enriching vocabulary( presentation of v)

i ENRICHING VOCABULARY MASTERY USING SHORT TEXTS A Classroom Action Research in the Second Year of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo in the Academic Year of 2009/2010 Written by: Risqi Ekanti Ayuningtyas Palupi K2206029 Submitted to Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Undergraduate Degree of Education TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA 2010

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Page 1: ENRICHING VOCABULARY( presentation of V)




A Classroom Action Research in the Second Year of

SMP N 5 Sukoharjo in the Academic Year of 2009/2010

Written by:

Risqi Ekanti Ayuningtyas Palupi


Submitted to Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement

for the Undergraduate Degree of Education





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This thesis is approved by the consultants to be examined by the Board of

Examiners of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University.

Approved by

Consultant 1 Consultant 2

Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd.

NIP. 19520307 198003 1 005

Teguh Sarosa, S.S., M.Hum.

NIP. 19730205 200604 1 001

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This thesis is examined by the Board of Examiners of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University and accepted as a partial fulfillment of

the requirements for achieving the Undergraduate Degree of Education in English.

Place of the test :

Date of the test :

The Board of Examiners

1. Chairman

Drs. Suparno, M. Pd (………………………)

NIP. 19511127 198601 1 001

2. Secretary

Dewi Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd. (………………………)

NIP. 19780818 200312 2 002

3. Consultant 1

Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd. (……………………....)

NIP. 19520307 198003 1 005

4. Consultant 2

Teguh Sarosa, S.S., M.Hum. (………………………)

NIP 19730205 200604 1 001

Legalized by,

Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Sebelas Maret University

The Dean

Prof. Dr. M. Furqon Hidayatullah, M.Pd

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Risqi Ekanti Ayuningtyas Palupi. K2206029: “ENRICHING VOCABULARY

MASTERY USING SHORT TEXTS (A Classroom Action Research in the Second

Year of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo in the Academic Year of 2009/2010).” Teacher

Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 2010.

This study is based on the problem of the low vocabulary mastery of the second

year students of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo in the academic year of 2009/2010. It is aimed at knowing whether using short texts can enrich the students’ vocabulary. It is also

aimed at the improvement of the students’ achievement in teaching learning process

using short stories. The materials used in this research were short text. The procedure of the

research consisted of identifying the problems, planning the action, implementing the action, observing or monitoring the action, reflecting the result of the observation,

and research findings. The research was conducted in one cycle. The cycle consisted

of four meetings. The techniques in collecting the data were qualitative and quantitative method. In the qualitative method, the researcher used observations, field

notes, photographs, and document analysis. The results of the observation were in the form of field notes and photographs. In the quantitative method, the researcher used

tests. The test consisted of the pre-test and post-test. The technique to analyze the test result was by comparing the mean score of pre-test and post-test. Besides that, this

research also used descriptive statistics and the t-test of non-independent.

The results of this research show that short texts can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. The improvement can be seen in the form of students’

achievements. They can be seen from the aspects of vocabulary mastery and the students’ motivation. First, from the aspect of the vocabulary mastery, the students

could understand, grasp, remember, pronounce, write about 75 until 80 % of the

words correctly and also use the words in context appropriately. Then, the improvement of students’ score can be seen from the differences between the pre-test

and post-test. The mean score of the pre-test improves from 4.07 to 7.36 in post-test. Then, the scores of the pre-test and post-test show that there is also an improvement

of students who achieve the minimum standard score, that is 60. They are from 2.8%

to 94.3% of students. Second, from the students’ motivation, the students are more active and enthusiastic during teaching learning process. Next, they have more

concentration to do the exercises. Then, they do not do something useless during teaching learning process. At last, they also like having discussion with their friends.

The results of this research imply that using short texts are good material to

improve students’ vocabulary mastery and also improve students’ learning activity during teaching learning process. The short texts made the students easier in

understanding the form and the meaning of the words. Through short texts, students

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were also encouraged to practice their ability in reading, writing and pronouncing correctly.

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“Mantapkan hati dan niat seraya berucap Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”

"No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown."

(William Penn)

"Criticism should not be querulous and wasting, all knife and rootpuller,

but guiding, instructive, inspiring."

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

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With deep profound love, this research is devoted to:

1. Her beloved father and mother, thank you.

Nothing compares to what they have done for


2. Her beloved “eyang uti” and sisters “dek sha”,

who always pray and encourage her.

3. Her best friends “pam, sopal, dee, lucy, jhono,

anggit, riph, tika” who give her unbroken

support, prayer, and cares.

4. Her all friends, who always support her.

5. Herself and her beautiful future.

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Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. Praise be to ALLAH SWT who has given His

blessing to the writer so that she can complete the writing of this thesis as a partial

requirement for achieving the undergraduate degree of education in English Teacher

Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University.

The writer is also fully aware that her thesis can never be finished without the

help of others during the process of writing. Therefore, in this occasion she would

like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following:

1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University who had given his permission to write this thesis.

2. The Head of the English Department of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty for his advice.

3. Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd., the first consultant, for all his valuable guidance,

advice, encouragement, and patience during the writing process of this thesis.

4. Teguh Sarosa, S.S., M. Hum., the second consultant and academic consultant,

for all his valuable guidance, advice, encouragement, and patience during the

writing process of this thesis.

5. The Headmaster of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo for the permission and advices for

doing the research in SMP N 5 Sukoharjo.

6. Mrs. Sugiyati, the English teacher of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo, who helped and

given her a chance to do the research.

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7. The second year students of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo who participated well in the


8. Her beloved family, her father, her mother, her grandmother, her sister, for

their supports, caring, and prayer.

9. Her “best friends”, Pamrih, Riana, Anggi, Dewi, Lucy, Ariph and Atika for

their supports and suggestions.

10. Her incredible support, Yoyok Sandi Wibowo, Didit Hermawan, Muthya, and

Aji, for his motivation to make the writer keep move on.

11. Her friends in the English Department of the year 2006 for their everlasting


12. Everyone who helped the writer to conduct the research for his or her

participation in writing this thesis.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. She

hopes and accepts gratefully every comment and suggestion. Hopefully, this thesis

will be useful for the readers.

Surakarta, June, 2010


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TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL........................................................................................................................ ii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ iv

MOTTO............................................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION .................................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF APPENDIXES ..................................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................................ xiv

LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................................... xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ..................................................................... 1

B. The Limitation of the Problem ............................................................ 6

C. The Problems Statement ...................................................................... 6

D. The Objectives of the Research ........................................................... 7

E. The Benefits of the Study .................................................................... 7


HYPHOTHESIS ........................................................................................ 9

A. Review on Related Literature .............................................................. 9

1. General Concept of Vocabulary .................................................... 9

a. Notion of Vocabulary .............................................................. 9

b. The Importance of Vocabulary ................................................ 10

c. Vocabulary Mastery ................................................................ 11

d. The Way How to Improve Vocabulary Mastery ..................... 13

e. The Construct of Vocabulary Mastery .................................... 19

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2. Essences of Short Text .................................................................... 23

a. The Concept of Text ................................................................ 23

b. The Concept of Story ............................................................... 24

c. The Notion of Folktales ........................................................... 25

3. The General Concept of Young Learners ....................................... 28

a. The Notion of Young Learners ................................................ 28

b. The Characteristic of Children ................................................ 28

4. The Notion of Motivation ............................................................... 30

a. The Definition of Motivation .................................................. 30

b. The Types of Motivation ......................................................... 31

c. The Characteristic of Motivated Students ............................... 32

B. Rationale .............................................................................................. 33

C. Hypothesis ........................................................................................... 34

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................................. 35

A. Setting and Subject of the Research .................................................... 35

B. Method of the Research ....................................................................... 36

C. The Model of Action Research ............................................................ 37

D. The Procedures of Action research ...................................................... 39

E. Technique of Collecting Data .............................................................. 41

F. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................ 44

G. Validity of the Instrument.................................................................... 45

H. Reliability of the Instrument ................................................................ 45

I. The Criteria of Successful Action ....................................................... 46

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION ........................................... 47

A. Introduction ......................................................................................... 47

B. The Description of the Research ......................................................... 49

1. Planning the Action ......................................................................... 50

2. Research Implementation ................................................................ 51

3. Observing and Monitoring the Action ............................................ 66

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4. Reflecting the Result of the Observation ........................................ 69

5. Research Finding............................................................................. 72

C. Discussion ............................................................................................ 74

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, SUGGESTION .................................. 77

A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 77

B. Implication ........................................................................................... 79

C. Suggestion ........................................................................................... 80

1. English Teacher............................................................................... 80

2. Students ........................................................................................... 81

3. Other Researcher ............................................................................. 81

4. School.............................................................................................. 81


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Appendix 1 : Description of location SMP N 5 Sukoharjo ............................... 82

Appendix 2 : The Photographs .......................................................................... 85

Appendix 3 : Lesson Plans ................................................................................ 90

Appendix 4 : Students’ Worksheet .................................................................... 102

Appendix 5 : Field Notes ................................................................................... 118

Appendix 6 : Blue Print of Vocabulary Test ..................................................... 144

Appendix 7 : Pre and Post Test Items ............................................................... 145

Appendix 8 : Key Answer of the Test ............................................................... 148

Appendix 9 : The Research Schedule ................................................................ 149

Appendix 10 : Syllabus of KTSP ........................................................................ 150

Appendix 11 : Students Score before the Action ................................................ 153

Appendix 12 : The Students’ Pre-test and Post Test Score ................................. 155

Appendix 13 : The Computation of Validity and Reliability .............................. 157

Appendix 14 : The Computation of T-Test ......................................................... 159

Appendix 15 : The Students’ Test and Worksheet done by the Students ........... 160

Appendix 16 : Key Answer of Worksheet .......................................................... 236

Appendix 17 : Letters of Permission ................................................................... 244

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Table 1 : The Steps in Action Research.................................................................... 43

Table 2 : Improvement of the Students’ Achievement in Teaching Learning

Process Using Short Texts ........................................................................ 70

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Figure 1. An Illustration of Action Research Spiral ................................................. 38

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A. Background of the Study

Mastering of a foreign language is one of the important things that is

needed in modern society and globalization era. It is because language is one of

instruments which has important functions in communication. The importance can

be seen from some sides of life, for example is job requirement, one of the

requirements is language competence, both of in spoken and written form. Then,

there are many education books that are written in foreign languages. So, it can be

said that mastering foreign language is very important for surviving life.

