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Post on 08-Mar-2016




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NOUNIdentifies a place, animal, thing, event, etc.-ion -ance-ment -ence-s -s-s -es

VERBGives lifeAction-in de-be- -ify-en -ate-ize -ing-s -ing-en -ed

ADJECTIVEDescribes a noun or a pronoun-ous -ful-y -ish-ic -ary-ate -ive-er -est

ADVERBDescribes a noun, and adjective, and another adverb-ly-wise-ward-er -est

FIGURES OF SPEECH:1. SIMILE as and like Example:You are like a dog.

2. METAPHOR direct comparison Example:Don was Zitas rock in times of sorrow.

3. HYPERBOLE exaggeration for emphasis Example:She cried oceans of tears.

4. IRONY opposite meaning Example:She had to give up love to be free.

5. PERSONIFICATION Words that give human qualities to a something. Example:The wind whispered to me.

6. PARADOX 2 diff. ideas to magnify an intended meaning Example:He had a broken heart with wealth of love to give.

7. OXYMORON 2 contradicting ideas yet can appear side by side. Example:It was an appropriate mistake for her to make.

8. SYNECDOCHE part for the whole. Example:Those who failed will rise again.

9. METONYMY word to represent another. Example:In falling in love, keep your feet on the ground.

10. EUPHEMISM use of polite and tactful words instead of offensive ones. Example:She passed away yesterday..--------------------------------------------------------------------


A Geek: Wears thick glasses Uses words of many syllables Always have a book on me A sure symptom of geekness is reading at an early age. Her early tastes in literature were Little Red Riding Hood and The Little Mermaid. She read Little Red Riding Hood in different voices. She found The Little Mermaid as a pretty gruesome bedtime story. The mermaid- Ariel- asked the sea-witch to cut off her tongue to be with the prince.

CHILDHOOD D.C. Comics served as substitute playmates. She loathed physical exercise. She preferred to be kept to herself. She was particularly lousy at the game Open the Basket.

GRADE SCHOOL Lunch hours were spent prowling in the library. Recognized as the resident geek. She got sent to different Bees, particularly Spelling Bee. Her principal gave her a copy of Edith Hamiltons Mythology. Edith Hamiltons Mythology is her favorite book.

ST. THERESAS It was hip to read Nancy Drew by Carolyn Keene. For serious literature enjoyment, she read Cyrano de Bergerac. Her first copy of Cyrano de Bergerac was from her mom. She puts a copy of Cyrano de Bergerac under her mattress. She cant pass a book sale without buying a Cyrano de Bergerac book. She was molded by books in English. She is a little brown American. According to her, she can be accused of colonial mentality. According to her father, komiks are no-nos inside the house. She was able to read Aliwan. Aliwan is the gross series of Zuma, the snake man.

SIXTH GRADE Discovering of another gender-boys. Read John Carter of Mars by Edgar Allan Burroughs. She started reading science fiction. Teleportation and parallel universe were simple compared to puberty. Mr. Spock never mentioned pimples in the series James Blishs Star Trek. Beauty is useless, character is the best.

FRESHMEN YEAR She got bullied, particularly by Stevie. She was literary geek. She failed: Chemistry, Physics, and Math. She passed: Humanities and English.

SECOND YEAR Read: Harold Robbins Sydney Sheldon Judith Krantz Robert Ludlum Krantz et. al was lame.

JUNIOR YEAR She was rewarded with editorship of her school paper. Read: Kurt Vonnehut John Steinbeck She discovered Woody Allens Without Feathers and Getting Even.

SENIOR YEAR She found that she was not alone. She read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerland. She read everywhere. She lost 50 pounds. Her classmates thought she was on a hunger strike to free IRA soldier Bobby Sands. Bobby Sands died of hunger strike. Calcules --- The World According to Garp Physics ---- Tess of DUrbervilles. Chemistry --- catcher in the Rye. She mad an undergraduate thesis on J.D. Salinger, author of Catcher in the Rye.

COLLEGE She took up Comparative Literature.



TODAYS STANDARDS in record bars:1. Carole King2. James Taylor

HIS STANDARDS:1. Ella Fitzgerald2. Frank Sinatra

SETTING 1: Bistro 70s, listening to Noel Cabangon with Bobby Soriano, his friend.

