english for tourists

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ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: At the airport 2 (At the check-in desk)

Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation at the airport:

CHECK-IN WORKER: Hello. Where are you flying today?

YOU: Hi, ________________ to London, England.I flyto flyI'm flying

CHECK-IN WORKER: Can I see your ticket and your passport, please?

YOU: Sure. Here's my passport. And here's my ________________.papere-ticketonline purchase

CHECK-IN WORKER: Thank you. Would you like a window seat?

YOU: No, I'd like an ________________ seat please.aisleisolatedopen passage

CHECK-IN WORKER: OK, and is all this luggage yours?

YOU: These ________________ are mine.two luggagestwo bagstwo baggages

CHECK-IN WORKER: All right. One of your bags is overweight... I'm going to have to charge you for the excess weight.

YOU: I see. How much ________________ do I have to pay? And can I pay by credit card?cashoverextra

CHECK-IN WORKER: $30 dollars more, sir, and yes, we do accept credit cards. ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: At the airport 3 (At the check-in desk)

Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation at the airport:

CHECK-IN WORKER: Hi. Where are you flying today?

YOU: Hi, I'm flying to Miami, but I need a ticket... Can I ________________ here?buygetbuy one

CHECK-IN WORKER: No, you'll have to go to the ticket counter... That's over in terminal 3.

YOU: How _________________?do I get theredo I come to itcan I be there

CHECK-IN WORKER: You can walk there. The terminals are connected. Just turn right and go all the way to end of this terminal and you'll be in Terminal 3.


YOU: Hi there. I ________________ a ticket here?told me that I canwill buywas told I could buy

TICKET COUNTER WORKER: Yes you can. Where to?

YOU: I need a ticket to Miami, please, for today _______________.perhapsif possiblecan be

TICKET COUNTER WORKER: All right.... Yes, I can get you on the flight at 7:00 PM tonight, which arrives in Miami at 10:00 PM. This ticket is $650.

YOU: Do you have anything ________________?lesscheaperso expensive

TICKET COUNTER WORKER: No, not on such short notice, sir. That's the lowest price I can get you for today or tomorrow.

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: AT THE AIRPORT: What's wrong? (Telling someone about a problem/about what's wrong)

Write the correct word (from the list on the right) to complete each of the following sentences: gatebottlepassmobilewalletdelayedmoneyflightbagspagePrincipio del formulario1) I lost my and all my money was inside it.

2) I missed my .

3) I can't find my husband. Can you him?

4) I can't find my departure .

5) The airline lost one of my .

6) I don't have enough to buy a sandwich.

7) They won't let me take my of water on the plane.

8) I lost my boarding .

9) My flight has been for three hours.

10) Is there a public phone here? My ( = cellphone) isn't working.


Choose the correct QUESTION for the ANSWER that's given. What did the person ask to get this answer?

1) ANSWER: No, you'll have to transfer either in Chicago or Kansas City. QUESTION:Are there any direct flights to Dallas?How much is a ticket to Dallas?How long does the flight to Dallas take?

2) ANSWER: It's right there, next to that restaurant. QUESTION:How early should I check in?How much do I have to pay for the extra bag?Where's the lost-and-found office?

3) ANSWER: I'm sorry, this bathroom is being cleaned. QUESTION:Can I go into the bathroom?Where can I get a coffee around here?Where's the ticket office?

4) ANSWER:$75. QUESTION:Where's the lost-and-found office?How much do I have to pay for the extra bag?How long is the delay?

5) ANSWER: 2 hours. QUESTION:How long is the delay?Has the flight been cancelled?What time is it?

6) ANSWER: At 2:00 PM. QUESTION:How long is the delay?When does the flight to Bangkok leave?What time is it?

7) ANSWER: No, this is the arrival area. QUESTION:Is this the departures area?Is this the arrivals area?Is this the lost-and-found office?

8) ANSWER: It's $10 per 24 hours. QUESTION:Where are the lockers?How much does a locker cost?Where are the luggage carousels?

9) ANSWER: It was. The gate has been changed to 44D. QUESTION:Can I buy a ticket here?How long is the delay?Is this the gate for flight 234 to Madrid?

10) ANSWER: You can bring one small bag on the plane with you. QUESTION:How much carry-on luggage am I allowed?How many bags can I check?Where can I pay for the extra bag?Final del formulario

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: ON THE PLANE: Speaking with flight attendants/passengers 1

Choose the correct, most natural-sounding responses according to the context of the conversation:

YOU: Could I get another _____________, please? I'm a little cold.Cokeblanketmagazine

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Certainly, sir. Would you like a pillow as well?

