ens powerpoint

Ashley Rianne Wong Portfolio

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my powerpoint! Ashley wong


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Ashley Rianne Wong


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Personal health history

Name: Ashley Rianne WongThere is no reasoning for how I got my name;there is no purpose

to why I was named that. My parents just liked the name.

Birth: April 29, 1994 San Diego, CaliforniaI think that I was born at night around 10 o’ clock at Sharp’s


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Family Tree

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Interview with Carmel WongDid you have ens or P.E in highschool?

Yes, but we only had to take one class.What activities did you do?

Dance, running, volleyball,weight lifting Is all I can remember.Did you have anyother classes that involved fitness instead of P.E?

weight lifting class.Did you participate in any other after school fitness activities?

I did tennis, and I was an average skier.Was fitness that important back then?

It didn’t seem that important in my school, because a lot of the kids would get away with not doing any fitness.Did you have any fitness testing?

No.Have you ever tried going on a diet when you were in highschool?

Yes many times. Sometimes I wouldn’t eat at lunch but ate at home. Only lunches at school were from machines.Did your highscool care about health?

No not really, no health courses. Lunches were not very good for us.Did people care a lot of their weight?

yes people were consious about their weight.Were there a lot of people that were over weight, compared to now?

Seemed like there were less people over weight then than now. Did you eat right when you were highschool?

No, I would skip breakfast and wouldn’t take a lunch and always end up eating a bagel and cream cheese, or pizza, or don’t eat anything. No healthy food offered.Did not eating right effect your school work?

No I don’t think it did , but looking back if I ate better I think I could improve.Did you get the right amount of sleep every night?

Yes I think so. I didn’t have to stay up that late.Did stress ever influence you in highschool?

No, there wasn’t so much activities like these days, it wasn’t so competitive.Were there a lot of other kids involved in sports?

None of my friends, not as much as today, there was highschool but not a lot of club sports. What were the priorities back then?

family, school, friends, sports. Fitness was last.Did you ever go to a gym in highschool or your classmates?

No, no highschoolers ever went to gyms.Any other physical activities other than sports?

running for fun, or on my own. Were sports important?

to some peoplePeople who do sport, were they “popular”?

the same as now, not all of them, it was back and forth.Did media have an effect on how people looked at eachother or judged eachother?

ya, with clothes and stuff. The “popular” clothes that people had.Body image?

Same, skinny. The right clothes.Were there more people walking and biking to school?

yes, because neighborhoods seemed to be safer.Was people more active, and social with neighbors back then?

yes because there werent that many computers or technology, so we would walk to the park, go to friend’s house and walk around neighborhood, go to beach.What would you do for fun?

Hang out with friends, go to the movies, parties, go skiing, play tennis.

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Family health history

On both of my parent’s sides they are all smokers, I don’t know if that is a health trait. My grandma on my mom’s side has diabetes, heart problems, and high blood pressure. My other grandma had Alzheimer's disease, heart problems. My grandfather on my dad’s side died of leukemia. My great grandparents on my mom’s side died of both cancer and old age. My dad has degenerative disc disease, he has back problems.

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How family Came to America

On my Mothers side, both my grandmother and grandfather, Yolanda and Frank, were both born in California and been here ever since. My Mom’s family has lived in the U.S. for almost ever. My dad’s side, my grandfather’s father came over from china on a boat. My grandmother was born in Arizona, but im not so sure how her parents got here or their past.

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Fitness Data and Nutrition

Mile 8:35 Pass

Curl-ups 30 Pass

Trunk lift 12 Pass

Push-ups 15 Pass

Sit and reach


Lft: 16


Height & weight




Mile 8-10:30

Curl-ups 18-35Trunk lift 9-12

Push-ups 7-15

Sit and reach


Height & weight


State Standards for age 15 female My scores!

