endeavor fall 2015

FALL 2015 The ENDEAVOR ENDEAVOR A Publication Dedicated to Families and Professionals Who Are Committed to Deaf Children The INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2015 ASDC Conference Overview p. 6 IEP Goals Made Easy p. 33 From Kindergarten to High School: A Deaf Latina’s Journey p. 41 Hands Waving!

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American Society for Deaf Children


Page 1: Endeavor Fall 2015

FALL 2015


A Publication Dedicated to Families and Professionals Who Are Committed to Deaf Children


INSIDE THIS ISSUE:2015 ASDC Conference Overview p. 6

IEP Goals Made Easy p. 33From Kindergarten to High School:

A Deaf Latina’s Journey p. 41

Hands Waving!

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Page 3: Endeavor Fall 2015



A Look InsideTHE ENDEAVORAmerican Society

for Deaf Children #2047800 Florida Avenue, NE

Washington, D.C. 20002-3695Fax: (410) 795-0965Toll-Free Help Line:

(800) 942-ASDC (2732)(202) 644-9204 VP

[email protected]

Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/ASDC-American-Society-for-Deaf-



Tami [email protected]

Managing EditorAnita Farb

Publication ServicesT.S. Writing Services, LLC


ASDC STAFFDirector of Advocacy

Cheri [email protected]

© 2015 ASDC. The Endeavor is ASDC’s news magazine published three times a year. Published articles and advertisements are the personal expressions of their authors and do not necessarily represent the views of

ASDC. The Endeavor is distributed free of charge to ASDC members.

ADVERTISINGFor advertising information, contact [email protected].

ASDC is a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation.

EVERY ISSUEASDC Board 2A Note from the Editor 3ASDC Educational and Organizational Members


Membership Form 48 FEATURESConnecting the Dots: Deaf Children Are Not Broken and Do Not Need to Be Fixed


Photographs of the 2015 ASDC Conference


Historical Benefactors in the Establishment of Gallaudet University 16Nick Lachey Supports 2015 Toys“R”Us Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids® 29Discover Yourself! at CSDR 31IEP Goals Made Easy 33Desde el kindergarten a la graduación de la escuela secundaria: el paso académico de una estudiante sorda y latina


From Kindergarten to High School: A Deaf Latina Student’s Journey


Purposeful Parenting 43

For a copy of the ASDC Endeavor’s

submission guidelines, contact [email protected].

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Rachel ColemanMidvale, [email protected]

Erin Kane, M.A.Rochester, [email protected]

Jacqueline LaldeeOlney, MD [email protected]

Gregory MendenhallDublin, OH [email protected]

Gina OlivaLaurel, [email protected]

Susan C. SearlsRochester, [email protected]

KaAnn VarnerSulphur, [email protected]

Council on Education of the Deaf Representatives Serving on the Joint Committee on Infant HearingBeth Benedict, JCIH Chair, and Jodee Crace


PresidentAvonne Brooker-Rutowski, M.A.Austin, [email protected]

Vice PresidentLisalee Egbert, Ph.D.Sacramento, [email protected]

TreasurerTimothy Frelich, M.A.Jessup, [email protected]

Executive SecretaryTony Ronco, P.Eng.La Mesa, [email protected]

Past President Beth Benedict, Ph.D.Germantown, MD [email protected]

ParliamentarianJeff Bravin, M.A.West Hartford, [email protected]

Executive Council Board of Directors

Members at Large

How to Donate to ASDCMake a tax-deductible charitable contribution to ASDC and invest in

the future of education for deaf children, strengthening networks among families, and providing a promise of a better future for our children. Dona-tions may be sent to:

ASDC, #2047, 800 Florida Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20002Or donate via PayPal at www.deafchildren.org, and

click on Donate.

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A Note from the EditorOn the cover are the

words Hands Waving. In the deaf community, shak-ing both hands in the air is equivalent to applause.

This issue is dedicated to the Indiana School for the Deaf and the people who volunteered their time and energy to make this conference a success. This issue also extends a big “hand wave” to the families, adver-tisers, sponsors, presenters, exhibi-tors, schools and organizations at the conference.

I hope you will enjoy this issue filled with conference pictures of families, presenters, deaf children and their

siblings, and volunteers; all of whom had the oppor-tunity to come together to celebrate families with deaf children. Visit ASDC-Indiana’s Facebook page and www.asdc2015.com for more photographs or PowerPoint presentations.

The Endeavor is so very thankful to those who contribute to this publi-cation. If you have an article, story, upcoming event, or something that is news-worthy, please do feel free to send it my way at [email protected]. Be sure to also check out the ASDC website at www.deafchildren.org for updates, events and much more.

Tami Hossler

ASDC Executive Board

L-R: Timothy Frelich, Avonne Brooker-Rutowski, Lisalee Egbert, Tony Ronco, and Beth Benedict.


In the Spring/Summer 2015 issue of the Endeavor, the article, Modern-Day Deaf Plus Resources, was credited to Lisalee Egbert. It should also have been credited to Jacob Marshall as co-author. We regret the omission.

ASDC has a videophone

number!(202) 644-9204

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I’m delighted to intro-duce myself as the new ASDC president. ASDC also has two new execu-tive board members: vice president Lisalee Egbert and secretary Tony Ronco; Timothy Frelich will continue as treasur-er. I must thank the past president, Beth Benedict, for her dedi-cation and efforts in bringing ASDC to the next level over the years. It will be quite a challenge to fill her shoes, but we’re fortunate to have her continue on the board for the next two years as past president.

We had a very successful ASDC conference at the Indiana School for the Deaf, with awesome presentations and discussions that allowed families to share and learn from others. The inter-preters did a fantastic job of ensuring clear communication amongst our hearing and deaf participants. One of many highlights was watching the chil-dren engaged in fun activities (such as the petting zoo) while interacting with each other. This would not have happened without wonderful sponsors and support from the community. At this conference, Past President Jodee Crace, at her alma mater, received the Lee Katz Award for her long-time service supporting and mentoring families. Congratulations, Jodee! See page 14 for more.

For our next conference, we will do something differ-ent. We have a weekend reserved for you in late June — a weekend of exclusive ASL learning in Columbia, Md. All ASL levels and abili-ties are welcome; in fact, you don’t have to know sign language in order to attend.

Just come and learn with us! For more information, see page 19.

You might be busy juggling with commitments with school in session by the time you receive this issue, but I hope you will find a few minutes to visit us at www.deafchildren.org. To get to know me and other board members better, click on About on our website. You will also find a wealth of information and resources there. Have a wonderful academic year!

A Message from the President

Passing the Gavel

Avonne Brooker-Rutowski

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ASDC Conference 2015

A Big

Thank You to the

Indiana School for the Deaf and the

Amazing Volunteers!

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Connecting the Dots Deaf Children Are Not Broken and Do Not Need to Be FixedBy Sharon Lynn Clark

For three days in late June, families, community members and educators from across the country gathered at the Indiana School for the Deaf to learn from and with each other, and to share stories about our common and varied experiences with raising chil-dren who are Deaf. Centered on the theme of Connecting the Dots, session topics were inspiring, supportive and affirming of the beliefs that I have held about my daughter since the day she was born. I am a hearing mother to Sarah Joella Clark, born March 22, 2011. She changed our lives in unex-pected and magnificent ways. Within a month our family learned defini-tively that Sarah was Deaf, or what our doctors referred to as a severe to profound hearing “loss.” Her father and I would later learn that both of her cochleas had not fully formed. Howev-er shocking and unforeseen this initial diagnosis was, almost immediately our family realized that this was not a “loss” at all.

Our life, as we strive to immerse ourselves in the Deaf community, send Sarah to what is considered the best school for Deaf children in the coun-

try at Maryland School for the Deaf, and endeavor to excel learning Ameri-can Sign Language, is infinitely more gratifying than I could have possibly imagined.

