RiversThe infall of the branches flowing into the Southern

&Northern Pan Rivers.

Chongqing City

Changjiang Water System: Wu River, Jialing River, Puli River, Qian River, Hou River, Yinxi River, Pu River,

Jiulong River, Laixi River, Daning River, Dong River and Dayuxi River, etc-the first and second branches

The Three-gorge Reservoir and its first branches.

Hubei Province

Changjiang Water System: Qing River, Huangbo River, Ju River, Dao River and Xi River- the first branches

The Three-gorge Reservoir, the Geheyan Reservoir, and from the

lower reaches of the Dao River, the Ju River and the Xi River to the estuaries

Project Region of Yunnan Province

4.4.1 Physical Environment Geology and landform

As an altiplano montanic province, the total upland area of Yunan Province accounts for 80% of the total provincial land area. The relief in the project regions appears as that plateau, mountains, and small basins distribute alternated. 80% of the regions are middle mountains


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where the elevation is mostly among 1,000m~3,500m and hills where the elevation is mostly below 1, 000m, and the other 20% are basins. There are a great deal of cross ravines and fragmentized ground. A lot of sloping field and large grade is one important factor that causes soil erosion in the project regions.

The geotectonism in Chuxiong Canton is relatively more complex with changeful lithology and a large scope of active rupture distribution. Frequent earthquakes with high magnitude here affect the stability of mountains.Developing geotectonism, large scope of active rupture distribution, cracked terrane and loosen earth provide conditions to cause mountainous disasters such as coast and block gracier. Those phenomena mostly occur over the east part of Yuanmou County, Mixing of Yaoan County, Lianchang Village, Longgang Village, and other counties &districts. Climate and hydrology

(1) Climate

The regions are located in subtropical monsoon climate zones with the typical plateau climate features of dry winter and wet summer. There has no frost during the winter and no broil during the summer. The four seasons are not clear with the following features:

The annual temperature range is small while the daily one is large. Average annual temperature is 16.5 . ℃

Daily temperature degree accumulated for higher than 10 in one year is 4, 863 .℃ ℃ For sunshine hours in a year, it is as high as 2, 387h with a total radiation of 512.5


The annual and seasonal distributions of precipitation are uneven. Average annual precipitation is 854mm. Rainfall of flood seasons from July to September accounts for 56.0% of annual amount.

The main natural disasters are mainly cold, frost, hail, flood and drought.

The weather features of the project area are shown in Table 4.4-1. 【102】

(2) Hydrology

The main water system in the project region of the Chuxiong Canton is the Longchuanjiang River. Average annual runoff is 82.5394 million m3 and 132.78m3/s. The annual runoff changed very differently with the largest runoff of 99.0473 million m3 and the smallest runoff of 66.0316 million m3. The seasonal runoff distributes unevenly in a year. Normally the runoff from July to September is the largest that accounts for 65% of annual value. So that results in uneven distribution of annual and seasonal sand transported concentration correspondingly. Average annual sand transported modulus of the project region is 1,486t/km2.a. Water resource in the project region is mainly surface water. The average water resource possessed by farmland per Mu is lower than the average level of the whole province. And restricted by the land condition, pumping and irrigation instrument the usage of water resource is low and most regions here are heavily short of water. The actual measurement values of runoff and sand in the main rivers of the project area are shown in Table 4.4-2 and 4.4-3.

Table 4.4-1 Weather Features Values of the Project Area in Yunnan Province

Project Area Muding Yao’an Yuanmou Dayao


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Maximum in a year 34.2 26.7 39.1 33

Minimum in a year -7.3 0.4 -1.3 -6.1

Average 15.8 15.3 21.7 15.6

Annual precipitation


Highest 1334.7 960.1 961.3 1086.5Year 1998 1973 2001 1998

Lowest 611.8 507.3 287.4 612.3Year 1980 1960 1960 1988

Average annual 872 768 641 836

Precipitation from July to September

(mm)418 352 354 503

Accumulated temperature >=10 (℃) 4952 5458 7718 4974

Frost-free days (d) 292 226 362 233Annual sunlight hours (h) 2368 2488 2623 2472 SoilThere are 4 soil groups, nearly 14 subgroups, 24 soil categories, 59 soil species and 37 variations in the project regions. The distribution of red earth is most extensive with yellow brown earth, purple earth, and paddy soil also distributed widely. Red earth mainly distributes in warm and cool dam regions and coteaus with the elevation of 1, 690m~2, 400m. Yellow brown earth is belong to cold zone soil and mainly distributes in ridges and slope belts with the elevation of 2,400m. The precipitation in that area is relatively larger. Purple earth is lithology soil and distributed in region. Paddy soil mainly distributes in river valleys with much more soil types. Good water and fertility conditions bring high land productivity, where have high and stable yield fields concentrate for the whole project regions. Vegetation

Yunnan Province is one of the provinces in China, which have the most abundant vegetation types. According to “Yunnan Vegetation”, there are 12 vegetation groups, 169 biomes and 209 species in Yunnan Province. The vegetation coverage degree in the project region is 25.5% while most woodland is sparse tree and boscage. Woodland with canopy density less than 30% accounts for 36.1% of the total woodland area.

Vegetation types in the project regions are subtropical half-wet coniferous and broad- leaved mixed forest with everagreens and deciduous mixed. There also exist other vegetation types such as shrubbery of hot river valley, cold shrub sward, sparse sward, brushwood of slow slope and low hill, krummholz, etc. The types of virgin forest are various. Yunnan pine occupies the largest area, following by armond pine, Dianyou Cedar, white gourd in dryland, Dian poplar, Dian oak, etc. The main types of shrubbery are birchleaf pear, bureja gooseberry, scree etc. Types of planted forest include eucalyptus, willow, robust silk oak, etc.

There have fewer swards between woods and farmland in the project regions. The swards are seriously degenerating.Vegetations in swards are abundant, mainly including poaceae, leguminosae and composite. Planted grass is including whangee grass, ryegrass, etc.


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Table 4.4-2 Actual Measurement Values of Runoff in the Project Area

Province (City) Project Area River

Station Annual Runoff(10Thousand m3)

Runoff from July to September (10Thousand m3) Runoff(m3/s)

Runoff Modulus (m3/km2)

Oberserved Length(y


d Area(km2)Maximum in a year

Minimum in a year

AverageMaximum in a year

Minimum in a year

AverageMaximum in a year

Minimum in a year


Total 819.39 13853.45 9235.63 11544.54 9004.74 6003.16 7503.95 328.67 219.11 273.89 172322 40

Yunnan Province

Total of Cuxiong Canton 447.18 9904.73 6603.16 8253.94 6438.08 4292.05 5365.06 159.33 106.22 132.78 120617 45Subtotal of Muding County 149.50 2541.50 1694.33 2117.92 1651.98 1101.32 1376.65 142.05 94.70 118.38 141667 32

Hejiechong Longchuan Canton hydrologic station 31.85 573.30 382.20 477.75 372.65 248.43 310.54 176.82 117.88 147.35 150000 32

Fengle of Pu Village Longchuan Canton hydrologic station 29.40 529.20 352.80 441.00 343.98 229.32 286.65 152.88 101.92 127.40 150000 32

Mi Village Longchuan Canton hydrologic station 24.75 386.10 257.40 321.75 250.97 167.31 209.14 130.44 86.96 108.70 130000 32

Gao Ping Longchuan Canton hydrologic station 21.53 310.03 206.69 258.36 201.52 134.35 167.93 117.48 78.32 97.90 120000 32

Machang Longchuan Canton hydrologic station 14.04 235.87 157.25 196.56 153.32 102.21 127.76 94.92 63.28 79.10 140000 32

Beiting Longchuan Canton hydrologic station 27.93 536.26 357.50 446.88 348.57 232.38 290.47 179.76 119.84 149.80 160000 32

Subtotal of Yaoan County Yipao Disuo hydrologic station 242.08 1013.71 675.81 844.76 658.91 439.28 549.09 61.14 40.76 50.95 27917 56

Subtotal of Yuanmou County Longchuan

Cucumber garden hydrologic station 55.60 3577.30 2384.87 2981.09 2325.25 1550.17 1937.71 274.80 183.20 229.00 192266 47

Subtotal of Dayao County 28.00 5931.63 3954.42 4943.03 3855.56 2570.37 3212.97 200.40 133.60 167.00 337500 32


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Table 4.4-3 Actual Measurement Values of Sediment Amount in the Project Area

Province (City)

Project Area

StationAnnual Transporting Sediment(104t) Transporting Sediment from July to

September(104t) Sediment Amount(kg/m3) Transporting Sediment Module(t/

km2.a)Observed years


d Area(km2)Maximum Minimum

AverageMaximum Minimum

AverageMaximum Minimum

AverageAmountYearsAmountYears AmountYearsAmountYears AmountYearsAmountYears

Total 6138.26 377.16 200.87 289.02 170.6 141.85 156.23 152.51 46.074 99.3 2850

Yunnan Provinc


Total of Cuxiong Canton 5865.55 666.94 167.46 417.20 322.71 128.32 225.51 100.04 17.76 58.9 1486

Subtotal of Muding County 63.47 1.512 2.41 1.96 1.32 0.8 1.06 71.3 6.79 39.0 1726

Hejiechong Canton hydrologic station 12.65 0.33 98 0.41 80 0.37 0.25 98 0.15 80 0.2 13 98 0.99 80 7.0 1436 32

Fengle of Pu Village Canton hydrologic station 8.73 0.185 98 0.37 80 0.28 0.19 98 0.11 80 0.15 12.1 98 1 80 6.6 1044 32

Mi Village Canton hydrologic station 11.23 0.303 98 0.4 80 0.35 0.24 98 0.14 80 0.19 12 98 1.1 80 6.6 1521 32

Gao Ping Canton hydrologic station 8.11 0.1865 98 0.35 80 0.27 0.18 98 0.11 80 0.145 11.9 98 1.3 80 6.6 1207 32

Machang Canton hydrologic station 8.98 0.2005 98 0.41 80 0.31 0.2 98 0.13 80 0.165 12.2 98 1.4 80 6.8 3546 32

Beiting Canton hydrologic station 13.77 0.307 98 0.47 80 0.39 0.26 98 0.16 80 0.21 10.1 98 1 80 5.6 1602 32

Subtotal of Yaoan County Fengtun 242.08 92.162 29.05 89 60.61 46.8 86 18.72 93 32.76 19.95 98 7.98 80 14.0 2000 32

Subtotal of Yuanmou County Cucumber garden hydrologic station 5560 1767.3 136 59 951.64 920 74 108.8 93 514.4 8.79 98 2.99 80 5.9 732 47

Subtotal of Dayao County


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Complicated landform and variable climate conditions turn Yunnan Province into the “kingdom” of animals. Altogether there are 1,704 amniotes. In 257 wildlife under special state protection published in 1998, Yunnan has occupied 164. Among them, wildlife under the first class protection includes Dian golden monkey, gibbon, Asian elephant, green peafowl, etc and under the second-class protection includes stump-tailed macaque, zibet, etc.

Most wildlife under special state protection in Yunan Province is belonging to forest and tropic types. Their living and distribution are correlated with forest especially tropic forest. Normally they live in the natural protection regions. There have not carried out wildlife investigation for nearly 20 years in the project area. But only secondary vegetation and farmland leave with sparse trees. Wildlife here is mainly minitype animals like snake, rat, bird, squirrel, owl, etc. as the project regions destroyed by human activities for long periods.

4.4.2 Social Environment Social-economy

In 2004, the total population of regions was 305.7 thousands with the minorities’ population of 50.4 thousands. That is accounting for 16.5% of the total value. The minorities mainly are Yi, Bai, Hani, Zhuang, Dai, Miao, Miao, Lisu, Hui, Man, and Naxi nationalities. 【102】

Plantation is the key sector for rural economy of the regions ( The agricultural economy structure is shown in Figure 4.4-1.). The main grain crops are rice, horsebean, wheat, corn, soybean, etc. People here make a living mostly by plantation through cultivating large area land but with little harvest. Lagged agricultural ways result in lower agricultural productivity and low income. In 2004, farmers’ net income per capita was 928.6Yuan. Land use

The present land use structures of the regions are growing up during the long-time productive development process. The total land area is 1,435.40km2. Current land use is shown in Table 4.4-4 and Figure 4.4-2. 【102】

The problems of current land use in regions are as following:

Land resources reducing per capita and low farmland quality with short supporting resources

Unfeasible land use structures

Enough land developing extent with lacking depth and low intensive cultivation with poor output ratio

Serious soil erosion with soil &water pollution in large area and land quality decreasing


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Figure 4.4-1 Agricultural Economy Structure in Yunnan Province

Figure 4.4-2 Landuse in Yunnan Province


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Table 4.4-4 Land Use of the Project Regions in Yunnan Province unit: km2


ect r




al la

nd a

rea Cropland Forest land Grassland




te la



er la







y fie



e cr




0 ) Slope cropland





se a















Natural grasslan


Manual grasslan


Total 1557.87463.52103.31 90.84 13.22 256.15 684.77 397.39 267.80 19.58 49.89 42.25 7.64 24.65 232.68102.3

6Muding County 135.25 34.09 4.34 15.64 0.73 13.38 77.42 34.95 36.67 5.80 0.16 0.16 2.59 16.87 4.12

Yaoan County 211.19 35.15 8.91 21.66 1.16 3.42 124.27 89.33 33.47 1.47 0.32 0.32 3.56 36.92 10.97

Yuanmou County 234.95 64.82 15.78 36.63 12.42 107.87 34.49 68.53 4.85 10.77 10.77 5.50 38.43 7.56

Dayao County 146.62 19.17 4.00 9.85 0.18 5.14 116.33 60.18 54.39 1.76 1.10 1.10 1.24 5.35 3.42

WeixingCounty 276.37 139.48 22.63 2.55 6.74 107.56 128.71 94.56 31.90 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.68 0.00 6.50

Zhenxiong County 157.73 75.80 19.62 0.46 3.90 51.82 60.97 42.58 17.57 0.82 2.99 2.99 0.00 1.06 1.72 15.19

Qiaojia County 172.66 25.12 7.53 1.93 0.51 15.15 32.60 11.13 21.33 0.14 10.76 10.76 0.00 4.43 62.10 37.65

Yongshan County 223.10 69.89 20.50 2.13 47.26 36.60 30.17 3.94 2.49 23.79 17.25 6.54 4.59 71.29 16.94


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Table 4.4-5 Soil loss of the Project Regions in Yunnan Province

Project Region

Total land area (km2


Soil loss Among soil loss

Erosion modulus [t/(km2·a



m2 )




Slight loss Moderate loss Intense loss Very intense loss Severe loss



m2 )






m2 )






m2 )






m2 )






m2 )









639.5 144.51 18.1 44.81 5.6 0.51 0.1 3069.13

Muding County




31.5 32.87 46 14.91 20.9 1.15 1.6 3866.98

Yaoan County




44.6 36.92 49.2 4.58 6.1 3014.5

Yuanmou County





52.7 40.66 34.1 15.77 13.2 3187.63

Dayao County




84 8.89 13.3 1.79 2.7 1658.87





24.4 17.5 77.9 55.7 27.05 19.4 10.41 7.4 2455.35

Zhenxiong County




34.4 38.47 42.3 15.54 17.1 5.69 6.3 3249.71

Qiaojia County




27.6 24.77 25 19.14 19.3 27.3 27.6 0.51 0.5 4151.29

Yongshan County




25.7 55.18 40.5 45.74 33.6 0.26 0.2 2951.65


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According to the local terrain features, physical condition and land resources, land use structures are planned as 60% forest land, 20% ley, 10% cropland and 10% other lands in “Integrated agriculture Planning of Yunnan Province”. Due to the increasing demand of food supplies, steeper slope cropland is extensive and results in forest coverage degree decreasing. This causes serious soil erosion and greatly threatens the regional entironment. Soil erosion

Water erosion dominates soil erosion in the regions accompanied with gravity erosion and mixing erosion. It occupies 75% of the total soil erosion. The mainly type is kinds of sheet erosion with several shapes such as surface spattering erosion, layer sheet erosion, squama sheet erosion, grit sheet erosion, stria sheet erosion, shallow gully erosion, sheer gully erosion, gully erosion, flood erosion, etc.

The total area affected by soil loss is 669.56km2, accounting for 46.6% of the total land in the project regions. Soil loss status has been shown in Table 4.4-5 and Figure 4.4-3. 【102】

Figure 4.4-3 Soil loss status in Yunnan Province

4.4.3 Primary Environment Problems

(1) Serious harm from soil erosion

Soil loss is one of the most serious environment problems in the project regions. Heavy soil erosion could result in sediment increasing. If soil eroded from land enters rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and channels in downstream regions, it would make sediment built up in the water conservancy projects, resulting in worsening entironment and threatening safe in downstream areas. All this heavily restricts the national economy sustainability in the regions.

Increasing sediment in rivers, lakes and reservoirs: In the regions where soil loss is serious, soil eroded from land caused by flood enters rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and channels in downstream regions, resulting in benefit reduction and life span decrease of water conservancy projects. For example, up to now almost 500 thousand cube meters sediment has entered into the Chaershan Reservoir of Jiangchuan County. Its storage is obviously decreased. 【102】


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Decreasing crop production and restricting agricultural development: Surface nutrient of soil is lost because of vast soil loss. It causes the nutrient lost which crop developing needs like nitrogen, phosphorus, kalium, etc, with crop yield decreasing and slow vegetation growth. According to the investigation study of hot river valley in Yuanmou County located in upper reaches of the Changjiang River, the cooked surface soil loss of slope land is 0.50mm~0.96mm every year. The organic content of surface soil descends from 9.21~21.10g/kg of slight loss to 4.21~6.18g/kg of intense loss. 【102】

Restricting economic development and leading poverty: Serious soil loss is one of the important factors, which cause poverty in the regions. According to the statistic, 60 poverty counties are located in serious soil erosion regions, accounting for 82% of the total 73 poverty counties in Yunnan Province. In addition, soil erosion also causes water quality worsened, waterhead drying up and not enough water supplies for domestic uses. 【102】

(2) Frequent natural disasters

Special geological structures, large scope of active rupture distribution, cracked terrane and loosen earth provide conditions to cause mountainous disasters such as flood, coast and block gracier. Frequent natural disasters are heavily endangering the safety of the project regions.

(3) Increasing non-point source pollution

Large usage of agrochemical like pesticide, fertilizer, farm tool of plastic film, etc, brings adverse impacts for the country environment, while increasing the crop yield and the agricultural productivity. It not only pollutes water quality, but also causes soil hardening with organic content decreasing and unbalanced farmland entironment. That makes land integrated productivity decreasing and restricts sustainability of agricultural production. According to estimated data, agricultural non-point source pollution accounts for 50% of the total pollution charge in lakes of Yunnan Province. Non-point source pollution is the main pollution source of eutrophication in lakes.

Project Region of Guizhou Province

4.5.1 Physical Environment Geology and landform

The relief of the project regions lies in the transition zone between the first and second class of plateaus regions and the third class of eastern hill-plain. Its landform gradually depresses from west to east. The highest first class in west is continued part of Yungui Plateau, which is the typical plateau relief in Guizhou Province. As the edges of plateau incise intensively, this part formed high and middle mountains with an elevation of 2,200m~2,400m. The second class in middle is typical distribution regions of mountain-plains and hill-plains, while the northern and southern slope is hill distribution regions with an elevation of 500m~1,500m. Normally the relative heights of center parts between large class and plateau are small with little variable landform and shallow river incision; the relative heights of transition zones between classes like the edges of plateau and middle-down reaches of great rivers are large with variable landform and deep river incision. There are various physiognomic types in the project regions, comprising of plateaus, middle mountains, low mountains, hills, basins, mountain-plains, hill-plains and so on with denudation-erosion relief that is dominated by fluviation and dissolving relief which is dominated by rock


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dissolving. In the area, 22.3% of the area with slope less than 5°, 23.5% with slope of 5-15°, 24.5% with slope of 15-25°, 16% with slope of 25-35°, and 13.7% with slope more than 35°.

The geological complete strata in regions include Cold Purgation, Ordovician, Silurian, Permian, Trias, Cretaceous, Jurat, Cretacic, Paleogene and Quaternary system. In regions, 62.2% of the area with carbonates rock distributes abroad, 18.9% with purple sand shale and fuchsia mudstone, 14.6% with coal sand shale, and 4.3% with basic rock and lutetium. Since the complete strata especially carbonate rock is susceptible to be dissolving eroded, the soil is so thin that it is difficult to renovate once being lost. Efflorescence of purple sand shale and mudstone is very intensive with incompact mantlerock resulting large soil loss. This easily causes block gracier in regions of serious soil loss. Climate and hydrology

(1) Climate

The regions are located in subtropical monsoon climate zones. There has no frost during the winter and no broil during the summer with warm and plentiful rainfall in the same period. It is suitable for multi-kinds of plants to live.

The four seasons are not clear with the following features:

The average annual temperature is 11.8~18.1 with the highest temperature of℃ 31.5~41.3 and the lowest temperature of -10.9℃ ~-6.83 . ℃

Daily temperature degree accumulated for higher than 10 in one year is 3,717℃ ~5,700 .℃

Average frost-free days are 276. For sunshine hours in a year, it is as high as 1,000.2~1,348.9h.

Average annual precipitation is 945.7~1,180.8mm. Rainfall of flood seasons from July to September accounts for 59.8% of annual amount. The largest rainfall happened once 10, 20 and 50 years are respectively 167.8mm, 197.6mm and 235.9mm.

The main natural disasters are mainly spring cold backward, spring drought, flood and hail.

The weather features of the project area are shown in Table 4.5-1. 【103】

(2) Hydrology

The main water system in the project region includes the Liuchong River, the Sancha River, the Yeji River and the Pianyan River of the Wu River in the Changjiang Watershed and the Southern &Northern Pan Rivers in the Pearl Watershed.

The Wu River in Guizhou province is 889km long with a watershed area of 66,807 km2. Its fall is 2,007.6m with average water-table gradient of 2.05‰ and relative altitude difference is 300~ 800m. The river net density is 11~ 21km/100km2. Average annual runoff is 376×108 m3 and 1,295m3/s with a depth of 562mm. Average annual runoff coefficient and modulus is respectively 0.50 and 18 m3/ km2. For this river, average annual sand transported amount is 2150×104t with modulus of 684t/km2.a. The average annual sandiness amount is 1.19kg/m3.

The Southern Pan River in regions is 263km long with a watershed area of 7,651 km2. Its fall is 425m with average water-table gradient of 1.61‰. Average annual runoff is 52.1×108 m3


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with a depth of 665mm. For this river, average annual sand transported amount is 2150×104t with modulus of 451t/km2.a. The average annual sandiness amount is 3.06kg/m3.

The Northern Pan River in regions is 352km long with a watershed area of 20,982km2. Its average water-table gradient is 1.61‰. Average annual runoff is 52.1×108 m3 totally and 390 m3/s with a depth of 578mm. For this river, average annual sand transported modulus is 371t/km2.a. The average annual sandiness amount is 1.20kg/m3 (Shown in Table 1-6~7).

The actual measurement values of runoff and sand in the main rivers of the project area are shown in Table 4.5-2 and 4.5-3.

Table 4.5-1 Weather Features Values of the Project Area in Guizhou Province

Project Area Weining Hezhang

Nayong Zhijin Bijie Dafang West

Qian Jinsha Xingyi





Maximum in a year 30.8 33.8 31.6 35 36.2 33.2 35.4 36.1 32.7 20

.1 34

Minimum in a year -11.2 -3 -3.2 -5 -10.2 -9.5 -10.4 -4.2 -3.3 12 -8.9

Average 10.8 13.9 18.7 20 12.7 12.8 13.8 13.5 16.1 15.3 15.1

Annual precipitatio

n (mm)

Highest 1436.5 1209.5 1499 1789 1293.4 1623.5 1209.3 1340.7 1874




Year 1954 1983 2002 2002 1954 1964 1980 1977 1983 1997 1967

Lowest 655.9 638.1 725 797 654.4 780 833.8 825.4 1112.7



Year 1975 1989 2002 2002 1966 1966 1978 1965 1989 1989 1989

Average annual 962 849 1244 1293 895 1118 1005 1039 1370 13

43 1250

Precipitation from July to September

(mm)480 322 611 1067 445 910 392 728 815 21

0 977

Accumulated temperature >=10 (℃) 2492 3569 1510 3302 3717 5234 4172 4788 4798 52

47 5633

Frost-free days (d) 181 248 230 278 285 254 264 303 305 304 288

Annual sunlight hours (h) 1520 1416 1333 1160 1377 1336 1349 1096 1612 1511 1161 Soil

The types of soil consist of yellow earth, yellow brown earth, purple earth, limestone soil and skeleton soil, all of that are easy eroded soil. Limestone soil layer is thin and difficult to be resumed after petrifaction. Yellow earth

distributes in hill-plain regions with the elevation of 900 ~ 1,800m. The distributing topography is complanate and soil bed is completely airslaked. Yellow soil’s features include low organic concentration, high concentration of Fe and Si, strong acidity, lack of P, deep soil layer, thick texture stickiness, and easily permeated. Yellow brown earth distributes in plateau and regions with

the elevation of 1,800~2,200m and 1,400 ~ 1,600m. Several functions of yellow brown earth like mineral efflorescence, eluviation and disengaging silicon-enriching silicon are weak. The soil layer is thin and incompact with high organic concentration. It has rich nutrient and appears acid reaction.


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Purple earth and skeleton soil distribute in regions with different elevation. Their features include incompact texture, large hole, lack of organic matter and N, and serious soil erosion. Limestone soil normally distributes in regions with large slope of limestone rock. Affected by rock bed, the soil richly contains Ca and appears neutral or tiny alkalescence. Its surface soil layer has high organic concentration and medium texture stickiness with better structure. Vegetation

Vegetation in the project regions could be divided into natural vegetation and planted vegetation. Original vegetation has been destroyed, and then leaves secondary vegetation at present. The types include forest of coniferous, broad- leaved, evergreens and coniferous mixed, deciduous and broad- leaved mixed, evergreens and coniferous mixed as well as shrubbery, bamboo woods, herbage community, etc. Planted vegetation could be divided as farmland, manual using woods, economic fruit and orchard, etc. In 2004, there have 474.35km2 forest in the project area with a forest coverage degree of 19%. Wildlife

Wildlife resources in Guizhou Province are abundant. The composition of its geology is complicated and age-old with obvious transition and complexity. According to “Ecological Environment Investigation Report in Guizhou

Province” 【321】, altogether there are 900 amniotes with 79 wildlife under special state protection. In recent 20 years, there have not carried out wildlife investigation. So it has not enough relative data. But wildlife distributions have their own rules. Normally they like to move about in thick forest of medium and high mountains. As sparse forest and long-time impacts of human activities in regions, few special protection animals appear.


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Table 4.5-2 Actual Measurement Values of Runoff in the Project Area

Province (City)

Project Area River

Station Annual Runoff(10 thousand m3) Runoff from July to

September (10 thousand m3) Runoff(m3/s)Runoff Module (m3/km2)

Observed Years

StationControlled Area(km



year Average Maxmum year

Minimum year Average Maxmum


year Average

Guizhou Province

WeiningKedu Small Zhai 2082.00 1965 1989 73280.00 1968 1989 37270.00 1986 1964 22.90 11.40 1958-2003

Beimen Xiaba 17.00 1995 1989 434.80 1996 1989 241.10 1995 1985 0.13 8.09 1983-2003

Hezhang Liuchong Seven Xingguan 2999.00 1983 1975 132300.00 1983 1972 61010.00 1983 1979 42.40 14.10 1971-2003

Nayong Baini Yangchang 2696.00 1997 1989 133600.00 1998 1990 6809.00 1991 2002 49.00 18.00 1957-2003

Zhijin Liuchong Xhijin 66.40 1977 1990 6349.00 1979 1990 3268.00 1977 1993 2.05 29.50 1974-2003

Bijie Luojiao Xuhuatun 81.80 1957 1989 4766.00 1983 1989 2250.00 1997 2001 1.45 17.50 1975-2003

Dafang Luojiao Duijiang 1944.00 1968 1990 66250.00 1968 1990 29780.00 1968 1972 20.70 10.40 1958-2003

QianxiYeji Stone Tang 1553.00 1964 1966 75670.00 1979 1966 33330.00 1998 2002 24.70 14.00 1962-2003

Liuchong Hongjia ferry 9456.00 1983 1990 443300.00 1983 1990 204900.00 1964 1993 140.00 17.20 1957-2003

Jinsha Pianyan Mukong 999.00 1999 1990 43090.00 1991 1990 17730.00 1991 1993 13.20 13.60 1983-2003

Xinyi Mabie Maling 2277.00 1997 1989 160900.00 1979 1989 86520.00 1997 1987 50.80 24.27 1958-2003

Xinren South Pan Baling 75.00 1997 1989 3541.00 1993 1989 1973.00 1995 1986 1.13 14.70 1981-2003

Anlong Baishui New bridge 265.00 1997 1989 17320.00 1991 1989 9382.00 1982 1987 5.19 20.90 1979-2003

Pan County

Xichong Pan County 32.00 2000 1988 2744.00 2000 1996 1424.00 2000 1991 0.89 27.40 1983-2003

Tuochang Earth City 962.00 1961 1975 82410.00 1993 1972 43610.00 1985 1991 17.50 29.50 1959-2003


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Table 4.5-3 Actual Measurement Values of Sediment Amount in the Project Area

Province (City)

Project Area

Station Annual Transporting Sediment(104t) Transporting Sediment from July to September(104t) 含沙量(kg/m3)

Transporting Sediment


Observed yearsStation

Controlled Area (km2)

Maxmum Minimum


Maxmum Minimum


Maxmum Minimum

AverageAmount Years Amount Years Amount Years Amount Years Amount Years Amount Years

Guizhou Provinc



Yangchang 2696.00 569.00 1983 52.30 1966 238.00 384.35 1991 21.94 1966 113.56 4.14 1992 0.53 1966 1.72 932 1964-2000

Bijie Chishui river 3182.00 530.00 1982 48.40 1989 1830.00 310.69 1970 0.02 1976 892.44 5.09 1979 0.03 1976 3.63 555 1966-2000

West Qian

Hongjia ferry 9656.00 1630.00 1971 105.00 1992 279.00 610.68 1974 76.60 1990 305.34 3.19 1971 0.46 1968 1.38 676 1958-2000

Stong Tang 1553.00 100.00 1992 10.10 1966 178.00 37.77 1979 0.94 1994 12.16 1.09 1992 0.19 1965 0.47 299 1964-2000

XingyiMaling 2290.00 496.00 1987 60.20 1989 201.00 171.69 1997 0.51 2000 112.76 2.46 1991 0.06 1987 2.79 752 1966.1984-2000

Bajie 46845.00 7418.00 1968 265.00 1992 2027.00 1232.10 1983 17.17 1990 946.01 3.47 1988 0.16 1990 3.33 436 1983-2000

Pan Count


Grass Tou 1080.00 52.00 1995 24.00 1983 38.00 44.00 1995 40.00 1983 42.00 1.64 1995 0.76 1983 1.20 317 1978-2001


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4.5.2 Social environment Social Economy

Twelve counties &cities involved in the regions are distant and poor regions with weak infrastructures and lagged economy &culture. Agriculture and breeding are the main economic sources. Plantation is the key sector for rural economy, as well as breeding by families and a few individual

possessing(The agricultural economy structure is shown in Figure 4.5-1.) . Lagged agricultural ways resulted in slow development of rural economy and poor life of people. It normally maintains simple reproduction. The abilities of self-developing and resisting natural disasters are limited. For example, in 2004, the average provision and net income per capita are 355kg and 964 Yuan RMB respectively in the autonomy county of Weining Yi, Hui and Miao nationalities, which is located in Wumeng Mountains of Guizhou Province. The traffic is weak in regions. It has not realized roads reaching villages. In some

regions, there even has the transportation of carrying by human and horse. 【103】

Figure 4.5-1 Agricultural Economy Structure in Guizhou Province Land use

The total land area is 2,496.48km2. Current land use is shown in Table 4.5-

3 and Figure 4.5-2. 【103】

Based on the integrated factors analysis of soil resources like quality,


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types, usage degree, benefits, etc., the main problems of land use in regions are as following: Land use structures are unfeasible with high ratio of plantation, cropland

and slope land. The cropland accounts for 48.3% of the total land. Farmlands that could ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain

accounts for only 34.9% of the total land with 12.1% of slope land above 25°. The large area of slope cropland caused not only low and unstable yields but also severe soil erosion.

Quality of soil resources is bad with cracked cropland. As natural slope in regions is large, the features of soil include: dauby soil texture, high concentration of gravel, strong acidity, low fertility and weak abilities of conversing water and fertilizer.

Figure 4.5-2 Landuse in Guizhou Province Soil erosion

Guizhou Province lies in the typical karst regions. Karst distributes aboard with large slope in mountainous regions and thin soil layer. This kind of relief plus human activities like destroying forest to open up wasteland, cultivating in steep slope land, etc., soil loss has a trend of aggravation. Water erosions including spattering erosion, sheet erosion and gully erosion dominate soil erosion in the regions. In addition, gravity erosions such as landslide, and collapse, etc. often occur, as well as mud-rock flow. Water erosions distribute the most widely which mainly occurs on slope cropland, wasteland, sparse and young wood, arbor wood, etc. Gravity erosions mainly occur in channels, slopes of rivers and regions of frequent human activities.


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According to the second soil remote-sensing survey in China, the total area affected by soil loss is 1,317.33km2, accounting for 47.1% of the total land in the project regions. Soil loss status has been shown in Table 4.5-4 and Figure

4.5-3. 【103】

Figure 4.5-3 Soil loss status in Guizhou Province


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Table 4.5-4 Land Use of the Project Regions in Guizhou Province unit: km2


ect r




al la

nd a

rea Cropland Forest land Grassland


te la





er la







y fie



e cr




0 ) Slope cropland





se a















Natural grasslan


Manual grasslan


Total 2496.481205.39 301.59 118.7

0 145.67 639.43 771.59 474.35 283.17 14.07 61.46 59.19 2.27 16.23 249.06192.7

5Weining 180.86 88.63 28.86 59.77 44.93 18.03 26.80 0.10 0.41 0.41 1.16 35.38 10.35Hezhang 214.66 97.63 12.36 22.68 62.59 81.12 55.26 25.86 7.98 7.98 0.99 20.23 6.71Nayong 152.68 81.43 17.56 3.16 5.14 55.57 49.92 15.48 34.28 0.16 2.74 2.74 0.92 10.14 7.53Zhijin 202.95 89.30 30.36 16.67 42.27 48.78 48.06 0.72 19.16 17.16 2.00 1.27 8.99 35.45Bijie 264.57 166.13 51.72 11.32 17.77 85.32 79.92 10.04 67.57 2.31 2.86 2.86 0.80 4.87 9.99

Dafang 264.39 136.81 39.80 5.24 32.47 59.30 83.15 77.86 5.00 0.29 4.74 4.74 1.12 25.18 13.39Qianxi 357.63 176.54 36.06 15.75 22.72 102.01 89.40 81.38 5.44 2.58 4.08 4.08 4.73 21.90 60.98Jinsha 286.09 97.82 26.77 16.12 6.20 48.73 144.52 82.46 60.81 1.25 12.71 12.71 1.56 18.47 11.01Xingyi 176.00 68.29 19.88 12.58 12.12 23.71 43.56 23.14 16.50 3.92 6.18 6.18 2.33 38.96 16.68Xingren 136.57 75.23 20.26 13.76 5.94 35.27 30.92 19.82 10.54 0.56 0.14 0.11 0.03 0.54 22.66 7.08Anlong 88.46 52.91 10.82 16.83 0.47 24.79 19.03 2.39 13.74 2.90 0.22 0.22 14.18 2.12

Pan County 171.62 74.67 7.14 7.27 20.16 40.10 56.34 40.43 15.91 0.24 0.24 0.81 28.10 11.46


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Table 4.5-5 Soil loss of the Project Regions in Guizhou Province

Project Region

Total land area


Soil loss Among soil loss

Erosion modulus [t/(km2·a



m2 )




Slight loss Moderate loss Intense loss Very intense loss Severe loss



m2 )






m2 )






m2 )






m2 )






m2 )









634.90 218.92 16.60 100.73 7.60 17.71 1.30 2378.74

Weining 180.86 121.9567.40


46.50 47.06 38.60 13.16 10.80 5.05 4.10 2400.38

Hezhang 214.66 131.3661.20


24.60 36.07 27.50 32.17 24.50 19.63 14.90 11.16 8.50 3892.76

Nayong 152.68 105.1368.90


36.20 36.45 34.70 16.22 15.40 8.12 7.70 6.29 6.00 3346.48

Zhijin 202.95 51.9825.60


61.00 18.00 34.60 2.25 4.30 0.00 1013.76

Bijie 264.57 175.5366.30


40.80 53.42 30.40 29.27 16.70 21.21 12.10 2906.76

Dafang 264.39 121.9546.10


17.30 33.99 27.90 37.83 31.00 29.04 23.80 3021.89

Qianxi 357.63 152.0742.50


49.00 62.74 41.30 13.05 8.60 1.81 1.20 1568.04

Jinsha 286.09 134.2146.90


46.20 59.91 44.60 12.26 9.10 0.00 1696.67

Xingyi 176.00 91.29 51. 35.8 39.30 31.08 34.00 17.41 19.10 6.67 7.30 0.26 0.30 2268.78


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90 7

Xingren 136.57 74.4154.50


52.60 25.98 34.90 7.91 10.60 1.35 1.80 1843.91

Anlong 88.46 53.1860.10


48.90 14.37 27.00 11.32 21.30 1.48 2.80 2268.77

Pan County

171.62 104.2760.80


29.90 40.69 39.00 26.07 25.00 6.37 6.10 2767.47


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4.5.3 Primary Environment Problems

(1) Serious harm from soil erosionThe project regions are one of the most serious soil erosion and dicky

ecological environment area. Heavy soil erosion could result in destroying land resources and sediment increasing. If soil eroded from land enters rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and channels in downstream regions, it would make sediment built up in the water conservancy projects, resulting in worsening entironment and threatening safe in downstream areas. All this heavily restricts the national economy sustainability in the regions. For example, the total amount of sediment in Wujiangdu Reservoir reaches 0.2 billion cube meters with average annual sediment height of 1.75m and annual sediment amount of more than 9

million m3 since 1979. 【103】

(2) Land stony desertificationAs lying in the extensive distribution karst regions and human activities, soil erosion in regions is very serious with bare basic rock and degenerative land. According to “Ecological Environment Investigation Report in Guizhou Province”, land of stony desertification in the whole province accounts for 5% of the total area in 1975 while reaches 7.9% in 1985. Now it even reaches 12.8% and still expands at the average annual speed of 621.56 km2. The situation is very serious. The Wujiang and Northern Pan River Watershed are the main distribution regions of stony desertification land in Guizhou Province. 【103】

(3) Frequent natural disastersAffected by atmospheric circumfluence, drought is one of the most serious

natural disasters in Guizhou Province. According to the statistic data, there are 31 years in which it appears drought during 36 years from 1949 to 1985, with 9 times of large drought.

Because of steep topography, sparse vegetation, thin soil depth and low capacity of water storage, soil loss in the project regions occurs easily to result in flood once it rains.Project Region of Chongqing City

4.6.1 Physical Environment Geology and landform

Chongqing City is located in the south-eastern edge of Sichuan Basin, east to Qinba Mountains and Wulong Mountains, west to transferring gradually to


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hills in Central Sichuan. The relief is obviously controlled by geotectonism with anticline forming mountains and syncline forming valley. Mountains tend towards as the construction line. Low mountains and hills mostly situate in the western area, while Low and mid mountains in the eastern area. Hypsography in regions is large with the elevation of 500~900m in west and 2,000~2,500m in east because of the incision of the Changjiang River, the Jialing River, the Wu River and other branches. The relief could be divided into four types: mid-mountains, low mountains, hills and platform. According to Stat. of surface slope, 30.9% of the area with slope less than 5°, 19.1% with slope of 5-15°, 21.6% with slope of 15-25°, 17.0% with slope of 25-35°, and 11.5% with slope more than 35°.

The geological cells in Chongqing have complete strata. Except lack of Paleogene system, the systems from Ordovician to Quaternary are all coming out. Primary lithology is carbonate rock and classtic rock. Only there has a few epirock of Algonkian panchi group in North-eastern Chengkou County and South-eastern Xiushan County. Climate and hydrology

The regions are located in subtropical monsoon climate zones with warm, plentiful rainfall and sunshine in the same period. Its features are as following:

The four seasons are clear with hot in summer and cold in winter. As the hypsography is large, the difference in temperature varies a lot. Average annual

temperature is 15.4℃~18.3 with the highest temperature of 43.0 and the℃ ℃ lowest temperature of -12.8 . ℃ Frost-free days are long with average days of 276~349.

Rainfall concentrates highly from May to September, which accounts for 75~ 80% of annual amount. Average annual precipitation is 935mm ~1,281mm. In addition, most of rainfall events occur as large rainfall and storms.

The total days of precipitation in one year is 45~155. The largest rainfall appears in May and the smallest in August and the first ten days of Spetember. Hence, latent drought happens very often. Chongqing City is one of the least sunshine regions in China. It is called

as “Fog Capital” because of a lot of fog days. The total sunshine hours in one

year is 1187.8h~1640h with total sun radiation of 82.74kj/cm2. This kind of climate is very suitable for the growth of crop and renewing of vegetation. The


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weather features of the project area are shown in Table 4.6-1. 【104】

Table 4.6-1 Weather Features Values of the Project Area in Chongqing City

Project AreaWan


























Maximum in a year

42.1 42.2 40.3 42 41.3 41.4 40.8 41 41.8 43 40.5

Minimum in a year -3.7 -2.7 -12.8 -2 -2.3 -3.7 -2.9 -3.4 -8 -7 -2.3

Average 17.8 18.1 15.4 17 18.3 18.1 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.4 17.5

Annual precipitatio

n (mm)




51749 1537 1644









Year 1982 1996 1982 1968 1998 1961 1962 1974198

21982 1986

Lowest 844.2 823.6836.



4826 708.6 688.3 652 878 836.5

Year 1966 1992 1988 1961 1981 1968 1961 1997199

72001 1961

Average annual 1202 1105 1196 1146 1022 935 1050 1112


71281 1156

Precipitation from July to September

(mm)337 869 300 875 320 427 444 554 499 826 609

Accumulated temperature >=10 (℃) 6357 6040 4752 6151 4500 4853 5750 5694



Frost-free days (d) 349 285 290 320 294 331 312 322 315 276 331

Annual sunlight hours (h) 1295 1188 1240 1229 1200 1316 1299 1282164

01463 1209

The main rivers in the project region belong to the first and second branches of the Changjiang River and the Jialing River. Its water system is shown in Figure 4.1-4. As plentiful rainfall, the water system in regions is developed. Average runoff coefficient is about 0.5. The annual runoff changed

very differently. Runoff during the flood season accounts for 80~90% of the total value in one year. The features of runoff in regions include uneven regional, annual and seasonal distributions of precipitation. The actual measurement values of runoff and sand in the main rivers of the project area are shown in Table 4.6-2 and 4.6-3.


