engineering loads - wind/seismic

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  • 7/29/2019 Engineering Loads - Wind/seismic



    Structural Loads 2

    Structural Loads Hibbeler, Sections 1.3, 1.4 (7th Ed.) Dead

    Weight of structure itself & permanent fixtures

    Fixed magnitudes & position

    Generally known with high level of confidence

    Live Type, magnitude and position generally vary over time

    Less confidence about magnitudes, position and frequency

    of recurrence

  • 7/29/2019 Engineering Loads - Wind/seismic


    Structural Loads 3

    Dead Loads

    Can be computed once estimates for sizes ofstructural elements are developed

    Mechanical loads also known (plumbing, A/C units,furnaces, etc.) Must also include other non-structural elements

    (interior partitions, ceiling, lighting, etc)

    Rough estimates for structural system (used to startanalysis/design cycle)

    Steel framed buildings: 60-75 lbf/f2

    Reinforced concrete buildings: 110-130 lbf/f2

    Structural Loads 4

    Material Densities & Common

    Design Dead Loads

    Also from !

  • 7/29/2019 Engineering Loads - Wind/seismic


    Structural Loads 5

    Example: Dead Loads

    Structural Loads 6

    Live Loads

    Occupancy loads for buildings Wind loads Snow & ice Loads Seismic loads Soil & water pressure

    Traffic loads on highway & railroad bridges

  • 7/29/2019 Engineering Loads - Wind/seismic


    Structural Loads 7

    Occupancy Loads SEI/ASCE 7-02 Standard (American Society of Civil

    Engineers) Based on surveys of buildings & long history of successful

    designs Includes some protection for emergency overloads,

    construction loads, insures serviceability (deflections-vibrations)

    Structural Loads 8

    Reduced Live Loads

    Reduced lived loads are permitted for ordinaryfloor loads acting on large floor areas (notroofs, hallways, garages, etc.)

    Tributary area must be > 400 ft2

    See Example 1-2 (ASCE 7-02)


    LL TL L K A

    = +

    Reduced liveload: lbf / f2

    Unreduced liveload: lbf / f2

    Live load elementfactor: = 4 forinterior column

    Tributary area, f2


  • 7/29/2019 Engineering Loads - Wind/seismic


    Structural Loads 9

    Wind Loads (1)

    Kinetic energy of wind converted to potential energy of windpressure forces that act on buildings


    Density of air (varies with altitude, temperature) Velocity

    Angle of incidence between wind & building

    Shape & stiffness of structure

    Simplified Design approach Treated as static pressures applied normal to surfaces of structure

    Exceptions are tall buildings and long span bridges: require windtunnel testing and aero-elastic analyses

    Fundamental equation

    q= ForceArea

    = 12

    = massdensityof air) V = velocity)2

    miles per hour2lbf fq= 0.00256V 2

    Structural Loads 10

    Wind Loads (2) SEI/ASCE 7-02 guidelines for wind loading Starts with key energy balance equation and builds

    in complications for real structures:

    Height of building surfaces above ground

    Gusts, turbulence

    Nearby terrain

    Effects of nearby buildings

    20.00256z zq K IV

    miles per hour

    lbf / f2

    Varies withheight z aboveground

    Dimensionless velocity pressurecoefficient: varies with heightabove ground and nearby terrainfeatures (0.85 1.09)

    Dimensionless structureimportance factor: 0.87-1.15

    $90 on

  • 7/29/2019 Engineering Loads - Wind/seismic


    Structural Loads 11

    Wind Loads (3)

    Velocities to use: 3 second wind gust measured 33 ft. above the ground

    50-year recurrence interval

    ANSI/ASCE 7-02 has U.S. wind maps showing this data

    See map in text (Fig. 1-12, pg. 17)

    Chicago: V = 90 mph, qz = 20.7 lbf/f2(for Kz=1, I =1)

    Velocity, V (mph) qz (Kz=I=1.0)

    70 12.5 psf

    80 16.4 psf

    90 20.7 psf

    100 25.6 psf= 2560 lbf on a 10 x 10

    wall panel (Ford Explr.weighs 4000 lbf.)

