energise hastings heat

Energise Hastings Southwater Community Centre St Leonards 4th December 2010 Hastings Energy Advice Team Ltd

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HEAT is a new independent energy advice company for Hastings. Keen to hear from people who'd like to get involved. Specifically in preparing information and boards for a shop, setting up systems (advice, sales, referals, customer database, supplier database), NEA trained advisors or those who would like to be, a group to research local projects completed, in process or planned, to put in a regular article in the Observer.


Page 1: Energise Hastings HEAT

Energise Hastings Southwater Community Centre

St Leonards4th December 2010

Hastings Energy Advice Team Ltd

Page 2: Energise Hastings HEAT

HEAT Ltd 2010 Energise Hastings Southwater Community Centre

About HEAT

• An independent company that draws on the Governments’ ‘Big Society’ concept and aims to promote social enterprise.

• Providing impartial advice to individuals, the communities and businesses of Hastings and surrounding towns and villages on:

– energy efficiency, – micro and community renewable

generation and – Sustainable Development– Grants and funding

“Government on its own cannot fix every problem. We are all in this together. We need to draw on the skills and expertise of people across the countryas we respond to the social, political and economic challenges Britain faces.” Building a Big Society David Cameron

Hastings Energy Advice Team Ltd

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HEAT Ltd 2010 Energise Hastings Southwater Community Centre

Social EnterpriseClimate change is happening • The UK climate is changing and we will potentially experience colder winters. • The cost of traditional fuels to heat our homes is increasing.

Hastings Energy Advice Team Ltd

To adapt, society must change

It’s to our benefit to manage this change locally, providing a hub to:

•educate local suppliers and installers and implement solutions using local resources

•engage society, raise public awareness of sustainability

•change energy usage in our homes and businesses

•modernise existing structures and promote sustainable behaviour

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HEAT Ltd 2010 Energise Hastings Southwater Community Centre

What we do

• Staffed by qualified energy advisors

• Provide face to face or telephone advice on:

– Climate Change, – Eco efficiency and – Energy generation products– Grants and funding

• Workshops and presentations to the community on climate change, eco efficiency and energy generation products.

• Encourage and provide Assistance for community teams in initiating and running community projects.

• Providing sustainable development advice and assistance to businesses

Hastings Energy Advice Team Ltd

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HEAT Ltd 2010 Energise Hastings Southwater Community Centre

Sustainable Business AdviceThe challenges for Businesses

• Ever tighter employment and environmental regulation

• Increasing energy costs

• Increasing costs of natural resources

• Increasing waste disposal costs

• Climate change

• The recession

• Growing customer expectations

• Growing client expectations

Hastings Energy Advice Team Ltd

Page 6: Energise Hastings HEAT

HEAT Ltd 2010 Energise Hastings Southwater Community Centre

How HEAT can help businessesHastings Energy Advice Team Ltd

Improve your employment policies and practices to build staff loyalty and improve productivity

Develop robust environmental policies and practices that reduce your environmental impact, cut costs, find new revenue streams and increase company profit

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HEAT Ltd 2010 Energise Hastings Southwater Community Centre

Cont…. • Energy management• Waste management and

recycling• Water management• Improving building

performance • Supply chain

management• Driving sustainability

through your core business

Hastings Energy Advice Team Ltd

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HEAT Ltd 2010 Energise Hastings Southwater Community Centre

Thank you!

Hastings Energy Advice Team Ltd

For more information about HEAT please contact:

Simon Lee on at: [email protected] or

Vanessa Ravenscroft at: [email protected]