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Cont. fitness data & nutrition

Studying per night

Sleep per night

Television per night

Phone per night

Computer per night

Monday 3 hrs 6 hrs 30 mins

0 1 hr 0

Tuesday 2 hrs 7 hrs 1hrs 1 hr 0


3 hrs 30 mins

6 hrs 0 1 hr 30 mins

1 hr 30 mins

Thursday 2 hrs 30 mins

6 hrs 30 mins

0 30 mins 45 mins

Friday 0 5 hrs 2 hrs 30 mins 0

total 11 hrs 31 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 30 mins

2 hrs 15 mins

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Social and emotional healthThe sports I play are soccer, karate, and track. I like to go to the

beach, play with my dog, and I like to draw on occasion. I have one dog currently, her name is angel. Angel is a mix Labrador and golden retriever. My family loves to travel, especially my mom. She is always planning a trip for the next year. I think we go on a trip almost every 3 months, sometimes small trips to like Palm Springs, L.A., or big bear, but there also trips that we take to Hawaii, Las vegas, or Mexico. I think my favorite trip was a vacation to Mauii Hawaii that was with my family and we went with one of my aunts and cousin. I love nature and the water so I think that’s why I liked it so much. My closest friends are Alera Dermody, and Jeanie To, I have others friends that I would trust with anything but these two are the ones that I know are always there and I hang out with a lot. These girls are so outgoing and free with who they are and that’s why I respect them so much and get along with them. The schools I went to are Park village, Mesa Verde, and now Westview. I am in and out with the key club because I don’t go to the meetings but I do participate in the community service activities that they do because my sister is in the club,and she just brings me along.

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I think I am a very physical person because I am always doing a sport or planning on doing a sport. I play soccer, karate, and I go on runs a lot. My health is good, other than I had surgery on my right knee from an ACL tear. My emotional and mental level is high because I am a good learner and I am able to pick things up fast but sometimes I have a hard time remembering things. Emotionally I think I am strong, but I wish I could be more into things like more emotional motivators. Then socially i am good because I have friends and I can get along with people. Although I don’t think people are always my best matter too because I always like my alone time.


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Picture time lineThis is me at 8 months. It is at my nana”s house for Christmas. I am the one being held by my dad and that is my mom and sister too.


I am about 1. It is at my nana’s again for a party, Easter . That is my mom. 5/1/1995

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On the left: I’m about 2 now. Im not sure about the date but this is in m mom’s room. I was just sitting on the couch, there was no occasion. Date unknown

To the right: I am about 3. I was at the bay with my cousins and sister for a gathering or party. I am the girl on the far right. 9/10/1997

On the left: I am 4 and this is at my nana’s house and it was my cousin brianah’s 6 yr old birthday. 10/28/98

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To the left: I am the girl in the all pink hugging the panda at the zoo with my cousins and sister. I was 5 here. Date unknown. 1999

To the right: I was 6 years old. This is me and my little sister at mission bay. Just a visit. 2000

TO the left: I was 7. This was in La Jolla tide pools, I was there with my family just to visit no special occasion. 2001

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Left: Me at 9 yrs old, in my soccer outfit. I had to take pictures for our club soccer team, PQ Premier, at canyonside park. 2002

Right: I was 10 yrs old. At my 5th grade graduation at park village elementary school. I had to give an ending speech and these are my parents on the sides of me. June 2004

Left: I was 11 yrs old. I was at the Delmar fair with my family and friend hunter. We are eating a funnel cake. 2005

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Left: I was 12 yrs old. This was outside my house on the last day of school of the 7th grade. June 2006

Left: I was 14 yrs old. I was all dressed up to go to one of my friend’s birthday party, and I we were taking pictures outside my house with my friend jeanie. 2009

Right: I was 13 yrs old. Me and my dad’s side of the family were getting pictures done for my grandma. This was in the calexico mall. 2008

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This is my most recent picture of me with my sister, I am dressed for winter informal. It is at my house. I am 15 yrs old. February 2010

