employers resource association briefsdon’t miss this session! there are still some seats...

EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFS Member Update October 31, 2008 Issues Forum 5 Fm he President 1 Survey Update 2 What Are Your Employees 3 Supporting Your HR Needs 3 Issues Forum 4 Compensation Corner 5 What Are Your Employees Thinking 1 Survey Update 2 Supporting Your HR Needs 2 Compensation Corner 3 Ohio Minimum Wage is Rising 3 From the President 4 Inside this issue: Times are frightening. Employees may be wondering what‘s happening. Are they hearing the com- munication from the Company? Are they as productive as they could be? Do they have ideas about how things could be done better? What are you doing to ensure that they are engaged? Employers Resource Association can conduct a confidential Employee Survey that will give you measurable information. Our 72-question survey will meas- ure your employee‘s responses and then compare them to national and regional norms. In many cases, your results can be compared to industry specific norms. Beyond these 72 questions there are 4 open-ended ques- tions to allow your employees to give you suggestions and let you know what‘s on their minds. And if there are items specific to your Company that you wish to include, we will assist you in creating customized questions. According to ―The Elements of Great Managing‖ by Gallup, Wagner & Harter, engaged employees correlate to: 12% higher customer satisfaction scores 18% higher productivity 12% higher profitability 17% higher earnings per share The confidentiality of having a third party conduct the survey enables your employees to give you hon- est and straightforward feedback. In addition, the report you will receive will contain a professional analysis as well as short-term and long-term recommendations. To get more information about an Employee Survey, con- tact either Lori Hall in Columbus at 614.538.9410 or Carol Reubel in Cincinnati at 513.679.4120. What Are Your Employees Thinking? HR Chally Group 5 Issues Forum 6 GCHRA Meeting 7 Upcoming Training 8 Central Ohio Connection 10 Welcome New Members 11 Member Highlights 12 Volunteer Opportunity 13 Employer’s Guide to KY Laws 13 Special points of interest: Consumer Price Index 14 New COLA Adjustment 15 Transitional Living 15

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Page 1: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register



Member Update October 31, 2008

Issues Forum 5

Fm he President 1

Survey Update 2

What Are Your Employees 3

Supporting Your HR Needs 3

Issues Forum 4

Compensation Corner 5

What Are Your Employees Thinking


Survey Update 2

Supporting Your HR Needs 2

Compensation Corner 3

Ohio Minimum Wage is Rising 3

From the President 4

Inside this issue:

Times are frightening. Employees may be wondering what‘s happening. Are they hearing the com-munication from the Company? Are they as productive as they could be? Do they have ideas about how things could be done better?

What are you doing to ensure that they are engaged? Employers Resource Association can conduct a confidential Employee Survey that will give you measurable information. Our 72-question survey will meas-ure your employee‘s responses and then compare them to national and regional norms. In many cases, your results can be compared to industry specific norms. Beyond these 72 questions there are 4 open-ended ques-tions to allow your employees to give you suggestions and let you know what‘s on their minds. And if there are items specific to your Company that you wish to include, we will assist you in creating customized questions.

According to ―The Elements of Great Managing‖ by Gallup, Wagner & Harter, engaged employees correlate to:

12% higher customer satisfaction scores

18% higher productivity

12% higher profitability

17% higher earnings per share

The confidentiality of having a third party conduct the survey enables your employees to give you hon-est and straightforward feedback. In addition, the report you will receive will contain a professional analysis as well as short-term and long-term recommendations. To get more information about an Employee Survey, con-tact either Lori Hall in Columbus at 614.538.9410 or Carol Reubel in Cincinnati at 513.679.4120.

What Are Your Employees Thinking?

HR Chally Group 5

Issues Forum 6

GCHRA Meeting 7

Upcoming Training 8

Central Ohio Connection 10

Welcome New Members 11

Member Highlights 12

Volunteer Opportunity 13

Employer’s Guide to KY Laws 13

Special points of interest:

Consumer Price Index 14

New COLA Adjustment 15

Transitional Living 15

Page 2: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register


Survey Update OFFICERS


Michael J. Kelley, Chairman & CEO Kelvest, Inc.


