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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 Energy Environ. Sci. Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c6ee02697d Holistic computational structure screening of more than 12 000 candidates for solid lithium-ion conductor materialsAustin D. Sendek, a Qian Yang, b Ekin D. Cubuk, c Karel-Alexander N. Duerloo, c Yi Cui c and Evan J. Reed* c We present a new type of large-scale computational screening approach for identifying promising candidate materials for solid state electrolytes for lithium ion batteries that is capable of screening all known lithium containing solids. To be useful for batteries, high performance solid state electrolyte materials must satisfy many requirements at once, an optimization that is difficult to perform experimentally or with computationally expensive ab initio techniques. We first screen 12 831 lithium containing crystalline solids for those with high structural and chemical stability, low electronic conductivity, and low cost. We then develop a data-driven ionic conductivity classification model using logistic regression for identifying which candidate structures are likely to exhibit fast lithium conduction based on experimental measurements reported in the literature. The screening reduces the list of candidate materials from 12 831 down to 21 structures that show promise as electrolytes, few of which have been examined experimentally. We discover that none of our simple atomistic descriptor functions alone provide predictive power for ionic conductivity, but a multi-descriptor model can exhibit a useful degree of predictive power. We also find that screening for structural stability, chemical stability and low electronic conductivity eliminates 92.2% of all Li-containing materials and screening for high ionic conductivity eliminates a further 93.3% of the remainder. Our screening utilizes structures and electronic information contained in the Materials Project database. Broader context With the model and results presented herein, we present a new approach for the discovery of solid electrolytes with the potential to identify the next generation of high-performance LIB solid electrolytes from thousands of candidates. The development of new solid electrolytes could ease a plethora of concerns over the safety, stability, energy density, and cycle life of commercial LIBs. Additionally, the development of new solid electrolytes could facilitate the development of structural batteries for the weight- and volume-sensitive applications of electric aircraft and spacecraft. Furthermore, this screening approach allows for inclusion of additional requirements, including environmental concerns like earth abundance. The potential impact of a highly stable new solid material with liquid-like lithium conduction cannot be overstated: solid-state LIBs stand to improve on the safety, performance, and lifetime of our state-of-the-art energy storage technology, and in doing so help to realize an electrified future with less dependence on fossil fuels. 1. Introduction Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) show great promise as a superior energy storage technology for an array of applications, includ- ing mobile devices and electric vehicles. However, a critical performance and safety issue facing commercial LIBs is the use of liquid electrolytes. In most LIBs, the electrolyte is liquid, consisting of a lithium salt dissolved in an organic solvent; 1 this type of electrolyte is cheap and exhibits high lithium ionic conductivity, which enables high power output from the cell. However, such solvents also enable or directly cause many safety and performance problems, including potential ignition of the flammable solvent when the cell is short-circuited by mechanical puncturing, 2 reactions with the electrode that harm capacity and overall performance, 3,4 and catastrophic pressure build-ups from thermally-induced solvent vaporization. 1 Lithium- based batteries with solid electrolytes hold promise as safer, a Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA b Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA c Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6ee02697d Received 15th September 2016, Accepted 1st December 2016 DOI: 10.1039/c6ee02697d Energy & Environmental Science PAPER Published on 01 December 2016. Downloaded by Stanford University on 18/12/2016 07:11:10. View Article Online View Journal

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Page 1: Energy & Environmental · 9/15/2016  · Austin D. Sendek,a Qian Yang,b Ekin D. Cubuk,c Karel-Alexander N. Duerloo,c Yi

This journal is©The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 Energy Environ. Sci.

Cite this:DOI: 10.1039/c6ee02697d

Holistic computational structure screening ofmore than 12 000 candidates for solid lithium-ionconductor materials†

Austin D. Sendek,a Qian Yang,b Ekin D. Cubuk,c Karel-Alexander N. Duerloo,c

Yi Cuic and Evan J. Reed*c

We present a new type of large-scale computational screening approach for identifying promising

candidate materials for solid state electrolytes for lithium ion batteries that is capable of screening all

known lithium containing solids. To be useful for batteries, high performance solid state electrolyte

materials must satisfy many requirements at once, an optimization that is difficult to perform

experimentally or with computationally expensive ab initio techniques. We first screen 12 831 lithium

containing crystalline solids for those with high structural and chemical stability, low electronic

conductivity, and low cost. We then develop a data-driven ionic conductivity classification model using

logistic regression for identifying which candidate structures are likely to exhibit fast lithium conduction

based on experimental measurements reported in the literature. The screening reduces the list of

candidate materials from 12 831 down to 21 structures that show promise as electrolytes, few of which

have been examined experimentally. We discover that none of our simple atomistic descriptor functions

alone provide predictive power for ionic conductivity, but a multi-descriptor model can exhibit a useful

degree of predictive power. We also find that screening for structural stability, chemical stability and low

electronic conductivity eliminates 92.2% of all Li-containing materials and screening for high ionic

conductivity eliminates a further 93.3% of the remainder. Our screening utilizes structures and electronic

information contained in the Materials Project database.

Broader contextWith the model and results presented herein, we present a new approach for the discovery of solid electrolytes with the potential to identify the next generationof high-performance LIB solid electrolytes from thousands of candidates. The development of new solid electrolytes could ease a plethora of concerns over thesafety, stability, energy density, and cycle life of commercial LIBs. Additionally, the development of new solid electrolytes could facilitate the development ofstructural batteries for the weight- and volume-sensitive applications of electric aircraft and spacecraft. Furthermore, this screening approach allows forinclusion of additional requirements, including environmental concerns like earth abundance. The potential impact of a highly stable new solid material withliquid-like lithium conduction cannot be overstated: solid-state LIBs stand to improve on the safety, performance, and lifetime of our state-of-the-art energystorage technology, and in doing so help to realize an electrified future with less dependence on fossil fuels.

1. Introduction

Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) show great promise as a superiorenergy storage technology for an array of applications, includ-ing mobile devices and electric vehicles. However, a critical

performance and safety issue facing commercial LIBs is the useof liquid electrolytes. In most LIBs, the electrolyte is liquid,consisting of a lithium salt dissolved in an organic solvent;1

this type of electrolyte is cheap and exhibits high lithium ionicconductivity, which enables high power output from the cell.However, such solvents also enable or directly cause manysafety and performance problems, including potential ignitionof the flammable solvent when the cell is short-circuited bymechanical puncturing,2 reactions with the electrode that harmcapacity and overall performance,3,4 and catastrophic pressurebuild-ups from thermally-induced solvent vaporization.1 Lithium-based batteries with solid electrolytes hold promise as safer,

a Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USAb Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University,

Stanford, CA 94305, USAc Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford,

CA 94305, USA. E-mail: [email protected]

† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6ee02697d

Received 15th September 2016,Accepted 1st December 2016

DOI: 10.1039/c6ee02697d

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Energy Environ. Sci. This journal is©The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016

higher energy density and longer-lasting alternatives toconventional liquid electrolyte batteries by permitting the useof high voltage cathodes by limiting side reactions, easingflammability concerns, and suppressing dendrite growth.5

However, the principal design challenge with solid electrolytesis their lower ionic conductivities, typically many orders ofmagnitude below those of liquids (B10�2 S cm�1).6

The materials community has spent decades employing alargely guess-and-check approach to the search for new solidelectrolytes. During this period, only a handful of materialswith room temperature (RT) lithium conductivity comparableto liquids7–9 has been identified. However, high ionic conduc-tivity is not the only requirement for a solid electrolyte; thesematerials should also exhibit a wide electrochemical stabilitywindow, negligible electronic conductivity, robust chemicalstability, and low cost. Searching for high ionic conductivitysolids is a considerable challenge in itself—and has beenthe main focus of many years of work—but navigating themany-dimensional space of these additional material require-ments is even more difficult, and the unstructured nature of thesearch has resulted in slow progress.

