environmental management programme noem noem village/feir/i emp...in terms of the national...

Cape Environmental Assessment Practitioners (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 2008/004627/07 Telephone: (044) 874 0365 Facsimile: (044) 874 0432 17 Progress Street, George Web: www.cape-eaprac.co.za PO Box 2070, George 6530 D.J. Jeffery Directors L. van Zyl ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME In terms of the National Environmental Management Act National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998, as amended) & 2014 Environmental Impact Regulations for NOEM NOEM VILLAGE Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt, George Prepared for the Applicant: Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd. Prepared By: Cape EAPrac Report Reference: GEO363b/16 V3 DEA&DP Reference: 16/3/3/5/D2/6/0010/16 Case Officer: Shireen Pullen Report Date: 21 November 2016

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Cape Environmental Assessment Practitioners (Pty) Ltd

Reg. No. 2008/004627/07

Telephone: (044) 874 0365

Facsimile: (044) 874 0432 17 Progress Street, George

Web: www.cape-eaprac.co.za PO Box 2070, George 6530

D.J. Jeffery Directors L. van Zyl


In terms of the National Environmental Management Act

National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998, as amended) & 2014

Environmental Impact Regulations



Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt, George

Prepared for the Applicant: Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd.

Prepared By: Cape EAPrac

Report Reference: GEO363b/16 V3

DEA&DP Reference: 16/3/3/5/D2/6/0010/16

Case Officer: Shireen Pullen

Report Date: 21 November 2016

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt, George Ref: GEO363b/05

D.J. Jeffery Directors L. van Zyl




Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt, George

Submitted for:

Stakeholder Review

This report is the property of the Author/Company, who may publish it, in whole, provided that:

That written approval is obtained from the Author and that Cape EAPrac is acknowledged in

the publication;

That Cape EAPrac is indemnified against any claim for damages that may result from any

publication of specifications, recommendations or statements that is not administered or

controlled by Cape EAPrac;

The contents of this report, including specialist/consultant reports, may not be used for

purposes of sale or publicity or advertisement without the prior written approval of Cape


Cape EAPrac accepts no responsibility by the Applicant/Client for failure to follow or comply

with the recommended programme, specifications or recommendations contained in this


Cape EAPrac accepts no responsibility for deviation or non-compliance of any specifications or

recommendations made by specialists or consultants whose input/reports are used to inform

this report.

All figures, plates and diagrams are copyrighted and may not be reproduced by any means, in

any form, in part or whole without prior written approved from Cape EAPrac.

Report Issued by:

Cape Environmental Assessment Practitioners

Tel: 044 874 0365 P.O. Box 2070

Fax: 044 874 0432 17 Progress Street

Web: www.cape-eaprac.co.za George 6530

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/05

Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme


1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Preffered Layout / Site Development Plan ............................................................................. 1

1.2 Purpose of the EMP ............................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Status of EMP ........................................................................................................................ 3

1.4 Project Phasing ...................................................................................................................... 4

1.4.1 Pre-construction Phase ................................................................................................... 4

1.4.2 Construction Phase ........................................................................................................ 4

1.4.3 Operation Phase ............................................................................................................. 4

1.4.4 Closure and Decommission Phase ................................................................................. 4

2 LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 5

2.1 Environment Conservation Act, 1989 (ECA) .......................................................................... 5

2.2 National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, Act 107 of 1998) ...................................... 5

2.3 National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEM:BA) (Act 10 of 2004) ............... 6

2.3.1 The National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment (NBA)(2011) ........................................... 6

2.3.2 Garden Route Biodiversity Sector Plan (GRBSP) ........................................................... 7

2.3.3 Alien Invasive Species Regulations & List, 2014 (No. R. 598)......................................... 7

2.4 Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (CARA) ............................................................ 10

2.5 National Water Act (NWA), No 36 of 1998 ........................................................................... 10

2.5.1 National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (NFEPA) .............................................. 11

2.6 Nature & Environmental Conservation Ordinance (19 of 1974) ............................................ 11

2.7 National Forest Act (Act 84 of 1998) .................................................................................... 12

2.8 National Veld & Forest Fire Act (NVFFA) (Act 101 of 1998) ................................................. 12

2.9 National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999) ............................................................... 12

2.10 National Waste Management Strategy ............................................................................. 13

2.11 DEA&DP Waste Minimisation Guideline Document for Environmental Impact Assessment

Reviews (May 2003) ...................................................................................................................... 13

2.12 SANS 10400 Application of the National Building Regulations ......................................... 13

2.13 National Building Regulations ........................................................................................... 13

3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATIONS .................................................................. 14

3.1 Impact Summary .................................................................................................................. 14

3.1.1 Impact Management Objectives .................................................................................... 16


4.1 Energy Conservation ........................................................................................................... 17

4.1.1 Energy saving systems ................................................................................................. 17

4.1.2 Energy efficient lighting ................................................................................................. 17

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/05

Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

4.2 Water conservation .............................................................................................................. 17

4.2.1 Low flow faucets ........................................................................................................... 18

4.2.2 Geyser and pipe insulation ........................................................................................... 18

4.2.3 Waterwise Landscaping ................................................................................................ 18

4.3 Pre-Construction Environmental Compliance Workshop ...................................................... 18


5.1 Ecological Control Officer .................................................................................................... 20

5.1.1 ECO Competency ......................................................................................................... 20

5.2 Environmental Awareness and Training ............................................................................... 21

5.3 Demarcation of work areas .................................................................................................. 21

5.4 Establishment of Contractors Site Camp .............................................................................. 21

5.5 Access / Traffic management during construction ................................................................ 22

5.6 Topsoil Handling .................................................................................................................. 22

5.7 Plant Rescue & Protection ................................................................................................... 23

5.8 Rehabilitation and Management of Stormwater Channel Within Open Space ...................... 23

5.9 Alien Invasive Management ................................................................................................. 24

5.10 Fire Management and Protection ..................................................................................... 24

5.11 Erosion Control & Stormwater Management ..................................................................... 25

5.12 Noise Control ................................................................................................................... 26

5.13 Waste Management ......................................................................................................... 26

5.13.1 Solid Waste .................................................................................................................. 27

5.13.2 Construction Rubble and Waste ................................................................................... 27

5.13.3 Scrap Metal .................................................................................................................. 27

5.13.4 Hazardous Waste ......................................................................................................... 27

5.14 Sanitation ......................................................................................................................... 28

5.15 Concrete Batching ............................................................................................................ 28

5.16 Fuel Storage ..................................................................................................................... 28

5.17 Dust Management ............................................................................................................ 29

5.18 Use of Bitumen on Road Surfaces ................................................................................... 29

5.19 Temporary Lighting during construction ............................................................................ 30

5.20 Re-vegetation / Rehabilitation .......................................................................................... 30

5.21 Theft and Other Crime ...................................................................................................... 30

6 SOCIAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 31

6.1 Use of Local Labour ............................................................................................................. 31

6.1.1 Targets ......................................................................................................................... 31

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/05

Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

6.1.2 Record Keeping ............................................................................................................ 31

7 HERITAGE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 32

8 METHOD STATEMENTS........................................................................................................... 32

8.1 Method Statements Required: ............................................................................................. 33

9 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 34

9.1 Environmental Maintenance Management Programme (EMMP) .......................................... 34

9.2 Waste Management During Operation ................................................................................. 34

9.2.1 Recycling ...................................................................................................................... 34

9.2.2 Use / Disposal of Alien Invasive Plant Biomass ............................................................ 34

9.2.3 Biodegradable Refuse .................................................................................................. 35

10 HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................................................................................................. 35

10.1 Emergency Response Plan .............................................................................................. 36

11 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................. 37

12 COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................................................... 39

13 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ............................................................................................... 39

14 NON-COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................................. 40

14.1 Procedures i.t.o Non-Compliance ..................................................................................... 40

14.2 Offences & Penalties ........................................................................................................ 41

15 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING / AUDITING ........................................................................ 41

16 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 43


Figure 1: EMP implementation organizational structure during construction. ...................................... 37


George Emergency & Important Numbers

Required Contents of an EMP

Table 1: Breakdown of Labourers ...................................................................................................... 31

Table 2: Roles and responsibilities with regard to the implementation of this EMPr. .......................... 37

Table 3: Implementation Schedule of Management Requirements .................................................... 39

Table 4: Contents of an audit report ................................................................................................... 42


Appendix A: Location, Topographical & Biodiversity Plans

Appendix B: Preferred Layout / Site Development Plan

Appendix C: Environmental Management Plan (Codev, 2007)

Appendix D: Environmental Authorisation & Amendments

Appendix E: Diagrammatic representation of required environmental control measures

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/05

Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

Appendix F: WfW Alien Plant Control Requirements

Appendix G: EAP Curriculum Vitae

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/05

Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

Glossary of Terms

DEA&DP Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning – the

provincial authority for sustainable environmental management and integrated

development planning.

CARA Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (Act 43 of 1983) - provides for

control over the utilization of the natural agricultural resources of the Republic in

order to promote the conservation of the soil, the water sources and the

vegetation and the combating of weeds and invader plants; and for matters

connected therewith.

CBA Critical Biodiversity Area – An area designated over sensitive, vulnerable and

endangered features or ecosystems, which remain relatively intact and are in

need to protection.

ECA Environment Conservation Act, 1989 - To provide for the effective protection

and controlled utilization of the environment and for matters incidental thereto.

ECO Ecological Control Officer – independent site agent appointed by a proponent

to observe and enforce environmental policies and principles on a development


EMP Environmental Management Programme – an environmental management

tool used to ensure that undue or reasonably avoidable adverse impacts of the

construction and operation, and decommissioning of a project are prevented and

that positive benefits of the projects are enhanced.

ESA Ecological Support Area – an area designated to support the ecological

integrity of Critical Biodiversity Areas and/or sensitive ecosystems.

NEMA National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) – national

legislation that provides principles for decision-making on matters that affect the


NEM:BA National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act 10 of 2004) -

This Act controls the management and conservation of South African

biodiversity within the framework of NEMA.

NSBA National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment - assesses the state of South

Africa’s biodiversity, across terrestrial, freshwater, estuarine and marine

environments, emphasising spatial (mapped) information for both ecosystems

and species.

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/05

Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

George Emergency and Important Numbers

Emergency Response / Disaster Management 10177

Eden Control Room 044 805 5055

Eden Fire Services 044 801 6376

Police 10111

George SAPS 044 803 4400

National Disaster Management (Cell phone) 112

Disaster Management (Provincial) 021 937 0800

Mediclinic George 044 803 2000

George Hospital 044 802 4528

George Municipality 044 801 9111

Emergency (All hours) 086 124 8686

Fire Services 044 801 6311

Traffic Department 044 878 0035

Municipal Electro-technical Services 044 874 3936

Municipal Electricity (office hours) 044 803 9222

Municipal Electricity (after hours) 044 801 6300

Municipal Civil & Technical Services 044 873 3862

Municipal Water (Network / Pipe Bursts) 044 801 9357

Municipal Water (Pollution Control) 044 801 9322

Municipal Sewerage Blockages 044 801 9262

Municipal Parks & Recreation 044 802 2900

Sea Rescue (Provincial) 021 449 3500

NSRI Station 23 (Wilderness) 082 990 5955

Mountain Rescue (Provincial) Andrew Rogan

021 948 9900

082 339 1240

082 323 4349

Child Emergency 0800 123 321

Citizens Advice Bureau 021 422 0300

George Animal Hospital 044 874 4259

George SPCA 044 878 1990

SANParks, Wilderness 044 877 0046

CapeNature 044 802 5316

Heritage Western Cape 021 483 9685

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/05

Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme


Appendix 4 of Regulation 982 of the 2014 EIA Regulations contains the required contents of an

Environmental Management Programme (EMP). The checklist below serves as a summary of how

these requirements were incorporated into this EMP.

Requirement Description

Details of the EAP who prepared the EMP; and

The expertise of the EAP to prepare an EMP,

including curriculum vitae.

Siân Holder of Cape Environmental Assessment

Practitioners. See cover page.

Appendix G

A detailed description of the aspects of the activity

that are covered by the EMP as identified by the

project description.

Section 1

A map at an appropriate scale which superimposes

the proposed activity, its associated structures, and

infrastructure on the environmental sensitivities of

the preferred site, indicating any areas that should

be avoided, including buffers.

Appendix A & B

A description of the impact management

objectives, including management statements,

identifying the impacts and risks that need to be

avoided, managed and mitigated as identified

through the environmental impact assessment

process for all the phases of the development

including –

(i) Planning and design;

(ii) Pre-construction activities;

(iii) Construction activities;

(iv) Rehabilitation of the environment after

construction and where applicable post

closure; and

(v) Where relevant, operation activities.

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 7

Section 9

A description and identification of impact

management outcomes required for the aspects

contemplated above.

Section 3

Section 5

A description of the proposed impact management

actions, identifying the manner in which the impact

management objectives and outcomes

contemplated above will be achieved and must,

where applicable include actions to –

(i) Avoid, modify, remedy control or stop any

action, activity or process which causes

pollution or environmental degradation;

(ii) Comply with any prescribed environmental

management standards or practises;

(iii) Comply with any applicable provisions of

the Act regarding closure, where

applicable; and

(iv) Comply with any provisions of the Act

regarding financial provisions for

rehabilitation, where applicable.

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 9

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/05

Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

Requirement Description

The method of monitoring the implantation of the

impact management actions contemplated above.

Section 15

The frequency of monitoring the implementation of

the impact management actions contemplated


Section 15

An indication of the persons who will be

responsible for the implementation of the impact

management actions.

Section 11

Section 13

The time periods within which the impact

management actions must be implemented.

Section 5

Section 15

The mechanism for monitoring compliance with the

impact management actions.

Section 5.1

A program for reporting on compliance, taking into

account the requirements as prescribed in the


Section 5.1

Section 14

Section 15

An environmental awareness plan describing the

manner in which –

(i) The applicant intends to inform his or her

employees of any environmental risk which

may result from their work; and

(ii) Risks must be dealt with in order to avoid

pollution or the degradation of the


Section 5.1

Section 5.13

Any specific information that may be required by

the competent authority.

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/16 V3

Cape EAPrac 1 Environmental Management Programme


Cape Environmental Assessment Practitioners (Cape EAPrac) have been appointed by the

applicant / developer, Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd. to ensure compliance with the regulations contained

in the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, No 107 of 1998) as amended & 2014

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, as part of an Amendment Application

process undertaken to amend the existing Environmental Authorisation (EA) to allow for the

proposed ‘Noem Noem Village’ within the existing Fancourt Estate. The competent authority who

will evaluate this application is the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs &

Development Planning (DEA&DP).