Gene E. Kalhorn, President TAPCO Products, Inc.


Lynn M. Mangan, Vice President, Client Services Paycor, Inc.


Jennifer M. Graft, President & CEO Employers Resource Association


Daniel R. Kroeger, President & CEO Gold Medal Products Company


Leslie Bumgarner,

President/CEO Telhio Credit Union

Sherry Dancy,

President The Dancy Group

Sharyl Gardner,

VP, Human Resources Midmark Corporation

Dan Knight,

Vice President, HR Fifth Third Bank

Bill Thiemann,

EVP, Chief Customer Officer Libby Perszyk Kathman, Inc.

Kelly Turley,

VP Human Resources The W.W. Williams Company

Robert W. Zumbiel,

President C.W. Zumbiel Company

* Executive Committee Members



Michael J. Kelley, Chairman & CEO Kelvest, Inc.


Gene E. Kalhorn, President TAPCO Products, Inc.


Lynn M. Mangan, Vice President, Client Services Paycor, Inc.


Jennifer M. Graft, President & CEO Employers Resource Association


Daniel R. Kroeger, President & CEO Gold Medal Products Company


Leslie Bumgarner,

President/CEO Telhio Credit Union

Sherry Dancy,

President The Dancy Group

Sharyl Gardner,

VP, Human Resources Midmark Corporation

Dan Knight,

Vice President, HR Fifth Third Bank

Bill Thiemann,

EVP, Chief Customer Officer Libby Perszyk Kathman, Inc.

Kelly Turley,

VP Human Resources The W.W. Williams Company

Robert W. Zumbiel,

President C.W. Zumbiel Company

* Executive Committee Members

The 2008 Policies & Practices survey is now complete, and will be sent out shortly. We had a total of 263 member organizations provide data on their travel, relocation, drug testing policies, and many more poli-cies. As always, results are being sent to all participants. Non-participants have the ability to purchase the survey at a discounted price.

The last survey of the year, the 2008 College Graduate Starting Salaries questionnaire, will be sent out on November 2

nd. This is a popu-

lar survey that offers information on college graduates by degree. This questionnaire is only available every 3 years.

Current survey deadline:

College Graduates Starting Salaries: November 24, 2008

Please do not hesitate to contact the Survey Department at 513-679-4120, toll free at 888-237-9554, or e-mail Douglas C. Matthews at [email protected] if you have any questions about our survey proc-esses or need assistance with completing your survey questionnaires.

Do all of your year-end human resource tasks seem overwhelm-ing? Are you large enough to need some HR assistance but not large enough to need someone full time? Are you struggling because your Human Resource Professional is on leave or you‘ve lost your HR per-son and haven‘t replaced him/her yet?

Employers Resource Association can provide a seasoned Hu-man Resource Professional to assist you on a full time, part time, or temporary basis. To find out more about this valuable service, in Co-lumbus contact Lori Hall at 614.538.9410 or in Cincinnati contact Carol Reubel at 513.679.4120.

Supporting Your HR Needs

Page 3: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register

Page 3

HR Department: Cost or Profit Center?


Terry Henley, CCP, SPHR

The Ohio Department of Commerce announced the new Ohio minimum wage for 2009. The new mini-mum wage, effective January 1, 2009, is $7.30 per hour, ($3.65 per hour for tipped employees). This increase is based on an increase in the Consumer Price Index over the last year of 4.6%.

Employees who (a) work for employers with gross revenues under $267,000 per year, or (b) are 14 or 15 years old, must be paid a minimum wage of $6.55 per hour in 2009. The minimum wage for these two groups will increase to $7.25 per hour on July 24, 2009. Please contact Employers Resource Association for all of your posting needs!

Ohio Minimum Wage Is Rising Again...

