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    President George W.Bush signs the REAL

    ID ACT, May 11, 2005


    62008?end ime


  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006




    666Satans Master Planby Irvin BaxterMark of the Beast2008?The law is already passed and signed by President George W. Bush. By

    2008 every American will receive a national ID card. Irvin Baxter answers:

    Will this become the mark of the beast? How close are we to 666?

    end imeDALLAS Saturday,June17,20066:00PMEndtimesAnnualInternationalProphecyConferencewillbetheMOSTeye-openingeventoftheyear!TakeaquantumleapforwardinunderstandingOldandNewTestamentpropheciesthathaveremainedunfullledforcenturiesbutarebeingfullledtoday!




    The Death of PrivacySpychipsco-author Katherine Albrecht shows spine-tingling

    evidence that the entire globe is now entering into an age

    of unprecedented personal surveillance.Privacy and anonymity face total extinction as

    sophisticated computerized tracking systems come online.

    Katherine will expose the latest RFID invasions of privacy.

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    World War IIIA war emanating from the Euphrates River, as foretold in the Book of Revelation, is

    already underway. One-third of humanity is prophesied to die. The latest developments

    in the nuclear stand-off in the Middle East will take on horric signicance if they are

    what they appear to be.

  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006



    20What is the Markof the Beast?What do you think of when you

    hear 666 or mark of the beast?Occultism? A horror ick? Whatdoes the Bible actually say?BY IRVIN BAXTER

    22Will the National IDbecome a Global ID?It happens every day. Smallsystems merging into largersystems. Will national IDs (smallsystems) lead us directly into a

    global ID (large system)?BY KEN RAGGIO

    26SpychipsexcerptTracking everything everywherethe growing threat of RFIDtechnology.


    President George W. Bush signsthe REAL ID Act, May 11, 2005.








    end ime


    Endtimeis published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 449

    Kingsbridge Drive, Garland, TX 75040. Subscription price is $29

    for 12 issues. ISSN# 1066-6885, Garland, TX, and additional

    mailing ofces. 2006 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Reproduction in whole or in pa rt without written permission is

    prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO

    Box 461167, Garland, TX 75046-1167. For subscriptions call 24

    hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-Endtime. Other inquiries call 1-972-

    531-0100 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Central).

    6662008?The Bible prophesies a timewhen individuals will not beable to buy or sell without the

    mark of the beast. Betweennow and May 2008, Americanswill receive national ID cardswithout which we cannot hold

    a job or open a bank account.BY IRVIN BAXTER *


    end ime


    [email protected]

    SubscribeNow|Call 1.800.Endtime|www.endtime.com ENDTIMEMAGAZINE| May &June2006 03

    STATEMENT OF FAITHWe believe that the Bible is

    the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of theworld, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom thatshall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are bornagain (John 3:35) will have eternal life and rule as kings andpriests with Christ forever.

    WHAT IS ENDTIME?In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr.discovered the United States and other modern nations in theBible. He also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one dayit was to be torn down, re-uniting Germany, and that event wouldbe the catalyst to spark an international movement called theNew World Order. These things have now come to pass. IrvinBaxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministriesin 1986 when he wroteA Message For The President, a bookexplaining the major prophecies of the Bible which he had beenteaching since 1968. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, propheticfulllment accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to launchEndtimemagazine. The purpose of the magazine is to explainthe prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are now beingfullled in intricate detail. Articles focus on the soon return ofJesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation.

    Endtimedoes not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid asthey may be. This will be left to other publications .

    EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Irvin BaxterJr.EDITOR Ken Raggio

    EDITORIAL ASSISTANTGinger BoerkircherRESEARCHKathy McKinney



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    hypnotized.Americans dont

    want a national ID card,but all

    the voices are screaming that wehave to have one. Its the only way

    to prevent another 9/11. Its the only

    way to combat terrorism, they say.

    STOP! Hold on a minute. I think

    weve gotten so close to the trees

    that we cant see the forest. We are

    missing something here!

    04 ENDTIMEMAGAZINE| May &June2006 SubscribeNow|Call 1.800.Endtime|www.endtime.com

    IrvinBaxter Jr.


    Without A National ID

  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006



    Weve gotten along for 230 years in this nation withouta national ID card. Do we really have to, after all thistime, suddenly give every American an ID? Do we want anational database with information on every citizen thatcan be pulled up at the click of a computer mouse?

    Im sure thats not what most Americans want. Whymust we have it then? How have we gotten along for230 years without being numbered and controlledby a national database? And what has changed that

    we are now being told that we absolutely must havethese instruments of control imposed upon us?


    For the last 230 years, the United States has reliedon its borders to provide a safe and secure nation.However, in recent years wiser voices have led us downthe path of the global village, better known as worldgovernment and commonly referred to as globalization.

    The world planners have told us that all nations are nowinterdependent and that we must now think globally.

    Terms like world community and internationalcommunity have easily slipped into the global lexicon.

    In this day of interdependence andglobalization, how do you control the populace of the

    world? How can governmental leaders provide securityfrom terrorism for those they are entrusted to govern?

    Back when borders were really borders, foreigners(remember that word?) were rare and those who didimmigrate to America came to t in. They learnedour language, adopted our culture and convertedto our religions. They became Americans.

    With the onset of globalism and one-worldism,borders have become virtually meaningless. Cultures haveintermingled, and nations have lost their identitiesespecially in America. To suggest that the U.S. is a Christiannation evokes howls of outrage from certain elementsof society. Our Judeo-Christian values have even beenbanished from government property by the courts.

    So if we dont govern a nation and preserve its valueswith borders, how can it be done? A recent novel ideahas emerged around the world. The U.S. government has

    decided to give everyone a national ID with a number thatcan be entered into a national (soon to be global) database.Since all Americans already have Social Security numbers,the government has mandated that you must give your SocialSecurity number in order to receive your new national ID.

    Once we have a national ID card that requires anumber, we can be controlled by the use of databases andcomputers. If our ID is unacceptable, we wont board anairplane, open a bank account or hold a job. Amazing!

    Borders are being replaced with ID cards. Weused to travel freely within the borders of ournation. Now we must be tracked everywhere, andfreedom has now been replaced by control. Theprice of globalization is constant surveillance.


    Do I dare say the obvious? Weve gotten along without anational ID for 230 years because weve had enforceable anddefensible borders. The globalists would like to tell us thatthis just isnt possible, but its been possible for 230 years!

    Our government can send a man to the moon butseemingly cant gure out how to defend our borderssomething weve been doing for 230 years. Amazing!Borders arent really that hard.

    Our friend Israel knows how to maintain a border.Its quite simple. In rural open areas, they build an eightor ten foot fence with a dirt road running alongside ofit. Every two to four hours, the border patrol comesalong in a jeep equipped with a road sweeper. As theborder patrol drives along the road, they look forfootprints the telltale sign that someone has crossedthe fence and entered the country. If footprints arespotted, the alarm is sounded and the search is on.

    But we couldnt possibly afford to build a fence alongour entire 2,000-mile border, the argument goes.

    Sure we could! If Israel, a nation of 6 million can build

    a 450-mile fence, surely a nation of 300 million can builda 2,000-mile fenceunless we dont want to. Perhaps thepowers-that-be fear the establishment of defensible borders

    would bring an end to their utopian dream of global society.


    Are we so drunk on the wine of globalization that we cantrecognize it isnt working? Will anyone dare stand up andstate the obvious The emperor has no clothes on?

    Its time to admit that world government doesntwork and that the nation-state has worked nicely for230 years. In the nation-state, you dont need an IDcard. You can go anywhere you want within the safe andsecure borders of your nation. Now that is freedom!

    Yes, there is an answer to international terrorismthat doesnt require the surrendering of hard-wonfreedoms. Its just happens to be the answer that worldleaders dont want to hear. One-world government(globalization) simply doesnt work. Globalization has

    wrecked the backbone of the American economy. Ithas brought high gas prices and reduced wages.

