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1 | Page END TIME MESSAGE BELIEVERS ASSEMBLIES. PAKISTAN Pakistan Missions Update October 2009 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Christian Greetings, Being a representative of Urdu speaking bride of the Christ, I am privileged to bring you this update for the month of October 2009. This update contains what is going on around us through the wonderful power of the Holy Ghost in this last age, read and have a blessed day. Amen. Outreach Meetings: Traveling in the country like Pakistan has become an unseen risk and some gathering provide a solid reason and opportunity to terrorist to perform their cruel activities on a large scale. Love of Christ moves His chosen ones for the growth of His Bride….He not only moves our hearts but He also provides a shelter under His mighty wings. We have had to make many trips in various parts of the country even during the time of threats and high risk. Islamabad : On a call to visit at Rawalpindi and Islamabad from Pastor Javed George, Pastor Jamil Sabir , Pastor Tariq Gulzar and Bro.Shahid, we prayed and decided to make this two days trip in this area. We started our traveling in the morning and left Lahore at 10:00 a.m. It is almost 5 hours drive to reach Islamabad. When we were half way to our destination…….that is the last city before mountain range begins….we had a meal break and a little stay to re-check our vehicle before furter traveling.Our vehicle,s left front wheal’s studs were little loose…it looks like they need to be tighten. When a little force was applied upon the studs…two of them were free and their rear support was broken. Ohhh. It was shocking. Thanks God we were not much away from the vehicle workshops. It took some two hours to fix the problem and we were still in time to reach our destination. I thank God for taking care of His little ones…and He saved us from any unseen vehicle damage or accident. Praise the Lord. Islamabad (Pakistan’s Capital City) was declared as red zone and we had to pass through a very tight security. Bro.Javed George took us to a new place in F-8 area in Islamabad where some three hundred Christian were gathered in a non-denominational church compound surrounded with 12 feet high walls on its four sides….with a tiny looking 2 ½ feet entrance.

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October 2009

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Christian Greetings, Being a representative of Urdu speaking bride of the Christ, I am privileged to bring you this update for the month of October 2009. This update contains what is going on around us through the wonderful power of the Holy Ghost in this last age, read and have a blessed day. Amen.

Outreach Meetings: Traveling in the country like Pakistan has become an unseen risk and some gathering provide a solid reason and opportunity to terrorist to perform their cruel activities on a large scale. Love of Christ moves His chosen ones for the growth of His Bride….He not only moves our hearts but He also provides a shelter under His mighty wings. We have had to make many trips in various parts of the country even during the time of threats and high risk.

Islamabad : On a call to visit at Rawalpindi and Islamabad from Pastor Javed George, Pastor Jamil Sabir , Pastor Tariq Gulzar and Bro.Shahid, we prayed and decided to make this two days trip in this area. We started our traveling in the morning and left Lahore at 10:00 a.m. It is almost 5 hours drive to reach Islamabad. When we were half way to our destination…….that is the last city

before mountain range begins….we had a meal break and a little stay to re-check our vehicle before furter traveling.Our vehicle,s left front wheal’s studs were little loose…it looks like they need to be tighten. When a little force was applied upon the studs…two of them were free and their rear support was broken. Ohhh. It was shocking. Thanks God we were not much away from the vehicle workshops. It took some two hours to fix the problem and we were still in time to reach our destination. I thank God for taking care of His little ones…and He saved us from any unseen vehicle damage or accident. Praise the Lord. Islamabad (Pakistan’s Capital City) was declared as red zone and we had to pass through a very tight security. Bro.Javed George took us to a new place in F-8 area in Islamabad where some three hundred Christian were gathered in a non-denominational church compound surrounded with 12 feet high walls on its four sides….with a tiny looking 2 ½ feet entrance.

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Pakistani Investigators after Islamabad suicide attack

On the enquiry we came to know that this strange looking compound is built to protect themselves during worship service from some direct shooting/hitting by militants…for there was a risk already. We had carried our sound system and lights…to present a good quality voice and picture for the media production…..but we were strictly forbidden to use them by the local security. They explained thatloud voice and sparking lights may attract some terrorists. God spoke wonderfully through His little servant on a very beautiful topic “ARISE, SHINE; FOR THY LIGHT IS COME, AND THE GLORY OF THE LORD IS RISEN UPON THEE.” It was a great service. Some denominational ministers were also there along with the all ministers of this last age Truth. God spoke very dynamically with a clear message that what is the relation between Bridegroom and True Bride. Later on we entered in Rawalpindi and provided a long hour fellowship till early morning and had a question answers session with the local ministers and the people present there.

Rawat: Next day we left Rawalpindi for having a meeting at Rawat where

Bro.Manzoor Masih is the pasturing three small groups at three different places. Once again we had to enter in Islamabad to be on our way to Rawat. Few Brethren among us wanted to see the beautiful places ,markets and big buildings in Islamabad… we had a short of time and kept going. When we reached Rawat which is some 35 minutes drive from Islamabad….we heard about a suicide attack on Islamic University Islamabad. We were passing that place almost 15-20 minutes earlier. Glory to God for He is able to prove His promises. The sweet voice of our MIGHTY EAGLE said “HE THAT DWELLETH IN THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH SHALL ABIDE UNDER THE SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY. I WILL SAY OF THE LORD, HE IS MY REFUGE AND MY FORTRESS: MY GOD; IN HIM WILL I TRUST.SURELY HE


THE FOWLER, AND FROM THE NOISOME PESTILENCE.HE SHALL COVER THEE WITH HIS FEATHERS, AND UNDER HIS WINGS shalt thou trust: HIS TRUTH SHALL BE THY SHIELD AND BUCKLER. PSALM 91:1-4. Praises and glory. Amen. We had a wonderful time with the Believers at Rawat and driven back to Gujranwala where Pastor Boota Masih welcomed us in his place and spent a great time with him.

