engineer’s guide to gas metering & analysis

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Page 1: Engineer’s Guide to Gas Metering & Analysis


Engineer’s Guide to Gas Metering & Analysis


Page 2: Engineer’s Guide to Gas Metering & Analysis

TABLE OF CONTENTSWhy and how to use ultrasonic flowmeters for flare flow metering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Basis hydrogen: versatile gas analysis in the production of ammonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Basics of Analyzer Sample Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Modular Gas Analyzer GMS800 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Accurately scoping process analyzer projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Gas Metering & Analysis 2

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In order to meet the growing demand for natural gas while also battling cost pressures and environmental sensitivities, there is a need for an intelligent measurement solution that enables accurate and reliable measurement of natural gas fl ow. With SICK’s ultrasonic gas fl ow meter, FLOWSIC600-XT, you can get the best possible measuring performance for lost and unaccounted for gas. With the built-in i-diagnostics™ solution, you’ll get intelligent application diagnostics and measu-rement data. Ultrasonic gas meters from SICK deliver maximum measurement accuracy, long-term stability, and unrivaled operational safety. We think that’s intelligent.

Page 4: Engineer’s Guide to Gas Metering & Analysis

Accurate flare flow metering is important to account for production and energy

loss, closing the gaps in the plant mass balance, and in reducing emissions and

protecting the environment .

USING CLAMP-ON ULTRASONIC FLOWMETERS FOR FLAREClamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters can’t measure low-pressure flared gas in a metallic pipe

because the flared gas has lower acoustic impedence than metallic pipes . This causes the

acoustic signal to travel in the pipe and not to the second transducer across the pipe . 

To address this limitation, there are two solutions . One option is to increase the flared gas

pressure, which is difficult to accomplish . The other is to install a clamp-on flowmeter on a

nonmetallic pipe . This will lower the acoustic impedence of the pipe and increase the pos-

sibility of acoustic signals traveling across the pipe and measuring the flow . Using a nonme-

tallic pipe in the flare header is also a challenging option and will require a very comprehen-

sive assessment before implementation . 

Existing industry regulations and standards provide helpful guidelines by defining the ac-

ceptable accuracy limits for flare flowmeters . The challenge has always been how to reveal

the flowmeter inaccuracy and minimize errors in flare flow measurement . We’ve found

practical tools to properly select, configure, install, test and maintain flowmeters in flare ap-

Gas Metering & Analysis 4

Why and how to use ultrasonic flowmeters for flare flow meteringAccurate flare flow metering is important to account for production and energy loss

By Fawaz AlSahan

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plications, and how to determine the flaring

source using the built-in features provided

by these flowmeter technologies .

Each of the different flowmeters used for

flare applications has limitations . For ex-

ample, differential pressure (DP) flowmeters

such as orifice plates and pitot tubes are

sensitive to fouling and composition chang-

es, and will require frequent calibration .

Conventional thermal flowmeters are also

sensitive to fouling, liquid and composition

changes, and will require frequent calibra-

tion unless they have automatic composi-

tion measurement and correction . Vortex

flowmeters also have limitations in sensi-

tivity to fouling and liquid, maximum flow

capacity and maintenance difficulties .

An experiment (Table I) was carried out

to demonstrate the possible errors in flare

flow measurement using different types of

flowmeters with different gas compositions .

Because of the accuracies demonstrated in

TABLE I: ERRORS RELATED TO USING A FIXED COMPOSITION**The approximate measurement error under constant flow conditions when using a fixed composition of 1% CO2, 0.9% H2S, 97% methane, 1% ethane and 0.1% propane and the flare composition changes to: Case 1: 0.53% CO2, 0.47% H2S, 51.08% methane, 0.53% ethane, 47.39% propaneCase 2: 0.4% CO2, 0.36% H2S, 38.8% methane, 0.4% ethane 0.04% propane, 60% hydrogenCase 3: 12% CO2, 0.8% H2S, 86.22% methane, 0.89% ethane, 0.09% propaneSource: API MPMS 14 .10

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Table I and the above considerations, this

article focuses on the use of ultrasonic flow-

meters for flare applications .

FLARE FLOWMETER CHALLENGESFlare applications introduce many challeng-

es on flow measurement and flowmeters,

the major ones being:

• Flare can have a very low flow (0 .01 m/

sec) and a low pressure drop across the

meter (typically 0 .5 psig is required) .

• The flow can be non-axial and asymmetric .

Laminar-turbulent transition flow intro-

duces inaccuracy, and stratification (by

sun or wind) can happen and affect the

flow profile . Pulsating flow is also possible

as the gas entry to the flare header is not

continuous .

• High flow may cause low signal-to-noise

ratio and probably liquid carry-over . High

CO2, H2S, N2 and H2 can cause attenua-

tion to the signal .

• Flare flow has a large turndown (2,000-

4,000:1) and the gas composition is vari-

able .

• Primary flow elements have uncertainties

due to electronics drift, metrological (pipe

diameter, alignment) and process buildup .

Secondary instruments (temperature and

pressure) have uncertainty due to elec-

tronics drift, mounting location and pro-

cess buildup .

• The application might require a dual-path

ultrasonic flowmeter (i .e ., two sets of

transducers) to either improve accuracy,

cover very low flow conditions, or reduce

the straight piping requirement .

ULTRASONIC PRINCIPLE OF OPERATIONUltrasonic flowmeters (UFM) can be ei-

ther insertion or cross-pipe . Both types

are installed as single- or dual-path . These

flowmeters (Figure 1) determine the flow

ULTRASONIC ESSENTIALSFigure 1: Ultrasonic flowmeters determine the flow velocity by measuring the difference in the travel time for a pulse moving from one transducer at one side of the pipe to another one at the other side and vice versa. Secondary instruments for pressure and temperature are required to calculate the volumetric flow at standard conditions. Source: API MPMS 14 .10, SIO 17089-2

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velocity and speed of sound by measuring

the difference in the travel time (tab - tba)

for a pulse moving from one transducer at

one side of the pipe to another one at the

other side (tab) and vice versa (tba) . The

transducers are inserted through the pipe

wall, either by hot tapping or as an inline

flowmeter (installed on a spool pipe) . The

flowmeter calculates the flared gas velocity

(V), volumetric flow at operating conditions

(Qact) and volumetric flow at standard con-

ditions (Qstd) .