    Bring back secure borders and pass a law against a nationalID and against the establishment of a national database. DidI hear someone say, Give me liberty, or give me death?


    SubscribeNow|Call 1.800.Endtime|www.endtime.com ENDTIMEMAGAZINE| May &June2006 05



    Did I hear someonesay, Give me liberty,or give me death?

  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006



    Join Invin Baxter Jr. on his

    next prophecy tour for a

    Greek Island Cruise, a tour

    of Israel, a visit to the Island

    of Patmos where John

    wrote Revelation, as well

    as a visit to Ephesus where

    youll walk the same Roman

    roads as the Apostle Paul.

    Mark your calendar!

    GETONBOARD!p r o p h e c y t o u r









    I s r a e l G r e e k I s l a n d C r u i s e P at m o s E p h e s u s



  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006


    Euphrates Riverto Be Dried UpINREVELATION16:12, THEBIBLEPREDICTSTHATTHEEUPHRATESRIVERWILLBEdried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East to invade Israel. This willhappen at the time of the battle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of thesame chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the nal battle during which

    Jesus will return and ght on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediatelythereafter He will establish His kingdom and usher in His one-thousand yearreign of peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Starcarried the headlineTurkey Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month. The article statedthat a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While lling up the reservoir,the ow of the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a concreteplug for a diversion channel built. These things have now been done. With thisnewly built dam, Turkey has the ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. Theconditions for fullling this 1,900-year-old prophecy are now in place.

    China Goes to WarINREVELATION 9:15-16, THEBIBLEPROPHESIESTHATANARMYOF 200 MILLIONsoldiers will launch a war which will kill the third part of men. Never in thehistory of the world until our present generation has there been a power onearth that could eld 200 million soldiers. However, the late ruler of ChinaMao Tse Tung boasted in his diary that he could eld an army of 200 million.

    The CIA World Factbook reported that in the year 2001 it was estimated thatChina had 200,866,946 men of military age and that this number is growingby 10 million per year.


    ruleover a world government.He will cause all people on the earth to receivea number without which they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing thisprophecy fullled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly everyhuman being in the world has now been assigned a number. In America, it isour Social Security number. In the past few years, we have seen this numberextended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot bedeclared as a dependent on an income tax return. We have seen the emergenceof electronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people actuallyurging the abolition of cash. All of these things could not possibly have beenfullled until this present time. Only after the invention of the computer couldsuch a worldwide numbering system be administered.

    The Emergence of a New World OrderREVELATION13:7 ANDDANIEL7:23 PROPHESYTHEESTABLISHMENTOFAWORLDgovernment.The term New World Order has become a prevalent phrasein the worlds political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous,and Pope John Paul II referred to it repeatedly. In the September 12, 1990issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, Iraqis the rst test for the New World Order. He emphatically stated that theIraq War was Saddam Hussein against the world. The United Nations troopsare continually referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has beenmade to establish an interdependent community of nations that will rule the

    world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this will lead us intoa great world government. The formation of this government is at hand.

    Coincidence or Divine Providence?ISITCOINCIDENTALTHATALLOFTHESEMAJORPROPHECIESPERTAININGTOTHELASTtimes are being fullled simultaneously? Hardly!


    Many have stated that

    it is impossible to

    know whether or

    not we are living in the last days

    before the Second Coming of

    Jesus Christ. However, there is

    dramatic proof that we are living

    in the endtimes proof that

    defes coincidence.

    SubscribeNow|Call 1.800.Endtime|www.endtime.com ENDTIMEMAGAZINE| May &June2006 07

  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006



    OF THEBEAST2008?

  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006



    ENDTIMEMAGAZINE| May &June2006 9


    when individuals will not

    be able to buy or sell unless

    they take the mark of the

    beast. Between now and May of

    2008, Americans will receive national

    ID cards without which we will be

    unable to hold a job or open a bank

    account.If we cannot hold a job or

    have a bank account, how muchbuying or selling will we be able to

    do? The question has to be asked:

    Will the National ID cardwhich

    will be implemented over the next two

    yearsbe the mark of the beast?

    A LITTLE HISTORYFor many years, advocates of socialistic big government havepromoted the establishment of a national ID card. The Americanpublic has steadfastly resisted this encroachment upon individualliberties, not wanting to become a number in the governmentscomputer.

    When it created the Department of Homeland Security after9/11, Congress made it clear in the enabling legislation that theagency could not create a national ID system. In September 2004,then-DHS Secretary Tom Ridge reiterated, The legislation thatcreated the Department of Homeland Security was very specicon the question of a national ID card. They said there will be nonational ID card.

    However, when the Homeland Security Commission presentedtheir recommendation for responding to 9/11, there it was asbig as Dallas. On page 407 of the 9/11 Report, it states, Secureidentication should begin in the United States. The federal gov-ernment should set standards for the issuance of birth certicatesand sources of identication, such as drivers licenses.

    Those who have long salivated over imposing a controlledsociety upon America grabbed the 9/11 baton and ran with it!Knowing that Americans did not want a national ID card, the BigBrother-ites decided to pass the National ID Act by stealth. Firstof all, they called it the Real ID Act, and then attached it to a hugeappropriations bill for our troops in Iraq so that no member of

    Congress would dare vote against it.On May 10, 2005, the bill creating a national ID passed by a vote

    in the Senate of 100-0. The next day, May 11, 2005, President


    MAY 11, 2005

    President George W.Bush signs the REAL

    ID ACT.



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    10/3210 ENDTIMEMAGAZINE| May &June2006 SubscribeNow|Call 1.800.Endtime|www.endtime.com


    SubscribeNow|Call 1.800.Endtime|www.endtime.com

    George W. Bush signed the bill intolaw. Just like thatthe handcuffs

    were snapped around the wrists ofAmericans. The land of the free andthe home of the brave became theland of the controlled and the home ofthe scared.


    ACT ACTUALLY DO?In laymans language, the Real ID Actmandates that all states in the U.S. muststandardize procedures for the grantingof drivers licenses and ID cards. Thestate must require before issuing a driv-ers license or ID card the followingdocumentation:

    (A) A photo identity document, ex-cept that a non-photo identity docu-ment is acceptable if it includes boththe persons full legal name and date ofbirth.

    (B) Documentation showing the per-sons date of birth.

    (C) Proof of the persons Social Se-curity account number or vericationthat the person is not eligible for a So-cial Security account number.

    (D) Documentation showing thepersons name and address of principalresidence.

    Please notice that one of the man-datory requirements to get your IDcard is the presentation of your Social

    Security number. Your Social Securitynumber is what makes you trackable.It enables the government to enterinformation lots of informationabout youinto its database, and thenretrieve it at the push of a button.


    This comes straight from the text of theReal ID Act: Beginning 3 years afterthe date of the enactment of this Act, aFederal agency may not accept, for anyofcial purpose, a drivers license oridentication card issued by a State toany person unless the state is meetingthe requirements of this section.

    Notice that this paragraph sets thedeadline for the nal implementationof the national ID. It specically setsMay 11, 20083 years after the enact-ment of the law on May 11, 2005.

    It also states that a Federal agencymay not accept for any ofcial pur-pose a drivers license or ID card is-sued by a State unless the State is meet-

    ing the requirements of the Real IDAct. What does this mean?

    It means that you must have this new

    national ID to board an airplane, entera federal building where ID is required,open a bank account or hold a job. Fur-thermore, if you refuse to get this newnational ID, you will not be able to le-gally drive your car (since your driverslicense will now be your national ID).

    How will a person function in a mod-ern society if he cannot drive, y, hold

    a job or have a bank account? It is obvi-ously going to be nearly impossible!


    Defenders of the Real ID Act say thatthe Real ID is not a national ID. Theydeceptively argue that states do nothave to comply with the federally setstandards of the Real ID Act.

