entrepreneurial learning in the eu & the entrepreneurship ...getattachment... · the eu &...

Entrepreneurial Learning in the EU & The Entrepreneurship Action Plan 2020 International Conference on Entrepreneurial Learning Michaela Hauf, DG ENTR, Unit for International Affairs and Missions for Growth Chisinau, 11 th June 2013

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Entrepreneurial Learning in

the EU & The Entrepreneurship Action

Plan 2020 International Conference on

Entrepreneurial Learning

Michaela Hauf, DG ENTR, Unit for International Affairs and Missions

for Growth

Chisinau, 11th June 2013

EU citizens are less eager to be entrepreneurs...

Answer to the question “Do you prefer to be self-employed or an entrepreneur to being an employee?”




There is a lesser appetite for entrepreneurship in Europe compared with our main competitors.

Just to compare…

EBRD Transition Report 2011


Cross-ministry and stakeholder cooperation

Embed core competences

into the national


Train and support teachers

Develop a logic chain of

learning outcomes and


Design a coherent

progression from primary

to higher education

Elements of a National EE Strategy

Current Situation: School Education

Certain countries/regions launched specific strategies to promote entrepreneurship education: Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Wales and the Flemish part of Belgium.

... but others include it as part of their national lifelong learning, youth or growth strategies.

Half of European countries are engaged in a process of educational reforms which include the strengthening of entrepreneurship education.

High importance of involving TEACHERS

Shift from 'how to run a business' to how to develop a general set of competences applicable in all walks of life

Key elements:

Offer teachers initial and in-service training

Establish support systems and networks

Role of the EU:

Catalyst: exchange and dissemination of good practice, peer-to-peer learning, producing guidelines

Support: co-funding of key European projects aiming to train teachers in entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurial approach:

Training “in”, learning

Also personal competences

Flexible, adaptable

Training material, cases

Student oriented

Group process, interaction

“Clash room”, diversity

More coaching role for


Project, interdisciplinary

Close to real life and business

Action oriented

Traditional approach:

Education “about”

Knowledge in disciplines

Fixed study plan


Teacher oriented

Class, individual activity

Classroom, homogeneous


Subjects, disciplines

Close to research, academia

Study, theory oriented

Martin Lauth, 2010

Exchange of experience and good practice, networking:

2 European workshops (“Laboratories”) on teacher education (May and September 2012)

Good Practice Manual on teacher education in entrepreneurship (June 2013)

Support: call for proposals for European projects, 7 new projects started in December 2012 with a focus on:

Train primary, secondary and higher education teachers

Create a European online platform for educators

Assess entrepreneurial skills acquired by students

Recent or On-going Activities on EU Level

Recent Policy Documents at EU Level

Annual Growth Survey 2013 Economic priorities defined at EU level Identifies entrepreneurial skills as important to young

people for both employability and new business creation Rethinking Education Communication Increasing the economic impact of education & training Recommends EE actions at EU and MS level Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan Re-igniting the entrepreneurial spirit across Europe Recommends EE actions at EU and MS level




2020 Action Plan

Embed EE across education and training MS

Practical entrepreneurial experience for all MS

European policy guidance EU

Guidance Framework for Entrepreneurial

Schools / VET EU

Guidance Framework for Entrepreneurial

Universities EU

Support and monitor progress – citizen /

national / EU level EU

European entrepreneurial learning

initiative EU


Entrepreneurship 2020

Goal: Re-igniting the entrepreneurial spirit in Europe


Europe 2020 – growth and higher employment

Industrial Policy Communication – real economy

Joint actions needed: EU + Member States, all levels, long-term engagement for lasting, deep impact

Action Pillars of Entrepreneurship 2020

Entrepreneurial education and

training → create new generations of


Creating an environment where entrepreneurs can flourish and grow → offer effective

support or get out of entrepreneurs’


Role models and reaching out = radical cultural

change → entrepreneurship as 'the new cool’; involve groups not

reached before

Action Pillar 1 – Education & Training

New foundations: Investing in entrepreneurial education is one of highest return investments possible

Practical experience (mini-companies) and learning is key

Involve real-world entrepreneurs

Build knowledge, skills (business basics, creativity, responsibility, initiative, sense of achievement) and interest in entrepreneurship

New frontiers: higher education for entrepreneurship

European Institute of Technology (EIT) = key enabler of innovation on EU level

Universities → more entrepreneurial: beyond transfer of knowledge

towards active support for developing entrepreneurial ventures

Action Pillar 2 – Environment where Entrepreneurs flourish & grow

Improve access to finance (COSME & Horizon 2020)

Effective support at crucial stages in business lifecycle (fiscal environment, (Digital) Single Market, EYE)

New business opportunities, need for new skills & capabilities for digital age (Web entrepreneurs, e-skills)

Transfers of business

Efficient bankruptcy procedures and second chance for honest bankrupt entrepreneurs

Reduce regulatory burden (target of 25% has been achieved)

Action Pillar 3 – Role models and reaching out to specific groups

Entrepreneurship as attractive career option and more well-known entrepreneurs celebrated as role models

Practical & positive communication about rewards and recognition of entrepreneurs' achievements ("EU Entrepreneurship Day")

New horizons: reaching out to and mobilising untapped entrepreneurial potential





Young people

• Develop a pan-European entrepreneurial learning initiative bringing together existing European and national expertise for impact analysis, knowledge sharing, development of methodologies and peer mentoring between practitioners from Member States

• Reinforce co-operation with the Member States to assess the introduction of entrepreneurship education in each country based on real experience and to support public administrations wishing to learn from successful peers

Entrepreneurship 2020 – EU Level (1)

•Disseminate the entrepreneurial university guidance framework in early 2013; facilitate exchange between universities interested in applying the framework; gradually promote it to the EU Higher Education Institutions

• Establish (jointly with the OECD) a guidance framework to encourage the development of entrepreneurial schools and VET institutions

Entrepreneurship 2020 – EU Level (2)

• Ensure that the key competence "entrepreneurship" is embedded into curricula across primary, secondary, vocational, higher and adult education before the end of 2015

• Offer the opportunity to young people to have at least one practical entrepreneurial experience before leaving compulsory education, such as running a mini-company, being responsible for an entrepreneurial project for a company or a social project

Entrepreneurship 2020 – Member States




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