The Holder of the Authorisation, Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd, obtained a ‘Record of Decision’ /

Environmental Authorisation (EA) for a change of land use from zoned open space for the

establishment of group housing and single residential development, on portions of Erf 1720 and

Portion 86 of Farm Modderrivier 209, Fancourt, in 25 September 2007. The associated EMP

(REF: C401) dated 7 November 2007 forms part of this amendment. As part of the associated

town planning approval (2006) a portion of Erf 1720, Blanco was consolidated with Portion 86 of

Farm 209. This consolidated erf was then subdivided and issued development rights for 48

(reduced to 25 in the EA) Residential Zone l (Single Res.) erven, 36 Residential Zone ll (Group

Housing) erven; six (6) Private Open Spaces and Private Roads.

Erf 3603, Blanco is one of the abovementioned six (6) Private Open Space areas, which became

the 17th & 18th holes of the now decommissioned ‘Bramble Hill’ golf course.

Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd proposes to amend the Environmental Authorisation to allow for a change of

land use of a portion of private open space (on Erf 3603, a subdivision of Portion 86/209) and the

consolidation and subdivision of already approved erven (part of the decommissioned Bramble Hill

golf course, holes 17 & 18) to allow for 45 new group housing opportunities and 7 new single

residential erven. A new Access Road is also proposed, via Gwayang Road (DR1618), across

Portion 111 of Farm 209 Modderrivier.

These proposed changes to the EA constitute a ‘change in the scope’ of the EA and in terms of the

2014 Environmental Impact Regulations; a so-called “Part 2” Amendment process must be

followed to inform decision-making.

A Construction Phase Environmental Management Plan (EMP), dated November 2007 (Ref: C401,

compiled by CODEV Conservation & Development Facilitation Services) was approved by the

DEA&DP for implementation as part of the greater Fancourt Golf Estate development (original EA).

As this EMP (2007) was approved under the old Environmental Conservation Act (ECA, Act 73 of

1989), it is now a requirement that a new Environmental Management Programme (EMP) (this

document) be compiled to comply with Section 24N (2) & (3) of the National Environmental

Management Act (NEMA)(Act 107 of 1998, as amended) and 2014 NEMA Regulations, in order to

give effect to the proposed amendments to the EA.


The proposed activity involves amending existing rights, namely 7 approved erven, and private

open space (holes 17 & 18 of Bramble Hill golf course); to a different layout for group housing,

single residential and private open space. For ease of reference, Erf 3603 will be described as

‘southern’ and ‘northern’ areas (separated by the abovementioned stormwater channel).

The proposed amendment involves the

a) consolidation of seven (7) approved single residential erven on the ‘southern area’

of Erf 3603 to allow for 45 group housing opportunities (on the ‘southern area’); and

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/16 V3

Cape EAPrac 2 Environmental Management Programme

b) transformation of the remaining private open space (golf course) to seven (7) new

single residential erven (on the ‘northern area’).

The preferred ‘Noem Noem’ alternative is to be composed of two areas, separated by an artificial

stormwater channel, and surrounded by Private Open Space. To the south, 9 clusters of Group

Housing (45 erven in total) are proposed, accessed via four new internal roads & cul-de-sacs.

These Group Housing erven are to replace the approved 7 Single Res. erven in this ‘southern

area’. The low fence along the eastern boundary (between Erf 3603 & the Golf Academy) is to be

removed and replaced with a hedge of indigenous plants. Four sections of golf cart path (off the

cul-de-sacs) are to extend through this hedge onto the eastern property boundary to link to the

existing road on the Golf Academy property.

On the northern side of the stormwater channel, 7 new Single Residential erven are proposed. It

is proposed that the existing golf cart path in this area be re-aligned to avoid two the proposed new

erven (refer to preferred Site Development Plan, Ref: 715/GEO/14/TEK/SKF/MontVilSDP1,

DelPlan Consulting, April 2016, attached in Appendix B).

A new section of internal road is proposed to extend from the existing road network in the northern

area (adjacent to Erf 3603), extending to the east and south-east, to allow access to the proposed

new Single Res. erven. This new section of road is to connect to the existing concrete road and

cul-de-sac to the east (and existing erven beyond Erf 3603), as well as an existing security gate /

boom onto the Montagu Golf Course.

In order to create the two areas / zones of development, the existing ‘lower’ internal road, which

currently crosses the stormwater channel from north to south, is to be removed. The road layer

works and stormwater pipes which currently form an obstruction within this channel are to be

removed and the channel banks replaced/shaped to allow rehabilitation of this area of the channel

within the proposed area of open space.

It is intended to maintain the existing stormwater channel as a feature within the proposed

preferred layout as part of the Private Open Space around the new development, and to separate

the two ‘areas’ or ‘zonings’ of the proposed ‘Noem Noem’ development.

To achieve this and enhance the drainage of run-off in this channel and the aquatic environment

downstream, it is recommended that the channel be rehabilitated and maintained as a ‘natural’

feature in the landscape. The preferred layout has designated a no-go setback / buffer of no less

than 5 metres on either side of the channel for all new erven / housing units to allow for this.

Recommendations in terms for the sensitive removal of the existing section of internal road over

the channel, as well as for site demarcation and no-go areas have been included in this

Environmental Management Programme (EMP), to avoid potential further disturbance of this

channel and downstream aquatic environments.

In summary, the proposed preferred layout / site development plan includes the following:

45 Group Housing erven (to amend / replace the 7 Single Res. erven approved in the original


Four new internal roads, cul-de-sacs & golf cart paths (off the cul-de-sacs) to provide access to

the Group Housing units. Golf cart paths to extend through new vegetation hedge to replace

the fenceline along the eastern property boundary, to link to the existing road on the Golf

Academy property;

Realignment of the existing golf cart path to accommodate the layout (vs closure of the golf cart

path as per Alternative 2);

7 new Single Residential erven, and the re-alignment of a section of the existing golf cart path

in this area to avoid two of the proposed new erven;

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/16 V3

Cape EAPrac 3 Environmental Management Programme

Removal of a section of the concrete road of existing ‘lower’ internal road, across the

stormwater channel from north to south;

The existing main access would remain as the status quo (vs Alternative 2 in which the main

access road would have been closed);

Extension of the existing road network in the northern area (adjacent to Erf 3603) extending to

the east and south-east, to allow access to the proposed new Single Res. erven;

The stormwater channel and remaining area to be maintained as Private Open Space.

The new access to the Noem-Noem development will be from the Blanco/Airport road (Main road

347) onto the Gwaiing road (Road 1618) at the existing traffic circle. From here access on to

portion 209/111 (Fancourt property) will be in a southern direction along the Gwayang road with a

tarred surface, 6.8m wide and approximately 340m from the traffic circle. The road to the

development will be on portion 209/111, approximately 450m long with a 5.0m wide concrete

surface as per the existing road. The alignment will be along an existing farm road in an easterly

direction and past the southern side of an existing dam at the “Ernie Els Foundation” where it will

join up with the existing concrete access road (Minor road 18/2G) to the development. Based on

the assessment by the heritage, freshwater and botanical specialists, this route is considered to be

preferred, as it is to be aligned along an established road / already disturbed area, avoiding

impacts on vegetation, freshwater and heritage features.


The purpose of this Environmental Management Programme (EMP) is to provide management

guidelines and controls in terms of ‘Best Practice’ and the ‘Duty of Care’ principle to guide the

activities associated with the pre-construction, construction and operation of the proposed ‘Noem

Noem Village’, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt. It contains management requirements and

recommendations as specified in the original EA, and subsequent amendments, as well as those

made by Cape EAPrac, participating specialists and stakeholders, as well as in terms of best

practice. Should the Amended Environmental Authorisation contain requirements (conditions) that

contradict any points in this EMP, the requirements (conditions) in the authorisation supersede this

EMP. This EMP should be updated to include any additional recommendations that arise from the

Assessment process, as well as any conditions of authorisation should the project be authorised.

The main activities which require guidance include site clearing, removal of alien vegetation, site

demarcation, removal of existing road across stormwater channel, rehabilitation of stormwater

channel etc.


It is the aim of this EMP to provide clearly defined actions that should be implemented during the

site preparation, construction and post-construction activities associated with the ‘Noem Noem

Village’, Erf 3603, Blanco.

This document is binding on the applicant / developer (Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd.), all

contractors and sub-contractors and visitors to the site. It must be included as part of any

tender documents, as well as contractual documents between the applicant/developer and any

contractors or delegations. Copies of this EMP must be kept on-site during all site preparation

and construction activities, and all senior personnel are expected to familiarize themselves with

the contents of this EMP.

This EMP must be read in conjunction with the contract documents, including the Specifications,

and where applicable, the Bill of Quantities. Where a conflict exists between the Specifications

and Bill of Quantities and the EMP the matter shall be brought to the attention of the

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/16 V3

Cape EAPrac 4 Environmental Management Programme

applicant/developer, Consulting Engineer/s and the Environmental Control Officer (ECO) for

resolution. The rates included for each activity in the Bill of Quantities must allow for compliance

with the EMP.

In addition, it is of utmost importance that this EMP be read in conjunction with the approved EMP

(Codev, 2007), attached as Appendix C of this Report, as this previous EMP is still considered to

be valid and in force. In addition, this EMP should be read in conjunction with the original EA, and

all subsequent amendments.

The acceptance of the EMP by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development

Planning (DEA&DP) will confer a legal obligation to comply with the specifications of the EMP on

the applicant/developer. The final EMP should be updated should any additional / new

Conditions of Approval associated with the latest amendment application.

The EMP is a dynamic document that is flexible and responsive to new and changing

circumstances i.e. it should be reviewed and updated as and when required. Should any

substantive changes / updates to the EMP be required, approval should be obtained from the

applicant/developer, as well as the competent authority (the Department of Environmental Affair &

Development Planning (DEA&DP)).

It must be noted that there may be some minor amendments to this version of the EMP as a result

of input / recommendations provided by the relevant engineers, stakeholders and residents of the

Fancourt Estate. Therefore a contingency amount for additional Environmental Management

must be included by perspective tenderers.

This EMP has been compiled with due consideration of Section 33 of NEMA (Appendix 4 of GN

No. R982 of 2014 Regulations) and the DEA&DP Guideline for Environmental Management Plans

(October 2010). These requirements and recommendations make reference to pre-construction,

construction and operation activities that are considered in terms of Environmental

Management, Social, Heritage and Health & Safety requirements.


1.4.1 Pre-construction Phase

The pre-construction phase of the development refers to the site preparation i.e. establishment of a

site camp, demarcation of areas (for structures, services, no-go, storage etc.), plant rescue, alien

plant removal, topsoil stripping and storage etc.

1.4.2 Construction Phase

The construction phase of the development refers to the earthworks associated with levelling the of

building platforms and establishing the necessary retaining wall structures, as well as the actual

construction of the civil works (installation of services and construction of roads).

1.4.3 Operation Phase

The operational phase commences when the development has reached such a phase where one

or more than one of its facilities have operational (i.e. residents occupy housing units). It is likely

that there may be an overlapping time period where activities will consist of both construction and

operational activities.

1.4.4 Closure and Decommission Phase

It is highly unlikely that a private development within a residential area (inside the urban edge) will

be subject to closure and decommission, even over the long term. As such, specific management

recommendations related to decommissioning are not included with this EMP.

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The applicant/developer, Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd., is required to comply with all necessary

legislation, policies and guidelines. These include, but are not limited to:


The EIA regulations contained in the Environmental Conservation Act (ECA) have been replaced

by the NEMA; however the provisions included in this legislation are still applicable. In particular,

the contractor must comply with the draft regulations pertaining to noise as published in the

province of Western Cape Provincial Extraordinary Gazette as provision made in section 25 of the

ECA), as well as Section 24 of the ECA regarding waste management and Section 20 of the ECA

dealing with waste management under Part IV, Control of Environmental Pollution. The

transitional arrangements between the ECA and the NEMA, as well as the transitional

arrangements for the various regulations published in terms of the NEMA are of importance and

must be considered.


The National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, Act 107 of 1998, as amended), makes

provision for the identification and assessment of activities that are potentially detrimental to the

environment and which require authorisation from the competent authority (in this case, the

provincial Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, DEA&DP) based on

the findings of an Environmental Assessment. It also embraces the notion of sustainable

development as contained in the Constitution of South Africa (Act 106 of 1996) in that everyone

has the right:

- to an environment that is not harmful to their health or wellbeing; and

- to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations through

reasonable legislative and other measures.

NEMA aims to provide for co-operative environmental governance by establishing principles for

decision-making on all matters relating to the environment and by means of Environmental

Implementation Plans (EIP) and Environmental Management Plans / Programmes (EMP).

Principles contained in Section 2 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (NEMA)

(Act No. 107 of 1998), as amended, which amongst other things, indicates that environmental

management should:

In order of priority aim to: avoid, minimise or remedy disturbance of ecosystems and loss of


Avoid degradation of the environment and avoid jeopardising ecosystem integrity;

Pursue the best practicable environmental option by means of integrated environmental


Protect the environment as the people’s common heritage;

Control and minimise environmental damage; and

Pay specific attention to management and planning procedures pertaining to sensitive,

vulnerable, highly dynamic or stressed ecosystems.

Section 28 of NEMA provides for the ‘Duty of Care’ principle that “…obliges every person who

causes, has caused or may cause significant environmental degradation to take reasonable

measures to prevent such degradation from occurring, continuing or recurring”. This clause forms

the underpinning philosophy of this EMP.

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It is incumbent upon the proponent to show how the proposed activities would comply with these

principles and thereby contribute towards the achievement of sustainable development as defined

by the NEMA.


OF 2004)

This Act controls the management and conservation of South African biodiversity within the

framework of NEMA. Amongst others, it deals with the protection of species and ecosystems that

warrant national protection, as well as the sustainable use of indigenous biological resources.

Sections 52 & 53 of this Act specifically make provision for the protection of critically endangered,

endangered, vulnerable and protected ecosystems that have undergone, or have a risk of

undergoing significant degradation of ecological structure, function or composition as a result of

human intervention through threatening processes.

The National List of Threatened Ecosystems (Notice 1477 of 2009, Government Gazette No.

32689, 6 November 2009) was gazetted in 2014. The list of threatened terrestrial ecosystems

supersedes the information regarding terrestrial ecosystem status in the National Spatial

Biodiversity Assessment (NSBA) 2004 & 2007.

According to this list, as well as the VegMap (2009) and the NSBA, 2011 (BGIS), the natural

vegetation mapped for the target area of George is Garden Route Granite Fynbos i.e. listed as a

National Threatened Ecosystem (2014), with an ecological status of Endangered. Ecosystem

status determines the degree of protection different vegetation types and biomes require, based on

transformations in the landscape.

However the entire extent of the proposed development site (Erf 3603, Blanco) has been

transformed by the existing golf course and associated estate development, and is dominated

largely by Kikuyu grass interspersed by several Willow trees and one Liquid-Amber tree (both

exotic), leaving little to no indigenous vegetation remaining on the property. With the

exception of an artificial stormwater channel that traverses the site, none of the original fynbos

vegetation cover remains, and thus the site is considered to be transformed and surrounded /

isolated by the remainder of Fancourt Golf Estate consisting of residential areas / golf courses and

the SAB Hops Farm to the west.