    Technically, they do not have to com-ply, but if they do not, none of theircitizens can board a plane, hold a jobor open a bank account. Oh, yes - onemore thing. Any state that does not linkits database, containing records on alldrivers and ID holders, to the databaseof the other 49 states loses its federalfunding. But, of course, it is not man-datory! Sounds very much like the vol-untary income tax to me!

    Anyone who tells you that the RealID is not a national ID is intentionallylying or is incredibly ignorant.


    NATIONAL IDS FOR A LONG TIMEThe argument has been made thatmany nations have had a national IDfor a long time, yet they have not tak-en the mark of the beast. Why should

    we believe that the National ID Actwill usher in the mark of the beast inAmerica?

    It is true that other nations have hadnational IDs for some time. Howev-er, America has been regarded as the

    worlds last bastion of freedom. If theU.S. succumbs to the tyranny of totalgovernmental control, the last light offreedom on earth will have been extin-guished.

    Furthermore, it can be demonstratedthat the prophesied time for the enact-ment of the mark of the beast has ar-rived. There are six prophecies that willcome to pass in the three and one-halfyears immediately preceding the impos-ing of the mark of the beast. All ofthese prophecies are in the process ofcoming to pass right now. This enables

    us to know that the mark of the beast isjust ahead. America simply cannot allowthe implementation of the national ID!

    Six prophecies will immediately precedethe mark of the beast:


    The Bible foretells a peace plan for theMiddle East that will deal with the sta-tus of Jerusalem and the borders of theHoly Land. The plan will be sponsoredand conrmed by the world commu-

    nity seven years before the Battle ofArmageddon. It is at the Battle of Ar-mageddon that Jesus Christ returns toearth, human government ends, andthe 1000-year reign of the kingdom ofGod begins.

    Such a plan now exists. The Road-map for Peace was authored in 2002 byThe Quartet, consisting of the Unit-ed States, the European Union, Russiaand the United Nations. It was acceptedby Israel and the Palestinians in Juneof 2003, but has not yet been imple-mented. The Roadmap is a peace planfor the Middle East and calls for settlingthe status of Jerusalem and the bordersbetween Israel and the Palestinians.

    After Israels unilateral withdrawalfrom Gaza in August of 2005, the

    world community believed this actionby Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharonmight put the Roadmap for Peace backon track. The Quartet met at the UNon September 20, 2005, to reafrmthe worlds support for the Roadmap.

    We are not sure that the prophesiedcovenant has yet been conrmed,triggering the beginning of the nalseven years. However, it does seem cer-tain that the Roadmap for Peace is themechanism for the conrmation ofthe covenan, whenever it does occur.


    Another prophecy found in Revelation9:13-20 states that a war will originatefrom the area of the Euphrates Riverand will ultimately result in the kill-ing of one-third part of men. The

    vast majority of the Euphrates Riveris in Iraq where the U.S. presently hasaround 150,000 troops. This war that

    will kill one-third of mankind (two bil-lion people) must be completed at leastthree and one-half years before theBattle of Armageddon. It appears that

    we are already in the beginning stagesof that Euphrates River war.


    In Matthew 24:15-16, Jesus prophesieda time when the West Bank, the area

    which Israelis call Judea, will become

  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006


    a place of horrible persecution andslaughter for Jews that remain there. Is-rael is presently building a wall, which

    will separate Israel proper from the areaof Judea. Israeli Prime Minister EhudOlmert has publicly announced his in-tention to withdraw from Judea, leavingthe Jews who choose to stay there at themercy of the Palestinians. He says this

    withdrawal will be completed withinfour years.

    Jesus called the coming slaughter inJudea the great tribulation. He said,Then shall be great tribulation, suchas was not since the beginning of the

    world to this time, no, nor shall ever be.The three and one-half years of greattribulation is also the time when themark of the beast will be enacted uponearth. The wall separating Judea fromthe protection of Israel is scheduled forcompletion by the end of 2007.



    Several different places in scriptureprophesy that the Jews will build theirtemple on the Temple Mount just be-fore the nal three and one-half yearsof great tribulation. Two of theseprophecies are found in 2 Thessalo-nians 2:3-4 and Revelation 11:1-2.

    There has been no Jewish temple onearth since the Second Temple was de-

    stroyed in 70 AD. Over the past severalyears, the Temple Institute in Jerusalemhas been building the furniture and rec-reating the utensils for temple worshipin anticipation of the time when thetemple will, in fact, be rebuilt. The con-struction of all the temple furniture isnow completed and is on display at the

    Temple Institute in Jerusalem.In June of 2005, the historic an-

    nouncement was made by the recentlyreborn Sanhedrin in Israel: the deci-sion has been made to begin the actualrebuilding of Israels Third Temple.

    The Sanhedrin announced they willbuild the temple offsiteprefabricat-ing it like King Solomon built the First

    Temple. Then, when the political situ-ation allows, they will move it to the

    Temple Mount for assembly.



    Revelation 11:1-2 depicts the TempleMount in Jerusalem under a sharingarrangement forty-two months beforethe Battle of Armageddon.

    The Temple Mount is the most dis-puted 35 acres on earth. When negoti-ating the status of the Temple Mountat Camp David in July of 2000, Yasser

    Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister EhudBarak could not agree. Both contendedthat they just could not surrender con-trol of the Temple Mount. Finally, Pres-ident Clinton suggested that Jews andMuslims could simply share it, allowingall religions to freely worship there. Ithas now become generally accepted thata sharing arrangement, as described inscripture, is the only feasible solution tothe Temple Mount problem.



    When President Clinton suggested thesharing of the Temple Mount, Arafatsaid that it would not work. It would beimpossible for Jews and Arabs to worshipon the same 35 acres together, he said.

    Barak contended that it could work. Hesuggested that the holy site could beplaced under the international supervi-sion of UN peacekeepers.

    Amazingly, a Temple Mount underinternational control in the times justahead was prophesied 2,000 years ago.In 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, the ApostlePaul said that the son of perdition (the

    Antichrist) would stand in the temple ofGod claiming to be God. This passagedepicts the leader of the endtime worldgovernment (the UN) standing in therebuilt temple claiming to be the ulti-mate sovereign authority over the Tem-ple Mountjust as Barak suggested.

    Remember, all of the above proph-ecies are scheduled to come to passduring the three and one-half years im-mediately preceding the nal three andone-half years known as the great tribu-lation. Since all of these prophecies arein process of fulllment right now, it isobvious that we are just around the cor-ner from the prophesied mark of thebeast. Understanding this, it becomesabsolutely imperative that the Real ID

    Act be repealed immediately!


    ENACTED IN 2008?

    Unless it is stopped, the Real ID Act willbe implemented by 2008. The mark ofthe beast may not be enacted immedi-

    ately, but whenever it does come intoforce, it seems sure that the Real ID Act

    will be the mechanism used for its en-forcementwhether that time comesin 2009, 2010 or 2011. We must stopthe Real ID Act now before it becomesthe mark of the beast! This is our lastchance to save America!

    1}EDUCATEyourself. Get 666How Close?on DVDavailable from NoNationalID.com or 1-800-endtime.

    2}TAKETHENo National IDPLEDGE, stating that youwill not knowingly vote for any politician who will not vote

    to repeal the Real ID Act. Go to NoNationalID.com

    3}SUBSCRIBEto the free No National IDnewsletter.

    4}CONTACTyour Senators and Congressmen. Askthem to repeal the Real ID Act.

    It is now or never! The Real ID Act must be stopped!

    Together, we can do it, but we need every single person

    to take action. REAL ID is being implemented right

    now. This is our last chance to save America!

    What Can I Do?

  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006



    6TH TRUMPET| Deant Iran

    Rejects UN Demands

    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

    warned Tehran that the international

    community is united in the dispute over

    Irans nuclear program. But a Tehran

    envoy deantly rejected the warning.