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Table 4.6-2 Actual Measurement Values of Runoff in the Project Area



Project Area River

Station Annual Runoff (10 thousand m3) Runoff from July to September (10 thousand m3) Runoff (m3/s) Runoff

module (m3/km2


Observed years

StationControlled Area (km2)

Maximum in a year

Minimum in a year Average

Maximum in a year

Minimum in a year

AverageMaximum in a


Minimum in a



Chongqing City

Xuanxi River Puli Yujia 365 21800 11000 15700 17440 8800 11520 15.9 2.9 7.3 90.01 1970-2002

Dianyi Changjiang Qingxi 965857 53480000


(1956) 42530000 12430000(1954)

5280000(1955) 2.2E+07 64400


(1952) 13500 13.98 1996-2002

Qianjiang River

Qianjiang Qian River 97 2618 802 1710 1986 578 1282 0.86 0.22 0.54 6.18 1982-2002

Eastern Red Hou Zhongdong 342.2 25764.91 9460.8 16966.37 8275 2178.5 4213.13 8.17 3 5.38 309.04 1980—


Bailin Shenxi Shatan 180.0 17411.10 7235.8 11305.90 5449.90 2264.90 3538.90 5.53 2.30 3.59 62.81 1976-2002

Hechuan Pu Xiao River 29420 1600000 800000 1200000 90 30 65 12400 60 400 12.5 1972-2002

Yongdong Jiulong Jigongzui 201.2 1.3 0.37 0.69 0.77 0.29 0.53 3.08 1.32 2.2 34.29 1957-2002

Qingliu Laixi Yutan 865 69024 5805 32317 19998 4334 10487 2020 21 10.4 12.02 1955-2002

Baiyang River Daning Wuxi 67.3 25765 9460 16966 8275 2178 4213 8.17 3 5.38 309 1978-2002

Kai Cantony East Chuipin 1176 125597 61952 93775 62798 30976 4687 2980 3.4 29.7 630000 1972-2002

Fanjia Bridge Dayu Liujiantan 2380.00 102.00 18.10 47.50 427.00 1.13 70.30 157 1952-2002

Table 4.6-3 Actual Measurement Values of Sediment Amount in the Project Area


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Province (City)

Project Area

Station Annual transporting sediment (104t)Transporting sediment from July to

September (104t) Sediment (kg/m3) Transporting

sediment module (t/km2.a)

Observed years

StationControlled Area (km2)

Maximum MinimumAverag


Maximum MinimumAverag


Maximum MinimumAverag

eAmount Years Amoun

t Years Amount Years Amoun

t Years Amount Years Amoun

t Years

Chongqing City

Xuanxi River

Shuangyan Reservior 1.33 10.7 1982 5.35 1996 8.23 9.63 1982 4.81 1996 7.41 0.02 1998 0.01 1996 0.016 6192 1961-2002

Wuliang Reservior 0.7 0.51 1982 0.25 1996 0.35 0.46 1982 0.23 1996 0.35 0.02 1998 0.008 1996 0.013 5629 1958-2002

Dianyi Qingxi 965857 75400 1954 42400 1953 54400 26100 1954 7520 1953 21300 2.4 1954 0.008 1954 1.24 564 1950-2002

Qianjiang River

Qianjiang River 97 1.78 1982 1.08 1988 1.43 1.78 1982 0.54 1988 1.16 1.01 1982 0.514 1988 0.762 472 1982-2002

Bailin Shatan 180 16.46 1998 6.84 1981 10.69 5.10 1998 1.98 1981 3.31 1.46 1998 0.61 1981 0.95 594 1980-2002

Hechuan Xiao River 29420 1050 1982 170 1993 710 1010 1982 102 1990 520 6.20 1986 1.2 1995 6.5 240 1972-2002

Baoyang River Wuxi 2026 807 1998 215 1986 630 215 1998 58 1986 126 0.82 1996 0.56 1986 0.69 3110 1986-2002

Kai Cantony

Xinglong Reservior 26.3 21 1982 7.4 1996 13 6.5 1982 2.7 1996 5.6 0.4 1998 0.2 1996 0.32 4942 1972-2002

Fanjia Bridge Liujiantan 2380 172 1982 2.73 1961 56.6 164 1982 0.729 1961 29.59 0.5 1998 0.2 1996 0.3 4990 1952-2002


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Soil types in regions are mulriple. There are 8 soil groups and 16 subgroups. The types consist of paddy soil, purple earth, yellow earth, yellow brown earth, limestone soil, red earth, mountain meadow soil, among which the distribution of paddy soil, purple earth, yellow earth, yellow brown earth, and limestone soil is most extensive. Paddy soil mainly distributes in river valleys, hills and low mountains with the elevation below 800m. Lots of paddy soil in regions is distributing in Dianyi, the Qianjiang River and the Boyang River. Purple soil is the main soil for dry farming and distributes in most regions. Most is distributing as sheets in mid and low mountains with the elevation below 800m. Yellow soil mainly distributes in low and mid mountains and hills

with the elevation of 500~ 1,500m, as well as the third, fourth and fifth terraces along the Changjiang River and its large branches. Most is distributing in the Boyang River and the Qianjiang River. Yellow brown earth normally distributes in mid mountains of the Boyang River and the Qianjiang River with the elevation above 1,500m. Limestone earth mainly distributes in valley of anticline low mountains with the elevation below 1,500m, as well as mid mountains. Most is distributing in the Boyang River and the Qianjiang River. Vegetation

Altogether there are 5 types of vegetation under the first class state special protection with 22 under the second and 25 under the third. Rare vegetation or vegetation being in severe danger mainly distribute in Nanchuan, Jiangjin, Wuxi and Wushan, accounting for 85.4% of the total rare vegetation in the whole city. Terraneous vegetation affected by the Three Gorge Reservoir involves 120 families, 358 genuses, and 550 species.

Natural vegetation in regions involves five types like broad- leaved forest, coniferous forest, bamboo forest, shrubbery and sparse brushwood, among which subtropical evergreen broad- leaved forest is the main type. The total area of forest is about 103.96km2 with a forest coverage degree of 7.3%.

The types of virgin forest involve pine, robur, Cedar, cypress, ect. Masson pine occupies the largest area, which accounts for 50.6% of the total forest, following by armond pine, robur, oak, poplar, willow, cypress, manchurian catalpa, beautiful sweetgum, birch, toon, white gourd in dryland, etc. Types of planted forest include eucalyptus, willow, robust silk oak, cypress, armond pine, alamo, black wattle, hedge acacia, clammy hopseedbush, negundo chastetree, walnut, chestnut, pear, apple, persimmon, peach, plum, bamboo, etc. The main types of shruberry are Indian Azalea, hedge acacia, camellia, mulberry, bureja gooseberry, etc.

Of forest area, planted and pure forest accounts for the largest proportion


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with unreasonable structures. Especially for masson pine forest, it has low coverage and is susceptible to diseases and insect pests, and loses the function of soil and water conservation. The grassland area is 6.52km2, 0.4% of the total area. Most is natural grassland, consisting of catnip, cynodon dactyulon, whit clover, ryegrass, green bristlegrass and common eulaliopsis, etc. Wildlife

According to “Ecological Environment Investigation Report in Chongqing

City” 【320】, there have 56 kinds of wildlife under special state protection, among witch 13 kinds are under the first class and 43 under the second class.

Affected by immigration resettlement of the Three Gorge Reservoir, human activities moving up along the inundation line and cultivation of cropland increasing, habits of some animals have been destroyed. In other hand, ecologic environment and habits of species have been improved as the protection of natural forest, returning crop land to forest and constructions of the protection forest system in upper and mid reaches of the Changjiang River. According to the investigation of environmental setting in the typical counties, human activities cover most regions. During the environmental background investigation on the typical counties, there have less data about wildlife. Because of the frequent human activities, sparse original forest and poor vegetation coverage, few special protection animals appear. Domestic animals including pig, cattle, chook and duck dominate animals in regions. 4.6.2 Social Environment Social Economy

In 2004, the total population of regions was 694.2 thousands, among which non-agricultural population was 46.4 thousands and agricultural population was 647.8 thousands. Agricultural labour force population was 382.9 thousand, 55.2% of the total value. Plantation is the key sector for rural

economy, as well as breeding by families and a few individual possessing(The

agricultural economy structure is shown in Figure 4.6-1.). Lagged agricultural ways resulted in slow development of rural economy and poor life of people. According to the statistic data, total grain production was 288 thousand tons and yield was 442kg per person. Average annual net income of farmers was 2,026 Yuan. Plantation was in the largest proportion, resulting in single pattern rural economy. The percents of logging and husbandry are low and have great

potentials for development. 【104】


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Figure 4.6-1 Agricultural Economy Structure in Chongqing City

The minorities mainly are Miao, Hui and Tujia nationalites. Most of minority populations live in distant mountainous area. Part of them lives together with Han nationality. They make a living mostly by plantation through cultivating large area land but with little harvest. This caused their low income. Land use

According to remote-sensing survey, the total land area is 1,415. 3km2.

Current land use is shown in Table 4.6-4 and Figure 4.6-2. 【104】

The features of current land use are as following:(1) Low land resources per capita, high pressures of agriculture on

ecological environmentThere is high agricultural population, 99.3% of the total population in the

regions. The density is as high as 463 persons per square kilometers. However, every farmer only owns 0.12hm2 land in average. Rural economy depends on land resources so much that create great pressures on ecological environment.

(2) Unfeasible land use structures, high ratio of cropland with large distribution of slope land

There is a high plantation ratio in the regions. But the slope land accounts for 66.4% with low ratio of the basic farmland. The large area of slope cropland caused not only low and unstable yields but also severe soil erosion.

(3) Large areas of forest and grassland but with unfeasible structuresThe area of sparse young forest is 196.97km2, 57.5% of the total

woodland. Most planted forest has single structure and un-proportional planting and logging ratio. For grassland, there are main natural weeds with both low qualities and yields. Planted grassland has small area in the project regions.


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(4) High potentials for exploitation of land resources with large areas of waste hills

Waste hills and unused land is 122.1km2. Wasteland has not been exploited feasibly and has been an important source for severe soil erosion. It will be important to control and manage waste hills based on reasonable protection for soil and water conservation and rural economic development for the project regions.

Figure 4.6-2 Landuse in Chongqing City Soil erosion

According to soil remote-sensing survey in 1999, the total area affected by soil loss is 831.15km2, accounting for 59.4% of the total land in the project

regions. Soil loss status has been shown in Table 4.6-5 and Figure 4.6-3. 【104】

Figure 4.6-3 Soil loss status in Chongqing City


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Water erosion including sheet erosion and gully erosion dominate soil erosion in the regions. In addition, gravity erosion such as landslide, and collapse, etc. often occurs, as well as mud-rock flow. Sheet erosion distributes the most widely which mainly occurs on bare wasteland and slope cropland. Gully erosion mainly occurs on cropland with up-down tillage or bald hills with soft rock bed, generating based on sheet erosion. Gravity erosion mainly occurs in channels and steep slope land. State forest reserve

According to the typical investigation of environmental setting by the EIA team, Tiefeng Hill State Forest Reserve is involved in Liujiagou Small Watershed of the regions, which is located at the edge of the state forest reserve.

In December 2002, Tiefeng Hill Forest Reserve was authorized by SFB as a state forest reserve. It is located in the forest regions of Tiefeng Hill, which lie in Eastern Wanzhou District of Chongqing with 7km far from Wanzhou City. And the forest reserve is east to 48 grooves of the forest management office in Yunyang County, north to Jianshan and Changyang villages in Kai County, west to the Dongyang forest management office in Kai County, and south to Dongjia, Xiongjia and Tiancheng villages in the Tiancheng immigration exploitation regions. The geographic location is ranging from east longitude

108゜13′04〃 to 108゜28′07〃 , north latitude 30゜51′03〃 to 30゜58′57〃with total area of 91.00km2. Figure 4.6-4 shows the location.

Main landscapes in Tiefeng Hill State Forest Reserve involve wide and imposing forest, arduous ridges and peaks, fantastic hills and stones. As its cool and pleasant climate, profound historical culture, colorful astronomical phenomena, ascendant position, and wonderful service facilities, the reserve possesses of predominant ecologic tourism value. The main sights include Golden Lion Mountain Range, Phenix Mountain Range, Iron Buddha Temple, Shell Hill, etc. Table 4.6-6 shows their main functions.

Table 4.6-6 Tiefeng Hill State Forest Reserve in Chongqing

Main sight Features Main functions

Golden Lion Mountain Range

Mainly natural secondary forest and planted forest

Visit forest, ascend and view, prevent sunstroke and spend

holiday, tour deer gardenPhenix Mountain Lots of cultural relics and historic sties, Experience religion culture,


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Rangeabundant human connotation, profound

historical culture, better natural secondary forest and planted forest

prevent sunstroke and spend holiday, have conferences and commerce, popularize science

Iron Buddha Temple

Fantastic hills and stones, graceful human legends

Make fun in forest, view fantastic stones, seek dingle and mediate

on the past, cruise by foot

Shell Hill

Wide and imposing forest, beautiful grass and flowers, arduous ridges and peaks, lots

of manmade water bodies, colorful astronomical phenomena

Visit forest, make fun in water, view ridges and peaks, prevent sunstroke and spend holiday in



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Table 4.6-4 Land Use of the Project Regions in Chongqing City unit: km2


ect r




al la

nd a

rea Cropland Forest land Grassland


te la





er la







y fie



e cr




0 ) Slope cropland





se a














otal Natural


Manual grasslan


Total 1415.30808.81 39.49 256.79 60.98 451.56 342.35 103.96 196.97 41.42 14.31 11.89 2.42 43.27 122.13 84.43

Kai County 139.42 13.73 1.22 3.85 2.24 6.42 79.64 13.13 62.94 3.56 2.85 38.56 4.65Yongchang

County 128.14 29.65 5.80 1.52 3.68 18.65 55.63 24.16 29.05 2.42 11.99 10.64 1.35 0.27 20.68 9.92

Wuxi County 141.56 57.98 0.81 9.59 10.30 37.28 40.00 22.15 16.28 1.57 0.93 0.75 0.18 10.23 29.34 3.10

Yongchuan City 156.89 94.37 31.57 6.94 55.86 33.92 12.67 16.32 4.93 0.00 0.91 16.98 10.71

Qianjiang District 92.18 62.50 2.29 17.64 16.50 26.07 22.52 7.42 13.62 1.48 1.39 0.50 0.89 3.22 0.11 2.44

Puling District 143.98 103.27 1.85 46.71 1.22 53.49 19.48 2.12 6.02 11.34 7.30 1.03 12.90

Wanzhou District 111.96 63.34 1.65 17.54 7.55 36.60 30.13 5.87 22.03 2.23 0.00 2.61 6.71 9.17

Changshou District 127.14 90.54 17.77 25.37 0.87 46.53 20.11 2.95 11.91 5.25 3.43 2.32 10.74

Yubei District 103.65 67.68 0.98 21.02 3.59 42.09 23.06 10.07 10.12 2.87 4.29 3.13 5.49

Jiangjin City 147.56 125.28 1.91 52.79 70.58 6.46 2.56 2.20 1.70 4.22 1.85 9.75

Hechuan City 122.82 100.48 5.21 29.19 8.09 57.99 11.41 0.86 6.48 4.07 3.94 1.42 5.57


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Table 4.6-5 Soil loss of the Project Regions in Chongqing City

Project Region

Total land area (km2)

Soil loss Among soil loss

Erosion modulus



m2 )




Slight loss Moderate loss Intense loss Very intense loss Severe loss



m2 )






m2 )






m2 )






m2 )






m2 )




Total 1415.30 831.15 58.70 234.69 28.20 389.80 46.90 161.16 19.40 41.54 5.00 3.96 0.50 3490.30 Kai County 139.42 110.16 79.00 31.95 29.00 63.10 57.30 10.48 9.50 4.63 4.20 4034.83 Yongchang

County128.14 72.05 56.20 6.43 8.90 28.17 39.10 25.36 35.20 11.86 16.50 0.23 0.30 5445.75

Wuxi County

141.56 93.19 65.80 28.11 30.20 32.85 35.30 23.62 25.30 7.38 7.90 1.23 1.30 4269.33

Yongchuan City

156.89 96.10 61.30 21.21 22.10 52.37 54.50 17.92 18.60 4.60 4.80 3974.74

Qianjiang District

92.18 56.03 60.80 18.53 33.10 23.31 41.60 14.19 25.30 0.00 3171.75

Puling District

143.98 61.76 42.90 26.27 42.50 23.14 37.50 10.10 16.40 2.25 3.60 3467.25

Wanzhou District

111.96 72.89 65.10 12.51 17.20 41.56 57.00 15.93 21.90 2.34 3.20 0.55 0.80 4495.00

Changshou District

127.14 61.43 48.30 18.65 30.40 30.46 49.60 10.79 17.60 1.53 2.50 2582.27

Yubei District

103.65 58.93 56.90 21.52 36.50 30.24 51.30 7.17 12.20 0.00 1897.75

Jiangjin 147.56 74.63 50.60 36.91 49.50 37.72 50.50 0.00 0.00 2015.08


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City122.82 73.98 60.20 12.60 17.00 26.88 36.30 25.60 34.60 6.95 9.40 1.95 2.60 3539.02


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4.6.3 Primary environment problems

(1) Serious harm from soil erosionAggravating land degeneration Intense soil erosion results in soil eroded, which makes soil depth thin,

rock come out, even surface soil wash away and landification appear, especially for slope land above 25°. It also causes accelerating soil nutrient loss, reducing soil fertility gradually and decreasing land productivity. For example, organic concentration of soil in Puling has decreasing from 2.0~5.0% in 1958 to 1.3% in recent years

Destroying water conservancy and seriously stagnating riversSoil eroded results in benefit reduction and life span decrease of water

conservancy projects. Sediment has built up in many rivers. The results include driving up riverbed and flood water level, decreasing holding capacity of rivers, increasing times of flood.

Deteriorating ecological environment and restricting agriculture development

Due to destroy of vegetation, thinning of soil depth and reducing capacity of water storage, the streams and rivers dry up during winter and spring. Consequently, there are not enough water supplies for irrigation, even for domestic uses, especially in areas with carbonate rock distribution. Soil loss also aggravates drought and flood hazards, landslide and mud-rock flow, which cause great loss to human life and fortune.

(2) Forest quality descending, uneven forest distribution and ecological function decreasing

Because of human destroying and other reasons, the speed of forest demolishing and degenerating is larger than afforestation. Hence, forest area now is decreasing and functions of partial forest ecological system are decaying. That forms reverse succession from forest to grassland.

In recent years, forest coverage degree has increased, but the quality is low. Masson pine forest covers 70% of the total forest. Current forest is mainly mid and young forest with low quality. Its benefits of protection and ability of resisting contrary force are weak.

Forest distribution in regions is uneven. It concentrates on mid and low mountains with the elevation above 500m and large quality difference of ecological environment. In dense population area, there has very little forest. So its adjusting functions for environmental quality of living are low.

(3) Serious non-point source pollutionAs the structure adjusting of agriculture production and rapid development


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of breeding, dejecta drainage from domestic animals of large breeding has become the main pollution source in the secondary rivers. It aggravates the pollution of surface water and secondary rivers. Lots of effective nutrient come into water along with surface runoff because of lacking right guide and supervising, unreasonably using pesticide, etc. Water in the Three Gorge Reservoir has been polluted heavily with partial agricultural production polluted. At the same time, non-point source pollution affects the protection of biological multiformity.

(4) Wildlife abundant regions decreasing and biologic multiformity threatened

Along with the incessant growth of population, the requirements of food and living facilities cause excessive cultivation and disafforestation, which destroy forest resource badly. In addition, lots of used pesticide and pollutant were chronically let into circumstance. All those threaten the species in weak ecologic regions and many sources are in severe danger, even some have disappeared. Project Regions of Hubei Province

4.7.1 Physical Environment Geology and landform

The relief in regions is mulriple, comprising of middle mountains, low mountains, hills, basins, etc. In the area, 23.7% of the area with slope less than 5°, 22.0% with slope of 5-15°, 27.1% with slope of 15-25°, 19.6% with slope of 25-35°, and 7.6% with slope more than 35°.

The regions mainly lie in four different types of soil erosion regions such as Southern-western, North-eastern and South-eastern E Province. The geological cells in the project regions is mainly the compound position between the third southern apophysis belts of New China System first geotectonism and Zhunyang geotectonism. Huangling anticline is the core of stratum with the multi-layer arc zonal feature from inside to outside. Both Algonkian and Paleozoic Erathem are coming out. Strata of different geologic ages from Algonkian to Clandestine Evolution distribute in the Qing River watershed of Changyang County and Lichuan City with complete growth. Lithology here is granite, mudstone and limestone, which alternately distribute in regions. Special relief and geotectonism are the main reasons of soil loss in regions. Climate and hydrology

(1) ClimateThe regions are located in subtropical monsoon climate zones with warm

and plentiful rainfall in the same period. Its features are as following:The difference in temperature is large. Average annual temperature is


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12.5°C ~ 16.9°C with the highest temperature of 41.5 and the lowest℃ temperature of -17.5 . ℃ Frost-free days are long with average days of 245. Rainfall concentrates highly from July to September, which accounts for

41% of annual amount. Average annual precipitation is 1,272mm. In addition, most of rainfall events occur as storms.

The weather features of the project area are shown in Table 4.7-1. 【105】

(2) HydrologyWater system in regions is developed with abundant water resource and

lots of rivers. The main rivers include the Qingjiang River, the Huangbai River, the Guanshan River, the Malan River, the Ju River and the Dao River, etc. Average annual runoff is 1.774 billion m3 with 0.689 billion m3 during July, August and September. Average annual sand transported amount of the project regions is 1.174 million m3 with 738 thousand m3 during July, August and September. Among the main rivers, average annual runoff is respectively 10.4 billion m3, 80 million m3 and 480 million m3, with average annual sand transported amount of 6.7 million m3, 0.12 million m3 and 0.19 m3 at Yuxia Station of the Qing River, Gushan Station of the Guanshan River and Macheng Station of the Ju River. The actual measurement values of runoff and sand in the main rivers of the project area are shown in Table 4.7-2 and 4.7-3.

Table 4.7-1 Weather Features Values of the Project Area in Hubei Province

Project Area Lichuan Yiling Changyang Macheng Hongan Xishui


Maximum in a year 41.2 40.4 40.3 38 41.5 40.3

Minimum in a year -17 -8 -1.95 -16 -8 -15.6

Average 12.5 16.9 16.7 15 15.7 16.9

Annual precipitation (mm)

Highest 1880 1797 2009.3 1961.1 2311.7Year 1988 1998 1954 1983 1954

Lowest 927 814.5 683 678.6 873.1Year 1992 1992 1978 1978 1996

Average annual 1472 1167 1406 1323 1072 1315

Precipitation from July to September(mm) 736 651 216 574 886

Accumulated temperature >=10 (℃) 3849 5154 3125 4600 5880Frost-free days (d) 233 279 305 190 225 251

Annual sunlight hours (h) 1409 1150 1550 2084 2089 1924 Soil


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The types of soil consist of yellow brown earth, purple earth, limestone soil, tide soil and paddy soil. The distribution of yellow brown earth is the most extensive with the largest amount.

Yellow brown earth distributes in Lichuan, Yiling, Macheng, Hongan and Xishui counties with thick soil layer and low organic concentration. It is suitable for growth of forest, tea, fruit and herb. And Limestone soil mainly distributes in Yiling, Changyang and Hongan Counties. There still have fertile tide soil and paddy earth in luvial tract along both sides of the Xi River.


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Table 4.7-2 Actual Measurement Values of Runoff in the Project Area

Project Area River

Station Annual transporting sediment (104t)

Transporting sediment from July

to September (104t)

Sediment (kg/m3)Runof

f Module(m3/km2)




Controlled Area(km2














l statio


33 7.5 3.5 4 3.5 1.5 2 40 15 22 2273 2001


Dao River


l statio


839 86369 35263 40140 28934 11813 13447 29.5 7.8 14 478427 50

Table 4.7-3 Actual Measurement Values of Sediment Amount in the Project Area



Station Annual transporting sediment (104t)

Transporting sediment from July to September

(104t) Sediment (kg/m3)Transporting sedime

nt module(t/km





d Area(km2

























839 86369

35263 40140 289



7 29.5 7.8 14 478427 50


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According to the statistic data, there have 317.9km2 forest with a forest coverage degree of 22.5%. Most forest are belonging to subtropical coniferous and broad- leaved mixed forest with everagreens and deciduous mixed. The types of natural forest include masson pine, cypress, poplar, robur, dyetree, spiffy bushclover, amorpha, acacia, coriaria, azalea, etc. The types of planted forest include peach, plum, pear, walnut, chestnut, tung, tea, Chinese tallowtree, mulberry, euonymus japonicus, gingko, pricklyash peel, masson pine, acacia, cypress, poplar, bamboo, etc. Planted grasses include red clover, white clover, cocksfoot, triple yield and ryegrass.

Because of long-time excessive deforestation and damaging forest, most original vegetation has disappeared, replaced by large area of wasteland, sparse forest and shrubbery. It leaves only planted and secondary forest at present. Forest coverage degree increases gradually from east to west. The main plant types of usage forest are masson pine, fir, Japanese larch, lobdelly pine mealybug, camphor tree, etc. Wildlife

Hubei Province lies in the oriental zoo-geographic region of Central China. Complicated landform, warm climate and plentiful rainfall are suitable for animals to live. Hence, there are kinds of wildlife here. According to the elementary investigation, altogether there are 562 amniotes, in which, 45 amphibians, 45 crawlers, 350 aveses and 106 mammals. Among amniotes, 50 kinds of wildlife are under special state protection. The developed agricultural production, abundant vegetation resources and livestock provide broad foreground for stockbreeding production. .

According to the investigation on the typical counties, wildlife distributions in regions have their own rules. Normally they like to move about in original thick forest and high mountains. But as vegetation in regions is mostly secondary vegetation, shrubbery and sparse arbor plus frequent human activities, few special protection animals appear. Due to the scarce investigation data on wildlife in the project area, it is difficult to make sure the kinds and amount of wildlife. 4.7.2 Social Environment Social economy

Six counties &cities involved in the regions such as Hongan, Macheng, Xishui, Changyang, and Yiling County, are revolution, minority, distant, poor and reservoir regions of Hubei Province. In 2004, the total population of regions was 305.7 thousands with the density of 213 persons per square kilometers, including Tujia and Miao nationalities distributing in South-western


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E Mountains. Agricultural economy dominates economy in regions. ( The

agricultural economy structure is shown in Figure 4.7-1.)The farmers in the regions are mainly engaged in planting, possessing and breeding industry, and a great many of them also go outside to work. This is an important income source for local people. In 2004, total grain production was 139.6 thousand tons, and

net income per capita was 1,613 Yuan, lower than average of the province. 【105】

The education condition in regions has been largely improved in recent years. Diffusive ratio of Nine-year Compulsory Education reaches 98% until now and entrance ratio of right age children is 100%.

Figure 4.7-1 Agricultural Economy Structure in Hubei Province Land use

The total land area is 1,435.4 km2. Current land use is shown in Table 4.7-

4 and Figure 4.7-2. 【105】


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Figure 4.7-2 Landuse in Hubei Province

According to the current land use, the features are as following: Low land resources per capita: There is high agricultural population of

301.5 thousand, 98.6% of the total population in the regions. Every farmer only owns 0.11hm2 land in average, which is far below the global average level of 0.367 hm2. The conflict of excessive persons and a small quantity of land is outstanding.

Large distribution of slope land with bad cropland: Cropland only covers 20.9% of the total land. But slope land accounts for 38.01% of the cropland. The large area of slope cropland caused not only low and unstable yields but also severe soil erosion. This is far to the goal of developing modern agriculture with high quality and efficiency. Hence it is necessary for both controlling soil erosion and developing land resource quality to stress conversion slope cropland. Soil erosion

According to remote-sensing survey, the total area is about 1,435.4km2

with soil loss area of 669.56km2, accounting for 44.2% of the total land in the project regions. Soil loss status has been shown in Table 4.7-5 and Figure 4.7-3. 【105】

Water erosions including sheet erosion and gully erosion dominate soil erosion in the regions. In addition, gravity erosions such as landslide, and collapse, etc. often occur in some regions, as well as mud-rock flow. Soil erosions distribute the most widely which mainly occurs on slope cropland following wasteland, sparse and young wood, arbor wood, etc.


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Table 4.7-4 Land Use of the Project Regions in Hubei Province unit: km2


ect r




al la

nd a

rea Cropland Forest land Grassland


te la





er la







y fie



e cr




0 ) Slope cropland





se a














otal Natural


Manual grasslan


Subtotal 1435.40300.59 56.76 129.46 11.83 102.53 803.41 317.90 414.23 71.29 0.50 0.50 0.00 53.11 140.95 136.84

Lichuan City 380.28 77.92 29.60 21.20 5.58 21.54 220.21 137.38 77.28 5.55 0.37 0.37 0.00 4.56 63.17 14.05

Yiling Distrct 176.54 32.61 3.74 16.80 12.07 114.47 26.08 48.37 40.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.06 7.86 13.54

Changyang County 210.50 27.64 6.79 3.30 2.86 14.69 168.37 52.23 104.98 11.15 0.13 0.13 0.00 2.44 4.27 7.65

Macheng City 123.00 18.90 2.60 9.81 0.21 6.29 72.07 29.32 39.25 3.50 0.00 4.17 20.54 7.31

Hongan County 306.64 72.04 11.21 35.95 0.61 24.27 157.18 35.00 114.20 7.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.51 3.82 60.09

Xishui County 238.44 71.48 2.82 42.41 2.58 23.67 71.12 37.89 30.15 3.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.36 41.29 34.19


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Table 4.7-5 Soil loss of the Project Regions in Hubei Province

Project Region

Total land area


Soil loss Among soil loss

Erosion modulus [t/(km2·a



m2 )




Slight loss Moderate loss Intense loss Very intense loss Severe loss



m2 )






m2 )






m2 )






m2 )






m2 )





0 669.56


256.15 38.30 204.5

7 30.60 185.48 27.70 23.16 3.50 0.20 3339.40

Lichuan City

380.28 167.57 44.10

80.44 48.00 60.21 35.90 21.83 13.00 5.09 3.00 3274.64

Yiling Distrct

176.54 68.30 38.70

28.22 41.30 22.66 33.20 16.62 24.30 0.80 1.20 4426.00

Changyang County

210.50 126.80 60.20

56.51 44.60 40.48 31.90 19.41 15.30 10.40 8.20 4356.25

Macheng City

123.00 66.30 53.90

39.28 59.20 15.62 23.60 8.80 13.30 2.40 3.60 0.20 0.30 3188.33

Hongan County

306.64 142.90 46.60 17.03 11.90 26.51 18.60 98.23 68.70 1.13 0.80 2826.74

Xishui County

238.44 97.69 41.00

34.67 35.50 39.09 40.00 20.59 21.10 3.34 3.40 2367.38


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Figure 4.7-3 Soil loss status in Hubei Province Cultural relics and historic sites

There have some cultural relics and historic sites in the involved counties. But they are not located in the construction regions. Thereinto, the revolution relic of Qiliping in Hongan County is very famous, which distributes in the central market town of Qiliping Town. As the project measures are mainly laid in Country, the construction will not have adverse impacts on it. 4.7.3 Primary Environment Problems

(1) Serious harm from soil erosionSoil loss is one of the most serious environment problems in the

project regions. Intense soil erosion directly washes soil away, which makes soil depth thin, reduces soil fertility and crop productivity, and even causes desertification. Heavy soil erosion could also result in sediment increasing. If soil eroded from land enters rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and channels in downstream regions, it would make sediment built up in the water conservancy projects, resulting in frequent flood and entironment worsening in downstream areas. All this heavily restricts the national economy sustainability in the regions.

(2) Natural disastersDrought frequently happens in regions. Mainly it is continuous and

long in autumn with the result of large harm area. There normally happen 9 times of small drought every 10 years. Medium drought happens frequently and large drought happens one time every 6 years. The longest drought period is 100~120 days. Frequent drought brings serious impacts on agricultural production and living of people.

(3) Non-point source pollution


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Large usage of agrochemical like pesticide, fertilizer, farm tool of plastic film, etc, brings adverse impacts for the country environment, while increasing the crop yield and the agricultural productivity. Non-point source pollution is also one of the most important factors that pollute water quality in the regions.Summary and Conclusions

The main contents of this chapter are to confirm the environmental study region affected by the project and divide the environmental setting into physical environment, social-economy environment and existing primary environment problems to describe every related province’s &city’s environmental setting and characters.

Environmental study areaAccording to the characters of the project EIs, the study area

affected by the project can be sub-divided into the project region, the project county and the lower reach.

Physical environmentPhysical environment of the project study area include geology and

landform, climate, hydrology, soil, vegetation, wildlife, etc.There are various physiognomic types in the project regions,

comprising of plateaus, basins, mountains, hills and so on. The relief could be divided into several classes: Yungui Plateau, mountains in Eastern Sichuan, Sanxia Gorge, and low hills in Dabieshan. The geological cells is mainly Yangzihuai Platform with complete strata, which mostly are of Carboniferous, Devonian, Permian, Trias, and Quaternary system, and primary lithology are carbonate rock and classtic rock.

The regions are located in subtropical monsoon climate zones with following features: Warm and plentiful rainfall in the same period Great variations among regions: In Yunnan and Guizhou, they’re no

frost during the winter. The vertical climate distribution is obvious, with typical plateau climate. In Chongqing and Hubei, there is large annual temperature range, plentiful rainfall, and hot summer.

Uneven seasonal distributions of precipitation: Rainfall concentrates highly from May to October, which accounts for 70-80% of annual amount. In addition, most of rainfall events occur as storms.The Changjiang River and Pearl River lie in the regions. The water

system of the Changjiang River mainly includes the Jinsha River, the Wu River, the Chishui River, the Jialing River, the Dao River, the Ju River


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and tributaries. The Pearl River comprises the Southern and Northern Pan Rivers.

There are 10 soil groups, nearly 20 subgroups, and more than 60 soil species in the project regions. The types of soil consist of red earth, yellow earth, yellow brown earth, brown earth, limestone soil, purple earth, recent soil, mountain meadow soil, paddy soil, among which the distribution of red earth, yellow brown earth, purple earth, limestone soil, and paddy soil is most extensive.

Vegetation types in the regions are subtropical coniferous and broad- leaved mixed forest with everagreens and deciduous mixed. However, original vegetation has been destroyed, and then leaves secondary vegetation at present. The types of virgin forest are various. Masson pine and Yunnan pine occupy the largest area, following by armond pine, robur, oak, poplar, willow, cypress, manchurian catalpa, beautiful sweetgum, birch, toon, white gourd in dryland, etc. The forest area is 1,293.6km2 with a coverage degree of 18.73%. Natural grassland is less and dispersive consisting of catnip, cynodon dactyulon, green bristlegrass and common eulaliopsis. Planted grass is including knotgrass ft. thompsongrass, whit clover, ryegrass, etc.

Wildlife in the regions mainly distribute orderly in high mountains and original vegetation jungles. While because most vegetation of the project regions is secondary community, shrubbery and sparse arbor with frequent human activities, it has not found protected wildlife appearing.

Social-economy environmentIn 2004, the total population of regions was 1,985.81 thousands. The

minorities mainly are Yi, Miao, Buyi and Tujia nationalities, followed by Bai, Hani, Zhuang, Dai, Lisu, Hui, Man, and Naxi nationalities. Plantation is the key sector for rural economy, as well as breeding by families and a few individual possessing. Lagged agricultural ways resulted in slow development of rural economy and poor life of people.

The total land area is 6, 905.05km2, with 0.29hm2 per capita of agricultural population. Cropland covers 2,778.32 km2, 40.2% of the total land. Among croplands, there is 1,618.37 km2 of slope cropland (231.74 km2 with slope over 25°), 58.2% of the total cropland.

The total area affected by soil loss is 3, 616.68 km2, accounting for 52.4% of the total land in the project regions. Divided by watershed, the area of land affected by soil loss is 3, 293.53 km2, 52.0% of the Changjiang watershed. The area affected by soil loss is 323.15 km2, 56.4% of the Pearl watershed.

Primary environment problems


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Soil erosion is one of the most serious environment problems in the project regions. Intense soil erosion directly washes soil away, which makes soil depth thin, reduces soil fertility and crop productivity, and even causes desertification. Soil eroded from land enters rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and channels in downstream regions, resulting in higher riverbed and building up sediment. The result is a decrease in the holding capacity of rivers and flood discharge capacity of natural waterway, which worsens the entironment in the regions and downstream areas. All this heavily restricts the national economy sustainability in the regions.

Due to destroy of vegetation, thinning of soil depth and reducing capacity of water storage, the streams and rivers dry up during winter and spring. Consequently, there are not enough water supplies for irrigation, even for domestic uses, especially in areas with carbonate rock distribution.

Because of steep topography, sparse vegetation, thin soil depth and low capacity of water storage, soil loss in the project regions occurs easily to result in flood once it rains. And due to the special geological structures and human destruction, flood, mud-rock flow and landslide are frequent and endangering the safety of the project regions.

Large usage of agrochemical like pesticide, fertilizer, farm tool of plastic film, etc, brings adverse impacts for the country environment, while increasing the crop yield and the agricultural productivity. Non-point source pollution is also one of the most important factors, which pollute water quality in the regions.


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Identification of the EI

Project Analysis

5.1.1 Project Objective and Its Screening Principles and Standards Project objectiveThe objective of the project construction is to realize an effective protection and rational use of water and soil resources, by means of such comprehensive ECMs as water and soil conservancy, in the Western China where is of certain development potential though with a worsen eco-environment and poor economy, to promote a sustainable regional economic and social development there, and to lay the foundation for building a well-off society with sound ecology and flourishing economy in an all-round way.

After complement of the project, 1871.94 km2 of water and soil losses land in the project area should be under control, which is 87.9% of the total area and increases the coverage of forestry and grassland, respectively, from current 18.2% and 30.8% to 30% and 47.8%. The project, as one of the ecological construction projects, could promote the self-rehabilitation of local ecology, control water and soil losses completely, improve agricultural productive condition, develop rural economy and increase farmers' income, as well as protect water and soil resources of the project area and obviously improve local eco-environment. It therefore has significant ecological, economic and social benefits. [101] Screening principles of small basinTo ensure the project within the screened small basin no significant conversion natural habitat, or out of protective area and natural habitat, the screening principles of small basin are presented as follow according to the "Natural Habitats" (BP/OP4.04) of WB:

It can not set up in area of the category I of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), — Strict Nature Reserve/Wilderness Area: protected area managed for science or wilderness protection.

In the category II area (national park), III area (natural Monument), IV area (habitat/species management area), V area (protected landscape) and VI area (Managed resource protected area), it can not implement for those activities that result in natural habitat significant change including land clearing, replacement of natural vegetation (e.g., by crops or tree plantations), permanent flooding (e.g., by a reservoir), and drainage, dredging, filling, or channelization of wetlands.

In the class IV area (habitat/species management area) and VI area (Managed Resource Protected Area), it cannot implement for any project that could weaken the ability for maintenance of local species population in these areas.

It is encouraged for the project in small basin that carries out activities for natural habitat protection and land use improvement. Siting standards for sand interception facilitiesMost sand interception facilities and ponds of the project are small size with major functions of sand interception and water storage, and some irrigate by means of constructed water reservoir. As for the related dams, the safety reports are prepared according to the " Safety of Dams " (BP/OP4.37) of WB and meet the requirement of dam safe policy of WB, including dam safety program, safety assessment, and safety measures, etc.


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Yunnan project area involved in both Yuxi and Shaotong prefectures where are with high seismic frequency and intensity. Seismic factor should be taken into consideration as dam siting. The dam site should be in the region with good environmental and geological conditions; As for the other three project areas, environmental and geological conditions should also be the first consideration of the dam siting. The place with good geological condition and easily treated foundation should be selected.

Any cropland (especially basic farmland) and houses should not be flooded in the backwater area upstream dam site.

There is not any farmers' house, livestock yard or other houses in the affected area downstream dam site.

5.1.2 Analysis of Project Factors

The project is composed of three components: public water and soil conservation project, individual beneficial water and soil conservation and living improvement project, and technical support and services. The technical support and services is a non-structural measure and guarantee for implementation of the project.

The first two components mainly include measurements of basic farmland, water facility, afforestation and increasing vegetation coverage, economic forest and fruit, raising livestock, irrigation facility and energy renovation, in which projects have various compositions and involve in many areas so that their affecting elements are complex and affect different environmental factors. The implement duration of the projects is 5 years generally. However, the problem arises because these projects implement in different small basins step by step, that is, the construction and operating periods of different sub-projects cross in small basin or are difficult to divide their limit Therefore, analysis is carried out by project composition and activities. Project activities and their affecting elements are analyzed in Table 5-1.

According to analysis, main affecting elements of the project include crop cultivation, forest and grass plantation, livestock breeding, sale of agricultural, forestry and herb products, crop species transform, water facility operation, farmland conversion, structural conversion of forestry vegetation population, fertilizer use, pest and pesticide, dejection pollution, change of rural productive and living condition, irrigation, hygienic condition improvement, energy structure change and construction activities, etc. Except of construction, the environmental factors affected by the project activities include hydrological regime, water quality, soil, forestry ecology, agricultural ecology, water and soil losses, regional economy, land use, life quality, natural disaster, and local climate, and so on. Lasting long time and direct effect together with indirect effect characterize these affecting elements; Construction activities last short time and scatter. Major environmental factors affected by construction include topography and landforms, environmental air quality, noise environment, water quality, water and soil losses, etc., which have characteristics of short lasting time, scattering, small scope and direct effect.

5.1.3 Impact Characteristics

The project is with complex composition, including water and soil conservation project, forestry project and agricultural project, as well as environmental protection project. By nature of the projects planned to implement, it includes the projects with potential pollution, such as economic and fruit forest plantation and breeding, as well as those without pollution, such as basic farmland construction, rural infrastructure construction,


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farmland irrigation facilities and projects of sand interception, drainage and sand discharge. The project planned to implement is different with general development project, which does not increase added value of product and realize project objective by means of depleting resource or energy. Considering the variety of measures to be implemented by the project, EIs for taking comprehensive control measures in small basin planning are complex, which direct effects are together with indirect one, short term effects exist together with long and effects of sub-projects overlap each other. However, the project is an eco-environmental protection and sustainable development project, having significant beneficial impact on environment.

Identifying and Grading Environmental Problems

5.2.1 Identifying Principle and Grading Methodology

SEI of the project is identified on the basis of full investigation on the environment status of study area of the project and analysis of the project features and its impact characteristics, according to the principle of whole, comprehensive and actual that considers benefits of state, group and individual. It is graded by its importance and impact characteristic.

Potential effects are considered fully as identification and grading, including beneficial and adverse effects, especially those sensitive to environment.

5.2.2 Identification of EI Problems

According to the potential field activities (affecting elements) and their features as construction and operating of the projects in four provinces or city, i.e. Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing, and the importance of the key environmental factor in the study area, potential environmental factors affected by the project implementation are mainly as follows:

(1) Eco-environment

It revolves in environmental factors of forestry ecology, agricultural ecology (include pest) and water and soil losses.

(2) Physical environment

It involves in environmental factors of topography and landform, climate, water resources (hydrological regime and water quality), soil, environment air quality and noise environment.

(3) Social environment

It involves in environmental problems or factors of regional economy, living standard, land resource (soil and land use), natural disasters (flood and waterlogging, drought, and Mud-rock flow).

(4) Environmental risk

It includes effect of pesticide use on eco-environment and human health, impact of introduced exotic species on local ecosystem, and forest fire, etc.

5.2.3 Results

Identification of SEIs of the project uses the matrix form for project screen that is recommended by the terms of reference for EIs and recognized by WB expert, the detailed


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procedure sees Table 5-2. Using some experience similar to the project for reference, the importance of every EI problem or environmental factor identified is assessed by matrix method from respects of characteristic, scope and period of potential EI. The results of assessment can be divided two categories, i.e. SEIs and other environmental problem. The result shows, SEI of the project has 8 items, including land resource (soil, land use), eco-environment (including forestry ecology, agricultural ecology and pests), water resource (hydrological regime, water quality), soil erosion, regional economy, living standard, natural disasters, habitat (forest park), etc.; Other environmental problem includes the impact on downstream area, impact of the project construction on environment (water quality, environmental air quality, acoustic environment, etc.), environmental risk, and global environmental problems (climate , variety ), etc.