The number of known lithium-containing compounds is inthe tens of thousands, the vast majority of which are untestedand some of which may be excellent conductors. Here we presentan improved method for searching the high dimensional spaceof technological constraints for promising materials by screen-ing large datasets of electronic structure information containedin the Materials Project (MP) database.10 We first search formaterials satisfying several prerequisite requirements (i.e. otherthan ionic conductivity), and we then utilize decades of available

experimental data to build a rapidly calculable ionic conductivityclassification model to look for the most likely superionicmaterials among these remaining candidates. The speed of themodel is approximately 5–6 orders of magnitude faster thancalculating ionic conductivity with DFT-based or experimentalapproaches, enabling screening of over 12 000 candidateLi-containing solids in a matter of minutes. Our approach isdescribed in the flow chart in Fig. 1.

This statistical learning-based ionic conductivity classifica-tion approach seeks to objectively identify non-obvious infor-mation in the crystal structure that is highly correlated toionic conductivity. This approach identifies generalized trendsamong all crystal structures, rather than limiting the search to aspecific family or characteristic of conductors as in previouswork;11,12 this is accomplished by compiling a diverse trainingset of structures. By using the existing data, the resulting modelmay be interpreted as a Bayesian prior on structure–propertycorrelations for fast ion conduction; it can guide future studiesin making the best guesses possible with the limited availabledata, and it is expected to be better than random trial-and-error.Additionally, this approach is more robust against humaninvestigator bias, as it objectively reveals which, if any, of a setof hypotheses provide the best predictive power. The importantinformation emerges automatically as the model learns. Weutilize a data-driven predictor approach because electronicstructure-based calculations of ionic conductivity often requirecomputationally expensive energy barrier calculations, acurrently insurmountable hurdle for screening over 10 000materials. Applications of statistical learning techniques forunderstanding and screening materials have been small but

Fig. 1 Flowchart of approach. Our approach consists of two main efforts: ionic conductivity model building and structure screening. We first screen forthe prerequisite requirements of band gap, electrochemical stability, energy above the convex hull (metastability), and materials cost. We then build astructure-based ionic conductivity predictor by defining a feature space and learning from experimentally reported lithium conductors in the literature.This model enables screening for materials with high likelihood of superionic character based on atomic structural characteristics.

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steadily growing in popularity. These include efforts to predictthe structures of hypothetical ternary oxides,13 identify newhigh Curie temperature piezoelectrics,14 predict thermodynamicstability,15 investigate chemical compound space,16 assist hydro-thermal synthesis methods,17 and screen liquid electrolytes.18–21

2. Screening for constraints other thanionic conductivity

From the MP database, we obtain DFT-calculated atomisticand electronic structure information for each of the 12 831Li-containing candidate materials: the equilibrium atom posi-tions, the band gap, the energy above the convex hull, andthe Gibbs free energy of formation utilizing the MP’s Pythonmodule Pymatgen.22 For this study, we consider only structurescontaining lithium; this makes up 19.2% of the 66 840 totalstructures in the MP database. We then compile data for fourprerequisite criteria: electronic conduction, oxidative decom-position voltage, structural stability, and materials cost.

2.1 Electronic conductivity

In a battery, electronic conduction across the electrolyte mustbe minimal. To ensure low electronic conductivity, we screenfor large band gap materials. The relationship between bandgap and electronic conductivity for an intrinsic (n = p) crystallinesemiconductor23 can be approximated as,

s ¼ me þ mhð ÞqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiNCNV

pe�Egap=2kT (1)

where me and mh are electronic and hole mobilities, and NC andNV are the densities of states in the conduction and valencebands, respectively. Using standard values for crystalline silicon(NC = 2.89 � 1019 cm�1, NV = 3.13 � 1019 cm�1, me =1430 cm2 V�1 s�1, mh = 480 cm2 V�1 s�1, Egap = 1.12 eV) thisgives s = 4.0 � 10�6 S cm�1 at RT, which rises to s = 0.61 S cm�1

if Egap = 0.5 eV and falls to s = 1.82 � 10�13 S cm�1 if Egap = 2 eV.Although the parameters in eqn (1) will vary from material tomaterial, for Si a band gap of 1 eV leads to an electronicconductivity that is likely too large for robust electrolyte opera-tion. Therefore, in our screening we set the minimum acceptableband gap to 1 eV and discard all materials with smaller gaps.Consideration of the well documented tendency for semi-localDFT to underestimate band gaps by a factor of two or more24

leads to our screening conducted using an approximate upperbound on electronic conductivity.

2.2 Structural stability

The energy above the convex hull Ehull quantifies the differencebetween the zero-temperature lattice energy of all phases and themost stable phase, Ehull. For a given compound, we assume thosestructures in the database with Ehull 4 0 eV per atom to beunstable or metastable and discard them from the screening.

2.3 Stability against oxidation at cathode

An additional requirement for solid electrolytes is a wideelectrochemical stability window. Electrolytes with low stability

against oxidation can react at the cathode and form highresistance interfacial layers that limit ionic current. A widestability window is an important consideration in the search forpromising ion conductors, as low activation energies for iondiffusion correlate with small magnitude (i.e. closer to zero)formation energies, and these small formation energies typicallycorrelate with enhanced chemical reactivity. This constraint isquite restrictive and renders many superionic lithium conductorswith low decomposition voltages unusable as standalone electro-lytes in LIBs, e.g. Li3P. Sometimes the reaction products arehighly ionically conductive and allow for normal operation, butwithout knowing the reaction products a priori we search formaterials that are unlikely to react in the first place.

Recent advances have been made in predicting the stabilityagainst oxidation at the cathode during discharge by computa-tionally building phase diagrams with DFT.25 For increasedefficiency, we estimate upper bounds on the oxidation potentialusing the DFT-computed formation energies DGf given in theMP database. Formation energies are defined with respect tothe elemental constituents of the material:

LixAaBbCc �!DGfxLi0 þ aA0 þ bB0 þ cC0 (2)

Although we do not know a priori the mechanism or energeticsof the oxidation, we do know that the reaction is endergonic withenergy DGox, pushed up the energy landscape by the cathodevoltage, and results in a lithium-deficient product at the interface.A complete oxidation would have the following form:

LixAaBbCc ��!DGoxxLi0 þ ðlithium-free productsÞ (3)

An energetic upper bound on this endergonic step would becomplete phase segregation of the electrolyte into its elementalconstituents. We might think of this decomposition as an inter-mediate step in a complete oxidation:

LixAaBbCc ���!DGf 4 0xLi0 þ aA0 þ bB0 þ cC0 ���!DG0�0


þ ðlithium-free productsÞ(4)

Since the reaction is endergonic, DGox = DGf + DG0 r DGf;thus the formation energy is an upper bound on the oxidationenergy. The Nernst equation provides the voltage required todrive an electrochemical reaction with energy E: V = zFE. Withthis we can calculate an upper bound oxidative decompositionvoltage Vox on the true voltage for this reaction Vox (with respectto Li/Li+), from the known formation energy:

Vox = DGf/xF (5)

In the ESI,† Fig. S1 we plot several examples of Vox versus Vox

as calculated rigorously with DFT in ref. 25 and confirm that Vox

is an upper bound on Vox. Given that a typical cathode voltage isaround 4 V vs. Li/Li+ or higher, we screen for materials with anestimated upper bound decomposition voltage of Vox 4 4 V.

2.4 Stability against reduction at Li metal anode

Solid electrolyte materials must also remain stable against thelow voltage of the anode. An ideal solid electrolyte will be stable

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down to 0 V vs. Li/Li+, thus enabling the usage of high energydensity lithium metal anodes. Structures with transition metalatoms present are particularly susceptible to reactions withlithium, as the transition metals have many stable oxidationstates. To improve the likelihood of chemical stability versus Limetal, we define a Boolean variable T which indicates if atransition metal is present in the stoichiometry (T = 1) or not(T = 0).