I was touched by the comments of Deaf adults who described what was successful for them. One family, with now-adult Deaf sons discussed its journey as a hearing and Deaf fami-ly. One of the sons said, “We went through this journey together…that is what contributed to my success. He added, “My parents taught me how to advocate for myself and to reach out for the opportunities that I wanted.”

Another particularly meaningful session included a panel of Deaf young adults who spoke about the signifi-cance of family involvement. One young man said, “The best thing you

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can give to your children is free: read-ing books with them.” He and others throughout the weekend spoke about the necessity of having role models. “As a Deaf student, it is so important to have Deaf role models…someone who experiences life as I do.” A young lady communicated the importance of pursuing goals: “One of my role models told me to make sure to pursue my goals and to set high aspirations for myself; one person can make such a big impact on your life.”

High aspirations and becoming empowered were two sentiments echoed by many others; these young adults shared their goals, including becoming a sign language teacher, a mental health counselor, a licensed minister, creating a camp, and obtain-ing a master’s degree in Deaf educa-tion.

Another notable session focused on building self-esteem in our chil-dren. Pamela Farley spoke about the importance of parents being strong advocates for their children and teach-ing children how to assert their own needs.

Vibrations, a group of 10 Deaf student performers ranging from sixth grade through high school, performed popular songs in ASL and exhibited the high self-esteem that parents want for their children . They also shared their insights with families throughout the weekend. One vivacious and confident young person said, “It is an empower-ing experience for young Deaf people to learn what they are capable of in the arts and to learn that barriers [need

not] exist.” These students learn to creatively interpret the lyrics of a song into ASL transforming it into a beau-tiful performance while expressing their emotions and feelings through the ASL translation. “We don’t need to hear in order to sign a song.” Further-more, students learn how to follow the lyrics to the song, count to the music, dance to the counts, and translate from English into ASL. The students are exposed to figurative language and learn to work together as a group. These are important life skills for both hearing and Deaf young people.

Friendships were also developed during the conference. I had conversa-tions with presenters who shared their personal and professional experiences. This helped me to gain deeper perspec-tives about Deaf culture.

There was a street festival, held inside because of rain. We were also treated to an ASL-interpreted perfor-mance of The Three Little Pigs by the Analco brothers.

As I write this article, I remember just a few things that my daughter has accomplished in the past week: read-ing the words more and pizza from a restaurant sign, writing the word punt, telling complex signed stories about wolves and lions and signing silly 4-year-old things like, “I am afraid — a little bit — of a big H.” I know that she is capable of anything. She shows us this every day. I made a last minute decision to attend this conference just a few days before it was set to begin, and I am so grateful that I did. The experience was invaluable.

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Center left and bottom: 2015 ASDC Conference chair Jodee Crace and ISD volunteers kick off the conference. Center right: Superintendent David Geesling welcomes participants to the Indiana School for the Deaf.

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Conference attendees enjoyed a host of presentations, workshops, and entertainment, along with quality time with friends, families and community members.

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As parents attended workshops and networked, their children were involved in fun activities and meeting new friends.

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The children were treated to a host of activities, ranging from swimming to making delicious food to playing outside to games to art.

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HANDS WAVING to all the people who came and made this conference one of the best in ASDC history!

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The Lee Katz Award recognizes extraordinary parents in honor of Lee Katz, the first president of the International Association of Parents of the Deaf (now ASDC).  The Lee Katz Award was first awarded in 1975, a tradition that continues at the annual ASDC conferences.

The 2015 Lee Katz Award recipient was Jodee Crace, for all of the work she has done with families over the years through ASDC and the Indiana School for the Deaf. Jodee demonstrates ASDC’s mission and core values everyday in her work with, and dedication to, families of deaf children around the country. ASDC sends a very special congratulations to her!

The Lee Katz award is open to all family members, legal guardians, parents or grand-parents of deaf or hard of hearing children who are ASDC members. If you would like to nominate someone for the 2016 Lee Katz Award, contact Cheri Dowling at [email protected].

2015 Lee Katz Award Winner

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The U.S. Dept. of Education now offers free, video-on-demand children's television program-ming for thousands of students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing.

Dozens of children and family television episodes may now be viewed online with closed captioning and descriptions through the Dept. of Education’s Accessible Television Portal project. The portal is part of the depart-ment-funded Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP). It includes video-on-demand content provided at no cost by major television networks, as well as producers and distributors such as PBS Kids, Sesame Workshop, Cartoon Network, Sprout (NBC), the Fred Rogers Company, Scholastic Media, Litton Entertainment, Out of the Blue, and Fremantle Television.

To view the content, teachers, school personnel, parents, and other profession-als working with qualified students can visit www.dcmp.org and apply for access.

Free Video on Demand for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

In The News: Hands Waving Legislation

On Sept. 3, the California Assembly passed SB210, marking a historic day in deaf education history. The bill, sponsored by California Senator Cathleen Galgiani, will ensure that all deaf and hard of hearing children are kindergarten-ready. The bill will also help establish language bench-marks for deaf children from birth through five years old.

Assembly Member James Gallagher, who has two deaf brothers, present-ed the bill to the Assembly floor in American Sign Language. The bill now goes to the governor for final signature.

For more information, contact the California Association of the Deaf via www.cad1906.org.

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By Alice HagemeyerPresident, Friends of Libraries for Deaf Action

Happy 276th birth-day to Amos Kend-all, who was born on August 16, 1789 and lived until November 12, 1869. Kendall was one of the most influ-ential benefactors of the deaf community, and also the father to five deaf orphans.

In addition to Kendall, we have Samuel B. Morse, Platt H. Skinner, Edward Miner Gallaudet, Sophia Fowler Gallaudet, John Carlin, as well as Laurent Clerc and Thomas H. Gallaudet in the field of American deaf education to thank for what Gallaudet University is today.

In 1845, Kendall was engaged by Samuel B. Morse as a business manag-er in Washington, D.C., to exploit Morse’s newly invented telegraph. In the next 15 years, both men made fortunes. In 1856, Platt H. Skin-ner approached Kendall for financial support; Skinner had brought five deaf orphans with him from New York to start a school. He also recruited local deaf and blind children.  Later, when Kendall found out that those children had not received proper care,

he successfully petitioned the court to make the five deaf orphans from New York his wards.

After learning about Laurent Clerc’s and Thomas H. Gallaudet’s pioneering work, Kendall approached Congress about establishing a school for deaf children. On February 16, 1857, the 34th Congress passed H.R. 806, char-tering the Columbia Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind (Columbia Institution), a grammar school.

On May 10, 1857, Kendall hired 20-year-old Edward Miner Gallaudet (EMG), the youngest son of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Sophia Fowl-er Gallaudet, to become the school’s first superintendent. On June 13, the school opened with 14 students, nine deaf and five blind. On July 13, Kend-all appointed widowed Sophia Fowler Gallaudet as the school’s matron. 

EMG had long dreamed of starting

Historical Benefactors in the Establishment of Gallaudet University































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an institution of higher education for deaf adults. Sophia agreed, and became a lobbyist to Congress on her son’s behalf. There were many steps and individuals involved in lobby-ing for this entity to be formed. For example, John Carlin made a plea for this college in his 1854 article, “The National College for Deaf Mutes,” published in the American Annals of the Deaf.  Carlin was at the inaugura-tion as the only recipient of an honor-ary degree.  

On April 8, 1864, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln signed into law an act authorizing the Columbia Institu-tion to grant college degrees to deaf students. On June 28, 1864, during the college’s inauguration held in Washington, D.C., 74-year-old Amos Kendall announced his retirement as president of the Columbia Institu-

tion; EMG then became president of both the Columbia Institution and its new collegiate division, later called the National Deaf-Mute College. Thirty years later in 1894, the college was renamed Gallaudet College in honor of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. In 1986, it became Gallaudet University.

Seventy-eight-year old Laurent Clerc, who had taught John Carlin at the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf for a year in 1821, gave an inspiring speech at the inauguration. He said, “The knowledge of history is extremely useful. It lays before our eyes the great picture of the generations that have preceded us.”

