engaging my team

Engaging my team!

Upload: ahmadsanadsalim

Post on 30-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Engaging my team

Engaging my team!

Page 2: Engaging my team


Humans like to say they make rational decisions, but in reality they are driven by emotions.

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.”

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The source of negative emotions

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The power of positive emotions

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Key reflective questions

The emotional responses to questions an employees ask themselves about their organization,

Do I feel I am valued?

Do I value the organization where I work?

Do I feel I belong?

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Why does it matter?

These questions are crucial to their level of engagement, affecting their performance at work and their willingness to learn within the organization.

Our members want to be a part of something bigger than themselves, something they can be proud of.

Feeling pride in their work energizes our members. They look forward to going to work and are more willing to put in extra effort to make the organization a success. In short, they are engaged.

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Key tips on how to engage your team…

Show interest in your members: ask about their lives outside work and understand how it affects their work.

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Key tips on how to engage your team…

Communicate AIESEC’s state and goals: show members they are respected by AIESEC and their personal goals are reflected in our vision

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Key tips on how to engage your team…

Recognize every contribution and celebrate every success milestone of your team

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Key tips on how to engage your team…

Provide the needed resources to your members: Communicate openly, provide the information they need and give timely feedback

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Key tips on how to engage your team…

Create enthusiasm of the work: Share with them the potential outcome and impact of their work and get them excited

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Key tips on how to engage your team…

Empower your members: Allow your members to give their input on a decision affecting them

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Key tips on how to engage your team…

Listen to your members: Encourage more open and honest communication, hear out their thoughts and work together to find solutions