As it is known, there are so many kinds of foreign language. English is

one of the important foreign languages. It has been discussed before that foreign

language has many functions, so does English. It has a function as a bridge for all

aspects of human life, such as trade, communication, education, science,

technology, society, and culture. In education, English is one of the native

languages used to improve students‟ ability. As quoted in Undang-Undang

Sisdiknas (2003: 15) “bahasa asing dapat digunakan sebagai bahasa pengantar

pada satuan pendidikan tertentu untuk mendukung kemampuan berbahasa asing

peserta didik”. That is the most important reason why English is learned in


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Actually, teaching English at junior high school is extremely important

because it is still the basis for the higher level. Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (1992:

23-24) define some reasons for starting to learn a foreign language earlier. First,

teaching English to young learner is aimed to increase the total number of years

spent learning language. Second, the indisputable fact those young learners have a

greater facility for understanding and imitating what they hear than adult. Third,

the aim of early foreign language learning is to prepare young learner

linguistically, psychologically, and culturally for language learning.

Singleton in Brumfit (1997: 7) also defines some reasons for teaching

English at primary level, they are:

1. The need to expose children from an early age to understanding of

foreign cultures so that they grow up tolerant and sympathetic to


2. The need to link communication to understanding of view concepts.

3. The need for maximum learning time for important languages, the

earlier you start the more time you get.

4. The advantage of starting with early second language instruction so

that later the language can be used as a medium of teaching.

From some statements above, it can be concluded that studying foreign

language, especially English language, at junior high school is very important. By

learning foreign language earlier, it prepares young learners to make a link of

communication to understand concept of communication it self. It also maximizes

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learning time for learning foreign language, the earlier they start the more time

they get. They will more understand what they have learned.

For enhancing all aspects in foreign language, especially English skills

(listening, speaking, writing, and reading), the students need something to do.

Firstly, the students need to understand the meaning of words. The words here

means as vocabulary. For beginners, vocabulary mastery is the basic knowledge

in learning English. Coady and Huckin (1998: 5) say that vocabulary is the central

to language and of critical importance to language learning for the young learners.

Vocabulary supports all of the English skills. It should not be neglected by

anyone who learns a language. Then, knowing words is the key for understanding

and being understood. So it can be concluded that vocabulary takes the important

aspect to master English well as a foreign language. Knowing more words in

English language, it will make other person understand or make ourselves

understood easily.

Considering the importance of vocabulary competence, it is better to

introduce new vocabulary earlier to the students. It makes them know and

understand a lot of vocabularies. Therefore, it is not easy to teach English for the

young learners, here are the junior high students. Sometimes, a teacher has many

problems to develop the students‟ vocabulary mastery. One of the problems that

are faced is the characteristics of the students as young learners. There are many

kinds of students‟ characteristic. First, young learners forget something quickly.

They will forget some words that are learned easily if the teachers do not repeat

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the words many times. It is clear that repetition is needed. Second, young learners

get bored easily. Here, the teachers have to find out the appropriate, technique, or

and material of teaching vocabulary for their students. By using the appropriate

method, technique or and material, it is hoped the students feel amused and then

get the best result in learning English, especially in vocabulary mastery. Third,

young learners still like playing. They prefer playing than studying. They always

discuss about something in their around while playing. So, it is important to find

out the appropriate, technique, and or material to enrich young learners‟

vocabulary mastery. The method, technique or the material is not only fun but

should also contain the appropriate topic to be discussed.

After having pre research by interviewing the teacher and observing

teaching learning process of mastering vocabulary at the second year of SMP N 5

Sukoharjo, the researcher finds out that the students‟ vocabulary mastery is still

low. It can be seen from some indicators that are shown by the students‟ acts as

follows: firstly, the students are less interested in teaching learning process. It

may be caused by the teacher‟s material which is not appropriate and attractive.

The materials used in teaching learning process only from books and

students worksheet. There are no materials from other sources like internet,

magazine, etc. So, it makes the students less interested and do not be active in

teaching learning process. In teaching learning process, there are no interesting

technique that used by the teacher. The teaching learning process uses teacher

centre in delivering the lessons. Most of materials come from the teachers, so the

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students do not have full concentration on the lesson and doing something useless

during the process of teaching learning. Secondly, the students get difficulties to

remember and grasp the meaning of words when the teacher gives them some

English words. The students also get difficulties when they have to translate the

words. It is because there are no appropriate learning sources that used to help the

students for remembering the materials that are given. Thirdly, the students get

difficulties in writing words or group of words correctly. It can be seen when they

find some words that have double letters. Most of the students forget to write

down the second letter. For example the word “suddenly”, the students write the

word only “sudenly”. The other difficulties that the students faced when they do

an exercise on jumble word. The students usually get mistake to rearrange into the

correct word. Example is the word “n-t-w-i-r-e”. The correct arrangement is

“winter” but students rearrange them become “writen”. From the indicators that

are mentioned above, students‟ marks are still lower than the passing grade.

Due to the facts above, the researcher tries to enrich vocabulary mastery of

the students using short texts. She wants to make the students interested by using

the teaching material of short texts. She uses short texts because short texts will

help to solve the problems that are faced by the students. Short text is one of an

interesting material that helps the students to find out the keys to remember and

grasp many new vocabularies. Beside that the students will be easy to write down

the correct words or group words. It is because all words or group word are inside

of the short texts.

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Based on the description above, the researcher would like to conduct a

research to solve the problem and also enrich students‟ vocabulary mastery by

using short stories entitled “ENRICHING VOCABULARY MASTERY USING

SHORT TEXTS” (A Classroom Action Research in the Second Year of SMP N 5

Sukoharjo in the Academic Year of 2009/2010).

B. The Limitation of the Problem

The research has a broad scope and it is impossible for the researcher to

handle the study consisting of so many complicated problems. Therefore, the

researcher limits the problem on how to enrich the students‟ vocabulary mastery

using short texts of the second year of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo in the academic year

of 2009/2010.

C. The Problems Statement

Based on the background of study, the researcher wants to prove whether

or not the short texts can improve students‟ vocabulary mastery in learning

English at the junior high school. The problems of the study can be formulated as


1. Can short texts enrich vocabulary mastery of the second year of SMP N 5

Sukoharjo in the academic year of 2009/2010?

2. How is the students‟ motivation in teaching learning process using short texts

of the second year of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo in the academic year of 2009/2010?

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D. The Objectives of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem, the general objective of this

research is to improve students‟ vocabulary by using short texts. Particularly, this

research is aimed to find out:

1. Whether using short texts can enrich the students‟ vocabulary of the second

year of SMP 5 Sukoharjo in the academic year of 2009/2010.

2. The students‟ motivation in teaching learning process using short texts of the

second year of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo in the academic year of 2009/2010.

E. The Benefits of the Study

It is expected that this research contributes some significant progresses in

teaching vocabulary for several sides, they are:

1. Teacher

It is expected that the teacher will get more information about one of the

appropriate teaching materials, in this case is short texts. So the teacher hoped

to create an interesting teaching learning process by using this teaching

material. Then, the data of the research are also very useful for the teacher. It

will help the teacher to identify the students‟ difficulties in learning

vocabulary and also find the students who need more guiding. Then, the

teacher can take some correct problems solving from those problems.

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2. Students

It is expected that the result will give motivation to the students to be

better in vocabulary mastery. Through short texts, students are expected to

have good enrichment in vocabulary and also the changes of behavior during

teaching learning process.

3. School

It is expected that the information of the result will be very useful for

getting success in teaching learning process, so the quality of teaching

learning process can be increased. The result of the research is also hoped to

improve students‟ achievement in English lesson standard.

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A. Review On Related Literature

1. General Concept of Vocabulary

a. Notion of Vocabulary

There are some definitions of vocabulary proposed by linguist

experts, Hatch and Brown (1995: 1) state that vocabulary is a list or set

of words for a particular language or a list or set of words that individual

speakers of a language might use. Since vocabulary is a list, the only

system involved is alphabetical order in dictionaries. Here, vocabulary is

written in alphabetical order in dictionaries based on system or rule of

foreign language.

Ur (1998: 60) defines that vocabulary can be mean as the words

we teach in foreign language. It means vocabulary is written or spoken

unit of language as symbol of idea in foreign language for the learners.

For example, if someone learns new words in foreign language, it means

that someone learns vocabulary. The items in vocabulary may be more

than a single word, for example post office, mother-in-law, which

expressing a single idea.

Furthermore, McWhorter (1989: 311) says that vocabulary

means the ability to recognize individual words and to associate

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meaning with the particular combination of letters that form a word. In

the other word, vocabulary is the competence or skill in recognizing

words and its meaning. Words are symbols, groups of letter that stand

for, or represent, either a physical object or an idea. Then, recognizing

words means knowing its meaning or idea and how they are formed by a

combination of letters. For example, the word chair in our minds a

physical reality, an object with a flat surface, usually supported by four

legs, and used to for sitting. Then, the word love on the other hand, does

not represent a physical object. It symbolizes the feeling of one person

toward another.

Based on Hatch and Brown, vocabulary deals with a series of

words in particular language. Ur adds that vocabulary deals with word

taught in foreign language. Meanwhile, McWhorter states that

vocabulary deals with the competence in recognizing words and its

meaning. Based on three definitions above, vocabulary can be

constructed as a series of words in foreign language used to express

meaning. The words here are the symbols in form of groups of letter

represent either a physical object or an idea. It can be formed from a

single or more than one word.

b. The Importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important aspect in our life. It is because

people need vocabulary in expressing their ideas both of in mother

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tongue and foreign language. Tailor (1991: 1) says that in order to live

in the world, we must name objects. Names are essential for the

construction of reality. Without a name, it will be difficult to accept the

existence of an object, an event, and a feeling.

Vocabulary always becomes the essential part of English as a

foreign language. Every person who learns a language must learn the

vocabulary of the language in order to make the learning process easier.

Without vocabulary mastery, learning a language becomes a very hard

thing to do and communication in second language cannot happen in any

meaningful way.

In language learning, vocabulary plays an important role. Edge

(1993: 27) states that knowing a lot of words in foreign language are

very important. Cross (1995: 14) states that a good store of words is

crucial for understanding and communication. A strong vocabulary can

be a valuable asset, both in college and later in our career.

According to the statement above, it can be concluded that

vocabulary is very important in learning language and mastering

vocabulary will facilitate someone in using language in communication.

c. Vocabulary Mastery

Coulson et al (1987: 1050) define that mastery is skill, use, or

knowledge. It means mastery is the ability to use one of knowledge.

While Hornby (1984:523) says that mastery is the complete control or

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knowledge. Here, mastery is the whole power or ability to direct

knowledge. It means mastery is the ability to combine skill and

knowledge in one certain area. The certain area in teaching means a

lesson taught. It is usually arranged by a standard of curriculum and

syllabus in every aspect whether the topic or the test.