The electrochemical stability windows provided in ref. 25show that no materials with transition metals present achievestability against Li metal, i.e. T = 0 is a necessary but notsufficient condition for Vred = 0. Thus to improve the likelihoodof discovering materials stable against Li metal, we screen formaterials with T = 0.

2.5 Cost

From a practical perspective, cost is a significant issue as well.An aggressive per-area cost target26 for electrolyte and/orseparator materials is $10 per m2. As a rough estimate formaterials cost, we consider the approximate per-mass costs ofthe raw elements in the material based on the prices of theircommonly traded forms (sourced from Wikipedia27) and calcu-late a per-area cost for each material in US dollars (USD),assuming a 10 mm thickness. This serves to provide some sensefor whether a material might feasibly ever reach the $10 per m2

cost target. We do not screen on cost but we provide it for allmaterials. The reference values for raw materials costs are givenin Table S1 (ESI†).

2.6 Earth abundance

Another practical constraint is the earth abundance of theconstituent atoms in a material. To filter for stoichiometrieswith highly abundant atoms, we compile an abundance index IA

for each structure based on the abundance ranking of theindividual atoms. Each atom in the unit cell is assigned a scorefrom 1 to 92 reflecting its rank in abundance in the earth’scrust,28 and the overall material abundance index IA is simplythe score of the least abundant atom in the unit cell. Theatomic abundance ranks are given in Table S1 (ESI†). Althoughwe calculate the earth abundance index for each candidatematerial, we do not use this as a screening criterion.

3. Ionic conductivity screening3.1 Training set

We compiled a training set of 40 crystal structures and reportedexperimentally measured ionic conductivity values available inthe literature. These structures and ionic conductivity valuesare listed in Table 1. The atomic crystalline structures weemploy for these 40 materials were downloaded from theInorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD)85 which containsexperimentally derived measurements. The work of Raccugliaet al.17 demonstrates the value of learning on negative examples;this supports our inclusion of many poor conductors in thetraining set. This is a relatively small set of available data from

which to build a predictive model, and it is not clear a priori thatthere is sufficient information available to do so. The chancesare best if good candidates for underlying physics are known, i.e.good features can be chosen.

From these atomistic structures, we compute 20 featuresthat characterize the local atomic arrangements and chemistryof the crystals. These features are chosen to be plausiblecandidates for exhibiting some correlation with ionic conduc-tivity. These features depend only on the positions, masses,electronegativities, and atomic radii of the atoms, and thereforerequire minimal effort for computation. Conversely, buildingfeatures from electronic structure requires computationallyexpensive simulations and quickly becomes intractable giventhe large number of candidate materials to screen. A list of our20 features and their individual Pearson correlations with ionicconductivity for the structures in the training set is given inTable 2. The reference values we use for building the features

Table 1 Training set. The training set consists of the 40 materials and theirreported RT ionic conductivity values shown here. References for theatomistic structures are given in the rightmost column and references forthe ionic conductivity values are given in the second-from-right column.Because this set includes many diverse structures, we can apply theresulting conductivity model to any crystalline material

CompositionRT bulk ionicconductivity (S cm�1)

Ionicconductivity ref. Structure ref.

LiLa(TiO3)2 1 � 10�3 17 29Li9.81Sn0.81P2.19S12 5.5 � 10�3 30 30Li10Ge(PS6)2 1.4 � 10�2 7 31Li10.35Si1.35P1.65S12 6.5 � 10�3 30 30Li14ZnGe4O16(2) 1.0 � 10�6 32 33 and 34Li2Ca(NH)2 6.4 � 10�6 35 36Li2Ge7O15 5.0 � 10�6 37 38Li2NH 2.5 � 10�4 35 39Li2S 1.0 � 10�13 40 41Li13.6Si2.8S1.2O16 6.0 � 10�7 42 43Li14Ge2V2O16 7.0 � 10�5 44 45Li15Ge3V2O4 6.03 � 10�6 46 47Li14.8Ge3.4W0.6O4 4.0 � 10�5 46 47Li3Fe2P3O12 1.0 � 10�7 48 49Li3N 5.75 � 10�4 50 51Li3P 1.0 � 10�3 8 52g-Li3PS4 3.0 � 10�7 53 54Li3Sc2P3O12 1.0 � 10�10 55 56bII-Li3VO4 4.4 � 10�8 57 58Li4B7O12Cl 1.0 � 10�7 59 59Li4BN3H10 2.0 � 10�4 60 61g-Li4GeO4 3.1 � 10�12 37 62Li4SiO4 2.4 � 10�10 37 63Li5La3Bi2O12 2.0 � 10�5 64 64Li5La3Nb2O12 8.0 � 10�6 65 66Li5La3Ta2O12 1.5 � 10�6 65 66Li5NI2 1.5 � 10�7 67 68Li6BaLa2Ta2O12 4.0 � 10�5 69 70Li6FeCl8 1.0 � 10�4 71 72Li6NBr3 1.5 � 10�7 67 73Li6SrLa2Ta2O12 7.0 � 10�6 69 70Li7La3Zr2O12 3.5 � 10�4 74 75Li7P3S11 4.1 � 10�3 9 76LiAlH4 2.0 � 10�9 77 78LiAlSiO4 1.4 � 10�5 79 80LiBH4 2.0 � 10�8 60 81LiI 1.0 � 10�6 42 82LiNH2 4.0 � 10�10 35 83a0-LiZr2P3O12 5.0 � 10�8 84 84

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are given in Table S1 (ESI†). For descriptions on how tocalculate these 20 features given the reference values, see ESI,†Section S1. For reference, the feature values of lithium iodideand lithium phosphide are provided in the ESI,† Table S2.

The 20 features are chosen based on physical intuition andprevious proposals and reports in the literature.86–90 We limitthe feature pool to the 20 described here in order to enableexhaustive combinatorial searches of feature space (Discussedin Section 3.2), which become prohibitive beyond 20 features.Although many of the features we use have some correlationwith ionic conductivity, none of the Pearson correlation coeffi-cients are larger than �0.3 and thus no features individuallyform a robust design criterion across all structure types.However, it is possible that a linear combination of featurescan build a model with better predictive power than a singlefeature alone. We again do not know a priori which or how manyfeatures are important, but we can identify them using combi-natorial model building and statistical validation techniques.

Several of the training set structures from the ICSD are givenwith fractional atomic occupancies due to disorder. Sincethe feature extraction process maps one structural configu-ration to one feature vector but many different configurationsare feasible, in this case the features are ambiguous. We treatthese cases with a probabilistic approach, described in ESI†Section S2.

With these techniques we identify a distinct subset offeatures that define a model capable of predicting superionic

behaviour and illuminating the structure–property relationshipfrom a new perspective.

3.2 Model selection

3.2.1 Superionic classification with logistic regression.To use the training data to identify potential superionic struc-tures from the Materials Project database, we build a multi-variable predictor for high ionic conductivity from the features{xi}. We implement logistic regression (LR), a binary classifica-tion technique, to distinguish between superionic structures(sZ 10�4 S cm�1) and non-superionic structures (so 10�4 S cm�1).A justification for the use of binary classification via logisticregression is provided in the ESI† Section S3. This correspondsto applying the following mapping of the ionic conductivity dataonto a binary classification variable ~s:

~s ¼1; s � 10�4 S cm�1

0; so 10�4 S cm�1


Under this classification scheme, 27.5% of the trainingset materials (11 of 40) are considered superionic. With thistransformation we then classify the training set structures withan expression of the form:

PLR ~sðiÞ ¼ 1� �

¼ 1þ exp �Xnj¼0

yjxið Þj

!" #�1(7)