Sound velocity (C) is also calculated by

this flowmeter . The value of sound veloc-

ity is used to estimate the molecular weight

(MW) of the flare gas mixture . A mathemat-

ical or graphical correlation is experimen-

tally extracted by testing many gas mix-

tures and defining their sound velocity and

MW relationship . MW measurement helps

in calculating the density and therefore the

mass flow .

Secondary instruments for pressure and

temperature are required to calculate the

volumetric flow at standard conditions . The

setup of these secondary instruments is

shown in Figure 1 or as advised by the flow-

meter’s manufacturer .

Referring to Figure 1, the main equations are:

• V = [L /(2cosØ)] x [1/tab-1/tba]

• C = [L/2] x [1/tab+1/tba]

• Qact = V x pipe area

• Qstd = Qact x P/Ps x Ts/T


• V: flow velocity 

• C: sound velocity

• Qact: volumetric flow at actual flow condi-


• Qstd: volumetric flow at standard flow


• L: distance between transducers

• tab: time for signal travel from transducer

a to transducer b (and vice versa for tba)

• T, P: operating temperature, pressure

• Ts, Ps: standard temperature, pressure

SPECIFICATION AND TESTINGISO 17089-2 and BS 7965 define the re-

quired flowmeter uncertainty in flare ap-

plication to be ≤10% for the flow above a

certain minimum limit . This uncertainty can

increase by 5% due to flowmeter installa-

tion effects . The flare flowmeter needs to

be tested at the factory or at a third-party

calibration shop . The main testing require-

ments are:

• Air is usually the testing media . A Reyn-

olds number is used to account for differ-

ences in densities (between air and flared

gas composition) .

• Expansion of the flowmeter shall be con-

sidered in high velocity .

• Testing shall cover 0 .03 m/s to the maxi-

mum design velocity . The flowmeter shall

be tested at velocities 0 .03, 0 .15, 0 .30,

0 .61, 1 .5, 3 .0, 6 .1, 15, 30 and 15 m/s incre-

ments up to the maximum operating

velocity . 

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• The flowmeter shall be tested with the

same pipe size and upstream/downstream

straight piping .

• Pressure transmitter accuracy shall be

maximum ±0 .67 kpa .

• Temperature transmitter accuracy shall be

maximum ±2 °C .

• The testing facility shall be traceable to

NIST or equivalent national or interna-

tional standard, and shall be accredited by

ISO/IEC 17025 .

• The factory and testing facility shall pro-

vide all the testing data and records of the

installation, configuration and diagnostics

data at the test bench .

• The manufacturer shall provide the flow-

meter uncertainty and the installation

effects .

• Testing shall be done at a low pressure

and at ramping up and down .

INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONINGRequirements stated in API MPMS 14 .10 and

22 .3, ISO 17089-2 and BS 7965 will help

users reach an accurate flare flow measure-

ment . The major points to follow are:

• Manufacturer or manufacturer-certified

entity shall be responsible to install and

commission the flare flowmeter and all

secondary instruments . This will eliminate

critical problems, like transducer misalign-

ment . 

• The end user shall decide early on the in-

stallation approach (i .e ., hot tapping, cold

tapping or a complete spool piece) . Defi-

nitely, the last option is the best option as

it will eliminate all installation errors .

• Transducers shall be retractable to allow

online removal for testing and replace-

ment .

• Recommended piping straight run is gen-

erally 20 diameters (20D) upstream and

10D downstream . This requirement can be

relaxed based on the specific flowmeter

installation and manufacturer recommen-

dations, which must be verified .

• The end user shall consider accessibil-

ity for flowmeter maintenance and gas

manual or automatic sampling .

• Pressure and temperature sensor mount-

ing locations shall follow the flowmeter

manufacturer’s recommendations .

• Vibration shall be avoided by selecting the

right location for the flowmeter and its as-

sociated panel .

• Any control valve with noise attenua-

tion or fittings up or downstream shall be

checked, as this can produce interference

with the transducer pulses .

• The installation shall avoid liquid accumu-

lation .

• Rapid pressurization or depressurization

when removing or installing transducers

shall be avoided .

• Manufacturer shall provide the accuracy

impact when replacing any part or soft-

ware of the flowmeter system .

• The hardware serial numbers, firmware

and testing shall be submitted by the

vendor .

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• All data and software configuration in

electronics are saved as a backup . After

commissioning, management of change

(MOC) is required .

FIELD VERIFICATIONTo verify the reading of an installed ultrasonic

flare flowmeter, there are many techniques .

The steps and tools below can be used:

• The flowmeter manufacturer shall be

requested to provide a written procedure

for functionality testing and verification,

inspection intervals and dimensional veri-

fication . Also, uncertainties and speed of

sound calculations shall be provided . 

• Wall thickness, inclination angle of trans-

ducers, length of acoustic path, the pipe

internal diameter and pipe cleanness shall

be verified .

• Installed meter specifications and current

operating conditions shall be checked to

match the flowmeter’s specification sheets

and drawings . 

• The installed flowmeter configuration and

serial number shall be verified with the

manufacturer requirements .

• Straight piping and installation of the me-

ter, pressure and temperature transmitters

shall be verified .

• Wiring shall be inspected for signs of

moisture or physical damage .

• Performance of the flowmeter using the

same transducers model and the same

installation setup at a calibration shop can

be checked . This is to verify the accuracy

of the installed flowmeter, considering the

same straight piping and mounting of the

current field installation .

• The ultrasonic flowmeter reading can be

verified using a secondary device such as:

1 . A second insertion flowmeter (such as a

pitot tube) . 

2 . Optical method (laser doppler anemom-

eter tracer), which requires a steady

velocity .

3 . Tracer dilution technique: injecting a

gas (like SF6 or helium) and measuring

the flow rate increase using a secondary

flowmeter . 