While vocabulary is a series of words in foreign language used to

express meaning in form of symbols of groups of letter, either a physical

object or an idea and it also can be formed from a single or more than

one word. So, from both of definitions above, vocabulary mastery can

be constructed as an ability to combine skill or knowledge of words that

used to express meaning, in case of the physical object or idea, in form

of symbols of group of letter in a single or more one word.

The process of vocabulary mastery is not simple. The vocabulary

mastery can not be done spontaneous but step by step. Keraf (1989: 65-

66) defines the step in processing vocabulary mastery. First, children

period, this term children are able to define concept vocabulary to say

their concrete idea. Second, adolescent period, this term is the

adolescent start to use the language and make it more extensive directly

in simple communication. Third, adult period, this term the vocabulary

are used more and more intensive because they make more

communication each other.

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From the definition above, mastery may be defined as the ability

to use skill or knowledge in one subject area based on recognized

standard. While vocabulary, means a series of words in foreign language

used to express meaning. Then vocabulary mastery define as an ability

to combine skill or knowledge of words that used to express meaning, in

case of the physical object or idea, in form of symbols of group of letter

in a single or more one word.

d. The Way How to Improve Vocabulary Mastery

There are various ways to improve vocabulary mastery. The

teachers may have some techniques to teach it. The technique here

refers to the way of teaching. The success of teaching learning process

depends on not only the teachers‟ and students‟ competence but also the

technique of teaching.

Dealing with the technique of vocabulary teaching, there are so

many techniques proposed by some experts. There are two techniques in

improving vocabulary mastery. They are direct and indirect techniques.

Direct technique is usually used through the language book, prose,

poetry and games. Then indirect technique uses the other source of

lesson like mathematic, social lesson, and science lesson.

There are some techniques of teaching vocabulary. The

techniques are the unplanned vocabulary teaching and planned

vocabulary teaching. Unplanned vocabulary teaching is

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extemporaneous teaching of vocabulary items that come up without

planning in course of lesson, while planned vocabulary teaching where

the teacher goes into classroom with an item or a set of vocabulary items

that the teacher has decided before hand. The planned vocabulary

teaching can be described as “the vocabulary lesson” since the primary

objective of the teaching activities is the presentation and practice of the

lexical item themselves.

While Lewis and Hill (1992: 102-103) mention some ways to

teach vocabulary. They are:

1) Demonstrate

Demonstration is the way of teaching vocabulary by doing physical

demonstration together verbal explanation. The demonstration helps

to make the meaning clearer and to fix the word in the students‟

minds. Beside that it also helps students to memorize both of visual

and aural memories. For examples, stagger, chuckle, etc.

2) Use the real thing

In this way, the teachers present vocabulary items by bringing the

real things into classroom. The objects of the real things can be in

the class or probably through the window. Sometimes the

explanation is no more complicated than pointing.

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3) Draw or sketch

Teachers do not need to be artists to make simple sketches which

illustrate meaning. For example the meaning of bush was explained

by two very simple sketches.

4) Use the blackboard to show scales or grades

Words like cool, orange (color), or probably may be explained by

presenting them with groups of related words:








certainly / definitely

probably / possibly

5) Antonyms

This is the way of teaching vocabulary by giving the opposites or

antonyms of the word. Here, the learners have to be aware that a

word may have different opposite in difficult context. It is worth

that the explanations given here are not exact definitions of the

word, the level of the explanation must be suitable to the students‟

level of English at the time so that dictionary, like accuracy can

often be counter-productive. For example:

light bag >< heavy bag poor >< rich

light word >< strong word dirty >< clean

rough area >< quite area happy >< sad

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rough texture >< smooth texture high >< low

6) Synonyms

Synonyms are the way of teaching vocabulary by giving same

meaning of two or more words. Though words may have similar

denotation meaning, their connotation meanings often differ. Beside

that, using the former phrase also helps to build up in the students‟

mind ides that language consists of choice, that words do not mean

the same as each other.

7) The dictionary

This is the way of teaching vocabulary by using dictionary to know

vocabulary items. One technique for explaining these which

teachers too frequently overlook is asking the class whether

anybody knows the word and, or not, asking one or more students

to look the word up in a dictionary. A bilingual dictionary can be

used at low levels and monolingual dictionary at the high levels.

8) Verbal explanation

Verbal explanation refers to the way of teaching vocabulary by

explaining the meaning of vocabulary items in students‟ own


9) Translation

It is a way of teaching vocabulary by translating some words or

individual words from the target language into other language. It is

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seen as boring and traditional. In this technique, the teacher will

find difficulty to translate the word(s) into all languages, if the class

consists of different nationalities.

Furthermore, Gairns (1991: 73-75) says that there are some

techniques used in presenting new vocabulary. They are:

1) Visual techniques

a) Visual

These include flashcards, photographs, blackboard drawings,

wallcharts, and realia (i.e. objects themselves). They are

extensively used for conveying meaning and particularly useful

for teaching concrete items of vocabulary such as furniture, and

certain areas of vocabulary such as places, professions,

descriptions of people, actions, and activities.

b) Mime and gesture

These are often used to supplement other ways of conveying

meaning. When teaching an item such as “to swerve”, a teacher

might build a situation to illustrate it, making use of blackboard

and gesture to reinforce the concept.

2) Verbal Techniques

a) Use illustrative situation (oral or written)

This is most helpful when items become more abstract. To

ensure that students understand, teachers often make use of

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more than one situation or context to check that students have

grasped the concept.

b) Use of synonymy and definition

Definition here is the way of teaching vocabulary by defining or

describing objects. Synonymy is also the way of teaching by

giving more than one meaning for a word.

c) Contrast and opposites

Contrast and opposites are they way of teaching vocabulary by

giving the opposites of the words. However, it is vital to

illustrate the contexts in which this is true.

d) Scales

Once students have learnt two contrasting or related gradable

items, this can be a useful way of revising and feeding in new

items. This is the example of adverbs of frequency:



hardly ever





go to cinema on Sundays

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e) Examples of type

This is the way of teaching vocabulary by exemplifying things it

self. The example of “furniture” is “table, chair, bed, sofa, etc”.

Some of these can of course also be dealt with through visual


3) Translation

Translation can be very effective way of conveying meaning. It can

save valuable time in teaching process but it seen as boring and

traditional. The teacher will find difficulties if the students come

from different nationalities.

In this paper, the researcher uses definition, synonyms, antonyms,

mime and gesture, dictionary, verbal explanation and translation

techniques to improve students‟ vocabulary mastery. It is because the

techniques that are mentioned are usually used in school. Then, it is also

hoped that by using these techniques, the students can understand and

grasp the vocabulary easily.

e. The Construct of Vocabulary Mastery

Dealing with the vocabulary mastery, it can be defined as an ability

to combine skill or knowledge of words that is used to express meaning,

in case of the physical object or idea, in form of symbols of group of

letter in a single or more one word.

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Thornbury (2002: 27) declares some factors why learning

vocabulary is rather difficult for second language learner. If those factors

are fulfilled, someone can be said that he or she has achieved the

vocabulary mastery. The example is when an Indonesian student has an

English subject at school and it is the second language for her or him.

She or he can not understand the lesson easily. It is because she or he

should know the appropriate word, how to spell, how to pronunce, what‟s

the meaning, etc to express the idea of the subject. Here, Thornbury says

that the factors come from the word‟s aspects such pronunciation,

spelling, length and complexity, grammar, meaning, and range,

connotation and idiomatic are the indicators in vocabulary mastery.

Those six aspects above will be defined briefly here.

1) Pronunciation

Research shows that words that are difficult to pronounce are

more difficult to learn. Potentially difficult words will typically be

those that contain sounds that are unfamiliar to some groups of

learners- such as regular and lorry for Japanese speakers. Many

learners find that words with clusters of consonants, such as strength

or crisp or breakfast, are also problematic.

2) Spelling

Sound- spelling mismatches are likely to be the cause of

errors, either of pronunciation or of spelling, and can contribute to a

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word‟s difficulty. While most English spelling is fairly law-abiding,

there are also some glaring irregularities. Words that contain silent

letters are particularly problematic: foreign, listen, headache,

climbing, bored, honest, cupboard, muscle, etc.

3) Length and complexity

Long words seem to be no more difficult to learn than short

ones. However, as a rule of thumb, high frequency words tend to be

short in English, and therefore the learner is likely to meet them more

often, a factor favoring their „learn ability‟. Furthermore, variable

stress in polysyllabic words- such as in word families like necessary,

necessity and necessarily can add to their difficulty.

4) Grammar

It is problematic when grammar associated with the word,

especially if this differs from that of its L1 equivalent. Spanish

learners of English, for example, tend to assume that explain follows

the same pattern as both Spanish explicar and English tell, and say he

explained me the lesson. Remembering whether a verb like enjoy,

love, or hope is followed by an infinitive (to swim) or an –ing form

(swimming) can add to its difficulty. Then the grammar of phrasal

verbs is particularly troublesome: some phrasal verbs are separable

(she looked the word up) but others are not (she looked after the


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5) Meaning

When two words overlap in meaning, learners are likely to

confuse them. Make and do are a case in point: you make breakfast

and make an appointment, but you do the housework and do a

questionnaire. The words with multiple meanings such as since, and

still, can also be troublesome for learners. Having learned one

meaning of the word, they may be reluctant to accept a second,

totally different, meaning. Unfamiliar concepts may make a word

difficult to learn. Thus, culture specific items such as words and

expressions associated with the game cricket (a sticky wicket, a hat

trick, and a good innings) will seem fairly opaque to most learners

and are likely to be easily learned.

6) Range, connotation and idiomaticity

Words that can be used in a wide range of context will

generally be perceived as easier than their synonyms with a narrower

range. Thus put is a very wide-ranging verb, compare to impose,

place, position, etc. Likewise, thin is a safer bet than skinny, slim,

slender. The words have style constraints, such as very informal

words (chuck for throw, swap for exchange) may cause problems.

Uncertainly to the connotations of some words may cause problems

too. Thus, propaganda has negative connotations in English, but its

nearest equivalent in other languages may dean deviant. Finally,

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words or expression that are idiomatic (like make up your mind, keep

an eye on…) will generally be more difficult than words whose

meaning is transparent (decide, watch). It is their idiomaticity, as

well as their syntactic complexity that makes phrasal verbs so


From all those definition above, we conclude that vocabulary

mastery is the students‟ awareness of understanding the words and their

rules to communicate. The aspects to be measured are limited to

pronunciation of words, spelling, the use of words in meaning and

meaning. It is because, those three aspects that are learned in junior high


2. Essences of Short Text

a. The Concept of Text

Brown and Yule (1997: 24) suggest that the term to spoke “text” as

well, where “text” means verbal record communication. They also

differentiate the term of those text and discourse dealing with the context.

Willis (1998: 67) says that text in general sense to mean a continuous

piece of spoken or written language. Texts in this sense are printed texts.

