eng march 2011

Парафія Святої Тройці Помісної Української Католицької Церкви To the Most Reverend Bishops, Reverend Fathers, Reverend religious Brothers and Sisters, the beloved in Christ laity of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Beloved in Christ! By the will of Divine Providence, this year’s Great Fast is a time of preparatio n not only for the illustrious feast of Christ’s Resurrection, but also for another joyful event–the beatification of God’s Servant Pope John Paul II, which is to be held on St. Thomas Sunday, May 1 of this year. God’s Servant John Paul II, in his performing of Peter’s ministry, and carrying out Christ’s order (see Luke 22,32), was tireless in strengthening the faith of his brethren throughout the world. His apostolic visits were always a feast of faith, hope, and love. His ministry , which encompassed the whole world, did not bypass al so us Ukrainian Catholics with its fatherly attention. Like no one else, the Holy Father John Paul II did much for the legalization of our Church in the totalitarian USSR, and this became the foundation of its free expansion in Ukraine. His voice never tired of protesting against the oppression of Christians, especially those who found themselves behind the iron curtain of the Communist block. His fatherly heart did not cease to beat in cadence with the hearts of millions of persecuted Christians, of millions of those in need, and also in cadence with the whole Christian world. His firm Hierarchical bearing echoed in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Gdansk shipyard workers, in the then Communist Poland, and inspired them and the entire Polish nation to organize the “Solidarity” movement, this harbinger of the liberation of enslaved peoples from Communist tyranny. For this they have not forgiven him to this day, those who then supported the Communist regime, and those who today are trying to renew the “Prison of Nations”, disguised under various new names. It was John Paul II who spared no effort to make the USSR regime grant freedom to our Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The Pope treated our Martyr Church with special love and respect, and a testimony of this was the glorious beatification of Ukrainian new martyrs during his pastoral visit to our country. His love for our Church was so great that he, as Supreme Pontiff of Chris t’s Church, did not fear to declare at the end of the 1980’s of the 20th century that the faithfulness of the Ukrainian Greek Catholics obliges him to remain faithful to the Ukrainian Greek Catholics. And our pious nation always answered the Pope with mutual love and devotion. Ten years ago, on June 27 of the year of our Lord 2001, lik e sheep around their shephe rd and led by the shepherds of our Church, millions of our faithful rallied around Christ’s Vicar at the Lviv Hippodrome, as well as over television and radio broadcas ts, giving testimony of their love and devotion to Christ’s Church and to the Address of Archbishop Ihor (Vozniak), Administrator of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, concerning the beatification of God’s Servant Pope John Paul II Continuation on the previous page. Year XXX , is sue 9 (365) – March 2011 Monthly newsletter

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Парафія Святої Тройці Помісної Української Католицької Церкви

To the Most Reverend Bishops, Reverend Fathers,Reverend religious Brothers and Sisters,the beloved in Christ laity of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

Beloved in Christ!By the will of Divine Providence, this year’s Great Fast is a time of

preparation not only for the illustrious feast of Christ’s Resurrectionbut also for another joyful event–the beatification of God’s Servant

Pope John Paul II, which is to be held on St. Thomas Sunday, May 1of this year.

God’s Servant John Paul II, in his performing of Peter’s ministryand carrying out Christ’s order (see Luke 22,32), was tireless instrengthening the faith of his brethren throughout the world. Hisapostolic visits were always a feast of faith, hope, and love. His ministrywhich encompassed the whole world, did not bypass also us UkrainianCatholics with its fatherly attention.

Like no one else, the Holy Father John Paul II did much for thelegalization of our Church in the totalitarian USSR, and this becamethe foundation of its free expansion in Ukraine. His voice never tired

of protesting against the oppression of Christians, especially those who found themselves behind theiron curtain of the Communist block. His fatherly heart did not cease to beat in cadence with the heartsof millions of persecuted Christians, of millions of those in need, and also in cadence with the wholeChristian world. His firm Hierarchical bearing echoed in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Gdanskshipyard workers, in the then Communist Poland, and inspired them and the entire Polish nation toorganize the “Solidarity” movement, this harbinger of the liberation of enslaved peoples from Communisttyranny. For this they have not forgiven him to this day, those who then supported the Communistregime, and those who today are trying to renew the “Prison of Nations”, disguised under various newnames.

It was John Paul II who spared no effort to make the USSR regime grant freedom to our Ukrainian

Greek Catholic Church. The Pope treated our Martyr Church with special love and respect, and atestimony of this was the glorious beatification of Ukrainian new martyrs during his pastoral visit to ourcountry. His love for our Church was so great that he, as Supreme Pontiff of Christ’s Church, did not fearto declare at the end of the 1980’s of the 20th century that the faithfulness of the Ukrainian GreekCatholics obliges him to remain faithful to the Ukrainian Greek Catholics.