    Rice hinted at escalating Security

    Council action should Iran disregard

    the councils demand that it freeze

    enrichment. Russian Foreign Minister

    Sergey Lavrov said sanctions had not

    been discussed and were not supported

    by Moscow. Chinas Vice Foreign Minister

    Dai Bingguo echoed Lavrovs remarks.

    The West refuses to rule out sanctions,

    and the U.S. says the threat of military

    action must also remain on the table.

    6TH TRUMPET| Iran threatens

    U.S. with harm and pain

    Iran has threatened the United States

    with harm and pain for its role in

    hauling Tehran before the U.N. Security

    Council over its nuclear program. The

    United States and its European allies

    said that Irans nuclear intransigence left

    the world with no choice. The Security

    Council could impose economic and

    political sanctions on Iran. Iranian

    ofcials were not available to elaborate

    on what Iran meant by harm and pain.

    6TH TRUMPET| Were on

    the eve of World War III

    According to Meir Amit, a former director

    of Israels Mossad intelligence agency,

    global civilization is on the verge of World

    War III - a massive conict in which the

    Islamic world will attempt to impose its

    ideology on Western nations. Amit is

    one of the most esteemed gures in the

    international defense establishment. He

    said the terrorists in the world hit Spain,

    England, France. I call it World War III.

    6TH TRUMPET| China warns

    U.S. on issue of Taiwan

    China has warned the United States

    against sending false signals to Taiwan

    by playing down a recent decision by

    the island to do away with the National

    Unication Council. Taiwan said that

    the council had ceased to functionand that its set of guidelines for the

    eventual unication of Taiwan and China

    had ceased to apply. China regards

    Taiwan as a province and has vowed to

    prevent formal independence by force

    if necessary. The United States has

    pledged to help Taiwan defend itself.

    6TH TRUMPET| North Korea army

    threatens pre-emptive attack

    According to North Koreas ofcial media,

    the communist state has the right to

    launch a pre-emptive attack against

    U.S.-backed South Korean forces because

    the two Koreas are technically still at war.

    The comments came as North Korea

    shows its displeasure with annual joint

    South Korean-U.S. military exercises. A

    spokesman for the Norths Korea Peoples

    Army (KPA) said distrust is high between

    the United States and North Korea.

    The 1950-1953 Korean War ended in

    a truce and not a peace treaty so the

    two Koreas are technically still at war.


    EU WATCH| Czech foreign minister

    backs EU constitution revival

    Czech foreign minister Cyril Svoboda

    suggested that a short declaration on EU

    goals linked to the constitution could be

    what is needed to revive the document.

    Svoboda believes that during the pre-referendum campaigns in France and the

    Netherlands, the EU constitution became

    hostage to several issues including

    competing ideas on what the union really

    stands for. He said what is needed is a

    declaration that would focus peoples

    attention on what they want the EU to be.

    EU WATCH| Economic nationalism

    bad for Europe, says Barroso

    European Commission president Jose

    Manuel Barroso has urged a sense of

    political responsibility on the part of our


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    statesmen and warned against rising

    nationalist rhetoric. He was speaking

    about a new wave of protectionism rising

    in major EU states with the most recent

    case involving a row between Italy and

    France following the merger of two French

    energy rms in a bid to prevent a takeover

    of Suez by Italian Enel. Mr. Barroso

    said, we cant deal with globalization

    if weve got 25 mini energy markets.

    EU WATCH| Applicants must

    speed reforms for 2007

    EU entry

    EU diplomats are saying that the

    atmosphere has changed since last

    year, when No votes in French and

    Dutch referendums on the proposed EU

    constitution seemed to jeopardize the

    entry of Bulgaria and Romania. They are

    now urging the countries to acceleratereforms to thwart any further delays.

    The issue will be decided at a June

    meeting, but privately, EU diplomats

    say they expect the 25 governments

    to agree to the two countries entry

    on January 1, 2007, as scheduled.



    biometric passports to be issued

    The rst British biometric e-passports

    are being issued to applicants. The

    new passports have added security

    features including a chip holding the

    carriers facial details. Lord Strathclyde,

    Conservative leader in the Lords,

    said this effectively made ID cards

    compulsory for the vast majority.

    MARK OF THE BEAST| Chip implant

    is big advance for Big Brother

    Doctors implanted a radio ID tag under Sean

    Darks skin that allows him to enter restricted

    areas of his security company in Ohio. JackSchmidig, a police chief in New Jersey, has

    a similar chip that doctors can use to nd

    his medical records in an emergency. Amal

    Graafstra of Washington state unlocks his

    home and car and logs on to his computer

    using a chip he bought online and had

    implanted near his thumb. All three of them

    say putting radio-frequency identication

    chips under the skin can improve lives.

    Nationwide, about 80 hospitals are

    developing or have begun programs to make

    the implants available to patients. But privacy

    advocates are warning that todays voluntary

    use is a giant step toward a time when

    the government can mandate implants.

    MARK OF THE BEAST| Identity

    cards a present to terrorists and

    criminals, spy heroine says

    A national identity card system will be

    a present to terrorists, criminal gangs

    and foreign spies, according to Daphne

    Park, one of Britains most respected

    former intelligence agents. Park said,

    The very creation of such an enormous

    national identity register will be a present

    to terrorists; it will be a splendid thing

    for them to disrupt and blow up. It

    will also provide valuable information to

    organized crime and to the intelligence

    services of unfriendly countries, she said.


    requirements sideline driverJames Scott, 81, encountered the states

    six-point ID verication program when he

    went to the Motor Vehicle Commission

    ofce in Wallington, NJ to renew his drivers

    license. The federal government mandated

    that all states adopt a point-system by

    2008 as part of the Real ID Act signed by

    President Bush in 2005. Scott brought

    his Social Security card and a photo-

    identication card, but didnt meet the six-

    point requirements. He was told that hed

    need a primary document worth four points

    like a valid or recently-expired passport and

    a birth certicate. Scott is one of hundreds

    of thousands of Americans from areas

    of the rural South born before hospital

    births were common and births were not

    registered with local health departments.

    I served this country, said Scott. The

    president didnt want my birth certicate

    when he sent his letter drafting me.

    MARK OF THE BEAST| 200,000 HP

    staff exposed to ID fraud risk

    A laptop with information on almost200,000 current and former HP employees

    was stolen, which puts them at risk of

    identity fraud. The data includes names,

    addresses, Social Security numbers,

    dates of birth and other employment-

    related information. The stolen computer

    belongs to Fidelity Investments, which

    provides services to HP. In the last 13

    months, more than 53 million personal

    records have been exposed in dozens of

    similar incidents. Consumers led more

    than 255,000 identity theft reports to the

    Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2005.


    block compulsory cards

    Peers in the House of Lords have again

    defeated government proposals to make

    it compulsory to register for an ID card

    when renewing or applying for passports.

    The Lords voted 227 to 166 in favor of

    retaining an amendment to the Identity

    Cards Bill that would make the registration

    voluntary. The government argued that the

    House of Lords should not oppose the bill

    again. Liberal Democrat peer Lord Phillips

    of Sudbury said that forcing people to

    register for an ID card when renewing or

    applying for a designated document such

    as a passport is compulsion by stealth.


    over in Kansas? Get ready to

    show your ngerprints

    If a policeman in Kansas stops you, theofcer may pull out a little black box

    and take your ngerprints. The gadget

    will allow ofcers to identify people by

    ngerprints without hauling them to

    the police station. Over the next year,

    Kansas will test 60 of the devices with

    law enforcement agencies around the

    state. Similar tests are being planned

    for New York, Milwaukee and Hawaii.

    MARK OF THE BEAST| Individual

    consumer items to be tagged

    RFID specialist Impinj has devised a way

    to make it easier for manufacturers and

    stores to put RFID tags on individual

    consumer items. Current tags are

    designed to go on pallets and crates.

