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Danger of electromagnetic wave


1.0 IntroductionMobile phone has become the important part of our life. We use mobile phone to interact, socialize, surfing the internet, listening to music and many more. Everything can be archived from on touch of a finger anytime anywhere, thank to the wireless technologies. But many did not realize, transmitting wave from the mobile phone is a kind of radiation. As the Manager of Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, it is my duty to write a report about the silent harmful effect mobile phone to us. Researcher around the world has conduct test on how EMW transmitted from mobile phone effect our body, the entire researcher agreed on one thing; in the long run, radiation expose is not good for our health.Wireless technologies will not go away overnight, and it is a luxury that everyone hate to lose. Lynn (2008), has listed down many ways to help minimize the effect of the radiation and prevention to help us coup with the problem. 2.0 Mobile Phone Effect on HealthIt is wrong to think that all the radiation that moves unseen through our body everyday is not cause any health issue. It is just the opposite . These invisible EMR waves can move easily through the concrete walls of buildings, therefore, they will easily pass through the soft tissue of our body. We can make a long range wireless call from the basement of a building in Kota Kinabalu and easily connect to someone in a building in Kuala Lumpur. That signal moves through many barriers and obstructions as it connects from one tower to the next. And as this microwave signal moves invisibly through us and cause effect on our health.

2.0.1 Mobile phone Radiation Affects Hormones Charles Graham (2001), PhD a physiologist has conducted studies indicating that electromagnetic radiation alters hormone levels. When women were exposed to some levels of EMR overnight in the laboratory serum estrogen levels increased. Studies have shown that increasing estrogen levels are a risk for cancer development. Also, testosterone levels in men were reduced following exposure to EMR. Reduced testosterone levels have been linked to prostate and testicular cancers.

Many paper had been written about harmful effects of estrogen mimickers produced from the multitude of many chemicals and pollutants in the environment. These products that mimic the effects of estrogen have a damaging effect on the body over disruption to proper hormonal balance. Dr. Graham believes that electromagnetic radiation maybe the best hormone mimickers out there. This is because EMR appears to cause its effects by acting on and through hormones as opposed to acting as a hormone as mimickers do.

For so long, patience all over the world has been given a drug called tamoxifen as a means to prevent recurrence of breast cancer. In a study published in Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine in1998, it was shown that tamoxifen has lost its ability to prevent the multiplications of cancer cells when exposed to EMR. The amount of electromagnetic radiation used to produce this effect was only 12 milligauss. This amount of EMR is generated when commonly used appliances like hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, can openers, computers, microwave ovens, desk lamps, and electric clocks are in use in the home. Women who were taking a drug to help prevent breast cancer repetitions may unprotect cause by the exposure to EMR from common household appliances (Harland et. al., 1998).

2.0.2Mobile phone Radiation Inhibits MelatoninStudies have also shown that electromagnetic radiation disrupt the production of a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin controls the sleep cycle and is produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It is produced about 90 minutes after falling asleep. Normally, melatonin levels rise at night and remain low during the day. Melatonin has many useful effects but usually it is regulating the sleep cycle. When mobile phone radiation, or other EMR, inhibits this important hormone the sleep cycle is disturbed, this could be one reason why so many people today have insomnia (Wilson et. al., 1981). Why sleep is very important? If human body doesnt reach the deeper phases of sleep during the night it cannot repair itself. Cells will not have a chance to rejuvenate and repair. Sleep is needed for this repair process to occur. But today, 81% of young people 15 to 20 years old teenagers sleeps with their mobile phone on. Considering the value of melatonin to our health the implications of this statistic cannot be overstated(Salter, 2006).

A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that a womans risk of breast cancer increased up to 60% if she continue worked a nighttime shift. Mens risk of prostate cancer also increased. Why is this occur? Light raises cortisol levels. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal gland which is activated by light. Light is also the cause for production of melatonin by the pineal gland in the brain. Cortisol suppresses our immune system. So, with increasing cortisol and decreased melatonin, which suppresses tumor development leads to conditions for higher risk for the potential development of cancer?

The important of Melatonin are as follow:

(a) Melatonin functioned as regulator of estrogen. So when melatonin isnt produced enough, one of the bodys natural mechanisms to suppress estrogen is removed and estrogen dominance results.

(b) Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and is very efficient in destroying free radicals. Proper DNA synthesis allows and destruction of free radicals and our cells to function properly. Free radical is the main reason of premature aging and one of the ways free radicals are produced is from environmental toxins that include EMR.