And our pious nation always answered the Pope with mutual love and devotion. Ten years ago, onJune 27 of the year of our Lord 2001, like sheep around their shepherd and led by the shepherds of ourChurch, millions of our faithful rallied around Christ’s Vicar at the Lviv Hippodrome, as well as overtelevision and radio broadcasts, giving testimony of their love and devotion to Christ’s Church and to the

Address of Archbishop Ihor (Vozniak),

Administrator of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church,concerning the beatification of God’s Servant Pope John Paul II

Continuation on the previous page

Year XXX, issue 9 (365) – March 2011 Monthly newsletter

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Pope, Christ’s Vicar on earth. His words, addressed to us, fell deeply into our hearts, warming them withlove and igniting even more the flame of faith of millions of Greek Catholics in our homeland and incommunities abroad because this holy person of our time, in whom the Gospel became alive, gave atestimony of faith not only in word but also in deed.

Unfortunately, beloved in Christ, our joy is not yet full, since today Christ’s Church is grieving andsuffering in our nation. It is painful to see that a new sect has appeared in Ukraine, the Dohnal Group,

who for the sake of their ambitions and interests are exerting every effort to defile the holy memory ofPope John Paul II.

They shamelessly throw the mud of their morbid fabrications at the bright image of the man who did

so much good for the Ecumenical Church as a whole, and for our Church in particular, whose image and

position became close to many Ukrainians, and not only Catholics. Making use of distorted facts, this

pseudo-Christian group attempts to stir up turmoil and anxiety, to darken our joy on the occasion of thebeatification of God’s servant John Paul II. Thus this sect, hostile to everything Catholic and Ukrainian

grouped around Anton (Illia) Dohnal, reveals its true face, showing that they do not care about the good

of the Ukrainian people, nor the good of Christ’s Church. It is precisely about such as these that our

Lord warns us: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are

ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7, 15).Therefore, beloved in Christ, I call on you in the course of this Great Fast to pray for the repentance

of all those who, for various reasons, find themselves outside the saving spiritual fold of the Church,

which was founded by our Lord Jesus Christ himself on the firm rock of Peter. Let us pray for all those

seduced by false prophets, so that, enlightened by the grace of Christ’s Spirit, they might not be lost, but

return to the Lord’s fold. Let us be firm in our faith, to which our forebears testified more than once with

martyr’s blood, let us exert our efforts to get to know better the faith which our forebears considered apriceless treasure, and for the sake of maintaining which they did not hesitate to give up even their life.

Let us not permit anyone to steal this most valuable treasure.

Let us also ask Almighty God for the glorification on God’s thrones of God’s Servants Metropolitan

Andrey (Sheptytsky) and Patriarch Josyf (Slipyj), who with their spiritual deeds over many years zealouslyprotected our Church and nation from similar assaults by the forces of darkness, and thus are for us

worthy examples of self-sacrifice and firmness in service for the glory of God and Ukraine.

May this Great Fast become another step on the road to the realization of true holiness in every

Christian soul!

+Ihor, Administrator of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

Signed in Kyiv, at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ

March 10, 2011

FOOD COLLECTIONDuring this month our parish is organizing a food collection.

We ask that you bring your donations to the church hall(canned or dry food like rice, beans, pasta etc.)

The collected food items will be given to those in need through the


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1 - 9:30AM - Iryna Dybko – thanksgiving for Fr. Taras.

2 - 9:30AM - Richard & Mary Bergman for +Anna Demetro (4th Anniversary).

3 - 9:30AM - Petro & Sonia Krul for the health of Ksenia, Andreyka & family members

4 - 9:30PM - Theresa Ben – special intention for the Legeckis Family.

5 - 9:30PM - Theresa Ben – special intention for the Zynjuk Family.

6 - 11:30AM - Cheese-fare Sunday, tone 8; St. Timothy.

Andrij & Lada Onyshkevych Leshchyshyn for the health of Anna Galuga.

7- 9:30AM - Andrew & Christine Hruszkewycz – special intention for Theresa Ben.

The Great Fast begins today (strict fast day, w/o meat or dairy for 14-59 year-olds).

8 - 9:30AM - Andrew & Christine Hruszkewycz – special intention for Vera Pylypec.

9 - 9:30AM - Andrew & Christine Hruszkewycz for +Irena Stawnychy.

10 - 9:30AM - Modest & Natalia Zacharchenko for +Tamara Hloba (2nd Annioversary).

11- 6:30PM - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.

Modest & Natalia Zacharchenko for the health of Lubov Melnyk.12 - 9:30AM - Adrian Kozak for +Olha Kozak (1st Anniversary).