The artificial stormwater channel mentioned is vegetated by Typha capensis, Phragmites sp. and

other wetland flora species, indicative of disturbed wet conditions. Despite this stormwater channel

not being a natural watercourse the proposed layout plan does not encroach beyond the original

setback line of 5 metres from this channel on either side.

2.3.1 The National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment (NBA)(2011)

The abovementioned NSBA 2011 assesses the state of South Africa’s biodiversity, across

terrestrial, freshwater, estuarine and marine environments, emphasising spatial (mapped)

information for both ecosystems and species. The NSBA is central to fulfilling the South African

National Biodiversity Institute’s (SANBI) mandate in terms of the National Environmental

Management: Biodiversity Act (Act 10 of 2004) to monitor and report regularly on the state of

biodiversity, and includes two headline indicators that are assessed across all environments:

ecosystem threat status and ecosystem protection level. Information from the NBA can thus

be used to streamline environmental decision-making, strengthen land-use planning, strengthen

strategic planning about optimal development futures for South Africa, and identify priorities for

management and restoration of ecosystems with related opportunities for ecosystem-based job


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2.3.2 Garden Route Biodiversity Sector Plan (GRBSP)

A Biodiversity Sector Plan (BSP) provides a way forward in reconciling the conflict between

development and the maintenance of natural systems. It provides biodiversity information needed

for land-use planning and decision-making and other multi-sectoral planning processes (between

Cape Nature / SANParks, DEA&DP and Department of Water Affairs, district and local

municipalities etc.), advising which areas can be lost to development, and which areas of critical

biodiversity value and their support zones should be protected against any impacts. Central to the

Garden Route BSP is the Critical Biodiversity Area (CBA) Map, which together with its

associated guidelines and GIS maps, have been consulted in the assessment of this development


CBAs incorporate: (i) areas that need to be safeguarded in order to meet national biodiversity

thresholds (ii) areas required to ensure the continued existence and functioning of species and

ecosystems, including the delivery of ecosystem services; and/or (iii) important locations for

biodiversity features or rare species.

Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) are supporting zones required to prevent the degradation of

Critical Biodiversity Areas and Protected Areas. An ESA may be an ecological process area

that connects and therefore sustains CBAs or a terrestrial feature, for example the riparian

habitat surrounding and supporting aquatic Critical Biodiversity Areas.

According to the CBA Map of the Blanco area of George, the extent of the Modder, Malgas and

Gwaing Rivers, which drain through the Blanco area (including Fancourt), are designated as

Ecological Support Areas, with sections of Critical Biodiversity Area interspersed within it.

Although not designated as a NFEPA, the on-site artificial stormwater channel is designated as an

Ecological Support Area, which drains as an overflow from the neighbouring SAB Hops Farm dam,

through the hops fields, through Erf 3603, towards the Modder River.

The preferred development layout has placed a 5 metre no-go setback / buffer area on this artificial

stormwater channel to ensure the integrity of this area, as well as the river systems ESA and

associated CBAs downstream.

As part of the planning and design phase for this application the Department of Water Affairs was

requested to visit the site in order to classify the on-site stormwater channel. It was confirmed by

the Department to not be a natural watercourse, and thus no authorization in terms of the National

Water Act is required for activities in proximity to the channel.

2.3.3 Alien Invasive Species Regulations & List, 2014 (No. R. 598)

Along with the abovementioned National List of Threatened Ecosystems (2014), NEM:BA provides

a ‘List of Alien and Invasive Plant Species (2014)’, which require control or management.

Chapter 5 of NEM:BA deals specifically with these species which may pose a threat to biodiversity

and aims to – ‘to prevent the unauthorized introduction and spread of alien species and invasive

species to ecosystems and habitats where they do not naturally occur; to manage and control alien species

and invasive species to prevent or minimize harm to the environment and to biodiversity in particular; and to

eradicate alien species and invasive species from ecosystems and habitats where they may harm such

ecosystems or habitats’.

NEM:BA speaks of ‘restricted activities’ in relation to both protected/threatened indigenous species

and alien invasive species. Restricted activities related to alien or listed invasive species, include -

importing into the Republic, including introducing from the sea, any specimen of an alien or listed

invasive species;

having in possession or exercising physical control over any specimen of an alien or listed invasive

species; selling or otherwise trading in, buying, receiving, giving, donating or accepting as a gift, or in

any way acquiring or disposing of any specimen of an alien or listed invasive species; or

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growing, breeding or in any other way propagating any specimen of an alien or listed invasive species,

or causing it to multiply;

conveying, moving or otherwise translocating any specimen of an alien, in relation to a specimen of a

listed threatened or protected species;

selling or otherwise trading in, buying, receiving, giving, donating or accepting as a gift, or in any way

acquiring or disposing of any specimen of an alien or listed invasive species; or

any other prescribed activity which involves a specimen of an alien or listed invasive species.

Regulation 65(1) of NEM:BA specifies that ‘a person may not carry out a restricted activity involving a

specimen of an alien species without a permit issued in terms of Chapter 7’. Related to this, Regulation

65(2) specifies that ‘a permit referred to in subsection (1) may be issued only after a prescribed

assessment of risks and potential impacts on biodiversity is carried out’.

Chapter 9, Sections 101 & 102 of NEM:BA speak to ‘Penalties & Offences’, where any person who

contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of these regulations is guilty of an offence and is liable, on

conviction, to -

(a) a fine not exceeding five million rand, and in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not

exceeding R10 million; or

(b) imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 years; or

(c) to both such fine and imprisonment.

Alien Invasive Species Regulations & List, 2014 (No. R. 598)

Control and management of Alien Invasive Plants Species, within the ambit of the NEM:BA, is

guided by the definition of different categories or lists according to their current invasive state and

potential to become invasive. These categories are, as per the NEM:BA Regulations (October


Category 1a Listed Invasive Species

“(1) Category 1a Listed Invasive Species are those species listed as such by notice in terms of section

70(1)(a) of the Act as species which must be combatted or eradicated.

(2) A person in control of a Category 1a Listed Invasive Species must –

a. comply with the provisions of section 73(2) of the Act;

b. immediately take steps to combat or eradicate listed invasive species in compliance with sections

75(1), (2) and (3) of the Act; and

c. allow an authorised official from the Department to enter onto land to monitor, assist with or

implement the combatting or eradication of the listed invasive species.

(3) If an Invasive Species Management Programme has been developed in terms of section 75(4) of the Act,

a person must combat or eradicate the listed invasive species in accordance with such programme.”

Invasive species requiring compulsory control. Remove and destroy. Any specimens of

Category 1a listed species need, by law, to be eradicated from the environment. No permits

will be issued.

Category 1b Listed Invasive Species

“(1) Category 1b Listed Invasive Species are those species listed as such by notice in terms of section

70(1)(a) of the Act as species which must be controlled.

(2) A person in control of a Category 1 b Listed Invasive Species must control the listed invasive species in

compliance with sections 75(1), (2) and (3) of the Act.

(3) If an Invasive Species Management Programme has been developed in terms of section 75(4) of the Act,

a person must control the listed invasive species in accordance with such programme.

(4) A person contemplated in sub-regulation (2) must allow an authorised official from the Department to

enter onto the land to monitor, assist with or implement the control of the listed invasive species, or

compliance with the Invasive Species Management Programme contemplated in section 75(4) of the Act.”

Invasive species requiring compulsory control as part of an invasive species control

programme. Remove and destroy. These plants are deemed to have such a high invasive

potential that infestations can qualify to be placed under a government sponsored invasive

species management programme. No permits will be issued.

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Category 2 Listed Invasive Species

“(1) Category 2 Listed Invasive Species are those species listed by notice in terms of section 70(1)(a) of the

Act as species which require a permit to carry out a restricted activity within an area specified in the Notice or

an area specified in the permit, as the case may be.

(2) Unless otherwise indicated in the Notice, no person may carry out a restricted activity in respect of a

Category 2 Listed Invasive Species without a permit.

(3) A landowner on whose land a Category 2 Listed Invasive Species occurs or person in possession of a

permit, must ensure that the specimens of the species do not spread outside of the land or the area specified

in the Notice or permit.

(4) If an Invasive Species Management Programme has been developed in terms of section 75(4) of the Act,

a person must control the listed invasive species in accordance with such programme.

(5) Unless otherwise specified in the Notice, any species listed as a Category 2 Listed Invasive Species that

occurs outside the specified area contemplated in sub-regulation (1), must, for purposes of these regulations,

be considered to be a Category 1 b Listed Invasive Species and must be managed according to Reg.3.

(6) Notwithstanding the specific exemptions relating to existing plantations in respect of Listed Invasive Plant

Species published in Government Gazette No. 37886, Notice 599 of 1 August 2014 (as amended), any

person or organ of state must ensure that the specimens of such Listed Invasive Plant Species do not

spread outside of the land over which they have control.”

Invasive species regulated by area. A demarcation permit is required to import, possess,

grow, breed, move, sell, buy or accept as a gift any plants listed as Category 2 plants. No

permits will be issued for Cat 2 plants that occur in riparian zones.

Category 3 Listed Invasive Species

“(1) Category 3 Listed Invasive Species are species that are listed by notice in terms of section 70(1)(a) of

the Act, as species which are subject to exemptions in terms of section 71(3) and prohibitions in terms of

section 71A of Act, as specified in the Notice.

(2) Any plant species identified as a Category 3 Listed Invasive Species that occurs in riparian areas, must,

for the purposes of these regulations, be considered to be a Category 1b Listed Invasive Species and must

be managed according to regulation 3.

(3) If an Invasive Species Management Programme has been developed in terms of section 75(4) of the Act,

a person must control the listed invasive species in accordance with such programme.”

Invasive species regulated by activity. An individual plant permit is required to undertake

any of the following restricted activities (import, possess, grow, breed, move, sell, buy or

accept as a gift) involving a Category 3 species. No permits will be issued for Cat 3 plants

that occur in riparian zones.

It must be noted that the NEM:BA definition of “control” in relation to an alien or invasive species means:

(a) To combat or eradicate an alien or invasive species; or

(b) Where such eradication is not possible, to prevent as far as may be practicable, the recurrence, re-

establishment, re-growth, multiplication, propogation, regeneration or spreading of an alien or invasive


In the case of the proposed Noem Noem Development, alien plants which occur on the site (Erf

3603, Blanco), include Weeping Willow and Liquid Amber trees. These trees are not listed on the

abovementioned list of alien invasive species, however their complete removal is recommended as

part of the initial site clearing activities. Follow-up planting of indigenous trees is further

recommended post construction. See Section 5.6 below for possible indigenous species.

In terms of the greater Fancourt Estate property, its proximity to three sensitive river systems (CBA

& NFEPA) and its location within a Listed Ecosystem (Endangered Garden Route Granite Fynbos),

is of particular importance in terms of the occurrence of alien vegetation. Listed alien invasive

plants which are likely to occur within Fancourt include Eucalyptus sp., Pinus sp., as well as a

variety of garden ornamentals. It must be noted that Eucalyptus and Pine (no longer in a formal

plantation or cultivated land) are listed as a Category 1b invader species, should they occur within

particular biomes (incl. Fynbos & Forest), riparian areas, protected areas, Listed Ecosystems or

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ecosystems identified in a Bioregional Plan (for e.g. CBA). However, should these species occur,

for example in urban areas outside of the abovementioned ‘listed areas’, then they are no longer


As such, landowners (in this case, Fancourt) are required to actively control these species on the

property by eradicating the species and any subsequent generations from the property using

accepted methods. Appendix F includes the Working for Water (WfW) control requirements for the

various alien invasive species. This Appendix also includes the mechanism for determining

densities of various alien invasive species.


CARA provides for the regulation of control over the utilisation of the natural agricultural resources

in order to promote the conservation of soil, water and vegetation and provides for combating

weeds and invader plant species. The Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act defines different

categories of alien plants:

Category 1 - prohibited and must be controlled;

Category 2 – must be grown within a demarcated area under permit; and

Category 3 - ornamental plants that may no longer be planted, but existing plants may

remain provided that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent the spreading thereof,

except within the flood lines of water courses and wetlands.

There is alien plant species within the proposed development area (Willow & Liquid Amber

trees), which will require control and/or removal. Recommendations in terms of alien plant

removal / control, as well as erosion control (and rehabilitation) have been included in this

Environmental Management Programme (EMP)(see Section 5 below).

In the case of the construction and operation of the proposed Noem Noem Village Development,

the conservation of soil and water resources (including stormwater) is applicable, in the sense that

measures should be in place to avoid the pollution or degradation of these resources.

A 5 metre no-go setback / buffer has been placed within the layout on the artificial stormwater

channel, and strict recommendations made for the proposed removal of the road over the channel,

to ensure the integrity of this area, as well as the river systems downstream. These

recommendations, including measures for the removal of alien plants and the rehabilitation of this

area, are included in this Environmental Management Programme (EMP) to avoid and/or minimise

potential impacts associated with the construction and operational periods.


The NWA was instituted to ensure that sustainability and equity are identified as central guiding

principles in the protection, use, development, conservation, management and control of water

resources. These guiding principles recognise the basic human needs of present and future

generations, the need to protect water resources, the need to share some water resources with

other countries, the need to promote social and economic development through the use of water

and the need to establish suitable institutions in order to achieve the purpose of the Act. The

principles of the Act are as follows:

Recognising that water is a scarce and unevenly distributed national resource which occurs in

many different forms which are all part of a unitary, interdependent cycle;

Recognising that while water is a natural resource that belongs to all people, the discriminatory

laws and practices of the past have prevented equal access to water, and use of water


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Acknowledging the National Government's overall responsibility for and authority over the

nation's water resources and their use, including the equitable allocation of water for beneficial

use, the redistribution of water, and international water matters;

Recognising that the ultimate aim of water resource management is to achieve the sustainable

use of water for the benefit of all users;

Recognising that the protection of the quality of water resources is necessary to ensure

sustainability of the nation's water resources in the interests of all water users; and

Recognising the need for the integrated management of all aspects of water resources and,

where appropriate, the delegation of management functions to a regional or catchment level so

as to enable everyone to participate.

Section 21c & i of the National Water Act (NWA) authorisation is required from the Department of

Water Affairs for an activity in, or in proximity to any watercourse. No natural watercourse or

wetland occurs on the proposed ‘Noem Noem Village’ development site on Erf 3603. The site is

however traversed by an artificial stormwater channel, arising from the neighbouring SAB Hops

farm, which drains towards Modder River (which becomes the Gwaing River downstream). In

order to avoid potential impacts on these downstream water resources, a no-go setback / buffer of

5m have been designated around this stormwater channel within the proposed preferred

development layout and recommendations made for the careful removal of the existing road over

the channel (and its rehabilitation) (see Appendix A for Location, Topographical & Biodiversity

Plans indicating alignment of the Modder and Gwaing Rivers).