In 2014, Gallaudet University cele-brated its 150th anniversary.

Source: https://archive.org/details/gu_autobiography00kend

An interview with authors of Deaf and Hear-ing Siblings in Conversation, Marla Berkowitz and Judy Jonas, aired on the PBS show, Need to Know, in Rochester, N.Y. on April 30 and May 7 in two parts. The video’s part one may be found at www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9Lzo-tV30I (at 10:59), and the second part is at www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTmuC7LsNiI (at 10:59).

To learn more about the book, visit www.sibling-conversations.org or email [email protected].

Authors Are Interviewed by PBS Show; Videos Available on YouTube

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Conference Schedule Wednesday Registration and Opening “Sample Our City” Family Fun Night! Families will sample menu items from Frederick area restaurants, learn about Frederick cultural venues, shop at local merchant booths, and enjoy activities such as face painting, a petting zoo, games, and more.

Thursday through Saturday – Parent Workshops: Three full days of concurrent workshops on issues, choices, consequences, and the many available resources that can profoundly impact the development of deaf or hard of hearing children. Professionals will present in each of the five key areas covering such diverse topics as family dynamics, cochlear implant effective use, language development, secondary conditions, education choices, community support options and access, and many more.

Children’s Program: A comprehensive three-day program of planned, supervised activities for children and teens ages 0 to 21 in four age groups. The informational needs and

unique experiences of deaf youth and siblings will be addressed through art, drama, and team building activities; sibling workshops; and games, field trips, and more.

Evening Activities: Family oriented activities each evening offer family and social time. On one evening, participants will explore Frederick’s sights, shops, galleries, and parks; enjoy dinner on their own; and experience living history through Ghost Tours.

Exhibit Hall: Sponsors, businesses related to any of the conference key areas, educational institutions and organizations, and local agencies and vendors will display information and products in the Exhibit Hall.

Museum: MSD’s Bjorlee Museum is packed with historic information and artifacts relating to the school, Frederick, the Hessian Bar-racks, multiple wars, and more.

Sunday morning – Final breakfast and Conference Wrap-Up; airport transportation provided.

Conference Schedule Wednesday Registration and Opening “Sample Our City” Family Fun Night! Families will sample menu items from Frederick area restaurants, learn about Frederick cultural venues, shop at local merchant booths, and enjoy activities such as face painting, a petting zoo, games, and more.

Thursday through Saturday – Parent Workshops: Three full days of concurrent workshops on issues, choices, consequences, and the many available resources that can profoundly impact the development of deaf or hard of hearing children. Professionals will present in each of the five key areas covering such diverse topics as family dynamics, cochlear implant effective use, language development, secondary conditions, education choices, community support options and access, and many more.

Children’s Program: A comprehensive three-day program of planned, supervised activities for children and teens ages 0 to 21 in four age groups. The informational needs and

unique experiences of deaf youth and siblings will be addressed through art, drama, and team building activities; sibling workshops; and games, field trips, and more.

Evening Activities: Family oriented activities each evening offer family and social time. On one evening, participants will explore Frederick’s sights, shops, galleries, and parks; enjoy dinner on their own; and experience living history through Ghost Tours.

Exhibit Hall: Sponsors, businesses related to any of the conference key areas, educational institutions and organizations, and local agencies and vendors will display information and products in the Exhibit Hall.

Museum: MSD’s Bjorlee Museum is packed with historic information and artifacts relating to the school, Frederick, the Hessian Bar-racks, multiple wars, and more.

Sunday morning – Final breakfast and Conference Wrap-Up; airport transportation provided.

Deaf children today have communication tools that deaf people in the past could not imagine. When they are mature enough — which may be different ages for different children — it is important that they be given the opportunity to use those tools that will empower them.

In the past, deaf people often had to rely on other hearing people, such as family, friends or neighbors, to communicate for them. Unfortunately, this often created a sense of dependency, helplessness and frustration. Today, we have video relay services empowering deaf people to communicate freely with hearing people in real time using sign language.

For deaf children, communicating independently, using VRS on a videophone, mobile phone with a front-facing camera or a computer, can create a sense of independence and self-reliance, increase self-confidence and provide a sense of responsibility. When children are ready, they can taught how to properly use tech-nology such as VRS. Allow them to take responsibility for making appointments, responding to calls, and ordering food or other services. There are many VRS providers, and one, Sorenson Communications, can answer questions about VRS; check www.svrs.com.

Give Your Child the Tools for Independence

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Save the DateJune 24-26, 2016

2016 ASDC Conference

Columbia, MDThe 2016 ASDC Conference will have a slightly different look

and feel. Save June 24-26, 2016 for the ASDC 2016 ASL Learning Opportunity, held at the Sheraton Town Center in Columbia, Md. Enrollment is limited to individuals ages 16 or over who are inter-ested in an intense ASL/Deaf Culture Learning Experience. All ASL levels and abilities are welcome.

The cost is $400 per person. Space is limited and the conference is expected to fill quickly. Registration includes all meals, intense small class learning, individual help as needed, keynote presenta-tions and much more. Hotel rooms are available at a rate of $135.00 per night by contacting the hotel directly.

For more information, contact Cheri Dowling at 443-277-8899 or [email protected].

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A Friend for Lilly, by Marcelia Strickland, is a motivational book for children of all ages world-wide. This book displays how to overcome life obstacles in a positive manner. It also encourages children not only to be themselves, but to learn how to accept others for who they are because there is no such thing as a perfect being.

In this story the main character, Lilly, simply wants to make new friends. There are times when she feels down because of how hard it is for her but she remains optimistic and doesn’t let a simple communication barrier discourage her. Lilly rushes home with the intent of creating a master project that will allow her to interact with other kids. This special project ultimately leads to her overcoming her obstacles and accomplishing her biggest goal, making new friends.

The 34-page paperback is available for $15.00 at www.lulu.com/shop/marcelia-r-strickland/a-friend-for-lilly/paperback/product-22152378.html.

Book Spotlight A Friend for Lilly

Featuring more than 1,000 ASL signs arranged alphabetically by English terms, entertaining color illustrations, practice sentences, and a DVD of all signs, this volume stands alone as the best ASL reference for deaf and hearing children alike.

The Dictionary is currently available through the Gallaudet University Press at a cost of $39.95.  However,   ASDC members can receive 25% off on orders placed through Gallaudet University Press by using the promo code 25ASDC.  

This special discount expires September 30, 2015.

ASL Dictionary: 25% off for ASDC Members!

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Courage in our Hearts™: A Family’s Love Story is a story that begins with high school sweethearts who dream of a family and an extraordinary life together. On the day of their oldest

child’s first birthday, they discover that he is deaf. They have to choose between staying in Trinidad, where Larry will be called “dummy” and do menial jobs, or uprooting their family and moving to the United States. He is now a fami-ly man, a college professor, A Deaf Olympian, and a community leader. The entire family shares the insights gained along their journey, and readers are invited to learn about the family’s obstacles and celebrate their victories.

The book also has 10 modules corre-sponding with each chapter, filled with exercises, strategies and lessons for transformation in various areas of life.

Discover Your Inner Treasure™ is the companion to Cour-age in Our Hearts. It traces the family’s journey from Trinidad to the United States in search of a bright future for Larry and,

ultimately, for the entire family.

IEP Goals Made Easy™ is a practical, easy-to-understand book about the indi-vidualized education plan (IEP) process. Readers will find the confidence and know-how to create

successful IEP goals, and learn the right way to advocate for their children. With helpful hints and recommendations, the book helps read-ers navigate the oftentimes complicat-ed and scary road to ensuring children receive the services they need.

Inspirational Life Quotes: A Collection for Your Daily Moti-vation is an inspir-ing compendium of daily quotes from the world’s most encour-aging personalities.

All books are available for purchase at www.deafparenting.com; to contact the authors Alex and Raz Stephen, email [email protected].