4 . Radioactive tracer: introducing a gas-

eous radioactive tracer and inserting two

detectors to detect the passage (based

on transit time) . BS-5857-2 can be refer-

enced for details .

• The transducers and the electronics can

be verified using a zero flow box . This

will provide zero calibration of transduc-

ers, and will also check speed of sound

measurement for air compared to the

estimated value (performed by the manu-

facturer software) . Also, zero testing can

be done for the electronics and cabling

using dummy transducers and checking

the signals . 

• Absolute speed of sound (C) comparison,

like injecting N2 and determining C .

• Verification of the ultrasonic flowmeter

can be also done by taking a sample of

the flared gas and measuring SOS, and

then comparing the measured value to the

flowmeter estimated SOS . Difference shall

be less than 0 .25% .

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• Another verification tool is comparing C

and the velocity reading of one path, and

comparing it to the second path . This is

only applicable for dual path measure-

ment (i .e ., when two sets of transducers

are installed) .

• Flaring volume could be estimated by

conducting mass balance or using process

simulation, and the result can be com-

pared to the flowmeter reading .

• Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) . This

is a modeling and verification technique,

which is a cost-effective solution and

helps to reveal installation errors . Also, it

provides a correction for the flow pro-

file and the missing straight piping run .

The flow is modelled in 3-D coordinates

considering turbulence and wall rough-

ness . Manufacturers of flare flowmeters

or some flow calibration labs can provide

this service .

ONLINE PERFORMANCE MONITORINGUltrasonic flowmeters have the advantage

of providing online diagnostics . Diagnostics

can be used to check the health, perfor-

mance and the accuracy of the flowmeter

without the need to remove and physically

check, calibrate or replace any part . Once

the flowmeter is proven to be correctly

selected, installed and commissioned, di-

agnostic parameters can be collected and

used as a baseline for future online perfor-

mance monitoring .

The flare flowmeter manufacturer shall be

requested to provide detailed diagnostics

parameters along with their acceptable

limits . Having these diagnostics parameters

in the local display and also reflected in the

remote workstation (i .e . distributed control

system) is crucial for online performance

DETERMINING FLARING SOURCEObserving flared gas and not being able to determine which operating flare branch it’s

coming from is very frustrating for operating facilities . In many circumstances, the source

of the flared gas is a leaking valve . However, identifying which valve and from which oper-

ating unit is difficult and time consuming . 

An ultrasonic flowmeter offers a solution to this problem because the most valuable

advantage of the technology is the sound velocity measurement . There’s a determined

sound velocity value for every type of gas and for every mixture of gases . Knowing the

sound velocity will determine the molecular weight and composition of the flared gas .

Knowing the composition will help the operating facility identify the potential sources of

flaring . This is a unique feature of ultrasonic flowmeters . 

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monitoring . The main diagnostics param-

eters to be displayed and monitored are:

• System diagnostics: Transducers and elec-

tronics functionality check, flow profile .

This diagnostic parameter helps with the

recalibration decision . 

• Speed of sound (C): The measured C and

the actual C can be compared to check

the health of the flowmeter . Actual C is

calculated using a gas sample and the

flowmeter manufacturer software . Also,

compare the initial flowmeter C reading

and the current C .

• Signal strength/quality indicator: Signal-

to-noise ratio (SNR) indicates the qual-

ity of ultrasonic signals . Distribution of

SNR among transducers might indicate a

source of a problem such as noise .

• Automatic gain control (AGC) level: As

meter performance deteriorates, AGC

level increases and a fault happens .

• Flow profile: A change in flow profile indi-

cates viscosity changes and/or changes to

pipe wall roughness . 

• Axial velocity through the flowmeter .

• Meter performance: The ratio of transduc-

ers good pulses received to rejected pulses

received . As the flow rate increases, meter

performance decreases . Performance also

decreases with a decrease in pressure .

• Temperature: Can indicate stratification in

the gas flow .

Following the above steps will assist end

users in evaluating their installed flare flow-

meters and could also result in modifying or

even replacing existing flowmeters to fix the

system performance and installation errors .

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Fawaz AlSahan, engineering specialist and chairman

of instrumentaiton standards at Saudi Aramco, is a

Certified Engineering Consultant (SCE) and a Certified

Automation Professional (ISA) with more than 19 years

of experience . He can be reached at 

fawaz .sahan@aramco .com .

REFERENCES:• APIMPMCH14 .10, Metering flare application

• APIMPMCH22 .3, Test protocol for flare gas metering

• BS7965, Guide to the selection, installation, operation

and calibration of diagonal path transit time ultrasonic

flowmeters for industrial gas applications (including

flare gas)

• How do you measure flare gas effectively with clamp-

on ultrasonic flowmeters? http://www .siemens .com/

• ISO 17089-2, Measurement of fluid flow in closed con-

duits—ultrasonic meters for gas 

• Saudi Aramco best practice (SABP-J-202)—flowmeter

for flare application

Page 12: Engineer’s Guide to Gas Metering & Analysis

HOW SICK CAN HELP YOU GAIN THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF GAS ANALYSIS IN AMMONIA PRODUCTIONAmmonia is a material that influences food production more than others may expect . As the

main component in the production of nitrogen fertilizers, ammonia is used in a wide range

of industrial processes due to its physical and chemical properties . The basis for the produc-

tion of ammonia on an industrial scale is hydrogen . Since hydrogen typically does not occur

as a natural resource, it is generated on a large scale by various chemical processes .

The most important processes for hydrogen generation are steam reforming of light hydro-

carbons, partial oxidation of hydrocarbons, or carbon and water electrolysis . Steam reform-

ing of natural gas is the dominating technology with about 90% of worldwide production

of hydrogen . SICK offers customized gas analysis for process and emission monitoring for

industrial processes related to ammonia production .

