english verb adjective adverbs

ADVERBS Definition Adverbs An adverb is a word/a set of words that modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. It tells when, where, and how an action is performed or indicates the quality or degree of the action. Example 1 The manager spoke confidently. The word confidently is an adverb that describes or modifies the verb ‘spoke’ Example 2 The dancer danced gracefully. The adverb in this sentence is gracefully, which describes or modifies the verb ‘danced’. Kinds of adverbs Definition Examples 1. Adverbs of Manner This kind of adverb describes the manner by which something was done or something happened. Adverbs of manner answer the question “How?” The boy is shouting loudly. Please, handle the camera carefully. Mike is walking slowly. 2. Adverbs of Place Adverbs of place tell us where something happens or where someone goes. It simply answers the question “Where?” Alisha went to Sweden yesterday. She will stay there for 5 days. The peon ran downstairs to ring the bell. 3. Adverbs of Time Adverbs that tell us when Samantha came here yesterday. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTOR – 5 B.S.CITY STD-5 E-CONTENT FOR THE PERIOD 29 NOV TO 3 DEC 2021 E-CONTENT FOR THE WEEK: 29 Nov to 3 Dec 2021 ENGLISH

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Adverbs An adverb is a word/a set of words that modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. It tells when, where, and how an action is performed or indicates the quality or degree of the action.

Example 1 The manager spoke confidently.

The word confidently is an adverb that describes or modifies the verb ‘spoke’

Example 2 The dancer danced gracefully.

The adverb in this sentence is gracefully, which describes or modifies the verb ‘danced’.

Kinds of adverbs Definition Examples

1. Adverbs of Manner

This kind of adverb describes the manner by which something was done or something happened. Adverbs of manner answer the question “How?”

The boy is shouting loudly. Please, handle the camera carefully. Mike is walking slowly.

2. Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place tell us where something happens or where someone goes. It simply answers the question “Where?”

Alisha went to Sweden yesterday. She will stay there for 5 days. The peon ran downstairs to ring the bell.

3. Adverbs of Time

Adverbs that tell us when

Samantha came here yesterday.




SECTOR-5, B.S. CITY Std -5 E-CONTENT FOR THE WEEK: 29 Nov to 3 Dec 2021



Page 2: ENGLISH Verb Adjective ADVERBS

4. Adverbs of Reason

an action is done. These adverbs answer the question WHY

We will play the match tomorrow. He did not run fast, therefore ,he lost the race.

5.Adverbs of Frequency

6. Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of frequency let us know how often the verb occurs. Like again, always, never etc. They answer the question HOW MUCH or in WHAT DEGREE

I always read a book before going to bed. He often goes to swim. She usually shops at the Korean market . She is quite intelligent. I am fully prepared.

Examples: 1. The child cried bitterly. 2. The baby cried loudly. 3. We played cards yesterday. 4. They held a meeting there. Examples : 1.Yesterday we went to the zoo. 2. Now we will play an interesting game.



Adverbs of manner, place and time are placed after the verb or even after the object.

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Examples:- i) The postman never delivers the letters on time. ii) I quite agree with you. iii) The teacher gently encouraged him. iv) They have just left.

EXAMPLES:- i) Raima is very beautiful. ii) She could answer all the questions quite easily.

LET US DO IT 1. Underline the adverbs in the following sentences. a. The two brothers embraced each other warmly.

Adverbs of frequency ( always, never, often etc)


Sometimes adverbs of manner

Are placed between the subject and the verb.

When an adverb

modifies an adjective or

another verb , it is

placed before the

adjective or the adverb.

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b. I shall come back soon. c. John never eats junk food. d. What are you doing tomorrow? e. It is raining outside. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs. e.g. Maya is happy. She sang happily. a. The gardener is very sincere . He works________. b. Her English is fluent. She speaks English _______. c. Mother was angry. She spoke to us______ . d. My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives ________. e. His paintings are beautiful. He paints _________. . 3. Do pages number 98 and 99 of your grammar book.


Read the passage carefully.

Puppetry is an ancient form of theatre and entertainment practised

mostly in rural India. It is an art which thrills children as well as

adults. Puppetry is the combination of several art forms like sculpture,

painting, designing, acting, writing and music. A large variety of raw

material is used to create puppets. The famous puppets of Rajasthan

are made out of wood and are known as Kathputli. Leather, papier-

mache and stuffed cloth are also frequently used. Puppets may also be

classified according to the methods of manipulating them , that is the

means used by the puppeteer to make the puppets move, for example

hand puppets , rod puppets and shadow theatre. In India, puppets are

regarded as holy and closely associated with God.