Arthur Hughes (2003:140) states that texts candidates are expected

to be able to deal with can be specified along number of parameters:

type, form, graphic features, topic, style, intended readership, length,

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readability or difficulty, range of vocabulary and grammatical structure.

Text type include: text books, handouts, articles (in newspaper, journals

or magazine), poems, encyclopedia, dictionary, novel (extracts) and short

stories, etc. He also states that text forms include: description, exposition,

argumentation, instruction, and narration.

Cross (1995:77-78) states that the text is a major resources;

permitting you to vary the learning activities from lesson to lesson. There

are four main factors to consider when deciding how to threat a passage;

linguistic complexity, length, interest level and aims.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that the text is a

verbal communication which consists of continuous piece of spoken or

written language and its meaning is contextually.

b. The Concept of Story

Story is account of past events, incidents, or account of invented

or imagined events, etc (Hornby: 1995: 94). Taylor (2000: 16) says that

story is relating tale to one or more listener through voice and gesture. It

is clear that vocabulary in a story should be presented in clear context;

the amusing situations can make the vocabulary easy to remember.

Ray B. West (1968: v) says that story is something brought into

being by application of the skill and workings of the imagination of the

author. Its aim is to arouse the emotions and stimulate the imagination of

the students.

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Brad Hooper (1992: xi) says that story is different from a novel

in that it is short enough to be read in one sitting, with every word

leading toward some final, preordained effect. In story, the sentences are

generally shorter in order the students easy to follow the story.

From the statements above, the writer draw conclusion that story

refers to the written or spoken description of past events, incidents, or

account of invented or imagined events that can be used to for teaching

students which have aims to make the students easier to follow the story

and it has different from a novel that is short enough to be read in one


This paper, the writer uses the story as text especially folktale for

increasing vocabulary mastery in second year of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo

Academic Year 2009/2010.

c. The Notion of Folktales

One kind of story that usually heard by child is the folktales. It is

type words composition that recites the story of the folklore in a certain

region that is popularly and orally told from one generation to other

generation in a certain community.


1) The meaning of Folktales

The word folktale is not defined in English usage. Taylor

(2000:4) defines the term “folktale” as traditional story that has been

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passed by words of mouth, told from parents to children over many

generations or passed on by countless storytellers sitting around

countless evening fires. No one knows who the original author was,

and there are usually different versions of the same story, he also

states that the term “folktale” has also been used to refer to literary

retelling of these tales.

Another definition of folktales is that “words folktales refer

to the many types of traditional narratives know to the “folk” (Coffin

and Cohen, 1996:1). Philips (1992) defines folktales as story about

telling stories with unverifiable claims and its literary form.

From the definition above, we can assume that folktales are

traditional stories that have been passed by words of mouth and told

from generation to generation. Folktales lasted through a long period

of time due to their universality. They are forms of traditional

literature which began as attempt to explain and understand the

natural and spiritual world. The origin of folktales lies in oral


2) The type of folktales

There are several types of folktales. Taylor (2000) divides

folktales as fable, fairy tales, hero stories, myths, legend. Fables are

very short folktales with animals as the main characteristic and with

very obvious moral lesson, often summon up in single line at the end.

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Legend is stories that are based on real hero and his or her mighty

deeds. And believed by the teller and served as historical purpose:

“The dog and the meat” and “the greedy old spider”.

Fairy tales are folktales that include some magical elements

(not necessity fairies): the German word marchen is sometimes used

for this. Fairy tales are fictional and take place in a never-land.

Examples: Tumbelina. Hero stories some of which have some real

historical parts and other of which may not. Examples “Johnny

Appleased” and “Pail Bunyan”, primitive myth, when strictly

defined, is religious and deals with the creating and ordering of the

universe and with the earlier order in which present world condition

were being established. It is told as if they are fact, and usually

involving God, Goddesses and supernatural power: “Adam and Eve”

and “Noah‟s ark”. Legends are stories that are based on a real hero

and his or her mighty deeds and believed by the teller and serve a

historical purpose. Example: “Shakespeare‟s Ghost” and “Paul


3) The Characteristics of Folktales

Although there a lot of variations between folktales, and even

between two telling stories of the same tale, certain characteristics

typical in folktales contribute to relatively easy reading. Taylor

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(2000:9) gives various characteristics of folktales that make them

exceptionally good for language teaching. These are the list:

- time order

- repetition and redundancy

- predictability

- relatively simply grammar

- concrete ideas

- illustrations that provide support and context for the texts

- a unique reader-write relationship

3. The General Concept of Young Learners

a. The Notion of Young Learners

Teaching English to children is different from teaching English to and

adult. In relation to the English teaching learning process, they need

activities which are exiting and can stimulate their curiosity. It means that

the English teacher should be use the technique for English teaching that

can make the students interested in learning English Lesson (House,

1997: 98)

b. The Characteristic of Children

In general, children have the following characteristics:

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1) They like playing

Children like playing. They more like playing than learning. Hence

from that to convey the material of learning we should be able to take

both, that is playing and learning in the same time.

2) They talk about “Here and Now”

Children always discuss about existing in their around and happened

in that time. So material of teaching that will be teaching is about

their surrounding and happened in that time.

3) Their own understanding comes through hands, eyes, and ears

Children will be understandings about what we talk are using hands,

eyes, and ears.

Clark (1990: 6-8) states the characteristics of the children are as follows:

1) Children are developing conceptually. They develop their way of

thinking from the concrete to the abstract thing.

2) Children have no real linguistic. They teach subject what school

provides for them

3) Children are still developing their common skill such as turn taking

and the use of body language. They learn more slowly.

4) Young children are very egocentric. They tend to resolves around


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5) Children get bored easily children have no choice to attend school.

The class activities must be fun and interesting by setting up the

interesting activities.

6) Children are at early of their education, ensuring success and

enhancing the children‟s motivation are important factors in

promoting the success of early start in foreign language learning.

7) Children are better mimics. It will take them more confident in

attempting the sound of foreign language and they delighted in

playing the sound.

8) Children forget quickly. Therefore, the teacher in teaching English

needs repetition.

From the definition above, it can be conclude that young learner need

activities which are exiting and can stimulate their curiosity, of course based

on their characteristics in teaching learning English lesson.

4. The Notion of Motivation

a. The Definition of Motivation

Motivation is needed in every occasion, especially in teaching

learning process. It is because motivation will influence someone both in

process and result. Thus, it is very important for teachers to know about


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Some experts define some definition of motivation. Brophy (1998:

3) says that motivation refers to the students‟ subjective experiences,

their willingness to engage in teaching learning activities and their

reasons for doing this. Then, Weiner (in Elliot et al, 2000: 332) says that

motivation is internal states that arouses us to action, pushes us in

particular direction, and keep us engaged in certain activities. Next,

Groccia (1992: 62) states that people learn and study because the

consequences of such behavior satisfy certain internal and/or external


From the definition above it can be concluded that motivation is an

arousal, impulse, or desire that moves and leads learner to do a particular

action in order to meet and needs or to attain a set of goals of teaching

learning process.

b. The Types of Motivation

There are many kinds of learning motivation stated by the experts.

Biggs and Watkins (1995: 84) state that there are four categories of

motivation, namely: extrinsic motivation, achievement motivation, social

motivation, intrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivation is motivation where the students learn

because of consequences to obtain a reward and to avoid the punishment.

While intrinsic motivation is motivation where the students learn because

they are interested in task or activities itself.

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Achievement motivation, the students learn in order to compete

against the other students, that is winning makes they feel good. Then,

social motivation is defined as the students‟ motivation in order to make

the other people feel pleasure.

Ur (1996: 19) defines some kinds of motivation. They are

integrated motivation and instrumental motivation. Integrative

motivation is the desire to identify with and integrate into target language

culture. Then instrumental motivation is to wish to learn the language for

purposes of study or carrier.

c. The Characteristic of Motivated Students

Naiman et al, in Ur (1996: 275) comes to conclusion that the most

successful students are not necessary those to whom a language comes

very easily; they are those who display certain typical characteristic,

most of them clearly associated with motivation, those are as follows:

1). Positive task oriented. The learner willing to tackle tasks and

challenges, and has confidence in his or her success.

2). Ego-involvement. The learner finds it important to succeed in

learning and promote his or her own positive self-image.

3). Need for achievement. The learner has needs to achieve, to overcome

difficulties and succeed in what he or she sets out to do.

4). High aspiration. The learner is ambitious, goes for demanding

challenges, high proficiency, top grades.

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5). Goal orientation. The learner is very aware of the goals of learning, or

of specific learning activities, and directs his or her effort towards

achieving them.

6). Perseverance. The learner consistently invests a high level of effort in

learning, and it is not discouraged by setbacks or apparent lack


7). Tolerance of ambiguity. The learner is not disturbed or frustrated by

situations involving a temporary lack of understanding will come


B. Rationale

In learning English vocabulary, there are difficulties that might be faced by

the learners especially the young learners. The students‟ vocabulary mastery of

SMP N 5 Sukoharjo in the academic year of 2009/2010 is still low. It can be seen

from some indicators that are shown by the students as follows: firstly, the

students are less interested in teaching learning process. It is caused by the

teacher‟s material which is not appropriate on their level. Most of the students do

not have full concentration on the lesson and doing something useless during the

process of teaching learning. Secondly, the students get difficulties to remember

and grasp the meaning of words when the teacher gives them some English words

and then translate them. Thirdly, the students get difficulties in writing words or

group of words correctly. It can be seen when they do the exercises. They could

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not do the exercises perfectly. Most of their marks are still lower than the passing


So, the teacher should create an interesting teaching material. The teaching

materials should be suitable with the young learners‟ characteristics. One of the

teaching materials that can be used is the short texts. Short texts are interesting

materials in teaching language. By using short texts, the teacher helps the students

to remember the words and understand the meaning and also the grammatical

pattern of the sentences easily.

Considering the explanation above, the researcher believes that short texts

can enrich students‟ vocabulary mastery.

C. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research can be formulated as follows: by using short

texts, the students can improve their vocabulary mastery, especially for the

Second Year of SMP N 5 Sukoharjo in the academic Year of 2009/2010.

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A. Setting and Subject of the Research.

1. Setting of place

This research was done in SMP Negeri 5 Sukoharjo, Sukoharjo

Regency. This school is located at Bulakan, Sukoharjo. It is because there is a

problem related with students‟ vocabulary mastery.