CONTROLLED WORLD GROWTHAs a starting material for a wide range of products such as fertilizer and nitric acid, ammo-

nia is one of the most produced chemicals in the world . In 2018 alone, more than 150 million

tons were produced . The Haber-Bosch process for ammonia synthesis is considered one of

the most important chemical processes of the 20th century and has a huge effect on the

world population due to its widespread use in fertilizer production . The hydrogen needed

Gas Metering & Analysis 12

Basis hydrogenVersatile gas analysis in the production of ammonia

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Gas Metering & Analysis 13

for ammonia synthesis is produced and pu-

rified in several steps as described above in

the steam reforming process .

The hydrogen then reacts with atmospheric

nitrogen at high pressure and temperature

and becomes ammonia . The high reaction

speed and material throughput require effi-

cient process control in every step . Continu-

ously measuring extractive gas analyzers

can monitor H2, CH4, CO, CO2, and NH3 and

offer significant advantages compared to

gas chromatographs thanks to their robust-

ness and ease of use .

In the ammonia synthesis, CO and CO2

would function as catalyst poison and

cause salt formation . That is why they must

be removed before the synthesis step . To

minimize disruptions by CO and CO2, even

very small amounts in the ppm range must

be detected .

FERTILIZER FROM NITROGENNitrogen is one of the bases for the growth

of plants . Plants cannot absorb the nitrogen

contained in the air we breathe . Through

ammonia synthesis and the fertilizer created

in this way, nitrogen becomes a nutrient

for plants . The “bread from air” comparison

was created during the discovery of the

Haber-Bosch process about 100 years ago .

Interestingly, the property of “air,” or more

accurately the composition of the gases,

still plays a decisive role today in the suc-

cessful process of ammonia production . Gas

analysis systems with a modular design are

extremely useful for monitoring and guaran-

teeing this condition .

For example, SICK’s product range includes

a special solution for monitoring the effi-

ciency of the steam reformer and control of

the downstream shift converter by measur-

ing methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide

(CO) . This solution can be implemented by

SICK with the S700 or GMS800 extractive

gas analyzers from SICK . However, there

are different licenses available for the indus-

trial production of ammonia with various

technologies . Which license is selected also

depends on the raw materials used as well

as the surrounding conditions .

In principle, the solution described above

can be transferred to other licenses for

ammonia synthesis based on steam reform-

ing . Customer and system-specific adapta-

tions required for this measurement can be

implemented by SICK .

THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF GAS ANALYSISSICK offers analysis solutions for the entire

ammonia synthesis process and some sub-

sequent processes . Experts from SICK sup-

port in the selection of the right products

for the respective application . The S700

and GMS800 therefore build the foundation

for customized gas analysis for process and

emission monitoring for hydrogen and am-

monia production . All relevant gas compo-

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nents for this process can be measured with

both the S700 and GMS800 – with up to

three or even six different analysis modules .

Different housing types are available de-

pending on the measuring task, location

of use and ambient conditions . This also

includes a wall housing with ATEX cer-

tification for explosion-hazardous areas,

which is suited for industrial environments .

Equipped with modern software, the

GMS800 also features all the interfaces re-

quired for remote monitoring via networks

through to the connection to a distributed

control system .

For more information on SICK’s gas analyzers, please

contact a SICK representative today .

Page 15: Engineer’s Guide to Gas Metering & Analysis

If you had to design and install a process analyzer sample system today, how would you

do it? First, remember that an analyzer system includes the sample tap, sample system,

analyzer, sample return, signal transmission and control system . If any of these com-

ponents fail, your company won’t gain the economic benefits the system was supposed to

produce . And don’t forget, it’s generally accepted that sample systems are victims of the

Pareto principle, which is that 20% of a system consumes 80% of the resources because

they’re responsible for 80% of analyzer system problems .

While the engineer’s golden rule of “keep it simple, stupid” (KISS) also applies to sample

systems, this time it also stands for: Know your process conditions; Involve the right people;

Simplify the system; and Select the right equipment .

GET THE RIGHT PEOPLEIn addition to process engineers, a project team will involve several other people as well . A

likely group will include the following:

A chemist — A representative from the laboratory who will not only provide the stream

composition but also know the present method of analysis used on the stream .

Maintenance/Analyzer Technician — A person, or group of people who must be involved

from the beginning, not only to gain get a sense of ownership of the process, but also to

Gas Metering & Analysis 15

Basics of Analyzer Sample SystemsHere’s How to Know Your Process Conditions by Calculating Dead Spaces, System Lag Time and System Pressure Drop, Simplifying a Planned System and Picking the Right Equipment for It

By Ian Verhappen

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understand the technology

and equipment before it

arrives on-site to get com-

missioned .

Project Manager — A

person who coordinates

the entire project, gets the

funding, arranges for neces-

sary approvals and other

important duties as they

come up .

KNOW THE PROCESS CONDITIONSIt’s important to understand

the process conditions, not

only at the sample inlet, but

also at the analyzer and all

along the sample loop .

To do this, three basic cal-

culations must be made:

1) dead spaces; 2) system

lag time; and 3) system

pressure drop .

Using this information, a

phase diagram (Figure 1)

should be generated for all

sample streams . This dia-

gram represents how the

fraction of liquids, solids

and vapors change as a

function of pressure and

temperature . It is invaluable

when trying to determine

if there are condensable

products in the stream that

can later be vaporized as

the pressure decreases . This

is similar to checking for

cavitation in control valve

sizing, only in reverse, since

rather than looking for va-

por in a liquid, one is look-

ing for a momentary liquid

phase in a vapor stream . A

process or chemical en-

gineer can generate this

diagram, along with a range

of pressures and tempera-

tures over which the system

may be operating, from the

stream composition .

DEAD SPACES OFTEN OVERLOOKEDOne of the biggest and of-

ten overlooked items when

designing a sample system

is dead spaces or volumes .

Dead spaces are parts of

the sample system where

pockets of fluid can become

trapped and can’t move

along with the remainder of

the sample . Perfect places

for dead volumes are tee

fittings, separators or any

other sharp-edged flow

change . To minimize its ef-

fect, use the following rules:

GAS, LIQUID AND SOLIDFigure 1: An example of a phase diagram shows how the fraction of liquids, solids, and vapors change as a function of pressure and temperature.