As confirmed by the Department of Water Affairs & Sanitation (DWS) the feature appears to be a

‘man-made stormwater channel’, is not considered to be a natural watercourse and does not

sustain a biodiversity or ecological function. Therefore, no authorisation in terms of Section 21 of

the NWA is required in the case of developing in proximity to this channel or for the removal of the

existing instream structure, namely the existing road.

With regards the proposed access road alternatives, and the requirements of the National Water

Act (Act 36 of 1998), the preferred access road alternative is unlikely to be considered a water use

in terms of Section 21 c and i of the Act, due to the fact that the activities would not pose any

significant risk of impacting on the wetland areas adjacent to the proposed routes.

2.5.1 National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (NFEPA)

According to the BGIS National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Area (NFEPA) mapping, the

Fancourt Country Club Estate, is bounded to the west by the Modder River (along the western

boundary of RE Erf 1720) and to the east by the Malgas River (along the eastern boundary of RE

Erf 2120). These two rivers converge to the south of these properties to form the Gwaing River,

which drains south towards the coast. These three rivers are NFEPA Rivers with several NFEPA

wetlands (on surrounding farmland and within the Fancourt Estate) directly or indirectly associated

with them (see Appendix A for Location / Topographical / Biodiversity Plans).

The artificial stormwater channel aligned approx. west-east across the development site (Erf 3603),

is however not designated as a NFEPA, although it does drain into the Modder River system

downstream, roughly along the boundary between Erf 3603 and RE Erf 1720.


This legislation was developed to protect both animal and plant species within the various

provinces of the country which warrant protection. These may be species which are under threat

or which are already considered to be endangered. The provincial environmental authorities are

responsible for implementing the provisions of this legislation, which includes the issuing of permits

etc. In the Western Cape, Cape Nature fulfils this mandate.

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In terms of regulation 15 of the aforesaid act, no person may:

(a) cut, disturb, damage, destroy or remove any protected tree; or

(b) collect, remove, transport, export, purchase, sell, donate or in any other manner

acquire or dispose of any protected tree, except under a License granted by the Minister.

No listed Forest of Protected Tree species are located within the ‘Noem Noem Village’

development site. However, should any protected tree species be planted as part of landscaping /

rehabilitation activities or establish on their own, these regulations will apply.


The purpose of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act is to prevent and combat veld, forest and

mountain fires throughout the Republic of South Africa and to provide institutions, methods and

practices for achieving this purpose. Institutions include the formation bodies such as Fire

Protection Associations (FPA’s) and Working on Fire. The Act provides the guidelines and

constitution for the implementation of these institutions, as well as their functions and


Every owner on whose land a veldfire may start or burn or from whose land it may spread must

prepare and maintain a firebreak on his or her side of the boundary between his or her land and

any adjoining land. The procedure in this regard and the role of adjoining owners and the fire

protection association are dealt with within this Act.


The protection and management of South Africa’s heritage resources are controlled by the

National Heritage Resources Act (NHRA, No. 25 of 1999). Heritage Western Cape (HWC) is the

enforcing authority in the Western Cape, and is registered as a Stakeholder for this environmental

process. In terms of NHRA, the following activities require assessment from a heritage


the construction of a road, wall, power line, pipeline, canal or other similar form of linear

development or barrier exceeding 300m in length;

any development or other activity which will change the character of a site exceeding 5000

m² in extent;

the re-zoning of a site exceeding 10 000m² in extent.

As the proposed development is to change the current character of the site by more than 5000m²,

PERCEPTION Planning were appointed by the Applicant to compile and submit to Heritage

Western Cape (HWC) a Notice of Intent to Develop (NID), and associated Heritage Background

Information Document (BID), in terms of Section 38(8) of the National Heritage Resources Act,

1999 (Act 25 of 1999) with relation to proposed amendment/development.

The Heritage report concludes that basic historical background research did not highlight any

significant heritage theme that may be negatively affected through the proposed development, and

that there would be no negative impact on heritage resources, taken in conjunction with the

pattern of existing development within the development proximity, as well as the fact that the site is

currently used as a golf course. The finding is that no further heritage studies are required.

Furthermore, in terms of Section 34(1), no person may alter or demolish any structure or part of a

structure, which is older than 60 years without a permit issued by the HWC, or the responsible

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resources authority. No buildings older than 60 years or with heritage significance were

identified within the proposed development area.

Nor may anyone destroy, damage, alter, exhume or remove from its original position, or otherwise

disturb, any grave or burial ground older than 60 years, which is situated outside a formal cemetery

administered by a local authority, without a permit issued by the SAHRA, or a provincial heritage

authority, in terms of Section 36 (3). No grave sites were found within the proposed

development area. In the event of exposing human remains during construction, the matter

will fall into the domain of Heritage Western Cape (Mr. Guy Thomas) or the South African

Heritage Resources Agency (Mrs Colette Scheermeyer) and will require a professional

archaeologist to undertake mitigation if needed.

In terms of Section 35 (4), no person may destroy, damage, excavate, alter or remove from its

original position, or collect, any archaeological material or object, without a permit issued by the

SAHRA, or the responsible resources authority. If archaeological materials are exposed during

vegetation clearing and/or earth moving activities, then they must be dealt with in

accordance with the National Heritage Resources Act (No. 25 of 1999).

This 2016 Heritage Report concluded that the alignment of the proposed new access road would

not impact on the ruined historic structures, the mature oak trees or any other heritage resources

on or within the direct proximity of the subject property.


The National Waste Management Strategy presents the South African government's strategy for

integrated waste management for South Africa. It deals among others with: Integrated Waste

Management Planning, Waste Information Systems, Waste Minimisation, Recycling, Waste

Collection and Transportation, Waste Treatment, Waste Disposal and Implementing Instruments.



This Guideline raises awareness to waste minimisation issues and highlights waste and wastage

minimization practices. Part B of this document is of particular importance, as it addresses issues

of general waste and wastage minimization during construction activities.

As specified as in Condition 4 of the original EA (dated 25 Sept.2007), “an integrated waste

management approach must be used that is based on waste minimisation and must incorporate

reduction, recycling, re-use and disposal where appropriate. Any solid waste shall be disposed of

at a landfill licensed in terms of section 20 of the Environmental Conservation Act (ECA, Act No.73

of 1989)” (now the National Environmental Management: Waste Act (NEM:WA, Act No.59 of



The application of the National Building Regulations contains performance parameters relating

to fire safety, sanitation systems, moisture penetration, structural safety, serviceability and

durability. It also takes into account how the above can be established to reflect social

expectations in a manner which supports sustainable development objectives.


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The National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act as amended must be complied with.

This act addresses, inter alia:

- Specifications for draftsmen, plans, documents and diagrams;

- Approval by local authorities;

- Appeal procedures;

- Prohibition or conditions with regard to erection of buildings in certain conditions;

- Demolition of buildings;

- Access to building control officers;

- Regulations and directives; and

- Liability.


During the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, various impacts associated with the

development were identified. In order to minimise the significance of these impacts, various

recommendations and mitigations were provided by the project team and the Environmental

Assessment Practitioner (EAP). A summary of the impacts and their associated mitigation

measures as they appear in the Impact Assessment Report are provided in this section. The

environmental impacts associated with this project are described in the sections below.


Given the transformed nature of the site and the approved residential development already

approved for the site, the potential impacts relate essentially to the change of land use from private

open space (decommissioned 17th & 18th holes of Bramble Hill Golf Course) to a township /

housing development. As mentioned above, the open space area targeted for the Noem Noem

development has little to no ecological value in that it is totally transformed into mowed Kukuyi

fields, surrounded/isolated by existing residential housing, roads, the Golf Academy, the Montagu

Golf Course and the SAB Hops farm. The only noteworthy feature with ecological worth is the on-

site artificial stormwater channel. Potential impacts on this feature relate specifically to the removal

of the existing road across it, as well as the proximity of the proposed housing units. The latter has

been mitigated via the establishment of an adequate buffer / setback on the channel within the

proposed layout.

Impact summary below assumes that mitigation measures described in this EMP will be


Potential impact on artificial stormwater channel by removal of existing road – mitigated to low

through the implementation of the following:

- Prior to the commencement of the activity, place silt-fences / traps below the road area to

trap silt-laden stormwater from entering the systems downstream;

- Limit the disturbance to the physical footprint of the existing road and road reserve;

- Limit the time spent within the channel area;

- ECO to monitor the removal of road material;

- Time the disturbance activity to fall outside the rainy season and on no-rain days as per the

weather forecast.

- Reshape the channel to create banks linked to / similar to those up and downstream of the

road area;

- Plant indigenous wetland species in the disturbed area to stabilise and rehabilitate substrate.

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Potential low impact on artificial stormwater channel by construction activities, mitigated to very

low negative through implementation of the following:

Institute and demarcate a 5m no-go area / setback on either side of the stormwater channel

(expect where abovementioned section of concrete road surface is to be removed);

ECO to monitor demarcation of no-go area;

Where necessary, place silt-fences below construction areas to avoid silt-laden run-off from

entering the channel;

All conditions associated with the appropriate mixing and use of cement; the minimisation,

management, temporary storage and removal of waste; temporary ablution facilities; the

maintenance of construction vehicles etc. included in the updated Environmental

Management Plan (EMP) must be adhered to, to ensure that all potential sources of

pollution / contamination are prevented.

Direct impact of new access road on wetland and vegetation: According to Belcher (2016),

considering the extent, present ecological status and ecological importance and sensitivity of

the wetland areas within the proximity of the proposed alternative access roads to the Noem

Noem Village, from an aquatic ecosystem perspective, Access Alt.2 is considered to have

the least potential impact on the aquatic ecosystems due to the fact that there is already an

existing road for much of the proposed route (thus the preferred alternative). This new access

road is unlikely to be considered a water use in terms of Section 21 c and i of the National

Water Act, due to the fact that the activities would not pose any significant risk of impacting on

the wetland areas adjacent to the proposed routes (i.e. authorization or licence required).

According to McDonald (2016) the preferred central route (Alt.2 amended) that would extend

from the DR1618 in the west to the Minor Road 6868 in the east, curving south of the farm dam

is the most desirable route, as a road along this route would have very low negative impact

from a botanical perspective.

Indirect impact on downstream wetlands / river is to be mitigated to low levels by the

implementation of silt fences etc. (as above) during construction and removal of the section of

existing road across the artificial stormwater channel.

Potential impact (nuisance / inconvenience to existing residents) on access and traffic during

construction, mitigated to low level through implementation of the following:

- Create a temporary separate contractor access point / gate off the Minor Road OP6868

onto Erf 3603, so that construction vehicles enter the property at a different point to the


- This separate contractor entrance should be established prior to any construction activities

taking place on the property.

- Construction vehicles should stick to low speeds and give way to other traffic on OP6868 at

all times.

Potential impact on access and traffic during operation confirmed to be very low, considering

the reduced number of memberships associated with the consolidation and downgrade of the

Montagu Ridge phase 1 development, as well as the already low levels of traffic into the Estate.

Potential impact on water pressure, confirmed by consulting engineer to be insignificant, due

to development being on a separate ‘water ring’ to the Hotel; the existing high water pressure

within Fancourt (6bar) as opposed to the municipal supply (4bar);

Impact on public access / amenity – no such condition / agreement in public favour appears to

exist in the existing municipal approval; however the Title Deeds will be reviewed for such a


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The clearance of vegetation for the construction of the proposed development will not result in a

net loss of biodiversity and is considered to be negligible from an ecological point of view, as

no natural vegetation / habitat remains within the development footprint, and what natural

vegetation remains within the artificial stormwater channel, is to be avoided through the

implementation of the proposed buffer / setback within the layout.

Impact on heritage resources is insignificant.

Noise impacts associated with the construction phase of the proposed development is

considered low with the implementation of construction-related recommendation below.

Potential erosion during construction phase is considered LOW negative. By following

mitigation and control measures as indicated in the Environmental Management Programme

this impact can be brought down to very low.

Visual impacts are considered to be negligible as the proposed architecture is completely

consistent / compliant with the existing style of Fancourt.

Over and above the specific specialist mitigation measures described above, this EMP contains

mitigation measures and recommendations in terms of best practice principles towards the


3.1.1 Impact Management Objectives

The main objectives for the management of impacts are to:

Protect the receiving and surrounding environment against any damage/degradation as a result

of the proposed activities and to minimise any such impacts;

To ensure that the impacts of the proposed activities does not expand beyond acceptable limits;

To ensure the proponent adheres to his/her general duty of care to the environment;

Through monitoring, ensure that any degradation to the proposed mitigation measures or

environment is noted in a timely fashion and the appropriate maintenance/rehabilitation

activities are carried out.

Continuous monitoring of all measures associated with the protection of the environment is

important as it will assist in determining whether management objectives are being met. Monitoring

practices are described in Section 15 of this EMP.

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The recommendations made below are those that require consideration in the detailed design

phase of the development. These design phase considerations need to be included in all

relevant engineering drawings and specifications provided to the contractors.


The implementation of certain energy saving mechanisms is strongly recommended. The

responsibility for ensuring implementation of these conservation measures lies with the Fancourt

Home Owners Association (HOA). Resource efficiency within the development must be

promoted. For this purpose, it is recommended that all erven / dwellings be fitted with energy

efficient / saving technology. Many of these require inclusion during the design phase of the

development and are as follows:

4.1.1 Energy saving systems

As specified as Condition 8.3 of the original EA (of 25 Sept.2007 & amendment of 23 March 2015)

“All houses must be fitted with and use renewable energy heating systems, preferably solar or heat


4.1.2 Energy efficient lighting

The developer, Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd., will / must provide suitable street/outside-lighting. It is

strongly recommended that energy saving lighting fixtures be used throughout the entire

development. Energy efficient type street lighting (luminaires) must be introduced, positioned

according to the final design. Streetlights should also be controlled by day/night switches to ensure

that all lights will be switched off during the day. No incandescent lights should be used and all

security lights should be controlled with motion sensors. Only Compact Fluorescent Lights

(CFL) and Sodium Vapour (SV) lamps should be utilised.

In addition, it is recommended that Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) be considered as opposed to

incandescent lighting. These could be used for all internal and external lighting, including street

lighting. NO external High Pressure Sodium (HPS) or Metal Halide (MH) spot or floodlights are

to be installed.

Although it is not mandatory, it should be considered to install proximity switches in areas where

lighting for night staff is required.


As specified as Condition 8 of the original EA, and amended in the subsequent amendments, the

following Resource Conservation Measures, related to water use, must be implemented and

included in all sales agreements:

Condition 8.1 (in Amendment of 29 May 2009): Rainwater from roofs must be collected and stored

in rainwater tanks. For the lodges section of the development, rainwater from roofs and roads

(surface water) must be canalised to a dam/reservoir and recycled by means of a controlled

irrigation system to supply the necessary irrigation water to the gardens of this portion of the

development. This has already been done for the lodges. Stormwater (surface water) from the

Noem Noem Village is to be directed into the existing on-site stormwater channel, which drains

downstream into the Modder River within the greater Fancourt Golf Estate.