YOU: No, thanks. But could you please bring me a ________________? Cokeliquidsoft

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Sure, would you like ice in that?

YOU: Yes, please... Oh! Could you also lend me a pen to ________________ this immigration form?writefill outmake

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: I don't have one on me right now, but I'll get one for you.

(THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT COMES BACK WITH YOUR DRINK AND A PEN) YOU: Thanks. Do you know when we will we be ________________?landingon landgrounding

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: In about 2 hours.

YOU: What's the ________________ in Seattle right now?degreeshottemperature

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: I'm not sure... I'll check with the pilot.

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: ON THE PLANE: Speaking with flight attendants/passengers 2 | Common terms/phrases

Choose the correct, most natural-sounding responses according to the context of the conversation:

YOU: Excuse me, would it be possible to ________________ seats with someone? My wife and I would like to sit together.alterinterchangeswitch/change

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Certainly, sir. For now, please take your seat, and once the plane takes off, I'll help you with that.

YOU: Thank you. Could you help me put this bag in the ________________ compartment?upoverheadhigh

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Sure... there you go.


YOU: I'm sorry, I think you're ________________. sitting wronga mistakein my seat

OTHER PASSENGER: Oh, let me check my boarding ________________... Yes, I'm sorry, my mistake.passpassportdocument

YOU: No problem. I'm going to _________________ anyway. My wife and I would like to sit together.transfermovetrade

OTHER PASSENGER: Oh, well, I can switch places with your wife. That way you two can sit together.

YOU: Really? That would be great! Thanks a lot.

English for tourists topic: ON THE PLANE: What's wrong? (Talking about problems, etc.)

Write the correct word (from the list on the right) to complete each of the following sentences: penwaterblanketstretchlavatorieslighticeheadphonesfoldnauseousPrincipio del formulario1) I'm cold. Could I get a ?

2) These don't work. I can't hear the movie.

3) I'm thirsty. Could I get some ?

4) I feel . I don't want to eat.

5) Are the occupied?

6) My back hurts from sitting. I need to .

7) No in my drink, please.

8) I want to read, but my doesn't work.

9) This seat won't back.

10) Could I get a to fill out this form? Final del formulario


Choose the correct, most natural-sounding responses according to the context of the conversation:

BORDER GUARD: Welcome to the United States. Where do you live?

YOU: ______________.GermanyI'm GermanI was born in Germany

BORDER GUARD: And what's the purpose of your visit to the United States.

YOU: I'm going to _______________ my brother. He lives in Boston.look atvisitview

BORDER GUARD: How long do you plan to stay in Boston?

YOU: _______________ two weeks. AlsoAlongAbout

BORDER GUARD: And what do you do back home?

YOU: _______________? I don't understand...WherePardon meToo fast

BORDER GUARD: Your job... what do you do?

YOU: Oh, I'm a high-school _______________. I teach Physics and Chemistry.teacherstudentlearner

ENGLISH/TOURISM topic: CUSTOMS/IMMIGRATION - Questions and answers 1

Choose the correct QUESTION for the ANSWER that's given. What did the customs officer/immigration officer ask to get this answer?

1) ANSWER: About two weeks. QUESTION:How long do you plan to stay in Australia?Where will you be staying in Australia?Have you ever been here before?

2) ANSWER: Yes, I was here for about two weeks last year. QUESTION:How long do you plan to stay in Canada?Where will you be staying in Canada?Have you ever been here before?

3) ANSWER: I'm here on vacation. QUESTION:What's the purpose of your visit?How long will you be staying in the United States?Do you plan to work here?

4) ANSWER: Sure. QUESTION:How many bags do you have?Could you open this bag for me?What's the purpose of your trip?

5) ANSWER: No, I'm travelling with my wife and two daughters. QUESTION:Are you travelling alone?Could you open this suitcase for me??What's the purpose of your visit?

6) ANSWER: Yes, my brother lives here. QUESTION:Are you travelling alone?Do you have any family here in the United States?How long does the tour last?

7) ANSWER: No, nothing. QUESTION:Do you have anything to declare?Do you need an interpreter?Are these your bags?

8) ANSWER: I'm here on business. QUESTION:Do you need an interpreter?What's the purpose of your visit?Are you importing any fruits or vegetables?