100% Liquid

Bubble Point

80% Liquid

20% Liquid

Two-Phase Region

Dew Point

Critical Point

Super-Critical Fluid

Saturated, 100% Vapor


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• Minimize tee fittings in the system;

• Purge the sample system three times for

each analyzer cycle;

• Use the smallest size fittings able to do

the job within other constraints;

• Use the minimum number of fittings pos-

sible, which reduces dead time and mini-

mizes potential leak or failure points; 

• Operate your continuous sample systems

in the turbulent flow regime .

For example, the first column of Figure 2

shows a configuration designed to mini-

mize dead volume . The three-way valves

eliminate elbows, and when a stream isn’t

flowing to the analyzer for measurement,

it’s still flowing to a vent or sample return

point, ensuring a continuously fresh sample

at every point in the system . The second

two columns show the configuration when

streams AX-1A and AX-1B, respectively, are

being analyzed .

LAG TIME DEPENDS ON VELOCITY AND VOLUMEThe second item to consider and one of

the first things to calculate is the system

lag time . System lag time is the sum of the

analyzer cycle/measurement time and the

sample lag time . Meanwhile, sample lag

time is the amount of time it takes for the

sample to travel from the sample point to

the analyzer sensor . It’s simply the vol-

ume of the sample system divided by the

velocity of the flow and can be calculated

using Equation 1 .

-Common Port-Common Port

-Valve Open

-Common Port

-Valve Open

To AE-1


AX-1 A AX-1 B

To AE-1


AX-1 A AX-1 B

To AE-1


AX-1 A AX-1 B

LESS DEAD TIME AND DEAD VOLUMEFigure 2: A sample system configuration that is designed to minimize dead volume (left), as well as a configuration designed to minimize dead volume—AX-1A on analysis (middle), and configuration designed to minimize dead volume—AX-1B on analysis.

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t =V x L x Pa x Z

Fs x Ta


t = time

V = sample system volume

L = distance from the sample point to the

analyzer sensor

Pa = absolute pressure

Z = compressibility factor

Fs = flow rate under standard conditions

Ta = absolute temperature


the compressibility factor is Z = 1 .0 . How-

ever, in gas systems operating at more than

about 35 to 50 psia, compressibility must

be considered . For gases, compressibility

changes as a function of pressure and tem-

perature according to the rules of the ideal

gas law, as shown in Equation 2

Z =PaVnRTa


Z = compressibility factor

Pa = absolute pressure

V = volume

n = moles of fluid

R = gas constant

Ta = absolute temperature

The compressibility factory Z can be de-

termined from compressibility charts and

the associated reduced temperature Tr and

reduced pressure Pr .

The reduced temperature and pressure are

calculated as follows:

Tr = Ta/Tc

Pr = Pa/Pc


Tc = y1Tc1 + y2Tc2 + y3Tc3 … (yx is the mole

fraction and Tcx is the critical temperature

of component x)

Pc = y1Pc1 + y2Pc2 + y3Pc3 … (yx is the mole

fraction and Pcx is the critical pressure of

component x)

In addition, don’t forget that the ideal gas

law uses absolute pressures (Pa) and tem-

peratures (Ta), so calculations must be done

in psia or kPa (abs) and degree Rankine

(R = F + 460) or degrees Kelvin (K = C +

273 .15) . Also, by combining and rearranging

Equation 2 at two conditions and neglecting

n, which remains constant, it is also possible

to estimate the effect of pressure or tem-

perature on volume .









V1 ≈





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Gas Metering & Analysis 19


Subscript 1 refers to the inlet condition

Subscript 2 refers to the outlet condition .

Calculate Sample Flow

If you have a certain size and length of line

and want to figure out an appropriate sam-

ple flow rate (Fs), at standard conditions,

rearrange Equation 1 as shown in Equation 3

Fs = V x L x P x Z

t x T

Once you know the volumetric sample flow

rate (Fs in liters/min), you can determine

the velocity (v in ft/sec) of a stream using

Equation 4 .

v = Fs x 0.1079



Fs = volumetric sample flow rate (liters/min)

0 .1079 = a conversion factor to get the final

result into ft/sec

D = internal pipe diameter (inches) .

As a general rule of thumb, the sample

system velocity should be in the range of 1

to 2 m/s (3 to 6 ft/sec) to ensure that any

components in the sample are carried along

with the sample proper and do not drop out

of solution .

SYSTEM PRESSURE DROP ON VELOCITYThe pressure drop in the system can be

calculated using the sample system velocity

calculated in Equation 4 . This is not as dif-

ficult as it sounds, although it is important .

Often the hardest part of the exercise is

getting an estimate of the stream proper-

ties . The equation for pressure drop per 100

feet of tubing is shown in Equation 5 .

ΔP100 = 0.13 x f x x v2



P100 = pressure drop per 100 feet of tubing


fd = Darcy Friction Factor

= density (lb/ft3)

v = velocity (ft/s)

D = pipe diameter (inches)

To calculate the Darcy friction factor (fd) we

need to calculate the Reynold’s number, as

shown in Equation 6 .

Re = Dvμ


Re = Reynolds number

= density

v = velocity

= viscosity

If the Reynolds number is less than 4000,

the Darcy friction factor is calculated as

shown in Equation 7

However, if the Reynolds number is

greater than 4000, then A .K . Jaini’s non-

iterative equation can be used, as shown

in Equation 8 .

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Gas Metering & Analysis 20

= 1.14 - 2 log +( )εD





f = Darcy friction factor

= absolute roughness in inches

D = diameter of the pipe in inches

Re = Reynolds number

Meanwhile, the Moody friction factor, also

known as the Fanning friction factor, is one

quarter (+) the Darcy friction factor calcu-

lated in Equation 7 or Equation 8 . Make sure

you know which friction factor you’re using

and, if needed, adjust accordingly .

