empowerplus q96 | the power of micronutrients | q sciences

Live Life eXponentially! Hi all! Recently I was asked to write a column for a senior health magazine on the potential benefits of using EMPowerplus™ Q96 on the “senior brain.” As you know, dementia in its many forms, from simple age-related forgetfulness to Alzheimer’s disease, is becoming more prevalent as we live longer. Fortunately, there are things you can do to prevent it or slow its progression. Diet, exercise, and the right nutritional supplements taken daily can really help. As you also know, EMPowerplus™ Q96 delivers whole nutrition that helps the brain and body function optimally. Here are some highlights from the Q & A article: 1. It seems EMPowerplus™ Q96 could be used by about everyone, but specifically, how can it help seniors experiencing dementia like symptoms? First of all, it is important to note that Q Sciences does not make any claims regarding the treatment of any medical condition with EMPowerplus™ Q96 or other products, as that is against FDA regulations. As a physician, and Chief Science Officer for Q Sciences, I am allowed to transmit information on pertinent scientific studies, as well as share my clinical experience based on 40 years of Internal Medicine practice. I may also share my views and knowledge on the role of micronutrients in the prevention of dementia. Bear in mind that EMPowerplus™ Q96 is a blend of 36 micronutrients, and does not contain any drugs or medications. As stated, EMPowerplus™ Q96 has been used in all age groups—even children as young as two years old have been studied as to its benefits. EMPowerplus™ Q96 has more clinical investigations featured in peer-reviewed medical journals than any other multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. Most of these studies involved groups that were suffering from mood and mentation disorders, including depression, bipolar disorder, and ADHD. While no studies have yet been done on age-related memory dysfunction or dementia, I feel that this is an area where real benefits can be achieved in most cases. As you know, dementia is notoriously hard to treat once it sets in, and that is why prevention and management in the early stages are so important. Usually there is a “grace period” of sometimes many years of forgetfulness (Age- Related Memory Dysfunction) before things get difficult. Balanced micronutrient supplements are an excellent way to ensure that the individual has sufficient vitamins and minerals circulating in their blood for optimal cellular function. Dr. K’s Q Sciences MONTHLY NEWSLETTER — Edition 17, March 2016

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Page 1: EMPowerplus Q96 | The power of micronutrients | Q Sciences

Live Life eXponentially!

Hi all! Recently I was asked to write a column for a senior health magazine on the potential benefits of using EMPowerplus™ Q96 on the “senior brain.” As you know, dementia in its many forms, from simple age-related forgetfulness to Alzheimer’s disease, is becoming more prevalent as we live longer. Fortunately, there are things you can do to prevent it or slow its progression. Diet, exercise, and the right nutritional supplements taken daily can really help. As you also know, EMPowerplus™ Q96 delivers whole nutrition that helps the brain and body function optimally.

Here are some highlights from the Q & A article:1. It seems EMPowerplus™ Q96 could be used by about everyone, but specifically, how can it help seniors experiencing dementia like symptoms?

First of all, it is important to note that Q Sciences does not make any claims regarding the treatment of any medical condition with EMPowerplus™ Q96 or other products, as that is against FDA regulations. As a physician, and Chief Science Officer for Q Sciences, I am allowed to transmit information on pertinent scientific studies, as well as share my clinical experience based on 40 years of Internal Medicine practice. I may also share my views and knowledge on the role of micronutrients in the prevention of dementia. Bear in mind that EMPowerplus™ Q96 is a blend of 36 micronutrients, and does not contain any drugs or medications.

As stated, EMPowerplus™ Q96 has been used in all age groups—even children as young as two years old have been studied as to its benefits. EMPowerplus™ Q96 has more clinical investigations featured in peer-reviewed medical journals than any other multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. Most of these studies involved groups that were suffering from mood and mentation disorders, including depression, bipolar disorder, and ADHD. While no studies have yet been done on age-related memory

dysfunction or dementia, I feel that this is an area where real benefits can be achieved in

most cases.

