end to end solution operation

7/31/2019 End to End Solution Operation http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/end-to-end-solution-operation 1/16 1 End-to-End Solution Operations SAP Solution Manager Product Management SAP AG

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End-t o-End Solut ion Operat ions

SAP Solution ManagerProduct ManagementSAP AG

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 © SAP 2008 / Page 2

HOW TO Implem ent End-t o-End Operat ions formiss ion-c r i t i c a l p rocesses?

Running bus iness appl ic a t ions t hrough the

com ple te l i fe -c yc le is a cha l lenge

 © SAP 2007 / Page 2

Cu st o me rs ‘ Mai n I T T as k :End-to-End Operat ions

Customers must master







Availability? Performance?



Process and DataTransparency?

Today‘s IT solutions require a clear end-to-end operations strategy

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 © SAP 2008 / Page 3

Run SAP is „A SAP for Operat ions“

I t prov ides Best Pract ic es, Content , Serv ic es, Train ingand t ools for End-to-End Solut io n Operat ions

 © SAP 2007 / Page 3

Im plem ent End-t o-End Solut i on Operat ionsw i th Run SAP

SAP Standards forSolution Operations

Define central E2Eoperations tasks


Accelerate theimplementation ofE2E operations

Trainings &


Provide up-to-dateskills for the ecosystem

ServicesEngage SAP to implement E2E operations

SAP Solution ManagerProvides all tools for E2E operations

By leveraging the RunSAP methodology with it’s standards and best practices you willbenefit from the experience of the SAP.

This helps to avoid errors, mitigate risks, increase the availability and performance ofthe SAP solution, to smoothen and accelerate the process flow, enables automation and

hence a reduction of cost of operations.

By implementing E2E Solution Operations with RunSAP and SAP Standards SAPguarantees Business Process Availability, Business Process Performance, Data

consistency and transparency, as well as maintainability and upgradeability.

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 © SAP 2008 / Page 4

SAP st andard izes E2E Solut ion Operat ions

SAP Sh ar es Wo rl d Cl as s Su pp or t Kn o w l e dg efor E2E Operat ions

SAP Standards for Solution Operations:

• Define mission-critical operations processes

• Provide Best Practices and ImplementationRoadmaps

• Based on a general organizational model

• Trainings/Certifications are available

• Available for download at


The s tandards a l low to set up best -in -c lass operat ions

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 © SAP 2008 / Page 5

E2E Solut ion Operat ions are based on

SAP Solut ion Manag er

SAP Solut ion Manager as Appl ic at ionManagemen t Plat f o rm

SAP Solution Manager provides:

• Workflows

• KPIs and SLAs

• Reporting

• Content & methodology

SAP Solut ion Manager su pport s a l l E2E st andards

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 © SAP 2008 / Page 6

Essen t i al Scena ri os f o r A pp li ca t i on M anagem enta nd Ad m in is t r at i on fo r t h e En t ir e So lu t i on L if ec y c l e

 © SAP 2007 / Page 6

I m p le m e nt a t i on o fSAP Solutions

I m p le m e nt a t i on o fSAP Solutions



Test ManagementTest Management

Solut ion Moni tor ingSolut ion Moni tor ing

Del ivery of SAP Servic esDel ivery of SAP Servic es

Root Cause Ana lys i sRoo t Cause Ana lys i s Service DeskService Desk

Admin is t ra t ionAdmin is t ra t ion

Change Reques t ManagementChange Reques t Management


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 © SAP 2008 / Page 7 © SAP 2007 / Page 7

SAP Solu t ion Manager Of fers Role-based WorkCenters

SAP Solut ion Man ager













Work Centers …

• … are based on SAP Standards for Solution

Operations• … are role-based

• … are easy to use and learn

• … are available for SAP Solution Manager4.0

Available Work Centers with SPS 15

• Solution Landscape/Operation Setup

• Change Management

• Incident Management

• Service Delivery

• Business Process & Interface Monitoring

• Job Schedule Management

• System Monitoring

• System Administration

• Diagnostics: Root Cause Analysis

• Implementation & Upgrade

• System Landscape Management

SAP Solution Manager Work Centers ensuresmoother access to users operations functions

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 © SAP 2008 / Page 8

Essen t i al Workc en t e rs f or A pp li ca t i on M anagem en ta nd Ad m in is t r at i on fo r t h e En t ir e So lu t io n L if ec y c l e

 © SAP 2007 / Page 8

I m p le m e nt a t i on o fSAP Solutions

Work Center:•Solution Landscape/ Operations Setup•System LandscapeManagement•Implementation &Upgrade

I m p le m e nt a t i on o fSAP Solutions

Work Center:•Solution Landscape/ Operations Setup•System LandscapeManagement•Implementation &Upgrade



Test ManagementWork Center:•Implementation & Upgrade

Test ManagementWork Center:•Implementation & Upgrade

Solut ion Moni tor ingWork Center:•Business Process & Interface Monitoring•Job Scheduling Management

Solut ion Moni tor ingWork Center:•Business Process & Interface Monitoring•Job Scheduling Management

Delivery of SAP Servic esWork Center:•Service Delivery

Delivery of SAP Servic esWork Center:•Service Delivery

Root Cause Ana lys isWork Center:

•Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Ana lys isWork Center:

•Root Cause Analysis

Service DeskWork Center:

•Incident Management

Service DeskWork Center:

•Incident Management

Adminis t ra t ionWork Center:•System Administration•System Monitoring

Adminis t ra t ionWork Center:•System Administration•System Monitoring

Change Reques t ManagementWork Center:•Change Management

Change Reques t ManagementWork Center:•Change Management

UpgradeWork Center:•Implementation & Upgrade

UpgradeWork Center:•Implementation & Upgrade

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SAP Pr ov id es A li gn ed Met h od ol og ie s A lo ng t h eSo lu t i on L i fecyc le

Run SAPSetup




Operations &Optimization



provides a proven methodology to

streamline implementation and upgrade projects.

provides a proven methodology to optimize the implementation

and ongoing management of End-to-end Solution Operations.