The last step in the pressure drop calcula-

tion is to determine the equivalent length of

pipe . The equivalent length (Le) is a pa-

rameter used to represent the total length

of pipe of a single diameter that would be

equivalent to the actual pipe with all its fit-

tings and line size changes . Crane Technical

Paper 410-C is the standard that is used to

obtain these parameters .

The Crane standard uses the concept of

“equivalent length” to assign a factor to

each type of fitting or change in pipe diam-

eter to a length of straight pipe that would

equate to the same pressure drop as the fit-

ting . Each type of pipe change is assigned a

“K” factor as a function of a nominal friction

factor (ft) . The Crane factor (ft) is a function

of nominal pipe size . The equivalent length

K factor in the Crane manual is empirically

determined from experimental data . After

the K factors have been determined for all

the fittings, they’re summed, and this to-

tal equivalent length is then added to the

actual pipe run length to calculate a total

equivalent length . For example, a pipe sys-

tem with two 90° elbows and plug valve,

the calculation would be as follows:

(ft) = 0 .027 (from the Crane Manual)

Plug valve: K = 18 ft (from the Crane Manual)

Elbow: K = 30 ft (from the Crane Manual)

Therefore, Le = (1 x 18 x 0 .027) + (2 x 30 x

0 .027) = 2 .1 feet .

Using this total equivalent length, the

system pressure drop can be calculated .

Because this exercise is performed so

often, two spreadsheets were developed

to calculate a simple pressure drop using

Equations 6, 7 and 8 . Spreadsheet A is for

calculating the pressure drop in a vapor

line . Spreadsheet B is for calculating the

pressure drop in a liquid line . (For links to

these spreadsheets, go to the online version

of this article at www .controlglobal .com/

samplesystems .)

Finally, the last two rues for pressure drop

calculations are:

• If the calculated pressure drop is greater

than one-third of the total pressure (i .e .,

inlet pressure divided by three), then

calculation should be done in shorter

segments, so the outlet pressure of the

segment is greater than one third the inlet

pressure of that segment .

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• Elevation differences be-

tween the inlet and outlet

of the sample system must

be taken into account for

liquid streams (the affect

on vapor streams will be

negligible) . Remember, it

takes 10 .84 psig to move

a column of water up a

25-foot pipe rack . Con-

versely, and more likely, a

water stream gains 10 .84

psig on its way down from

the same pipe rack . This

could make a difference in

how you set your pressure

relief valves .

The equation to be used is:

∆P = ρ x g x ∆h



DP = pressure drop (feet of

liquid or meters of liquid)

r = density (lb/ft3 or kg/m3)

h = height (feet or meters)

g = local acceleration due to

gravity (ft/sec or m/sec)

gc = gravity constant (32 .17

ft/sec or 9 .814 m/sec)

SIMPLIFY THE SAMPLE SYSTEMThe easiest way to simplify

a sample system is to make

sure only the sample you

need is collected . Start with

the sample tap itself . Taps

can be designed in one of

the following three ways,

and should ideally be in-

stalled on vertical pipe runs .

• Continuous, in which a

representative continuous

slipstream of the process

fluid is withdrawn and

transported to the ana-

lyzer, is the most common

sample system . To be

representative, the sample

probe must extend into

QUICK LOOPFigure 3: A fast loop is an external loop with minimal sample conditioning that’s cycled to a close proximity to the analyzer and from which the actual sample to the analyzer is taken.

Primary “Fast” Loop

Secondary“Fast” Loop

To Analyzer

“Slow” Loop

To Sample Return

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Gas Metering & Analysis 22

the center third of the process pipe . 

• Isokinetic and its probe are designed to

remove a sample from the stream at the

same level of kinetic energy, normally

represented as velocity, as the process

stream itself . It’s used in multiphase

streams to insure all components are

sampled .

• Discrete . In difficult streams, which are

usually extremely hazardous, corro-

sive or dirty, the most reliable sampling

system may be discrete, in which only

a small aliquot of the process fluid is

transferred as a plug from the sample

tap to the analyzer .

To further improve samples from the sys-

tem, users should seek to minimize dead

volume by designing the system so there’s

always a continuous flow in all lines by

selective use of three-way sampling valves .

If the stream isn’t routed to the analyzer,

then route it to either a vent or a recov-

ery system . This also results in a lower lag

time . Another way to avoid the problem of

dead volume is to insure that the sample

system is swept through three times per

analysis cycle .

This raises and compounds another com-

mon problem with sample systems—the

analyzer only requires a very low flow rate .

Thus, a fast loop is often used (Figure 3) .

A fast loop is an external loop with mini-

mal sample conditioning that is cycled to

a close proximity to the analyzer and from

which the actual sample to the analyzer is

taken . A common way to separate the sec-

ondary (slow) loop from the primary or fast

loop is to flow the sample through a bypass

filter . The stream that passes through the

filter is the slow or analyzed loop . The fast

loop remains unfiltered and also removes

any excess material that is trapped or co-

alesced on the filter .

Another important consideration is mate-

rial compatibility, not only to the process

fluid but also to the ambient atmosphere

and plant conditions . Most designers are

very aware of the process compatibility

and normally specify 316SS as their tubing

material, going with more exotic materi-

als only when required . However, 316SS is

not a good choice where it can be exposed

to seawater . The chlorine in seawater will

cause the metal to fail in a short period of

time . Another choice, Tygon tubing, should

not be used if it could be exposed to sun-

light . After exposure to the ultraviolet light

in sunshine for three to four years, the tub-

ing becomes brittle and fails .

The only remaining problem is how to move

all this material around the sample system .

This is ideally done through judicious selec-

tion of the sample source and return points .

If at all possible, two process points of

sufficient differential pressure drop should

be selected, so no prime mover is required

in the sample system . If a prime mover is

required, the normal choices are a centrifu-

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Gas Metering & Analysis 23

gal pump, positive displacement pump or

an eductor .

If a positive displacement pump is used,

then be aware that it tends to require more

maintenance than a centrifugal pump be-

cause it has more moving parts, and will

likely introduce a pulsating flow to the sys-

tem . A positive displacement pump also has

advantages; it is a constant-volume device,

and typically has a much higher differential

pressure output .