Addressing Specialized Needs for Salary Survey Data

In past ―Compensation Corner‖ articles, we have discussed the need for having current salary and benefits survey data in order to remain competitive in the job market. Many of you participate regularly in our six (6) annual wage and salary surveys, Policies and Practices Survey, Mini Surveys (e.g., Health and Welfare Benefits, Turnover, Wage and Salary Adjustments, Year-End Holiday Survey, College Graduate Starting Sala-ries, Engineering Co-Op & Pay Scales), and/or in our six (6) National Surveys. Obviously, the more of you who participate, the better the depth of our survey data. However, some of you have more specialized needs that may not be met totally by our standard surveys. When that happens, we have products/services that might meet your needs.

Our Survey Department, lead by Doug Matthews, Survey Department Manager, provides several Cus-tom Surveys each year for special needs of our members. If you need salary or benefit data for a specialized industry, or for a specific target market of companies/organizations, Doug can design a Custom Survey for you. The cost for such a survey is determined by the complexity and depth of your needs and the number of ques-tions to be included in the design. If this meets a need that you have, give Doug a call at 888.237.9554. If you have the need for salary data for one or two positions that are not included in our survey data, or that are in a different geographic location, Doug often can provide you with that data, too.

If you need to analyze the competitive job market for a location outside of ERA‘s normal membership boundaries, or for an industry not well-represented in our normal surveys, I conduct several projects each year for our members, including: 1) providing market data for several different positions and/or locations; 2) creating salary grades and ranges for new or distant facilities; 3) analyzing both base pay and incentive bonus pay plans relative to a specific market/industry. I have access to a data base that includes: 5,800 different job titles; over 6,000,000 job incumbents; access to all industries by SIC and NAICS codes; and differentiation by revenue size, and by geographic locations in every major metropolitan area in the USA (and many abroad). If you have the need for such a project, or have other compensation project needs, please contact:

Terry Henley, Director, Compensation Services, at 888.237.9554 or e-mail

[email protected].

Compensation Corner...

Page 4: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register

Special points of interest:

GCHRA Meeting 6

Upcoming Training 7

Welcome New Members 9

Member Highlights 10

Volunteer Opportunity 11

Employer’s Guide to KY Laws 11

Upcoming Events 12

New COLA Adjustment 13

Transitional Living Anniversary 13

Supporting Your HR Needs 1

Survey Update 2

Compensation Corner 3

Ohio Minimum Wage Is Rising 3

What Are Your Employees Thinking


From The President 4

Inside this issue:


‘C-Suite’ Briefing Series Continues

Our C-Suite Briefing series was created for the C-Suite Executives in member companies, for CEO‘s, COO‘s, CFO‘s, (and other C-level executives), Presidents & Business owners, to receive valuable information on a variety of topics.

The next session in our ‗C-Suite‘ Executive Briefing Series is scheduled for:

Friday, November 14, 2008

9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

ERA - Cincinnati Office

1200 Edison Drive

Cincinnati, OH 45216

John D. Dovich,CLU, ChFC, President of John D. Dovich & Associates, LLC will be leading a presentation on Successful Business Continuation and Exit Planning for Owners of Privately Held Businesses. What is exit planning and why should you develop a plan? Do you have an advisory team – and if not, why should you? These are some questions that John will help address in his presentation. There will be discussion on business valuation as well, and how to maintain or increase your business value. What are the value drivers?

John is the founder of Dovich & Associates and his vision in the creation of his firm was to provide compre-hensive financial, investment and wealth management planning to families, professionals, and their businesses. John graduated from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio with a bachelors degree in political science and a minor in business with a concentration in economics. He holds the professional designations of Chartered Life Under-writer (CLU) and Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC).

Don’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling

Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register.

From the President

Jennifer Graft, SPHR

Don’t Forget

Daylight Saving Time Ends

at 2:00 a.m. on

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Page 5: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register


Employers Resource Association is pleased to host an interactive session on what it takes to select, develop and lead a successful sales organization in challenging economic times. This session will be lead by Howard Stevens, Chairman and CEO of the HR Chally Group.

Since 1998, research has shown that the quality of the salesperson accounts for more than any other factor when customer decision makers select their vendor. This accounts for more than price, quality, or fea-tures and options. But sales is more than a learned skill; it's also a talent. The well known 80/20 Rule con-firms that only the top 20% of most sales forces produce 80% of the sales. And that the bottom 20% drains 80% of management's time. Picking the right people will be the single most important decision that a sales manager will make.