Books for Families of Deaf Children

Find ASDC online!www.deafchildren.org

Facebook www.bit.ly/asdcfacebook


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ONE STOPDeaf Education Resources



NATIONAL DEAF EDUCATION CENTERclerccenter.gallaudet.edu

CLERC CENTERLaurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center


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The Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind is a state public school and outreach center available tuition-free to eligible Pre-K and K-12 students who are deaf/hard of hearing or blind/visually impaired. Comprehensive educational services at FSDB are individualized, speci�c to the unique communication and accessibility needs of each student for independence and lifelong success.

Early Learning Center Program personnel provideMontessori-based education for Pre-K students.


Highly quali�ed, certi�ed teachers and related servicepersonnel work with Pre-K and K-12 students.


Trained personnel advise families with infantsand toddlers ages 0-5 in their homes.


STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTMore than 80% of students continue their educationat a university, college, or vocational program.



207 N. San Marco Avenue • St. Augustine, FL 32084800.201.4527 • 904.201.4527 (VP) • www.fsdb.k12.fl.us

Page 28: Endeavor Fall 2015


This fall, experience Gallaudet up close and personal.

Undergraduate Open House


800 Florida Avenue, NE l Washington, DC 20002 l 800-995-0550 (voice) l 202-250-2474 (vp) l www.gallaudet.edu

Experience an actual class in session, meet current students and faculty, find out what it’s like to be a college student, and learn more about our unique, bilingual university.

Join Us!Monday, October 19No ACT administered

Monday, November 9ACT administered on November 8

For more information and to register for an open house or the ACT at Gallaudet, visit admissions.gallaudet.edu.


Gallaudet UG Open House Print Ad (Fall 2016) 08-25.indd 1 8/25/15 6:49 AM

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Toys“R”Us® has released the 2015 Toys“R”Us Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids®, an easy-to-use toy selection resource for those who know, love and shop for children with special needs. This annual, complimentary publica-tion is available now in Toys“R”Us and Babies“R”Us® stores nationwide and online, in both English and Spanish, at toysrus.com/DifferentlyAbled. For more than 20 years, this catalog has been a go-to shopping guide for fami-lies in the special needs community, showcasing specially selected toys that aid in the skill development of chil-dren who have physical, cognitive or developmental disabilities. This year, Toys“R”Us is partnering with Nick Lachey, father, philanthropist, multi-platinum recording artist and televi-sion personality, who appears on the cover of the Guide alongside 5-year-old Josephine Gonzalez from New Jersey.

While Lachey has worked on numer-ous exciting projects around the globe throughout his career, he is most proud of being a father of two and an advo-cate for children’s causes. Inspired by his brother Zac, who lives with Asperg-er syndrome, Lachey established the Nick Lachey Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children, families and communities in need within the United States.

“Children’s causes are a huge passion of mine, so I was honored to collab-orate with Toys“R”Us to lend my

support to something as special as the Toys“R”Us Toy Guide for Differently Abled Kids,” said Nick Lachey. “Build-ing on a 20-year reputation of being a beneficial resource for parents and gift givers shopping for special needs chil-dren, the guide is so valuable because it removes the guesswork, providing trusted recommendations of toys that will appeal to a child with physical, cognitive or developmental disabili-ties.”

“For generations, families have come to Toys“R”Us in search of the perfect toy for their child. With help from the Toys“R”Us Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids, those shopping for children with special needs are able to do so with confidence knowing they’ve chosen an everyday toy that can help aid in criti-cal skill development and foster inclu-sion,” said Kathleen Waugh, Chair of the Toys“R”Us Children’s Fund.

Identifying the Best Toys Based on a Child’s Individual Needs

Because all children are unique, regardless of ability, toys in this catalog are not categorized by disability, gender or age. They are everyday playthings that can be enjoyed alongside siblings and friends. The guide pairs toys with icons representing a variety of skill sets, such as auditory, language, social, creativity and others, help-ing gift-givers choose toys most

Nick Lachey Supports 2015 Toys“R”Us Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids®

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suitable for the child they are shop-ping for.

To identify items that best contrib-ute to the development of children with physical, cognitive and devel-opmental disabilities, Toys“R”Us has collaborated with the National Lekotek Center, a nonprofit orga-nization dedicated to making play accessible for children of all abili-ties, to vet each of the toys featured in the 64-page buying guide.

Gift-givers who prefer to shop from home or on the go can take advan-tage of the  shop-by-skill  option at  Toysrus.com/DifferentlyAbled, where they can select a specific skill set to refine their search. The dedi-cated website also features a special Toys“R”Us App Guide for Differently-Abled Kids, providing recommen-dations for mobile apps, using the same skills criteria featured within the traditional Guide. The App Guide is available to make app discovery and mobile technology accessible to kids of all abilities by identifying apps that help build individual skill sets, and are appropriate for chil-dren with special needs.

Tips for Finding #ToysForAll Throughout the year, Toys“R”Us

will leverage its social media chan-nels, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, to share toy-buying tips and recommenda-tions found in the Guide, as well as exclusive behind-the-scenes content from the cover shoot with Nick Lachey. Additionally,

on Aug. 26, Toys“R”Us, along with its special needs partners, includ-ing the American Society for Deaf Children, National Organization of Parents of Blind Children, Muscular Dystrophy Association and Nation-al Lekotek Center, among others, hosted a Twitter chat to provide followers with tips for selecting toys for children with special needs. The company is encouraging fans and followers to join the conversation and support the power of play by using #ToysForAll.

An Ongoing Commitment to the Special Needs Community

Toys“R”Us, Inc. has long supported the special needs community through the Toys“R”Us Children’s Fund, which has provided annual grants totaling more than $20 million to numerous organizations that advocate for chil-dren of all abilities, including, Ameri-can Society for Deaf Children, Autism Speaks, HollyRod Foundation, Muscu-lar Dystrophy Association, National Down Syndrome Society, National Lekotek Center, National Organiza-tion of Parents of Blind Children, National Center for Learning Disabili-ties, Special Olympics, Spina Bifida Association, and United Cerebral Palsy, among others. For more infor-mation, please visit Toysrusinc.com/charitable-giving.

ASDC gives Toys“R”Us many big hand waves for its committment to accessibility!

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By Christian Jacobs, Karina Baker, and Erica Hossler of the Riverside Jr. NAD Chapter

On April 15, the Junior National Association of the Deaf (Jr. NAD) Riverside chapter and Deaf Technolo-gy Education Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students (Deaf-TEC) host-ed Discover Yourself! at the California School for the Deaf-Riverside (CSDR), Four Southern California high school Deaf and Hard of Hearing programs (Madison, Helix, Marlton and University) were invited to spend a fun-filled day at CSDR.

The 45 participants began with a few icebreaker activities that focused on trust and communication. Next, social justice was taught, bringing awareness to discrimination. The California Association of the Deaf Youth leader, Tanya Polstra, led a fun game showing the challenging, yet rewarding aspects of being a leader. After that, a delicious lunch was provided by FEAST.  

A highlight of the day saw participants attend five workshops in the S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) field, with deaf presenters. Students learned about computer programming, 3D printing, drawing, trans-forming paper into 3D designs, and satellites in space. A big thanks goes to Harry Gibbens, Jr., William Albright, Geo Masser, Jaclyn Vincent and Wes Rinella. After a delicious BBQ dinner, participants enjoyed the ASL JAM Dance and Fashion Show starring CSDR students.

The day was a big success and our hope is to continue spreading community love to deaf students who attend schools other than CSDR.

Discover Yourself! at CSDR

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ASDC interviewed Carl Sorrentino, President of the Alpha Sigma Pi fraternity at Gallaudet University.