Objective of Environmental Protection

According to local environmental background characteristic of the project study area, local ecological environmental protection requirements, ecological environmental construction plan and environmental quality standards of the four province/city, the environmental objective of the project construction on the basis of the project analysis result is: Set up comprehensive rural sustainable development pattern in the poverty project area with serious soil erosion, make land and water resource use with high-efficient and sustainability, and forest vegetation coverage , variety of wild animals and plants increase; Basically control the worsening tend of ecological environment, such as serious regional soil erosion and water environmental pollution, etc. and present it develop to the benign direction progressively; Significantly improve infrastructure condition of the project area and farmers' living standard and life quality; Make the society, economy and eco-environment of the project develop coordinate and sustainable. Considering environmental objective and potential EIs of the project, the environmental protection objectives are presented as follow:

(1) Objective of land resource protection

Strengthen land management, rationally develop, use and protect land resource, control unproductive land, and optimize land use structure and regulate it rational on the basis of 0.053~0.067hm2 of basic farmland and 0.02~0.03hm2 of economic and fruit forest per rural population of the project area. Increase soil fertility and water retaining ability of the basic farmland at the same time, improve basic farmland productivity, and reduce the cultivated area of crops.

(2) Objective of biological variety protection

Ecological damage could be under effective control through implementing ecological rehabilitation project measures, such as enclosure and prohibition. Project implementation should avoid any damage of the ecosystem of natural habitat in the project affecting area if possible and maintain ecological characteristic of biology and regional ecological variety of the project area, making local animal and plant community recover and develop progressively.

(3) Objective of water environment protection

Non-point source pollution caused by pesticide and fertilizer use should be under control so as to improve water environmental quality of the project area.


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Summery and Conclusion

The main task of Chapter 5 is 1) Identify SEIs related to the project by means of matrix method on the basis of the project analysis, and grade them; 2) Propose the overall objective of environmental protection of the project and one of the sub-projects.

The importance of environmental factor is assessed on the basis of matrix method from respects of characteristic, scope and period of potential EI. The results of assessment are divided two categories, i.e. SEIs and other environmental problem. The result shows, SEI of the project has 8 items, including land resource (soil, land use), eco-environment (including forestry ecology, agricultural ecology and pests), water resource (hydrological regime, water quality), soil erosion, regional economy, living standard, natural disasters, habitat (forest park), etc.; Other environmental problem includes the impact on downstream area, impact of the project construction on environment (water quality, environmental air quality, acoustic environment, etc.), environmental risk, and global environmental problems (climate , variety), etc.

The environmental objective of the project construction is: Set up comprehensive rural sustainable development pattern in the poverty project area with serious soil erosion, make land and water resource use with high-efficient and sustainability, and forest vegetation coverage, variety of wild animals and plants increase; Basically control the worsening tend of ecological environment, such as serious regional soil erosion and water environmental pollution, etc. and present it develop to the benign direction progressively; Significantly improve infrastructure condition of the project area and farmers' living standard and life quality; Make the society, economy and eco-environment of the project area develop coordinate and sustainable. The environmental protection objectives include land resource protection, biological variety protection and water environmental protection, etc.


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Table 5-1 Affecting factor analysis of the project of water and soil conservation and ecological

construction in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei and Chongqing

Project components Activities Affecting element Relating environmental factor

Basic farmland

Build terrace of stone and earth bank, build farming cultivation

Crop growing, crop breed change, fertilizer use, pests and pesticide, project construction

Topography and landform, hydrological regime, water quality, soil, soil erosion, agricultural ecology, regional economy, life quality, natural disasters, environmental air quality, noise environment

Water project

Build and operate diversion weirs, depositing pool, drains and canals

Sand interception, drainage and project construction

Topography and landform, hydrological regime, water quality, soil erosion, agricultural ecology, regional economy, life quality, natural disasters, environmental air quality, noise environment

Afforestation and increase vegetation coverage

Plant tree and grass, maintain forests, close mountain pass

Growth of forest and grass, species structural change of forest vegetation, agricultural land use conversion, pest and pesticide, project construction

Local climate, hydrological regime, water quality, soil, land use, forestry ecology, soil erosion, agricultural ecology, regional economy and life quality

Agricultural infrastructures

pond, field path, construction and operation of road for tractor plough

Change of productive and living condition, project construction

Water quality, agricultural ecology, soil erosion, regional economy, life quality, natural disaster, environmental air quality, noise environment

Economic and fruit forests

Construction, management and maintenance of economic forest, fresh fruit forest, dry fruit forest and nursery

Agricultural land conversion, growth of economic forest, fertilizer, pest and pesticide, product sale

Local climate, water quality, soil, forestry ecology, land use, soil erosion, agricultural ecology, regional economy and life quality

Raise domestic animal

Raise poultry, pig, sheep, cow

Build livestock pen, livestock growth, excrement and urine pollution

Water quality, soil, forestry ecology, regional economy and life quality

Irrigation facilities

Construction and operation of storage pond, small water vault, and diversion cannel

Water storage, irrigation, change of productive condition, project construction

Topography and landform, hydrological regime, water quality, agricultural ecology, life quality, natural disaster, environmental air quality and noise environment

Energy renewal

Build marsh gas pool and wood-saving stove

Improve hygienic condition, change energy structure, develop courtyard economy

Climate, water quality, soil, forestry ecology, agricultural ecology, land use, regional economy and life quality


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Table 5-2 Identification matrix of the EI factors of the project● Direct and great impact▲ Indirect and great impact○ Direct and minor impact△ Indirect and minor impact√ Impact scope◆ SEI◇ General environmental problem- adverse impact+ beneficial impact± beneficial and adverse impacts

Environmental factors

Physical environment Eco-environment Social environment





Ecological risk



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Project activities

Basic farmland construction ○ △ △ ○ ○ ▲ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○Water resource facility construction ● ● ○ ○ ○ ● ▲ ▲ ● ○Afforestation and increase vegetation coverage

△ ▲ △ △ ● ● ▲ ● ● ▲ ● ○ ○ ○

Rural infrastructure construction ● ● ○ ○ ▲ △ ▲ ● ○ ○Plantation of economic and fruit trees

△ △ △ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Raise livestock ▲ ▲ ▲ ● ● ○Irrigation facility construction ○ ○ △ ○ ○ ▲ ▲ ▲ ● ●Energy renewal △ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ● ○ ○

Impact scope

Project area √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √Project county √ √ √ √ √ √ √Downstream area √ √ √


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Impact nature

Beneficial impact + + + + + + + + + + + + +Adverse impact - - - - - - - - -

Screen results

Impact is significant and general ◇ ◇ ◆ ◆ ◇ ◇ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◇ ◇ ◇Impact is beneficial and adverse + + ± - - + ± + + + + ± + ± ± - -

Note: a and b include pest


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Environmental Impacts of the Project

6.1 Introduction

According to the TOR, the social assessment is a separate report and its results are not listed in the EIA report. For the integrality and objectivity of the EIA report, some results of the social assessment report are quoted directly in Section 6.2.4. Similarly, the results of the separate pest management report are also used directly in Section 6.3.1.

In view of the deepness of the project feasibility study report and the characteristic that the project implementation involves in a large area, many small basins (274) and complex environmental background, an overall EI at the plan level is given by the EIA of the project, the potential, long-term and accumulative environment impact of various project activities are analyzed and assessed in conjunction with the design of typical small basin, and the practicable environmental protection countermeasures are recommended At the same time, an analysis is carried out and a monitoring plan developed on the basis of the typical small basin in chapter 7 and chapter 8 of the report. The typical small basin selection is on the basis of those small basins that have finished preliminary design and locate in 37 Project counties (districts) in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei and Chongqing provinces. There are 37 small basins selected further on the basis of the principle on the project area selection in each province, which is well representational in each project county. The representativeness in the province, basin, soil erosion type, environment setting and existing environmental problem are considered for all typical small basins selected in each chapter and section of this report, as well as the access condition in the environment monitoring plans.

The important environment problems presented in chapter 5 are discussed in detail in this chapter, while the highlights are given to environmental benefit analysis. The important environment problems identified in section 5.3.3 are respectively discussed in the sections including such environmental benefits analysis as water and soil resources protection (soil, hydrology regimes, soil erosion, natural disaster), eco-environment improvement (forest ecology, agri-ecology, bio-diversity), optimization of land use structure and living condition improvement in Section 6.2, and such major environmental problems as pest, water quality and forest park in Section 6.3. Section 6.4 mainly addresses such environmental problems as downstream impact, EI during construction, environmental risk, global climatic change issue.

6.2 Environmental Benefit Analysis

6.2.1 Water and Soil Resources Protection

The upper basins of the Yangtze River and Pearl River are located in western China, where the soil erosion area accounts for 47.5% of the total area of land, being one of the most seriously eroded regions in the nation. The implementation of the project will improve the capability to keep water and soil from loss, reverse the worsening trend of soil erosion, alleviate natural disasters and protect the water and soil resources, and realize sustainable socio-economic development in the project area.


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WSCPYGEY/EIA FINAL REPORT CHAPTER 6:ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT Significant improvement of vegetation coverage and effective control of soil erosion Forests and vegetation have function of soil conservation and soil erosion prevention. The plant crown can intercept and retain rainwater, lessening its immediate splashing erosion action of rainwater on soil; The ground plant slows down and retains runoff, making it infiltrate into the soil while reducing the scouring effect of runoff; the plant root system mechanically keeps soil in place; the organic matter excreted by root system can glue soil, making it firm enough withstand runoff scouring. The project plans to rehabilitate soil eroded area of 171062hm2 by taking comprehensive measures, including capital farmland construction of 11309hm2, water and soil conservation forest construction area of 29491hm2, economic forest construction area of 55512hm2, grass construction area of 22995hm2, closure protection and grazing ban area of 52755hm2. With the project implemented, the future forest and grass area will account for 80% of the area suitable for forests and grass, the slope land steeper than 25° will stop being farmed and be returned to forest and grass land; all the barren hills and slopes will be afforested or re-vegetated, the ill-structured woodlands will be improved. All in all, the vegetation coverage of the project area will increase significantly while the amount of soil loss will be decrease greatly. 【101】

Dagou basin, a typical basin in the medium erosion area in the middle mountain and hill areas of Three Gorges, is located in Yuntai town, north of the Changshou District, Chongqing Municipality. It is a small tributary of the Taohuaxi Stream, a major tributary of the Changjaing River. The area of of Dagou basin is 12.26 km2, of which 5.91 km2 is eroded, accounting for 48.2% of the basin area. The soil loss is caused primarily by hydaulic erosion, in the forms of sheet and gully erosions together with such minor ones as soil/rock collapses and landslides. The erosion modulus is 4130t/km2·a and the annual average total soil erosion amount is 24,400t. This project plans to rehabilitate all the soil erosion area of 5.91 km2 by comprehensive measures, including slopeland terracing area 0.10km2, closure and ban area 1.88 km2, nut tree plantation area 0.93km2, fruit trees plantation area 1.59 km2 and grass plantation area 1.40 km2. After the project implements and produces its comprehensive benefit, the coverage of forest and grass will rise to 52.4% from the current 20.3%; 100% of the eroded area will be effectively rehabilitated with comprehensive measures; soil loss will be reduced by 71% in amount as compared to previous years; annual amount of retained runoff be increased by 116,200m3; annual reduction of soil loss will amount to 17,300t. As a result, the soil erosion situation will be under control effectively in the basin.【327】 Improvement capacity of soil retention and water storage for natural disasters reliefThe natural disasters, such as flash floods and mudflow, are very common in the project area and become the major cause to restrict regional socio-economic development and result poverty. The project implementation could reduce frequency and damage of the natural disaster through improving the water storage and soil retention capacity.

(1) Regulate runoff and reduce frequency and damage of flush flood

The flash flood is a common natural disaster in the project area. As for a surface runoff phenomenon, flood is closely related to hydrometeorology, topography, geomorphology, geology and vegetation etc. Among all factors related to form flood, water source condition is decisive. Good forest and vegetation coverage help to cut


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the formation of flash floods to a certain extent.

The forest and vegetation can intercept and hold part of rainfall water, slow runoff, and increase water infiltration by splitting runoff into small flows, which then permeate into soils along roots. Withered branches and fallen leaves can also retain and absorb some rainwater in the forestland. The runoff generated on better-vegetated slope is much less than one on barren slope and hillside without vegetation cover. According to relevant experiment data in woodland, given 30mm rainfall a day, no runoff is generated; given daily rainfall 50-100mm, a rather small runoff is generated but flows out after concentration in 3 days; given an annual rainfall 1200mm, only 50mm of the rainfall water discharges out from woodlands, compared to 600mm rainfall water loss in area with similar environmental conditions but without forests. One mu woodland retains at least 20 m3 more water than land without forest 【514】. The effect of vegetation on runoff retention is shown in table 6.2-1. The project will establish forest and grass vegetation lands 107998hm2 and closure protection area 52755hm2. After implementation of the project, the vegetation coverage of the project area will rise significantly, playing role to delay and cut flood peak, consequently to regulate the surface runoff so as to restrain flash floods from occurring and reduce its frequency.

Table6.2-1 The effects of forest and vegetation on runoff retention


Runoff retention(%)Fir forest Pine forest Engleriana forest Grassland

>20 24 8 10 21

20~15 31 25 13 14~2515~10 44 23 19 30

10~5 57 38 29 45

<5 71 49 28 42~100Note: The data are extracted from Reference【517】.

(2) Reduce solid material source and mitigate mudflow damage

Yunnan and Guizhou provinces are one of the most serious mudflow damages regions in China. The frequent recurrences of mudflow disasters have caused huge losses of life and property. According to investigation, there are more than 200,000 spots subject to landslide and mudflow disaster in Yunnan Province. Three basic conditions in general contribute to the formation of mudflow: Firstly, there is a large number of loose detritus materials accumulated on the slopes or in the small valley in small basin; Secondly, there is enough water sources to form strong runoff; Thirdly, there is landform with steep slope. Eco-environment improvement and well-established forest and vegetation cover can restrain soil erosion, defense wind and fix sand in place, and reduce supply of the loose solid materials and runoff, moving regional environment towards the direction of reversing the evolution and development of mudflow by undermining the conditions of mudflow formation.

The forest and grass vegetation construction under the project will increase the vegetation coverage, favorable to ease the splashing erosion action of raindrops. According to statistics, nearly 80% of the hydraulic erosion is caused by raindrop splashing. The middle and upper reaches both Changjiang River and Pearl River basin are categorized as the most serious water erosion regions in China. With the increase of vegetation coverage in the project area, most raindrop attack force will be firstly


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buffered by the branches and leaves of vegetation and effectively prevent topsoil from raindrop impact, reducing soil erosion significantly. At the same time, the root system of forest and grass vegetation can fix soils and retain water and soil. Moreover, terracing slope farmland will change local topographical conditions and mitigate areal erosion damage. The amount of soil loss caused by areal erosion depends on the amount and properties of slope deposits and the intensity of runoff on slope surface. The project implement will increase forest coverage of the project area, reducing weathering materials on the slope. Meanwhile, slope farmland improvement project will reconstruct most slope farmland into terraced one; as a result remarkable changes will take place for local topography, which will greatly diminish the intensity of slope runoff. In addition, the construction of the small-scale water conservation project will help to restrain gully erosion and trap silts. The soil loss is expected to reduce by 9,859,700t annually. See table 6.2-2 for details.

Table 6.2-2 Statistics of benefits of the project for water and soil retention


Capital farmlandForest and grass


Small-scale water and

soil conservation




amount of






amount of




amount of






amount of




amount of






amount of





amount of







of soil



)Yunnan 408.9 12.27 1425.66 157.95 102.37 7.53 1936.93 177.75

Guizhou 852.02 25.56 2878.52 306.44 37.18 5.35 3767.72 337.35

Hubei 399.48 11.98 1700.69 189.94 138.9 5.62 2239.07 207.54


ng462.5 18.5 2036.74 242.46 11.29 2.37 2510.53 263.33

Total 2122.9 68.31 8041.61 896.79 289.74 20.87 10454.25 985.97

Note: The data are extracted from Reference【101】.

Once the comprehensive measures of the project generate their expected benefits, the source of loose detritus materials and runoff intensity will decrease greatly, which can effectively retrain the development of mudflow and mitigate its affected scope and damage. Protect land resource and improve land fertility, farming condition and productivity (1) Protect land resource and reduce soil nutrient loss

The project implement can facilitate to protect land resource and reverse the ongoing trend of land “stony desertification” in some project areas. The project area in Guizhou Province lies in the center of Southwestern China's karstic area, where karstic area distribution is the most concentrative in the world. In the project area, karst landform develops extensively, most soil is discontinuous and thin-layered (generally 10~30cm thick). On steep slopeland in mountainous areas, up to 0.1-0.3cm thick topsoil is eroded annually, and in some cases even a rainstorm event can totally wash the slope soils away, leaving nothing in place but bare rocks, a process known as


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“stony desertification”. The project plans to rehabilitate soil erosion area 1044.09km2, accounting for 78.6% of the total erosion area in the project areas. With all the water and soil conservation measures in effect, the soil loss amount will reduce by 3,373,500t a year, playing an important role for land resource protection. 【302】,【306】

The project is also helpful to reduce soil nutrient loss and improve land fertility. According to investigation, the project area of Hong'an county, Hubei province, is located in the moderate erosion area of the low-height-mountainous and hilly units of Dabie Mountains, its total land area is 242.1 km2, including 101.43 km2 (41.9%) of soil erosion area. In this area the annual soil loss reaches 444,600t and annual soil nutrition loss is that synthetic ammonia 232t; calcium super-phosphate 461t; and potassium chloride 1269t. The total nutrition loss is equivalent to 5.07% of the total usage of chemical fertilizer in the whole county on annual basis. Based on physical and socio-economic conditions of the project area, it is planed to implement the comprehensive measures targeting at mountains, rivers, farmlands and forests in the unit of basin, rehabilitating 92.10km2 of soil erosion area. The project, once implemented, will reduce soil loss by 282,100t and increase water retention/storage by 4,942,200 m3 a year. Calculated in terms of the contents of N, P and K in eroded soil, the annual reduction of fertilizer loss will amount to 3,400t. 【110】

(2) Improve water retention capacity of soil and alleviate farmland drought

The geomorphic type in the project areas is diverse, while the large potion of mountainous area is one of the noteworthy characteristics. The water retention capacity of existing slope field is very poor. The steep hillside is disadvantageous for rainwater retention. With enough kinetic condition, the runoff produced by rainfall rushes rapidly through the steep slope surface with large altitude difference and concentrates into gullies and valleys, while only very little infiltrates into soil. Constructing terraces on slope and changing slope fields into flat one, are not only fundamental to effectively control soil erosion, but also vital to sustainable use of slope farmland and increase of production and income. Terrace has function of water retention and erosion prevention. 11309hm2 of capital farmland will be built under the project mainly by terracing slopeland, which will flatten the longitudinal slope grade and retard surface runoff, facilitating rainwater infiltration. Meanwhile, the soil layer thickening also favors to rainwater infiltration and storage. According to the comparative observations made on the adjacent field plots with same soil type, climatic condition and field tillage/management measures in the project area in Hubei province, the water retention capacity of the soil on terraced field is significantly stronger than that on slope one, with prolonged drought resisting period generally up to 15 days or longer. Therefore, the project is important for alleviating farmland draught.

(3) Improve irrigation condition

For a long time, drought and water shortage is one of the major factors constraining agricultural development in the project area. The project implement will increase water storage and improve irrigation condition. The project plans to build 490303m3

of reservoirs, 212129m3 of small water vaults, and 600407 m of drainage. These small-scaled water facilities will increase the total water storage volume of water projects in the project area, improving farmland irrigation condition.

The summer-autumn draught often hits the project area in Hong'an County, Hubei province, even lasting for 100-120 days consecutively, which is a major disaster for local agricultural production. For example, the Huahe basin, northwest of Huajia town


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of Hong'an County, is one of the typical basins to be rehabilitated by the project. The total area of the basin is 28.66 km2 with 9.03 km2 of farmland area. The project proposes to build 131 small-scaled water conservation projects, 3 irrigation ponds, 20 reservoirs, 1.5km drainage and irrigation ditch/canal and 100 settling traps, which will supply irrigation water for crops and economic forests, raising the reliability of irrigation water supply up to 85%. 【110】 Control lake/reservoir sedimentation and prolong service life of water conservation facilities It is one of the main damages of soil erosion that sediments induced by soil erosion silt up the mountain ponds, reservoirs and channels and shorten service life of water conservation facilities. The project implement can conserve water and soil, which helps to decrease sedimentation of lakes and reservoirs and prolong service life of water conservancy facilities. (The quantitative analysis on the proportion of soil erosion and sediment transporting couldn't carry out due to lack of data on relation between soil loss and relative sediment movement and sediment deposition. Only simple analysis carries out therefore.)

The soil erosion area in the project area of Yunnan province is 669.56 km2, accounting for 46.6% of the total land. In the whole province, about 238,750,000m3 of reservoir capacity and 116,700,000m3 of pond volume have lost and 379 hydropower stations destroyed as a result of water and soil erosion. For example of the Cha'ershan reservoir in Jiangchuan county, nearly 500,000 m3 of sediment silted in the reservoir up to now and resukted much of its capacity lost. With the project implementation in the four provinces, 85% of the erosion areas will be under control effectively and total soil loss will be reduced by more than 70% in terms of amount, corresponding to a reduced soil loss of 1,777,500t. 【102】,【110】

6.2.2 Improve Eco-environment

The project area lies in the subtropical monsoon climate zone, where the major natural vegetation is subtropical coniferous and broad-leaf evergreen and deciduous mixed forest. Due to long-term intervention of human activity, natural vegetation has almost been destroyed and most of extant one is secondary vegetation. The total forest area is merely 1293.6km2 and its coverage is 18.73%. On the project basin basis, some basins are even more sparsely forested, such as Sanpao basin of the Jiangjin city of Chongqing, where the forest area is only 78.87hm2, accounting 3.58% of the basin area. 【102】,【110】

Most of the project areas lie in the upper reaches of the Class I and II tributaries of the Changjiang River and Pear River basins, which act as an important ecological barrier of the major water-conservation regions and the middle and lower basins of the both rivers. Great decrease of the forest and vegetation area and deteriorate of floral community structure will negatively affect the ecological environment of the project area and irrational land use will make local land productivity worsen progressively and affect environmentally and socio-economically sustainable development in the project areas.

The Project intends to improve forest and vegetation coverage of the project area through planting water and soil conservation forests and economic forests, and returning farmland to forestry as well as closure protection measures. In consequence, the ecological environment and living quality in the project areas will be improved and sustainable socio-economic development be achieved. This is the objective and


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purpose of the project. The notable benefits of improving ecological environment are reflected in three major aspects as following:

(1) Notable increase of vegetation coverage

The project will increase the vegetation coverage through the following measures: ① Plant 85003hm2 of forests on barren hills and steep slope lands returned from farming, including 29491 hm2 of water and soil conservation forest, and 55512 hm2 of economic forests; ② Close 52755 hm2 of forest for protection; ③ Plant artificially 22995 hm2 of grass on the slope of returned lands and waste hillsides.

There are totally 129360 hm2 of forestlands at present in the project area, including 116217 hm2 of sparse-young forest and 12616 hm2 of grassland. The forest coverage rate is 18.73%. Through plantation on barren hill or slope, slope field returned from farmland suitable for afforestation and closure area of 52755hm2 under the project, the forestland area will increase to 211606 hm2 and the forest coverage rate to 30.64% (11.91% of net increase as compared to the previous rate). The grass land area will increase to 35611hm2 and the grass coverage rate to 35.8% (5.03% of net increase as compared to the previous rate).

(2) Increase bio-diversity

Bio-diversity refers to biological species and their genetic variation and living environments, including genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. The analysis is carried out from aspects of species diversity and ecosystem diversity but genetic diversity due to its micro level.

1) Species diversity

According to Chinese Vegetation Zoning, the project area belongs to the subtropical evergreen broad-leaf forest where covers a quarter of China's territory and is the region with richest plant resources in China. The reasons are: 1) this region is on the joint between two paleo-floral zones, i.e. the Paleo-North Pole zone and the Paleo-tropical zone, which was hardly impacted by the Quaternary glacier activities; 2) this region serves as the propagation base and breeding bed for many East-Asian floras and may be one of the origin places of angiosperms. This typical vegetation in the region includes the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved trees, evergreen species of Fagaceae, Lauraceace, Theaceae (Camellia L.), and Gramineae.

Affected by human production activities for a long time, the natural vegetation in the project area can only be found in some inaccessible and remote hilly and mountainous area, while those on low hill and in lowland have been replaced by crop, shrubbery, grass, fir, pine, tea-oil camellia and bamboo forest for timber, and tea garden, etc. In other areas, extensive artificial plantation of Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata not only greatly decreases species richness, but also initiated the trend of replacing the evergreen broad-leaved forests with the coniferous trees.

The Project intends to afforest 85003hm2 of waste hillsides and steep slope lands returned from farming, including water and soil conservation forests 29491 hm2, economic forests 55512 hm2, and grass cover 22995 hm2. Selected arbor species include pines (such as Pinus armandii, Pinus yunnananensis, Pinus elliottii, Pinus massoniana, Pinus helianthus), firs (such as Cunninghamia lanceolata, Cryptomeria fortunei), Robinia pseudoacacia, cypress, birch, oak, Populus yunnan, Populus deltoides, Toona sinensis, Liquidamba formosana, Eucalyptus, Rhus chinensis, Cinnamomum camphora, Camptotheca acuminata, Alnus cremastogyne, Acacio mottissima, Metrosiderous excelsal, etc; selected economic tree species include


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Eucommia ulmoides, Yellow cypress, Cornaceae, Magnolis officinalis, Anacardiaceae, Aluerites fordii Hemsi, Morus alba, tea, Chinese chestnut, walnut, Chinese prickly ash, Eucalyptus globulus, etc.; Selected bush species include Croriaria sinica Maxim, Dodoneae viscosa, Acanthopanax, Vitex negundo L., Rosa roxburghii Tratt., Pyracanta fortuneana, Phyllanthus emblica L., Amorpha fruticosa, etc.; selected grass species are ryegrass, Pennisetum sinese Roxb, alfalfa, clover, etc. Mixed forests are recommended as afforestation.

Most aforesaid tree species for afforestation are coniferous and deciduous one, which are not the typical vegetation type and community of the project area. However, they are pioneer species in the process of vegetation recovery and can initiate the process of reversal succession, being feasible and effective.

With favorable climatic conditions of the project area, two vegetation successions will occur once forests and floral community have formed and stabilized:

① The microenvironment of forest will be improved by the action of pioneer species after afforestation is finished in the project area, which creates growth condition for evergreen species gradually and then kicks off the process of succession from the current secondary vegetation to the native vegetation.

② Each basin under the project ranges from a dozen to decades square km with a long border. The improvement of eco-environment in the small basin creates favorable condition for the intrusion of invasive species due to boundary effect. As mentioned above, the project area is located in the region with richest China's vegetation resources. These resources will spread in the small basin with its environmental improvement and increase its species diversity as result. For example, the improvement of floral community and eco-environment of the basin will provide birds and other wild animal better habitats and more food, therefore, increasing their species and population significantly. Meanwhile, the increase of one species will result in that of its natural enemies. The extension of food chain can increase bio-diversity.

2) Ecosystem Diversity

As mentioned above, the project will increase species diversity of the small basins. Equally, once the barren hill and land are afforested for soil and water conservation purpose and the stable floral community are formed therein, the improved microenvironment in the forests, especially the soil and moisture conditions, will give rise to, in the time sequence, the plants under the trees and then evergreen species can grow, fostering the evolution process of conifer forest-- conifers and broadleaf mixed forest -- evergreen and broadleaf deciduous mixed forest. The ecosystem will evolve from only conifer forest to conifers and broadleaf mixed forest, evergreen and broadleaf deciduous mixed forest gradually. Likewise, the improvement of habitats for wild animals and gradual establishment of habitat corridors will introduce the immigrants of plant-fed animals out of basins, i.e. birds and small-sized mammals, increasing the species of wild animals under or inter forest. Particularly, those small-sized immigratory animals will attract their natural predators so as to extend the food chain and diversify the animal communities, for example, the animal community composed of a leaf-fed animal and its natural predators or that of a seed-fed animal and its natural predators, and so on.

(3) Improve ecosystem structure

The improvement of ecosystem structure by the project is shown as following aspects:


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1) Increasing biomass and enhancing landscape value

The project area covers 6905.05km2, among which the cultivated land accounts for 40.24%, forestland for 37.6%, grass land for 1.8%, barren hill and slope for 10.8%, water areas for 2.0%, and other land for 7.4%. After the project is implemented, the land use structure of agriculture, forest, grazing and fish farming will change. As compared with the current situation, the cultivated land, barren hill and slope land will reduce by 11.3%, and 94.0% respectively, while the forestland, grassland, and water areas increase by 31.2%, 160.4%, and 0.1%. Other land has no change.

In terms of landscape ecology, the area of forest/grass land will increase greatly after the project is implemented, with the result that preponderant degree and landscape proportion of forest/grass land increase too while that of cultivated and barren hill/slope decrease. The forest land, therefore, becomes the dominant component of the regional ecological environment quality. The biomass of the project area will increase by 29.9% and landscape quality improve significantly at the same time (the change of biomass before and after the project is launched is shown in Table 6.2-3). Nevertheless, the forest and grass are artificially planted so that the vegetation type is very simplex and lacks of heterogeneity, with poor anti-disturbance capability.

2) Forest ecosystem structure

The project will increase bio-diversity of the project area, including the diversity of forest vegetation community. Forests of the project area are planted into the mix forest of two or three species, most of which are coniferous and deciduous. Though it is impossible to improve existing deteriorated forest ecosystem structure of the project area in a short time, the enforcement of closure protection and other forest management practices through the project implement could minish human disturbance to forest and facilitate the reversed succession that is: coniferous trees –broad-leaf and conifer mixed forest – evergreen deciduous and broadleaf mixed forest –evergreen broadleaf forest.

Table. 6.2-3 The Change of Biomass Before and After the Project

Landuse type

Before After Areaincrease(+






Area (hm2)

Biomass (t)

Cultivated land 277832 3056152 246404 2710444 -31428 -345708Forest land 260212 78063600 341470 102441000 81258 24377400Grass land 12616 201856 32846 525536 20230 323680

Barren hill and slope

13726 91964.2 13801 92466.7 75 502.5

Water area 74428 14885.6 4485 897 -69943 -13988.6Other land use 51637 10327.4 51444 10288.8 -193 -38.6

Total 81438785 105780633 24341847

3) Farmland ecosystem structure

Most of the project areas are the marginal poverty-stricken mountainous area with poor living standard and underdeveloped economy. Most land and labor are used for grain production, resulting in singularity of crop variety, simplified farmland


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ecosystem structure, and low crop disease-resistant capacity. After the project is implemented, the basic farmland will be set up, which could improve unit grain yield and stabilize grain production. Furthermore, farming on steep slopes will be stopped to develop high-value vegetation. The project contributes to the improvement of farmland ecosystem structure as follow:

①Enriching crop species and improving farmland ecosystem diversity ;

②The improvement of forest vegetation on the lands returned from farming and the diversification of crops species, will increase such animals as beneficial birds and insects, favorable for pollination of the plants and exchange of genetic genes, meanwhile, increase the natural predators of harmful animals, which help to reduce the use of the insecticide and improve farmland ecosystem;

③This project will also build some biogas tanks. It will not only meet the rural energy demands, but also accelerate the decomposition of domestic rubbish, manure and urine. The residues from the biogas tanks can be used as organic manure in farmland, which not only helps to improve fertility but also increase soil microorganisms.

④Transform the agricultural ecosystem into harmless green ecological agriculture.

4) The rural settlement ecology

Implementation of the project will improve the ecological environment of the project area significantly, and affect the rural settlement eco-environment too. The biogas tank project, if implement, can transfer all rubbish and manure into energy so that the environment of residential areas is cleaned through reduction of the pollutant and habitats of such harmful insects as flies and mosquitoes; The project area, with vegetation increasing, will gather beneficial birds and insects, helping to control the explosion of harmful insect population. All these are conducive to improvement of the rural living environment and living quality. 6.2.3 To optimize land use structure Topographic and landform characteristics in the project areaGeomorphologically, the Project areas are composed of such large topographic units as Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Eastern-Sichuan mountainous region, Three Gorges valley, and Dabie Mountainous and hilly regions. The project areas in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces lie in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The topography of the project area in Yunnan shows a pattern of alternating medium-height hills (70%) and small basins (30%), where ravines and gullies crisscross and original surface is broken; the project areas in Guizhou lie in the transitional zone from Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the middle Guizhou hills with an attitude above 1200m asl, 60% of which has karstic features. The Three Gorges valley and Qinling-Daba Ranges involve the project counties in Chongqing and Yiling District of Yichang City, Lichuan City and Changyang County in Hubei, where featured by low-medium height mountains and hills and deep-cut ravines especially in the Three Gorges region; Dabie low-height mountains and hills involve other project counties in Hubei, which are relatively low in attitude and gentle in terrain.

The landforms of the project area are diverse, including plateau, basin, mountainous region and hills. The terrains in the project areas lack continuity, with the area of mountainous/hilly regions covering more than 70%. The statistics show, among the whole area of the project area, the area with ground slope below 5° covers 23.2%; 5°-15° covers 21.5%; 15°- 25° covers 24.5%; 25°- 35° covers 17.6%; 35° and steeper


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covers 13.2%. The land area less steep than 15° covers only 44.7% of the whole area. The landuse status and issuesThe total area of the project area is 6905.05km2, including 277832hm2(40.24%) of farm land, 260212hm2(37.6%) of forest land, 12616hm2(1.8%) of grassland, 74428 hm2 (10.8%) of barren hill and slope, 13726hm2(2.0%) of water areas, and 51637hm2

of other land. Of the total farmland area, 82749hm2(29.8%) is capital farmland; and 274327hm2 (60.5%) is slope farmland, of which 23170hm2 (8.3% of total farmland, 13.8% of the slope farmland) is slope land steeper than 25°.

The problems on irrational landuse structure in the project area include:

①Agricultural land and slope farmland occupied larger proportion. Seen from the above-mentioned percentage of farmland to the total land area and the percentage of steep slope farmland, it is obviously irrational considering the characteristic of the environmental resources in the mountainous area.

②The proportion of young sparse forests is too high in area, accounting for 44.7% of the total area of forestland, which is inadequate to maintain eco-environment of the mountainous area.

③There is a significant area of barren hill/slope and other land, accounting for 18.3% of the total land area. It results from extensive reclamation activities and marks the degradation of ecological environment in the project area. Optimize land use structure by the project To optimize the land use structure by the Project implementation in the following aspects:

①Terrace the slope land with gradients lower than 25°, if condition permits, and install irrigation facilities, so that the slope land can be built into capital farmland. On the basis of the capital farmland, the crop structure is regulated, for example of the slope farmland steeper than 25°, farming will be stopped and used for forest and grassland so as to reduce this kind of irrational land use.

T② ake advantage of favorable climate conditions of the project area, and build the forests for water and soil conservation and cash forest on the hills and slopes suitable for afforestation to increase coverage rate and improve eco-environment.

③In the light of the specific conditions and advantages in the project area, to increase area of the grass land and develop stock raising;

④If conditions permits, to increase the water surface area and develop fishery.

The above measures will result in: a reduction of agricultural land percentage to 35.6% of the total land area (decrease by 11.3% compared to the current situation); an increase of forest land to 49.5% (increase by 31.2% compared to the current situation); an increase of grass land percentage to 4.8% (increase by 160.4% compared to the current situation); a reduction of deserted hillside and slope land percentage to 0.1% of the total land area (decrease by 94.0% compared to the current situation); an increase of water areas to 2.0% of the whole area of land (increase by 0.1% than the current situation); other land has no change with 7.5% of the total land. The details of landuse change in the project area before and after the implementation of project are shown in Fig. 6.2- 1. In connection to topographical/geomorphological conditions, it is noteworthy that, after the project is implemented, the agricultural land will be reduced, while the forest land will increase, especially slope farm land, waste


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hillside and slope land and hard-to-use land diminish greatly, signaling the ecological environment moving towards improvement, and the landuse structure being optimized in the project area.

6.2.4 Improve Living Conditions

Increase farmers' income and alleviate their poverty with improvement of their living conditions are major targets of the project. The living conditions improvement is reflected by cash income, infrastructures, and rights/equity. 【110】,【113】 Increase IncomeThe major livelihood model in the project area is related to agriculture, including crop farming, stock raising and some agricultural product processing. Income earned from labor jobs in cities is an important income source for most farmers. The project will provide farmers opportunities to get temporary income from taking part in the construction of capital farmland, sediment retention and discharge project, afforestation, rural infrastructure and other public project for soil and water conservation. It is more important that the project will invest a lot of funds and provide many opportunities to increase the farmers' income on a long-term, sustainable and stable basis by implementing such projects as terracing on thick-soil slopes, planting economic and fruit forests, developing stock raising, and building irrigation facility and biogas tanks.

Fig 6.2-1 The change of land use after project implementation

(1) Terracing on slope farm land

In the project area, 40.24% of the total land has been cultivated for farming, but the proportion of capital land is too low, while that of the slope farmland high, say 60.5% of the total farmland. In the project areas in Chongqing, the purple soil predominates on the slope land, where irrigation is inadequate. Owing to soil and water loss and presence of very thin topsoil, the farmland is mainly suitable for cropping corn, sweet potato and Irish potato with low yields. For example of Sanpao Basin, the slope farmland is also called "the land which output relies on weather". The output of corn on slope land is only hundred kilograms per Mu before terraced and rises to 350-400 kilograms after partially terraced. Generally, the slope terracing can bring about a 25% increment of yields, and even more if supplemented with irrigation facilities. For


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example, in the drought-stricken Pingba area of Yuanmou county, Yunnan province, the output can be increased from hundreds CNY per Mu to thousands CNY per Mu through terracing and irrigation practice and changed cropping structure (to plant paddy rice, vegetables and fruits instead).

(2) Economic/fruit forests

It is a new and important source of income for farmers to develop diverse high value fruits and nuts orchards and other perennial crops with regional advantage, such as oranges, tangerines, chestnuts and tea trees in the area with suitable ecological condition. The farmers can obtain funds, technical training and guidance from the project for the purpose of income increase. Before the trees begin to bear fruits, the orchard can be intercropped with high-yielding forage legumes or other low-stand crops, such as sweet potato, peanut and soybean.

(3) Stock raising

All project areas have raised a great number of domestic animals including cattle, buffalos, goats and pigs, and the earning from their sales is a major household income for poor farmer. The project encourages farmers to plant grass and raise domestic animals, and help them for pen feeding, as well as introduces goat suitable for pen feeding (e.g. Boer Goat) and pig with high rate of lean meat (e.g. Landrace and Duroc). The project also provides loan for purchasing cattle to those who want to join the livestock raising. All these will contribute to a rapid growth of stock raising and income in the project area.

(4) Biogas tank

It can not only revolve rural domestic energy demand of the project area but also induce sound comprehensive ecological balance to develop biogas tanks combined with stock raising. In the project counties in Chongqing, a biogas tank with volume of 8m3 can do instead of 4-mu forestland to be fallen so that a farmer can meet his 80% of household energy demand if he uses biogas tank. Farmers, if applying biogas furnace and lamp, can save their expenses of coal and electricity up to 300 or 400 CNY per year a family, while the biogas broth and slurry can be used as organic manure for agriculture, increasing economic benefit of crop production. According to estimation, one tank can supply 40 dan of quality organic manure, which is equivalent to 10-15 packages of chemical fertilizer, sufficient for 0.27hm2 of citrus orchards, saves 420 CNY of expense for chemical fertilizer and increases 100CNY of economic income per Mu. Climatic conditions in the project areas of Yunnan allow a year-round operation of biogas tanks, with more significant benefits. Improve InfrastructuresThe sections of 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 mainly introduce the project of construction of rural infrastructures, including flood discharging canals/ditches, diversion ditches, ponds, small-scale pumping stations, sprinkling irrigation facilities, field tracks, tractor roads, and working paths.

The infrastructure construction of the project area will improve local farmers' condition of cultivation and irrigation, which can secure the productivity of capital farmland so as to increase of yield and income. The improvement of field access conditions will facilitate farmers' operation in fields and the transportation of fertilizer, seed and crop, which can either decrease farmers' working intensity or ensure matured crop to sell in time. Water diversion, irrigation pond, small pond and sprinkling irrigation facilities will promote agricultural production and regulation of


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cropping structure, effectively increasing agricultural output. The construction of drinking water supply pipelines for people and animals will not only overcome drinking water shortage and improve domestic water quality, but also free rural labor force so that they can pay more their energy and time to develop production or engage other lucrative agricultural activities. In all, the construction of infrastructures will greatly improve rural production and living conditions, and facilitate sustainable agriculture development.

Moreover, it will improve farmers' living environment and sanitation condition, protect their health and prevent endemic fluorine disease for the activities of improving kitchens, toilets and livestock pens that carry out at the same time with the construction of biogas tanks in the rural project areas. The biogas tank can decompose the human and animal excrement and supply organic fertilizer to agriculture while reducing chemical fertilizer application and in consequence controlling non-point pollution. Rights/EquityThe objective of the project is to set up an integrated model of sustainable rural development in the poverty area with serious water and soil erosion and to promote its implementation. The project design and implementation pay special attention to such the vulnerable groups as poor and minorities of the poor region, and take many measures to ensure that they can enjoy the rights to benefit from the project and the equity of their land use rights:

(1) EU plans donate € 10 million that is used to directly support the activities under the WB financed project. The donation would focus on poverty counties, especially decreasing repay burden for particularly poor farmers. Proposed investment activities would include seeds and seedlings, livestock, water storage tanks, and subsidizing farmers in the transition from unsustainable slope land cropping to sustainable land use practices.

(2) The Minorities Development Plan has been formulated in order to secure equitable rights to be enjoyed by all minorities in the project area. The detailed measures are worked out to minimize the negative impacts of the project while maximize the positive.

(3) The project emphasizes technical training and support, and promotes farmers' participation in the project. The participatory consultation mechanism and institutional arrangement has been made.

(4) This project strictly follows the Law of Rural Land Contracting of the People’ Republic of China, and prepares related management plan to ensure the transformation of land use right on a voluntary, equitable and just basis while avoid unjust transformation of land use rights related to the project implementation.

6.3 Main environmental problems

6.3.1 Pest management

Pest Management Plan of China Changjiang / Pearl River Basin Rehabilitation Project was prepared by National Agriculture Technology Extension and Service Center (NATXSC), Ministry of Agriculture. As a component of China Changjiang/Pearl River Basin Rehabilitation Project, integrated pest management plays an important role in the Basin Rehabilitation Project on soil and water conservation, biodiversity and environmental protection. Based on the comprehensive understanding of current


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situations in agriculture and forest production, especially pest management, NATXSC draws up the work plan of integrated pest management (IPM) for agriculture and forest. The baseline data of agriculture production in the project areas were collected from the Agricultural Annual, Statistics Report and Farmers Interview. Current pest problems and management approachesa) Planting area of main crops and fruits in 4 project provinces

Based on the information availability in the related provinces and counties, the relevant quantitative and qualitative data were obtained from 21 counties in 4 provinces/municipality, among which 11 counties are in Chongqing, 3 in Guizhou, 3 in Yunnan, and 4 in Hubei. These data include major pest insects and diseases related to those crops, annual pesticide consumption, annual yield losses of the staple crops caused by those pests, pest management methodology, problems of health related to pesticide use, and farmers’ knowledge and opinion on pesticide and their requirements for necessary information access.

The following tables show the current agriculture production in 4 relevant provinces/municipality. Table 6.3-1 and Table 6.3-2 indicate the main crop planting acreages in 4 provinces and 21 surveyed counties.