At the professional level, the top salespeople are specialized. Learn to identify the difference between:

Hunters and Farmers

Consultants and Closers

Inside and Outside

Other key roles

Break through the most common myths about what makes a great salesperson. Understand the key skills that most influence customers to buy - they're not what most managers think. Companies today are struggling to find the one thing that matters in today's ultra-competitive marketplace. Exclusive Chally research has shown that the salesperson is the most influential factor in a business-to-business purchasing decision. They are more influential than price, quality, or innovative features.

Please join us for this exciting session that will help you revolutionize your sales organization and provide you a decided edge over your competitors. This session is intended for sales leaders and executives that want to increase their skills in getting the right people on the bus in the right seats.

The following sessions are being offered:

ERA Cincinnati Office November 17, 2008 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.

ERA Columbus Office December 4, 2008 8:30 A.M – 10:30 A.M.

To register:

Cincinnati session, e-mail Brandi at [email protected] with your name and company name.

Or call 513.679.4120

Columbus session, e-mail Susan at [email protected] with your name and company name.

Or call 614.538.9410

There is no fee to attend.

Do You Have The Right Talent On Your Sales Team?

Page 6: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register


The ADA Amendments Act significantly alters the text of the current ADA by broadening the definition of ―disability‖. Effective January 1, 2009, the Amendments likely will spawn a flood of ―reasonable accommodation‖ requests and an increase in ADA lawsuits. Additionally, the EEOC just issued new enforcement guidance to as-sist employers in complying with the ADA when applying performance and conduct standards to employees with disabilities.

Do you and your leadership team know all you need to know about complying with the new, more em-ployee-friendly ADA? What is a ―disability‖? What are my ―reasonable accommodation‖ responsibilities? Is it true that I no longer will be able to take ―mitigating measures‖ into account? Under the new EEOC guidance, can I en-force the same performance and conduct standards to an employee with a disability that I enforce to employees without disabilities?

If you would like to know more, Employers Resource Association is offering you the opportunity to hear from one of the leading employment attorneys in the State of Ohio. On Friday, November 7, from 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m., Jeff Shoskin (Former Cincinnati Bar Association President) of Frost Brown Todd, will be present-ing what we know about the provisions of the new ADA and the new EEOC guidance. He will be setting forth a ―to do‖ list in preparation for the new amendments and EEOC guidance, and will answer your questions about what this change means to employers.

Due to space restrictions, reservations are required. Cost of participation is $25.00 for ERA members and $35.00 (pre-payment only) for non-members. Registrations must be received by close of day, Wednesday, November 5, 2008. Members choosing not to prepay at the time of registration will be invoiced. ―No shows‖ and late cancella-tions (less than 48 hours) will be charged.

Please reserve_____ spaces for the Issues Forum on November 7, 2008 for the following:

1. ______________________________________________ Company: __________________________________

2. ______________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________

3. ______________________________________________ Check enclosed__________ Please invoice________

□ Visa □ Master Card □ American Express □ Discover

Card #: _____________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________________

Name of Cardholder: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Billing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Please fax, mail or e-mail your registration to

Brandi Helton ([email protected])

Employers Resource Association

1200 Edison Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45216

FAX 513-679-4139 Phone 513-679-4120


ADA Amendments Act And New EEOC Guidelines for ADA Compliance

Friday, November 7, 2008

12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. (Lunch provided) Speaker/Q&A

Sharonville Convention Center Cincinnati, Ohio

Page 7: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register


GCHRA Meeting...

You Are Invited to An Upcoming GCHRA Meeting

Featuring Employers Resource Association’s

Vice President, Educational Services

Ralph Neal, SPHR

Legally Defensible Interviewing

As the responsibility to interview has moved ―down stream‖ to managers and supervisors, the knowledge of how to do so legally has not. There are many questions that have been deemed to have an adverse impact on the ―protected classes.‖ This session will explore many of these questions along with sound practical advice for HR professionals to get back to the front-line. Pass it on!

