engine terminology

Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 Produce a glossary of terms specific to the methods and principles of Video Game Design and Video Game Terms. Using a provided template, you must research and gather definitions specific to provided glossary terms. Any definitions must be referenced with the URL link of the website you have obtained the definition. You must also, where possible, provide specific details of how researched definitions relate to your own production practice. Name: RESEARCHED DEFINITION (provide short internet researched definition and URL link) DESCRIBE THE RELEVANCE OF THE RESEARCHED TERM TO YOUR OWN PRODUCTION PRACTICE? IMAGE SUPPORT (Provide an image and/or video link of said term being used in a game) VIDEO GAMES / VIDEO GAME TESTING Demo A game demo is a freely distributed demonstration or preview of an upcoming or recently released video game. Demos are typically released by the game's publisher to help consumers get a feel of the game before deciding whether to buy the full version. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Game_demo Making a demo of our game will allow us to present our game to others. This is a screenshot of the menu of a demo for an upcoming game. 1

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Engine terminology


Page 1: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

Produce a glossary of terms specific to the methods and principles of Video Game Design and Video Game Terms. Using a provided template, you must research and gather definitions specific to provided glossary terms. Any definitions must be referenced with the URL link of the website you have obtained the definition.

You must also, where possible, provide specific details of how researched definitions relate to your own production practice.

Name: RESEARCHED DEFINITION (provide short internet researched definition and URL link)


IMAGE SUPPORT (Provide an image and/or video link of said term being used in a game)


Demo A game demo is a freely distributed demonstration or preview of an upcoming or recently released video game. Demos are typically released by the game's publisher to help consumers get a feel of the game before deciding whether to buy the full version.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_demo

Making a demo of our game will allow us to present our game to others.

This is a screenshot of the menu of a demo for an upcoming game.Beta A beta is usually a trial version of a game for

a company. betas are usually experimental and often have problems with them.https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081019143302AAIBseY

We can use the beta stage to check our game for minor ,and any other major, bugs that are in the game before we go on to finish it.

This is a screenshot showing a part of Destiny in its beta stage.


Page 2: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

Alpha Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished. A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_development#Alpha

An alpha build of the game will be used to implement and test key gameplay mechanics and assets.

This is a screenshot showing a part of Destiny in its alpha stage.

Pre-Alpha Pre-alphas often mandate incremented improvements on a number of parallel areas in a project, but rarely expect any one of those areas to be complete.http://www.whatgamesare.com/pre-alpha.html

A pre-alpha is necessary to check the foundation of our game so we know that the essentials are all working, this way we don’t build our game on something that’s already broken.

This picture shows a comparison of Destiny while it was in its pre-alpha stage and how it looks in its current build. The top image is the pre-alpha.


Page 3: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

Gold Gold master is the final game's build that is used as a master for production of the game.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_development

This will be our final presentation of the game as it will be finished at this stage.

This is a screenshot of the final, retail version of Super Mario 3D World.

Debug Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs, or defects, in a computer program or a piece of electronic hardware, thus making it behave as expected. Debugging tends to be harder when various subsystems are tightly coupled, as changes in one may cause bugs to emerge in another.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debugging

We will be checking the game for bugs and other problems throughout the games development.

This screenshot shows the dubug screen for Super Mario 64.


Page 4: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

Automation Automation or automatic control, is the use of various control systems for operating equipment such as machinery, processes in factories, boilers and heat treating ovens, switching in telephone networks, steering and stabilization of ships, aircraft and other applications with minimal or reduced human intervention. Some processes have been completely automated.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automation

Automation would be done by adding script and code to the game that automate certain in-game functions.

This is a picture that describes the process of automation.White-Box Testing

White-box testing is a method of testing software that tests internal structures or workings of an application, as opposed to its functionality (i.e. black-box testing). In white-box testing an internal perspective of the system, as well as programming skills, are used to design test cases. The tester chooses inputs to exercise paths through the code and determine the appropriate outputs.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-box_testing

White box testing will be used to test the game mechanics and code and fix any problems that we may find in the process.

This picture shows a comparison between the white-box and black-box testing processes.


Page 5: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

Bug Sometimes called a glitch, a bug is just something wrong with the program. Sometimes it might be not serious maybe something like when you prone on the ground, you might be displayed incorrectly.https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=A9mSs2AfBApUcGIAOiBLBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMm4zYjFxBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNQRjb2xvA2lyMgR2dGlkAw--?qid=20080622111127AAsXob5

Bugs will cause problems in the game, these problems can be minor or major, but its best to fix as many as possible.