Table 6.3-1 Planting area of staple crops and fruits in 4 project provinces/municipality (unit: 1000 hm2)

ProvincesGrain Crops Cash crops Fruit trees

rice wheat corn potato vegetable tea peach pear citrus chestnut

Yunnan 787.8 512.1 1012.4 378.8 453.2 277.4 16.9 39.7 25 10.3

Guizhou 720.3 474.3 690.0 519.4 414.9 480.9 13.3 20.0 40.0 3.3

Chongqin 738.5 322.7 430.0 283.0 403.0 13.3 13.6 46.4 172.7 12.8

Hubei 1808.8 603.4 349.8 218.8 1201.9 119.4 38.3 40.9 109.6 8.9

Total 2529.1 1912.5 2482.2 1400 2473.0 891.0 82.1 147.0 346.8 35.3

Table6.3-2 Planting area of main crops and fruits in 21 counties (unit: hm2)

ProvincesGrain Crops Cash crops Fruit trees

rice wheat corn potato vegetable tea peach pear citrus chestnut

Yunnan 4516.4 11067.4 6929.7 1124.3 9967.5 26.6 120 273.3 1220 45

Guizhou 22375.3 48793.7 80807.7 45393.0 21287.0 525.3 1889.7 1324.7 775.4 4333.3

Chongqin 306181.6 118448.3 169032.6 67309.8 137763.7 11181.6 5438.2 15215.3 76387.1 1143.3

Hubei 93477.3 15596.1 48111.9 36054.1 60107.3 6895.0 966.7 1615.7 15452.3 606.7

Total 426550.6 193905.5 304881.9 149881.2 229125.5 18628.5 8414.6 18429 93834.8 6128.3

In general, major crops are ranked in terms of its planting area in descending order that: rice, vegetable, corn, wheat, potato, etc; but different province has its own preponderant crop order. In Yunnan, corn ranks first, then rice and wheat; Guizhou


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and Chongqing are rice, corn then potato, tea and wheat in queue followed in Guizhou, and vegetable and wheat in Chongqing. 4 main fruit trees are ranked as citrus, pear, peach and chestnut.

Grain production was 882.4 thousand tons; the yield per hectare was low (3744kg), only 78% of national average in 2001. The economy relies on agricultural plantation (the value of agriculture plantation account for 57.5%, forestry 6.1% and animal husbandry 20.9%).

For soil and water conservation in Changjiang/Pearl River Basin Rehabilitation Project implementation areas, more attention should be paid to the crops or fruit trees which take priority position and have lots of constrains or environmental and health problems in production.

b) Primary pests and diseasesMajor pests on the main crops or fruit trees in these 4 provinces/Municipality are listed in Table 6.3-3. From the surveys and farmers interviews, farmers felt most difficult to control pests in vegetable and fruit production due to the fact that they did not have experiences, and local agriculture technical extension workers are almost not familiar to the pests on vegetables and fruit trees. Some pests only occur in the mountainous area.

Table 6.3-3 Major pests in the 4 provinces/Municipality

Crops Common pest insects Common diseases Unique pest insects and disease in surveyed counties

Rice Plant hoppers, stem borers, Blast, sheath blight

Stalk fly,leaf fodder, leaf beetle, Blister hopper, dwarf and element

deficiency, bipolaris disease

Wheat Army worm, aphids, Stripe rust, powdery mildew

Corn Corn borer, cut worm Sheath blight Leaf spot

Potato Twenty-six spotted potato lady beetle, wire worm Late blight Tuber worm, bacteria ring rot


DBM, cabbage whitefly, webworm, beet army worm, leaf miner, flea


Black leg, bacteria soft rot, late blight, powdery mildew


Tea Looper, caterpillar, leafhopper


Blister blight, blister hopper, balck cicadas

Peach Peach borer Crinkle leaf disease Fruit-sucking moths

Pear Pear leaf sucker, pear lace bug Rust, pear scab Fomes fulvus, bark beetle, black

cicadas, psylla

CitrusCitrus mites, fruit moths,

fruit fly, bud maggot, swallowtail butterfly

Citrus scab, tristeza Rust mite, Long horn beetle, bark beetle, stem rot, black cicadas

Chestnut Weevil, tree hopper, mitesPine Pine caterpillar

According to the surveys on the 21counties, the annual yield loss caused by pest and disease is calculated in table 6.3- 4.

c) Pest management approaches


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Pest management in agriculture and forest rely largely on pesticides especially chemicals. From the interviews with 49 farmers, it implies that chemical pesticide is needed indispensably in their production. At county, prefecture, even provincial level, most plant protection professionals thought the chemical control is the first option in pest management.

Total amount of pesticide in 21 counties under survey is 3677.13 tones, in which insecticide 59%. It implied that farmers paid more attention to insect rather than diseases or weed in their production. High toxic category of insecticide takes predominant potion (up to 70%) in total insecticides; bio-insecticide was only 2.8%. Potential agro-forest environmental changes after the project ImplementationAccording to the targets of China Changjiang/Pearl River Basin Rehabilitation project, the soil erosion will be decreased by 80%; the forest and grass covered area will be more than 80% of total available lands; the farming field on steeper than 25˚ slope will completely return to grass or forest; field located at the slope less than 25˚ will be terraced; the agriculture land for plantation will account for 35.6%, decreased by 11.3% compared with present situation, the forest and grass covered area will account for 49.5% and 4.8%, increasing by 31.2% and 160.4% respectively. High quality farmland will increase 10309hm2, fruit orchard area will increase 55512hm2, grassland will increase 22995 hm2, and forestland will increase 82246 hm2. And a lot of small reservoirs and weirs will be built in the project area. Those tremendous environment improvements and diversifications will result in re-structuring of agriculture and forest pest and disease. The follow changes will occur:

Table 6.3-4 The annual yield losses caused by pest and disease in 21 counties unit: ton

a) Pests and diseases in rice, corn, wheat and potato

As high quality terrace field built with good irrigation and fertilization, the element deficiency, dwarf, Bipolaris oryzae disease, blister hopper, leaf beetle, and stalk miner will turn as secondary diseases and pests, and even harmless in paddy rice. Rice blast, sheath blight, and rice stem borers will be more important as intensive cultivation promotion. There are also high risks of rice bacteria blight, bacteria tripe blight, and water weevil due to frequent variety exchange in case of inadequate plant quarantine. The Bipolaris maydis and Exserohilum turcicum will turn into secondary diseases replaced with sheath blight. Corn borer will be the most important pest insect, then armyworm and cut worms. The rust disease will keep its predominant position; the wireworm and red spider mites will decrease their population density due to good irrigation and soil management. Late blight is still a very important constraint of potato production, but the damages of tuber worm, 26 spotted lady beetle will be below the economic threshold level.

ProvinceGrain Crops Cash crops Fruit trees

rice wheat corn vegetable tea peach pear citrus chestnutYunnan 162.3 994.3 493.4 2759.8 277.4 16.9 N/A N/A N/AGuizhou 6374.2 8716 6481.2 610.1 3 110 265 1100 1800

Chongqin 195588 58035.9 44563.5 62043.7 318.1 107 233 53054.6 1860Hubei 35975 2184 5644 28315 1427 73 2115 3625 N/ATotal 238099.5 69930.2 57182.1 93728.6 2025.5 306.9 2652.7 57804.6 3670.3


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b) Vegetable pest and disease

Some exotic pests and diseases will invade into project area companying new varieties and species introduction. Bacteria soft rot, clubroot, blackleg diseases, downy mildew and diamond back-month, web-month, beet armyworm will increase their population densities in crucifer; fruit-worm, early and late blight, grey mildew, fusarium and verticillum wilts, virus diseases, will be more severe on solanaceae; downy mildew, powdery mildew, fusarium wilt will be the most important diseases on cucurbit.

c) Pests and diseases in fruit orchards (citrus, pear and peach)

Citrus rust mite, rust mite, long horn beetle, bark beetle, stem rot, black cicadas will be mitigated, but citrus canker, citrus scab, citrus leaf miner and some kinds of scales will increase their damages. Pear rust incidence will be reduced due to rational forest planting planning—avoiding planting cypress in 2 kilometer range. Lace bug will be the key pest; the bark beetle, black cicadas, psylla, Fomes fulvus will turn to secondary rank or even harmless ones. The population density of fruit-socking moth will decrease its damage because of well management and rational arrangement of surrounding plantation; the peach borer will more severe. As a lot of seedling nurse gardens (537 hm2) will be built, we should pay more attention to the seedling disease and leaf miners, caterpillars. Integrated Pest management strategies The management of insect pests and diseases can hardly rely on a single control practice; usually a variety of tactics are integrated to control pests and diseases at acceptable levels. The goal of integrated pest management is not to eliminate all pests and diseases; some pests and diseases are tolerable and essential so that their natural enemies remain in the crop. Rather, the aim is to reduce pest population to less than damaging numbers. The control tactics used in integrated pest management include pest resistant or tolerant plants, and biological, agricultural, physical, mechanical and chemical control with less toxic steps. Applying multiple control tactics minimizes the chance that insects will develop resisting capacity against any one tactic.

a) Strengthen forecasts of diseases and pests

County Plant Protection Station (CPPS) should provide timely disease and pest control information to farmers including control targets, appropriate timing of control measures, technology and pesticides, etc. Such information should be given to farmers 7-10 days ahead of implementing control measures. The CPPQS should ensure that control measures are implemented in the neighboring counties at the same time to improve effectiveness of control.

b) Biological and agricultural control methods

(1) Pest-resistant crops

One of the mainstays of integrated pest management is the use of crop varieties that are resistant or tolerant to insect pests and diseases. A resistant variety may be less preferred by the insect pest, adversely affecting its normal development and survival, or the plant may tolerate the damage without an economic loss in yield or quality. Disease-resistant vegetables are widely used, whereas insect-resistant varieties are less common but nonetheless important. Examples include varieties of wheat which have tough stems that prevent development of the Hessian fly and sawfly, and cucurbits (squash, cucumbers, melons) that have lower concentrations of feeding stimulants (cucurbit) for cucumber beetles. In the case of cabbage, the only reliable


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method of controlling onion thrips is the use of resistant varieties.

(2) Agricultural control method

There are many agricultural practices that make the environment less favorable to insect pests. Examples include cultivation of alternate hosts (e.g., weeds), crop rotation, selection of planting sites, trap crops, and adjusting the timing of planting or harvest. Pest management in rice should focus on variety resistance and biodiversity method (traditional sticky rice mixing with normal rice variety to reduce the incidence of rice blast). Crop rotation, for example, is highly recommended for management of clubroot in crucifer, and fusarium wlit in solanaceae. The severity and incidence of many plant diseases can also be minimized by crop rotation, and selection of the planting site and period may also affect the severity of insect infestations.

(3) Use of natural enemies

Integrated pest management requires an understanding of the ecology of the cropping system, including that of the pests, pathogens, their natural enemies, and the surrounding environment. Knowledge about the ecological interrelationships between insects and their environment is critical to effective pest management. This guide emphasizes interrelationships between pest species and their natural enemies.

c) Physical and mechanical control method

The use of physical barriers such as row covers or trenches prevents insects from reaching the crop, or light trap to attract adult pest insect reducing the pest insect parent density. Row covers can help prevent early-season damage to cucurbits by cucumber beetles. Cold storage is also considered a physical control and, although it does not necessarily kill the insect pests, it at least stops their development and further feeding on the stored crop. Other methods include hand picking of pests, sticky boards or tapes for control of flying insects in greenhouses and various trapping techniques.

d) Chemical control methods

If all other integrated pest management tactics are unable to keep an insect pest population or disease incidence below an economic threshold, then use of pesticide or fungicide to control the disease or pest insect and prevent economic loss is justified. Pesticides and fungicides are classified in several ways, and it is important to be familiar with these classifications so that the choice of an insecticide and fungicide are based on more than simply how well it controls the pest and disease. Pesticides classified as “high effect, low toxicity and low residue” should be chosen. The optimum selection is the biological agents (or microbial agents), botanicals, oils, and bio-fumigants. The second consideration is the bio-rational insecticide and fungicide if the biological ones unavailable. The bio-rational means more selective against target insect or pathogen with certain feeding habits, at certain life stages, certain infecting features, or within certain taxonomic groups. In contrast, the conventional ones have a broad spectrum of activity and being more detrimental to natural enemies and environments. Pre-harvest interval is most important when chemical application is needed.

In order to understand the damage on human health in using chemical pesticides, it is needed to carry out corresponding monitoring, such as pesticide residue monitoring and pesticide poisoning monitoring.

e) Training on pest management


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It is necessary for the farmers to grasp the knowledge about the selection, use, storage and residue. Project will set up farmer field school to improve the farmers’ understanding about pest management.

6.3.2 Water Quality The analysis of the current pollution sourcesThe area of the project lies in the western China, being an undeveloped area with 96.2% of agricultural population. The rural economy of the area is cropping, complemented by the household based livestock husbandry and processing industry. The main pollution source is the non-point source, including fertilizer, pesticides and human/animal manure.

(1) The current situation of fertilizer and pesticide application in the project area

a) The case in typical counties surveyed

In order to know the current level of fertilizer and pesticide application, EI evaluation team selects some typical counties and investigates their environmental situation according to the demand of the Word Bank. Selected counties for survey and analysis include Yuanmou county in Yunnan province, Xingyi city in Guizhou province, Hong'an county in Hubei province, Qianjiang district in Chongqing Municipality. The figures of fertilizer and pesticide application come from the statistical yearbooks and statistic materials of each county’s Plant Protection Station, see Tab. 6.3.2-1 for summary.

Table 6.3.2-1 The Statistics of fertilizer and pesticides application in project counties

Province County fertilizer use(kg/hm2) pesticide use(kg/hm2)

2001 2002 2003 2001 2002 2003Yunnan Yuanmou 482.4 573.5 565 8.4 7.3 9.3Guizhou Xingyi 548.6 542.4 536.2 1.7 1.3 1.2Hubei Hong’an 805.1 878.9 858 11.5 11.7 11.9

Chongqing Qianjiang 1298.8 1122.1 1117.2 5.9 9.2 9.6Note: The data are extracted from the investigation on the typical agricultural departments in each county.

According to the Table 6.3.2-1, the level of fertilizer and pesticide use for the past 3 years remains steady with a slight decrease generally. The fertilizers applied includes urea, phosphorate and compound fertilizers and the application rate is 482.4~1298.8kg per hectare; the pesticides are primarily insecticide, bactericide and weedicide the application rate is 1.2~11.9kg per hectare. The level of pesticide and fertilizer application is positively correlated to the economic development level of the counties, i.e. the more developed of rural economy the county is, the more fertilizer and pesticide it applies.

b) Analysis of fertilizer and pesticide use in project areasAccording to the current situation of fertilizer and pesticide use in the typical counties and land use in 4 provinces, it is estimated that the annual average application of fertilizer and pesticide in all project areas totals 668416t and 2836.8t, respectively. See Tab. 6.3.2-2 for detailed.

Table 6.3.2-2 The Statistics of fertilizer and pesticide use in the project area


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Project areafarmland area

(hm2)average fertilizer use

(ton per year)average pesticide use

(ton per year)Total 319377 668416 2836.8

Yunnan 48310 26102 314.5Guizhou 148856 550172 1369.6

Hubei 37187 20101 55.8Chongqing 85024 72041 1096.9

Note: the amounts in the table are the estimated totals.

(2)Human and animal manure

At present, there are 1,985.8 thousand people living in the project area, of which 1,910,100 is agricultural population. The primary livestock/animals include cattle, horse, pig, sheep, chicken, duck, goose and other poultry. There are 218 thousand cattle / horses, 1.188 million pigs, 163 thousand sheep, 1.3319 million small-size domestic animals 【 101 】 . According to survey conducted in the project region, the human/animal manure is under inadequate management, with part of it not being utilized as organic fertilizer. Analysis of non-point pollution change The project includes a variety of components, some could affect non-point source pollution significantly, i.e. slope land terracing, plantation of water and soil conservation, grass and economic forest, closure management and construction of biogas tank.

(1) Slope land terracing

It can reduce fertilizer use and change the pattern of surface runoff so as to improve increase the moisture holding and soil binding capacity to a certain extent, thus reducing the leaching of pollutant into the rivers. As estimated, the amount of water and soil loss from the 15~ 25° slope fields is 3000~5000 t/km2 annually, which erosion modulus, if terraced, can reach the trace, i.e. 500t/km2 and lower of the soil erosion intensity grading.

Only 1/3 of the fertilizers applied can be absorbed by the plants, 1/3 evaporates into the atmosphere and the rest remains in the soil that can be leached into water bodies, according to some researches. According to the basin design document for the selected counties, the consumption of fertilizer decreases by 60~250t per hectare on terraces as compared to that on slope land. The total terracing area in the project region is about 11309hm2, the consumption of fertilizer and pesticides are about 5655t and 900t per year respectively, of which 1320t of fertilizer and 18t of pesticides flow into water bodies; but the figures become 3958t and 90t respectively after slope is terraced, of which 264t of fertilizer and 13t of pesticides flow into water bodies. The total decrement of fertilizer and pesticides entering water are 1056t and 5t respectively.【527】

(2) Water and soil conservation forests

The increase of water and soil conservation forests can increase either the use of fertilizer and pesticides or the capacity of water and soil retention, decreasing the effluent of the chemicals into waters with increase of vegetation coverage. Under the project, the water and soil conservation forests are generally planted on the barren hill


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and slope or fields with larger gradient where are serious water and soil erosion with erosion modulus over 5000t/km2·a. With great increase of the vegetation after the execution of the project, the water/soil holding capacity increase dramatically and the erosion modulus can be reduced to1500~2000t/km2·a, which is classified as slight erosion.

The total areas of water and soil conservation forests (before project execution is slope farmland) are about 29491hm2 and the amount of fertilizer application and pesticides are 11796t and 236t per year respectively. The quantities of fertilizer and pesticides entering the water are 3146 and 47t respectively but reduce to 3539t and 59t respectively after the execution of this project and the corresponding decrement of them are 2556t and 38t respectively.

(3) Economic forests

The economic forests in the project includes the mulberry, Eucommia ulmoides, Chinese prickly ash, honeysuckle, Chinese chestnut, walnut, high-quality pear, mandarin orange and etc. The land preparation needs to be carried out, and the economic forests shall be established on the slope fields with good soil quality and irrigation water available. The erosion modulus of soil is between 2500~5000t/km2·a but it can be reduced to 1500~2000t/km2·a after establishment of economic forests under the project.

The consumption of fertilizer and pesticides will increase accordingly with the increase of the area of economic forests. As for the economic or fruit forest, soil must be deep-tilled and fertilized every winter with growth of trees, which the tilth is about 20~30cm for the youth fruit trees and about 40~50cm for the matured one. Some short-stand plants or green-manure crop can be intercropped in the space and the organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer can be applied in a mix. Although there is a significant increase of fertilizer and pesticides used for economic forests, their discharge into waters is not equally apparent because fertilizer is applied deep underground and the water and soil retention capacity improves dramatically. However, the remnants of fertilizer in the soils will be substantial and impose a menace to the soil. The quantities of pesticides entering water will increase dramatically because they are sprayed to the trunks and leaves directly and can easily drop into soil with the rain.

The area of economic forests under the project is about 55512km2 and the consumption of fertilizer and pesticides is 24980t and 444t respectively, of which about 5829t and 89t enter into waters respectively every year. After the execution of the project, the consumption of fertilizer and pesticides is 34417t and 777t respectively, of which about 4589t and 140t enters into waters respectively every year. The loss of fertilizer into waters will decrease by 1240t and that of pesticides increase by 51t. (4) Grass planting

Generally artificial grassland is established on waste slopes fields and hillsides to facilitate restructuring of agricultural production. The erosion modulus of soil is between 2500~5000t/km2·a and it will decrease to 1500t/km2·a after the project is implemented.

The land needs to be prepared carefully before planting grasses. At steep slope, land shall be prepared by means of narrow and horizontal terrace, with the terrace width


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determined by the slope gradient. The prepared terrace field is fertilized with organic manure and compound fertilizer, then deep-tilled and furrowed, cleared off weeds and undesired objects before sowing. The organic manure and compound fertilizer is readily to be absorbed by the plants, thus reducing the application of chemical fertilizers. Furthermore, the grassed land improves the capacity of water and soil retention, and reduces the effluent of fertilizer and pesticide into waters.

The area of grass planting is about 22995hm2 in the project. Before the project is implemented, the consumptions of fertilizer and pesticides are 8048t and 184t respectively and the quantities of their effluent into waters are 1610t and 37t respectively; After the project is implemented, the consumption of fertilizers and pesticides will be 6899t and 14t and the corresponding effluents are 1380t and 3t respectively, with respective reductions of 230t and 34t.

(5) Closure protection

The closure protection management is applied for the sparse-wood land, waste hillside and slope land, and shrubbery/grass land, where there are sufficient parent trees or the root systems have a strong capability of regeneration. In conjunction with closure, supplementary plantation in the available spaces to densify the inadequate woods would expedite the process of re-vegetation. Generally the area under closure has a relatively low background erosion modulus, with the increase of vegetations by means of closure, the erosion modulus will be further reduced and less nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants will be discharged.

The area of protection forest is 52755hm2. After implementation of the project, the amount of fertilizer will reduce 7t a year.

(6) Animal husbandry, biogas and village infrastructures

It is planned to build 71647 paddocks for animal feeding, 72782 biogas tanks and 1859.08km of roads (includes field track, tractor-road).

The biogas tanks operate in conjunction with toilets, henhouses and pig pens, while the residuals from the tanks can be used in agriculture. This would essentially improve farmers' living and sanitary condition and ensure fully ferment of dejecta, providing a sound condition for its complete absorb. In addition, the improved village infrastructures will be convenient for farmers to transport the human and animal manure to the fields. The inadequate management of human and animal manure will be rectified thoroughly through such measures and the manure application as chemical fertilizer alternatives will also help to raise the content of organic matter in soil and lessen non-point source pollution caused by chemical fertilizer and pesticides. It is estimated that biogas tank with 8m3 of volume can produce 5000kg manure annually that satisfies the demand of 0.5hm2 farmland. The biogas tanks in the project areas altogether will produce manure in equivalence to 3882t chemical fertilizer each year.

(7) Other components

Other project components include sediment retention and discharge structures that help to store and drain runoff, reducing the quantities of fertilizer and pesticides discharged to downstream.

Table 6.3.2-3 and 6.3.2-4 summarize the quantities of fertilizer and pesticides flowing into downstream waters before and after the execution of the project.Table 6.3.2-3 Estimated application and loss of fertilizers before and after the Project execution


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Items Unit QuantitiesFertilizer

before execution (t)Usage of fertilizer after

execution (t)The reduction after and before

(t)Applied Into waters Applied Into waters Applied Into waters

Terraces hm2 11309 5655 1320 3958 264 1697 1056Water and

soil conservation


hm2 29491 11796 3146 3539 590 8257 2556

Economic forests hm2 55512 24980 5829 34417 4589 -9437 1240

Grassing hm2 22995 8048 1610 6899 1380 1149 230Closure hm2 52755 528 70 633 63 -105 7Biogas count 72782     -3882 -647 3882 647

Total 51007 11975 45564 6239 5443 5736Note: use of biogases can increase the use of organic fertilizer and reduce the use of chemical fertilizerTable 6.3.2-4 Estimated application and loss of pesticides before and after the Pro ject execution

Items Unit Quantitiesfertilizer

before execution (t)Usage of fertilizer after

execution (t)The reduction after and

before (t)

Applied Into waters Applied Into waters Applied Into watersTerraces hm2 11309 90 18 90 13   5

Water and soil



hm2 29491 236 47 59 9 177 38


hm2 55512 444 89 777 140 -333 -51

Grassing hm2 22995 184 37 14 3 170 34

Closure hm2 52755 422 84 422 84    Total 1376 275 1362 249 14 26 Impact on Water Quality It can be seen from Table 6.3.2-4 that the chemical fertilizer applied and discharged into river waters will decrease greatly after the project is implemented: the reduction is 5443t and 5736t respectively. Pesticide application and discharged into waters will also decrease significantly: their reduction is 14t and 26t. Slope terracing, water and soil conservation forest and economic forest have notable effect on chemical fertilizer consumption, while artificial forest and economic forest on pesticide use. The slope terracing and water and soil conservation forests change condition of soil and water loss of original surface of the slope field, resulting in less fertilizer use and discharged into waters. In the case of economic trees, since they need more fertilizer per unit area, the resultant amount of fertilizer use rises.

With decrease of the fertilizer and pesticide entering waters, such inorganic and organic pollutants into downstream as N, P and pesticides, decrease correspondently,


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which will have positive effect on water quality in downstream of the basins. In addition, construction of biogas tank will get the human and animal manure under effective control, contributing to curbing non-point source pollution in rural areas. Mitigative measures of non-point source pollution (1) Strengthen farmer training and promote ecological agriculture

The sources of rural non-point pollution lie in the farmers themselves, so it is essential to raise their awareness of environmental protection through educating them to understand the negative impact of excessive use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide on land productivity and water quality. Ecological and green agricultural production technology needs to be promoted among the farmers through delivery of training on knowledge, technology and regulations.

(2) Promote use of household organic manure

Extensive use of chemical fertilizer is proven to change the physical and chemical properties of soil and reduces micro-biological masses and activity, and many other harms. In comparison, the household manure contains much N, P, K and trace elements, with very good absorptivity to crops. The household manure, with its nutrition deficiency supplemented by chemicals, can guarantee to improve both the output and quality of products. Development of animal husbandry, biogas tanks and village road conditions altogether make it possible to use in a large quantity household manure. As a key measure, the household manure shall be paid enough attention to in the project area.

(3) Enhance management of fertilizer and pesticide use

It has been proved that the excessive chemical fertilizer & pesticide chemical use will cause the soil to degrade thus reduce the productivity of farmland. The monitoring of agriculture chemicals use shall be strengthened. Refer to Section 8.2.4 & 8.2.5. for details. The project is to develop a large area of economic forests, and there will be a prolonged period of fruit bearing, necessitating large quantities of fertilizer and pesticide chemicals. In such context, more household manure shall be applied, and green manure (astragalus and legumes) shall be intercropped in the economic forestland in winter, in order to improve soil’s capacity of retaining moisture and nutrition. Comprehensive measures, including biological, chemical and physical ones, shall be taken to control crop diseases and pests.

6.3.3 Forest Park Brief introductionSection 1.2.2&5.2.1 of this report introduce the relationship between this project and natural habitat, and conclude that the selected basins will not engender a significant change to the natural habitat. Section describes the geographic location, area, and level of protection of Mt. Tiefeng National Forest Park in Chongqing. This Section provides an analysis of the potential impact of Liujiagou Basin rehabilitation on Mt. Tiefeng National Forest Park. The relationship between basin intervention and forest park Liujiagou Basin lies in Tiancheng District of Wanzhou in Chongqing, involving Laoyan, Wanhe, Maogu, Chenjia, Xujia, and Tangfang&Chongkou villages with 1200hm2 drainage area. The Basin extends in N-S direction and drains to the Zhuxi River, a tributary of the Changjiang River. The location of the Liujiagou Basin and its


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geographical relation with the Mt. Tiefeng Forest Park is shown in Fig. 6.3-1. .

The rehabilitated area related to the Forest Park locates upper reach of Liujiagou Basin, where the land is generally well vegetated. The situation of soil erosion and zoning is that: 291. 8hm2 of no soil erosion; 45.6hm2 of slight erosion; 48.8hm2 of medium and higher erosion (of which 12.2hm2 of intensive erosion). The main cause of soil erosion is tillage on steep slope land. The soil conservation measures are designed specific to soil erosion status: 1) closure of 22.8hm2 on land without erosion; tea tree planting on 45.6hm2 land of slight erosion; chestnut (12.9hm2) and walnut (31.9hm2) planting and grassing (4.0hm2) on medium and higher grade erosion land; 21 small-scale water cisterns and 1530m of drainage canal. See Fig. 6.3-1 for detailed measures and arrangements. 【110】 Impact on Forest Park(1) Closure

The area of closure in the forest park is associated with pines and firs. The crown density and biomass will increase after the closure measure implemented, improving both the soil / water retention capacity and landscape value of the park.

(2) Economic forest & grass plantation

Besides establishing tea garden, this measure works on slope farmlands with gradient over 15° (15-25° accounting for 1/4, the rest is above 25°), where the cropping pattern is generally wheat + sweet potato or wheat + corn. The farming on steep slope land causes serious soil erosion. After the measure is taken, the land use type will change, and the annual plants will change into perennial fruit tree or grass, which not only have water and soil conservation function but also improve the landscape value.

A small part of the tea gardens will be an upgrade on the basis of existing ones, and the majority establish on slightly eroded sparse-wood land with gradient over 25°. The tea garden itself has better function of water and soil conservation. If carefully constructed, it will not in the least cause regional soil erosion to aggravate, but create new scenery with the connected patches of tea tress. .

(3) Small water conservancy structures

21 small-scale cisterns will be built in the area, of which the biggest capacity is 400m3, and only 3 cisterns are greater than 100m3 in volume. Their selected sites fit into the topographical conditions so as to avoid much excavation. Most water tanks have a capacity of 10m3 and their distribution is scattering here and there in the project area, with the main purpose being to irrigate the fruit orchards. Two flood discharge ditches are rather small in dimensions, with the cross section being only 30cm ×40cm, extending a short distance. So, these small-scale water conservancy structures will not adversely affect the Forest Park. Nevertheless, attention must be paid to water and soil conservation and monitoring during their construction, so as to minimize the damage to vegetative cover and the consequent soil loss.

6.4 Other Environmental Problems

6.4.1 Impacts on downstream

The implementation of this project will bring remarkable benefit for the downstream area: reduce the silt flowing into the Changjiang River, the Pearl River and their related tributaries. It will slow down the silting in the downstream reservoir, and keep


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the effective capacity of reservoir, maintain its service life; slow down the downstream riverbed rise as a result of sedimentation, thus reduce or postpone the investment on dyke heightening; lessens the runoff hydrograph and reduces the flood risk; terraced fields, and small-scale runoff collecting tanks intercept and store runoff, deplete flood peaks, ease downstream flood control pressure and mitigate flood damage; save the expenses for constructing additional flood-prevention works. Above-mentioned impact on downstream area is fully discussed in section 6.2.1, in addition, Section 6.3.2 discusses the impact on downstream river and lake water quality.

6.4.2 Environmental impact during project implementation Impact on Water and Soil LossThis project is an ecological environment construction project that is favorable to water and soil conservation. After the project functioned completely, there is a remarkable benefit to conserve water and soil (see 6.2.1) so as to reverse the trend of constant worsening of soil erosion in the project area and improve the ecological environment progressively. But during construction, the project activities such as basic farmland construction, forest/ grass vegetation construction, small-scale water conservancy structures construction will perturb the earth's surface and vegetation, bringing new soil erosions locally in a short time period.

Basic farmland construction is mainly to transform some slope fields into the level terraces. It is planned to build 11309hm2 of terraces in a 6-year period, including 7793hm2 of ‘earth shaped’ terraces and 3519hm2 of ‘stone face’ terraces. In the course of slope terracing, within the range of construction area, the destruction of the forest and vegetation is unavoidable; especially the improper soil borrowing and stone quarrying will expose the surface, inevitably causing new erosions tentatively. Terracing process includes alignment, clearing off base surface, building the retaining wall (and ridge), removing the topsoil (20cm deep topsoil) and backfill, and finally grading the terrace surface. In order to reuse the cultivatable topsoil, the topsoil should be backfilled line by line or conserved in the middle of stockpiles in course of construction. Erosion may occur if there is rainfall during the operations; the tentative absence of vegetative cover on the newly constructed ridges may also give rise to soil loss.

Forest/grass vegetation construction includes orchard, artificial forest, grass planting, etc. Land preparation is the first step, including such different methods as horizontal bench preparation, horizontal ditch preparation, fish-scale pit preparation, and etc. The soil preparation operation may disturb the earth's surface, and produce local soil erosion primarily during the initial period of construction. However, because of the good adaptability to local conditions and to hardship of the selected plant species usually with developed root system and rampant tree, so long as proper land preparation method is adopted specific to the topography, slope gradient, soil condition and species characteristics, together with protective measures, no significant soil erosions will be caused by forest and grass vegetation construction.

Foundation excavation needs to be carried out for construction of small water conservancy structures and their accessories. The operation will change the original surface and damage the vegetative cover, while the spoils be easily washed away by rains. However, such small-scale structures are scattered across the whole project area, the scale of the individual project is rather small, and the construction is generally scheduled in dry season in winter, so there will be no significant soil erosion


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if the excavated soil is backfilled in a timely manner.

In summary, the potential water and soil loss during the project construction mainly comes from the construction activities including earth/rock excavation, earth ridge embanking, base clearance, topsoil handling and land preparation for basic farmland, land preparation for forest/ grass vegetation establishment, and construction of small-scale water conservancy structures and their accessories. The impact is limited to the initial period of construction before the vegetative cover begins to play its due role in water and soil conservation. Impact on Water Quality, Atmosphere and NoiseThe major project activities include basic farmland construction, forest grass vegetation construction and small water conservancy structure (and auxiliary facility) construction. The project covers a large area, and the construction activities spread across 274 basins in 37 counties; most of the construction sites lie on the farmlands and deserted hills, generally free from environmentally sensitive zones nearby. The construction of the project has the following characteristics: manual operation with the aid of not many transport vehicles, no need for large-size construction machinery; local farmers being the labor force participating in the construction without recruiting outside workers, no remarkable increase to local population.

Concreting may be needed for constructing the irrigation pond, deposition pond, sediment trap, pumping station, irrigating and drainage, small-scale water conservancy structure, stock barn, marsh gas pit, etc. The aggregate washing and concrete curing will produce wastewater and cause downstream pollution in the constructing area. Because the project area is so large and the job sites are scattered, the individual project has only a small amount of concreting amount, the impact on downstream water quality is small and limited to the concreting construction timeframe.

The noise pollution mainly comes from blasting and transporting vehicle during construction. The noise of blasting lasts only a short time, and the intensity of noise given off by vehicles is related to traffic flow, truck type, speed, road conditions, etc. There are not many vehicles to work for the project and the operation sites are in the rural wilderness, so the noise impact will be negligible.

Construction activities impacting air quality include: blasting, earth excavation, soil ridge embanking, and transportation. The air pollutant includes soil dust stirred up in the process of excavation, embanking and transportation. The project area lies in the rural area, and the job sites are in open air with good diffusing condition, the air quality impact will be very limited. Impact on landscapeIt is planned to build terraced fields 11309hm2, including earth-shape terrace 7793hm2

and stone-face terraced fields 3519hm2. Some activities, such as earth /rock excavation and land grading and preparation will change the existing land use pattern and local landform. Stone blasting will cause extensive exposure of ground surface, affecting the land view adversely. However, the terraced basic farmland on slopes changes the original hillside scenery into new terraced land views. Countermeasures It is unavoidable to produce a small amount of pollutants in construction activity. To mitigate pollution, measures should be taken to create a good construction environment.


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(1) For large-size individual cases of construction, case-specific EIA shall be carried out in the next stage in order to prevent EI.

(2) Construction should be arranged in winter in order to avoid soil erosion induced by rainfall.

(3) Vegetation with strong capability of water and soil conservation shall be planted and immediately after the earth ridge is formed, and nursed carefully.

(4) The topsoil shall be collected from the to-be-terraced slopes and then backfilled after site grading. If the removed topsoil or soil spoil is stockpiled, the surface of the stockpile shall be compacted by means of treading.

(5) Economic forest and artificial forest shall be planted immediately after the land is prepared, with the backfilled topsoil manually consolidated.

(6) It is forbidden to incinerate crop straw or weeds in the project area.

6.4.3 Environmental risk Exotic Species (1) The situation of the species invasion

There are more than 400 exotic species invading into China at present, of which more than 100 species bring greater risks. Among the 100 exotic species that are the most dangerous specified by the World Nature Preservation Union, more than 50 species can be found in China. In the four project provinces/municipality, all have exotic species invaded. Chongqing has 53 invaded species, 70% compared to the total 74 species under the country’s strict control. There are 51 invaded species in Hubei (13 species belonging to fauna, 38 species to flora). The most dangerous plants and insect found in the project area include Crofton weed, Slligator alternenthera, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Eichhornia crassipes, Lolium temulintum, Johnsongrass. Avena fatua L, and B. mucronatus. 【528】,【529】

(2) Analysis of risk factors

In the feasibility study report and basin design report, species invasion is not addressed in the project components (planting trees, artificial meadow, economic forest etc). But there does exist the ecological risk engendered by exotic species invasion or importation.

a) Although the principle of Planting Tree Species in line with local conditions is adopted as the guidelines for forestry construction under the project, there is the phenomenon of importing exotic species and extension, especially in drought-stricken mountain area, where the drought-resistant plant is very much welcomed, for example the locust that is classified as invaded species in other countries is selected in some of the project areas as the main afforestation tree. If imported grass species are adopted for grassland establishment, the banned grass species can probably come along in mix with the imported seeds.

b) Project implementation involves the change of landuse and ecosystem type, which is the important factor to produce ecological risks. Because of constant cultivation, the dangerous exotic species are effectively controlled. It is proved that the rampant spread of Crofton weed in Yunnan is a result of rotation cropping widely performed in that area. On the returning farmland, it takes quite some time for forest and grass to recover. In the interim before a complete ecosystem is developed, chances are


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available for the undesired exotic species such as Galinsoga ciliata, Erigeron annuus, Conyza Canadensis, Herba Bidentis Pilosae to grow and spread.

c) According to the investigation, B. mucronatus causes danger to masson pine, Huashan pine and Yunnan pine in project area. The project area in each province adopts these pine species for afforestation. Therefore, there is the risk that the B. mucronatus spreads to the project area from existing forests in the surrounding areas.

d)The eucalyptus is controversial in China, for the findings by different institutes give differing results about it. According to the prevailing insights, the eucalyptus has poor water-holding capacity but consumes significant amount of water, causing groundwater table lowering and ground cracking; Meanwhile, afforestated eucalyptus trees consume more nutrients, causing land fertility decline; In addition eucalyptus is detrimental to other plants by producing a certain toxic material to suppress other biological growth, thus reducing bio-diversity. Yunnan University conducts a 10-year period comparative study for 5 modes of forests consisting a combination of 5 tree species, concluding that (Ref. 523) eucalyptus forest is the poorest in terms of water and soil conservation, and is very unfriendly to the environment and the aboriginal trees. If extensively planted, the eucalyptus will deplete land fertility and degrade the aboriginal species, resulting in ecological crisis or even ' green desertification '.

In basin design in Yunnan under the project, Eucalyptus globules and other varieties of eucalyptus are selected as the primary species for afforestation, at the risk of depleting land fertility, degrading the aboriginal species and reducing bio-diversity. .

(3) Countermeasure

It is planned to take following measures in response to the risks mentioned above:

a) China is one of the universally acknowledged big countries featured by bio-diversity , where the indigenous plants are rich in variety with good adaptability.In the basin design, the indigenous plants shall be preferred in selection and exotic species (including imported foreign tree species and trans-regional domestic ones) shall be strictly controlled, and foreign grass seeds be quarantined.

b) In the project area of Yunnan, eucalyptus is not recommended for afforestating public benefit forests, instead, indigenous tree species shall be selected. The farmers, if willing, may choose to plant eucalyptus to establish cash forest, but they are encouraged to select other alternative economic trees.

c) Strengthen later stage management to prevent exotic species from seizing the ecological vacuum interim after farmland returning. It needs to strengthen the work of local people training in each basin and provide sufficient forest management funds.

d)In afforestation, to adopt the mix mode of coniferous and broadleaf forests, combining arbor, bush and grass. The measures such as to strengthen prevention and control of plant diseases/pests and protect the natural enemy of pests have already been discussed in detail in Section 6.3. 1. Pesticide UseChina has issued 7 batches of national standards of Criterion on Rational Use of Pesticide so far since 1987, in which the name of the pesticide in use, its form, usual and maximum dosage, maximum application times each season, minimum time interval before harvesting(safe interval), etc. for a specific crop have been given in detail. And Chinese relevant departments have already made the plan of cutting down the highly toxic organophosphorus insecticide. The Ministry of Agriculture issued


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announcement No. 194 (2002.4.22) to stop sanctioning registration for new producers of highly toxic organophosphorus pesticids such as methamidophos, methyl parathion and phosphamidon. But the highly toxic agriculture chemicals are being still produced and using, the food poisoning caused by the agriculture chemicalw is used and residues of pesticides happens again and again, the use of the agriculture chemicals will produce higher risk.

Before the project is implemented, the pesticides are still used in project area to prevent and control plant diseases and pests, which expose great risks. Section 6.3.2 in the report has discussed the change of pest and pesticides after project execution and gives corresponding countermeasures and a recommended list of high-efficient low-toxicity pesticides. Even so, the risk factors will increase after project implementation, as follows:

(1) The large patches of economic forest and fruit forest in project area will be developed. An example is the planting of honeysuckle in Anlong County, Guizhou where current plantings of 1333hm2 in the county will be expanded to 15000 hm2, of which some 400 hm2 is in the project area. Another example is the planting of Fructus Gardenia (Cape Jasmine Fruit, a traditional Chinese medicine) in Changyang County, Hubei where current plantings of 3333hm2 in the county will be expanded to 6666 hm2, of which 100 hm2 is planned in the project area【110】. The single-crop forests are likely to incur pests and diseases, resulting in extensive application of pesticides, which makes the natural enemies—the birds fewer and fewer and beneficial insects, consequently, the mice and pests without presence of predators destroy increasingly the vegetation, causing regional bio-diversity decline, ecological chain rupture and further worsening of the already fragile ecological environment. On the other hand, not only the farmers who are spraying the pesticides are at great risk, the waters containing the pesticide pollutants pose great to environment and people’s health.

(2) After the project is performed, landuse optimization will change plantation structure with increase of fruits and vegetables planting area. Correspondingly, the risk of pesticide residual on fruits and vegetables may rise and poses threat to people’s health. More-than-one pass pesticide spraying is needed for the vegetables, i.e. cucumbers and tomatoes (6-8 passes in succession). While the harvests of vegetables are at short period intervals not long after pesticide application, so there is a higher-than-standard level of pesticide residual on the vegetables. The pesticide remnants on the vegetables not merely accumulates poisons inside the human body, but some extremely toxic ones such as methamidphos, parathion-methyl and Methomy which are forbidden for vegetable farming may induce cancer. Their accumulation is very harmful to human health.

It is planned to take following measures aiming to risks mentioned above:

(1) Planning economic forests in rational way to avoid single-species woods in a large area. Various fruit forests shall be intercropped.

(2) To enhance publicity and education, improve farmers’ awareness and scientific consciousness of ecological protection to use low toxicity and less residual pesticides.

(3) To protect natural enemies of pests, popularize the environment-friendly agriculture chemicals and develop green agriculture. Forest FireThe statistics show, 680 thousand cases of forest fires have taken place from 1950 to 1998 in China with 5.99‰ annual average forest damage rate, 6 times of the world’s


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average rate. The direct economic loss caused by forest fire is up to 7-10 billion CNY annually. According to State Forestry Bureau statistics, more than 12,000 forest fires have taken place in the whole country in the year 2004 by the end of October, increased by 43% compared to same period last year. It is found out that more than 97% of the forest fire cases are caused by human activities, such as burning the grass on wasteland for manure or burning straws for other purposes, or enkindled by cigarette residuals, fireworks and other sources.

It will plant 29491hm2 water and soil conservation forest, 55512hm2 economic forest, 22995 hm2 grass and 52755hm2 protection forest. After the implementation of the project, forest coverage will increase from 18.73% to 30.64%. The increase of vegetative cover under the project will also raise the level of fire risk because of more inflammable materials will be available in the forest and grass lands. Climatic factor, i.e. EI Nino, and human factors will also contribute to forest fire risk, which increases as the forests grow.

Since human activity is the main reason that causes forest fire, it is a most effective measure to raise forest fire prevention awareness of the people, and allow the farmers to benefit from protecting forest resources.

In conjunction of motivating the people’s incentives to protect the forest from fire, other measures shall be planned and taken: 1) develop fire prevention measures; 2) Organize fire prevention safety inspection; 3) readiness with fire-fighting plan and keep informed of dynamic situation of fire warning; 4) keep fire sources under management and control, fire in open air is forbidden in the case of Grade 4 fire warning level; 5) weather forecast and prediction of fire warning level, communications through media of the information. Through the above measures, forest fire risk can be minimized.