About the Speaker, Ralph Neal, SPHR

Ralph possesses extensive training experience in lead-ership, management, communication skills, and host of other ―soft skill‖ topics. He has developed and delivered training offerings to corporate and private clients, as well as managing business operations and training manage-ment staff in the food and beverage industry. He has been published many times in local and regional publi-cations, and is frequently interviewed by regional media. Ralph earned a BS in Public Policy and Management from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

11:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.

Cintas Center

1624 Herald Ave.

Cincinnati, OH 45207

HRCI Credits: 1.0 Credit


GCHRA and/or ERA members: $20.00 (pre-register only)

Non-members & walk-ins: $35.00

Please make reservations through the GCHRA office at


Page 8: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register


Date: Friday, November 7, 2008

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Lunch is included.


Employers Resource Association,

Cincinnati Office

CEUs: 0.6

CPEs: not available

Member Fee: $155.00

*Non-member Fee: $215.00

*Pre-payment is required for non-members.

To register, e-mail

[email protected]

or call 513.679.4120

If you prefer customized, in-house training (at your location),

please contact Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120.

The Role of the Human Resource Assistant


This popular program provides a solid foundation for your com-pany's human resource assistant to be successful and well informed in this critical, multi-faceted role. This workshop is packed with basic information in all of the important functional areas and fully explores the overall re-sponsibilities of the HR department in today's business setting. Partici-pants gain valuable insights into required record keeping, employment laws and regulations, and administration of company policies.


The program is divided into four major areas of concentration. Initially, participants discuss responsibilities in conveying good employee relations, handling questions from management as well as employees, and safeguarding and maintaining confidentiality. Additionally, we‘ll take a thorough look at management expectations for the HR assistant's role and discuss key actions necessary to support the HR department's objectives.

The record-keeping requirements segment gives participants an excellent working knowledge of their responsibilities in maintaining infor-mation dealing with Affirmative Action, EEO, FMLA, employment records, job applications, safety and health, wage and hour, workers' compensa-tion, unemployment compensation and other HR areas.

Participants become familiar with the myriad of human resource-related laws and regulations and gain an awareness of the particulars and the need for consistency in this critical and ever-changing area.

Understanding and participating in policy administration is re-viewed, and discussions in this part of the workshop will deal with the as-sistant's role in administering policy. Attention is devoted to considering the purpose and focus of benefit administration procedures, employee handbooks and company policy manuals.

About Your Instructor... Susan Sterritt, SPHR, Learning and

Development Consultant, helps participants develop practices and skills for everyday application. Susan combines years of HR man-agement and experience to make this information fun to learn and immediately usable on the job.

Who Should Attend?

This program is designed to be of special benefit to: newly hired HR assistants, HR assistants who have had the scope of their responsibilities widened recently, HR assistants who have not had formal training in their areas of responsibility, and any other individuals in your organization who have newly assigned HR responsi-bilities as their sole function or in addition to their other work specialty. All will receive valuable knowledge that can be applied to effectively support your company's HR plan.

Page 9: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register


Understanding and Managing Generations in the Workplace

Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Time: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


Employers Resource Association

Columbus Office

CEUs: 0.4

CPEs: not available

Member Fee: $110.00

*Non-member Fee: $155.00

Member Discount

Register three or more people at least 14 business days prior to the program to qualify for a 5% Group Discount. Members who are paying 14 business days prior to the pro-gram may also take a 5% Earlybird


*Pre-payment is required for non-members.

To register, e-mail

[email protected]

or call 614.538.9410


Whether you consider yourself a member of the Veteran, Baby Boomer, Generation X, Millennial generation, or somewhere in between, you‘ll find this engaging and interactive session helpful for understanding your co-workers or employees in a new way.


Companies in today‘s world need to be sensitive to a much more diverse workforce than ever before. With three generations at work and a fourth entering the workforce rapidly, one of the sources of diversity in our workgroups is age-related. This important program explores the four distinct generations at work, their political, cultural, artistic, and commu-nity influences, and teaches effective communication techniques for re-lating to each group.