What is the mission of ASP? The brothers of the Alpha Sigma Pi Fraternity have a long history of altruism, and this has always gone in accordance with our philosophy and ethical practices. Volunteering, which is emphasized within our fraternity, provides experience for careers, builds self-esteem, develops community relationships, and most of all, helps us and the community grow together as one.  Through helping others, we help the world come nearer to a status of peace, lessened suffering through heightened acceptance and assistance for all. Community service is also an opportunity to recognize obstacles in our communities and society, and to build experience and self-esteem to tackle these obstacles in our careers later in life. Bottom line, this fraternity is meant to be a true brotherhood and a support system where we can be ourselves and grow the most.

Describe the fundraiser.Every year, ASP hosts an end-of-school bash, Cobrafest. With a large number

of attendees at the most recent bash, we sold food, had face-painting and other activities, and our renowned car-smashing activity (which dates back to 1976). Since ASP believes in donating portions of our profits, we chose ASDC to receive funds.

Why was ASDC chosen?

ASP chose to raise funds for ASDC because it is a non-profit organization that “...believe[s] deaf or hard of hear-ing children are entitled to full commu-nication access in their home, school, and community. We also believe that language development, respect for the Deaf, and access to deaf and hard of hearing role models are important to assure optimal intellectual, social, and emotional development.”  This aligns with ASP’s views, and we believe strong-ly in giving back to the deaf community that we are lovingly a part of — espe-cially a community with children who will grow up into intellectual scholars, leaders, athletes, and experts in many different aspects of life. They are vital to our future because they are going to be the ones leading us.  

ASDC expresses its deepest gratitude to Alpha Sigma Pi.

A Thank You to Alpha Sigma Pi

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By Alex and Raz Stephen

Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream, which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.

– John F. Kennedy

Our wish is that you find this article helpful, easy to understand, and quick to implement. All children are precious, and all should be provided the oppor-tunity to learn and excel in conditions that best serve their needs.

An individual education plan (IEP) is a document that details special needs services for students, so that they can access the school curriculum. The IEP includes any modifications required in the classroom and additional special programs or services. In the United States, an IEP is mandated by the Indi-viduals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The IEP addresses a child’s educational needs and contains specif-ic, measurable, short-term, and annual goals for each of those needs, up to high school graduation, or prior to the student’s 22nd birthday.

The IEP team consists of the child’s parents and school personnel, includ-ing teachers, department supervisors, principals, director, and other related service providers. The parents are

considered full and equal members of the IEP team. Therefore, they should expect to be treated as equal partici-pants in developing their child’s IEP.

As a parent, you are a crucial member of the team because you have unique knowledge of your child’s strengths and needs. You have the right to be involved in meetings to discuss the identification, evaluation, IEP develop-ment, and educational placement for your children. You also have the right to ask questions, dispute points, and request modifications to the plan, as do all members of the IEP team.

You or school personnel may also invite other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regard-ing your child. For example, school personnel may invite related service providers such as speech and occu-pational therapists. You may invite professionals who have worked with or assessed your child and who possess important information for the IEP team. These professionals may be your child’s psychologist, doctor, tutor, or someone who can assist in advocating for your child’s needs, such as an educa-tional advocate, social worker, or lawyer knowledgeable in the IEP process.

There are six stages in the IEP process: detection, evaluation, creation, review, renewal, and completion. To make the best decisions for your child and participate in the effective planning of his educational program, you should

IEP Goals Made Easy

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become very familiar with each stage.The first stage is the detection stage.

Herein lies the discovery that your child requires special needs services to access the school curriculum. When your child is identified as having a disability, your feelings can be incredibly overwhelm-ing to the point of not knowing what to do. You may wonder briefly if your child will be able to live his best life. You realize that there is a hard road ahead, and you are not certain if your child will make it. As parents of special needs children ourselves, we know that feel-ing well, but we also know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. And grate-fully, we know that IEPs can help get us there. Do not be afraid or ashamed to accept or to ask for help. Everyone is different, everyone is unique, and you must do everything you can to make sure your child can be the best he can be.

The services your child needs are determined in the evaluation stage. The special needs office, personnel from your child’s school, and you, with invaluable parental input, are respon-

sible for completing crucial assessments. The IEP evalu-ation process helps teachers and related service provid-ers understand the student’s disability and how the disabil-ity affects the learning process.

Creation is the third stage. The full IEP is composed in this stage, usually covering a year, and it describes the services, denotes who will be providing them, and highlights where the services will be provided.

The IEP’s discussion-agreement session is one meeting in which all parties, including teachers, school person-nel, the special needs office and the parents discuss the IEP. If all parties agree with the terms, everyone signs the plan. Because of the large group of school personnel in attendance and the detailed paperwork involved, IEP meet-ings can be intimidating to parents.

Interim reviews are IEP progress reports addressed to you that outline how well your child is doing with the IEP goals. The report details your child’s progress for every goal listed in the IEP and provides a concise summary. The interim reviews are communication opportunities mandated by law, and are scheduled three or four times a year, or as often as the school sends progress reports to all parents. Changes to the full annual IEP can be made during interim review meetings. As parents, you will be asked to review the reports and sign, if you agree.

Renewal of your child’s IEP happens at the end of the school year. If the IEP

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team determines that your child still requires special services, a plan is devel-oped for the next school year with the input of the special needs department, your child’s school and you.

Completion of the IEP process happens when the special needs depart-ment, your child’s school and you deter-mine that your child no longer needs special services to access the school’s curriculum. This resolution can happen anytime from preschool to high school graduation or when your child reaches age 22.

What Is the Parent’s Role in an Effective IEP?

Education is the cornerstone for liberty.

– Eleanor Roosevelt

Your role as a parent is most impor-tant in developing an effective IEP for your child. Here are four steps that will assure your confidence level is high as you move through this process.

Step 1: Take an active role in devel-oping the goals in your child’s IEP.

It is your responsibility, as parents, to be as knowledgeable as possible about your child’s disability. The more knowl-edgeable you are, the better you can advocate for and articulate your child’s needs. Make it your business to under-stand the entire evaluation process for your child.

There are other disabilities that may not be as obvious as being deaf; there-fore, be diligent about identifying if

your child is not reaching typical mile-stones, or if his pediatrician says things are not developing quite as quickly as they should. This is when you should think about the possibility that there might be something to bring in to help support your child in better accessing the regular classroom.

If your child has a learning disability, educate yourself as much as possible about the disability and all the differ-ent options available for access to the school curriculum. Work with the special needs office and the school to determine the best path for your child. This information should be detailed in writing in your child’s IEP.

Many of you are caught off-guard when told that your child has a disabil-ity. For us, it was our first experience with deafness. Under IDEA Part D, the U.S. Dept. of Education funds at least one parent training and information center in each state and most territo-ries. Some centers may also provide a knowledgeable person to accompany you to IEP meetings to assist you in participating more in the process. The school must also take whatever action is necessary to ensure that you under-stand the proceedings of the IEP team meetings, including arranging for an interpreter if you are deaf or if English is not your native language.

When your child has a distinct special need or if the school discovers your child’s disability, it can be easy and straightforward to receive special needs services. However, if you discov-er your child’s disability and you have your child tested to confirm your find-

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ings, it can sometimes be challenging to receive services. The school and the special needs office may want to do independent testing qualifying your child for services. Request that your child’s school provides you with a time-line for the independent testing so that you know how long the process will take. You must be persistent, and give the school and the special needs office any information they request. It is a good idea to enlist your child’s doctor(s) and teacher(s) to support you.

Step 2: Review your child’s IEP before the annual IEP meetings.

Your child’s teacher is usually very busy developing IEPs so give the teach-er early notice that you want the IEP for review. Having a relationship with your

child’s teacher and special education supervisor will help, because you will already know your child’s level of educa-tion and the next levels and services to address in the IEP.

This step is extremely important. For our very first IEP meeting when Larry was four years old, we saw the IEP only on the day of the meeting with the school. Many of the facts were inac-curate. Larry’s teacher had written that he was delayed in understanding English and American Sign Language (ASL), because we spoke a foreign language at home. That was untrue; the only language we knew was English. The teacher assumed we spoke a differ-ent language because of our ethnicity and accents.