9) ANSWER: No, I'm not. QUESTION:Could I see your passport?Do you have anything to declare?Are you importing any fruits or vegetables?

10) ANSWER: I'm a web designer. QUESTION:What's your line of work?Did you fill out the customs form?What's the purpose of your visit?

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: At the hotel - General vocabulary 1

Write the correct word to complete each of the following sentences. Choose from the following options: changed, upfront, view, exchange, bring, noisy, free, mini, locked, reception.

Principio del formularioCan you get someone to our bags to our room?

Are the sheets every day?

We didn't take anything from the -bar.

I my key in my room.

Do I leave the key at the desk?

Do I have to pay ( = in advance) ?

Is there somewhere I can money around here?

The fan is really . Can I turn it off?

Is this service , or do I have to pay for it?

The is fantastic. We can see the whole city! ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: At the hotel - General vocabulary 2

Write the correct word to complete each of the following sentences. Choose from the following options: sheets, cost, maker, service, included, room, control, safe, call, comfortable.

Principio del formularioCan I get a wake-up at 6:30 AM?

Our (bed) are dirty. Could you please change them?

How much does it to make a call to Brazil?

The coffee- doesn't work.

Is breakfast in the price?

Do you have room ?

The remote- doesn't work.

What's the combination for the ?

This is too noisy.

Our bed is very .

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: Restaurant related words/phrases 1 (Seating)

Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation:

HOSTESS: Hi and welcome to Roberto's. Do you have a reservation?

YOU: No, we don't. Do you have _____________ this evening?tables waitingsomewhere to sit downany free tables

HOSTESS: Yes, we do... for 2?

YOU: No, for 4 please. Some friends will be _____________ us.eatingjoiningsitting

HOSTESS: Right this way, please. (SHOWS YOU A TABLE)

YOU: Could we get a table ____________ ?by the windowwindowwith window

HOSTESS: I'm sorry, but all those tables are reserved tonight...

YOU: Could you please double ____________ for us? Those tables are really nice.inspectcheckresearch

HOSTESS: Certainly. I'll be back in a second... You're in luck! Someone just cancelled their reservation!

YOU: That's great! Thank you very much _______________. helpfor the researchfor your helpFinal del formularioFinal del formulario

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: Restaurant related words/phrases 2 (Ordering)

Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation:

WAITER: Hi and welcome to Roberto's. Are you ready to order?

YOU: Not yet, _____________, pleasegive us a secondmore timemore time is needed

WAITER: No problem. I'll be back in a couple of minutes.... (AFTER A COUPLE OF MINUTES) What would you like to order?

YOU: How big are your _____________?foodsportionsplates

WAITER: Very big, you'll definitely get full :)

YOU: Perfect. And what does each order _____________ ( = include)?come tocome bycome with

WAITER: Each order includes fries or a salad.

YOU: OK. ____________ the chicken breast, and for my wife... the trout.Bring meI'll haveGet

WAITER: Great. And would you like fries or salad with that?

YOU: Fries _____________ and a salad for my wife. for meI will haveme

WAITER: All right. I'll be right back with your order.

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: Restaurant related words/phrases - Conversation 3 (Ordering)

Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation:

WAITER: Would you like something to drink?

YOU: Yes, _____________ do you have?beerI'll have a beerwhat kind of beer

WAITER: We have Budweiser, Miller, and Rolling Rock in bottles.

YOU: One Rolling Rock and one Budweiser, please... oh, and a _____________ of water.glassplatevase

WAITER: Alright. And... are you guys ready to order food, or should I give you couple of minutes?

YOU: We're ready. One ____________ of the grilled calamari, and one _____________ of the fried shrimp, please.numberitemorder

WAITER: And would you like fries with that?

YOU: Can we get a salad ____________?stillinsteadinside

WAITER: Yes... or for $1 more you can get both...

YOU: Perfect, let's ________________. Fries and salad with both. dodo thatmake it

WAITER: It shouldn't take too long.

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: Restaurant related words/phrases 4 (Ordering)

Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation:

WAITER: Are you ready to order?

YOU: Yes, we can't decide... what do you _____________?saydeciderecommend

WAITER: Well, our specialty is the Seafood Platter... it includes four different kinds of seafood...

YOU: Oh, no, I can't eat that... I'm _____________ to seafood! Anything else?allergicallergyan allergy

WAITER: Hmm... Well, the Grilled Chicken is also quite good.