This is a screenshot of a bug found in Halo 4.



Vertex Shader Vertex shaders are run once for each vertex given to the graphics processor. The purpose is to transform each vertex's 3D position in virtual space to the 2D coordinate at which it appears on the screen (as well as a depth value for the Z-buffer).http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shader#Vertex_shaders

We can make 3D objects look how we intend by adding effects to them.

This image shows a vertex shader being used on a 3D model.Pixel Shader Pixel shaders, also known as fragment

shaders, compute colour and other attributes of each fragment. The simplest kinds of pixel shaders output one screen pixel as a colour value; more complex shaders with multiple inputs/outputs are also possible. Pixel shaders range from always outputting the same colour, to applying a lighting value, to doing bump mapping, shadows, specular highlights, translucency and other phenomena.

Pixel shaders will be used to add effects to the environments and backgrounds in the game.


Page 6: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1


This picture compares the look of a game with and without pixel shaders being used.

Post Processing The term post-processing (or postproc for short) is used in the video/film business for quality-improvement image processing (specifically digital image processing) methods used in video playback devices, (such as stand-alone DVD-Video players), and video players software and transcoding software. It is also commonly used in real-time 3D rendering (such as in video games) to add additional effects.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_post-processing

Makes closer texture look more visually appealing, and further away texture blur, this helps the game run smoother.

This picture shows how a game looks with post processing turned on and off.

Rendering Rendering is the process of generating an image from a 2D or 3D model (or models in what collectively could be called a scene file), by means of computer programs. Also, the results of such a model can be called a rendering. A scene file contains objects in a strictly defined language or data structure; it would contain geometry, viewpoint, texture, lighting, and shading information as a description of the virtual scene.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendering_%28computer_graphics%29

Rendering will be used to add textures and skins to the characters, objects and the environment in the game.

This image shows a fully rendered head for a game creature.


Page 7: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

Normal Map A normal map is a way of adding high-resolution detail to a game ready (low resolution) model, without drastically affecting the game's performance. Normal maps are applied to an object exactly the same way that you'd apply a two-dimensional diffuse (colour) map to your model, however instead of containing simple colour information a normal map is contains information that can accurately describes the surface slope of a 3D model with millions of polygons.http://3d.about.com/od/3d-101-The-Basics/tp/Current-Gen-Gameart-Workflow-What-Is-Normal-Mapping.htm

We can use normal maps to add an extra layer of detail to texture the will me more noticeable in the game and might be viewed closer up.

This is a normal map for a brick wall.

Entity In most games, entities are derived from a series of concrete base classes. These base classes provide the ability to render, move, posses AI, etc.http://purplepwny.com/blog/component_based_entity_system_design_part_1.html

Entities will be used to give life to in-game AI, allowing them to move and, sometimes, interact with the player.

This image shows an entity set up in a game.


Page 8: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

UV Map The UV mapping process involves assigning pixels in the image to surface mappings on the polygon, usually done by "programmatically" copying a triangle shaped piece of the image map and pasting it onto a triangle on the object.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UV_mapping

UV mapping will be used to texture 3D objects

This image shows a UV map for a characters face.Procedural Texture

A procedural texture describes the texture mathematically. Although not widely used, this method is resolution independent and can create more precise textures, especially if there is great and varying depth to the objects being textured. Procedural textures may be 2D or 3D. See texture mapping and volumetric texture.http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/procedural+texture

Procedural textures will be used for texturing environments. For example, as the player gets closer to an area in the level, the image of, for example, a rock will change to one that is more detailed.

This picture shows two textures that would be used for procedural texPhysics Computer animation physics or game

physics involves the introduction of the laws of physics into a simulation or game engine, particularly in 3D computer graphics, for the purpose of making the effects appear more real to the observer. Typically, simulation physics is only a close approximation to real physics, and computation is performed using discrete values.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_physics

Physics will need to be implemented into our game, such as gravity. Usually these physics will mimic those of the real world but don’t really have to.

This picture shows physics being utilised in a game.