We challenged the plan and received

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a corrected IEP. Larry was placed in another teacher’s class, where he made rapid progress. His new teacher under-stood that he was delayed in commu-nication, because he started his formal language development at four years old. The teacher employed expedited strate-gies in teaching him new information, which Larry mastered easily. After this incident, we always requested a copy of the IEP at least a few days before the IEP meeting, so that there were no surprises. This way, we always had time to clarify questions before the meeting.

Step 3: Review and update your child’s IEP during the interim reviews.

Interim reviews are IEP progress reports mandated by law and are issued approximately three or four times a year. The interim review times are excellent opportunities to communi-cate with the teacher(s). The IEP prog-ress reports address the short-term goals in your child’s IEP and reveal how well your child is doing as far as what the IEP team agreed upon.

Usually the interim reviews are detailed in writing, and you are asked to sign them to indicate agree-ment. The reports can be very daunting, with a lot of pages of official-looking documenta-tion. We recommend that you review these progress reports with your child’s teacher(s) and make sure your child is progressing as expected on the full-year IEP goals. If your child is not progressing as expected, seek adjustments to the services

your child receives for the remainder of the school year during the interim review meetings. For example, your child may need more one-on-one atten-tion from his teacher or tutor. We had to work out similar adjustments with Larry’s school and teachers, not his special needs organization, because the organization was funding his access to the curriculum .

It is your responsibility to remain vigilant throughout the year. At the progress meetings, discuss the mile-stones described in the educational plan. Consider the following questions: Is your child on course to meet the goals set in the IEP for the year? If not, why? What can the IEP team do until the end of the year to help meet those goals?

If you are finding that things are not progressing as anticipated, then it is your obligation as a parent to commu-nicate with your child’s school and the special needs office. Discuss your child’s progress with your child’s teacher and school supervisor before the interim progress report, but make sure your concerns are addressed to your satis-faction before or at the progress report

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meetings. If your child

needs more services or d i f f e r e n t p l a c e m e n t , the interim, progress report is where you talk about your child’s needs. It is the IEP team’s decision, but you are a critical part of that team. You drive the changes.

Step 4: Have an active relationship with your child’s teachers and school supervisors.

Have regular interactions with your child’s principal, teachers, and other school supervisors to understand what your child is being taught, how your child is progressing, what your child will be taught next, and understand the teachers’ expectations.

As parents, remain balanced by being reasonable and practical on one hand, but on the other hand, having high expectations for your child. We person-ally believe that you should err on the side of high expectations for your child.

You cannot sit back and allow school personnel to do everything for you. Like you, they are busy, and if you do not pay attention, you may not notice that your child is not making as much progress as he should. Remain consis-tent about your child’s success, have reasonable expectations, and be proac-tive.

You also have a responsibility to learn how to work with your child’s school. Discover how school personnel views your role as a parent. You know your

child best, you know what you want for him, and hopefully, you and the school can work together.

Every child should have the opportu-nity to receive the best education possi-ble from kindergarten to high school and beyond.

Alex and Raz Stephen are parents to Larry and Charisma Stephen. Alex and Raz are the authors of four books, includ-ing IEP Goals Made Easy; see page 33.

. . . you are a critical part of [the IEP] team. You drive the changes.

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Support ASDC andOrder from AmazonSmile

Page 41: Endeavor Fall 2015



Por Brenda Guadalupe Chávez con Sharon Baker, Ed.D.

Mi familia se mudó a los Estados Unidos desde México cuando tenía cinco años, y yo y mis hermanos nos matriculamos en la escuela del barrio cerca de nuestra casa. Este artículo describe mi experiencia en la escuela pública y sugiere maneras de mejorar la lengua y la comunicación para estu-diantes latinos que son sordos y duros de oído. He sido sorda toda mi vida, y cuando yo era joven, me comunicaba con mi familia a través de gestos y señas que yo había inventado. Yo soy la única persona sorda en mi familia.

La primera escuela que asistí fue la escuela en mi barrio; todos los niños eran auditivos, excepto yo. La mayoría de ellos hablaba español en la casa y estaba aprendiendo inglés en la escuela. Ese año fue frustrante porque nadie podía comunicarse conmigo. El año siguiente mi madre me matriculó en Happy Hands, un programa preesco-lar para estudiantes sordos y duros de oído. Yo era muy tímida, pero el director de la escuela y los maestros me hicieron sentir segura. En Happy Hands apre-ndí la lengua de señas por la primera vez: mis primeras señas eran plátano y leche. El próximo año, me trasladé a la Escuela Primaria Wright donde habían otros estudiantes sordos y duros de oído. Al principio yo tenía miedo, pero

Alice Burnett, mi favorita maestra asis-tente, me ayudó a adaptarme. Alice me apoyaba durante el colegio. Sin Alice, me habría sido perdida! Mi maestra favori-ta fue Miss Mac. Ella jugaba un montón de juegos que me ayudaban a aprender. Ella me dejaba dibujar palabras sobre una mesa en la crema de afeitar. Me sentía como señorita Mac me gustaba y que ella quería que yo aprendiera. Señorita Mac era una buena usuaria de la lengua de señas y mantenía distintos la lengua de signos americana e inglés. Cuando los maestros se mezclan hablar y hacer señas, es difícil de aprender. Al mantener las lenguas distintas, el apre-ndizaje de la lengua de signos ameri-cana e inglés es más clara. En el colegio, me integré en las clases regulares de la gimnasia, la matemática y los estudios sociales con el apoyo de un intérprete. Era difícil de aprender a través de un intérprete al principio, pero más tarde se hizo más fácil.

Después del colegio, asistí escuela media y secundaria en la Academia Preparatoria Edison. La escuela media era difícil porque las clases estaban en lugares diferentes y en tres pisos dife-rentes. Me integraba en las clases de las matemáticas, el inglés, y la histo-ria con estudiantes auditivos, y yo regresaba a la aula de sordos para la tutoría. Era muy duro para aprender a través de un intérprete que general-mente se sentía a un lado de la aula. A

Desde el kindergarten a la graduación de la escuela secundaria: el paso académico de una estudiante sorda y latina

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veces la gente caminaron y obstruyeron mi punto de vista. Los maestros audi-tivos, sin embargo, eran útiles. Prim-ero, ellos enseñarían a toda la clase, y nos sentábamos y esperábamos con paciencia. Después, ellos me ofrecerían ayuda.

La escuela secundaria fue una histo-ria diferente. No me gustaba la escuela secundaria porque había tanto “drama.” Los estudiantes no siempre respetaban a los maestros. Era la primera vez que me metí en problemas, pero aprendí mi lección. Durante la escuela secundaria yo era la presidente de Serteens, una organización juvenil afiliada con el Club Sertoma. Hacíamos trabajo volun-tario en Happy Hands y ofrecíamos la tutoría de lectura en el colegio Wright, las dos escuelas a las que asistí cuando era niña. El mayo pasado me gradué de la escuela secundaria. Estoy trabajando con mi padre actualmente, pero mis planes futuros son para ir a una univer-sidad comunitaria y explorar opciones diferentes de profesiones como un chef o un maestro asistente para sordos.

El español es el idioma que se habla en mi casa. Dos de mis hermanos se comunican conmigo en inglés, señas básicos, y el alfabeto manual. Los otros se comunican conmigo en señas inven-

tadas y español. Me gustaría saber más español para comunicarse con mi familia. Hoy en día yo tien-do a comunicarme con mi familia usando un teléfono celular y el traductor de google. Yo escribo en inglés y se traduce al español; ellos escriban español y lo traducen en inglés para mí.