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 © SAP 2008 / Page 10 © SAP 2007 / Page 10

Run SAP Roadm ap

Project setup

Scope definition

















support concept










End-user support





Final testing and


Knowledge transfer 

training and


Business process















model for operations

Business process








Custom Dev.


Custom Dev.


Solution transition

to enterprise SOA


requirements and



Go live of 


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 © SAP 2008 / Page 11

E2E Tra in ings & Cer t i f ic a t ions prov ide

t he sk i l ls fo r miss ion-c r i t ica l opera t ions

No doubts about insuf fi c ient sk i l l s

SAP AGS T rans fe rs i t s Know ledge Exper t i se Throughou tProfess iona l E2E Tra in ing Cur r icu lums and Cer t i f i ca t ions

The E2E Training Curriculum and the Certificates:

• Secure quality for the whole ecosystem

• Reduce risk for out-sourcing/-tasking

• Provide access to best-in-class knowledge

Tra in ing

Cer t i f i ca t ions

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 © SAP 2008 / Page 12

Tra in ings and Cer t i f i c a t ions are Ava i lab le fora l l SAP Standards for Solut ion Operat ions

Example: Train ings/Cert i f ic at ions for Change Request

Management & Change Contro l Management



Technical Quality Mgmt.

Technical Upgrade Mgmt.

Change Control Mgmt.

Change Request Mgmt.

Change Diagnostics TestMgmt.

System Administration

EP, XI, BI Administration

WebAs (DBs) Administr.

Technical Quality Mgmt.

Technical Upgrade Mgmt.

Application ManagementExpert

SAP System Administr.

SAP System Administr. forspecific components

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 © SAP 2008 / Page 13 © SAP 2007 / Page 13

SAP St andards for Solut ion Operat ionsa re Imp lemented in Steps

Installation ofRoot Cause Analysis


Implementation ofOne Transport Order

(Change Control Management)

Business ProcessIntegration

& AutomationEnterprise SOA Readiness

SAP Standards für Solution Operations


Enterprise SOA ReadinessRoot Cause Analysis

System Administration

Incident Management

System Monitoring

Minimal Documentation

Remote Supportability

BPM & Interface Monitoring

Data Volume Management

Job Scheduling Management

Transactional Consistency

Data IntegrityException Handling

Change Control Management

Change Request Management


End-to-End Solution OperationsStarter Package

End-to-End Solution OperationsAdvanced Package

SAP Standards for Solution Operationshttp://service.sap.com/supportstandards

Implementing End-to-End Solution Operations Standards

Implementing the SAP Standards for Solution Operations can be done step by step.

The only prerequisite for the implementation is the installation of SAP Solution Manager4.0. as it is the backbone for the standards and enabler for end-to-end solution


When implementing the standards you will benefit from the various functionalities ofSolution Manager.

The implementation path of E2E begins with standards that are most critical for yourcore business processes.

We recommend the installation paths according to the four major core competencies ofEnd-to-End Solution Operation Support:

1. Installation of diagnostics:Solution Manager will be configured and up and running as quickly as possible,

saving you valuable time and money.In addition we will configure collaboration (service desk) as well as issue

management and set up of earlywatch.

2. Installation of change control and one-transport order

Set up of sandbox simulation landscape for one-transport-order on your solutionmanager system to enable you to simulate Java transports or changes on

your SAP system

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3. Implementation of business process integration & automation

At this stage you will be enabled to create and implement a comprehensive BusinessProcess & monitoring strategy

4. Enterprise SOA readiness or technical upgrade management

By implementing the standards for upgrade management you will be able to manage

upgrade projects including testing, minimizing downtime andadoption/modification of applications

A comprehensive training and certification program aligned to these four corecompetencies ensure the knowledge and expertise of the customer business processexpert team.

On this slide you get as well a good overview of which standards will be involved/will betouched when implementing one of the four end-to-end core competencies

To support you with the implementation of the standards, SAP offers packagedimplementation services:

E2E Solution Operations Starter Package covers Diagnostics and Root Cause Analysis, aswell as Change Control Management and one-transport order

E2E Solution Operations Advanced Package focuses on Business Process Monitoring,Integration & Automation including Data Volume Management and Job SchedulingManagement

Both packages are recommend in the proposed scope as the service delivery of thevarious is aligned and build on each other

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 © SAP 2008 / Page 15

Mission St a tem ent :SAP Solut ion Manager enables ef f ic ient

app l ica t ion management and admin is t ra t ion

Reduced Cost of Ow nership, Mi t ig ate d Risk , Transparenc y,Avai lable f ree of Charge

 © SAP 2007 / Page 15

SAP Solu t ion Manager – Summ ary

“Management time spent monitoring customizing distribution has been cut by 45%. Error resolution time is also downby 50%, and we can see that SAP Solution Manager will give us a high level of protection against inadvertently makingunwanted customizing changes.”Andreas Pott, Systems Analyst, HP.

“Once we started working with SAP Solution Manager, we soon realized the benefits for comprehensive documentmanagement, faster issue resolution, and effective communications.”Karen Garafalo, Director of SOAR Program Management Office, Sony Electronics Inc.

“SAP Solution Manager addresses our entire infrastructure management needs, reduces risk, lowers the cost ofownership, and speeds the return on investment for our online buying solution.”Guillaume Legros, Project Leader, Airbus France SASRob 

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