6.4.4 Global Environmental Issue

A series of global environmental issues are confronting the human beings, including global warming, ozone layer depletion, widespread acid rain, desertification, bio-diversity reduction, exacerbated soil erosion, fresh water shortage and pollution, and ocean pollution, etc.

As a developing country, China is facing both the threatening by global environmental problems and perplexing by various environmental problems emerged from development. But China, as always, will make great efforts to protect our environment when developing economy, contributing as much as possible to global environmental protection course.

The earth is an integrated ecosystem. The regional environmental problem of one country may impact the global environment as a whole. Therefore, regional development should fit into the global environmental picture. This project is an ecological environment construction project for water and soil conservation, its ecological benefits is discussed in Section 6.2.1 and 6.2.2. The following is an analysis of its impact on global warming:

(1) The causes of global warming

The problem of global warming is becoming a worldwide focus. The global temperature rise started to occur in 1920's and peaked in the 1940s. After a decline thereafter, it rose again in 1960s. The biggest temperature rise occurs in the polar region in Northern Hemisphere, with a maximum of 2.4 degrees.


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There is still some uncertainty about the complicated causes of global warming, but man has proved that greenhouse gases i.e. carbon dioxide and methane generated by human activities are the key factors to cause global warming and consequently extensive diminishing of forests and vegetation. Therefore, it is a common understanding and practice to control the emission of carbon dioxide and increase green vegetation for prevention of global warming.

(2) Impact Analysis

The implementation of the project has impact on global warming as following.

An important ① component of the project is to construct forests for water and soil conservation including economic forest, reduce area of the slope land and the wasteland, increase the area of forest and meadow. After the project is implemented, the biomass in the project region will increase substantially, more carbon dioxide will be sequestered in the plants, beneficial to curbing global warming.

This project will change the energy structure of the countryside through building② and popularizing the marsh gas pits in the project area, will not only reduce deforestation but also reduce the use of the coal, thus can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, and can ease the pressure of global warming.

The project will have a positive and favorable impact on global warming.

6.5 Brief Summary and Conclusion

According to the demand of TOR, it should make a dissertation report for the social assessment. The results are not brought into the EIA report. To make the EIA report having integrality and objectivity, partial results are quoted directly in Section 6.2.4. Also it has written a separate dissertation report for pest management. The results of pest management are quoted directly in Section 6.3.1.

The important environment problems as identified in chapter 5 are discussed in detail in this chapter. Based on the features of the project feasibility research report and construction such as project scope, amounts of small basins, complicated environmental setting, etc., the EIA carries out an overall analysis on the EIs from plan levels, combined with potential impacts of the typical small basin design and activities. The selection of the small basins considers the representativeness of different provinces, basins, soil erosion types, environmental settings and existing environmental problems.

Water and soil resources protectionWater and soil are the basic indispensable natural resources both for human survival and development and to realize economic and social sustainable development. The implementation of the project will help to retain water and keep the soil from loss, reverse the worsening trend of soil loss, mitigate natural disasters, reduce sediment inflow to lakes and reservoirs, maintain the service life of water projects, aiming at sustaining socio-economic development.

The benefits of water and soil resources protection of the project mainly include: 1) Significant improvement of vegetation coverage and effective control of soil erosion; 2) Enhancing soil and water conservation, regulating runoff, decreasing frequency of flash flood disasters, reducing sources of solid debris, and mitigating damage of mud-rock flow; 3) Protect land resources, decrease soil nutrient loss, enhance soil conservation, mitigate farmland drought, improve irrigation and cultivation condition and increase the crop yield; 4) Decrease sediment in lakes and reservoirs, extend the


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usage life of water conservancy, etc..

Ecological environment improving

The area is located in subtropical monsoon climate zones. Vegetation types in the regions are subtropical coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest plus evergreen and deciduous mixed forest. However, original vegetation has been destroyed, and only secondary vegetation remains at present. The existing forest area is only 129360hm2 with a coverage degree of 18.73%. Benefits of the project on ecological environment improvement are as following:

(1) Significant increase of vegetation coverageWoodland area would reach 211606 hm2 with forest coverage of

30.64%, improving 11.91%, by afforestation on waste and slope land suited for forest and construction of orchard. Also grassland areas in the project regions will reach 35616hm2 with vegetation coverage of 35.8%, improving 5.03%.

(2) Enrich bio-diversityThere have two aspects of vegetation succession after finishing

afforestation and forming stable communities: 1) Because of the function of pioneer species, the micro environment would be improved and develop suitable growth condition for evergreen plants gradually, resulting in succession from secondary vegetation to typical zone vegetation. 2) The area of every small basin is not large with a range from more than ten to less than one hundred square kilometers, existing long boundaries. As the boundary effect, it provides conditions for outside species to invade the environment when eco-environment of the small basins are enhanced.

Ecosystem in the project regions would also change from only coniferous forest to several types of forests like coniferous and broad- leaved mixed forest, evergreen and deciduous mixed forests, etc. At the same time, the improvement of animal's habitats and gradual setting-up of the habitat corridors will attract outside animals which breed on plant to settle in the small basins.

(3) Ecosystem structure improving The forest ecosystem will be improved under the converse

succession direction. That is: coniferous forest- coniferous and broad- leaved mixed forest- evergreen and deciduous mixed forest- evergreen and broad- leaved forest at present.

The benefits of the farmland ecological system structure include: 1) Increase variety of the farmland ecological system by planting more abundant varieties; 2) Transforming farmland on slope hill into forests


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would benefit forest vegetation and consequently to help improving the farmland ecological system; 3) Transfer gradually to harmless and green ecological agriculture. In addition, the implementation of the project will obviously improve the ecological environment and have a deep influence on gathering ecological environment in countryside.

Land use structures optimizedLand use structures in the project regions exists several problems: 1)

Large proportion of farmland and high percentage of slope land; 2) Large proportion of sparse forest, young forest and shrubbery; 3) Large area of waste land and unused land.

Land use structure in the project regions would be optimized in several aspects after the project implementation: 1) Decrease slope land which is an unreasonable land use manner by changing slope land with an slope under 25°to terrace and matching irrigation facilities; 2) Plant soil and water conservation forest and economic fruits in waste and slope land suited for forest, resulting in improving vegetation coverage degree and environment; 3) Increase the proportion of grassland and animal husbandry; 4) Increase the proportion of water area and fishery.

Compared with land use structures before control, farmland and wasteland would decrease11.3% and 94.0% respectively, while woodland, grassland and water would increase 31.2%, 160.4% and 0.1% respectively through the above measures. The types of ecological degradation such as slope land, wasteland and unsuitable land would reduce largely. That is the indication of improving environment and optimizing land use structures in the project regions.

Living condition improvingThe implementation of this project will improve living condition of

the farmers, including more net income, better infrastructure, fairer rights/equity, etc.

The farmers in the project regions will not only earn temporary income by participating in the project construction, but also get more money for developing production and more opportunities for changing slope land to terrace, planting economic forest, developing domestic breeding, building irrigation facilities and mash gas generating pits, etc. All that will ensure the long time, permanent and stable improvement of farmers’ economic income.

The rural infrastructure construction will greatly improve the productive and living condition in countryside and provide sustainable developing condition for agriculture. In addition, Changing of kitchen, toilet and pens combined with mash gas generating pits construction in country will obviously enhance the living and sanitation environment of


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the farmers. That will protect the farmers’ health. The social vulnerable groups such as poor people, minority, etc.

have been given special attention in the project design and implementation. Kinds of measures will guarantee their rights to get benefits from the project and their fairness of land use.

Crop diseases and pests The Basin Rehabilitation Project covers 38 counties where 2.21

million populations lived, in which 89.65% population is involved in agriculture or forest with 559863 farmer households. Land acreage for agriculture is 261067.5 hectares. According to the information availability in the related provinces/Municipality and counties, the annual yield losses caused by pest and crop diseases are 365.21 thousand tons for grain crops, 95.75 thousand tons for cash crops, 64.43 thousand tons for fruit threes. From surveying and interviewing, farmers feel most difficult to control pests in vegetable and fruit production due to they did not have experiences, and local agriculture technical extension workers are almost not familiar to the pests on vegetables and fruit trees.

According to the targets of water and soil conservation project in the four provinces, the soil erosion will be decreased 80%; High quality farm land will increase 14897.7 hm2; fruit orchard area will increase 2254.8 hm2; pasture and forest will cover 29149.1 hm2, increasing 100683.5 hm2; 276 small reservoirs or pool will be built. Those tremendous environment improvements and diversifications will result in re-structuring of agriculture and forest pest and crop diseases. Some pests and crop diseases will turn as secondary ones, and even harmless in paddy rice, while some exotic pests and crop diseases will invade into the project area companying new varieties and species introduction.

PMP of the project suggests providing some bio-rational agricultural material inputs to abate the habits of technical extension and farmer in the project regions merely rely on high toxic pesticide, building up Farmer Filed School to show successful IPM model of agricultural technology, etc. After implementation of PMP, the consumption of high toxic or conventional pesticide will decrease 20 to 30 percent, especially organophosphorus pesticides, organochlorine pesticides and carbamate chemicals. The insect pests/crop diseases will also be largely mitigated.

In order to more effectively control the insect pests/crop diseases in the project region, several suggestions are shown as following:

Building strong trainer team through TOTTraining farmers through FFS approachExpanding the usage of farmhouse fertilizer, etc.


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Water qualityThe project regions are located in the west of China, belongs to the

underdeveloped economy area. The agricultural population accounts for 96.2% of the total population. Plantation is the key sector for rural economy, as well as breeding by families and a few individual possessing. Non-point source pollution from fertilizer, pesticide and domestic manure is the main pollution source in rural.

According to the usage investigation of fertilizer and pesticide in the typical counties, fertilizer is mainly carbamide, phosphorate fertilizer and compound fertilizer with 482.4~1,298.8kg per hectare, and pesticide is mainly insecticide, bactericide and weed killer with 1.2~11.9kg per hectare. The usage level of fertilizer and pesticide has the positive correlation with the economic development, which is higher in developing regions.

The constructions of the project which have large influence on non-point source pollution include changing slope land to terrace, planting shrubbery, vegetation and economic fruit, enclosing facilitating afforestation, building marsh gas generating pits, etc. According to the analyzed data, the usage and entering into water amount of fertilizer and pesticide will both decrease greatly after the project implementation. For fertilizer, its usage amount will decrease 5,443t with entering into water amount decreasing 5,736t; for pesticide, both amounts will also decrease a little with 14t and 26t respectively. The projects like changing slope land to terrace, planting artificial forest and economic fruit have more obvious impacts on the usage amount of fertilizer, while only the behind two projects have more obvious impacts on the usage amount of pesticide. As the constructions of changing slope land to terrace and planting artificial forest change the soil loss situation of original cultivation slope, both their usage and entering into water amount of fertilizer will decrease. At the same time, the usage amount of fertilizer for panting economic fruit will increase a lot because the fertilizer usage amount per hectare increases.

Because of the reduction of fertilizer and pesticide in water, N, P, pesticide and other organic or inorganic pollutants will decrease. That will benefit the water quality protection in the project regions and the down reaches. Also the construction of mash gas generating pits will change the inadequate management situation of manure. Domestic manure in country will be under effective control and utilized. As the result, the non-point source pollution in country will be controlled in effectiveness.

In order to control non-point source pollution in the project regions, the following measure are suggested to carry out:


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(1)Strengthen the training on farmers and extend ecological agriculture technology ;

(2) Popularize the use of household manure as organic fertilizer;(3) Strengthen the management of fertilizer and pesticide use and

use them in a proper way. Forest ParkOnly a little part of Laoyan and Wanhe villages in the Liujiagou

basin regions lie in Tiefengshan State Forest Park, involved an area of 386.2 hm2. Among the regions, the area of medium-intensity soil loss is 48.8 hm2, accounting for 12.6% of the total land. The main measures include planting economic forest and vegetation, construction of orchard, water tanks and closure protection in slight soil loss regions.

Planting economic forest and vegetation would change the regional land use types with perennial plants substituting annual plants. It will improve the forest landscape in regions. The construction of tea gardens will form new sights in the forest park. And the constructions of small-size water conservancy projects will not have adverse impacts on the park. As a whole, the control of Liujiagou Small Basin will provide positive benefits to the state forest park without adverse impacts. But it is needed to notice water and soil conservation and avoid soil loss caused by the demolishment of surface vegetation during the construction period. Environmental supervising should be carried out.

Impacts on downstream The implementation of the project will bring remarkable benefits for

the downstream of the Changjiang and Pearl River basins: 1) Mitigate sediment, keep the effective storage and prolong the usage life of the reservoirs in down reaches; 2) Mitigate sediment building up in downstream riverbed to decrease or suspend the investment of dike rehabilitation; 3) Reduce the flow variety in down reaches to increase flood risk; 4) Block or store precipitation and runoff by amounts of small engineering projects like terrace, paddy workshops, reservoirs and water tanks, resulting in decreasing flood peak flow in down reaches, reducing flood control pressure and harm of flood disaster, saving expenses of constructing flood control projects.

EIs during constructionSome constructions like farmland construction, woodland

construction and small-size water conservancy structures will destroy surface vegetation during the project construction period. That will temporarily increase soil loss in partial regions. But as the construction regions will be located in field and wasteland with human work in


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extensive area, the impacts of the project on water quality, air quality and noise will be very small. The excavation of earth and stone will expose the ground surface and have adverse impacts on landscape.

To mitigate the adverse impacts, some protection measures could be used as following:

a) The EIA aiming at large individual sub-projects should be carried out in the next stage to prevent EIs of the sub-projects construction.

b) According to the features of less precipitation in winter, the construction schedule should be arranged in winter to decrease soil loss caused by rain-washing.

c) Vegetation with better functions of water and soil conservation should be planted outside in time after finishing soil ridges construction.

d) During farmland construction, it should keep the surface soil, then backfill after finishing soil arrangement. If the waste and surface soil collect together to stack, the surface should be covered steadfastly.

e) The construction of economic and artificial forest should be planted in time after finishing soil arrangement. And the surface should be covered steadfastly by soil.

f) Burning sundries like crop straw, weeds, etc. is forbidden in the project regions.

Environmental riskThe section analyzes the environmental risk of the project. The

ecological risk mainly comes from invasion of alien species and usage of pesticide. The safety risk comes from forest fire. According to the risk factors analysis, human activities are the main causes of environmental risk. So the mitigation measures of preventing and decreasing environmental risk of the project are put forward based on the risk inducements, shown as following:

(1) Strengthen the quarantine of alien species: Local seeds should be chosen for the ecological commonweal forest construction in the project regions of Yunnan Province. Eucalypt could be planted in the economic forest construction project combined with local farmers’ desire. At the same time, farmers in the regions are encouraged to choose other economic forest. (2) Strengthen the anaphase management of the afforestation project and training on the farmers.

(3) Strengthen prevention of the forest insect pests/crop diseases and protection of their natural enemy.

(4) Rationally plan economic fruits in the typical small basins


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design; avoid planting a single type of forest in large area; implement different types of economic fruits planting alternately in zones.

(5) Enhance propagation to improve the ecological protection consciousness; Rationally use pesticide of low toxicity and low residue.

(6) Set up corresponding mechanism assisted by propagating, checking, predicting, management, etc. that could make peasant household benefit from protecting forest resources to improve their consciousness of forest protection and participate in preventing fire disaster.Global environmental problems

After implementation of the project, the biomass in the project region will increase substantially, more carbon dioxide will be assimilated by plants, resulting reducing content of carbon dioxide in the air. Popularizing biogas pits, which changes rural energy structure will not only reduce deforestation but also reduce the use of the coal, thus can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. The project would ease global warming in some extent and have a positive and favorable effects.


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Comparison of Alternatives

7.1 Introduction

The project implementation could establish an integrated and sustainable rural development pattern for those poor regions with serious erosion in the upper reaches of the Changjiang/Pearl Rivers through the public projects for water and soil conservation projects, such as basic farmland, sediment check, afforestation and vegetation replantation, and the projects beneficial to individual for water and soil conservation, improvement of livelihood, such as terracing slope fields, and planting flowers/trees and economic trees, and technical support and service. In result, it will facilitate the effective and sustainable use of land and water resources, minimize the poverty and serious environmental damages due to poor resources management pattern, and reducing sediment discharged into the major rivers of the Changjiang/Pearl River basins. Hence, the essence of the project is to promote sustainable use of environmental resources, and reverse the trend of environmental deterioration of the basins, which, in itself, has not adverse impacts on environment generally.

There are 5 zones of water and soil loss relating to the project areas in the four provinces or municipality, and there are many solutions to meet above objectives due to different features of topography, climate and vegetation in each region. Because only one solution should be given in the design of typical small basin among 274 basins in the project area, those representative small basins can be selected as alternatives, and compared and analyzed under the scenario with and without schemes. The possibility of realization of the objectives and the environmental adaptability of the water and soil conservation schemes are analyzed by means of certain indexes, and compared with the environmental variation tendency without the scheme to prove the rationality and put forward the adjusted suggestions. In addition, the EIA team has screened the suitability between the project and its environment during the screen stage. As for the small basins of the project within natural habitats, the screen is carried out and the substitute scheme proposed, for example of the typical small basins of Chengjiang County of Yunnan Province.

7.2 Environmental Features and Objectives of the Project

7.2.1 Environmental Features of the Project Regions

The project involves 37 counties in the four provinces or municipality, where 5 zones of water and soil losses could be divided according to the classification of soil erosion, i.e. the middle erosion zone in the meddle and low mountains, hills and ravines of the west Yunnan; the middle and strong erosion zone in the plateau mountains of the west Guizhou; the light and middle erosion zone in the mountains of the east Sichuan; the middle erosion zone in the middle mountains and hills of the Three Gorges; and the middle erosion zone in the low mountains and hills of Dabie Mountains. Based on an unit of the natural water system of 20~ 50 km2 and the integrity of administrative regions, 274 small basins in the project area are divided, including 58 in Yunnan, 107 in Guizhou, 54 in Chongqing, and 55 in Hubei.

(1) The middle erosion zone in the meddle and low mountains, hills and ravines of the west Yunnan

Landform of the zone generally shows that plateau meddle mountains, hills and small


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basins distribute alternatively, where the topography of the middle area is lower than that of surrounding area, with many gullies and broken original surface. The main soil types in the region include red earth, brown earth, purple soil and paddy soil. The region locates in north subtropical plateau monsoon climate zone with low latitude, where it is warm in spring and cool in autumn without extreme cold in winter nor hot in summer. The annual temperature range is low but the daily range is high. The maximum temperature in a year is 39.1oC, and the minimum is -7.3 oC. The average annual temperature is 16.5 oC. Degree day for temperature≥10oC is 5,508 oC. Average annual rainfall is 859mm and concentrates in summer and autumn when the heat resources are abundant. Sunshine hour is 2,358 h/a. The solar radiation is 191.1kJ/a. The climatic resources are suitable for growth of many tropical and subtropical crops.

The region involves 58 small basins in all 7 counties of the Yunnan project area, with 1,557.87km2 of land area. Soil loss area in this region is 669.56 km2, mainly caused by water erosion. Sheet erosion distributes widely. Gully erosion develops due to thick soil depth and long slope. In addition, there are collapsing hill, landslide and debris flow in some parts.

(2) The middle and strong erosion zone in the plateau mountains of the west Guizhou

There are various geomorphic types in the zone, mainly in limestone mountain, hilly billabong and arenaceous shale mountain. Most areas are covered with high mountains and steep slopes. The elevation is more than 1, 200m. The relative elevation is 400-600m with the maximum of 700m. The soil types mainly are yellow brown earth, red earth, yellow earth and yellow red earth. The southern region is in subtropical monsoon climate zone, and the northern region is in plateau monsoon climate zone. The average annual temperature is 14.8°C. The average annual rainfall is 1,146mm, 70% of which is concentrated during May to September.

The region involves 107 small basins of all 12 counties in the Guizhou project area, including 2,496.48km2 of land area. The area of soil erosion is 1,317.33 km2, accounting for 52.8% of the total land area. The soil erosion is severe from slope cropland because of its large area. Most area in this region is located in limestone region where the speed for soil formation is slow and soil layer is thin to result in rockification after soil was eroded.

(3) The light and middle erosion zone in the mountains of the east Sichuan

Hills are the main landform in this zone. The areas of hills, platforms, low mountains and plains make up 66.5%, 12.9%, 12.5% and 6.7% of the total land area, respectively. The soil types are mainly purple soil and paddy soil. The region is in subtropical humid monsoon climate zone. The average annual temperature is 17.7°C, and the average annual rainfall is 1,112mm, 70% of which is concentrated from May to September.

The region involves 16 small basins of 3 counties/cities in the Chongqing project area, including 358.06km2 of land area. The area of soil erosion is 207.54 km2, amounting to 58.0% of the total land area. The total population is up to 73,500. Due to high population density and high cultivation index, soil erosion in the region is very serious.

(4) The middle erosion zone in the middle mountains and hills of the Three Gorges

The region is in Three Gorges in the Changjiang River where the mountains are high, slopes are steep, and gullies are deep. The region is in the subtropical humid monsoon climate zone. The average annual temperature is 17°C, and the average annual rainfall


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is 1,150mm, 50% of which is concentrated from May to September the annual value.

The region involves 8 counties in the Chongqing project area and 3 counties in the Hubei project. The total land area is 1,824.56km2 with 1,415.3km2 in Chongqing and 409.26 km2 in Hubei. Soil erosion area is 1115.55 km2, making up 61.1% of the total land area. Although there is a large area of forestry, its distribution is uneven and its structure is not reasonable. The slope cultivation is also popular. These causes severe soil loss and geological disasters like landslide and debris flow.

(5) The middle erosion zone in the low mountains and hills of Dabie Mountains

The region is in south slope of Dabie Mountain in the north of middle reaches of the Changjiang River. It is low mountains and hilly area with granite and gneiss as rock bed. The elevation is 75-469.5m. Hills and gullies are spread widely. There is obvious 4 seasons in climate with plentiful sunshine, rainfall, and long frost-free days. The average annual temperature is 13.7°C, and average annual rainfall is 1086mm.

The region involves 3 counties in the Hubei project area with 668.08km2 of the land area. The area of soil loss is 306.89 km2, amounting to 45.9% of the total area. Dense population, concentrated rainfall storms, porous soil and sparse vegetation are factors causing soil loss in this region.

7.2.2 Objectives of the Project

The general objective is to establish and extend a comprehensive sustainable rural develop mode in poor areas where the ecological environment has been deteriorated severely, in order to improve local living conditions and ecological environment. An integrated eco-ago system with reasonable structures of plantation, forest and husbandry will be developed by 6-year (2004-2009) comprehensive rehabilitation and exploration, and consolidated in later period. As the result, ecological and economic systems will have positive circulations and farmers are getting rich.

(1) Ecological objectives

A comprehensive system of soil and water conservation will be built up to reach a degree of more than 80% for soil loss control and decrease soil erosion more than 70%. At that time, the area of forest and grassland will cover more than 80% of the lands, which are suitable for forest and grass growth. Cropland with slope steeper than 25o will be converted to forest or grassland completely. All of waste hills and slopes will be forested. Structures of the forests and grassland will be improved, and vegetation coverage will increase obviously. The circulation in an ecological system will become positive.

(2) Economic objectives

Agricultural conditions will be improved by conversion of slope cropland to terraces and small water conservancy projects. Average basic farmland per person in the project regions will be more than 0.067hm2. Economic fruit trees will be developed combined with breeding and processing manufacture. The farmers' income will increase more than 30% compared to the regions where the projects have not been implemented. Farmers will be relieved from poverty and their living standard will be improved.

7.2.3 Mitigative Measures and Arrangement

(1) Afforest in wasteland hill tops for increasing resistance to soil erosion and detachment, reducing runoff erosion, increasing vegetation coverage, using mixed


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forests and selecting local species; protect forest for young forest and shrub with coverage less than 60%; convert from cropland to forestry and grassland for all slopes above 25o for ecological balance; afforest arbor, shrub and grass to protect land resources in rectification areas which have potential dangers of soil loss.

(2) Integrated with constructions of basic farmland, change sloping cropland of 5-25o

into terraces with thick soil depth, and increase crop yield; adjust structures of agricultural production by planting fruits in high qualities, flowers, and medicinal materials to develop rural economy.

(3) Pay attention to the water conservancy construction; undertake basic farmland construction for slope runoff control; build small water conservancy projects such as drainage channels, silt traps, water storage ponds, silt arresters, etc., in order to control runoff, sediment and soil loss.

(4) Actively extend new energy measures such as marsh gas ponds, saving bavin stoves, etc. to protect the vegetation in mountain areas; build fundamental facilities like road construction for living condition improvement and economic development.

(5) Combined development of cash forest husbandry and processing industry, adjust agricultural structures increase farmers’ income.

7.3 Comparison of Alternatives in the Typical Small Basins

Seven typical small basins in the 4 provinces/municipality were chosen to carry out comparison of alternatives for water and soil conservation schemes of the project. They are shown as following:

Yunnan Province: the Duoke small basin in Yuanmou County;

Guizhou Province: the Muke small basin in Anlong County, the Nasheng small basin in Xinyi County;

Chongqing City: the Chengbei small basin in Qianjian County, the Sanpao small basin in Jiangjin City;

Hubei Province: the Quanxi small basin in Changyang County, the Huahe small basin in Hong’an County.

The following ecological environment indexes were considered in the comparison of alternatives for water and soil conservation schemes of the project: 1) Vegetation coverage; 2) Effects of water and soil conservation; 3) Production level; 4) Sustainability.

7.3.1 Features of Natural Ecological Environment

For the selected 7 small basins, natural ecologic environment is shown in Table 7-1, and socio-economic situation is shown in Table 7-2. Their features are shown as following:

(1) The Landform is mainly middle and low mountains and hills. Slope concentrates on 5° ~25°.

(2) The conditions of temperature and precipitation are suitable for the growth of various kinds of plants.

(3) Vegetation is mainly artificially planted secondary vegetation with little regionally vegetation.


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(4) The cultivation index is relatively high in mountain regions.

(5) Water and soil loss is quite serious.

(6) Plantation and breeding based on agriculture are main living and economic sources.

(7) Productivity level and living standard are low.


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Table 7-1 Natural ecological environment in the typical small basins of the project (1)

Small basin

Duoke small basin in Yuanmou

County, Yunnan Province

Kehe small basin in Anlong County,

Guizhou Province

Nasheng small basin in Xinyi

County, Guizhou Province

Chengbei small basin in Qianjian

County, Chongqing City

Sanpao small basin in Jiangjin County,

Chongqing City

Quanxi small basin in Changyan

County, Hubei Province

Huahe small basin in Hong’an

County, Hubei Province

Basin area (km2) 36.46 10.76 33.51 10.71 22.02 12.51 28.66

Sub-regions of soil loss

West Yunnan (middle and low mountain, hilly, middle erosion


West Guizhou (mountain, middle

and intensity erosion region)

West Guizhou (mountain, middle

and intensity erosion region)

Three Gorge (middle mountain and hilly,

middle erosion region)

Three Gorge (middle mountain and hilly,

middle erosion region)

Three Gorge (middle mountain and hilly,

middle erosion region)

Dabie Mountain (low mountain and

hilly, middle erosion region)


Low mountains and hills with the elevation of

1350m~1040m; in the area, 17.6% of the area with slope less than 5°, 32.5% with slope of 5-25°,

and 49.9% with slope more than 25°.

Medium and low mountains and

basins; in the area, 29.2% of the area

with slope less than 5°, 69.0% with slope of 5-25°, and 1.8%

with slope more than 25°.

Low mountains and hills of karsts relief; in the area, 25.8% of the area with slope less than 5°, and 48.4% with slope

more than 25°.

Mainly anticline low mountains composed

by sand shale of Silurian with

variable landform; the highest elevation

is 1125m, and the lowest is 580m.

Low and high hills; in the area, 60.09%

of the area with slope less than 5°, and 2.44% with

slope more than 25°

The elevation is 125.5m~632.8m; in the area, 3.85% of the area with slope

less than 5°, 10.85% with slope of 5-10°, 77.16% with slope

of 10-25°, and 8.14% with slope

more than 25°.

The elevation is 72m~449.7m with north of basins and

river villages, southeast of

mountains’ chain.

Soil typeDry red earth, purple soil, sand soil, gravel

soil, etc.

Yellow earth, lime earth, etc.

Lime soil, yellow earth, yellow brown

earth, etc.

Flat sand soil, stone bone earth, yellow

earth, alluvium, etc.

Greyish brown purple mud, dark violet mud ,etc.

Yellow soil, purple soil, flat sand earth, greyish brown soil,



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Table 7-1 Natural ecological environment in the typical small basins of the project (2)

Small basin

Duoke small basin in Yuanmou

County, Yunnan Province

Kehe small basin in Anlong County,

Guizhou Province

Nasheng small basin in Xinyi

County, Guizhou Province

Chengbei small basin in Qianjian

County, Chongqing City

Sanpao small basin in Jiangjin County,

Chongqing City

Quanxi small basin in Changyan

County, Hubei Province

Huahe small basin in Hong’an

County, Hubei Province


South subtropical river valley; Average annual temperature

is 21 ; Daily℃ temperature degree

accumulated for higher than 10 in℃ one year is 8,003 ;℃

Average annual rainfall is 646.8mm.

Subtropical monsoon climate zones; Average

annual temperature is 15.1 ; Daily℃

temperature degree accumulated for

higher than 10 in℃ one year is 4,349 ;℃

Average annual rainfall is


Average annual temperature is 16.10 ; Daily℃

temperature degree accumulated for

higher than 10 in℃ one year is

4,796.60 ; Average℃ annual rainfall is


Subtropical monsoon climate zones; Average

annual temperature is 15.4 ; Average℃ annual rainfall is


Average annual temperature is 18.30 ; Daily℃

temperature degree accumulated for

higher than 10 in℃ one year is 5,761 ;℃

Average annual rainfall is


Subtropical monsoon climate zones; Average

annual temperature is 16.5 ; Daily℃

temperature degree accumulated for

higher than 10 in℃ one year is 5,281 ;℃

Average annual rainfall is 1,400mm.

Subtropical monsoon climate zones; Average

annual temperature is 15.8 ; Average℃ annual rainfall is


VegetationOak, clammy hop seed bush, Dian

olive and Dian Pine, etc.

Secondary vegetation mostly

planted secondary forest, shrubbery and sparse young forest

mostly since the natural vegetation

was destroyed seriously

Planted secondary forest such as

armond pine, Cedar, cypress, etc., as well

as shrubbery and sparse young forest

Secondary forest like armond pine

Secondary forest like armond pine,

Cedar, cypress, oak, maple, etc.

Farmland (hm2)

464.80 hm2, among the total area,

67.87% of the area with slope less than

5°, 34.99% with slope of 5-25°

616.23 hm2 1,763.7 hm2, among the total area,

46.67% of the area with slope less than

5°, 21.3% with slope of 5-25°and 32.0%

with slope more than

372.33 hm2 with slope land of 213.22hm2,

accounting for 57.27% of the total

crop land

1,418.15 hm2, among the total area,

54.1% of the area with slope less than

5°, 19.0% with slope of 5-25°

557.63 hm2, among the total area,

41.18% of the area with slope less than

5°, 47.15% with slope of 5-25°and 11.67% with slope

903.00 hm2


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25° more than 25°

Table 7-1 Natural ecological environment in the typical small basins of the project (3)

Small basin

Duoke small basin in Yuanmou

County, Yunnan Province

Kehe small basin in Anlong County,

Guizhou Province

Nasheng small basin in Xinyi

County, Guizhou Province

Chengbei small basin in Qianjian

County, Chongqing City

Sanpao small basin in Jiangjin County,

Chongqing City

Quanxi small basin in Changyan

County, Hubei Province

Huahe small basin in Hong’an

County, Hubei Province

Cultivation index 12.75% 57.3% 52.6% 34.76% 64.40% 44.56% 31.51%

Soil erosion

The total area affected by soil loss

is 19.04km2, accounting for

52.2% of the total land. The average rate of soil loss is

2,763t/km2.a. Among the total soil

erosion area, the areas of slight loss, moderate loss, and

intense loss are accounting for

64.4%, 19.8%, and 15.8% of the total

erosion area.

The total area affected by soil loss

is 5.01km2, accounting for

46.54% of the total land. The average rate of soil loss is 2,090.4t/km2.a.

Among the total soil erosion area, the

areas of slight loss, moderate loss, and

intense loss are accounting for

33.3%, 34.9%, and 31.8% of the total

erosion area.

The total area affected by soil loss

is 17.61km2, accounting for

52.6% of the total land. The average rate of soil loss is

2,526t/km2.a. Among the total soil

erosion area, the areas of moderate

and intense loss are accounting for

59.2% of the total erosion area.

The total area affected by soil loss

is 5.44km2, accounting for

50.79% of the total land. The average rate of soil loss is

5,372t/km2.a. Among the total soil

erosion area, the areas of slight loss, moderate loss, and

intense loss are accounting for

13.31%, 41.65%, and 45.04% of the total erosion area.

The total area affected by soil loss

is 8.79km2, accounting for

39.9% of the total land. The average rate of soil loss is 3,699.65t/km2.a.

Among the total soil erosion area, the

areas of slight loss, moderate loss, and

intense loss are accounting for

12.0%, 40.3%, and 47.7% of the total

erosion area.

The total area affected by soil loss

is 694.61km2, accounting for

55.54% of the total land. The average rate of soil loss is 2,250.0t/km2.a.

Among the total soil erosion area, the

areas of slight loss, moderate loss, and

intense loss are accounting for

40.87%, 35.96%, and 3.17% of the total erosion area.

The total area affected by soil loss

is 10.09km2, accounting for

35.21% of the total land. Among the total soil erosion area, the areas of

slight loss, moderate loss, and intense

loss are accounting for 54.51%, 44%, and 1.49% of the total erosion area.


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Table 7-2 Socio-economic situation in the small basins of the project

Small basin

Duoke small basin in Yuanmou

County, Yunnan Province

Kehe small

basin in Anlong County, Guizhou Province

Nasheng small

basin in Xinyi

County, Guizhou Province

Chengbei small basin in Qianjian

County, Chongqing


Sanpao small

basin in Jiangjin County,

Chongqing City

Quanxi small basin

in Changyan County, Hubei


Huahe small

basin in Hong’an County, Hubei


population 4309 3259 10727 2193 11196 3041 6615

Density of population

(p/km2)116 301 320 205 508 254 230

Cropland area(hm2) 464.80 616.23 1763.7 372.33 1418.15 557.63 903.00

Planting percentage 78.2 43% 65.96 66.5 66.5 54.35 43.67

Breeding percentage 21.8 25.8% 20.89 29.2 29.2 28.57 10.17

Forestry percentage - 1.2 10.45 4.3 1.8 4.77 7.44

Average crop land per


)0.11 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.13 0.18 0.14

Average production per capital


292 420 643 341.63 400.86 574 469

Average net income per

capita (Yuan)909 850 1017.4 1684 1195.6 1681 1375

7.3.2 Environmental Variable Trend of the Scenario without Scheme

It could be found that natural ecology has been destroyed in different extent based on the natural ecologic environment of the above-mentioned 7 small basins. The ecosystem is degenerating with some regions in very serious situation.

Although it has suitable climate and little density of population, high cultivation index caused by poor soil and low land productivity, and especially large area of slope land are the basic reasons of serious soil erosion and ecologic environment degeneration. Hence, average grain yields per capita is 292kg ~643kg, and net income per capita is 850~1,684 Yuan though average cropland per capita is 0.11 hm2~0.19 hm2. All that shows cropland productivity and living conditions are low in regions.

Planting and breeding based on agriculture are the main living and economic sources in the above-mentioned small basins. Because of the poor traffic, the attraction of fund and technology is limited. If only depending on the local economy with no fund and devoted technology, it will be very difficult to change this kind of production models.

There have abundant water and heat resources in the small basins. But crop land production is obviously restricted by water supply and quality of crop land such as


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slope land, thin soil layer, etc. because of the poor soil. At the same time, the future economy could only depend on mountains regions to complement for the restriction of cropland and productivity. Hence, if no attention on the utilizing of mountain regions and improving cropland quality, the productivity and economic development will be hardly enhanced. In particular slope land cultivation and herd will aggravate soil loss, resulting in gradually thinning soil layer and reducing land productivity. If this trend is continuing, the economic environment will degrade under the restriction of low productivity. So it is necessary to carry out mitigative measures to prevent this illogical trend.

7.3.3 Analysis of Mitigative Schemes for Controlling the Small Basins

The controlling measures for water and soil conservation of the selected 7 small basins include changing slope land into terraces, converting from cropland to forestry, planting economic fruit and forestry for water and soil conservancy, protecting natural forest, as well as building small water conservancy projects, constructing marsh gas generating pits, etc. The detailed plan is shown in Table 7-3.

After the project is implemented, the variety of the main indexes in the typical small basins is shown in Table 7-4.

From Table 7-4, the variety after the project implementation could be seen as shown in following:

(1) Slope land will reduce in different degrees, even totally controlled in some regions. The cultivation index will decrease from 12.75% ~ 64.40% to 11.45% ~ 56.49%, and average cropland per capita will reduce from 0.11~0.19 hm2 to 0.10~0.16 hm2.

(2) Economic fruit will increase with average per capita enhancing from 0 ~ 0.076 hm2 to 0.005 ~ 0.089 hm2.

(3) Forest will increase greatly. Vegetation coverage will become 18.27% ~ 83.7% from 3.58% ~ 56.9%.

(4) Wasteland will decrease greatly or even disappear in the small basins after the project implementation, except several small basins like the Nasheng River small basin in Xingyi City where there still has large area of wasteland.

After the project implementation, slope cropland and wasteland will greatly decrease with enhanced vegetation coverage. At the same time, small water conservancy constructed during changing slope land to terraces will play an important role in controlling soil loss, improving ecologic environment, etc.

Although average crop land per capita decreases, but the productivity will be increased because of economic fruit increasing and construction of small water conservancy projects. So the crop production will not obviously reduce. And the living level in regions will enhance since the income of economic fruit increases.

The shortages of the project are shown as following:

(1) In some small basins such as the Sanpao River small basin in Jiangjin City, original vegetation has been destroyed seriously. So although vegetation coverage would be greatly improved after the project implementation, ecological environment still need to be enhanced.

(2) In some small basins such as the Quanxi River small basin in Changyang County, farmland will decrease a lot after economic fruit substitutes all of the slope land. That


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would cause unsteady crop production because many factors could restrict the improving of cropland productivity in mountains. At the same time, the benefits of economic fruit also restricts by several factors. Hence, it is necessary to carry out further analysis on the schemes, especially for slope land with slope below 15°.

(3) In some small basins such as the Nasheng River small basin in Xingyi City, there will still have a lot of wasteland in the schemes since it has too many wastelands now. So degraded land use will exist after the project implementation.

(4) Forestry of water and soil conservancy is mainly mixed forest composed by a few kinds of plants, especially economic fruit, in which the plants obviously simplify. So it needs to carry out mitigative measures to improve quality of vegetation progressively and strengthen the functions of vegetation on ecologic environment.


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Table 7-3 Controlling schemes for the small basins of the project

Small basin Basin area (km2)

Controlling area (hm2)

Area of changing slope to terraces (hm2)

Economic fruit (hm2)

Forestry for water and

soil conservancy


Afforestation area by enclosing


Small water conservancy projectsMarsh gas generating


Duoke small basin in Yuanmou County, Yunnan

Province36.46 1904.40 102.07 189.87 870.20 742.26

350 reservoirs, 7.5km irrigating and drainage channels, 48 sediment pools,20 embankment, 76

paddy mills.

Kehe small basin in Anlong County, Guizhou

Province10.76 327.27 - 176.49 94.35 50.43 135 reservoirs, 1km irrigating and drainage

channels, 70 sediment pools. 132

Nasheng small basin in Xinyi County, Guizhou

Province33.51 1542.7 27.5 255.4 339.9 819.8

1 pumping station, 35 reservoirs,7km irrigating and drainage channels, 35 sediment pools, 7 paddy

mills,1km renovating channels.52

Chengbei small basin in Qianjian County, Chongqing City

10.71 436.00 32.36 128.51 153.6 69.187 reservoirs, 2.02km irrigating and drainage

channels, 25 sediment pools, 2,466.2m field cultivation roads

Sanpao small basin in Jiangjin County, Chongqing City

22.02 878.87 113.87 58.27 323.52 78.87 28 reservoirs, 13.66km irrigating and drainage channels, 256 sediment pools,3 embankment. 150

Quanxi small basin in Changyan County, Hubei

Province12.51 658.00 24.18 390.81 391.81 243.45 50 water pools, 2.5km water canals, 1 pumping canals. 150

Huahe small basin in Hong’an County, Hubei

Province28.66 1009.00 41.73 82.93 388.27 496.27

20 reservoirs, 1.5km irrigating and drainage channels, 100 sediment pools,3 embankment, 5

paddy mills.


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Table 7-4 Variety of the main indexes in the typical small basins before and after controlling

Small basin

Duoke small

basin in Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province

Kehe small

basin in Anlong County, Guizhou Province

Nasheng small

basin in Xinyi

County, Guizhou Province

Chengbei small

basin in Qianjian County,

Chongqing City

Sanpao small

basin in Jiangjin County,

Chongqing City

Quanxi small

basin in Changyan County, Hubei


Huahe small

basin in Hong’an County, Hubei


Farmland (hm2 )

before 464.80 616.23 1763.7 372.33 1418.15 557.63 903.00after 417.53 511.2 1198.8 243.82 1243.96 206.79 887.73

Slopeland (hm2 )

before 149.33 268.18 941.6 213.22 650.67 327.98 57.0after 0 156.05 349.2 52.35 0 0 0

CultivationIndex (%)

before 12.75 57.30 52.6 34.76 64.40 44.56 31.51after 11.45 47.51 35.78 22.77 56.49 16.53 30.97


)before 64.47 0 60.7 9.96 0 32.87 503.0

after 254.34 176.49 316.1 138.47 58.27 423.68 585.93


before 1865.13 247.61 583.2 487.7 78.87 611.75 1630.67after 2724.33 568.88 1130.8 769.81 402.39 983.07 1668.60

Meadow(hm2) before 62.73 21.5 0 0 0 0 0after 200.87 21.5 47.7 0 0 0 0

Vegetation coverage


before 54.6 23.01 17.41 45.54 3.58 48.99 56.9

after 83.7 52.87 33.75 71.88 18.27 78.58 58.22

Waste land (hm2 )

before 1012.8 159.82 879.60 153.6 159.82 10.62 37.93after 0 1.11 849.20 0 1.11 0 0

Average farmland per capita

(hm2 )

before 0.11 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.13 0.18 0.14

after 0.10 0.16 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.13

Average economic fruit per capita (hm2 )

before 0.015 0 0.006 0.005 0 0.011 0.076

after 0.059 0.054 0.029 0.063 0.005 0.14 0.089

Notes: Farmland includes slope land with slope above 25°, some of which converts to forestry or economic fruit.

Slope land with slope below 25°will be as crop land or economic fruit after changing slope land to terraces.

7.3.4 Adjusted Suggestions of Schemes Optimization

All above compares the water and soil conservation projects of the 7 small basins in the project regions. It mainly considers the varieties of vegetation coverage degree, water and soil conservation effects, productivity level and sustainability of environment improving before &after the project implementation. Based on the water and soil conservation project of the chosen 7 small basin, it could be seen that the project has important functions to control soil erosion and enhance vegetation status with improving ecological environment and productive living condition to a certain extent.

On the whole, most projects of water and soil conservation for the selected 7 small basins are rational and feasible. The project implementation could reduce or even remove the sources of soil loss like wasteland and slope land. Through planting


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economic fruit and forests for water and soil conservation on the wasteland and slope land, and protecting forest for young forest and shrub, vegetation coverage would be greatly improved, resulting in strengthening the ecologic functions of vegetation on the basins. That will play an important role in accelerating succession of forest vegetation and improving ecologic quality. At the same time, the mitigative measures of blocking livelihood decreasing after the project implementation have been also considered in the project.