    The new tags sport smaller antennas

    and rely on the same processor but use

    magnetic coupling to communicate. As

    a result, the tags cost less and measure

    as little as nine millimeters. Each tag

    contains a unique number; the tags can

    essentially act as serial numbers. Many

    fear that corporations, law enforcementagencies or governments will eventually

    use the tags to track peoples movements

    or purchases. In-Stat predicts 33

    billion RFID tags in use by 2010.


    MIDDLE EAST| Hamas Assumes

    Control of Palestinian Authority

    The parliament of the Palestinian

    Authority has approved the new Hamas

    government. The new PA minister of

    information, Yusuf Rizka, said that the

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    new Hamas government is a government

    of shahids, [holy martyrs]. The new

    PA Prime Minister, Ismail Haniye of

    Hamas, presented the guidelines to the

    parliament and after the vote, one of the

    PA legislators waved a Koran and called

    out loud, The Koran is our constitution,

    Mohammed is our prophet, jihad is our

    path and dying as martyrs for the sake

    of Allah is our biggest wish. His call was

    answered by a standing ovation and

    calls of Allahu Akbar (Allah is Great).

    MIDDLE EAST|Israels Election Results

    Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmerts

    Kadima Party was the winner in the

    2006 election, taking 28 seats in the

    17th Knesset. As Olmert celebrated his

    partys victory, he said to the Palestinians,

    We are ready to compromise, to give

    up parts of the beloved land of Israel...The election attracted only 63 percent

    of eligible voters, the lowest turnout in

    the history of Israeli elections. The Bush

    administration has signaled it would

    support Olmerts plan which is to remove

    thousands of Jewish settlers from the

    West Bank, complete a barrier separating

    Israel from the Palestinian areas and

    set Israels nal borders by 2010.



    court opens landmark Bosnian

    genocide case against Serbiaay

    A landmark genocide case brought by

    Bosnia against Serbia-Montenegro before

    the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

    has opened. Bosnia, through its mainly

    Muslim wartime presidency, led the case

    before the United Nations highest court

    13 years ago. They are accusing Belgrade

    of committing genocide during the war

    against the Muslims and Croats of Bosnia.

    The Bosnian war lasted from 1992 to

    1995, and claimed up to 200,000 lives

    and left millions of refugees homeless.

    The case is to wrap up on May 9 when the

    16-judge panel will retreat to consider a

    verdict. All rulings by the ICJ are nal and

    without appeal even though the court has

    no real means to enforce its decisions.


    blocks military aid to Mexico

    The United States has been blocking

    military aid to Mexico since last fall

    because of a dispute over whether

    U.S. citizens should be exempt fromprosecution by the International Criminal

    Court. The sanctions were imposed

    in October after Mexico became a

    signatory to the Hague-based ICC.

    Mexico is the 12th country from the

    Latin America-Caribbean area to be

    sanctioned by the United States under

    a law that was approved by Congress

    four years ago. The 2002 U.S. law is

    known as the American Servicemembers

    Protection Act. None of the sanctions

    have had an ofcial announcement.



    calls for UN of religions

    The Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yona Metzger,

    is calling for the creation of a world body

    with representatives from major religious

    groups. He is calling for the formation of a

    United Nations of religious. Metzger was

    addressing the International Congress

    of Imams and Rabbis for Peace in Spain.

    The imams and rabbis at this conference

    say the world is in crisis, and that that

    now is the time for concrete initiatives.

    WORLD RELIGION|Vatican accused

    of helping radicals by backing

    Islamic hour in schools

    The Vatican is endorsing a proposal by

    radical Muslims for a weekly Islamic

    hour in schools with a strong Muslim

    presence. If a school has several Muslim

    children I dont see why their religion

    shouldnt be taught, said Cardinal Renato

    Martino, a minister in the Vaticans

    government. Several commentators arecalling for an equal degree of freedom

    for Christians in Muslim countries.


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    On May 11, 2005, President Bush signed the

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    board an airplane, train, bus, enter any federal

    building, or open a bank account. It is extremely

    likely that you will not be able to get a job without it.

    WILL REAL ID BE THE MARK OF THE BEAST?The Bible prophesies a time when every person

    will be required to have a number in order to

    participate in the economy. In two years, every

    American will be required to have a National ID card

    in what may be the point of no return for the Mark.


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    esson 1Modern Nations in the BibleMany people have claimed that the United States is

    ot mentioned in the prophecies of the Bible. Thisesson not only gives absolute proof that the USA isn scripture, but also that it was foretold 2,600 yearsgo that she would come out of Great Britain. Modern

    ations are so clearly depicted in scripture that it willhock you that you have never noticed it before. Thisncredible lesson identifying modern nations in theible is absolutely essential if we are to understand

    he prophecies that are presently being fullled right

    efore our eyes!

    esson 2New World Orders World Government

    Why are the words Novus Ordo Seclorum Latinor New World Order on the back of the US dollarill? What does this really mean? During the Gulf War

    n 1991, President George Bush said, The Iraq Crisiss the rst test for the New World Order. President

    ush then proceeded in the last two years of hisresidency to use the term New World Order over

    00 times in his speeches. This prophetic lessonroves that New World Order is world government,nd that it is the endtime world government over

    which the Antichrist himself will soon rule.

    esson 3The Road to Armageddonne of the most important prophecies for ourme states that a covenant concerning the statusf Jerusalem will be signed and then conrmed.

    he conrming of this covenant will begin a nal

    even-year period ending with the fateful Battle ofrmageddon. The present dispute over ownershipf Jerusalem will soon trigger this nal battle This

    esson deals with these questions: When do thenal seven years begin? What will the conrming

    f the covenant be? What is the abomination of

    esolation? Will the Jewish people build their Thirdemple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem? If so,ow soon?

    esson 4The Four Horsemenhe identity of the four horsemen of the apocalypseas been shrouded in mystery for many years.owever, God obviously intended for someone tonderstand these symbols since He included them

    n the Bible. This lesson clearly identies the White

    orse, the Red Horse, the Black Horse and the Paleorse and proves that they are in the world right now!also shows that these four invisible forces control

    he nations of the world and even affect your ownfe personally.

    Lesson 5The Holy RomanEmpire RevivedThe Holy Roman Empire has risen and fallen severaltimes over the last 1,000 years. There have alwaysbeen two leaders over this Holy Roman Empireapolitical leader and a religious leader. The Bible

    prophesies that the Holy Roman Empire will rise onemore time in the immediate future. Once again, twoleaders will head this revived Holy Roman Empire.According to Daniel and Revelation, the politicalleader will be the Antichrist, and the religious leaderwill be the False Prophet. Who will the False Prophetbe? Find out in this lesson!

    Lesson 6The Antichristand False ProphetThe Antichrist and the False Prophet will soon rulethe world, and they both are, almost positively, aliveon this earth right now! There are over fty specic

    prophecies concerning the Antichrist in the booksof Daniel, II Thessalonians and Revelation alone.This lesson discusses the most prominent of these

    prophecies and provides a prole of the worldsfuture dictatorthe Antichrist. It also describes themiracle-working power of the False Prophet and howhe will use this power to lead the people of the worldinto the New World Order of the Antichrist.

    Lesson 7The Mark of the BeastThe Bible prophesies a time when the entire worldwill be computerized and all nancial transactions

    will be done electronically. A global governmentwill use this cashless system to try to control everyperson on earth. Every one of us will be assigned anumber without which we will be unable to buy orsell. In order to obtain the number, we will be forcedto pledge allegiance to the New World Order andthe global religious system. This number is called

    the mark of the beast, and if we take it we will beeternally damned. What is this mark? Find out inLesson 7!