    Structural Loads 12

    Wind Loads (4)

    wind velocities

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    Structural Loads 13

    Wind Loads (5)

    Final design pressures Includes a dimensionless gust factor (G): = 0.85 for a rigid


    Includes a dimensionless Cp pressure coefficient (positive on

    windward side and negative on leeward side). Also reflects theaspect ratios of the building.

    ( )p h pip qGC q GCDesign pressure

    = qz for windward side and varieswith height Z above ground= qh on leeward sides, sloped roofsand ends (just = qz computed at meanheight of surface)

    L, B, h, see next page

    = 0.18 for fully enclosed bldgs

    2lbf f

    Structural Loads 14

    Example Wind Loads (1)

    Windward Side:Load varies w/height. SeeTable 1-5, pg. 18

    Leeward Sideand Roof: Loadintensitycomputed atmean height

    Building Outside Chicago On Flat Terrain

    I = 0.87 (agricultural use)V = 90 mphqz = 18.04 Kz


    General Set-Up

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    Structural Loads 15

    Example Wind Loads (2)

    ( )p h pip qGC q GC+ ( )p h pip qGC q GC

    Loads on roof and leewardside are constant over areas

    Must analyze & design for worst case:positive and negative suction pressure

    Structural Loads 16

    Snow & Ice Loads (1)

    Very significant in northern climates and/or at higher elevations SEI/ASCE 7-02 guidelines for snow & ice loading

    Snow/ice treated as static roof loads

    Based on a ground snow cover to roof conversion

    Use 50 year recurrence interval

    General geographic maps provided to set ground snow cover but

    local conditions may vary widely Key load equation

    0.7f e t gp C C Ip

    Site groundload (lbf/f2)

    Load on anunobstructedflat roof (lbf/f2)

    Ce: dimensionless exposure factor (0.8-1.2)Ct: dimensionless thermal factor (1.0-1.2)I: dimensionless importance factor for structure (0.8-1.2)

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    Structural Loads 17

    Snow & Ice Loads (2)

    For sloped roofs, the loading is further modified

    s s fp C p

    Cs: dimensionless slope factor (0.0-1.0). Depends onslope and thermal factors. Typical value is 1.0.

    Must also consider loaded vs. unloaded portions ofroof, drifting and sliding snow, ice damformation

    Structural Loads 18

    Loading Combinations: Buildings

    Not all loads act on the structure simultaneously Some loads are known with more confidence than

    others (e.g. dead vs. wind)

    Building design codes (ACI, AISC, etc.) usuallyspecify which combinations of loads must beconsidered and the uncertainty factors to use.

    Examples: 1.4 dead + 1.7 (occupancy+wind)

    1.2 dead + 1.6 (occupancy+wind) + 0.5 snow

    1.2 dead + 1.5 seismic + 0.5 (occupancy+wind)

    Structure must be analyzed for all requiredcombinations and each element designed tosafely resist the maximum imposed forces

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    Structural Loads 19

    Traffic Loads on Bridges

    Dead load + traffic (cars & trucks) Traffic load is very complex (number,

    type of trucks, wheel spacing,weights, )

    AASHTO simplified procedures (Am.Assoc. State Highway & Transp.Officials)

    Specifies sets of standard loads forwhich different bridges must bedesigned

    Loads vary with importance of bridge:an interstate bridge is not subjectto the same traffic as a rural bridgecrossing a creek

    Structural Loads 20

    Traffic Loads on Bridges Highway load sets composed of:

    A uniform lane loading + a concentrated load placed to

    cause maximum moment and maximum shear

    Multiple truck loads placed to produce maximum moments

    and shears at each location on bridge

    Bridges are designed to specific loadings, e.g., HS20-44

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    Structural Loads 21

    Traffic Loads on Bridges (2)

    These static loads are modified by an impact factor toapproximate effects of dynamic loads (vehicles bouncing).Varies with span length and increases loads 30% max.