Table 2 Atomistic features. The given 20 features are analysed in the combinatorial (all combinations considered) model-building process. In thesecond column are the Pearson’s rho values for conductivity correlation for the structures in the training set, none of which are greater than �0.3 andthus no single feature forms a robust screening criterion. The italicized features are used in the screening model and their logistic regression coefficientsare given in the rightmost column. A positive-signed coefficient indicates a positive correlation with ionic conductivity within the model, while anegative-signed coefficient indicates a negative correlation. The relative magnitude of the coefficient indicates the feature’s importance to the model.‘‘Nearest neighbours,’’ as used in features 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 19, and 20, are defined to be all atoms within 4 Å. This large cutoff may count second nearestneighbours as well, so features 5 and 9 should not necessarily be interpreted as the coordination number. However, by reaching past nearest neighboursit is possible that this feature captures more information about the local environment. A detailed description of how to calculate the features is given inSection S1 (ESI)

FeaturePearson correlationcoefficient

Training datastandard deviation

Training datamean

Normalized regressioncoefficient

1 Volume per atoma 0.20 4.582 13.342 02 Standard deviation in Li neighbour count 0.22 1.430 1.766 03 Standard deviation in Li bond ionicity �0.04 0.274 0.858 04 Li bond ionicitya �0.18 0.372 1.403 05 Li neighbour counta �0.19 6.393 21.359 06 Li–Li bonds per Lia 0.06 4.432 6.218 +0.8177 Bond ionicity of sublatticea �0.28 0.330 0.978 �1.3238 Sublattice neighbour counta �0.13 7.087 20.660 09 Anion framework coordinationa �0.06 2.202 10.073 �1.02810 Minimum anion–anion separation distancea (Å) 0.09 0.708 3.395 011 Volume per anion (Å3) �0.01 35.131 36.614 012 Minimum Li–anion separation distancea (Å) 0.20 0.288 2.072 +2.50913 Minimum Li–Li separation distancea (Å) �0.10 0.746 2.730 �1.61914 Electronegativity of sublatticea �0.16 0.306 2.780 015 Packing fraction of full crystal 0.16 0.173 0.465 016 Packing fraction of sublattice 0.19 0.186 0.234 017 Straight-line path widtha (Å) 0.07 0.247 0.852 018 Straight-line path electronegativitya �0.29 0.707 2.535 019 Ratio of features (4) and (7) �0.03 0.719 1.611 020 Ratio of features (5) and (8) �0.18 0.152 1.057 0

Constant term — — — �1.944

a These features are averaged over the relevant parameter: bonds, atoms, Li–Li pathways, etc.

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where n r 20 is the number of atomistic features in the model,{hi} are the regression coefficients, and x0 � 1 for all materialsto allow for an intercept term y0 in the sum. The output ofeqn (7) is a scalar value between 0 and 1 indicating theprobability that material i belongs to the superionic class.We consider the model prediction for material i, s(i) A {0,1},to be the class with greater likelihood, i.e. s(i) = 1 and material iis predicted superionic if PLR Z 50%; and s(i) = 0 and material iis not predicted superionic if PLR o 50%. Although the physicsgoverning ionic conduction is certainly more complicated thana linear sum of atomistic features, we seek to build a model thatcaptures some of this important information despite its relativesimplicity.

Next we perform feature selection, where we identify asubset of the 20 features that builds the best predictor. Usinga large number of features (compared to the number of datapoints) can result in overfitting, in which the quality of thetraining set fit is high, but the predictive power is poor. Usingtoo few features can result in underfitting, where both the fit tothe training set and the predictive power are poor.

To identify the optimal set of features to use in the featurereduction process, we use LR to build an ensemble of allpossible models and compute predictive performance of eachmodel. Due to the relatively small number of M = 40 materialsand N = 20 features in our full data set, we can build a modelfrom every possible combination of features for a total ofP20n¼1


� �¼ 1048575 models. For each model, we fit the feature

data to the ionic conductivity classes, calculate the trainingmisclassification rate (TMR) between the predicted and observedvalues, and the cross-validated misclassification rate (CVMR)through leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV).91 The TMR isgiven by:

TMR ¼ 1



1 ~sðiÞasðiÞn o


Here we make use of the indicator function 1{X}, whichevaluates to 1 if the argument X is true and 0 if X is false. Theargument of the indicator function in eqn (8) is true if themodel prediction s(i) does not equal the observed class ~s(i).Thus eqn (8) counts the number of misclassified materials anddivides it by the total number of materials, M.

The CVMR is calculated in a similar way, but with the modelprediction s(i) replaced by s(i)

LOO. In LOOCV, we systematicallyremove data point i, rebuild the model on the remaining N � 1points, and then classify the removed point on this rebuiltmodel. The model prediction for material i built on all datapoints except i is s(i)

LOO. As before, if PLR Z 0.5, we set s(i)LOO = 1,

and if PLR o 0.5 we set s(i)LOO = 0.

CVMR ¼ 1



1 ~sðiÞasðiÞLOO

n o(9)

The CVMR serves as a metric for the quality of the predictivecapacity of the model and we expect it to be high in regions of

under- and overfitting.92 Since each prediction is made on amaterial that has been removed from the training set, the crossvalidation error captures the predictive power of the model onunseen data. Models that are overfit to the training data, forexample, will have low training errors and high cross validationerrors since the model cannot extrapolate outside the trainingdata.

For each number of features n, where 1 r n r N, we identify

which single model of the20n

� �possible models gives the

lowest CVMR value. The TMR and CVMR values of thesehighest-performing models are plotted against n as solid linesin Fig. 2(a). Note the CVMR is high at low n and high n,representing regions of underfitting and overfitting, respectively.The TMR declines steadily as expected. We identify a 5-featuremodel with minimal CVMR. This model has a TMR of 10%,meaning it misclassifies four of the 40 training points; the CVMRof 10% means four of the 40 training points are also misclassified

Fig. 2 Model selection. (a) Plotted in red against the right vertical axis isthe cross-validation misclassification rate (CVMR) for the lowest CVMRlogistic regression (LR) model with the number of features given on thehorizontal axis. Plotted in blue against the left vertical axis is the trainingmisclassification rate (TMR) for the same model. The solid lines representthe true model; the dotted lines represent the mean values for theX-randomized case. The lower TMR and CVMR values for all numbers offeatures confirms that the model performs up to three times better thanrandom for the CVMR. The black arrow identifies the optimal model. (b)We plot the X-randomization performance metric cRr

2 for the n-feature LR

models. The cRr2 parameter is above the conventional threshold of 0.5 for

the optimal LR model (black arrow). This implies the model has statisticalsignificance.

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in LOOCV. This cross validation error suggests the model willperform with approximately 90% accuracy on unseen data.

3.2.2 X-Randomization. We perform X-randomizationanalysis to provide additional verification of the statisticalsignificance of the predictor and to ensure we are not buildinga model on chance correlations. This is particularly importantfor our case where we have a large feature pool relative to thenumber of data points. In this analysis we replace the featuredata with 40 examples of n-dimensional feature vectors ofrandomly generated values from a uniform distribution onthe interval [0,1] which are then mean-centred and normalizedby the standard deviation. We fit the noise data to the ionicconductivity labels and compute the TMR and CVMR. Thesevalues are averaged over 100 different X-randomizations tosmooth out fluctuations. The results are shown as the dashedlines in Fig. 2(a). The randomized TMR and CVMR are alwayssignificantly higher than the true models, by up to a factorof three.

Some additional insight into the degree of statistical signifi-cance can be obtained by considering the false positive predictionsof the models, i.e. the fraction of predicted superionics that areactually non-superionic. In performing the LOO cross-validationon the training set, we find that the true model classifies 11training set materials as superionic while only 9 actually are, givinga false positive appearance rate of 2/11 = 18%. In performingX-randomization with n = 5, we find a false positive appearancerate of 75%. Given the 27.5–72.5% split between superionic andpoor conductor classes in our training data, we would expectthat guessing the class label without any information—essentiallyflipping a coin to determine the class—would give a false positiveapproximately 72.5% of the time, close to the X-randomized ratewe observe. Thus the false positive appearance rate with ourpredictive model—the metric that is arguably more relevant thanthe total CVMR for setting expectations for in-depth studies on themost promising compounds—is also four times better than theX-randomized case. This suggests our model may be four timesmore likely to correctly predict a superionic material thanrandom guessing.