2. Time of research

This research held on a cycle on second semester in the academic

year of 2009/2010. The details are the pre-test, the treatments, and the post-

test. The pre-test was done on the first meeting. It was done for knowing the

students‟ basic ability of the second grade class of SMP Negeri 5 Sukoharjo in

the academic year of 2009/2010. Next, the treatments were done on the

second until five meeting. The aim was to master vocabulary by using short

stories. Post test was done on the six meeting. Last, the post-test was done on

the sixth meeting. It was done for knowing the students‟ improvement after

using short texts in teaching learning process.

3. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is the second grade class of SMP Negeri

5 Sukoharjo in the academic year of 2009/2010. There are 35 students for

class A, consist of 11 boys and 24 girls.

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B. Method of the Research

This research is a kind of action research. For a starting point, it is

necessary to give a definition of action research. Dewi Rochsantiningsih (2008)

defines action research as:

“proses sistematis di mana guru dengan sukarela melibatkan diri untuk melakukan refleksi dokumentasi, dan atau tindakan untuk lebih

memahami hakekat dan atau konsekuensi mengajar dengan tujuan untuk melakukan tindakan atau menguabah atau meningkatkan kualitas

pembelajaran dan lebih baik bila dilakukan secara kolaboratif dengan

kolega atau teman guru.”

Kemmis (1983) in Hopkins (1993: 44) says that action research is a form

of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participants in social (including

educational) situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of (a) their

own social or educational practices; (b) their understanding to these practices, and

(c) the situations in which the practices are carried out. It is most rationally

empowering when undertaken by participants collaboratively, though it is often

undertaken by individuals and sometimes in cooperation with outsiders.

Rapport (1970) in Hopkins (1993: 44) says that action research is aimed

to contribute both to the practical concern of people in an immediate problematic

situation and to the goals of the school science by joint collaboration within a

mutually acceptable ethical framework. Meanwhile, Ebbutt (1985) in Hopkins

(1993: 45) states action research is about the systematic study of attempts to

improve educational practice by groups of participants by means of their own

practical actions and by means of own reflection upon the effects of those actions.

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Furthermore, Wiersma (2000: 10) states one type of applied research is

action research, research conducted by a teacher, administrator, or other

educational professionals to aid in decision making in the local school. Action

research focuses on the solution of day-to-day problems at the local level. Action

research is usually less rigorous in term of design and methodology than other

educational researches. Often, intact groups are used in some cases, only a single

group or individual is involved in the study.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that action research is a

systematic study and it is a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken or carried

out by participants in educational situation rather than outside researches to solve

the problem in order to improve the students‟ ability. By participating the actions

in this research, it is hoped that the researcher will find the solution for

developing the students‟ vocabulary mastery.

Based on the definition and the aims above, this research is done to

increase the students‟ vocabulary mastery through short texts.

C. The Model of Action Research

The model of classroom action research used in this study is based on the

model developed by Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1985). According to the model,

the implementation of the classroom action research includes four steps in the


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1. Planning

Develop a plan of critically informed action to improve what is already


2. Action

Act to implement the plan.

3. Observation

Observe the effects of the critically informed action in the context in which it


4. Reflection

Reflecting process on these effects as the basis for further planning,

subsequent critically informed and so on, through a succession of a stages.

Based on Hopkins‟ point of views (1993: 48) this model can be illustrated

as follow.

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D. The Procedures of Action Research

In this classroom action research, each procedure takes five steps in one cycle.

There are follows:

1. Identifying the problems

The researcher identified the problem before planning the action. The

problem referred to the students‟ difficulty in learning vocabulary. The problem

was caused by the technique of delivering material which was not suitable and

interesting to the learners. It was obtained by observing the teaching learning

process, interviewing the students, and conducting a pre-test.

2. Planning the action

The researcher prepared everything related to the action as follows:

a. Planning the steps and technique for delivering the material in the form of

lesson plan.

b. Designing the steps in doing the action.

c. Preparing the material.

d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of

teaching learning process when the technique is applied).

e. Preparing teaching aids.

f. Preparing a test.

It was done to know whether students‟ vocabulary could be improved or


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3. Implementing the action

The researcher implemented the teaching learning activity of vocabulary

using short texts. The real implementations were generally presented as follows:

a. The researcher greeted the students and checked the students‟ attendance at

the beginning of class.

b. The researcher presented the material by giving a worksheet one by one to the


c. The researcher stimulated the students to try guessing some words related to

the stories.

d. The researcher gave explanation about the words, pronounced them correctly,

and drilled the students.

e. The researcher gave the students time to make note in their book.

f. The researcher gave the students individual task.

g. The researcher gave the students oral task by pointing the students one by one

to guess and pronounce the words that are related to the stories shown by

teacher to check whether the students had understood.

h. The researcher discussed the answer of task with the students

i. After doing the practices, the researcher reviewed the material.

4. Observing and monitoring the action

The researcher observed all activities in the teaching learning process and

created a conducive atmosphere in a class.

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5. Evaluating and Reflecting the result of the observation

The researcher evaluated all actions in the cycle. The researcher observed

the actions to find the problems of the activities that had been carried out in

using short stories in teaching vocabulary.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

The techniques of collecting data are qualitative and quantitative method.

Qualitative method consists of observation, field notes, interview, photograph,

document analysis.

Observation technique means the researcher comes to the class, observes

the teaching learning process done by the teacher and the students. Based on

Burns (1999: 80), observation is a kind of activities in action research that enables

researchers to document and reflect systematically upon classroom interactions

and events, as they actually occur rather than as we think they occur.

The teacher takes the position behind the class while observing the

teaching learning process and makes a note all things about what happen during

the teaching learning process.

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Notes or field notes are descriptions and accounts of events in the research

context that are written in relatively factual and objective style (Burns, 1999: 87).

The researcher made notes of each observation done. The researcher made note to

all activities during the lesson, and noted the students‟ reaction and response to

the learning.

The interview technique is done spontaneously. It means that the

researcher does not make some questions first. This interview is also done to the

students and the teacher before and after teaching learning process. The purpose is

to get the information about everything in teaching learning process using short


Photographs are a way of greatly enhancing classroom analysis and

providing visual stimuli that can be integrated into reporting and presenting the

research to others (Burns, 1999: 101).

Analyzing the document was done toward the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan

Pendidikan, which is about English lesson in Junior High School including its

Standar Kompetensi and Kompetensi Dasar. The aim of this analysis was to

complete the information which had been gotten from observation and interview.

Then, quantitative method uses test technique. Test technique which is

used is achievement test. Achievement test is the test that is used to measure

students‟ ability after learning something (Arikunto, 1996: 21). The test here is a

vocabulary test. The vocabulary test is used to measure the students‟ vocabulary

mastery. In this research, the researcher used essay and pronoun test type for both

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the pre-test and post-test. The total numbers of test items were 30 items. The test

consisted of vocabularies that had been taught to the students. The result of the

test was analyzed to know the students‟ achievement on vocabulary.

There are some steps that should be done by the researcher in this action

research. Here is the diagram of the steps.

Table 1. The steps in Action Research

Step of action Participant Technique Data

Pre action





Test (Pre-test)

Result of the interview

Result of observation

Result of pre-test

The action





Observing and



Result of observation

Field notes

Post action Students


Test (Post-test) Result of post-test

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F. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis in this research consists of two kinds; they

are qualitative descriptive analysis and also quantitative descriptive analysis.

1. Qualitative descriptive

In qualitative descriptive analysis, the data are the result of

observation, field notes, interview, and photographs. The steps are: (a)

compare the data from each informant to make easy in classifying the same

data, (b) classify the data in certain classification, (c) Making the inference,

making the data in the table, (d) making an inductive conclusion. Making a

hypothesis using the classify data.

2. Quantitative descriptive analysis

In quantitative descriptive analysis, this research uses descriptive

statistics. It is used to make the data simple and communicative. This step

uses a simple formula that is called as t-test of non-independent. It makes

clearer the data and the characteristic of the data (Nurgiantoro, 2001:8).

In this formula, the pre-test is compared with the post-test to know

whether teaching vocabulary using short stories can improve the students‟

vocabulary mastery.

The formula of t-test of non-independent is as follows:

t = where t is the result of t-test non-independent

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Finally, when the difference between the values of t-obtained and the

value of t-table is significant, the effectiveness of using short stories to

improve students‟ vocabulary mastery will be known.

G. Validity of the Instrument

In computing the validity of each item from the instrument, the researcher

uses the formula as follows:

where; and

p : the number of correct answer

q : the number of incorrect answer

n : the number of respondent

The result of the computation of validity will be consulted to t-table

distribution, from this; it will be known whether or not the instrument is valid.

H. Reliability of the Instrument

After the valid items are determined, the reliability can be determined by

using the formula:

; where k is the number of valid items.

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The result of the computation of reliability will be consulted to r table of

statistics. From this, it will be known whether or not the instrument is reliable.

I. The Criteria of Successful Action

The measurement that is used in checking vocabulary mastery is test. The

indicators are: (1) there is an improvement number of students that have minimal

criterion at least 75 % from the total number of students, and (2) there is an

improving average mark of the class based on the criteria in the curriculum that is

used in that school.

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In this chapter, the researcher discusses the implementation of the action.

The structure of the writing contains introduction, the description of the research,

and discussion. Introduction contains the problem faced by the students. The

description of the research contains the implementations of the actions of the

research in the field. The discussion deals with the implementations of the actions

that are teaching by using short texts based on theories from some experts.

A. Introduction

As presented in chapter I, many problems were found in teaching English

for students of the second year of SMP Negeri 5 Sukoharjo in the academic year

of 2009/2010. They were supported in pre-research that has been done by the

researcher. The main problem faced by the students was the lack of vocabularies.

Their vocabulary was still low. It can be seen from the indicators like: 1) they

were less interested in teaching learning process; 2) they got difficulties to

understand and grasp the meaning of words; and 3) they got difficulties in writing

words or group of words correctly.

The difficulties of learning vocabularies were caused by some reasons.

First, the students as young learners forget something quickly. They will forget

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some words that are learned easily if the teachers do not repeat the words many

times. So, repetition is needed.

Second, the students as young learners get bored easily. Here, the teachers

have to find out the appropriate method, technique, or and material of teaching

vocabulary for their students. By using the appropriate method, technique or and

material, it is hoped the students feel amused and then get the best result in

learning English, especially in vocabulary mastery.

Third, the students as young learners still like playing. They prefer playing

to studying. They always talk about something while playing. So, it is important

to find out the appropriate method, technique, and or material to enrich young

learners‟ vocabulary mastery. The method, technique or the material is not only

fun but should also contain the appropriate topic to be discussed.

Based on the facts above, the researcher decided to conduct a research to

solve the problems through this study. One of the problems that is taken in this

study is the materials that are not suitable and interesting to the students. Thus,

the research is concentrated on improving materials of teaching vocabulary

through a classroom action research and the use of short texts as the teaching

learning source.