“I enjoyed the class. It is thought provoking and a good topic that affects

all of us.”

-Participant: Understanding and Managing Generations in the Workplace

February 2008

Who Should Attend:

This course is designed for managers who would like to learn how to bring the different generations at work together for maximum pro-ductivity, or any staff member who wants to learn how to increase team-work and effectiveness with different generations.

About Your Instructor… Lori Hall, SPHR, Human Resource Con-

sultant, leads this program for the Association. Lori has over 15 com-bined years of experience in various industries, giving her a wealth of knowledge to share with you


Page 10: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register


Employers Resource Association in Columbus is pleased to announce two events which might be relevant to your businesses and helpful in your upcoming 2009 planning. These events are being presented by fellow Central Ohio members.

Whether you need support for talent acquisition and screening such as background tests and assessment tools, or you need a one-stop shop for payroll, benefits, and 401(k)—we have resources for you. These solutions are available at a discount to ERA members so please be sure to check out the range of services available to you through your ERA membership. For more infor-mation call Rebecca Kusner, Manager, Business Development today at 614.538.9410.

ERA is committed to helping you stay current on the resources available so check out their web-sites for other events, services, or changes implemented by these member organizations!

7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. November 14th

Columbus Council on World Affairs 51 Jefferson Avenue

Columbus, OH 43215-3887

The Columbus Council on World Affairs invites you to join Central Ohio business, community, and education leaders for the 2008 Summit on Educating Ohio’s Global Talent. To register or for more information visit www.columbusworldaffairs.org or contact Rhonda Nicholas at 614.229.4599.

9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (8:30 a.m. Breakfast) November 20th

HR Butler, LLC

63 Corbins Mill Drive Dublin, OH 43017-1332

Great News! Learn more about the most rapidly growing Healthcare Insurance Product in dec-ades, the Health Savings Account, and how it can work for your group! HR Butler offers monthly information sessions like this one.. Be sure to check out their website at www.hrbutler.com or call Nicki Davis at 614.923.2900.

Central Ohio Connection

Page 11: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register

Page 11

HR Department: Cost or Profit Center?


Welcome New Members

AutoTool, Inc. is located in Plain City, OH. Bassam Homsi is the President

Drop Inn Center is located in Cincinnati, OH. Arlene Nolen is the COO.

Finney, Stagnaro, Saba & Patterson Co. LPA is located in Cincinnati, OH. Chris Finney is the President.

Graphic Packaging International is located in Cincinnati, OH. Mark Shumate is the Plant Manager.

Iformata Communications is located in Dayton, OH. Scott Allen is the Chief Executive.

Kids First Sports Center is located in Cincinnati, OH. Jeff Metzger is the President.

Ohio Basic Minerals LLC is located in Denver, CO. Pat McDonald is CEO.

Pixels & Dots is located in Cincinnati, OH. Monte Davis is the President.

Prestige Technical Services, Inc. is located in West Chester, OH. Joan Mears is CEO.

Prism Title & Closing Services, Ltd. is located in Ft. Wright, KY. Jane Schulte is COO/Executive V.P.

Strategic Employee Benefit Services of Columbus, Inc. is located in Columbus, OH. Daniel Berndt is Di-rector of Group Benefits.

Page 12: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register


Member Highlights



The Art of Letting Go will take place

on Wednesday, November 5, 8:30

a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Situational Leadership will take place

on Thursday, November 6, 8:15 a.m. -

12:15 p.m.

Lean Sigma Green Belt Training will

take place on November 11, 12, 13,

14, December 9, 10, 11 & 12 , 8:00

a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Personal Assertiveness will take

place on Thursday, November 13, 8:30

a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

OFCCP Audit- Are You Ready will

take place on Thursday, November 13,

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Discipline and Discharge for Manag-

ers and Supervisors will take place

on Thursday, November 18, 8:15 a.m.

- 12:15 p.m.