As you know, dementia is notoriously hard to treat once it sets in, and that is why prevention and management in the early stages are so important. Usually there is a “grace period” of sometimes

many years of forgetfulness (Age-Related Memory Dysfunction) before things get difficult. Balanced

micronutrient supplements are an excellent way to ensure that the

individual has sufficient vitamins and minerals circulating in their blood for

optimal cellular function.


Edition 17, March 2016

Page 2: EMPowerplus Q96 | The power of micronutrients | Q Sciences

Live Life eXponentially!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The Power of MicronutrientsOver the past 75 years, the available mineral content in our food supply has decreased as much as 80% in some studies, and our tissues, including brain and nerve tissue, are literally starved for minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus, as well as essential trace minerals such as vanadium and germanium. The minerals in EMPowerplus™ Q96 have the added value of being “chelated,” or bound to organic “ligands” through a lengthy (96 hour) process. This greatly improves absorption and bioavailability, and these chelated minerals are slightly acidic and micronized, as opposed to the clunky, alkaline minerals in almost all other mineral supplements.

In addition to a very biologically balanced and comprehensive set of minerals, EMPowerplus™ Q96 also contains a perfect blend of B and other vitamins. Many B vitamins you find on the shelf, labeled B-10, B25, B-50 etc, contain a “numerically” balanced group of vitamins, which actually cause vitamin deficiencies due to their biologically imbalanced doses. With all of these micronutrients, dosage is very important, and EMPowerplus™ Q96 has the appropriate dosage and balance that reflects the body’s true needs.

EMPowerplus™ Q96 also features three essential amino acids: glutamine, methionine, and DL phenylalanine. These form the building blocks for key neurotransmitters (nerve messaging chemicals), including adrenalin, dopamine, and serotonin. One of the issues with dementia is that neurotransmitter levels fall, making it more difficult for areas of the brain to communicate, resulting in lowered overall brain function. The only caution here is that those with PKU (phenylketonuria) should not take it, but those with this very rare genetic disorder are diagnosed at birth and told not to take phenylalanine, although the rest of us need it for optimal brain function. All of these are found in a normal diet, but taking them separately and before a meal allows them to be absorbed quickly and to pass into the brain in higher concentrations.

EMPowerplus™ Q96–MQ Sciences has developed two types of EMPowerplus™ Q96: The standard formula that contains folic acid and the cobalamin form of B12, and the EMPowerplus™ Q96–M version, which contains methyl folate and methyl B12. This is to meet the needs of the many people who have difficulty methylating (metabolizing) folic acid into the active methyl form. I am speaking of the MTHFR genetic defect, and this is an issue that has been coming up frequently as a risk factor for dementia. The official name of this gene is “methylenetetrahydrofolate

Page 3: EMPowerplus Q96 | The power of micronutrients | Q Sciences

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reductase (NAD(P)H),” and those who don’t produce this enzyme run the very real possibility of being deficient in this crucial micronutrient.

• People with the MTHFR gene have difficulty converting regular folic acid into methylfolate in the liver.

• Methylfolate is the active form of folic acid, and it crosses the blood-brain barrier easily. Folate is an essential B-vitamin (B-9), and if you don’t have enough folate you can end up with a host of nerve and brain problems, including spina bifida, and an increased risk for dementia.

• We all get some methyl folate in our diet in green leafy vegetables, but not enough for optimal brain and body function.

• Folate and B12 are responsible for limiting the levels of homocysteine, which is a harmful amino acid associated with an increased risk for heart disease and other chronic conditions. The estimates of the prevalence of MTHFR gene ranges from 10-50%, but a realistic figure is one third (33%) of the population. This is huge, when you consider that all those with the MTHFR gene may have their lives altered and their health affected negatively by a chronic folate deficiency. This flow chart clearly demonstrates that without methyl folate, harmful homocysteine will be produced, causing increased cardiac risks and a perpetual insufficiency of a micronutient essential to normal brain and nerve function.

