energy ambassador sales call script

This document exerpted from the DoRight Leadership Corps Guide For Community Youth Action* © 2007 Scott Beall—Integral Vision Learning *For further resources and program support contact Scott Beall: (845)831.6663, [email protected], DoRight Leadership Corps Consulting Department How to Make a Sales Call and Get a Client--DRAFT This document will provide you with some guidelines and a sample script for how to make a cold sales call. A “cold” sales call is one where they are not expecting your call and you have no prior connection to the party you are contacting. This document is only a guide and model. You will have best results if you put some of this language into your own words, and are able to express the ideas without the script. Pointers: 1. Point out how you plan to help THEM with what you are offering. 2. Make them like you. People do business with people they like. 3. Know what you’re talking about—be intelligent without being conceited. Whatever you do, don’t insult them. 4. You don’t have to read this script exactly as it’s written. Actually, try not to read it—only do so if you feel so nervous that you can’t improvise. If you read it directly it will not be compelling to them—it will sound like a boring sales pitch. Try to get the ideas in your head and improvise it. 5. Try to relax and don’t worry. The worst thing that can happen is they say no. If that happens, quickly move on to the next client. When people do cold sales, if 10% of their calls result in deals that is considered to be huge success! 6. If you have to call back on another day to talk to the manager, or if they don’t give you an appointment and ask you to call back later for any reason, take good notes and follow up. Meanwhile, don’t just sit and wait around to make that phone call. Get on the phone and try to find another client. 7. Word choice can be critical. Many words have connotations that can trigger negative images or associations for people, and run the risk of being misinterpreted. For example, don’t use the word “audit.” Use the word “survey” or “assessment.”

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Page 1: Energy Ambassador Sales Call Script

This document exerpted from the DoRight Leadership Corps Guide For Community Youth Action*

© 2007 Scott Beall—Integral Vision Learning*For further resources and program support contact Scott Beall: (845)831.6663, [email protected],

DoRight Leadership CorpsConsulting Department

How to Make a Sales Call and Get a Client--DRAFTThis document will provide you with some guidelines and a sample script for how to make a cold salescall. A “cold” sales call is one where they are not expecting your call and you have no priorconnection to the party you are contacting. This document is only a guide and model. You will havebest results if you put some of this language into your own words, and are able to express the ideaswithout the script.

Pointers:1. Point out how you plan to help THEM with what you are offering.

2. Make them like you. People do business with people they like.

3. Know what you’re talking about—be intelligent without being conceited. Whatever you do, don’tinsult them.

4. You don’t have to read this script exactly as it’s written. Actually, try not to read it—only do so ifyou feel so nervous that you can’t improvise. If you read it directly it will not be compelling tothem—it will sound like a boring sales pitch. Try to get the ideas in your head and improvise it.

5. Try to relax and don’t worry. The worst thing that can happen is they say no. If that happens,quickly move on to the next client. When people do cold sales, if 10% of their calls result in dealsthat is considered to be huge success!

6. If you have to call back on another day to talk to the manager, or if they don’t give you anappointment and ask you to call back later for any reason, take good notes and follow up. Meanwhile,don’t just sit and wait around to make that phone call. Get on the phone and try to find anotherclient.

7. Word choice can be critical. Many words have connotations that can trigger negative images orassociations for people, and run the risk of being misinterpreted. For example, don’t use the word“audit.” Use the word “survey” or “assessment.”

Page 2: Energy Ambassador Sales Call Script

This document exerpted from the DoRight Leadership Corps Guide For Community Youth Action*

© 2007 Scott Beall—Integral Vision Learning*For further resources and program support contact Scott Beall: (845)831.6663, [email protected],

Sales Call Script for DoRight ConsultantsGET THE MANAGER ON THE PHONE:You: Hello, my name is ________________and I’m calling from_______________(yourschool name). May I please speak with the manager or owner?

(Three responses you might receive are shown below. Answer as indicated)Clerk: He’s not here, call backlater.

Clerk: Uh, he’s really busynow, what is this regarding?

Clerk: Yes just aminute I’ll gethim/her….

You: Can you tell me whenhe/she would be in or when agood time to call back would be?(Two responses you might receiveare shown below, answer asindicated.)

You: Our enrichment classis conducting a schoolproject and we would like toinvolve your business.(Try to get the manager online at this point. Ifnecessary, continue with asmuch explanation from thebox below as you need to inorder to get the manager onthe line).

Clerk: Ireally have noidea.