    Lesson 8The ComingOne-World ReligionThe global dreamers say that there are three rootcauses of war upon earth: political conicts, economic

    conicts, and religious conicts. They contend that if

    we had one-world government, one-world economicsystem and one-world religion, we would enter intoa new era of peace. The Bible prophesies that aworld religion will work hand-in-hand with the worldgovernment of the Antichrist. Present ecumenicaltrends are leading us into that one-world religion right

    now! United Religions, a sister organization to theUnited Nations, has been increasingly instrumentalin establishing unity between Christians and all ofthe worlds religions. When Jesus was asked by Hisdisciples concerning the signs of His coming and theend of the age, the rst thing he said was, Take heed

    that no man deceive you. For many shall come in myname saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.Jesus knew that the possibility of deception in theendtime would be extreme. This lesson explainswhere the present ecumenical trends will ultimatelylead, and how they will affect you personally. It isabsolutely vital that every person understand thisprophecy!

    Lesson 9The Kingdom of GodMany people have heard the term Kingdom of God,but few really understand what it is. Throughout theentire Bible, this was the central message! Johnthe Baptist preached the kingdom of God, Jesuspreached it, and the apostles preached it. The lastquestion that Jesus was asked before He left the

    earth was, Lord, will you at this time restore againthe kingdom to Israel? The coming kingdom of Godis the message that God wants to convey to everyperson on earth. The crucial question iswill you bea part of it?

    Lesson 10The RaptureThe crowning event of the plan of God for the ageswill be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to theearth, when Jesus returns, born again Christians willbe caught up to meet Him in the air. There are manyopinions as to the timing of the rapture of the saints.Discover the important reasons why this event mustbe understood in order to prepare ourselves for thelast of the last days. This lesson will both challengeyour thinking and give you new insight into the most

    important event that could ever occur in your life!

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    11:59 PM - fulfilled prophecies

    The Seven Trumpets

    Babylon the Great - Who Is It?

    Will the UN Invade Israel Next?

    Is the Antichrist Among Us?

    The Antichrist Conspiracy

    The China ThreatInterfaithism - Global Religion of the Endtime

    Israel Prepares for Armageddon - Pt A

    Israel Prepares for Armageddon - Pt B



    The Secret of Understanding Revelation

    Seals, Trumpets and Vials

    The Great Tribulation

    The Second Coming of Jesus

    Timeline of the End

    BONUS Questions and Answers

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    Iquickly inquired, What did you say?

    I didnt say anything, she denied.I was sure I heard you say, mark of the

    beast, I said.With a sheepish grin, she confessed, I did.How much do you know about that? I asked.Not much, she admitted.I know quite a bit about it, I said. The line

    building up behind me did not allow for any moreconversation, so I left my card and suggested shecall me if she ever wanted to learn more.

    What do you think of when you hear 666 ormark of the beast? Occultism? Scary movie? Signof the Devil?


    The term mark of the beast comes from aprophecy in the Bible written about 2,000years ago. The prophecy is found in Rev-elation, chapter 13.

    The rst eight verses of Revelation 13 foretell aWorld Government and a World Leader who willrule the world for forty-two months immediatelybefore the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

    Verses 7 and 8 describe the reign of the worldleader known as the Antichrist like this:

    and power was given him over all kindreds,and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell uponthe earth shall worship him, whose names are not

    written in the book of life of the Lamb slain fromthe foundation of the world.

    Verses 11-15 describe the global religious systemthat will work hand-in-hand with the one-worldgovernment. The leader over this world religioussystem is described as looking like a lamb, com-

    monly used in scripture to symbolize Jesus Christ,but speaking like a dragon, which is used to symbol-ize the devil.

    In another place in scripture, this leader, wholooks like Jesus but speaks like the Devil, is calledthe False Prophet. The prophecy indicates that thisfamous but fake religious leader will use his spiritualinuence to convince the people of the world togive their allegiance to the Antichrist.



    he one structure on earth today designedto be a world government is the UnitedNations. The number-one weapon theUN uses to enforce the compliance of

    nations to its edicts is economic sanctions.Verses 16-17 describe the use of economic sanc-

    tions by the endtime world government, not justagainst nations, but also against individuals.

    And he causeth all, both small and great, richand poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in theirright hand, or in their foreheads: And that no manmight buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or thename of the beast, or the number of his name.

    This prophecy foretells a time when every indi-vidual on earth will be required to have a numberwithout which he or she will not be able to buy orsell.

    In order to get this number, each person will berequired to pledge allegiance to the reigning systemof world government or to the man who will beruling the world at that time. This will be the ulti-mate implementation of economic sanctions. It willbe used to force obedience to the one-world gov-ernment and the reigning world religious system.


    The total of my purchase came to $6.66.When the younglady operating the cash register saw the total, I heardher whisper under her breath, Mark of the beast.


    20 ENDTIMEMAGAZINE| May &June2006 SubscribeNow|Call 1.800.Endtime|www.endtime.com

    What is theMark of the Beast?

  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006


    On the other hand, the prophecy states that anyperson who takes this pledge of allegiance will besentenced to eternal damnation by God Himself(Revelation 14:9-11).

    Since this prophecy was written in approximately96 AD, its fulllment has never been possible - untilnow! The ability to give every person on earth anumber and to control that persons ability to buyand sell has never before existed.

    With the invention of the computer and thebirth of the Internet, the fulllment of this ancientprophecy has become all too possible!

    How did the prophet know 2,000 years ago thatsomeday all we would need to buy things would bea number? How did he know we would be able totravel around the world using just a number or acard to buy and sell?

    Once again, we should remember: this 2,000-year-old prophecy could not possibly have come topass until now.


    The last verse of Revelation 13 comments aboutthe mark of the beast:

    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understand-ing count the number of the beast: for it is thenumber of a man; and his number is six hundredthreescore and six.

    Scripture denes the mark of the beast as themark of his name or the number of his name.Somehow, when the Antichrist appears, we willbe able to calculate his name to equal 666. Therehas been endless speculation concerning names ofleaders and names of governments that might becalculated to somehow equal 666. As of this time,

    we have not found a calculation that fullls thisscripture beyond doubt.


    The original Greek words in Revelation 13:18 thatwere translated 666 are: chi xi stigma, pronouncedkhee xee stig-ma. It is interesting that the last wordstigma comes from a primary word stiz. It means:

    to stick or prick: a mark incised or punchedforrecognition of ownership. (Strongs Greek Diction-ary)

    Major problems exist with ID cards. One reportsaid that twenty percent of all national ID cards arelost or stolen each year. ID card counterfeiting andidentity theft continue to plague the attempt to es-tablish secure ID.

    Applied Digital Solutions from Florida has pro-vided a high-tech solution. A person can now havea computer chip about the size of a grain of riceinjected under the skin with a needle. This injectedchip stays with the individual for life and is virtuallycounterfeit-free and impossible to steal.

    For years, that technology has been used for IDin dogs, cats and other animals. In 2004, the U.S.Food and Drug Administration approved the injec-tion of chips under the skin of human beings forthe maintenance of medical records. If a patientis unconscious, his records can still be accessed

    by scanning the chip embedded in his arm. Healthconditions, present medications and allergic reac-tions are all available to health care providers.

    In Barcelona, Spain, the Baha Beach Club offersvacationers a means to pay for services without thebother of wallets or purses. After a painless injec-tion, food and drinks are paid for with the waveof a hand. Thats right. A computer chip injectedunder the skin is being used for buying and sellingright now.

    Remember, the word stigma means to stick orprick with a mark denoting ownership. Could thisindicate that the mark of the beast will actually begiven by the injection of a computer chip under theskin?

    The mark of the beast will be required for a per-son to buy and sell. The national ID, which will beimplemented in America between now and 2008,

    will be required to hold a job or open a bank ac-count. How much buying and selling will a personbe able to do without a job or a bank account?

    Will the national ID soon become the mark of thebeast?


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    Here is wisdom. Let him that hathunderstanding count the numberof the beast: for it is the numberof a man; and his number is six

    hundred threescore and six.