YOU: Perfect, we'll have two orders of that. It's not too _____________, is it?mildcoldspicy

WAITER: No, it's pretty mild. And what would you like to drink?

YOU: What kind of ____________ do you have?waterjuicedrinks

WAITER: Orange, mango, and pineapple.

YOU: Two pineapple juices please. Oh... and an ___________.ashashtrayash plate

WAITER: I'm sorry, but smoking is not allowed in the restaurant.

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: Restaurant related words/phrases 7 (Finishing a meal/paying)

Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation:

WAITER: Can I get you anything else?

YOU: _____________ check/bill, please.Only aThe onlyJust the

WAITER: Sure. I'll be right back with that... Did you want to pay separately?

YOU: No, you can _____________ on one check/bill.everythingput it allwrite for

WAITER: (BRINGS THE CHECK) There you go. Thanks.

YOU: Excuse me, do we pay here or _____________?cashnear the cash registerat the cash register

WAITER: You can pay me.

YOU: OK, and the _____________ isn't included in the check, correct?tiptapetipper

WAITER: No, sir, it isn't.

YOU: (YOU GIVE THE MONEY TO THE WAITER) There you go. Thanks. You've been very ______________.helphelpfulhelpless

ENGLISH/TOURISM topic: At the bar - Ordering drinks 1

Choose the correct, most natural-sounding responses according to the context of the conversation:

BARTENDER: What can I get you?

YOU: Hi. What beer do you have ______________? in a barrelin a flowon tap

BARTENDER: Miller and Foster's.

YOU: I'll have a Foster's, please. Can I run a _____________? latertabpayment

BARTENDER: No, you'll have to pay as you go.

YOU: No problem. How much ______________?paymentcashdo I owe you

BARTENDER: $2 dollars, please.

YOU: Wow! That's ____________!cheaplesstrivial

BARTENDER: It's happy hour. Draught beer is half price until 8:00 PM.

YOU: Great! And do you _______________ food here? giveserveoffer

BARTENDER: Only bar snacks... Would you like some peanuts?

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: SHOPPING/BUYING THINGS | Typical conversation practice 1

Choose the correct, most natural-sounding responses according to the context of the conversation:

CLERK: Can I help you find something?

YOU: Yes, do you have this dress in _____________?biggerlargera bigger size

CLERK: What size are you looking for?

YOU: Size 6... But if you have a size 8, I'll _______________ as well.try it ontry totry for it

CLERK: OK, let me check in the back... (COMES BACK) There you go... I found the dress in a size 8...

YOU: Thanks. Where are your ____________ rooms?fittingtryingdressing

CLERK: Just around the corner... Let me know if you need anything else.


CLERK: So how did that fit?

CLERK: Not too good... I think I need a ____________ size.lesssmallernot so big

CLERK: That's the smallest size we have in that color... Would you like me to look for another color?

YOU: No, I like this color... Thanks ____________.anytimeanywayalways

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: SHOPPING/BUYING THINGS | Typical conversation practice 2

Choose the correct, most natural-sounding responses according to the context of the conversation:

STORE CLERK: Can I help you find something?

YOU: Yes, does this scarf _____________ in yellow?arrivehavecome

STORE CLERK: No we don't have it in yellow... only in black, red, and orange.

YOU: Oh, OK. And it's _______________, right?being soldon saleon discount

STORE CLERK: Yes, it is. All our scarves and hats are 20% off today and tomorrow.

YOU: And ____________ the gloves?whatwhat ifwhat about

STORE CLERK: They're normal price.

YOU: These gloves don't have a ____________. How much are they?price tagpaperinformation

STORE CLERK: Those are... $15.99.

YOU: OK, I'll ____________... Could you wrap them up for me? They're a present.taketake thempurchaseEnglish for tourists topic: BUYING TICKETS (train/bus tickets) - Questions and answers

Choose the correct QUESTION for the ANSWER that's given. What did the person ask to get this answer?

1) ANSWER: It's the standard charge for the seat reservation. QUESTION:Why did you charge me 5 more?Did you give me back my change?Do I have to change trains?

2) ANSWER: No, only regular seats. QUESTION:How much is the ticket?Do this train have sleeper seats?Do I have to change trains?

3) ANSWER: Yes, it's 10% cheaper if you have you International Student Card. QUESTION:Can I get a student discount?Is there a discount for seniors?Is there another train to London today?