13 - 11:30AM - 1st Sunday of the Great Fast ; tone1; St.Basil; Lit. of St. Basil the Great.

- for all parishioners.

Sunday of the Pochaiv Mother of God Sisterhood — rosary after the Liturgy.

14- 9:30AM - Mykola Stawnychy for +Maria Stawnychy.

15 - 9:30AM - Ann Woroniak for +Olha Kozak.

16 - 9:30AM - Alexander & Dada Sloniewsky for the health of Richard Legeckis.

17 - 9:30AM - Alexander & Dada Sloniewsky for the health of Vera Iwanycky.

18 - 6:30PM - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts & “Sorokousty”.

Ostap & Irena Zynjuk - special intention for Ann Woroniak.19 - 9:30AM - Luba Procyk for +Tekla Teshchuk.

20 - 11:30AM - 2nd Sunday of the Great Fast ; tone2; St.Basil; Lit. of St. Basil the Great.

Jurij & Lydia Martynec Mojsiak for the health of Anna Chekhovych.

St. Cyril & Methodius Brotherhood Sun.: prayer on”Chotky”(Eastern-rite rosary).

21 - 9:30AM - Bohdanna Geleta for +Iryna Hotra.

22 - 9:30AM - Ann Woroniak the health of Ostap Zynjuk.

23 - 9:30AM - Richard & Marta Legeckis for +Osyp & +Zenovia Huley.

24 - 9:30AM - Ann Woroniak for the health of Irena Zynjuk.

25 - 6:30PM - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts & “Sorokousty”.

Walter and Nila Iwaskiw for +Alexander Woroniak.

26 - 9:30AM - Andrew & Christine Hruszkewycz for +Anna Gawdiak.

27 - 11:30AM - 3rd Sunday of the Great Fast (Veneration of the Cross); tone3;

St. Benedict; Liturgy of St. Basil the Great;

For Bishops +Soter Ortynsky (March 24) and +Jaroslav Gabro (March 28).

28 - 9:30AM - Ann Woroniak for +Alexander Woroniak.

29 - 9:30AM - Modest & Natalia Zacharchenko for the health of the Krul Family.

30 - 9:30AM - Modest & Natalia Zacharchenko for the health of Ostap Zynjuk.

31 - 9:30AM - Modest & Natalia Zacharchenko for the health of Richard Legeckis Fam.

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Father VASYL KURYLASFather Vasyl Kurylas was born in Mykolaiv on March 3, 1891, in

a family of wealthy townspeople, Clement and Catherine (neeMykytka) Kurylas. He studied in the local grammar school, thenattended high school in Striy. In the autumn of 1909 he entered theUniversity of Lviv, and then in 1911 he entered the Seminary, wherehe studied together with Josyf Slipyj. World War I broke out duringhis last year of studies, he was arrested and sent to a concentrationcamp in Thalerhof near Graz, in Austria. In December 1914 he wasfreed and continue his theological studies in the University of Vienna,

and finally in the Ukrainian Theological Seminary in Kromeriz inMoravia (Czech lands). He married Helen Korduba, daughter of FatherPeter O. Korduba. He was ordained on January 30, 1916, by theArmenian Catholic Archbishop Josef Teodorovich (becauseMetropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky had been arrested by the Russianarmed forces and deported to Kursk). His first ministry was in thevillage of Hermaniv. The Polish authorities arrested him and he spent

six months in the Brigidki prison in Lviv. After being freed he waspastor in the village of Zhyravka (1920-24), in the town of Dobrotvir (1924-33), and in the village of Butsniv near Ternopil (1933-44). In theautumn of 1945 he was arrested by the NKVD and sentenced to tenyears in Siberia. He was freed in 1956 and returned to Butsniv, wherehe ministered as an underground priest. His wife Helen died on January19, 1973, and on January 11, 1978, in his 86th year, Father Vasylwent to his eternal rest. They had 17 children!

This month (March 20) we will hear about the Reverend Fathers Kurylas (Stasyshyn and Kurylas

families); The next presentations will be in this order: April–Archbishop Volodymyr Sterniuk and the

Reverend Fathers Sterniuks and Podolaks (Podolak family); May–the Reverend Fathers Shankowsky

(Shmorhun family); June–Rev. Volodymyr Karmazyn (Karmazyn family); July–Rev. Emilian

Sharanevych (Sloniewsky family).