We all get some methyl folate in our diet in green leafy vegetables, but not enough for

optimal brain and body function.

Studies1,2 in the United States, Japan, and China demonstrate a marked increase (up to 1000%) in dementia development in people with this gene defect who are not taking methyl folate supplements. They have also discovered that those with the MTHFR gene defect may have normal blood levels of folate, and still be deficient and at greater risk for dementia and heart disease, among other things. The dosage of methyl folate in four capsules of EMPowerplus™ Q96-M is more than enough to address this key deficiency.

2. EMPowerplus™ Q96 is not FDA approved. What are the risks of taking it?

As previously stated, Q Sciences does not make any claims regarding the use of any of its supplements in the treatment of medical conditions. The fact that a vitamin and mineral supplement is not FDA approved is not surprising or unusual, as very few nutritional supplements are FDA approved, as approval is for the TREATMENT of a specific condition. That is a costly process that takes many years and with limited benefit to Q Sciences, because all EMPowerplus™ Q96 ingredients are micronutrients that may be taken in with the diet or produced by the body’s metabolism. There are really no associated risks, any more so than with any vitamin or mineral supplement. That being said, some people may notice what may be called side effects at certain dosages and I speak about those below.

However, as a board certified specialist physician in Internal Medicine, I may make statements regarding the scientific basis of our products and cite medical research in addition to personal experience with regards to the perceived benefits and risks of Q Sciences products, including EMPowerplus™ Q96.1Nishiyama M, Kato Y, (May 2000). “Apolipoprotein E, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) mutation and the risk of senile dementia--an epidemiological study using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method”. Journal of Epidemiology / Japan Epidemiological Association 10 (3): 163–722Li P1, Qin C2. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to ischemic stroke: a meta-analysis. Gene. 2014 Feb 10;535(2):359-64. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.09.066. Epub 2013 Oct 16.

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3. What are the side effects if any?

The most common side effects are slight nausea and headaches. The nausea comes from the mineral irritation on certain sensitive stomachs and is usually relieved by taking it with food. The potent chelated minerals and DL phenylalanine may give some a slight headache, but reducing the dosage or taking it with food usually relieves this. As this is an energizing formula, it is best to take it in the morning and afternoon, but not after dinner, as some find that their mind becomes so clear and active that they have trouble sleeping. Everyone is unique in this regard, so adjusting the dosage is important.

4. What stage(s) is it appropriate to treat?

EMPowerplus™ Q96 can be used to good advantage in any stage of dementia. Those who are at later stages may not see vast improvements in their memory, but generally feel better and will most likely be more interactive and energetic.

5. Are there any current dementia/Alzheimer’s medications you cannot take EMPowerplus™ Q96 with?

No, there should be no negative interactions between EMPowerplus™ Q96 and any Alzheimer’s meds. I would caution about not taking high dosages of St John’s wort (over 500 mg) along with EMPowerplus™ Q96 as that can cause agitation, because St. John’s wort can cause the buildup of some brain chemicals or neurotransmitters.

6. Some clinicians are leery of their patients taking supplements or non-FDA approved products. What would you say to them in regards to EMPowerplus™ Q96?

I would say that there is literally nothing to lose by providing patients with a balanced blend of essential micronutrients. I would also point out the research on dementia and methyl folate deficiency related to the MTHFR gene defect. This is relatively new information and many doctors are not fully up to speed on how prevalent this gene defect is. Fortunately, more research is being done and it should become more of a hot button for doctors and the general public in the near future. I would, as a doctor, feel very good about knowing my senior patients were taking top-quality vitamin and mineral “insurance!”

XI truly believe the benefits of this great product are endless and this is an example of that. I hope you find this information helpful as you go about sharing EMPowerplus™ Q96.

Yours Qssentially,

Dr. K