Mirando hacia atrás, creo que las escuelas pueden mejorar la educación de los niños latinos sordos al asegurar que ellos aprenden la lengua de señas cuando son muy jóvenes y que las familias aprendan la lengua de señas también. Los profesores tienen que mantener las lenguas (la lengua de signos americana e inglés) distintas porque es más fáciles de aprender de esa manera. Los niños con familias que habla español deben aprender inglés y español. El español es importante porque permite a los estudiantes a comunicarse con sus familias

Según el Gallaudet Research Institute (GRI) (Instituto de Investigación de Gallaudet) en 2013, español o “otros idiomas” fueron hablados en las casas de 35% a 47% de los niños sordos y duros de oído en este país. Además, el GRI informó que la matriculación de los estudiantes latinos/hispanos sordos en el colegio de los Estados Unidos había aumentado a un ritmo más rápido que cualquier otro grupo étnico. Las escuelas no pueden que preparan para las necesidades trilingües lingüísticas de estudiantes latinos sordos que deben aprender tres lenguas: las lenguas de la escuela (la lengua de signos americana e inglés) y la lengua de la casa (español)

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para comunicarse en contextos múltiples. El viaje personal descrito en este artícu-lo sugiere algunas maneras en que las escuelas pueden mejorar la educación de los estudiantes latinos sordos y duros de oído, y destacó que el aprendizaje del español es vital porque facilita la comunicación con la familia y conecta estudiantes a su rico patrimonio cultural.

Dr. Baker, puede ser contactado por correo electrónico a [email protected] Traducción de texto por Jessie Goolsbay Carr.

From Kindergarten to High School: A Deaf Latina Student’s JourneyBy Brenda Guadalupe Chavez with Sharon Baker, Ed.D.

My family moved to the United States from Mexico when I was five years old and enrolled my siblings and me in the neighborhood school. I have been deaf all of my life, and when I was young, I communicated with my family through pointing and with signs I had invented. I am the only deaf person in my family.

The first school I attended was that neighborhood school; the other students were hearing, and most spoke Spanish at home while learning English at school. That year was frus-trating because no one could commu-nicate with me.

The next year my mother enrolled me in Happy Hands, an early childhood program for deaf and hard of hearing children. I was very shy, but the school director and teachers made me feel safe. There, I learned signs for the first time; my first words were banana and milk. The next year, I transferred to Wright Elementary School with other deaf and hard of hearing students

my age. I was afraid at first, but Alice Burnett, my favorite teacher’s aide, helped me adjust. Alice supported me throughout elementary school.

My favorite teacher was Miss Mac, who played a lot of games that helped me learn. She even let me spell words on a tabletop in shaving cream. I felt Miss Mac liked me and wanted me to learn. Miss Mac was a good signer and kept ASL and English separate. When teachers mix talking and signing, it is hard to learn. Keeping the languages separate made learning English and ASL clearer.

In elementary school I was main-streamed into gym, math, and social studies with an interpreter. It was hard to learn through an interpreter at first, but later on it became easier.

I attended middle and high school at Edison Preparatory Academy. Middle school was hard because classes were on three different floors. I was main-streamed for classes such as math, English, and history, and returned to the deaf education classroom for tutoring. It was very challenging trying

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to learn through an interpreter, who usually sat to the side of the classroom. The hearing teachers, though, were helpful. They would teach the whole class at first, and I would sit patiently and wait. Afterwards, they would offer assistance to me.

I did not like high school because there was so much drama. Students did not always respect the teachers. I was president of Serteens, a youth orga-nization affiliated with the Sertoma Club. We volunteered at Happy Hands and tutored students in reading at Wright Elementary, the two schools I attended.

Last May I graduated from high school. I am currently working with my father, and I plan to attend commu-nity college to explore career options such as being a chef or working in deaf education.

Two of my siblings communicate with me in English and basic signs and fingerspelling. The others communi-cate in homemade gestures and Span-ish. I do wish I knew more Spanish to communicate with my family, but I often communicate with my family using a cell phone and Google Transla-tor.

I think schools can improve the education of deaf Latino children by ensuring they learn signs when they are very young and encouraging their families to learn as well. Teachers also need to keep the languages (ASL and English) separate to create easier learning. Children with Spanish-speaking families need

to be taught both English and Spanish. Spanish is important because it allows students to communicate with their family members.

According to the Gallaudet Research Institute (GRI) in 2013, Spanish or “other languages” were spoken in the homes of 35-47% of deaf and hard of hearing children in this country. GRI also reported that enrollment of Deaf Hispanic/Latino students in the Unit-ed States K-12 system had increased faster than any other ethnic group. Schools may not be prepared for the trilingual language needs of Deaf Latino students who must learn three languages: the school languages (ASL and English) and the home language (Spanish) to communicate in multiple contexts.

My personal experiences and jour-ney hopefully can provide some ways that schools can improve the educa-tion of Deaf and hard of hearing Lati-no students. I also hope to show that learning Spanish is vital because it facilitates communication with family members and bridges students to their rich cultural heritage.

Dr. Baker may be contacted by emailing [email protected].

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By Jackie Laldee

“Parents need to fill a child’s bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can’t poke enough holes to drain it dry.”  – Alvin Price.

Pictured at right is Seattle Seahawks fullback Derrick Coleman with Chenae Laldee, Miss Black Deaf America 2013-2015.

As Derrick Coleman spoke about overcoming adversity to realize his childhood dream, the impact of purposeful parenting resonated with me.  Purposeful parenting involves establishing strong positive relation-ships between parents and children built on good communication patterns and support for the increasing inde-pendence of the child. Being indepen-dent allows children to feel that they are in control of their lives and to feel confident that they can accomplish their goals. The more independent a person is, the happier he/she feels.

The positive influence of parents can help counteract negative influences children may encounter.  Strong paren-tal support is closely linked to high-er self-esteem. Coleman repeatedly described how parental support served as a great source of inspiration and

helped him develop self-confidence.

As parents, we must set rules, be our child’s biggest supporters and provide consis-tency, structure and accountability along with uncon-ditional love and understanding.   The power of effec-tive open commu-nication between

a parent and child cannot be over-stated.   Honest free-flowing commu-nication is a crucial component of all successful parent-child relationships.

ASDC is committed to empower-ing diverse families of deaf children and youth by embracing full access to language-rich environments through mentoring, advocacy, resources and collaborative networks. ASDC believes all deaf children should have the opportunity to thrive in every aspect of their lives through their families and community support, and the cele-bration of a positive identity, healthy family support, and linguistic compe-tence.

I, like Coleman, strongly encourage parents, families and communities to work in partnership — and with ASDC — to realize the mutual vision of a positive identity for all deaf children worldwide.

Purposeful Parenting

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American School f/t Deaf 139 N. Main St.West Hartford, CT 06107860-570-2300www.asd-1817.org

Arizona School f/t Deaf and the BlindPO Box 88510Tucson, AZ 85754520-770-3468www.asdb.az.us

Arkansas School f/t Deaf2400 W. Markham St.Little Rock, AR 72205501-324-9543www.arschoolforthedeaf.org

Atlanta Area School f/t Deaf890 N. Indian Creek Dr.Clarkston, GA 30021404-296-7101www.aasdweb.com

Beverly School f/t Deaf6 Echo Ave.Beverly, MA 01915978-927-7070www.beverlyschoolforthedeaf.org

California School f/t Deaf39350 Gallaudet Dr.Fremont, CA 94538510-794-3685www.csdeagles.com

California School f/t Deaf3044 Horace St.Riverside, CA 92506951-248-7700www.csdr-cde.ca.gov

Cleary School f/t Deaf301 Smithtown Blvd.Nesconset, NY 11767531-588-0530www.clearyschool.org

Delaware School f/t Deaf620 E. Chestnut Hill Rd.Newark, DE 19713


Ed. Service Unit #91117 S. East St.Hastings, NE 68901402-463-5611www.esu9.org

Florida School f/t Deaf & Blind207 N. San Marco Ave.St. Augustine, FL 32084800-344-3732www.fsdb.k12.fl.us

Gallaudet University800 Florida Ave. NEWashington, DC 20002202-651-5000www.gallaudet.edu

Indiana School f/t Deaf1200 E. 42nd St.Indianapolis, IN 46205317-550-4800www.deafhoosiers.org