(c) Melatonin also enhances the immune system. It has the ability to increase the activity to destroy lymphocytes, lymphocytes is a substance that weaken immune system.

(d) Melatonin also boosts the ability of Vitamin D to stop tumor growth. The tumor-fighting ability of Vitamin D is increased by 20 to 100 times. Study has been conducted to study the effect of melatonin in treating Alzheimer disease, dementia and so on. Results showed significantly better improvement in patients treated with melatonin (Rurio et. al., 2007).

As we can see melatonin is important for many reasons. Electromagnetic radiation, has the effect on melanin producing in our body, with the suppress or limit the human ability to produce melatonin could have serious health implications for each of us.

2.0.3 Mobile phones Radiation Is a Source of StressBeside mental interruption, mobile phones can also be a source of stress. Our body is sensitively responding to experiences such as flight or fight, when it is trigged, certain stress hormones are released from the adrenal glands; adrenalines. Adrenaline effects are as follow rapid heart rate, increased energy level, increased blood pressure, muscle contraction, rapid breathing, and so on. These effects are normal if they only occur for a short period of time. But the problem with radiation effect is, it continually releases adrenaline constantly exposure to cell phone radiation. Obviously, this would not be healthy over a long period of time. Cortisol is the second chemical release in stress response by the adrenal gland. Cortisol is the bodys natural form of cortisone. Cartisol is a hormone maintaining humans body function in everyday life. Cortisol is increasingly release when our body is heavily stressed. Too much cortisol slows down the immune system blood sugar levels rise and insomnia can occur. Because of the heavy stress our adrenal glands become tired or fatigued, this lead to out of control emotion, this may cause unexplained mood swing such as irritability, fatigue, anger, road rage, high blood pressure, loss of blood sugar control and so on to our friends and family (WHO, 2006).

2.0.4 Mobile Phones Were Never Safety Tested Before Being SoldWhen mobile phones introduced to the consumer in 1983, it marketed without any before market safety testing. Why is this allowed? Usually, any consumer device that emits radiation wave will be tested to see if there would be any risk to the consumer. But mobile phone industry found its way from conducting such testing. The information provided by the mobile phone industry to the government at that time stated that the only harm that could come from this type of radiation is heating effect on human tissues. Because mobile phones operated in a very low power condition, it was not possible for the device to heat biological tissue. Therefore, the government excluded mobile phones from the requirement of doing any pre-market safety testing. The microwave oven was used to compare the Mobile Phone Industry Claim. The microwave oven produces microwaves wave at a very high frequency. These microwaves use up a very high source of electrical power. Water molecules in food move rapidly from the EMV stimulation. This will increase the speed of the water molecule, in turn, produces heat. Food will cook when the heat is long enough. Its a simple but useful process. Exposing the human body to those microwaves is harmful since the heating effect would eventually heat and destroy human tissue. So to make the microwave radiation used by mobile phones safer, the mobile phone manufacturers lowered the power used to minimize the microwave effect. Since the power used by mobile phones was so much lower than a microwave oven the heating effect did not take place. The mobile phone is assumed safe by the government. The logic was that if only a small amount of power was used and it wasnt strong enough to heat human tissue then no damage would occur. No heat, no harm. This assumption with no proper test was carry on to meet the consumer. Current standards for safe radiation exposure are based solely on this heating, or thermal effect. No testing was ever done about the wave frequency signal effect on human. The consumer is a group of big experiment. We now know that the mechanism causing damage is not a thermal or heating effect issue but is something more subtle and even more damaging(Lynn, 2008).

4.0 ConclusionMobile phone has become the important part of our life. But many did not realize, transmitting wave from the mobile phone is a kind of radiation. And as this microwave signal moves invisibly through us and cause effect on our health.

1. Mobile phone Radiation Affects Hormones: When women were exposed to some levels of EMR overnight in the laboratory serum estrogen levels increased, increasing estrogen levels are a risk for cancer development. For men, reduced testosterone levels have been linked to prostate and testicular cancers.

2. Mobile phone Radiation Inhibits Melatonin: Electromagnetic radiation disrupt the production of a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin controls the sleep cycle and is produced by the pineal gland in the brain. Cells will not have a chance to rejuvenate and repair if sleep is now deep enough.

The important of Melatonin are as follow:(a) Melatonin functioned as regulator of estrogen.(b) Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and is very efficient in destroying free radicals.(c) Melatonin also enhances the immune system.(d) Melatonin also boosts the ability of Vitamin D to stop tumor growth.