If an eductor is used, then be sure to check

the phase diagram to insure that the pro-

cess liquid doesn’t enter the eductor at

less than 25 °F below the bubble point . If

it does, experience has shown that there

is sufficient pressure drop in the eductor

throat to cause the fluid to vaporize (cavita-

tion), and so most of the energy introduced

to the eductor to induce flow in the second-

ary stream will be lost .

SELECT THE RIGHT ANALYZERAfter doing all the calculations to ensure

that your analyzer system will operate

properly, it’s vital that the sample system be

linked to the analyzer itself . In most cases,

the analyzer selected will dictate to some

degree the type and size of sample system

installed . However, if the analyzer is not

suitable or able to detect the components

of interest in the general surrounding pro-

cess stream, then all is for naught .

In conclusion, the three Rs of analyzer se-

lection are:

• Reliability—The analyzer must be highly

reliable so it will maintain a service factor

in excess of 95% .

• Repeatability—The output of the equip-

ment must be repeatable for a given

input . It need not be accurate (though,

of course, this is desirable), but it must

always give the same numeric output for a

given calibration or process sample .

• Return—Every analyzer system installation

must have an economic return or justifi-

cation . If it is not used for some form of

continuous monitoring or control, then the

unit will not get the attention it receives to

remain in operation at the required service

factors to be considered reliable .

Ian Verhappen is an ISA Fellow, a CAP and principal at

Industrial Automation Networks (www .industrialauto-

mationnetworks .com) . 

Page 24: Engineer’s Guide to Gas Metering & Analysis

The SICK GMS800 is an innovative family of extractive analyzers which can measure

more than 60 different gases . The GMS800 is characterized by its modular design:

seven analyzer modules, one gas module, I/O module, and a local operating/dis-

play unit . Standard 19" racks can be used for economic system integration in cabinets . Wall

mounting enclosures with optional Ex approval for hazardous areas can be used in rough

industrial environments . Equipped with modern software, the GMS800 comes with all the

standard interfaces for remote control via networks through to connection to process con-

trol systems .


RELIABLE GAS ANALYSIS FOR PROCESS AND EMISSION MONITORINGThe modern DEFOR (NDUV/UVRAS) analyzer is a specialist for extremely selective NO

measurement, while also providing direct monitoring of NO2 and SO2 . The highly selective

UNOR (NDIR) analyzer is especially insensitive to external vibrations due to its variably ad-

justable chopper frequency, and the multi-component MULTOR (NDIR) analyzer can mea-

sure of up to 3 gases plus H2O for internal cross-sensitivity correction . Internal calibration

cells are optionally available on all three analyzer modules .

Gas Metering & Analysis 24

Modular Gas Analyzer SICK GMS800 Overview

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Gas Metering & Analysis 25

Oxygen measurement is provided by the

high precision OXOR-P paramagnetic ana-

lyzer, also available in solvent-resistant or

corrosion-resistant, or the electrochemical

OXOR-E module . Rounding out the range

of gas modules is the THERMOR thermal

conductivity analyzer, and the FIDOR flame

ionization detector (FID) for continuous

measurement of hydrocarbon emissions .

YOUR BENEFITSThe GMS800 is approved to all world-

wide emission monitoring standards, and

can be installed in general purpose or Ex

areas (NEC 500/505 Division/Zone 2)

without purging . Easy maintenance and

simple upgrade of existing installations

is possible due to the modular design, as

well as minimal service and repair effort

due to replacement of complete modules

or assemblies . Reliable measuring results

are guaranteed by proven measurement

technology and minimal influence of ambi-

ent temperature through thermostatically

controlled modules . Save on expensive

test gases and the long-term cost of daily

validation with optional internal calibra-

tion cells, and NOX monitoring without a

catalytic converter by direct measurement

of NO and NO2 .

TYPICAL APPLICATIONS• Emission measurements at very low con-

centrations, e .g . in power plants, cement

plants or waste incineration plants, and in

the pulp and paper industry

• Measurement of very low SO2, NO, and

NO2 concentrations, e .g . from gas turbines

• Efficient emission monitoring in denitri-

fication plants by direct measurement of

NO and NO2 as well as summation to total

NOX in the analyzer

• Furnace gas measurement in iron and

steelmaking industry

• Reliable CO monitoring for explosion pro-

tection in coal mills and coal bunkers/silos

• Efficient process gas analysis in applica-

tions of the chemical and petrochemical


• High H2S content in reactive or sour gases

• Quality audits in air separation plants and

purity measurement of gases, e .g . < 1 ppm

CO concentration in H2 in hydrogen pro-


Page 26: Engineer’s Guide to Gas Metering & Analysis

The first article in this series (“How to Launch an Analyzer System Reliability Pro-

gram,” Control, July 2006, pp 49-53) noted the close relationship between the life-

time cost of a process analyzer project and the attention given to reliability during

the concept (scope development) and design (detailed engineering) project stages . This

article covers the details of a project scope document . 

One of a project engineer/manager’s most challenging jobs, especially during project scope

development, is the avoidance of “meatball engineering”—a poorly scoped project that

leads to minimally effective results . (Gregory Hale, InTech, Oct . 2004) Key to this avoidance

is “knowledge management” and “good client” development, says Hale .


The engineer must elicit from the client—the funding source—all the information required

for a good project and gently, but persistently, minimize chances that he becomes his “own

worst enemy,” causing unwise scope-cutting or, conversely, “scope creep,” or demand-

ing  procedural shortcuts, illogical cost-cutting and schedule changes . The project engineer

must ensure communication with clients or accept--often unjustly--responsibility for miss-

ing project goals, and it falls to him or her to make sure this doesn’t happen . (Mark Hoske,

Control Engineering supplement, Dec . 2004, pp .12-14)

Gas Metering & Analysis 26

Accurately scoping process analyzer projectsThis article covers the formal details of a project approval scope document, including front-end engineering design, front-end loading, project execution modeling, and independent project analysis .