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    FACT 1 - Almost ALL the nations of the world now have asingle, comprehensive national identication system.A. There are a few instances where systems are not yet fullyin place, but almost without exception, countries are moving atbreak-neck speeds to implement ID systems that are far moresophisticated than they have been historically.

    The United States is one of the last countries to get a compul-sory national ID, mostly because it has been the land of the freeand the home of the brave. But that has changed. Our vanishingborders have been penetrated by millions of illegal aliens fromcountries all over the world. We do not even know how many,but a low-side estimate exceeds 10 MILLION illegals. Neverthe-less, the government has no plans to tighten the borders. In-

    stead, they will use the REAL ID to locate all the aliens. Wecannot get control over our borders, or regulate the ow of legal

    workers, until the federal government has an electronic verica-

    Will the National IDbecome a Global ID?


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    Are all systems around the world merging?


    especially when the larger system takes ownership of the smaller

    system. Will National IDs (small systems) lead us directly into a

    Global ID (large system)? Such a transition appears inevitable.





    THE IMPLANTABLE RFID CHIP(diagram below) is turning headswithin security and corporate circles

    around the globe with its potential fora streamlined identification system.

  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006


    For more information on what

    you should do in the face of these

    astonishing facts, please watch

    Irvin Baxters new DVD, 666-How

    Close? available at endtime.com or

    by calling 1-800-ENDTIME.


    tion system that works, says Sen. JohnCornyn, R-Texas, who helped intro-duce the REAL ID ACT, passed intolaw on May 11, 2005.B. Over 100 countries have long-standing compulsory national ID pro-grams. Most countries ruled by social-ism or totalitarian governments havenot enjoyed much privacy or civil lib-

    erties. These countries have historicallyhad the most stringent national IDsystems in place i.e., Russia, Germa-ny, and China. Privacy and civil liber-ties belong primarily to countries thathave common law (typically British- or

    American-inuenced legal systems).But fears of terrorism and identity thefthave persuaded free people to give uptheir privacy and liberty to the falsepremise that a compulsory national ID

    will protect them.C. Citizens in most countries withnon-compulsory national IDs neverthe-less experience great disadvantages anddifculties if they do not fully partici-pate in the system. De facto standardsoften rule the day. Private companies,banks, even government agencies oftenimpose hardships and inconvenienceson people who fail to produce non-compulsory identication. Manypeople who would otherwise refuse toenroll in a non-compulsory ID systemeventually capitulate simply because

    it becomes so inconvenient NOT tojoin. It is called function creep. Forinstance, the original function of theSocial Security Card number was lim-ited to health benets, but it has nowcrept into nearly all identication appli-cations, and is even at the heart of theREAL ID ACT.D. Many countries that were laggingbehind are now moving into cutting-edge positions with high-tech nationalID programs. Information technologycompanies commonly lobby extensive-ly to win identication contracts withprospective governments. Third-worldcountries take quantum leaps fromprimitive paper ID cards to smart cards

    with microchips, largely because some-body stood to make millions of dollarsfrom the deal.

    FACT 2 - There is compelling evidencethat the nations are presently collabo-rating to structure a global ID system

    where all national ID systems are in-

    teroperable. Belgium, Italy, and Estoniaare leading the way in e-ID (electronicID). A European e-Card Conference

    took place in Brussels in April, 2006,where issues of interoperability, priva-cy and security were discussed. Majorcountries such as France, Germany andSpain are moving forward, and severalnations that have been reluctant to en-ter the e-ID frontier are now engaged;i.e., Greece, Portugal, Slovakia, Bulgariaand Indonesia.

    A. The global economy plays a ma-jor role in the development of universalstandards for database registries. Inter-national trade demands universal stan-dards for identication of products andmerchandise. Wal-Mart played a key rolein the implementation of the UniversalProduct Code (UPC) over a decadeago when it required suppliers to trackinventory using those barcodes. Now,

    Wal-Mart and the U.S. Department ofDefense have mandated their vendorsto utilize RFID (Radio Frequency ID).

    Wal-Mart, whose corporate databaseis twice as large as the entire Internet,issues corporate policies that eventu-ally become de facto international law.

    With the help of the Department ofDefense, RFID becomes the de factostandard for product identication

    world-wide. The exact same logic ap-plies to the identication of human be-ings. If Wal-Mart begins to require anyparticular personal ID format, the restof the world is soon to follow.

    B. Governments and global in-dustry demand accelerated efforts foruniversal identication processes. Incorporate and government ofces, n-gerprinting, iris-scanning, facial recog-nition, and other biometric measuringdevices are common-place. Ultimately,however, about 1% of the populacehas unreadable ngerprints. On aglobal scale, that amounts to 60 mil-lion people that would require some-thing beside a ngerprint ID. Similarproblems accompany other biometrics.Eventually, microchips and RFID willrule the day, using digitized biometricdata as a verication back-up.

    FACT 3- The world will soon have aglobal identication system.A. Take for example the ISO 7810card standard. Never heard of it? Well,get this: Did you ever notice that allyour credit cards are the same size?

    That standard is not set by your state,or even the federal government. It is an

    INTERNATIONAL standard. Similarinternational standards already denesmartcards, RFID chips, readers and

    more. As time passes, the marketplacewill separate the winning manufactur-ers from the losers, and one triumphantglobal ID system will rise to indisput-able domination.

    We cannot escape the realities thathave been thrust upon us by interna-tional travel and Internet commerce.

    With over one billion passengers on in-

    ternational ights yearly, and over onebillion international consumers regu-larly using the Internet, the pressure isalready on for both a global ID and aglobal currency. Its coming. Count onit.B. International travel demandsthat passports be interoperable. TheInternational Civil Aviation Organi-zation already requires that all its 188member nations issue machine-read-able passports, on their standard, by2010. However, most nations alreadycomply due to the United States Visarequirements already in place. World-

    wide, security agencies are demandingmore and more speed, efciency, secu-rity, and biometric verication.C. The link between passports andnational IDs is signicant. Passporttechnology is likely to become the defacto standard for all National IDs. ANational ID card is an internal pass-port. It means you can live and move

    within that country. Why would gov-

    ernments want to create a National IDthat is not interoperable with its ownpassport system?

    Malaysia and Brunei presently havethe most advanced national ID card inthe world. It is a multi-function 64Ksmart card. It is both a national identi-cation card AND a passport, but thatis not all. It is also their driving license,

    ATM cash card, Touch-n-Go travelcard, medical records card, e-commerceauthentication, iris-scans, digitized n-gerprints, etc. The card is compulsoryfrom age 12, but infants already receivethem at birth as a replacement for birthcerticates. De facto law sometimes

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    varies very little from compulsory law.D. The United States is imposing itsstandard on the world for identication.

    The U.S. Government has mandatedthat all international passports enteringthe U.S. must contain readable biomet-ric identication. Singapore unveiled itsrst biometric microchip passport in

    April 2006 as a direct response to U.S.Visa requirements. And they are onlyone of many countries who are doingthe same, for the same, singular reason

    the U.S. requires it.E. Members of the internationalcommunity will ultimately comply witha global ID protocol. In April, 2005,France announced it would mandatecompulsory biometric national IDcards by 2007 including digitized

    photographs and ngerprints. In March2006, Spain awarded their ID project toa company that will produce 40 millionsmart cards to its citizens. China recent-ly purchased 350 million smart cards forits people. As each country sequentiallyjoins the biometric league, non-partici-pating nations come under increasingpressure to conform or be cut off fromthe world community.

