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  • 1. ELECTRICPOWER PLANTSAmanda Jorge JorgeJuan Arroyo Asensio2011/2012 3A

2. IndexConventional elctric power plants Nuclear power plants Fossil fuel thermal power plants Hydroelectric power plantsNon-conventional electric power plants Wind power plants and wind farms Solar power plants Geotherma power plants Biomass thermal power plants Ocean power plantsEnviromental impactNew use of wind turbine 3. CONVENTIONAL ELECTRIC POWER PLANTSThis type of power plants are most commonly used inindustrialised countries. They are the one that pollutethe most. Its got some problems, but they are themost used: 4. CONVENTIONAL ELECTRIC POWERPLANTS (PROBLEMS)Extracting coal, oil and gas is dangerous and can bepolluting; and these fossil fuels are non-renewable.As we use up easily-accessible sources of coal, oiland gas extracting them becomes harder, moreexpensive and more dangerous. Burning fossil fuelsis the main source of greenhouse gases which affectthe atmosphere and are altering the climate. 5. NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS.It is a type of thermoelectric power plant that includesa nuclear fission reactor. The fission of an atomreleases a lot of energy in for of heat. The heat makewater hotter and it for a steam that moves the turbinethat produce the final electricity. The main fuel that isused are uranium-235 and plutonium-239 that areisotopes of these elements. 6. FOSSIL FUEL AND THERMAL POWER PLANTSIn these type of energy the combustion of a fossil fuel (For example: coal, pretroleum and natural gas) is carried out in a boiled to heat the water that forms a steam that moves the turbine conected to a generator, these generator poduce the final electricity.There is a special type called Combined cycled powerplant: Electricity is generated as a result of two cycles,the first cycles uses air and gas, as a conventionalthermal plant, in the first cycle a compressor isincluded, these machine increase the pressure of thegas. Gas and air are mixed. These mix is burnt andgenerate electricity, one part goes to a boiler, where thewater is heated in the second cycle, and these produceelectricity. 7. HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTSThese type of power plants provide the energy bystoring water in a dam and then converting it intokinetic energy, for producing it,the energy moves theblades of the turbine .Depending on the destination of the water, this kind of power plants are divided in two groups:gravity or pump:Gravity ones: Water used follows the course of a river and wont be reusedPump ones: Water descends into a reservoir located at a lower height, then pumped to a higher reservoir to reuse it. 8. NON-CONVENTIONAL ELCTRIC POWER PLANTSThese group of power plants pretent to pollute less thanconventional electric power plants, because theseones produce lots of enviromental problems.Advantages: They contaminate much less than conventional, they use renewbable sources so we dont depend on pretroleum and natural gas.Disadvantages: Theyre not competentb because theyproduce much less energy than conventional ones.That the reason of the next graphic. 9. RENEWABLE ENERGYCONSUMPTION 10. WIND POWER PLANTS AND WINDFARMSThese power plants use kinetic energy generated by thewind. The energy from the wind moves the blades ofa rotor at the top of a tower, these rotor moves aturbine that produce elctricity, this is refer to the windturbines.Wind farms: they are a clean form of generating electricity. However, they can only be installed in places with appropiate wind conditions. 11. SOLAR POWER PLANTSThese are plants that use the enrgy from the sun toproduce the energy that we need.There are two types:Photo -thermal power plants.Photovoltaic power plants. 12. PHOTO-THERMAL POWER PLANTSThese type of power plant consist of colecting the heatgenerated by the sun that moves a rotor in agenerator, to do these they use special mirrors calledheliostats, they reflect sunlight and concentrate it in aspecific point, in these point temperature is high. 13. PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER PLANTSIn photovoltaic power plants the solar radiation istransformed in electricity by panel of photovoltaiccells.The power plant consist of large areas of photovoltaicpanels, they are isolated power plants, they are verysmall in size and they are used to supply theelectricity in homes or in rural areas. 14. GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANTSThese type of energy uses the heat found at deeplevels in the earth and much reach the surface in theform of steam, gases or hot water.Geothermal energy ust be used:Directly: for hot water and for heating, for industrial useand so on.Inderectly: for electricity. 15. BIOMASS THERMAL POWER PLANTSBiomass consist of organic compounds that areproduced by natural sources, they may come from thefollowing sources:Forestry and agricultural waste.Specific crops, such as sunflowers and sugar beet.Waste from agri-food industries.Biomass produce charcoal, alcohol, biogas, etc.The organic materials are burnt in biomass powerplants. 16. OCEAN POWER PLANTSThese type of power pants uses the energy from theseas and the ocean. Types:The mechanical energy from tides.The mechanical energy from waves.The energy from the oceans thermal gradient. 17. Type of Enviromental impact Type ofAdvantages Disadvantagespower plant energy Fossil fuel -It produce green The chepest powerThe fossil fuelsthermalhouse efect gases Non-plants taking in careused like oil in-Water is lost Renewable the incomesusing upNuclear-Danger of disaster Non- They are veryTheyrelike Fukushima Renewablepowerfulexpensive and-Radioactive wastetakas many tobuild itHydroelectricDivering the natursl The availability of The risk ofriver course Renewable the water flowdisappearance ofsome species Wind Huge visual impact Renewable Clean, Non polluting Discontinuous production SolarAffects ecosystem if it Renewable You assure 25-30High installing covers lots of land years of activity. costBiomass Beneficial if it is used RenewableReuse householdExplotation ofcorrectly wastenatural resources Ocean EnviromentalRenewableThe cost ofNegative effect in changes because ofmaintenance is low flora and faunathe construction work 18. NEW USE OF WIND TURBINEThe eole water is a turbine design to create fresh waterfrom the air. First, the air is sucked ,then it travels to acooling compressor where the water from the air iscondensed and collected. Finaly the water is filteredand purified.This new discovered is very useful because you canhave a source of water wherever you want if thesituation of this city in faraway from a river orsomething. Example the population in the middle ofthe Sahara desert.