A . Now, answer the following questions.

a) What are the raw materials used to make puppets?

b) What is puppetry?

B. From the passage, find the synonyms for the following word.

a) makes one happy

C. From the passage, find the antonym for the following word.

a) urban


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Delhi Public School

Session:2021-2022 Econtent (29-11-21 to 03-12-21)

Class:5 Subject: Mathematics Lesson: Triangle


a) Angle Sum Property

b) Side Property

Angle Sum Property

The sum of all angles of a triangle is 180o.

For example: In the above triangle, <P + <Q + <R =180o.

Side Property

The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater

than the length of the third side.

So, in triangle ABC, we have: AB + BC > AC

AB + AC > BC

AC + BC > AB

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In the above diagram,

AB + BC = 4.5 cm + 5 cm = 9.5 cm

AC = 6 cm

So, AB + BC > AC as 9.5 cm > 6 cm.

Similarly, AB + AC > BC

AC + BC > AB

Let us solve few questions based on these properties:

Q1. Two angles of a triangle are 60o and 75o. Find the third angle.

Solution: Let the 3rd angle be xo

Then by angle sum property,

60o +75o + xo =180o

135o + xo =180o

xo = 180o - 135o

xo =45o

Q2. Two equal angles of an Isosceles triangle are 70o each.

Find the third angle.

Solution: Let the 3rd angle be xo

Then by angle sum property,

70o +70o + xo =180o

140o + xo =180o

xo = 180o - 140o

xo =40o

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Q3. Find the measure of the equal angles of an Isosceles

triangle if its unequal angle is 80o.

Solution: Let the measure of each equal angle be = xo

Then by angle sum property of triangle:

xo + xo + 80o =180o

2 xo = 180o - 80o

xo = 100o÷ 2

xo = 50o

Q4. If ∆PQR is an equilateral triangle, find each of its angles. Solution: Let <P=<Q=<R= xo

Then xo + xo + xo = 180o

3 xo = 180o

xo = 180o÷ 3

xo = 60o

Q5. In a right angled triangle, one acute angle is 30o. Find the

other acute angle.

Solution: Let the other acute angle be xo.

Then by angle sum property of triangle

90o + 30o + xo = 180o

xo = 180o – 120o

xo = 60o Q6. Is it possible to construct a triangle with sides of lengths

3 cm , 4 cm and 5 cm?

Solution: We know that 3cm + 4cm > 5cm

3cm + 5cm > 4cm

and 4cm + 5cm > 3cm.

Since, the sum of the lengths of any two sides of this triangle

is greater than the third side, it is possible to construct this


Q7. Is it possible to construct a triangle with sides of lengths

13 cm, 4 cm and 17 cm?

Solution: Since, the sum of the lengths of two sides is not greater than the third side, this triangle cannot be constructed.

13cm + 4cm = 17cm

Q8. Is it possible to construct a triangle with sides 4 cm, 8 cm

and 3 cm?

Solution: Since, 4cm + 3cm < 8cm

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This triangle can not be constructed as it does not follow the

side property.

Q9. Is it possible to construct a triangle with the given angles:

40o , 60o and 80o?

Solution: Since the sum of 40o +60o+80o=180o, hence the

triangle can be constructed as it follows the angle sum


Q10. Is it possible to construct a triangle with the given

angles: 140o, 20o and 75o?

Solution: Since the sum of 140o +20o+75o=235o is not equal to 180o, hence the triangle can’t be constructed as it does not

follow angle sum property.


Complete Ex 13 A of your book Together with

Mathematics Buzz!!


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Delhi Public School

Bokaro Steel City

Session-2021-22, Subject-General Science

Class-V E-content Date-29/11/2021 to 03/12/2021

Ls-11 Atmosphere (Contd….)

Properties of Air-

Properties of Air

1.Air is colourless, tasteless

and odourless.

2. Air has weight.

3. Air occupies space. 4. Air exerts pressure.

5. Hot air rises up.

6. Hot air expands.

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Uses of Air

1) Air is needed for breathing.

2) Air is needed for burning.

3) Air is filled in tyres , pillows etc., to allow flexibility.

4) Air is filled in rubber boats to help them float on water.

5) Air is filled in football to give it shape, Keep it light and

soft enough to kick.

6) Air cools engines by absorbing and taking away the heat

produced in them.

7) Wind is a form of energy. It turns the blades of windmills

to generate electricity.

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Measures to Check Air Pollution

1. Burning of garbage in the open

should be avoided.

2. Plant more and more trees.

3. Vehicles should use CNG

(Compressed Natural Gas) instead of

petrol or diesel.