There were some targets which the researcher expected to achieve by

conducting the action for the improvement of students‟ vocabulary. Firstly, the

researcher wanted to create interesting situation in the classroom. Secondly, the

researcher wanted to make the students are able to grasp and remember the

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meaning of words more easily. Thirdly, the researcher wanted to make the

students able to write the words or group of words correctly so the improvement

of students‟ vocabulary could be achieved.

Based on the problems and the targets that the researcher expected to

achieve, the researcher decided to carry out interesting teaching materials, in this

case was short texts, in presenting and practicing new vocabularies. Through a

classroom action research, the researcher hopes that the research can enrich

students‟ vocabulary mastery and change the situation during the teaching

learning process.

B. The Description of the Research

The implementation of the action planned in this research was held in a

cycle. The researcher divided the cycle into four meetings. Each meeting took 80

minutes. It was conducted from April, 2010 until April, 2010. In this

cycle, the researcher used short texts as the teaching materials. The cycle in this

research also consisted of series of steps, namely planning the action,

implementing the action, observing or monitoring the action, evaluating and

reflecting the result of the observation, and revising the plan. They are explained

as follows:

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1. Planning the action

The action plan was made based on the problems that were mentioned

in the introduction above. To overcome those problems, the researcher

planned and chose interesting learning materials to solve the problems and

improve students‟ behavior during teaching learning process. The researcher

chose short texts as the teaching materials. The researcher believed that short

stories could improve the students‟ vocabulary and attract the students‟

enthusiasm in teaching learning process. It is because the stories are very

funny and give the students a lot of new list of vocabularies.

By using short text, it was expected that the students are able to grasp

the meaning of new vocabulary easily. Besides that, the students are able to

write down the words or group of words correctly. The teacher also planned

to drill the students‟ pronunciations using the words that have been prepared.

So, the indicators of vocabulary mastery can be completed.

The researcher taught 80 minutes in every meeting. The researcher

planned to use 10 minutes to greet the students and stated the topic. The

researcher told the students that they were going to learn English by using

short stories that day. It was to get the students‟ attention and interest. The

researcher also gave a lot of time to drill the students. The students could

drill every word until five times. The students could ask questions whenever

they found problems. The researcher allocated 60 minutes to give the

students a chance to learn the material by doing the worksheet and to practice

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the pronunciation of the words that they have learned. The last five up to ten

minutes was to review and close the lesson.

Before implementing the action, the researcher conducted a pre-test on

the first meeting. This test was conducted in the beginning to know the

students‟ ability about the material that would be given. The pre test was

conducted on April, 2010. Besides preparing the pre-test, the researcher

prepared the material, lesson plans as researcher‟s guidance in teaching

vocabulary, students‟ worksheet that consisted of some tasks and also

teaching equipments that are related to the action. After implementing the

action, the researcher conducted a post-test. Post-test was conducted after the

last action on the last meeting of the cycle, April, 2010 to know the

students‟ improvement of vocabulary mastery.

2. Research Implementation

The action plan was implemented by the researcher with the help from

the teacher as the observer. This cycle was conducted in four meetings. Each

meeting was divided into three terms, namely: opening, main activity, and


a. First meeting

1) Opening

A pre test was conducted on April, 2010. The test started at

10.25 a.m. The bell rang. The researcher came to the class on time

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and greeted the students. After greeting the students, the researcher

checked the students‟ attendance list. The researcher also asked about

the students‟ preparation to face the test that would be done on that

day. The test was a pre-test. This test was aimed to know students‟

ability about the new materials that would be given, in this case was

short stories. Then, the researcher explained about the rules of the

test. After that, she passed the worksheet test to the students.

2) Main activity

After getting test worksheet, the students did the test

individually. The students were not allowed to cheat in doing the test

or to look for the answer on the dictionary. The test was about

understanding the meaning of words, pronunciation of words, the use

of words in context and spelling.

3) Closing

After the bell rang, the researcher asked the students to collect

the test worksheet on the desk. Then, the researcher checked the test

worksheet whether they were complete or not.

Next, the researcher asked about the students‟ feeling. After

that, the researcher gave the information that the students would get

the materials in the next meeting and closed the meeting on that day


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b. Second meeting

1) Opening

The second meeting was conducted on April, 2010. The

researcher and the observer came to the class at 10.25 am and then

greeted the students. After greeting the students, the researcher

checked the students‟ attendance. No one was absent that day. The

researcher distributed students‟ worksheet to the students for the

second meeting.

2) Main Activity

To open the lesson, she asked the students whether they ever

read or heard short stories or not. The students answered “yes, Mam”.

Then, the researcher asked the students to mention some short texts

that they ever read or heard. Some of them mentioned some titles of

short stories; this means that they understood what learning source

that would be used.

After introducing the materials that would be used, the

researcher began the lesson of the day by asking the students to find

the meaning of some words. They tried to answer the task by looking

for the answer on the dictionary. Then, the researcher and the students

checked the answer together.

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Next, the researcher gave a chance to the students to read the

story on their own worksheet. The title was “The Flowers from the

Moon”. The researcher also asked them to find out the idea of the

story using words that they ever had before. They obeyed the

researcher‟s instruction. After the students finished reading the short

story, the researcher asked three of the students to mention the main

idea of the story. From the students‟ answer, it could be seen that the

students still made some mistakes in getting the main point of the


Next, the researcher drilled the students‟ pronunciation with the

guiding words on the worksheet. The researcher pronounced every

word once and the students pronounced every word three times. All

students obeyed the researcher‟s instruction.

Next, to check the students understanding about new

vocabulary, the researcher asked the students to write down some

words and find the meaning of each word. After the students finished

doing the task, the researcher asked the students to pronounce the

words together. Some students were shy and afraid to speak loudly.

They were afraid if they made a mistake. The researcher advised

them that it was only a practice.

Next, to know the students‟ understanding, the researcher asked

the students to do the next task that is to fill in the blanks in some

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sentences with the words that were mentioned on the worksheet and

answered the questions about the story. The story‟s title was “Royal

Spaghetti”. After finishing the task, the researcher and the students

discussed the answers of the task together. Some students were very

enthusiastic to answer the question of the task.

3) Closing

After finishing the task, the researcher reviewed the material.

The researcher showed all the words to the students, then, the

students pronounced and mentioned the meaning of the words. If they

made a mistake, the researcher gave the students choice to choose the

correct answer. Most students made a mistake in pronouncing the


Next, the researcher had some reflection towards all the

activities that had been done that day by asking the students‟ feeling

and comment. The researcher asked “how about your feeling today?”

The students answered, “very-very interesting”. Then, the researcher

closed the lesson because the time was up.

c. Third meeting

1) Opening

The third meeting was conducted on April, 2010. The

researcher and the observer came to the class at 08.05 am. In the

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second meeting the researcher continued teaching the material by

using short stories. To prepare the class, the researcher said “good

morning” to the students. Then the teacher checked the students‟

attendance. No one was absent. Then, the researcher began the

material by reviewing the last lesson and asked the students some

questions dealing with the material that had been given in the second


2) Main Activity

In the beginning of the lesson, all students focused on the

lesson. The researcher used this chance to begin the main activity. In

this main activity, the learning source used in teaching learning

process was the same as before. The researcher passed a new

worksheet for each student and asked the students to do the exercises.

In this meeting, the students started the main activity by finding

the correct words and their meaning. After five minutes, the

researcher checked the answered with the students together. Then, the

researcher asked some of students to read the story. The title was

”Rainbow”. There were some pronunciation mistakes done by the

students. The researcher checked the students‟ pronunciation. After

that, the students and the researcher discussed the story to get the

main idea. The students felt easily to grasp the main idea of the text

because they have translated some difficult words before.

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Next, the researcher asked the students to arrange the letters into

a good word. Then, they were also asked to find the meaning of the

words. They were very busy to discuss the correct arrangement of the

letters with their friends. The students who had finished discussing

the correct arrangement, then they wrote their answer in the

whiteboard. From the students‟ answer, it could be seen that students

still made mistakes in arranging the words. Then, the researcher and

the students discussed the answer together.

In the middle of the activity, the researcher changed the

technique in introducing the new words to the students. The

researcher used the synonym to introduce the words. The students

looked very interested in the new task. The students tried to find the

synonymy of the words by using their dictionary. After five minutes,

the researcher asked some students to answer the questions and wrote

the answers on the whiteboard. The researcher and the students

checked the answers together.

After checking the answer, the researcher asked the students to

pay attention to some words, and then asked them to get the meaning

of them. After that, the researcher asked the students to fill in the

blanks in some sentences with the words that were mentioned on the

students‟ worksheet. The title was “The Caliph and the Clown”.

Next, the students and the researcher checked the answers together.

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After checking the answers, the researcher asked some students to

read the story loudly. The researcher also asked the other students to

pay attention to the text. Then, the students tried to grasp the main

point of the story with the researcher. The students were enthusiastic

in answering the question from the researcher. Some of them were

very busy to remember some of the new words that they heard before

and the other discussed with their friends to find the main idea of the


On the last task of the third meeting, the researcher asked the

students to discuss some of phrases from the story before. They were

very busy to prepare the answer. Students who had finished

discussing the answers, and then they wrote their answer on the

whiteboard and then checked the answer with the researcher.

3) Closing

In the end section, the researcher reviewed the material from the

beginning. The researcher mentioned some difficult words and the

students tried to guess the right pronunciation and the right meaning.

The students pronounced every word three to four times.

Next, the researcher had some reflection towards all the

activities that had been done that day by asking the students‟ feeling

and comment. The reseacher asked “bagaimana pendapat kalian

tentang pelajaran pada hari ini?” The students answered,

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“menyenangkan bu. Banyak kosa kata baru dan gampang ingetnya”.

Then, the researcher closed the lesson because the time was up.

d. Fourth meeting

1) Opening

The fourth meeting was conducted on April, 2010. The

researcher and the observer came to the class at 10.25 am. In the

fourth meeting the researcher continued teaching the material by

using short stories. To prepare the class, the researcher said “good

morning” to the students. Then the teacher checked the students‟

attendance. No one was absent. Then, the researcher began the

material by reviewing the last lesson and asked the students some

questions dealing with the material that was given in the first and

second meeting. The researcher distributed students‟ worksheet to the

students for the fourth meeting.

2) Main activity

Then, the researcher began the lesson by reading a story. The

title was “The Magic Seeds”. The students listened curiously to the

researcher‟s story. Sometimes they made an underline for some

difficult words. Then, the researcher asked the students to make a pair

of discussion. The researcher asked the students to discuss the story

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that they heard. Some of them were busy to remember the story and

the other tried to grasp and write the meaning of some words.