Father BOHDAN KURYLASFather Bohdan Kurylas was born in the village of Hermaniv on February 2,

1917, the eldest of the 17 children of Father Vasyl and Helen Kurylas. He

finished grammar school in Dovrotvir, and then the high school of theRedemptorist Fathers in Holosko in the Lviv region. In 1933 he joined theRedemptorist Order and was ordained to the priesthood on February 2, 1940in the town of Yaroslav by bishop Gregory Lakota, auxiliary bishop in Peremyshl.He ministered briefly in Tyliav in the Lemko region and then, after emigrating,in Brussels among the Ukrainian emigrants in Belgium, until his death onSeptember 5, 1991. He was a talented preacher, writer, and literary scholar.He wrote under the pen name Ihor Kalinenko. He defended his Ph.D. dissertationon “The Union of Archbishop Meletiy Smotrytsky” at the Ukrainian Free Universityin Munich in 1962.


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A copy of the Shroud of Turin will be on display inthe Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the HolyFamily in Washington, from March 6 to April 14, 2011:On Sundays from 9-3, and on Tuesday, Thursday, and

Saturday from 10 to 4 PM (4250 Harewood Rd. NE,Washington, DC). We highly recommend that you visitthis Shroud and pray at its side during the Great Fast!

More detailed information can be found at the following address:www.philashroud.org – Tel. 202-526-3737 – e-mail [email protected]


LENTEN MISSIONUnder the direction of Redemptorist Father Mykhailo Ivaniuk

Teacher of Redeptorist Students at the Monastery of St. Alphonso,at Zamarstynivska Street in Lviv, will proceed as follows:

Friday, March 18, 2011 at 6:30 PMLiturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, Confession, and first spiritual lecture

Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 9:30 AMHoly Liturgy and Sorokousty, and the second spiritual lecture

Saturday, March 19, 2011, 6:30 PMAkathist to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the third spiritual lecture, and Confession

Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 11:30 AMLiturgy of St. Basil the Great, Confession, and the fourth spiritual lecture

My sincere thanks to all parishioners for the love you showedme, by honoring my 60th birthday on Sunday, February 6,2011. I am grateful for the great gift of the presence of BishopHlib, of my mother and sister Natalie from Raleigh N.C., andof all the family and friends. A special thanks to theSisterhood of Our Lady of Pochaiv, with its head IrynaYasinsky Graves, for organizing the formal dinner. I also wantto thank the children and parents of the Sunday School andtheir cheerful singing, for the reminisces of YevdoshkaKoroza about visiting her when she was seriously ill in thehospital, for the greetings by Theodore Caryk in the name of the Ridna Shkola, and for all personal greetings and gifts.This celebration will remain for me like a pleasant memoryfor many years. Also a great thank you to the Sisterhoodand the parishioners for commemorating the birthday of panimatka Lialia on Sunday, February 27, 2011. May Godbless all!

Father Taras and Panimatka Lonchyna

Brothers Bishop Hlib and Father Taras Lonchyna

con-celebrating at the Divine Liturgy, on the day of 

the celebration of the 60th birthday of our pastor 


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Parish Council calls a General Meeting for Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 1:30 PM in the church hall. Weask all to come, to hear reports about the activity and finances of the parish for 2010 and to review plansfor our further growth and development.

A Meeting of the Parish Council is called for Sunday, March 27, 2011 following the Liturgy, at 1:15 PMin the church hall.

Sunday School (including all children) meets on the first and third Sunday of the month. The meetingsare as follows: Sundays March 6 and 20, 2011 at 10:30 AM.

Preparation of children for First Confession under the direction of Father Taras continues on theSundays of March 6, 13, 20, and 27 following the Liturgy.

Baptized: Oleksa Kyrylo HARMATIY, on February 20, 2011; godparents: Andriy Leshchyshyn andNatalia Smolylo. We welcome the new Christian baby!

“Sorokousty” is the celebration of memorial requiem services (panakhyda) during the 2nd, 3rd, and4th week of the Great Fast, for the commemoration of deceased family members. Please give your listof deceased family members to Father Taras.

A great thank you to Jurij Podolak 

and Ivan Kryvutsky, as well as the

workers, for putting in the insulation

in the new ceiling, and some new 

lights and “Exit” signs in the church

hall! We thank all of you who

contribute to the Building Fund,

because this makes it possible to

do various necessary repairs in the


A sincere thanks to these sponsors: Orest & Ruslana Kits for the goldenpitcher with sprinkler ($200); Natalka Krawchuk Wells for the “diskos” ($100)and Danko and Darka Nebesh for the incense “boat” ($100). A total of $400.

We are looking for sponsors to finance: the cornerstone – $2,000 (the Ukrainiantext will be added), and of new cabinets in the hall, which will be finished withgranite – $2,500.

© Holy Trinity Particular Ukrainian Catholic Church; Editor – rev. Taras Lonchyna; Translated by – Wolodar Lysko;Design: Andriy Harmatiy, Photo – o. Taras Lonchyna

Parish address: 16631 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20905-3919; Tel.: 301-421-1739