4. Bursting of firecrackers should be


5. Regular pollution check of vehicles

also keeps air pollution under control.

6. Use smoke scrubbers in factories to

clean the smoke coming out of the


Air Pressure-

Air pressure is measured with an

instrument called barometer.

The change in the air pressure causes

air to move.


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Uses of Air Pressure

1. Medicine dropper and an injection syringe

works because of air pressure.

2. Air pressure forces liquid through a siphon.

3. While drinking through a straw we make

use of air pressure.

4. Air pressure can also be used to make a


5. Playing musical wind instruments.

6. Air pressure helps us to fill fountain pens.


I) Give one word for the following:-

1) The harmful substances that make our environment dirty and cause


2) An instrument which is used for measuring the air pressure.

3)A gas which we need for breathing.

II) Fill in the blanks :-

1) Vehicles should use ____________instead of petrol or diesel to

reduce pollution.

2) The change in the ________ causes air to move.

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III) Answer the following questions:-

Q-1 Define pollution.

Ans-1 The presence of harmful substances in our environment is called


Q-2 List any five uses of air. Ans-2 Any five uses of air are – i)Air is needed for breathing. All living things need air to survive. ii)Air is needed for burning. We cannot light a fire without oxygen.

iii) Wind is a form of energy. It turns the blades of windmills to generate

electricity. Wind also helps in moving sailboats across water.

iv) Air cools engines by absorbing and taking away the heat produced in them.

v)Air is filled in tyres , pillows, etc., to allow flexibility.

Q-3 How do we make use of air pressure? (Any four points)

Ans-3 We make use of air pressure in many ways in our daily life :-

i)The fountain-pen is filled with ink in the same way. Pressing the rubber

tube drives the air out. This allows air pressure to push the ink into the pen.

ii) Medicine dropper works because of air pressure.

iii)An injection syringe also works because of air pressure. When the handle is

pulled out, air pressure pushes the medicine into the empty space in the syringe.

iv) While drinking through a straw we make use of air pressure.

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Q-4 Write any five properties of air.

Ans-4 Any five properties of air are :-

i) Air is colourless , odourless and tasteless.

ii) Air occupies space.

iii) Air has weight.

iv) Hot air rises up.

v) Air exerts pressure.


Q-1 How does medicine enter in a dropper?

Ans-1 When you squeeze the rubber top on the dropper you squeeze the air out. Then when you put the tip into the liquid and stop squeezing the top, the low pressure inside sucks up the liquid. In fact it is the higher pressure outside the dropper, in the liquid, that pushes the liquid up into the dropper.


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Read and learn lesson – 36 and 37 of your GK book “GOOD


****Copy down the GK econtent in a thin copy.

1. The national game of United States is ______.

Ans:- Baseball

2. Table tennis is the national game of _____.

Ans:- China.

3. The national game of Japan is ______.

Ans:- Sumo wrestling.

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4. Ice hockey is the national game of _______.

Ans;- Canada.

5. What is the national game of Australia?

Ans:- Cricket.

6. The national game of Bhutan is ______.

Ans:- Archery.

7. Football is the national game of ______ .

Ans:- Mauritius.

8. Identify the sport associated with these symbols:-

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Weight lifting

9. How many Vir Chakra were awarded during Gallantry

Awards 2021 conferred by President Ram Nath Kovind

on November 22- 23, 2021?

Ans:- SIX.








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FOR THEWEEK 29.11.21 TO 03.12.21




MS-EXCEL (Contd.)

Till now we have learnt about the different common formula in MS EXCEL ,now we will discuss one more important formula that is ‘to find percentage’.


The percentage is calculated as the proportion per hundred. In other words,the numerator is divided by the denominator and the result is multiplied by100.

The percentage formula in Excel is

=(Numerator/Denominator) *100

The following table shows the subject-wise marks of 6 students in a school.Since the results pertain to the annual examinations, the maximum marks ofevery subject are 100.

We have to calculate the percentage of marks for all students.

The steps to calculate percentages in Excel are listed as follows:

1. Calculate the total marks obtained by the students. For this, the marksof every subject are added.

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2. Drag the formula of cell H2 to get the total marks obtained by allstudents. The output is shown in the following image.

3.Divide the total marks by 600. The values of the “total marks” columnbecome the numerator. Since the number of subjects is 6, the maximummarks are 600 (100*6=600). This becomes the denominator.

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3. Apply the following formula.

Percentage=(Marks scored/Total marks)*100.

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Prepare a marksheet for 25 students and include the PERCENTAGEcolumn to find the percentage of the individual student.