The next task, the researcher asked the students to write some

words that they found in the story before. Then, they had to find the

meaning of the words. After that, some of students wrote their

difficult words on the whiteboard. Then, the researcher and the

students checked the answer together. The researcher continued the

lesson by drilling the students‟ pronunciations. The students

pronounced the words three or four times.

Next, the researcher asked the students to match the words with

their antonyms. The students worked in pairs. Then, the students

wrote the answers in the whiteboard. The researcher checked the


After that, the researcher asked the students‟ ability in writing

words. The students had to write some words they heard. The

students wrote the answers on their worksheet. Then, the researcher

also asked the students to find the meaning of the words. The

researcher and the students discussed the answers together.

Next, the researcher asked some of the students to read the

story. The story‟s title was “The Owl and the Nightingale”. The

researcher also asked the students to find some difficult words on the

story. After five minutes, the researcher addressed some of the

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students to retell the story by their own words. The students already

knew some words so it made the students easy to retell the story.

The next task, the students had to find the hyponymy of some

words based on the text that they ever read before. The students were

very busy to find the answers. There are some students discussed the

answers with their friends.

For the last task, the researcher asked the students to answer

some questions about the story. The students discussed with their

friends. After 5 minutes, the researcher asked some students to write

the students‟ answers and then checked the answers.

3) Closing

After finishing the task, the researcher reviewed the material.

The researcher showed all the words to the students. Then, the

students pronounced and mentioned the meaning of the words three

or four times.

Next, the researcher had some reflection towards all the

activities that had been done that day by asking the students‟ feeling

and comment. The researcher asked “bagaimana pelajaran dengan

cerita pendek hari ini?” The students answered, “lumayan, Bu”. The

other students added “senang, bu. Tau arti katanya, jadi gampang

nerjemahin bacaannya”. Then, the researcher closed the lesson

because the time was up.

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e. Fifth meeting

1) Opening

The fifth meeting was conducted on April, 2010. The

researcher and the observer came to the class at 10.25 am. In the fifth

meeting the researcher continued teaching the material by using short

stories. To prepare the class, the researcher said “good morning” to

the students. Then the teacher checked the students‟ attendance. No

one was absent. Then, the researcher began to teach the material by

reviewing the last lesson and asked the students some questions

dealing with the material that was given in the third meeting. Then,

the researcher passed the student‟s worksheet for the fifth meeting to

the students.

2) Main activity

For the first activity, the researcher asked the students to listen

what the researcher pronounced and then write the answer on the

students‟ worksheet. After that, the researcher asked the students to

write the answers on the white board and discuss the answers


Then, the researcher asked the student‟s to find the meaning of

some words. They could find the meaning in the dictionary. After five

minutes, the researcher checked the students‟ answer.

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Next, the students had to find the synonym of some words by

matching the words in the column A to the column B. Some of the

students tried to get the answer from the dictionary and the others

were discussed. After 5 minutes, the researcher and the students

checked the answer together. Then, the researcher addressed some

students to pronounce some words that were mentioned by the

researcher. The students pronounced the words three or four times.

After that, the researcher asked some students to read the story

and the other paid attention to their friends. The title of the story was

“Why Bears Hibernate in the Winter”. The researcher also asked the

students to write the difficult words that they found. After the

students read the story, the researcher guided the students to find the

meaning form the difficult words that they found. Then, the students

tried to grasp the main idea of the story. The students felt happy

because the story was very funny.

Next, the researcher asked the students to arrange the jumble

words into a good arrangement. The students worked in pairs. Some

of the students worked with their dictionary and the other tried to get

the answer from the short story that they read before. After 10

minutes, the researcher asked the students to write the answer in the

whiteboard. Many students raised their hand to write their answer in

the whiteboard. They enjoyed this material.

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For next material, the students were asked to read the story. The

title was “The Necklace”. They had to grasp the main idea of the

story individually then retold the story in their own words. All of the

students were silent and did the instruction well. After 10 minutes, the

researcher asked three of the students to retell the story. The other

students paid attention to their friend who retold the story. Then, the

researcher discussed with the students about the story that they heard.

They felt happy with this teaching way.

The last task, the researcher asked the students to discuss some

of the phrases from the text. They worked in groups. After 5 minutes,

the students wrote the answer on the whiteboard.

3) Closing

After finishing the task, the researcher reviewed the material.

The researcher repeated some difficult words to the students. Then,

the students pronounced and mentioned the meaning of the words

three or four times.

Next, the researcher had some reflection towards all the

activities that had been done that day by asking the students‟ feeling

and comment. The researcher asked “bagaimana pelajaran dengan

cerita pendek hari ini?” The students answered, “menyenangkan,

Bu”. The other students added “senang, bu. Tau arti katanya, jadi

gampang nerjemahin bacaannya”. The researcher did not forget to

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inform the students that in the next meeting the test would be done.

Then, the researcher closed the lesson because the time was up.

f. Sixth meeting

1) Opening

A post-test was conducted on April, 2010. The bell rang at

08.05 a.m. The researcher came to the class on time and greeted the

students. After greeting the students, the researcher checked the

students‟ attendance list. The researcher also asked about the

students‟ preparation to face the post-test that would be done on that

day. This post-test was aimed to know the students‟ improvement of

vocabulary mastery. Then, the researcher explained about the rules of

the test. After that, she passed the test worksheets to the students.

2) Main Activity

The students did the test individually. They were not allowed to

cheat in doing the test or to look for the answer on the dictionary. The

test was the same with the pre test that was done before. The

materials were such as understanding meaning of words,

pronunciation of words, the use of words in context and spelling.

3) Closing

After the test finished, the researcher discussed the answers of

test with the students. All students were very active in discussing the

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answers with the researcher. All students paid attention with the

discussion. No student was busy with his own business. Then, the

researcher asked the students‟ feeling and comment during teaching

learning process with the researcher. The researcher said thank you to

the students for everything during the research. Then, the researcher

closed the discussion because the bell rang.

3. Observing and Monitoring the Action

In monitoring the implementation of this cycle, the researcher used

observation to see the effects of conducting the cycle. The observation was

conducted simultaneously when teaching learning process took place.

In this cycle, there were six meetings. The first and the sixth meeting

of the cycle were used for testing. Then the second to fifth meeting was

focused on improving vocabulary aspects and students‟ motivation in

teaching learning process. The aspects that should be improved were

meaning of words, the use of words in context, pronunciation of words, and

spelling. In the teaching and learning process, short texts were used to make

the way of grasping the meaning easier.

Besides the explanation of implementing the actions above, the

results of the observation of the teaching and learning process were also

supported by the interviews with the students about the use of short texts in

teaching vocabulary. From the observation results, it was known that there

were some improvements on students‟ vocabulary. They were the mastery of

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meaning, spelling, pronunciation, and using words in context. Beside the

students‟ improvements on vocabulary, the observation results explained the

students‟ motivation and activities in teaching-learning process and student‟s

motivation from the second to the fifth meeting.

In the second meeting, the students looked happy and enthusiastic to

attend the class. They paid attention to the lesson. No one was busy with

their own business. The situation was conducive because there was no noisy

outside the class. Some students were active to answer the questions from the

researcher when the researcher gave them some question or asked them to do

the exercises. All students did the task quite well. Some students tried to

answer the questions of the task, the others were quiet.

Although the students‟ motivation increased, some students were still

passive. Some students were silent when the researcher asked the question to

the students. Beside passive, most students were shy to speak loudly. They

were afraid if their answers were wrong. To solve this problem, the

researcher gave advice to the students that it was only a practice.

In the third meeting, the students‟ motivation was good. They paid

attention to the lesson. Their responses were good. The students also obeyed

the researcher instruction. No students were busy with their own business in

the class. All of them were seriously listened to the stories. They also did the

task on their worksheet well.

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In the middle of the third meeting, the students‟ motivation increased.

The students were happy and enthusiastic when the researcher changed the

activity in introducing the new words. The researcher used synonymy

technique in introducing the new words. It seemed that they had already

understood about the term.

In the third meeting, the students still had problem in pronouncing the

word. It can be seen when the researcher asked the students one by one to

check the students‟ understanding. They still made mistake to pronounce the

right pronunciation. To solve this problem, the researcher asked the students

to pronounce the word three or four times.

In the fourth meeting, the researcher still used short stories for

teaching learning process. Before starting the lesson, the researcher just

reviewed all materials from the third meeting. Good atmosphere was created

in the class. When the researcher asked the students to read the story and do

the task, many students raised their hand. They were also enthusiastic when

discussing with their friends. Sometimes they told each other about

something else. So, the researcher went around the class to monitor and

guide them whether they were active to discuss with their friends or not.

In middle of the fourth meeting, the students asked to write some

words on their worksheet. They could do the exercises well because there

were some phonetic symbols that helped them to do the exercises. After that,

the students were asked to fill in the blank sentences with the correct words.

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The students felt happy and enthusiastic doing this task because they knew

all of the meaning of the difficult words by discussing with their friends and

also looking for the dictionary.

In the fifth meeting, the students were very active. It could be seen

during the teaching-learning process. They listened what the researcher

pronounced. They also could write the correct words that they heard. Most

students were active and all students got attention to the lesson. In reviewing

the materials, all students were active to grasp the meaning of every word.

4. Reflecting the Result of the Observation

Based on the observation results which were gathered in field notes,

the researcher reflected the results of the action as follows: a) the students

who were still passive were getting more active and interested when they

were reading and understanding the story, b) the students were able to grasp

the meaning of words when the researcher gave them some new

vocabularies, c) the students were able to write the words correctly and could

use the words in context, d) the students were also able to pronounce the

words correctly.

Moreover, the test score in the first and sixth meeting showed the

improvement result. The mean of the pre-test was 4.07, while the mean score

of the post-test was 7.36.

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Based on the result of the observing and the test above, it could be

seen that there were increasing students‟ motivation and also the aspects of

vocabulary. All of the aspects were completed. The researcher concluded that

teaching vocabulary using short texts attracted students‟ curiosity in knowing

new words. Through short texts, students were encouraged to practice their

ability in pronouncing and writing words correctly. Short texts also

encouraged the students to be more active during teaching learning process.

They became more motivated and enthusiastic in learning English which

they did not tend to do something useless and got bored in the middle of

teaching learning process. The improvement of students‟ achievements in

teaching learning process using short stories can be seen in the table 2.

Table 2. Improvement of the Students‟ Achievement in Teaching Learning Process

Using Short Texts

Source of the data before implementing the

action after implementing the action

Observation and Interview

Vocabulary mastery Vocabulary mastery

1. The students got difficulties to understand

and grasp the meaning of

words. They forgot words and their meanings easily.

They also got difficulties when they had to translate

the words from Indonesian

into English or vice versa.

1. The students understood and grasped the meaning of

words easily. They also

remembered the words easily.