Page 9: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

Collision Collision detection typically refers to the computational problem of detecting the intersection of two or more objects.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collision_detection#Video_games

Collision detection will be helpful in the case of shooters or hack and slash games. For example, in a fighting game, when one character hits the other character will lose health.

This picture shows two vehicles with hit boxes, these hit boxes make collisions possible.

Lighting In 3D Computer Graphics, high dynamic range rendering (HDRR or HDR Rendering), also known as high dynamic range lighting, is the rendering of computer graphics scenes by using lighting calculations done in a larger dynamic range.https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=A9mSs3E7EQpUyV8AgDhLBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByaDRqYzNhBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNgRjb2xvA2lyMgR2dGlkAw--?qid=20100625043322AANGuwD

Lighting is very important in a game, without it the player can’t see anything. It can also be used to change the atmosphere in a game, such as dull lighting in a horror game.

This screenshot shows dynamic lighting being used in a game to set a tone/mood.


Page 10: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

AA – Anti-Aliasing

Anti-Aliasing is a method of fooling the eye that a jagged edge is really smooth.http://www.pantherproducts.co.uk/index.php?pageid=antialiasing

If some textures appear jagged, anti-aliasing will grey the pixels around it, making it appear blurred instead.

The image on the left is not using anti-aliasing, and is pixelated, whereas the one on the right is using anti-aliasing and there is less pixilation.

LoD – Level of Detail

Level of detail is a general design term for video game landscapes in which closer objects are rendered with more polygons than objects that are farther away.http://www.techopedia.com/definition/11791/level-of-detail-lod

Level of detail will be used to make sure textures that are further away from the player aren’t as detailed as they don’t need to be at that point, this helps the game run quicker.

This picture shows how LOD effects how an object in a game looks


Page 11: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

Animation Animation is the process of creating a continuous motion and shape change illusion by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon. Animators are artists who specialize in the creation of animation.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animation

Animation is used to bring a game to life, it is used to simulate movement such as running or punching. It has also been used for simpler things such as grass swaying in the wind.

This is a screenshot of the animation process in which two characters are running.

Sprite Sprites are 2D bitmaps that are drawn directly to a render target without using the pipeline for transformations, lighting or effects. Sprites are commonly used to display information such as health bars, number of lives, or text such as scores. Some games, especially older games, are composed entirely of sprites.http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb203919.aspx

These will be used in 2D games for character models and objects.

This picture shows multiple Mega Man sprites.


Page 12: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

Scene Scenes contain the objects of your game. They can be used to create a main menu, individual levels, and anything else.http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CreatingScenes.html

We will use scenes to keep track of assets and files for each level.

This is a screenshot of a scene in Unity.Library A library is a collection of non-volatile

resources used by programs on a computer, often to develop software.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_(computing)

The library will be used to keep all of our files organised.

This is a screenshot of the library in Unity.


Page 13: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

UI The user interface (UI) is everything designed into an information device with which a human being may interact.http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/definition/user-interface

The user interface will be used to add controls to the game, allowing a person to actually play it. It is also used as anything the player can use, such as a menu.

This as a picture of a game’s menu UI.Frames Frame rates in video games refer to the

speed at which the image is refreshed (typically in frames per second, or FPS). Many underlying processes, such as collision detection and network processing, run at different or inconsistent frequencies or in different physical components of a computer.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame_rate#Video_games

The frame rate of a 3D game would usually be intended to be 60fps, however a 2D game composed of spites may not require as many.

This picture shows the difference between 30 and 60 frames per second.

Concept A solution concept is a formal rule for predicting how a game will be played.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solution_concept

A concept will explain how we expect our game to play.

This is a picture of some concept art for a character.


Page 14: Engine terminology

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer GamesIG2 Task 1

Event These are discreet moments in the game loop where things are made to happen based on what you have programmed for them.http://docs.yoyogames.com/source/dadiospice/000_using%20gamemaker/events/index.html

Events are needed to trigger things that have been scripted into the game, such as cutscenes.

This screenshot shows an event being added in Game Maker.Pathfinding Pathfinding in the context of video games

concerns the way in which a moving entity finds a path around an obstacle; the most frequent context is real-time strategy games (in which the player directs units around a play area containing obstacles), but forms of this are found in most modern video games.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathfinding#In_video_games

If a game has more complex levels, then a higher level of pathfinding is needed or AI would just walk into the wall.

This image shows pathfinging being used to direct an AI through an area.