    FACT 4- The biblical mark of the beastcan be entirely implemented within ashort time. The mark of the beast re-quires an identifying mark in the righthand or in the forehead according toRevelation 13:16. Is this technologicallylikely, or even feasible? Absolutely.A. The Bible prophecies call it amark eight separate times. Each time,the Greek source word is charagma,

    which means a stamp, and imprintedmark, a thing carved or graven. Thecharagma comes from the Greek root

    word charax, which means sharpen

    to a point; a pale; a pointed stick.B. The standard of choice for apersonal global ID system has already

    been identied as the VERICHIPatiny microchip embedded in a glass caseabout the size of a grain of rice. Thatchip will contain all the ID system any-one needs WITHOUT having to carrya card. It is IMPLANTED by sticking itunder a persons skin. The way it is in-serted into the human body is by beingcarved with a syringe that has beensharpened to a point: it is a pointedstick that inserts (carves or graves)the chip into the hand or head of theperson.

    Is this a perfect ancient and divinedescription of Applied Digital Solu-tions VERICHIP implantpunctured

    with a sharp syringe? Was this gadgetprophesied 2,000 years ago?C. This device is now being pro-

    duced by a publicly traded Americancorporation that has already contracted

    with 80 hospital systems nationwide foruse in medical identication applica-tions. Over 232 doctors are now offer-ing the chip to their patients. Accord-ing to an article in the Washington Poston March 15, 2006, Washington D.C.has been heavily targeted for Verichipmarketing. Emergency rooms are be-ing given free scanners so they will im-mediately begin chipping all patients.

    The company expects to be in over 200hospitals by the end of 2006.D. As shown, the biometric-readymicrochip is already available, and is inoperation in many places around the

    world. The sophisticated Malaysiansmartcard is only the beginning. AnRFID chip implant could serve all thosepurposes and more: ID, passport, cashcard, health card, etc. People would beable to pay all their bills simply by wav-ing their implanted chip past an RFIDreader.

    E. The global protocol, whateverit turns out to be, will be forced on allnon-compliant nations and citizens.

    Again, the Bible prophecy states, Andhe causeth all, both small and great,rich and poor, free and bond, to receivea mark in their right hand, or in theirforeheads: And that no man might buyor sell, save he that had the mark, or thename of the beast, or the number ofhis name, (Revelation 13:16-17).F. All global citizens will ultimatelybe forced into a global ID system. Theright to privacy is one of our most cher-ished freedoms. As society has grownmore complex and people have becomemore interconnected in every way, wehave had to work even harder to respectprivacy, the dignity, and the autonomy ofeach individual... We must develop newprotections for privacy in the face ofnew technological reality. (Bill Clinton,

    1997). Notice what Clinton did NOTsay. He did not say abandon invasivetechnology. He said we must face thenew technological reality. Like it ornot, everybody will be required to par-ticipate in the global ID system. Evenyou! Oh! You say you wont? Good foryou. There is a Bible prophecy for theabstainers, too. You will not be able tobuy or sell.

    The worst news, prophetically, is thateveryone who takes the mark will facethe wrath of God. If any man wor-ship the beast and his image, and re-ceive his mark in his forehead, or in hishand, The same shall drink of the wineof the wrath of God, which is pouredout without mixture into the cup of hisindignation; and he shall be tormented

    with re and brimstone in the presenceof the holy angels, and in the presenceof the Lamb: And the smoke of theirtorment ascendeth up for ever and ever:and they have no rest day nor night,

    who worship the beast and his image,

    and whosoever receiveth the mark ofhis name, (Revelation 14:9-11).

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    Like it or not, everybody willbe required to participate in the

    global ID system. Even you!

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    WHEREYOUR EVERY PURCHASE ISMONITOREDand recorded in a database, and your every

    belonging is numbered. Where someonemany states away or perhaps in anothercountry has a record of everything you

    have ever bought, of everything you have ever owned, ofevery item of clothing in your closetevery pair of shoes.

    Whats more, these items can even be tracked remotely.Once your every possession is recorded in a database and

    can be tracked, you can also be tracked and monitored re-motely through the things you wear, carry and interact withevery day.

    We may be standing on the brink of that terrifying worldif global corporations and government agencies have their

    way. Its the world that Wal-Mart, Target, Gillette, Procter &Gamble, Kraft, IBM, and even the United States Postal Ser-

    vice want to usher in within the next ten years.


    RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION, RFID FORshort, is a technology that uses tiny computer

    chipssome smaller than a grain of sandtotrack items at distance. If the master plannershave their way, every objectfrom shoes to

    carswill carry one of these tiny computer chips that canbe used to spy on you without your knowledge or consent.

    Weve nicknamed these tiny devices spychips because oftheir surveillance potential.

    If youve been staying in touch with the news about RFID,you may already know who we are and something of the pub-lic battles we have fought to try to keep this technology offof consumer products and out of our homes. In case youdont know who we are and why we can make such claims

    with conviction, an introduction is in order.We are Katherine Albrecht, founder and director of CAS-

    PIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion


    Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand,and it stabs you in the back with the other.C.P. Snow, New York Times, 1971

    EXCERPT:SPYCHIPSBY Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre


    CHIPPINGinanimateobjects is just the start.The endpoint is a formof RFID that can beinjected into flesh.

  • 8/22/2019 Endtime May June 2006

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    and Numbering), and Liz McIntyre, the organizationscommunications director. CASPIAN is a grass-rootsorganization that has been tackling consumer privacy is-sues since 1999. In the pages that follow, well give youa ringside seat to some of the battles weve fought withcompanies like Benetton, Gillette, and retail giant Tesco.

    Youll see why Advertising Age says our presence hasbeen felt from Berlin to Bentonville (corporate home of

    Wal-Mart), and youll also learn how we uncovered plans

    by companies to track consumers around stores, useRFID to spam consumers with personalized advertising,and even monitor what people do in their own homes.

    Were also suburban moms whove taken on some ofthe largest corporations in the world because we careabout the future our children will inherit if this dangeroustechnology is unopposed. We believe consumers shouldknow whats in store so we can work together to protectour privacy and civil liberties before its too late.

    We know that a Big Brother vision of the futuresounds farfetched. We didnt believe it ourselves until wesaw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears com-panies detailing their mind-boggling plans. We assure youthat this seemingly impossible future is on the drawingboard, and we promise that by the time you nish thisbook, you will be convinced, too.

    For nearly three years, we have devoted ourselves full-time to combing every article, reading every white paper,pursuing every insider tip, and scanning through thou-sands of patent documents to piece together a picture ofthis planned RFID future. Weve attended trade shows,sat in on top level meetings, and had long talks with thepeople implementing these plans.


    IFANYTHINGYOU READ INTHE FOLLOWING PAGESstrikes you as improbable, please refer to theendnotes at the back of the book. Weve includedplenty of references to original source materialsthat should satisfy even the most skeptical

    reader.In a future world laced with RFID spychips, cards in

    your wallet could squeal on you as you enter malls,retail outlets, and grocery stores, announcing your pres-ence and value to businesses. Reader devices hidden inthe doors, walls, displays, and oors could frisk the RFIDchips in your clothes and other items on your person todetermine your age, sex, and preferences. Since spychipinformation travels through clothing, they could even geta peek at the color and size of your underwear.

    Were not joking. A major worldwide clothing manufac-turer named Benetton has already tried to embed RFIDchips into womens undergarments. And they would havegotten away with it, too, had it not been for an inter-national outcry when we exposed their plan. Details ofthe Id Rather Go Naked campaign come later in thebook.

    While consumers might be able to avoid spychipped

    clothing brands for now, they could be forced to wearRFID-enabled work clothes to earn a living. Already uni-form companies like AmeriPride and Cintas are embed-

    THE BOOKSPYCHIPScan be purchasedfrom www.endtime.com or1-800-ENDTIME.

    RFID will have a pervasiveimpact on every aspect of

    civilization, much the same way

    the printing press, the industrial

    revolution and the Internet

    and personal computers have

    transformed society.... RFID

    is a big deal. Its impact will be

    pervasive, personal and profound.

    It will be the biggest deal since

    Edisongave us the light bulb.Rick Duris, Frontline Solutions Magazine, December 2003

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