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Condition 8.2 (in Amendment of 23 March 2015): No taps linked to Municipal supply may be

installed outside of buildings on residential erven. All taps outside buildings on residential erven

must be connected to either rain water tanks or existing reservoirs.

Condition 8.3 (in original EA of 25 Sept. 2007): All houses must be fitted and use low flow

showerheads and double flush toilets.

Condition 8.4 (in Amendment of 23 March 2015): All houses must be fitted with and use

renewable energy heating systems, preferably solar or heat pumps.

In addition to the abovementioned Conditions the following water conservation measures should

be included and implemented. The following must be included in the design of all service

infrastructure to be installed by the Fancourt HOA:

4.2.1 Low flow faucets

Low flow faucets use aerators to reduce the flow of the water. These are either built into the

faucet or added as an aftermarket product. The faucets in bathrooms should have a peak flow of

less than 10 liters per minute.

4.2.2 Geyser and pipe insulation

Apart from the savings in terms of energy as detailed above, insulating geysers and pipes save

water, as shorter periods of running the tap to get hot water are required. The Contractor

responsible for installing the water supply / geysers should be required to install geyser and pipe


4.2.3 Waterwise Landscaping

The following recommendations are provided as guiding principles for any landscaping activities:

All alien vegetation must be removed prior to any civil works and/or landscaping with

indigenous vegetation. On-going monitoring and regular follow-up of alien clearing must

take place over the long-term of operation to ensure that alien plants do not re-establish.

Grow water-wise plants – generally the best suited plants are those indigenous to the area,

as they seldom need additional watering;

Group plants according to their water needs – this avoids wasting water on plants that don’t

need it;

Consider the quantity and type of the lawn. Lawns guzzle water, thus lawn areas should be

reduced to a minimum. A tougher, drought-tolerant lawn type should be selected, such as

Buffalo (coastal areas) or Kweek (inland) rather than Kikuyu.

Maintain the garden – remove unwanted plants, plant more perennials than summer annuals,

as they have deeper root systems and so need less watering.

Improve the soil and mulch. Soil water-holding capacity is improved by higher organic matter

content. Mulching (covering the soil with a thick layer of bark, compost, straw etc.) keeps the

soil much more moist.

Gardens should only be watered with water from rainwater tanks or grey water.


It is required that a pre-construction environmental compliance workshop be undertaken before

any construction commences on site. This workshop can be combined with a site handover

meeting, but must take place before any activities take place on site and before any plant is moved

onto site.

The following people must be present at this Environmental Compliance Presentation Workshop:

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The ECO;

The Main Civil Contractor (including contract manager, site agent and foreman);

The Electrical Contractor (including contract manager, site agent and foreman);

The Consulting Engineers (electrical, civil and structural, whichever applicable); and

Project Management.

Provision should be made to attend a 2 hour presentation/workshop that will be chaired by the

ECO. The provisions of this EMP and the conditions of the Environmental Authorisation will be

discussed in detail at this workshop.

During the construction phase, the ECO in consultation with the contractor shall ensure that

adequate and on-going environmental awareness training of senior site personnel takes place

and that all construction workers receive an induction presentation on the importance and

implications of the EMP. The presentation shall be conducted, as far as is possible, in the

Employees’ language of choice.

As a minimum, training should include:

- Explanation of the importance of complying with the EMP;

- Discussion of the potential environmental impacts of construction activities;

- The benefits of improved personal performance;

- Employees’ roles and responsibilities, including emergency preparedness;

- Explanation of the mitigation measures that must be implemented when carrying out their


- Explanation of the specifics of this EMP and its specification (waste management and

others); and

- Explanation of the management structure of individuals responsible for matters pertaining to

the EMP.

The contractor must keep records of all environmental training sessions, including names, dates

and the information presented. Details of the Environmental Induction must be included in the

Environmental Control Report as submitted to the Project Proponents.

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As specified as Condition 10 of the original Environmental Authorisation (dated 25 Sept.2007) a

suitably experienced Environmental Control Officer (ECO) must be appointed before the

commencement of any land clearly or contractor activities to ensure mitigation/rehabilitation

measures and recommendations are implemented and to ensure compliance with the provisions of

the construction phase EMP. The appointed ECO must be suitably qualified and have

experience in environmental monitoring and control on similar projects.

The responsibilities of the ECO include but are not limited to the following:

- Provide environmental induction training with Contractors staff on-site prior to commencing

of construction activities;

- Maintenance, update and review of the EMP;

- Liaison between the Project Proponent, Contractors, authorities and other lead stakeholders

on all environmental concerns, including the implementation of the EMP;

- Compilation of Environmental Control Report (ECR) to ensure compliance with the EMP

and authorisations. Reports should be submitted to the Fancourt Management on a 3 monthly


- Compilation of the Environmental Audit Report or Environmental Completion Statement, six

months after completion of construction;

- Monitor compliance with this EMP;

- Monitor compliance with the Environmental Authorisation (if authorised);

- Monitor implementation of the mitigation and rehabilitation measures, recommendations

referred to in the Impact Assessment Report and this EMP, as well as all conditions

contained in the EA and subsequent amendments;

- Recommend the issuing site instructions to the Contractor for corrective actions required

(formal site instructions are to be issued by the Engineer’s Representative with input from the


- ECO site inspections to be undertaken once a week to ensure compliance with the EMP.

The duration of these visits may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the ECO in

consultation with the Engineers Representative;

- Attendance of contractor site meetings;

- Maintain a record of environmental incidents (e.g. spills, impacts, legal transgressions etc.)

as well as corrective and preventative measures taken. This information must also be

included in the ECR;

- Maintain a public complaints register in which all complaints and action taken must be

recorded. This information must also be included in the ECR; and

- The ECO in conjunction with the Engineers Representative has the authority to stop work on

site if he / she consider that any actions of excessive non-compliance of the EMP,

authorisations or General Duty of Care are taking place.

5.1.1 ECO Competency

The ECO must have a minimum of a tertiary level qualification in the natural sciences field, as well

as at least 3 years’ experience and proven competency as an ECO, preferably with experience on

similar scale developments.

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The ECO in consultation with the contractor shall ensure that adequate and on-going

environmental awareness training of senior site personnel takes place and that all construction

workers receive an induction presentation on the importance and implications of the EMP. The

presentation shall be conducted, as far as is possible, in the employees’ language of choice.

As a minimum, training should include:

Explanation of the importance of complying with the EMP;

Explanation of the importance of complying with the Conditions of the Environmental

Authorisation & subsequent amendments;

Discussion of the potential environmental impacts of construction activities;

The benefits of improved personal performance;

Employees’ roles and responsibilities, including emergency preparedness;

Explanation of the mitigation measures that must be implemented when carrying out their


Explanation of the specifics of this EMP and its specification (no-go areas, fire policy, waste

management and others); and

Explanation of the management structure of individuals responsible for matters pertaining to

the EMP.

The contractor must keep records of all environmental training sessions, including names, dates

and the information presented. Details of the Environmental Induction must be included in the

Environmental Control Report as submitted to the DEADP.


The demarcation of no-go areas is of extreme importance to ensure that damage is restricted to

the future developed area and that areas outside this demarcated area are protected and not

damaged unnecessarily. The on-site artificial stormwater channel is of particular importance in this

case, as it (including the designated buffer area) should be considered a no-go area, with the area

of road crossing to be removed, as an exception.

The process for this is as follows:

The exact footprint of the construction area to be surveyed and pegged. This must be done

during the pre-construction phase for all roads and services and dwelling structure footprints;

The contractor in conjunction with the ECO must walk the areas determined and mark the full

extent of the area to be disturbed (allowing sufficient space for the construction activity);

This disturbance is to be clearly marked with a double strand of wire with danger tape placed

between strands as detailed in Appendix E, Figure 4;

All areas outside this demarcated area are considered as “no-go” areas for any construction;


Any drainage line in proximity to the site must be demarcated as a “no-go” area.

Construction staff must be briefed as part of the environmental induction on the requirements

regarding the no-go areas.


The Contractors Site Camp must be established in consultation with the ECO. The site camp

may not be erected on any areas considered sensitive and no indigenous vegetation may be

removed, damaged or disturbed without consent from the ECO. The following points are


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The Contractors Site Camp must be situated within the development area, but further than

60m from the on-site stormwater channel or off-site wetland / river systems. Off-site Site

Camps may only be erected once written permission from the landowner is obtained and any

other necessary authorisations are in place.

Topsoil from the site camp area must be stripped and stockpiled for re-use during

rehabilitation. This must be done to ensure no contamination of the topsoil while the site camp

is in use.

The temporary fuel storage in the construction site camp must be bunded to allow for the

capturing of spilt fuel before it infiltrates into the subsurface, preventing spilt fuel from entering

the stormwater systems, thus avoiding the risk of contamination of both surface and

groundwater systems.

The site camp must be fenced off with shade netting.

All construction material must be stored in the site camp, unless otherwise approved by the


No personnel may overnight in the site camp, except in the case of a night watchman /


Fires for cooking and/or heating are only allowed within the site camp after consultation with

the Health and Safety Representative.

Fuel may only be stored in the camp site.

Storage of waste must take place within the site camp and must be removed on a regular


The site camp must be provided with sufficient ablution facilities (toilets and potable water) of

which the content must be disposed of regularly and at the suitable facilities.


The management of construction traffic is vital to ensuring the safety of the existing and future

road network within and in the vicinity of the development, as well as fostering a good relationship

between the developer and the residents of the surrounding area.

Conflicts between construction vehicles and public vehicles should be minimised and priority

given public vehicles.

Access to areas on the site where construction is taking place should be restricted by means

of signage.

Liaison should take place with the local residents and the Fancourt management & HOA

regarding construction traffic concerns.

Information such as notices and letters could be extended to those residents that will be

directly affected directly.

Construction traffic should be restricted to daylight hours, and outside peak traffic times in

the morning and afternoon.


In terms of best practice and for rehabilitation purposes, it is essential that any topsoil stripped or

removed for the levelling and stabilization of the erven sites, must be stockpiled for further use

during rehabilitation activities post construction. Cut-to-spoil subsoil must be removed from site to

an appropriate location. Topsoil is of utmost importance for use in rehabilitation of disturbed areas

and should therefore under no circumstances be mixed with sub-soils or any building material

(clay, gravel or building sand/stone).

The following requirements regarding topsoil handling must be considered:

A minimum 150mm layer of topsoil from the entire development footprint should be stripped and


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The topsoil stockpile site must be approved by the ECO and may not be within the 30m of any

watercourse (and on-site stormwater channel);

The topsoil may not be stockpiled within any of the remaining natural areas;

The topsoil stockpile must be protected from erosion as indicated by the ECO (silt fences

etc.); and

The topsoil must be replaced into disturbed areas (road verges etc.) on completion of



Plants of conservation value, found during the pre-construction site assessment to occur in areas

to be disturbed during construction or movement across the site, should be conserved in situ as far

as possible. If such conservation is not possible, these plants should be carefully removed (with as

much of the roots as possible) and bagged and stored in a suitably protected area (area to be

excluded from construction activities) for use in rehabilitation and landscaping activities. These

plants should be used for the rehabilitation of the open space areas within the proposed

development, as to be directed by the ECO.



The designated buffer area / setback, as per the preferred site development plan / layout (see

Appendix B) must be demarcated prior to construction as a no-go area to avoid unwanted

encroachment or access. Implementation of the following measures is paramount:

Institute and demarcate a 5m no-go area / setback on either side of the stormwater channel

(expect where abovementioned section of concrete road surface is to be removed);

ECO to monitor demarcation of no-go area;

Prior to the commencement of the activity, place silt-fences / traps below the road area to trap

silt-laden stormwater from entering the systems downstream;

Limit the disturbance to the physical footprint of the existing road and road reserve;

Limit the time spent within the channel area;

ECO to monitor the removal of road material;

Time the disturbance activity to fall outside the rainy season and on no-rain days as per the

weather forecast.

Reshape the channel to create banks linked to / similar to those up and downstream of the road


Plant indigenous wetland species in the disturbed area to stabilise and rehabilitate substrate.

CapeNature’s recommendation: The rehabilitation of Open Space areas with locally occurring

indigenous plant species, and specifically enhancing the drainage channel with elements of

Cape Lowland Alluvial Vegetation like Wachendorfia thyrsiflora and Prionium serratum (listed as


Where necessary, place silt-fences below construction areas to avoid silt-laden run-off from

entering the channel. CapeNature’s recommendation: Ensuring channelled storm water velocity

is attenuated or dissipated before reaching the Gwaing River ecosystem by adequate

engineering to prevent downstream impacts.

All conditions associated with the appropriate mixing and use of cement; the minimisation,

management, temporary storage and removal of waste; temporary ablution facilities; the

maintenance of construction vehicles etc. included in this EMP must be adhered to, to ensure

that all potential sources of pollution / contamination are prevented.

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Condition 11.6 of the original Environmental Authorisation (25 Sept.2007) specifies that this EMP

should address the complete removal of all invasive alien plant species.

As discussed in Section 2.3.3 above, alien plants which occur within the proposed Noem Noem

Development site (Erf 3603, Blanco) include Weeping Willow and Liquid Amber trees. These trees

are not listed in terms of the National Alien Invasive Species Regulations/List, however their

complete removal is recommended as part of the initial site clearing activities i.e. within 1 month of

commencement of activities on site.

Those alien trees which occur within proximity of the on-site stormwater channel on Erf 3603,

Blanco should be removed by hand only (chainsaws, slashers, tree-poppers, hand pulling etc.).

Disturbance to the soil must be limited at all times, therefore roots and stem stumps of cut trees

must be left in situ, and topical herbicides must be applied to tree stumps to prevent coppicing / re-

growth. Follow-up planting of indigenous trees is further recommended post construction as part of

rehabilitation activities. See Section 5.6 below for possible indigenous species.

The Noem Noem Village should be included in the long term alien management plan of the greater

Fancourt Estate to ensure the eradication of all alien plants from the Estate. This will prevent the

unwanted re-coppicing or re-seeding of these plant species.

In terms of the greater Fancourt Estate, its proximity to three sensitive river systems (which are

mapped as CBA & NFEPA) and its location within a Listed Ecosystem (Endangered Garden Route

Granite Fynbos), is of particular importance in terms of the occurrence of alien vegetation. Listed

alien invasive plants which are likely to occur within Fancourt include Eucalyptus sp., Pinus sp., as

well as a variety of garden ornamentals. It must be noted that Eucalyptus and Pine (no longer in

a formal plantation or cultivated land) are listed as a Category 1b invader species, should they

occur within particular biomes (incl. Fynbos & Forest), riparian areas, protected areas, Listed

Ecosystems or ecosystems identified in a Bioregional Plan (for e.g. CBA). However, should these

species occur, for example in urban areas outside of the abovementioned ‘listed areas’, then they

are no longer listed.

As such, landowners (in this case, Fancourt) are required to actively control these species on the

property by eradicating any alien plants which currently occur on the property as well as any

subsequent generations, using accepted methods. Appendix F includes the Working for Water

(WfW) control requirements for the various alien invasive species. This Appendix also includes the

mechanism for determining densities of various alien invasive species.