3. Mobile phones Radiation Is a Source of Stress: It triggers the release of adrenaline. Continue release of adrenaline is not healthy for a period of time. Cortisol is the second chemical release in stress response by the adrenal gland. Too much cortisol slows down the immune system blood sugar levels rise and insomnia4. Mobile phones were never safety tested before being sold: The mobile phone is assumed safe by the government. The logic was that if only a small amount of power was used and it wasnt strong enough to heat human tissue then no damage would occur. No heat, no harm.

4.1 Suggestions: Protection and PreventionHow to protect ourselves? What can we do to minimize our exposure and risk? Wireless technologies will stay, however the good news is, there a ways to minimize the exposed risk on mobile phone. Lynn (2008) recommends this guidelines for protection and prevention:1. Good nutrition is essential to building a strong immune system that can resist the effects of electro pollution. Eat a healthy diet. This includes eating fresh organic fruits and vegetables every day. Five to nine servings daily of organic fresh fruits and vegetables are recommended. 2. If you eat meat eat free-range hormone-free meat whenever possible. Avoid farm-fed fish. 3. Whenever possible avoid using any type of wireless communication devices such as mobile phones, cordless phones, and Wi-Fi connections. 4. When purchasing a mobile phone purchase one that has a speakerphone feature. Use the speakerphone whenever talking and keep the mobile phone away from the head and body whenever the phone is on or in standby mode. 5. Use an air tube hands-free headset if we mobile phone does not have a speakerphone function. Not just any hands-free headset will work. It must be an air tube headset. 6. Turn the mobile phone off when not in use and do not sleep with a mobile phone on or near the bed. The mobile phone emits a signal in stand-by mode even when we arent talking. 7. Keep the mobile phone at least 6-7 inches away from the body at all times. Dont carry the mobile phone close to the body such as in a pocket or on a belt clip. 8. Dont talk on a mobile phone or cordless phone when pregnant or while carrying a baby or small child. 9. Dont talk on a mobile phone while in a vehicle, on a train, bus, plane, or subway. These enclosed areas trap radiation and consequently exposure becomes higher in these enclosed metal surroundings. They also impede the signal so our mobile phone must use more power to maintain the connection. 10. Use wired and corded telephones. Eliminate cordless phones and WiFi equipment in our home and work environments. 11. Use wired Internet connections instead of wireless routers. If we must use a wireless router turn it off at night or when it is not in use. 12. Pay attention to the signal bars on the mobile phone display. Dont use the mobile phone when the signal is weak. The weaker the signal the more power required to maintain the connection. Preferably, only use mobile phones in open areas. 13. Keep all electronic devices like alarm clocks, radios and cordless phones at least six feet away from our head during sleep. 14. Avoid waterbeds, electric blankets and metal bed frames. 15. Use a gaussmeter to measure the electrical field inside electrically-powered automobiles. Large electrical cables often run directly under the drivers seat. 16. Encourage use of fiber optic cable in place of wireless networks in our local municipalities. 17. Wear a personal protection device to strengthen our bodys biofield and increase our resistance to the radiation around us. 18. Install intervention technologies and prevention technologies that will camouflage or disguise the Information-Carrying Radio Wave from being detected by the body. These should be installed on all electrical and electronic devices, electrical circuits, appliances, mobile phones and cordless phones in our home, office and business areas.

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Refference:Graham C, (2001). Examination of the melatonin hypothesis in women exposed at night to EMR or bright light, Environ Health Perspect. 109(5):501-507.

Harland J, Lee M, Levine G & Liburdy R, (1998). Differential inhibition of tamoxifens oncostatic functions in a breast cancer cell line by 12 mG magnetic field, Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, Italy: Plenum Press

Wilson B, Anderson L, Hilton D & Phillips R, (1991). Chronic exposure to 60-Hz electric fields: Effects on pineal function in the rat, Bioelectromagnetics (2):371-380.

Salter, Chuck,(2006). At One With Our Cells, Fast Company

Furio A, Brusco L & Cardinali D, (2007). Possible therapeutic value of melatonin in mild cognitive impairment: a retrospective study, Journal of Pineal Research . 43(4): 404-409.

World Health Organization (WHO), (2006).2006 WHO research agenda for radio frequency fields. http://www.who.int/peh-mf/research/rf_research_agenda_2006.pdf

Lynn Quiring, (2008). The Cell Phone Poisoning of America. Logical Health LLC. http://www.thecrowhouse.com/Documents/Cell_Phone_Poisoning_Of_America.pdf