Remembeerrrrr Noel Cabangon singing Cats Stevens Father and Son. Father and Son is the virtual national anthem of about the generation gap. Father and Son features two personas the father, and the son, who were talking- or more accurately NOT talking to each other. The father, with weary, counsels his son about life and tells him, Its not time to make a change, just relax take it easy, youre still young thats your fault, theres so much you have to go through. The son with youthful impatience chafes the leash, and complains,How can I try to explain? When I do, he turns away again, its always been the same. Same old story. From the moment I was born, I was ordered to listen. But theres a way, I know Ill have to go away. Bobby was born and bred in Baguio. Bobby is a former political prisoner and now a computer whiz kid in a NGO called MODE. Bobby is in his early 30s. Bobby said:You know, I used to identify completely with the son on that song. Now, I can identify with the father. Bobbys remark shows that there is a great division between psychological and emotional. And, it positively yawns. Cat Stevens, who sang Father and Son, became the father Cat Stevens converted into Islam, and became an imam, a religious teacher. Cat Stevens claimed that his old songs were works of a devil. Now, Cat Stevens believe that youthful rebellion is an anathema of the human spirit. Conrado then recalls his days During Conrados time, going away was taken literally. Conrado used to write in a national publication, called Now Magaznine. With an American Express Card at hand, they always bring a toothbrush with them when they go out. They always bring a toothbrush because they never knew where theyll end up at for the night. The figure father was both their biological fathers and authorities in school. For teenagers, these fathers were like priests. The priests would say with 3lugubrious reasonable was that : they were young once. Ergo, theyve been in our position before. They too had known youthful exuberance, youthful idealism, youthful excess. The priests believed that it was a phase all had to go through before becoming a responsible adult. Conrado protested in an editorial. Conrado claimed that rebellion was more than an adolescent phase. This rebellion wasnt the same as James Deans view of rebellion in the movie Rebel Without A Cause. It was not about alienated youth seeking freedom through 4anarchic and 5lumpen ways, which only possible in 6bourgeois and 7imperialist country like America. Their rebellion was purposeful and homegrown. They had every reason to be a pain in the ass. The only thing that would make youthful exuberance go away, was if people, would take it seriously. You only see youthful exuberance once it is gone. We dream-or we die. We have to dream in the same way we have to breathe. Much comes from youthful exuberance. Dreaming/breathing is an instinct for survival. Call for you to listen is the call for middle-aged exuberance.

YOUTHFUL EXUBERANCE AS A VOLCANO Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law in 1972. It drove many into his welcoming and fatal embrace. People who were deaf to them while they lived or were whole heard what they had to say when they were dead or in prison. Wounds speak louder than mouths. Many was lost. The most important that was lost was their ability to dream. They lost all the memory of dreams they once dreamed from the pounding of ponderous normality. Many grew abnormally old even when they were young. Everything happened slowly. It was NEVER a sudden betrayal, it was a slow-motion turn around, from an accretion of small rotations, small self-deceptions, and small surrenders. They became the father, preaching the virtue of patience and 8prudence and hesitation. Application: answering back, and bad finger.

youthful exuberance as a MOLTEN ROCK Like a liquid fire that roils in the bowels of volcanoes Spews both creative and destructive force It is what allows us to breath. 9Wreaks great harm when bursts through the roof and spews fire on the human below. The force that heaves and pushes outward is what allows society to hurtle forward. 10Razes everything in its path like a wildfire. Application: REGRET

youthful exuberance as a LAVA 11Marvel at its capacity to push back the limits of the possible and its capacity to 12fray beyond the bounds of restraint. Capacity for heroic action. Capacity for 13self-immolation. Streaming lava razes the huts at its path. Youthful exuberance turns on itself in 14libertinism, drugs or evolution. Level of self-destructiveness is astounding, the level of self-sacrifice is appalling. T.S. Eliot:You grow older and your life-and-death questions often 15cease to be: Do I dare make a 16breach? Shall I put the future of my family on hold? They become: Do I dare eat a peach? Shall I wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled?

youthful exuberance as a BURNING IRON Something to defend Something to cherish Treat everyone as a 17blacksmith. Tamed by water so it can shine more 18resplendently than before. Application: to prove ourselves, mentors, teachers, constructive criticism.

youthful exuberance as a FLAME ULTIMATE PARADOX Flame dipped in water What consumes YE is the exuberance itself. Like a Buddhist monk. Those who persisted in struggle Those who staked their lives

youthful exuberance as a REBELLION YE is a terrible beauty. The terrible must come across with as much 19obstinacy as the beauty. There are levels of 20impetuosity. We tugged at the limits. We risked our future. We braved the unknown. There was no clear concept. Everything takes on the 21aspect of burning urgency. Franco Zefirelli = Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet their innocence, purity, passion amid 22weariness, the 23obscenity, the 24enmity of their world. Burning urgency is the epic striving. Tragedy is kin to heroism Tragedy elicits as sense of awe, heroism elicits a sense of dismay. Emmans and Lorries whose awesome promise was cut off by death. Jonathans and Garys whose promise was cut off by the hand of ordinariness. Life is precious more so is living. Bonifacio was in his 20s Jacinto was in early 20s Revolution of 1896 is the uprising against the Spanish rule and the resistance to the American occupation. Aguinaldo was in his late 20s The scorn of Americans to Pinoys is both ageist and racist. Filipino youth had the capacity to dream of a free community and the 25audacity to struggle for it. Ilustrados were not so youthful. Ilustrados had the capacity to dream of keeping their station in life and the 26gall the leadership of the Revolution. Filipinos was first liberated form their privileges before colonialism. 1960 Revolution protest against: Imperialism Feudalism Bureaucrat capitalism Martial law

youthful exuberance fought freedom in the name of discipline fought the right to speak in their own eloquence, they could not hear the strivings of others. DONT BE SELFISH Drowned in their own convictions, they could not abide in faith to others. BURSTING WITH THEIR OWN EXUBERANCE, THEY COULD NOT SEE THE EXUBERANCE OF OTHERS. Different folks, different strokes, different times, different chimes.


2. blithely

3. docile

4. din

5. chafe

6. weariness

7. obscenity

8. enmity

9. audacity

10. gall

11. aspect

12. impetuosity

13. obstinacy

14. razes

15. wreaks

16. prudence

17. blacksmith

18. resplendently

19. breach

20. cease

21. libertinism

22. self-immolation

23. fray

24. anarchic

25. lumpen

26. imperialist

27. bourgeois