We’ve Got to Stop Meeting Like This

will take place on Wednesday, Novem-

ber 19, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Taking Back Control of Your Time

will take place on Thursday, November

20, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Behavioral Interviewing Techniques

for Managers and Supervisors will

take place on Thursday, November 20,

9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

To register for classes,

e-mail [email protected] or call


Custom Railing

Custom Railing is a group of highly skilled and expertly trained craftsmen with years of experience in creating rail systems, cabinetry, and casework to their clients‘ exact specifications. They select only the finest hardwoods, iron, and materials to create a quality finished prod-uct. Custom Railing utilizes the same artistry and attention to detail used in crafting fine furniture. The craftsmen take great pride in their work creating a lasting beauty, warmth, function and value to homes of distinction. Their mantra is, ―There is never a second chance to make a first impression.‖ All woodworking, finishing, and assembly is con-structed at their facility in Harrison, Ohio.

(Member since 2008)


Community Action Partnership

Community Action Partnership is a non-profit organization serv-ing Montgomery, Darke, Greene, Preble and Miami Counties in Ohio. Our mission is to work with communities to eliminate the causes and conditions of poverty and to promote individual independence and self-sufficiency. We do MANY programs within these communities from Headstart Programs to Home delivered meals to the Elderly, to name only a couple.

(Member since 2008)


Volunteers of America

Volunteers of America is a national, non-profit, spiritually based organization providing local human service programs and opportunities for individual and community involvement. Today, Volunteers of Amer-ica is one of the nation‘s largest and most comprehensive charitable nonprofit human services organizations. They help those in need, es-pecially the vulnerable, the hardest to serve, and those facing multiple challenges. Services include emergency and transitional housing, treatment, food, clothing, literacy and education programs, life-skills classes, job-readiness training, and employment opportunities. Each year, more than 15,000 people feel the helping hand of Volunteers of America.

(Member since 2001)


Workplace Harassment: Aware-

ness & Prevention for Managers &

Supervisors will take place on

Thursday, November 6, 8:30 a.m. -

12:30 p.m.

Understanding & Managing Gen-

erations in the Workplace will take

place on Tuesday, November 11,

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

COBRA Essentials will take place

on Thursday, November 13, 8:30

a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Page 13: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register

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Did You Know?

ERA is now offering their updated Employer’s Guide To KENTUCKY Laws. ERA has had the member law firm of Taft Stettinius & Hollister complete a total review of the Guide to assure that it is current on all aspects of Kentucky law and Kentucky regulations (and federal laws and regulations applicable to Kentucky employers as well).

Members can receive information about the Guide by calling 513.679.4120 (Cincinnati), 614.538.9410 (Columbus) or at [email protected]. The cost to members per copy is $100.00. Call today to order your new guide.











Volunteer Opportunity

The Kenton County Public Library is seeking volunteers to help people who need to use the Library‘s computers to apply online for jobs. As the economy slows, the demand for this service increases as well as use of the free computers offered at the Library. Library patrons write resumes, get email addresses, answer job ads, and complete other necessary tasks associated with finding or maintaining employment. The Library offers free public access computers, scheduled computer train-ing classes, and a helpful staff. However, these job search library users often need more one-on-one time than staff can offer. Job applicants often have limited com-puter skills and need help with basic functions such as using the mouse or checking their email. Volunteers are needed to help patrons here at the Covington library apply for jobs. Volunteers will work one-on-one with jobseekers and help these patrons pre-pare resumes and complete online job applications. This is a real opportunity to use your expertise to help people find employment. Volunteers could be at any part of the HR career lifecycle, whether business students in school, current employees looking to volunteer time, or retired HR profes-sionals who want to share their experience with others. The schedule is flexible, but mornings are preferable.

If you‘re interested, please contact John Graham at 859.962.4076 or via his e-mail at: [email protected].