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Personal crest

Doing karate for 10 yearsTime I got my first dog

Overcoming diversityCan be more involved in the community and helping others

To cure cancer Carefree, funny, personable

Ashley Rianne Wong

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Unique self"The Future Freaks Me Out" I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready to bust a move. Check it out, I'm rocking steady. Go! Betty won't stop listening to modern rock. How she hates to be alone. I try to compensate her lack of love with coffeecake, Ice cream, and a bottle of ten dollar wine. She says, "Hey, I rock the Haro sport, I rock the cow girl blues, I rock too fast for love. I'm footloose in my Velcro shoes. What's up with Will & Grace? I don't get drum and bass. The future freaks me out." I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready to bust a move. Check it out I'm rocking steady, To the beat in my head, That goes oh, oh, oh, oh. I know that she's the only one. I'd rather waste our time together. Yeah, ‘cause we can get down. Betty can't quit carving question marks in my wrist. "How come we're so alone?" We waste away the days with nicotine and television samples, From an era we hate to admit we embrace. We fail to represent. We fail to be content. We fail at everything we ever even try to attempt. And so the story goes, As only Betty knows. It's time we take control. I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready to bust a move. Check it out I'm rocking steady, To the beat in my head, That goes oh, oh, oh, oh. I know that she's the only one. I'd rather waste my time with her. (Betty, I need you. I miss you. I'm so alone without you. To call up on the weekends with my cellular phone.) Betty it's so hard to relate, (Betty, I need you.) To the whole human race. (I miss you.) I don't know where to begin. (I'm so alone without you.) I don't know where to begin. If we can both find a way, (Betty, I need you.) To do the things that we say, (I miss you.) We might not sit in our rooms, And drink our daydreams away. (I'm so alone..) Betty, I'm a dreamer. (Betty.) I'm not a vicious schemer. (I need you) Oh Betty won't you.. ah fuck it. (I miss you. I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready to bust a move. Check it out I'm rocking steady, To the beat in my head, That goes oh, oh, oh, oh. I know that she's the only one. I'd rather waste our time together. Yeah, ‘cause we can get down.

This song relates to me because it talkes about crazy events and how the current life is so chaotic and the things we do are so useless like drugs and he says that only betty knows, like betty is me and I know what the good things in life are. I am freaked out by the future because our society is so bad and how our society will just get worse with television and technology taking over our lives.

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Future Inspiration

My main inspiration in life is my father, Richard Wong. He is the most hard working, dedicated, responsible, funny man I have met. Through all hard times and problems he is always able to figure things out. He seems to never run out of things to do because he is always trying to improve things for others. He inspires me how hard someone can work to get what they want and he shows me that I don’t have to rely on others to get my dreams. I love him very much and even though he isn't the most emotional guy, I know he cares because he is always working to make my life and my family’s life better.

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Dear dad,

Even though you may not know it, I look up to you so much. Watching you everyday, makes me want to do something more with my life. I want to get a great job make a lot of money so that I can take care of you and you will nevr have to do anything for me or anyone ever again, because that is all you are doing all the time. You have taught me how one person can do so much for themselves and others. The way you are still active, working out and healthy, and you can also hold a job, and do everything else you do but at the end still be able to joke around with me and my sisters. I've heard so many people tell me how lucky I am to have you as a father, and I am. You work so hard for me everyday so I can have a better life and I never stop to thank you. You make me want to be a more independent person, and think that I am able to do anything if I work hard enough. Without you in my life I know things wouldn't be the same. You push me to do my best in everything I do, and you have made the great student and athlete that I am today. Although, I may not appreciate it sometimes, in the long run I am going to be so happy that you pushed me to the best I can be.



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…future aspirations

In 3 yrs I can see myself in Med. School. I would like to be living in a apartment with some friends, and my main goal is to be doing very well in school to become a pediatrician. I may be working at a day camp for kids so I get used to children and when I become a pediatrician I will be more used to them. I think that will last about 15 yrs, because there is a lot of schooling for that. But I don’t just have to be a pediatrician it could be anything in the med field, such as sports injuries. I think that would be interesting.

The one thing I want to accomplish in my life is cure cancer.

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Media awareness

The Media…. It effects everything in today’s society and is shown everywhere I look. Its like a dark blanket smothering me making me live to its standards. I feel like I wear the same things as everyone else around me because media influences how society should be. It sets a unconscious standard of how we should look and act, and if we do not then we are ridiculed. It just shows how cruel our society is to each other. Although, my music is different from my friends, I do not like to conform to others music or to be criticized to what I wear or what I like but sometimes I do get put into that category. It is still my choice to be how I want and be who I want but sometimes its not enough because I unconsciously conform.

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Be your own rebel from society’s laws