The following points should be considered with regards to fire protection for the development:

A key component of alien invasive plant removal should be the total removal of all invasive

alien vegetation material to decrease the fire risk associated with the accumulation of

biomass. Under no circumstances should bulk biomass be burned on-site;

Construction staff should be made aware of potential fire risks – cigarette butts and

unsupervised fires. For e.g. cigarette butts may not be thrown in the veld, but must be disposed

of correctly. The contractor with input from the ECO must designate smoking areas during

construction (in compliance with the Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act 63 of 2008) with

suitable receptacles for disposal.

In case of an emergency, the contact details of the local fire and emergency services must be

readily available (sign-posted within the Contractor site camp);

Contractors and the Municipality must ensure that basic fire fighting equipment is available on

site as per the specifications defined by the health and safety regulations;

No fires should be allowed in proximity to any drainage line; and

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The fire risk on site and fire-fighting training must be a point of discussion as part of the

environmental induction training prior to commencement of construction and as part of general

development management meetings between the Municipality and the community.


The design of the formal stormwater infrastructure must ensure that discharge / outlet points

must be contained within the site boundaries of the development and be designed in such a way

as to negate erosion. Channelled storm water velocity must be attenuated or dissipated before

reaching the Gwaing River ecosystem by adequate engineering to prevent downstream impacts.

The stormwater outlets should contain suitable energy dissipating structures designed to reduce

water energy, dispersing the water rather than concentrating it. In addition, the stormwater

infrastructure should serve to promote run-off infiltration and soak-away, to allow sub-surface

seepage, rather than surface flow. All stormwater outlets must be fitted with litter traps, which must

be cleaned on a regular basis to avoid obstruction and contamination of stormwater leaving the

site. The final positioning of these structures should be determined by the engineer in consultation

with the HOA and the ECO.

The stormwater design has been developed by the consulting engineer with specific focus on

avoidance and remedying the effects of erosion. This stormwater system consists of three legs,


- A minor system (piped system)

- A major system (overland via roads and open space using various attenuation techniques)

- An Emergency system (provision of continuous overland flow routes)

The contractor is responsible for implementation of erosion and siltation avoidance/mitigation

measures that are required during construction, until the final system is in place.

Any areas that are identified by the ECO as being prone to erosion must be suitably protected

with for e.g. silt fencing and/or sand bags during the earthworks / construction period. During

construction, the Contractor shall protect all areas susceptible to erosion by installing necessary

temporary and permanent drainage works as soon as possible and by taking any other measures

necessary to prevent stormwater from concentrating in streams and scouring slopes, banks, etc.

Any erosion channels found to exist or that develop during construction on steep slopes must be

backfilled, compacted and restored to an acceptable condition.

Stabilisation of cleared areas to prevent and control erosion and/or sedimentation shall be actively

managed. The most suitable method of stabilisation shall be determined in consultation with the

ECO. Consideration and provision shall be made for the following methods (or combination


- retaining cut slopes with the installation of permanent retaining wall structures,

- brush-cut packing,

- mulch or chip cover,

- straw stabilising,

- planting of vegetation,

- soil binders and anti-erosion compounds,

- mechanical cover or packing structures (including the use of geofabric, log/pole fencing) &

- installation of biddum or shadecloth silt screens.

Prospective contractors must make provision for these in their tenders.

Traffic and movement over stabilised areas shall be restricted and controlled, and damage to

stabilised areas shall be repaired and maintained to the satisfaction of the ECO.

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In areas where construction activities have been completed and where no further disturbance

would take place, rehabilitation and re-vegetation should commence as soon as possible

The Contractor shall, as an ongoing exercise, implement erosion and sedimentation control

measures to the satisfaction of the ECO.

See Appendix E, Figure 1 & 2 showing diagrammatic representations of proposed erosion control

on the site.


Due to the proximity of the existing Fancourt Estate residential area, it is recommended that noise

generation be kept to a minimum and that construction and maintenance activities be confined to

normal working hours (08:00 - 17:00 on workdays).

Working hours are therefore restricted to:

08:00 – 17:00, Monday – Friday;

No work on Saturday or Sunday;

No work on Public holidays.

Should the Contractor or Maintenance Staff require additional working hours, these hours must first

be approved in consultation with the Fancourt HOA and ECO.

As the proposed construction and maintenance activities are to take place in close proximity for the

residential area north of Erf 3603 it is recommended that the these residents be given one week

notice of any construction or maintenance activities.

Apart from confining noise to the normal hours as detailed above, the following noise abatement

(reduction of intensity and amount) measures should be implemented:

Construction vehicles adhering to approved access routes and minimum speed limits;

Strict operation times and periods for construction works;

Adherence to the National Building Regulations and Section 25 of ECA to minimise noise


Provide baffle and noise screens to noisy machines as necessary;

Provide absorptive linings to the interior of engine compartments;

Ensure machinery is properly maintained (fasten loose panels, replace defective silencers);

Switch off machinery immediately when not in use; and

Reduce impact noise by careful handling of equipment and machinery

The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with the relevant legislation with respect to

noise inter alia Section 25 of ECA.


As specified as a Condition 4 of the original EA, “an integrated waste management approach must

be used that is based on waste minimisation and must incorporate reduction, recycling, re-use and

disposal where appropriate. Any solid waste shall be disposed of at a landfill licensed in terms of

section 20 of the Environmental Conservation Act (ECA, Act No.73 of 1989)” (now the National

Environmental Management: Waste Act (NEM:WA, Act No.59 of 2008).

The section below deals specifically with the construction waste management requirements.

The operational waste management requirements are detailed further on in this report.

Only approved waste disposal methods will be allowed. The Contractor shall ensure that fenced /

enclosed waste storage site be established within or adjacent to the Site Camp (scavenger proof)

and that all site personnel are instructed in the proper disposal of all waste. The Contractor shall

ensure that sufficient disposal facilities (refuse bins and cigarette butt receptacles) are available.

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The contractor is to familiarize themselves with the requirements of the National Environmental

Management Waste Act. NO activities listed in terms of this Act may commence without a Waste


Recycling must be encouraged on site and recycling bins must be provided at the contractor’s

camp and clearly marked. It is recommended that local community leaders be contacted to

identify groups or individuals who may benefit from the disposal of recyclable material and scrap

metal if any.

Disposal of all waste materials must be done at suitable facilities. No illegal dumping of any

waste material on or off site is permitted. The disposal of all general waste must take place at a

licensed landfill.

5.13.1 Solid Waste

The Contractor shall ensure that all facilities are maintained in a neat and tidy condition and the

site shall be kept free of litter. Measures shall be taken to reduce the potential for litter and

negligent behaviour with regard to the disposal of all refuse. At all places of work the Contractor

shall provide litterbins, containers and refuse collection facilities for later disposal. There should be

litterbins within each construction area.

Solid waste that cannot be recycled or re-used may be temporarily stored on site in a designated

area approved by the ECO prior to collection and disposal. Ideally, this designated refuge area

should be within the contractor’s site camp. Solid waste must be removed on a weekly basis to a

licensed waste disposal site. Recyclable waste should be recycled whenever possible.

Waste storage containers shall be covered, tip-proof, weatherproof and scavenger proof. The

waste storage area shall be fenced off to prevent wind-blown litter.

No burning, on-site burying or dumping of waste shall occur. Used (empty) cement bags shall

be collected and stored in weatherproof containers to prevent windblown cement dust and water

contamination. Used cement bags may not be used for any other purpose and shall be disposed

of on a weekly basis via the solid waste management system.

All solid waste shall be disposed of offsite at a licensed landfill site. The Contractor shall supply

the ER and ECO with certificates of disposal.

5.13.2 Construction Rubble and Waste

All construction rubble must be disposed of at an approved site (no construction rubble may be

spoiled anywhere on site or adjacent to site). NO construction rubble may be used as fill in

landscaping or any other areas on site.

5.13.3 Scrap Metal

Recycling of scrap metal is recommended. Scrap metal must be disposed of offsite at suitable


5.13.4 Hazardous Waste

Any potentially hazardous waste (including bitumen, fuel, oils, paints etc.) shall be disposed of at

approved hazardous landfill site. The Contractor shall provide disposal certificates to the ECO.

Waste containing oils / paint thinners etc. must be kept separate from the general waste stream,

sealed in a drum and collected and disposed of by a recognised service provider at a licensed

hazardous waste site (e.g. Vissershok, Cape Town). Used oil and grease must be removed from

site to an approved used oil recycling company.

Unused or rejected tar or bituminous products must be returned to the supplier’s production

plant. Under NO circumstances may tar, bituminous or paint products be spoiled on the site.

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Where possible, the maintenance of vehicles should take place off site.


Chemical ablution facilities must be available for the use by construction staff for the duration of the

construction period. The following must therefore be implemented:

Toilet and hand washing facilities must be available to the site personnel at all times. These

must be situated in the site camp;

One toilet for every 15 personnel is required;

Portable ablution facilities may not be positioned with 50m of the off-site drainage line to the

east of the site;

The facilities must be serviced on a regular basis to prevent any spillage;

The servicing contractor must dispose of the waste in an approved manner;

The ECO must be provided with the service providers’ details and the service schedule for the


The toilets should be secured to ensure that they do not blow over in windy conditions;

All toilet facilities must be removed from site on completion of the contract period; and,

Should the construction period be interrupted by a builders break, the toilets should be emptied

prior to the break.


Cement powder has a high alkaline pH that may contaminate and adversely affect both soil pH and

water pH negatively. A rapid change in pH can have consequences on the functioning of soil and

water organisms as well as on the botanical component.

Concrete batching may only take place in areas approved by the ECO. Concrete mixing areas

must have bund walls or a settling pond in order to prevent cement run off. Once the settling

ponds dry out, the concrete must be removed and dispatched to a suitable disposal site. Ideally,

all concrete batching should take place on an area that is to be hard surfaced as part of the

development (possibly within the future road surface or within the footprint of a future building).

In order to avoid resource contamination, concrete batching should not be located within 60m of

watercourses (the on-site stormwater channel in this case) or where there is a potential for any

spilled concrete to enter a watercourse or groundwater. In the event that no alternative location is

available, the location and condition thereof must be confirmed in consultation with the ECO and

strict measures taken to prevent contamination of the area.

If an area outside of the site camp is identified for batching it must first be approved by the ECO

and all topsoil must be stripped and stockpiled for reuse.

Batching at satellite sites must be done on a batching plate i.e. wood or metal sheet, to

prevent soil and water contamination. This is particularly important at the sites of the stormwater



The above-ground storage of fuel is subject to authorization in terms of the National

Environmental Management Act (NEMA as amended 2006) if more than 30m³ is stored on site at

any one time.

Should a temporary fuel storage facility be required, the Contractor must ensure that he/she

complies with legislation and that the following measures are in place:

Temporary fuel storage must take place within the contractors site camp in an area approved

by the ECO;

No storage of fuel may take place on any other portion of the site;

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Mobile fuel units used to refuel plant on site must make use of drip trays when refueling;

Double lined storage tanks should be used;

All storage tanks must be ISO 9001 certified;

Storage facilities may not be located within 60m of a watercourse (the on-site stormwater

channel in this case) or where there is a potential for any spilled fuel to enter a watercourse or


Fuel storage facilities should be located on flat ground. No cut and fill should take place

immediately on or adjacent to fuel storage areas;

Bund walls must be constructed to contain at least 110% of the total capacity of the storage


Bund walls must be constructed of impermeable material or lined to ensure that petroleum

products cannot escape;

A suitable material should be placed in the base of the bund walls to soak up any accidental


The tanks should be locked and secured when not in use;

Automatic shut-off nozzles are required on all dispensing units;

Storage tanks should be drained within one week of completion of activities (unused fuel can

be used by the contractor on other work sites or returned to the supplier). If the construction

program extends over the Christmas shutdown, the contractor must ensure that storage tanks

are emptied prior to this period;

All storage tanks, containers and related equipment should be regularly maintained to ensure

the safe storage and dispensing of fuel. The Engineer is to sign off on the condition suitability

of the storage tanks;

Defective hoses, valves and containment structures should be promptly repaired;

Vehicle and equipment fuelling should be undertaken on a hard impermeable surface or over

drip pans to ensure spilled fuel is captured and cleaned up; and

The area must be totally rehabilitated on completion of the contract and all contaminated

material must be taken to a licensed dumping site for that purpose.


Every effort to minimize dust pollution on the site must be undertaken especially considering the

properties in close location. Construction vehicles must adhere to speed limits and minimization

of haul roads must be implemented. During dry, dusty periods haul roads should be kept

dampened to prevent excess dust. No potable water may be used for damping haul roads.

As an alternative, products such as Road Environment Dust Suppressants (REDS) would be

recommended in order to minimize the use of water for controlling dust pollution. This is to be

determined by the ECO during construction as required.

Exposed stockpile materials (e.g. topsoil or building sand) must be adequately protected against

wind (covered), and should be sited taking into consideration the prevailing wind conditions.

Please see attached Appendix E, Figure 3 showing a diagrammatic representation of the

management of haul roads to the site.


The road surface will be tarred. The following must be considered for the storage and application

of bitumen:

All bitumen must be stored in leak proof containers within the site camp;

Toposoil must be removed or covered by an impermeable layer to prevent soil

contamination where bitumen is stored;

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Bitumen must NOT be applied if there is a chance of rainfall on the day of application;

Bitumen must be contained to the roadworks only i.e. not spread around off the road;

Empty bitumen containers must be removed and disposed of correctly.


Regarding the temporary lighting during construction, the following refers:

Lighting on site is to be sufficient for safety and security purposes only, but shall not be

intrusive to on-site or neighbouring residents, disturb wildlife, or interfere with road traffic;

Should overtime/night work be authorised, the contractor shall be responsible to ensure that

lighting does not cause undue disturbance to on-site or neighbouring residents/N2; and

Only low flux and low frequency lighting shall be utilised.


It is recommended in Section H1 of the original Environmental Authorisation (dated 25 Sept.2007)

that locally indigenous plants be used in gardening and landscaping.

The potential rehabilitation of disturbed areas within the designated open space areas of the Noem

Noem development can be stimulated and fast-tracked by the physical planting of locally occurring

indigenous plants. To do this, the plant species selected should be those that will attract fauna

(particularly birds) able to promote further natural seed dispersion and pollination.

The following trees should be considered for use in open space. These are to be used in addition

to the plants rescued for transplant prior to construction.