They translated words from Indonesian into English or

vice versa easily.

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2. The students could not pronounce the words

correctly. They still made

mistakes to pronounce the words.

3. The students still made

mistakes when they wrote

words. For example when the students found a word

which has double letters. Most of the students forgot

to write the second letter.

Most of the students also made mistakes when they

did the exercises in arranging some letters into

a correct word.

4. The students could only

pronounce, understand, remember, grasp and use

words in context about 25

% of them.

2. The students could pronounce most of the

words correctly.

3. The students could write

the words correctly. They

also could arrange the letters into a correct word.

There were no mistakes in writing the words

4. The students could

pronounce, understand remember, grasp and use

words in context about 75-

80 % of them.

Students‟ motivation Students‟ motivation

1. The students were less

interested during teaching learning process

2. The students did not have full concentration during

teaching learning process.

3. The students liked doing

something useless during teaching learning process

1. The students were more

active and enthusiastic during teaching learning

process. They started to ask and answer the questions.

2. The students had more concentration to do the


3. They did not do something

useless during teaching learning process.

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4. The students did the exercises individually.

4. The students liked having discussion with their



The mean score of pre-test : 4.07

The mean score of post-test : 7.36

5. Research Findings

From the table above, the students‟ improvement could be seen. The

improvements were students‟ vocabulary mastery and also students‟

motivation. From the vocabulary aspects, the students understood and

grasped the meaning of words easily; they could pronounce and write the

words correctly. They could pronounce, understand, remember, grasp and

use the words in context about 75 until 80 % of them. The examples were

prince, daughter, dream, different, quarrel, sky, sea, chuckled, purple,

captured, reason, freedom, etc. Then, the improvement also could be seen on

the students‟ scores of test. There was an improvement of the mean score

between the pre-test and post-test, from 4.07 to 7.36. Beside that, there was

also an improvement of students who had scored more than the minimum

standard score, in this case 60. The data of the students‟ score of pre-test and

post-test showed that there was an improvement of students who achieved

the minimum standard score, from 2.8 % of students became 94.3 % of

students. It proved that there was a significant improvement of the students‟

scores. Then the difference between the pre-test and post-test scores was

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3.30; while the coefficient of the t-test between the pre-test and post-test was

19.29. Meanwhile, the t-table for 35 students is 2.04. Since is

higher than , it means that there is a significant difference between pre-

test and post-test score.

Next, the students‟ motivation increased when the short text were

used. The indicators showed that they were more active and enthusiastic

during the teaching learning process. They asked more questions than before.

They also raised their hands to answer the questions. Next, they had more

concentration to do the exercises. They did not do something useless during

teaching learning process and like having discussion with their friends.

Considering the facts of some improvements dealing with teaching

vocabulary by using short texts above, finally, the researcher decided to stop

the cycle. There were some reasons for stopping this research only in one

cycle. They were as follows:

a) The aspects of vocabulary mastery were completed. The students

understood and grasped the meaning of the words easily, they could

pronounce the words correctly, they could write the words correctly, and

they also could use the words in context appropriately. Beside the

vocabulary mastery, the students‟ motivation also increased. They were

more active and attractive during teaching learning process. They also

had more concentration to the lesson; they did not do something useless

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during teaching learning process. They liked having discussion with their

friends. The discussion helped them to understand the lesson and do the

tasks well.

b) There was an improvement of the mean score between the pre-test and

post-test, from 4.07 to 7.36. From the pre-test and post-test score, there

was also an improvement of students who had scored more than the

minimum standard score, in this case 60, from 2.8 % became 94.3 %.

c) The researcher only had limited time to conduct the research. The school

gave two weeks to finish the implementation of the research. It was

because the school would hold a mid term test for all the students.

C. Discussion

The research findings came from the observation and the test scores. The

observation that was done showed that there were some improvements in

students‟ vocabulary mastery aspects and students‟ motivation. At first from the

students‟ vocabulary mastery, the students could understand, grasp, and

remember the meaning easily. The students also could pronounce the words

correctly. They also could use and write the words correctly. Here, the students

did more practices and steps by steps in understanding, grasping, pronouncing,

spelling, and using the words. They have their own worksheet that was completed

with some short texts, so they could have more practices for enriching vocabulary

mastery using short stories. It could be understood since human brain has limit

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capacity to absorb new things from surrounding. Human also has limit memory to

remember all at once (www.ksmumail/human_brain. edu).

Second from the students‟ motivation, the students, as the young learners,

were more active and enthusiastic during teaching learning process. The students

were more active and enthusiastic because the materials used were new materials.

Then, the students had more concentration during teaching learning process. Ur

(1998) explains that there are three sources of young learners‟ attention in class,

namely pictures, story, and game. Young learners like to read and listen

interesting stories. Beside the new materials, there were also many kinds of

interesting techniques used to teach short texts. It made the students enjoy, more

active and enthusiastic to follow the teaching learning process. According to

Linse (2005), teachers of English to young learners, should know the techniques

of teaching practically for example “listen and repeat”, read and write”, “listen,

say, and write”, question and answer”. Petty, and Jensen (1980: 285) also states

that teaching English to children needs special techniques. The best way to add

breadth and depth to child‟s vocabulary is by providing a variety of opportunities

for new and interesting experience.

Next, the situation in the class before implementing the action was

described as some students were busy with themselves, especially the students at

the back. They did some useless activities, such as talking with other students or

disturbing their friends. After implementing the action, the class situation became

more active and enthusiastic. They focused on the materials which were used

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through short texts. It matches with Elli‟s theory. According to Elli (1991:31),

vocabulary in story is presented in clear context and the amusing situation. The

amusing situation could make students become more enthusiastic. Maya K. David

also states that one indicator which makes teaching learning process succeed is

the active students during teaching learning process. They are active if they are

suitable with the teacher‟s technique and they are far from teacher pressure


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A. Conclusion

Having conducted the research of teaching vocabulary by using short texts

in Junior High School, the researcher comes to a conclusion that teaching

vocabulary by using short texts can improve the students‟ vocabulary. This is

based on the facts found in accordance with the result of the action implemented

to find answers to the problem statements. The more detailed results of the action

implemented in this research were as follows.

The first is about the enrichment of the students‟ vocabulary mastery of

the second year of SMP 5 Sukoharjo in the academic year of 2009/2010. Based

on the analysis of the result of the implementation of the actions which had been

conducted to improve the students‟ vocabulary, it can be seen that the

implementation of teaching vocabulary by using short texts can effectively

improve students‟ vocabulary. It could be seen from the aspects of vocabulary

which are completed. First, the students could understand and grasp the meaning

easily. They also could remember the meaning of the words easily. Second, the

students could pronounce the words correctly. Third, the students also could write

the words correctly. For example, in arranging the jumble letters, they could

rearrange the letters into a correct word. Fourth, the students could pronounce,

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understand, remember, grasp and use the words in context about 75-80 % of them

correctly. Next, there was an improvement of the mean score between the pre-test

and post-test, from 4.07 to 7.36. Beside that, there was an improvement of

students who had scored more than the minimum standard score, in this case 60.

The data of the students‟ score of pre-test and post-test showed that there were

more students who achieved the minimum standard score, from 2.8 % became

94.3 % of students. It proved that there was a significant improvement of the

students‟ scores. The difference between the pre-test and post-test scores was

3.30; while the coefficient of the t-test between the pre-test and post-test was

19.29. Meanwhile, the t-table for 35 students is 2.04. Since is higher

than , it means that there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-

test score.

The second is about the students‟ motivation. The researcher found a good

atmosphere in the class. The students were more active and enthusiastic during

teaching learning process. There were so many students who raised their hands to

answer the question on the whiteboard or oral answer. Most of the students gave

more attention than before. Next, they had more concentration to do the exercises.

They did not do something useless during teaching learning process. They also

liked having discussion with their friends.

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B. Implication

Based on the conclusion of the study, there is a significant improvement

of students‟ vocabulary and improvement of students‟ learning activity after

teaching used short texts to teach new vocabulary and to train the students in

order to write and pronounce correctly. It implies that using short texts are good

material to improve students‟ vocabulary mastery and also improve students‟

learning activity during teaching learning process. The short texts made the

students easier in understanding the form and the meaning of the words. Through

short texts, students were also encouraged to practice their ability in reading,

writing and pronouncing correctly.

In teaching English using short texts, the teacher should choose

appropriate techniques, materials, and media. It is conducted by English teacher

to make the students‟ more interested and more active in teaching-learning

process and to avoid the boredom. The teacher could use “listen and repeat”, read

and write”, “listen, say, and write”, question and answer”. Then, the teacher also

can use the visual techniques such as mime and gesture and verbal techniques

such as verbal explanation, synonyms and definition, antonyms in teaching

vocabulary to the students. The students suggest using dictionary in translating

the words. The teacher can also conduct an oral test to make the students more

motivated and attracted in teaching-learning process.

Beside the appropriate techniques, the teacher should have to choose the

appropriate materials and media to teach vocabulary. The material in this case is

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short texts. The short texts have to contain new and old information to the

students. The genre that is used is narrative. It is suitable with the material that

used in the second year of junior high school. The materials have to appropriate

with the syllabus that used in that school. The students can find the difficult

words and their meaning, and then make analyses of the stories by their own

words. It makes the students understand the stories well. By implementing short

texts using appropriate techniques and materials, there is an improvement of

students‟ vocabulary mastery of the second year of SMP 5 Sukoharjo in the

academic year of 2009/2010.

C. Suggestion

After carrying out the researcher and obtaining the conclusion, the

researcher would like to propose some suggestion directed to the English teacher,

students, other researcher, and for school.

1. English teacher

The English teachers should learn the characteristics of the students

in order to know exactly what they need and what problems they faced on

their development. By understanding those points, the teacher could choose

the most suitable method, techniques, and materials in improving the

students‟ motivation in learning English based on certain condition.

Besides, the English teachers should create an interesting and

enjoyable situation of teaching learning process. Students will be easy in

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learning when the situation is interesting for them and the students will more

enthusiastic. It also would avoid the boredom.

2. Students

An instructional process will not be successful if students are not

maximally involved in it. The students have to be more active and motivated

to learn English. The students not only can study English in the class but also

can study everywhere and every time. They can practice English in their

daily life.

3. Other researcher

This study is just one of efforts in improving students‟ vocabulary. It

is expected that the finding of this study will be used as a starting point of the

future research on similar problems. There are many other method,

techniques, and materials of teaching English of Junior High School students

that can be taken as objects of research to find out the effectiveness of


4. School

The institution should state a policy in improving the quality of the

teaching English for children. It should encourage the English teacher to be

creative to use various method, techniques or materials. It should also be

facilitated with various media supporting the teaching activity.

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