By Gary Nichols, PE, Jacobs Engineering Group

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Gas Metering & Analysis 27

The information that must be addressed

is often part of the front-end engineering

design, the front-end loading, the project

execution model, and the independent

project analysis . (R . Mead, H . Sedgwick, and

S . van Soest, Hydrocarbon Processing, Sept .

2004, pp . 69-74)

Now we shall address formal details of the

project approval scope . Following are the

working assumptions:

• The analyzer project engineer begins with

a brief capital work order that includes an

operative statement, such as, “Install ana-

lyzer on West Final Purification Tower to

measure residual reactant .” Other informa-

tion includes a desired project completion

date, the purpose of the project (safety,

environmental, economic expansion, etc .),

and sufficient technical detail for the en-

gineer to generate a few questions for the

first user-client inquiry .

• The management approval package must

include a written scope, cost estimate (+/-

10%), preliminary impact review (person-

nel and process safety, environmental and

utility), red-lined (marked with additions,

changes and demolitions) drawings, proj-

ect schedule and analyzer, and associated

instrument specifications .

We shall concentrate on the written scope,

which probably has a standard format,

but note that other documents frequently

contain information needed to develop the

project scope and, conversely, that the proj-

ect scope will eventually be reflected di-

rectly or indirectly in the other documents .

Table I shows a typical project approval

scope document structure . For simplicity,

let us assume that the detailed estimate

document generally follows the structure of

the detailed scope, and that the latter does

not include dollar amounts .


Typical Project Approval Scope of Work

Document Structure

1 . Project Title and Number

2 . Project Purpose

3 . Brief Project Scope

4 . Brief Project Justification

5 . Detailed Scope

6 . Potential Construction Problems

7 . Potential Cost Problems

8 . List of Supporting Documents

Table 2 shows the detailed scope structure

that would be included under Item 5 in

Table I .


Typical Work Types Included

in Detailed Scope

• Architectural and landscaping 

• Civil 

• Foundations 

• Structural and pipe racks 

• Roadways and yards 

• Railroads 

• Waterways and navigation 

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• Below-ground piping, trenches, ditches and


• Mechanical 

• Unfired pressure vessels 

• Fired pressure vessels 

• Storage tanks 

• Rotating equipment 

• Above-ground piping 

• Instrument and Electrical 

• Field instruments (other than final control

elements and pressure safety devices) 

• Final control elements 

• Pressure safety devices 

• Local signal cabling (analog and discrete) 

• Home-run signal cabling 

• Rack-room wiring 

• PLC and hardwired relay panels 

• DCS 

• Software 

• Computers 

• Voice and digital/protocol-based


• Motors 

• Electrical below 480 Vac (including local wiring) 

• Electrical above 480 Vac but below 13 .8Kvac 

• Electrical above 13 .8KV 

• Spare Parts 

• Commissioning 

• Construction Indirects 

• Construction management and field supervision 

• Equipment rentals 

• Temporary changes 


• Preliminary engineering

• Detailed engineering

• Startup

• Repair and relocation

• Dismantling, demolition, and disposal

• Decontamination and remediation

Table II includes much detail that we don’t

have space to discuss . Readers will be able

to develop scenarios wherein any of these

factors could influence—or be influenced

by—a process analyzer project . It is highly

unlikely that all would be included in a given

project, but the wise reader should not be

surprised if any one of them is included .

Look closely at the key items in Table II .

An analyzer is a field instrument; therefore,

the first item under Instrument and Electri-

cal should be carefully worded to describe

the proposed system . The words “analyzer

system” are important to convey the idea

that the project involves more than a single

instrument and includes the analyzer or

analytical sensor, a sample handling sys-

tem (SHS) and additional equipment and

devices . This document is probably not the

appropriate one for these details, but it is

important to plant the notion that analyzers

tend to be more complex (and expensive!)

than conventional field instruments .

As a field instrument, an analyzer system

naturally requires local wiring, home-run

signal cable, low-voltage power wiring,

rack-room wiring and control room (DCS,

PLC, etc .) work . These items constitute the

probable minimum hardware scope for a

process analyzer project .

Non-hardware capital items include com-

missioning, construction management and

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Gas Metering & Analysis 29

rental equipment . Among the expense

items, startup is the minimum (in addition

to engineering) .

But the scope of most process analyzer

projects goes beyond these “minimums .”

An analyzer is a “field instrument,” which

puts it in the same category as temperature,

pressure, flow and level transmitters, all of

which measure extensive properties . But

an analyzer measures chemical composi-

tion, which is an “intensive property” of the

manufacturing process at a given point,

making it inherently more complicated than

its conventional counterparts, and making 

system project scopes longer and affecting

more scope line items .

With an active client, the analyzer project

engineer should not be alone in the effort

to develop an acceptable detailed scope .

Each project should have safety, environ-

mental and utility reviews early in scope

development and feasibility study . These

reviews usually require a face-to-face

meeting among at least some of the proj-

ect team members and have a set format

or form . These reviews often clarify, sug-

gest or require the addition of many of the

scope items . If allowed under the review

procedure, these meetings are an excellent

opportunity for the analyzer project en-

gineer to ask explicitly about these scope

items and listen to client concerns not

previously raised .

Most line items in Table II will have direct

labor and direct material costs, reflected on

the estimate page of the project approval

package . Table III is a list of typical red-lined

drawings that would accompany the project

approval scope and that would clarify and

amplify the verbal content of the written

scope for all members of the project team .


Typical Redlined Drawings and Sketches for

Analyzer Project Scope Development


• Piping and instrument drawing (P&ID)

• Instrument loop sheet

• Instrument location drawing

As Needed/Usually Helpful

• Process flow drawing (PFD), may be called

energy and material balance

• Sample handling system (SHS) drawing or


• Analyzer system elevation drawing or


• Photos

The analyzer system project engineer may

also wish to use drawings from other dis-

ciplines such as site plans and elevations,

piping isometrics and vessel drawings to

clarify scope .

ABOUT THE AUTHORGary Nichols, PE, is principal control systems engineer

with Jacobs Engineering Group and can be reached

at gary .nichols@jacobs .com .