But because of the historical reasons, the ecological environment degenerates very heavily. It will take quite a long time for ecological environment to restore itself and also need a lot of money. To restore ecological environment under limited funds and ensure certain increase of economic income in the project area, the following schemes are suggested:

(1) Small Basin of Duoke in Yuanmou County

To satisfy the basic demand of farmland, return farmland with slope above 25○

and carry out terrace measures on the land with slope under 25○;

Plant grass in the slope land returned and develop stockbreeding to improve the proportion of breeding and increase economic income; reduce the area of economic forest, impacts of unsteady factors on farmers’ income and adverse impacts of soil loss on developing economic forest;

Increase irrigating channel to improve the productive capability of current farmland and ensure that it will not decrease crop yield after decreasing farmland;

Increase the area of protection forest to improve the restoring capability of vegetation and vegetation degree; increase the constructing investment of marsh gas to decrease the demand of firewood and the destruction to vegetation.

(2) Small Basin of Muke River in Anlong County

Return farmland with slope above 25○ into green and carry out terrace measures on the land with slope under 25○;

To satisfy the basic demand of farmland, plant economic forest and carry out soil and water conservancy on land with slope above 15○ and under 25○; or plant feedstuff crop and develop breeding to increase income;

First take into account planting grass in the slope land returned and developing stockbreeding; reduce impacts of unsteady factors on farmers’ income and adverse impacts of soil loss on developing economic forest;

Increase irrigating channel to improve the productive capability of current farmland and ensure that it will not decrease crop yield after decreasing farmland;

Increase the area of protection forest to improve the restoring capability of vegetation and vegetation degree; increase the constructing investment of marsh gas to decrease the demand of firewood and the destruction to vegetation.

(3) Small Basin of Nasheng River in Xingyi City

Return farmland with slope above 25○ and carry out terrace measures on the land with slope under 25○;

To satisfy the basic demand of farmland, plant economic forest and carry out soil and water conservancy on land with slope above 15○ and under 25○; or plant feedstuff crop and develop breeding to increase income;


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Plant grass in the slope land returned and develop stockbreeding; reduce impacts of unsteady factors on farmers’ income and adverse impacts of soil loss on developing economic forest;

Increase irrigating channel to improve the productive capability of current farmland and ensure that it will not decrease crop yield after decreasing farmland;

Increase the area of protection forest to improve the restoring capability of vegetation and vegetation degree; increase the constructing investment of marsh gas to decrease the demand of firewood and the destruction to vegetation.

(4) Small Basin of North River in Qianjiang County

Return farmland with slope above 25○ and carry out terrace measures on the land with slope under 25○;

To satisfy the basic demand of farmland, plant economic forest and carry out soil and water conservancy on land with slope above 15○ and under 25○; or plant feedstuff crop and develop breeding to increase income;

Plant grass in the slope land returned and develop stockbreeding; reduce impacts of unsteady factors on farmers’ income and adverse impacts of soil loss on developing economic forest;

Increase irrigating channel to improve the productive capability of current farmland and ensure that it will not decrease crop yield after decreasing farmland;

Increase the area of protection forest to improve the restoring capability of vegetation and vegetation degree; increase the constructing investment of marsh gas to decrease the demand of firewood and the destruction to vegetation.

(5) Small Basin of Sanpao River in Jiangjin City

Return farmland with slope above 25○ and carry out terrace measures on the land with slope under 25○;

Reduce the area of economic forest on the slopeland to level off crop yield and satisfy the basic demand of farmland;

First take into account plantting grass in the slope land returned and developing stockbreeding; reduce impacts of unsteady factors on farmers’ income and adverse impacts of soil loss on developing economic forest;

Increase irrigating channel and reservoirs to improve the irrigation guarantee degree and the productive capability of current farmland and ensure that it will not decrease crop yield after decreasing farmland;

Increase the area of protection forest to improve the restoring capability of vegetation and vegetation degree; increase the constructing investment of marsh gas to decrease the demand of firewood and the destruction to vegetation.

(6) Basin of Xi River in Changyang County

Return farmland with slope above 25○ and carry out terrace measures on the land with slope under 25○;

To satisfy the basic demand of farmland, decrease the area of developing economic forest in the slope land to level off crop yield and satisfy the basic demand of farmland; under the precondition of satisfy the basic demand of farmland, properly plant economic forest in the land with slope above 150 and under 250 and carry out soil


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and water conservancy; or plant feedstuff crop and develop breeding to increase income;

First take into account planting grass in the slope land returned and developing stockbreeding; reduce impacts of unsteady factors on farmers’ income and adverse impacts of soil loss on developing economic forest;

Increase irrigating channel to improve the productive capability of current farmland and ensure that it will not decrease crop yield after decreasing farmland;

Increase the area of protection forest to improve the restoring capability of vegetation and vegetation degree; increase the constructing investment of marsh gas to decrease the demand of firewood and the destruction to vegetation.

(7) Small Basin of Hua River in Hongan County

Return farmland with slope above 25○ and carry out terrace measures on the land with slope under 25○;

First take into account planting grass in the slope land returned and developing stockbreeding; reduce impacts of unsteady factors on farmers’ income and adverse impacts of soil loss on developing economic forest;

Increase irrigating channel to improve the productive capability of current farmland and ensure that it will not decrease crop yield after decreasing farmland;

Increase the area of protection forest to improve the restoring capability of vegetation and vegetation degree; increase the constructing investment of marsh gas to decrease the demand of firewood and the destruction to vegetation.

7.4 Summary and Conclusions

The main contents of this chapter include:

(1) It presents the environmental features of the project areas, objectives of the project and the whole scheme of the project. According to the types of soil loss, seven typical small basins in the 4 provinces/municipality are chosen to carry out comparison of alternatives for water and soil conservation schemes of the project. (2) The change of ecologic environment is analyzed under the scenario without scheme for the selected 7 small basins. There have abundant water and heat resources in these small basins. But crop land productivity is obviously restricted by water supply and quality of crop land such as slope land, thin soil layer, etc. because of the poor soil. At the same time, the future economy could only depend on mountains regions to complement for the restriction of cropland and productivity. Hence, if no attention on the utilization of mountain regions and cropland quality improving, the productivity and economic development will be hardly enhanced. Soil loss will be aggravated by slope land cultivation and herd, which is resulting in gradually thinning soil layer and reducing land productivity. If this trend is continuing, the eco- environment will degrade under the restriction of low productivity. (3) It is analyzed and compared for the controlling schemes of soil and water conservation of the selected 7 small basins. The comparing indexes include vegetation coverage, effects of water and soil conservation, productivity level, sustainability of environment improving, etc. Integrated with the above-mentioned indexes, most projects of water and soil conservation for the selected 7 small basins are rational and feasible on the whole. The project implementation could reduce or even remove the


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sources of soil loss like wasteland and slope land. Through planting economic fruit and forests for water and soil conservation on the wasteland and slope land, and protecting forest for young forest and shrub, vegetation coverage would be greatly improved, resulting in strengthening the ecologic functions of vegetation on the basins. That will play an important role in accelerating succession of forest vegetation and improving ecologic quality. Furthermore, productivity and living level could be improved in a certain extent through changing slope land to terraces, planting economic forestry and constructing biogas tanks.

(4) Problems and suggestions: In some small basins, the cultivation index of farmland is too high and the ecological environment has been seriously degraded due to historical reasons; or average crop land per capita is decreasing greatly because it overemphasizes decreasing slope land and developing economic woodland, and slope lands with slope below 15°would be returned to forestry. So the schemes have several problems like un-obviously improving ecologic environment, unreasonable advisement. As there are abundant water-hot resources in small basins, it is suggested to sufficiently protect and use water and thermal resources, then gradually popularize the usage of biogas tank to get new living energy sources. This will bring disafforestation decreasing. Then the strength of enclosing facilitating afforestation should be increased to improve vegetation coverage, resulting in succession from planted woodland to zone vegetation and enhancement of the ecological barrier for the project regions and lower reaches.


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Environmental Monitoring

8.1 Introduction

The objectives of EMP is to understand the environmental condition during the construction and operation stages of the project at any time, and the changes of environmental factors in the affected area in time, and to check the results of EIA and the implementation of EPMs so as to find out the environmental problems and carry out corresponding countermeasures.

EMP is part of the project monitoring assessment system (MAS). In order to ensure the integrity and high efficiency of the MAS and the unitive and effective use of monitoring resources to avoid repetitious monitoring, and integrate every monitoring parameter into the MAS, following the principles should be followed as the preparation of the EMP:

(1) According to the requirement of environmental protection, choose the environmental factors related to the project as the objects of monitoring, research and observation, while don’t make the special monitoring for those not related to the project.

(2) The monitoring results should reflect the environmental changes during the operation period of the project on the timely, comprehensive and systemic basis. The setting of monitoring sections and observation points should not only control environment factors and satisfy professional requirements, but also give attention to historical and routine monitoring data.

(3) Make full use of the existing monitoring data and don’t rearrange the monitoring activities for those parameters listed in the MAS.

8.2 Monitoring of Individual SEIs

Aiming at EIs of the project discussed in Chapter 6, monitoring of individual SEIs will be carried out in the affected areas, especially for pests (including usage of pesticide) and water quality (including monitoring of non-point source pollution).

8.2.1 Pest

As discussed in Section 6.3.2, the implementation of the project may cause the changes of pests in the project area. Plentiful pesticide would be used to control crop pests and ensure crop products during the implementing period of the project. But pesticide use is one of the factors that cause water quality pollution in the rivers, and lakes of the project regions. Also it would cause environmental risk shown in Section 6.4.3. So relating monitoring should be carried out during the implementation period to supervise the implementation of EPMs mentioned in Section 6.3.2 and Section 6.4.3. Items and methods of monitoring

Pesticide use: Make statistic analysis on types, amount, times and duration of pesticide of the typical small basins.

Harm of pests: Investigate plant pests of agricultural and forestry lands in the typical small basins; Record types of pests, area harmed, types of crop and tree affected.

Natural enemy: Make investigation and stat. on types, quantity and natural habitat of


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natural enemy in the typical small basins.

Poisoning of pesticide: Make investigation and stat. on poisoning of pesticide in the typical small basins every year.

Pesticide residue: organophosphor, organochlorine, pseudopyrethrins and carbamate in vegetable and fruit. Sampling and analysis will be carried out according to "Pesticide Residue Measurement Method of Organophosphor and Carbamate in Food (GBT17331-1998) " and "Pesticide Residue Measurement Method of Organochlorine and pseudopyrethrins in Food". Monitoring points

Choose one typical small basin as the monitoring area in the 37 counties of the project area in the 4 provinces respectively.

Make investigation and stat. on the data of pesticide, pests and natural enemy in the typical small basins.

Sample and analyze pesticide residue of different vegetable and fruit in the typical small basins. Frequency and schedule of monitoring

Pesticide, pests and natural enemy: one time before the implementation of the project; once every three months after the implementation of the project; consider agricultural production and the time of pest occurred during monitoring.

Pesticide poisoning: once every year.

Pesticide residue: four times every year for 3~4 species of vegetable, four times every year for 2~3 species of fruit. The monitoring will be carried out from the beginning of the project implementation and lasts for 5 years with yearly monitoring. Thereinto, fruit monitoring will focus on the existing fruit of the typical small basins in the first 3 years and on the fruited fruit of the new orchards in the later 2 years after the implementation of the project. Institution and technical support

Professionals in Environmental Management of PMO is in charge of organizing and implementing EMPs, while the environmental monitoring inspectors (EMIs) are responsible for monitoring of pesticide, pest, natural enemy and pesticide poisoning. PMO will invite agricultural specialists to supervise the EMIs. It recommends that pesticide residue should be monitored by the monitoring organizations with qualification. Provincial PMOs will invite specialists of environmental monitoring to supervise the monitoring organizations.

Technical support of monitoring: one agriculture specialist, one environment monitoring specialist and two pesticide analysis engineers. Expenses estimation

It needs two technicians to make sampling and analysis for one time monitoring of pesticide residue in each typical small basin. One time monitoring will take three days. Totally it will need 211 person·month (calculated as 21 person·day each month, 4 times every year and lasting for 5 years for the 37 typical small basins respectively). And the total monitoring expense is about 2,110 thousand RMB yuan according to 10 thousand RMB yuan/person·month (including traffic and daily costs).


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8.2.2 Water Quality

As discussed in Section 6.3.1, the non-point source pollution caused by fertilizer and dejection of livestock is the major factor resulting in water quality pollution in rivers and lakes of the project regions. Although the reduction of non-point source pollution is advantageous for water quality after the implementation of the project, monitoring of non-point source pollution and water quality could not only supervise the implementation of EPMs mentioned in Section 6.3.1, but also check the accuracy of the EIA conclusions. Monitoring spots (sections)

Monitoring spots &trans-sections of water quality will be set at the exits of the typical small basins. The selecting principle is to let the water environment sensitive areas being close to the lower reaches of the basins. The water environment sensitive areas include reservoirs, lakes and other water environment such as Wujiangdu Reservoir in Guizhou, Three-Gorge Reservoir in Chongqing, and Geheyan Reservoirs in Hubei. According to the principles above, monitoring spots &trans-sections of water quality are set as following:

Yunnan Province: Respectively select one small basin in Yao’an, Weixin and Yongshan Counties around Yangcheng Lake. Totally there are 3 monitoring spots.

Guizhou Province: Respectively select one small basin in Jinsha, Qianxi, Zhijin, Dafang and Yongna Counties located in the upper reaches of Wujiangdu Reservoir. Totally there are 5 monitoring spots.

Chongqing Municipality: Respectively select one small basin in Wanzhou, Puling, Yubei, Yongchuan, Jiangjin, Wuxi, Kaixi and Changshou Counties around Three-Gorge Reservoir. Totally there are 8 monitoring spots.

Hubei Province: Respectively select one small basin in Yiling and Hong’an Counties, and select Changyang County around Geheyan Reservoir. Totally there are 3 monitoring spots. Parameters and methods of monitoring

Monitoring Parameters of water quality include water temperature, pH, DO, CODmn, NH3-N, TP, TN, organophosphor (methamidophos, isocarbophos, panaplate, rogor, etc.). Sampling and analysis will be carried out according to “Standards on Environmental Quality of Surface Water (GB 3838-2002) ”. Frequency and schedule of monitoring

Before the implementation of the project: Respectively one time monitoring in sunny day and rainy day with precipitation above 50mm.

After the implementation of the project: Respectively one time monitoring in dry season, normal-water-level season and flood season every year. In addition, it needs to increase the frequency of monitoring in flood season. In rainy days with precipitation above 50mm, monitoring should be done within three days after rain. So there are additional 10 times monitoring estimated in the project area of Yunnan Province and 12 times in other provinces &municipality. Institution and technical support

Professionals in Environmental Management of PMO are in charge of organizing and


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implementing EMPs. The monitoring organizations with qualification will take the water quality monitoring. Provincial PMOs will invite environmental specialists to supervise the monitoring organzations.

Technical support of monitoring: one environment monitoring specialist and two engineers of water quality analysis in each province &municipality. Expenses estimation

It needs two technicians to make sampling and analysis for one time monitoring of water quality in each typical small basin. One time monitoring will take three days. Totally it will need 32 person·month in Yunnan Province (calculated as 21 person·day each month, 9 times every year and lasting for 4 years for the 3 typical small basins respectively), 71 person·month in Guizhou Province (calculated as 21 person·day each month, 12 times every year and lasting for 4 years for the 5 typical small basins respectively), 114 person·month in Chongqing (calculated as 21 person·day each month, 12 times every year and lasting for 4 years for the 8 typical small basins respectively) and 43 person·month in Hubei Province (calculated as 21 person·day each month, 12 times every year and lasting for 4 years for the 3 typical small basins respectively). And the total monitoring expense is about 2,600 thousand RMB yuan according to 10 thousand RMB yuan/person·month (including traffic and daily costs).

8.2.3 Monitoring done by EMIs

One EMI should be assigned by the local project office and the provincial PMO to take charge of implementing monitoring in the 37 typical small basins mentioned in the PMP. The main contents of monitoring include harm of pest, usage of pesticide, natural enemy and pesticide poisoning, etc. (See Section 8.2.1). Part of other monitoring work (such as social-environmental monitoring) could also be implemented by EMIs, but the workload will be not included in EMPs.

Professionals in Environmental Management of PMO are responsible for training EMIs (See Section 9.6 and 9.7). The number of EMIs in each province is: 8 persons in Yunnan, 12 persons in Guizhou, 6 persons in Hubei and 11 in Chongqing. The workload needed per year, which has been transferred into the workload of environmental monitoring engineers, is: 3.5 person·month in Yunnan, 5 person·month in Guizhou, 3.5 person·month in Hubei and 4.5 in Chongqing. Total workload of the EMIs in the 4 provinces is 80 person· month for 5 years. And the total monitoring expense is about 800 thousand RMB yuan according to 10 thousand RMB yuan/person·month (including traffic and daily costs).

8.3 Summary Table of EMPs

Summary Table of EMPs for single environmental projects noted in Section 8.2 is shown in Table 8-1. And Table 8-2 shows the total monitoring expense of EMPs for 4 provinces &municipality.

8.4 Monitoring Participants

Professionals in Environmental Management of PMO will be responsible for implementing the monitoring programs in each province as specified in the EIA, including (i) delineation of participants and roles for each participating agency, with arrangement for compensation for any extraordinary costs which should not be borne by the participating agency, (ii) invitation of specialists to supervise the monitoring participants and training on EMIs (The expense is shown in Section 9.7.1.), (iii)


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estimation /evaluation of the monitoring data, (iv) preparation of periodic reports with recommendations, and (v) distribution of these reports to PRC governmental agencies and to the World Bank.

Other monitoring participants include monitoring organizations of water quality and pesticide residue and EMIs. According to the requirement of Professionals in Environmental Management of PMO, participants mentioned above carry out monitoring that include: (i) make fieldwork and sample analysis in time, (ii) submit the monitoring results on schedule, including analysis reports, and (iii) accept supervision from PMO.

Table 8-1 Summary table of EMPs

No. Item Section

Monitoring participantsWorkload



monitoring organizations

1 Pest 2171.1 Types of pests 8.2.1 * * EMI

1.2 Usage of pesticide * * EMI1.3 Natural enemy * * EMI

1.4 Pesticide poisoning

* * EMI

1.5 Pesticide residue * * 2172 Water quality 8.2.3 * * 260

3 EMI 8.2.3 * * 80

Table 8-2 Expenses estimation of EMP

No. ItemWorkload





1 Pest 211 460000 680000 340000 6300002 Water quality 260 320000 710000 430000 11400003 EMI 80 175000 250000 150000 2250004 Sum (RMB yuan) 955000 1640000 920000 19950005 Sum (Dollar) 119375 205000 115000 249375

 8.5 Summaries and Conclusions

An essential component of the overall WSCPYGEY is its Environmental Monitoring Program, which is to cover the implementation stage of the project, from 2005 to 2009. The monitoring work should begin as soon as the provincial PMOs become operative. Individual monitoring programs have been developed in the Project EIA including monitoring activities, monitoring parameters, number of persons and skills


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needed, monitoring frequency as well as input needed in terms of professional man-months. The individual monitoring programs are summarized in Table 8-1.

Each of the monitoring tasks is to be managed by a designated member of the professional provincial PMO staff. For the implementation stage, the PMO will invite specialists to supervise the monitoring participants and make training on EMIs.

The monitoring program is to be managed and supervised by the PMO, and much of the detailed fieldwork done by the PMO professional staff. However, other agencies, including monitoring organizations of water quality and pesticide residue and EMIs are to participate in the fieldwork in accordance with agreements with provincial PMOs. Costs for monitoring work by these other agencies, which is outside their normal scope of monitoring, are to be reimbursed by provincial PMOs of WSCPYGEY.


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Environmental Management Plan

9.1 Introduction

9.1.1 Need for Environmental Management Plan

At present, except for EIA report, WB requires that EMP should be a separate volume and be as an integral part of loan agreements for Category A and B projects.

9.1.2 International Panel of Experts

WB and some other IAAs also require an International Panel of Environmental Experts that is funded by the project in the Loan Agreement. The panel visits the project regularly (usually at 6-month intervals during the construction period) to check the Environmental Performance of all agencies involved in the project including the PMO, project leading group, other organizations and the IAA itself. The panel reports both to the government and IAA. To realize this purpose, professionals in environmental management of PMO prepare a project environmental performance report every 6 months for the review of the Panel. For this Project, a panel on environment is suggested.

9.2 Establishment of the Environmental Management Organizations

9.2.1 Provincial and Overall CoordinatorThe project is actually composed of three sub-projects that are located in different regions and under different administrative jurisdictions. Therefore, professionals in environmental management will be set up under the provincial PMOs of YGEY respectively, as a part of the overall operating plan of the project, so that EPMs and EMPs can be implemented effectively. In addition professionals in environmental management needs to be established in the Overall Project Coordination Office of Water and Soil Bureau of CWRC. The relationship is as following:

The major tasks of the Professionals in environmental management of the overall project coordination office include:


Professionals in


management of the

overall project

coordination officeOverall

Project EMO

Coordination Office

EMO Professionals in environmental management of PMO in Yunnan

Professionals in environmental management of PMO inEMO of


Professionals in environmental management of PMO inEMO of Hubei

Professionals in environmental management of PMO in EMO of


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Check and coordinate the environmental management work of Provincial PMOs and present the environmental control objectives of the project areas

Preside over special studies aiming at the actual environment problems

Be responsible for arrangement of the visits by the Panel and the environmental members of the Visiting WB Missions

Regularly prepare the performance reports on environmental protection of the project in each province (e.g. twice per year) and submit them to the Environmental Expert Panel and the Visiting WB Missions.

9.2.2 Provincial PMOs

Water and Soil Conservation Offices of Provincial Water Resources Departments will be in charge of the provincial ecological construction project management of water and soil conservation. Water and Soil Conservation Offices of Prefectural Water Resources Bureaus will be in charge of the prefectural ecological construction project management of water and soil conservation. The environmental management of the project will be arranged on the basis of the project management institutions noted above. The professionals in environmental management will be set up under the Water and Soil Offices of Provincial Water Resources Departments. Table 9-1 shows the setup of the environmental management organizations in the provincial PMOs.

Table 9-1 Environmental Management Organizations of YGEY



Provincial Environmental

Management Organizations

Environmental Management Organizations in Counties

(Cities, Districts)

YunnanWater and Soil Conservation Office of Water Resources Department

Water and Soil Conservation Offices of Water Resources Bureaus in eight counties such as, Muding, Yuanmou, Yaoan, Dayao, Yongshan, Weixing, Zhenxiong, Qiaojia, etc.

GuizhouWater and Soil Conservation Office of Water Resources Department

Water and Soil Conservation Offices of Water Resources Bureaus in twelve counties &cities such as, of, Weining, Hezhang, Nayong, Jinzhi, Bijie, Dafang, Qianxi, Panxian, Anlong, Xingyi and Xingren

HubeiWater and Soil Conservation Office of Water Resources Department

Water and Soil Conservation Offices of Water Resources Bureaus in six counties, cities &districts such as Yiling, Changyang, Lichuang, Macheng, Hongan and Xishui

ChongqingWater and Soil Conservation Office of Water Resources Department

Water and Soil Conservation Offices of Water Resources Bureaus in eleven counties &districts such as Wanzhou, Puling, Qianjiang, Yubei, Jiangji, Hechuan, Yongchuan, Rongchan, Wuxi, Kaixian and Changshou

9.2.3 Other cooperative organizations

Other cooperative organizations include provincial and prefectural Water Resources Bureaus, Agriculture Bureaus, Forestry Bureaus, Environmental Protection Bureaus, etc.

In view of numerous departments involved in ecological construction projects of water and soil conservation, leading groups of water and soil conservation are established in every province and county. The provincial leading groups are taken charged by the nomarches with responsibility and vice directors of Water Resource Departments,


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Agriculture Deaprtments, Agriculture Bureaus and Environmental Protection Bureaus are members, while the prefectural ones are taken charged by the heads of the counties with responsibility and vice directors of Water Resource Bureaus, Agriculture Bureaus, Forestry Bureaus and Environmental Protection Bureaus are members. Water and Soil Conservation Offices of provincial Water Resource Departments and prefectural Water Resource Bureaus mentioned in Section 9.2.2 work under the coordinatation and management of leading groups as management organizations of ecological construction projects of water and soil conservation. Thereinto, Water and Soil Conservation Offices of provincial Water Resource Departments could directly carry out work through prefectural leading groups.

The cooperative organizations mentioned above could not only participate in the management of the project through leading groups, but also provide technical support. Relevant specialist could directly take part in the project design and provide technical guidance and service during the project implementation. The environmental protection departments will approve the EIA reports of large single projects in the project counties, and supervise the implementation of EPMs during construction periods according to their responsibilities.

9.3 Role of Provincial Environmental Management Organizations

9.3.1 Duties of Provincial Environmental Management Organizations

Professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOs will ensure that all EPMs specified in the EIA will be carried out effectively, including environmental monitoring. Their major tasks include:

1) Inspect if EIA is carried out for large engineering projects in the design of small basins such as sand storage dam and riverbank, etc. and the corresponding EPMs recommended.

2) Check the Final Design Report of the Project to ensure that all EPMs are listed in the report. The detailed EPMs during construction period are presented so that they are listed into construction contract documents.

3) Set up the needed team of ECIs (Environmental Construction Inspectors, with an ECI Chief) to monitor the Environmental Performance (EP) of the counties. The major tasks of ECIs include:

a) Supervise and manage construction activities of ecological construction projects of water and soil conservation and provide written guidelines to take suitable measures whenever gaps in EP are found

b) Ensure that each county prepares and submits an acceptable seasonal report (received in the middle of the third month of every season).

c) Review each seasonal report and give formal and informal comments so as to solve ongoing and emerging problems.

4) Implement EMP


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described in Chapter 5 including engaging and managing its monitoring sub-contractors

5) Provide guidance and training for relevant personnel of environmental monitoring, check the implementation of monitoring and evaluate the results of monitoring

6) Check the implementation of EPMs during the operation period, prepare periodic comprehensive reports on EP of the Project’s operations in each province and submit them to the Environmental Expert Panel and the Visiting WB Missions

7) Be Responsible for arrangement of the visits by the Panel and the environmental members of the Visiting WB Missions

8) Be Responsible for other actions needed for implementing the EMP

9) Provide necessary training for provincial PMO staff and/or prefectural sub-contractors.

9.3.2 Illustration Figures

Figure 9.3.2-1 shows the structure of the provincial environmental management system.

Figure 9.3.2-2 shows the main responsibility of the professionals in environmental management of the Provincial PMOs.

Figure 9.3.2-3 shows the personnel, technical support and operation of the professionals in environmental management of the Provincial PMOs.

Figure 9.3.2-1 Provincial Environmental Management Organizations Structure


Notes: Management or Contract; Cooperation or Supervision.


Provincial Project Management

Professionals in Provincial EMOEnvironmental Management of the Provincial PMOs

Engineering Supervisor

Environmental Expert Panel

Monitoring organizationECIs

Project Activities Typical, small ,basins

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Figure 9.3.2-2 Main Responsibilities of the professionals in environmental management

of the provincial PMOs


1.Ensure all EPMs of the EA report integrated into the final design of the project;

2. Ensure all EPMs to be taken by the project construction agency/ contractor integrated into the


(B1) 1. Work done primarily by ECIs.

2.See Figure 9.3.4-1 for relationships between provincial PMO, ESC, ECIs.

(B2) 1.Work done jointly by Environmental Management Organizations, Environmental Monitoring Person and Other Monitoring Branch.

9.3.3 Provincial Environmental Management Subcontractors

The environmental management work will be carried out by the professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOs and/or by qualified subcontractors engaged by the provicial PMOs including ECIs.

ECI is a key factor in project environmental management, who will ensure,on spot, that all the EMPs specified in EIs for construction period will be actually implemented by contractors.The number of the ECIs for each province is currently estimated on general


Operation Period (C)

Professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOsProvincial EMO

Construction Period (B)

Service to Expert Panel (E)

Service to WB Mission (D)

Review of the Final Design Rport (A)

Commonweal water and soil conservation

project (B1)

Individual benefit water and soil conservation and living melioration project


Use of Facilities and agricultural and

forestry activities (C1)

Monitoring of typical small basins


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project construction arrangement. Additional ECIs may be needed according to the implementation of the project.

9.3.4 Instructions to Contractors

As shown in Figure 9.3.4-1, the professionals in environmental management and subcontractors are not authorized to issue orders to the contractors. This must be done via the Engineering Supervisor for the construction (ESC).

Table 9 - 2 Personnel Arrangement of Provincial Environmental Management Organizations

Province/MunicipalityPersonnel Arrangement

Preparing Period Constructing and Operating Periods


engineer1 environmental engineer; 2 environmental specialists

on agriculture and environment monitoring


engineer2 environmental engineers; 2 environmental specialists

on agriculture and environment monitoring


engineer1environmental engineer; 2 environmental specialists

on agriculture and environment monitoring


engineer2 environmental engineers; 2 environmental specialists

on agriculture and environment monitoringNotes: 274 typical small basins located in 37 counties of the 4 provinces will be controlled by stages and batches in 5

years. The constructing and operating periods of each project county will cross each other since the time needed by

each project is quite different. So, environmental management personnel should make a uniform arrangement during

the constructing periods.

Figure 9.3.4-1 Roles of Professionals in Environmental Management of the Provincial PMOs and ECIs in Construction Area

Notes:1. Formal orders and responses to orders must pass through ESC;2. Guideline memos from ECIs to CCs.

9.4 Environmental management training program

9.4.1 Objectives

The objective of the Environmental Training Program (ETP) is to improve and broaden


Engineering Supervisor for Construction=ESC

EMOProfessionals in Environmental Management

Construction Contractor=CC ECIs

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the environmental management capacity of the staff in environmental management of provincial PMOs and provincial environmental management subcontractors so as to ensure implementation of the EPMs specified in Chapter 6 of the EIA in the stages of final design, construction, and operation of the project. The trainees will include staff in environmental management of the provincial PMOs and of provincial environmental management subcontractors including ECIs and VEOs (Village Environmental Officers).

9.4.2 Training Contents Staff in environmental management of the provincial PMOs

a) Understanding and applying the laws, regulations, standards and norms concerning environmental protection;

b) Environment management criteria utilized by WB project;

c) Environmental technology and environmental monitoring techniques;

d) Economics law, contract law and bidding laws;

e) Environment management design;

f) Computer application for environmental monitoring;

g) Preparation of the standard report on environment issue9.4.2.2 Training for ECIs

a) Same as;

b) Same as;

c) Same as;

d) Specific duties of ECIs in evaluating EP of CCs;

e) Guidelines for preparing ECI report (daily, weekly, monthly) Environment monitoring personnel

a) Understanding and applying of laws, regulations, standards and norms concerning environmental protection;

b) Environmental survey and statistical methodology, requirement and relevant criterions of environmental monitoring;

c) Elementary knowledge on usage and poisoning of pesticide;

d) Elementary knowledge on prevention and cure of crop diseases/insect pests and their natural enemy in agriculture and forestry;

e) Preparation of the reports on environmental monitoring. Business visit to other countries

A training trip for 15 days in the USA or Europe is recommended, to visit Water and Soil Conservation Projects, for the purpose of studying and evaluating the lessons, focusing on the environmental aspects of the projects. For this training trip a foreigner engineer expert in this field of technology will be needed. Overall cost for the expert is estimated


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at $20,000.

The recommended study team would be about 10 members, including 2 from Yunnan, 3 from Guizhou, 2 from Hubei, and 3 from Chongqing.

9.5 Budgets

9.5.1 Overall Environmental Management

Table 9-3 shows the estimated budgets of environment management in the 4 provinces/municipality. The total costs is $566,250 dollars, of which Yunnan is $108,570 dollars, Guizhou $171,250 dollars, Hubei $108,750 dollars and Chongqing $177,500 dollars.

Table 9-4 shows the estimated budgets, $137,500 for the environmental training programs of the 4 provinces.

Table 8-2 shows the estimated budgets $119,375 for Yunnan, $205,000 for Guizhou, $115,000 for Hubei and $249,375 for Chongqing, for the environmental monitoring program for each provincial PMO.

Table 9-5 shows the overall Environmental Management Costs estimated for each province which, $256,625 for Yunnan, $417,250 for Guizhou, $251,250 for Hubei and $467,375 for Chongqing cover the pre-construction, construction, and operations stages with a total of 5.5 years respectively.

9.5.2 Coordinator for provincial PMOs

Budgets for environmental management coordinator of provincial PMO have been included in budgets for provincial PMO. And the cost will be not solely listed.

9.6 Summary of EMPs

9.6.1 EIs and Mitigation Measures

This section summarizes EPMs, EMPps and EMPs involved in Chapter 6, 7, 8 and 9 which are shown in the summary table of EMPs (Table 9-7). The table collects positive and negative impacts of public and private beneficial soil and water conservation works. Aiming at different works, implementing agencies, mitigation measures and monitoring plans are provided.

9.6.2 Guarantee of EPMs Construction operation constraints

During the construction of basic farmland, sediment storage, village infrastructure, irrigation and afforestation, the EPMs (Environmental Protection Measures) which must be carried out to ensure that the operations of the Construction Contractors (CCs) will include: (i) due attention to preventing unnecessary adverse-effects on environment which can be avoided by proper use of these EPMs, and (ii) use of offsetting measures to overcome any unavoidable significant adverse effects.


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Figure 9-7 Environmental Construction ConstraintsNO. ITEM CONSTRAINTS

1 Wastewater all discharged wastewater meet national standards

2 Air Pollution Control

a. all oil burning machines meet national waste gas dischargestandards;b. measures to control blasting and quarrying dust;c. road dust control (wetting, paving);d. Avoid production of obnoxious and toxic fumes.

3 Water Use use water as planned


Workers Health

a. worker medical examination to screen out infectious viruscarriers;b. safe drinking water supply;c. wastewater treatment and management;d. schistosomiasis prevention as described in Section 4.2.4e. food sanitation;f. mosquito and rat killing;g. medical care capabilities and facilities including first aid facilities;h. adequate excreta management;I. occupational health and safety;j. adequate housing with sanitary facilities;

5 Noise Control

a. all machines meet national standards;b. no construction activities in night in residential area if feasible;c. protection facilities provided to workers operating high noisemachines;

6 Spoil Disposal Dispose construction spoils in specified places and specified manners including protection dikes and resurfacing.

7 Solid Waste Management

Collect solid wastes regularly and dumps in safe places and in safe way; dispose solid wastes in specified place in safe way.

8 Soil Erosion resurfacing all borrow areas and filling areas

9 Cultural Relics No damaging activities to cultural relics, stop construction whenever cultural relics is discovered.

10 Land Use Occupy land as specified, no damage to farm land and crops; resurfacing land after use.


Environmental Report

CC is fully responsible for environmental protection in his construction area and camping area. CC is to make monthly environmental report to ECI/EMO on its performance in implementing the EPMs/constraints.

Notes: (a) All of the constraints noted above are to comply with National and provincial laws and regulations applicable to construction.

(b) Detailed constraints will be prepared according to above items by the P/EMO and will be included in project construction contracts.

The necessary EPMs applicable to construction stage include the following:

a) Compilation of contracts to be observed by the CC during construction stage.

b) Incorporation into the CCs contract of the various construction stages EPMs so that the CC is aware of these requirements and will allow budgets for these in his contract proposal.

c) Provision of a team of Environmental Construction Inspectors (ECIs) who will work together with the Engineering Supervisor of Construction to routinely observe the


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CCs work to ensure that the CC is observing the specified EPMs.

Items a), b), c) are to be carried out by the Environmental Management Office.

(1) Constraints for Construction Contractor

Figure 4.2.12-1 is a summary of the general constraints to be observed by the CC. This should be elaborated upon in construction contractors by the engineering staffs who are familiar with contract management and construction operations in ESA.

As noted above, the EMO (to be established pursuant to WB Load Agreement) is to work with the Project Civil Engineers responsible for preparing the CCs’ contract, so that all needed EPMs will be included in the Contract.

(2) Environmental Construction Inspector (ECI)

The experiences have shown that, even if the CCs’ contract does include the needed EPMs, the CC can be expected to comply with these only if continuing inspection of his work is made by the ECI (one or more for each project component as needed). The major tasks of ECIs include:

(i) Provide written guidelines to the CC to take suitable measures whenever gaps in environmental performance found;

(ii) Ensure that each CC prepares and submits an acceptable monthly report each month (received in the middle of the following month);

(iii) Review each monthly report and give formal and informal comments to the CCs so as to solve ongoing and emerging problems;

(iv) Monitor the impacts on the public in the areas outside of and adjacent to the CCs area as needed for determining whether the CC needs to take additional measures; and

(v) Impose meaningful penalties on CCs for their insufficient performance. Like the Engineering Supervisor of Construction the ECI is to keep a daily log book and make weekly reports to the EMO, and any additional reports which may be needed in event of emergency to report any non-compliance so that the EMO can take appropriate correction measures. Public soil and water conservation works

Minimum Farmland Construction for Food Security

To carry out mitigation measures practically, the implementing agencies include not only PMO and contractors, but also prefectural agriculture departments, technical personnel and environmental supervising engineers. As the abilities of environmental management personnel and farmers are lacking, PMO will invite agricultural and relative specialists to make training (shown in Section 9.4). Also environmental supervising (shown in PMPs) should be done to inspect if the EPMs and soil conservation measures have been carried out during the construction and operation periods. The cost of EMPs and ETPs is shown in Section 9.5.

Sediment storage structures

To carry out EPMs practically, the implementing agencies include not only PMO and contractors, but also design departments, environmental departments and environmental supervising engineers. Design departments will participate the process during the


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preparation period. Environmental departments will evaluate EIA report of the design department, supervise and inspect the implementation of EPMs, etc. Also environmental supervising (shown in PMPs) should be done to inspect if the EPMs have been carried out during the construction period. The cost of EMPs and ETPs is shown in Section 9.5.

Afforestation and Vegetation Cover (forests and shrubs)

To carry out EPMs practically, the implementing agencies include not only PMO, farmers and contractors, but also design departments, prefectural forestry departments and prefectural agricultural departments. As the abilities of environmental management personnel and farmers are lacking, PMO will invite agricultural and relative specialists to make training (shown in Section 9.4). The cost of EMPs and ETPs is shown in Section 9.5. And the cost of farmers’ training is shown in PMPs.

Village Infrastructure

To carry out EPMs practically, the implementing agencies include not only PMO and contractors, but also environmental departments and supervising engineers. It should check if the documents of inviting public bidding and bidding include the items of environmental protection to contractors. Environmental supervising (shown in PMPs) should be done to inspect if the EPMs and soil conservation measures have been carried out during the construction and operation periods. As the abilities of environmental management personnel is lacking, PMO will invite relative specialists to make training (shown in Section 9.4). The cost of EMPs and ETPs is shown in Section 9.5. Private interest soil and water conservation and livelihood improvement

Basic Farmland Improvement/Construction

To carry out EPMs practically, the implementing agencies include not only PMO and contractors, but also agriculture departments, technical personnel and environmental supervising engineers. As the abilities of environmental management personnel and farmers are lacking, PMO will invite agricultural and relative specialists to make training (shown in Section 9.4). Also environmental supervising (shown in PMPs) should be done to inspect if the EPMs and soil conservation measures have been carried out during the construction and operation periods. The cost of EMPs and ETPs is shown in Section 9.5.

Economic Trees

To carry out EPMs practically, the implementing agencies include not only PMO and contractors, but also agriculture departments, forestry departments and technical personnel. As the abilities of environmental management personnel and farmers are lacking, PMO will invite agricultural and relative specialists to make training (shown in Section 9.4 and PMPs). The cost of EMPs and ETPs is shown in Section 9.5.


To carry out EPMs practically, the implementing agencies include not only PMO and contractors, but also agricultural departments and technical personnel. As the abilities of farmers is lacking, PMO will invite agricultural specialists to make training (shown in Section 9.4). The cost of EMPs and ETPs is shown in Section 9.5.


To carry out EPMs practically, the implementing agencies include not only PMO and


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contractors, but also ECIs. It should check if the documents of inviting public bidding and bidding include the items of environmental protection to contractors. Environmental supervising (shown in PMPs) should be done to inspect if the EPMs and soil conservation measures have been carried out during the construction and operation periods. As the abilities of environmental management personnel is lacking, PMO will invite relative specialists to make training (shown in Section 9.4). Also environmental supervising (shown in PMPs) should be done to inspect if the EPMs have been carried out during the construction periods. The cost of EMPs and ETPs is shown in Section 9.5.

Renewable Energy

To carry out EPMs practically, the implementing agencies include not only PMO, farmers, and contractors, but also energe sources office and technical personnel. The cost of EMPs is shown in Section 9.5.


To carry out EPMs practically, the implementing agencies include not only PMO, farmers, and contractors, but also forestry departments and technical personnel. The cost of EMPs is shown in Section 9.5. Project support

It is the guarantee to implement the project and belongs to the non- engineering measures. The contents include technology introduction and demonstration extension, technical training and investing overseas or at home, monitoring and evaluation, investigating and designing etc. The implementation of these measures will not have any potential negative impacts on environment.

9.7 Summary and Conclusions

9.7.1 Main Contents

(1) To carry out EPMs specified in this EIA report, including environmental monitoring, Professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOs should be established to take charge of EPMs in the project regions (including the stages of final design, construction and operation).

(2) Professionals in environmental management should be set up under the Overall Project Coordination Office to coordinate activities of the provincial PMOs in the four Provinces/Municipality.

(3) Professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOs and the Overall Project Coordination Office should be established immediately after the governmental/WB Loan Agreement become effective.

(4) Professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOs and the Overall Project Coordination Office will take charge of arrangement of the visits by the Panel and the environmental members of the Visiting WB Missions. The Panel will be responsible for checking the environmental protection implementation of the Overall Project Coordination Office, the provincial PMO, ECIs, CCs and other agencies, providing the process reports of environmental protection and putting forward suggestions.

(5) EMPs include the following contents: (i) definite the schedule, responsible branches


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and relative outlay of EPMs metioned in the EIA report (Tab9-2); (ii) furnish training for staff in environmental management of provincial PMOs and provincial subcontractors; (iii) organize business visit to Europe or U.S.A. to visit Water and Soil Conservation Projects, for the purpose of studying and evaluating the lessons.

9.7.2 Illustrative Figures and Tables

Figure 9.3.2-1 shows the structure of the Provincial Environmental Management Organizations.

Figure 9.3.2-2 shows the main responsibility of the professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOs.

Table 9-5 shows the overall Environmental Management Costs estimated for each province which, $256,625 for Yunnan, $417,250 for Guizhou, $251,250 for Hubei and $467,375 for Chongqing. The outlay of EMPs has been brought into the total cost of the project.


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Table 9-3 Estimated Costs for Management of Environmental Management in the four provinces



Workload in Yunnan(months)

Workload in Guizhou (months)

Workload in Hubei (months)

Workload in Chongqing(months)

Pre-construction stage(0.5year)

Construction and operation

stage(5 years)Pre-construction

stage(0.5year)Construction and operation stage(5 years)

Pre-construction stage(0.5year)

Construction and operation

stage(5 years)

Pre-construction stage(0.5year)

Construction and operation

stage(5 years)

Agriculture specialist 1 10 1 20 1 10 1 20

Environmental monitoring specialist

1 15 1 25 1 15 1 30

ECI   60   90   60   90Sub-total 2 85 2 135 2 85 2 140

Estimated Costs(RMB yuan) 20000 850000 20000 1350000 20000 850000 20000 1400000

Total Costs($dollars) 2500 106250 2500 168750 2500 106250 2500 175000

Total Costs($dollars) 108750 171250 108750 177500

Notes:a) The average cost of Chinese specialists is 10 thousand RMB yuan/person;b) The workload of ECIs will be transformed to the workload of Chinese specialists and the estimated average cost is 10 thousand RMB yuan/person;c) The costs of EMPps and ETPs are not included;d) The costs of the Panel composed of 2 foreign experts and 3 Chinese experts are not included. The Panel checks EP every 6 months. Totally there are

10 times from the beginning to the end of the project.e) The outlay has been brought into the cost of the technical extension.


