employing a professional telephone answering

Employing a Professional Telephone Answering ? A few months ago I was having a conversation with a friend of mine at our usual monthly meet up down at our local pub, I was struck by how little time he had to spare, a professional man, a self-employed business consultant no less, who spends his time visiting other businesses advising them on time management amongst other business related issues. Now as he sat opposite me bemoaning the fact that he had no time to himself and was definitely much too busy to come to the pub more often and spend a pleasant couple of hours chatting to friends, it occurred to me that here was a person who really needed to take on board some of his own advice. I asked him why he didn’t have a secretary to help organise his time to help take some of the load off him? His reply was that it was too expensive to employ someone, if he did employ a member of staff, all the employer / employee rules would come into being and as he was trying to maintain his own business costs low, this was a road he really didn’t want to go down. It was at this point that I mentioned that he could have all of the benefits of a Personal assistant without any of the minefield that it has become to be a direct employer if he was to employ a professional Telephone Answering and virtual PA service. Imagine, I told him, a friendly professional voice on the end of the phone picking up to all of his client’s calls, no more distant, difficult, hands free calls whilst driving from one appointment to the next, the nightmare time waste of having to pull over and try and get an appointment set down in his diary. All this and more organised for him in a professional and precise way, his diary booked up for him, in fact every aspect of his job, the bits which are not actually stopping him from doing his job but which are no less important, done ! Telephone Answering deliver Professional Call Solutions for your Business Call Answering. Virtual Reception, Sign up for a 2 week free trial today.

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Employing a professional telephone answering

Employing a Professional Telephone Answering ?

A few months ago I was having a conversation with a friend of mine at our usual monthly meet up down at our local pub, I was struck by how little time he had to spare, a professional man, a self-employed business consultant no less, who spends his time visiting other businesses advising them on time management amongst other business related issues.

Now as he sat opposite me bemoaning the fact that he had no time to himself and was definitely much too busy to come to the pub more often and spend a pleasant couple of hours chatting to friends, it occurred to me that here was a person who really needed to take on board some of his own advice.

I asked him why he didn’t have a secretary to help organise his time to help take some of the load off him? His reply was that it was too expensive to employ someone, if he did employ a member of staff, all the employer / employee rules would come into being and as he was trying to maintain his own business costs low, this was a road he really didn’t want to go down.

It was at this point that I mentioned that he could have all of the benefits of a Personal assistant without any of the minefield that it has become to be a direct employer if he was to employ a professional Telephone Answering and virtual PA service. Imagine, I told him, a friendly professional voice on the end of the phone picking up to all of his client’s calls, no more distant, difficult, hands free calls whilst driving from one appointment to the next, the nightmare time waste of having to pull over and try and get an appointment set down in his diary.

All this and more organised for him in a professional and precise way, his diary booked up for him, in fact every aspect of his job, the bits which are not actually stopping him from doing his job but which are no less important, done !

Telephone Answering deliver Professional Call Solutions for your Business Call Answering. Virtual Reception, Sign up for a 2 week free trial today.