To quantify the superiority of the model versus randomnoise, we calculate a modified version of the standard cRr


parameter employed in data-driven studies,91 given by,

R ¼ Ctrue


2 � Crandom2


where Ctrue and Crandom are classification-adapted correlationcoefficients between the predicted and observed conductivityclasses for the true and X-randomized models, respectively.These values are derived from the TMR as: C = 2(1 � TMR) � 1.Perfect classification (TMR = 0) corresponds to a C value of 1;perfect misclassification (TMR = 1) gives a C value of �1, andmisclassifying half of all materials (TMR = 0.5) gives a C of 0.The larger the cRr

2 value, the better the performance thanchance. The cRr

2 value for each minimum-CVMR n-featuremodel is shown in Fig. 2(b). The optimal LR model as determinedby LOOCV has an cRr

2 value of 0.59, exceeding the threshold of0.5 for predictive models.91

Due to the significant computational expense behind per-forming the entire combinatorial model building process astatistically important amount of times for many differentrandom X matrices, we compare the true n-feature modelresults to the performance of a model with n columns ofrandom noise. Without performing the full model buildingprocess on 20 columns of random noise, there could be someselection bias93 that may make the randomized case performworse than it could be. We performed three runs of the fullX-randomized model building process, and although it wasprobably not enough to be statistically sound (ref. 93 suggestsat least ten and preferably 100 realizations), the cRr

2 values wereclose to or greater than the threshold of 0.5, suggesting thateven when controlling for selection bias the predictive power ofthe true model is still significantly stronger than chance.

The most robust test of predictive power would normallybe to break the training data into separate training, cross-validation, and test sets, and use the test set to assess thepredictive capability. However, a thinning of the 40 availabledata points used for training here has the potential to increasepredictive errors for such a small data set. Therefore, we opt touse the entire data set for training in this work and use the LOOCVMR score as a proxy for test error.92 There is potential for theLOO CVMR misclassification rate to be lower than a test setmisclassification rate, and one might expect the LOO falsepositive rate of 18% to be optimistic. There are other reasonswhy this is likely to be optimistic, described in DiscussionSection 4.3 below. In this work, we make the best guessespossible, which are likely to be better than random guessing.As the amount of experimental data increases in the future, morerobust model building and validation will become possible.

3.3 Model performance

From the results of the model-building algorithm, we identifyan optimal LR model with five features that can classifythe training set materials with 10% cross-validated error. Thisunique model corresponds to the minimum in the CVMR plot,Fig. 2(a). Five features versus the 40 training examples keeps themodel over the convention of a minimum 5 : 1 ratio betweendata points and features to avoid overfitting.91 The LR modelhas the form of eqn (7), where


yixi ¼ 0:184� LLB� 4:009� SBI� 0:467�AFC

þ 8:699� LASD� 2:170� LLSD� 6:564


LLB is the average number of lithium neighbours for eachlithium (feature 6); SBI is the average sublattice bond ionicity(feature 7), AFC is the average anion–anion coordination numberin the anion framework (feature 9), LASD is the average shortestlithium–anion distance in angstroms (feature 12), and LLSD isthe average shortest lithium–lithium distance in angstroms(feature 13). The performance of this model on the training dataand the cross-validated data is shown in Fig. 3.

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The signs of the coefficients provide some intuition on thecrystal characteristics that encourage fast ion conduction.Eqn (11) says ionic conductivity increases in crystals wherelithium has many neighbouring lithium atoms (yLLB 4 0) atshort distance away (yLLSD o 0). Covalent sublattices are pre-ferred over ionic sublattices (ySBI o 0), which likely implies amore uniform electron distribution along conduction pathways.Lower anion–anion coordinations in the anion framework tendto improve conductivity (yAFC o 0), as do larger Euclideandistances separating the lithium and anion atoms at equilibrium(yLASD 4 0). To assess the relative importance of the features, wecan compare the magnitude of the coefficients when the featuredata are mean-centred and normalized by their standard devia-tions (means and standard deviations are given in Table 2). Inthis case, eqn (11) becomes


yixi ¼ 0:817� LLB� 1:323�

SBI� 1:028�AFCþ 2:509� LASD� 1:619� LLSD� 1:944.

This shows that, for example, small increases in the equili-brium lithium–anion distance make larger improvements toionic conductivity than similar increases in the lithium–lithiumbond number.

Wang et al. claim the anionic component of the sublatticeshould be in the low-coordination bcc arrangement to facilitatefast ion conduction.90 There appears to be evidence for this inthe appearance of feature AFC in eqn (11) with a negativecoefficient, implying that lower coordination anion frameworks(e.g. bcc or cubic) are preferred to high coordination ones(e.g. fcc or hcp). However, we note that this feature is onlyone of five in eqn (11), suggesting that it is only one of severalimportant criteria for superionic behaviour. This likely stemsfrom the broad set of training structures considered herebeyond the sulphides considered by Wang et al. This suggeststhe anion geometry is perhaps not a universal predictor in itselfacross the full space of materials; this latter point is reinforcedby the small (but still negative) single feature conductivitycorrelation of �0.06 in Table 2.

That yLLB 4 0 also meshes with the conventional wisdomthat higher dimensional conductors are better conductors;materials with many Li–Li connections are likely to possessmany-dimensional conduction pathways and vice versa.

The inclusion of the feature SBI with a negative coefficient ineqn (11) highlights a paradox in the design of inorganic solidelectrolytes: high sublattice ionicity generally leads to greaterformation energy and therefore improved electrolytic stability,but it decreases ionic conductivity. This former trend can beseen in recent high-throughput electrochemical window calcu-lations for Li conductors,25 where the width of the windowincreases with increasing anion electronegativity. An ideal solidelectrolyte material, we might conclude, should have a stronglybonded, ionic sublattice far from the lithium conduction path-ways; the pathways, however, should be dominated by covalentcharacter so lithium can break and reform bonds with minimalenergy penalty.

It is possible and perhaps likely that the specific correlationsidentified here are not causal, i.e. some of these features in themodel may merely reflect the importance of some other aspectnot included in the total feature space. The relevant identifiedfeatures could change upon introduction of additional featuresthat better describe the relevant physics. In fact, inclusion of afeature that is an exact model for ionic conductivity shouldresult in a one-feature model that does an error-free job ofpredicting, barring noise in the experimental training data.Fig. 2 indicates that no single feature provides predictive power,indicating that none of the features provide an independentand complete description of the relevant physics of ion con-duction in our training set. In the absence of an exact featurewe need to employ a combination of many features, selected bylearning on a diverse training set of structures. More data willenable better learning over an inexact feature space; accordingto the law of large numbers, the distribution over feature spaceshould become increasingly apparent as more structures aresampled. Furthermore, these features have some correlationwith each other; for example, the strongest correlation among

Fig. 3 Model performance. (a) Classification performance of the trainingdata using logistic regression. The y-axis is the likelihood of a materialexhibiting an ionic conductivity above 10�4 S cm�1, which is determined bya logistic function of the inner product of the feature vector {xi} with thevector of regression coefficients {hi}. Four materials are misclassified. (b)Classification performance of the training data under leave-one-out crossvalidation (LOOCV) using logistic regression. Again four points have beenmisclassified. The conspicuously strongly misclassified superionic (bluemarker with smallest PLR value) is LiLa(TiO3)2, with an ionic conductivity of1 mS cm�1. This remarkable change in superionic probability underLOOCV suggests LiLa(TiO3)2 is an influential high-conductivity regime datapoint that changes the model significantly when removed.

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the five features in eqn (11) is between features LLB and LLSD,with a Pearson correlation coefficient of �0.515. However,given the computational ease of calculating these five features,utilizing features with somewhat redundant information isacceptable.