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Table 9-4 Estimated Costs for ETPs in YGEY Unit:USdollar

Item Province Quantity (person) Training ways Time


(dollar/day) Sum



personnel and


Yunnan 4 Domestic training 15 100 6,000

Guizhou 4 Domestic training 15 100 6,000Hubei 4 Domestic training 15 100 6,000

Chongqiing 4 Domestic training 15 100 6,000


Yunnan 8 Domestic training 10 50 4,000Guizhou 12 Domestic training 10 50 6,000

Hubei 6 Domestic training 10 50 3,000Chongqiing 11 Domestic training 10 50 5,500



Yunnan 2 Overseas visit 15 500 15,000Guizhou 3 Overseas visit 15 500 22,500

Hubei 2 Overseas visit 15 500 15,000Chongqiing 3 Overseas visit 15 500 22,500

Foreign specialist 1 15 20,000


Yunnan 28,500(went dutch of foreign specialist 3,500)Guizhou 41,000(went dutch of foreign specialist 6,500)

Hubei 27,500(went dutch of foreign specialist 3,500)Chongqiing 40,500(went dutch of foreign specialist 6,500)

Total costs 137,500


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Table 9-5 Estimated Costs for EMPs in YGEY Unit:USdollar

Item Reference

Yunnan Guizhou Hubei Chongqing


on stage(0.5year)

Construction and

operation stage(5 years)


on stage(0.5year)

Construction and




Pre-construction stage


Construction and

operation stage(5 years)


on stage(0.5year)

Construction and



years)Environmental Manage


Table 9-2

2500 106250 2500 168750 2500 106250 2500 175000

Training program

Table 9-3

28500 41000 27500 40500


Table 8-2

119375 205000 115000 249375


- 2500 254125 2500 414750 2500 248750 2500 464875

Total 256625 417250 251250 467375


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Table 9-7 Summary Table of Environmental Management Plans for China Changjiang/Pear River Basin Rehabilitation Project (1)

Project Components


Investments/Activities Positive Impacts Negative Impacts Mitigation1 Measures


Arrangements Indicators Frequency Cost2(dollars)

1. Public Interest Soil and Water Conservation Works.c. Minimum Farmland Construction for Food Security.

PMO, Contractors Constructio

n of Terraces

Control of Loss of top soil;Sustainable development of soil and water resources

Result in the changing of farm pests’ category and quantity due to the varieties of cropper;Impact water quality due to the usage of pesticide and fertilizer

Adopt biological and physical measures to prevent pests and use pesticide of high-efficiency and low-toxicity;Expand vigorously ecological agriculture technology and farmhouse fertilizer;Strengthen the usage management of fertilizer and pesticide;Make use of fertilizer and pesticide in reason and science

PMOA, PMOWR, EMP (prefectural agricultural organizations), PEMO

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section


b. Sediment retention structures

PMO, Contractors

Check dams, cornlofts, pools, canals, channel, riverbanks

Reduction of sediment flowing downstream

Destroy surface vegetation and worsen soil erosion in partial regions due to the construction activities;Have small impacts on water quality, air quality and noise

Carry out EIA in the next stage to prevent EIs on large individual projects by the construction activities;Construct in winter;Restore destroyed vegetation;Check dam safety

c. Afforestation and Vegetation Cover (forests and shrubs)

Protection/Closing Areas

PMO, Contractors, Farmers

Plantation of arbor trees e.g. pines, firs,Poplar, cypress;Grazing Ban for natural regeneration

Obvious increase of vegetation coverage;Abundant diversities of biology;Improvement of bilogical structures;Optimization of landuse

Exist several problems such as potential impacts on foodstuff caused by returning farmland to forest excessively, biggish area of wasteland, obvious single structure of forest, etc.;Exist ecological hazards such as exotic pests and diseases, usage of pesticide, etc.;Exist safety hazards such as forest fire, etc.;Have small impacts on water quality, air quality and noise

Optimize the project design;Implement returning farmland to forest according to the different circumstances of the small basins;Strengthen the wasteland control;Plant alternately multi-species of forest in zones and tridimensional arbor-shrub;Strengthen the protection of forest and increase the protection area;Strengthen the quarantine of importing species;Recommend not to plant eucalypt in the ecological commonweal forest construction;Strengthen the forest insect pests/diseases preventing and their natural enemy protecting;Adopt assistant measures at the same time such as propagating, checking, predicting, management, etc.

PMOA, EMP (prefectural agricultural organizations), PEMO

Pests Monitoring (Section

Pests Monitoring (Section,





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Table 9-7 Summary Table of Environmental Management Plans for China Changjiang/Pear River Basin Rehabilitation Project (2)Project



Positive Impacts Negative Impacts Mitigation3 Measures


Arrangements Indicators Frequency Cost4(dollars)

d. Village Infrastructure PMO, Contractors

Drinking water; Supply systems, small reservoirs, rehab of access roads, tractor roads and field tracks

Improvement of agricultural production condition

Destroy surface vegetation and worsen soil erosion in partial regions due to the construction activities

Construct in winter;Manage waste of construction;Restore destroyed vegetation

2. Private Interest Soil and Water Conservation and Livelihood Improvementa. Basic Farmland Improvement/Construction;Terracing of Slope land with deep soils;Riverbank Control

PMO, Contractors Construction of terraces

Control of Loss of top soil;Sustainable development of soil and water resources

Result in the changing of farm pests’ category and quantity due to the varieties of cropper;Impact water quality due to the usage of pesticide and fertilizer

Adopt biological and physical measures to prevent pests and use pesticide of high-efficiency and low-toxicity;Expand vigorously ecological agriculture technology and farmhouse fertilizer;Strengthen the usage management of fertilizer and pesticide;Make use of fertilizer and pesticide in reason and science

MOA, PMOWR, EMP(prefectural agricultural organizations), PEMO

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section


d. Economic Trees

PMO, Contractors, Farmers

Plantation of high value fruit and nut tree orchards

Increase of farmers’ income

Easily cause pests due to planting forest of single structure;Change varieties and distribution of pests due to introducing new ispecies of fruit forest;Impact water quality due to the usage of pesticide and fertilizer;Easily cause water and soil loss due to slope plantation

Plant alternately multi-species of forest in zones;Adopt biological and physical measures to prevent pests and use pesticide of high-efficiency and low-toxicity;Expand vigorously farmhouse fertilizer;Strengthen the usage management of fertilizer and pesticide;Make use of fertilizer and pesticide in reason and science;Plant in the area with slope less than 5°;Construct terrances in the area with larger slope and then plant economic forest

MOA, PMOWR, EMP(prefectural agricultural organizations), PEMO

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section





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Table 9-7 Summary Table of Environmental Management Plans for China Changjiang/Pear River Basin Rehabilitation Project (3)

Project Components



Investments/Activities Positive Impacts Negative Impacts Mitigation5 Measures


tsIndicators Frequency Cost6(doll


c. Livestock PMO, Farmers


Increase of farmers’ income;Implementing guarantee of bilogical and protective forests

Aggravate grassland degradation and soil erosion due to developing breeding and browse excessively;Pollute water quality by livestock dejecta

Develop breeding industry in reason and implement enclosed breeding;Use manure applying and marsh gas generating pits to dispose livestock dejecta

d. Irrigation PMO, Contractors

Small scale facilities e.g. tanks and cisterns filled by run-off, pumping schemes, stream diversion etc.

Improvement of agricultural production condition to increse harvest

Destroy surface vegetation and worsen soil erosion in partial regions due to the construction activities

Construct in winter;Manage waste of construction;Restore destroyed vegetation

e. Renewable Energy

PMO, Contractors, Farmers

Small-scale bio-gas production facilities based on manure from livestock

Development of biological agriculture;

Improvement of sanitation

condition in country by providing

high quality fertilizer;Decrease of disafforestation by providing clean energy sources

Expand marsh gas generating pits in the conditional area

f. OthersPMO, Contractors, Farmers

Fruit vault, honeysuckle

Guarantee of gricultural production;Increase of farmers’ income

Easily cause pests, biological varieties decreasing, all-pervading usage of pesticide and impacts on water quality and human health due to planting large area of honeysuckle

Plant alternately multi-species of economic forest in zones

MOA, EMP(prefectural agricultural organizations), PEMO

Pests Monitoring (Section

Pests Monitoring (Section





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3. Project Support

It is the guarantee to implement the project and belongs to the non- engineering measures. The contents include technology introduction and demonstration extension, technical training and investing overseas or at home, monitoring and evaluation, investigating and designing etc . The implementation of these measures will not have any potential negative impacts on environment.

Remark: PMO - Project Management Office; POA - Provincial Monitoring Organizations of Agriculture; PMOWR - Provincial Monitoring Organizations of Water Resources; PEMO - Provincial Environmental Management O rganization; EMP - Environmental Monitoring Personnel;*- Total monitoring expense of pests and water quality is about 696250 dollars.


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Public Participation

Public participation (PP) or public consultation is an important part of EIA. Through the participation activities, the opinions and advices of the public on the project construction and environmental protection can be widely obtained. And the reasonable advices would be considered and accepted in the project planning & design so that the project could reach the anticipative effect and be sustainable.

Methodology and Objects of Consultation

Consultation Objects

Two groups have been chosen as the consultation objects of this project. One is the stakeholders including the farmers affected directly or indirectly and governmental management departments at all levels in the project area (such as water resources department, agriculture department), etc. The other is unaffected people including individuals and groups who haven’t been directly affected but know related information or have judgment abilities for potential EIs of the project implementation, such as non-governmental organizations (NGO), natural sociologist, and so on.

(1) Stakeholders

a) Affected people

Those involving the consultation are mostly farmers in the project area who will get direct and indirect benefits during the project implementation. To being representative, the chosen objects contain different ranges of age, occupation and education.

b) Governmental management departments at all levels

Those involving the consultation include governmental management departments at all levels of province, city, county, and township, and the relevant departments of water resources, agriculture, forest and environmental protection, etc.

(2) Unaffected people

The unaffected people of the project include NGOs, experts, etc.

Consultation Methodology

For people affected by the project, several consultation styles like colloquia, questionnaire, etc. will be carried out. Table 10-1 shows a sample of the questionnaire.

For governmental management departments at all levels, several consultation styles like colloquia &round table, technical evalation, etc. will be carried out.

For unaffected people, several consultation styles like colloquia, questionnaire, etc. will be carried out. Table 10-2 shows a sample of the questionnaire.

Introduction of PP

In EIA process, the assessment agency studied the background of the project and read the FSR carefully after accepted the task. The potential impacts of the project on the environment of the project area are preliminary analyzed, including factors, types, properties, degree, etc. On the basis of the analysis, the work team is formed and the technical outline of EIA is prepared, including the investigation plan of environmental and social background of the project area and the arrangement of PP.


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Table10-1 Questionnaire of PP for WSCPYGEY (1) Date:

1. Basic information of the consultation objects Categories:

Residents of the project area □ Residents out

of the area □ Personnel for relevant

technological support □ Supplier of agricultural

and forestry materials






















2. Understanding on the project (please fill“√”in the □ ahead of the opinion you agree)

1) Do you know that the ecological construct

for water and soil conservation supported by WB


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will be implemented in some small basins of the

four provinces or municipality?

□yes □no

2) How do you know the project?

  □ Newspaper   □ TV   □   Meeting   □ Document □ Government  


3 ) Which construction activity do you think

relates to you or you hope to join?

□Changing slope field to terrace   □ Small

water conservancy facility □Forests of water and

soil conservation   □ Economical forests

□ Livestock breeding □Methane pool □ Skill

training □Others (please filling )3. Attitudes towards the project construction and

understanding on environment of the project area (please fill“√”in the □ ahead of the opinion you agree)

1 ) Whether is it necessary to carry out the

project or not?

□Necessary very much □ Need □ Indifferent

□ No need

2 ) How do you think of the urgency of the

project? □Very urgent □ Delay □ No need to



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3)How do you think of the influences of the

project on local economic development, farmers'

income and living quality? □ Strong promotion

□Weak promotion □ Adverse influence

4) How do you think of the natural condition,

vegetation coverage and biological species in the

project area? □Better □Good □Ordinary

□ Bad □ Worse

5) Which environmental issue does exist in

your living condition?

□Water and soil erosion □Natural disasters

□Environmental pollution   □ others

(please fill)6) How do you think of the soil erosion

condition of the project area?

□ Severer □ Severe □ Ordinary □ Gently

7) How do you think of the influence of the

project construction on the eco-environment in

the project area? □Beneficial □No □Adverse

8) How do you think of the adverse impacts

on environment during the project construction?

□Significant □Ordinary □Little □No

4. Which potential impacts could be resulted from the industry structural adjustment (please fill“√”in the


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□ ahead of the opinion you agree)1) Would you like to change slope field to

terrace, and develop economical forests and

livestock breeding by the WB loan? □yes □no

2) Are you afraid of lacking relevant

technology for renovation and do you need any

training and guidance? (for residents in project

area)□not worried, unnecessary □not worried

but necessary □worried and necessary

3) Do you think you can get anticipate income

through participanting in the project?

( for residents in project area ) □ can

□can but difficult □can’t

4) Do you think you can pay for the loan? (for

residents in project area) □yes □no

5) Would you like to use the popularized new

technology and products? □yes □according to the effect of trial


6) Do you think the industry structure

adjustment will influence food supplies?

□yes □little □probably □no

7) Do you think the project can provide


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chances for your development? How to ensure

product quality and reasonable price? ( for

material supplier of agriculture and forest)□yes, good quality and fair price □yes, good

quality and high price □no, good quality and fair

price □no, good quality and high price

8) How to deal with the dejecta produced by

enclosure livestock?

□use as material of miasma well □use as

fertilizer □others (please fill)9) Do you think your technology could satisfy

the demand of the project construction?

( for technology personnel ) □ yes

□maybe □no

10) Do you want to spread new technology

and products? ( for technology support

personnel)□yes □no

5. Which impacts do the project have on regional environment and your life?6. What are your most concerns on the project, and your advices and opinions?

Table 10-2 Questionnaire of PP for WSCPYGEY (2) Date:

1。Basic information of the consultation objectsCategories:Science group□   society group□

professional □


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Name Sex




Educated level



Home address

Working place

2。Understanding of the project (please fill“√”in the □ ahead of the opinion you agree)

1) Would you like to change slope field to terrace, and develop economical forests and livestock breeding by the WB loan? □yes □no

2) How do you know the project?□Newspaper   □ TV   □   Meeting   □

Document □ Government3 ) Do you know the composition of the

project? □No  □A little  □Yes3. Attitudes towards the project implementation and

understanding of environment in the projectarea (please fill“√”in the□ ahead the opinion you

agree)1) Is the project implementation necessary?□Necessary very much □ Necessary

□Indifferent □No2) How do you think of the urgency of the

project?□Very urgent □ Postpone □Don’t implement3) What do you think of the influences on

local economy development, farmer income andliving quality of the project?□remarkable promotion □general

promotion □against of economy development4) How do you think the eco-environment

conditions in the project area?□Better □Good □Ordinary □Poorer

□Poor5) Which environmental issues are there in

the project area?□water and soil erosion □environmental

pollution  □ natural disasters □others ( please fill)

6) How do you think the condition of water and soil erosion in project area?

□severe □ relatively severe □ ordinary □ gently


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7) How do you think the influence of the project construction on local eco-environment?

□Beneficial impacts□No impacts □Adverse impacts

8) What do you do if the project construction needs your support?

□support actively □a little hesitate □don’t support

4 。 Potential impacts result of the project implement? (please fill“√”in the□

ahead of the opinion you agree)1) Do you think if it is feasible to change

slope field to terrace, develop economical forests or

livestock breeding by the WB loan? □yes □no

2) Do you think if the benefits of environment, economy and society in project area will be

unified by means of the project implementation? □yes □no

3) Do you think if it is difficult for farmers to repay their loan?

□very difficult □a little difficult □moderate □relative easy □easy

4) Do you think if it is difficult to spread new technology and products?

□very difficult□a little difficult □moderate □relative easy □easy

5) Do you think if industrial structure adjustment will influence food production?

□yes □little □probably □no6) Do you think if the breeding of livestock

will aggravate non-point pollution?□yes □very little □no5 。 Which adverse impacts could be resulted from

the project construction?6 。 What are your most concerns, and your

suggestions and opinions?Because the project covers the area of four provinces/municipality, it is difficult to carry out consultation in all project area and the team selects some typical towns and cities within the project area. The team visited the project area during September and October 2004 and collected public opinions by round table, consultation, visiting and questionnaire.

Procedure of PP

Firstly the teams reached provincial (municipal) cities, inquired opinions on environment impacts of the project with the relevant provincial departments and delivered questionnaires. Then the teams came to the project counties (cities) and held the round table with relevant departments to consult opinions and advices of the project implementation as well as visit NGOs and sociologists to deliver


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questionnaires. Finally the teams visited the root organizations---counties (villages) and introduced the relevant information to villagers by the media in the counties (villages). Subsequently they interviewed farmers and introduced environment benefits and impacts of the project and delivered questionnaires.

The process was as following:

1) Organizers (president of meeting or interviewer) self-introduction;

2) Explain aims of meeting or interview;

3) Give an brief introduction to the project and environmental impact assessment report;

4) Organizers answer questions put forward by meeting participants or people interviewed;

5) Collect opinions, suggestions and requirements of participants or people interviewed.

Questions that organizers asked the meeting participants or people interviewed are as following:

1) Degree of knowing the project;

2) Attitudes to the project;

3) Views on environment impact of the project;

4) Concerned questions;

5) Reasonable opinions and advices for the project construction

Implementation of PP

The public consultations were carried out in the cities chosen by the EIA team, including Yuanmou County in Yunnan province, Changyang and Hongan counties in Hubei province, Weiling county and Xingyi city in Guizhou province, Wanzhou district, Qianjiang county and Jiangjing city of Chongqing, as well as towns and villages in the project area such as Luoxing, Dianlian and Zhubu villages of Wumao town of Yuanmou county in Yunnan province; Dabeng, Nasheng, Huzhu and Tuanjie villages of Maling town of Xingyi city, Xiangshui village of Xiaohai town of Xianling county in Guizhou province; Changyang county and Qiliping town of Hongan county of Hubei province; Maogu village of Tiancheng town of Wanzhou couty, Dongxi village of Shima town of Jiangjing county and Jingqiao village of Qianjiang county in Chongqing and so on.

Among 396 surveyed people, 261 are male and 82 are female, accounting for 76.1% and 23.9% of the total respectively. There are 53 unaffected individuals and 343 affected individuals. Among the affected people, 57 are in Yunnan province, 84 are in Guizhou province, 62 are in Hubei province and 140 are in Chongqing municipality, accounting for 16.6%, 24.5%, 18.1% and 40.8% respectively. As for education level,


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9.6% of the people have the educated level higher than junior college, people educated at the level of middle school (secondary school and high school) and primary school account for 63.9% and 19.9% respectively. As for occupation, 87.4% of the people are farmers, 9.3% of the representatives are cadres and the others account for 4.0%. As for age, most are between 20 and 50 years old, the oldest is 69 years old and the youngest 11 years old.

Opinions of Public Participants

Affected Individuals

(1) Results of questionnaires

Among the 343 affected individuals, 24 people completely know the project, 319 people know the project that accounts for 7% and 93% of the total respectively. All support the project and nobody objects to it. On the issue of the understanding of EI, 267 people think the project have great beneficial impacts on the environment, 54 people think the impacts on environment of the project are general, 22 people think the project have no impacts on environment, accounting for 77.8%, 15.7% and 6.4% of the total respectively. As for the impacts on farmers’ income and living quality, 329 people think the project have beneficial impacts, 2 people think the project have adverse impacts, 12 people think the project have no impacts, accounting for 95.9%, 0.6% and 3.5%. As for the issue that whether the project needs technology support, 49 people have the strong desirability, 292 people think it’s necessary, 2 people think it isn’t necessary, accounting for 14.3%, 85.1% and 0.6% of the total respectively.

Most surveyed residents in the project area realize the fact that water and soil erosion is destroying their eco-environment and experiencing the restriction and influence of water and soil erosion on their production and living. Most of them have the strong desire to improve the environment but can do nothing without finance. The project implementation will inspirit the enthusiasm of the public in the project area and help to improve their living conditions. Of course, most people also realize that because of the restriction of cultural quality themselves, the improvement degree of environment and living conditions depends on the project technological input and financial input, so as to help them to improve soil productivity. They hope that the product of economic forests can become economic benefit.

(2) Results of individuals interview

Besides investigating environment background and delivering questionnaires, the EIA team carried out individual interview at local villagers of the small basins. The opinions are concluded as following:

1) Understanding on the environment of the project area

The interviewed villagers experience water and soil loss. For example, they suffer from inconveniences in their living and production such as farmland covered by mud and drinking water affected after every rain. In recent years, natural disasters have been decreased through forestation. They hope their villages would be improved to have convenient traffic, irrigation facility, and healthful drinking water. But there has not enough fund.

2) EIs of the project

Most people think the project implementation can improve eco-environment. But it maybe bring impacts on the living convention of minorities. For example, the


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breeding mode of Yi nationality is scattered grazing. After enclosing mountain for plantation, they have to implement enclosure breeding. Probably people couldn’t suit immediately.

3) Views on the project

(i) Solving the problem of basic farmland is the prerequisite for converting slope cropland to forestry, and constructing irrigation works is the prerequisite for enhancing productivity of basic farmland and meeting the irrigation requirement of economic fruit.

(ii) Water vault and biogas pit are fit for farmer. For economic trees, dried fruits such as sumac, chestnut, walnut and Chinese prickly ash, and fir and Yew are more attractive to residents of the project area. Many people would like to develop enclosure breeding on loan.

(iii) For terraces, it should adjust measures to fit the local conditions and materials.

4) Advices on the project implementation

(i) To establish perfect and complete rules and regulations, strengthen the project management, establish supervision system, and insure the project quality.

(ii) Many farmers have enthusiasm in developing economic forests and breed but lack information and technology. So they hope there could have technology training and information support.

(iii) Strengthen publicizing water and soil reservation and improve environmental protection awareness of minorities.

(iv) Hope WB can supply some interest-free loan and contribute fund besides providing loan.

Advices of Relevant Government Agencies

After the project FSR finished, each province selects some representative small basin for planning design in the project area. This survey is conducted in relevant counties or cities of every province by discussion at meeting after the completion of the representative small basin planning design. The participated agencies include the functional agencies covering water resources, agriculture, forest and environmental protection. The member of EIA team chairs the meetings. The team member introduces the general situation of the project and relevant matters of the EI first, then representatives from every agency explicate their understanding of the project and it’s probably beneficial and adverse impacts on environment respectively. The impacts are concluded as following:

(1) Project planning

(i) Whether the living quality of local residents can be improved and they can obtain material benefits or not are put in the first place of the project. Therefore it is recommended to give the priority to the projects of animal husbandry, biogas pits, canal and silt arresters, and develop dry fruits mostly but fresh fruits. The quantity of the slop field to be terraced should be determined according to actual conditions.

(ii) People would like to develop stock raising on loan and hope to arrange this program.

(iii) It is suggested to take integrated rehabilitation measures of mountain, water, cropland, forest and route. And each village takes only one type to form its unique


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(iv) Take measures to maximize the project benefits and increase farmers' income after the project implements, such as forbidding lumbering and herding after arbor and shrub forests are enclosed, and building more marsh gas generating pits, etc. so as to increase the benefits of the project.

(v) EIA is necessary before the project implementation, which describes in details the connection of the project and relevant planning such as land resources and environmental protection, and assesses the impacts on forest, agriculture, and breeding and on non-point source pollution by the increase of fertilizer applied to economical fruit trees.

(2) Impacts on environment

(i) The project area is located in the poor mountain area which has regional representation on heavy loss of water and soil and easy to be controlled by a concentrative manner. The implementation of the project can efficiently improve the agricultural production conditions, reduce environment and resources pressure from human activities, and facilitate the farmer relieving from poverty and getting rich quickly. The impacts have favorable socio-economic and ecological benefits.

(ii) Reduce water and soil losses and increase soil fertility and output.

(iii) Marsh gas generating pits can renovate kitchen range, toilet, gas, route and water conditions as well as reduce the forests logging. It will not only have economic benefits but also improve environmental and sanitation conditions. The integrated benefits are obvious.

(iv) Improve the vegetation and biodiversity of the project area as well as increase living space of useful biology so as to reduce pesticide usage and increase green food.

(v) Increase the productivity and livestock-carrying capacity of natural and artificial grassland to promote sustainable development of agriculture.

(vi) Improve atmosphere quality and drinking water quality at lower reaches.

(vii) The adverse impacts on environment are mainly the short-term impacts during construction of the project such as decline of biodiversity due to purebred afforestation and plant diseases and insect pests.

(3) Advices on the project implementation

(i) Cooperate each other among relevant government agencies of agriculture, forestry, stockbreeding so as to efficiently rehabilitate eco-environment of water and soil reservation and achieve integrated control.

(ii) Develop no-hazard agriculture and water-saving agriculture.

(iii) Build forest net during constructing basic farmland.

(iv) Protect existent forest and grass vegetation, take advantages of planting grass to improve grassland quality and found multiplex farm-forest mode by growing woods and grass together.

(v) Implement corresponding measures for water and soil reservation during the project construction

Opinions of Unaffected Individuals


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All of the 53 unaffected people know and support the project. On the opinion of EI of the project: 14 people think the project have great beneficial impacts on environment, 37 people think the beneficial impacts is general and only one think there is no impact, accounting for 26.4%, 71.7% and 1.9% respectively. Regarding impact on farmer earning and living quality, 52 people think the project have beneficial impacts, one person thinks the project have adverse impacts, accounting for 98.1% and 1.9% respectively. On the issue of whether the local residents need technology support, 52 people think it is necessary and 1 person thinks urgently necessary which accounts for 98.1% and 1.9% of the total respectively.

The unaffected participants describe impacts of the project on living condition and eco-environment from their respective specialities, experiences and understanding. Many participants think if the trend of water and soil losses in the project area can’t be controlled the regional economic and social development must be restricted. So they pay more attention to the implementation and management of the project and think the key problems for the project are technology and training.

Opinions of NGOs

The survey of NGOs is in process now and the contents will be complemented latter.

Disposal and Feedback of the Public Opinions and Advices

Public opinions and advices have been dealt with by three ways generally: (1) Opinions and advices on eco-environmental issues and environmental protection are included in the EIA report as much as possible, which proposes the countermeasures to mitigate adverse EIs according to the analysis and definition of the impact character, range and extend. (2) Some other issues, such as planning and project layout will be delivered to the relevant design authorities to consult. (3) Opinions and suggestions on technology support will be submitted to the relevant management authorities to be considered adequately.

Disclosure of EIA Report

In order to take the views of affected people and local NGOs fully into account in project design and implementation, the EIA report must be openly disclosure so that the affected people and NGOs can understand the Project and it’s EIs and give their opinions, suggestions and requirements. This is an integral part of EIA process.

Notice in Internet

The EIA report will be openly released in relevant local Internet and consultation of the public will be collected via Internet after the report completion.

Availability of EIA Report in Libraries

The completed EIA report is to be given on October 2005 to selected libraries locating at the center of the cities in the four provinces/municipality. There are 15 selected libraries, which are located in the following cities:

Yunnan provinces: Kunming city(provincial capital),Chuxiong city, Yuxi city.

Guizhou provinces: Guiyang city (provincial capital), Bijie city, Liupanshui city, and Xingyi city.

Hubei provinces: Wuhan city (provincial capital), Yichang city, Shiyan city, Enshi


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city, and Huanggang city.

Chongqing provinces: Chongqing city (municipal capital), Wanzhou city, and Fulin city.

The locations of the above cities are shown in Figure 1.2-2.

Availability of Notice

(1) Time of notice

For three days prior to giving the EIA report to the libraries, notice will be given to public to tell them they can visit the libraries to review the report.

(2) Notice by newspapers

The primary method for this notification will be the provincial and local newspapers. The selected newspapers are the Dairy newspapers of the cities listed above.

The notice, taking Chongqing city as an example, will as follows:

The Chinese government, with loan of the WB, is going to carry out eco-environmental construction for water and soil reservation in the upper area of the Changjiang and Pearl Rivers located in Yunnan provinces, Guizhou provinces, Hubei provinces and Chongqing Municipality, to alleviate the poverty and environmental destroy there. This also can help those regions to form a comprehensive rural sustainable development pattern and achieve the sustainable development of economy and environment.

According to the policy of Chinese government and the WB, the EIA report is necessary during the planning for the project, which describes in details how the overall project plan incorporates various EPMs so that the project will be entironmentally feasible besides benefit to water and soil reservation. CWRPI has prepared the EIA report with assistance from four provinces/municipality, the WB and Water and Soil Reservation Bureau of Changjiang Water Resources Commission.

The EIA report will be available in the Chongqing city library, Wanzhou city library and Fuling city library. The public is welcome to these libraries reviewing the EIA report and to give his/her comments which will be taken into consideration in subsequent project planning/implementation to CWRPI (add: Guocikou, Hangyang district, Wuhan city, Hubei province; post code: 430051; fax:027-84872714; E-mail: [email protected]).

(3) In addition to newspaper, the notice will be publicized by such media of TV and web stations, etc., all of which will be given to the public at the same time, i.e., three days prior to the EIA report sent to the libraries.

Summary and Conclusion

The project proponent of the four provinces and the EIA team has conducted public consultation program during the preparation stage of the project. Consultations are made to the 343 affected people and 53 unaffected people covering all ranges of different age, occupation and education, members of NGOs as well as representatives of pertinent government agencies. The investigation ways are including colloquia, questionnaire and random visiting.

All the surveyed 396 people support the project. Contents of the public survey and opinions are collected and analyzed. Some of the advices have been considered in the


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EIA and been delivered to the relevant authorities.

The EIA report is an integral part of the EIA process. On December 15, 2004 the completed report will be sent to the selected libraries in the four provinces that are located in the center of the cities. For three days prior to sending the EIA report to the libraries, one notice will be placed in public through the provincial and local newspapers, TV stations and Internet. It will tell people that they could visit the libraries and review the EIA report. If people have comments, they could mail the suggestions to CWRPI. All the opinions and suggestions will be taken into consideration in the subsequent project planning and implementation.


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115 Changjiang Water Resources Commission. June 2003. Feasibility Research

Report on Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and

Chongqing Financed by World Bank.

116 Water Resources Department of Yunnan Province. June 2003. Feasibility

Research Report on Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Yunnan Province

Financed by World Bank.

117 Water Resources Department of Guizhou Province. June 2003. Feasibility

Research Report on Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Guizhou Province

Financed by World Bank.

118 Water Resources Department of Hubei Province. June 2003. Feasibility Research

Report on Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Hubei Province Financed by World


119 Water Resources Department of Chongqing. June 2003. Feasibility Research

Report on Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Chongqing Financed by World


120 Changjiang Water Resources Commission & Pearl River Water Resources

Commission. June 2002. Proposals on Water and Soil Conservation Projects in

Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing Financed by World Bank.

121 Associated Project Preparation Team of World Bank and United Nation. April

2004. Memo of Project Preparation Team for Water and Soil Conservation Projects in

Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing Financed by World Bank.

122 Changjiang Water Resources Protection Inst. (CWRPI). June 2004. TOR of EIA

for Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing

Financed by World Bank. Revised Version by World Bank.

123 Changjiang Water Resources Protection Inst. (CWRPI). June 2004. Technical-


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Financial Proposal of EIA for Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Yunnan,

Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing Financed by World Bank.

124 Water Resources Bureaus of the Project Counties. 2004. Initial designs of the

typical small drainage basins.

125 Ministry of Water Resources. July 2001. Application for Using Loan of World

Bank for Soil and Water Conservation in the Upper Reaches of the Changjiang and

Pearl Rivers.

126 Changjiang Water Resources Commission. June 2004. Inform on Printing

Memoires of Inspection to Identify Soil and Water Conservation Projects in Yunnan,

Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing Financed by World Bank.

127 Commonality Management Inst. of Hohai Unviersity. November 2004. SA

Report on Water and Soil Conservation Projects in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and

Chongqing Financed by World Bank.

128 State Agriculture Technology Extension and Service Center, Ministry of

Agriculture. November 2004. Pest Management Plan of Water and Soil Conservation

Projects in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing Financed by World Bank.


204 Changjiang Water Resources Protection Inst. (CWRPI). July 2004. EIA of

Penshui Water Power Station in Wujiang River.

205 Changjiang Water Resources Protection Inst. (CWRPI). March 2000. EIA of the

Third Phase of Controlling Shenzhen River (Hong Kong).

206 Changjiang Water Resources Protection Inst. (CWRPI). February 2004. EIA of

Comprehensive Regulation Plan of the Changjiang Estuary.

207 Changjiang Water Resources Protection Inst. (CWRPI). August 2004.

Dissertation Research on Ecological and Environmental Impacts of Central lines

Project of Transfer Water from South to North.


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372 Water Resources Department of Yunnan Province. 2002. Ecological

Environment Construction Planning of Soil and Water Conservation in Yunnan

Province (2010~2050).

373 Soil and Water Conservancy Monitoring Station of Guizhou Province. 2003.

Ecological Environment Construction Planning of Soil and Water Conservation in

Guizhou Province.

374 Water Resources Department of Hubei Province. 2002. Ecological Environment

Construction Planning of Soil and Water Conservation in Hubei Province.

375 Water Resources Bureau of Chongqing. 2002. Ecological Environment

Construction Planning of Soil and Water Conservation in Chongqing.

376 Land and Resources Bureau of Yunnan Province. 2002. General Land Use

Planning of Yunnan Province.

377 Land and Resources Bureau of Guizhou Province. 2002. General Land Use

Planning of Guizhou Province.

378 Land and Resources Bureau of Hubei Province. 2002. General Land Use

Planning of Hubei Province.

379 Land and Resources Bureau of Chongqing. 2002. General Land Use Planning of


380 Agricultural Department of Yunnan Province. 2003. Development Planning of

Stockbreeding in Yunnan Province.

381 Agricultural Department of Hubei Province. 2003. Development Planning of

Grassland Stockbreeding in Hubei Province.

382 Forestry Department of Yunnan Province. 2003. Forestry Development Planning

of Yunnan Province.

383 Forestry Department of Guizhou Province. 2003. Forestry Development

Planning of Guizhou Province.

384 Forestry Department of Hubei Province. 2003. Forestry Development Planning

of Hubei Province.


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385 Forestry Bureau of Chongqing. 2003. Forestry Development Planning of

Chongqing (2004~2020)

386 Provincial Government of Yunnan Province. 2001. The Tenth Five-years

Planning of Ecologic Construction and Environmental Protection in Yunnan Province.

387 Provincial Government of Guizhou Province. 2001. Planning of Ecologic

Construction and Environmental Protection in Guizhou Province.

388 Provincial Government of Hubei Province. 2001. Planning of Ecologic

Construction and Environmental Protection in Hubei Province.

389 Municipal Government of Chongqing. 2001. Planning of Ecologic Construction

and Environmental Protection in Chongqing.

390 Environmental Protection Bureau of Chongqing. 2001. The Tenth Five-years

Planning of Environmental Protection in Chongqing.

391 Environmetal Protection Bureau of Chongqing. 2001. Investigation Report on

Ecological Environment of Chongqing.

392 Environmetal Protection Bureau of Guizhou Province. 2001. Investigation

Report on Ecological Environment of Guizhou Province.

393 People’s Congress of Guizhou Province. 2001. The Tenth Five-years Planning

Outline of State Economy and Social Development in Guizhou Province.

394 People’s Congress of Hubei Province. 2001. The Tenth Five-years Planning

Outline of State Economy and Social Development in Hubei Province.

395 People’s Congress of Yunnan Province. 2001. The Tenth Five-years Planning

Compendium of State Economy and Social Development in Yunnan Province.

396 Provincial Government of Yunnan Province. 2001. The Tenth Five-years

Compendium on Agricultural Development in Yunnan Province.

397 Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunnan Province, 2001. Investigation

Report on Ecological Environment in Yunnan Province

398 People’s Government of Jiangjin City. 2001. Initial designs Report on the

Dahegou Small Drainage Basin of the “Changzhi” Project in Jiangjin City.

399 Soil and Water Conservation Office of Changshou District, 2001. Completing


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Data Compilation of Small Watershed Control in the Fourth Phase of the “Changzhi”

Project in Changshou District.

3100 Environmental Protection Bureau of Jiangjin City. October 2000.

Summarization of Trendency on Ecological Environment Status and Development in

Jiangjin City.

3101 Forestry Bureau of Wanzhou District in Chongqing. 2004. Forestry

Development Planning of Wanzhou District in Chongqing (2004~2020).

3102 Agricultural Bureau of Wanzhou District in Chongqing. 2002. Development

Planning of Stockbreeding in Wanzhou District of Chongqing.

3103 People’s Government of Wanzhou District in Chongqing. 1998. General

Land Use Planning of Wanzhou District in Chongqing (Revision).

3104 Soil and Water Conservation Bureau of Wanzhou District in Chongqing.

2004. General Soil and Water Conservation Planning of Wanzhou District in


3105 Soil and Water Conservation Bureau of Wanzhou District in Chongqing.

2004. Work Summarization of the Fifth Phrase of the “Changzhi” Project in Wanzhou

District of Chongqing.

3106 The Fifth Phrase Forestry Bureau of Chongqing. 2003. Investigation Report

on Forestry Resources in Wanzhou District of Chongqing.

3107 Water Resources Bureau of Qianjiang District in Chongqing. 2002. Scheme

Figures of Water and Soil Conservation for the Small Drainage Basin of the North-

City River in Qianjiang District of Chongqing.

3108 Water Resources Bureau of Qianjiang District in Chongqing. 2002.

Implementation Schemes on Soil and Water Conservation Projects of the Small

Drainage Basin of the Qianjiang River in Qianjiang District of Chongqing.

3109 People’s Government of Qianjiang District in Chongqing. 2001. The Tenth

Five-years Planning Compendium of State Economy and Social Development in

Qianjiang District of Chongqing.

3110 Xinan Agricultural University. 2004. General Planning of Soil and Water

Conservation in Qianjiang District of Chongqing.


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3111 People’s Government of Weining Autonomy County of Yi, Hui and Miao

Stateities in Guizhou Province. 2004. Development Planning of Stockbreeding in

Weining Autonomy County of Yi, Hui and Miao Stateities of Guizhou Province


3112 Planning Bureau of Weining Autonomy County of Yi, Hui and Miao

Stateities in Guizhou Province. 2001. The Tenth Five-years Planning of State

Economy and Social Development in Weining Autonomy County of Yi, Hui and Miao

Stateities of Guizhou Province.

3113 Soil and Water Conservation Office of Weining County. 2001. Planning

Report on the Fifth Phrase of Small Watersheds Control in Weining County.

3114 People’s Government of Xingyi City. 1998. General Land Use Planning in

Xinyi City (1997~2010).

3115 Environmental Protection Bureau of Xingyi City. 2003. The Tenth Five-

years Planning of Environmental Protection in Xingyi City.

3116 Soil and Water Conservation Committee of Xingyi City. 2000. Ecological

Environment Construction Planning of Xingyi City.

3117 Statistic Bureau of Xingyi City. 2002. Statistic Data of Xingyi City in 2002.

3118 People’s Government of Xingyi City. 2001. The Tenth Five-years Planning

of State Economy and Social Development in Xingyi City.

3119 Water Resources Bureau of Xingyi City. 2000. Ecological Environment

Construction Planning of Soil and Water Conservation in Xingyi City.

3120 Enterprise Bureau of Stockbreeding and Aquiculture of Xingyi City. 2004.

Development Planning of Stockbreeding and Aquiculture in Xingyi City


3121 Water Resources Bureau of Yunnan Province. 2003. Work Summarization of

the First Half Year in 2003 for the Key Control Regions of Water and Soil

Conservation in the Up-Middle Reaches of the Changjiang River.

3122 Associated Project Preparation Team of World Bank and United Nation.

April 2004. Report on the Preparation Works during the Prior Periods of Water and

Soil Conservation Projects in Yunnan Province Financed by World Bank.


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3123 People’s Government of Chengjiang County. 1998. Soil and Water

Conservation Planning of Chengjiang County.

3124 Kunming Science and Engineering University&Environmental Protection

Bureau of Chengjiang County. 2004. Construction Planning of Ecological

Demonstration District in Chengjiang County.

3125 Environmental Protection Bureau of Yuanmou County. 2000. Ecological

Environmental Status of Yuanmo County within the Ecological Environmental

Investigation of Western Regions.

3126 Environmental Protection Bureau of Yuanmou County. 2001. The Tenth

Five-years Planning and Long-term Planning up to 2015 of Environmental Protection

in Yuanmou County.

3127 Water Resources Bureau of Yuanmou County. 1999. Completion

Summarization on the Third Phrase of the “Changzhi” Project in Yuanmou County.

3128 Soil and Water Conservation Committee Office of Yuanmou County. 1999.

The Tenth Five-years Planning and Long-term Planning up to 2015 of Soil and Water

Conservation in Yuanmou County.

3129 People’s Government of Yuanmou County. 2001. Planning Compendium on

the Tenth Five-years Planning of State Economy and Social Development in Yuanmou


3130 Agricultural Bureau of Yuanmou County. 2004. Industrialization Planning of

Stockbreeding in Yuanmou County.

3131 Environmental Protection Bureau of Chuxiong Prefecture of Yi Stateity.

2001. The Tenth Five-years Planning and Long-term Planning up to 2010 of

Environmental Protection in Chuxiong Prefecture of Yi Stateity.

3132 Forestry Survey & Design Institute of Yunnan Province. 2000. Ecologic

Environment Construction Planning in Yuanmou County of Yunnan Porvince

(2001~2015) under State Key Projects of Ecological Environment Construction.

3133 Schedule Report on Soil and Water Conservation in Hubei Province.

3134 People’s Government of Changyang County. 2001. The Tenth Five-years

Planning Compendium of State Economy and Social Development in Changyang


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3135 Planning Committee of Changyang County. 1998. Ecologic Construction

Planning in Changyang County.

3136 People’s Government of Changyang County. 1998. General Land Use

Planning of Changyang County.

3137 Soil and Water Conservation Bureau of Changyang County. 2002. Soil and

Water Conservation Planning of Changyang County.

3138 People’s Government of Huanggang City. 2001. The Tenth Five-years

Developing Compendium of Huanggang City.

3139 Planning Committee of Hong’an County. 2002. General Planning on

Ecological Environment Construction of Hong’an County.

3140 Water Resources Bureau of Hong’an County. 2002. Questionnaire on

Ecological Environment of Hong’an County.

3141 People’s Government of Hong’an County. 1999. General Land Use Planning

of Hong’an County.

3142 Water Resources Bureau of Hong’an County. 1998. General Soil and Water

Conservation Planning of Hong’an County.


401 Constitution of PRC

402 Law on Environmental Protection of PRC. Chairman Order of PRC (No.22).

December 1989.

403 Law on Environmental Impact Assessment of PRC. Chairman Order of PRC

(No.77). October 2002.

404 Law on Water of PRC. Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.

October 2002.

405 Law on Soil and Water Conservation of PRC. Standing Committee of the

National People’s Congress. 1991.


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406 Law on Water Pollution Control of PRC. Standing Committee of the National

People’s Congress. May 1996.

407 Law on Land Management of PRC. Standing Committee of the National

People’s Congress. September 1996.

408 Law on Forestry of PRC. Standing Committee of the National People’s

Congress. Septermber 1984.

409 Law on Wildlife Protection of PRC. Standing Committee of the National

People’s Congress. November 1984.

410 Law on Agriculture of PRC. Standing Committee of the National People’s

Congress. 2003.

411 Law on Grassland of PRC. Standing Committee of the National People’s

Congress. 2002.

412 Ordinance on the Management of Environmental Protection in Construction

Project. State Council of PRC (No.253). November 1998.

413 Regulation on Environmental Protection Design for Construction Projects. State

Plan Committee &Environmental Protection Commission. 1987.

