engineering technician engineering technologist engineer

© 2020 Dunte Hector Engineering Technician Engineering Technologist Engineer 3 Paths To Designing & Destroying For Fun & Profit Presented by: Dunte Hector B.S. Mechanical Engineering

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Page 1: Engineering Technician Engineering Technologist Engineer

© 2020 Dunte Hector

Engineering TechnicianEngineering TechnologistEngineer3 Paths To Designing & Destroying For Fun & Profit

Presented by: Dunte HectorB.S. Mechanical Engineering

Page 2: Engineering Technician Engineering Technologist Engineer

© 2020 Dunte Hector

Who Am I?

Dunte Hector

B.S. Mechanical Engineering

Texas Tech University, 2011

Design Engineer, Stages Cycling

I’ve researched, designed, manufactured, operated, and serviced bikes, workout equipment, computer chip equipment, and heat exchangers with the help of software tools, metalwork, 3D printing, and lots of teammates.

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

Exploring The Engineering Field

1. Who’s It For?

2. Who Does What?

3. What’s The Day Like?

4. Certificates, Licenses, and Degrees

5. More Fun Stuff

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

The Engineering Field...

Who’s It For?

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

Do You Have Fun...

...solving puzzles?

...taking things apart?

...building new stuff?

...finding a “better way”?

...checking the details?

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

The Engineering Field...

Who Does What?

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

Engineering Technician

Job Duties (big company)

● operate equipment

● collect data

● generate reports

● service equipment

● document processes

● product inspections

● quality control

Job Duties (small company)

● everything from “big company”● draft models

● prepare production drawings

● review technical specifications

● set up tests

● assemble fixtures

● assemble tools

● troubleshoot products

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

Engineering Technologist

Job Duties (big company)

● establish equipment SOPs

● manage tests

● analyze data

● supervise processes

● on-line and pre-ship quality control

● handle & troubleshoot returns/defects

Job Duties (small company)

● everything from “big company”● prepare & review drawings

● create technical specifications

● design tests

● design fixtures

● design tools

● lead design reviews (DFM-focus)

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© 2020 Dunte Hector


Job Duties (big company)

● design new products

● “field” R&D

● establish production flow

● design test procedures

● FMEA, FEA, statistical analysis, etc.

● manage product lifecycle

● create documentation

● interface with/advise…○ manufacturing○ operations○ sales○ customer service

Job Duties (small company)

● everything from “big company”● everything from previous job descriptions● support product portfolio

● determine product mix

● assess market conditions/emerging


● integrate new processes

● all aspects of product manufacture

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

The Engineering Field...

What’s The Day Like?

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

Engineering Technician

● HOURLY WORK○ 40-50 hour work week○ start/end of day is pre-defined○ fixed breaks

(subject to OSHA requirements)○ fixed meal times○ overtime typical

● clock in

● team stand-up

● assigned priority tasks

● task execution

● EOD metrics

● reports (common overtime task)

● TRAINING○ OJT specific to company needs○ OJT specific to installed equipment○ limited mentorship available

● WORK ENVIRONMENT○ production facility/factory○ field service○ mechanical test lab○ R&D facility○ cubicle/shared workstation

Collins Aerospace videoIntel Manufacturing video

As an Engineering Technician, your job is…to operate the equipment/system.

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

Engineering Technologist

ASML CSE videoRomer Labs R&D video

As an Engineering Technologist, your job is…to own & improve the equipment/system.

● HOURLY OR SALARY WORK○ 45-60 hour work week○ frequently on mfg shifts○ “acceptable” meal times○ overtime (nearly) every week

● clock in (maybe)

● team stand-up

● review previous day EOD metrics

● assign tasks

● supervise workflows

● projects

● write & review reports

● TRAINING○ OJT specific to installed equipment○ mentorship available○ continuing education available○ must guide personal growth

● WORK ENVIRONMENT○ production facility/factory○ mechanical test lab○ R&D facility○ cubicle/shared workstation○ office○ “Go to the Gemba”

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© 2020 Dunte Hector


As an Engineer, your job is…to design the equipment/system.

ASME Tesla engineer videoASME Shell engineer video

● SALARY WORK○ 50+ hour work week○ flexible hours○ flexible meal times○ lots of meetings!

● pre-work tasks

● team stand-up

● design project tasks

● interface with other departments

● product sustain/reporting tests

● special projects

● TRAINING○ depends on technology in use○ mentorship available○ continuing education available○ must guide personal growth

● WORK ENVIRONMENT○ office/cubicle○ production facility/factory○ R&D facility○ customer site(s)○ “Go to the Gemba”

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

The Engineering Field...


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© 2020 Dunte Hector

The best thing about engineering is…ONE CREDENTIAL IS ENOUGH

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

Certificates, Licences, & Degrees

Engineering Technicians need…

● ABET-accredited Associate’s Degree

● extensive math, science, and technical

writing experience

● intensive technical training

Engineering Technicians may want…

● NICET certifications

● “labor skills”○ soldering○ welding○ machining○ CAD proficiency○ instrument-specific certs/courses

Want to leave the country? Reference: Dublin Accord

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

Certificates, Licences, & Degrees

Engineering Technologists need…

● ABET-accredited Bachelor’s Degree(Engineering Technology or Engineering)

● extensive math, science, and technical

writing experience

● extensive technical training

Engineering Technicians may want…

● a technical specialty

● NICET certifications

● manufacturing expertise

● “labor skills”○ soldering○ welding○ machining○ CAD proficiency○ instrument-specific certs/courses

Want to leave the country? Reference: Sydney Accord

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

Certificates, Licences, & Degrees

Engineers need…

● ABET-accredited Bachelor’s Degree

● extensive math and science


● intensive technical

writing/presentation skills

● intensive technical training

● CAD expertise

● project management training

● environment & ethics training

Engineers WILL want…

● a technical specialty

● professional organization membership

● manufacturing expertise

● business finance skills

● “labor skills”○ soldering○ welding○ machining○ CAD proficiency○ instrument-specific certs/courses

Want to leave the country? Reference: Washington Accord

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

(MORE) Certificates, Licences, & Degrees

Engineers may want…

● EIT designation

(Fundamentals of Engineering exam)

● PE license

(supervision & PPE/3E exam)

● PMP credential


● a quality philosophy

● management training

● technical specialization certificates

● higher education

Everyone WILL want…

● continuing education

● exposure to…○ traditional manufacturing○ additive manufacturing○ supply chain management○ quality management○ sustainable design principles○ global economics principles○ business communication skills○ personal financial planning skills

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

The Engineering Field...

More Fun StuffYour job title will probably be “Tech” or “Engineer” -- REGARDLESS OF DEGREE!

FREE DESIGN RESOURCES Autodesk Fusion360 (CAD) LabView Community (testing/programming) Creality Slicer (3D printing setup) GIMP (graphic design) OpenOffice (all "office" tasks) Anki (remember anything!)

BOOKS FOR FUTURE ENGINEERS Zero (Charles Seife, 2000) Spare Parts (Joshua Davis, 2014) The Cartoon Guide To... [Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Statistics] (Larry Gonick) The Talent Code (Daniel Coyle, 2009) ** any book on any topic you want to learn about!! **

That time MythBusters annihilated a car? I was there!

Computer chips?We made those with lasers!

Race-winning training tools?That’s what I do now!

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© 2020 Dunte Hector

THANK YOUNow go build something!

Ask me anything, any time: [email protected]