Eqn (11) represents a novel design criterion for high con-ductivity lithium materials applicable to any periodic crystal-line structure. Next, we employ this model for screening knownlithium containing crystals.

3.4 Confidence metrics for screening

To apply these design criteria to the search for new superioniclithium conductors, we perform feature extraction for all 12 831lithium-containing materials in the Materials Project databaseand then predict superionic conductivity using the LR model.Since we expect the accuracy of these predictions to vary over awide range, we consider three independent confidence metricsfor each prediction. The first is the output of the predictorfunction PLR, the probability of belonging to the positive class.A larger value of PLR corresponds to a more confident prediction;the material is further from the ‘‘crossover’’ region of spacewhere PLR = 50% shown in Fig. 3.

The second metric is a distance-based metric d, whichcaptures the distance in n-dimensional data space betweenthe test material and the centroid of the training set. Toaccount for the shape of the training data in this space,we normalize the Euclidean distance to the centroid by thevariance of the data along each direction using PrincipalComponent Analysis (PCA).94 Thus, for a given Euclideandistance, data points in regions of high training set datavariance have a smaller d value, and vice versa. Smaller d valuesare desirable, as a smaller d indicates that the data point isnearer to the region in which the model was built and thereforethat the prediction involves less extrapolation. In order tocapture the relative distance from the training set, we normalizeeach screened material’s d value by the mean d value of thematerials in the training set.

The third confidence metric is a prediction error e. Thiserror is defined as the leave-one-out error (LOO error), equal tothe standard deviation of PLR for a given material from system-atically removing each data point from the training set, one ata time, and rebuilding the optimal model. In a statisticallearning sense, this represents the magnitude of change inPLR we might expect to see when one additional data point isadded to or removed from the training set. Small values aredesirable, as this indicates a stable model for which additionalinformation is unlikely to give significantly different results.Large values indicate the data point is in an unstable regime ofdata space where the model may be less reliable.

We note the inclusion of prediction confidence metricshighlights the strength of the data-driven approach: we knowwhen the model predictions are most reliable and when theyare questionable. This is more difficult for structure–propertymodels that are not data-driven but rather derived exclusivelyfrom physical intuition and approximation. In the screeningstep, we accept only the highest PLR materials, and provide the

values of d, e and A although we do not screen on theseconfidence metrics. These three metrics are used after screen-ing to indicate confidence in the PLR prediction value for eachpromising material.

4. Results and discussion4.1 Screening results

We apply the following constraints in our prerequisite screen-ing: Egap Z 1 eV, Vox Z 4 V, Ehull = 0 eV per atom and T = 0.We also discard any materials with elements with undefinedelectronegativity values (see Table S1, ESI†). These constraintscut the number of candidate materials down from 12 831 to317, a reduction of 92.2%. By far, the strictest constraint isstructural stability Ehull = 0 eV per atom; only 11.5% (1472) ofstructures satisfy this requirement. Of the remaining 1472 struc-tures, 43.2% (636) do not have transition metals, while 52.5%(773) have Egap Z 1 eV and 54.6% (803) have upper boundoxidation voltages of 4 V or higher. Although we do not screenon raw materials cost, we note that 72.0% (9240) of all materialshave a raw materials cost of $10 per m2 or less per 10 mmthickness, as do 42.1% (619) of all stable structures.

Since the 317 structures satisfying all prerequisite criteriamay be too many to explore exhaustively, we then apply theionic conductivity screening to these candidate materials,screening for high superionic probability. Overall, the PLR

values of these materials are low, as we might expect giventhe rarity of superionic conductors; the mean PLR value is10.0% and the standard deviation is 21.1%. Thus, the numberof materials truly predicted to be superionic (PLR 4 50%) isfew—only 21. These 21 most promising candidate materialsand their performance metrics are provided in Table 3.

This step reduces the remaining compounds down by 93.3%,an overall reduction of 99.8%. Strengthening the constraints canshorten this list of promising compounds down to an arbitrarilysmall number. Table 3 includes many structures that have notyet been studied experimentally. Fig. 4 shows the superionicprobabilities PLR versus d values for the 1054 stable, non-metallicstructures plotted in red, with the 21 most promising candidatesplotted in black.

In order to provide more high-scoring candidates from thescreening process, we list in the ESI,† Table S3 the 56 additionalmaterials that result from screening with less stringent require-ments: PLR Z 0.5, Egap Z 0.5 eV, Vox Z 3 V, T = 0, and Ehull r0.1 eV per atom.

Had we screened these 12 831 structures with the ionicconductivity model alone, the number of candidate materialswould have been reduced only to 1408 materials (89.0%reduction). This suggests that the prerequisite constraints aremore stringent as screening criteria than the ionic conductivityconstraints.

4.2 Ionic conductivity model performance

Since the available data is a bare minimum upon which onemight expect to build a predictive model, the conductivity

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screening approach here should be considered as the best avail-able fashion in which to thin the candidate pool in the absence ofmore information. It is expected to be better than random guesses.

The LR model identifies 6.6% of the materials passingthe prerequisite screening as superionic (and 10.8% of allLi-containing materials) if we only enforce the strict ionicconductivity prediction requirement, PLR 4 50%. This is smallerthan the 27.5% superionicity of the training set. While the truefraction of stable, large-gap superionic materials is unknown, itis likely to be lower than the 27.5% pulled from the literaturehere because authors are more likely to report good conductorsthan bad ones. Therefore, it is encouraging that the proportionof superionics that our model identifies in the MP database ismuch lower than 27.5%.

Because our screening is designed around battery applica-tions, our prerequisite screening may be discarding otherwisenotable materials that the model correctly identifies as super-ionic. Understanding the performance of the ionic conductivitymodel is important to guiding future improvements of thescreening approach (not to mention that these superionicmaterials may be useful for other applications), and thus weprovide a table of the materials that the model most confidentlypredicts as superionic, even though they may not satisfy theprerequisite criteria. Thirty-four materials meet the criteriaPLR 4 95%, d o 1.5, and Ehull = 0 eV per atom; they areprovided in the ESI,† Table S4.

4.3 Possible sources of error

We note that the ionic conductivity values reported in theliterature are largely from sintered polycrystalline samples,where the microstructure may play a role in determining the

Table 3 Screening results. A list of the results of the holistic Materials Project screening is given with all material specifications, ranked in order of overallpredicted performance across all specifications. Materials are screened to identify those compounds with: superionic probability PLR Z 50%; band gapEgap Z 1 eV; upper bound oxidation potential Vox Z 4 V; no transition metals (T = 0); energy above the convex hull Ehull = 0 eV per atom. Also provided isthe distance-based superionic prediction confidence metric d, the leave-one-out standard deviation of PLR e; a Boolean indicator A of whether thematerial is inside the applicability domain of the model, the estimated materials cost per m2 per 10 mm material thickness; and the earth abundance indexIA. References are given in the right-most column for those materials that have been already studied in the literature or are similar to materials that havebeen studied; see Section 4.5 for Discussion