- Ekebergia capensis (Cape Ash)

- Grewia occidentalis (Cross-berry)

- Virgillia oroboides (Keurboom)

- Burchellia bubalina (Wild Pomegranate)

- Buddleja salviifolia (Sagewood)

- Halleria lucida (Tree Fuchsia)

- Syzygium cordatum (Water Berry)

- Nuxia floribunda (Forest Elder)

- Afrocarpus falcatus (Outeniqua Yellowwood)

- Afrocarpus latifolius (Real Yellowwood)

- Celtis africana (White Stinkwood)

As recommended by CapeNature, the rehabilitation of Open Space areas with locally occurring

indigenous plant species, and specifically enhancing the drainage channel with elements of Cape

Lowland Alluvial Vegetation like Wachendorfia thyrsiflora and Prionium serratum (listed as


The planting activities must take place immediately after the initial invasive vegetation removal and

should be completed before the finalisation of the Civil Contract.


An increase in crime during the construction phase is an always an area of concern, particularly

in instances where construction takes place with an established residential area. Theft and other

crime associated with construction sites is not only a concern for surrounding residents, but also

the developer and the contractor.

Considering this, contractors need to be pro-active in order to curtail theft and crime on and

resulting from the construction site. It is recommended that the contractor develop a jobsite

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security plan prior to commencement of construction. This jobsite security plan should take into

account protection of the construction site from both internal and external crime elements as

well as the protection of the surrounding communities from internal crime elements. All

incidents of theft or other crime should be reported the South African Police Service, no matter

how seemingly insignificant. A copy of the jobsite security plan should be included in the first

environmental control report to be submitted to the DEADP. The site demarcation/fencing during

construction, should be of a nature to curtail access into the Contractor Site Camp after hours and

it is recommended that a security guard be placed on duty during after-hours and weekends.



It is strongly recommended that the contractor make use of local labour as far as possible for the

construction phase of the project.

6.1.1 Targets

The target should be to have the majority of semi-skilled labour local to the Blanco and George

Municipal area.

An average total of 80% or higher should be maintained for the Southern Cape region.

The Contractor and Proponents should endeavor to source local suppliers that are BEE


The Contractor and Proponents must ensure that suitable procurement policies are in place that

supports local economic growth.

Locally manufactured products must be used as far as possible.

6.1.2 Record Keeping

Records should be kept of all personnel under the main contract, as well as those under any

subcontractors employed by the contractor.

The main contractor must provide the breakdowns of their contract, as well as all sub-contractors.

The following criteria for classification must be recorded and submitted to the ECO and the


Table 1: Breakdown of Labourers

Staff Type Local to the Blanco Area SCape (excluding the George Area)

Outside The Southern Cape

Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage




Junior Management

Senior Management


Apart from the labour records detailed above, financial records should be kept indicating the

financial contribution to the local economy through the input into wages and the use of local


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Should any heritage remains be exposed during excavations, these must be immediately

reported to the Provincial Heritage Resource Authority of the Western Cape, namely Heritage

Western Cape in terms of the national Heritage Resources Act (Act No. 25 of 1999). Heritage

remains uncovered or disturbed during earthworks may not be disturbed further until the necessary

approval has been obtained from Heritage Western Cape.

Should any archaeological remains including (but not limited to) fossil bones, fossil shells, coins,

indigenous ceramics, colonial ceramics, marine shell heaps, stone artefacts, bone remains, rock

art, rock engravings and any antiquity be discovered during construction, they must be

immediately reported to Heritage Western Cape and not disturbed further until the necessary

approval has been obtained.

In the event of exposing human remains during construction, the matter will fall into the domain of

Heritage Western Cape (Mr. Guy Thomas) or the South African Heritage Resources Agency (Mrs

Colette Scheermeyer) and will require a professional archaeologist to undertake mitigation if



Method statements are written submissions by the Contractor to the Engineer and ECO in

response to the requirements of this EMP or to a request by the Engineer or ECO. The

Contractor shall be required to prepare method statements for several specific construction

activities and/or environmental management aspects.

The Contractor shall not commence the activity for which a method statement is required until the

Engineer and ECO have approved the relevant method statement.

Method statements must be submitted at least five (5) days prior to the date on which approval is

required (start of the activity). Failure to submit a method statement may result in suspension of

the activity concerned until such time as a method statement has been submitted and approved.

An approved method statement shall not absolve the Contractor from any of his obligations or

responsibilities in terms of the contract. However, any damage caused to the environment through

activities undertaken without an approved method statement shall be rehabilitated at the

contractor’s cost.

Additional method statements can be requested at the ECO’s discretion at any time during the

construction phase.

The method statements shall cover relevant details with regard to:

Construction procedures and location of the construction site.

Start date and duration of the procedure.

Materials, equipment and labour to be used.

How materials, equipment and labour would be moved to and from the site as well as on site

during construction.

Storage, removal and subsequent handling of all materials, excess materials and waste

materials of the procedure.

Emergency procedures in case of any reasonably potential accident / incident which could

occur during the procedure.

Compliance / non-compliance with the EA &/ EMP specification and motivation if non-


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Based on the specifications in this EMP, the following method statements are likely to be required

as a minimum: (more method statements may be requested as required at any time under the

direction of the ECO)

- Site clearing;

- Hazardous substances declaration of use;

- Cement and concrete batching;

- Traffic accommodation (if necessary);

- Solid waste control system;

- Wastewater / stormwater control system;

- Erosion remediation and stabilisation (especially associated with the removal of the road

across the stormwater channel);

- Fire control and emergency procedures;

- Petroleum, chemical, harmful and hazardous materials; and

- Alien vegetation-clearing programme.

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The operational requirements of this EMP are to be updated to include the recommendations and

comments received in response to the Final Environmental Assessment Report.


As recommended in Section H2 of the original Environmental Authorisation (dated 25 Sept.2007)

the applicant should compile and implement an operational phase Environmental Management

System (EMS), hereafter referred to as an Environmental Maintenance Management Programme

(EMMP). The EMS/EMMP must be based on the best practice approach for such systems and

must include all the components that area typical of an EMS/EMMP including, an environmental

policy, auditing, environmental training and monitoring. It is recommended that ISO14001 be used

as a guide for the EMS/EMMP.

The Fancourt Home Owners Association (HOA) will be responsible for the operational

management of the development – the following must be considered:

The developer, Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd. in consultation with the Fancourt HOA, must ensure

that the conditions of the Environmental Authorisation are adhered to.

Energy efficiency measures to reduce energy and water consumption as described in this

EMP are implemented on all future dwellings;

Management, which includes the follow-up eradication and prevention of further

encroachment of alien invasive plant species as specified in of this EMP, must be continued

and monitored into the future. For this reason the HOA must insist that only local indigenous

plant species be planted in all gardens, landscaped and rehabilitated areas.

Consultation with the local fire fighting authorities is needs to take place in order to ensure

the site is adequately equipped to fight a fire should such an event occur. Working on Fire and

the local Fire Protection Association (FPA) needs to be contacted.

Regular monitoring of the development and its immediate surround are (especially off-site

watercourses) for evidence of erosion must be a key component of the proposed EMMP.

Should any signs of erosion be identified, the source of such erosion must be immediately

rectified and disturbed area rehabilitated as soon as possible.


Effective management of household waste contributes to a more sustainable implementation of

landfill sites and their management. Sorting of recyclable materials at the source, i.e. in each

household, causes less backlog at the landfill site and decreases the availability of material so

required by scavengers to the dump site. Using biodegradable waste in a garden compost heap or

an earthworm farm is far more supportive of the environment than disposing of it in the general


9.2.1 Recycling

It is recommended that recycling bins be are placed at a central point at the development, with

access for all persons to encourage recycling of most of the general household waste that is

produced. Bins need to be adequately marked for ease of reference (e.g. Glass, Plastic, Paper,

Metal etc.). The Fancourt HOA should enter into an agreement with a local recycling

organisation for collection of these materials.

9.2.2 Use / Disposal of Alien Invasive Plant Biomass

In accordance with the recommended long-term alien invasive plant removal programme, alien

plant biomass may not be disposed of in any open space area, nor any adjacent drainage line.

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Unwanted germination of seed in natural areas and accumulation of fire-prone biomass is to be

prevented at all costs. The HOA must take the responsibility of removing such biomass to a

suitable disposal site and/or chipping the woody material for use of pedestrian pathways etc.

Where there is sufficient space and/or mechanisms in place, such biomass should be composted.

No burning of removed alien plant material on-site is permitted.

9.2.3 Biodegradable Refuse

Biodegradable refuse can easily be recycled to produce compost. Compost provides a rich

source of nutrients for plants, both indoors and out.

More information can be obtained from the Urban Sprout Green Directory on



The contractor must ensure compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (No. 85 of

1993). Of key importance is the following (Section 8 of the aforesaid Act):

General duties of employers to their employees

(1) Every employer shall provide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a working

environment that is safe and without risk to the health of his employees.

(2) Without derogating from the generality of an employer's duties under subsection (1), the

matters to which those duties refer include in particular-

(a) the provision and maintenance of systems of work, plant and machinery that, as far as is

reasonably practicable, are safe and without risks to health;

(b) taking such steps as may be reasonably practicable to eliminate or mitigate any hazard or

potential hazard to the safety or health of employees, before resorting to personal

protective equipment;

(c) making arrangements for ensuring, as far as is reasonably practicable, the safety and

absence of risks to health in connection with the production, processing, use, handling,

storage or transport of articles or substances;

(d) establishing, as far as is reasonably practicable, what hazards to the health or safety of

persons are attached to any work which is performed, any article or substance which is

produced, processed, used, handled, stored or transported and any plant or machinery

which is used in his business, and he shall, as far as is reasonably practicable, further

establish what precautionary measures should be taken with respect to such work, article,

substance, plant or machinery in order to protect the health and safety of persons, and he

shall provide the necessary means to apply such precautionary measures;

(e) providing such information, instructions, training and supervision as may be necessary to

ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his employees;

(f) as far as is reasonably practicable, not permitting any employee to do any work or to

produce, process, use, handle, store or transport any article or substance or to operate any

plant or machinery, unless the precautionary measures contemplated in paragraphs (b) and

(d), or any other precautionary measures which may be prescribed, have been taken;

(g) taking all necessary measures to ensure that tire requirements of this Act are complied with

by every person in his employment or on premises under his control where plant or

machinery is used;

(h) enforcing such measures as may be necessary in the interest of health and safety;

(i) ensuring that work is performed and that plant or machinery is used under the general

supervision of a person trained to understand the hazards associated with it and who have

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the authority to ensure that precautionary measures taken by the employer are

implemented; and

(j) causing all employees to be informed regarding the scope of their authority as

contemplated in section 37 (1) (b).

The Occupational Health and Safety Act aims to provide for the health and safety of persons at

work and for the health and safety of persons in connection with the activities of persons at work

and to establish an advisory council for occupational health and safety.

The main contractor must ensure compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

The main contractor must ensure that all sub-contractors comply with the Occupational Health

and Safety Act.


An emergency response plan must be developed for the incidents of fire and leakage of the

sewerage reticulation system. This plan should be developed by the Fancourt HOA and should,

as a minimum, include the following:

- Placing of firefighting equipment;

- Training of staff;

- Awareness raising of emergency procedures amongst residents; and

- Monitoring and maintenance program.

The development of the facility must comply with all relevant norms relating to the design,

construction, monitoring and maintenance of road, water, sewerage, stormwater and electrical

systems, as well as emergency facilities / services, to avoid circumstances which could expose the

environment as well as the public to contamination, health or safety risks.

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Details of the organizational structure are presented in Figure 2. The structure illustrates the

reporting procedures for stakeholders in the implementation of this EMP.

Figure 1: EMP implementation organizational structure during construction.

Throughout the lifespan of this project, a number of individuals and entities will fulfil various roles

and responsibilities to ensure the effective implementation of this EMP. The key roles and

responsibilities are detailed in the table below.

Table 2: Roles and responsibilities with regard to the implementation of this EMP.

Role Responsibility

Environmental Authority – Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (DEA&DP)

The Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (DEA&DP) is the competent / delegated authority responsible for compliance with the relevant environmental legislation.

Ensure overall compliance with the Environmental Authorisation (EA) & EMP.

Review this document and any revisions thereof.

Undertake site audits at their discretion.

Review ECO Reports.

Review Audit Reports

Review Incident Reports.

Enforce legal mechanisms for contraventions of this EMP and EA.

Holder of the Authorisation – Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd.

The holder of the Authorisation is generally responsible for ensuring compliance with all statutory requirements relating the development of the ‘Noem Noem Village’.

Ensuring compliance with the conditions set out in the Environmental Authorisation issued in terms of the NEMA, as well as those prescribed by other relevant legislation and guidelines.

Compliance with the requirements set out in this EMP.

Ensuring all other permits, permissions and licences from all other statutory departments are in place.

Environmental Control Officer (ECO) – To be appointed

The ECO fulfils an advisory role to monitor, guide and report compliance with the EMP.

Revise, update and amend the EMP if necessary and submit the amendments to the competent authority for consideration.

Ensure all relevant persons have a copy of the EMP and any amendments thereof.

Advise the employer’s representative on any additional environmental authorisations and permits that may be required.

Facilitate the Environmental Education / Induction Training with



Holder of Authorisation

Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd.

Employer’s Representative

To be appointed


To be appointed

Environmental Control Officer

To be appointed

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Role Responsibility

the contract staff.

Review and comment on Method Statements relevant to environmental management and make recommendations to the employer’s representative.

Report any non-compliance with the EMP or EA to the employer’s representative and competent authority if necessary.

Undertake regular site inspections in compliance with this EMP.

Monitor, audit and verify that all works comply with the EA and the EMP.

Keep record of EMP implementation, monitoring and audits, including a full photographic record of works.

Comply and submit regular Environmental Control Reports to the competent authority, as well as employer’s representative &/ holder of the authorisation.

Report any environmental incidents or environmental impacts immediately to the employer’s representative and the competent authority if necessary.

Assist the contractor and employer’s representative planning for and implementing environmentally sensitive problem solving.

Advise the employer’s representative on suggested “stop work” orders.

Environmental Site Agent (ESA) – To be appointed

To assist the ECO with the day to day implementation and monitoring of the environmental management actions that are taking place on site.

Day to day environmental control of contractors on site during the construction phase.

Monitoring of construction management activities during the construction phase.

Weekly reporting to the ECO.

Employers Representative – To be appointed

The Employer’s representative role is likely to be fulfilled by the project engineer and assumes overall delegated responsibility for compliance with this EMP, the EA, the conditions of the Planning Approval, and all applicable legislation for the duration of the construction phase.

Issue site instructions to the contractor based on the advice of the ECO.

Ensure that all detailed design incorporates the requirements of the EMP and EA.

Ensure that the EMP is included in all tender documents issued to prospective contractors and sub-contractors.

Ensure the EMP is included in final contract documents.

Ensure that the Tenderers/Contractors adequately provide for compliance with the EMP in their submissions.

Ensure that the EMP is fully implemented by the relevant persons.

Ensure the contractor provides the necessary method statements.

Be accountable, to the competent authority for any contravention or non-compliance by the Contractor.

Assist the contractor with input from the ECO in finding environmentally responsible solutions to problems.

Undertake regular site audits, site visits and inspections to ensure that the requirements of the EMP are implemented

Give instructions on any procedures and corrective actions on advice from the ECO.