Clerk: Yes, onThursday at 3:00

Clerk: Well, I don’t know ifhe would be interested…

You: Ok,thank you I’lltry back later.Goodbye.(Make a noteand try againthe next day)

You: Great I’llcall then, thankyou for yourtime.Goodbye(Make a note andfollow-up)

You: Maybe I can call backat a time when he is lessbusy. We don’t really wanthim to miss out on thisopportunity, over___(number) businesses in________(your town) havebecome involved…could youtell me a good time to callback?Clerk: Well you can tryback ______(variable ans.)You: Okay, thank you verymuch. Goodbye.(Write down the date andtime and follow-up)

(Move to the nextbox)

Page 3: Energy Ambassador Sales Call Script

This document exerpted from the DoRight Leadership Corps Guide For Community Youth Action*

© 2007 Scott Beall—Integral Vision Learning*For further resources and program support contact Scott Beall: (845)831.6663, [email protected],


You: Hello Mr.____________, my name is___________(your name), and thank you fortaking a moment to talk with me. I am a 7th grade student from ______________(yourschool name) and in my ___________class we are conducting a school project to helplocal businesses reduce costs, increase profits and reduce their impact on theenvironment. This is a free service that over ______(number) businesses in_________(your town) have already taken advantage of. Its really quite simple and itwill only take about 15-30 minutes of your time.

(Three possible responses are shown below. Answer as indicated)

Manager: No, I’m verybusy, and I don’t have timethings like this. Pleasedon’t bother me again.

Manager: I don’t reallyhave much time for this.What kind of a project isthis?

Manager: Well, I guessthat sounds okay, what doesthis involve? How does itwork?

You: In school we arelearning how to give serviceto the community as well ashow business works. Wehave created our ownorganization called DoRightEnterprises and after a lot ofinstruction in the classroom,students offer their servicesto the community free ofcharge. The communitybenefits, and the studentsgain some very educationalexperience. Everyone wins.

You: I certainlyunderstand, and thank youfor your time.Goodbye.

(Don’t delay, move on toanother possible client andmake another call)

Manager: Well, I guessthat sounds pretty good. Sowhat does this involve?How do we do it?

(Go to box below)

Page 4: Energy Ambassador Sales Call Script

This document exerpted from the DoRight Leadership Corps Guide For Community Youth Action*

© 2007 Scott Beall—Integral Vision Learning*For further resources and program support contact Scott Beall: (845)831.6663, [email protected],

You: We need to make an appointment for my team of ___(number) students to visityour business for the assessment survey. It takes about 20 minutes on the average. Wehave been trained as consultants in school and go by the name of DoRight Enterprises.We will be asking you questions and checking various aspects of your building andfacilities in areas of energy use, waste management, water use, procurement, cleaningchemicals, green building features, and landscaping if you have any of that. We will takethe information back to class and analyze it with our team and our teacher,Mr./Ms.___________. In several weeks we will send you a letter with a list ofrecommendations for changes you can make that will increase your profits and help theenvironment at the same time. After a month or so, if you have made some of thechanges that we suggest you will receive the Planet Saver Business Seal that you candisplay in your window. This shows that you have worked with us, the DoRightConsultants, and have reduced your impact on the environment, and are helping thecommunity as well.

(Three possible responses are given below. Respond accordingly)Manager: That soundsinteresting, but we generallydon’t like to open up ourbusiness to outsiders likethat.

Manager: Well that allsounds pretty good but I’mnot sure when we could dothat. I would like to thinkabout it and/or discuss itwith my partner

Manager: That soundsfine. How about Thursdayat 4:00?

You: I certainlyunderstand. You can besure that our survey iscompletely confidential.

You: Okay I understand.Is there a good time I cancall you back that would beconvenient?

Manager: Thank you, butno thanks. I’m notinterested.

Manager: Yeah, give us acall at the beginning of nextweek.

You: No problem. Wouldyou prefer that we not callyou again in the future?

You: Great. I’ll talk to youthen. Thank you for yourtime.(Make a note to yourself tocall next week. Meanwhile,call another client and try toget an appointment)

Manager:No, don’tcall again.

Manager:Try us in thespringmaybe…

You:Certainly.Thank youfor yourtime.(Don’t delay,call anotherclient)

You:Great, we’llgive a callthen. Thankyou for yourtime.(Don’t delay,call anotherclient)

You: That sounds good. Iwill see you then. If for anyreason we cannot make itwe will call you back andreschedule. I look forwardto meeting you.Goodbye.

Page 5: Energy Ambassador Sales Call Script

This document exerpted from the DoRight Leadership Corps Guide For Community Youth Action*

© 2007 Scott Beall—Integral Vision Learning*For further resources and program support contact Scott Beall: (845)831.6663, [email protected],