MPID Chemical formula PLR d e A Egap Vox USD/m2 (10 mm thick) IA Related study

mp-554076 BaLiBS3 0.589 1.049 0.048 1 2.153 9.697 23 38mp-532413 Li5B7S13 0.897 1.228 0.024 1 3.553 5.454 42 38 95mp-569782a Sr2LiCBr3N2 1.000 6.852 0.000 0 3.973 13.968 16 45mp-558219 SrLi(BS2)3 0.518 1.556 0.114 1 2.91 13.964 38 38mp-15797 LiErSe2 0.543 1.505 0.056 1 1.615 6.778 170 67mp-29410 Li2B2S5 0.994 1.855 0.003 1 2.538 4.895 29 38 95mp-676361 Li3ErCl6 0.655 0.974 0.042 1 5.211 7.794 70 44 96 and 97mp-643069a Li2HIO 0.652 2.081 0.079 0 4.319 4.054 2.40 60mp-19896 Li2GePbS4 0.604 1.063 0.090 1 2.265 4.591 13 54 90mp-7744a LiSO3F 1.000 4.097 0.000 0 5.792 13.446 10 34mp-22905b LiCl 0.837 1.381 0.031 1 6.25 4.214 0.94 34 98mp-34477 LiSmS2 0.89 1.33 0.028 1 1.921 8.536 6.50 40mp-676109 Li3InCl6 0.656 1.013 0.058 1 3.373 6.215 5.50 63 96 and 97mp-559238 CsLi2BS3 0.812 1.642 0.055 1 3.094 4.798 160 49mp-866665a LiMgB3(H9N)2 1.000 5.149 0.000 0 6.511 11.222 30 38mp-8751 RbLiS 0.775 1.279 0.051 1 2.745 4.22 240 34mp-15789 LiDyS2 0.901 1.339 0.025 1 1.935 8.736 9.20 39mp-15790 LiHoS2 0.899 1.327 0.025 1 1.965 8.749 300 55mp-15791 LiErS2 0.899 1.319 0.025 1 2.008 8.761 190 44mp-561095a LiHo3Ge2(O4F)2 0.984 3.247 0.009 0 4.163 53.18 370 55mp-8430 KLiS 0.76 1.243 0.052 1 3.057 4.348 14 34

a These materials require significant model extrapolations and are considered low confidence predictions. In all instances except mp-866665, thisextrapolation is due to the mixed anion effect; see Section 4.3 for discussion. b LiCl is a known false positive; it is a poor RT ion conductor. Throughour statistical analysis we expect approximately 18% of positive predictions to be false positives.

Fig. 4 Screening results. The predicted likelihood of superionic characterfor 1054 stable non-metallic lithium-containing materials in the MaterialsProject database is plotted against the normalized distance-based con-fidence metric d. A smaller value of d indicates a lesser degree ofextrapolation outside the training region and therefore higher confidencein the prediction. The upper and lower error bars for each materialcorrespond to the standard deviation of the LOO ionic conductivitypredictions. Note that the majority of classifications are non-superionic,as we might expect. Materials plotted in black belong to the subset of 21stable materials with high oxidative decomposition voltages and bandgaps, no transition metals, and high superionic probability.

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ionic conductivity.99 For the purposes of our analysis, we takethe reported values to be representative of the bulk ionicconductivity. This highlights the importance of characterizingand reporting the grain size in future experimental studies inorder to improve our understanding of structure–propertycorrelations for ionic conductivity. An additional possiblesource of error might be that we build the ionic conductivitypredictor on experimentally observed structures, but screenstructures in the MP database that have been lattice-relaxedwith DFT, which can change lattice constants by up to severalper cent. This will introduce false positives into the screening ifthe ionic conductivity model predicts superionic behaviour inthe screened DFT structures, but not in the true experimentallyobserved structures. This may be particularly relevant in layeredstructures like the lithium lanthanide sulphide structures inTable 3, with van der Waals interactions that are not wellmodelled by semi-local DFT.

A possible source of error is introduced in the application ofour model via ambiguities of the definition of the anion speciesin the lattice. The values of two of the model features, AFC andLASD, are dependent on how the anion in the lattice is defined.Some structures have mixed anion species with similar electro-negativity, e.g. LiSO3F. When the convention of designating theanion as the most electronegative atom is applied, features AFCand LASD are computed with respect to F, without consideringO. This leads to small values of AFC and large values of LASD,increasing the PLR value. These cases should be treated as lowconfidence predictions; this uncertainty is captured by the larged values of these materials.

The most significant source of error is likely the smallamount of training data. As more data is added to this set,the likelihood of learning on chance correlations will decrease.

4.4 Classification threshold effects

The choice to partition the training data into two classes basedon the threshold value of s = 10�4 S cm�1 reflects engineeringconstraints for battery applications. However, this thresholdvalue plays an important role in the performance of the classifier.As the threshold value approaches the median training set ionicconductivity of s = 5 � 10�6 S cm�1, the training set becomesevenly split between positive (high ionic conductivity) andnegative (low ionic conductivity) classes. To observe the effectof a different conductivity threshold value, we perform thecombinatorial model building process again for a variety ofcutoff values. We also perform X-randomization to assess thequality of these models. This analysis is provided in the ESI,†Section S4. We confirm that a perfect binary separation of thepositive and negative examples does not appear at a differentcutoff, and that our chosen cutoff of 10�4 S cm�1 does asatisfactory job of balancing the concerns of model perfor-mance and usefulness for battery applications.

4.5 Comparison to known fast ion conductors

Our screening identifies several structures known for fastlithium conduction that were not included in the training setof structures. The ultimate measure of any predictive model is

how it performs on data outside the training set; the set ofscreened materials functions as a test (hold-out) set for themodel. By cross-checking with the literature and identifyingseveral correct predictions including Li3OCl, the chloride spinels,and lithiated silicon and germanium (discussed below), we buildconfidence that our model performs well outside the training setand will be successful in identifying new superionic solids.

A notable model prediction is for the anti-perovskite structureLi3OCl, first discovered in 2012 and exhibiting an experimentallyobserved RT ionic conductivity of up to 8.5 � 10�4 S cm�1.100

The model calculates the superionic probability to be 56%, thusmaking this a correct prediction. Since there are no structuresthat a human interpreter might judge ‘‘similar’’ to Li3OCl in thetraining set, this prediction represents a successful abstractionof superionic characteristics across diverse conductor structures.However the calculated Vox value of 3.438 V is below thescreening threshold of 4 V, so Li3OCl is excluded from the finallist of promising materials in Table 3, although it is given inTable S3 (ESI†).

Notable in Table 3 is the lithium–metal–halogen type struc-ture Li3InCl6. Although an ionic conductivity for Li3InCl6 isnot reported to our knowledge, the isomorphic Li3InBr6�xClx

(0 o x o 3) forms a known fast lithium conductor with areported RT ionic conductivity96,97 in the range 5 � 10�5–2 �10�3 S cm�1 (Li3InBr6 is not in the MP database). The similarstructure Li3ErCl6 is also classified as superionic, although thehigher materials cost of Er makes this a less attractive candi-date. Li6ErBr6 has a PLR value of 47.5%, excluding it fromTable 3. Also of note in Table 3 are the lithium thioboratesLi5B7S13 and Li2B2S5. These structures also do not appear in theliterature, although lithium thioborate glasses in the B2S3–Li2S–LiIsystem were proposed as solid electrolyte materials in 1983 andhave been observed to exhibit a RT ionic conductivity as highas 10�3 S cm�1.95

Another promising predicted superionic is Li6MgBr8, knownin the literature for fast ion conduction.101 The model predictsthe likelihood of superionic behaviour as 88%, but it is excludedfrom the final list of promising candidates in Table 3 due tothe low Vox value of 3.856 V. It is, however, listed in theTable S3 (ESI†).

An apparent false positive in Table 3 is LiCl, which is a poorRT conductor (B10�9 S cm�1) although it performs well at hightemperature (10�3 S cm�1 at 500 1C).98 Our analysis in Section3.2 implies that we might expect at least four (18%) of these21 predicted positive materials to be false negatives. To ourknowledge, none of the other candidates in Table 3 have beenstudied as solid electrolyte materials, although several havebeen studied for other unrelated properties.