Report environmental incidents or non-compliance with the EA or EMP to the environmental authority.

Issue spot fines, penalties or ’stop-work’ orders for contravention of the EMP and give instructions regarding corrective action.

Building Contractor – To be appointed

The Contractor (main contractor) is responsible for the implementation of all construction activities.

Overall project delivery for the construction of the Solar Facility to the satisfaction of the authorities and consultants.

Ensuring compliance with the Health & Safety requirements for the project.

Ensuring compliance with this Environmental Management Programme.

Promoting job safety and environmental awareness with Employees.

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Role Responsibility

Ensure that all sub-contractors comply with this EMP and all other statutory requirements.

Landowner – Plattner Golf (Pty) Ltd.

The landowner is responsible for compliance with legislation applicable to the management of the remainder of the property as a whole.

E.g.: In terms of the National Veld & Forest Fires Act (101 of 1998) - an owner on whose land is subject to a risk of veldfire or whose land or part of it coincides with the border of the Republic, must prepare and maintain a firebreak on his or her land as close as possible to the border.


As specified in Condition 17 of the original Environmental Authorisation (dated 25 Sept.2007) the

applicant shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the conditions contained in the

Environmental Authorisation by any person acting on behalf of the applicant, including but not

limited to, an agent, servant, employee or any person rendering a service to the applicant in

respect of the activity, including but not limited to contractors and consultants. As per Condition 18

of the original EA (25 Sept 2007), the developer must notify the DEA&DP and any other relevant

authority, in writing, within 24 hours thereof is any condition of the authorisation is not adhered to.


This EMP is applicable to all construction activities at the Noem Noem Village on Erf 3603, Blanco.

The following summary of the implementation of the key environmental management requirements

must be adhered to.

Table 3: Implementation Schedule of Management Requirements


Appointment of Contractors Contracting Engineer / Client Prior to Construction

Demarcation of No Go Areas ECO & Main Contractor Prior to Construction commencing and duration

Establishment of Site Camp Contractors Prior to Construction

Environmental Awareness & Induction

ECO Prior to Construction commencing and duration

Health and Safety Protocol Contractor / Health and Safety Officer Duration of contract

Attendance of Site Meetings Project Proponent / Contracting Engineer / Contractor / ECO / Health and Safety Officer

Duration of contract

Ablution Facilities Contractor Duration of contract

Waste Management Contractor Duration of contract

Plant Rescue ECO Duration of contract

Topsoil Stripping Contractor Duration of contract

Cement Batching Contractor Duration of contract

Fuel Storage Contractor Duration of contract

Noise Control Contractor Duration of contract

Dust Management Contractor Duration of contract

Compliance with Noise Regulations

Contractor Duration of contract

Erosion Control Contractor Duration of contract

Environmental Control / Audit Reports

ECO Monthly for duration of contract

Non-compliance ECO / Relevant Authority Duration of contract

Compliance with all environmental management requirements

All role players Duration of contract

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A project programme for the construction phase will be developed by the Engineer at a later stage.

Provisions of this EMP must be included in the detailed project programme.


Any person is liable on conviction of an offence in terms of regulation 49(a) of the National

Environmental Laws Second Amendment Act (Act 30 of 2013) to imprisonment for a period not

exceeding ten (10) years or to a fine not exceeding R10 million or an amount prescribed in terms of

the Adjustment of Fines Act, 1991 (Act No. 101 of 1991).

It is the responsibility of the ECO to report matters of non-compliance with the EMP and/or

Environmental Authorisation to the Employer’s Representative (e.g. Project Engineer), who in turn

is tasked with reporting such matters to the Holder of the Authorisation. The issuing of spot fines,

penalties or ’stop-work’ orders due to contravention of the EMP and/or Environmental Authorisation

(on recommendation of the ECO), must be issued by the Employer’s Representative (e.g. Project

Engineer). This applies to the issuing of instructions regarding corrective action, in consultation

with ECO.

If the Employer’s Representative fails to act on / implement recommendations of the ECO, then the

ECO may report incidences / matters of non-compliance to the relevant competent authority.


The applicant / developer shall comply with the environmental specifications and requirements of

this EMP, any EA issued and Section 28 of NEMA, on an on-going basis and any failure on his part

to do so will entitle the authorities to impose a penalty.

In the event of non-compliance the following recommended process shall be followed:

The ECO must bring any matters of non-compliance to the attention of the Employer’s

Representative (e.g. Project Engineer) and/ Holder of the Authorisation, with recommendations

to rectify, stop work or penalize the non-compliance (e.g. spot fine to the Contractor);

The Employer’s Representative must implement the ECO’s recommendations to the satisfaction

of the ECO within the given timeframes;

Should these actions not be implemented within the given timeframes, the ECO may report

such non-compliance to the Holder of the Authorisation and the relevant competent authority;

The relevant authority shall issue a Notice of Non-compliance to the applicant / developer,

stating the nature and magnitude of the contravention.

The applicant / developer shall act to correct the transgression within the period specified in

by the authority.

The applicant / developer shall provide the relevant authority with a written statement

describing the actions to be taken to discontinue the non-conformance, the actions taken to

mitigate its effects and the expected results of the actions.

In the case of the applicant / developer failing to remedy the situation within the predetermined

time frame, the relevant authority may recommend halting the activity.

In the case of non-compliance giving rise to physical environmental damage or destruction, the

relevant authority shall be entitled to undertake or to cause to be undertaken such remedial

works as may be required to make good such damage at the cost of the applicant / developer.

In the event of a dispute, difference of opinion, etc. between any parties in regard to or arising

out of interpretation of the conditions of the EMP, disagreement regarding the implementation or

method of implementation of conditions of the EMP, etc. any party shall be entitled to require

that the issue be referred to specialists and / or the competent authority for determination.

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The relevant authority shall at all times have the right to stop work and/or certain activities on site

in the case of non-compliance or failure to implement remediation measures.


Any avoidable non-compliance with the conditions of the EMP shall be considered sufficient

ground for the imposition of a penalty by the Engineer

Possible offences, which should result in the issuing of a contractual penalty, include, but are not

limited to:

Unauthorised entrance into no-go areas;

Catching and killing of wild animals, and removal or damage to conservation-worthy plant


Open fires outside of the contractor camp site and insufficient fire control;

Unauthorised damage to natural vegetation;

Unauthorised camp establishment (including stockpiling, storage, etc.);

Hydrocarbons / hazardous material: negligent spills / leaks and insufficient storage;

Ablution facilities: non-use, insufficient facilities, insufficient maintenance;

Insufficient solid waste management (including clean-up of litter, unauthorised dumping etc.;

Erosion due to negligence / non-performance;

Excessive cement / concrete spillage / contamination;

Non-induction of staff.


Monitoring of the construction progress must be done by means of photographic

documentation by the ECO. This information must be included in the Environmental Control

Report/s as mentioned in Section 5.1 above.

As specified as Condition 12 of the original Environmental Authorisation (dated 25 Sept.2007) the

applicant must submit Environmental Audit Reports to the DEA&DP annually during the

construction phase. The first report must be submitted within six (6) months after

commencement of the construction phase and the last report must be submitted within six (6)

months after completion of construction (including the construction of all the single residential

houses and group housing units). These Audit Reports must report on the rehabilitation of the site,

and off-site drainage system, and to assess any possible impacts that may have occurred. In terms

of Condition 12, the following applies:

12.1 The audit report must detail compliance with the conditions of the authorisation and the status

of the rehabilitation programme.

12.2 The DEA&DP may require remedial action should the audit report reflect that rehabilitation is


12.3 If the Audit Report/s is not submitted, the DEA&DP may give 30 days written notice and may

have such audit undertaken at the expense of the applicant and may authorise any person to take

such measures necessary for this purpose.

These Environmental Audit Reports must:

Be compiled an independent environmental auditor;

Indicate the date of the audit, the name of the auditor and the outcome of the audit;

Evaluate compliance with the requirements of the approved EMP and the Environmental


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Include measures to be implemented to attend to any non-compliances or degradation noted;

Include copies of approvals granted by other authorities relevant to the development for the

reporting period;

Highlight any outstanding environmental issues that must be addressed, along with

recommendations for ensuring these issues are appropriately addressed;

Include a copy of the EA and the approved EMP;

Include all documentation such as waste disposal certificates, hazardous waste landfill site

licenses etc., pertaining to this authorisation; and

Include evidence of adherence to the conditions of this authorisation and the EMP where

relevant such as training records and attendance registers.

Appendix 7 of Regulation 982 of the 2014 EIA Regulations contains the required contents of an

Environmental Audit Report. The table below shows the legislated requirements of an audit

reports, and all relevant environmental audits undertaken as part of this development (during

construction and operation) should comply with these requirements.

Table 4: Contents of an audit report

(1) An Environmental audit report prepared in terms of these Regulations must contain:

(a) Details of – (i) The independent person who prepared the environmental audit report; and (ii) The expertise of independent person that compiled the environmental audit report.

(b)Details of – (i) The independent person who prepared the environmental audit report; and (ii) The expertise of independent person that compiled the environmental audit report.

(c) A declaration that the independent auditor is independent in a form as may be specified by the competent authority.

(d) An indication of the scope of, and the purpose for which, the environmental audit report was prepared.

(e) A description of the methodology adopted in preparing the environmental audit report.

(f) An indication of the ability of the EMP, and where applicable the closure plan to – (i) Sufficiently provide for the avoidance, management and mitigation of environmental impacts associated with the undertaking of the activity on an on-going basis; (ii) Sufficiently provide for the avoidance, management and mitigation of environmental impacts associated with the closure of the facility; and (iii) Ensure compliance with the provisions of environmental authorisation, EMP, and where applicable, the closure plan.

(g) A description of any assumptions made, and any uncertainties or gaps in knowledge.

(h) A description of a consultation process that was undertaken during the course of carrying out the environmental audit report.

(i) A summary and copies of any comments that were received during any consultation process

(j) Any other information requested by the competent authority.

As specified in Condition 19 of the original Environmental Authorisation (dated 25 Sept.2007)

Department officials shall be given access to the property for the purpose of assessing and/or

monitoring compliance with the conditions of the Environmental Authorisation at all reasonable


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Cape EAPrac 43 Environmental Management Programme


Brownlie S (2005). Guideline for involving biodiversity specialists in EIA processes. Department

Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

DWA (2001). Generic public participation guideline. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.

DEA (2010). Public Participation, Integrated Environmental Management Guideline Series 7,

Department of Environmental Affairs, Pretoria.

DEAT (2002). Integrated Environmental Management Information Series 3: Stakeholder

Engagement. Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria.

DEAT (2004). Criteria for determining alternatives in EIAs, Integrated Environmental

Management, Information Series 11, Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism, Pretoria.

DEAT (2004). Environmental management Plans, Integrated Environmental management,

Information Series 12, Department Environmental Affairs & Tourism

DEAT (2005). Assessment of Impacts and Alternatives, Integrated Environmental Management

Guideline Series, Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism, Pretoria.

DEAT (2005). Guideline 4: Public Participation, in terms of the EIA Regulations 2005, Integrated

Environmental Management Guideline Series, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism,


DEADP (2003). Waste Minimisation Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment reviews.

NEMA EIA Regulations Guideline & Information Series, Department Environmental Affairs &

Development Planning.

DEADP (2005). Guideline for the review of specialist input in the EIA process. NEMA EIA

Regulations Guideline & Information Document Series, Department of Environmental Affairs &

Development Planning.

DEADP (2005). Guideline for involving biodiversity specialists in the EIA process. NEMA EIA

Regulations Guideline & Information Document Series, Department of Environmental Affairs &

Development Planning.

DEADP (2005). Guideline for environmental management plans. NEMA EIA Regulations

Guideline & Information Document Series, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development


DEADP (2005). Provincial urban edge guideline. Department Environmental Affairs &

Development Planning.

DEAT (2006). EIA Regulations in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No

107 of 1998) (Government Notice No R 385, R 386 and R 387 in Government Gazette No 28753 of

21 April 2006).

DEADP (2006). Guideline on the Interpretation of the Listed Activities. NEMA EIA Regulations

Guidelines & Information Document Series, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development


DEADP (2007, 2009 & 2013). Guide on Alternatives, NEMA EIA Regulations Guidelines &

Information Document Series, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

DEADP (2007 & 2009). Guideline on Appeals, NEMA EIA Regulations Guidelines & Information

Document Series, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

DEADP (2007 & 2009). Guideline on Exemption Applications. NEMA EIA Regulations Guidelines

& Information Document Series, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

Noem Noem Village, Erf 3603, Blanco, Fancourt Ref: GEO363b/16 V3

Cape EAPrac 44 Environmental Management Programme

DEADP (2010 & Oct 2011). Guideline on Generic Terms of Reference for EAPs and Project

Schedules, NEMA EIA Regulations Guideline and Information Document Series, Department

Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

DEADP (2010, Oct.2011 & 2013). Guideline on Need & Desirability, NEMA EIA Regulations

Guideline and Information Document Series, Department Environmental Affairs & Development


DEADP (2010 & Oct 2011). Guideline on Alternatives, NEMA EIA Regulations Guideline and

Information Document Series, Department Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

DEADP (2010 & Oct 2011). Guideline on Transitional Arrangements, NEMA EIA Regulations

Guideline and Information Document Series, Department Environmental Affairs & Development


DEADP (2010 & Oct 2011). Guideline on Exemption Applications. NEMA EIA Regulations

Guideline and Information Document Series, Department Environmental Affairs & Development


DEADP (2010 & Oct 2011). Guideline on Appeals. NEMA EIA Regulations Guideline and

Information Document Series, Department Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

DEADP (2010, Oct 2011 & 2013). Guideline on Public Participation. NEMA EIA Regulations

Guideline and Information Document Series, Department Environmental Affairs & Development


Keatimilwe K & Ashton PJ (2005). Guideline for the review of specialist input in EIA processes.

Department Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

Lochner P (2005). Guideline for Environmental Management Plans. Department Environmental

Affairs & Development Planning.

Mucina, L. & Rutherford, M.C. (eds) 2006. The Vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and

Swaziland. Strelitzia 19. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.

Munster F (2005). Guideline for determining the scope of specialist involvement in EIA processes.

Department Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

Oberholzer B (2005). Guideline for involving visual & aesthetic specialists. Department

Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

SANBI Biodiversity GIS (2014). South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, South


Winter S & Beaumann N (2005). Guideline for involving heritage specialists in EIA processes.

Department Environmental Affairs & Development Planning.

SANBI Biodiversity GIS (2009). South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, South


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Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

Appendix A

Location, Topographical &

Biodiversity Plans

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Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

Appendix B

Preferred Layout / Site

Development Plan

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Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

Appendix C

Environmental Management Plan

(Codev, 2007)

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Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

Appendix D

Environmental Authorisation &


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Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

Appendix E

Diagrammatic representation of

required environmental control


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Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

Appendix F

WfW Alien Plant Control


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Cape EAPrac Environmental Management Programme

Appendix G

EAP Curriculum Vitae