4) ANSWER: No, it's a direct train. QUESTION:Do this train have sleeper seats?How much is the ticket?Do I have to change trains?

5) ANSWER: No, we'll put them in the bus' baggage compartment. QUESTION:Did you find my bag?Do I have to bring my bags on the bus?Is this the only bus station in this city?

6) ANSWER: Yes, there are three stops before the station. QUESTION:Is this the only bus station in this city?Are there any buses going to Charleston today?Does the bus stop anywhere before the central bus station?

7) ANSWER: Yes, if it's not expired you'll get 70% of the ticket price back. QUESTION:Can I get a refund ( = money back) for an unused ticket?Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket in advance?Do you have a schedule I could look at?

8) ANSWER: If you buy your ticket one week in advance, it'll be 20% cheaper. QUESTION:Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket in advance?Can I get a refund ( = money back) for an unused ticket?Do you have a schedule I could look at?

9) ANSWER: Yes, there's one at 10:00 AM, and another at 5:45 PM. QUESTION:Can I get off before the central bus station?Are there any buses going to Charleston today?Is this the only bus station in town?

10) ANSWER: No, they leave from Victoria Station. QUESTION:How much is a ticket to Brussels?How long is the trip to Brussels?Do trains to Brussels leave from this station?

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: Transportation/General vocabulary (Q + A) 2

Write the LETTER of the response (from the list on the right) to each of the following questions/comments. Choose the best, most logical response: a: No, you have to transfer in Birmingham.b: Yes, you can, but all refunds are subject to a 10% administrative fee.c: No, I'm sorry, that flight is fully booked.d: Yes, but there's a $100 charge for transporting pets.e: No, you have to go to one of the counters around the corner.f: You'll have to go to the "lost luggage" section upstairs.g: Children under 5 years old travel free of charge.h: No, I'm sorry, that bag is too big to bring aboard.i: Yes, there's a 10% discount if you have an International Student Cardj: No, it's 15 minutes late.Principio del formulario1. Can I bring my cat on the flight if she's in a carrier?

2. Can I get one ticket for the 9:00 PM flight to New York City?

3. How much is the ticket for my four year old son?

4. Is there a student discount?

5. Can I return this ticket?

6. Is the train to Glasgow on time?

7. My bag didn't arrive with my flight.

8. Can I bring this bag on the bus with me?

9. Is this a direct train to Coventry?

10. Is this the line for Singapore Airlines?

English travel phrases (practice exercise) topic: DRIVING 1 (At the gas station)

Choose the correct, most natural-sounding responses according to the context of the conversation:

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: What can I do for you.

YOU: Fill it up, please... Hey, ______________ is Philadelphia from here?how longhow farwhere

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: It's about 100 miles from here.

YOU: What's ______________ to get there?the best waybesta way

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: Take the 95. That will take you all the way to Philadelphia.

YOU: Thanks. Is the 95 a ______________ highway?payingtollcash

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: No, it's free. Would you like me to clean your windshield?

YOU: Yes, please... And could you check my _____________ as well?oilliquidcontainer

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: All right... All done. That'll be $46.75.

YOU: Here you go. _____________.Keep the moneyKeep it for yourselfKeep the change


Match the following definitions with the following words: guide, zoo, bridge, castle, bus, landmark, cruise, discount, museum, amusement park.

Principio del formularioA building that is historically important =

A structure that spans a river =

A place where animals are kept =

A vehicle that is used for transportation (on land) =

A place with rides, shows, and other entertainment =

A person who tells you about the importance of historic buildings, etc. =

A reduction in the price of a ticket =

A voyage (usually as a holiday/vacation) on a ship =

A place where one can see art =

A solid structure that was usually fortified against an attack = .

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS Sightseeing | Typical questions and answers 1

Choose the correct QUESTION for the ANSWER that's given. What did the person ask to get this answer?

1) ANSWER: 1927. QUESTION:When was this building constructed?Who painted this?What time does the tour start?

2) ANSWER: Leonardo Da Vinci. QUESTION:What year is this painting from?Who painted this?How long does the tour last?

3) ANSWER: Two hours. QUESTION:How long does the tour last?What year is this painting from?What time does the tour start?

4) ANSWER: I'm sorry, but pets are not allowed. QUESTION:How much are tickets for children?How long does the tour last?Can I bring my dog on the bus?

5) ANSWER: $14 dollars. QUESTION:What time do you close today?How much are tickets for children?Can I bring my dog on the tour?