A noteworthy class of materials that do not make the finalcut are the chloride spinels,102 Li2MCl4 (M = Cd, Mg, Mn),with PLR values of 18.0%, 17.0%, and 17.4%, respectively.The chloride spinels exhibit experimentally observed RT ionicconductivities of up to 10�5 S cm�1;103 notably high, but below oursuperionic threshold of 10�4 S cm�1 and thus the predicted negativeclassification is accurate. However, our model predicts the bromidespinel structures Li2MnBr4 and Li2MgBr4 to be superionic. The most

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significant reason for the discrepancy in the predictions betweenthe bromides and chlorides is that the Li–Li separation distances inthe bromide are smaller, giving the bromide a LLB value of 4 versusa value of 1 for the chlorides. However, experimental work showsLi2MnBr4 has a RT ionic conductivity slightly lower than its chloridecounterpart,104 thus making this classification incorrect. This issuereflects the difficulty in choosing a proper cut-off radius for the LLBdescriptor since it introduces an unavoidable discontinuity infeature values; e.g. if the cut-off radius of 4 Å were instead 3.8 Å,both the bromide and the chloride would be correctly classified.

Experimental105 and computational106,107 work has reportedthat highly lithiated silicon and germanium exhibits superioniclithium conduction. Li21Si5 and Li15Ge4 both have high con-fidence predictions of 98.4% (d = 1.283) and 97.8% (d = 1.299)respectively, as shown in Table S4 (ESI†). These are metallic andlow oxidation potential materials so they are not suitableelectrolytes, but our superionic model provides a correct pre-diction of their high lithium conductivities.

Fast ion conductors with otherwise poor electrolyte perfor-mance (e.g. Li3P) do not appear in Table 3, as the prerequisitescreening criteria make the list more targeted to electrolytematerials than previous ion conductor screening studies.90,108,109

Two families that have more than one compound in Table 3and Table S3 (ESI†) are the lithium lanthanide chalcogenides,LiLnX2, and the ternary alkali metal chalcogenides ALiX. Thesematerials have not been examined as ion conductors to ourknowledge, but both possess a promising property for highlystable ion conductors: ionic bonding character away fromlithium and less ionic bonding character with lithium. In theformer material this is due to the Li intercalation in the van derWaals gap; in the latter it stems from more complex structuralfeatures detailed in recent electronic structure studies.110

4.6 Comparisons to previous screening work

Many of the candidate materials listed in Table 3 and Table S3(ESI†) are different from those presented in previous screeningstudies. Screening for sulphides with high predicted ionicconductivity based on anionic packing in ref. 90 is reportedto return promising structures including Li10Ge(PS6)2, Li7P3S11,Li3AsS3, LiGaS2, LiZnPS4, and Li2GePbS4. These first threematerials are eliminated by our Vox estimates of 3.2 V, 3.5 V,and 2.8 V, respectively. LiGaS2 and LiZnPS4 both have predicteddecomposition voltages (Vox = 5.4 V and 7.3 V, respectively)above our screening cutoff of 4 V, but our model does notclassify these two as superionics (PLR = 35% and 1%, respec-tively). The former has a small (high confidence) d value of 1.1,but the latter has a large (low confidence) d value of 2.16 and isoutside the domain of applicability (A = 0) due to the largelithium–lithium separation distances.

Recent work108 in screening for fast lithium conductors withthe bond-valence algorithm111–113 has focused on oxides, whichwe find rarely exhibit the structural characteristics required byour model for high superionic probability prediction. Of the495 stable oxide structures we screen, only 1.6% of them (8)have PLR 4 50%, and only 3 of these 8 satisfy all screeningrequirements, although these all have another anion present

and thus large d values (see Table 3). There are two superionicoxides in our training set: LiLa(TiO3)2 and Li7La3Zr2O12.

It follows that several of the materials satisfying the bondvalence screening are not predicted to exceed our 10�4 S cm�1

threshold, including e.g. Li2Te2O5 and Li2SO4. Others are eliminatedin our screening process due to instability (Ehull 4 0 eV), e.g. LiB3O5

and Li6Si2O7. Several others are eliminated due to low estimateddecomposition voltage, e.g. Li2O and Li5AlO4. LiAlSiO4 is pre-dicted to be a promising conductor by the bond-valencemethod but is included in our training set as a negativeexample due to its experimentally measured ionic conductivityof 1.4 � 10�5 S cm�1.

4.7 A clear roadmap for the future of screening

We discover that the prerequisite engineering requirements aremore stringent in cutting down the list of candidate materialsthan the ionic conductivity requirement. This statementassumes that the materials in the MP database are represen-tative of the universe of Li-containing materials. Previous solidlithium conductor screening studies have either screenedexclusively on ionic conductivity (ref. 90 and 109) or havescreened on ionic conductivity and then calculated the bandgap for the most promising candidates (ref. 108). Our resultssuggest that future materials design and screening may bemost fruitful by placing more importance on screening forphase stability, high band gaps and wide electrochemicalstability windows.

An exciting aspect of this statistical approach that dis-tinguishes it from DFT alone and current experimentalapproaches is that it provides a clear path forward towardidentifying the best ion conductors. New data points can bereadily incorporated into the model to improve its accuracy,potentially leading to a test set if enough data are available inthe future. We expect a test set to provide an improved boundon understanding the predictive capability. Data points thatwill have the most impact on constraining the model can bereadily identified by sparse regions in feature space; in this casethe existing training set and model can function as a Bayesianprior in guiding the next round of data generation. Althoughthe comparison to random shows our features have predictivepower, better features that more accurately reflect the physicscan be incorporated to improve the model. The misclassifica-tion rate is already relatively low for the present model, butbetter features are expected to reduce the total number offeatures required. An exact model for conductivity comprisesa one-feature model.

The approach here also points up the need for scientists toreport not just the best conductors, but the mediocre and poorconductors also. Including more poor conductors (o10�8 S cm�1)in the training set is likely to make significant improvements,especially in predicting materials in the low conductivity regime.To that end, the authors invite investigators to share theirRT ionic conductivity measurements of poor Li conductors.As mentioned above, it also highlights the importance ofcharacterizing the grain size and other variables that serve asunquantified error in the present model.

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5. Conclusions

By screening the Materials Project database for materials thatsatisfy battery technological requirements of low electronicconductivity, robust stability, and low cost we reduce the numberof candidate solid Li electrolyte materials from 12 831 to approxi-mately 300. By leveraging the limited existing data on lithiumion conductors in the literature, we develop a predictive modeland several confidence metrics to provide a means for identify-ing the highest-confidence superionic conductivity predictionsand thus a method for shortening this list to the 21 bestcandidates plus tens of additional notable candidates.

Interestingly, we find that among the materials in theMaterials Project database, the prerequisite screening limitsthe number of candidate structures much more than the ionicconductivity screening, and thus we emphasize that futurework in solid electrolyte design and discovery must takethese prerequisite performance requirements into account.The identification of untested materials satisfying the screen-ing requirements is exciting, but that only 21 of the 12 831starting materials satisfy all these requirements suggests thatit is naturally and inherently difficult to perform the many-property optimization across structure space needed for highelectrolyte performance.

Identification of the generalizable microscopic featuresthat give rise to fast ion conduction has been a difficultproblem to solve; using statistical learning techniques wediscover correlations leading to better than random predic-tions of the best ionic conductors in a diverse training set.While there are clearly correlations, the small size of the availableexperimental data makes the accuracy of these generalizationschallenging to precisely predict. The model proposed here willonly improve in time as more experimental data is reported andbetter features are proposed. We expect that the model describedhere will change, potentially significantly, as more data becomesavailable.

Toward this goal, we recommend the experimental communityto characterize and report the grain size in the polycrystallinesamples for which ionic conductivity is measured, as this is likelyto affect the outcome of the ionic conductivity measurement andcan therefore influence the accuracy of structure-based models.With a clear path forward to improvement, we present the super-ionic classification models described here as the first step towardsa robust data-driven model for pinpointing promising solidelectrolyte structures.


A. D. S. acknowledges funding from the Stanford UniversityOffice of Technology Licensing Fellowship through the StanfordGraduate Fellowship program and the TomKat Center forSustainable Energy. The authors acknowledge useful questionsand comments from Prof. Stefan Adams of the National Uni-versity of Singapore. The authors also thank Peter Attia, Mattvan den Berg, William Gent, Yuan Shen, and Yao Zhou for theirmany helpful contributions.


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