414 Guidance of Environmental Impact Assessment Technique (HJ/T2.1 ~ 2.3-93).

Development and Supervision Department of State Environmental Protection

Administration. September 1993.

415 Implementation Regulations of Soil and Water Conservation Law of PRC. State

Council of PRC. 1993.

416 Implementing Regulations of the Law on Water Pollution Prevention of PRC.

State Environmental Protection Administration. September 1989.

417 Implementation Ordinances of the Law on Land Management of PRC. State

Council of PRC. 1998.

418 Implementing Ordinances of the Law on Forest of PRC. State Council of PRC.


419 Ordinances on Basic Farmland Protection. State Council of PRC. 1998.

420 Ordinances on Natural Reserve Protection of PRC. State Council of PRC. 1994.


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421 Interim Ordinances on Scenic Spot Management. June 1985.

422 Notice on Strengthening Management of EIA of the Construction Project Loaned

from International Financing Organizations. State Environmental Protection

Administration & State Plan Committee of PRC. 1993.

423 Standards on Environmental Quality of Surface Water (GB 3838-2002). State

Environmental Protection Administration. April 2002.

424 Comprehensive Discharge Standard of Sewage (GB8978-1996). State

Environmental Protection Administration. 1996.

425 Standards on Classification and Gradation of Soil Erosion (SL190-96). Ministry

of Water Resources. 1997.

426 Technical Specification for Comprehensive Harnessing of Water and Soil

Conservation (GB/T 16453.1 ~ 16453.6 - 1996). State Bureau of Technical

Supervision. 1996.

427 Main Species and Seeds of Trees for Afforestation (GB6000-85).

428 Technical Specification for Monitoring of Surface water and Wastewater

(HJ/T91-2002). State Environmental Protection Administration. 2002.

429 Technical Specification for Environmental Monitoring (HJ/T91-2002). State

Environmental Protection Administration. 2002.


530 Environmental Assessment Guideline of WB. World Bank. 1998.

531 OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment. World Bank. 1999.

532 BP 4.01 Environmental Assessment. World Bank. 1999.

533 OP 4.09 Pest Management. World Bank. 1998.

534 BP 4.09 Pest Management. World Bank. 1998.

535 BP 4.37 Safety of Dams. World Bank. 2001.

536 OP 4.37 Safety of Dams. World Bank. 2001.


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537 OP 4.36 Forest. World Bank. 2002.

538 BP 4.36 Forest. World Bank. 2002.

539 OP 4.04 Natural Habitats. World Bank. 2002.

540 BP 4.04 Natural Habitats. World Bank. 2002.

541 Outline of State Ecological Environmental Protection. December 2000.

542 Methods and Parameters of Economic Assessment for Construction Projects.

543 Ecological Environment Impacts Assessment Conspectus. Environmental

Science Publishing House of China.

544 The Tenth Five-years Planning of State Environmental Protection. State

Environmental Protection Administration.

545 The State Ninth Five-years Planning and Prospective Goals of Environmental

Protection up to 2010. State Environmental Protection Administration, State

Economic and Trade Commission. December 1996. Environmental Science

Publishing House of China.

546 Prevention and Cure of Disasters like Mountains’ Flood, Mud-rock Flow and

Landslide. Mountains Disaster and Environmental Research Institute of Minister of

Water Resources and CAS in Chengdu.

547 Completion Report on the First-stage Construction of Water and Soil

Conservation Projects in Loess Altiplano Funded by WB. Water and Soil

Conservation Office of Loess Altiplano. 2002.

548 Improving Water and Soil Conservation Control Level of Loess Altiplano in

China by World Bank’s Loan. Water Resources Web of China. 2004.

549 Pact of Global Desertification Control.

550 Shikangwu. Directly Facing Chinese ‘Three Agricultural Problems’. 2002.

551 Assessment of the Implementation and Effects for “Kulak Project of Ecological

Homestead”. China Association for Promoting Democracy. 2004.

552 Main Contents of “Kulak Project of Ecological Homestead”. China Association

for Promoting Democracy. 2004.


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553 Investigation Report on the Implementation of “Kulak Project of Ecological

Homestead” in Chongqing. China Association for Promoting Democracy. 2004.

554 Relative Policies of Returning Farmland to Forest. Returning Farmland to Forest

Website of China. 2004.

555 Elementary Appearance of Ecological Effects of Returning Farmland to Forest

in Guizhou Province. People’s Broadcasting Station of Guizhou Province. 2004.

556 Non-slighting Agricultural Pollution. News Website of Taiyuan. 2004.

557 Serious Harm of Exotic Infalling Species. People’s Daily News. September 24,


558 Biological Diversity of Protecting China (II) of “Summary of Exotic Infalling

Species in China”. Environmental Science Publishing House of China.

559 Introduction on the Changjiang River. Changjiang Water Resources Website

(Government’s website).

560 Introduction on the Pearl River. Pearl River Water Resources Website

(Government’s website).


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Executive Summary


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Chapter 1 includes the following components:

(1) Purpose and Background of EIA: To satisfy the demands of both Chinese Government and WB, the EIA report is to be prepared in both Chinese and English languages and the English version is to be a compulsory part of WB’s Loan Agreement with the Chinese Government. Besides, WB policy is, when WB participates in financing part of an overall project, EIA must cover the entire project cycle. This report is prepared by CWRPI together with assistance from departments involved, and with assistance from consultants furnished by WB. Now CWRPI has compiled the EIA report of WSCPYGEY (draft) based on environmental setting investigation, public participation and data collection. This edition has been modified according to the opinions of WB specialists.

(2) Project Background: The upper reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and the Pearl River lie in the west of China, where one of the most serious soil erosion regions is. For a long time, due to the natural factors and human activities, water and soil loss has been accelerating and resulting in environmental degradation. This severely restricted local socio-economical sustainable development and affected stabilization of the regions downstream in mid and lower reaches of the rivers. Since the 1980’s, Chinese government has paid great attention to soil and water conservation and ecological construction in the upper reaches of both the Changjaing and Pearl Rivers. In 1989, KPWSCC started, followed by the comprehensive watershed rehabilitation project in the Northern and Southern Panjiang Rivers, which locates in upper reaches of the Pearl River since 1992. These two projects have shown obvious benefits. As SWCD was boosted, the publics pay great attention to ecological and environmental protection. The project accords with the demand of SWCD.

(3) WB Involved the Project: In June 2001, November 2002, April and October 2004, officers of MWR and WB inspected the regions time after time. They made the decision of the primary cooperation on how to carry out ecological construction of water and soil conservation and do the preparative work.

(4) Project Description: This project involves 38 counties of 4 provinces ie. Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Chongqing. It is composed of commonweal water and soil conservation, individual benefit water and soil conservation and living melioration project as well as technique sustainment and service. The total area of water and soil conservation being regulated is 1,871.94 km2 and the total static investment for the project is 1, 660 million Yuan (2 hundred million dollars), of which $100 million will be provided by WB and 10 million euro will be presented by EU. The project will be carried out from 2005 and the construction time will last 5 years.

(5) EIA Procedure and Methodology: The EIA of this project has been performed in five procedures: desk review, preparation, formal work, report compiling and final report compiling. Through general investigation, key investigation, spot investigation, etc., the basic data will be collected. The EIA report considers all the impacts probably caused by the project except some social environmental problems and emphasizes the analysis of environmental benefit and important environmental problems. It aims at assessing potential, longtime, accumulative EIs and presenting mitigation measures for the negative EIs during design, implementation and operation periods.


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(6) Relation with FS: The EIA report is considered to be an integral part of the Project FS, not an attachment. The EIA team is also one part of the overall FS team.

(7) EIA Team: This section describes the members of the EIA team, their regular positions, their specialty skills, and their workload. The various specialties involved include environmental engineering, environmental economics, environmental sociology and environmental ecology.

(8) Report Organization: It describes TOC of the EIA report. The EIA report is compiled to satisfy the demands of WB.

(9) Acknowledgments: It gives credits to those agencies and individuals that gave important assistance to the EIA team.


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This chapter briefly introduces background, composing, layout and construction schemes, economic analysis, management of the project as well as experiences of finished and on-going projects. The figures of the project regions have been done (shown in Figure 1.1-1 and Figure 1.2-1).

(1) Project composingThe project includes three parts: commonweal water and soil conservation projects, water and soil conservation project for individual benefit and improving living, technical supporting.

(2) Project layout

According to the features of water and soil erosion, the project regions could be partitioned into 5 soil loss zones. The allocation emphases of partitioned measures for soil loss could also be confirmed based on the characters of soil, climate and soil erosion (shown in Table 2-5). In addition, the EIA report introduces main construction methods of the project (shown in Table 2-6).

(3) Experiences of finished and on-going projects

Now 33 counties in the Changjiang River watershed were included in the regions of KPWSC. KPWSC had been also implemented in Xingyi, Xingren, Anlong and Pan Counties of the Pearl River watershed. There are integrated institutions of soil and water conservation with rich experiences of soil erosion control and management in the project regions. And publics have favorable skills and consciousness of participation. Except for KPWSC, some other projects related to WSCPYGEY have been carried out, including KPEHP by MA, Ecological Rehabilitation Plan of Water and Soil Conservation by MWR and Wildwood Protection Project, CFFP and Chang-fang Project by SFB, etc.

At the same time, LPP supported by the WB loan have acquired remarkably economic, social, ecological effects. A set of Templet Projects with high quality and effectivity for soil and water conservation were established. Some advanced technique and management were imported and many excelle nt managers were cultivated, which provided a lot of sufficient management modes.


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Chapter 3 includes following parts:

Relation with domestic systems and policies: briefly address how FSR of the project and this report follow laws and regulations and standards issued by China's Government, analyze the affected or related policies and management framework in the project area, involving environmental protection, sustainable development strategy, forestry, returning farmland to forestry, management of land and grassland, desertification control, poverty relief, urbanization and integrated basin management, etc., and explain how they restrain from or help the project activities implemented.

Relation with relevant planning: explain the adaptability of the implementation of the project to the comprehensive and professional plans, involving in ecological construction, water and soil conservation, land use, forestry ecological construction, ecological construction and environmental protection, and animal husbandry industry, etc.

The WB's safeguard policies review: Introduce the information about the WB's safeguard policies followed as the EA of the project.


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The main contents of this chapter are to confirm the environmental study region affected by the project and divide the environmental setting into physical environment, social-economy environment and existing primary environment problems to describe every related province’s &city’s environmental setting and characters.

Environmental study areaAccording to the characters of the project EIs, the study area affected by

the project can be sub-divided into the project region, the project county and the lower reach.

Physical environmentPhysical environment of the project study area include geology and

landform, climate, hydrology, soil, vegetation, wildlife, etc.There are various physiognomic types in the project regions, comprising

of plateaus, basins, mountains, hills and so on. The relief could be divided into several classes: Yungui Plateau, mountains in Eastern Sichuan, Sanxia Gorge, and low hills in Dabieshan. The geological cells is mainly Yangzihuai Platform with complete strata, which mostly are of Carboniferous, Devonian, Permian, Trias, and Quaternary system, and primary lithology are carbonate rock and classtic rock.

The regions are located in subtropical monsoon climate zones with following features: Warm and plentiful rainfall in the same period Great variations among regions: In Yunnan and Guizhou, they’re no frost

during the winter. The vertical climate distribution is obvious, with typical plateau climate. In Chongqing and Hubei, there is large annual temperature range, plentiful rainfall, and hot summer.

Uneven seasonal distributions of precipitation: Rainfall concentrates highly from May to October, which accounts for 70-80% of annual amount. In addition, most of rainfall events occur as storms.The Changjiang River and Pearl River lie in the regions. The water system

of the Changjiang River mainly includes the Jinsha River, the Wu River, the Chishui River, the Jialing River, the Dao River, the Ju River and tributaries. The Pearl River comprises the Southern and Northern Pan Rivers.

There are 10 soil groups, nearly 20 subgroups, and more than 60 soil species in the project regions. The types of soil consist of red earth, yellow


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earth, yellow brown earth, brown earth, limestone soil, purple earth, recent soil, mountain meadow soil, paddy soil, among which the distribution of red earth, yellow brown earth, purple earth, limestone soil, and paddy soil is most extensive.

Vegetation types in the regions are subtropical coniferous and broad- leaved mixed forest with everagreens and deciduous mixed. However, original vegetation has been destroyed, and then leaves secondary vegetation at present. The types of virgin forest are various. Masson pine and Yunnan pine occupy the largest area, following by armond pine, robur, oak, poplar, willow, cypress, manchurian catalpa, beautiful sweetgum, birch, toon, white gourd in dryland, etc. The forest area is 1,293.6km2 with a coverage degree of 18.73%. Natural grassland is less and dispersive consisting of catnip, cynodon dactyulon, green bristlegrass and common eulaliopsis. Planted grass is including knotgrass ft. thompsongrass, whit clover, ryegrass, etc.

Wildlife in the regions mainly distribute orderly in high mountains and original vegetation jungles. While because most vegetation of the project regions is secondary community, shrubbery and sparse arbor with frequent human activities, it has not found protected wildlife appearing.

Social-economy environmentIn 2004, the total population of regions was 1,985.81 thousands. The

minorities mainly are Yi, Miao, Buyi and Tujia nationalities, followed by Bai, Hani, Zhuang, Dai, Lisu, Hui, Man, and Naxi nationalities. Plantation is the key sector for rural economy, as well as breeding by families and a few individual possessing. Lagged agricultural ways resulted in slow development of rural economy and poor life of people.

The total land area is 6, 905.05km2, with 0.29hm2 per capita of agricultural population. Cropland covers 2,778.32 km2, 40.2% of the total land. Among croplands, there is 1,618.37 km2 of slope cropland (231.74 km2 with slope over 25°), 58.2% of the total cropland.

The total area affected by soil loss is 3, 616.68 km2, accounting for 52.4% of the total land in the project regions. Divided by watershed, the area of land affected by soil loss is 3, 293.53 km2, 52.0% of the Changjiang watershed. The area affected by soil loss is 323.15 km2, 56.4% of the Pearl watershed.

Primary environment problemsSoil erosion is one of the most serious environment problems in the

project regions. Intense soil erosion directly washes soil away, which makes soil depth thin, reduces soil fertility and crop productivity, and even causes desertification. Soil eroded from land enters rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and channels in downstream regions, resulting in higher riverbed and building up


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sediment. The result is a decrease in the holding capacity of rivers and flood discharge capacity of natural waterway, which worsens the entironment in the regions and downstream areas. All this heavily restricts the national economy sustainability in the regions.

Due to destroy of vegetation, thinning of soil depth and reducing capacity of water storage, the streams and rivers dry up during winter and spring. Consequently, there are not enough water supplies for irrigation, even for domestic uses, especially in areas with carbonate rock distribution.

Because of steep topography, sparse vegetation, thin soil depth and low capacity of water storage, soil loss in the project regions occurs easily to result in flood once it rains. And due to the special geological structures and human destruction, flood, mud-rock flow and landslide are frequent and endangering the safety of the project regions.

Large usage of agrochemical like pesticide, fertilizer, farm tool of plastic film, etc, brings adverse impacts for the country environment, while increasing the crop yield and the agricultural productivity. Non-point source pollution is also one of the most important factors, which pollute water quality in the regions.


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The main task of Chapter 5 is 1) Identify SEIs related to the project by means of matrix method on the basis of the project analysis, and grade them; 2) Propose the overall objective of environmental protection of the project and one of the sub-projects.

The importance of environmental factor is assessed on the basis of matrix method from respects of characteristic, scope and period of potential EI. The results of assessment are divided two categories, i.e. SEIs and other environmental problem. The result shows, SEI of the project has 8 items, including land resource (soil, land use), eco-environment (including forestry ecology, agricultural ecology and pests), water resource (hydrological regime, water quality), soil erosion, regional economy, living standard, natural disasters, habitat (forest park), etc.; Other environmental problem includes the impact on downstream area, impact of the project construction on environment (water quality, environmental air quality, acoustic environment, etc.), environmental risk, and global environmental problems (climate , variety), etc.

The environmental objective of the project construction is: Set up comprehensive rural sustainable development pattern in the poverty project area with serious soil erosion, make land and water resource use with high-efficient and sustainability, and forest vegetation coverage, variety of wild animals and plants increase; Basically control the worsening tend of ecological environment, such as serious regional soil erosion and water environmental pollution, etc. and present it develop to the benign direction progressively; Significantly improve infrastructure condition of the project area and farmers' living standard and life quality; Make the society, economy and eco-environment of the project area develop coordinate and sustainable. The environmental protection objectives include land resource protection, biological variety protection and water environmental protection, etc.


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According to the demand of TOR, it should make a dissertation report for the social assessment. The results are not brought into the EIA report. To make the EIA report having integrality and objectivity, partial results are quoted directly in Section 6.2.4. Also it has written a separate dissertation report for pest management. The results of pest management are quoted directly in Section 6.3.1.

The important environment problems as identified in chapter 5 are discussed in detail in this chapter. Based on the features of the project feasibility research report and construction such as project scope, amounts of small basins, complicated environmental setting, etc., the EIA carries out an overall analysis on the EIs from plan levels, combined with potential impacts of the typical small basin design and activities. The selection of the small basins considers the representativeness of different provinces, basins, soil erosion types, environmental settings and existing environmental problems.

Water and soil resources protectionWater and soil are the basic indispensable natural resources both for human survival and development and to realize economic and social sustainable development. The implementation of the project will help to retain water and keep the soil from loss, reverse the worsening trend of soil loss, mitigate natural disasters, reduce sediment inflow to lakes and reservoirs, maintain the service life of water projects, aiming at sustaining socio-economic development.

The benefits of water and soil resources protection of the project mainly include: 1) Significant improvement of vegetation coverage and effective control of soil erosion; 2) Enhancing soil and water conservation, regulating runoff, decreasing frequency of flash flood disasters, reducing sources of solid debris, and mitigating damage of mud-rock flow; 3) Protect land resources, decrease soil nutrient loss, enhance soil conservation, mitigate farmland drought, improve irrigation and cultivation condition and increase the crop yield; 4) Decrease sediment in lakes and reservoirs, extend the usage life of water conservancy, etc..

Ecological environment improving

The area is located in subtropical monsoon climate zones. Vegetation types in the regions are subtropical coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest plus evergreen and deciduous mixed forest. However, original vegetation has been destroyed, and only secondary vegetation remains at present. The existing forest area is only 129360hm2 with a coverage degree of 18.73%. Benefits of the project on ecological environment improvement are as following:

(1) Significant increase of vegetation coverageWoodland area would reach 211606 hm2 with forest coverage of 30.64%,

improving 11.91%, by afforestation on waste and slope land suited for forest and construction of orchard. Also grassland areas in the project regions will reach 35616hm2 with vegetation coverage of 35.8%, improving 5.03%.

(2) Enrich bio-diversity


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There have two aspects of vegetation succession after finishing afforestation and forming stable communities: 1) Because of the function of pioneer species, the micro environment would be improved and develop suitable growth condition for evergreen plants gradually, resulting in succession from secondary vegetation to typical zone vegetation. 2) The area of every small basin is not large with a range from more than ten to less than one hundred square kilometers, existing long boundaries. As the boundary effect, it provides conditions for outside species to invade the environment when eco-environment of the small basins are enhanced.

Ecosystem in the project regions would also change from only coniferous forest to several types of forests like coniferous and broad- leaved mixed forest, evergreen and deciduous mixed forests, etc. At the same time, the improvement of animal's habitats and gradual setting-up of the habitat corridors will attract outside animals which breed on plant to settle in the small basins.

(3) Ecosystem structure improving The forest ecosystem will be improved under the converse succession

direction. That is: coniferous forest- coniferous and broad- leaved mixed forest- evergreen and deciduous mixed forest- evergreen and broad- leaved forest at present.

The benefits of the farmland ecological system structure include: 1) Increase variety of the farmland ecological system by planting more abundant varieties; 2) Transforming farmland on slope hill into forests would benefit forest vegetation and consequently to help improving the farmland ecological system; 3) Transfer gradually to harmless and green ecological agriculture. In addition, the implementation of the project will obviously improve the ecological environment and have a deep influence on gathering ecological environment in countryside.

Land use structures optimizedLand use structures in the project regions exists several problems: 1)

Large proportion of farmland and high percentage of slope land; 2) Large proportion of sparse forest, young forest and shrubbery; 3) Large area of waste land and unused land.

Land use structure in the project regions would be optimized in several aspects after the project implementation: 1) Decrease slope land which is an unreasonable land use manner by changing slope land with an slope under 25°to terrace and matching irrigation facilities; 2) Plant soil and water conservation forest and economic fruits in waste and slope land suited for forest, resulting in improving vegetation coverage degree and environment; 3) Increase the proportion of grassland and animal husbandry; 4) Increase the proportion of water area and fishery.


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Compared with land use structures before control, farmland and wasteland would decrease11.3% and 94.0% respectively, while woodland, grassland and water would increase 31.2%, 160.4% and 0.1% respectively through the above measures. The types of ecological degradation such as slope land, wasteland and unsuitable land would reduce largely. That is the indication of improving environment and optimizing land use structures in the project regions.

Living condition improvingThe implementation of this project will improve living condition of the

farmers, including more net income, better infrastructure, fairer rights/equity, etc.

The farmers in the project regions will not only earn temporary income by participating in the project construction, but also get more money for developing production and more opportunities for changing slope land to terrace, planting economic forest, developing domestic breeding, building irrigation facilities and mash gas generating pits, etc. All that will ensure the long time, permanent and stable improvement of farmers’ economic income.

The rural infrastructure construction will greatly improve the productive and living condition in countryside and provide sustainable developing condition for agriculture. In addition, Changing of kitchen, toilet and pens combined with mash gas generating pits construction in country will obviously enhance the living and sanitation environment of the farmers. That will protect the farmers’ health.

The social vulnerable groups such as poor people, minority, etc. have been given special attention in the project design and implementation. Kinds of measures will guarantee their rights to get benefits from the project and their fairness of land use.

Crop diseases and pests The Basin Rehabilitation Project covers 38 counties where 2.21 million

populations lived, in which 89.65% population is involved in agriculture or forest with 559863 farmer households. Land acreage for agriculture is 261067.5 hectares. According to the information availability in the related provinces/Municipality and counties, the annual yield losses caused by pest and crop diseases are 365.21 thousand tons for grain crops, 95.75 thousand tons for cash crops, 64.43 thousand tons for fruit threes. From surveying and interviewing, farmers feel most difficult to control pests in vegetable and fruit production due to they did not have experiences, and local agriculture technical extension workers are almost not familiar to the pests on vegetables and fruit trees.

According to the targets of water and soil conservation project in the four provinces, the soil erosion will be decreased 80%; High quality farm land will


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increase 14897.7 hm2; fruit orchard area will increase 2254.8 hm2; pasture and forest will cover 29149.1 hm2, increasing 100683.5 hm2; 276 small reservoirs or pool will be built. Those tremendous environment improvements and diversifications will result in re-structuring of agriculture and forest pest and crop diseases. Some pests and crop diseases will turn as secondary ones, and even harmless in paddy rice, while some exotic pests and crop diseases will invade into the project area companying new varieties and species introduction.

PMP of the project suggests providing some bio-rational agricultural material inputs to abate the habits of technical extension and farmer in the project regions merely rely on high toxic pesticide, building up Farmer Filed School to show successful IPM model of agricultural technology, etc. After implementation of PMP, the consumption of high toxic or conventional pesticide will decrease 20 to 30 percent, especially organophosphorus pesticides, organochlorine pesticides and carbamate chemicals. The insect pests/crop diseases will also be largely mitigated.

In order to more effectively control the insect pests/crop diseases in the project region, several suggestions are shown as following:

Building strong trainer team through TOTTraining farmers through FFS approachExpanding the usage of farmhouse fertilizer, etc.Water qualityThe project regions are located in the west of China, belongs to the

underdeveloped economy area. The agricultural population accounts for 96.2% of the total population. Plantation is the key sector for rural economy, as well as breeding by families and a few individual possessing. Non-point source pollution from fertilizer, pesticide and domestic manure is the main pollution source in rural.

According to the usage investigation of fertilizer and pesticide in the typical counties, fertilizer is mainly carbamide, phosphorate fertilizer and compound fertilizer with 482.4~1,298.8kg per hectare, and pesticide is mainly insecticide, bactericide and weed killer with 1.2~11.9kg per hectare. The usage level of fertilizer and pesticide has the positive correlation with the economic development, which is higher in developing regions.

The constructions of the project which have large influence on non-point source pollution include changing slope land to terrace, planting shrubbery, vegetation and economic fruit, enclosing facilitating afforestation, building marsh gas generating pits, etc. According to the analyzed data, the usage and entering into water amount of fertilizer and pesticide will both decrease greatly after the project implementation. For fertilizer, its usage amount will decrease


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5,443t with entering into water amount decreasing 5,736t; for pesticide, both amounts will also decrease a little with 14t and 26t respectively. The projects like changing slope land to terrace, planting artificial forest and economic fruit have more obvious impacts on the usage amount of fertilizer, while only the behind two projects have more obvious impacts on the usage amount of pesticide. As the constructions of changing slope land to terrace and planting artificial forest change the soil loss situation of original cultivation slope, both their usage and entering into water amount of fertilizer will decrease. At the same time, the usage amount of fertilizer for panting economic fruit will increase a lot because the fertilizer usage amount per hectare increases.

Because of the reduction of fertilizer and pesticide in water, N, P, pesticide and other organic or inorganic pollutants will decrease. That will benefit the water quality protection in the project regions and the down reaches. Also the construction of mash gas generating pits will change the inadequate management situation of manure. Domestic manure in country will be under effective control and utilized. As the result, the non-point source pollution in country will be controlled in effectiveness.

In order to control non-point source pollution in the project regions, the following measure are suggested to carry out:

(2)Strengthen the training on farmers and extend ecological agriculture technology ;

(2) Popularize the use of household manure as organic fertilizer;(3) Strengthen the management of fertilizer and pesticide use and use them

in a proper way. Forest ParkOnly a little part of Laoyan and Wanhe villages in the Liujiagou basin

regions lie in Tiefengshan State Forest Park, involved an area of 386.2 hm2. Among the regions, the area of medium-intensity soil loss is 48.8 hm2, accounting for 12.6% of the total land. The main measures include planting economic forest and vegetation, construction of orchard, water tanks and closure protection in slight soil loss regions.

Planting economic forest and vegetation would change the regional land use types with perennial plants substituting annual plants. It will improve the forest landscape in regions. The construction of tea gardens will form new sights in the forest park. And the constructions of small-size water conservancy projects will not have adverse impacts on the park. As a whole, the control of Liujiagou Small Basin will provide positive benefits to the state forest park without adverse impacts. But it is needed to notice water and soil conservation and avoid soil loss caused by the demolishment of surface vegetation during the construction period. Environmental supervising should be carried out.


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Impacts on downstream The implementation of the project will bring remarkable benefits for the

downstream of the Changjiang and Pearl River basins: 1) Mitigate sediment, keep the effective storage and prolong the usage life of the reservoirs in down reaches; 2) Mitigate sediment building up in downstream riverbed to decrease or suspend the investment of dike rehabilitation; 3) Reduce the flow variety in down reaches to increase flood risk; 4) Block or store precipitation and runoff by amounts of small engineering projects like terrace, paddy workshops, reservoirs and water tanks, resulting in decreasing flood peak flow in down reaches, reducing flood control pressure and harm of flood disaster, saving expenses of constructing flood control projects.

EIs during constructionSome constructions like farmland construction, woodland construction

and small-size water conservancy structures will destroy surface vegetation during the project construction period. That will temporarily increase soil loss in partial regions. But as the construction regions will be located in field and wasteland with human work in extensive area, the impacts of the project on water quality, air quality and noise will be very small. The excavation of earth and stone will expose the ground surface and have adverse impacts on landscape.

To mitigate the adverse impacts, some protection measures could be used as following:

g) The EIA aiming at large individual sub-projects should be carried out in the next stage to prevent EIs of the sub-projects construction.

h) According to the features of less precipitation in winter, the construction schedule should be arranged in winter to decrease soil loss caused by rain-washing.

i) Vegetation with better functions of water and soil conservation should be planted outside in time after finishing soil ridges construction.

j) During farmland construction, it should keep the surface soil, then backfill after finishing soil arrangement. If the waste and surface soil collect together to stack, the surface should be covered steadfastly.

k) The construction of economic and artificial forest should be planted in time after finishing soil arrangement. And the surface should be covered steadfastly by soil.

l) Burning sundries like crop straw, weeds, etc. is forbidden in the project regions.

Environmental risk


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The section analyzes the environmental risk of the project. The ecological risk mainly comes from invasion of alien species and usage of pesticide. The safety risk comes from forest fire. According to the risk factors analysis, human activities are the main causes of environmental risk. So the mitigation measures of preventing and decreasing environmental risk of the project are put forward based on the risk inducements, shown as following:

(1) Strengthen the quarantine of alien species: Local seeds should be chosen for the ecological commonweal forest construction in the project regions of Yunnan Province. Eucalypt could be planted in the economic forest construction project combined with local farmers’ desire. At the same time, farmers in the regions are encouraged to choose other economic forest. (2) Strengthen the anaphase management of the afforestation project and training on the farmers.

(3) Strengthen prevention of the forest insect pests/crop diseases and protection of their natural enemy.

(4) Rationally plan economic fruits in the typical small basins design; avoid planting a single type of forest in large area; implement different types of economic fruits planting alternately in zones.

(5) Enhance propagation to improve the ecological protection consciousness; Rationally use pesticide of low toxicity and low residue.

(6) Set up corresponding mechanism assisted by propagating, checking, predicting, management, etc. that could make peasant household benefit from protecting forest resources to improve their consciousness of forest protection and participate in preventing fire disaster.Global environmental problems

After implementation of the project, the biomass in the project region will increase substantially, more carbon dioxide will be assimilated by plants, resulting reducing content of carbon dioxide in the air. Popularizing biogas pits, which changes rural energy structure will not only reduce deforestation but also reduce the use of the coal, thus can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. The project would ease global warming in some extent and have a positive and favorable effects.


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The main contents of this chapter include:

(1) It presents the environmental features of the project areas, objectives of the project and the whole scheme of the project. According to the types of soil loss, seven typical small basins in the 4 provinces/municipality are chosen to carry out comparison of alternatives for water and soil conservation schemes of the project. (2) The change of ecologic environment is analyzed under the scenario without scheme for the selected 7 small basins. There have abundant water and heat resources in these small basins. But crop land productivity is obviously restricted by water supply and quality of crop land such as slope land, thin soil layer, etc. because of the poor soil. At the same time, the future economy could only depend on mountains regions to complement for the restriction of cropland and productivity. Hence, if no attention on the utilization of mountain regions and cropland quality improving, the productivity and economic development will be hardly enhanced. Soil loss will be aggravated by slope land cultivation and herd, which is resulting in gradually thinning soil layer and reducing land productivity. If this trend is continuing, the eco- environment will degrade under the restriction of low productivity. (3) It is analyzed and compared for the controlling schemes of soil and water conservation of the selected 7 small basins. The comparing indexes include vegetation coverage, effects of water and soil conservation, productivity level, sustainability of environment improving, etc. Integrated with the above-mentioned indexes, most projects of water and soil conservation for the selected 7 small basins are rational and feasible on the whole. The project implementation could reduce or even remove the sources of soil loss like wasteland and slope land. Through planting economic fruit and forests for water and soil conservation on the wasteland and slope land, and protecting forest for young forest and shrub, vegetation coverage would be greatly improved, resulting in strengthening the ecologic functions of vegetation on the basins. That will play an important role in accelerating succession of forest vegetation and improving ecologic quality. Furthermore, productivity and living level could be improved in a certain extent through changing slope land to terraces, planting economic forestry and constructing biogas tanks.

(4) Problems and suggestions: In some small basins, the cultivation index of farmland is too high and the ecological environment has been seriously degraded due to historical reasons; or average crop land per capita is decreasing greatly because it overemphasizes decreasing slope land and developing economic woodland, and slope lands with slope below 15°would be returned to forestry. So the schemes have several problems like un-obviously improving ecologic environment, unreasonable advisement. As there are abundant water-hot resources in small basins, it is suggested to sufficiently protect and use water and thermal resources, then gradually popularize the usage of biogas tank to get new living energy sources. This will bring disafforestation decreasing. Then the strength of enclosing facilitating afforestation should be increased to improve vegetation coverage, resulting in succession from planted woodland to zone vegetation and enhancement of the ecological barrier for the project regions and lower reaches.


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An essential component of the overall WSCPYGEY is its Environmental Monitoring Program, which is to cover the implementation stage of the project, from 2005 to 2009. The monitoring work should begin as soon as the provincial PMOs become operative. Individual monitoring programs have been developed in the Project EIA including monitoring activities, monitoring parameters, number of persons and skills needed, monitoring frequency as well as input needed in terms of professional man-months. The individual monitoring programs are summarized in Table 8-1.

Each of the monitoring tasks is to be managed by a designated member of the professional provincial PMO staff. For the implementation stage, the PMO will invite specialists to supervise the monitoring participants and make training on EMIs.

The monitoring program is to be managed and supervised by the PMO, and much of the detailed fieldwork done by the PMO professional staff. However, other agencies, including monitoring organizations of water quality and pesticide residue and EMIs are to participate in the fieldwork in accordance with agreements with provincial PMOs. Costs for monitoring work by these other agencies, which is outside their normal scope of monitoring, are to be reimbursed by provincial PMOs of WSCPYGEY.

Table 8-1 Summary table of EMPps

No. Item Section

Monitoring participantsWorkload



monitoring organizations

1 Pest 2171.1 Types of pests 8.2.1 * * EMI

1.2 Usage of pesticide * * EMI1.3 Natural enemy * * EMI

1.4 Pesticide poisoning

* * EMI

1.5 Pesticide residue * * 2172 Water quality 8.2.3 * * 260

3 EMI 8.2.3 * * 80


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Main Contents(1) To carry out EPMs specified in this EIA report, including environmental monitoring, Professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOs should be established to take charge of EPMs in the project regions (including the stages of final design, construction and operation).

(2) Professionals in environmental management should be set up under the Overall Project Coordination Office to coordinate activities of the provincial PMOs in the four Provinces/Municipality.

(3) Professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOs and the Overall Project Coordination Office should be established immediately after the governmental/WB Loan Agreement become effective.

(4) Professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOs and the Overall Project Coordination Office will take charge of arrangement of the visits by the Panel and the environmental members of the Visiting WB Missions. The Panel will be responsible for checking the environmental protection implementation of the Overall Project Coordination Office, the provincial PMO, ECIs, CCs and other agencies, providing the process reports of environmental protection and putting forward suggestions.

(5) EMPs include the following contents: (i) definite the schedule, responsible branches and relative outlay of EPMs metioned in the EIA report (Tab9-2); (ii) furnish training for staff in environmental management of provincial PMOs and provincial subcontractors; (iii) organize business visit to Europe or U.S.A. to visit Water and Soil Conservation Projects, for the purpose of studying and evaluating the lessons.

Illustrative Figures and TablesFigure 9.3.2-1 shows the structure of the Provincial Environmental Management Organizations.

Figure 9.3.2-2 shows the main responsibility of the professionals in environmental management of the provincial PMOs.

Table 9-5 shows the overall Environmental Management Costs estimated for each province which, $256,625 for Yunnan, $417,250 for Guizhou, $251,250 for Hubei and $467,375 for Chongqing. The outlay of EMPs has been brought into the total cost of the project.


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Table 9-1 Summary Table of Environmental Management Plans for China Changjiang/Pear River Watershed Rehabilitation Project (1)

Project Compone






Positive Impacts

Negative Impacts Mitigation7 Measures







)1. Public Interest Soil and Water Conservation Works.e. Minimum Farmland Construction for Food Security.

PMO, Contractors

Construction of Terraces

Control of Loss of top soil;Sustainable development of soil and water resources

Result in the changing of farm pests’ category and quantity due to the varieties of cropper;Impact water quality due to the usage of pesticide and fertilizer

Adopt biological and physical measures to prevent pests and use pesticide of high-efficiency and low-toxicity;Expand vigorously ecological agriculture technology and farmhouse fertilizer;Strengthen the usage management of fertilizer and pesticide;Make use of fertilizer and pesticide in reason and science

PMOA, PMOWR, EMP (prefectural agricultural organizations), PEMO

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section


b. Sediment retention structures

PMO, Contractors

Check dams, cornlofts, pools, canals, channel, riverbanks

Reduction of sediment flowing downstream

Destroy surface vegetation and worsen soil erosion in partial regions due to the construction activities;Have small impacts on water quality, air quality and noise

Carry out EIA in the next stage to prevent environmental impacts on large individual projects by the construction activities;Construct in winter;Restore destroyed vegetation;Check dam safety

c. Afforestation and Vegetation Cover (forests and shrubs)

Protection/Closing Areas

PMO, Contractors, Farmers

Plantation of arbor trees e.g. pines, firs,Poplar, cypress;Grazing Ban for natural regeneration

Obvious increase of vegetation coverage;Abundant diversities of biology;Improvement of bilogical structures;Optimization of landuse

Exist several problems such as potential impacts on foodstuff caused by returning farmland to forest excessively, biggish area of wasteland, obvious single structure of forest, etc.;Exist ecological hazards such as exotic pests and diseases, usage of pesticide, etc.;Exist safety hazards such as forest fire, etc.;Have small impacts on water quality, air quality and noise

Optimize the project design;Implement returning farmland to forest according to the different circumstances of the small watersheds;Strengthen the wasteland control;Plant alternately multi-species of forest in zones and tridimensional arbor-shrub;Strengthen the protection of forest and increase the protection area;Strengthen the quarantine of importing species;Recommend not to plant eucalypt in the ecological commonweal forest construction;Strengthen the forest insect pests/diseases preventing and their natural enemy protecting;Adopt assistant measures at the same time such as propagating, checking, predicting, management, etc.

PMOA, EMP (prefectural agricultural organizations), PEMO

Pests Monitoring (Section

Pests Monitoring (Section,





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Table 9-1 Summary Table of Environmental Management Plans for China Changjiang/Pear River Watershed Rehabilitation Project (2)

Project Compone






Positive Impacts

Negative Impacts Mitigation9 Measures







d. Village Infrastructure

PMO, Contractors

Drinking water; Supply systems, small reservoirs, rehab of access roads, tractor roads and field tracks

Improvement of agricultural production condition

Destroy surface vegetation and worsen soil erosion in partial regions due to the construction activities

Construct in winter;Manage waste of construction;Restore destroyed vegetation

2. Private Interest Soil and Water Conservation and Livelihood Improvementa. Basic Farmland Improvement/Construction;Terracing of Slope land with deep soils;Riverbank Control

PMO, Contractors

Construction of terraces

Control of Loss of top soil;Sustainable development of soil and water resources

Result in the changing of farm pests’ category and quantity due to the varieties of cropper;Impact water quality due to the usage of pesticide and fertilizer

Adopt biological and physical measures to prevent pests and use pesticide of high-efficiency and low-toxicity;Expand vigorously ecological agriculture technology and farmhouse fertilizer;Strengthen the usage management of fertilizer and pesticide;Make use of fertilizer and pesticide in reason and science

MOA, PMOWR, EMP(prefectural agricultural organizations), PEMO

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section


f. Economic Trees

PMO, Contractors, Farmers

Plantation of high value fruit and nut tree orchards

Increase of farmers’ income

Easily cause pests due to planting forest of single structure;Change varieties and distribution of pests due to introducing new ispecies of fruit forest;Impact water quality due to the usage of pesticide and fertilizer;Easily cause water and soil loss due to slope plantation

Plant alternately multi-species of forest in zones;Adopt biological and physical measures to prevent pests and use pesticide of high-efficiency and low-toxicity;Expand vigorously farmhouse fertilizer;Strengthen the usage management of fertilizer and pesticide;Make use of fertilizer and pesticide in reason and science;Plant in the area with slope less than 5°;Construct terrances in the area with larger slope and then plant economic forest

MOA, PMOWR, EMP(prefectural agricultural organizations), PEMO

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section

Pests Monitoring (Section, Water Quality Monitoring (Section


Table 9-1 Summary Table of Environmental Management Plans for China Changjiang/Pear River Watershed Rehabilitation Project (3)

Project Imple Invest Positive Impacts Negative Impacts Mitigation11 Monitoring





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c. Livestock

PMO, Farmers


Increase of farmers’ income;Implementing guarantee of bilogical and protective forests

Aggravate grassland degradation and soil erosion due to developing breeding and browse excessively;Pollute water quality by livestock dejecta

Develop breeding industry in reason and implement enclosed breeding;Use manure applying and marsh gas generating pits to dispose livestock dejecta

d. Irrigation

PMO, Contractors

Small scale facilities e.g. tanks and cisterns filled by run-off, pumping schemes, stream diversion etc.

Improvement of agricultural production condition to increse harvest

Destroy surface vegetation and worsen soil erosion in partial regions due to the construction activities

Construct in winter;Manage waste of construction;Restore destroyed vegetation

e. Renewable Energy

PMO, Contractors, Farmers

Small-scale bio-gas production facilities based on manure from livestock

Development of biological agriculture;

Improvement of sanitation condition in country by providing high quality fertilizer;Decrease of disafforestation by providing clean energy sources

Expand marsh gas generating pits   in the conditional area



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f. Others

PMO, Contractors, Farmers

Fruit vault, honeysuckle

Guarantee of gricultural production;Increase of farmers’ income

Easily cause







usage of


and impacts

on water

quality and


health due

to planting

large area of





species of


forest in


MOA, EMP(prefectural agricultural organizations), PEMO

Pests Monitoring (Section

Pests Monitoring (Section


3. Project Support

It is the guarantee to implement the project and belongs to the non- engineering measures. The contents include technology introduction and demonstration extension, technical training and investing overseas or at home, monitoring and evaluation, investigating and designing etc. The implementation of these measures will not have any potential negative impacts on environment.

Remark: PMO - Project Management Office; POA - Provincial Monitoring Organizations of Agriculture; PMOWR - Provincial Monitoring Organizations of Water Resources; PEMO - Provincial Environmental Management Office; EMP - Environmental Monitoring Personnel;*- Total monitoring expense of pests and water quality is about 696250 dollars.


The project proponent of the four provinces and the EIA team has conducted public consultation program during the preparation stage of the project. Consultations are made to the 343 affected people and 53 unaffected people covering all ranges of different age, occupation and education, members of NGOs as well as representatives of pertinent government agencies. The investigation ways are including colloquia, questionnaire and random visiting.

All the surveyed 396 people support the project. Contents of the public survey and opinions are collected and analyzed. Some of the suggestions have been considered in the EIA and been delivered to the relevant authorities.

The EIA report is an integral part of the EIA process. On December 15, 2004 the completed report will be sent to the selected libraries in the four provinces that are located in the center of the cities. For three days prior to sending the EIA report to the libraries, one notice will be placed in public through the provincial and local newspapers, TV stations and Internet. It will tell people that they could visit the libraries and review the EIA report. If people have comments, they could mail the suggestions to CWRPI. All the opinions and suggestions will be taken into


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consideration in the subsequent project planning and implementation.


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SummaryChapter 1 of the EIA report has pointed out that the summary is to

sum up investigation, conclusions and suggestions in this EIA. So the summary is compiled according to the summary and conclusions from Chapter 1 to Chapter10,

ConclusionsAs an ecological construction project, the project would not only

control water and soil loss but also enhance the ecosystem rehabilitation with ameliorating agricultural production condition, developing agricultural economy and improving net income of farmers. After the project is implemented, it is expected that soil and water resources would be effectively protected and reasonably used, resulting in obvious enhancement of ecological environment and the sustainable development of regional economy and society. So the project has remarkable ecological, economic and social benefits.

The project will not bring large adverse environmental impacts if the environmental mitigation measures could be carried out seriously. To ensure that, the Environmental Management Organizations will be set to implement the EPMs prescribed in the EIA report and the outlay budget of the organization setting has been illuminated in the loan agreement. In addition, the International Environment Expert Panel should also be established and make environmental checking every six months during the construction period. The periodic checking report should be submitted to the government and WB.


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