ASDC’s Educational and Organizational Members

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Kansas School f/t Deaf450 E. Park St.Olathe, KS 66061913-791-0573www.ksdeaf.org

Kendall Demonstration Elementary School800 Florida Ave. NEWashington, DC 20002202-651-5206www.gallaudet.edu/clerc_center

Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center800 Florida Ave. NEWashington, DC 20002202-541-5855www.gallaudet.edu/clerc-center

Louisiana School f/t Deaf2888 Brightside Dr.Baton Rouge, LA 70820225-769-8160www.lalsd.org

Maine Ed. Center f/t Deaf and Hard of Hearing1 Mackworth IslandFalmouth, ME 04105207-781-6284www.mecdhh.org

Maryland School f/t DeafPO Box 250Frederick, MD 21705301-360-2000www.msd.edu

Michigan School f/t Deaf1235 W. Court St.Flint, MI 48503-5015810-257-1400


Model Secondary School f/t Deaf800 Florida Ave. NEWashington, DC 20002202-651-5031www.gallaudet.edu/clerc_center

Montana School f/t Deaf and Blind3911 Central Ave.Great Falls, MT 59405406-771-6000www.msdb.mt.gov

National Ctr. on DeafnessCSUN18111 Nordhoff St.Northridge, CA 91330818-677-2145www.csun.edu/ncod/

National Technical Institute f/t Deaf52 Lomb Memorial Dr.Rochester, NY 14623585-475-6426www.ntid.rit.edu

New Mexico School f/t Deaf1060 Cerrillos Rd.Santa Fe, NM 87505505-827-6700www.nmsd.k12.nm.us

NY School f/t Deaf555 Knollwood Rd.White Plains, NY 10603914-949-7310www.nysd.net

NC School f/t Deaf517 W. Fleming Dr.Morganton, NC 28655828-432-5200www.ncsd.net

Ohio School f/t Deaf500 Morse Rd.Columbus, OH 43214614-728-1422www.ohioschoolforthedeaf.org

Oklahoma School f/t Deaf1100 E. Oklahoma Ave.Sulphur, OK 73086580-622-8812www.osd.k12.ok.us

Pennsylvania School f/t Deaf100 W. School House LanePhiladelphia, PA 19144215-951-4700www.psd.org

Phoenix Day School f/t Deaf7654 N. 19th Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85021602-771-5300www.asdb.az.gov

Rhode Island School f/t DeafOne Corliss ParkProvidence, RI 02908401-222-3525www.rideaf.net

Rochester School f/t Deaf1545 St. Paul St.Rochester, NY 14621585-544-1240www.rsdeaf.org

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Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children537 Venard Rd.Clarks Summit, PA 18411866-400-9080www.thescrantonschool.org

St. Rita’s School f/t Deaf1720 Glendale Mildord Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45215513-771-7600www.srsdeaf.org

South Dakota School f/t Deaf2001 E. 8th St.Sioux Falls, SD 57103605-367-5200www.sdsd.sdbor.edu

Texas School f/t Deaf1102 S. Congress Ave.Austin, TX 78704512-462-5353www.tsd.state.tx.us

The Learning Center f/t Deaf848 Central St.Framingham, MA 01701508-879-5110www.tlcdeaf.org

Washington School f/t Deaf611 Grand Blvd.Vancouver, WA 98661360-696-6525www.wsd.wa.gov

West Virginia Schools f/t Deaf and Blind301 E. Main St.Romney, WV 26757


Western Pennsylvania School f/t Deaf300 E. Swissvale Ave.Pittsburgh, PA 15218800-624-3323www.wpsd.org

Willie Ross School f/t Deaf32 Norway St.Longmeadow, MA 01106413-567-0374www.willierossschool.org

Wisconsin School f/t Deaf309 W. Walworth Ave.Delavan, WI 53115262-740-2066www.dpi.wi.gov/wsd


Communication Services f/t Deaf102 N. Krohn PlaceSioux Falls, SD 57103605-367-5760www.c-s-d.org

DawnSignPress6130 Nancy Ridge Dr.San Diego, CA 92121858-625-0600www.dawnsign.com

Deaf Cultural Center Foundation455 E. Park St.Olathe, KS 66061913-782-5808www.deafculturalcenter.org

Described and Captioned Media Program1447 E. Main St.Spartanburg, SC 29307800-327-6213www.dcmp.org

Gallaudet University Alumni AssociationPeikoff Alumni House800 Florida Ave. NEWashington, DC [email protected]

“Hear With Your Eyes” TherapyAlison Freeman, Ph.D.424 12th St.Santa Monica, CA 90402310-712-1200www.dralisonfreeman.net

Institute for Disabilities Research and Training, Inc. (IDRT)11323 Amherst AvenueWheaton, MD 20902301-942-4326www.idrt.com

Kiwa Digital Ltd.19 Drake St.Victoria Park MarketAuckland, NZ 1010+64 9 925 5035www.kiwadigital.com

New York Foundling Deaf Services Program590 Avenue of the AmericasNew York, NY 10011212-727-6848

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ASDC provides a very special membership option for schools and organizations. If your school or organization would like to join ASDC as an Educational Member, ASDC will provide your school or organization with:• A free one-year membership for all of your families • A special thank you in the next monthly email blast• A special thank you in The Endeavor• A special thank you in the news section of the ASDC website• A link to your school or organization’s website • Your contact information posted on ASDC’s Educational/Organiza-

tional Membership webpage

To join, complete the membership form on page 48.

If you would like more information, email [email protected] or call (800) 942-2732.

Membership Package for Schools/Organizations


Quota International1420 21st Street, NWWashington, DC 20036202-331-9694www.quota.org

Rhode Island Commission f/t Deaf and Hard of HearingOne Capitol HillGround LevelProvidence, RI 02908401-256-5511www.cdhh.ri.gov

Signing Online LLCPO Box 86Mason, MA 48854517-676-4361www.signingonline.com

Signs for Hope867A Charlotte HwyFairview, NC 28730www.signsforhope.org

Visit ASDC at deafchildren.org

for resources, articles and more.


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[email protected] Information and Referral Line:

(800) 942-ASDC (2732)


Name:__________________________ Email: ___________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________ State:____________ Zip:__________

Phone: Voice/TTY/Videophone

Membership Type Individual memberships _______$40 per year: Individual/Family Membership _______$100 per year: Three-year Individual/Family Membership _______$5,000 one-time fee: Lifetime Membership _______First-Year Free Membership (Families with Deaf children are eligible for a FREE one-year membership. Just fill out this form and mail, email or fax it back to us.)

Deaf Child’s Name: ________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________________________________

Group memberships _______$250 per year: Parent Affiliate Group ( ____ Number of Parent Members) _______$125 per year: Library Membership _______$250 per year: Educational Membership _______$250 per year: Organizational Membership

I would like to send more than my membership dues. Enclosed is a tax-deductible donation: $10 $25 $50 $100 _______Other

Total Enclosed: $__________ Make checks payable to American Society for Deaf Children. Please charge my Visa or MasterCard:Card Number:__________________________ Expiration Date:______________

Please return to:American Society for Deaf Children #2047

800 Florida Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20002-3695Fax: (410) 795-0965 • Phone: (800) 942-2732 • Email: [email protected]


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With ASL and English, your child CAN...LEARN! THRIVE! SUCCEED!

American Society for Deaf Children #2047 800 Florida Ave. NE • Washington, D.C. 20002-3695

(800) 942-2732 • [email protected] • www.deafchildren.org

MissionASDC is committed to empowering diverse families with deaf* children and youth by embracing full access to language-rich environments through mentoring, advocacy, resources, and collaborative networks.

VisionAll deaf children and youth shall have the opportunity to thrive in every aspect of their lives through the empowerment of their families.

*ASDC uses the term “deaf ” to be inclusive of various hearing levels, including those who are seen as, or identify as Deaf, deaf, or hard of hearing.



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