6) ANSWER: It's the old courthouse. QUESTION:Do you have guided tours?How long does the tour last?What is this building?

7) ANSWER: No, we have them in English only. QUESTION:Do you have these brochures in Japanese?Do you speak Japanese?Do you have guided tours?

8) ANSWER: From the corner or Washington St. and 6th Ave. QUESTION:Where does the tour depart from?What's this neighborhood called?How much is the tour?

9) ANSWER: Yes, you can, it's in the back. QUESTION:Can you take a photo of us?Can I use your restroom?Do you speak Spanish?

10) ANSWER: Sure. QUESTION:Where are the restrooms?When does the next boat-tour begin?Can you take a photo of us?Final del formularioFinal del formulario

ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS topic: SIGHTSEEING: Common terms/expressions

Write the correct word to complete each sightseeing-related question in English:

Principio del formulario1. Is this painting (by/from) Picasso?

2. Can you (take/make) a photo of me?

3. Are the restrooms in the (deep/back) ?

4. Is this map (free/priceless) ?

5. When does the next tour (start/starting) ?

6. Is there a (sale/discount) for seniors?

7. Is there a tourist (knowledge/information) center around here?

8. Do you have any (bilingual/bi-language) brochures?

9. Is the museum (open/working) on Mondays?

10. Do you have an (ear/audio) guide?


Choose the correct, most natural-sounding responses according to the context of the conversation:

TOM SIKORSKI: Hi, How are you?

YOU: Good, thanks. How are you? Are you also _____________ at this hotel?stayingtravelingsleeping

TOM SIKORSKI: Yes, my wife and I are staying here. Where are you from?

YOU: I'm from Japan. _____________ ?What are youWhat about youWhere are you

TOM SIKORSKI: I'm from Poland. How do you like Miami?

YOU: I ____________ very much. The weather is fantastic!enjoyam lovelylike it

TOM SIKORSKI: Yes, it is. Are you traveling alone?

YOU: No, I'm here with my wife ____________.equalas wellequally

TOM SIKORSKI: Well, it was nice to meet you. My name is Tom, by the way...

YOU: Nice to meet you, Tom. I'm Hiro. Enjoy ____________ of your stay! the restthe remainswhat's left

TOM SIKORSKI: Thanks, Hiro. Take care! Final del formulario


Choose the correct words/phrases to correctly complete the following QUESTION and ANSWER pairs:

1) Q: Do I keep going _________________? A: No, you have to turn at the next intersection.straightleft

2) Q: Do I turn right at the next set of lights? A: No, turn _________________.straightleft

3) Q: Is it too far to walk there? A: Yes, you'll have to take a _________________.buswalk

4) Q: Can you show me where it is on the _________________? A: Sure, it's right here.cartmap

5) Q: Is the post office next to bank? A: No, it's _________________ the bank.across fromacross

6) Q: Do I take the next _________________? A: No, take the one after that.leaveexit

7) Q: Am I going the right _________________? A: Yes, you are.directionway

8) Q: Am I going in the right _________________? A: No, you have to turn around.waydirection

9) Q: Is this the _________________ to Indianapolis? A: No, you're on the wrong highway.way/roadpoint

10) Q: Where's the _________________ gas station/bank/hotel, etc.? A: It's about 2 blocks from here.nearnearest

ENGLISH/TOURISM topic: HEALTH/Seeing a doctor - Conversation 1

Choose the correct, most natural-sounding responses according to the context of the conversation:

DOCTOR: What seems to be the problem?

YOU: I haven't been feeling well... I have been _____________ ( = vomiting) for the past 12 hours. throwingdischargingthrowing up

DOCTOR: I see... And do you have a fever?

YOU: Yes, I checked my _____________ two hours ago. It was 101 (38.5 c.) tabtemperaturepayment

DOCTOR: Hmmm.... Sounds like you got food poisoning. Does your body feel sore?

YOU: Yes, my body does ______________ a little.paincashhurt

DOCTOR: OK. I'm going to prescribe an antibiotic... Penicillin...

YOU: I'm ____________ to Penicillin... Could you prescribe another one?allergicsickreacting

DOCTOR: Oh, OK. I'll prescribe another one... Take one pill every six hours, drink plenty of water, and stay in bed for the next 24 hours.

YOU: Thank you, doctor! Where can I buy _______________? this pillthese pillssome medication

DOCTOR: There's a pharmacy right next to the clinic.2