Mardan, Peshawar & Wah cant: Bro. Samuel Joseph at Mardan,Bro.Zulifqar,Bro.Abid Khan, Bro.Javed sultan and Bro.Shahid at Peshawar and Bro.Shamoon and Bro.Javed Gill at Wah cant informed us only one day before we had to start our journey for these places that they are not allowed to have special meetings because of severe security threats from Taliban in this area. It was October 26 afternoon. We have to leave early morning on 27th for Mardan and further 28th for Peshawar and 29th for Wah Cant. It was disappointing news. We carried out our office work on October 27th and in the mid of 28th we got information about a big blast in Peshawar city. It was the same day we had to be there….and Bro.Abid Khan informed that it was only a half

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Bro.Anwar Javed baptizing

Demage afer a bomb blast at Peshawar on Oct.28th.

mile away from the place we had our meeting place. 119 people got killed in this deadly attack. Thanks God there was no harm towards saints in Peshawar. Thanks for the prayers of the saints which are surely fruitful…..and keep us safe in every way. Amen.

Kasur District: Kasur is a large district with rich old day traditions. There are some big names in the Urdu/Punjabi poetry, film, politics and army officials related with this area. Pakistan and India has a joint border near Kasur. God has been so good to us throughout our joint efforts with you to spread this Message of Restoration in the near and far of the country. We never ceased to pray about this place that may He open this area for the acceptance of Truth. A large number of Christian are dwelling in this district. We are sending Message by Bro.Branham in book and audio/video

from last 18 months….and praying about it also. Last month a minister named Afzal Masih who is covering a large area in this district and moves and pastures three established churches here experienced a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit and God open His heart to accept the Truth while he was watching and listening a video cd teaching on Original Sin. He came at outreach Center and shared his heart and got many audio/video messages along with a number of printed for his personal study. He is fully convinced by the ultimate Truth preached by the last age prophet and rejected his former multi denominational belief and wanted to

be re-baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. He completed his Bible School graduate from a Trinitarian Church and serving Lord since 1984.

May our Lord bless this brother richly. He comes to learn more often and leave rejoicing home. We are sending our one of the minister Javed Mall with Pastor Afzal for preaching this Message among His people……till he get a good hold in the Message. Please remember this Bro.Afzal in your prayers. Thanks.

Lahore Chapter: God is so good to the local church at Lahore outreach Center. There we have a liberty to preach and teach the entire Word and many visitors join us on Sunday service including some ministers from the surroundings. There were 7 people got baptized in the name of Lord Jesus. Amen. Pastor Rafiq Khokhar and Bro.Ashraf are two of few ministers who sometime come to attend the Sunday service with Bro.Anwar’s local assembly…they both are very enthusiastic Brothers and have a large work in an oneness denomination. Bro.Anwar was invited to preach in his large group last week where few Muslim families were also invited….because of Bro.Ashraf who testifies among Muslims.We all had a wonderful time in His presence. Please remember them in your prayers also. Thanks.

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Bro.Abid Khan Peshawar receives Bibles for Believers

Bro.Walter distributing Bibles

Prepratiopn of Video Messages

Bible Distribution: We are very much thankful to our overseas brothers and sisters for sending the Bible fund for the believers in Pakistan. Thanks for providing “GOD’S WORD”

to a financially depressed part of our Christian community. They even were not able to have by themselves as it’s a challenge to feed and cover themselves with the very little they earn. Thanks much for

your love and care for His Bride.

Preaching through Media: We are grateful to inform you that God is blessings our work through different angles. Besides our personal travellings, missions work, Message provision through books and audio/videos we have uploaded the

few audios of the teaching sessions and prophet,s Message in urdu. Spread of Message is a reason we live and strive. We are praying and trying to run a Message Television, that shall serve a big community around.We need your prayers and support for this great work. Thanks much. Dear Brothers and Sisters, Your support and funds provided for the Missions work bring valuable benefit to restore the Bride.These targets cannot be achieved without your generous support. It is only the outreach, which counts a lot. Please keep supporting the missions and continue to remember us in your prayers. Thanks. Yours Brother in Him, Pastor Anwar Javed. “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17

Special Thanks: Our special thanks to Brother Lonnie Jenkins, Brother Jeff Jenkins, Bro.Jim Crook and BCF Missions for providing funds to translate and to print the Spoken Word into Urdu language. Thanks to Bro.Barry Coffey's ministry for providing a great faithful support for the expansion of the Kingdom. Thanks to Bro.Ed Byskal,Bro.Tony Abma,Bro.Eugune Braun , Bro.Tim Dodd, Bro.Ken Boyer,Bro.Kelly Hilderbrandt,Bro.Dan Fehr and Bro.Harold Hilderbrandt from Canada for insuring and providing their assistance in various ministerial projects in Pakistan and UAE for the restoration of Urdu Speaking Bride. Thanks to Bro.Donny Reagon and his church for their faithful and sincere support for the work of God. Thanks to Bro.Greg Alford from Gospel Way Outreach Church New Zealand ,Bro.Jason Watkins (S.C) Bro.Ed Ramroop (N.Y) and Bro.Paul Baird from Divine Love Christian fellowship(MN. USA) Thanks to Bro.Ronnie Kolb,Bro.Ron Garvin and Believers at Hagerstown,Indiana for their faithful support for Pakistan..Thanks to Bro.Harold Backett for ensuring his prayers and Support for the Believers at Pakistan.

May He continue to bless you all.