Page 14: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register


Consumer Price Index

August 14, 2008 for July 2008


U.S. All City % Change % Change

1982-84=100 1967=100 Previous Previous 1982-84=100 1967=100 Previous Previous

Index Index 1 Month 1 Year Index Index 1 Month 1 Year

June 215.223 641.082 +1.1 +5.6 218.815 655.474 +1.0 +5.0

July 216.304 644.303 +0.5 +6.2 219.964 658.915 +0.5 +5.6

% Change % Change

Previous Previous Previous Previous

Cincinnati Index Index Period 1 Year Index Index Period 1 Year

2007 - 2nd Half

189.688 582.932 +1.9 +3.3 195.673 605.456 +1.9 +3.3

2008 - 1st Half

193.856 595.742 +2.2 +4.1 200.054 619.011 +2.2 +4.1

CPI-W = Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers CPI-U = All Urban Consumers

· Used for indexing social security and federal payments · Covers broader proportion of the population

Consumer Price Index

Page 15: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register


The Social Security Administration has announced that the monthly benefit for 55 million Americans will increase by 5.8%, the largest increase since 1982. The maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Secu-rity tax (taxable maximum) will increase to $106,800 from $102,000. Of the estimated 164 million workers who will pay Social Security taxes in 2009, about 11 million will pay higher taxes as a result of the increase in the taxable maximum. Please see http://www.ssa.gov/pressoffice/pr/2009cola-pr.htm for more details.

Briefs is a human resource m a n a g e m e n t n e w s l e t t e r published monthly for its m em be rs b y Em pl o ye r s Resource Association, Inc.,

founded in 1946.

Editor: Jennifer Graft [email protected]

ERA Briefs are for information only and not intended to render legal advice. Material contained herein may not be reprinted without the permission of E m p l o y e r s R e s o u r c e Association, Inc. ©2008


Employers Resource Association

Cincinnati Office Location:

1200 Edison Drive

Cincinnati, OH 45216-2276

Phone: 513.679.4120 Fax: 513.679.4139

Columbus Office Location:

921 Chatham Lane, Suite 111

Columbus, OH 43221-2418

Phone: 614.538.9410 Fax: 614.538.9420 E-mail: [email protected]

SSA Announces New COLA Adjustment

Transitional Living…

Transitional Living Celebrates its’ 30th Anniversary!

Congratulations to Transitional Living, who is celebrating their 30th anniversary this October! Transitional Living is a Cincinnati area non-profit organization dedicated to providing outpatient behavioral healthcare ser-vices. They have been a member of ERA since July of 2008, and we would like to congratulate them on achieving this milestone.


Page 16: EMPLOYERS RESOURCE ASSOCIATION BRIEFSDon’t miss this session! There are still some seats available. You can register by calling Brandi Helton at 513.679.4120. Call us today to register

1200 Edison Drive

Cincinnati, OH 45216



Need more information about a program offered by ERA?

Would you like to talk to one of our experts in a particular field?

Here‘s a list of some of our most popular services, and the main contact person for each of them.

In Cincinnati, please call: 513.679.4120 In Columbus, please call: 614.538.9410

ERA Contact List

Cincinnati Columbus

Hotline……………………………………..………..….…....Dan Chaney……………….…...…Julie Blankenship; Lori Hall

Administration and Posters…………..………..….…......April Risen……………..….............…..…..Susan Kuertz

Compensation Services…………………………….....…Terry Henley……………………………...…Terry Henley

Affirmative Action Plans………………………..….….....Carol Reubel………………………….…........Lori Hall .

Employee Opinion Surveys…………...…….............….Carol Reubel………………………...…..........Lori Hall

Customer Satisfaction Surveys…………..………….....Carol Reubel…………………………….….....Lori Hall

HR On-Site Services…………………...……….………...Carol Reubel……………………...……….......Lori Hall

Training & Development……...…….…………..….Ralph Neal; Brandi Helton…..……….Julie Blankenship; Susan Kuertz

Compliance Services……….….…………..…..…………...Tom Eberwein……….….…………............Tom Eberwein

Reference Center..……………….……...…………..…….Dan Chaney……………..…....………...….....Lori Hall

Salary and Benefits Surveys……….........................Douglas C. Matthews……........................Douglas C. Matthews

Marketing/Membership Development…………...Dolores Cease; Jim Carter……………......….....Rebecca Kusner

Register For Training Today!

See Page 8 For Upcoming Classes.
